Fall 2019, Issue 1

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OCTOBER 9, 2019





Photo by SAMUEL YANG Staff Photographer

FAUX-GUE Do you feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with IV's constantly changing style? Then TBL has the perfect style guide for you. OPINIONS | PAGE 11

ADVICE FROM NEW FACULTY Some of UCSB's newest faculty members share some of their best start-of-the-year advice for new and returning students. FEATURES | PAGE 5

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n Sept. 12, UC Santa Barbara took a major step in classrooms by allowing students to begin choosing their pronouns on the Gaucho On-Line Data (GOLD) website. In taking this step, UCSB has followed the lead of many other prestigious universities by acknowledging the pervasive issue of misgendering. “Our trans and non-binary students are experiencing a lot of misgendering in the classroom,” said Craig Leets in an interview with The Bottom Line. Leets is the Director of the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (RCSGD) at UCSB. “As a way to try and reduce the amount of misgendering that happens by instructors and by peers we wanted to figure out how to get pronouns into the learning environments on campus,” he continued. Students enrolled in classes on GOLD now have the option to choose between the pronouns “he/him/his,” “she/her/hers,” “they/them/theirs,” “ze/hir/hirs” along with options like “Other,” “I do not use a pronoun,” “I use all gender pronouns,” or “None.” They can update these preferences

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on the "My Personal Info" page, which can be found under the "About Me" tab. GOLD’s decision to allow students to choose their pronouns is the culmination of a process that began in 2016 when the Trans Task Force began to ask what the school could do to get pronouns into university systems, according to Leets. The Trans Task Force is a group of students, faculty, and administrators that advocated to make the university more welcoming to all genders — specifically those that are gender non-conforming. Although the idea emerged three years ago, it wasn’t until last spring that this movement took full force. On Jan. 1, 2019, California passed the Gender Recognition Act, which allows Californians to have a third legal gender designation on their birth certificates and other official documents. The third gender is "x," which is supposed to represent non-binary individuals. “Every person deserves full legal recognition and equal treatment under the law and to ensure that intersex, transgender, and non-binary people have state-issued identification documents

that provide full legal recognition of their accurate gender identity,” the act states. With the passing of this new act, the Gender Recognition Act Task Force was created at UCSB, headed by Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Margaret Klawuun. The task force suggested that the effort to allow for more inclusive pronouns move forward after the passing of the Gender Recognition Act in the spring. “[The passing of the act] was really helpful and honestly a tipping point in allowing this project to move forward,” Leets said. The passing of this act gave the school and students more initiative to create gender inclusive options on online databases. Following the recommendation of the task force to push this project onward, UCSB’s IT Board, the group in charge of GOLD, gave final approval to finally kick-start the project over the summer. “It took a lot of work this summer,” Leets admitted. The IT Board received help from other departments on campus, including the Office of the Registrar, Student Information Systems and Technology (SISNT), and Letters and Science

Information and Technology (LSIT). With every department working as a cohesive unit, students were finally able to update their pronouns on Sept. 12, just two weeks before the 2019-2020 school year began. As of Sept. 20., students and faculty can see those pronouns on Gauchospace as well as eGrades. Within the first two weeks that this feature was made available, Leets said that 4,000 students had already updated their pronouns. “I think it’s just another step forward in our campus being welcoming to trans and non-binary people and shows that we want all of our students to succeed,” he said. “Students from underrepresented or marginalized groups face additional barriers. For trans and non-binary people, one of those barriers is being consistently misgendered.” Leets want to raise awareness of pronouns and their importance, noting that every student has them, not just trans or non-binary people. “Our message right now is everyone should fill this out, [because] all students have pronouns,” he said. If students do not update

their pronouns on GOLD, the roster will remain blank, as there is no default pronoun. There is an ongoing push to continue encouraging students to update their pronouns spreading more awareness of misgendering in the process. Members of the RCGSD plan on tabling in the arbor to encourage more students to update their pronouns on GOLD. While pronoun data is currently only available on eGrades and Gauchospace, via the inputted information on GOLD, the RCGSD hopes to eventually expand to other UCSB-specific IT systems such as the library database, housing and advising. Leets said that pronoun options are eventually going to be made available to faculty as well. “We’re just reducing another barrier that is in place that causes an extra challenge for some of our students at UC Santa Barbara.” Oct. 16 is International Pronouns Day and the RCSGD and other groups will be tabling in the Arbor throughout the day to raise awareness about misgendering. Illustration by Esther Liu | Social Media Coordinator


DROPPED for Over a Quarter of UCSB



tarting in the 20202021 application cycle, 16 out of the 56 graduate departments at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) have dropped the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) requirement from their application process. For years, many departments at UCSB have been questioning the necessity of the GRE due to a multitude of factors which could make the process of applying more difficult for students, like the cost of the exam, access to preparatory courses, and other factors. At the beginning of this year, departments were allowed to vote on whether or not they would continue to require GRE scores as a necessary component of their application process. Notable departments that have dropped the GRE are the Chemistry, Education, and Linguistics departments, each of which had their own reasons for

dropping the exam for this upcoming batch of applicants in 2020. “Because (the GRE) is linguistically and culturally biased . . . there’s no evidence to show that predicts that people will be good at linguistics, it just shows who has one particluar kind of brain, who got to go to certain types of schools, or who has money to pay for GRE prep,” said Anne Charity Hudley in a Twitter post. Hudley is the North Hall Endowed Chair in the Linguistics of African-America and a Professor in the UCSB Linguistics department. Although there have been departments that have dropped the exam, a majority of departments still require it as a deciding factor in their application process. One notable example of such a department is the Sociology department. Geoffrey Raymond, chair of the Sociology department and

TBL 2019-2020 STAFF Editor-in-Chief | Lauren Marnel Shores Managing Editor | Arturo Samaniego Executive Content Editor | Jessica Gang Senior Layout Editor | Mikaela Pham Senior Copy Editor | Sheila Tran News Editor | Noe Padilla Assisstant News Editor | Danielle Yoon

professor of sociology at UCSB, acknowledges the skepticism regarding using the GRE as an indicator of student success, but expresses how “faculty finds aspects of it informative." “We have long been aware of and taken into account skepticism about the GRE’s utility as a predictor of academic success and strong correlations with various forms of inequality/privilege,” said Raymond. However, Raymond expressed that applicants weren’t solely evaluated on their GRE scores, and were instead evaluated in a holistic manner. “[The Department is] one that includes the score as part of a ‘holistic review’ that focuses on student materials including but not limited to grades, writing samples, letters of recommendation, public service, research experiences, program fit, contributions to overall diversity, and so on,” explained Raymond when

questioned on how the department reviews their applicants. The Atlantic published an article in 2016 regarding the drawbacks of requiring the GRE. English professor, Christian Vasquez, studied for the GRE on his own for several months because he wasn’t able to afford professional prep. His test results were not what he expected and he did not feel that they were good enough to submit to colleges. Stories like Vasquez’s shed a light on the limitations standardized tests impose on disadvantaged students. Many first-generation or minority students cannot shell out money to pay for these tests and in turn, will see their chances at going to graduate school go out the window. Graduate school has become a “high-status” opportunity. As a first-generation student, it is hard for me to find the motivation and resources to think about graduate school

and standardized testing to pursue professional social work or therapy jobs. An overreliance by top colleges leaves students like myself, Vasquez, and many others without the ability to pursue higher education above bachelor’s degrees. Since this is the first year that departments have been able to drop the GRE the impact of this decision won’t be seen for the next few years. As mentioned before, the GRE is definitely a subject of controversy when it comes to testing student preparedness for graduate school. Dropping the requirement from departments could ultimately lead to more inclusiveness and motivation to apply for graduate schools, but time will have to tell what its effects may be. Noe Padilla contributed reporting to this article. Photo by Elena Zhukova

Opinions expressed in TBL do not necessarily represent those of the staff or UCSB. All submissions, questions or comments may be directed to editors@bottomlineucsb.com

Features Editor | Alondra Sierra Arts & Entertainment Editor | Vanessa Su Science & Tech Editor | Xander Apicella Opinions Editor | Raymond Matthews Video Editor | Ariana McDonald

Photo Editor | Graeme Jackson Campus Beat Reporter | Madison Kirkpatrick AS Beat Reporter | Kyle Dent Copy Editors | Annie Huang, Linda Chong

Art Director | Alyssa Long Layout Editor | Melody Li Pages 7, 8, 9 Layout Editor | Amanda Wang Pages 4, 5, 6 Layout Editor | Christine Ho Pages 10, 11, 12

NEWS | 3

Our Favorite Grocery Store:

IV Food ARTURO SAMANIEGO | Managing Editor


ver the decades Isla Vista has seen many changes, but a familiar sight to past and present residents of the community is the Isla Vista Food Co-op. Situated on 6575 Seville Rd. and established in 1972, the IV Food Co-op aims not only to provide residents and UCSB students with healthy and affordable food, but also foster a sense of community while promoting environmentally sustainable lifestyles. “The Co-op started as an incredible project between the community and some students,” said Melissa Cohen, General Manager for the IV Food Co-op and a UCSB alumna. Since its inception, the Coop has been community-owned. “Every single person that shopped here in the first years was an owner of the business,” said Cohen. She explained that once enough individuals had placed equity in the Co-op, it was able to begin selling its products to the whole community, not just its members. Rebecca Roberts, Store Manager for the IV Food Co-op, credits initially joining the Co-op


back in 2014 (during her junior year at UCSB) to its welcoming environment, organic and fair trade offerings, and the convenience of riding her bike to get groceries. “I loved the idea that the money I was spending was going directly back into the store, workers' wages, community partnerships — that it was being used for the good of the community rather than to enrich a single individual or group of people,” said Roberts. Cohen states that corporate grocery stores do not reflect the needs of local communities, but instead reflect national trends. “When you shop at the Food Co-op ... you support businesses that change [products], every year based on who is shopping,” Cohen said. Over the years, the Coop has added new food products such as rice, beans, and pasta; all of which you would not have found in the store 10 years ago. Despite being over 40 years old, the Co-op remains a prominent fixture in the community. Cohen contributes the Co-op’s continued relevance to its outreach programs and partnerships with UCSB campus entities like

The Food and Nutrition Basic Skills program and the Food Security Taskforce, both of which the Co-op has partnered with to promote healthier lifestyles to students. In addition to meeting the grocery needs of the IV community, the Co-op also seeks to educate people on how to affordably live healthy and environmentally sustainable lifestyles. Recently the Co-op hosted its “Be Great At Grocery Shopping” workshop, held once a quarter, which provides tips on how to successfully stock a kitchen, and a DIY Beeswax wrapper workshop, where they teach participants how to make reusable plastic wrap out of beeswax. “Our workshops are rooted around how to maximize your budget [in regards to groceries] and understand how to do that at the Co-op,” Cohen said. Additionally the Co-op also holds tasting events about once a week, where people can sample the brands and products available in the store. Cohen notes that the Co-op has had to change over the years not only to remain relevant, but

also to stay in business. She recalls that in 2006, the Co-op almost closed. “There [were] not enough people who understood who we were and why we were here, and I don’t think we even understood it — we were racing against our employee turnover, and our customer turnover,” Cohen said. By creating more partnerships with the University and updating their inventory to reflect the needs of the community, the Coop was able to overcome its financial trouble. Though the Co-op is now in a much more financially secure position, Cohen admits that there are still challenges in running a business in IV’s unique environment. In particular, it can be difficult for the Co-op to surmount lulls in business during the summer and winter months when students are away from school on vacation. “To operate a business that is a 12 month-a-year business but only having 9 months a year of actual sales is very difficult,” Cohen said. To overcome those difficulties, the Co-op adjusts its hours

of operations and relies on the equity it garners from its members. Despite the challenges that arise at times, Cohen believes that the Co-op serves an important and necessary role for the IV community. “People are looking to be part of healthier communities and healthier lifestyles,” Cohen said. “Everyone deserves to have a healthy functioning community where you can be seen, feel heard, feel valued, and feel cared for.” Photo by Graeme Jackson | Photo Editor

Fresh Advice

from New Faculty ALONDRA SIERRA | Features Editor


avigating new spaces and beginnings, much like the start of fall quarter, can be a daunting exploration or a thrilling opportunity for both new and returning faces to UCSB’s community. The novelty of fall quarter isn’t just a burden for students to bear, however, as our campus welcomes over 60 faculty members across all academic departments. The Bottom Line reached out to some of UCSB’s new faculty to share some advice to students encountering the newness of fall quarter. “I think what I would say is that college is an amazing time for experimenting with ways to engage with the world. I did my share of wasting time in undergrad (e.g... sleeping till 4pm), but some of my fondest memories are when I wandered into communities of people trying to make something happen. There are so many opportunities on a campus like this one to be engaged whether it's joining an activist group, volunteering for a non-profit, canvassing for a politician, or just talking with your friends about what's going on in the world. As someone who studies how young people engage in politics, I know there are many sensible reasons students steer clear of anything 'political.' But in college you get to try out different ways of engaging in public life ... and different ideas ... you can try things out and decide never to do them again. I think my advice is to use some of this precious quarter to step out of your own life and into

public life. It will be weird, perhaps disheartening, maybe frustrating ... but you might just find something you are truly passionate about.” Professor Dan Lane Department of Communications “As a college freshman, I remember being afraid to ask questions. I was nervous about looking stupid, reluctant to admit I didn't know what I assumed were basic things, and scared of talking to people who seemed to have such a clear sense of their place in the world. The first years of university life are nerve-wracking, but it is also the time when endless possibilities of learning and unlearning lay before you. Don't be afraid to take courses you know nothing about, to risk asking the question you think is obvious (in all likelihood, many people in the room will be grateful to you for it!), to be vulnerable with those around you, and to push yourself to be uncomfortable. Embracing uncertainty can be unsettling, but the most interesting people I know are constantly unsettled. My second piece of advice is this: Don't let the classroom discipline how you learn ... You will learn just as much — if not more — about the world from your fellow students, from the ocean and the earth, from being embedded in social movements, going to protests, community gardens, union meetings, and from learning how to be in the world with others." Professor Charmaine Chua Department of Global Studies “The Grateful Dead have a

line in the song 'Uncle John's Band' that says, 'Well the first days are the hardest days.' I often have that line in my head when I begin something new. Remember that almost everything new is hard at first, and with time it gets easier. After my own recent move to the SB area, I was reading a blog about transitioning to new places, and the author recommended becoming a 'regular' somewhere. So, I would advise students to become 'regulars' — to stay engaged in their classes and to participate in onand off-campus activities. And remember to get help along the way if you need it. There are a lot of resources at UCSB and in the community to help students who are struggling; please reach out to someone if you need help.” Professor Elizabeth Ackert Department of Geography “The beginning of a new school year is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. At this time of the school year, we often subject ourselves to high expectations. Don’t be too hard on yourself! Take a break from thinking about everything you want to accomplish and reflect on how far you’ve already come. Give yourself some credit, and remind yourself what a strong and capable person you are.” Professor Liz Carlisle Department of Environmental Studies “One thing I wished I had done more when I was in undergrad and one thing that I always advise students to do is go to office hours! I was a first-generation

college student and was intimidated by many professors and confused by a lot things when I was new to campus. But now as a professor I know that we (professors) really do care about students and want to know about what’s going on in their lives. I didn’t really get that, and wish that I had.” Professor Jean Beaman Department of Sociology “Don’t get lost and remember who you are. Keep focus on your intentions to further your education.” Professor Sarah Brady Department of Art “One piece of advice that I’ve found helpful, especially as I adapt to new situations, is to avoid the temptation to multitasking. In addition to the pervasive distractions of modern life, when moving to a new environment or starting a big new project, we are usually confronted with a million things that vie for our attention and create a sense of restlessness and anxiety. It is easy to get carried away by these emotions and to start trying to juggle, devoting some degree of attention to each of those things at the same time, but that strategy tends to create more anxiety and prevents us from really enjoying whatever is our main occupation at each moment, as we are distracted by the other things that we also need to get to. I think it is better both for our mind and for our effectiveness, to stop for a moment to define priorities and then try to devote our full attention to one thing at a time, moving to the next one (with full

attention, again) when the appointed time comes … ” Professor Patricio A. Fernandez Department of Philosophy “I’m joining UCSB after years of teaching in University of Delhi, India. Everything feels very 'new' and different here — from the city, university, weather, university culture, just about everything. One can confront newness with either anxiety or excitement. My advice to all those coming to UCSB for the first time is that to feel fear and anxiety is natural; as is to feel the tingle of excitement at the wonderful opportunities, resources and relationships this place offers. Let the spirit of excitement and exploration be your lodestar. The rest will fall in place.” Professor Anshu Malhotra Global Studies Photo by Matt Perko


YBN Nahmir Paints the Stage at the Welcome Back Concert

VANESSA SU | Arts & Entertainment Editor


o wrap up UCSB’s annual festive Week of Welcome, AS Program Board treated UCSB students to a free Welcome Back Concert featuring rapper YBN Nahmir and DJ Vincent at Storke Tower on Sunday, Sept. 29. With a similar turnout compared to past Welcome Back Concerts, the crowd, which boasted an overwhelming number of freshmen, energetically ate up the evening show. Alabama native and mastermind behind the YBN collective (a group of rappers whose names start with YBN such as YBN Cordae, YBN Almighty Jay, YBN Bielsa, etc.), YBN Nahmir enthusiastically performed an original set featuring original hits such as “Bounce Out With That” and “Rubbin off the Paint.” On the other hand, Vincent, the opening act of the performance, chose to showcase his skills by performing popular mixes of songs from other artists such as Skrillex and Kendrick Lamar. A popular location for noon shows and small concerts, Storke Plaza served as the ideal venue for YBN Nahmir and Vincent to showcase their musical repertoire

with its spacious area and many stairs that allowed students to peer above the crowd and catch a clearer glance of the artists. The show’s opener, Vincent, relied heavily on popular songs such as “Humble” by Kendrick Lamar and “Jumpman” by Drake to rile up the crowd for an hour prior to YBN Nahmir’s performance. Famous for his remix of Drake and Meek Mill’s “R.I.C.O,” the DJ played a mix of electronic and trap mixes before YBN Nahmir dashed on stage. Although a bit indecisive as he switched from song to song, YBN Nahmir played an intense set of rap songs, prompting the crowd to jump incessantly as the speaker blasted trap beats and YBN Nahmir’s voice echoed through the plaza. “Y’all crazy,” YBN Nahmir snickered as the crowd cheered for him. He introduced his friends, who doubled as hype men, to the crowd before jumping back into his set, sending an infectious wave of adrenaline through the crowd as he dashed across the stage. His sense of energy and ability to engage with the crowd excited it, allowing for an impressive perfor-


mance and rap delivery. A fresh start to the school year, this year’s Welcome Back Concert served as an improvement upon last year’s Welcome Back Concert that featured Cuco and disappointed due to its lack of original songs from the artist. This year, UCSB students can look forward to more artist performances as well as a variety of other activities such as film screenings and comedy shows. A young rapper on the rise, YBN Nahmir does not currently have performances planned in California but will perform in Binghamton, NY at the Floyd L. Maines Veterans Memorial Arena on Oct. 5. Currently on his “for you” world tour, Vincent will be heading to San Francisco, CA on Nov. 1 to perform at Origin SF for AMF Halloween. Both artists are touring and coming out with new music, so fans can anticipate announcements of future music projects and performances from them! Author’s Recommended Songs: “Think Twice (feat. Lil Skies)” by YBN Nahmir “Same Page (feat. Brooke Daye)” by Vincent“ Photos by Samuel Yang | Staff Photographer

Day6 Defies Gravity at the Novo

VANESSA SU | Arts & Entertainment Editor


rapping up an impressive world tour for their latest album The Book of Us: Gravity, Korean band Day6 stopped by Los Angeles to perform in the Novo for their adoring American fans on Sept. 28-29. Under the management of popular entertainment company JYP Entertainment, the band continues to break records and boasts numerous music awards under their belt, including Band Music Award from the 2018 MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards and Best Band Award from the 2019 M2 X Genie Music Awards. As one of the rare Korean pop groups that write and produce the majority of their own songs, Day6 is made up of members Sungjin, Jae, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon. The band is known for incorporating a vast variety

of instruments into their songs, including guitar, bass, piano, drums, and electric guitar, while also experimenting with vintage and pop influences. Roughly twenty minutes away from downtown L.A., the Novo provides generous seating and has special balconies and accessible seats for fans with disabilities. With multiple digital screens, the venue guarantees fans a clear view of the performance and artist from all angles. For this specific concert, the venue relied on mellow blue lighting that paired well with the graphics on the screen that displayed song lyrics as the band performed. Before the show started promptly at 7:30 p.m., murmurs of excitement drifted through the crowd as fans eagerly awaited Day6 to grace the stage. An intro video started playing on the big

screen to signal the members’ entrance, and fans erupted into screams as each member came on stage carrying their respective instruments. The band began their set by playing new tracks from their latest album, The Book of Us: Gravity, the whole stadium shook with excitement as the band played “Best Part” and “Time of Our Life” before launching into “Sing Me” from their second EP, Daydream. Throughout the entire concert, the band never stopped smiling as fans sang along with them. The band was clearly grateful for the support and endless cheering of their fans. After playing a few songs, the band paused the performance as Jae took the mic, announcing, “We got a lot for you guys,” before playfully teasing the crowd by screaming “Are you ready?”

The band played more alltime favorites such as “Congratulations” and “Letting Go” before Jae paused the set to encourage fans to put down their phones and enjoy the performance in front of them instead of focusing on recording videos. Before ending the set, Day6 sat down on stage and had an emotional talk with their fans, speaking about their struggles writing music and how grateful they were to be able to perform in Jae’s hometown of Los Angeles. Sharing a tender moment with the fans, Jae’s family was also present in the audience, filming every part of the show they could and yelling out his name whenever Jae took the mic.

and fans screamed to their hearts’ content. Their ability to showcase their vibrant musicality and connect with their fans allowed for the concert to exude tenderness throughout the night, giving both the band and their fans an unforgettable, heartwarming experience. After wrapping up their world tour, Day6 plan to prepare for their next album and are gearing up to come back soon. All their fans are awaiting their new music and are excited to see what kind of new music genres they will venture next. Author’s Recommended Song: "How Can I Say" Photo by Vanessa Su | Arts & Entertainment Editor

The concert as a whole contained a lot of high energy as the band gave it their all on stage



Science of


RAYMOND MATTHEWS | Opinions Editor


usic gives us unique insights into pop culture that reflect dominant social views, shared values, stylistic trends, and even our own psychology. Chances are when you find yourself at a frat party listening to a dubstep remix of a trap remix of Taylor Swift’s "You Belong With Me," you’re not actually thinking about the deeper impact that it’s having on your brain. But, scientifically speaking, it is actually activating complex neurological and psychological responses that vary depending on the music’s style and genre. Initially, music triggers pleasure centers that subsequently release dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for happiness. Beyond just dopamine, specific genres can release various other neurotransmitters that may affect your mood as well as your physical and psychological state. For instance, downtempo music


like smooth jazz that fall within the 60 beatsv-per-minute range encourage your brain to synchronize with the beat, which in turn creates alpha brain waves. These waves indicate that one’s brain is active, but in a very relaxed state, which causes many people to seek out music with a slow, rhythmic tempo as a means of stress relief. Researchers have also observed similar effects in listeners who favor classical music with a slow, quiet rhythm, much like other downtempo genres like smooth jazz. Classical music is specifically associated with various physiological effects like “slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of cortisol in the body.” On the other end of the spectrum, genres like rap and hip-hop with a more uptempo style and aspirational, upwardly mobile lyrics can be therapeutic for those who may suffer from depression

and other mental health challenges. In a recent study conducted by Cambridge University’s Department of Psychology resident psychiatrist Dr. Akeem Sule and clinical neuroscientist Dr. Becky Inkster found that the “rags to riches” narratives often found in rap create “positive visual imagery” that some find very helpful. Said imagery can give listeners a more aspirational, optimistic image of their lives, which for some can encourage a progression to a more constructive, positive mental state. In this sense, rap can be a therapeutic catharsis for those who struggle with depression and low self-esteem, as it facilitates higher self-esteem and a hopeful vision of the future. Beyond the individual, music can be therapeutic for collective cultures that have experienced shared trauma or seek to assert a distinct identity of their own. This phenomenon was prom-

inent in the African American community, starting with Harlem Renaissance musicians like Sister Rosetta Sharp, along with her successors Chuck Berry and Jimi Hendrix. Each of these musicians were esteemed rock-and-roll artists who are credited with creating the rock genre as we know it. According to a recent study from Humboldt State University, fans of rock and heavy metal music share two key traits: a strong sense of individuality, and a strong sense of community. Since rock music usually has an uptempo stylistic flare along with somewhat counter-cultural messages, it makes sense that the African American community resonated with these messages as it resisted cultural erasure. The counter-cultural subject matter allowed the black community to assert a unique cultural identity while the uptempo cadence and rhythm imparted

much needed optimism into a community that faced constant oppression. The same principles apply to more modern music. Rap, R&B, country, pop, and many other genres are all used by various communities and individuals to assert a unique identity. Said identities are intrinsically connected to the psychological and emotional responses each genre evokes in listeners. Therefore, music extends well beyond artistic and individual expression. It initiates complex neurological and psychological responses in listeners and, in turn, affects cultural identity and expression in the world around us. These nuances are still being studied, and there is much left to learn. Illustration by Emily Xu | Contributing Illustrator

Say Yes to CS!

MADISON KIRKPATRICK | Campus Beat Reporter


s the new year begins, many students analyze their major and career choices — taking a wide range of courses in order to decide what path to pursue. Their interests, career goals, and talents are all very important considerations when choosing a great major. One popular technical department for students to consider here at UCSB is the Computer Science (CS) campus, its staff is always excited to work with new students and pique their interest in the field. Dean Bultan has been with the department since 1998 and started as an assistant professor before working his way up to department chair. Professor Matthew Turk, the former department chair, stepped down from a full-time position at UCSB to become president of the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago in 2019. In an interview with The Bottom Line, Bultan described his department as very collaborative and helpful to students. They work well as a team, changing quickly with new developments.

“I am proud of our adaptability and unwavering dedication to student success,” Bultan said. Bultan stated that he believes the demand for computer science degrees has seen a major increase. This, in turn, has caused the CS department to expand rapidly. No matter how difficult it is to meet the demand, the department also has to match the career prospects of the field. The top five companies in the world — Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, and Facebook — all have a range of technical careers, most involving software development in some way, and they are looking to recruit. Unfortunately, the graduate program cannot grow as quickly. Their growth is contingent on the hiring of faculty. According to Bultan, the department has hired no more than 10 new faculty in the past two years, but this is insufficient when accounting for sudden changes like when professors retire or do not get tenure. There are a total of 170 Masters and Ph.D. students. Despite a desire to bring in as many talented students as possible and skill in recruitment, the

department also faces other constraints. “A lack of space is limiting our growth,” Bultan said. Classes are impacted and classrooms are small, which limits the number of students that can be accepted or get classes for their major. Bultan wants this to change as soon as possible in order to accommodate many more talented students. He is hopeful for the future, regardless of present obstacles. A new department initiative, The Future of Computing, will help establish new research centers for the CS department. One, the Responsible Machine Learning Center, will focus on cybersecurity and safe social engineering. Another very exciting development is the planned data science minor, slated to begin fully in two years. Two classes that are available to all students, including INT 85, are currently offered for the minor. The minor would not be under the computer science department but faculty in the department would still help teach it. Data science is beneficial to all career types, allowing us to gather data and optimize processes

in anything from entertainment media to education. Computer science as a whole has proven itself widely applicable to various modern fields, which contributes to its strength and versatility as a course of study. Bultan ended the interview by saying, “We are very proud of all of our students and they do amazing things.” Despite current limitations, he is hopeful and optimistic about the future of the CS department. To learn more about UCSB’s Computer Science department and all of their exciting developments, visit their site or reach out to department chair Tevfik Bultan. Illustration by Alyssa Long | Art Director

“I am proud of our adaptability and unwavering dedication to student success,”

– Dean Bultan, CS Department Chair


Comic of the Week Comic by Jake Ortega | Comic Artist

Survival Guide RAYMOND MATTHEWS | Opinions Editor

All things considered, UCSB provides multiple resources and tools that are meant to make black students feel supported and integrated into the campus community. However, since there are so few of us, at times it’s still easy for black students to feel somewhat alienated and isolated from the rest of the student body.

However, during your time here at “UC Smirnoff and Blondes” there are some tips and resources you can use to cope with caucacity and find a supportive, inclusive community. In the section below, I’ve listed a few resources and organizations that offer multiple events throughout the year and are always welcome to newcomers: African Diasporic Cultural Resource Center (ADCRC): The African Diasporic Cultural Resource Center is a space designed specifically for black students to network with fellow students and faculty. The ADCRC offers multiple events throughout the year that encourage black students to connect with each other to promote cultural awareness, social involvement, and proactive civic engagement. In the past these events have included professional networking opportunities and community brunches and dinners, as well as lectures and forums that create intersectional spaces for black women, Afro-Latinx students, LGBTQIA+ students and many more. Be sure to check out the ADCRC in the Student Resource Building for a welcoming communal space (drop by this week on October 10th from 3:30-5:30p.m. for a Mardi Gras themed open house complete with jambalaya and beignets). Black Student Union (BSU): UCSB’s Black Student Union serves as an advocacy group for black students' interests through town hall events, an active demands team, intra-communal discussions, and multiple social events. The BSU is an invaluable resource for black students as it gives members the skills and tools to advocate for themselves and their community, along with a social network that gives black


students a space to discuss important issues and make sense of the black experience here at UCSB. Follow the BSU on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @ blackatsb to get updates on weekly meetings and events. The Black Studies Department: The Black Studies department is another valuable tool that allows students to contextualize the black experience within an academic setting. There are multiple classes available within the department itself that focus on black history as it has manifested across cultures, countries, artistic mediums, and other various forms. At this point we’re all well aware that “U Can Study Buzzed,” but if you choose to study within the Black Studies department, “U Can Study Blackness.” The final tip that I’ll offer beyond resource centers and clubs is simply to get to know more black people; talk to other black students in your classes or residence halls and make study dates, make friends with black professors, or just smile and wave at other black people walking through campus. By using the resources and tips provided in this survival guide, it’s more than possible that “U Can Survive while Black” here at UCSB.

Illustration by Alyssa Long | Art Director

A. Airpods: This accessory is the perfect way to distinguish yourself from those wired plebeians and those unfortunate *insert disgusted, bourgeoisie glare* Android users.

L. Unreasonably long athletic socks: Normally these socks are reserved for soccer players, but feel free to pair them with your favorite slides to achieve that coveted mid-calf tan line.

B. Ray Bans: The eyes are the windows to the soul, but sadly you sold yours to the devil last year to afford those Airpods. So this season, conceal don’t feel with a pair of Ray Bans.

K. Flip flops: These are a great alternative to those pesky foot prisons that the normies refer to as “shoes.” Bonus points if your toenails are untrimmed. J. Topsiders: These are a must for any formal occasion. They’re essentially the menswear equivalent of wedges.

C. Frat Letter Sweatshirt: An absolute must-have for fall, or really any season — you must wear it five days a week at a minimum — I don’t care if it’s 135 degrees out, you WILL wear the sweatshirt. Big Brother demands it.

D. That half-button/zip-up fleece-thingy: This season, hit up Patagonia or Vineyard Vines (not North Face, it’s not 2011 and you are no longer the coolest kid in middle school) for the coveted half-button/zip-up fleece-jacket-thingy. Accent this piece with a powder blue striped shirt underneath (you all have one, even if you never bought it, it magically manifested in your closet during rush week along with a standard issue bow tie). Copy by Raymond Matthews | Opinions Editor Illustration by Alyssa Long | Art Director

E. Bud Light: Have you ever been drinking literally any beverage ever and thought, “This is cool and all, but I kinda wanna drink the liquid equivalent of a wet sponge?” If so, then Bud Light is the drink for you. F. The Backwards Hat: If you’ve run out of your 3-in-1 bodywash, shampoo, and conditioner and now your hair has lost its signature volume and luster: have no fear, the backwards hat is here.

G. Juul: Forget Axe body spray, this season just keep yourself constantly surrounded by a cloud of vape mist. Now available in such sophisticated scents as Synthetic Blueberry, Eau De Toilette, and Mango Mountain Dew Cotton Candy Maxx, por Homme. Sold exclusively by Juul, produit de France. H. That very, very, very, very unbuttoned striped shirt: For day drinking, opt for the far-too-unbuttoned striped shirt. If you wanna go for that flirty, thirty, and thriving look, just don’t button it at all and bask in your impending sunburn.

I. Please just admit that you’re wearing short-shorts: Was it even leg day if no one can see your quads highlighted in pink pastel short-shorts? Bonus points if you tie the look together with a belt that doesn’t match your shoes.


Welcome Back Concert:

YBN NAHMIR Photo by Samuel Yang | Staff Photographer

Leading with “Baby 8,” Nahmir’s contagious energy immediately diffused through the crowd and had students jumping along. Nahmir’s confidence was on full display as he rocked a massive gold chain and strutted around the stage with ease and swagger.

Vincent, a DJ from Canada, opened at UCSB’s Welcome Back concert with his signature brass sounds and vocal synths; from “Her,” an electronic song with smooth synths and piano which rocketed Vincent into the public eye, to his more recent EDM trap mixes, the audience bounced and headbanged along to all his songs.

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