Northport Times

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The TIMES of Northport & East Northport

Northport • East Northport • Fort Salonga–West • Asharoken • Eaton’s Neck • Centerport Volume 5, No. 48


March 19, 2009

Senate run? Maybe. Marriage? Absolutely. A year of big decisions for Jon Cooper stage and I haven’t made any decision as to whether this is something I definitely will Like a juggler, the quintessentially be pursuing.” Cooper said he has reached out to two of multi-tasking Legislator Jon Cooper (DLloyd Neck) is entertaining a run for U.S. his friends: Rep. Steve Israel (D-Dix Hills) Senate in New York and planning his wed- and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-Mineola) — both of whom are widely ding. expected to run for the Senate Having been approached seat now occupied by Kirsten over the last few weeks by ‘The question is several different people what is driving Sen. Gillibrand. She was appointby Gov. David Paterson to he did not wish to name Gillibrand’s change ed finish out the one-year Senate — fundraising types and term vacated by now Secreconstituency representatives of heart on issue tary of State Hillary Clinton. — Cooper began thinking after issue.’ One thing that concerns seriously about a Senate run — JON COOPER Cooper about Gillibrand, soon afterward, he said. which he said also concerns “I started to outreach to some groups that I maintained contact those who are prodding him to run, are with since the Obama campaign. … I got Gillibrand’s flip-flopping on important issues, including gun control and equal extremely positive reactions.” An early supporter of Obama’s presi- rights for gays and lesbians. “The question is what is driving Sen. dential bid, Cooper became the candidate’s Long Island campaign chairman. Gillibrand’s change of heart on issue afSince the idea came up, the stream of en- ter issue. … If it was heartfelt, then that’s couragement from supporters has contin- great. But if it’s for political expediency, if she’s only hewing to these new posiued to flow. “It’s just begun to grow exponentially, tions because it’s politically advantageous although it’s still in the very preliminary Continued on page A2 BY ARLENE GROSS

A little help from friends Mary Gibb, 9, of Northport, before and with friends after she had her head shaved as part of St. Baldrick’s, which is a fundraiser for children with cancer and a gesture of solidarity with those who undergo chemotherapy. There were 840 shavees between the two St. Baldrick’s events in Northport. More than $52,000 was raised at the Brosnan school event last Friday, and more than $235,000 at Napper Tandy’s on Saturday, according to estimates at press time. More photos, page A6 and online. Photos by Alan Pearlman

Meet LI business and professional women

Cardiowise Café at Mather

Familiar face in May race?

Clean water club walks

Our annual feature focusing on their success, how they do it

Protect your family and learn to live better, longer

Former BOE trustee poised with petition

Join them this weekend

Page B28

Page B9

Page A3

Page A4

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decisions DON’T MISS THIS FABULOUS COMMUNITY EVENT! Big Continued from page A1 it’s not what her heart dictates, then Wine me, Dine me, and you will find me at... but that’s of some concern.” LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABr LE

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are busy planning for their Spring ringg E Event Evven Even Event! ent! nt! t! Yes, that is right, Spring! ing! ng! g! Participating restaurants:

Participating Wineries/breweries/spirits:

Antonio’s Pizza & Restaurant Batata Cafe Big Bear Pizzelli Cafe 1019 Copenhagen Bakery Costco Crossroads Cafe Fireside Caterer, Original Jo’s Port Deli Madison’s Grille Mascali Restaurant Nocello Ristorante V & F Meat Center Tropical Smoothie Café Smoking Sloe’s Nina’s Pizza Northport Fish Lobster shh & Lob Lobst ob Chocolate With thh A Twist wiis w Delightful Dinners inners nnnners e Elijah Churchill’s urchill illll’s ll’l’ss Filetto’s Re Restaurant estaurant est st urra rrant ant Legal Sea ea Foods ea Foo oodss Pumpernickel’s umpernickel’s rnickel ckel’s el’l’ Richter’s Rich c Orchard rdd CCharlie a Brown’s Steakhouse Steakhou S eakhouse k Taormina aoorminaa Restaurant aaormin Resta Restauran auur u ant Starbucks SStarbuck St ta

Laurel Lake Vineyards iineyar ney ne Macari Vineyards Vineyard rds dss Raphael el Blue Point intt Brewing ng Company Compan Comp mpanny m Martha Vineyards haa Clara Clar C Vin nneyards yard ya Osprey’ss Dominion Dominio minio ioon LTD ZYR Vodka dka Cellars Barefoot a CCel Cella Company Admiral Adm miral mir a Win Wine W Com ompan omp mppa m pany ny Jackson Kendall KKend dall d lll JJa Jackso ackkkson ac Yell Yellow ellow Tail Ta l Michael Collins Coll Co Jagermeister meister Vodka Absolut VVodk dka ka Hypnotique Hypnotiqu HHypnotiq pnotique Pama m ma Williams Evan William Eva Willia il Van GGogh VVa ogh VVodka ogh Vodd Bahama TTom Tommy omm BBaha Baham ama Rum Original Lo Isla LLon Long Island’s nd s Origi OOri LiV Vodka dka k WineWave Win ineWave Im Imports

M rlo sponsors: Merlot Merlo spo pponsors: pon rs:s: Councilmen ncilme men Stuart Besen me esen & Mark rk CCuthbertson on (Town (Town w of wn o Huntington) Federal Teach s Fede Teachers Te Fe Union CCr Credit Cre redit diit Unio UUn Taylor-Howe Nolan No an & TTay Funeral Home-Northport Fune Funerral Ho H

Chhardo Chardonnay Char arrdonna nna nay ay ssponsors: Raymond Raymon ym m d AA.. Ma Mascolo DDS Brueggemann Brueggeman ue ueggemann nnn Funeral Home Sheehan & Co., C.P.A., P.C. Catherine Lindstadt, Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate TD Bank Simply Accounting Service Birchwood Suites, An Assisted Living Community Extra Space Storage of East Northport

Champagne sponsor: 1) Bank of Smithtown

sponsor: Richter’s Liquors Winery eryssp Floral Sponsor: Beckman’s Florist Raffle Sponsor: Costco-Commack PPrinting sponsor: Loudon’s Minuteman Press Media Sponsors: The Times of Northport & East Northport , Clipper Magazine

THURSDAY, April 2, 2009 • 6:30-9:30 pm $60/person or $75 at door We are pleased to announce our honorees: DENISE AND CHUCK ADAMS OF ADAMS CYCLERY Community Volunteers of the Year Part of the proceeds of the event will be shared with Food Pantries of St. Anthony Padua and Northport Food Pantry.

Many sponsorship opportunities are available. Please check out our website at: for all the details.


‘After 28 years being by Jon’s side … it’s great to be able to legally be recognized as a family.’

While he considers his options, which — ROB COOPER will definitely include running for a sixth and final legislative term this November, Cooper is keeping an eye out for other September of 2000 when Rob and I had candidates. With a crowded primary of our commitment ceremony service,” he five or six candidates, Cooper conjec- said. Back then, the couple celebrated tured that he might have a better chance with congregants of the Unitarian Uniof prevailing “because I wouldn’t need versalist Fellowship of Huntington and a to get 51 percent of the vote. Maybe I few hundred of their closest friends and would need to get 15 percent of the vote. family, reportedly the largest wedding It changes everything.” service their church had ever held. Ties to the Obama grassroots orgaThe new nuptials will be strictly a prinizations and fundraising operatives vate affair. would be helpful, Cooper expects, as he Notwithstanding their children’s haphas already heard from several Obama piness in seeing their parents legally wed, people who have called Cooper said the couple’s to offer their support. decision to marry is “But I haven’t decided ‘ … it’s written that largely symbolic, since what I want to do yet. … New York state will without federal legislaObviously this is some- recognize any marriage tion, same-sex couples thing very serious. If are still not entitled to I was going to do this, that is legally conducted most of the major benunless I could give it my anywhere else. Of efits afforded to straight thousand percent effort, couples who wed. “It’s it’s not fair to anybody. course, ... they weren’t more the symbolism And also, I don’t like los- thinking same-sex and the significance of ing.” being legally married, marriage.’ He added, “If I’m gomore so than getting — JON COOPER additional ing to do this, I want to toasters,” give it a lot of thought he said. “Whether it’s and get an idea of what the political land- medical decision making rights, whether scape is like. … If I’ve learned anything it’s adoption rights, whether it’s penin this business, it’s to never say never.” sion benefits, or social security benefits — or the 1,400 other benefits that accrue Taking care of business — they come automatically with straight on the home front marriage.” Before considering a run for Senate, At this time, same-sex marriage canCooper will tie the knot with longtime not legally be performed in New York, partner, Rob Cooper. Cooper said. “However, according to The couple, who have adopted five the state constitution,” Cooper said, “it’s children ages 23 to 14, plan to be wed written that New York state will recogby a justice of the peace in Greenwich, nize any marriage that is legally conductConn. on April 30, which marks 29 years ed anywhere else. Of course, when that to the day they met. Weather permitting, part of the constitution was written, they the intimate ceremony will take place in weren’t thinking same-sex marriage.” what the justice described as an idyllic Rob Cooper said he was thrilled. park right near her home, Cooper said. “It was about time,” Rob said. “It’s just “We had the big “wedding” back in very emotional to have it official. … After 28 years being by Jon’s side … and we being there for each other, it’s great to be able to legally be recognized as a family.” Nonperishable food items may be Added Jon, “Whether you call it marbrought to the John Glenn High School riage, whether you call it civil unions, on Elwood Road, East Northport on whether you call it domestic partnerMarch 21 when Scouts and adult volun- ships, I don’t frankly care what you call teers will assist in sorting and bagging it. At the end of the day, we should all be the donations that are collected by the equal. Under the law, we should all be other Cubs and Scouts. treated the same.”

Food drive March 21

Inside this week News Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A11 Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A10 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A10

Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7-A8 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A9

Leisure Arts & Lifestyles Art Exhibits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B14-B15 Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B27 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B22-B26 Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B12 Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B18-B19 Father Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B30 Gardening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B13

Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3-B8 Home Decor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B11 Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B28-B31 Religious Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . B20-B21 Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3 Tide Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B13

Classifieds Section C The TIMES (USPS 003-952) is published Thursdays by TIMES BEACON RECORD NEWSPAPERS, 185 Route 25A, Setauket, NY 11733. Periodicals postage paid at Setauket, NY and additional mailing offices. Subscription price $35 annually. Leah S. Dunaief, Publisher. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to PO Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733.

Nick Recchia, Mimi Puttre and Ed DePinter of Cub Scout Pack 238, East Northport, recently earned their Wood Badges. Considered a peak experience of a scouting career, the Wood Badge has a long and venerable history. The Wood Badge Leaders Course was created by Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the scouting movement. In 1919, as the first Scoutmasters’ Course at Gilwell Park, England drew to a close, Baden-Powell presented each participant with a simple wooden bead from a Zulu chief’s necklace he had brought back from South Africa. The Wood Badge has become a key motivating force in the training of volunteer leaders in the Boy Scouts of America. Photo by Alan Pearlman

Former trustee poised to run in May BY JENNIFER CHOI

Photo by Patricia Proven

Phil Fortuna on the board last spring.

Former Northport-East Northport school board member Phil Fortuna, who served from 2005 through 2008, confirmed Tuesday that he intends to run for one of three open trustee seats this May. So far, he has collected 85 of the 107 signatures, or 2 percent of last year’s budget vote, required for the petition. “I’d like to continue to give back to the community if the community wants me,” he said. Having owned Long Island Checker Cab in Freeport for 20 years, Fortuna said he will apply his experience to help operate the district as the successful

Treasurer suspended, ‘review’ underway BY PATRICIA PROVEN

Although Northport Mayor George Doll said he could not legally discuss the resignation of the village treasurer, which the village clerk said was given verbally March 5, this week village attorney Jim Matthews confirmed that the treasurer had been suspended without pay that Thursday. The clerk, Donna Koch, said there is no resignation letter and, echoing trustees, added she is also not at liberty to talk further about circumstances surrounding the treasurer’s leave. The treasurer, Mary Claire Krumholz, was hired in June 2006. She could not be reached for comment by press time. The village listed a full-time opening for the post with Newsday on March 6. Matthews said the village is awaiting results of a review, but did not elaborate. “At this time, we cannot talk about it. ... When we’re able to, we will.”

business he thinks it should be. “I feel that in today’s time, you need someone on the board that thinks out of the box,” he said. The district’s goal should be to “give the best education possible for the least amount of money,” said the former trustee, who opined that school officials need to “reevaluate everything just like you would in your own personal life at home.” Fortuna, a former member of the district’s transportation committee, said his suggestion to purchase more buses to cut the cost of outside services is “one perfect example of thinking out of the box.” Even though he considered that to be a “no-brainer,” other board members disagreed with him at the time, he said. When a transportation study was completed during his last year as trustee, Fortuna said it was determined that a district-owned bus would “pay for itself after two years.” The 12-year Northport resident also vowed to continue to support requests for proposals for the district’s legal services, a platform he started over three years ago because “especially in today’s times, you need to look at every dollar that’s being spent.” “When people are

Budget meeting The Board of Education meets Monday, March 30, 7:30 pm in the Northport High School library. All are welcome.

‘I feel that in today’s time, you need someone on the board that thinks out of the box.’ — PHIL FORTUNA

losing their jobs and their homes, every dollar counts,” he added, noting that the RFP process would allow board members to see “who’s charging what” and ensure you’re getting the best value. In addition, the former trustee said he will continue his efforts to implement subcommittees in the district, which he deems as necessary “now more than ever.” When a district employee retires, for instance, members of a subcommittee could reevaluate the need to fill that position, Fortuna said, adding, “Things that I needed five years ago, I don’t need today.” And with over 900 residents in the Northport-East Northport area facing foreclosure, he noted, the school board needs “people who have a business mind who can be creative.” The seats of trustees Steve Meyerowitz, Warren Arthur and Steve Waldenburg are up for re-election May 19, and nominating petitions are due to the district clerk’s office by 5 pm on Monday, April 20. Meyerowitz recently announced he won’t run again; Arthur and Waldenburg did not return calls seeking comment this week. is now…

get all the latest news, info, opinion, blogs and more for your local Northport East Northport Fort Salonga West Asharoken Eatons Neck Centerport communities



The TIMES of Northport & East Northport


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Courtesy Warren Brovetto

Participating in the walk this Sunday, March 22 are: from left, back row: Ari Mendrinos, Janet Clark, Angela Lauth, Andrea Brovetto and Colette Malik; front: Konstantine Mendrinos, Lucas Ventouros and Adriana Mendrinos.

Rally for clean water

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Centerport boy injured in crash

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To coincide with the United Nation’s World Water Day, East Northport Rotary is holding its “Walk For Clean Water” on Sunday, March 22. Marie Failey, the local Rotary’s new president, said the 2.23-mile each way walk, simulates the 3- to 6-mile distance that women and children in developing countries must often walk to get clean drinking water. Failey said that if impoverished people had clean water in their homes and villages, women and children could focus on becoming educated, improving their lives and eliminating disease. The group also aims to create a sense of awareness “that we have really good water here, not by accident, because the Town of Huntington works to make sure we have clean water,” Failey said. “You don’t have to drink bottled water. You can drink our water: it’s very safe.” Non-biodegradable plastic bottles take a lot of energy to produce and fill up the dumps to much environmental detriment, she added. Beginning 9 am, walkers will amble north from the East Northport train station through Northport to Cow Harbor Park alongside Northport Harbor. There will be speakers including Northport Mayor George Doll and Trustee Tom Kehoe, along with various demonstrations. Buckets filled with water will be on hand “so people can pick them and walk around and see what it’s really like to really have to carry water,” Failey said. According to the United Nations Development Program, more than a billion people, or about one in six worldwide, have no access to clean and safe drinking water, while over two billion lack adequate sanitation. Living with unclean water is often linked to a cycle of poverty, conflict,

disease and death. Jim Leonick, East Northport Rotary’s outgoing president who has helped raise money for Students for 60,000’s Nicaragua water projects, explained that clean water impacts hygiene and toilet facilities. “When you deal with those two issues together, it helps to fight disease. …” Leonick said. “If you can keep people healthier, then children can attend school … It affects productivity for people to work in some capacity, to help support themselves and raise their food and things like that.” Failey said that Starbucks Coffee Company has pledged to Rotary a $1,000 “Make Your Mark” grant. Individuals may also donate. All proceeds go to Rotary International’s clean water project in Haiti. Joining Rotary’s efforts on the 22nd, Assemblyman Andrew Raia (R-East Northport) said Long Islanders should have a special appreciation for the value of clean water. “New York City is always trying to get their hands on our underground aquifers,” he said. “When you think about all the countries who don’t even have clean water to drink, never mind food, everyone should take time to pause and think about how fortunate we are.” Failey couldn’t agree more. “When you turn the water on and it’s clean and you can use it, that’s really a gift,” she said. It’s really something that’s quite amazing, and you should appreciate it and you should work to keep it.” With that in mind, participants should plan on “working” early on walk day; Failey advised walkers to arrive by 8:30 am, she said. Those who do not wish to walk the full 4.5-mile round trip should arrange to have someone give them a ride near Northport Harbor. To register in advance, call 261-2500 or email

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Second Squad detectives are investigating a Northport crash that injured two drivers and two 9-year-old passengers, one seriously, on Monday afternoon. Police report that Michael Melnyk was driving a 2003 Mazda westbound on Route 25A in Northport at 3:53 pm when his vehicle crossed the double yellow line and struck the side of a 2008 Mercury traveling eastbound. The Mazda then struck, headon, a 1992 Honda traveling eastbound behind the Mercury. Melnyk’s twin sons

were passengers in his car. Centerport and Northport fire departments’ rescue transported the occupants to Huntington Hospital. Melnyk, 51, of Centerport, was treated and released. One of Melnyk’s sons was in serious but stable condition; his other son was treated for minor injuries. The Honda driver, Luke Bishow-Semevolos, 21, of Northport, was treated for a broken leg. The driver of the Mercury, Mary Lou Rousseau, 50, also of Centerport, was not injured.


Elected officials representing Suffolk are expressing opposition to MTA Commission Chairman Richard Ravitch’s call for a “mobility tax” of 0.33 percent on all payrolls within the transit authority’s 12-county service region. His proposal would also add tolls to free bridge crossings. In “sense resolutions” passed last week, both Brookhaven

and Huntington town boards urged state lawmakers to reject Ravitch’s proposal. Huntington officials said it would increase that township’s tax levies by $200,000. “Given the current state of the economy,” Huntington Supervisor Frank Petrone stated, “it is imperative that all of us in town government focus on helping residents stretch their precious dollars,” and cited “going on record to forestall imposition of ill-conceived state taxes” as one way of

Photo by Alan Pearlman

One for the books James LaMantia, left, and Robert Bluver were all smiles at the book drive they held at their LaMantia Gallery in Northport on Saturday night. LaMantia, a member of Northport Rotary, said he was overwhelmed by the generosity of residents and clients who donated an estimated 500 books. The books will replenish the library at the Helping Hand Rescue Mission in Huntington Station, and will be used by Rotarians to further the love of reading as part of a literacy program.

doing so. The proposed mobility tax would raise $1.5 billion a year to cover debt service on a new MTA capital program. The new bridge tolls are expected to bring in another $600 million a year for mass transit. But Assemblyman Andy Raia (R-East Northport) opined that the MTA has mismanaged its operation for many years and should be broken up and brought under control by the state’s Department of Transportation. “It’s just one of the problems with authorities,” he said. “They go on to become these monoliths that escape direct government oversight. … I don’t think businesses whose employees don’t use mass transit should have to pay to subsidize the system.” Raia also said he worries that Long Island Rail Road commuters, who pay some of the highest rates in the country, will end up subsidizing New York City riders. “Not to mention, we live on an Island. There should be at least one free way off of Long Island.” Calling the MTA “the poster boy of poor performance,” Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick (R-St. James) said he fears the proposed tax will kill jobs. “How do you ask taxpayers to dig deeper into their pocket to subsidize this kind of cost structure?” Fitzpatrick said. “It’s outrageous. You’re doing further damage to the business climate in this state and we’re already in a weak position — and we have the highest combined tax burden in any state in the country.” The recent LIRR employees’ disability scandal also troubles him. “Why isn’t the governor, why isn’t Majority Leader Smith or Speaker Silver demanding that the union and the railroad solve this problem and show a good faith to reduce costs before you ask taxpayers to help you out in this circumstance?” Sen. Kenneth LaValle (R-Port Jefferson) said he will not vote for the tax or toll hikes. “I think people just don’t understand that we have to make cuts, we have to reorganize things [in the MTA] and we just cannot continue to ask people who are hanging on by their fingernails to carry additional burdens,” he said. Continued on page A12




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Pols reject idea of taxing all employers to aid MTA


St. Baldrick’s Day in Northport

Photos by Alan Pearlman

Pictured at the St. Baldrick’s Foundation fundraiser on March 13 at the Brosnan school in Northport are: above, from left, John McKenna and Lynn Kenny presenting Jo Imwalle, director of Community Services in the Northport-East Northport School District, with a plaque honoring her contribution to St. Baldrick’s Day; top right, John Braun, a science teacher at East Northport Middle School, during his hair-razing experience; and right, Sen. John Flanagan with this year’s honoree, Jennifer Accardo, of Shirley and her dad, John Accardo.

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Wordmasters at TJL Students from Thomas J. Lahey Elementary School in the Harborfields Central School District recently won highest honors in this year’s WordMasters Challenge. Competing against approximately 35,000 students in the Blue Division of the Challenge, third through fifth-grade students at TJL actually placed in the top 1 percent nationwide. The WordMasters Challenge is a national language arts competition entered by approximately 230,000 students across all grade levels annually. Congratulations to the following students who accepted and excelled at the WordMasters Challenge, under the guidance of coach Christine Mayr: third-grade student Olivia White; fourth-graders Caroline Butler and Caroline Sheehan; and fifth-grade students Catherine Clement, Rachael Glackin, Jared Ross, Erin Walden, Eliana Wiseblatt, Hunter Cuthbertson, Michael Davis, Emily Dowling and Holden Miller. In addition, three TJL students earned a perfect score in their first competition of the year. Congratulations to third-graders Dana Glackin and Julia Spande, and fifth-grader Abigail Wax. They are three of only 21 third-graders and 167 fifth-graders who achieved perfect results. Courtesy Danielle Lambert/Syntax Communication

Official welcome

Boorshtein named president and CEO of FSL

Gov. Paterson and Congressman Israel visited with the 142nd from Ronkonkoma in December during his trip to Iraq. Pictured is Captain Thomas J. Kehoe, US Army,S-6, greeting the governor during his visit. Captain Kehoe is on his second tour in Iraq and will finish his last year in St. John’s Law School when he returns home. He is the son of Northport Trustee Tom Kehoe.

A licensed clinical social worker, Karen Boorshtein has been with Family Service League, with headquarters in Huntington, since 1993. Boorshtein began her career at FSL as director of the agency’s longest running program, County Wide Counseling. During the past 16 years, she was instrumental in growing their South Shore services. Her efforts resulted in FSL becoming the largest community based agency provider of Universal Pre-Kindergarten services including the Brentwood and Bay Shore school districts. Other program initiatives include bringing the nationally recognized Families and Schools Together program to Long Island and developing a successful intergenerational housing program, HomeShare Long Island. She has worked tirelessly to bring financial support to the agency from local, state and federal levels of government.

Hurley named to dean’s list at Drew University

Obituaries Florence Coviello Florence Coviello, 87, formerly of Eaton’s Neck, died on March 15. She was the beloved daughter of the late Gaetano Coviello and Adelaide Jannelli Coviello; loving sister of Edmond Coviello, the late Albert Coviello and the late Ernest Coviello; loving sister-in-law to the late Marie, wife of Albert, the late Louise, wife of Edmond, and Helen, wife of Ernest; devoted aunt to Edmund, Thomas, Joanne, Richard, Peter, Kenneth, Larry, Robert; great-aunt to seven nieces and six nephews; and a great-great-aunt to one great-grandnephew. Friends may call at the St. James Funeral Home, Route 25A, St.

James on Thursday, March 19, from 2 to 4 pm and 7 to 9 pm. A funeral Mass will be held on Friday, March 20, at 10 am at St. Philip Neri Church, Northport. Interment will follow at St. Charles Cemetery, Farmingdale. Arrangements were entrusted to the Maher Family at the St. James Funeral Home, St. James.

Raymond Hemmert Raymond Paul Hemmert of Asharoken died on Feb. 27 at the age of 71. He was born on Jan. 13, 1938, in Far Rockaway, the son of Raymond and Elizabeth Doncourt Hemmert. He was a computer programmer with Nynex Telephone Company in New York. Mr. Hemmert is

survived by his wife, Louise Ann Hemmert of Asharoken; his daughter, Lisa Hemmert of Northport; his son-in-law, Ron Stevens of Northport; his son, Raymond Hemmert of Arizona; his daughter-in-law, Cari Hemmert of Northport; his grandchildren, Jacqueline, Raymond and Sean Stevens of Northport and Isaac, Eli and Brian Hemmert of Arizona; his sister, Betty Reimers of York, Pa.; and his sister-inlaw, Connie DeMaria of Long Island. The funeral was held on Feb. 4 at St. Philip Neri Roman Catholic Church in Northport, followed by interment at Northport Rural Cemetery. Arrangements under the direction of Nolan and TaylorHowe Funeral Home of Northport.

Drew University student Morgan Hurley of Centerport has been named to the dean’s list for the fall 2008 semester. In order to qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a grade point average of 3.4 or above, which is equivalent to a B+ or better.

Ethier earns honors at Skidmore College Alexander Ethier, class of 2012, earned honors for the fall semester at Skidmore College. He is the son of Jean-Claude and Susan Ethier of Northport.

NORTHPORT AREA PEOPLE Your Community ... Your News ... Your Life

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Obituaries Harry Krockta Harry Krockta, of Bradenton, Fla., formerly of Northport, died Feb. 1. Krockta, the son of William Krockta and Marie Louise Barbal Krockta, was born Aug. 10, 1921 in New York City. He served in the army during World War II and was a chemical engineer for Duncan Company in Mineola. Krockta is survived by his wife, Jane Krockta of Bradenton, Fla.; daughters Mary (Charles) Brosdal and Joanne (Kevin) Martyn; sons Gregory (Nanette) Krockta and William (Lauren) Krockta; sister Jean (George) Dickie; sister-in-law Dolores; 10 grandchildren; and six greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Feb. 6 at St. Philip Neri Church in Northport. Interment at Calverton National Cemetery.

Angelo Scandalis Angelo C. Scandalis of Northport died on Feb. 18 at the age of 87. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Gwen Frances Scandalis; three children, William Scandalis of San Diego, Calif., Thomas Scandalis and his wife, Tammy, of Northport, and Patricia Seitter and her husband, David, also of Northport. He is also survived by seven grandchildren, Melissa, Samantha and Nicole Seitter, and Elias, Zoe, Jackson and Travis Scandalis; two step-grandchildren, Taylor and Christian; a sister, Helen Allison of Va.; and a brother, Socrates Scandalis of Westbury. Angelo (Tony) was born in Manchester, N.H., on Jan. 7, 1922. After graduat-

ing from high school he enlisted in the Army Air Corps and served his country during World War II. As a flight engineer he spent 2½ years flying “the hump” between India and China. He was honorably discharged in 1945. Tony attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy and graduated with a degree in aeronautical engineering. He worked for Republic Aviation (and later Grumman), designing escape systems for jet fighters. He held two U.S. patents for ejection seat components. As a result he saved the lives of many pilots. In 1972 Tony bought The Northport Journal and served as editor and publisher until his retirement in 1984. This was a venture he enjoyed, putting in long hours to ensure a quality newspaper. He met this challenge with the support of his family, and each took on a role as a labor of love. Tony’s greatest joy was his family, with whom he shared many hours imparting his wisdom, his spirit and his sense of humor. His smile and laughter were contagious and he often held his audience in rapt attention with his stories of the war and his work. A funeral service was held at Trinity Episcopal Church on Feb. 21, followed by interment at Northport Rural Cemetery. Donations in his memory may be made to: Trinity Episcopal Church, 130 Main St., Northport, NY 11768.

Carlo Nisi Carlo Nisi of Northport died on Jan. 25 at the age of 89. He was born on May 21, 1919, in Brooklyn, the son of Michael

and Annette Napolitano Nisi. He was an Army veteran of World War II, serving from 1944 to 1945. He was later a plumber. Mr. Nisi is survived by his daughter, Leonora Minetta and her husband, Gene of Northport; his son, Michael Nisi and his wife, Elizabeth; and his granddaughters, Angela and Gina Nisi. The funeral was held on Jan. 28 at St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church in East Northport, followed by interment at St. Charles Cemetery in Farmingdale. Arrangements under the direction of Nolan and Taylor-Howe Funeral Home of Northport.

Joseph Cavanagh Joseph E. Cavanagh of East Northport died on Jan. 8 at the age of 87. He was born on Oct. 28, 1921, in the Bronx, the son of James T. and Anna M. Concannon Cavanagh. He was an Army veteran of World War II, serving as a private from 1942 to 1946. He was a business agent for Local 25 IBEW, legislative and political director of IBEW in Washington, D.C. and a former labor commissioner for the County of Suffolk. Mr. Cavanagh is survived by his wife, Margaret P. Cavanagh of East Northport; his sons, Brian and Kathleen Cavanagh, Michael and Cathleen Cavanagh, Terrence and Robyn Cavanagh, and the late Kevin Cavanagh and his wife, Eileen; 15 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his brother, James E. Cavanagh; and his sisters, Cath-

erine Conway and Annamarie Bogan. The funeral was held on Jan. 12 at St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church in East Northport, followed by interment at Calverton National Cemetery. Donations may be sent to VNS Hospice of Suffolk, 505 Main St., Northport, NY 11768. Arrangements under the direction of Nolan and Taylor-Howe Funeral Home of Northport.

Joseph Rappelt Joseph F. Rappelt of Northport died on Jan. 7 at the age of 81. He was born on Jan. 11, 1927, in Brooklyn, the son of John and Amalia Winters Rappelt. He was an Army veteran of World War II, serving as a private first class from 1945 to 1946. He was later a librarian with the Brentwood School District. Mr. Rappelt is survived by his wife, Madeline M. Rappelt of Northport; his daughter, Miriam Mac Donald and her husband, Scott; granddaughter, Maggie Mac Donald; and sister, Helen Coffelt. The funeral was held on Jan. 9 at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church in Centerport, followed by interment at Calverton National Cemetery. Donations may be sent to American Parkinsons Association or the Thomas Hartman Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Inc., 72 W. Main St., East Islip, NY 11730. Arrangements under the direction of Nolan and Taylor-Howe Funeral Home of Northport.




Dan Fields tries getting past defenseman Josh DeLeon during Monday’s practice. Photo by Robert O’Rourk

Defense, midfield will lead Northport lacrosse BY JOHN WESTERMANN

Northport head boys’ lacrosse coach George Searing said goodbye to several key offensive threats when Chris Roth and Chris D’Alberti set sail for Siena College and Brendan Rodgers left for Manhattan. He has one senior, Max Vota, and one junior, Brian Finnegan, returning to run the Tiger attack. Vota played mostly

Come support the Northport boys’ lacrosse team 3/18 Babylon @ Northport (s) ............... 3:45 pm 3/21 Harborfields @ Northport (s) .... 10:00 am 3/24 NPT @ Middle Country (s) .....4:30 pm 3/26 Northport @ Smith West (s) ........ 4:30 pm 3/28 Northport @ Daniel Hand ........... 9:00 am 3/30 NPT @ Cold Spring Harbor (s)...4:00 pm 4/2 Northport @ Huntington (s).......... 3:45 pm 4/4 Multi-team scrimmage @ NPT....11:00 am 4/7 Brentwood @ Northport................. 9:00 am

county champion West Islip, Ward Melville and Smithtown East. The Tigers will prepare crease and man-up last year and will be asked to do more for this gauntlet with scrimmages against this year. Sophomores Matt Carroll and Matt Sarcona will Babylon, Harborfields, Middle Country, Smithtown West, vie for early playing time along with other candidates un- and Huntington. They will travel across the Sound to the der consideration. difficult Daniel Hand tournament in Connecticut. At midfield the Tigers feature their most athletic, reliThe team will also host their own annual and highly popular Acompora scrimmages on able unit. Three-year starter senior April 4 where the Tigers will play Jesse Mancuso (Hobart) leads an ex‘We’re very young this defending Class C state champion perienced group that includes seniors Mount Sinai, Shoreham-Wading Dan Field and faceoff man Josh Kenyear on offense and will River and nationally ranked Ridgeney, and juniors Mike Strebel, Tom need some time to get field, Conn., coached by Roy Colsey, Delahunty, Joe Cicio and George comfortable. We need the who played for Searing at Yorktown Sutherland. “These guys give us a before Colsey’s All-American career strong core in the middle of the field,” defense and goalie to hold at Syracuse University and in the said Searing. the fort while we mature.’ MLL. For details and scrimmage At close defense seniors Tom Sulschedules for the boys’ and girls’ livan, Mike Walsh and Tom Hall will — HEAD COACH GEORGE SEARING teams go to www.LA12.Org. start while senior Pat Leone runs The Northport nonleague schedlong-stick midfield. “A group of 10thand 11th-graders will fill in our complementary roles on ule also includes Manhasset and Farmingdale, two perendefense,” said Searing. Tiger sophomore Tom Cordts and nial Nassau County powers. The Tigers open their Division senior Dan Roel are waging a neck-and-neck battle for the I schedule on April 7 when they host Brentwood at 10 am. “We’re very young this year on offense and will need starting job in goal. Seeded ninth of 20 Division I teams, the Tigers face a some time to get comfortable,” said Searing. “We need the difficult schedule in 2009 that includes five-time defending defense and goalie to hold the fort while we mature.”




Time for haste Pain. There is, unfortunately, much of the economic variety to pass around these days. That is particularly true of our schools, where officials try to make the best of less revenue despite rising costs. The federal stimulus bill was supposed to bail them out, right? Two weeks ago we reported that Gov. David Paterson said New York’s share would negate the education aid cuts he had proposed to help counter a record state deficit. Except that Paterson’s assurances have made it no further than the newspapers, it seems. School districts embroiled in the budget formation process, which must be wrapped up next month, have yet to see an amended state aid proposal from the governor. Districts don’t know if Paterson’s promise to “restore” state aid means eliminating the deficit reduction assessment imposed on districts, or zeroing out overall aid decreases in comparison with 2008-09. For large districts the difference amounts to millions. Until they know the numbers, they can’t reliably calculate the tax impact of the spending the districts are proposing. Now is when schools need those figures most, as many consider layoffs to keep tax increases low so their budgets pass muster with a belt-tightening electorate. Perhaps with the federal stop-gap money, job cuts are no longer necessary, but until they know for sure school officials are obligated to plan for the worst. Which means that until the “all clear” is sounded, some teachers may be anticipating unemployment. Such consternation will clearly not promote the economic confidence the stimulus and other bailout efforts were intended to inspire. The Paterson administration claimed this week it cannot release final figures until ongoing budget negotiations with the Legislature are complete. But the governor has not even answered the most basic questions posed above by school officials, making their task far more arduous than in years past when districts had relatively accurate numbers to work with. Paterson should provide up-to-date data to the districts immediately.

News literacy critical The prominence of the attendees at the News Literacy Conference at SBU last week indicates the importance many place on the ability we must all master to understand and evaluate the “tsunami” of so-called news pummeling all of us every day. We think the SBU School of Journalism, and in particular its dean, Howard Schneider, are on to something. Separating the wheat from the chaff is essential if we are going to position ourselves to make informed decisions on critical issues. The importance of analytically considering what newspapers and television and radio and the web toss at us, the ability to see through the fog and spin, and the need to understand an ever-increasing universe of information — far too much of which is generated by, shall we say, “journalists” not entirely loyal to the creed of who, what, where, when and how but instead determined to tell you why (in their own often skewed opinions) — has never been more important. Whether you read it on these pages, or in a daily, or learn it the radio, TV or the web, apply an appropriate level of skepticism, seek the facts, and always remember to consider the source.

OPINION Every bit helps but it’s not enough TO THE EDITOR: Let us not be misunderstood as our budget is increasing, yet again. There are 1,200 home foreclosures in our district while the BOE continues to be fiscally imprudent and hits up the taxpayers for an additional $265 this year, excluding compounding effects. I guess they are oblivious to the 1,200 foreclosures in our district or the fact that St. Paul’s pantry kitchen serves two new families every week! Soon we’ll have to have our Students for 60000 helping those much closer to home. Case in point that the needy are in our own backyard, while walking out of a store last week, a friend of mine asks: “Jean, are there any jobs in Cold Spring Harbor that you know of for me? My husband lost his job in December and we have no income.” Additionally, she had a friend with her whose husband also lost his job (both have two young children in the district). Why did Dr. McDermott state at the last BOE meeting that we have received an additional savings of $100,000 in health care savings and $100,000 in the “Professional Development Fund” from the United Teachers Union? These statements are incorrect. In June 2006, an increase in the teachers’ health-care contribution was already negotiated, resulting in an end of contract contribution increase to 18 percent. It is the same situation for the professional fund: The amount of $100,000 is the amount not used by the teachers to date. When asked of Dr. McDermott at the last BOE meeting whether the contract was opened for renegotiations she stated, “No.” Prior years’ renegotiated contractual benefits are not current year budget cuts. There is no renegotiation of the contract now and to present prior years’ renegotiations as current year budget cuts is misleading the public. At the last board meeting, Trustee Dragone bemoaned the fact that Albany plans its budget from “year to year” and how frustrating that is? Yet, when members of the United Taxpayers of Northport-East Northport ask the BOE what their long-term plans are for our district, we were told: “Look at next’s week agenda.” We the taxpayers are equally as frustrated with this Board of Education for their failure to have a long-term strategic spending plan. As we have stated, the BOE must not just be in a “reactive mode” to the economical crisis, but must have well thought out short-term and long-term plans that take into account academic excellence and fiscal responsibility for the welfare of our children and the taxpayers of our fine community! On a positive note, Dr. McDermott has forgone her salary increase for the coming year (much appreciated), and we are going to get an additional 30 minutes of kindergarten at a cost of $66,000. But we should note that Dr. McDermott’s kind gesture will save much less than the $66,000. Jean Baron Northport

Other districts do it, why not ours? TO THE EDITOR: Why are the actions of our Board of Education so different from those of our surrounding districts? Other school districts are working feverishly, hashing out options at meetings and hearing from their budget committee chairpersons (something our BOE wholly rejects) to help find solutions and costs savings. After the superintendent’s presentation at our last board meeting, not one board member had any comment. Asked by the public and the five CPAs in the audience to [do] zero-base budgeting on expenditures so that estimated expenses are not compounded year after year, their response was a profound silence. Challenged again by those community members to at least explain the board’s thoughts on this standard business practice … silence again! It leads at least this observer to wonder when the board will really discuss such important issues, as it appears that such discussion may be going on out of the public eye.... Alternatively, if the board is not discussing the budget issues elsewhere, the members’ complete lack of curiosity about the basis for the plan to spend almost $145 million really does not instill confidence in the community. Six years ago our school budget was $95 million. Today the superintendent has proposed that it be presented to the community at $145 million, and when five different individuals from our community take the time to attend a BOE meeting and expound on the merits of zero-based budgeting for anticipated expenses, the board had absolutely no comment on such an essential practice. Considering that the commentators are CPAs and business professionals, I find this silence more than rude; I find it bizarre and frightening. Just consider our food service expenses. The Department of Education says that we are not supposed to fund cafeteria services (food, staff, etc.) from our general fund. Basically, food service should break even. Our food services run at an annual deficit of $80,000 and we make up the deficit from the general fund! So at a minimum, we are violating state guidelines and continually running an operation that cannot support itself by requiring taxpayers to support it. It is blatantly clear that our present board does not have the skills to manage our district’s finances! Equally frustrating is the board’s failure to admit its ignorance with respect to financial planning and forecasting which could result in excessive spending for educating our children. Excessive spending translates to higher taxes for the community. The board should consider soliciting professional financial expertise from the community to aid in the budget process. Perhaps then the board could mitigate its inadequate proficiency and present with confidence to the community a budget that is efficient and effective in educating our children. Denise Summers Mumm Northport

Editor’s note: Both writers are members of UTN-EN. More letters on page A12

Inspire, influence and provoke — write! Letters to the editor should be no longer than 400 words, should arrive by Monday the week you wish them to run and may be edited for length, libel and good taste. We do not publish anonymous letters. Please include your phone number and town of residence for confirmation. Email your letter to or send it to The Times of Northport, PO Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733. The opinions of columnists and letter writers are their own. They do not speak for the newspaper.

In our new recession-induced age of propriety, owning a personal jet is under a storm of disfavor. Though they represent the ultimate in conspicuous consumption, at least one good thing can be said about these super-expensive planes — compared to their big brothers the commercial airliners, they are relatively quiet. I know, because the seaside apartment I am renting in Florida lies in the approach path to the small airstrip at Boca Raton favored by jet-setting multi-millionaires. Their personal jets fly in and out all day long, announcing themselves with a thrilling whine of power and rumble of engines. The brethren of these planes, the big eardrum-pounding heavies, must use either West Palm Beach to the north or Fort Lauderdale to the south. The little jets are sleek and beautiful to watch. The sight of them approaching to land or climbing for altitude after departing suggests an intriguing air of mystery. Their silver fuselages carry no markings, no recognizable airline logos or colors. They arrive as early as dawn, and fly out way after dark. So to whom do they belong? One can only guess, but one thing is sure — the ranks of the wealthy have been thinned by Bernie Madoff. One assumes that prior to his depredations, the airways in and out of Boca Raton were even more crowded. Still, this remains a rich country, and though he appeared to have tried very hard Bernie did not manage to steal everybody’s money. The East Coast of South Florida is still a haven of extravagant wealth. The town

where I am staying, Highland Beach, is lined with an odd juxtaposition of high-rise condominiums and coops with modest apartments, and gargantuan ornate mansions in the $20 million price range. (For perspective, though it is right on the ocean, my own apartment is in a 50-year-old co-op whose windows and sliding glass doors don’t work very well. Yesterday one of the two elevators failed, trapping for a while a fellow snowbird from Stony Brook.) Madoff is much in the public awareness here. Fifteen miles to the north, in his winter retreat of Palm Beach, he ruined large numbers of friends and acquaintances. In Delray Beach, a mile from here, there’s an old-fashioned newsstand much like the late, lamented Darling’s in Port Jefferson. I go there often for my Racing Form and Wall Street Journal, and fall into conversations with old-time locals who congregate to complain about snowbirds like me. One morning the proprietor had on display a 168-page reprint of the list of Madoff ’s victims, which was eagerly perused for local names. The Palm Beach Post reported this morning on what wealthy society matrons are doing to show empathy with the less fortunate during the recession. Among other things, they’re digging into the back of their closets and wearing last year’s gowns to charity balls. In December, a group of women pledged they would insist their rich husbands not buy them expensive jewelry for Christmas. (Though this may have made them feel good, it might have cost the jobs of a couple of gold miners in South Africa and diamond

Signals As this grim recession drags on, I think more and more of the lost wisdom of small town America. BY JOHN MCKINNEY

cutters on 47th Street. Oh, the law of unintended consequences). As this grim recession drags on, I think more and more of the lost wisdom of small town America. It was Wall Street, not Main Street, that plunged us into the abyss. Had the sharks on Wall Street not been demonically clever at concealing what they were doing, the little fish on Main Street would have refused to take the bait. I think of the brief single term of Mike Lee as mayor of Port Jefferson, when he doubled taxes to diminish the debt hanging over the Village Center. Said Mr. Lee, “I was raised not to buy things until I could afford to pay for them.” Mike, you should have been chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Between you and me

Celebrating strength in community What fun we had this past Sunday evening at the Three Village Inn. It was the Men and Women of the Year reception, at which the winners of 2008 in The Village Times Herald were presented with framed certificates before an audience of 137 (count ’em) community leaders. This was our 33rd such party, and they are always a high for us at the newspaper. We started the Men and Women of the Year issue, our only “all good news” issue, the week between Christmas and New Year’s in 1976, the year we started The Village Times. I copped the idea, sort of, from Time magazine, where I had worked. But Time selects one person who, each year, is the most newsworthy, regardless of the value of their efforts, whether Hitler or Mother Teresa. We, on the other hand, divide our community into categories, from the Arts to Business to Civics, all the way through to Sports and Volunteers. We then select

the residents who are making outstanding contributions to our villages, going that extra mile above and beyond what might be expected from them, and give them the spotlight — to further help them in their work and to express our collective appreciation. We ask your help in the nominating process, which begins in early summer with a form that we run in the paper. With those nominations that come in through the mail, Internet and telephone and the suggestions of our staff, we sit down and decide the winners each year. Once, early on, I thought we might run out of winners. It will never happen. The more people we get to know by covering the news, and the more we understand about how much is contributed to the greater good, the more people we want to honor. Sometimes we honor a past winner again because he or she has done something new or something more. We never tell the winners

TIMES BEACON RECORD NEWSPAPERS We welcome letters, photographs, comments and story ideas. Send your items to PO Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733 or email to Or drop by our news office at 67 Main Street, Northport. The opinions of our columnists are not necessarily those of the paper. Times Beacon Record Newspapers are published every Thursday. Address: PO Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733. Telephone: 631-751-7744 Web • Contents copyright 2009.

why exactly we are interviewing them in the late fall for a story, and usually they don’t think to ask because what they are doing is newsworthy enough on its own. So when they discover that they have won, it’s a fun surprise. That first year, members of the Three Village community stepped forward and suggested a reception for the winners. They also offered to underwrite the party in a hands-across-thecommunity gesture. So we are the hosts each year, we speak about what each winner has done, we then give him or her a chance to tell where they are planning to go with their work in the coming year, and when they sit back down we give them a resounding round of applause in a public show of appreciation. Why did we start this and why do we enthusiastically continue it to this day? A sense of community is so important, such an enrichment in our lives. Learning about our common history, knowing


ASSOCIATE EDITOR Alyssa Cutler EDITORIAL John Broven Jennifer Choi Joseph Darrow Michael Downer Arlene Gross Robert Leuner Elise Pearlman Lisa Steuer John Westermann Dave Willinger

we are surrounded by kindly and caring neighbors, working together to maintain and preserve our natural resources and educate our children, these all contribute to a sense of security and well being for children and adults alike. At times of stress, like some of the economic uncertainties we are living through today, people tend to turn toward each other for support. Here’s an extreme example of what I’m talking about. If you remember, New York City — long considered a cold and impersonal place — became a lot more filled with kindness and mutual helpfulness after 9/11. Human values come more into focus in times of crisis. We are in what Frank Rich, columnist for The New York Times, calls a time of “social consciousness.” How lovely that we, who live out here, don’t have to first develop such a consciousness. It’s already here, as these awards ably demonstrate. We are so fortunate to live in a place with

PHOTOGRAPHY John Griffin Robert O'Rourk Alan Pearlman Richard Podlesney ART AND PRODUCTION DIRECTOR David R. Leaman ART AND PRODUCTION Janet Fortuna Beth Heller Mason Wendy Mercier


community leaders and activists, and whatever the issues are locally, we sooner or later see most of them through to a successful resolution. So a sense of community is a wonderful thing. And since we are the community newspaper, we have always felt it part of our job to strengthen that sense wherever we can. Let me tell you, by the time everyone leaves the Men and Women of the Year reception each year, and we have recognized the efforts of all those special people who enhance our lives, there is a glowing pride of place.

ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Kathryn Mandracchia ADVERTISING Mary Chirichella Robin Lemkin Barbara Newman Elizabeth Reuter Laura Satchwill Nancy Solomon Ted Taylor Lynn Tunney Minnie Yancey



In post-Madoff world, tarnished trappings of wealth

Continued from page A10

Interest rate help TO THE EDITOR: The escalating number of foreclosures doesn’t only threaten people who may lose their homes; it also brings down property values and equity throughout entire neighborhoods. That’s why we must focus on reducing home foreclosures and rebuilding homeowner wealth as a key strategy in strengthening our economy. As your congressman, my top priority is standing up for hardworking families on Long Island. President Obama released the details of his comprehensive Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan. Effective immediately, the plan will allow four to five million families who owe more on their homes than the current appraised value to lower their interest rates. The new plan will also help another three to four million at-risk homeowners avoid foreclosure by reducing monthly mortgage

payments. The Treasury Department has set up a website,, that has information detailing how the programs work and whether you are eligible. I encourage you to contact your mortgage lender or servicer to take advantage of these new programs and reduce your monthly payments to stay in your home. In Congress, we are working to do our part to help troubled borrowers, too. This week, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1106: Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, which I was proud to support. This legislation complements President Obama’s plan by simplifying existing programs and providing incentives to lenders to modify mortgages. It also provides important safeguards for responsible homeowners who are not covered by President Obama’s plan, but are still at risk of foreclosure. To share your thoughts with me on this or any other issue, please visit my website at Besides these programs there are a few additional resources, both nationally and locally based, that you may find helpful: • Hope Now:, 888-995-4673. Hope Now is a government and industry alliance that provides

-PROUDIt’s kind of hard to find too many things to get excited about these days. Everything is pretty tough both business-wise and personally for lots of people in our community and around the world. Of course, it would be nice if the media would stop pounding everyone over the head with negative news over and over again. It’s becoming a selffulfilling prophecy. But we felt pretty good the other day when, after announcing some pretty tough financial results for the end of the year, Ford still sees no need to ask for government loans. In fact the CEO of Ford Motor Company said “Right now, I think with everything planned in the fiscal and monetary policy, I am very comfortable that we are going to start to turn things around through the second half of the year.” This doesn’t mean that Ford isn’t using lines of credit. But they have done it the old-fashioned way; they went out to banks and found financing. Ford is doing it! Ford is finding a way to make it through these hard times. This is the type of auto manufacturer that wants people to feel confident when buying one of their products.

We are proud to be a Ford dealer and we feel fortunate to be part of such a great community! The entire Ford network is pulling together to bring the best products and services to you, our customer.

Thank you for your time and attention! We hope to see you soon! -The RAMP Ford Family

Family Owned & Operated For Over 64 Years

TO THE EDITOR: It’s the era of change. Change is upon us and change is good. In this spirit, it’s time for the citizens of Huntington to make a vital and necessary change in the way the town is governed. In its present form, the Town Council is simply unable to truly represent the diverse needs and interests of our geographically sprawling, 200,000-citizen-strong community. There are too many local issues for an at-large council to fully grasp and address properly. The framers of our Constitution had it right from the start: government for the people, by the people. All citizens of Huntington owe it to themselves and their families to take the time to learn about converting to a council-district system of government. If you explore this issue, you will surely see why it is simply a better form of representation for all of us. People speak of change, desire change and support change in their thoughts and words. But now it’s time to step up and back those thoughts with real action. We all need to understand this issue so when it’s put to vote, we can truly make an informed decision. This is a change whose time has come. And, in these times of fiscal responsibility, this clearly better form of representation will not come with any increase in costs to the town or its taxpayers. I challenge all citizens to learn more about this. You will not be disappointed. Don Vassallo South Huntington

Writer speaks at winery

If you’re in the market for a new vehicle, I hope you at least stop by and check out all of our award winning Ford line up.

4869 Nesconset Highway • Port Jefferson Sta.

I dare you!

Continued from page A5 Sen. Carl Marcellino (R-Syosset) said he could almost live with the increased bridge tolls because if fewer people were to take the 59th Street Bridge, which is now free, it could result in better air quality and improved traffic flow. “But the mobility tax is far more onerous,” he said. “That hits everybody: You’re going to be hit a dozen different places all for this one tax. … The state’s going to cut aid to schools and hospitals and nursing homes, yet the MTA is going to take more money from them with the tax on their payroll. It’s most unfair.” Despite the criticism from local lawmakers, Gov. David Paterson supports the commission’s requests, spokeswoman Erin Duggan said. “Tax increases are always a last resort,” Duggan stated in an email. “This is necessary to avert major fare increases and service cuts to a system used by millions of New Yorkers every day, including commuters from Long Island.”

With all that being said, Ford is putting out GREAT vehicles! Our new Ford vehicles are safe (more top safety-rated vehicles than any other manufacturer), high quality (now in a virtual tie with Toyota and Honda), good looking and fun to drive. In fact, Ford GAINED market share in the last three months of 2008. And there’s a lot more coming soon! Ford has said that, despite the economic challenges out there, they’re not pulling back on the most important thing of all; product.


free foreclosure prevention assistance from HUD-approved counseling agents. • Federal Housing Administration:, 800225-5342. • Long Island Housing Partnership:, 435-4710. At no cost to you, HUD-certified housing counselors can help you understand your options, organize your finances and represent you in negotiations with your lender, if you need this assistance. • Community Development Corporation of Long Island:, 471-1215. CDC specializes in affordable housing on Long Island and has a foreclosure prevention expert on staff to answer your questions. I will continue to do everything I can to assist your family in navigating these new programs. Please call 9512210 and ask to speak with a caseworker. Rep. Steve Israel 2nd Congressional District

Employer’s tax




Huntington resident Kerriann Flanagan Brosky is among featured authors at the group’s second annual Book Fair and Signing Event scheduled for this Sunday, March 22, at Martha Clara Vineyards, 6025 Sound Ave., Riverhead. Flanagan Brosky, whose most recent book on the paranormal, “Ghosts of Long Island II,” was released last Halloween, will be one of 20 authors to discuss their work and the art of writing and to personalize books. Admission is free; guests can sample wine as they survey the local literary scene. — ELISE PEARLMAN

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