4 minute read
Monday, October 2 pm
Programs to Enhance Your Health and Well-Being
Stony Brook Medicine offers a wide range of programs, lectures, workshops, support groups and other events throughout the year to help you, your family and friends take better care of your health and enhance your well-being. Inperson or virtual, most events are free, and in many cases, registration is required. For more information, call (631) 444-4000.
Seminars occur monthly via Zoom. For additional information and dates, please call (631) 444-BARI (2274) or visit bariatrics.stonybrook medicine.edu.
Convenient day and evening in-person classes will be offered to restart our program. Dates and times TBA. A referral from your physician prescribing diabetes education is required. Please contact your insurance carrier regarding your coverage for diabetes and for further information. To schedule an appointment, call (631) 444-0580.
Meetings will be held on Microsoft Teams on Tuesdays, Oct. 26, Nov. 30 and Dec. 28, 7 pm to 8 pm. For information, call (631) 638-2638.
Third Sunday of the month at 11 am; Heritage Park Trail (The Wedge), 633 Mt. Sinai-Coram Road, Mt. Sinai. These walks are also available on Zoom so that you can walk in your own area. If you have a question or would like more information, email ursula.landman@stonybrook medicine.edu.
Meets the last Wednesday of the month, Oct. 27 and Nov. 24, 10 am to 11 am at Smith Haven Mall Food Court, 313 Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove.
Classes forming in Fall 2021; Stony Brook University Hospital, 101 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook. Registration is required. For information and upcoming dates, email Yvonne Leippert, RN, at yvonne.leippert@ stonybrookmedicine.edu. The Cancer Center’s Mobile Mammography Van brings the mammo to you. Visit cancer.stonybrookmedicine.edu/Patients/MammoVan to set up your appointment.
Our Mobile Mammography Van team is on a mission: to make sure every woman on Long Island, age 40 and older, who needs a mammogram has easy and convenient access. And no prescription is needed. All year long, our fully outfitted Mobile Mammography Van travels throughout Suffolk and Nassau counties to key locations. It includes an all-female medical staff. The van is spacious and features a registration area, a comfortable waiting room, private changing and exam spaces, and state-of-the-art 3D equipment. Please visit cancer.stonybrook medicine.edu/Patients/MammoVan for locations, dates and times.
Meets the last Tuesday of every month, Oct. 26, Nov. 30 and Dec. 28, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. To register, call Katarina Siliris at (631) 638-1108.
Offered through Microsoft Teams on the third Wednesday every other month, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. To register, contact Erin Harabes, LMHC, at erin.harabes@stonybrookmedicine.edu or (631) 444-3448.
Offering free gynecologic care to uninsured patients on the third Wednesday of every month at University Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 4875 Sunrise Hwy., Suite 200, Bohemia. To schedule an appointment, call (631) 444-4686. For information, please visit stonybrookmedicine. edu/accessgyn.
No More Excuses – It’s always a Great Day for Walking

The Stony Brook Medicine Mall Walkers, preCOVID, staying fit and making friends. The club has returned to action and is following all CDCrecommended guidelines for keeping members safe while walking. (Photo by Dan Goodrich)
It’s raining. You want to stay in bed, but you promised yourself that you were going to get some exercise. Maybe take a walk. You’ve been putting this off for weeks, but who wants to walk in the rain? The phone rings. It’s your friend Charlie. He’s going to the mall to walk. Do you want to go?
You hate shopping, so why would you go to the mall? No, he’s not going shopping; he’s going walking. Mall Walking. Charlie explains that Stony Brook Medicine has a program at Smith Haven Mall called the Mall Walkers. They meet at the food court on the last Wednesday of the month eight times a year. You can get your blood pressure checked, hear a great lecture on a health-related topic from one of Stony Brook’s experts, get a free snack and walk the mall. The mall is climate controlled (cool in the summer and warm in the winter), the floor in the mall is flat and great for walking, and since it’s raining, you can walk without worrying about getting soaked. So, are you going? All you need is a pair of sneakers and the desire to stay healthy.
The club has been walking at the mall since 1994, and it’s always been free to join. It’s part of Stony Brook Medicine’s commitment to serve the community and keep people healthy. There are almost 700 members in the club, although 50 people usually come to the meetings. The Mall Walkers Club meets January through May and September through November.
To learn more or register to be a member, visit stonybrookmedicine.edu/patientcare/community/ mall-walkers or contact us at (631) 444-4000. The Mall Walkers Club welcomes people of all ages and abilities.
Fall 2021 Meeting Dates
October 27 November 24 2022 Meeting Dates
January 26 February 23 March 30 April 27 May 25 September 28 October 26 November 30