‘TURPS GOES WEST’ 25 August - 1 September 2015 Tuesday – Saturday, 11am - 5pm Exhibition closed on Monday Bank Holiday (31st August) CLOSING PARTY: 1 September 2015, 6-9 pm 2015 Edel Assanti 74a Newman Street W1T 3DB London
Turps Banana is pleased to announce the forthcoming exhibition, ‘Turps Goes West’, a group exhibition of work by painters on the Turps Studio Programme 2014-15. The Turps Studio Programme is an artist-led painting programme. With a supported studio environment, peer-led learning, talks and visitors together with dedicated mentors, it provides painter’s with a period of time to refocus and reengage with their work. The sixteen painters showing at Edel Assanti are the most recent to complete the programme working together in the Turps studios beneath the brutalist towers of Taplow House, part of South London’s iconic Aylesbury Estate. Artists exhibiting are, Lesley Blakelock, India Dewar, David Edmond, Roisin Fogarty, Adam Hennessey, Norman Hyams, Benjamin Jamie, Adam Kelly, Dale Lewis, Fiona Long, Jessie Makinson, Mateusz Odrobny, Paige Perkins, Richard Reid and Jonathan Stubbs, Nadine Talalla. Turps painters would like to thank everyone at Edel Assanti Gallery, TBurnsArts and ARTNAKED for their generosity and support of Turps Goes West. Turps Studio Programme will be accepting applications for 2016 – 17 in January 2016. Turps Correspondence Course is currently accepting applications for Oct 2015 – August 2016. Deadline 30th August 2015. More details available at Follow Turps Banana… Facebook: Twitter: @turpsbananamag
Notes to Editors About Turps: Turps Painting Magazine was founded in 2005, by Marcus Harvey and Peter Ashton Jones. The magazine is based on the simple remit of painters talking about painting. The Studio Programme and Correspondence Course were introduced in 2013 as an extension of the ethos developing in the magazine. The Studio Programme is run by Marcus Harvey and Phil Allen. Mentors and visiting artists for 2015 – 16 include Dan Coombs, Alastair Mackinven, Anne Ryan, Lisa Milroy, Ansel Krut, Neal Tait, Andrea Medjesi-Jones, Simon Bill, Ryan Mosley, Prof David Rayson, Emma Talbot, Milena Dragicevic, Alison Katz.
Media Requests: Images available on request. Tani Burns at TBurnsArts T: 0207 377 5665 M: 07888 731 419 E: W: Helen at Turps E: