Volume 7, Issue 19

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TBL bottomlineucsb.com


Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara Volume 7, Issue 19 | April 17 - April 24, 2013


Associated Students Presidential Candidates Feed the Hub in Lunchtime Forum by GIUSEPPE RICAPITO Staff Writer

Campaigning for the 2013 Associated Students Election begins next week, but the season kicked off Thursday, April 11, at an open Presidential Candidate Forum hosted at the Hub on the University of California, Santa Barbara campus. The town hall question-and-answer forum demonstrated an animated exchange of campus policy between Megan Foronda, who is running with the Democratic Process Party; Jonathon Abboud, running with the Open People’s Party; and Patrick “Mac” Kennedy, running as an Independent. The topics ranged from budgetary finance, student-government transparency, and even “Deltopia.” The party nominees focused on talking points that acknowledged their commitment to UCSB students. “California higher education is not public,” said Megan Foronda. “We are paying as much as private universities—freshman tuition is 300 percent more than when we entered school.” Foronda took a firm stance on educating UCSB students on the importance of community justice. Touting her record as cochair on the Student Commission on Racial Equality, Foronda asserted that as AS President, she would facilitate student power and university dialogue. Kennedy, underscoring his position as an Independent, unrestricted by the university’s party politics, also addressed tuition. “The cost has shifted from the state onto the student’s backs,” said Kennedy. Walking across to the front of the table to speak to the crowd, Kennedy slammed the school’s party politics. Noting his experience lobbying state legislatures in Sacramento, he explained that a non-partisan recruiting process would essentially put power back into the hands of the student population. Abboud affirmed his concern by offering plans on how to provide financial assistance to money-strapped students. He of-

fered ideas ranging from an AS radio broadcast to an AS endowment to fund innovation and pay for scholarships. Abboud explained to the crowd that he kept important issues posted for the public on his Facebook page. “[I have a] constant trend for seeking student approval for what I do,” said Abboud. “My door is always open.” With the budget crisis still bearing down on the university, the candidates were obligated to address fiscal responsibility as key features of their platforms. Though each candidate pledged their dedication to UCSB students, they had little to say in the way of possible cuts. “When we talk about financial responsibility, I am talking about getting money to the groups and organizations around on the campus, making sure they have the funds and resources they need,” said Foronda. Abboud took an organized community approach. “We need to build a strong coalition of advocates for higher education, faculty, students and legislators. All must do their part,” said Abboud. Kennedy spoke on reforming the structure of AS and eradicating the spoils system of campus politics. “The parties in AS are dominating the system,” said Kennedy. “Transparency is why I’m running; it’s a model for how I would act as President.” Discussing Deltopia, the candidates cited the environmental detriment of trash and glass left over by the street party, but Foronda was especially intolerant of apparent racial hate crimes. Other issues featured included lobbying efforts to Sacramento for education funding, honoraria, providing funds for low-income and community-involved students, and combating campus political indifference through outreach programs. The campaigning will continue into the next couple weeks until the elections occurring online on GOLD from April 22-25.

Photos by Kat Mozolyuk | The Bottom Line

Megan Foronda of the Democratic Process Party and Jonathan Abboud of the Open People’s Party (below) and Patrick Kennedy, running independently, (above) discuss campus policy at the Presidential Candidate Forum in the Hub on Thursday, April 11. Topics included tuition, student-government transparency, and Deltopia.

EVPLA Candidate Debate Expresses Importance of Safety in Isla Vista by CHEYENNE JOHNSON Staff Writer Candidates for Associated Students External Vice President of Local Affairs engaged in a debate on April 10 to discuss their plans for the position, their past experiences, and what they hope to bring to AS. Kaitlyn Christianson and Alexander Moore debated before UCSB students at the University Center Hub in hopes of swaying voters. Off-Campus Senator Christianson is a political science and history major and is running with the Democratic Process Party. Alexander Moore is and political science major and the Co-Chair of Take Back the Night, a committee that educates students about sexual violence and its prevention. He is running with the Open People’s Party. The EVPLA is in charge of ensuring the safety and growth of Isla Vista and does this through events, discussions, projects, and meetings with both the residents of IV and the elected officials that govern it, including Third District Supervisor Doreen Farr. Previous projects include the rest area placed at Acorn Park during Deltopia and the coordination of Pardall Carnival. Christianson said that these events, as well as the annual Halloween event, are parts of the Isla Vista atmosphere and that she plans to increase awareness and education to make them safer in the future. “The best thing we can do is take a proactive approach to this,” said Christianson. “I think taking the EVPLA office and going into

National Gun Control Debate see page 2


the dorms, talking to them about these issues, and representing IV in a positive light and telling them that this is their homes too, not to trash it, to know they’re gonna live there and that it’s important, is one of the best ways to instill this—so they are growing up with it, so they are going to live in IV, and they respect it.” Growing safety concerns, particularly during events like the recent Deltopia, were also addressed by the candidates who explained their plans for improving safety in IV. Moore explained an application for smart phones that he, UCSB Police Chief Dustin Olson, and others have been working on. “You can basically activate this application and 911 will know your location and even know what ever information you have chosen to give them. So if you have a peanut allergy, you can choose to make sure that the dispatcher always knows that when you reach them.” Moore also said this movement towards safety should extend to the families and children who, though they live in IV, do not feel comfortable attending IV events. “I want to give families safe alternatives to major Isla Vista events,” said Moore. “I know already we give certain safe alternatives for Halloween, but Deltopia saw 13,000 to 18,000 visitors to Isla Vista. I wouldn’t have felt safe with my children on Del Playa or in Isla Vista in general during Deltopia. I wouldn’t have felt that my parks were mine. I wouldn’t have felt ownership of this community. So I really think we need to work on giving children and families safe alternatives


during those major Isla Vista events.” The debate included topics beyond safety, and Moore and Christianson presented their positions on the protecting the queer community, encouraging and preserving more EVPLA projects, improving IV infrastructure, and gentrification, which is the displacement of poorer students and families as more commercial businesses move into the area. “I think that this is a really big problem for our community,” said Christianson, “because this is another example of how people are taking advantage of students and our situation of living in IV. Most of us have to live there...and so landlords know this and they take advantage of the students and they raise these prices because they can keep pushing us and pushing us, but soon, we’re gonna break.” Moore also spoke on the issue of increased rent that is moving beyond what many students can afford. “It’s important that we improve Isla Vista,” said Moore. “It’s important that we clean up Isla Vista and make it more environmentally sound, but it’s also important that Isla Vista stays affordable and that Isla Vista stays diverse. With buildings like Icon and the Loop, we’re looking at a potential that Isla Vista will only be for students who can afford to live here, and not very many students can afford it.” At the end of the debate, both Moore and Christianson invited UCSB students to speak with them if they had any concerns or questions. Voting begins Monday, April 22, and continues through Thursday, April 25.

5 Qs with a Very Busy Person

The Dark Side of Isla Vista

see page 3

see page 4


IVP Candidates Share Similar Goals For Improving AS by ISABEL ATKINSON News Editor The three candidates running for the position of Associated Students Internal Vice President shared their thoughts and answered students’ questions on a variety of issues at the Hub in the University Center on the University of California, Santa Barbara campus last Wednesday, April 10. Prioritized topics for discussion included UCSB student involvement in AS, outreach to largely marginalized groups on campus and increasing efficiency, transparency, and accountability within AS. Despite differences in party platforms, all three candidates reinforced their concern with creating a more unified student body in order to accomplish their goals. Open People’s Party candidate, third-year Kyley “Ky” Scarlet, began the debate by outlining her qualifications for the position. As a leader of organizations both in and outside of AS, Scarlet felt that her experiences have prepared her for this new role. Democratic People’s Party candidate, third-year Juan Galvan, and Independent candidate, fourth-year Martin Polanco, also noted their continuous involvement in campus organizations as crucial assets to their ability to successfully fulfill the role of IVP. Emphasis on student involvement in AS was a key talking point for all three candidates. Galvan stated that his main plans were

COACHELLA Weekend 1 Photos see page 5


see IVP Candidates | page 8

AS Elections Supplement see page 9

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 2 | News

Divestment Resolution Sparks Debate, Discourse on Campus

Photo by John Clow | The Bottom Line

by MARISSA PEREZ Staff Writer The “A Resolution to Divest From Countries That Profit From Apartheid” recently introduced to Associated Students Senate inspired plenty of controversy; however, more importantly, it inspired student discussion of a number of important social and political issues. “Though the resolution did not pass, it started a dialogue between students on all sides of the issue. This needed to happen and I look forward to any upcoming resolutions that hope to pick up where this resolution left off,” said Senator Tyler Washington, a second-year communication and film & media studies double major. “I’m just really amazed and appreciative of all the students that actually came to our Senate meetings and toughed it out all until the end.” The major source of the controversy lies in the fact that the intent is to cut UCSB holdings in “Caterpillar, General Electric, Northrop Grumman, Hewlett Packard, and Raytheon, whose military technology is used by the Israeli Defense Forces,” according to the text of the act. The resolution earned support from over 25 campus organizations, including Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace, Queer Student Union, United Students Against Sweatshops, Human Rights Board, Unión Salvadoreña de Estudiantes Universitarios (the Salvadoran Student Union at UCSB), and the Pacific Asian Coalition. Senators heard over 24 hours of public forum total, between the two meetings, with the second meeting immediately preceding the vote. It lasted through the night, even with time limited to five minutes a speaker in addition to a final 10 minutes for both sides to present final arguments. Students were so passionate about sharing their ideas on the act that both senate meetings where speakers were heard were forced to move from the usual meeting room in the University Center to the larger Corwin Pavilion. The public speakers, which included students, community members, and representatives from neighboring campus University of California, Irvine (which recently passed a similar divestment bill by unanimous vote), spoke with incredible passion, arguing about the intent of the bill and the appropriate-

ness of the language. Both those opposed to and in favor of the resolution were entirely committed to their cause, braving long hours to speak, sometimes angrily, sometimes tearfully, about their feelings on the issue. While the language of the bill does not call for divestment from Israel but from companies that profit from Israeli military conflicts, many felt that the resolution still discriminated against the Jewish and Israeli community. “To single out Israel, if you can’t understand how that would make a Jewish student feel marginalized, I’m flabbergasted,” said Rabbi Evan Goodman of the Santa Barbara Hillel. Jonathan Rothschild, a second-year mechanical engineering major and one of those who spoke against the resolution during the meeting, said, “I don’t support Israel blindly, but I support Israel. [The resolution] singles out Israel separately, it doesn’t go into some of these other countries that commit human rights violations.” Proponents of the bill maintained that the bill was not asking Senate to take a position in the Israel/Palestine conflict. “We’re asking you to remove yourself from a side that was chosen for you,” said Bradley Forrest in the Senate meeting, comparing the resolution to the recent Senate decision to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Other supporters addressed it as a human rights concern or expressed a desire for UC funds to be divested from any military conflicts. “This is not a religious conflict, this is a conflict between the colonizers and the colonized,” said Abuata during the meeting. “Our purpose here is to divest in corporations which we know are acting wrongfully.” Also controversial was the use of “apartheid” due to the word’s strong ties to institutional oppression by the South African government. An amendment was introduced to change the language of the resolution, using “Israeli government” instead of “Israel,” as well as changing “apartheid” to “human rights violations” in the title of the resolution. Speakers argued about the appropriateness of this language and its importance to the resolution and the amendment ultimately failed with a lack of support from those in favor of the resolution. Not only was there a moral and cultural basis to the opposition, but students also expressed concern over the potential economic impact of divestment. “If you all divest, finances for

TBL 2012-2013 Staff Executive Managing Editor | Annalise Domenighini Executive Content Editor | Kelsey Gripenstraw Copy Editor | Parisa Mirzadegan News Editor | Isabel Atkinson Features Editor | Anjali Shastry Opinions Editor | Camila Martinez-Granata Arts & Entertainment Editor | Elysia Cook Health & Lifestyles Editor | Karolina Zydziak Technology Editor | Ashley Golden Photography Editor | Tori Yonker Senior Layout Editor | Haley Paul Layout Editor | Magali Gauthier Layout Editor |Rachel Joyce Multimedia Editor | Tori Yonker AS Beat Reporter | Lily Cain National Beat Reporter | Julian Moore Isla Vista Beat Reporter | Thomas Alexander Distribution Director | Brenda Ramirez Advertising Director | Brandon Pineira Promotions Director | Audrey Ronningen Staff Adviser | Monica Lopez Writers: this issue

Guiseppe Ricapito, Cheyenne Johnson, Isabel Atkinson, Julian Moore, Marissa Perez, Robyn Weatherby, Yuen Sin, Jordan Wolff, Coleman Gray, Liana S. Scarsella, Andrea Vallone, Nura Gabbara, Selena Ross, Eli Pearlman, Emma Boorman, Jenny Hong, Ashley Golden, Annalise, Lily Cain

Photographers: this issue

Kat Mozolyuk, John Clow, Abel Fernandez, Deanna Kim, Jordan Wolff

The Bottom Line is sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of California, Santa Barbara. All opinions expressed in TBL do not necessarily represent those of the staff, of A.S. or of UCSB. Published with support from Campus Progress/Center for American Progress (CampusProgress.org). All submissions, questions or comments may be directed to bottomlineucsb@gmail.com.

The Bottom Line is an alternative voice on campus.... We provide a printed and online space for student investigative journalism, culturally and socially aware commentary and engaging reporting that addresses the diverse concerns of our readership and community. This is your community to build, share ideas and publicize your issues and publicize events. We welcome your questions, comments or concerns at bottomlineucsb@gmail.com or call our office phone at 805-893-2440.

our research departments will be hindered,” said Chair of Finance Board Raul Martinez. The vote was finally moved to secret ballot after a motion introduced by Senator Taryn Sanders early morning on Thursday, April 11. Of the motivation behind this decision, Sanders said, “Some people chose intimidating forms of coercion and fear tactics to try to sway our decision. I felt that not only was my personal and mental well-being being jeopardized, but my individual safety as well.” Sanders also released a statement regarding the motivation behind her motion, which is available in its entirety on The Bottom Line’s website. The resolution ultimately failed to pass 11-10-1; a 2/3 majority, or 15 votes in favor (rounded up from 14.67), would have been necessary for the resolution to pass. Senator Navi Kaur, global studies major and feminist studies minor, also expressed concern about the difficulty in creating a safe space for discussion of the resolution. “Senate the past two meetings has been a very unsafe space. Students of color, queer students, and women were not safe,” said Kaur. “Safety should have been the number one priority.” Despite all, students on both sides of the argument expressed similar sentiments regarding the positives of the experience. “I feel the resolution created a space for critical dialogue and brought various campus communities together...I think this coalition that SJP has created is beautiful. How often do we see this many students come together for a common cause?” Kaur said. From the opposite side, Rothschild said of working with students against divestment, “Over these past few weeks I have felt more scared, more alone, more uncomfortable being who I am and having my own views and having my own views at this school than ever before. At the same time, I’ve felt so much love and so much passion and dedication. I’m proud to call these people my family.” Introduced as an alternate to the original divestment resolution was the “Resolution to Invest in Companies Working Toward a Two State Solution,” which calls for, “strengthening the prospect of a two state solution between Israelis and Palestinians.” It also further resolves that “the University and students work to implement further education on this topic on campus.”

Gun Control Debate Spans the Nation nation with 135 new bills. According to the Sunlight Foundation, 121 of the 135 laws introduced in New York were in favor of restricting On Monday, the Supreme Court decided access to guns. But the post-Newtown vigor for not to give its opinion on the constitutional- gun control has been met nearly step-for-step ity of New York’s notoriously strict gun laws by advocates for greater access to guns. During amid a lively debate in Washington over gun the same period since Newtown, states such as reforms. Without stating its reasons for pass- Oklahoma have put forth a flurry of new laws ing on the case, the Supreme Court allowed the that would weaken gun control legislation that law to be upheld by the lower Second Circuit already exists in the state. In that state, of the court in New York, which said the state of New 56 new gun control bills introduced in the state York had a constitutional right to enforce its legislature, 47 proposed to loosen gun laws and restrictions. Among the New York law’s most increase access to firearms. According to Politico, Senate leaders restrictive provisions is a rule that requires residents seeking permits to carry guns in public to Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell have said demonstrate that they have a special need for they have made progress toward new federal self-protection. Similar laws exist in states such gun control that would satisfy both liberal and demands. But one of as Massachusetts, Maryland, conser vative the crucial dimenand California, sions of the fight which have also Since the Newtown between state and faced similar leMassacre, every state federal gun laws is gal challenges. how states may act S i n c e in the U.S. has introto nullify any progthe massacre duced some form of ress made by such a in Newtown, federal agreement. Conn., ideogun legislation According to Sunlogical liberals light Foundation, in Congress like also introduced Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have been working 37 states have with President Obama to push for new federal new laws that would preemptively counteract restrictions on gun ownership to curb an on- federal changes on issues such as background going trend of gun violence across the United checks, ammunition cartridge sizes and access States. But a number of conservative members to assault weapons. Whether or not such laws of Congress such as Marco Rubio have framed are constitutional, however, would have to be the issue as a matter of states rights, arguing decided by future Supreme Court sessions. But few states have been more churned that each state should be allowed to tailor policies to their respective citizens while observing out more gun law proposals in the past six months than California. This week alone, a the Second Amendment. The court’s decision not to rule on the handful of California State Assembly commitNew York law may be the first in a long series tees will hear testimony pertaining to at least of decisions it will have to make on state gun four laws that aim to curb access to weapons in laws in the near future. While senators work California. According to the National Shooton Capitol Hill for a possible agreement on ing Sports Foundation, Senate bills 293 and national reform, interest groups and lobbies 374 propose to restrict the sale of conventional associated with gun rights issues have taken the handguns and semi-automatic rifles that use fight nation-wide in a slew of state-level legisla- detachable ammunition cartridges, respectively. The Senate Committee on Public Safety tive fights. Since the Newtown Massacre, every state will debate the bills this week, and will decide in the U.S. has introduced some form of gun whether or not to bring the laws to the Senate legislation, with New York easily leading the floor for a vote. by JULIAN MOORE National Beat Reporter




Our web magazine offers hard-hitting journalism, analysis, and multimedia on issues of the greatest concern to young people; gives young writers, reporters, artists, and others the chance to publish nationally; and builds a community of progressives interested in issues, ideas, and activism.

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 3 | Features

Scott McCloud on the Power of

Bringing the Heat: UCSB Conference Debates Effectiveness of Environmental Media

Visual Communication

by ROBYN WEATHERBY Staff Writer When you saw “An Inconvenient Truth,” did Al Gore turn you on, make you want to cry, or do absolutely nothing to change your day? On Friday, April 12, the University of California, Santa Barbara’s Carsey-Wolf Center and the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation debated about climate science through environmental media that in a discourse entitled “Risk and Uncertainty and the Communication of Sea Level Rise.” The event was the culmination to the year-long series Critical Issues in America: Figuring Sea Level Rise, which, beginning in the fall of 2012, was designed to unite students, faculty, and professionals from multiple disciplines to engage in conversation about public responses to current and projected sea level rise. “How necessary is it to scare the pants off the audience to get them engaged?” asked Paula Apsell, the Senior Executive Producer at NOVA, a PBS science series, and one of two speakers who spoke on the success of different climate change images during a session called “Communicating Risk and Uncertainty.” While there are those people who turn to activism because of images of polar bears on receding ice blocks, there are just as many who become overwhelmingly depressed by the same images, and plenty more who don’t even know what “An Inconvenient Truth” is. Apsell, in her twenty-eighth year as Executive Producer, emphasized that in order for science to be shared and absorbed effectively, it must be entertaining because watching television is, after all, a voluntary act. However, what stops environmental documentary filmmakers from teaming up with Marvel to make the next climate change Spiderman series? In order to avoid the degradation of the actual climate science in its media portrayal, Apsell argued that including uncertainty in environmental communication is key. Uncertainty in this arena is the differing opinions on climate change from within the scientific community alone and is what Apsell believes causes people to “throw their hands up and say ‘What can I really do?’” As if science wasn’t hard enough for the general public to understand, disagreeing scientists make it all the more dizzying. To combat public apathy toward climate change, Apsell has found that audiences identify with experts and respond positively to mystery-driven critical thinking. In a highly successful NOVA program in which experts debated on discrepancies in temperature prediction models, Apsell found that not including wavering levels of air pollution changed prediction dramatically. Involving the audience as detectives made explaining climate science an attractive mystery worth solving. On the other end of the stage was Dan M. Kahan, a law and psychology professor at Yale University, who argued that the real problem with scientific communication is “motivated reasoning,” or the general public’s acknowledgment of widespread issues not being due to their scientific literacy, but rather to their social worldview. In other words, a person is more likely to believe in climate change if they have a egalitarian worldview than if they graduate with a B.S. from Harvard. While he acknowledges, like Apsell, that the public sides with experts, he argues that people recognize an expert from within their understanding of society as a whole. Kahan used other public debates such as gay marriage and gun control to highlight the public’s tendency to believe in the issues that allow for the persistence of that perspective. He used Florida and Texas as examples of places where people refuse to believe that the climate change is happening globally, and is what causes the natural disasters on their home soil. For these people, the melting polar ice cap image is foreign, and their attention is redirected to the wildfires or flooding in their own backyards. Whether you’re an individualist, an egalitarian, a communitarian, or nihilist, Kahan argues, “It’s your team’s issue. This is consistent with who you are.” Though the goal is not to make more money, he believes that the demand for climate science communication is more varied and dynamic than previously assumed. “What it comes down to is that people just don’t want to think about it. I’m going to force you to think about something that you don’t want to think about,” concluded Apsell. Whether it makes you curl into the fetal position or turn off the T.V., the increase in natural disasters related to climate change only fuels more environmental media. To those willing to avoid choosing sides, “the resources are out there,” said Kahan. If you’ve read this whole article, you’ve already begun to soak it up and get informed!


Questions with

A very busy person:

Danielle Butler by JORDAN WOLFF Staff Writer

As active college students at the University of California, Santa Barbara, it seems like life just keeps getting busier and busier. It’s a constant struggle to juggle academics, work, clubs, and a social life. I often find myself facing some serious choices when it comes to prioritizing. So it got me wondering, is being busy a healthy thing? According to a World Psychology article by Dr. John Grohol, the CEO and founder of Psych Central and an author, researcher, and expert in mental health online, yes. “In two experiments with college students, researchers discovered that we can be happy doing nothing at all and remaining idle,” Grohol said. “But given even the slimmest of reasons to be busy doing something, and most people will opt for doing something over nothing. The researchers also found that people were happier when they were busy, even if they were forced into busyness.” To further my investigation I needed to find a really busy college student. I found second-year biology major Danielle Butler, who is currently taking 16 units this quarter, is on the crew team, and volunteers at Cottage Hospital as well as at another clinic.

Q: It always seems like I nearly go crazy every time finals come around. How do you deal with finals while juggling your busy schedule? A: When finals come around, I know that I study and focus better later in the day so I try to do everything else that I need to do in the mornings so that later in the day I can focus on studying for exams. I also take advantage of any breaks in between classes during Dead Week to do what I need to do.

Photo by Abel Fernandez | The Bottom Line

by YUEN SIN Staff Writer Can the medium of comics be extended beyond the realm of our Sunday morning paper cartoons or traditional comic books into ancient Egyptian art, photography, video art, sculptures, and even Powerpoint presentations? Comic artist and theorist Scott McCloud, best known for his non-fiction publication “Understanding Comics” (1993), as well as teen superhero series “Zot!”, certainly seems to think so. Speaking before a packed Campbell Hall at the University of California, Santa Barbara last Wednesday night, April 10, McCloud, in his free Regents’ Lecture, looked through the intricate medium of comics as a lens for exploring the larger world of visual communication, which he views as a two-way collaboration between artist and viewer rather than a constant stream of information that is channeled in a singular direction. His visit to UCSB also involved a coffee session at the Transcriptions Center in South Hall on Thursday, April 11, and coincided with UCSB’s April Fools comics competition event Cornucopia on Friday, at which he was present as a special guest. “Cartoonists are often trying to find the best way to combine words and pictures,” McCloud said. “But in reality, all pictures are words, and comics are a great way of showing an upstream pattern in the conveyance of information. They are a firsthand way of expressing opinions about the world. When you are able to pack things down into a few simple lines, you can convey a whole lot more information.” McCloud’s ethos on the art of communicating information was reflected in the very form of his one-hour long presentation at Campbell Hall. Rather than displaying slides loaded with confusing bullet points and endless lists, the likes of which would cause information display expert Edward Tufte to “kill a kitten every time you make a Powerpoint,” his speech was perfectly synchronized with carefully selected images that conveyed many of his insights on the power of visuals to make a point, and laced with his unique brand of dry, witty humor. The potential of comics is very large but yet untapped, McCloud observes. “Comic strips take advantage of the way the brain processes things,” he said, “and has evolved

Q: How do you draw the line between too many things to do and what’s manageable? How do you know when a person is taking on too many things? A: It took me a while to learn this one. I have always been the type of person to have several things on my plate...but in college I had to learn that you can’t always do everything. At the beginning of fall quarter, there were a bunch of things that I wanted to do so I attended all the meetings and from there I figured out what I had time for and unfortunately, I had to cut some things out of my schedule. It’s hard to do initially but I have found that I can give more time to what I have to do and it’s much more enjoyable! Once you start to dread what you’re doing, whether it’s volunteering or attending a club, or once it becomes a hassle to attend something consistently, that’s where I would draw the line. Pick the things you love.


into other forms which can be used by businesses for promotional material such as longer graphic novels, et cetera.” However, in an age where the medium of comic strips intersects with the development of new technologies such as mobile and tablet devices, McCloud identifies the current pervasive method of “taking the shape of a previous technology and inputting it into new technology” as problematic—such as when comic strips from books are awkwardly modified for tablet devices, making it a difficult experience for the user when he has to flip from one page to another electronically, interrupting the concept of a “single unbroken reading line” that McCloud points out has been a design concept since the age of ancient Egypt, when Egyptian art was inscribed on walls in a way that suited the viewer experience. Form can complement content, and McCloud proposes thinking of the new digital screen as a window rather than a mere page, through which new meaning can be made. “Circular narratives can be literally circular,” McCloud said, “and stories can literally take a turn as they move about vertically (Y axis) or horizontally (X axis).” There is even the concept of the Z axis, in which a screen can allow a viewer to progress further into the narrative simply through a change of perspective which makes it appear as if the user is being propelled into greater depths in a comic strip. Employing the metaphor of a baby kangaroo sitting in a mother kangaroo’s pouch, McCloud notes that our current situation is still one in which “new technologies are living in the pouch of old technology.” McCloud’s main message it seems, is one of adaptability in an age when the ground is constantly shifting under us. “Comics are evolving very fast, and one needs to be aware of the basic structure and character of comics in order to be able to establish which way is up.”ww “It is our birthright as human beings to escape into new worlds from time to time. But this also allows us to look at our own world with different eyes. To understand the shape of the world, we need to see it from different windows and angles—and the art forms that we employ need to suit these windows through which we see the world,” concluded McCloud.

Q: I feel like college makes a person really appreciate the commodity of time. Do you agree? A: I completely agree. Especially being on the quarter system, things go into full swing straight away. Week one starts off and before you know it, midterms roll around weeks 3 or 4 in some classes. And with things outside school it’s the same way. One weekend may not work, so you say you’ll go next weekend, and then exams or just life in general gets in the way and before you know it, spring quarter comes around and you’re left wondering where the school year went!


People essentially like being busy, even doing “busy work,” if there’s some gain somewhere, whether it’s candy, a paycheck, a clean house, or money raised for a charitable cause. -WholeHealth Chicago

Q: Any last tips on juggling a busy schedule for your peers who are clearly in desperate need for some super advice? A: My biggest tips are just to take care of yourself and then to prioritize your time as well as organize your schedule. If it means buying post-its or a planner to plan out your day, do it! You’ll find that once you write down a list in the morning and check it throughout the day, you’ll start to get more done on time and you won’t forget to do things. Always carry around granola bars or snacks in your backpack or purse in case you need to stay on campus longer than you thought, and make sure that you still have time to eat and sleep and enjoy college!

According to an article titled “Keeping Busy is Good For You” by WholeHealth Chicago, “People essentially like being busy, even doing ‘busy work,’ if there’s some gain somewhere, whether it’s candy, a paycheck, a clean house, or money raised for a charitable cause. Clearly there’s a happy medium here. Protracted idleness likely can lead to depression, but stress-producing busyness isn’t a good idea either. You can work on your job and be an active volunteer for good causes, but being Mother Theresa on speed doesn’t help anybody.”

Q: Would you rather be really busy or have very little to do? A: It may sound strange, but I’d rather be very busy. I like having different things to do!

For more tips on time management attend the CLAS workshops as listed on their schedule http://clas.sa.ucsb. edu/schedule/AcademicSkillsWorkshops.pd

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 4 | Opinions

THE DARK SIDE OF IV Our College Town Could Improve by COLEMAN GRAY

It takes only one Saturday night, and one near constant barrage of sirens, to give us the idea that Isla Vista is not exactly the quiet, beachfront community that we tell our grandmothers it is. And I shudder to think how my Nana would have reacted to this past weekend’s madness of Deltopia. But despite what all our nanas, and grannies, and “bubbes” might say, can we all just admit that we had a good time? And we do most every day. But after having a week to recover, process and look back on abject absurdity of Deltopia and the IV experience, one cannot help but wonder: does the “-topia” suffix stem from a collegiate utopia in which we can experience things that every other college student can only imagine, or is a dystopian society in which our perceived happiness and safety shrouds real fear a more apt comparison? I do greatly enjoy living here and have had my fair share of stumbling back home after late nights only to walk into an unlocked house. But I personally would not want any of my female friends walking alone at night in IV. Despite my, and most every other male’s, best efforts to always to try to bravely walk them home, sometimes even I don’t feel completely safe walking around IV at night. At night, the blocks seem longer, the shadows seem spookier, and the streets seem darker. And the definite lack of streetlights (an IV quirk that I am still not able to understand), does little to assuage one’s fears, and probably contributes to the prevalence of much of the acts which inspire our fears in the first place. But unfortunately this fear of the dark, that may be all too justified, cannot be solved by simply pulling the sheets up over your head and convincing yourself that you are safe. Look, there’s no reason to sugarcoat it: this town is not the safest place in the world. We all know it. But at the same time, we all live with it. The sheer number of people in such a small area is staggering and creates an inherent problem, in that there physically cannot be enough policing for all the people of Isla Vista. Couple that with alcohol and a partying reputation, and there are bound to be some people who ruin it for the rest of us. And those people can cause some seriously devastating damages. Unfortunately, we have our fair share of robberies, battery, and sexual assaults. But there is no way that type of behavior should be accepted as an eventuality and disregarded. However, it also doesn’t mean that it can be done away with without our help, and that does not mean we must be stuck in a perpetual state of fear. All we need is some more proactive behavior; we do not necessarily have to call the cops every Friday night, but we would be doing our community a disservice if we were to continue to stand by and let people take advantage of our town. It wouldn’t take much, just a slight change in our casual attitudes toward Isla Vista. Despite whatever small town you grew up in, Isla Vista doors should be locked, friends should be accompanied by friends, and people should try their best to maintain their wits about them. Even if nothing has happened to your house, your friend, or yourself, creating an atmosphere of confidence and safety can go a long way to making this place a much safer community to live in, and one that would therefore be even more fun. And maybe one day, we might be able to live in a community where we can have our grandmothers visit for the day. Just as long as they’re gone by 5:30.

Why Do We Even Have Professors These Days? The Art of Technological Interference by LIANA S. SCARSELLA Just when I thought college had exhausted its ability to be too technological for comfort, the Massachusetts Institution of Technologu and Harvard decided to team up to develop a new software, known as edX, which has the ability to grade students’ essays in the span of seconds. Now, it seems that even an English major such as myself can’t catch a break. Does anyone else think this is an appalling idea? Today, technology has literally encompassed every aspect of our lives. Some days, I am one iClicker question away from quitting college. EdX takes on a challenge which has in the past been viewed as impossible to accomplish. Remember those lovely colored multiple choice forms you must bubble in precisely and tediously in order for a certain machine to read your answers correctly? Machines can now not only grade your multiple choice exams, but your essay and short answer test as well. Did I mention in a matter of seconds? According to the New York Times, the time it takes for this software to grade your essay is instantaneous. With edX, there is no more waiting around for your grade to come out. The presidents of this non-profit initiative stress this aspect of instant feedback. Supposedly, students love getting a speedy response to their work, as it allows for efficient learning. The question is, how many students are willing to sacrifice their grades for a fast response? Receiving a computer-generated response means absolutely nothing to me, regardless of whether it takes five days or five seconds to receive my grade. I barely have enough faith in a computer’s ability to accurately assess my multiple-choice test. Now it wants to attempt to grade my essay. Not only is this short response dangerous as far as grade correctiveness goes, it is offensive to my existence as a human being. As first-year English major Priscilla Leung said, “how is the creativity and depth of academic merit of the essay gauged?” Let’s say it takes you three days to write a five-page paper for see PROFESSORS | page 8

Photos by John Clow | The Bottom Line

The Handbagger Gets Handbagged: Will the Iron Lady Leave a Legacy for Young Women to Follow? by ANDREA VALLONE “If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.” -- Margaret Thatcher Dubbed “The Iron Lady,” “Thatcher the Milk Snatcher,” “Shrew,” “Attila the Hen,” or more simply, “the Bitch,” Margaret Thatcher died last Monday on April 8 at the age of 87. Some will remember Thatcher as the ultimate female icon, and others will remember her as that vaguely well-dressed she-devil who would never gain entry into the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. What would Thatcher say? Most likely she probably wouldn’t give two flying ducks if people called her a meanie; Thatcher was met with a plethora of epithets beginning with her seat as the President of the Conservative Association at Oxford in the 1940s. Thus any posthumous slander by our agoraphobic friends on the World Wide Web would be met with an eye-roll. But what is equally, if not more, subversive than the commentaries on her persona or political views are the assaults on her portrait as a leading lady of the “fairer sex.” On paper, Thatcher sounds like the woman to beat: she was the first woman to become prime minister of Britain and the first ever to pilot a major Western power post World War II. With a firm foot forward she held office for a total of 11 years—a feat unparalleled in 20th century Britain. Furthermore, according to the New York Times, her tenure was longer than any British Prime Minister in 150 years. The woman must have been doing something right (pun unintended). Quite simply, WWII spat out a decrepit country and Thatcher caught it. Britain was experiencing intense economic decline—ravaged with inflation, budget deficits and social unrest—and Thatcher greeted it with open arms. Her stringent short-term policies (such as increasing taxes at the lowest point

of Britain’s recession), although put forth to improve Britain in the long term, were, unfortunately, not met with applause (déjà vu anyone?). But, just two years after her election, Britain saw economic recovery. Moreover, Thatcher swiftly reclaimed the Falkland Islands from Argentinean invasion the following year. Implementing high-risk economic policies coupled with advocating a strenuous and autonomous foreign policy, Thatcher turned heads. She was re-elected for second and third terms in which she played similar tunes by meeting crises with rigorous policies and increasing Britain’s popularity both at home and abroad. She may have been a bitch, but damn, this bitch was good. And yet, feminists from every corner of the world tell you to talk to the hand (or sometimes even, the fist) if Thatcher is associated with supporting women; simply put, Thatcher was the woman who didn’t care about women. Only eight women were appointed during Thatcher’s tenure and only one of them, Baroness Young, advanced higher than junior minister, and she was never elected to parliament. From the words of University of California, Santa Barbara’s own Eileen Boris, Hull Professor and Chair of the Feminist Studies Department, Thatcher “destroyed the welfare state, which was good for women,” essentially “making things worse for poor women.” Thatcher’s response to the lack of sisters in government during her tenure was: “But no, a woman must rise through merit. There must be no discrimination.” In effect, Thatcher did not view her gender as a factor in her rise to power, and thus would not treat gender as a particularly notable trait. Thatcher saw the loss of support from young women to the Conservative Party as simply a loss of voters, period—not a particular sector. For Professor Boris, Thatcher demonstrated that “women can be equal to men” that “women can be just as bellicose as men,” however that “individual advancement does not advance the interests of the group.” What about in Hilary Clinton’s case, a liberal woman consistently fighting for the interests of the group, and yet not advancing individually? How does this reflect on see IRON LADY | page 8

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 5 | Arts & Entertainment

UCSB Dancers Celebrate ‘Blood, Thought, Muscle, and Grace’ By NURA GABBARA To be a dancer is to be an artist. Dancers are artists who demonstrate stories by use of movement through body, space, energy, and time. After all, dance, specifically ballet and modern styles, showcases the beautiful and masterful strength an individual has over his or her body. To be able to move in graceful forms, such as the plie, pirouette, and jete, is to have synced both mind and body as one artistic form. Dancers from the University of California, Santa Barbara demonstrated this ability at “Blood, Thought, Muscle, and Grace,” the spring dance performance held April 12-14 in the Hatlen Theater. Directed by Mira Kingsley, this stunning, sevenpiece compilation depicted elaborate stories that were enhanced with different dance styles and techniques. Choreographed by Molly McCord, the show opened with a comical piece called “Submarine Races,” in which female dancers in playful and colorful outfits fought over a man, symbolized by a cutout of a man’s rather good looking and muscular body. Each dancer was mesmerized by the beauty of the cutout and would

continue to fight over, dance around, and caress it. One notable performance was the theatrical and entertaining piece choreographed by Christina McCarthy, called “Requiem for Bubbles.” The piece took the audience back to their childhood days through a lighthearted and merry tale, set in a dreamlike world where everything is teal blue and under the sea. Delicate purple jellyfish, vibrant goldfish, long silks hanging from the ceiling for aerial dancers, and a boy in his pajamas characterized the aquatic scene. It was the only piece this year to feature aerial work and only select students, such as third-year dance major Hilary Bassoff, were given the opportunity to showcase their various dancing abilities. “[This piece] was about imagination and letting your inner child come out,” said Bassoff. The show was not just about playfulness and letting go of everyday realities. Choreographer Alannah Pique’s piece, “Entropy,” struck an emotional chord through a moving, contemporary dance. Dim lighting, smoke, soft music, flowing costumes, and the sounds of a light, reverberating heartbeat depicted the journey of delicate dancers, symbolized as particles, in negative space.

“[The dancers] were particles that were colliding, “ said Bassoff. “Some particles work well with each other, and some do not. The dance show also featured “Abyssinia,” a feminist piece about women workers in World War II choreographed by Genevieve Hand. “Abyssinia” translates to “I’ll be seeing ya,” which was a slang expression widely used in the 1940s when men left their families to go fight in the war. The dance was composed only of female dancers dressed in darkly colored dresses and headscarves. “This piece is about women finding hope,” said Shenandoah Harris, a first-year dance major who performed in this piece. “It was about women realizing they can live on their own and carry the country.” The show culminated with a powerful piece directed modern dance choreographer Jose Limon, called “Suite from Psalm.” As stated in the show’s program, for inspiration Limon turned to the ancient Jewish legend of 36 men, ordinary individuals in whom the sorrows of the world reside. The dance featured a strong and powerful style of dancing and was composed of many dancers, emphatically ending the show.

Photos by Deanna Kim | The Bottom Line

<Corin Roddick of Purity Ring rocks the Gobi tent on Friday at Weekend One of Coachella. His makeshift drums light up on his cue, creating a haunting effect that matches the vibe of their music.


Front-row fans are more than psyched to be at Weekend One of Coachella. See bottomlineucsb.com for The Bottom Line’s extensive written and photo coverage.

^ Of Monsters and Men, most well known for their hit single entitled “Little Talks,” take over the Outdoor Theatre on Friday. This Icelandic pop group wowed the crowd with their trumpet solos and endearing duets.

^ Festival-goers get cooled off with water while dancing at the Do Lab.

< 2 Chainz

page 6 | Health & Lifestyles

Carnivores, Omnivores, and Herbivores:

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

The College Guide to Eating Your Veggies— and Liking Th em Why Go for the Greens? For second-year sociology major Jenna Liddie, choosing to go vegan was primarily a political choice. “The atrocious environmental externalities of these industries are something that I do not support and I do not want to be putting my own resources into that industry,” said Liddie. “I am very much involved in the global climate justice movement and I feel like it would be contradictory of me to be this really active grassroots activist and still be supporting industries that have such a huge negative impact on the environment.” According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, “Ranching-induced deforestation is one of the main causes of loss of some unique plant and animal species in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America as well as carbon release in the atmosphere.” Globally, livestock and poultry contribute both indirectly and directly to a significant amount of anthropogenic carbon dioxide and methane emissions. If the environmental impacts aren’t enough for you to ditch your buffalo wings, the footage from any slaughterhouse would make even the most fervent beef-lover wince. The Farm Animal Rights Movement (F.A.R.M.) works to spread the importance of a vegan diet. Stationed outside of Davidson library last week, they offered one dollar to anyone who would watch four minutes of footage from slaughterhouses around the country, bombarding the viewer with the graphic truth behind the chicken sandwich they just ate for lunch. According to the F.A.R.M. brochure, “Each year, 10 billion land animals—and even more aquatic animals—are killed for food in the US. Every one of these animals is a unique individual, just as sentient (capable of reasoning) and capable of feeling pain, sorrow, joy, and affection as our companion dog or cat.” While paying people a dollar to cringe guiltily at the industries they support every time they buy groceries may be a questionable method, the graphic truth behind meat and animal-products is a reality that cannot be denied.

by SELENA ROSS The average college student’s diet is infamous for being packed full of cheap and oily food—greasy pepperoni pizza and chicken flavored Cup-o-Noodles. But an increasing number of students seem to be ditching meat and dairy in favor of a more plant-based diet. The shift is even evident in Texas, where the University of North Texas opened the all-vegan “Mean Greens” cafeteria last-year, the first of its kind in the United States. At the University of California, Santa Barbara, with the dining commons offering “Meatless Mondays” and the like, the number of herbivores seems to be increasing as more students learn about not only the ethical reasons behind veggie-based diets, but also the health benefits and environmental reasons.

Veggie Lovers If you try a vegan lifestyle, chances are, you’ll raise a few eyebrows. From your friends who may suddenly feel awkward as they eat a cheeseburger next to you, or to the others who roll their eyes and denounce your new diet as “just a phase,”



Veggies may only be a side-dish for right now, but next trip to the grocery story, try to choose products that are not only delicious, but good for you, the animals, and the earth.

there is quite a large reaction from those who have not made the switch. Perhaps the biggest point of contention is the myth of lack of protein in vegan diets; however, soybeans, mushrooms, broccoli, and nuts offer great protein, and kale and almond milks have an abundant amount of calcium, far different from the calorie-packed grease of a standard take-out pepperoni pizza. “Veganism really is a personal choice and while I would totally advocate it, I wouldn’t push this decision on anyone else,” says Liddie. Veggies may only be a side-dish for right now, but next trip to the grocery story, try to choose products that are not only delicious, but good for you, the animals, and the earth.


Coconut Ice-Cream Tofu Hot Dogs Although it may seem easy enough to eat vegetarian—order a cheese pizza, or pick the chicken out of your salad—many students blanche at the idea of giving up their favorite ice-cream or forgoing most cookies and baked goods. Luckily enough, with the Isla Vista Food Co-op right next door, and vegetarian and vegan options available at every meal served in the dining commons, the transition from omnivore to herbivore is a relatively easy one. Trading in Domino’s pizza for an earth-friendlier option also doesn’t have to break the bank. As Deli manager and In-House Nutrition Educator at the IV Food Co-op Madia Jamgochian explains, “If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you may want to stock up on some of the many beans, grains, and nuts we offer in the bulk section to ensure an adequate daily dose of protein. When you are in a rush, or don’t feel like cooking, our deli provides a wide array of meatless and dairy-free options.” The IV Food Co-op also arranges private store tours focused toward particular nutritional and dietary needs, pointing out essential and affordable staples for an animalfree diet. Alternatives for animal products are also widely available. Can’t live without your yogurt or your cereal in the morning? Try soy yogurt, and cereal with almond or coconut milk—both with the same amount of calcium as cow’s milk, but without the unethical practices of the animal industry. Vegan baking is easy with substitutions such as applesauce in place of eggs, and soy-based margarines for butter. “Don’t think that you’re limited to tofu and almond milk, because there’s so much more to veganism than that! I was recently exploring other options for cheese and I found that if you grate tofu and mix it with nutritional yeast and salt and pepper it actually taste a lot like cheese,” explains Liddie.

Climate Change Effects on Ocean Species: Gauchos Shut Out An Issue of Food Security Aggies Again by ELI PEARLMAN

Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery in Tillamook, Oregon, provides oyster seed to 75 percent of the independent shellfish farms up and down the West Coast. So in 2007, when hundreds of millions of the hatchery’s baby oysters mysteriously turned up dead, the implications for the $111 million shellfish industry in Washington, Oregon, and California were serious. What was killing all these oysters? And whatever it was, what did it mean for the future? About 970 miles south, University of California, Santa Barbara researchers Gretchen Hofmann and Steven Gaines have been studying shifts in the ocean resulting from climate change in an effort to find answers to questions such as the ones raised in Tillamook. Today we know that Whiskey Creek’s oysters were dying because increased levels of acid in the ocean were inhibiting the shellfish’s ability to produce their shells. But the problem isn’t restricted to the waters off the Oregon Coast, or even just to shellfish. Many ocean species—including phytoplankton and coral—take dissolved carbonate out of the water to create their hard exterior. As greenhouse gas emissions increase and the ocean absorbs more and more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, acidity levels rise and the water’s pH levels go down. This, in turn, makes carbonate scarce. Further, carbonate shells that are already formed begin to dissolve. The results are potentially catastrophic. Looking at the pattern of past mass extinctions paints a startling picture for the future. “All of [the previous five mass extinctions] in earth history were associated with big increases in CO2 as part of the process, so acidification of the ocean would have occurred,” says Gaines, the dean of University of California, Santa Barbara’s Bren School of Environmental Science & Management. “Many patterns of extinctions fit the patterns of ocean acidification.” During these mass extinctions, coral reefs—the hub of countless marine ecosystems—disappear completely from fossil records and don’t reappear for millions of years. When they do finally come back, usually about two-thirds of the taxa are gone. “If you project what the pH levels will be in the next 50 years, there are many species that may not survive,” Gaines said. “Gretchen [Hofmann’s] research is painting a picture of who will be affected.” Hofmann, a professor of ecological physiology of marine organisms, is the expert when it comes to ocean acidification, and has been studying what the consequences will be for specific marine species.

“Ocean acidification five years ago was pretty esoteric,” says Hofmann. “Now state and federal governments are talking about how we think about this incumbent change and its effects on food security.” Recently, research conducted by Hofmann and her lab caught the attention of the EPA and the California State Water Board. They contacted Hofmann to begin a collaborative study looking more closely at the carbonate chemistry of California’s coastal waters. According to Hofmann, this is about as close as you can get to “having your science really help government agencies start moving in a particular direction.” A lot of their findings are going straight to the executive branch of the government and President Obama’s science advisors. And while ocean acidification is an enormous issue in and of itself, climate change is affecting oceanography in many other fundamental ways as well. The focal point of Gaines’ research over the past 20 years has been how spatial patterns of fisheries have changed and what sets the edges of where species occur. Changes in temperature gradients and wind direction have altered the strength and direction of ocean currents. Gaines explained that in the North Atlantic over the past 20 to 30 years, the distribution of fisheries has shifted towards the poles by an average of several hundred miles. It’s likely that this sort of shift occurs in all areas of the ocean. It is important to understand how those patterns of movement are going to shift as a result of climate change and what that means to those species. As Gaines points out, however, “Even if the species aren’t threatened by the shifts, there are still implications for people: if you have local livelihoods based on fishing near a particular port, and those fish move hundreds of miles in a couple decades, that has big economic and management consequences.” With the majority of world’s people living on the coastlines and 20 percent of the food that we eat as a planet coming from the sea, these changes have potential consequences in terms of food security. Not to mention that there will be a dramatic increase in global demand for animal protein over the next 50 years, as population and wealth increase. Gaines concludes that it’s important to continue researching the issues at hand. “Once we understand the science enough, we can understand the scope of problems we’ll face and make it clear that we don’t want to go down this path,” said Gaines. Hopefully the work of scientists like Gaines and Hofmann will enable us to mitigate some of these climate-driven problems, even as we’re learning to adapt to the problems that have already been created.

The Plastic Pollution Coalition Rejects Plastics and Sets Sustainable Goals by EMMA BOORMAN As people fortunate enough to live on California’s coast, the University of California, Santa Barbara community has proven an interest in caring for the environment. Anyone who walks by a trash receptacle on campus will notice we are concerned about whether the packaging of our lunches will end up in a landfill. People can use the library’s hydration stations to fill up their reusable water bottles instead of buying single use plastic bottles. However, UCSB’s Plastic Pollution Coalition (PPC) acknowledges we have more work to do if we have a sincere interest in sustainability. UCSB’s PPC is committed to making our campus more sustainable by eliminating our reliance on single use plastics. The group, a pilot project of the national PPC, was formed in 2011 and has already made significant changes in our environmental attitudes and practices. In April 2012, they hosted their Day Without a Bag to promote responsible bag use at the bookstore. According to plasticpollutioncoalition.org, the group gave out 3,500 reusable bags. Alyssa Hall, one of three student directors for the PPC, said the bookstore, which uses about 3,000 bags every month, will now adhere to San Francisco’s standards for compostable bags. Knowing bags are only part of the problem, the group hosted a similar event this April focusing on single use plastic bottles, during which they distributed 800 reusable bottles. “We are handing out a solution,” said Hall, optimistically sharing details about the Day Without a Bottle, which, on top of free reusable bottles, included a performance by self-described environmental rap superhero Mr. Eco. She noted the promising lack of opposition to the PPC’s goals, saying, “There has absolutely been more positivity than negativity. People are receptive to the approach.” Even though people have expressed support for eliminating single use plastics, especially on our coastal campus, it can be a daunting change. The PPC works to emphasize how convenient switching to reusable or compostable options can be, particularly if students

see Pollution Coalition | page 8

Softball Stats:

Cal Poly vs. UCSB on 4/10/13, 3 PM @ Bob Janssen Field, San Luis Obisbo CalPoly (16-23-1) UCSB (22-15)

1 3

Final 1234567RHE 0010011 3 7 1 0000100 1 9 1 on 4/10/13, 5:25 PM @ Bob Janssen Field CalPoly (16-24) 0 UCSB (23-15) 1 Final 1234567RHE 0000100 1 5 0 0000000 0 4 2

UC Davis vs. UCSB on 4/13/13, 2:45 PM @ Campus Diamond, SB Davis (17-20) UCSB (24-16) Final 1234567RHE 000100X1 5 0 0000000 0 2 0

0 1

Infographic and Photo by Jordan Wolff

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 7 | Technology

Smartphone Apps Help Navigate Santa Barbara UCSB WiFi Roaming (Free):

This is the perfect application for those who are in a hurry going from classroom A to classroom B, but are desperate to check the Internet along the way. When you’re that busy, it would be unfortunate to have to constantly type in the username and password for the campus wifi. However, with this cool application available on the Google Play store for Android users, your phone will be automatically connected to the UCSB wifi without having you to constantly input your username and password. All you need to do is input your NetID and password only once and as long as you’re within the campus’s wifi, you can use the Internet.

UCSB Dining Commons Menu (Free): The name of this application speaks for itself. This allows students who have meal plans with UCSB, to check their daily menus for all of the dining commons. This convenient application allows for easier access to the menus instead of having to search through the UCSB Dining commons website. This application is also regularly updated and is available through the Google Play store.

Around Campus (Free):

by JENNY HONG Technology has become so ingrained in our world today that people can’t live without their smartphones. Smartphones come in all shapes, sizes, and features, and just like their hosts, so many applications are on the market today. In fact, two competing application stores: iPhone’s App Store and the Google Play store have 775,000 and around 800,000 applications, respectively. Out of this total of over 1 million applications, there are some applications specifically designed for University of California, Santa Barbara students. All you need to do is search “UCSB” or “Santa Barbara” or “UC Santa Barbara” or “University of California Santa Barbara” in your Google Play stores and App stores. The top five most useful applications for UCSB students have been compiled. What are the results? Drum roll please.

GauchoMobile (Free): This is an application for those who want a simpler way to manage all of their courses. Some of its features include a list of students’ current courses in Gauchospace and the ability to view links, schedules, and course informations. Students can import assignments onto calendars and quickly check grades for assignments posted on Gauchospace. Furthermore, students can see a list of other people in their classes and view their contact details. This would allow students in similar courses to contact each other for homework help or to create study groups. This is available in the iPhone app store.

Are DVDs and Blue-Rays obsolete? by ASHLEY GOLDEN Technology Editor Movie comes out to theater, wait a few weeks and movie comes out to DVD and Blue-Ray, consumer buys it and lugs around the scratch able discs for years to come until they get lost, damaged, or given away. That had been the basic model for many years now. However, this very familiar and comfortable methodology is quickly becoming obsolete and cumbersome in today’s digital age. Instad of physical media, more and more people are turning to digital formats that allow greater freedoms and access. There are several advantages to buying you movies digitally. For one there is the space requirement. While the movies take up digital space (something easily compensated for buy getting a large external hard drive), they take up no physical space aside form the method they are stored on, be it a computer, console, etc. Thousand of movies can be held in the space that only 5 or less would take up in physical DVD or BLue Ray form. For another,physical disks can get lost, stolen, scratched and cracked where as digital copies are fairly indestructible with proper back ups to a cloud or external storage. There are also a few disadvantages. If you read the fine print, often times you do not actually ‘own’ the digital movie, you are ‘renting access to it’. Not the same as a movie rental where they take it away from you after a few days, ‘renting access’ means you have indefinite access to it, but if you break the company’s policy and get kicked of their site, you loose your movies too. Something similar happened to a women with her Kindle books from Amazon. When she broke the terms of service and was booted from her account, she lost access to all of her books and was told she did not actually own them. Something to keep in mind. In most cases it is best to buy the digital copies of movies you can download to your own personal computer and back up on an external hard drive.

Do you remember receiving those thick coupon books in front of the University Center and just giving up looking for a specific coupon in the book? With this application, you no longer need to search with such effort. AroundCampus is a college specific coupon application that allows access to local businesses’ phone numbers, websites, maps, and most importantly, deals. It uses GPS to locate the nearest university deals and it regularly updates coupons. Now, instead of flipping through a thick coupon book, you can easily type it in the search bar and effortlessly find what you need!

UCSB Gauchos (Free): This is a reward-based application for major UCSB sports fans. It provides sports fans with a consolidated schedule that lists games, events, banquets, and more. When students attend games and events, they can check-in with this application to earn points, prizes, and rewards. This application also provides exclusive coupons. You can find this application on the Google Play store.

Here are just some of your options for going digital:

Console Systems (Wii, PS3, PS4)

These systems allow you to stream apps, like Hulu, Netflix and HBOGo on your television and some double as Blue-Ray players so you can still also enjoy your physical movies.

Smart TV

Smart TVs are becoming widely popular. Companies like LG and Samsung have TVs that allow users to stream content without he aid of a console or other device. Over WiFi users can access streaming sites like Netflix and Hulu and access their digital content.

Computer/Tablet If you have a computer or tablet, you can stream your digital moves on your TV with an HDMi cable (or, if you are outdated in the tech sphere like me, you can get a cable that ends in the old school red, white, and yellow plugs.) THe only pitfall is there are sometimes restrictions to this. For instance, if you use one of the old red, yell, white cables with an iPad, while you can watch apps like Netflix, other things like YouTube or the internet at large are audioonly and the picture won’t show up on your TV.

Apple TV Apple TV allows you to have apps show up on your televisions. Hulu, Netflix, and your digital moves from iTunes can all be streamed effortlessly. Also, for a small fee at places like Walmart you can get your physical movies transformed into digital versions. You can also buy your own transfer machine for home use.




page 8 | Jumps

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24


class, which is approximately 1500 words. This software supposedly takes just seconds to grade your work. I’m not going to do the math on that one, but we know how much time will be spent viewing the thesis sentence you rewrote four times—maybe a few seconds. The creativity and style of your essay will be lost. How does this affect professors and teaching assistant jobs? At the University of California, Santa Barbara, this program would come in handy, given that many classes are large and professors without teaching assistants may have up to 40 papers to grade at one point in time. The New York Times wrote an article about edX titled: “Essay-Grading Software Offers Professors a Break.” But do we want to give our professors a break? And how much of a break? We are paying thousands of dollars a year to attend college, not to mention the hard work we put into writing these papers. It only seems fair that the professor who assigns this essay should sit and grade it old-school, red-ballpoint-pen style. Does this set up for a double standard between students and professors? It is the professor’s and TA’s paid duty to sit in said fashion and grade our paper with their own eyes, not with some fancy machinery. Simple quid pro quo. Currently, edX is only used for non-credit courses offered by MIT and Harvard. But recently, UC Berkeley has joined the two universities in the program technology and will use edX for several of its online courses. Will they draw the line there? I have no doubt it will spread to other universities and colleges as a new and efficient form of grading exams. We could even see it at UCSB. I wouldn’t be surprised. Technology was created to assist humans, but instead, it has corrupted us into the belief that every task must be done through a pre-programmed mind. Hand me a telephone, a computer, a lightbulb, a car. I’ll use those. I’ll even use a scantron to appease the technical gods. But please, don’t grade my writing—my own personal thoughts and ideas—by a computer. That’s just a cop-out.


America—a conservative party with a female leader can succeed in Britain but a liberal one in America cannot? The irony is suffocating. But what about global society overall, does a woman have to ditch the group to soar to victory? There is no doubt that Thatcher’s achievements number many; but did she explicitly fight for Women’s Lib? No. But did she indirectly enact progression in said realm? Definitely. To quote Harriet Jones, curator of the Iron Ladies exhibition, in her comment to The Guardian, “Is feminism the same as alcoholism? Do you have to say you are one before you can be one?” Thatcher definitely did not set out to be “liked” by her sisters, and as a result did not compromise her agenda in achieving many economic and political triumphs for both Britain and America. She will definitely be remembered as a historical icon—but she will also be remembered as a female historical icon. But one can’t help but wonder if Thatcher set the status quo—does one have to be a bitch to succeed? Thatcher would probably say, “I see no relevance between the two.”


POLLUTION COALITION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 make an effort to implement their use in common areas. “There are better options,” said Hall, providing examples such as using a water bottle instead of purchasing water every day. Such a simple change saves both money and a lot of waste. According to Hall, 80 percent of plastic bottles are not recycled. In addition, a stainless steel bottle will cost about $20 once, making it the cheaper option in the long run. Due to their success, our PPC project has become a national model for sustainable practices on university campuses. In 2012, they were awarded a Best Practice award by the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference. Considering our location, it is no surprise that they are particularly dedicated to eliminating plastic waste, which pollutes the ocean. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch collects a significant amount of our plastic waste; according to Greenpeace, 10 percent of the 200 billion pounds of plastic the world produces annually travels to the ocean. “Ocean currents allow trash to travel all over the world,” wrote UCSB student Ryan McInerney in a research paper on plastic pollution. “Grocery bags, bottle caps, and plastic utensils…take thousands of years to break down while they release tons of harmful chemicals.” UCSB only creates a fraction of the plastic pollution that harms our planet, but setting a sustainable example can empower other campuses and communities to say no to plastics. Alyssa Hall encourages any students interested in eliminating plastic waste, especially those who belong to other organizations on campus, to consider teaming up with the PPC to accomplish that goal. They can be contacted on their Facebook page or at ucsbppc@gmail.com.

General Meetings When: Wednesday @ 6pm Location: 2nd floor MCC

increase diversity, involvement, and create an overall better environment within AS. “I want to develop core leaders to provide services to students,” said Galvan, referring to Resident Assistants and other campus organization leaders that would be trained in the workings of AS. To increase student involvement, he hopes to have AS Senate meetings live-streamed for the students’ benefit, and to hold senators accountable. Overall, he wanted to stress the ownership students should have of their student governing body. “[I want to be] someone who empowered the students,” Galvan said. “Every single one of you is a leader.” P o l a n c o ’s concern was the transparency of goings on within AS and advocates for student outreach was also made clear. “As an Internal Vice President, my job is to bring this community -Kyley Scarlet, OPP IVP Candidate together,” said Polanco.



We’re here to make the lives of our students better. We’re all up here to make a difference.

Both Galvan and Scarlet also highlighted the need for an improved relationship between AS and marginalized communities, essentially making AS a more collective governing body for students at UCSB. “We are all on the same team,” said Scarlet. “You all ran together to make a change.” Scarlet also touched on student concerns about inefficiency within Senate, and asserted that as IVP, she’d ensure that Senators would be prepared earlier in the year before their job begins. However, both Scarlet and Galvan impressed that the time allotted to Public Forum was not time that would be compromised for the sake of shorter Senate meetings. “If they have something to say, we need to let them speak,” said Galvan. “We have to listen.” Polanco agreed that Senate meetings should be more organized. “We need to run a critically constructive meeting,” said Polanco. Although they are running with different parties, or none at all, the three candidates for IVP share similar ideas on what is currently successful within AS, problematic areas that require attention, and moves toward improvement for a more effective, productive governing body. “We’re here to make the lives of our students better,” said Scarlet, “We’re all up here to make a difference.”

Do you care about... making a difference? meeting new people? gaining leadership experience?

Join AS!

Applications must be submitted by Monday, April 29th See www.coc.as.ucsb.edu for details.

UNA-USA, Santa Barbara & Tri-County Chapter Presents World Premier of the Movie

This event is supported in part by The Marjorie Luke Theatre’s Dreier Family Rent Subsidy Fund

SUNDAY APRIL 28, 3PM Marjorie Luke Theatre Santa Barbara

www.unasb.org Santa Barbara Junior High 721 Cota St. Tickets sold at the door $5 Students $10 General

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 9 | AS Elections Supplement

2013 Associated Students Elections Supplement Candidates & Ballot Measures

Lock-in Fee Initiatives

The Bottom Line COSWB The Bottom Line is UCSB’s weekly student-run newspaper that provides an alternative print and online space for student investigative journalism, culturally and socially aware reporting and engaging commentary that addresses the diverse concerns of the student community, both on and off campus. Editors and staff members teach aspiring student journalists how to write, research and produce top-notch journalism though workshops, staff meetings, office hours and an all-inclusive learning environment. Through this fee, student journalists can continue to produce highquality, alternative news content, photos, illustrations and multimedia projects for UCSB by purchasing more equipment and supplies, paying for printing and operating costs and traveling off campus to report on important student events like UC Regents meetings, student

conferences and student demonstrations. This fee will also go toward the employment and recruitment of student journalists as independent contractors and editorial board members. The Bottom Line newspaper is here to serve the UCSB community, and will continue to do so through the passing of the fee. Do you approve of a mandatory fee of $1.69 per undergraduate for Fall, Winter and Spring quarters to support The Bottom Line Newspaper (of the $1.69 collected, $0.42 is 25% for return to aid, $0.08 is for a 7% administrative assessment collected on all non-capital expenditures, $0.01 is for the 1% AS recharge fee and $1.18 will go to the Bottom Line Newspaper)? If passed, the fee would begin Fall 2013 and be subject to reaffirmation every two years thereafter as mandated by the AS Constitution.

$1.69 per undergraduate for fall, winter, and spring

$1.18 will go to the paper

The Associated Students Commission on Student Well-Being (COSWB) is committed to promoting the well being of UCSB students. The fee will be used to provide programs that encourage a proactive approach to physical and mental well being such as weekly fitness activities, film screenings on topics of mental and social well-being, and healthy eating workshops. We organize mental health mixers to inform students of available resources offered on-campus, as well as organize quarterly mental health summits to bring together other mental health related organizations on campus in order to plan for collaborative projects. We also run a yearly anti-stigma campaign in order to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, encourage people to seek help for their mental illnesses and inform the campus of available resources that assist with mental health issues. We

Commission on Student Well-Being

also host guest lectures on subjects of positive psychology and mental health issues. The fee will fund the many programs and services listed above. Do you approve of a mandatory fee of $1.03 per undergraduate for Fall, Winter and Spring quarters to support COSWB (of the $1.03 collected, $0.26 is 25% for return to aid, $0.05 is for a 7% administrative assessment collected on all noncapital expenditures, $0.01 is for the AS recharge fee and $0.71 will go to the COSWB)? If passed, the fee would begin Fall 2013 and be subject to reaffirmation every two years thereafter as mandated by the AS Const itution.

$1.03 per undergraduate for fall, winter, and spring

$0.71 will go to COSWB

Lock-in Fee Reaffirmations


Fall, Winter, & Spring Summer

KCSB/KJUC AS Professional Media Staff Program Board UC Student Association Student Commission on Racial Equality Bike Shop Community Affairs Board Recycling Program Bicycle Path Maintenance Fee Isla Vista Community Improvement Fund Childcare Grant Environmental Affairs Board Isla Vista Tenants Union AS Legal Resource Center Women’s Commission Take Back the Night University Center Child Care Center Fee Student Health Disabled Student Services Intramural Sports MultiCultural Center Office of Student Life Arts and Lectures Rec Sports Event Center CLAS Coastal Fund Daily Nexus Undergraduate Night & Weekend Parking Fee AS Community Financial Fund

$2.96 $5.18 $12.10 $3.28 $0.62 $6.62 $2.76 $1.84 $1.84 $2.97 $0.61 $0.61 $2.47 $1.94 $0.49 $0.49 $8.80 $6.67 $25.20 $4.31 $6.17 $4.42 $2.20 $2.93 $16.13 $4.40 $8.80 $6.67 $3.85 $3.33 $3.00

$2.56 $4.43 $12.10 $3.16 $0.53 $6.37 $2.38 $1.59 $1.59 $2.47 $0.53 $0.53 $2.14 $1.44 $0.49 $0.49 $8.80 $5.57 $21.20 $3.73 $5.34 $4.17 $2.20 $2.93 $16.13 $4.40 $8.80 $3.67 $1.00 $3.33 X Source: AS Elections Website

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 10 | AS Elections Supplement

Candidates for the office of President

Megan Foronda

Jonathan Abboud



MAJOR: Political Science MINOR: Education

Interview by LILY CAIN

Interview by LILY CAIN AS Beat Reporter Why do you want to be AS president? I was president of my hall freshman year and I was a member on a committee in AS and I started noticing problems the more I got involved. There was a deficiency in successful projects coming out of AS. There was a lot of talk, but not a lot got done, and I also thought that the campus has a lacking culture. I felt that if I didn’t run I couldn’t live with myself with the thought that UCSB could’ve been better next year, that it could’ve reached its potential even more. At the same time, I’ve been really involved. I was a senator my second year for AS, and now I’m Residence Halls Association president and a lot of students have invested their trust in me with these positions already. I want to keep doing more for the school as AS president. The office of the president will allow me to implement change to make the campus as best as it can be. Student apathy for the association is still a persistent issue. How do you plan on making AS a more inclusive association? A couple of things I want to work on next year is creating an AS broadcast where AS reports in very simple terms what funding happened that week, what events the groups in AS are putting on, and what projects some of the senators or committees are working on. Also, I want to make the senate meetings live-streamed. A lot of other UCs do this already, and I think we need to step up to the plate. Copying Obama here, Obama does videos every couple weeks where he explains what’s going on in the country or whatever he’s working on and then takes questions. People can ask the questions and then every week he picks a couple of the relevant ones and answers them. I think it’s really important. What will you do as president to address the continued state divestment from higher education and the subsequent rising UC tuition? In the aftermath of Proposition 30, we’re at a unique point in the history of the UC to shape its future and direction. In August, we’re going to get a new UC President and I think it is a very high priority for us to start building a really positive and equal connection with this person. The second one needs a little background. Fees aren’t going up in 2013-2014, that’s part of the agreement of Prop 30. From what people have been saying is they don’t think they’re going to raise fees in 20142015 because of the midterm election. That’s good, but what are we going to do for 2015-2016? We want to build a broad network of advocates that will lobby and protect the University of California in the future. All these people came together and got Prop 30 passed and I think it’s time we came together and really harnessed this power and this connection for the future. It shouldn’t just be the students that think the UC is important, this should be the state of California, and all the citizens in it that think the UC is important. What will you do as president to defend student organizations? One of the ideas that I have for next year … is to create a council of student leaders from the many different clubs on campus. This council will really be a good avenue to address campus climate. That’s the primary function of it. Whenever there’s something going on that affects the entire student population, this would be a good way to take the pulse of a large part of the campus. Another thing the president should be doing is go or send a representative to a lot of club meetings and ask, “what can I do for you?” it’s that simple sometimes. No one person can effectively represent all students, it’s not possible. What I can do is go to the different organizations and ask them what’s going on. One of my goals as president is looking to revitalize the UCen...and maybe looking into what new space we can create and that’s a priority because student groups need a place to meet. How do you plan on creating a fair and honest budget that will keep AS financially sound while simultaneously ensuring the reach and impact of the association? The first thing I’m going to look at is re-evaluate honoraria. I don’t want to say that I want to eliminate honoraria because honoraria and exact tuition is necessary for accessibility. I am a firm believer that every group in AS does great work. I would just look at the budget from a very objective, practical standpoint. The lead of my campaign next year is a long-term change to the budget process. I think the money being put into AS this year should be spent this year for students. I have a new program I want to implement called, “It All Comes Back To You.” Instead of putting money into a suspense account each year, this will refund every student the leftover money, divided equally. I want to change that philosophy in AS for a long time, to enforce the idea that this is students’ money, and not just money to be used for a personal agenda.

I want to keep doing more for the school as AS president. The office of the president will allow me to implement change to make the campus as best as it can be.

Patrick ‘Mac’ Kennedy INDEPENDENT

SECOND-YEAR MAJOR: Political Science

Interview by LILY CAIN AS Beat Reporter Why do you want to be AS president? I have the record of making legislators commit to prioritizing education, not cutting Cal Grants, restoring Cal Grants that have been cut, and with Proposition 30 this is a unique moment to use my experience and relationships with our legislators to find multiple alternative funding methods for the UC, to drive down the cost of our education and put those costs back onto the state. There are also a lot of structural problems in AS like corruption and it’s been a really recent development but AS has been getting a lot more toxic because of the political parties. Parties definitely determine who gets to work in AS and who doesn’t. We should be getting the best and brightest minds and we need everyone involved in AS. Student apathy for the association is still a persistent issue. How do you plan on making AS a more inclusive association? There’s no leadership right now on the question of getting students involved. Right now the priorities are how can we further our party. I think a lot of problems will solve themselves when students are trusted with AS. Right now it’s a few party leaders who determine who gets a say, and that’s not right. It needs to be a lot more democratic. It’s not that students don’t care, it’s that they’re

AS Beat Reporter

Why do you want to be AS President? I have been very connected with the struggles of students since my first year. I’m really attune to what first-years especially are experiencing. I’ve addressed issues ranging from issues of acclamation to the university and mental health to issues of tuition and affordability at the university. I think the association needs to re-prioritize their values- I want to continue the priorities that Sophia Armen, the current AS President, has established in the association. My major reason is I believe that the association can do an even better job at representing all students on this campus, especially giving voice and empowering those that have otherwise felt silenced or dismissed or ignored in the association. Student apathy for the association is still a persistent issue. How do you plan on making AS a more inclusive association? I don’t think the student body is apathetic, but rather the student leaders aren’t doing enough to make students care about these issues, or to make them fully aware of these issues. One issue I see in this disconnect between AS and the student body is that there is a lack of [effective] recruitment fairs. I would like to hold the entities of AS accountable for outreaching to students. I’d want to have forums, and have these forums being brought directly to residence halls, directly to Isla Vista, and directly to the constituents as a whole so from the very beginning introducing myself as AS President and letting them know of the opportunities in which students can get involved and really talking about the issues and seeing what solutions the students have themselves in order to address these problems. Students already know how they want to solve the problem; it’s just a matter of talking to them and implementing the solution that they already have in mind. What will you do as president to address the continued state divestment from higher education and the subsequent rising UC tuition? Tuition has raised over 300 percent in the last ten years, which is absurd and ridiculous and it’s something that the state of California should be embarrassed about. Where the money is going currently is not toward higher education but rather toward prisons and all these other things that aren’t essential to creating a newer generation that will address problems of the world, nation or state. Currently I work in the AS office of the president and I hold the position of commissioner of budget and resources. It was fall quarter that I began “Teach the Budget” campaign and I went to the different residence halls and informed first year students and continuing students about the state of higher education in the UC system. In the past I’ve been involved in lobbying efforts in DC addressing student loan debt. I’ve also held rallies and protests on tuition hikes and again using this not only as an outlet to inform students about the state of higher education but also motivate and empowering students to really mobilize and speak out against the state of California and their lack of prioritizing students. What will you do as president to defend student organizations? I have worked on finance board to support these student organizations because more often that not, you need money to hold these events. I would continue those efforts of financial support to them as AS president. I would want to hold our administrators accountable and ensure that these student organizations and the departments that facilitate them and allow them to be here are being prioritized because students’ organizations are really the place where students learn leadership, how to communicate with others and learn how to organize and these are skills that are essential when we’re out of this university and in the real world. How do you plan on creating a fair and honest budget that will keep AS financially sound while simultaneously ensuring the reach and impact of the association? I think what really needs to happen, not only in AS, but in the university as a whole, is a cultural shift, a shift toward a more inclusive, more connected, more open association because that is something that could be improved upon. Focusing on organizations within AS like Take Back the Night and supporting groups like that that really try and address real issues of students and moving money away from the internal organizations toward the more action oriented groups to really create a campus climate that is more inclusive of the entire student body would be how I would create a fair and sound budget and that will help with the reach and impact.

I believe that the association can do an even better job at representing all students on this campus, especially giving voice and empowering those that have otherwise felt silenced or dismissed or ignored in the association.

not given an opportunity, and that’s why I’m running as an independent, to create a very strong non-partisan recruitment, and to have totally non-partisan hiring processes as well. Students are not apathetic; UCSB students are the best students in the country. What will you do as president to address the continued state divestment from higher education and the subsequent rising UC tuition? I have experience lobbying in Sacramento. I have relationships with all our locally elected officials, and then some in Sacramento. This is why I’m running. If you look at the trends since the 1970s, the state has been continually divesting from higher education, putting the cost back onto students rather than the state paying for it. I have the experience of getting legislators to understand the student narrative. I’ve gotten legislators to reverse their minds on a lot of these issues and I think there are several viable alternative funding mechanisms that we can use for the university to make sure that we can not only make sure tuition stays at the price it is now, but also drive down tuition and increase funding to the UC, and getting legislators to prioritize education in the budget. What will you do as president to defend student organizations? Any student organization as long as it’s not preaching hate speech then we should cherish that at UCSB. Having a very centralized place where students can know where to get involved on campus and I think that way you can create a more civic campus where you can get involved in things. Having a very non-partisan recruitment into AS and even coordinating with office of student life just to give students the opportunity to get involved, to create their own clubs. This ties back into why I’m running as an independent and my whole philosophy of every student should get involved, every student should make their own club. The more groups on campus the better. How do you plan on creating a fair and honest budget that will keep AS financially sound while simultaneously ensuring the reach and impact of the association? I think the reward of AS should be in planning events and getting involved in being the person who gets to decide who’s the next artist we’re going to bring in for a concert, not who gets $400 a quarter. Some people work really hard and honoraria is a good thing, but there is abuse. We need to make sure people are in AS for the right reasons, and that starts with a fair, non-partisan recruitment process to get everyone involved. People talk about bringing the association to the students but that’s not going to happen unless you have a non-partisan effort because people are working for their own party or against the other but not for the school and the students.

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 11 | AS Elections Supplement

Candidates for the office of Internal Vice President

Juan Galvan

Martin Polanco


DEMOCRATIC PROCESS PARTY (DPP) Why do you want to be IVP? The Internal Vice President is supposed to be the person who maintains the internal stability of Associated Students. As IVP, one must be the facilitator of all things pertaining to the internal affairs of the office. This position offers endless opportunities to not only better our association, but our campus as a whole. I envision a place where student leaders come together to share ideas and work as a unit to enact change on our campus. I want to rid the association of all the bureaucratic nonsense that has stagnated both progress and work in our association. My goal is to make Associated Students a real home for all students. The goal is to not only recruit new membership, but also to foster and develop future leadership to ensure our association continues to go in the right direction. Whether the student body knows it or not, we are all student leaders. We all have the power to create change on this campus; if elected as IVP I would ensure that this association is of the people and for the people. What is the number one issue at UCSB that you want to solve as IVP? How would you go about solving it? The biggest issue on this campus is the disconnect between student government and the student body. The ordinary student is unaware of anything AS related. Students are unaware of the resources that AS can provide. Historically, UCSB has been a campus of activism, and strong collectives of students who united and fought for their rights. As IVP, I would strive to bridge this gap by truly making AS for the students. Firstly, I would solidify the association by creating the BCC Clinic. The aim of this program is to increase membership in struggling BCCs through quarterly evaluations. My office would provide resources and energy to ensure that all BCCs prosper and in doing so our association would become stronger and more unified. Secondly, I would create the AS Ambassador’s Initiative. This initiative entails training student leaders from all over campus (ex: Resident Assistants) so they gain expertise about the association and students would see the true value of student government.

Kyley “Ky” Scarlet

INDEPENDENT Interviews by ANNALISE DOMENIGHINI Executive Managing Editor

Why do you want to be IVP? I want to be IVP, simply be, that I want to do the work. Perform actual tasks reflecting the student body’s decision. I’ve been watching from the sidelines long enough to see that our current AS is not doing what it is meant to do. Focus should be on issues like on-line education, which divests money away from funding actual teachers, students, classes, and programs. What is the number one issue at UCSB that you want to solve as IVP? How would you go about solving it? The one issue I want to solve at UCSB, is to seek that more students be engaged about AS. Once in office, plan will take into effect immediately. From school-wide circulation of weekly AS meetings, if needed be I’ll provide the life diary of “MP going Vice” clearly and openly writing, podcasting the life of a IVP. Senate meetings have been notoriously long this year. What would you do, if anything, to improve the length of the meetings? Yes, meetings are way too long. First plan is that when critical issues like that of Israel-Palestine, I shall make sure all of senate and myself be experts from all angles before the meeting, in order to find a proper action for the occasion. What got you involved with AS, and what advantages do you think you have by not running with a party? Thanks to a last minute post mentioning elections application, I applied. I wanted to see a real change, some real action for the long term. Untainted ready for real action. One Love. Peace.

Why do you want to be IVP? To me, the Internal Vice President is responsible for setting the atmosphere for how all of the Boards, Committees, and Commissions and Associated Students as a whole will run for the entire year. This huge responsibility comes with great influence on how Associated Students will help students and right now, AS is not living up to its maximum efficiency. I want to make sure that AS is working to the best of its potential to serve the students. There is so much growth within the association that can happen if only we train better, organize better, and improve our hold on institutional memory. WE need to make sure that our goal is to benefit the student body who elected us in the first place. I’ve seen the problems first hand, I’m ready to fix them. What is the number one issue at UCSB that you want to solve as IVP? How would you go about solving it? I believe that currently the biggest issue at UCSB is Mental Health. I want to make sure that students feel as if they are a part of our campus. By getting students more involved in Associated Students, I hope to make UCSB feel more like home. I hope to create more events and projects for students to passionately work on. By working with Committee on Committees and Media Relations, I hope to make sure that we reach out to all students next year, especially first year and transfer students. This way the new students will know what Associated Students is and hopefully get involved. Also, I hope to make Associated Students have a greater presence on our campus. I am striving to link OSLs and BCCs together to make sure all students are represented. Finally, through my “State of the Gauchos,” a monthly video that I will release, I hope to make sure all students are informed on what events are going on. Senate meetings have been notoriously long this year. What would you do, if anything, to improve the length of the meetings? I want to make sure that the senators are given the toolbox to excel as senators and to have efficient dialogue throughout senate meetings. Senate also needs to utilize adhoc committees to get work done for their projects and bills prior to Senate meetings.

Candidates for the office of External Vice President of Local Affairs

Kaitlyn Christianson Alexander “Alex” Moore Interviews by JULIAN MOORE National Beat Reporter

DEMOCRATIC PROCESS PARTY (DPP) What are the biggest issues EVPLA will have to contend with next year and how do you plan to solve them? One of the constant issues that the EVPLA and any organizers trying to work in IV have to deal with is a lack of funding and a lack of representation. Since Isla Vista is an unincorporated territory we have no city government to go to with our concerns. Our only representatives are the Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District and the County of Santa Barbara. Since Isla Vista is often overlooked and forgotten it is extremely important to remind them that we are here and we are not ok with being constantly under funded. I plan to maintain a regular presence at the County meetings so that they know students and community members are watching and do care. I have a good relationship with the Third District Representative and her staff and while I will continue this relationship I will always put pressure on our elected representatives to actually represent us. The other big issue that the EVPLA will have to contend with is safety. One of the most basic rights a person has is to feel safe where they live. Students needed to be educated on things like their rights as tenants and how to deal with sexual assault through things like informational campaigns and bystander intervention training. In addition, I want to make real tangible changes by responding to community needs. I just recently helped with building a fence in one of the parks on DP that has an unsafe cliff. What should UCSB students know about the EVPLA position; i.e. what is EVPLA’s most important function, what does EVPLA do on behalf of students, etc.? Because Isla Vista has no city government, the External Vice President of Local Affairs becomes the community’s advocate. The EVPLA’s job is to reach out to all the students, families, and other community members that live in IV and Santa Barbara and see what their needs are. The EVPLA’s daily routine can vary from planning huge events to meeting with members of school administration. The EVPLA is the community’s voice where it would otherwise have none. Other UCs have EVPSAs, but the EVPLA position is unique to UCSB because nowhere else in California is there a place like Isla Vista. It is the EVPLAs job to preserve and celebrate the things we love about IV and to fix and change the things that need improvement. What are your personal and professional qualifications for this position? I have been working in and around the Isla Vista community since the day I came to UCSB. I got involved in the Isla Vista Community Relations Committee my freshman year as the community outreach coordinator. It opened my eyes to the other side of IV: the kids, families, houseless, and elderly. As a second year I chaired the committee and got involved in the EVPLA office. I have done everything from planning major events like Chilla Vista, organizing campaigns like Sexual Assault Awareness, to actively being a representative for the students with entities like IV Foot Patrol. Not only do I have the experience to be your next EVPLA, but I have the passion as well. I am on the Senate this year and I am no stranger to long hours of work. I understand what the job entails and I am ready to be your EVPLA. Why do you want to be the next EVPLA? I want to be the next EVPLA because Isla Vista is my home and there is no one better for the job. Every day I think of something new I want to do for the community and I am constantly inspired by IV. I’m confident in the relationships I have created and in the projects I have done or continue to do. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my senior year at UCSB and I would be honored to be your next EVPLA.

OPEN PEOPLE’S PARTY (OPP) What are the biggest issues EVPLA will have to contend with next year and how do you plan to solve them? The biggest issues in Isla Vista in the coming year will be safety and infrastructure maintenance and improvement. We don’t have accurate statistics from the Sheriff ’s Office but we do know that crime has seen a slight bump this past year and that more importantly, students feel less safe right now than they have in the past. I want to address this in three ways; an emergency beacon smart phone app, bystander intervention training, and lighting. An emergency smart phone application provided free of charge to students would increase student access to emergency services, reduce response times, and improve dispatch accuracy. This solution is far more cost effective than blue light phones and has already been successfully implemented at other universities. However we can’t rely on our public safety personnel to be everywhere all the time. This is why I want to provide students the tools to keep their peers safe. Yale has bystander intervention trained their entire second year class. At UCSB this would mean thousands of students trained to intervene in incidents of harassment and sexual violence. Finally, I want to continue the current EVPLA’s work on improving lighting in Isla Vista. What should UCSB students know about the EVPLA position; i.e. what is EVPLA’s most important function, what does EVPLA do on behalf of students, etc.? Since Isla Vista is an unincorporated part of Santa Barbara County students really need to understand that the EVPLA is one of the only official positions advocating on behalf of students and community members living in Isla Vista. The EVPLA election is perhaps one of the most important positions for Isla Vista residents and UCSB students. Local government decisions affect the quality of life of students every day. If you live in or plan on living in Isla Vista, Goleta, Santa Barbara, or anywhere in the local community who your next EVPLA is really matters! What are your personal and professional qualifications for this position? Professionally I’ve worked in Associated Students as a co-chair of AS Take Back the Night; a committee that focuses on sexual violence on and off campus. I’ve also experienced Isla Vista not just as a student but as an emergency first responder. I volunteered for the Santa Barbara County Sheriff Search and Rescue team for almost two years and during that time both celebrated and worked during IV Halloween. This is an incredibly unique perspective that I don’t think many students have a chance to share. Personally, I have excellent leadership experience. As a member of UCSB Army ROTC I’ve spent the last three years training to be a leader. I am prepared to be decisive and seek out unique solutions to whatever local affairs obstacles face students next year, whether they were a part of my agenda or not. Why do you want to be the next EVPLA? First, when I speak to our student groups I ask two questions, “Do you feel safe in our community?” and “Do you feel represented by your local officials?” I have never received a universal yes to these questions. This is unacceptable and must be changed. Second, I believe it is not just the right thing to do but our obligation to ensure that the community we leave behind is better than the one we joined as first years. I want to be the next EVPLA because I believe in giving back to the students who will come to UCSB long after I’m gone.

The Bottom Line | April 17 - April 24

page 12 | AS Elections Supplement

Candidates for the office of External VP of Statewide Affairs

Norma Orozco

Alexandria “Alex” Choate OPEN PEOPLE’S PARTY (OPP)

DEMOCRATIC PROCESS PARTY (DPP) Interviews by ISABEL ATKINSON Staff Writer What makes you the better candidate for EVPSA? I have been at the forefront of change since my very first year at UCSB, and what makes me the better candidate is that not only am I passionate about this office but I have the experience necessary to run campus-wide, statewide, and nationwide campaigns. I am a part of a statewide and nationwide network of university student activists, I have worked with other campuses, the University of California Student Association and the United States Student Associations. These networks are vital to organizing and leading successful campaigns such as those to stop tuition increases, to mobilize around student debt, and ensure that we hold our representatives accountable. They cannot be built in two weeks or two months. I have been in these spaces, I have been accessible to students, I know what this office requires and I am ready, excited, and able to bring positive change and improvements to this campus. What do you hope to accomplish while assuming this role? As UCSB’s EVPSA I truly hope to work towards educating the student body, actively working against student debt, increasing the quality of our higher education, advocating for student rights, and ensuring that the amount of students who drop out of UCSB due to the cost of attendance drops. I will do this by creating and implementing a student led class on the CA, UC, and Federal Budgets, so students can be educated while also earning units. I am currently working on a campaign against Student Loan Debt with the United States Student Association and will continue my work against companies like Sallie Mae that are making insane profits off of student suffering. Another goal is to not only re-instate the 6-month grace period on loans but also to minimize the amount of interest due according to ones income. Finally, I am currently working with the University of California Student Association to introduce new legislation that would improve the CAL Grant system so that more students would be able to receive financial aid. What are some of the most important issues/campaigns for students to be aware of regarding statewide policies and how will you work to inform students about these issues? How will you motivate and encourage involvement? Some of the most important issues facing students on a statewide level include the accessibility of higher education and transparency. I am currently working on a Cal Grant campaign with UCSA which will give financial aid to more students by getting rid of a current 2 percent cap, as well as increasing the time frame so that students may apply up to four years after graduation instead of only during their senior year. I also want to work on transparency by supporting and continuing to work on UCSA’s campaign on regental reform to get more student representation on the board and have more transparent budgets, it is OUR University and OUR money, we should have a say in where it goes. Finally, I will work to motivate and encourage student involvement by implementing a class, I have also worked on the mobilization of students and will continue to encourage involvement by being a presence in different student organizations, by tapping into my existing networks and creating more relationships.

What makes you the better candidate for EVPSA? I am the best candidate for the position of EVPSA because my awards and experiences within the office have shown that I am dedicated to the EVPSA office and am well qualified. From my award for Fall Quarter Student of AS for my efforts at the University of California Student Association to my active lobbying of the local representatives of Das Williams to ensure decisions that promote students’ educational needs, shows that I have the experience and I have the dedication to the EVPSA office. What do you hope to accomplish while assuming this role? I hope to lower your tuition. How you ask? Through finding additional sources of revenue, such as an oil extraction tax, because due to the state’s budget crisis, there is no money to gain so we need to find additional revenue. What are some of the most important issues/campaigns for students to be aware of regarding statewide policies and how will you work to inform students about these issues? How will you motivate and encourage involvement? I believe that not only creating an open dialogue with our decision makers of our educational system, but also forming relationships in order to directly affect the needs of the students. Making education more accessible through protecting and advocating for the financial aid, such as Cal Grants and Pell Grants.

Candidates for the office of Student Advocate General

Kristian “With a K” Whittaker

Jorge Villela

Interviews by JULIAN MOORE National Beat Reporter

INDEPENDENT What should UCSB students know about the SAG position; i.e. what is SAG’s most important function, what does SAG do on behalf of students, etc.? SAG’s most important function in the association is to represent ALL students. The office is a safe, confidential and supportive resource for students to come in and get advice on any university policy. The office does not give legal advice, but it can lead you to the direction that gives legal advice to students. The fact that this position is nonpartisan speaks on the importance of advocating for all students and I plan to uphold that in my office. What are the biggest issues SAG will have to contend with next year and how do you plan to solve them? With the amount of first years and transfer students entering UCSB next year, I believe that one of the biggest issues that the Student Advocate General’s office has had to face and will continue to face is figuring out an effective way to outreach to such an increase in the number of students. As I have had conversations with students this week many of them are confused about what this office is and what it does for students. Students don’t even know that there is a fifth executive office in Associated Students and I plan to change that. I plan to have a position called Community Organizers, whose sole job is to go to the Office of Student Life’s meetings and be the liaison between the office and the organization. I also plan to work closely with the Resident Halls Association in creating an outreaching system. By having students be more aware of the office and the resources it has to offer, I believe that Associated Students will become a more positive and resourceful resource for ALL students. What are your personal and professional qualifications for this position? I have been a Resident Assistant for two years in Anacapa and Santa Cruz Residence Halls. I currently serve on Finance Board in the Association. I helped create and served as an executive for an organization called STEP UP, and helped raise over $20,000 for EOP STEP through this organization. I have also served as a Mentor through SIRRC and have been a member of both OSLs and BCCs over my three years here. As an RA I have learned how to counsel and mediate students through any problem that they may have. I have a great understanding of Res Hall policy, because I enforce them on a daily basis and I also know a number of resources because of my training. I have been safe zone trained twice and plan for my office to be as well. As a Finance Board member I have a greater understanding of financial policies and associated students policies in which I uphold through my weekly meetings and office hours. Why do you want to be the next SAG? The reason why I want to be the next SAG is because I feel that this office is a very useful and important resource to students, but very few students know about it. The main reason I want to run for SAG is to represent ALL students. I am big on inclusion and I plan to have both my office and Associated Students be a more inclusive area. I have heard students constantly say that they don’t want to go into the Associated Students Office because they don’t feel welcomed. This is an office that all students pay for and a place where all students should be welcomed. By bringing AS together I feel that students will no longer feel afraid and I believe SAG can help make that happen. By being nonpartisan my office can work on breaking down party politics so that Associated Students can best serve ALL UCSB students. I feel that I best represent all students and will do whatever I can in my power to help any and all students in any form they want on this campus. I want to leave this university knowing that I helped as many students as I could and that I gave voices to students that were voiceless and that is why I am running for Student Advocate General this spring.

INDEPENDENT What should UCSB students know about the SAG position; i.e. what is SAG’s most important function, what does SAG do on behalf of students, etc.? The Student Advocate General is the campus helper in a sense. The current purpose of the office is to provide free and confidential counseling and advice on student infractions ranging from housing infractions, academic policies, and student misconduct charges. In addition, the office also works to ensure that student input is taken into critical consideration while drafting and implementing university policies. The most important function of the Student Advocate General position is to be the student voice among administrative decisions. In a system where students feel that they are encumbered with a myriad of stringent rules and regulations, the Student Advocate General works to ensure that the student needs are met when drafting and interpreting campus policy. The Student Advocate General leads an office staff of caseworkers who help the position in their goal of student advocacy. They listen to student needs and wants and come up with the best possible solution not only for the students but the campus as well. What are the biggest issues SAG will have to contend with next year and how do you plan to solve them? The biggest issues next year will be office definition. This year we have seen a complete break from tradition with the office becoming more involved in political advocacy. This new trend has left some confused about the true role of this non-partisan position. Political stances from the office can leave different groups and communities of the campus feeling alienated and marginalized. So I have devised a new division, charged with the role of working with different groups who need political advocacy on their behalf. This division will keep in mind the non-partisan stance of the office and work within their knowledge and resources to achieve that group’s goal. What are your personal and professional qualifications for this position? Since stepping foot on this campus I have been heavily involved in the campus culture. I joined the Residence Hall Association during the Freshman Summer Start as FSSP President and continued my efforts during the school year as Santa Rosa Hall Council President. With the guidance and teaching of Sarah Vilardo, my Associated Students mentor, I was able to become an OnCampus Senator and work on Committees on Committees as the Recruitment Chair. It was in these positions that I gained a considerable amount of experience working with fellow students and administrators alike. Being an On-Campus Senator enabled me to critically see the association, the faculty, and the campus in a whole in a new perspective. I have been in many situations where my housing or status as a student was compromised. It was through the office and my own nervous diligence that I researched campus polices and met with administrators such as members of Judicial Affairs and Associate Deans. I have made the necessary connections to ensure a successful start for the position. I always questioned Harrison Weber (past Student Advocate General) and Beau Shaw (present Student Advocate General (current Student Advocate General) about the position of Student Advocate General and the office and they were more than happy teach me what they learned in their capacity of the position. Why do you want to be the next SAG? I want to be the next Student Advocate General because I want to assist and help students just like the office did for me in my time of need. This position, this office has saved me countless times and by not giving back to the position, the office, the association, I would be doing the campus a selfish injustice. I have made the connections in and out of the association to create effective and lasting change. I have accrued the necessary and right amount of knowledge to guide in-need students who come to the office. I have researched not just with past Student Advocate Generals from other UC campus’ Student Advocate Generals as well. I have put myself on the forefront of change since freshman year and it has culminated to this. I, Kristian with a K, want to be your next Student Advocate General because this position was made for a person just like me.

Vote Online Through GOLD: Monday April 22nd (8am) - Thursday April 25th (4pm)

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