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Smart Construction can make the industry more profitable.
from TBtech July Edition
by Launched
SaaS is a cloud-based method of providing software to users. SaaS users subscribe to an application and can then log in and use a SaaS application from any compatible device over the Internet.
Smart Construction is the gateway to improving efficiency at a job site level and offers many advantages to construction workers and contractors. As new technology is rolled out, earthmovers are beginning to utilise this digital methodology to improve their processes, from terrain data to retrofitting machinery and much more. Ultimately, an optimised job site means cost savings, and so the digital transformation of construction is essential to industry success.
With the digital transformation upon us, the time is now to harness these capabilities and bring smart solutions to the fore across the construction industry, revolutionising the way we think of the job site.
Our focal product is our Dashboard. This collates all terrain related data together in one 3D view: a visualisation tool for designs, measuring the site terrain and analysing changes over time. By recreating the job site as a digital twin to inspect progress and make measurements without the hassle of travel, we’re enabling managers and leaders to make informed decisions based on insight, without the need to travel to site directly.
Dashboard, alongside our other services such as Fleet, Edge, Remote and Retrofit, are accessible, easy to use and made to adapt to every job site’s individual needs.
Digitising The Construction Industry
By collecting data and converting it into valuable information, SaaS applications enable the safe and accurate management of labour, machines & material, which in turn optimises working conditions and enhances profitability, ultimately making businesses more successful both in terms of financials and employee satisfaction. At ground level this can look like; reducing idle times for machines by analysing where the longest wait time is captured, ensuring payload is being used in an efficient way and that the machines deployed for the work are the optimal choices, or improving fuel efficiency of machines and site staff. It can also translate into less time on the road for contractors and managers, with data affording them the opportunity to make decisions based on insight and information straight from the site itself.
A great example of this in action is Smart Construction’s Retrofit. This system can be fitted to any excavator, offering 3D machine guidance with high position accuracy even in harsh environments. Live data can be tracked to pinpoint idle times or excessive waiting periods, ensuring the workforce can be deployed in a way that optimises profitability.
Increasing Productivity And Profitability
Because of current lead time in information creation & monitoring, there is often time wasted at the job site while decisions are processed and relayed. SaaS applications increase the speed at which information is relayed from the site to office and the following response, aiding informed decision making and negating the need for excessive commuting and communication. By digitally transforming the job site, site managers and leaders who work cross-sites will have more flexibility within their work, which in turn will reduce delays in information availability.
With improved digitisation comes more efficient processes and the ability to make decisions based on precise insight and data analysis, which increases productivity for the team on the ground. Additionally, SaaS negates the need to invest in more specific hardware and software installations, allowing business wide access to applications with more ease. Additional backups and other services take up valuable time within the team which could be used elsewhere. As more and more engineers and earthmovers utilise drone data to manage the construction process, Smart Construction’s Edge takes the hassle out of drone surveying and reduces producing drone data to a matter of minutes rather than hours. The device also operates without the need for Ground Control Points (GCPs) and helps to overcome challenges which drone usage can face at job site level. This is just another example of maximising the tech at our fingertips to ascertain data that positively impacts day to day practice and decision making.
Saas In Practice
We’re already seeing the introduction of digital technologies across the construction industry and we need to work together to encourage their optimisation.
SaaS within construction should be a primary focus for investment and development over the coming years. Construction as a whole hasn’t developed at the same rate as other industries, and now is the time to refresh outdated practices. There is a wealth of benefits that digitisation can bring.
At Smart Construction, we’ve developed these new technologies in line with our clients and partners to answer the need for improved efficiency across the industry. Our technology improves planning and design insights, collecting data and converting it into valuable information, aiding construction businesses to accurately manage manpower, machines and materials. This provides safer and easier working conditions which will create successful and efficient construction sites and in turn make the construction industry more profitable.