Let Us Help You Op mize Your Business Performance
TBS Leads Management System (TBS-LMS) is an online web applica on that allows any organiza on's sales force to efficiently and effec vely manage their leads. TBSLMS offers a powerful tool set that would be a pre-requisite for any company conduc ng business over the Internet. Being used by one of the largest sales staffs, the Lead Management System helps customers to rapidly distribute and effec vely manage leads across their organiza on for both internal use and to facilitate online business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C). The applica on allows a wide range of users within an enterprise to monitor, update and administer prescribed areas of an enterprise's lead management over the Internet and other digital networks in an easy to use, secure and centrally controlled process which will maximize lead produc vity.
Func onality Summary Leads Management
Task Management
CRM Management
Product Management
Sales Management
Integrated Calendar MIS
Leads Database
TBS-LMS helps you to capture all the generated lead in one cloud pla orm including the customers interest pertaining to par cular product or services. It helps you to have all the records of generated leads with their nature & interest for future references as well . Leads Source TBS-LMS helps you to track down your lead sources which helps your marke ng team to manage their campaigns for leads genera on & second to your sales team, who will come to know, how customers inquired about their product or service. Leads Assignments TBS-LMS helps you to assign leads to dierent individuals on one pla orm, simultaneously. You can assign as many as leads to your sales team very easily, without any unexpected confusions or hurdles, so that they can do all jus ce to the business leads.
Leads Management TBS-LMS, helps you to filter all your leads according to their priori es and interest. With the scope for future follow ups & sales pipeline, it helps your sales team to evaluate their lead database according to their degree of interest, which helps in future closures. Leads Follow Ups TBS-LMS helps you to makes a funnel of overall leads and allows yours sales force to make necessary follow ups of day to day ac vi es on one single pla orm, which enhance the probability of more closures and more revenue genera on for the business. Leads Qualification TBS-LMS helps you in the qualifica on of interested lead. It tells the prospec ve opportuni es for sales, which helps your sales department to draw effec ve focus on the leads and moreover helps to decide to take all necessary majors & efforts to close a frui ul deals.
Advantages LMS helps to Data management Easy and straight forward way to manage your daily leads To track real me sales growth Allow all data management in one place Cost management, less expensive Lead Organiza on Lead distribu on Lead tracking Build and maintain a rela onship
Head Office
Technobase IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. S-17, Near 8 Rasta Square, Laxmi Nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440022. Phone : +91-99701 80147 | 0712-6052000 Email: info@tbsind.com