1 minute read
You can also repost your content as articles on LinkedIn and win subscribers for a LinkedIn newsletter.
Interact with your 1st level connections and use the LinkedIn hacks and robots available. Never use direct messages for solicitations and don’t ask people you don’t know for favours. If you want someone to do something for you, then start by doing something for them first!!!
If your revenue generation process requires you to have an individual conversation with your potential customers, then that relationship and conversation must go offline at some point.
A first step in bringing a relationship offline could be to offer webinars. After the presentation or interview, then you open for the Q&A, or better, you can invite the participants to send their questions as PMs – personal messages.
Again, I strongly recommend that you distinguish clearly between your product promotion and your thought leadership webinars. It is legitimate to offer product presentations and demonstrations, but don’t dress them up to be something else. There are times when people look for inspiration, and there are times when they search for solutions and products. Serve those two needs separately.
To which extent you want to chase individual one-on-one calls depends on the situation and your value proposition. If you are successful in establishing yourself as an industry authority, then you will find that you begin to receive more incoming inquiries – we call those inbound leads - which is a good indicator that your method now works.
Make yourself available for one-on-one conversations and start by offering webinars.