1 minute read

fashio nabl e fun

Houdek also notices a lot of current fashion around Central. “Oversized tees, especially for the females, are a trend that is pretty common,” she observes. Not only looking presentable is important, but also staying comfortable throughout the entire day is key. Being at school for almost seven hours a day is challenging, so wearing an oversized clothing item is a smart option.

Along with oversized clothing, Houdek recognizes trends from her past making a return.

“High waisted pants were just starting to come back,” she recalls. “White sneakers have definitely resurfaced, [and] a lot of yoga pants. The flare yoga pants were definitely popular when I was in high school.” Now, in another generation, those same pants are popular once again. Many girls style them with oversized sweatshirts or tees. These pants are trendy, but also fit in the category of comfortable. Walking through the hallways of CHS, we don’t see everyone wearing the exact same thing. Everywhere you look, you see an unrepeated blend of clothing that shows students have confidence in their own skin. The varied styles of Central make our school more inclusive and fun to be a part of and help our student body feel confident and presentable.

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