Volume 8, Issue 16

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Volume 8, Issue 16 | Mar. 5 -11, 2014

UCSB’s Weekly Student-Run Newspaper

@tblucsb / thebottomline.as.ucsb.edu Students compete to create the most original and sustainable dishes incorporating kale.




UCSB danced for 12 hours straight to raise money for the Cottage Children’s Hospital.

Childish Gambino kicked off his “Deep Web” tour in the Thunderdome on Feb. 28.

Features / 5

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A&E / 9


AS Senate Combats the Consequences of PTSD Triggers in Classes

Photo by Alex Albarran-Ayala | The Bottom Line

Second-year CCS literature major Bailey Loverin addresses the AS Senate during Public Forum about an effort to make classes safer for students with diagnosed or undiagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder. Photos by Allyson Werner | The Bottom Line

Pro-life Protesters Hold A&E / 6 Demonstration in Arbor, Feminist Studies Professor Runs Off With Sign by Allyson Werner NATIONAL BEAT REPORTER

Pro-life protesters, displaying graphic images of aborted fetuses, camped out in front of the library late in the morning on Tuesday, Mar. 4. The protest resulted in an altercation between the pro-life proponents and an unknown feminist studies professor, witnesses said. “A crazy professor stole our sign and ran off with it,” said one of the pro-life protesters, who wishes to remain anonymous. Other protesters discussed the altercation with University of California, Santa Barbara police officers who were called to the scene. The protesters are associated with Students for Life of America, a student organization dedicated to “[ending] abortion by educating students about the issues of abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide; identifying pro-life student leaders; equipping student pro-lifers with the training, skills, and resources to be effective and successful; [and] promoting student activity to other local, college, and national organizations,” according to the UCSB chapter’s Facebook page Students tabling nearby for CALPIRG witnessed the altercation in its entirety. “One of the feminist studies professors was arguing with [the protesters],” said Danny Lou, Director of Media Relations

for CALPIRG. “The argument got really heated, and the professor grabbed the board and ran off.” Another CALPIRG member explained that the protest had already caused problems with the Office of Student Life, which requires that organizations obtain permission before displaying graphic images on campus. Student Life officials had already been at the scene. They posted signs on each end of the Arbor warning students about the graphic images ahead. “The Arbor is a free area,” said the front desk assistant for the Office of Student Life. “Anyone can literally go there and table, and that’s what happened, but they didn’t inform us, so we went and put up the caution signs.” Generally speaking, it seemed that the pro-life protesters were not well received. The large majority of UCSB students passing by refused the graphic pamphlets and muttered about the proceedings to their friends. One student, who wishes to remain anonymous, was especially heated about the issue. “This is a very sensitive and personal issue, and I don’t appreciate being confronted with these violent images on my way to class,” she said. “I understand that everyone has the right to free speech, but these protesters are insensitive.”

This is a very sensitive and personal issue, and I don’t appreciate being confronted with these violent images on my way to class. I understand that everyone has the right to free speech, but these protesters are insensitive.

Battle of the Bands

A&E / 8 Photo by Madison King | Staff Photographer

Yancellor Chang, That’s What She Said, Eastern Bakery, Helo, and The Olé’s battled it out in The Hub to earn a spot opening at Extravaganza.

by Kelsey Knorp AS BEAT REPORTER Associated Students Senate resolved to require warnings from professors about class content containing material that could potentially trigger symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at its meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 26. “A Resolution to Mandate Warnings For Triggering Content in Academic Settings” includes a list of content that is considered to trigger such symptoms and which therefore should be articulated in a syllabus given out at the start of the quarter. The list includes rape, sexual assault, abuse, self-injurious behavior, suicide, graphic violence, pornography, kidnapping, and graphic depictions of gore. As stipulated by the resolution’s terms, students who feel they may have a negative emotional response to such content, including distressing flashbacks or memories, should be allowed to leave the classroom or skip class altogether without being penalized. Chief of Staff to the Student Advocate General Bailey Loverin, the resolution’s student sponsor, said during a public forum presentation that her decision to take part in the creation of such legislation is based on her own personal experience, as a survivor of sexual assault who felt that she was unfairly exposed to triggering content in one of her classes.

See SENATE | Page 2


Democratic Process Party Primary Yields Spring Election Nominees by Giuseppe Ricapito IV BEAT REPORTER The Democratic Process Party (DP)–one of two main student government parties on the University of California, Santa Barbara campus–held its open primary on Thursday, Feb. 27, in Girvetz 1007 to nominate a new slate of student representatives for the Associated Students 2014 spring elections. Bethlehem “Mama Betty” Aynalem, a UCSB alum who ran with the DP party when it was first created, and fourth-year history of public policy major Juan Galvan, DP’s 2013 candidate for the position of Internal Vice President (IVP), hosted the primary as emcees. The procedure of the primary was both inclusive and democratic; potential candidates could be nominated by anyone, and after brief introductions of their personal visions, voting was thrown to the crowd. Voting blocs were divided into four sections: On-Campus & University-Owned Housing, Collegiate, OffCampus, and Executive. Sitting at the classroom desks, audience members and even the candidates themselves publically voted–no secret ballot–on colored strips of recycled paper handed out by DP volunteers. According to Associated Students legal code, the official slate of candidates—voted on by the public audience—cannot be released until the third week of spring quarter. Third-year global studies major Navkiran “Navi” Kaur, DP’s unopposed nominee for president, concluded the event by speaking out for the party’s ideal of social and campus reform. “By committing to be here you are committing to student progress. And that’s exactly what this base and DP Party is here for,” she said. “It is so critical for students to work together, to stand united, to understand our struggles are connected.” “I want to amplify the voices of the students on the ground that are organizing every day. I want to bridge the gap between AS and the working class students… It’s time to make real progressive change that challenges the institutions that don’t actually want us in these spaces. And that’s what I hope to do for all of you,” she continued, prompting a wave of cheers from the crowd. In a brief interview following the primary, Kaur related her past experience with racial justice issues, student loan debt reform, and advocating for women’s rights. Speaking on the values of the DP Party, Kaur noted, “Fundamentally we are a progressive, action-oriented, very issue based party.” She also reinforced the party’s effort to be “representative of all different types of students, especially the underrepresented and underprivileged students on this campus that really don’t have a say normally on Senate.” Other nominations for executive candidacy included Daniela Bayon for External Vice President, Local Affairs; Kashira Ayers for External Vice President, Statewide Affairs; and Ansel Lundberg, Anisha Ahuja, and Amanda Manalo for Internal Vice President. Many of the nominees employed a very focused rhetoric, prompting an enthusiastic dialogue with the audience.

See NOMINEES | Page 3

Page 2 | News

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014


The movie being shown in Loverin’s class included two scenes in which an instance of sexual assault was insinuated and one with a graphic depiction of rape. Loverin said she found the content too difficult to watch. “But even more difficult was getting up and walking out and potentially exposing myself as a survivor and the stigmas that tend to come with that,” Loverin said. “The way people treat you with pity, the way they look at you differently, talk to you differently, and even just treat you coming in and out of those sore settings.” On-Campus Sen. Nikki Calderon, author of the resolution, encouraged all collegiate senators to ensure that, should the resolution pass, it be brought to the dean of each college to have its message conveyed to all campus instructors. She also mentioned that both University of California, Santa Barbara Counseling and Psychological Services and the campus women’s center have offered to collaborate on maintaining an up-to-date list of potentially upsetting triggers. The Senate also passed a resolution supporting the creation of a program dubbed “Gaucho FYI Part II” that would take place during students’ transitions from their first to

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second years at UCSB. The original Gaucho FYI program, which is mandatory for first-year students to attend during fall quarter, provides information and advice about numerous health and safety issues undergraduates may encounter during their college careers. “The problem is that a lot of first-years move into IV after their first year, and they don’t know what to do with their lives,” said resolution author and Off-Campus Sen. Beatrice Contreras. Therefore, this extension of the original Gaucho FYI program would focus on developing the necessary life skills to learn to function in a setting more independent and autonomous than the accommodating environment of a residence hall. External Vice President of Local Affairs Alex Moore has been working closely on the program’s development as well. “A Bill to Amend Standing Policy #23 to Regulate Expenditures on Food at Meetings” was tabled earlier that evening. If passed, the bill will provide more flexibility to the budgets of AS Boards, Committees, and Commissions (BCCs) for food for their meetings. A previously passed bill had, in the eyes of many BCCs,

Photo by Alex Albarran-Alaya | The Bottom Line

Off-Campus Sens. Jimmy Villareal and Jake Orens listen as IVP Kyley Scarlet delivers her executive officer report. inhibited this flexibility. “This one has a limit that’s sort of customtailored to all the entities,” said author of the new bill, On-Campus Sen. Andrew Neiman. A motion was made to bundle and collec-

tively table a series of bills regarding the impending restructure of Associated Students. A separate discussion of those bills was held at a meeting the subsequent weekend, and the bills will be voted on at the Senate’s Mar. 5 meeting.

Santa Barbara County Retains Isla Vista Assets For Use As Community Center by Julia Frazer STAFF WRITER The Long-Range Property Management Plan for the County of Santa Barbara Successor Agency in Isla Vista was approved by the California Department of Finance on Friday, Feb. 21. It will allow the county to keep three properties previously owned by the Redevelopment Agency in Isla Vista. The three properties, known as the Church Building (976 Embarcadero del Mar), Clinic Building (970 Embarcadero del Mar), and Solar Car Park (881 Embarcadero del Mar) will now be under local control. Because the parcels of the Church and Clinic buildings are adjacent, many community members have discussed turning the space into an Isla Vista Community Center. When the Redevelopment Agency was dissolved in 2011, the properties were left in a limbo. According to an article from California Watch, redevelopment agencies gave local governments ability to capture a greater share of property taxes. California Watch argues that through the end of redevelopment agencies, the state has effectively seized control of billions of dollars of property taxes previously controlled by the cities that established redevelopment agencies.

“All of the sudden, the state and those cities affected had to figure out what to do with all those properties [that used to be owned by the Redevelopment Agency],” said Associated Students External Vice President of Local Affairs Alex Moore. “To keep that property, the California Department of Finance had to approve the property’s transfer from the Redevelopment Agency to the county government in charge of that property.” Moore explained that the Department of Finance very rarely allows the county to retain properties in situations like these. Many times, communities have been forced to sell the properties. “By approving our Long-Range Management Plan, the state is approving the use of the property by Santa Barbara County for the community,” said Moore. “That’s why it’s such a big victory.” According to a press release, Supervisor Doreen Farr is satisfied with the decision to allow the properties to remain under County control. “These assets will continue to provide well-needed public services in the Isla Vista community,” said Farr. In addition to Farr’s backing, the plan was also supported from other California leaders, including Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson and Assembly Member Das Williams.

TBL 2013-2014 Staff Executive Managing Editor | Cheyenne Johnson Executive Content Editor | Parisa Mirzadegan Copy Editor | Camila Martinez-Granata News Editor | Lily Cain Features Editor | Katana Dumont Opinions Editor | Anjali Shastry Arts & Entertainment Editor | Deanna Kim Science & Technology Editor | Matt Mersel Photography Editor | Magali Gauthier Senior Layout Editor | Haley Paul Senior Layout Editor | Robert Wojtkiewicz Layout Editor | Beth Askins Layout Editor | Morey Spellman Multimedia Editor | Brenda Ramirez National Beat Reporter | Allyson Werner Isla Vista Beat Reporter | Giuseppe Ricapito Associated Students Beat Reporter | Kelsey Knorp Promotions Director | Audrey Ronningen Advertising Director | Marissa Perez Staff Adviser | Monica Lopez Writers this issue: Julia Frazer, Julian Levy, Jamie Brannan, Ivy Kuo, Alex Albarran-Ayala, Alex Idzal, Allyson Werner, Mimi Liu, Bailee Abell, Giuseppe Ricapito, Kelsey Knorp, Travis Taborek, Devin Martens-Olzman, Evelin Lopez, Peter Crump, Judy Lau, Sam Goldman, Cindy Chan Photographers this issue: Lorenzo Basilio, Magali Gauthier, Benjamin Hurst, Madison King, Alex Albarran-Alaya, Allyson Werner, John Clow, Mark Brocher Illustrators this issue: Amanda Excell, Hector Lizarraga The Bottom Line is sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Opinions expressed in TBL do not necessarily represent those of the staff, AS, or UCSB. Published with support from Generation Progress/Center for American Progress (genprogress.org). All submissions, questions or comments may be directed to bottomlineucsb@gmail.com or content.tbl@gmail.com.

The Bottom Line provides a printed and online space for student investigative journalism, culturally and socially aware commentary, and engaging reporting that addresses the diverse concerns of our readership and community. This is your community to build, share ideas, and publicize your issues and events. We welcome your questions, comments, or concerns at bottomlineucsb@gmail.com, or call our office phone at 805-893-2440.


Our web magazine offers hard-hitting journalism, analysis, and multimedia on issues of the greatest concern to young people; gives young writers, reporters, artists, and others the chance to publish nationally; and builds a community of progressives interested in issues, ideas, and activism.

“I spent part of my youth in Isla Vista, so saving these buildings was of extreme importance to me,” said Williams. “These properties belong in the hands of the County, and most importantly, the community members who use them. We can now work together to decide how these buildings work best for the community.” According to Moore, an IV needs assessment survey has been created to see what students want in a community center. Moore believes community space for organizations and community events would be a key asset to the community. Fourth-year Alicia Patterson believes a community center is a much-needed resource. “With all the students and families that live in IV, even professors, there definitely needs to be a place where people can build community,” said Patterson. Moore argues that a community center in Isla Vista has been a long time coming. He forecasted a fight to fund the future community center, but ultimately expressed optimism that the community center would be a reality within a few years. “If we want to see improvements in IV culture and IV health in the community,” said Moore, “we need these spaces and we need students to fight for these spaces.”

UC Service Worker Strike Called Off, Tentative Settlement Reached by Kelsey Gripenstraw STAFF WRITER The University of California service worker strike scheduled for March 3 to 7 has been canceled due to a tentative four-year contract agreement between the University and AFSCME 3299, the largest union part of the UC, which represents over 22,000 service and patient care technical workers. Although members of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) 3299 recently scheduled the strike after an almost unanimous vote, UC’s 8,300 service workers and 13,000 patient care technical workers announced several days ago that they will work as usual this week. The potential settlement preventing the strike will presumably increase wages 13.5 percent over four years and promise affordable healthcare benefits to current employees and retirees. The agreement also details new

staffing protections. “While this proposed settlement includes compromise on both sides, it honors the contributions that career service workers make to this institution, as well as UC’s responsibility to build ladders to the middle class,” said UC Service Worker and AFSCME 3299 President Kathryn Lybarger in an AFSCME press release. “Our members are deeply grateful to the thousands of students, faculty, colleagues, elected officials, and everyday taxpayers who have stood with us, and stood for the principles of fairness and dignity that bind every member of the UC community.” AFSCME 3299 has emphasized that this agreement is tentative and that they are still bargaining with the University. They do, however, seem confident that the final agreement will satisfy their primary demands.


Arizona Introduces New Abortion Legislation, Renews Abortion Debate by Allyson Werner NATIONAL BEAT REPORTER Arizona’s Republican-led House of Representatives introduced a new piece of social legislation on Thursday, Feb. 27, that would permit surprise inspections of abortion clinics by eliminating the requirement that state health department officials obtain a warrant before inspecting any one of Arizona’s nine licensed abortion clinics. The new legislation would also require clinics to report when an infant is born after an unsuccessful abortion. The new measure, opposed by Democrats and Planned Parenthood, was championed by the Center for Arizona Policy, a powerful Evangelical Christian group that has championed several pieces of conservative social legislation and has strong ties to Republicans in the capital. “[This legislation] requires abortion clinics to be subject to the same safety and inspection standards as all other health care institutions,” says the center’s website. “[It] also makes it a crime to help a minor obtain an abortion and avoid Arizona’s parental consent requirement.” Arizona’s generally very conservative policies frequently spark national debate, and this new legislation is no exception. “[This legislation] seems like something both prolife and pro-abortion people can agree on because it would close unsafe abortion clinics,” said University of California, Santa Barbara Students for Life Vice President Katie Devlin, a second-year economics major. “[Abortion] is anything but ‘safe, legal, and rare,’ as proponents of legalized abortion [claim] it [is].” On the other hand, VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood Leader Jessica Castañeda, a fourth-

year sociology major, thinks the new legislation is unnecessary. “Abortions are [already] a safe procedure which are already highly regulated,” she said. “I’m angered by this [bill] because the Republicans are trying to make it seem like they are helping women by naming it the ‘Women’s Health Protection Act.’ This bill is another way for conservative Republicans to gain control over women’s reproductive rights.” UCSB is no stranger to the abortion debate. Students for Life recently held a protest in front of UCSB’s Student Resource Building (SRB) on the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court that extended the right to privacy to women seeking abortions. Pro-life students set up a memorial to commemorate millions of unborn children and sought to raise student awareness about the number of abortions in this country. “Many students we talked to were surprised by the fact that over 3,000 unborn children are aborted every day in the U.S.,” said Devlin. VOX also made an appearance to commemorate the 41st anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. The organization tabled near the SRB not far from the protesting pro-life students. “I felt that this event went extraordinary well,” said Castañeda. “The student population was supportive of us and especially liked the fact that we were giving out free condoms.” Castañeda encouraged students to attend VOX’s Rally for IV Unity this Friday, Mar. 7, at 7:30 p.m. Arizona’s House of Republicans is in discussion on the bill and will vote on it in the future.

News | Page 3

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

Offshore Fracking Dumps Dangerous Waste off the California Coast by Julia Frazer STAFF WRITER The Center for Biological Diversity, a nonprofit conservation organization, filed a petition to the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday, Feb. 26, to stop oil and gas companies from dumping toxic wastewater directly into the ocean off the coast of California. Federal permission has given the oil industry license to dump more than nine billion gallons of wastewater a year into the ocean off California’s coast. According to KCET, that volume of toxic wastewater is enough to fill more than 100 stadiums the size of the Rose Bowl. Approximately half of the oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel dump the majority of their wastewater into the sea. Fracking is the process by which oil companies use toxic chemicals at high pressures to force oil out of subsea rock. This process produces large volumes of waste contaminated with chemicals. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, oil companies have been using fracking on old oil wells, which in-

creases the risks of accidents and spills. Fracking has also been linked to air pollution and earthquakes. “It’s disgusting that oil companies dump wastewater into California’s ocean,” said Oceans Director at the Center for Biological Diversity Miyoko Sakashita in a press release. “You can see the rigs from shore, but the contaminated waters are hidden from view. Our goal is to make sure toxic fracking chemicals don’t poison wildlife or end up in the food chain.” The Center for Biological Diversity’s website gives details about how fracking can negatively impact public health and the environment. Offshore fracking in California poses a threat to water quality and coastal communities and endangers marine ecosystems. Toxic oil and fracking chemicals can pollute habitats of blue whales, elephant seals, and leatherback sea turtles. According to the Center, the petition is especially important for the preservation of blue whales, which depend on the Santa Barbara Channel for food. Fracking is also occurring near the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, which hosts many endangered species vulnerable to pollution and habitat destruction caused by fracking.

“It’s the devil we know and the devil we don’t know,” said Martha McClure, an appointed commissioner at last month’s hearing on the oil industry’s use of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in Pismo Beach. “In this case, we don’t know either one, and it’s freaking people out.” The petition asks that the EPA alter a federal permit that has previously allowed offshore oil and gas operations to pollute the ocean. The press release states that the wastewater could possibly contain fracking chemicals used in offshore wells. According to KCET, some chemical byproducts of fracking include toxic substances like methanol, benzene, naphthalene, and trimethylbenzene. Fracking wastewater can also contain lead and arsenic picked up from deep-rock formations. KCET reports that though the safe disposal of wastewater is not easy, ocean disposal does pose risks for coastal communities. “It came as a complete surprise to learn that oil companies are fracking in waters off the coast where I let my kids swim and play,” said Sakashita in the press release. “The toxic chemicals used for offshore fracking don’t belong in the ocean, and the best way to protect our coast is to ban fracking altogether.”


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“I’m really passionate about giving a voice to those who are not able to do so for themselves,” said first-year pre-political science major and On-Campus Sen. nominee Lola Maraiyesa. “That’s one of the main reasons I’m here pursuing a position as On-Campus Senator.” Much of the audience—DP Party’s core, and often most vocal advocates—was familiar with, or directly involved in, campus organizations such as Invest in Graduation Not Incarceration, Transform Education (IGNITE); Improving Dreams, Equality, Access and Success (IDEAS); and the Student Commission on Racial Equality (SCORE). Though the evening’s speakers touched on a wide assortment of topics, a few common themes emerged: advocacy for underrepresented communities, disillusionment with the current AS government, student safety in Isla Vista (with many allusions to the recent Isla Vista rape cases), support for divestment from Israeli companies, and environmental justice. The nomination process allowed each potential candidate a pulpit from which they could explain their vision and personal beliefs, and some took the opportunity to condemn the status quo. Letters and Sciences Collegiate Sen. nominee Sally Oh, a second-year global studies major and self-described believer in communism, derided the “incompetence” of AS, even suggesting that the whole system be abolished. In reference to DP Party, Oh said, “This space isn’t meant to be a f*cking party, right? It’s meant to be a f*cking revolution. And I think a lot of times I think people f*cking forget that…” Oh continued by expressing her desire to “literally take down all the hierarchies of AS.” On a few occasions, nominees referred to specific aspects of their prospective positions. Hari Kota, third-year biological

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anthropology major and nominee for College of Creative Studies (CCS) Collegiate Sen., expressed her dissatisfaction with the CCS program, explaining why, after two years in the college, she decided to switch majors. “Even though [CCS] promotes itself as open and very conducive to research and creating your own knowledge, I felt ostracized by the community and I found that it was really stressful,” Kota said. “However, that’s not to say that it can’t be improved, and that’s what I’d like to do… I’d like to make CCS more accessible.” The party base didn’t just come out to speak on the issues; they were also there to celebrate their advocacy from the past year. But the party universally acknowledged that more work was necessary. DP nominee for External Vice President of Statewide Affairs Kashira Ayers, a third-year feminist studies and communication double major, recalled her work with IGNITE and her opposition to the appointment of UC President Janet Napolitano before rallying the audience to the notion of essential social change. “If you want true change, if you want true revolution, then it starts in this room—it starts with us,” she proclaimed. After noting her disappointment with the lack of transparency surrounding AS Senate legislation, she continued, “There is so much happening outside campus that is affecting us as students…” Like “Mama Betty,” much of the party’s old guard is still around to provide guidance and insight into the election process, even though they themselves can’t run. Megan Foronda, 2013 DP candidate for president and fourth-year sociology major, could be seen sitting up front near the stage or passing out voting ballots to the crowd. Foronda described her current role as “more of a campaign organizer.” “I’m really helping to coordinate the party and basically come

up with strategies…in terms of how we can be really effective this year and how we can get better results and how we can do better service for students on campus,” she said. After experiencing a devastating defeat in the 2013 AS Elections—DP Party lost to Open People’s Party (OPP) in every category except the University Off-Campus Housing Representative, for which they ran unopposed—party leaders had to reevaluate their strategy for victory. Kaur noted it would be essential for DP to be “more organized in our campaign, be more efficient, be more on time to everything and also just be more visible… I think we’ve been doing a lot better already.” Foronda agreed, and expressed optimism for the upcoming election. “The whole point of DP Party is that we’re representing all of the university, and I think that really showed tonight at the primary,” Foronda said. “I’m very confident that we will do even better this coming year.” Despite last year’s losses, most of the speakers held fast to their principles, unwavering in their commitment to the values of social justice and education. Some even expressed such a lack of faith in AS Senate that they touted alternate extracurricular involvements as more effective vehicles of change. Kaur suggested that maintaining the party platform was more important than diluting their message for wider campus support. “I do think winning is important, in terms that obviously we want to change the face of things and actually get things done, but I wouldn’t sacrifice our own values to make it seem more broader to the student campus,” she said. “I feel like the issues that DP Party works for and fights for affects every single student on this campus… and affects students statewide and affects students nationwide.”

Meningitis Vaccine Clinic



can result in serious outcomes, and to help prevent further spread the University supports the CDC’s recommendation.

Meningococcal disease is a serious illness caused by a type of bacteria called meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis). It can cause severe symptoms, lifelong disability, or death. College students living in dorms are among those most at risk for this disease. Meningococcal vaccines protect against this disease. Meningococcal vaccines approved for use in the United States protect against four serogroups (“strains”), known as A, C, Y, and W. Another kind of meningococcal vaccine, licensed for use in Europe, Australia and Canada, and being offered at UCSB, helps to protect against serogroup B.


WHY SHOULD I GET THE VACCINE, ESPECIALLY SINCE THERE HAS NOT BEEN A CASE AT UCSB SINCE NOVEMBER? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still considers the campus to be having an outbreak and is recommending that all undergraduate students consider receiving the vaccine (which consists of two separate doses). Meningococcal disease

Even if you have already received a meningococcal vaccine (Menactra or Menveo), you are not currently protected against serogroup B. The Meningitis B vaccine recommended by the CDC and available during the vaccine clinic offers protection against the specific strain involved in the outbreak at UCSB.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE THE VACCINE AT THE CLINIC? Based on the CDC recommendations, the following groups are eligible: All undergraduate students and University Immersion Program students; Those graduate students, faculty, and staff who reside in UCSB-owned dormitory-style residence halls; and Those graduate students, faculty, and staff who have one of the following medical conditions: functional and anatomic

asplenia (i.e., those without a spleen or those whose spleen is not working normally, including those with sickle cell disease) or persistent complement component deficiencies (C5-C9, properdin, factor H, factor D). The CDC recommends these groups receive the vaccine because young adults and people with certain medical conditions are at increased risk of getting meningococcal disease, especially those who live in close quarters, such as dormitories. Eligibility questions should be directed to the CDC at meningvaccine@cdc.gov.

WHEN AND WHERE WILL VACCINES BE GIVEN? The vaccine will be given during campus clinics in the MAC (Multi-Activity Court) at the Recreation Center until Friday, March 7, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Students should bring their UCSB I.D. Card and be prepared to be observed for 15 minutes after the vaccine is administered. Special arrangements through Student Health will be made for students departing to or returning from study abroad, to allow them to receive both doses of the vaccine. A clinic to administer the second dose of the vaccine will be planned for Spring quarter, 2014.


Student Health studenthealth.sa.ucsb.edu/MeningitisHealthAlert.aspx DIVISION OF


Page 4 | Features

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

Photos by Benjamin Hurst | Staff Photographer

Members of the AS Womyn’s Commission close out the “I Am Beautiful” runway show on Feb. 27, 2014.

‘I Am Beautiful’ The ‘I Am Beautiful’ Runway Show Encourages Students to Love Their Bodies by Cindy Chan STAFF WRITER

Rob Holland of InterVals struts down the runway at the runway show.

Jacqueline Krueger paints a shirt to display at the runway show.

The Loma Pelona Center was bumping with the most empowering female pop songs of our generation– the type of music that makes you feel like strutting down a runway–on Feb. 27 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The cause of this occasion was National Eating Disorder Week, as the AS Womyn’s Commission held their fifth annual “I Am Beautiful” Runway Show. Danielle Maldonado, second-year comparative literature and global studies double major, explained that the show’s primary focus was “to say that not one thing alone is beautiful. We’re working to promote healthy body image and combat stereotypical body images.” The AS Womyn’s Commission is an assembly dedicated to advocating womyn’s rights and doing work that acknowledges these issues within our campus and community. “We need to remind our community that beauty is beyond skin deep, and that we should be able to compliment ourselves without feeling conceited or narcissistic,” said Rosina Saeed, co-chair of the commission. The night opened with a brief introduction that discussed the necessity for our minds to be retrained on the topic of body image. Audience members were encouraged to challenge body dysmorphia and raise a voice against the media’s typical portrayal of generated beauty. Co-ed a cappella group InterVals kickstarted the night, delivering an enthusiastic rendition of “Party In the U.S.A.” that fueled the event with contagious energy. Soon after, the actual runway portion of the show was started. This event was particularly empowering due to

the open invitation for anyone to get up and strut down the catwalk. Audience members were encouraged to participate in a fully equipped t-shirt decorating station to paint messages of self-confidence and strength. Event-goers were sprawled out on the carpet with puffy paints and glitter, wielding paintbrushes and creating messages of inspirational confidence. Secondyear film and media studies major Ashley Baker fashioned a t-shirt that read “F*ck the system,” representing another issue that the commission addressed through the event: a call to challenge patriarchy and put a stop to the obsessive tactics dedicated purely to creating a socially-expected pleasing aesthetic in women. The night was undoubtedly a celebration. As each and every person walked down the runway with their own individualistic saunters, the applause and support radiated throughout the room. The positivity and energy was exhilarating; friends and strangers alike were cheering for every single person who wanted to present themselves on the runway. The most common phrase being cheered was “You’re so beautiful,” which solidified the overwhelming feeling of love and acceptance. The entire runway was backdropped with a powerpoint presentation displaying statistics about eating disorders and body image. Adding a thoughtprovoking perspective, these facts helped push the message that there really is no wrong way to have a body. Liberation, joy, and poise–key to the night’s success– were embodied by the participants of the event and the refreshing attitudes of the entire AS Womyn’s Commission. The event, and the awareness of optimism and sisterly support that it promoted, energized a triumphant night that allowed students to shine the spotlight on their own distinctive beauty.

‘It’s Been Real’ Professor and ‘Jeopardy!’ Champion Robert Kennedy Gives UCSB’s Fourth ‘Last Lecture’

Photo by Mark Brocher | Staff Photographer

Linguistics professor Robert Kennedy speaks about his family at the Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall on Feb. 26, 2014. by Bailee Abell STAFF WRITER Linguistics Professor Robert Kennedy presented in the fourth installment of the “Last Lecture” series at the University of California, Santa Barbara on Wednesday, Feb. 26. The Last Lecture–sponsored by UCSB’s Music Department and Associated Students–is a series inspired by Randy Pausch’s Carnegie Mellon University lecture that quickly became a viral hit. Professors are nominated by students to give a lecture on any topic of their choice with the hypothetical condition that this would be the last lecture they were to ever give–a concept which Kennedy dubbed “morbid” during his lecture.

Though he was, admittedly, nervous to speak in this light, Kennedy kept his cool throughout the course of his lecture, inspiring students to follow their passions, whatever they may be. Opening his speech, Kennedy shared the most worthwhile, truthful piece of wisdom young people may ever hear: “Devote yourself to learning as much as you can about whatever you want to learn about.” This advice was given to him during high school by one of his English teachers, and it has stuck with Kennedy ever since. Originally from Canada, Kennedy moved to the Southwest as a graduate student at the University of Arizona after receiving his BA from the University

of Ottawa. Upon receiving his Ph.D in linguistics, he moved to Santa Barbara with his wife-to-be and has now been at UCSB for over 10 years. During his lecture, Kennedy consistently referred to his participation on “Jeopardy!.” His family watched the popular game show throughout his childhood, allowing a young Kennedy to exercise his love for trivia. After years of applying to be a contestant, he finally made it onto the show. “What appeared to be, at first, maybe a useless skill turned into something I could benefit from quite a bit,” said Kennedy. According to Kennedy, his experience applying, being rejected, and finally competing on the game

show is analogous to the experience that he believes every young person should have: pursuing one’s passions. “Look what can happen if you actually pursue something that you’re interested in,” said Kennedy. Though he only lasted until his third game, Kennedy was a “Jeopardy!” champion–a title that will stay with him for the rest of his life–exemplifying how with enough persistence, focusing on one’s true interests will eventually pay off. Kennedy used his lifelong trivia skills to his advantage and ended up accomplishing much more than he ever imagined. “Fifteen years ago, I never thought I would be giving a speech

about ‘Jeopardy!’ as if I would die the next day,” said Kennedy. Being a firm believer in pursuing what makes oneself happy, I was inspired by the entirety of Kennedy’s speech, which triggered feelings of gratitude and caused me to connect with Kennedy on a more realistic level. Though the Last Lecture series is meant to give the UCSB community a glimpse into professors’ lives, it also allows students to relate to professors on a deeper level than they are able to on a daily basis in a lecture hall. “You’re on the brink of adulthood, faced with…all these choices, but the choices you make don’t lock you into [just] one thing in your life,” said Kennedy.

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

Features | Page 5

Above: Kelsey Minigan, Chellsee Lee, and Nikole Burg (left to right) pour smoothies in preparation for the Green Chef Competition.

The chefs serve the students at the Green Chef Competition.

Photos by John Clow | Staff Photographer

Good for the Body, Good for the Planet Green Chef Competition Brings Food-Lovers Together at MultiCultural Center Lounge by Devin Martens-Olzman STAFF WRITER It was an early dinner on Sunday afternoon for the students who attended the Green Chef Competition, sponsored by the University of California, Santa Barbara Environmental Affairs Board (EAB). Hosted in the MultiCultural Center Lounge, the event gave participants the chance to explore healthy and sustainable cooking choices. This quarterly competition is judged by attendees. Each contestant is judged in three categories: “Most Sustainable,” “Most Creative,” and “Best Overall.” The contestants are given a secret ingredient three days before the start date that they must include in each dish; this quarter, it was kale. Although there were many delicious dishes at the Green Chef, only three could walk away as winners. Biology major Maxine Hamilton won “Most Sustainable” for her zesty “Indian style” chutney with a coconut flat bread.

Emma Johnson won “Most Creative” for her thick mints, a sweet chocolate mint patty. The top prize of “Best Overall” was given to Magdalena Romo, who made a divine balsamic roasted strawberry kale tart with an almond crust. EAB, a branch of UCSB’s Associated Students, is the largest environmental awareness group on campus. EAB advocates the importance of buying locally grown food as opposed to packaged foods that lack essential nutrients. Emily Lytle, the Sustainable Foods Chair for EAB, put on the event. “We want to introduce students to sustainable food,” said Lytle. “We want to get them familiar with cooking with sustainable foods and show off sustainable food recipes to other students.” The event consisted of the audience members tasting the plethora of dishes prepared by the cooks, all made with sustainable ingredients. The dishes were all

Noam Chomsky Lectures on the Nature of State Power at Lobero Theatre and Pollock by Travis Taborek STAFF WRITER Noam Chomsky can be described in many ways by different people. A dissident. A rabble-rouser. A malcontent. He has even, oddly enough, been thought of as one of the most brilliant and influential minds of the 20th century. Say of him what you like, but grant him one thing: he is not a man known to mince his words. Chomsky, a Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is known for his contributions in the field of structural linguistics, which include

the Chomsky hierarchy of grammar and the theory of universal grammar. The professor is also a controversial political commentator and an outspoken critic of state capitalism, American foreign policy, neoliberal global economic institutions such as the World Bank, and the mainstream media. He has provided intellectual leadership and inspiration to activist groups worldwide. Last Friday, Feb. 28, Chomsky was invited to give a lecture at the Lobero Theatre in downtown Santa Barbara by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, as part of their annual Frank K. Kelly Lecture on Humanity’s Future series. The

vegetarian, and–given the color of the secret ingredient–they were all appropriately green. “I’ve never eaten more vegetables in my entire life,” said one participant and judge, fourth-year mechanical engineering major Scott Garnick. ”It was so great to see people who have such a passion for food.” The Isla Vista Food Co-op provided the competition with the secret ingredient and helped organize the event. The all-inclusive nature of the competition made the atmosphere very welcoming. Anyone, regardless of experience, could easily participate as either a chef or a judge. Karina Paonessa, Volunteer Chair for EAB, won the Green Chef competition for most creative dish last quarter with golden yam brownies. She also spoke about other ways EAB reaches out to the community and promotes environmentally-friendly practices. Next weekend, Paonessa is taking a crew of volunteers to Anacapa Island for a nature restoration project.

lecture, entitled “Secuirty and State Policy,” was broadcasted live by KCSB on 91.9 FM as well as on their website. After an introduction by David Krieger, the President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Chomsky prefaced his lecture by questioning one of the central principles of international relations theory: that the state exists to protect public security and well-being. “And the preposition seems plausible, almost self-evident, until you begin to look more closely and ask the question ‘security for whom?’” said Chomsky. “For the general population, for state power itself, for dominant domestic constituencies, depending on what we mean, the credibility of the proposition arranges from very high to negligible.” Chomsky used this idea as a starting point to discuss many of the pertinent issues of the day,

Above: Miso kale dumplings served at the Green Chef Competition.

Above: Sophia Steffens serves her kale pesto to students at the Green Chef Competition.

including elements of the War on Terror like the drone strike campaign carried out under the Obama administration as well as the prospect of nuclear warfare and environmental degradation. He cited numerous historical examples that illustrated the extent to which the U.S. government goes out of its way to hide its agenda from the American public. In particular, he made a point to emphasize that the drone strike campaign in Pakistan is only serving to radicalize the population and drive and add the surge of terrorist recruitment. Using this point, Chomsky painted a more general picture that the United States is widely and increasingly feared by the rest of the world as a threat to global security and world peace. “What Americans are supposed to believe, to quote President Obama, is that for generations, the United States of America has

played a unique role as an anchor of global security and as an advocate of human freedom,” said Chomsky. “That’s what we’re supposed to believe, not what the world thinks.” The day after, Chomsky gave another lecture and Q&A panel at Pollock Theater, in which he discussed topics ranging from the Syrian civil war, deportations of undocumented immigrants, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the importance of whistleblowing on government programs. Chomsky concluded by emphasizing the importance of collective action in achieving social justice goals. “You can overcome this,” he said. “This isn’t like fighting the secret police. You don’t get thrown into prisons for getting people to understand these things. This is an opportunity for real organizing work which can be done.”

EAB Strives for a ‘Fossil Free UCSB’ by Alex Albarran-Ayala STAFF WRITER What began as a movement to divest from coal companies has now turned to greater horizons in an effort to get institutions of higher education to divest from fossil fuel companies. Associated Students Environmental Affairs Board (EAB) here at University of California, Santa Barbara is campaigning for this movement. EAB is a contributor in a field of statewide, national, and international contributors. “Our goal is that by the end of the school year to have scheduled a meeting with the chancellor,” said EAB Student Affairs Coordinator Shelby Skougard, a third-year environmental studies major. “And then in the fall, we are officially setting up to have a referendum for next year on the ballot, which would be where all the student body votes on whether they approve it [the divestment] or not.” “All of the UCs have Fossil Free campaigns except UC Merced,” Skougard added. However, UC Merced also

seems to be in the process of proposing divestment from fossil fuels. According to their Associated Students, UCM AS Senator Marisol Prado introduced a resolution to divest from fossil fuels, which was approved by their AS Senate and AS President on Oct. 6, 2013. Additionally, at “eight of the nine UCs with Fossil Free campaigns, their associated student bodies have passed resolutions in approval of Fossil Free,” said Skougard. A UCSB AS Senate resolution in favor of fossil fuel divestment was passed on May 30, 2013, and the Santa Barbara Independent reported that the UCSB Academic Senate passed a similar resolution on the same day. The Fossil Free campaign conducted by EAB consists of a task force of EAB officers and general body members, who are under the guidance of UCSB faculty and the California Student Sustainability Coalition (CSSC). CSSC Campaign Director Emily Williams counsels EAB on appropriate measures to take in the Fossil Free campaign. Williams is a recent UCSB graduate who now

Photo Courtesy | Fossil Free returns as part of CSSC to continue to work on the campaign, a project she worked on as EAB Statewide Affairs Coordinator in late 2012. “I wanted to continue working on this because the campaign… grew really, really fast and I wanted to see it through, at least on the UC campuses,” said Williams. “I got involved in the first place because it’s the first time that I’ve actually

felt like I, as an individual, can do something that will really affect the way our country works…but also felt like I could make a difference in the larger climate justice movement.” In addition to the “Fossil Free California” campaign, there is a subcampaign entitled “Fossil Free UC” (FFUC). According to the FFUC, in 2013 the UC Student Association adopted FFUC as a campaign they

will support. Within the FFUC campaign, EAB is primarily working toward a “Fossil Free UCSB.” According to Williams, if UCSB divests from fossil fuel companies, it would freeze future investments on fossil fuel companies, and start rolling out current investments on fossil fuel companies within a five-year period.

Page 6 | Photography

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

Shake Your Tail Feather Photo by Magali Gauthier | Photography Editor

Photo by Magali Gauthier | Photography Editor

Mika Nasta, a former patient of Cottage Children’s Hospital, plays with Sean Thompson at Dance Marathon.

Dance Marathon, the largest collegiate philanthropy in the world, has finally come to UCSB. Students danced away the night—and day— on Saturday, March 1, to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network. The money that participants raised benefited the Cottage Children’s Hospital in Santa Barbara.

Tario Bonilla holds his son Alejandro, a former patient of Cottage Children’s Hospital.

Photo by Benjamin Hurst | Staff Photographer

Taylor Van Laar dances his heart out.

Photography | Page 7 The Bottom Line | Feb. 12-18, 2014

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

Photo by Benjamin Hurst | Staff Photographer

Black Reign dancer executes her routine.

Photo by Magali Gauthier | Photography Editor

The Jay Walkers perform.

Photo by Magali Gauthier | Photography Editor

First-year Deanna Nguyen high fives the camera.

A child dances along with students.

Photo by Benjamin Hurst | Staff Photographer

Photo by Benjamin Hurst | Staff Photographer

Photo by Magali Gauthier | Photography Editor

Third-year Halley Rainer strikes a pose.

Participants perform a dance to Bastille’s “Pompeii.”

Page 8 | Arts & Entertainment

The TheBottom BottomLine Line| Mar. | Nov.527 - 11, - Dec. 2014 3

g n a h C r Yancello e l t t a B Wins of t h e Bands

h an Photos by Madison King | Staff Photographer on stage wit le major, burst ab le it b su ou e d an and a m the group’s Yancellor Chang, Battle of the Bands winner, lead vocalist Patrick Therrien flips back his tric attitude eclared, ass section, pac’s elec u -god. He d T ck uplifting br ro of golden mane as the audience cheers. s 0 n ke ’7 li io a e it d w r n d fo re the hang, an C gh u or ska-reggae ll ro ce th t an Y re Love” cu vibe “We’ ’ party.” “California Levy in down funky gck f* in by Julian ll to fa e a technically Th gs ITER crowd. “No Strin followed was red with g at n h so W al STAFF WR in ig ar g of their or rmance m sober, cappin rough perfo and an unfortunate left no man ts Program ” en n d ed u h ow St ac kd tt A ea es br Associated feedback issu n instruments. The lly engaging the Bands off a powerfu erformance suffered 4 Battle of wee et b or ce ll rd ce co an p is Y Board’s 201 for The at d e performan pset victory nny mix th encies of th o, ending. al ti st el n si fi a H n r co st marked an u ei n om in ai th fr up by as up ag but the mewhat , w d so n o re io h ct ea w e cl se u Sh g, m y -o h Chan mostl What mmed t e rhyt bled into th ongated, ja ery, That’s great to be el ak o B ta to st an is rn as V te w g, as n lf la E so Is Stones’ “Bea nce itse preeminent The Rolling y, experie ’s or of en ct ri r vi er ve r Said, and co Th ei t ped. 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Patrick Therrien burst on stage with an electric attitude and a mane suitable for a ’70s rock-god.

All-female band That’s What She Said at Battle of the Bands.

Barks and Darling Inspire Campbell Hall by Ivy Kuo STAFF WRITER

University of California, Santa Barbara’s Arts & Lectures presented poet Coleman Barks and musician David Darling at Campbell Hall this Sunday, March 2, for an afternoon of poetry and music. Sponsored by Mary and Gary Becker, the event was titled “Soul-Fury and Kindness: Rumi and Shams Tabriz, Their Friendship.” Since 1977, Barks has collaborated with scholars of the Persian language to translate the work of 13th century poet Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, commonly known simply as Rumi. Barks’ translations have been published in approximately 20 volumes of poetry. Over 1.5 million copies of these volumes have been sold, arguably making Rumi one of

the most-read poets in the United States in the past 15 years. In 2005, The U.S. Department of State sent Barks to Afghanistan as the first visiting speaker there in 25 years. Composer and cellist Darling has had a diverse musical career. In his playing and compositions, Darling incorporates jazz, classical, country, and new-age music. He worked with country legend Johnny Cash in the ’70s and won a Grammy award for best new-age album in 2010. As Barks and Darling entered the stage, the audience grew hushed and expectant. Barks did not introduce himself or his onstage companion, but began with a poem from Rumi. His voice, a deep southern drawl, resonated throughout Campbell Hall. Darling played the cello, heightening the emotional impact of Barks’ reading. As Barks continued

his readings, he peppered the event with jokes, opinions on the works, and personal anecdotes. “Love is the religion, the universe the book,” said Barks, embracing the spiritual and universally understood undertones of many of Rumi’s poems. “Forget the -isms and theology. Your life as you’re leading it—that’s the scripture.” The difference between Barks’ speaking voice and his poetryreading voice was marked. His speech took on a musical cadence while Darling carefully plucked the strings of his cello in accompaniment. As Barks spoke, it seemed as if each line was a recent revelation to be shared with the audience. Though the poems are thousands of years old, Barks’ translations, reading style, and synergy with Darling’s musicianship gave the poems a fresh breath of life.

In a moment of sincerity, Barks discussed the questions that Rumi raised and attempted to answer them in his poetry. Rumi questioned life, purpose, dream, song, the soul, and the balance between discipline and surrender. Barks also read a few selected poems from his newer translations. Many of the poems contained repetitions that heightened the impact of the poet’s intentions. “Find your place and close your eyes so your heart can start to see,” read Barks in a slow and measured voice. “Find your place and close your eyes so your heart can start to see,” he repeated. After Barks finished reading this poem, he joked with the audience and said, “I think that’s enough wisdom, we can leave now,” to which his listeners responded with great laughter.

Poet and UCSB professor Teddy Macker expressed gratitude for and excitement about the afternoon of poetry and music. “I’ve been reading his translations for years and I’m familiar with his own poetry, somewhat,” said Macker. “I think he’s one of the wisest poets out there, and I feel like he’s a true sage. Obviously Rumi was a true sage, but Coleman Barks is a true sage too.” Macker will be teaching a class on Rumi this spring in the Literature Department of the College of Creative Studies. The afternoon ended with a reading of “Silkworms,” one of Rumi’s most famous and expressive poems. “The hurt you embrace becomes joy,” read Barks. “When I stop speaking, this poem will close, and open its silent wings.”

Childish. & Entertainment The Arts Bottom Line | Nov. 27 |-Page Dec. 39

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

Photos by Mark Brocher | Staff Photographer

by Ivy Kuo STAFF WRITER A rising star in the rap industry, Childish Gambino kicked off his “Deep Web” Tour with a roaring mosh pit at University of California, Santa Barbara’s Thunderdome on Friday, Feb. 28. The tour supports his sophomore album “Because the Internet,” released in December 2013. Gambino’s tour was supposed to begin in Oakland but was postponed due to technical reasons, marking UCSB as Gambino’s first stop. The rapper’s memorable performance was full of electric energy and witty one-liners that were delivered with fervor. A full band–consisting of an electric guitarist, bassist, drummer, and a keyboardist–accompanied Gambino, providing heavy beats the crowd danced along to. “The concert was phenomenal,” said first-year art major Mason Robetson. “It was a long wait, but totally worth it to see the energy Gambino brought to the stage. He absolutely killed it.” Thousands of UCSB students braved the cold, rainy weather in order

to attend the sold-out concert hosted by the Associated Students Program Board. Although doors opened at 6:30 p.m., attendees didn’t get in until 7:30 p.m because of technical difficulties, and many students had been waiting long before then. But after all, what’s a rap concert without lines wrapping around a building, tickets being auctioned for double the price at the door, and hot, sweaty moshpits? However, most agreed that once Gambino took the stage, his performance compensated for any previous setbacks of the night. His dramatic entrance was perfectly executed: the instrumentals escalated to a dramatic crescendo, the virtual backdrop portrayed an antique room with eerie paintings and chandeliers, and multicolored laser-lights flashed throughout the events center. The rapper opened up his act with his song “Crawl.” When he stepped into the spotlight and delivered his first few lines, he was immediately greeted with wild cheers and screams from the crowd. Decked in a black long-sleeved shirt and khaki shorts, Gambino flawlessly delivered his punny lyrics, rapping, “Rec League, I ain’t paying a ball / Y’all

The line wraps around the Thunderdome before Childish Gambino’s concert.

Childish Gambino performs on Feb. 28, 3014.

b-string like a broke guitar / And I still put it down like the family dog.” “The performance was really fun,” said Jordan Petrich, a first-year political science major. “Childish Gambino was really amazing, even though I’ve never been to a mosh pit before or anything that crowded, so that was new.” For the rest of the hour-long performance, Gambino performed songs from his second album as well as his first album, “Camp,” including the tracks “World Star,” “Telegraph,” “Sweatpants,” “3005,” and “Heartbeat.” He spit his signature sharp one-liners without skipping a beat, living up to his reputation of lyrical genius. “Got no patience, ’cause I’m not a doctor,” Gambino smoothly rapped. “Girl why is you lying, girl why you Mufasa / Yeah, mi casa su casa, got a stripper like Gaza / Got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava.” “It was amazing,” said Jesa De Leon, a first-year economics and accounting major. “He was good live… Some people, when you listen to their recordings and then hear them live, they’re terrible. But I think his concert was definitely worth the money.” Gambino’s humorous lines are

no surprise considering his career as a comedian. He is known by his real name, Donald Glover, for his role in the television show “Community.” Gambino’s lyrics are not only entertaining, however, but also sophisticated. Instead of resorting to chart-topping explicit lyrics as some of his competitors do, Gambino combines clever wordplay with insight to explore deeper topics of loneliness, fame, fortune, and the music industry. Gambino has made a name for himself in the world of rap, topping the Billboard Hip-Hop charts at number two with his first album. He has received critical acclaim for his talent as both a rapper and a singer, which is relatively rare for musicians. “He’s one of the few rappers who can actually sing,” said third-year psychology major Evan Biason. “It’s spine-tingingly good, considering he’s a rapper. Sometimes, I even thought the singing was from backup vocals.” At the end of the night, Gambino wrapped up his show with humility and gratitude toward his fans. “Santa Barbara, I can’t think of a better place to start my tour,” he said. “Thank you for being amazing.”

Second-year Lily Tucker, communication and film double major, scans tickets at the Thunderdome.

Fans record the electronic show at the Childish Gambino concert.

Page 10 | Science & Tech

Illustration by Hector Lizarraga | Staff Illustrator

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

Rogen vs. Goldberg Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg Take the Controls on the ‘90s Console Wars by Julian Levy STAFF WRITER The ’90s video-game console war between Sega and Nintendo is getting the silver screen treatment. The collective memory of the ’90s generation is forever marked by the epic war waged between video game juggernauts Nintendo and Sega. It was a console clash fueled by attack ads, false promises, and a (virtually) bloody bout between the iconic characters of Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog. Thanks to the creative efforts of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (“Superbad,” “This is the End”), the drama that defined an era will be revived in theaters. The whole story will be detailed in the upcoming book “CONSOLE WARS: Sega, Nintendo and the Battle that Defined a Generation” by Blake Harris. In a recent press release, publisher Atlantic Books described the title as a “riveting behind-the-scenes business thriller

that chronicles how Sega…took on the juggernaut Nintendo and revolutionized the video game industry.” Harris’s book was picked up by Sony Pictures, and the film adaptation will be reigned in with the producing power of Scott Rudin (“Money Ball,” “The Social Network”) as well as the writing and directing of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. Few details have been released about the film, as it is still in the earliest stages of development, but according to Atlantic’s press release, Rogen and Goldberg will be both writing the screenplay and directing. The film is expected to surpass the limits of Rogen’s usual “stoner comedy”; however, according to Atlantic publisher Toby Mundy, the film “should appeal to gamers and non-gamers alike.” The now outrageous line “Sega does what Nintendon’t” as well as Sega’s incredulous claims of

“blast processing” were the hot topics in the ’90s-era schoolyard, pitting friends against each other in a dichotomizing gauntlet of nerd loyalty. You may have forgotten about OJ Simpson’s run from the police, or where you were when President Clinton received oral sex, but you never forget which videogame console you aligned with; you were either a Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis kind of kid. After Atari’s console dominance of the late ’70s to early ’80s and the subsequent video game crash of 1982, Japanese juggernaut Nintendo introduced their 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES, to the American market in 1985. The NES revived the gaming landscape with colossal hits such as “Super Mario Bros.” and “The Legend of Zelda.” Sixty-two million NES consoles were sold, assuring Nintendo’s stranglehold on the market while Sega’s competitor to the NES, the Sega Master System,

merely scraped by with 13 million units. In 1989, Sega launched itself into the annals of video game history with the Sega Genesis. It was the sleek, 16bit console for cool kids. Being one of the first major 16-bit consoles in the North American market, the Genesis easily outshone the aging technology of the 8-bit NES. Sega stormed its way into living rooms across the country on the treads of the Genesis’s impressive graphics and aggressive, youth-oriented marketing campaign. The console war hit critical mass when Nintendo responded to Sega’s offering with the Super Nintendo in late 1990. The console’s graphics, library of games, and brand recognition easily boosted Nintendo back into the market. The console gained huge success on its established Mario and Zelda franchises, but failed to captivate a more mature generation of gamers by censoring the animated violence

in games like “Mortal Kombat.” Sega was in no position to back down from Nintendo’s dominance so the war was declared, and with the 1991 introduction of Sonic the Hedgehog, Nintendo’s Mario was given a nemesis. After the fog of war settled, a victor was declared in Nintendo. The Super Nintendo’s sales settled at 49.1 million units while Sega fell considerably short with 29 million Genesis units sold. Sega followed up the Genesis with the Saturn in 1995 and the ill-fated Dreamcast in 1999 before dropping out of the hardware market altogether. The company now exists as a games developer and publisher, even collaborating with Nintendo on titles such as the “Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games” series and the “Super Smash Bros.” series, in which Sonic makes a guest appearance. According to Amazon, Blake Harris’s book “Console Wars” will be available May 13 while the release date for Rogen’s film is not yet known.

Super Nintendo Nintendo Entertainment System

Atari 1970 Dominates




1989 1990

8-bit Sega Master System


“Console Wars” 2014 Releases

Sega Genesis

UCSB Professor Feldwinn Talks SciTek and Chem Outreach by Mimi Liu STAFF WRITER

University of California, Santa Barbara Professor Darby Feldwinn is currently involved in two educational outreach programs: SciTrek and the Fifth Grade Chemistry Outreach program. These programs aim to change the way young students learn science subjects. “My primary research focus is on undergrad education with an emphasis on encouraging students to consider careers as secondary school math or science teachers,” her website reads. Doctor Feldwinn earned her Ph.D in Physical Chemistry at UC San Diego, and became interested in teaching during her years as a graduate student.

“I wasn’t as passionate about [research] as I was about education,” she explained. “I’m constantly thinking about my outreach programs and my classes–like, this is a really cool demo that I could do in class!” SciTrek, aimed at second through fifth graders, was started about four years ago in collaboration with fellow chemistry professor Norbert Reich. Schools that sign up will receive about 15 hours of programming in the form of science modules. “We give them a problem to solve, and their goal is to explain the phenomenon,” Feldwinn said. An example module involves a piece of paper with a black dot in the center that is then soaked in a solution. The dot slowly

spreads into a multi-colored splotch on the paper, and then the students have to figure out what is causing these dye colors to appear and spread. “I think that the problem is that if we want to change how people learn, we have to start early,” Feldwinn said. “If we can start molding people early on, they’ll develop critical thinking and a more creative thought process–you have to start young.” The Fifth Grade Chemistry Outreach program, co-directed by Feldwinn and Dr. Petra Van Koppen, brings fifth graders to UCSB every Thursday. They rotate through five different lab stations and do demos, which run smoothly with the help of undergraduate volunteers. “The program is designed to

nourish their natural curiosity in science and to stimulate an interest in pursuing a higher education in science,” the website reads. “In addition, UCSB students are given the opportunity to share their love of science with elementary students and to consider a career path as a science educator.” Feldwinn personally mentors undergraduates who are interested in going into teaching, on top of teaching fast-paced general chemistry. “I find [teaching] very rewarding,” Feldwinn said. “I get to talk to elementary school students who are just so excited about science and I get to mentor enthusiastic undergraduates.” Feldwinn’s parents were both teachers; her mother taught kindergarten, and her father was

a junior high school teacher. “They love their jobs because they get to make a difference,” she said. “That’s probably why I’m here–I was inspired by them.” “You have to go where you’re passionate about,” Feldwinn concluded. “Find what you love, and don’t let anyone stop you from doing it.” Anyone interested in volunteering or donating to these educational outreach programs can email scitrekadmin@chem. ucsb.edu, or visit http://web. chem .ucsb.e du/~outreach/ and http://web.chem.ucsb. edu/~scitrek/index.html. Additionally, a barbecue social and sign-up event will be held on Tuesday, April 1, at 5:30 p.m. on the lawn in front of the Chemistry Building.

Science & Tech | Page 11

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

Public Library of Science Calls For Published Authors to Release All Data Publicly by Alex Albarran-Ayala STAFF WRITER The Public Library of Science (PLOS), one of the largest open access journals, put into effect a new data policy regarding newly published scientific research on March 1, 2014. According to an official statement, the journal will now “require authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception.” Theo Bloom, chief editor of PLOS Biology, wrote that “PLOS journals have requested data be available since their inception,” even before this policy change. The main change with this policy, Bloom notes, is that authors now have to specify in a “Data Availability Statement” where their data is stored for public use. Liz Silva, senior editor of PLOS ONE, stated that the public access may refer to “one of three places:”

in “the body of the manuscript,” “in the supporting information,” and “in a stable, public repository.” Silva describes these sites as being suitable for small, moderate-sized, and large datasets, respectively. However, in instances where the dataset is too large for any of those places, Silva wrote that authors should proceed with the submission of their research paper, but note the “details of their situation.” Afterwards, PLOS will contact them to find a solution for the sharing of their data. “Refusal to share data and related metadata and methods in accordance with this policy will be grounds for rejection,” stated PLOS. However, there are specific conditions, which may be unethical or binding, that mean authors can’t share data. Some of the examples Silva listed include “private patient data, or specific information relating to endangered species,” and instances when the authors used third-parties’ data. Under such conditions, Silva wrote that authors should label that

“their ‘Data is available upon request’, and identify the person, group or committee to whom requests should be submitted.” Erin McKiernan, a neuroscience researcher at the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico, expressed concern about this new policy change. She explained that a big preoccupation for researchers in developing countries, where funding may be scarce, is that “There is the possibility the original researchers could be ‘scooped’, losing out on publications from data that was meant to sustain their lab for potentially several years. (This could also be a problem for smaller labs within the U.S.).” Additionally, McKiernan wrote that “this policy has the potential to decrease the diversity of the authors submitting to PLOS,” especially if they fear “being ‘scooped’” by bigger research stations. She noted that it may not be an actual risk, but if “researchers believe the risk exists,” then it could lead to a decrease in

submissions to PLOS. On the other hand, there are other researchers who see the benefit of active data sharing. For example, Jef Akst of The Scientist quotes several individuals who are in favor of this policy change. Peter Doshi, assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, told The Scientist “PLOS’s new policy is quite exciting and supports the notion that a published paper has far more value and credibility when the data underlying that publication are also available.” Additionally, Carol Tenopir, a director for the Center for Information & Communication Studies of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, noted that “‘[There is] the possibility of making new discoveries by combining datasets.” PLOS is taking a bold and somewhat controversial step in calling for full transparency of their data and findings. Whether or not this turns out to be a step forward or step backward remains to be seen.

Refusal to share data and related metadata and methods in accordance with this policy will be grounds for rejection. —The Public Library of Science

Polio-Like Disease Affects Over 20 California Children by Peter Crump STAFF WRITER A bizarre polio-like virus has afflicted a number of California children near the Bay Area over the past several months. Polio is a highly contagious viral infection that usually affects children or those with weak immune systems. The most notable symptom associated with it is paralysis, usually of the spine, which can effectively freeze the limbs of victims, according to Medical News Today. However, vigorous vaccinations campaigns have essentially eliminated polio from the western world altogether for decades now. So what is the illness that is affecting these children? Keith Van Haren, a pediatric neurologist at Stanford University, explained in a report that between August 2012 and July 2013, five children have developed paralysis in one or more of their limbs over the period of just a few days, according Scientific American. However, all of these children had been previously vaccinated against the polio virus, and even after six months of treatment, none of the children fully recovered function in the most severely affected limb. So

what is to blame here? Tests conducted on the five children concluded that two of them tested positive for a rare virus called enterovirus 68. Part of the same family of viruses as polio, it can cause similar symptoms, and has been linked to polio-like outbreaks among Asian and Australian children over the last decade, according to Reuters. However, the other three children tested negative

About 20 cases have been identified in the U.S. so far, all in California, and all...in the past 18 months. —Keith Van Haren, pediatric neurologist at Stanford University

for the enterovirus. Emmanuelle Waubant, a neurologist at University of California, San Francisco explained that those children who tested negative could have the virus at some point, but were not tested soon enough for the virus to show up in their blood. As a result, the exact cause of their symptoms remains up in the air. In addition to the initial five children, Van Haren notes, “About 20 cases have been identified in the U.S. so far, all in California, and all occurring in the past 18 months.” The California Department of Public Health has received reports from these 20 cases, but they have yet to find any common link among these instances, according to CTV News. With 20 cases already reported, the most pressing question would be whether or not this virus will spread. Jane Seward, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Deputy Director of the Division of Viral Diseases, explained that the enterovirus is a “rare outcome” in the children, according to Scientific American. Given that polio has essentially been eliminated in the U.S., Seward continues that diseases with polio-like symptoms are not “nationally notifiable disease[s]” in the U.S., so there is no way “to assess

Acute Flaccid Paralysis: Polio-like illnesses affect about 1 in every 100,00 children under 15.

1 in 100K

the significance of this number of cases.” However, based on the data from countries that do track “acute flaccid paralysis,” or polio-like illnesses, the prevalence of these illnesses is about 1 in every 100,000 children under 15 years old. Seward explains that because California has a population of eight million children under 15 years old, “we would expect at least 80 cases of acute flaccid paralysis” in California alone, according to Scientific American. In other words, Seward

states that while this outbreak is bizarre, the 20 cases that have been reported are far from an epidemic, and for the most part there is no reason to worry. Despite this, enteroviruses such as this polio-like illness are not to be taken lightly. Seward notes that, like with any virus, practicing good hygiene is the best way to prevent spreading. In the meantime, though, the exact cause of the outbreak continues to be a source of both intrigue and confusion for doctors.

SanDisk Introduces New 128GB MicroSD Card SanDisk is bringing external storage to a whole new level through the creation of the world’s fastest microSD card, designed for Windows and Android tablets and smartphones, capable of storing 128 gigabytes of information. MicroSD cards are a portable form of storage for some Windows and Android devices. However, there is a limit on how much you can store on the 11-by-15mm card. So far, the largest in the market is the 64GB SD card, and SanDisk is looking to raise that bar with its 128GB card. The firm claims that it was able to boost storage through “an innovative proprietary technique that allows for 16 memory die to be vertically stacked”; each die would be thinner than a strand of hair, according to ZDnet. Revealed at Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona, Spain, the 128GB microSDXC card would

be able to write at twice the pace of ordinary memory cards, making it a very useful for HD videos and pictures. The memory cards can read at speeds of up to 80 megabytes per second and write up to 50MBps, which allows faster shot-to-shot performance and data transfer for photography such as continuous burst mode. SanDisk claims that the card is able to store up to 16 hours of full HD video, 7500 songs, 3200 photos, and over 125 applications, according to Droid Life. According to the Inquirer, “The new SanDisk Ultra microSDXC card again demonstrates how SanDisk continues to expand the possibilities of storage so that consumers can benefit from our latest technology advancements,” said Susan Park, SanDisk director of retail product marketing. “With 128GB of removable storage, consumers will enjoy the freedom to capture and save whatever they want on a smartphone or tablet, without worrying about running out of

128GB microSDXC 11.0mm


> Writes at 50MBps > Reads at 80MBps Storage: > 16 hours full HD video > 7,500 songs > 3,200 photos

Actual Size

15.0mm storage space.” The firm’s vice president of retail product marketing, Dinesh Bahal, spoke at the product launch in London and claimed that there were three demand drivers for bringing the new memory cards to market, the first being smartphones. “In the next year or so, we are hitting roughly a billion new

smartphones that are going to be sold, and the average capacity is going up from what was 6GB in 2010 to 24GB in 2015,” Bahal said. Bahal also noted that the other two driving factors are the rise in the tablets used as personal devices for apps, music, photos, and videos, and the rise of advanced digital imaging. This means that people not only

need to store more data, but also higher quality data before. To meet these demands, earlier this month SanDisk also announced the world’s fastest memory card for 4K video. The SanDisk Extreme Pro SDHC/SDXC UHS-II Card “offers up to 250MBps data transfer speed in burst mode and 280MBps under optimum conditions.” according to the Inquirer. The new card is the first of the Class 3 (U3) specification designed specifically for HD 4K videos. Fujifilm was keen to piggyback on this announcement by bringing attention to their first UHSII compatible camera, the X-T1. With the announcement of the 4K microSD card as well as the 128GB microSD card, it is clear that SanDisk wants to be a key player in the development of greater external storage. Although the prices can go up to $200 for their new products, the need for faster, portable, and larger storage may be enough for the new products to be successful worldwide.

Interested in working for The Bottom Line? Come to our first meeting of spring quarter on Tuesday, April 1, at 7 p.m. to get a paid position as a writer, photographer, videographer, or illustrator.

Page 12 | Opinions

The Bottom Line | Mar. 5 - 11, 2014

‘My Mat Fat Diary’ by Jamie Brannan

High school is fixture of TV life. We know all the clichés and the cliques, and we almost have a sort of tradition of following these in American television and movies. Characters, like real kids, fight for popularity; nerds get revenge, jocks are sensitive jerks, and a girl becomes pretty by taking off her glasses and no longer living like a wallflower. Sometimes these stories are told in musicals, sometimes intensely artful adventures. The irony is, we know how unrealistic these story lines are, yet they still get high ratings and reviews. The UK’s Channel 4’s “Skins” was a notable and wildly popular divergence from these arcs, but the characters still live charmed, stick-thin lives until the final seventh season when reality and adulthood finally tear them down. Are any of these shows and movies actually helping anyone out there? Is there any different, positive and entertaining show that doesn’t turn away from teenage tragedy without turning off audiences? The answer is “My Mad Fat Diary,” starring Sharon Rooney as Rae Earl, a non-traditionallybeautiful lead who is coming to grips with life’s realities after a stay at a mental hospital. Rae does not conform to common cultural notions of femininity and beauty that are the source of nearly every woman’s anxiety. She simply aims

to be herself for her well being, but her character’s narrative highlights that that it’s not always easy to accept your true self. Even more refreshing is that everyone else in the series, no matter the first impression they make on the audience, has their own dark struggle, including the usually widely ignored issue of mental illness. This does not mean that they take out the frustrations and problems à la the dramatic “Skins” Effy, Freddie, J.J. and Cook; rather, we watch how adolescences and adults alike are affected and cope. “My Mad Fat Diary” addresses the struggles of adolescence without romanticizing or being overdramatic, and it is unflinchingly honest about reality and consequences. The show simultaneously provides solutions and legitimate advice for people who may face similar struggles without coming off as didactic. While the title and the British accents might make you think of “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” you’d be mistaken to compare the two. Sharon Rooney plays Rae with her body as it is, and she didn’t change herself or make headlines like Renée Zellweger did for her fluctuating weight. The story is not a modern take on classics, but is based on the real-life Rae Earl’s diaries. And while Rae is certainly funny like Bridget, her world is not all comedy. This show is about more than weight; it’s about how women are valued.

Illustration by Amanda Excell | Staff Illustrator Although there’s only so much cultural and racial diversity to be found in the English countryside, the diversity of individual personalities and struggles outside archetypes shines through. While “Skins” took seven seasons for life’s responsibilities and the realties of self harming behavior to hit select characters hard, “My Mad Fat Diary” stands out in teenage TV history for taking these issues head on, right out of the gate. Rae is a hero worth rooting for while she works through

her problems, pieced together through therapy visits. “My Mad Fat Diary” is a resounding step in the right direction for the representation of women in the television industry– something we need more of here in the U.S. The lack of female leads with different bodies, who present the diversity of types of beauty and real problems, harms women and their self worth. American teenagers consume over 10 hours a day of TV, movies, music, magazines, and

Internet. The Representation Project reports that 53 percent of 13-yearold girls are unhappy with their bodies, and that worse, that number increases to 78 percent by age 17. The numbers continue to connect to the media’s current destructive impact on viewers’ self-esteem. As viewers and consumers, we have the power to reverse that by demanding the inclusion of all kinds of people in our media, so that it better reflects the beauty all around us and within each of us.

Big Apple Meets Big Brother, Judge Says No Big Deal A recent decision by United States District Judge William Martini on a lawsuit brought to federal court in 2012 by eight Muslim citizens against the New York Police Department serves to once again highlight a troubling trend in the U.S. relations with those of the Muslim faith—a trend of suspicion and ignorance, interrupted by tolerance only when it best serves U.S. interests. The suit was brought about after a series of Associated Press stories that, based on confidential NYPD documents, revealed the department’s plans to infiltrate several mosques and Muslim student groups as part of a post-9/11 investigation into potential terrorist activities. The plaintiffs’ central claim was that these surveillance programs targeted these groups on the basis of religion and national origin rather than actual criminal motive. On Feb. 20, the suit was dismissed as a result of Martini’s decision that the Associated Press was more at fault for releasing accounts of the prejudiced programs than the NYPD was for executing them. He stated that because he could see no

evidence of the plaintiffs’ having suffered injury before the release of the documents, essentially it was the AP’s fault for causing the plaintiffs’ discontent. I mean, come on guys, you know what they say—always shoot the messenger. Christopher Brauchli of the Huffington Post said it best in his assessment of the precedent set by the verdict: “the case of Hassan v. City of New York stands for the proposition that what you don’t know can’t hurt you.” It stands also for the permissibility of submitting certain groups to increased scrutiny on the basis of the same speculation that would stand as insufficient evidence when attributed to other groups. Despite the findings of scholars such as Charles Kurzman, who stated in his report “Muslim-American Terrorism in 2013” that MuslimAmerican terrorism since 9/11 has been responsible for a mere 37 out of over 190,000 total murders that took place during that time, the stigma assigned to Americans who practice Islam has remained pervasive enough that even today,

verdicts such as Martini’s are widely accepted by society. If events such as the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in 1996 or the 1994 bombing of Planned Parenthood in Brookline, Mass., are any indication, it seems doubtful that an attack of a comparable magnitude to 9/11, if carried out by extreme factions of the Christian Right, would result in such an enduring prejudice against Christian Americans as a whole, much less mass surveillance of their institutions. While American government and society are quick to label such Christian radicals as the exception rather than the norm, they are infinitely more inclined to translate instances of Muslim extremism to broad generalizations about the religion in its entirety. This is a tragic testament to the secularism that we as a nation so pride ourselves on but that in practice never truly proves itself valid; for instance, a set of Christian values has been an unspoken prerequisite for the election of almost every U.S. president to date. That certain religious practices deviating from the Christian norm instill such heightened suspicion in

a supposedly secular government is a troubling paradox indeed. Another particularly interesting aspect of this pervasive Islamophobia is the role the U.S. plays–but would like to pretend it does not–in perpetuating Islamic extremism on a global scale. It is a persistent contradiction that has characterized U.S. interventionist policies throughout recent history. In the 1980s, the U.S. was quick to heavily support the Afghan mujahideen in its efforts to overthrow Soviet occupation, despite the group’s known radical Muslim motives that would surely come to fruition once the Russians withdrew. During the Iran-Iraq War, the government elected to provide aid to the Sunnidominated Iraqi government and its leader, Saddam Hussein, despite the CIA’s definitive knowledge (revealed more recently by declassified files) of chemical attacks inflicted upon Iranian troops by the Iraqi government, attacks of a far greater magnitude than the Syrian strikes that have caused so much worldwide controversy in recent months. This information considered, it is hard to be sure of the logic

by Kelsey Knorp AS BEAT REPORTER

surrounding a foreign policy dynamic that does little to suppress–and in some cases even endorses–religious extremism’s blatant continuance, even as domestic persecution of evidently innocent citizens fosters more and more distrust within society the longer it is allowed to continue. As citizens of a nation perched upon a theoretical platform of freedom and diversity, we cannot set precedents for our authorities that allow them to perform this sort of unfounded infiltration. Global terrorism is a force unlikely to ever be totally eradicated, but fueling domestic suspicion and prejudice without grounds to do so will merely weaken any chance at creating a united front against it. Could the argument be made that these particular plaintiffs simply didn’t seem “American” enough to question the practices of U.S. law enforcement? Probably not, at least in the eyes of Farhaj Hassan, one plaintiff who served in Iraq and is quoted by Al Jazeera saying, “I have dedicated my career to serving my country, and this just feels like a slap in the face–all because of the way I pray.”

Overloading for Future Opportunities: Why We’re Overwhelmed in College by Sam Goldman STAFF WRITER The concluding weeks of any quarter are marked by frantic finals preparation, coffeefueled all-nighters meant to reach the page minimum on numerous papers, and stressing out over those random midterms that really should have been held three weeks earlier. During this terrifically stressful scramble to fulfill our classes’ requirements, it’s not uncommon for us students to wonder why we’re always too overloaded and overworked, and we sometimes struggle to reason out how it can all be worth it. Beyond classwork, we also have club activities and meetings, athletic practice and games, jobs and internships, and social and leisure commitments. What is the ultimate purpose behind overwhelming ourselves for four of what people call the best years of our life? While it may seem unfair for professors to schedule all the crucial papers and exams for the end of the term, they do have good reason; we generally don’t have the requisite knowledge and learning until that point to actually write a good paper or test our understanding. This has the unintended effect, however, of making it that much more difficult to properly digest the material. We cannot retain all the information we’re given well when we are simultaneously struggling to meet so many separate word counts, not getting the chance to study until the night before, and sitting in impersonal, 600-person classes. When we’re so busy and stuck in a rather impersonal and often unengaging learning environment, our brains lack the time and proper stimulation for a more permanent absorption of the material. We’re being educated, but it won’t stick with us too long after we walk out of the final.

Illustration by Hector Lizarraga | Staff Illustrator In our current higher education system, the only way to get that all-important degree in any kind of timely manner is to continually work our butts off. We all hear about how today’s bachelor’s degree is the equivalent of yesterday’s high school diploma, and it’s true– our degrees are in many respects our tickets to the job market. And what else increases our job prospects but club work, internships,

community service, and our current minimum wage jobs–activities we cram into our already hefty schedules. Students are effectively forced more and more to pack non-academic activities into their time in order to remain competitive in the job market. This inevitably shifts our overarching focus in college to attaining a future job. It seems as if the point of college nowadays is to secure decent future employment, and the

more impressive extracurricular activities we take on, the better our prospects become. Unfortunately, this means that topnotch job preparation and a thorough traditional education have become somewhat incompatible; if we really want to excel in one, we have to at least partially sacrifice the other. Only changes to the structure of education and its financing can begin to bring the two goals together; making college affordable will free up time for studying that we now use to earn money, and developing more personal, engaging learning environments will allow us to better retain more knowledge. But because society as a whole dictates the expectations for college students who want to enter the job market, we will always have to take on extracurricular activities to remain competitive and inevitably be at least a little busy. This shows in a way a fundamental shift in what society deems valuable in its up and coming members – from a specialized body of academic knowledge to a broad range of experiences and practical accomplishments. In many ways it is a reflection of the increasingly complicated and multifaceted status of modern society. We are expected to pay bills, operate bank accounts, work a job (or two), acquire car and health insurance, handle mortgages, and plan long trips. Beginning to learn how to juggle all these responsibilities is increasingly something we’re doing in college. One hundred years ago, life was still demanding, but much simpler in that higher education was an added bonus that was not crucial to managing life. But in today’s society, college is a vital institution for learning to juggle endless responsibilities, develop necessary practical experience, and above all, enhance our job prospects.

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