Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara Volume 7, Issue 16 | Feb. 27 - Mar. 5, 2013
Facing Race For the Love of Food and People Conference St. Brigid’s Provides Meals for Homeless Aims to Fight Violence by CHEYENNE JOHNSON Staff Writer
The 14th annual Facing Race Conference, titled “Against the Gun: Deconstructing Narratives of Violence in Communities of Color,” occurred at the University of California, Santa Barbara on Feb. 23 in order to address issues of violence in communities of color and the queer community. The conference featured the outreach coordinator and consultant for the Santa Barbara Unified School District, Ismael Huerta, and third-year sociology major and previous co-chair of the Associated Students Student Commission on Racial Equality, Megan Foronda, as well as UCSB Polynesian dance club Iaorana te Otea, Mexican folklorico dance group Raiced de Mi Jierra, and Sumanderan de Sher Bhangra, who perform traditional and modernized Punjabi folk dancing. Brandon Pineda, co-chair of Students Commission On Racial Equality (SCORE), the group that hosted the event, said that though there was no discussion of gun violence, they focused on the symbolism of the gun and the versions of violence that it is associated with. “We really wanted to really illustrate how violence can see FACING RACE | page 5
Photo Courtesty of | Sally Oh UCSB Polynesian dance club Iaorana te Otea preformed at the end of the Facing Race Event.
Joshua Redman, leader of the Isla Vista Chapter of Food Not Bombs, said he’s seen students making more irresponsible decisions toward their houseless neighbors in the last five years. by ROBYN WEATHERBY Staff Writer Steaming plates of sweet potato, hot tomato-pasta stew, freshly cut bread, and even ants-on-a-log all made the menu at Sunday night’s Food Not Bombs meal, a vegetarian feast shared with the “houseless” of Isla Vista in Little Acorn Park. As volunteers and houseless chowed down and chatted, watching the full moon rise behind Icon’s “the Loop” on Embarcadero del Norte and Trigo Road, I wondered if Isla Vista’s increasingly upscale face has left its oldest residents by the wayside. “The more fancy things like this, the more houseless and non-traditional Isla Vista people are being harassed and pushed out,” said Joshua Redman, University of California, Santa Barbara alumnus and leader of the Isla Vista Chapter of Food Not Bombs, a global initiative to serve free vegan and vegetarian food to the public to protest “war, poverty and the destruction of the environment.” Redman and a handful of volunteers spent the afternoon designing, chopping, and cooking the dinner in the Deshain Coop kitchen to a list of indie tunes. “Five years ago there was a lot more people here,” he said referring to the 10 or so people that came out to Little Acorn Park that night for a warm meal. “A lot of people have really disappeared.” Redman described Isla Vista’s upscale real estate renovation like a vicious cycle for its non-tradition residents. Businesses, he argued, “have an interest in keeping the houseless community away because they think it turns customers off.” But when the same developers put in new, high-end real estate where storage spaces used to be, the people living there had nowhere to go. He said, “Yeah, it’s wasn’t legal, but it did, in effect, keep people off the street.” In ultimately trying to turn them away, he argues, decreasing spaces for lives in transition, makes them “even more invisible.” Redman is not the only one trying to increase outreach to the houseless, marginalized community in Isla Vista. St. Brigid’s Fellowship is an outreach ministry for the homeless of IV whose services have physically dwindled due to dislocation. The fellowship used to be directed out of St. Athanasius Church, the now abandoned building across from the Loop, where there is rumored to be another similar development in the making. St. Brigid’s was given a temporary lease extension at that location, but when time ran up they lacked the funds to keep the program going and were forced to leave. Monday night meals still survive, but on the lawn of St. Mark’s Church on Camino Pescadero. “‘Don’t feed the pigeons’ is something we hear a lot,” said Jennifer Ferraez, a licensed clinical social worker and volunteer with St. Brigid’s Fellowship, of the Monday night meals whose food is, really, for whoever needs it. “The variety of people that
Photo by Beth Askins | The Bottom Line comes here is really significant,” she said of the 25-30 people who come through on average. “We get students through here periodically who are out of money for the quarter and we welcome them just like anyone else.” “Lots of marginalized people are treading the line between housed and houseless while college kids are doing whatever they want for themselves,” said Redman, of what he sees as a lack of connection between the student community and the marginalized “latino family.” “When people ask me about transients in Isla Vista I say ‘What? The students?’” quipped Fr. Jon Stephen Hedges, the assistant Pastor of St. Athanasius Church, which directs St. Brigid’s. “These people have been here for—” he pondered, glancing at the crowd around him, “Gosh, forever. These people are my neighbors. We have a vested interest not only in UCSB but also in Isla Vista,” said the UCSB alumnus. “Unfortunately we have a nostalgia about the parties but haven’t taken it to a mature level where we decide to do something about it.” “Some students are really good about it,” Redman says of student interactions with “non-traditional” residents. However he argued that “some students see this place like Disneyland, and these are like the characters in it, like they’re not people.” He said he’s seen students making more irresponsible decisions toward their houseless neighbors in the last five years. When asked how he would like to see things change in IV, Redman gestured toward a man’s cardboard sign reading “Be Thoughtful, Not Thoughtless,” and said, “it’s really that simple.” If it’s so simple, I wondered why there aren’t more groups like this in Isla Vista. “I like the mission statement of Food Not Bombs, it’s just so simple—equal rights to food for everyone,” said Angela, a biological anthropology graduate student at UCSB, as she helped chop up the organic goods, all of which were donated by venders at the Sunday Organic Farmer’s Market in Goleta. Alongside Angela were about six others, which Redman said was the average size group who cooks, cleans, serves, and then cleans again. His reason for volunteering: “I like food. I like these people.” St. Brigid’s Meals aren’t much more complicated either; there is a rotating set of church and public health volunteers serving the five basic food groups on plasticware. “Spending a few hours a week doing things to help out the less privileged isn’t that hard,” said Redman. “Everyone should see themselves as part of the solution,” Fr. Jon said. Having witnessed both the wreckage of Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, he said, “we all have a vested interest in this. In a blink, any one of us could be on the streets and it all looks the same.” If you’re interested in being part of the solution by volunteering with either of the aforementioned programs, contact Volunteer Coordinator Richard Barre for Monday Night Meals at rbarre@gmail.com or get in touch with Joshua Redman for Food Not Bombs.
AS Senate Passes Resolution Supporting the Violence Intervention and Prevention Program by LILY CAIN AS Beat Reporter Associated Students Senate passed a resolution entitled “A Resolution in Support of the Implementation of the Violence Intervention and Prevention [VIP] Program” on Wednesday, Feb. 20. The program, which is copied from the one started at University of California, Irvine, would create a class for students to become peer advisors for sexual assault and violence in their campus organizations. Off-Campus Senator Kyley Scarlet, who authored the resolution, believes this in an important program to implement in the university, especially within the Greek system. “Sexual assault is the third highest crime that IV Foot Patrol has to deal with on our campus and, therefore, it is really important for us to stand in support of survivors,” said Scarlet. The resolution states that “UCSB is a leading research institution in the United States, and therefore should be at the forefront in addressing and discussing issues of sexual violence,” and that this program will “give UCSB students the opportunity to develop a consciousness regarding sexual violence issues that carries a sense of action that can permeate throughout society.”
Spoken Word Event at Crushcakes Cafe see page 2
In addition, the resolution includes many statistics regarding domestic and sexual abuse and assault in college and other communities. The authors, Scarlet and University Owned Housing Senator Miya Sommers, believe focusing on the Greek system is the best way to begin implementing this program. “We’re starting with the Greek population because UCSB has a very large Greek population, they make up a significant part of this school,” said Sommers. “By empowering these students and giving them the tools, they can become change-makers within the community. They can do things, we just have to sewt up the method and support and that’s where the VIP program will have someone who is safe-zone trained, who also…can be both an advocate and also a safe space for people to come and talk to and if they are survivors.” However, the class is open to students not involved in the Greek system too, so other groups can also benefit from the program. “Technically we can’t limit it to the Greek system, so it’s going to be mainly advertised to the Greek system since we have a lot of positions within those houses that deal this kind of stuff,” said Scarlet. “We also have Greek resource liaison programs that we’re going to outreach to and then from there we want it to go into different
Davidson Library Construction
The Perks of Graduating Early
see page 3
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groups so technically it’s going to be a class open to everyone.” Two student sponsors, Danielle Bermudez and Annie Alexandrian, sent an email voicing their support. “As someone who has loved ones who has experienced sexual assault and as someone who cares deeply about the protection of people’s dignity, this program will allow students to have a peer in their organizations who they can talk to because they know they are aware of the resources that support survivors of sexual assault,” the email states. “A care-based program that addresses sexual assault is truly needed on our campus and it has already been proven at UCI that a majority of students who seek support from peers…are referred to the VIP Chair.” Many groups on campus are in support of this program, including the AS Commissioner of Public Health and Safety in the UCSB Office of the President, AS Take Back the Night, and Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE). “UCSB supports the implementation of the Violence Intervention and Prevention Program in order to positively change our campus culture and climate for the better,” the resolution concludes. “Through this, we promise to continue to support survivors of violence and to help end all forms of violence altogether through education, outreach, prevention efforts, and activism as a part of the VIP program.”
UC SHIP Costs to Increase see page 5
San Raf Death Brings Up Mental Health Concerns see page 6
The Bottom Line | Feb. 27 - Mar. 5
page 2 | News
Spoken Word Event At Crushcakes Café Showcases Expressive Artists
Spoken word allows artists to merge two distinct mediums in creating an expressive art form. by JOSH GOODMACHER An open mic was hosted by the University of California, Santa Barbara’s MultiCultural Center, Thursday Feb. 21 at the local cafe Crushcakes. Against a backdrop mural of cupcake paintings and the words “sugar and vanilla sweet” a collage of different ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, students and Isla Vista locals, came out to express themselves. Some slammed more classical style spoken word, others incorporated less traditional methods like singing, one individual free-styled and another didn’t say a single word, instead he chose to express himself through dance. All in all it was a very eclectic event. Zaveeni Khan-Marcus, director of the MCC, believed the night to be an overall succcess. “The MCC was established as a safe space for marginalized communities. Spoken word is a powerful medium to give voice to those in the margins, the invisible, a means for people to share their stories,” said Khan-Marcus when asked what the impetus was for the MCC to host open mic, spoken word style events.“ The MCC wants to create a space for validation, giving a voice to the people.” Abraham Lizama, a Santa Barbara City College student and free style performer also felt strongly about the importance of this particular kind of expression. “It was magnificent and significant, I’m really sure a lot of people got something out of it, it was such a fluid combination of raw emotion and creativity,” said Lizama. “I’m really attracted to
TBL 2012-2013 Staff Executive Managing Editor | Annalise Domenighini Executive Content Editor | Kelsey Gripenstraw Copy Editor | Parisa Mirzadegan News Editor | Isabel Atkinson Features Editor | Alec Killoran Opinions Editor | Camila Martinez-Granata Arts & Entertainment Editor | Elysia Cook Health & Lifestyles Editor | Karolina Zydziak Web Editor | Ashley Golden Photography Editor | Ayeyi Aboagye Senior Layout Editor | Madeleine Kirsch Layout Editor | Magali Gauthier Layout Editor |Rachel Joyce Layout Editor | Haley Paul Multimedia Editor | Tori Yonker AS Beat Reporter | Lily Cain National Beat Reporter | Julian Moore Isla Vista Beat Reporter | Thomas Alexander Distribution Director | Brenda Ramirez Advertising Director | Brandon Pineira Promotions Director | Audrey Ronningen Staff Adviser | Monica Lopez Writers: this issue:
Cheyenne Johnson, Julian Moore, Lily Cain, Josh Goodmacher, Matt Mersel, Nikkie Sedaghat, Robyn Weatherby, Matt Mersel, Anders Nordmeyer, Anjali Shastry, Ben Fan, Audrey Ronningen, Deanna Kim, Elysia Cook, Jordan Wolff, Beatriz Gonzalez, Ashley Golden, Vivau Modi
Photographers: this issue
Sally Oh, Beth Askens, Abel Fernandez, Vivian Escalante, Pat Pumhirm, Deanna Kim, Luis Bondoc, John Clow, Ayeyi Aboagye The Bottom Line is sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of California, Santa Barbara. All opinions expressed in TBL do not necessarily represent those of the staff, of A.S. or of UCSB. Published with support from Campus Progress/Center for American Progress (CampusProgress.org). All submissions, questions or comments may be directed to bottomlineucsb@gmail.com.
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Photo by Abel Fernandez | The Bottom Line
listening to other people express themselves in ways that are taboo or unordinary. It takes a lot to stand in front of the crowd and people have got a lot to say.” Another performer, Vanessa Renee, a UCSB second year feminist studies major, stated, “the MCC is great, what they stand for, and hosting an open mic talking about those things”. Her piece was a reaction to Jay-Z’s announcement that after the birth of his daughter he will now longer use the word ‘bitch’ in his lyrics. Another poet focused on the portrayal and marginalization of Asian masculinity and identity in American culture. Many individuals, in a similar vein, discussed issues they saw in the society around them, and how these social ills had effected their lives. Other poets focused on more personal issues of alienation, and internal strife. Many of the performers and audience members expressed being powerfully affected by a particular poem about a young women dealing with her father’s alcoholism. “It was powerful seeing all the poets open themselves up, you know, show themselves in their true flesh. I really appreciated that,” said audience member and UCSB alum Leo Ayala. He felt very strongly that spoken word was a beneficial method of expression and a way of connecting people and communities. “It’s an art, it’s ability to open up the mind, using some rhythm, to share insight on your personal narrative,” said Ayala. “It’s a way for other person to gain the experience of another.” That’s really what the MCC open mic at Crushcakes was all about, people sharing themselves, their passions, their faults.
Voting Rights at Stake in Supreme Court Case by JULIAN MOORE National Beat Reporter In a matter of days, the United States Supreme Court will consider striking down part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a move that could potentially change the limits of federal voting rights. The law is an enduring piece of legislation that came in response to demands of the civil rights movement and was aimed at curbing the discriminatory effects of literacy tests on black voters in the 1960s. According to the Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement, in states such as Alabama and Louisiana, otherwise qualified voters were required to pass literacy tests in order to be allowed to vote. The tests effectively denied suffrage to many black voters in as many as 10 states across the South, and were coupled with other dubious practices such as keeping deceased white voters on the rosters of eligible voters. Some of these deceased even managed to cast votes postmortem—a practice known as “tombstone voting.” The case before the court, Shelby County v. Eric Holder, concerns whether or not Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which houses the law’s most important enforcement provision, is still necessary today. Section 5 established the right of the federal government to oversee voting laws in “covered” states where restrictions on minority voters had been discovered in the 1964 election cycle. States such as Texas and South Carolina are not allowed to make any changes to their voting laws without first receiving approval, or “pre-clearance,” from the Justice Department or other courts in Washington, D.C. Shelby is an unusual case for the court in that Shelby County officials are not claiming that the law, or any of its sections are actually unconstitutional. Rather, the plaintiffs from the small Alabama county are disputing whether Congress’ right to put states with a checkered history in minority voting under their surveillance need be exercised today, almost 50 years after the law’s initial passing. Indeed, times have changed since the legislation was first brought into force. When the act was written, regions became subject to the Justice Department’s pre-clearance rules if they were found to have employed any “test or device” on eligible voters during the 1964
election cycle. Regions in question also had to have fewer than half of all eligible voters participate in that election. The intent was to match states, counties, or townships where minority voters were forced to pass the aforementioned literacy tests with poor voter turnout to prove that the tests had unfairly discouraged voter participation. But the law also provided an escape hatch for covered regions. If a region could prove that it had abandoned all discriminatory practices for a period of 10 years, it could request to “bail out” of special federal standards on voting laws. Since 1984 when the latest bail out rules were approved, two cities in North Carolina and Georgia have successfully sued their way out of meeting federal requirements. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, many of the traditional obstructions to voting have subsided and today, there are no such literacy tests for voters in any region of the United States that existed when the act was enacted. Still, the law has been renewed each of the four times it has been set to expire, with the latest extension coming in 2006. Today, some supporters of the law, including Columbia law professor Rodolfo O. de la Garza, say that if undue pressure on black voters has subsided it is because Latinos and other ethnic groups have become the focus of new discriminatory practices not cited by the Voting Rights Act. In May of 2012, the Department of Justice sent a letter ordering election officials in Florida to stop its practice of combing through voter rosters and taking out suspected ineligible voters. By that time, Florida had taken out 2,700 names from voting rosters on the suspicion that the individuals were, in fact, not citizens. The Miami Herald reported that 58 percent of the names were of Hispanic origin, arousing suspicion that the operation, which had been approved and commanded by Republican governor Rick Scott, was intended to unfairly target Hispanics. According to de la Garza, in Arizona, a state that is still under the regulations of the Voting Rights Act, election materials provided by the state in Spanish falsely listed election day as Nov. 8 instead of the correct date of Nov. 6.
Our web magazine offers hard-hitting journalism, analysis, and multimedia on issues of the greatest concern to young people; gives young writers, reporters, artists, and others the chance to publish nationally; and builds a community of progressives interested in issues, ideas, and activism.
The Bottom Line | Feb. 27 - Mar. 5
page 3 | News
Unicycling Student Wheels and Deals Against Bicycle Citation
Jackson Hranek rides his unicycle to and from classes.
“Unicycling is not a crime,” said first-year psychology major Jackson Hranek after he was given a bicycling citation on Feb. 4 in front of the Arbor. Before he received that ticket, he was given a warning in front of the University Center by the same police officer. The officer stopped him and told him to get off the unicycle and told him that he was not allowed to ride in the pedestrian lane again. Hranek did not seriously consider the suggestion, and simply turned the corner and by NIKKIE SEDAGHAT rode on his unicycle again. When he was unicycling near the Arbor one week later, the cop first gave him a warning to get off, but when the officer realized he gave Hranek a warning the prior week, he decided it to give him a citation. “I understand that they want the campus to be safe, they weren’t being mean about it at all,” said Hranek. While they were giving Hranek the citation, they kept referring to the unicycle as a “bicycle,” even though it clearly is not. The officer also gave him the rules and regulations pamphlet that they give to everyone else who gets a vehicle violation. They told him from now on, Hranek should ride his unicycle in the bicycle lane, and never in the skateboard lane, because a unicycle is not considered a skateboard. But when Hranek insisted that his unicycle would be too slow for the bike lane and that it would cause traffic, the officer said there was no other choice. The officer even said that there was a possibility that Hranek would get another citation for riding too slow. After this additional conflict, the officer simply suggested it would be best if he took his unicycle home and never brought it out again. Hranek decided the best thing to do would be to search what is really considered a “bicycle” and make sure his ticket was rightfully justified. After hours of research, he realized that the ticket was given in violation of two codes: Vehicle Code 467 and 231, one of which explains that a unicycle is not considered a bicycle because it doesn’t have gears. Hranek decided to email Chancellor Henry Yang to explain what happened and see if the Chancellor could resolve the issue. Hranek explained that he feels like unicycles are not welcome on campus, and that there is nowhere that he can ride. He also emailed police department with the same issues. He managed to get a follow up meeting with Vice Chancellor Gene Lucas. Lucas researched the issue and organized a meeting with the rules and regulations board and Dustin Olson from the Police Department. Hranek told them that he didn’t want much, only the right to be able to ride his unicycle. He requested that they possibly make a stipulation to the rules on unicycles. They not only delegated Hranek as the expert on unicycles, but also said that he did not need to show up to court for his ticket. The ticket was voided and cleared, and now, a unicycle is considered a “skateboard” which can be ridden in the skateboard lane because it can do everything a skateboard could. “If I didn’t do this, no one else would,” said Hranek, as he was worried that other unicycles would stop riding too. “If there is a concern we want to know, and do whatever we can to change it,” said Lucas, who was in support of the whole ordeal. Hranek started unicycling two and a half years ago. Before unicycling, Hranek began doing magic tricks and juggling. And now, he has started his own business back home acting as a clown, doing magic Photo by Vivian Escalante | The Bottom Line tricks, juggling, and, of course, unicycling.
US Marines and San Diego Surfers Duke It Out Over Strip of Coastline by MATT MERSEL Staff Writer About an hour north of San Diego, near the border of Orange County, there is a small stretch of beach known as Trestles. For more than 40 years, the 2.25-mile strand of coast has attracted surfers from around the country and is a meaningful part of early surfing culture in the United States. However, to the Marines at the nearby Camp Pendleton, it looks like the perfect area for simulating beach assaults and transporting equipment up and down the coast. The problem is that only one group can claim Trestles as its own. From World War II until 1971, the spot was under U.S. military control. At the urging of President Nixon (who owned a house in nearby San Clemente), the land was released by the Marines and used to form San Onofre State Beach. However, since 1933, before Trestles was open to the public, surfers would frequently trespass on the beach for a chance to ride the sublime waves that can be found there, according to an article in the Los Angeles Times. Half an hour away from San Onofre State Beach is Camp Pendleton, which is one of the most important military bases in the nation. Spanning almost 315 miles, it serves as a training ground for several different amphibious battalions and the
headquarters for the 1st Marine Division. Established in 1942, it has served a major role in military operations for more than 70 years, according to the official United States Marine Corps website. Despite the presence of the military base, the surfers of San Diego County believe that they have the rights to Trestles. As reported by Tony Perry of The Los Angeles Times, the Surfrider Foundation based in San Clemente has begun a movement to get Trestles listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its significance to the rise of surf culture. According to a statement released by the foundation in support of the listing, the surfers believe that designating the spot as a historic location “does not and will not impose any additional requirements for consultation for military training and operational use.” Also in support of this cause are Mike Love and Bruce Johnston of The Beach Boys. Michael Gardner of U-T San Diego reports that letters written by the two musicians were part of a case made by the surfing community that led to a unanimous decision by the State Historic Preservation Commission to make Trestles eligible for its requested designation. “The California surfing lifestyle, attitude and culture that started a national trend and reached a worldwide audience is deeply rooted at Trestles and San Onofre,” said Love. The Marine Corps, however, are making a stand against the Surfrider Foundation and its supporters. According to Lea
Sutton and Sarah Grieco of NBC San Diego, the Marines released a statement maintaining that “One of Camp Pendleton’s primary mission is to provide...the training opportunities necessary to ensure combat readiness. The requested designation...poses unacceptable risks to this essential military training.” The Los Angeles Times reports a statement made by state senators Mimi Walters and Mark Wyland, asserting that the designation would “put state bureaucrats and surfers in control of Marine Corps training near Trestles.” At the moment, there is not much more that either side can do other than wait for an official verdict from the National Register of Historic Places. Public support is mixed in this situation, but second-year biology major and San Diego native Sean Thompson helps put the debate into perspective. “I think there is a definite balance that needs to be kept between the two ‘sub-cultures’ within San Diego,” says Thompson. “San Diego is really well known for its nice weather and great surf, but at the same time it is a center for our national defense.” At the end of the day, though, his support rests with the surfers. “I’d rather have Trestles kept open for surfers. Personally, living nearby Camp Pendleton, I know that the Marines have plenty of land already.” Photo by Morey Spellman | The Bottom Line
Davidson Library Soon to Get Massive Upgrade Students Concerned With Construction Noise
by JORDAN WOLFF Staff Writer The University of California, Santa Barbara’s own Davidson Library is on the verge of embarking on a major two and half year renovation project. The project will cost an estimated 71 million dollars and is set to begin the first stage of construction this coming June with a time table lasting until September of 2015. The notable new features will include a grand three story paseo entrance, the renovation of the eight story tower to meet modern seismic code, a new three story building, an addition of approximately 60,000 gross square feet, the renovation of roughly 92,000 square feet, and 20 percent more study space, as well as many other distinguished amenities. The Davidson Library began as a two story building in 1952 when only around 1,800 students attended UCSB. Since that time the Davidson Library has seen various renovations and additions including the eight story tower in 1967 and the last addition in 1978 in the form of the four story building at the south end of the library. “Nothing has happened to this library in terms of construction since 1978. That’s 35 years ago. I think you can say that some kind of work in the library is long overdue,” said Mark Hartell, Project Coordinator of the Library Renovation. According to the projects website, “The UCSB Library has not undergone any renovations in thirty-five years. During that time, UCSB enrollment has risen dramatically and revolutionary advances in information technology have transformed libraries and societies. The redesigned UCSB Library will provide critical physical spaces, professional expertise, and information resources to meet the broader goals of the University and of a new generation of scholars.” Students won’t have to worry about an increase in tuition since the funding for the project will be completely funded by a state bond sale in the spring of 2013 as well as fundraising from private individuals, foundations and friends of the Library. The renovation will include a massive series of changes. There will be a new sprinkler system, fire alarm system, and bathrooms. A spacious and more enticing library plaza and a
“I’ve been here a little over a year but I’ve realized that great three story paseo for an entrance from the west side across from the Arbor. The two story building north of the tower will this library is possibly more important to students than other be completely gutted and refurbished with modern technology campus libraries because of the unique features of this campus and will serve as the new Arts Library. An additional three story and the fact that IV can be such a difficult place to work and building will be built on the far north end and will be the new study, so we realize that people come here because it’s a quiet home to UCSB’s special collections. The new changes will also and safe place to study as well as to use the collections and include new technology, more study rooms, and many more that’s why we found a way of keeping the library open 24/7 throughout the project,” said Hartell. new features. “I think the construction is a kind of a bummer but Potential concern will be the amount of noise caused by the various forms of construction as well as the potential in the end I think it will be worth it,” said first-year double problem of the interaction of construction trucks and hurried major in philosophy and language, culture, and society Sierra Markee-Winkler. I mean it has to get built somehow and student bicyclists. “One thing that I am concerned about is that the library there is never enough outlets in the library. It’s pretty exciting is right in the middle of campus and this construction is going to get an upgraded library. We are pretty lucky that they are doing that.” to be loud. What if people have classes and they are disturbed For more information about the Davidson Library renbecause it’s loud outside? What if students are studying late at night at the Davison Library, like pulling an all nighter, but ovation check out the library’s website, http://www.library. they can’t study because it’s loud from all the noise?” said France ucsb.edu/building Gonzaga, third-year communication major. This concern has been heard loud and clear by those in charge of the renovation. The busiest construction hours will be conducted at night, during breaks, and especially during the summer. Hartell says there will still be noise at various times throughout the day but continuing to provide a space for students to study is still the top priority. The Davidson Library will still remain open 24/7 with an overnight study room; however the two story building will be closed Photo by Pat Pumhiran | The Bottom Line Mark Hartell explains the changes to come. off to the public.
page 4 | Opinions
The Curious Case of the 2013 Academy Awards by MATT MERSEL Staff Writer
As I sat down to watch the Oscars on Sun- “Family Guy” with the same eye that they would day with this article in mind, I figured that a an episode of “South Park,” they might underhuge controversy or giant upset would provide stand why he employs an incredibly provocative me with something to write about. After a rather style of humor. For example, there was controtame three and a half hours, it was clear that this versy generated over a joke in which MacFarlane wouldn’t be the case. Everything seemed to go described “Django Unchained” as “the story of a off without a hitch; there were no undeserving man fighting to get back his woman, who’s been winners, all of the performances were fantastic subjected to unthinkable violence. Or as Chris and it seemed like the audience was mostly hav- Brown and Rihanna call it, a date movie.” Now, ing a good time. However, as I read the buzz my friends and I found that to be just about one after the show, I found mostly harsh reviews of of the funniest jokes we had heard in a long time. the ceremony, with criticism directed toward the Same with a joke about 9-year-old Best Actress show’s length and the provocative jokes of host nominee Quvenzhané Wallis, when MacFarlane Seth MacFarlane. Having thoroughly enjoyed quipped that “it’ll be 16 years until she’s too old the program, this came as quite a for [George] Clooney.” Online, though, jourshock. Critics usually pan the nalists railed on MacFarlane for telling these Oscars, but this particular jokes, calling him misogynistic and insentelecast felt undeservsitive and accusing him of belittling the ing of the hate. I’m here ceremony. to defend what felt like Hello? Do you not see the satire one of the better awards behind this? Comedy isn’t meant to shows in recent memory. always be safe. Pushing the envelope Since it wouldn’t is part of the art form. Would George be a full analysis of the Carlin still be one of the most imporOscars without talking tant comics of all time without his about the winners, “Seven Dirty Words” routine? If let’s take a quick the creators of “South Park” look at the relacan make a statement about tively unsurpop culture by coming to prising cast of the Oscars in drag on LSD victors. The (it happened in 2000), night opened Seth MacFarlane is enwith Christitled to a few provocatoph Waltz tive jokes. t a k i n g Also, interspersed home Best between his antics was Supporta true demonstration of ing Actor his admiration for the for “Django cinema and entertainUn c ha in e d” ment media in general. over Tommy Lee His opening monologue, Jones in “Lincoln” while a little long in the in one of the only tooth, featured some fantastic slight astonishments of references to the old-school the night, albeit a very Billy Crystal Academy Awards welcome one. Best Supopenings, the “Star Trek” origporting Actress and Best inal series, and even the TV Actor/Actress were givshow “The Flying Nun,” all of en out as expected, with which existed before the 39Anne Hathaway (“Les year-old MacFarlane’s time. He Misérables”), Daniel seemed to feel right at home Day-Lewis (“Lincoln”), during an evening dedicated and my personal favorite to music in cinema, showing Jennifer Lawrence (“Siloff his own singing prowess ver Linings Playbook”) while sharing the stage with taking home these awards, show-stopping performances respectively. Ang Lee took by the Catherine Zeta-Jones, home the Best Director Adele, Jennifer Hudson, and award for “Life of Pi,” and immortal divas Shirley Basset Ben Affleck took home the and Barbara Streisand. Other big prize of Best Picture moments of clear respect for the for “Argo.” Other notable craft came when he maintained victories include “Django” that the next presenter “needed taking home Best Screenno introduction” and left the play, Adele winning Best stage without another word Original Song for the pheonly to be replaced by Meryl nomenal “Skyfall,” and Streep, and an almost wordthe wonderful “Paperfor-word reenactment man” winning Best of a “The Sound Animated Short of Music” scene Film in a surpristhat led to an ingly competiappearance by tive year for Christopher the category. Plummer. Now, As I on to the said, it is ceremony difficult for itself. As alme to unready statderstand ed, Seth why these MacFarOscars are lane’s turn the subject of at hosting so much critidid not excism. Seth actly please MacFarlane’s many critics. only crime Amy Davidis trying son of the to do his New Yorker job, and called it a if the “hostile, indusugly, sexist try is so night.” Mioutraged chael Russby his annow of the tics, then Huffing ton it’s their fault Post labeled for hiring him. And Illustration by Deanna Kim | The Bottom Line MacFarlane’s even if the ceremony was jokes as “cheap,” “shocking,” and long, at the end of the day, it’s “puerile.” USA Today’s Robert Bianco, while s t i l l a ceremony. If it were only about the giving MacFarlane some amount of credit for awards, there would be no pageantry to begin taking on the difficult job, still deemed the night with. The Academy Awards are about honoring a “self-indulgent mix.” That’s some pretty harsh Hollywood, and it’s becoming quite infuriating and rather personal language to be using. to see the program chastised year after year after After reading these reviews, one thing be- year. The Oscars this year paid tribute to some of came incredibly clear: no one really seems to the greatest men and women to ever be involved understand Seth MacFarlane. These critics seem with the screen, and if a few mean jokes were to be absolutely shocked by his irreverence, but enough to ruin the night, then it may be time to if they were to watch an episode of MacFarlane’s rethink the whole process.
The Bottom Line | Feb. 27 - Mar. 5
The Truth Hurts But You Love It: What UCSB Confessions and Hookups Facebook Pages Say About UCSB Students by ANDERS NORDMEYER The “UCSB Confessions” page has been stirring up a lot of controversy lately. Many people condemn the party lifestyle the page promotes, and characterize it as so superficial that its only defense to being called out is “calm down beezy.” Neither argument is really relevant because the problem is us. Not some out-sourced scapegoat that only gives us the motivation to continue our ways without fear of consequence. After all, it’s UCSB Confessions’ fault, right? I know when most people hear Jay-Z, the last thing they are going to think about is his expansive wisdom. The Jay-Z that I listen to when I sit at home by myself, writing or gathering thoughts, is a much more enlightened person. How so? How can a man who raps about treating women like sex slaves and glorifies gang violence then write lyrics so wise in their relevance to this article? Before answering this, let me instead start by introducing the issue at hand. There have been several anonymous pages popping up in the Facebook world regarding the culture and dirty little secrets the students of the University of California, Santa Barbara have to tell. I began researching with the assumption that I would come out having a clear opinion on the new UCSB HookUps, UCSB Compliments, and UCSB Confessions pages. After I spent hours creeping the pages, aimlessly extracting quotes, and deliberately inserting controversy, the song “Lost One” by Jay-Z came on. I just pulled another chug from my beer and continued to troll the cyber play field. But it didn’t take more than a few minutes for the wise words of Jay-Z to develop into my next story. I was stuck on the thought that maybe the confession pages are not the worst thing to have surfaced at UCSB. However, the
content and reactions to many posts and the post themselves are not the proudest moments we have as Gauchos. That’s the point of the page, right? To glorify the UCSB culture. But it’s not our culture as UCSB students. The values exemplified in posts and responses by Greek stars, rapists, and degenerates are not the same as the student body that really makes up UCSB as a reputable school. What Jay told me is that: “The worst drug known to man. It’s stronger than heroin. When you could look in the mirror like, ‘There I am’ And still not see what you’ve become.” This is exactly what the page brings to light with its in-your-face, real, and gritty account of the UCSB life style. As a partial member of the more quiet, studious student body that will graduate with some sort of personal integrity, I see all the pain of bullying victims and lost souls wandering the anonymous pages. I, too, am guilty. This site is a powerful tool for communication, and it shapes how we treat each other—both on and off the Internet. It gives us power as a community, but we still have to wield that power responsibly. Since we might be a brilliant, drug-crazed youth, let’s compare this site to a drug—a reflection of fame per se. Now after unleashing an unlimited supply of fame to the student body the only thing left to do is to do what we Gauchos do best. Drug abuse. I don’t want to sound like every high school graduate, but this site really does remind me of high school. Are we so low as a society where we value our vices and taunt good? Imagine a place that literally disregards anything beautiful, a place we continue to progress toward with every mindless post about cheating with the roommate’s boyfriend or admiring who gets laid the most. At the end of all my logic and my theory, I want to leave you with this: do you know who you are and is that who you want to be remembered as?
Gimme That Diploma,
The Perks of Graduating Early by ANJALI SHASTRY Staff Writer With the increasing cost of education, and the devaluation of the average bachelor’s degree, it is no surprise that students often want to minimize the overall monetary investment they make in their undergraduate education. There are scholarships and grants to help out with the obscene cost, but another method of decreasing debt is to graduate early. I personally will be graduating in three years with an English degree and a minor in Cultural Anthropology, and will be off to see the world (or y’know, become a waitress). Graduating early was something that I grappled with, because as much as I want to assist my parents in paying for my education and then wander off into the wild, I also wondered how this would impact my “college experience” here at the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a second-year junior on track for graduation at the end of 2014, how much am I really losing by shaving off that last year of my time in beautiful Santa Barbara? There is definitely that insecurity about the economy and stress to find jobs upon graduation, so there’s a valid reason to put off the real world as long as possible and stay in school. These are the last few years I’ll have before the real world slaps me in the face and I can never go back to “the good old days” of youthful dreaming and (relative) innocence. I feel like everyone here in Isla Vista is naive, and knows and revels in it. I will look back upon these great years of spending my days in classes and clubs on campus, studying on the beach, hanging out with a million different types of people all the time, having a job, going downtown and seeing all the events that take place on campus (remember when Oprah came? Yeah, me neither). The highlight of my college experience so far was seeing Sarah Kay, my favorite slam poet, perform in and then moderate a poetry slam last year. I then got to meet her and she signed
my book. It’s been a year and I won’t stop telling people about it, because it was such an amazing experience. It’s one that I probably wouldn’t have had had I not been in an environment that hosts events like that often. College offers us so many opportunities to join different clubs and network with people like us, to explore different realms of knowledge, and to spend our days learning about everything. My dream is to basically be James Franco (but everyone knows I am far more attractive) and jump from college to college in the pursuit of knowledge. College is that safety net so that you can take risks, but at the same time it’s a lot more like the real world than high school ever was. It is a controlled risk, and for that reason, I am both wildly uncomfortable and overly at ease with everything I do here. Graduating early is to leave this little bubble of paradise behind that much earlier. Yeah, I’ll be younger when I finally graduate from grad school, but is it really worth it? I go back and forth about it constantly. On one hand, I’m pretty scared of the real world, and when I think about it, all I want to do is curl up into a little ball under every blanket I own and never leave my room again. On the other hand, I can’t wait to be living on my own and hopefully, every day of my life will be straight out of an episode of “Friends” (one can dream). Being one year closer to making that dream a reality is exhilarating and nerve-wracking at the same time. So I’m going to take full advantage of my remaining year and one quarter here. I want my stay in paradise to be the best memories I will ever make, learning how to skateboard in semi-vacant parking lots, creating a blanket forts in the study lounge of my residence hall, and reading every book ever written because I can and I want to. Graduating early provides for a completely different, faster paced, college experience. Though it may not be the quintessential one, it’s not necessarily going to be detrimental to my happiness and memories of life in Isla Vista.
The Bottom Line | Feb. 27 - Mar. 5
Rough Seas Ahead for Students on the UC SHIP Average Premium Cost Per Year (All UC Campuses)
by ROBYN WEATHERBY Staff Writer Students who participate in the University of California Student Health Insurance Plan will most likely face higher costs as the program adjusts to confront a $57.41 million deficit acquired since its initiation in 2010. Options to stop the deficit’s climb include either raising the cost of the premiums, reducing benefits, or a combination of both. The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) estimates that premiums for UC SHIP at University of California, Santa Barbara could increase up to 26 percent. “The students were promised as part of the tax initiative that governor Brown passed that tuition and fees wouldn’t go up, so this caught everyone by surprise,” said Mary Ferris, Director of Student Health Services. Feeding this type of shortage will mean digging into students’ pockets as UC SHIP does not have the Return to Aid component like that of tuition and fees. “It will mean financial aid recipients may have to take out more loans to make up the difference,” Debbie Fleming, the senior Associate Dean for Student Life, said in an email.How $57 million goes astray can be traced to a number of factors. Among them is that the premium may have been priced too low by actuarial group Aon Hewitt in 2010 to meet real costs. “The truth is that in the insurance world that it isn’t unusual that medical costs go up every year, you have to adjust the premiums to the benefits,” said Ferris. Neither Aon Hewitt nor UCOP performed a regulatory check of the monthly imbalances, allowing for the deficit try rise to unsustainable levels. “We were happy when we started the plan to think that students could great such great benefits, now we find out that they probably didn’t price the premiums right,” said Ferris. A young insurance program, UC SHIP has only been serving all 10 campuses for less than three years. UCSB, like other UC’s, has its own unique set of benefits and costs, which Ferris said, might be part of the reason why premiums were priced inadequately. “It’s a big mish-mosh where some students don’t have to pay as much as students at other UC campuses,” she said, adding that health care costs for city in which the UC is plays a big role. “Going to the hospital in San Francisco is going to be much more expensive than Riverside.” If you’re tempted to jump ship, or pick another insurance program, the option may have sailed. Due to a loophole in Obamacare’s Affordable Health Care Act set to take full effect in 2015, UC SHIP is among one of around 30 universities whose health care is “self-funded,” will be exempted from its reforms. At that point, students will have the option of either joining the parents’ health care insurer or using UC SHIP, but will not be eligible for a low-income healthcare subsidy. Ferris said that UC lawyers and officials have joined with other big “self-funded” universities to lobby “for ruling that would qualify programs like UC SHIP to satisfy the mandate that all people have to have health insurance. We are lobbying saying it’s unfair. Students should qualify for low-income subsidies.” Even though the seas look rough ahead for the UC SHIP, Ferris encourages students to stay onboard. “My biggest concern is that prices will be too expensive for students to choose UC SHIP and we will lose membership,” Ferris said. Among her concerns for the future are that students will “feel forced to choose other health plans that aren’t as comprehensive and that they can’t use student health services as easily as they are now.” While the chancellors will make the final decision, Student Health Services is asking students to weigh in on what they are willing to pay and what they are willing to sacrifice. “It’s impossible that everyone will agree but we’d like to get a sense for what students are willing to bear,” said Ferris. In keeping students in the conversation over the inevitable restructuring, she said she’d like to find a happy medium between fee increases and benefit decreases. Until now she said that they have tried to design UC SHIP to fit the real needs of a student, such as keeping co-pays lower for good mental health professionals in the area and reducing emergency room fees so less money comes out of pocket.Ferris invites you to attend the Student Health Advisory Meeting March 12 to share your opinion on possible solutions to the deficit. If you want more information, check out the UCSB Student Health Insurance homepage and/or email its creator Rochard Artoul at richard.artoul@sa.ucsb.edu.
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really take the lives of people within communities of color,” said Pineda. “It doesn’t have to be directly from gun violence, though, because violence exists in many different facets and we really wanted to deconstruct that. What is violence? Why is violence only shown within gun violence in the media? Why is that the case? We really wanted to dig deep within why violence exists in communities of color and how it affects them.” The conference included over 60 UCSB students who spoke on their personal experiences, and the discussions covered topics ranging from stereotyping terrorism and the stigmatism of the black community to issues of sex positivity and the structure of the UC system.SCORE co-chair Navkiran Kaur said the Facing Race Conference aimed to empower those in attendance. “Our original mission statement,” said Kaur, “was to empower students of color through dialogue, through different workshops where they can educate themselves and educate their allies as well. These workshops are all put on by students for students and I think that’s what makes it unique. It’s a student’s perspective, especially students of color. It’s their own experiences turned into workshops to educate their own peers.” Kaur said that as a South Asian, she doesn’t feel like she has a place specifically for her culture, and she hopes conferences like Facing Race offer other underrepresented groups the opportunity to find others who share in their experiences. “You may see programs for other cultures happen around campus,” said Kaur, “but for South Asians, it literally feels like there’s nothing to me and it just feels like ‘where are my people’? Like where’s my community? Where can I sit down and have a discussion about things that happen in South Asian communities?” The discussion expanded beyond UCSB issues to include
world events. Hari Kota, co-president of the South Asian Student Association, attended the discussion entitled “Who’s the Real Terrorist” and said it addressed many issues that are overlooked in the media. “We had a very serious discussion about terrorism and the idea of what terrorism is and how it’s a very racially charged term, even though people of all races have committed terrorist acts. We talked about the real victims of terrorism and who the real terrorists are, the real victims being the collateral damage of drone strikes aka the innocent people who are being killed by western drone strikes.” The program ended with dance performances and a speech by third-year sociology major and previous co-chair of SCORE, Megan Foronda, who spoke about her brother and the effect that a lack of love and acceptance had on their lives. “What if instead of being told he was stupid at a young age,” said Foronda, “he was taught differently? What if he wasn’t given video games at a young age, but rather given books? What if instead of being disciplined through violence, he was nurtured through love? What would his life look like? What would his dreams look like?” Associated Students President Sophia Armen said there was a lack of representation within the university as well as AS and urged her fellow students and AS members to promote diversity. “That means,” said Armen, “that we are critical and we address the lack of representation, the lack of voices from diverse backgrounds and that doesn’t just mean ethnic diversity. It means a whole array of different identities and how those intersect...I think historically, unless we put measures in place, unless we constantly challenge the institutional portions of the university, we will not have the representation of all voices.”
Take A Moonwalk with Einstein
UCSB Reads 2013 Program Features Book About Memory, Mnemonic Devices
“Now more than ever, as the role of memory in our culture erodes at a faster pace than ever before, we need to cultivate our ability to remember. Our memories make us who we are.” - Joshua Foer, Moonwalking With Einstein Author
by CHEYENNE JOHNSON Staff Writer Pope Benedict XVI found himself kicked in the groin and Michael Jackson captured his flatulence in a balloon within the first page of Joshua Foer’s “Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything,” a New York Times Bestseller and the book chosen for UCSB Reads 2013. The novel follows its author, a freelance journalist who says his memory is “nothing special,” as he moves from watching the U.S. Memory Championship to competing in it a year later. Throughout the novel, Foer examines how society has migrated away from a good memory being a necessity and a sign of intelligence to it just being a useful attribute and a clever party trick, particularly when one can remember and recite the order of two shuffled decks of cards after only seeing them once. The U.S. Memory Championship involves four events that Foer individually practiced for: the Names and Faces event where “mental athletes” have 15 minutes to memorize 117 color photos of random peoples’ profiles, and the Speed Numbers and Speed Cards events where competitors have memorize and recall 500 numbers in under five minutes and a single pack of 52 playing cards as fast as they can. The last event, generally considered the most difficult, is the Poetry event, for which competitors must memorize and repeat an unpublished poem none of them have ever heard before. To say this is a daunting task is letting Foer off easy.But while these competitions seem entertaining, albeit slightly odd, to modern society, Foer argues that though iPhones and computers have replaced our need to remember, they should not completely dominate our memories. “Now more than ever,” said Foer, “as the role of memory in our culture erodes at a faster pace than ever before. We need to cultivate our ability to remember. Our memories make us who we are. They are the seat of our values and source of our character. Competing to see who can memorize more pages of poetry might
Tuesdays, 5pm
Upcoming The author, Joshua Foer, will speak in Campbell Hall on Monday, March 1.
seem beside the point, but it’s about taking a stand against forgetfulness, and embracing primal capacities from which too many of us have become estranged...memory training is not just for the sake of performing party tricks, it’s about nurturing something profoundly and essentially human.” The book does its part to reveal the culture behind memory and the emphasis society used to put on it. One of the most interesting relationships Foer examined was that between memory entirely recovered from the mind and, upon the existence and widespread use of writing, memory encouraged by book and texts. While, as a journalist, Foer obviously cannot criticize the invention of writing and its acceptance by society, he can join in concern with Socrates and Thamus, the king of Egypt who, when offered the gift of writing by the Egyptian god Theuth, was reluctant to accept since “if men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls.” Considering how often I forget my boyfriend’s number simply because it’s in my phone, Thamus may have been on to something. The book is a quick read, perhaps counter to its main message that memory comes from paying close attention and not reading a page a minute while on an elliptical at the gym. The simpler memory devices like the memory palace and turning names into images (Reagan become ray gun) will likely stay with readers, at least as an interesting thing to try at parties. More complicated methods, like the one used to remember long strands of numbers or a deck of cards, probably won’t extend past the book—if the reader bothered to learn the techniques at all. Overall, though, the novel is interesting and informative, introducing its readers to a world and a set of techniques long overlooked and in theory replaced by modern technology. For anyone sick of Post-It notes littering their desk or tired of forgetting what that one person at that one party was called, I recommend taking a quick moonwalk with Joshau Foer and Albert Einstein. Your mind will thank you for it.
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Seabiscuit Become Seaburger?
The Bottom Line | Feb. 27 - Mar. 5
Residence Hall Tragedy Brings Mental Health Horse Meat Discovered in Beef Issues and Resources to the Forefront by BEN FAN Staff Writer
Think that’s beef you’re enjoying? For the Europeans, they might need to actually consider that question the next time they bite into a hamburger. In recent studies from the United Kingdom, horse meat was discovered in lasagna products from major frozen food producer Findus. However, the test results are not only relevant in England; the scramble to remove beef products containing horse meat in them is quickly growing widespread in all of Europe. More and more companies that provide services from in-flight catering to those working in close quarters with meat companies are starting to ask their meat providers for verification that the beef they are receiving is not contaminated with horse meat. Even restaurants are being hit with the horse meat scare, with Whitbread removing their lasagna and beef burgers from its menus. As for us here in the U.S., it leaves us wondering if we have also been deceived with regards to what is actually in our meat. Not too long ago, McDonald’s use of “pink slime” had already left Americans reeling with skepticism and concern over what they were consuming and how easily accessible it was to them. Standard “filler meat” is questionable enough in terms of its content, and the thought that we might be consuming horse meat in the U.S. is not too far out of the question either. In light of the recent horse meat scare, this could be another point of distrust pertaining to food safety and regulation. When briefing students at the University of California, Santa Barbara about the overall situation at hand, Steven
Liao, fourth-year computer science major said, “At initial thought, I am skeptical [of the reports], but if that proves to be true, then I’m pretty shocked and disappointed that the food industry allowed this to happen. If you can’t be sure of what ingredients you’re putting into your food, then it’s probably not safe for consumption.” The actual effect of chemicals that could be present in the horse meat poses a serious problem, as the effects have yet to be diagnosed by any lab reports, and it could be weeks before they make themselves known. “Honestly, I kind of don’t care whether there’s horse meat in beef or not,” William Chen, second-year computer engineer said. “If it still tastes like beef to me, then it doesn’t matter if there’s horse meat. But, the possibility of having unsafe chemicals is present; if it turns out [there’s] nothing, then that will make this whole scare seem pointless.” There is definitely serious difficulty in discerning horse meat, should it exist in beef, from the actual beef itself, so Chen brings up a valid point. Daniel Yeh, fourth-year physics major, joked, “I wonder what horse meat tastes like? But seriously speaking, it is kind of disturbing if you have different animals in your meat. Animals that you don’t expect to be in your food is weird and is disconcerting to say the least.” Whether or not the tainted horse-beef ventures across the way to America is unclear, but one thing remains certain: horse meat certainly has no place in what is being labeled “beef.” The beef between companies and their meat distributors is slowly heating up, and the last of their worries is a raw patty—they might be served up on a grill first if they do not set things straight.
Illustration by Luis Bondoc| The Bottom Line
EAB Green Chef Encourages Nutritious Eating Through Friendly Competition by AUDREY RONNINGEN Promotions Director
by AUDREY RONNINGEN Promotions Director The death of a student last week in San Rafael Hall has brought together the Residence Halls Association and organizations all over campus in an effort to promote awareness of student mental health. This tragedy, which occurred on Feb. 12, is a grim reminder that stress and other issues take a drastic toll on individuals, and that failure to get help can have devastating consequences. In response, RHA is organizing San Rafael Mental Health Week, a new set of events that highlights resources available to students and features beneficial ways to approach the pressures of college life. Holly Dethero, Co-President of the San Rafael Residence Hall, elaborated on the importance of the dorm’s Mental Health Week as a positive response to the tragedy. “A lot of people in our building were affected by it, so we’re just trying to raise awareness about mental issues so that it doesn’t happen again,” she said. Dethero, a second-year Spanish and economics double major, has been one of the main organizing forces behind these upcoming events, and has been working to include a wide variety of organizations and activities. While an incidence of this magnitude is undeniably tragic, it has also accentuated the strength and sympathy of various groups that help make up the University of California, Santa Barbara community. “We’ve got a good response from a lot of campus resources,” Dethero stated. “So many people have contacted me that I didn’t even contact, that want to know if they can help.” The associations that have responded will be tabling during the week’s kick-off event on Wednesday, Feb. 27. Aptly called “Passport to Mental Health,” this gathering in the San Rafael Courtyard will give each group the opportunity to present their information on maintaining an upbeat mental outlook. These organizations include well-known groups on campus, such as UCSB Health and Wellness and Mental Health Peers. Health and Wellness is centered on all aspects of student wellbeing. In their mission statement they declare the goal of promoting “the mental, physical, and social health of students by enhancing individual skills and positive relationships with families, peers, and the UCSB/Isla Vista community.” Mental Health Peers, a division of UCSB Counseling, takes a similar but more specific approach. Their website states, “Our mission is to increase knowledge about mental health topics and resources and decrease the stigma attached to mental health.” The recent tragedy has brought attention to the fact that, while these groups are readily available to assist students at UCSB, not enough people are getting the help that is, in some cases, lifesaving. Mental health is seen as a stigmatized issue in our society, and, as a result, students are often afraid to seek assistance if they are dealing with serious problems from stress. With this in mind, the intent for Wednesday’s event is to go beyond educating students about their options, while also instilling the sense that there is no shame in getting help. “We’re hoping that they see that these people are here for them, and that if they ever do have something that they need to talk about or address, that they can go there,” Dethero said. Although every event in the week contributes to mental health awareness, many of the activities after Wednesday take a different approach, and instead focus on combatting everyday stresses. Dethero explained the common denominator that RHA used to decide upon these activities: “We sat down and thought about all the different ways that you can feel better about yourselves and handle pressure.” Another important aspect is the fact that these group activities provide support and build community. In a time when many students are dealing with the incident of Feb. 12 as well as the ongoing pressures of their own lives, knowing that they are not alone is bound to be reassuring. The San Rafael Mental Health Week is catered toward residents but open to everyone, as its goal is to promote mental wellbeing for all UCSB students. “It is hard to ask for help, but there are services so that people are willing to accept it,” Dethero concluded. “I just hope we encourage people to get help when they need it.”
EAB Green Chef. “My friend and I made vegan and gluten-free blood-orOn Sunday, Feb. 24, students gathered at the Student ange blueberry scones,” Ross said. “We got all the ingredients Resources Building for the Environmental Affairs Board from the Co-op, so they were local and organic, and turned Green Chef Competition, a celebration of sustainable food out delicious.” and healthy, inventive cooking. The event gave participants The EAB co-chair of Sustainable Foods, Tessa Balboni, the chance to be creative with their own cooking, while also entered the competition and also helped to organize it. Like featuring the base requirement of a secret ingredient that Ross, she also used the Co-op to her advantage when planning must be included in every dish. After a thorough judging by out her dish, blood orange bars with an almond crust. the competition’s attendees, five dishes total were chosen for “It wasn’t too hard to make, and it was fun,” Balboni exthe three categories of “most creative,” “most sustainable,” and plained. “I do enjoy cooking. [Sustainable food] is really easy “best tasting.” to use in Isla Vista. I go to the Food Co-op in IV, and then The Green everything is either Chef Competilocal, or sustaintion was first able, or organic.” created in 2010 The competition’s by the EAB, and winners this year has now gained ranged from the “Be aware that you can make really recognition as a traditionally sweet good things with fresh, organic, loval quarterly event. to more savory produce. You can integrate this with Akoua Doffare. Among them your daily life. We want to teach fou, the chair included a blood of Sustainable orange quinoa people that it’s possible to cook all Foods for the salad, blood orange organic and locally grown ingrediEAB, described rice pudding, and ents. the organization a blood orange - Akoua Doffou, as “the largest bisque with homeenvironmental made croutons. chair of Sustainable Foods for the group on camThe overarching Environmental Affairs Board pus.” Their most purpose of EAB recent effort inGreen Chef, howcludes lobbying ever, is not solely to get Associated to decide who wins Students Senate to pass a resolution against University of and who loses. Doffou divulged that the competition is really California Regents’ fossil fuel divestments. more focused on educating students about adopting healthy, The Isla Vista Food Co-op plays a crucial role for both organic eating habits and having fun with cooking. In the the organizational and creative aspect of the competition. stressful environment of college life, it is all too easy to fall They offer the EAB a wide range of options for the secret back on premade or microwaveable food that, while easy to ingredient free of charge, and additionally serve as the place make, is far from nutritious. where many contestants go to buy other components of their “Be aware that you can make really good things with dishes. fresh, organic, local produce. You can integrate this with your Doffou, a second-year undeclared major, described the daily life,” Doffou advised. “We want to teach people that it’s mutually beneficial arrangement as “a symbiotic relationship; possible to cook all organic and all locally grown ingredients.” we get our ingredients from them, and they get publicity from us.” Green Chef is intended to be easily accessible; anyone can enter their dish, sign up as a judge, or take on both sides of the competition. Signing up to judge costs $3 and allows unlimited sampling of every entry. Doffou believes that the competition’s all-inclusive atmosphere is one aspect that draws people in. “It gives you an Iron Chef kind of vibe,” she said. “A lot of people are really into cooking but have never entered a competition before, so this is their first chance. It attracts a wide demographic of people.” As the main organizing force behind the event, Doffou has the job of planning the competition, a task that includes working with the Co-op to choose the main ingredient. Once participants go to the Co-op to pick up this secret component, they are left to their own creative devices. On the day of the competition, the chefs bring their finished dishes for the judges to taste, complete with a placard that describes the dish, the names and the sources of the various ingredients. After tallying the votes, the winners are announced according to the three main categories. The secret ingredient for the competition was blood oranges, a refreshing and tangy fruit that Doffou selected precisely because it isn’t commonly used. One contestant, second-year sociology maJudges of the Green Chef Competition sampled dishes prepared by students using local, jor Selena Ross, described her experience with organic, and sustainable foods supplied by the Isla Vista Food Co-op.
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Photo by John Clow | The Bottom Line
The Bottom Line | Feb. 27 - Mar. 5
Gives Colorful, Multifaceted Performance at the Hub
Photo Above Courtesy of | 89decibeles
Alexandra Dwight of Water Signs took to the stage as part of the opening set for Bonobo.
page 7 | Arts & Entertainment by ELYSIA COOK Arts & Entertainment Editor His stage name may refer to a chimpanzee, but British musician and DJ Bonobo was more like a melodious chameleon when he performed his DJ set at University of California, Santa Barbara on Feb. 22. The event, which took place in the Hub, was put on by UCSB’s Associated Students Program Board and, by the end of the night, was filled with attendees who flocked to see the acclaimed performer. Water Signs, a band comprised of Dylan Chase, Kris Pitzek, Kyle McKay, and Alexandra Dwight, took the stage around 9:15 and played five songs that opened the show and set the ambience for the night. Formed spontaneously only a couple of weeks earlier, the band’s members fused elements from their personal side projects to create a unified presence. “We’re flying high,” Chase said in regard to opening for Bonobo. “We formed the band with this show in mind.” Influences of Bonobo’s music were evident in Water Signs’ set, which was laden with synth chords, moving guitar lines, and deep bass beats. The band’s opening song evoked imagery of moving water that echoed the band’s nomenclature, but took a while to settle into a solid rhythm that was based off of interplay between Chase (on synth) and Pitzek (on drums). Considering the brief length of the band’s existence, though, they maintained an overall cohesiveness apart from that discrepancy and other minor rhythmic hiccups throughout the set. The chemistry exuded from the group was also a pleasant surprise, given the brevity of their time together. Although different members were featured throughout the set, such as McKay with his guitar melodies and Dwight and her sultry, crooning vocals, the individual elements never detracted from the group’s coalescence. The highly anticipated man of the hour slipped onstage around 9:45 to the cheers of the audience, and commenced his 90-minute set with pulsing beats reminiscent of a rapid heartbeat layered against a string melody. He quickly transitioned into a play off of his renowned song “Black Sands” from his 2010 album with the same name, before finally speaking for the first time to the audience. “What’s up, Santa Barbara? This is my first time in this part of California, and you guys are amazing,” he said, eliciting a fervent reaction from the audience before delving headfirst into his DJ set that sampled music from the Joe Cuba song “Do You Feel It?” The excerpt he sampled, “I feel the pressure that keeps us down…gotta get away,” was appropriate for the evening, as Bonobo’s blend of his signature
downtempo style with high-energy, afro-beat cadences and jazzy accents defied any pressure to adhere to traditional musical paradigms. Bonobo’s set, which played off of music from his older projects as well as his upcoming album, “The North Borders,” was anything but linear. Arguably, it was this quality that enticed concertgoers who reveled in the ambiguous nature of the performance. Seemingly spontaneous electronic beeps punctuated ambient tempos; an established groove suddenly transitioned into one featuring interjections of saxophones and trumpets. This disjuncture, however, did not create a sense of dissonance. In true displays of his skill as a DJ, Bonobo executed these transitions with seamless ease, facilitating an aurally unconventional ebb and flow. The set was also distinguished by Bonobo’s method of building up to a musical meridian; whereas many well-known DJs quickly escalate and hit listeners with a pronounced, bass-heavy drop, Bonobo erred on the side of subtlety and preferred to incorporate understated deliveries. The rise was considerably more gradual, and culminated in drops that were discernible, but not overwhelming. Such a style, while not as common in the mainstream American DJ circle, was refreshing to experience and complemented the more relaxed essence of the set. “We like having different genres [perform]; we have a diverse amount of students so we try to cater to that,” Rachel Glago, one of the ASPB Publicity Coordinators, said in regard to Bonobo’s idiomatic style. The word “diverse” clearly applies to Bonobo’s style as well. “Downtempo electronica is what we were given to describe him,” Geo Coelho, another ASPB Publicity Coordinator, said. But Coelho also noted that applying a specific genre to Bonobo was difficult, and part of the appeal of his music. Although Bonobo didn’t humor chants from the audience to play an encore, his performance was still well received by attendees of the show. “His DJ set was a lot different from his normal music,” said Ian Wikle, a second-year chemistry major. “It showed his diversity and shows that he’s appealing to different crowds.” Anthony Gonzalez, a 2010 UCSB alumnus who majored in pharmacology and returned to his alma mater for the show, expressed similar sentiments. “I saw them [Bonobo and his band] in Hollywood; there was a full band and horns. He flipped the other side of the coin for his DJ set tonight, and it was fantastic,” Gonzalez said. “It was transcendental. You’re lucky enough to experience one side of the coin, and I got to experience both.”
Photo by Ayeyi Aboagye | The Bottom Line
Wu Man and Th e Knights Introduce the Unconventional at UCSB Performance
Photo Courtesy of | Stephen Kahn by DEANNA KIM Staff Writer At the second to last stop of their tour, Grammy-Award nominated Wu Man and the innovative, New York-based orchestra The Knights gave a breathtaking, energetic, and colorful performance at University of California, Santa Barbara’s Campbell Hall on Feb. 23. Wu Man is a composer, instructor, and soloist accredited as today’s leading figure for the pipa, or the ancient Chinese lute, as well as Chinese music. Not only was Wu Man nominated for a Grammy, she was also announced as the 2013 Instrumentalist of the Year, the first traditional musician to receive such an award by Musical America. She has collaborated and performed with major orchestras and artists around the world, especially in the United States and China, and chose to travel with The Knights this year. The Knights is a fresh, young group of classical musician friends
known for their eclectic and vast array of styles and sounds. Opening the program, which was put on by UCSB’s Arts & Lectures, the Knights painted the room in E-flat with their musically colorful performance of Stravinsky’s “Dumbarton Oaks.” With that, conductor of The Knights Eric Jacobson welcomed Wu Man to the stage as “the Wu-Man.” With poise, Wu Man sat down and began to skillfully pluck her pipa with the Knights, beginning Lou Harrison’s “Concerta for Pipa and Strings.” Standing around her, the Knights combined the lute’s 2,000-year-old sharp, distinct sound with their mellow and harmonious strings and bows, creating a rich sound of two cultures and musical styles uniting. With only string instruments being played, Wu Man and The Knights made their fingers and arms dance while their instruments painted a story of suspense, surprise, peace, and passion. The orchestra played their violins like guitars at one
point, mimicking the quick plucks of the lute, and Wu Man also strummed her pipa to create a soothing pallete of sound. Wu Man and Julia MacLaine also conversed in a duet as they by tapped their pipa and cello like a drum, to an off tempo yet danceable beat—to which they and some orchestra members exchanged smiles as if their jamming was some sort of secret. The Knights then played Debussy’s “Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune,” bringing in the wind instruments and debuting the flute, which was pleasantly performed by Alex Sopp. Darius Milhaud’s “Le Boeuf sur le toit,” or “The Ox on the Roof,” quickened the pace with its Brazilian roots. “Le Boeuf sur le toit” changed from animated melodies to languid tunes, which kept the audience on their toes with its unpredictable nature. The Knights performed with a modern twist, as they flirted with the classic renditions of the pieces and fused them with their own flavors and energies, always ending the songs with a dramatic bang and pose.
Man returned to the stage to perform her own compositions “Blue” and “Green,” two of her favorite colors that were inspired by her travels to China and a melody sung by her son when he was a child. She arranged the songs for pipa and orchestra and, once again, blended the folk tunes of China with Western and European melodies. Man and the Knights incorporated two worlds of color into one painting and the sounds of the percussion, wind instruments, string instruments, and Wu Man’s pipa were delightful and novel. The energy and creativity of the performers made the fusion of Asian and European sounds a color of its own. The Knights and Man gave their respective musical specialties new meanings, as both parties played with passion, originality, and innovation. With the last and only hit of the gong, Man and the Knights thanked the audience—who responded with a standing ovation.
The Bottom Line | Feb. 27 - Mar. 5
page 8 | Arts & Entertainment
Jorge Castañeda Expresses Views on Immigration at Campbell Hall
by BEATRIZ GONZÁLEZ Staff Writer Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico Jorge Castañeda participated in the inauguration of the Santa Barbara Global Studies Conference and gave his perspective on immigration at University of California, Santa Barbara on Feb. 22. Castañeda, who served as Secretary of Foreign Affairs from 2000-2003 and ran for president in the 2006 Mexican elections, addressed a crowded Campbell Hall and explained the ins and outs of the U.S. immigration policy in a global perspective. Castañeda focused his talk on Mexican immigration because of his belief in the importance of this collective from a quantitative point of view. Castañeda placed the origin of the U.S. immigration controversy in the immigration policy of the Clinton administration in 1996. “The Clinton administration decided to crack down on immigration and they increased the funds, barriers to immigration,” Castañeda said. Mexican immigrants used to come to the U.S. and work for six months before returning to Mexico for the remainder of the year. When fences were built, roads became more dangerous
and there was a higher risk of getting caught, migrants and another 6 million undocumented making the option of going back home to Mexi- immigrants were in the U.S. co less feasible. Immigrants then had to look for As a result, Castañeda stated that a parayear-long jobs, and many looked to settle up in dox revolving around U.S. immigration policy cities like Los Angeles or New York. manifested itself. The Clinton Administration policy fol“In the U.S., it is illegal that someone lowed a long period of immigration explosion works without papers, but it is not illegal for to the U.S. At the someone to hire time, the Amerithem,” he said. The can economy absence of a more was booming rational immigration Obama has enough poand Mexico was reform, he said, prelitical capital to have the suffering a stagvents undocumented nation of its own workers from doing immigration reform done economy. Bethings like having this year. Next year, reprecause there were labor rights and joinsentatives will already be not enough jobs ing unions, which for the growing perpetuates the low fighting for re-election. population in wages and poor work -Jorge Castañeda Mexico, people conditions. felt inclined to “The status quo immigrate. The is very negative for housing bubble experienced in the U.S. fa- both countries. This has tremendous negative cilitated low wages and a need for low-skilled impact in the international image of the U.S., in workers, and many immigrants supplied that addition to the fact that it expands a permanent demand. According to Castañeda, there came a underclass concentrated in certain areas,” stated point where around 6 million documented im- Castañeda.
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Consequently, Castañeda believes that current immigration policies entail multiple problems. If the policies are sources of social, political, and human rights related inconveniences, why has the U.S. done nothing? Castañeda provided two main reasons: firstly, at the beginning of his first candidature, Obama focused on regulating healthcare; secondly, he claimed, American politicians have always procrastinated dealing with immigration policy. However, Castañeda thinks that now is the only possible moment to amend legislation in the direction he desires. “Obama has enough political capital to have the immigration reform done this year,” he said. “Next year, representatives will be already fighting for re-election.” In regard to a question from a graduate who is a descendent of Mexican immigrants, “How can American people with immigration background help in this situation?” Castañeda answered that not forgetting the history and roots of that background is essential. The politician also proposed a more tangible strategy: the possibility of influencing the elections results through the Latino vote that keeps growing in the U.S. That solidarity, Castañeda believes, can be the catalyst for noticeable change.
Top 5 Scholarship Websites by ASHLEY GOLDEN Technology Editor
CollegeNet CollegeNet lets you search for scholarships based on their content with Keyword Search or based on your personal information and what you qualify for with Profile Search. CollegeNet also offers this great feature that allows students to open discussions in the forums. The conversation topics get voted on based on how interesting they are; the student with the most interesting conversation wins money to the tune of $300-$5000. It is private and updates monthly.
ScholarshipMonkey At first glance ScholarshipMonkey looks unimpressive to say the least. What it lacks in pizzazz (minus the talking stuffed monkey) it makes up for in straightforward simplicity. It has over 1 million scholarships listed from over 4,000 sources and around $3 billion in funds. While it, too, is free, the downside is that it’s not private unless you specifically opt out of third party emails, and it is also not as timely as other sites. It does, however, have some unique scholarships that might not be found elsewhere.
It’s that time of year when students start looking and applying for scholarships, and with the increasing cost of tuition and decreasing financial aid funds, students are more motivated than ever before to find free money they don’t have to pay back (as an alternative to even more student loans). Below are the top five scholarship websites to help students get as much money as possible.
Scholarships.com is a free and very well laid out, user-friendly website. You have to create an account to get started, then you can save your favorite scholarships to view later. Scholarships are organized into different searchable categories such as Scholarships Trending Now, Scholarships By Grade Level, Scholarships By Major, Scholarships By State, Scholarships for Women, Sports Scholarships, Minority Scholarships, and Unusual Scholarships. The site also has scholarship applications tips and resources. Scholarships.com boasts over 2.7 million scholarship listings totaling $19 million in winnable funds. I actually did one of these scholarships and won a $250 scholarship. All I had to do was follow the hosting company on Twitter, tweet them my contest entry, then write a short two paragraph essay adhering to their prompt. It was a very simple and straightforward scholarship that took minimal time and gave me connections to a great company. The only downside is the site will occasionally have college application and advertisement pop-ups. Regardless of where you are looking for scholarships, everyone should be looking. There is so much free money out there, and billions of dollars remains unclaimed every year because no one applies for some scholarships. Not all applications are rigorous; some, like my Twitter one, are very simple. And if you take the time to apply for some of the smaller, niche scholarships, odds are you will have little competition.
Ironman Headphones Profile:
Athletic Headphones That Won’t Fall Out by ASHLEY GOLDEN Technology Editor You’re going for your morning jog, jamming to your favorite song, and it’s just about to hit the epic chorus—and then your earbud slips out. Not only does it mess up your power jam, it’s such a distraction. If you’re anything like me, you spend half your time fixing your ear buds while doing athletics. Well, someone thought of something to fix that. Created by Yurbuds, ironman headphones are unique, patented ear buds specially designed not to fall out of your ears. They have twist-in technology where the tiny bud tip is turned into your ear canal and the bulb of the bud locks into your outer ear cavity. There is a great video on their site that shows how, once twisted into the ear, even if you tug on the cable the buds stay in. The buds feature FlexSoft, which means they are “ergonomically designed to avoid nerve rich areas of the ear. Made with flexible silicone, yurbuds are ultra soft and comfortable for hours on end,” according to the website. They have the added bonus of being sweat and water-resistant and come with a life-time warranty. The buds come in different styles from Performance Fit, Behind the Ear, Limited Edition, and Signature Series. Each style offers different benefits from fit, to comfort, to sound quality. For instance, the Signature Series buds come fitted with reflectors to make night work-outs safer. Buds start at $29.99 and go up to $99.99. They are available on the Ironman website http://yurbuds13.reachlocal.net/ as well as at local retailers. For athletes that have problems with buds constantly slipping our of their ears, these buds are the perfect solution.
CollegeBoard CollegeBoard should be a familiar website to most UCSB students who took the SATs and any AP courses. It is a private, free website that is updated regularly by staff and is highly accredited. Around 2,300 scholarships are listed with a value of closing in on $3 billion.
FastWeb FastWeb was an organization recommended at my high school that continues to be relevant to students now. It’s private and free, and scholarships over 11 months old are automatically deleted from the database so that it stays current. There are videos on the site to give advice to students, sweepstakes and special promotions, and a list of common scholarship deadlines. It offers around 1.5 million scholarships totaling around $3.4 billion in funds. Back in high school I entered a FastWeb sponsored scholarship for students pursuing English in college and won $500.
Apple Computers Hacked, Possibly By Chinese Government by VIJAY MODI Staff Writer A group of Mac computers belonging to Apple employees were hacked earlier this week, infecting them with several viruses. Tuesday’s announcement provided the tech world with an unprecedented admittance by the company, revealing the largest known cyber attack targeting Apple computers used by corporations. The attack was reportedly so widespread that it infected not only Apple’s own employees, but also other corporations using Mac computers. The security breach used to infect the computers, according to reports, comes from the Oracle Java plug-in that is used while surfing online. The malicious software was released, at least in part, through a website intended for iPhone software developers. As a result, both companies have taken several steps aiming to contain the infection to those computers who have already been treated. Both Apple and Java have immediately released emergency security patches. Apple has also urged a number of developers to run tests on their developer codes, in order to make sure that the infection does not advance further down
their product line - Apple’s iPhone users. Oracle strongly recommends that users update their browser’s Java plug-ins as soon as possible, in order to refrain from future attacks. The latest cyber attack join several hacking attempts targeting the servers and computers of big corporations, including Twitter, Facebook and the New York Times. This announcement increases tensions as the U.S. government is accusing the Chinese government of being responsible to past hacking attempts. In contrast to past incidents, Reuters reports, the source of this infection is yet to be clearly traced back to any source. American Cyber-security firm Mandiant, which has been hired by a number of firms in the past, has released findings indicating that cyber attacks on the New York Times and Facebook systems have been traced back to a secret Chinese military unit, stationed in a suburb of Shanghai. The U.S. government has backed up these claims, adding that it has long raised concerns that the Chinese government is standing behind these cyber attacks. On Tuesday, White House spokesman Jay Carney reinvigorated these claims, saying that the Obama administration has been tracking these attempts that seem to be traced back
to China time and time again. Despite these allegations, it is still difficult to determine if the attacks Described by Facebook and Apple are part of China’s cyber-attacks. Charlie Miller, a Mac expert and author of the Mac Hacker’s Handbook, claims that Apple’s security advantage, up until now, was that “nobody bothered to attack it. When hackers bother to attack it... That goes away if someone bother to attack it”. In the company’s statement, Apple has indicated that it is cooperating with law enforcement in order to find the criminals. The Federal Bureau of Investigation declined to comment on the matter. According to Oracle’s statement issued by the company, even costumers who did not update their Java software in a long time “will be able to apply the updated Critical Patch Update when it is published, and will gain the benefit of all previously released Java SE fixes”. Apple announced that it plans on releasing a software enabling costumers to check if their own computers are infected and promptly fix any issues. These security issues have led to a minor downward trend in Apple’s stock prices, yet the company is sure to regain these loses in coming weeks.