15 minute read
Local hospitals ramp up efforts to treat reflux disease
Joel Gonzalez was waking up in the middle of the night, gasping for air. During the day, if he ate too quickly, he felt like food was getting stuck in his throat.
In 2018, Gonzalez, who lives in Coram and is a high school counselor, was diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. A small hiatal hernia, in which part of his stomach bulged through an opening in his diaphragm and into his chest, caused the condition.
Gonzalez started taking medications, which helped relieve the symptoms and enabled him to sleep without experiencing discomfort or waking up suddenly.
In August 2022, after learning that his hiatal hernia had gotten slightly larger and deciding he didn’t want to continue taking reflux medicine for the rest of his life, he met with Dr. Arif Ahmad, director of the St. Charles and St. Catherine of Siena Acid Reflux and Hiatal Hernia Centers of Excellence, to discuss the possibility of surgery.
Gonzalez was so convinced that the surgery would help and confident in Dr. Ahmad’s experience that he scheduled the procedure during that first meeting. Since his November surgery, which took about an hour, he hasn’t had any GERD symptoms and is not taking any medication for the condition.
Gonzalez said he would “absolutely” recommend the surgical procedure, which became a “simple decision” after consulting with Dr. Ahmad.
Caused by a mechanical problem with a valve at the bottom of the esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter that allows stomach acid to enter the esophagus, GERD affects over 20% of the population.
Symptoms of GERD vary, which means doctors can and do take a range of approaches to treatment.
Hospitals, including St. Charles, St. Catherine of Siena, Stony Brook and Huntington Hospital, have been ramping up their efforts to evaluate and treat GERD.
Port Jefferson-based St. Charles and Smithtown-based St. Catherine of Siena, both part of the Catholic Health system, have been expanding these services at the Acid Reflux and Hiatal Hernia Centers of Excellence.
“There is a big need” for this increasingly focused effort to help patients dealing with the symptoms of GERD, said Dr. Ahmad.
At St. Charles and St. Catherine, Dr. Ahmad, who has been doing hiatal hernia and GERD-correcting surgery for over 25 years, created the center to ensure that the nurses on the floor, the people who do the testing, and the recovery staff are aware of the specific needs of these patients.
Dr. Ahmad has done presentations for the staff to ensure they have “the highest level of expertise,” he added.
Dr. Ahmad, also the director of the Center of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery at Mather Hospital, said he could perform surgery, if a patient needs it, at any of the hospitals, depending on a patient’s request.
Stony Brook’s efforts
At the same time, Stony Brook recently created a multidisciplinary Esophageal Center at Stony Brook Medicine, designed to provide a collaborative care model for diagnosing and treating GERD.
The center provides minimally invasive endoscopic treatments as well as surgical options.
Dr. Lionel D’Souza, chief of endoscopy, said the center provides a cohesiveness that “allows an evaluation by a group of people who are experts and can communicate with each other” to provide a patient-specific plan.
Dr. D’Souza suggested people seek medical attention from their primary care physician or gastroenterologist if they experience any of the following conditions: heartburn every day or severe heartburn several times a week, trouble swallowing, food getting stuck in the throat, anemia, blood in the stool or weight loss without another explanation.
Other partners in the Stony Brook GERD Center include Dr. Olga Aroniadis, chief of the division of gastroenterology, Dr. Alexandra Guillaume, director of the gastrointestinal motility center, and Dr. Konstantinos Spaniolas, chief of the division of bariatric, foregut and advanced GI surgery at Stony Brook Medicine and director of Stony Brook’s bariatric and metabolic weight loss center.
“When someone has a lot of excess weight, the chance of developing GERD is a lot higher,” Dr. Spaniolas said. “Sometimes, getting patients through a program to facilitate with weight loss can help [people] avoid GI symptoms, such as heartburn.”
Stony Brook will see patients in different parts of its network and then, depending on the needs, will determine who is best-suited to start their work up and treatment, Dr. Spaniolas added.
While a potential option, surgery is among a host of choices for people who have ongoing heartburn.
Huntington Hospital, meanwhile, will begin offering esophageal motility testing starting in June. Patients can call Northwell Health’s Heartburn and Reflux Center to schedule an appointment.
A team of gastroenterologists, surgeons and dietitians will work with patients at Huntington to determine the cause of GERD and possible treatments, according to Dr. David Purow, chief of gastroenterology.
Soft foods
Those who have surgery return to solid foods gradually.
Marlene Cross, a resident of St. James who struggled with GERD for about a decade, had the procedure in March.
For the first few weeks, she ate primarily liquids, with some protein drinks and puddings. She added Farina and oatmeal to her diet and then could eat flaky fish.
At 83, Cross, who lost sleep because of GERD-induced heartburn, said the surgery was a success.
“I’m not running a marathon, but I’m definitely feeling a lot better,” said Cross, who is a retired teacher’s assistant for special education students.
Cross urged others who might benefit from surgery to “see a specialist and ask questions and do it” if the doctor recommends it. “The younger you do it, the better.”
The following incidents have been reported by Suffolk County Police:
Coram man arrested for shooting cop
Suffolk County Police arrested a Coram man after he shot a Suffolk County police officer on May 11. Sixth Precinct officers were conducting surveillance on a Norfleet Lane home in Coram after receiving information that Janell Funderburke, who was wanted for an armed robbery that occurred two days earlier, was inside. Funderburke exited the home and upon seeing officers, he fled. One officer pursued the suspect on foot and Funderburke fired two shots at the officer, striking him in the right thigh, at approximately 12:50 a.m.
The officer, a six-year veteran of the department assigned to the Sixth Precinct Anti-Crime Unit, was transported to Stony Brook University Hospital via police vehicle and underwent surgery. Funderburke, 20, of Homestead Drive in Coram, was charged with Attempted Aggravated Murder and Robbery 1st Degree.
Coram driver arrested for DWAI after crash at Commack gas station
Suffolk County Police arrested a Coram man for allegedly driving while ability impaired by drugs and alcohol after he crashed a vehicle into a gas station in Commack on May 10. Hunter Addonizio was driving a 2010 Dodge Challenger westbound on Veterans Memorial Highway, and attempted to merge onto Jericho Turnpike, when the vehicle left the roadway and crashed into a gas pump and another vehicle at Sunoco, located at 2211 Jericho Turnpike, at approximately 11 p.m. A man and a woman, who were inside the vehicle that was struck, were transported to South Shore University Hospital in Bay Shore for treatment of minor injuries. Addonizio, 21, of Hayes Lane in Coram, was charged with Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs and Alcohol.
ShotSpotter program meetings

The Suffolk County Police Department will host three community meetings to provide information and address concerns regarding the upcoming implementation of ShotSpotter in Suffolk County communities. The meetings will be held at the SCPD Second Precinct, located at 1071 Park Ave. in Huntington, on May 15 at 6 p.m.; at the Brentwood Public Library, located at 34 Second Ave. in Brentwood, on May 16 at 6 p.m.; and at the SCPD Sixth Precinct, located at 400 Route 25 in Selden, on May 17 at 6 p.m.
Caught On Camera
Groceries stolen from Stop & Shop
Suffolk County Crime Stoppers and Suffolk County Police Sixth Precinct Crime Section officers are seeking the public’s help to identify and locate the woman who allegedly stole items from Stop & Shop, located at 449 Portion Road in Ronkonkoma on April 1.
Kings Park man arrested for taking photos of children without permission
Suffolk County Police arrested a Kings Park man on May 15 for allegedly taking pictures of children without consent at a Smithtown gymnastics school. Robert Colyvas entered Gold Medal Gymnastics Center, located at 253 West Main Street, on April 29 between 12:40 p.m. and 1 p.m. and allegedly took pictures of the staff and children without consent. Following an investigation by Fourth Precinct Crime Section officers, Colyvas 29, was arrested at his home on Orchard Drive in Kings Park and charged with allegedly Endangering the Welfare of a Child. Anyone with information on this incident is asked to call Fourth Precinct Crime Section officers at 631-854-8426.
Suffolk County Crime Stoppers offers a cash reward for information that leads to an arrest. Anyone with information about these incidents can contact Suffolk County Crime Stoppers to submit an anonymous tip by calling 1-800-220-TIPS.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6249 in Rocky Point will hold its second annual PTSD 5K Race on Sunday, May 21, at noon at Rocky Point High School.
This annual race honors the memory of American war hero Joseph P. Dwyer, highlighting the importance of supporting U.S. veterans, especially those who experience post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sign up through Strong Island Running Club’s website: www. strongislandrunningclub.com.
There is a $25 sign-up fee, with medals given to the top runners/ walkers and t-shirts to all participants. Sign-up will also be available on the day of the event.
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York. Said premises known as 30 Whitfield Lane, Coram, N.Y. 11727. (District: 0200, Section: 313.00, Block: 04.00, Lot: 039.000). Approximate amount lien 329,636.33 plus interest and Premiseswillbesoldsubject provisions of filed judgment terms Index 600294-16. Armand Araujo, Esq., Referee. McCabe, Weisberg, Conway, LLC Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot Street Suite New Rochelle, New York 10801 (914) 636-8900 878 10/4 ptr SUPREME COURT COUNTY OFSUFFOLK BROOKHAVEN SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONBANK, Plaintiff -againstANTHONY FRISCIA, KELLY FRISCIA,DEBORAH FRISCIA, living, and she be dead, etc..., Defendant(s). Pursuant JudgmentofForeclosureand Sale dated January 11, 2018 and entered February 2018, theundersignedReferee will sell public aucat the Brookhaven Hall, located Independence Hill, Farmingville, NY November 2018 2:00 p.m. premises situate, lying and being the Town Brookhaven, County of Sufand State New York, bounded described follows: BEGINNING point on the Westerly side Hempstead Avenue, distant 120 feet Northerly from Toledo Street, measured along the Westerly side Hempstead Avenue; being plot 100.00 feet by 120.00 feet by 100.00 feet by 120.00 feet. District: Section: 098.00 Block: 05.00 006.000. Said premises known as 86 HEMPSTEAD AVENUE, MILLER PLACE, NY Approximate amount of lien $505,239.13 plus interest Premiseswillbesoldsubject to provisions filed Judgand Terms Sale. Number 20096/2012. JAMES MCELHONE, ESQ., Referee & Nelson Attorney(s) for Plaintiff Theodore Fremd Avenue, Rye, NY 10580 883 10/4 4x ptr NOTICE SALE SUPREME COURT: COUNTY SUFFOLK OF MANAGERS LAKE CONDOMINIUM, Plaintiff, against RNS CAPITAL, LLC; ROBERT M. SERRANO; PLATINUM RECOVERY SERVICES, INC.; “JOHN DOE” “JANE DOE”, Defendants. Pursuant judgment of foreclosure and entered herein and dated August 2018, the undersigned Referee will sell public auction on the front steps of the Brookhaven Town Hall, Independence Hill, Farmingville, New York, November 2018 11:00 a.m. premises being Middle Island, Town Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and State York, known and designated as Home Number 139 together with .02953% undivided interest common elements the condominium hereinafter described as the same defined Declaration Condominium hereinafter referred real property above described Home shown Plans condominium prepared and certified by Nelson and Pope, and filed in the Office of the Clerk the County Suffolk on January 31, 1974 as File 30, as defined the Declaration of Condominium entitled Artist LakeCondominium,madeby Hall Huntley Corp., under Article theNew Real PropertyLaw,datedJanuary 14,1974andrecorded the Office Clerk Suffolk County on January 31, 1974 Liber 7581 of conveyances at Page 56, covering the property therein described. Said premises being known as 139 Artist Lake Drive, Middle Island, New York. (District 0200, Section 403.00, Block 07.00, Lot 035.000). Said premises will be sold subject zoning restrictions, covenants, easements, conditions, reservations and agreements, any; subject any state facts as may appear from an accurate survey; subject facts possession and occupancy and subject to whatever physical condition of the premises may be; subject any violations the zoning and other municipal ordinances and regulations, any, and the United States America should file tax lien, other lien, subject the equity redemption of the United States America; subject the rights any lienors record whose liens have not been foreclosed herein, any; subject to the rights holders of security intures as defined by theform Commercial Code;ject taxes, assessments and water rates which are liens on the premises the timeofsale,withaccruedterest or penalties thereon. Index No. 612469-2017 Dated: September 26, 2018 Vincent Messina, Jr., Esq., Referee Cohen, Warren, Meyer Gitter, P.C., Attorneys for Plaintiff,80MapleAvenue,Smithtown, NY 11787. 885 10/4 4x ptr NOTICE FORMATION NOTICE OF FORMATION, YUANTIAN Articles Organization filed with Secretary State New York (SSNY)onSep19,2018.location: Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated agent LLC upon whomprocessagainstitmay served. shall copy of the process the LLC: YUANTIAN LLC, 1967 Wehrle DR., #086, Buffalo, NY 14221. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 888 10/4 6x ptr NOTICE SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF SUFFOLK WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AGAINST Jennifer Grady As Executor of Estate Carol Dodge AKA Carol Anne Dodge and Specific Devisee Under the Will and Testament Carol Anne Dodge, al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to Judgment Foreclosure and Sale duly dated August 23, 2017 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction Brookhaven Town Hall, Independence Hill, Farmingville, NY 11738, on November 09, 2018 11:30AM, premises known 91UPTONDRIVE,SOUND BEACH, NY 11789. All that certain plot piece parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Township of Brookhaven, County Suffolk and State NewYork,DISTRICT0200, SECTION 029.00, BLOCK 03.00, LOT 034.000. Approximate amount judgment $49,412.68 plus interest costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions filed Judgment for Index# 605771/2015. Daniel Panico, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775WehrleDrive,Suite100 Williamsville, NY 14221 892 10/11 4x ptr NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC AUCTION Supreme Court of New York, SUFFOLK County. PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Plaintiff, -against- JOHN SUK A/K/A JOHN K. SUK; JIN KIM A/K/A JIN KIM; BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.; PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; AMERICAN EXPRESS CENTURION BANK; CITIBANK SOUTH DAKOTA N.A.; DONG HWAN YOON OUMJ HYANG KANG, Index No. 19391/2013. Pursuant Judgment of Foreclosure andSaledulydated,January 30, 2018 and entered with the Suffolk County Clerk on February 2017, Susan Saltz, Esq., the Appointed Referee, will sell the premises known 6 Oakwood Court, Lake Grove, New York 11755 public auction at Brookhaven Town Hall, Independence Hall, Farmingville, New York 11738, on November 2018 10:00 A.M. All that certain plot, piece or parcel land, situate, lying and being the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove, Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and State of New known District: 0208; Section: 013.00; Block: 04.00; Lot: 008.004 will be sold subject the provisions filedJudgment, Index 19391/2013. The approximateamountofjudgment is $714,868.23 plus interest costs. FRIEDMANVARTOLOLLP Broad Street, Suite 501, New York, New York 10004, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 896 10/4 4x ptr NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY SUFFOLK The Bank New YorkFKA Bank York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders of CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006Plaintiff AGAINSTCarroll al., Defendant(s) Pursuant Judgment Foreclosure and Sale duly dated July 30, 2018 the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Brookhaven Town Hall, Independence Hill, Farmingville, New York, 11738 on November 2018 2:30PM, premises known 145 Carroll Avenue, Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being the Town Brookhaven, County of Suffolk, State NY, Dis0200 Section 725.00 02.00 022.00. Approximate amount judgment $529,119.78 plus interest and Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed JudgIndex# 618540/2017. Terry Woodard, Esq., Shapiro, DiCaro Barak, Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 430-4792 Dated: September 21, 2018 899 10/4 ptr
34SHINNECOCKDRIVE, 9:00AM,premisesknownas onJune21,2023at Hill,Farmingville,NY11738 beingintheTownshipof erected,situate,lyingand buildingsandimprovements parcelofland,withthe Allthatcertainplotpieceor SOUNDBEACH,NY11789.
02.00Lot:051.000District: Section:072.00Block: plusinterestandcosts. ofjudgment$410,750.19 0200.Approximateamount
Premiseswillbesoldsubjecttoprovisionsoffiled ontheOfficeofCourt COVID-19Protocolslocated withtheSUFFOLKCounty beconductedinaccordance aforementionedauctionwill #604410/2018.The JudgmentIndex
Administration(OCA)website(https://ww2.nycourts. gov/Admin/oca.shtml)and assuchallpersonsmust complywithsocialdistancing,wearingmasksand screeningpracticesineffect atthetimeofthisforeclosuresale.BrianEgan,Esq.,
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AGAINSTVINCENTGIGLIO, Legislatures require newspapers to publish LEGAL NOTICES to keep you informed about government, corporate and private activities that touch your community.
LSF10MASTERPARTICIPATIONTRUST,Plaintiff Be Aware of the World Around You... it’s your right to know what is happening in your town. LEGAL (PUBLIC) NOTICES NOTICE SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF Suffolk, CIT Bank, N.A. f/k/a OneWest Bank, N.A. f/k/a OneWest Bank, FSB, Plaintiff, vs. Public Administrator of Suffolk County as Administrator the Estate of Howard Roberts, deceased;ETAL.,Defendant(s). Pursuant Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly filed May 29, 2018, the undersigned Referee will sell public auction the Brookhaven Town Hall, Independence Hill, Farmingville, NY on November 08,2018at1:00p.m.,premises known as 635 Jayne Boulevard, Port Jefferson Station, NY. All that certain plot, piece or parcel land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and State of New York, District 0200, Section 311.00, Block 03.00 and 007.000. Approximate amount of judgment $352,985.20 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject provisions of filed Judgment Index # 601222/2015. Lane M. Bubka, Esq., Referee Bronster,LLP,156West56th Street, New York, New York 10019,AttorneysforPlaintiff 850 10/4 4x ptr SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF SUFFOLK NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff against MARY L. MCINTOSH; CHARLES MCINTOSH; CHARLES MCINTOSH JR, et Defendant(s). Pursuant Judgment of Foreclosure and entered on July 25, 2017. the undersigned Referee will sell public auction the front steps the Brookhaven Town Independence Hill, Farmingville, N.Y. on the 7th day of November, 2018 10:00 a.m. premises described follows: Allthatcertainplot, piece or parcel land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and State New
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Vol. No. October 2018 $1.00 tbrnewsmedia.com The TIMES of MIDDLE COUNTRY CENTEREACH SELDEN LAKE GROVE NORTH Welcomed funds A5 Answering call for help Local no-kill shelter comes to rescue of furry hurricane victims — A9 Focus Health Inside The PORT TIMES RECORD tbrnewsmedia.com Picking up the pieces Port Jeff village continues cleanup following Sept. 25 flooding — story A3 Water quality study causing conerns for researchers Harmful algae blooms threatening marine life water bodies across the North Shore, according researchers from SBU, with some Focus Inside We Are The Official Newspaper Designated to Publish Legal Notices For: Vol. 15, No. September 27, 2018 $1.00 THE TIMES of Huntington, Northport & East Northport tbrnewsmedia.com Huntington approves zone change for historic Platt’s Tavern property A3 New transportation service prepared rollout Northport Village Lupinacci proposes 2.53 percent tax levy increase 2019 budget What’s inside Celebrating unity Huntington Awareness Day brings community together to celebrate its diversity and achievements — Photos A14 Women’s EXPO returns to Centereach library B1 MainStreet,Holbrook REGISTER ONLINE FOR BOTH LOCATIONS www.tjedance.com Call us at 631-751-7744 ext. 127 if you need to publish a legal notice Finding new home thanks Sound Beach Civic Association’s sixth pet adoption event, which was renamed this year honor fallen friend event A8 Vol. 34, No. 10 September 27, 2018 $1.00 The VILLAGE BEACON RECORD tbrnewsmedia.com Miller Place, Port kids battling cancer spend day as SCPD cers — story A4 Ready to serve CHARIOT COLLISION CENTER Lifetime Warranty Gnarled Hollow Rd., East Setauket 631–751–1515 The TIMES of SMITHTOWN FORT SALONGA KINGS PARK SMITHTOWN NESCONSET ST JAMES HEAD OF THE HARBOR NISSEQUOGUE HAUPPAUGE COMMACK tbrnewsmedia.com Two Smithtown groups receive $13K toward historic preservation Algal blooms raise new concerns over LI’s water quality Part Jericho Turnpike What’s inside Smithtown Bulls roar High School East celebrates homecoming win – A10 & 11 Focus Health Inside Broadway star Megan Hilty Sat Oct 20 Comedy ensemble Celebrity Autobiography Sat Oct 27 STALLER CENTER FOR THE ARTS STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY stallercenter.com (631) 632-ARTS [2787] OPEN TINA TING, D.V.M. 631.751.2200 Main Street East Setauket Animal Health & Wellness Veterinary Office, PC AND EMERGENCY VISITS VETERINARY CARE Local college students assist in Puerto Rico SBU, SCCC students share their experiences helping hurricane victims A5 Annual Culper Spy Day held in Three Village area — photos B29 Celebrating history ‘The Addams Family’ opens at Theatre Three Also:‘Man Mancha’heads to Engeman,‘Hook’s Tale’reviewed, highlights from Culper Spy Day B1 Vol. 43, No. 30 September 20, 2018 $1.00 The VILLAGE TIMES HERALD tbrnewsmedia.com Enjoy the read! you’re receiving Village professional staff works hard bring you information relevant your lives, from the latest news stories, comprehensive calendar, our family subscribers. so, just out the coupon page A4. And please encouraged contact withnewstips;bragging rights about your family, business community groups; letters you. You can also visit online browse features ©21450