Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara Volume 7, Issue 5 | Oct. 31 - Nov. 6, 2012
UCSB Faculty Panel Discusses Key Issues of 2012 Presidential Election
Halloween Weekend Brings Decrease in Arrests
by JOANNE HOWARD Staff Writer A panel of University of California Santa Barbara faculty members met on Oct. 25 for a public discussion regarding important topics of the upcoming presidential election. Topics including effectiveness of the campaigns, abortion, the role of social media in the election and economic inequality were addressed in front of an audience of university students, faculty and members of the Santa Barbara County community. Assistant professor of Chicana/o Studies Dr. Inés Casillas, professor of film and media studies Anna Everett, professor of Black Studies George Lipsitz and John Woolley, professor of political science and co-founder of UCSB’s American Presidency Project, held the forum in the Annenberg Conference Room in collaboration with the campus’ Center for Information Technology and Society (CITS). Bruce Bimber, professor of political science at UCSB and founder of CITS, acted as moderator. Once Lisa Parks, CITS director and professor of film and media studies, introduced Casillas, Everett, Lipsitz and Woolley, Bimber began the discussion with his first question regarding the outcome of the campaigns since Romney clinched the Republican nomination in May. Woolley was first to weigh in; he considered the multiple political forecasts, focusing on the ones that show Romney as the forerunner according to pure fundamentals models that focus on the economy. However, collectively the forecasts show a narrow Obama lead, and this is likely because of the debates. “The debates in this case have been particularly powerful—unusually powerful—in this campaign,” said Woolley. Everett named buyer’s remorse as a cause for the narrow race. Some voters who elected Obama in 2008 are disappointed with his performance, and now wish to rethink their choice. Bimber’s next question was on the topic of abortion and the role it has played in the election. Casillas voiced her concern that abortion and contraception, issues that were prominent decades ago, have still not been resolved. She said that focus on more pressing matters such as the economy is being taken away by “aged, old topics about women’s rights and women’s bodies. It’s not even okay to phrase it as a women’s issue,” but rather as stemming from Romney’s and Ryan’s Christian faith, which Casillas finds worrying. Woolley agreed, asking, “Why are they [the Democrats] lame on this issue?” He said that if action was taken by the Democratic base, it would mobilize both the people who support them as well as those who oppose them. “It is disappointing that they haven’t been more effective,” Woolley said. Bimber then asked the panelists to assess the effectiveness of both candidates’ campaigns. In Everett’s opinion, President Obama as an individual has been effective at playing with the media because he is “able to roll with it” and “is willing to make fun of himself ” on talk shows like “The View” and “Late Show with David Letterman.” However, his team’s lack of success with surrogates in reinforcing Obama’s successes is a major weakness. In contrast, Romney’s party is able to turn things around quickly when he himself makes possibly damaging gaffes. Lipsitz stated that Obama’s campaigning achievements have not translated well into his governing. For example, in his campaign the president has relied on a “racially harmonious image,” Lipsitz said, yet the country’s deportation rates have hit historic highs under Obama’s presidency. Woolley concurred about Obama’s successful campaigning, saying that he has been able to persuade voters up until early October that Romney was unreliable and economically untrustworthy. However, both candidates are running complicated campaigns focused mainly on undecided voters as opposed to having a mass market strategy, according to Wooley. When asked about the role of social media compared to the 2008 election, Everett listed multiple ways that social media has been instrumental. It allows Republicans to catch up to Democrats in the social media department more quickly; even though Obama as an individual has more of a presence in the media than Romney, Romney’s team can correct that swiftly through social media. Next she mentioned that social media has made the idea of a participatory democracy more real, especially with the attention that Twitter receives for posts of real-time dialogue during the debates. Lastly, Bimber opened the discussion to the audience and allowed them to pose questions for the panel. One audience member asked for thought about the public benefit from the length and nature of campaigns. Woolley and Casillas conceded there was little benefit to voters, who make their decision roughly six months before the election and stick to it. Rather the benefit comes from the economic stimulus the campaign fuels, and the media and advertisement industries see the bulk of the profit.
UCSB Begins Work on New Housing Project see page 2
Photos by Deanna Kim| The Bottom Line Party-goers swarm Del Playa Drive during the weekend leading up to Halloween. by THOMAS ALEXANDER Isla Vista Beat Reporter 2012’s Halloween weekend saw an influx of out-of-town visitors and raucous street parties that are expected to culminate on Wednesday night, but nevertheless resulted in fewer arrests and only slightly more citations than the previous year’s celebration. According to a Santa Barbara Sheriff ’s Office press release, Isla Vista public safety officials gave out 196 jail bookings and 249 citations between Friday, Oct. 26, and Sunday, Oct. 28. Compared to Sheriff ’s Department statistics for 2011’s Halloween celebration, law enforcement officers this weekend made slightly fewer arrests—just shy of 200 as opposed to 228 last year—and issued slightly more citations than 2011’s count of 230. A cross-index against 2010’s 251 arrests and 488 citations demonstrates a trend of diminishing arrests and citations. Though officials could not be reached for comment by press time, the majority of the weekend’s encounters with law enforcement are traditionally incurred by out-of-town visitors, said Jackie Kurtz, a representative from UCSB’s Alcohol and Drug Program. “The majority of students that get written up are not from UCSB,” explained Kurtz at the Isla Vista Halloween Town Forum last Tuesday. The California Highway Patrol, which increased enforce-
ment in the area between Highway 101 and Isla Vista during the weekend, reported 14 alcohol-related arrests and issued 310 citations over the weekend. Compared to nearly 500 combined arrests and citations during 2011’s Halloween weekend, this year has shown a significant drop in vehicle-related ticketing. The Santa Barbara and Ventura County search and rescue teams provided several dozen weekend volunteers who responded to medical situations on Del Playa Drive and other crowded IV streets where vehicles could not navigate. The teams responded to 71 medical calls over the course of the weekend, and were present for 19 search and rescue calls. A triage tent set up near Embarcadero Hall fielded most patients, although those in need of more serious treatment were transported to local hospital emergency rooms. One weekend partier sustained a severe head/neck injury after falling from an Isla Vista rooftop. There were, however, no reported falls off of the seaside community’s notorious cliffs. According to Lieutenant Ray Vuillemainroy of the IV Foot Patrol, officers are prepared for one more big night of street partying on Wednesday, Oct. 31—Halloween night. The weekend’s parking restrictions will be lifted due to officers’ expectations for a more local atmosphere, but police will continue to block off major intersections for safety purposes. “Parking is allowed on Wednesday, but we will still maintain the barricades,” explained Vuillemainroy at the Halloween Town Forum.
LGBTQ Issues, Gender Related Violence Call AS Senate to Action by CHEYENNE JOHNSON AS Beat Reporter Social issues centered on gender-based and sexual violence and the LGBTQ community dominated a portion of the Associated Students Senate meeting on Oct. 24. Two resolutions were presented to the Senate, advocating for more action and advocacy in support of these groups and causes. Student Co-Sponsor Brady Forrest introduced the “Resolution to Support the Queer Community at UCSB” and urged the Senate to have a long discussion about the resolution. “I want you to have a discussion about this because the ‘therefore’ requires you to do some stuff,” said Forrest. “It requires you to think about what’s going on on this campus and in this community and how your communities may relate to it so I don’t want you to pass it…This needs to be talked about…I want more than just a consent,” said Forrest. The resolution requires UCSB’s AS Senate to “support the UCSB queer community by attending events as well as continuing to support groups that actively work for
the rights of queer students in the community so that UC Santa Barbara will become a much more welcoming, inviting, safe and inclusive place for all individuals.” The resolution also requires the Senate to promote awareness of the issues facing the LGBTQ community at UCSB and use gender neutral and inclusive language. William Ellis, who served as a proxy for Senator Hayley Gilbert, said that this resolution serves a necessary purpose and addresses an ongoing issue in Isla Vista. “Living in Isla Vista you always hear homophobic language,” said Ellis. “You never really feel safe.” The successful Queer Community resolution was not the only social issue discussed during Senate. The “Resolution to Take Action Against Gendered Based and Sexual Violence” addresses an increase in gender-based and sexual violence in the Isla Vista community, stating that these issues have not been satisfactorily confronted. The resolution requires Senators to take direct action in support of these findings. “Let it be further resolved,” states the resolution, “for every senator to actively
5 Questions with a Co-op Employee
The Gentrification of Isla Vista
see page 3
see page 4
partake in a rally and following movement to reclaim Isla Vista as a safe place for all of its inhabitants and change the present culture of fear into one of action.” Miya Sommers, Senator and author of the resolution, spoke before the Senate in support of her bill and focused on the recent incident of a woman being assaulted on Cervantes Road. “This is completely unacceptable that this is allowed to go on and we’re responding in fear,” said Sommers Sommers urged her fellow Senators to support the resolution and the actions it advocates. “I ask you all to condemn the actions that are taking place in IV,” she said, “and take the stance that these are not acceptable in our community…We don’t have to be afraid.” Genesis Herrera, co-author of the resolution, said the recent crime in IV have had a personal effect on her “This one really hits home for me,” said Herrera. “I’ve always lived on the farside of Isla Vista. Having to walk home late at night… it used to not be a problem. Now it is.”
Angry Wings Restaurant Review see page 5
Senator Taryn Sanders supported the resolution, but cautioned against overworking the Senators and requiring they attend too many groups and events throughout the year and quarter. “I also have been to over 15 meetings this week and it’s Wednesday,” said Sanders. “There’s a lot we have to do…We have a lot more going on then I think people understand…we need to recognize that it [our busy lives] needs to be addressed.” Senator Ben Green agreed with Sanders and said attending meetings and events was not the only way to stand in solidarity with these groups. “I think there are other ways to show our support,” said Green. “I think that this is going to spiral out of control.” AS President Sophia Armen assured the Senate that their decision will affect the student body, particularly women. “These things happen on the daily here,” said Armen. “Unfortunately, it’s not just about safety and it’s not just about strangers in Isla Vista.”
Capps v. Maldonado on Healthcare Reform see page 6
The Bottom Line | Oct. 31 - Nov. 6
page 2 | News
State News
‘Zombie’ Flies Pose Potential Threat to the Well-being of West Coast Honey Bees by EMMA BOORMAN Staff Writer Apocephalus borealis, a parasitic fly that lays eggs inside of hosts, has caused a stir on the west coast of the United States. Since 2008, when biologist and San Francisco State University professor John Hafernik observed honey bees in the area behaving uncharacteristically, scientists have been looking into what might be a harmful issue for the honey bee, an insect that has drawn considerable media attention during the last decade due to its vital role in the production of food. The fly, which is popularly being referred to as the “zombie fly” because of its parasitic practices,
might be shifting its normal choice of host from bumblebees and paper wasps to honey bees, says beekeeper Randy Oliver’s website. It is possible that the flies have been targeting the honey bees for years now, going unnoticed by humans. On the other hand, if the flies have only recently been shifting to honey bees, their invasive method of reproduction could signal bad news for the honey bee. Either way, in California, parasites are most active during the fall and early winter months, which could factor into the recent findings of fly pupae in honey bees. The honey bees used as hosts have a tendency to leave their hives at night and become attracted to lights. Their disoriented state, caused
by the pupae consuming their insides, has earned the infected insects the nickname “zombees.” John Hafernik has even launched a website dedicated to tracking the host bees in a zombie apocalypse-like fashion; the website’s primary feature is the map that tracks which cities are being tested, which have confirmed cases of infected bees, and which have been tested and revealed an absence of “zombees.” The website also calls on “citizen scientists” to catch bees that are behaving oddly, contain them and submit pictures if pupae appear after the bees die. The running concern about Colony Collapse Disorder and the sensational nature of this recent finding has fueled understandable
fear, particularly in the media. Andrew Core, who authored the study appearing on Hafernik’s website, says understanding the parasite “may shed light on similar hive abandonment behaviors seen in CCD.” This may sound daunting given the important role honey bees play in food production, but he also says, “So far, the main causal suspects [of CCD] have been parasitic mites, fungal parasites, viral diseases and interactions amongst them,” indicating that parasites are not a new threat to bees. Santa Barbara beekeeper Todd Bebb expressed concern about the fear of Zombees. Bee stories have a history of being sensationalized, he says. He recalled articles about the
Africanized honey bee, known as the killer bee. “It ended up just being media hype,” he said of those stories. He also mentioned the emergence of inexperienced people eager to find infected bees. “Now anyone that sees a bee by a light at night might instantly assume it’s a zombie,” he said. This could be problematic for beekeepers and biologists who wish to approach the potential problem with the care it deserves. In Santa Barbara, there has been one confirmed case of an infected bee. The Santa Barbara Independent reported county agricultural authorities have not found a connection between the parasite and 12 Montecito hive die-offs.
Campus News
UCSB Starts Planning New San Joaquin Apartments
Housing Project Near Santa Catalina Dorms to Open in 2016, Currently Seeking Student Input by JASMINE BROWN Staff Writer The University of California Santa Barbara plans to enroll approximately another 4,000 more students by the year 2017. UCSB Housing and Residential Services is developing new housing for occupancy in 2016 to accommodate this growing population of students. The San Joaquin Apartments will be dedicated to fulfilling the university’s long-term goal of offering four years of housing for all freshmen and sophomore students. It will provide living accommodations for 1,000 additional students with two to three bedrooms in each unit. The area just north and east of the Santa Catalina North Tower is to be the primary location for the new housing project, according to the housing’s Long Range Development Plan. While the new San Joaquin Apartments will serve sophomore, junior and potentially senior undergraduates, Santa Catalina will remain a housing option for freshmen. The purpose of the close proximity is to provide students with a sense of community while they live in an evolving living and learning environment. Barry Colwell, Coordinator of Resource Planning of Housing and Residential Services, plans to assist the campus in provid-
ing affordable, community-connected housing for the influx of students in the future. “The Long Range Development Plan calls out for the enrollment of this campus to go to approximately 25,000 from the current 21,000,” said Colwell. “The current goal is to ultimately provide campus owned housing to 50 percent of enrolled students.” According to Colwell, the $175 million project plans on accommodating the living needs of students, while providing a small community for those living west of the main campus. “It will include a new, larger dining commons on El Colegio to replace Portola, and even a market and late night Bistro,” said Colwell. Raul Martinez, former RHA President and fourth-year business economics and political science double major, shared the importance of students’ input during the development process. “Being able to advocate for all the students was really important,” said Martinez. “There is a committee that includes all students, who sits with architects and Residential Life to discuss things from the designs to landscaping.” In the current developing stage, the San Joaquin plan is going through various reviews as far as design and students are an
TBL 2012-2013 Staff Executive Managing Editor | Annalise Domenighini Executive Content Editor | Kelsey Gripenstraw Copy Editor | Parisa Mirzadegan News Editor | Isabel Atkinson Features Editor | Alec Killoran Opinions Editor | Camila Martinez-Granata Arts & Entertainment Editor | Elysia Cook Health & Lifestyles Editor | Karolina Zydziak Photography Editor | Ayeyi Aboagye Senior Layout Editor | Madeleine Kirsch Layout Editor | Magali Gauthier Layout Editor | Haley Paul Multimedia Editor | Tori Yonker AS Beat Reporter | Cheyenne Johnson Isla Vista Beat Reporter | Thomas Alexander Distribution Manager | Brenda Ramirez Advertising Manager | Brandon Pineira Promotions Manager | Audrey Ronningen Web Editor | Ashley Golden Staff Adviser | Monica Lopez
integral part in the planning process. “Housing is very receptive to students’ input,” said Martinez. “It is important that students are provided with more student options as the rates for enrollment increases.” UCSB Housing believes that the additional living community for students will balance out the steady increase of incoming students. And the San Joaquin project plans to balance the dense living environment that current freshman encounter for future students. “The amount of triples this year is a record of 1,000,” said Colwell. “We usually have 250, maybe 300 triples in the fall when we first book up.” Although current students and those freshmen compacted in their triples will not be here once the San Joaquin project is complete, some still share their excitement for the expansion of the Santa Catalina area. Noel Henry, a third-year film and media studies major and former Santa Catalina resident, gives her feedback to the housing project. “I lived in FT my freshman year and I think it is exciting for the students who will live there,” said Henry. “This community will be super important because when I lived there I felt disconnected from those living on campus.”
Additions in the Project 600 beds on site; however, for the possible increase in enrollment, targeting 800 and 1200 beds. The new dining common will be built parallel to El Colegio Road to replace Portola. This new area of apartments and a market will be a developing community that will accommodate for the students west of campus. The university commits itself to sustainable measures so there will be transportation providing a shuttle and expanding the bike paths. Included in this project will be a bike shop and an outdoor theater for students.
Writers: this issue
Thomas Alexander, Cheyenne Johnson, Deanna Kim, Matt Mersel, Nathalie Vera, Joanne Howard, Kevin Simms, Danielle Dankner, Courtney Hampton, Kelsey Gripenstraw, Elizabeth Aguilar, Jasmine Brown, Emma Boorman, Francesca Kentish, Samhita Saquib, Oxana Ermalova, Jordan Wolff
Photographers: this issue
Deanna Kim, Ayeyi Aboagye, William Renteria, Courtney Hampton, Alyssa Wall The Bottom Line is sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of California, Santa Barbara. All opinions expressed in TBL do not necessarily represent those of the staff, of A.S. or of UCSB. Published with support from Campus Progress/Center for American Progress (CampusProgress.org). All submissions, questions or comments may be directed to bottomlineucsb@gmail.com.
Photo Courtesy of | Office of Campus Planning and Design Pictured Above: An illustrated conceptualization of the new campus housing.
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The Bottom Line | Oct. 31 - Nov. 6
page 3 | Features
Chancellor Yang: UCSB’s Own Batman The double life he leads by VIVIAN LIANG You’re sitting in class. You hear some shuffling and you look up to notice a man wearing a suit sitting in the seat next to you. He’s not the TA and you’ve never seen him in this class before, but he looks somewhat familiar. Suddenly, it hits you. You’ve seen this man before at your freshman convocation and around campus. The random man sitting next to you in your lecture is none other than Chancellor Yang. You look back at the professor, puzzled. Why on earth is Chancellor Yang sitting in your lecture? Why isn’t he in his office, doing whatever chancellors do? The answer is simple—besides tending to his many administrative duties, Chancellor Yang also devotes much of his time to being active around the campus with his wife, Dilling. “Dilling and I enjoy attending lectures, seminars, plays, dance recitals, concerts, athletic events and other campus activities throughout the year,” Yang said. “We have purchased a meal card so we can join our students in the dining commons.” Chancellor Yang and his wife enjoy spending their early mornings, late nights and weekends walking around campus, on the beach and even in Isla Vista, getting to know students, staff and faculty members. They enjoy the vibrance and color of the campus. “It is such an honor and pleasure to meet so many wonderful people every day who love this university,” Yang said. “That’s one of the reasons why UC Santa Barbara is so special – we are not just a university, we are also a community.” Despite not having graduated from University of California Santa Barbara, the chancellor is extremely proud to be a part of the UCSB community. He and Dilling were named honorary alumni of UCSB in 2001. Ever since being named chancellor in 1994, Chancellor Yang has spent endless hours working to make UCSB what it is today. A normal day for Chancellor Yang includes meetings in the morning, phone calls during his lunch hour, speaking at campus events in the afternoon, stopping by a few community events in the evening and then returning to his office at 11 p.m. to respond to emails. In addition to all of this, the chancellor also teaches a 3-unit undergraduate class every year and finds the time to mentor four graduate students. “Teaching is my first love, and I am always energized and rejuvenated by my undergraduate classes and my work with my graduate students,” Yang said. “I enjoy the opportunity to interact with our students in the classroom and on research projects, in addition to my work as chancellor. After all, our students are the reason we
5 Questions
Before coming to UCSB, Chancellor Yang served as a dean at Purdue. are all here.” Before becoming chancellor for UCSB, the chancellor served as the dean of engineering at Purdue University for 10 years, where he was also the Neil A. Armstrong Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and director of the Computer Integrated Design, Manufacturing, and Automation Center. Chancellor Yang is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education, the National Academy of Engineering, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His book on finite element structural analysis is used by many universities and has even been published in Japanese and Chinese editions. In addition to all of this, Chancellor Yang is the current chair of Pacific Rim universities and has served on scientific advisory boards for the Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, NASA and National Science Foundation. Although he is proud of all of his achievements, Chancellor Yang is even prouder to be the chancellor for UCSB. “It is a privilege to serve as UC Santa Barbara’s chancellor,” the chancellor said. “We love our interactions with our students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters—and we are constantly energized and inspired by all the wonderful, creative and innovative work being
with an Isla Vista Co-op Employee
Q : Why did you decide to work at the Co-op? A: I shopped here for a while and found Photo by Courtney Hampton| The Bottom Line out they were hiring. Once I got into it, I discovered the co-op model is a really Nick Harrison great thing. It allows everyone who’s inFloor Manager volved to have an influence in the place. Now I live in co-op housing as well, so Q: What are some of the benefits of being a I’ve kind of immersed myself in it. member of the Co-op? A: There’s a financial incentive. We have the quarterly discounts for members. Other Q: What are some of the benefits of local than that, being a member entitles you to go to board meetings. You have a voice in it. produce? A: There are benefits to people who shop There’s no weighted membership: everyone here. There’s also the principle of support- who is a member is equal. It’s a communitying local business owners. The farmers are minded thing. always super grateful. Instead of having to pay for lettuce to be shipped halfway Q: Why do you think it’s important for a across the country and paying for the cost community to have a local cooperative? of the lettuce, pesticides that were probA: The point of the co-op is to be repreably used on it, environmental damage sentative of the community. Rather than and petroleum needed to transport it, it another store where people are getting sold helps out farmers being local. stuff, here we try to represent our comQ: What does the Co-op think about the new, large chain restaurants coming into Isla Vista, which is more known for family owned and operated shops? A: We are here to provide an alternative and we are more locally sourced. We’re trying to make people’s lives better, whether it’s by giving people fresh lettuce or by getting people actively involved in the community.
munity. It’s an interesting scenario here because we have so many students and there are also the IV permanent residents. We try to walk that line: making things affordable for college students, but still have really good products. We do a lot of stuff beyond being a grocery store. We aren’t trying to make a profit. Our general manager donates to community groups and school groups. That’s our goal here: to foster a good community.
Photo Courtesy of | Office of the Chancellor
carried out here. Since Chancellor Yang took his post at UCSB, the campus has been elected to the Association of American Universities. We are now ranked number 10 among all public universities in the nation by the U.S. News and World Report. The National Research Council ranks nearly a third of our doctoral programs within the top five in the nation, with more than two thirds being ranked within the top 20. Despite UCSB’s many achievements, the chancellor is still reluctant to take too much credit. “These achievements are the result of the sustained, collaborative efforts of all of us,” the chancellor said. “These are just a few among many indicators of the strength and vitality of our academic community. Our students are our partners in advancing the reputation and stature of UC Santa Barbara.” Although Chancellor Yang is extremely busy every day making UCSB better, he made it clear that students should not be afraid to stop and say hello. The chancellor enjoys meeting students and getting to know about you and you experiences at UCSB. If you want to get to know him better, you can also take his class, ME167: Structural Analysis—but register quickly, because the class only holds about 60 students.
Drugs and Alcohol Don’t Mix Well at UCSB by FRANCESCA KENTISH
University of California Santa Barbara is known for its “party school” reputation, but was ranked the number 10 of all public national universities this year by the U.S. News & World Report. The high standards of academics and the party culture of Isla Vista don’t seem compatible. Is drug and alcohol misuse really a bigger problem at UCSB than at other colleges? The UCSB Drug and Alcohol Program website states that “alcohol is ‘the drug of choice’” for most students. The 2009 Prevention Research Center (PRC) survey at UCSB showed that around 80 percent of students chose to drink alcohol, similar to the 82.2 percent of college students nationally that have had a drink in the last year, according to The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey in 2010. In the PRC survey 40 percent of UCSB students indicated binge drinking in the previous two weeks, a slightly lower statistic than the 43.9 percent of students nation wide that indicated binge drinking in the CORE survey. Binge drinking is defined as consuming five or more drinks in one sitting. These statistics suggest that whilst binge drinking remains a concern at UCSB, it is no more of a concern than at other colleges. What is unique at UCSB is the setting in which drinking occurs. According to the 2010 US Census there are 19,677 students living in Isla Vista. There may not be drastically more students drinking at UCSB, but it is much more obvious. With parties raging on Del Playa every weekend it is easy to see why people believe drinking is more prevalent at UCSB, but perhaps the parties are simply more concentrated than at other colleges. Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor, professors in UCSB’s departments of feminist studies and sociology, respectively, wrote in 2010 in “Straight Girls Kissing” that at UCSB “Alcohol flows freely, drugs are available, women sport skimpy clothing, and students engage in a lot of hooking up.” Students are quoted saying that Isla Vista is “a little wild” and that it’s “a space where people feel really comfortable to let down their guards and to kind of let loose.” Many students have the perception that there is a prevalence of drugs and alcohol at UCSB. Third year psychology major
Chelsey Froh said, “Seriously, this school has a drug problem. They’re everywhere.” The 2008 Safer California Universities survey reported that 39 percent of students used marijuana in the past quarter, and 17 percent reported using other illegal drugs. Students at UCSB reported using amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and other hallucinogens. The study indicated that over the past few years there has been an increase in the illegal misuse of prescription drugs such as Vicodin and “study drugs” like Ritalin and Adderall. The drug use at UCSB is higher than the national average; according to the CORE survey, 18.1 percent of students reported using marijuana in the past 30 days and 4.2 percent reported using amphetamines or sedatives. Jacqueline Kurta, the director of the Alcohol and Drug Program at UCSB, said, “There is growing concern of the use of prescription drugs and the way students mix them with alcohol. We are seeing an increased use in opiate pain medication often mixed with alcohol and this can cause particular risk to students.” However, UCSB makes attempts to inform student of the dangers of mixing alcohol and drugs, and has new programs to help those already struggling with addiction problems. All new transfer and freshman students have to complete the online course AlcoholEdu, which is similar to previous courses, but more interactive. The second requirement is only for freshmen, and consists of a 90-minute workshop called Gaucho FYI. It is completed in groups of 25 to 30 students and run by peer counselors. Topics including drug and alcohol safety, bike safety and sexual health are covered. “There has [been] a very favourable response,” said Kurta. “Students have said they’ve gotten something out of it and would recommend it to a friend.” New support groups for LGBTQ students and students trying to recover from alcohol and drug use have been put in place this year. It appears that while alcohol misuse is a problem, it is the same problem facing colleges nationwide. The main concern is the use of drugs, in particular the mixture of alcohol and prescription drugs, which are readily available to students. UCSB is working hard to tackle these things, and with the new requirements and support groups, drug and alcohol misuse may decrease.
The Bottom Line | Oct. 31 - Nov. 6
page 4 | Opinions
Isla Vista Gets a Face Lift: In the LOOP! ...For a Price Commercialization benefits the community by KEVIN SIMMS Isla Vista has changed a lot in the past year, and students and residents have certainly noticed the large steps the town has taken toward its future. Several new development projects have been planned and a few have already been completed. Some students and residents ardently oppose this increased corporatization and gentrification of IV; however, the increase in development and renewal in Isla Vista is something that the entire community stands to benefit from. There are now new, modern apartment complexes on Camino Del Sur, Pardall and Embarcadero Del Norte. Because of these developments, the UCSB community now stands as a perfect example to the potential benefits of continued urban development. The ICON Company specializes in building modern, upscale student housing and will continue to play a big role in the redevelopment of Isla Vista, with new project plans ready to break ground as soon as next year. According to the company’s press release, the Embarcadero Del Norte facility was developed in response to the significant shortage of newly built, high-quality and high amenity off-campus housing. This shortage is the result of Isla Vista’s decay in recent years; little to no housing projects had been completed until recently. Students had limited housing options and many have expressed concerns about being mistreated by their property management companies. The new development projects offer students an alternative option and also insert competition into the Isla Vista real estate market, which is advantageous to students and other potential residents alike. Non-student residents of Isla Vista also stand to benefit from increased housing options. Many students that would prefer to pay more for better housing are forced to settle and compete with others for lower income housing. New development projects can reduce demand for lower income housing and give everyone a wider array of options.
Another benefit of new development projects is the opportunity for new retail space. Icon’s apartments include a first floor dedicated to retail; Pizza My Heart and Crushcakes are two popular eateries located in the Icon complex. More retail space means more employment opportunities for all Isla Vistans, something many have been struggling to attain for quite some time. In any economic downturn, it is definitely a good thing to have money invested in an area’s real estate and infrastructure; jobs are created in everything from retail to construction. One argument posed against new development is that it favors larger chain restaurants and pushes away family-owned businesses that have been around for years. While this could be interpreted as true, it is misleading. Any new restaurant is going to generate buzz and present competition for existing businesses, chain or family owned. There are many great businesses such as Rosarito’s and Isla Vista Market that have been around and thriving for decades under family ownership despite new development projects. Freebirds started out as a family-owned restaurant in Isla Vista and now has chains throughout California. Isla Vista is truly a unique place; in fact, several things that make IV unique also make it immune to many of the more negative effects of urban renewal and gentrification. One of the biggest issues with gentrification is the way it makes property values and therefore property taxes rise. This trend often forces a long established group of residents elsewhere to find cheaper housing. In Isla Vista, most residents only stay for three to four years and there is no longestablished culture to uproot. IV is a college town and as long as it is adjacent to UCSB, it will remain a college town. Students will live here and they will be the ultimate deciding factor in the pricing of Isla Vista real estate. Development will lead to cleaner, more efficient buildings—more choices, more jobs and a new, refreshed and safer Isla Vista for every person who calls it home.
New development projects can reduce demand for lower income housing and give everyone a wider array of options.
A look at one new product of Isla Vista’s gentrification
by SAMHITA SAQUIB Remember that space in front of Isla Vista Theater that was under construction for the longest time? The drilling, the slamming, the equipment; after a long summer, the LOOP is now in full swing. And despite talk of it being overrated, everything but its price tag seems appealing to residents. The LOOP is the new residential and commercial building located on Trigo Road. Right in the heart of IV, it has attracted many students from University of California Santa Barbara and Santa Barbara City College as residents. The building has five floors, with the first floor as the lobby. The second, third and fourth floors are for residents, and the fifth floor holds a rooftop gym with a breathtaking ocean view. If you need an incentive to work out, the view itself should suffice—who wouldn’t enjoy running or lifting weights while looking out into the waves and seeing dolphins in the distance? “Everything here is very eco-friendly,” says front desk attendant, Amanda Olason, a firstyear biology major at SBCC. “We definitely have a modern feel. It’s kind of peaceful-ish. Everything is definitely all related to IV. Everything here has all IV art, and just…IV’s personality, basically.” The apartments can house up to six people, depending on the type of room the residents choose. The price ranges from 800 to 1500 dollars for a shared room. Although that price is a bit excessive, shared rooms do have dividers in the middle, called a “privacy wall,” so that residents can still have their own space, while still living with others. “Every unit in the building has an incredible view of the mountains or the ocean,” says Ryan Miller, associate project manager of strategy and design. You can feel safe at the LOOP, because it has a solid set of safety measures in place. There are desk attendants available for most of the day, and a security guard monitors the premises at nighttime once the desk attendants leave. All of the residents have key cards that they need in order to enter the building and to operate the elevator. There are high definition cameras throughout the building—at all of the entrances and exits, and in the hallways and elevator. There’s a secure bike garage just for residents, which they need their key cards to enter. What with all the recent crime in IV, it is be a comfort for residents to know that they and their bikes and cars will be secure, especially in a hot spot like the LOOP. Aside from just having a place to live, the LOOP also offers easy access to some awesome new places for anyone to study or catch up with an old friend. Eight thousand square feet of the building is used as commercial space for restaurants like Crushcakes and Pizza My Heart. “We’re going to open up a third commercial space downstairs, and that’s something people have to look forward to,” says Miller. There are 24 parking spaces that are maneuvered robotically for the price of $2800 per spot for the whole year. The cars are lifted into the air in order to conserve garage space. As cool as the robotic lift sounds, $2800 is an absurdly unreasonable price to pay for parking; thankfully, there is normal parking for a lower price. “It’s been awesome living here. It’s a very legit place to live. The roof has a really nice view,” says Jack Kim, a second-year global studies and Spanish double major. “The only problem is it’s so pricy, but it’s a new apartment, and it’s right next to DP, right next to campus, and I thought it’s the perfect place to live. I like the vibe. The people are pretty chill, nice to each other,” said Kim. The LOOP is almost completely full right now, and many students are very interested in living there in the future. “People usually say, ‘You live in the LOOP? Let’s party at your house, dude!’” says Kim. All in all, it’s a fantastic establishment that tends to the needs of IV residents. The location couldn’t be better, the features are incredible and the staff members are very friendly and open for conversation. The apartments are spacious, and the residents are pleased. The main downfall is obviously the high price, but there are many places in IV that cost almost just as much—and the residents don’t get nearly as many advantages as the ones in the LOOP.
The Music of Our Generation
The 2010s: An Era of Electric Dance Music by DEANNA KIM Staff Writer Electric dance music is specific to our generation, whether you like it or not, and it is here to stay. EDM is no longer an underground movement or exclusive to European clubs, but a genre of music that has exploded in the United States within the last few years. Try walking down the 65 to 67 block of DP on a Friday night without hearing Skrillex, Bingo Players or some remix of Avicii’s “Levels”—it is impossible. As the youth of the 1960s is characterized by the mass popularization of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, our youth will be remembered for sex, drugs and EDM. Even if you don’t like “dubstep” or electric sounds, it is an aspect of music that has been fully integrated into our culture. Today’s Top 40 is laced with EDM qualities. DJs such as Calvin Harris, Swedish
House Mafia and David Guetta have reached the charts, furthering the mass appeal of EDM. Even country pop singer Taylor Swift experiments with dubstep in her song “I Knew You Were Trouble.” Electric bass lines and synthesized beats almost destroyed my subwoofers as my roommates, to my objection, blasted her song. Did Swift really come up with those beats with her guitar? No. Her music producers knew that EDM would sell—because it is now popular and appeals to the general public. EDM is even featured on commercials. Sure electric music can be traced back to even disco and funk, but back then instruments and bands to produced those sounds. Even if technology was used then, it was minimal and unable to be reproduced unless in a studio. Today’s electric music can be purely synthesized through a laptop, turntables, software, a mixer and speakers by one or few people. EDM is discredited by many because of the fact that it is music people think can be
easily made through a laptop and simply press “play” - that it is just noise and for the uncultured. It is noise, but good noise—if you find the right DJ. Just because it is not music produced by a guitar or drum set does not mean it is bad music; it still takes a lot of creativity and passion. It is music that can alter the state of mind from melancholy to ecstasy. It is made through electronics, but that’s the beauty and perks of being in the digital age. The artists that do just press “play” at shows are like artists that lip synch during a concert—there is ingenuity in all genres of music. A good DJ will know how to feed the crowd what they crave while adding his or her own flair. Every genre of music has good and bad artists, and just because you do not like Skrillex does not mean you should be quick to bash on all EDM. Like all music, every artist has their own style, taste and purpose in the music they create. With its danceable beats, soothing vocals,
build ups and drops, EDM is music that helps our generation let go of all our anxieties and troubles—especially in the day and age where college tuition has sky-rocketed and the prospects of life after college look uncertain. It is music where dancing by yourself is completely accepted and normal. As Woodstock is associated with the 60s and 70s, raves will be a festivity accredited to our generation. Raves have been around for a while, such as the Electric Daisy Carnival, a rave that had to move from Los Angeles to Las Vegas due to the massive increase of attendance. EDM has erupted with our youth and become a billion dollar industry that has brought Hollywood fame to DJs around the world. I am not saying you need to like EDM and listen to it, but that you should acknowledge and credit the existence and quality of this revolutionary style of music. EDM is a phenomenon that shows the toll of technology on our times and captures the spirit of our generation.
It’s Not the Apocalypse, Just Halloween in IV: The holiday weekend showcases IV’s unique culture by NATHALIE VERA Staff Writer The only thing scarier than zombies and vampires is Halloween weekend in Isla Vista. Seriously, with so many out-oftowners, your phone won’t even have reception. IV becomes… The Dead Zone [insert creepy music here]. And that is only the beginning. As a student at the University of California Santa Barbara, perhaps many of us take for granted the variety of things that make up the awesomeness of our school—the beach, the nightlife, the scenery and the good-looking people. The truth is, the UCSB-IV culture has appealed to many of us since we were freshmen, and it continues to attract hoards of people, particularly during Halloween time. Why? Because if there was ever any doubt about our reputation as one of the craziest party schools in the nation, Halloween weekend is there to set everyone’s record straight. Halloween is pretty much the event of the year. It’s an unofficial school holiday that so inconveniently occurs during midterm season, a fact that does not stop people of all walks of life raging together in ridiculous costumes. Del Playa turns into a huge block party/parade of half-naked people on the Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday nights surrounding Oct. 31. Everyone and their mother dresses up (or down) in their scariest/sexiest costumes to roam around DP with their friends, random people in banana suits and maybe some cops while in a state of brutal intoxication—activities that could be labeled as fun. And let’s not forget the pictures. You feel giddy when you realize that your camera is full of pictures from last night, which you get to relive all over again. Being able to check out everyone’s costumes in a sea of people is possibly one of the best parts about it. Katy Perry, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Lady Gaga and Edward Scissorhands (you thought I was going to say Cullen, huh?) flood your Facebook newsfeeds, along with narrations of a night that some do not recall completely (or at all). This full-blown tradition completely belongs to students of UCSB and serves as an indicator of pride, as well as a reminder for jealous students at other schools about our lifestyle, our privilege and our unhindered wild side. But nothing comes without a price. IV Halloween is well known for all the positive experiences people have had here. However, few people think about all the crime that occurs on the daily. Stabbings, robberies and vandalism occur all too frequently during the Halloween celebrations and terrorize the already dangerous streets of IV. Last year alone, the police reported over 400
arrests and citations, more than 100 students in need of medical assistance and an overwhelming number of burglaries and property damages, according to a staff report from the Santa Ynez Valley News. We party hard, but people ignore the fact that IV is a town just like any other—prone to assaults and burglaries. The truth is, going out on Halloween weekend is as much as a sacrifice as going on that crash diet to look superb in your suggestive costume. With the addition of out-of-towners, the probability of crime increases; the fact is that people who don’t live here are probably unaware of the laws and the implications of their actions. We expose ourselves to more than an unfortunate hookup with a seemingly attractive masked guy; in fact, we can be potentially putting ourselves in a risky situation (and no, your mom did not hire me to say that). However, although IV may involuntarily turn into a town haunted by all this crime and disruption, you cannot deny that there is an eerie, preternatural lure about the most anticipated event of the year that continues to captivate us in a hundred different ways. And after all, surviving Halloween in IV is definitely something you can cross off your bucket list. Next time you’re stuck in a horror movie, perhaps you’ll be able to last longer than the person trapped in the middle of the human centipede.
The Bottom Line | Oct. 31 - Nov. 6
Chelsea Girls Takes Audiences on a (Slow) Trip by DEANNA KIM Staff Writer Andy Warhol’s most commercially successful film, “Chelsea Girls,” generated controversy and mixed reviews in 1966, and still elicits the same response in 2012. “Chelsea Girls” is the third showing from the Andy Warhol Film series at the Pollock Theater. It is a three and a half hour film that features Warhol superstars such as Nico, Ondine and Mary Woronov. The Warhol superstars were a group of select New York City personalities whom Warhol incorporated into his work. The 12 films shown were displayed as a split screen, two films playing side by side, with half in color and the other half in black and white. All 12 reels of film were present at the showing, but because of the complication and inconvenience of using two projectors and following Warhol’s directions, a DVD edit was shown. Ironically, the “innovative” DVD had a lot of technical difficulties as well. The movie was too slow and abstract for my taste. Any messages I got from the film could have been portrayed in an hour. It pained me to try to understand what—if anything—was going on. At the same time, however, I left the film with a new perspective. Warhol’s use of color and sound was very different from “Screen Tests,” “Kiss” and “Blow Job.” He did not want us to focus on only one or two people, but on a whole scene, what was said and the sequence of events. I could only grasp what Warhol was trying to convey as the scenes were vague and the words were spoken too quickly or slurred. Even with color film, the movie had a dark tone to it. The emotions emitted and the scenes shown had a lot to do with feeling power or being powerless, being secure or vulnerable and mocked religion and people. As painful as the first two hours of the film were, I did appreciate Warhol’s unconventional film techniques. I found the use of focus, zoom, space, sound, angle and lighting unique as it ranged from “normal” to psychedeliclike scenes. The split screen was confusing yet original; I did not know what to focus on many times, but it also added to other scenes. From what I did understand, there were many drug references to Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, and the use of it. The film seemed like a drug trip from a third person’s perspective. The camera was constantly in and out of focus and zoomed in the superstar’s ear, face or even to random objects. The use of black and white and color seemed to portray two views, like an altercation of the mind, as LSD is known to do. Much of the audience left the film very early on, something that is not surprising to see at Warhol’s films. By the end of the film only 10 people were left, myself included. What seemed like an endless wait was soon rewarded, especially when Eric Emerson of the Velvet Underground, was shown in both split screens. One showed him in a group see ANDY WARHOL | page 8
page 5 | Arts & Entertainment
Angry Wings Makes Some Mean Food by MATT MERSEL Staff Writer “I’m here for the Medieval Times Challenge,” I said confidently to the cashier at Angry Wings, the new restaurant next at 6530 Pardall. She looked at me with some surprise. “Are you sure?” she asked. I replied with the affirmative; I felt confident in my ability to take down 12 turkey legs in 30 minutes for a shot at my picture on the wall and an Angry Wings sweatshirt. “Well,” she said, “they won’t be ready for another four hours.” I was perplexed. How long could they possibly take to cook? The manager
had that answer for me; he showed me around back and let me take a look at one of my 12 adversaries. And when he pulled out a turkey leg bigger than my hand and forearm, I understood why I would have to wait on that challenge for another day. Walking into Angry Wings, customers are greeted by the phrase “We don’t cluck around.” They certainly put their money where their mouth is, too. This is the first Angry Wings location in history, and it has the task of making a name for itself in the crowded Isla Vista market that features culinary heavy-hitters like Giovan-
ni’s and The Habit. However, Angry Wings distinguishes itself through the confidence that their wings are the best around. When it comes to the wings, there is little leeway. Bone-in only, and there are four levels of spice to choose from: mild Buffalo Wings, medium Angry Wings, hot Habanero Dreamin’ Wings and Solar Flare Wings. There is a good assortment of dipping sauces, but as for the wings, those are the only options. The menu features salads, burgers, fries and the rest of the usual suspects at a bar-type restaurant, but make no mistake, the wings are the stars of see ANGRY WINGS | page 8
Ravers gather in Live Oak Campground for Lunacy Festival.
Going Crazy for Santa Barbara’s Lunacy Festival Annual moon festival features music, art, workshops by ELIZABETH AGUILAR Staff Writer Music enthusiasts, self-proclaimed freaks and free spirits alike gathered Halloween weekend in the secluded wilderness of Live Oak Camp to enjoy the insanity of the Lunacy Music and Art Festival. By day, most campers slept in their tents, waiting for the heat of the October sun’s rays to fade before coming out. Some of the attendees were still quite active, though, as they socialized within the “sacred space” of a 50-square-foot yoga mat and performed acrobatic feats of balance with incredible finesse. Still fewer attendees loitered around a Yoko tea hut and around booths where vendors sold everything from handcrafted, wire-wrapped jewelry to organic, vegan cuisine. By night, however, bass pounded
Campers take time off to entertain ongoers. throughout the park grounds as the music stylings of Eoto, Chris B. Ill-esha, Dehli 2 Dublin, Russ Liquid, Nasty Nasty and Akara, among others, blasted out into the audience. The festival was divided into two stages, the Lunar and the Synaptic, with the latter being undoubtedly the more popular of the two. Vibrant and colorful light shows illuminated the crown-like rods jutting out above the stage, and also put a young man wearing an astronaut suit in the limelight as he weaved in and out of the mass of dancers. To the left of the stage, practiced poi manipulators gathered into what became an impressive collective display. Swinging their glowing poi in spectacular patterns, they were joined by masters of finger light shows and glow-in-the-dark hula-hoop wielders. To the right of the stage, partiers reclaimed their inner
Photos by William Renteria| The Bottom Line children by swinging playfully off a huge metal jungle gym. Not too far away, the Lunar Stage was less populated but still boasted an impressive bass and light show. The stage was bathed in green and blue spots of light that shone on the ground and gave the effective impression of an alien landscape. Nearby, there stood a wall of light in a halfcircle, 200 or so feet long, that responded to the ambient music with shifting color and different light intensities. The festival was not without its more primitive artistic elements, however. Many artists seemed to draw inspiration from the crowds as they calmly brushed strokes onto their psychedelic canvases in the midst of the activities. With art for sale at booths as well as right by the stage, see LUNACY | page 8
Laurie Anderson’s ‘Dirtday!’ Celebrates the Planet, Provokes and Inspires by OXANA ERMOLOVA Staff Writer
Photo Courtesy of | Lucie Jansch Laurie Anderson in her studio in New York, USA.
Laurie Anderson’s performances are hard to classify and even harder to forget. Her innovative use of technology and multimedia to tell stories and create transformative experiences has made her a prominent artistic force in the U.S. and abroad. Anderson’s “Dirtday!” performance on Oct. 23 at University of California Santa Barbara’s Campbell Hall, sponsored by UCSB Arts & Lectures, featured candid musings set to evocative music and an eerie ambience. “Dirtday!” mixes humor with profoundly earnest insights to create a chilling and thought-provoking experience. The performance title derives from a flippant remark Anderson makes in the show. The name “Earth,” Anderson observes, is too formal for our homely planet. She suggests renaming it “Dirt” for a more personal feel, hence Earth Day would transform into Dirt Day. The performance allowed the audience to follow Anderson on her meanderings though memories, popular culture, politics and the woes and vacillations of everyday existence on planet “Dirt.” Anderson communicated these insights utilizing voice alteration, video screenings and musical interludes played on instruments of her invention. An otherworldly atmosphere was created by dozens of candles burning onstage and superb stage lighting designed by Brian Scott. The audience was transported into a dreamlike state were ideas could almost be see DIRTDAY | page 8
The Bottom Line | Oct. 31 - Nov. 6
page 6 | Health & Lifestyles
Parents of 14-year-old Girl Sue Monster for her Death by EMMA BOORMAN College students may not think of caffeine as a drug, but it is, in fact, the most popular psychoactive drug in the United States. Many companies have discovered appealing ways to flavor and package caffeine, and many of these techniques target young people. Over the past three years, the Food and Drug Administration has received five reports of caffeinated drink related deaths. These adverse event reports are not confirmed allegations; in fact, according to a National Public Radio article, the FDA does not normally release adverse event reports. However, Kevin Goldberg, a lawyer representing the parents of Anais Fournier, a minor who died from heart arrhythmia, requested they use the Freedom of Information Act and released them to the New York Times, sparking unfortunate publicity for energy drinks, Monster in particular. The 14-year-old girl’s parents are suing Monster for failing to provide an adequate warning of the risks of consuming the drink. The girl drank two 24-oz. cans of Monster in the span of two days, a decision that, according to the coroner, aggravated an underlying heart condition. Monster and similar caffeinated drinks contain about the same amount of caffeine per ounce as coffee does, but when consumed in high doses, they can be risky for people with heart conditions, pregnant women and children. Monster does indeed put a label on its drinks warning children and people who are sensitive to caffeine not to consume their drinks. Monster denies a connection between the girl’s death and consumption of its product. Spokeswoman Judy Lin Sfetcu said Monster was “unaware of any fatality anywhere that has been caused by its drinks.” In addition, the company expressed sympathy for the family’s loss. Caffeine toxicity, which was determined to be the cause Fournier’s death, has been a source of debate between medical officials, regulators and companies such as Monster for some time now. John Hopkins researchers called for more adequate labels on all energy drinks in 2008 so consumers could accurately regulate their caffeine intake. One of the authors of the John Hopkins report “Caffeinated energy drinks—A growing problem,” Dr. Roland Griffiths, said not being able to track caffeine intake is “like
After Recent Attacks: Great White Sharks Demystified by COURTNEY HAMPTON Staff Writer
drinking a serving of an alcoholic beverage and not knowing if it’s beer or scotch.” Last year, the American Academy of Pediatrics deemed caffeine inappropriate for developing children and adolescents, citing negative effects on young cardiovascular systems in a report titled “Sports Drink and Energy Drinks for Children and Adolescents: Are They Appropriate?” Meanwhile, Monster maintains that its beverage and Fournier’s death are unrelated. According to the lawsuit, since Monster is classified as an “energy supplement” rather than food, it can be manufactured without regard to caffeine content. Sodas are limited to a 0.02 percent caffeine limit, but energy drinks are not obligated to limit caffeine at all. Monster lists the ingredients that include caffeine, such as guarana, but does not indicate the amount of caffeine in each can. News reported that a representative for Monster said they do not include caffeine information because “there is no legal or commercial business requirement to do so, and also because our products are completely safe, and the actual numbers are not meaningful to most consumers.” A trial date for the case, Wendy Crossland and Richard Fournier v. Monster Beverage Corp., has not been set yet. The complaint indicates Fournier’s parents are seeking damages in excess of $25,000. In addition, Goldberg’s firm is investigating other cases that may involve Monster and similar energy drink companies. The results of the case could be that many young consumers will be informed of how much caffeine they are consuming with each energy drink. Photo Courtesy of | food.productwiki.com
Are the waters of Santa Barbara County safe? It’s a question worth sinking one’s teeth into. In the calm waters off the coast of Santa Barbara County, it is easy to forget that great white sharks look for sea lions as a mid-morning snack. On Tuesday, Oct. 24, around 11 a.m., Francisco Javier Solorio Jr., 39, was declared dead at Surf Beach near the Vandenburg Air Force Base after suffering from a shark bite to the torso. Later, it was confirmed that a 15- to 16-foot great white shark had bitten the avid surfer. At the same beach on Oct. 22, 2010, Lucas Ranson, 19, died after a 14- to 16-foot great white shark bit his left leg. A memorial service for the University of California Santa Barbara chemical engineering student was held the day before Solorio’s death. Since April 2012, there have been 10 shark sightings in Santa Barbara. In light of the sudden increase in sightings and the recent attack, residents have begun to wonder: is it safe to swim in Santa Barbara waters? “There’s no reason to be alarmed, but there is reason to be informed,” said Mick Kronman, who has been Harbor Operations Manager for the City of Santa Barbara for 12.5 years. Kronman said that from 1990 to 1999, sharks have attacked 35 people from Avila Beach in San Luis Obispo County to the Mexican border. Since 2000, about 70 people have been attacked by sharks, but only three of the attacks have been fatal. None of these attacks have occurred within the city limits of Santa Barbara. Despite the low probability of a shark attack, Kronman said that “the creepy factor” of sharks and movies like “Jaws” spook people. “There’s something mysterious and creepy about sharks and people feel that sort of primordial fear when they consider how terrible it would be to have an encounter with a shark,” said Kronman. The Santa Barbara Harbor relies
on the information of scientists to determine the reasons for the increased number of shark sightings. Kronman explained that scientists believe that the great white shark population is on the rise. The shark population had a steep downfall after juvenile white sharks were caught in gillnets, so it has taken many decades for the legally protected species to recover. According to the California Department of Fish and Game, great white sharks can grow up to 21 feet long and over 4000 pounds. Great white sharks are long-lived, but not very abundant; scientists estimate that there are fewer than 100 adult sharks along the California coast. A shark’s gestation period is long—12 months—and the high infant shark mortality rate means that shark populations take a long time to recover. Sharks are vital to the marine ecosystem because they keep in check sea lion and seal populations. They use their vision and a special organ that can sense electrical pulses from the heart or muscles to track down their prey. Most shark attacks are caused when a shark confuses a surfboard, a wetsuit or fins with the silhouette of a seal. To avoid a shark attack, Kronman recommends that people avoid swimming with sea lions, which great white sharks prey upon. According to him, solo activities are more associated with fatal shark attacks, so bring a friend. When in doubt, Kronman suggests you follow your gut instinct. “If you get a sixth sense that’s telling you something, that’s speaking to you but you don’t know where it’s coming from, listen to it,” said Kronman. “Other than that, you still have a greater chance of dying on the highway than you do being in the ocean.” Tyler DeShon, a fourth-year zoology major at UCSB, said that the recent attack was very tragic, but that he was aware that Surf Beach houses sea lion populations that sharks feast on. “There is a risk inherent in surfing, and the best any of us can do is understand the danger of certain beaches and make an informed decision,” DeShon said.
How Would You Like Your Healthcare Insurance Served? Public Capps or Private Maldonado by JORDAN WOLFF The debate over health care is often a hot topic among politicians, and since the existence of Obamacare seems to be hanging in the balance with the upcoming elections, the issue seems to be taking on a life of its own. Republicans argue that The Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is yet another government experiment with a chokehold on the economy, while Democrats argue that the act is the closest thing to a humane and affordable health insurance plan for all. Lois Capps and Abel Maldonado fit into these two molds like a candy-craved kid on Halloween.
Lois Capps
Tens of million who don’t have health insurance to be covered
Insurance companies can’t deny children coverage based on preexisting conditions
Insurance companies can’t deny anyone with preexisting conditions by 2014
5 7
Children can stay on their parent’s health insurance until the age of 26
Abel Maldonado’s health care plan seems to line up perfectly with the Republican party. He would like to repeal The Affordable Health Care Act and replace it with a more efficient private health care system similar to what we had before Obama. Maldonado maintains that there are a few things that are good about the Affordable Health Care Act, but most are detrimental to the economy and country. Maldonado claims that the act will be extremely harmful for the current Medicare program. He wrote an article stating the fact that, “In an interview on HYPERLINK “http://www.cbs.com/” \o “CBS’”CBS’ HYPERLINK “http://www.cbsnews.com/face-the-nation/” \o “Face the Nation”Face the Nation, the president’s deputy campaign manager characterized it as ‘$700 billion in cuts to Medicare.’”
1 3 4 3 5
Before Lois Capps became a congresswoman she was a school nurse and a voice for efficient health care in Santa Barbara County. Lois Capps remains one of the biggest supporters for the Affordable Health Care Act, which enables: An efficient alternative form of insurance funded by the government
Abel Maldonado
It will cost about $940 billion over the next 10 years, but it will actually reduce the national deficient by 1.2 trillion dollars
It will be paid through budget costs, taxes, and government funding
At the 2012 Congressional Debate in San Luis Obispo in September, Lois Capps stated that “we should have the right to access to health care.” When discussing the Affordable Health Care Act she also said, “There are many provisions that are beginning to work.” She went on to explain how since the passing of the Affordable Health Care Act, 60,000 senior citizens have been able to get prescription drugs much cheaper and that thousands of young people are able to stay insured under their parent’s plan because they are 26 or younger. Also, approximately 500 small businesses can provide insurance for workers at a much reduced rate. Lois Capps concluded that “It’s not a perfect law. We can make it better” and that “we have many challenges facing us but we have made progress.”
Abel Maldonado supports
Private health insurance
More customized and potentially better specialized care
Individuals are responsible for securing their own health insurance through employers or other means Covering pre-existing diseases
Encourages E ncourages freedom and competition, which are both potentially good for the economy
Covering young people up to the age of 26 under their parents insurance
When addressing the audience at the 2012 Congressional Debate in San Luis Obispo, Maldonado began by saying that he liked a few things from the Affordable Health Care Act, including coverage of pre-existing diseases and of young people up to the age of 26 under their parent’s insurance. He then explained why he wants to repeal Obamacare. He stated that, “It wasn’t bi-partisan” and continued to make a case for repealing the act by throwing in a power punch and saying, “Actually we have health care for everybody today. It’s called the emergency room and it’s too expensive.” When Maldonado discussed ideas for correcting the act he proposed allowing people to buy insurance across states and creating a health insurance savings account. Maldonado concluded by addressing the new taxes brought upon by the act and also touched on the delicate topic of a 15-person board of unelected experts to oversee the nation’s health care system. Capps is a supporter of this health care oversight committee and Maldonado is not. It’s easy to see that both politicians differ greatly when it comes to health care and more importantly the use of Obamacare. These elections have the capability of completely reshaping health care as we know it. We will either continue down the path of exploring the possibilities of a more public government supported health care system or repeal Obamacare and stick with what we know in a private health care system. Ultimately it’s up to you as the voter. No pressure.
The Bottom Line | Oct. 31 - Nov. 6
page 7 | Technology
Facebook Gift App Facebook’s Newest Gives Shares a Boost Money-maker
profile history. Whilst Facebook would only be using profile information friends would be able to access, the systematically finding of presents in relation to likes, statuses and events have left some concerns surrounding privacy issues. Facebook has had one billion monthly active users as of October, but has had difficulty in raising revenue from these users. In the past, Facebook has made its money through advertising. According to TechCrunch, Facebook made $9.51 per person from its US and Canadian users in 2011 through advertising revenue. By expanding from an advertising model to a commercial one through the gift app, Facebook stands to make a lot more money per user in 2012. The collection of credit card numbers and home addresses they stand to gain will also likely become profitable in the future. Investors have recognized this and share prices have risen. Boost in share prices has also been helped by their rapid growth in mobile advertising revenue. Facebook said they made 14 percent of their advertising revenue from mobile ads. This has allayed fears that Facebook could not capitalize from their mobile and tablet users. This is much needed good news for Facebook, which was valued at $104 billion when it held its Initial Public Offering on May 18. Photo Courtesy of | The Gift App Facebook Underwriters gave the company the value of Since it joined Facebook last year, The Gift App page has already received over 225,000 likes. $38 per a share, which many thought was overvaluing the company. Shares fell to by as much as 50 percent in the following months. Accordby FRANCESCA KENTISH enter their own shipping info and can swap for ing to Reuters, Facebook has been accused of Staff Writer a different size, flavour or style before the gift withholding information from investors and is now facing lawsuits from at least 33 investors, ships.” This may well become successful as a last to be centralized before a federal judge in New Facebook will now give users the opporYork. tunity to send each other gifts after the acquisi- minute gifting Facebook tion of the app, Karma. According to The Wall tool. The person looks set to the Street Journal, the expansion from advertising receiving By expanding from an maintain growth in to commerce has led to a rise in share prices. present can see over the coming The app allows people to send gifts to they have been advertising model to a quarter despite friends via Facebook and is currently being sent one immedicommercial one through earlier concerns. gradually introduced to United States users. ately. This means The increase The birthday and anniversary reminders al- they know their the gift app, Facebook in advertising ready in place will now be accompanied with friend was thinkstands to make a lot revenue from a gift button to back kind words. The benefits ing of them on mobile users are similar to those from Internet shopping, that day, without more money per user in combined with but you don’t need to know the recipient’s ad- the worry of un2012. expansion into dress, they’d enter the information themselves. reliable shipping the commercial The gift can be made public and shared on to times. The cussector will see the recipient’s wall, or kept in a private message, tomization probut the gift remains “unwrapped” until opened. cess before the present is sent out is also useful, Facebook remain as a formidable competitor According to Facebook, once opened “Friends and Facebook is recommending gifts based on in the web market.
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by DANIELLE DANKNER Facebook is currently experimenting with a new feature called “Collections” designed to increase its influence in e-commerce. Similar to its “like” button, Facebook’s new “want” and “collect” buttons allow its users to generate their own personal “wishlists” comprised of various retail products. Through the use of this feature, users of the social network can flag images of desired products by simply pressing the respective buttons. When members of Facebook click on either the “want,” “collect” or “like” icons for a certain product in “Collections,” their friends will have access to see these notes on their Timelines. Essentially, as part of the test, users will be able to “want” a certain product or be in the process of “collecting” it and will then be linked to purchase the manufactured good directly from the retailer’s online website. “Collections” will appear in Facebook’s newsfeed, enabling consumers to share their interests and directly buy products off of the social network. Select businesses will have the ability to share and publicize information regarding their products through this new “Collections” feature. Working in conjunction with retailers such as Pottery Barn and Victoria’s Secret, Facebook will be able to play a larger role in e-commerce by encouraging its users to buy products and direct consumers to the stores online.
[ ] Facebook will be able to play a larger role in ecommerce by encouraging its users to buy products and direct consumers to the stores online.
Facebook has recently announced that their “like” button has been made use of over 1.1 trillion times from when it was initially introduced. They are now hoping for similar success with their “want” and “collect” buttons. Baird analyst Colin Sebastian stated that this new “Collections” feature has the potential to produce an alternative source of income and revenue for Facebook in the future.
TBL Brings You a First Look: Apple Unveils New iPad Mini by MATT MERSEL Staff Writer On Oct. 23, Apple held a media event in San Jose, CA. After introducing new entries into the MacBook, Mac Mini, iMac and traditional iPad lines, they had a big announcement to make: the iPad Mini would be unleashed less than two weeks later, on Nov. 2. Said to be smaller, sleeker and “Every inch an iPad” as the slogan claims, the white version of the device has already completely sold out on preorders alone. As this new gadget is poised to explode out of the starting gate, it is time to take a closer look and discover if the iPad Mini really is the next great advancement for Apple or just another disappointing release. To begin, let’s analyze the most obvious change—the new size. The iPad Mini features a 7.9-inch display, as compared to the 9.7-inch display of the new Retina iPad. However, it is also slimmer (by 23 percent) and much lighter (by 53 percent). This makes it easy to handle the device with one hand, and is actually an important improvement compared to how unwieldy the full-sized iPad can be at times. And with 7.9 inches still available for screen space, it doesn’t appear that there will be any problem with the amount of real estate that consumers will have to work with. One way in which the iPad Mini falls short of the third and fourth iPads, though, is in its lack of Retina. The screen will have a roughly identical resolution as the iPad 2, with the same 1024x768 display but a slightly better amount of pixels-per-inch, with 163 as compared to the iPad 2’s 132. While this resolution will still look crisper and clearer due to its smaller screen size, it’s a bit of a disappointment that Apple’s prized new display technology hasn’t found its way into its newest innovation. At least there won’t be any problem with not being able to run the same apps as a full-sized iPad due to screen limitations; all
software designed for the iPad is immediately compatible with the iPad Mini. Looking at the technical specifications of the iPad Mini, it is mainly up to date with the best Apple has to offer, but with some important exceptions. It features the same 5-megapixel cameras as the third and fourth generation iPad, as well as 720p/1080p video (from the front and rear facing cameras, respectively), improved Wi-Fi speeds with LTE connectivity and a 10-hour battery life. It will also house all of the newest software, with iOS 6 and Siri. However, the iPad Mini features an A5 performance chip, which is not one, but two installments behind the newest chip, the A6X, found in the newest full-sized iPad. In addition, the iPad Mini has some annoying design decisions, such as the lack of SIM card support and the new Lighting port, which renders all previous peripherals and accessories useless. Fret not though, because there is an adapter available for the old port—sold separately, of course. After taking a look at what the new iPad Mini has to offer, the burning question remains: should I buy it? At the end of the day, the iPad Mini is mostly up to date, save for a few discouraging omissions. Its smaller size is a big plus and full compatibility with existing software is important, but there is no “wow” factor that would really aid a product like this, especially with its $329 price tag. Current iPad owners don’t really have any need for this device, but if you’re looking to pick up your first one, this is not a bad way to start at all. Looking at the iPad Mini versus the new fourth generation iPad, which is released the same day, it all comes down to the size. If increased mobility is your thing, the iPad Mini might be the product for you. However, someone looking for the most up to date iPad experience would be better off with the full-sized device.
Photo Courtesy of | The Apple Store The new hand-held iPad Mini is 23 percent slimmer and 53 percent lighter.
The Bottom Line | Oct. 31 - Nov. 6
page 8 | Continuations
continuted: DIRTDAY
continued: ANDY WARHOL
perceived viscerally. Anderson certainly has a unique perspective on planet “Dirt,” having served as NASA’s first and only artist-in-residence. When NASA initially approached Anderson about the residency, she was uncertain of what the position would entail. When she asked for clarification, the scientists in turn asked her what she herself thought it meant and essentially allowed her to create the position. Anderson’s time with NASA helped her “realize that artists and scientists work in similar ways” as they explore the world around them. The experience served as the perfect catalyst for exploring questions relevant to both art and science: “What is science? What is truth? What is beauty?” The “Dirtday!” performance was not Laurie Anderson’s first visit to Santa Barbara. She performed here two years ago and has close ties with the Theater and Dance Department faculty, who have entreated her to teach at UCSB for years now. Though Anderson has so far declined the offer, she visited the department to share her insights on creativity and how to establish a career as a performing artist. Anderson emphasized that as young artists, the students should not wait for others to ask them what they wish to do. Rather, initiative combined with a clear vision is key to realizing one’s aspirations. Anderson herself embodies this principle. For instance, she wondered for years what it would be like to play a concert exclusively for dogs, even discussing the concept with musician Yo-Yo Ma backstage once before a show. Finally, in 2010, she asked for and received a chance to perform a concert for dogs at the Sydney Opera House. The experience, Anderson said, was “the most amazing concert I’ve ever, ever gotten to give!” At the “Dirtday!” performance, Santa Barbara audiences experienced firsthand the unique sense of whimsy and fearless earnestness that Laurie Anderson brings to her artistic pursuits.
Photo Courtesy of | Lucie Jansch
continued: ANGRY WINGS
Photos by Ayeyi Aboagye| The Bottom Line The newly opened Angry Wings occupies the former site of Chino’s on Pardall Road.
many people couldn’t help but stop to compliment the artists and admire their merchandise. Clay Smith, a 29-year-old Santa Barbara native, was one of the admirers. When asked what he thought of the festival, he shouted above the music to make himself heard before diving back into the crowd. “It’s the [expletive]! I go crazy for it!,” he said. Other attendees liberally exchanged smiles, smokes and liba-
the show here. Normally, this lack of variety would be disappointing; however, the first bite is all it takes to see that there’s no need for a large selection. The wings are fresh and delicious, and the sauce is absolutely excellent. Even as the spice is kicked up, there is still no sacrifice of flavor for heat. They aren’t the best wings on the planet, but there is no parallel here in IV, and they are on the same level as a restaurant like Wing Stop or Buffalo Wild Wings. For a town that could use a tad more variety in the gameday food and “drunchie” categories, this is pretty valuable. As for the food challenges, aside from the Medieval Times challenge, they also have a Solar Flare challenge with the objective of eating six or twelve wings drenched in sauce infused with ghost chili. Put quite simply, a ghost chili is roughly two hundred times spicier than a jalapeno. And the kicker is that you
can’t be over a 0.08 percent BAC to participate. You have to sign a death waiver before you can begin. They should be calling this place “Sadistic Wings.” All in all, Angry Wings puts on a pretty impressive show for a new franchise. There are some hiccups to be sure; there seems to be a bit of disorganization as the restaurant gets finished being put together, but that is forgivable for a rookie establishment that is still stretching its wings. However, Angry Wings makes no bones about the fact that their wings are what people will be coming to them for, and it’s a promise that they have no trouble keeping. While it may not be the absolute best food in the world, it is a solid, delicious offering to the food culture here in IV, one that should be welcomed by the students. Just make sure to say goodbye to your loved ones before attempting one of the challenges. - MATT MERSEL
of people, just being casual, nothing really important going on, and the other showed him in what appeared to be a LSD trip. He was talking about his clothes and how interesting they are, how he could show only what he wanted people to see. He stated, as he slowly started to undress and reveal his body, “You know where you’re at. They don’t know. You don’t want them to know. They only see what I want them to see, and that’s not very much.” The use of split screen displayed him in a normal setting, one only showing what he knew people wanted to see, and the other revealing his mind. The last film showed Nico crying in one screen and the other showed the Pope talking to a girl saying, “[Confess to me] but not as a pope, as a man. I’m no different from any other man, I just want to be true—true to homosexuals, perverts of any kind, thieves…the rejects of society… come in here and confess. What’s troubling you? You’ll be free…” As he appears to be a righteous man wanting to help, he shortly yells derogatory terms at her and even uses physical abuse, showing Warhol’s view on religion as something inconsistent and hypocritical. “Chelsea Girls” is a film that I would not want to sit through again; however, I enjoyed the last few films, where the words provoked my thoughts about society and even about myself. Whether the scenes were planned or just a drug trip, I do not know. Regardless, Warhol reveals much about his views on people and society, or what he wants us to see and think, through “Chelsea Girls.” - DEANNA KIM
continued: LUNACY
tions as the mood progressed from a sleepy aura earlier in the day to one of enthusiastic community and welcome. Indeed, where else could such happy pandemonium be found? With regard to that, Smith offered one last paradoxical warning before finally disappearing for good into the festivities. “Look out for the crazies,” he said. “Unless you are one. Then just look out for the normals. But don’t worry...there ain’t any here.” - ELIZABETH AGUILAR
Photos by William Renteria| The Bottom Line
Tuesdays, 5pm