Tristan Corbin Fish ID project
By: Tristan Corbin
Title: Saltwater fish
Species #: 1
Common Name: Blue spotted Grouper Scientific Name: Cephalopholis argus Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: Serranidae
Geography / Habitat: from the Indo-Pacific, is a commercial game fish, invasive species.
Life Strategy: spawning usually occurs territorially in the morning.
Food / Feed Strategy: Hunters, they hover motionless in the water column before attacking, Eating juvenile surgeonfish and crustaceans.
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Body Form or Style: Compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform Mouth Position: Terminal
Title: Saltwater fish
Species #:2
Common Name: Atlantic Blue Marlin Scientific Name: Makaira nigricans Kingdom: Animilia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: periformes
Family: istiophoridae
Geography / Habitat: Marlin are distributed throughout the Atlantic's tropical and temperate waters, most populously in the western parts.
Life Strategy: Marlins breeds in late summer and fall. Females may spawn as many as four times in one season. They often release over seven million eggs at once. Males may live for 18 years, and females up to 27.
Food / Feed Strategy: feeds on a wide variety of fish near the surface. It uses its bill to stun, injure, or kill while knifing through a school of prey, then returns to eat.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform Mouth Position: Supraterminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 3
Common Name: king mackerel Scientific Name: Scomberomorus cavalla Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: scomberomorus
Geography / Habitat: Western Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. The king mackerel is a subtropical species of the Atlantic Coast of the Americas.
Life Strategy: Eggs and sperm are shed into the sea and their union is by chance. A female may shed from 50,000 to several million eggs over the spawning season. Fertilized eggs hatch in about 24 hours.
Food / Feed Strategy: king mackerels are opportunistic carnivores. Their prey depends on their size. Depending on area and season.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform Mouth Position: Terminal
Title: Saltwater fish
Species #: 4
Common Name: Jewfish Scientific Name: Epinephelus itajara Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Serranidae
Geography / Habitat: Is a large saltwater fish of the grouper family found primarily in shallow tropical waters among coral and artificial reefs. Includes the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, most of the Caribbean, and the Brazilian coast.
Life Strategy: During the breeding season from July through September, goliath groupers gather together at breeding sites in groups of 100 individuals or more. The fertilized eggs are scattered in the water column of the ocean. These fish are very long-lived with a slow growth rate and late sexual maturation. Jewfish are like most other groupers, they may undergo a sex-change part way through life.
Food / Feed Strategy: Goliath groupers feed on crustaceans, such as spiny lobsters, shrimps and crabs as well as fish including stingrays and parrotfish, in addition to octopuses and young sea turtles. Despite having teeth, the fish engulfs its prey and swallows it whole.
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Body Form or Style: Compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Ostraciiform Mouth Position: Terminal
Titel: Saltwater fish
Species #:5
Common Name: Mahi-Mahi Scientific Name: Coryphaena Hippurus Class: Animalia, Actinopterygii Family: Coryphaenidae
Order: Perciformes Genus: Coryphaena
Species: Hippurus
Geography / Habitat: Found off shore temperate, tropical and subtropical waters world wide. Dolphins are also often found along the surface among floating log, floating
debris, buoys or seaweed.
Life Strategy: Males and females are sexually mature in their first year, usually by 4-5 months old. Females may spawn two to three times per year. Producing 80,000 and 1,000,000 eggs per event.
Food / Feed Strategy: They’re fast swimmers with top speed exceeding 50 mph.
that’s partly why they’re a highly sought after game-fish. They feed on flying fish, mullet, mackerel, squid, sea horse, crab, shrimp and other small fish.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform Mouth Position: Terminal
Title: Saltwater fish
Species #: 6
Common Name: Southern king fish Scientific Name: Menticirrhus americanus Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: sciaenidae
Geography / Habitat: It lives in shallow coastal waters on the western fringes of the Atlantic Ocean. From as far north as New York to southwestern Texas. Live in the Atlantic coast of America and Gulf of Mexico, the Carrabin’s.
Life Strategy: Spawning takes place from June to November in the area of Delaware Bay
Food / Feed Strategy: The southern kingfish feeds on benthic invertebrates. Also shrip crabs and smaller amphipods.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: Saltwater fishes
Species #: 7
Common Name: Greenland shark Scientific Name: Somniosus microcephalus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondicthyes
Order: Squaliformes
Family: Somniosidae
Geography / Habitat: native to the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean around Greenland and Iceland Life Strategy: This is one of the largest living species of shark, of dimensions comparable to those of the great white shark. The flesh of a Greenland shark is poisonous. They retain the developing embryos within their bodies so that they are born alive after an undetermined gestation period. 10 pups per litter is normal, each initially measuring some 90 cm (35 in) in length. Food / Feed Strategy: grey seals and fish
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: Saltwater fish
Species #: 8
Common Name: Barracuda Scientific Name: Sphyraena barracuda Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: sphyraenidae
Geography / Habitat. Great barracudas linger near the water's surface alone or in small groups. The adults will also venture near the shore in murky waters where they are almost hidden from sight. The young hide among the branching roots of mangrove trees or between corals and sponges on the reef. Life Strategy: Great barracuda reproduce when ocean waters begin to warm, by swimming into shallow waters to mate. They will all gather in an area to release eggs and sperm and the fertilized eggs will be taken away on the currents to drift. Food / Feed Strategy: Barracudas are voracious, opportunistic predators, relying on surprise and short bursts of speed to overtake their prey. For bigger fish the shoot fast and takes chucks off of them with their sharp teeth’s.
• Body Form or Style: stagittiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #:9
Common Name: bluefish Scientific Name: Pomatomus saltatrix Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: pomatomidae
Geography / Habitat: As with most marine fish, their spawning habits are not well known. In the western side of the North Atlantic, at least two populations occur, separated by Cape Hatteras in North Carolina Life Strategy: They reproduce during spring and summer, and can live for up to 9 years. The gulfstream can carry fry spawned to the south of Cape Hatteras to the north, and eddies can spin off, carrying them into populations found off the coast of the mid-Atlantic, and the New England states.
Food / Feed Strategy: Adult bluefish are strong and aggressive, and live in loose groups. They are fast swimmers which prey on schools of forage fish. bluefish are preyed upon by larger predators at all stages of their life cycle. And also eat their own young.
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Body Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: Saltwater Fish
Species #: 10
Common Name: Arabian carpetshark Scientific Name: Chiloscyllium arabicum Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Orectolobiformes
Family: Hemiscylliidae
Geography / Habitat: Presently known to live in the "Gulf" between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula. Life Strategy: Maximum length about 70 cm, average size between 50 and 60 cm. Probably egg laying. Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds primarly on invertebrates and small fishes.
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Body Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: subcarangiform Mouth Position: subterminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 11
Common Name: Yellowfin Tuna Scientific Name: Thunnus albacares Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: scombridae
Geography / Habitat: Mid-ocean islands such as the Hawaiian archipelago, other island groups in the Western Pacific, Caribbean and Maldives islands Indian Ocean, as well as the volcanic islands of the Atlantic such as Ascension Island often harbor yellowfin feeding on the baitfish these spots concentrate close to the shoreline. Life Strategy: Spawning takes place at sea in the spring and summer, and most fish are capable of reproduction at the age of 2 or 3 years.
Food / Feed Strategy: Spawning takes place at sea in the spring and summer, and most fish are capable of reproduction at the age of 2 or 3 years.
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Body Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform Mouth Position: terminal
Citation: tm
saltwater fish
Species #: 12
Common Name: bigeye tuna Scientific Name: Thunnus obesus
Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: scombrinae
Geography / Habitat: Bigeye tuna are found in the open waters of all tropical and temperate oceans, but not the Mediterranean Sea. Life Strategy: Longer-lived than the closely related yellowfin tuna, the bigeye has a lifespan of up to 12 years, with sexual maturity at age four. Spawning takes place in June and July in the northwestern tropical Atlantic, and in January and February in the Gulf of Guinea, which is the only known Atlantic nursery area. Food / Feed Strategy: Feed items include both epipelagic and mesopelagic species, with deep diving behavior during the day thought to be related to the seeking of prey.
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Body Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #:13
Common Name: swordfish Scientific Name: Xiphias gladius Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: xipgiidae
Geography / Habitat: Swordfish are found around the world in tropical, temperate, and sometimes cold waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. North Atlantic swordfish are found in the Gulf Stream of the western North Atlantic Ocean, extending north into the Grand Banks of Newfoundland.
Life Strategy: Spawning occurs from November to February in temperatures above 20 °C (68 °F) in the south Atlantic off south Brazil Spawning is year-round in the Caribbean Sea and other warm regions of the west Atlantic. Food / Feed Strategy: Swordfish feed on a variety of fish and invertebrates such as squid. They capture their prey by slashing their bill back and forth, stunning or injuring the prey in the process. They have developed unique characteristics, such as special eye muscles and a heat exchange system, that allow them to swim in deep cold water in search of prey.
• Body Form or Style: fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform • Mouth Position: supraterminal Citation: swordfish.htm
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 14
Common Name: wahoo Scientific Name: Acanthocybium solandr Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: scomberomorini
Geography / Habitat: Wahoo are found near the surface in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. Wahoo live in tropical waters year-round but are also found in higher latitudes during the summer. They’re frequently found alone or in small, loosely connected groups rather than compact schools. Life Strategy: Wahoo grow fast, up to 8 feet and 158 pounds, and have a short life span, up to 5 or 6 years in the Atlantic and 9 years in the Pacific. Wahoo spawn year-round in tropical waters and during the summer in higher latitudes. Individual wahoo spawn multiple times throughout the spawning season. They’re very productive, releasing a half million to 45 million eggs per year to compensate for eggs that might not survive to adulthood. Food / Feed Strategy: Wahoo mainly feed on squid and fish, including frigate mackerel, butterfish, porcupine fish, and round herring. They generally compete with tuna for the same kind of food, but can feed on larger prey by using their extremely sharp teeth to render prey into bite-size pieces. A number of predators sharing their habitat feed on young wahoo
• Body Form or Style: stagittiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation: m
Title: Marine/Saltwater Fish
Species #: 15
Common Name: Bignose Shark Scientific Name: Carcharhinus altimus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: Patchy records from around the world indicate the bignose shark probably has a circumglobal distribution in tropical and subtropical waters. In the Atlantic Ocean, it occurs from Delaware Bay to Brazil, in the Mediterranean Sea, and off West Africa. Life Strategy: While large enough to perhaps be dangerous, the bignose shark seldom comes into contact with humans due to its preference for deep water. Food / Feed Strategy: The bignose shark feeds mainly on bottom-dwelling bony fishes (including lizardfishes, croakers, flatfishes, and batfishes), cartilaginous fishes (including Squalus dogfishes, Holohalaelurus catsharks, Dasyatis stingrays, and chimaeras), and cephalopods.
• Body Form or Style: Fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 16
Common Name: blue angel fish Scientific Name: Holacanthus bermudensis Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Pomacanthidae
Geography / Habitat: The Bermuda blue angelfish tends to stay near rocks, coral, and sponges. It also lives around boulders, in caves, and crevices in shallow water. It is found in the western Atlantic part of from Bermuda, the Bahamas and Florida to the Gulf of Mexico, and also to Yucatan, Mexico. Life Strategy: The Bermuda blue angelfish has no specific breeding period, so they breed year round. When they do breed, the female can release from 25 to 75 thousand eggs each day, totaling up to 10 million eggs each breeding cycle.
Food / Feed Strategy: The Bermuda blue angelfish feeds primarily on sponges, but also feeds on tunicates, jellyfish, and corals as well as plankton and algae. Young blue angelfish eat parasites on other fish.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 17
Common Name: hog fish Scientific Name: Lachnolaimus maximus Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Labridae
Geography / Habitat: The hogfish is one of the larger species of wrasses and is found in the western Atlantic Ocean with a range from Bermuda, south through the Caribbean Sea and northern Gulf of Mexico, continuing to the north coast of South America. Hogfish are very abundant in the Florida Keys and are a valuable economical important species among fisherman. Life Strategy: The hogfish changes sex during different life stages. The change usually occurs around 3 years of age. The change usually occurs around 3 years of age.
Food / Feed Strategy: Adult hogfish feed mainly on mollusks including pelecypods, gastropods, and scaphopods, but will also feed on hermit crabs, amphipods, and sea urchins, crushing its prey with strong pharyngeal jaws.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 18
Common Name: bull shark Scientific Name: Carcharhinus leucas
Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: The bull shark is commonly found worldwide in coastal areas of warm oceans, in rivers and lakes, and occasionally salt and freshwater streams if they are deep enough. Life Strategy: Bull sharks mate during late summer and early autumn. a bull shark may give birth to four to ten live young. Food / Feed Strategy: A bull shark's diet consists mainly of bony fish and sharks, including other bull sharks, but can also include turtles, birds, dolphins.
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Body Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 19
Common Name: white marlin Scientific Name: Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Istiophoridae
Geography / Habitat: Occurring in the Atlantic Ocean, the white marlin has a distribution from the western Atlantic Ocean and in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Life Strategy: Spawning only once per year, white marlin migrate to subtropical waters and spawn in early summer, in deep oceanic waters. People believed that they spawn in pairs, as opposed to communal or mass spawning. Food / Feed Strategy: White marlin confluences produce nutrient-rich upwellings, drawing baitfish, and thus are successful feeding areas for the white marlin and other predatory fishes. There is some evidence that white marlin can stun or kill their prey by spearing or slashing it with their bill.
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Body Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform Mouth Position: supraterminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 20
Common Name: clownfish Scientific Name: Amphiprion ocellaris Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Pomacentridae
Geography / Habitat: Clownfish are native to warmer waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans, including the Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea. Life Strategy: Clownfish lay eggs on any flat surface close to their host anemones. In the wild, clownfish spawn around the time of the full moon. The male parent guards the eggs until they hatch about 6 to 10 days later. Food / Feed Strategy: Clownfish feed on small invertebrates which otherwise potentially could harm the sea anemone, in the wild they eat live food such as algae, plankton, mollusks, and crustacean.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 21
Common Name: shortfin mako shark Scientific Name: Isurus oxyrinchus Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Lamniformes
Family: Lamnidae
Geography / Habitat: The shortfin mako inhabits offshore temperate and tropical, and is found in the Gulf Stream or warmer offshore waters. Life Strategy: The shortfin mako shark giving birth to live young. It is believed that females may rest for 18 months after birth before mating again. Shortfins do not engage in sibling cannibalism unlike the sand tiger shark. Food / Feed Strategy: The shortfin mako feeds mainly upon cephalopods, bony fishes including mackerels, tunas, bonitos, and swordfish, but it may also eat other sharks, porpoises, sea turtles, and seabirds. Makos swim below their prey, so they can see what is above and have a high probability of reaching prey before it notices.
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Body Form or Style: sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 22
Common Name: Splendid toadfish Scientific Name: Sanopus splendidus
Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Batrachoidiformes
Family: Batrachoididae
Geography / Habitat: also known as the coral toadfish, is a species of toadfish entirely endemic to the island of Cozumel. Commonly found under coral outcroppings. Life Strategy: The splendid toadfish has limited dispersal capabilities, as both the eggs and larvae remain associated with the seabed, rather than drifting in currents in the water column. During the development of the eggs, they are guarded by the male. Food / Feed Strategy: This species diet mainly consists of small fish, molluscs, crustaceans and polychaete worms. It usually feeds by ambush, remaining still until prey comes within range, before making a quick lunge and engulfing the animal in its large jaws
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: ostraciiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: Saltwater fishes
Species #: 23
Common Name: Indian sand tiger shark Scientific Name: Carcharias tricuspidatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Lamniformes
Family: Odontaspididae
Geography / Habitat: found in the Indian and western Pacific oceans Life Strategy: Reproduction is ovoviviparous, the embryos feeding on their yolk sac, and other ova produced by the mother Food / Feed Strategy: Its diet consists of fish and small sharks
• Body Form or Style: Fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 24
Common Name: great white shark Scientific Name: Carcharodon carcharias Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: chordrichthyes
Order: lamniformes
Family: lamnidea
Geography / Habitat: Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters, with greater concentrations in the United States, South Africa, Japan, Oceania, Chile, and the Mediterranean One of the densest known populations is found around Dyer Island, South Africa, where almost all of the shark research is done. Life Strategy: Almost nothing is known about reproduction in great whites. Great white sharks also reach sexual maturity at around 15 years of age. Maximum life span is believed to be more than 30 years. Birth has never been observed, but pregnant females have been examined. Great white sharks are ovoviviparous, which means eggs develop and hatch in the uterus and continue to develop until birth. Food / Feed Strategy: Great white sharks are carnivorous and prey upon fish. Great whites have also been known to eat objects that they are unable to digest, they also begin to target predominately marine mammals for food.
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Body Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 25
Common Name: Tiger grouper Scientific Name: Mycteroperca tigris Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Epinephelidae
Geography / Habitat: Western Atlantic: south Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Venezuela, and probably throughout the Caribbean to Brazil. Life Strategy: Spawning aggregations of several hundreds of fish take place approximately one week following each full moon during the months of January to April at the east of Vieques Island, Puerto Rico. Food / Feed Strategy: It occurs in coral reefs and rocky areas and is an ambush predator.
• Body Form or Style: compressaform • Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 26
Common Name: giant sea bass Scientific Name: Stereolepis gigas Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Polyprionidae
Geography / Habitat: Giant sea bass occur throughout the Gulf of California and from Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, to Humboldt Bay, California. In California, the appearance of this species north of Point Conception has been sporadic. Life Strategy: This fish was ready to spawn and the larger eggs were about 0.04 inch in diameter. The main spawning season for giant sea bass occurs during July, August, and September. Food / Feed Strategy: Giant sea bass often eat whatever prey is available, but they especially like crabs, shrimp, worms, small fish, and clams.
• Body Form or Style: compressiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 27
Common Name: trigerfish Scientific Name: Abalistes filamentosus Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Tetraodontiformes
Family: Balistidae
Geography / Habitat: They tend to inhabit a variety of warm coastal waters, including the waters around the islands of the Maldives. Life Strategy: Triggerfish lay their demersal eggs in a small hole dug in the sea bottom. Food / Feed Strategy: Off Florida, juveniles of some species of triggerfishes are found in floating sargassum, where they feed on the small shrimp, crabs and molluscs found there.
. • Body Form or Style: compressiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: carrangiform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 28
Common Name: florida pompano Scientific Name: Trachinotus carolinus
Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Carangidae
Geography / Habitat: The adult Florida pompano is typically found in more saline areas and likes to stay in relatively warm waters, so it migrates northward in the summer, and toward the south in the fall. Life Strategy: The Florida pompano is a fast-growing species and attains a length of 8–12 inches after the first year. They usually survive for only about 3 to 4 years. Food / Feed Strategy: They are bottom feeders. They have very short teeth and feed on zoobenthos and small clams.
• Body Form or Style: compressiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 29
Common Name: Yellow fin mojarra Scientific Name: Gerres cinereus Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Gerreidae
Geography / Habitat: Inhabits shallow coastal waters in open sandy and surf areas, seagrass beds, near reefs and mangrove channels Life Strategy: born in packs and swims in big schools of fish. Stays near the coast line. Food / Feed Strategy: Often seen feeding in sand patches among reefs by thrusting its mouth into the sediment and expelling sand from the gill openings
• Body Form or Style: compressiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 30
Common Name: tiger shark Scientific Name: Galeocerdo cuvier
Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: The tiger shark is often found close to the coast, mainly in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world.[ Life Strategy: They breed by internal fertilization. The male inserts one of his claspers into the female's genital opening, acting as a guide for the sperm. The male uses its teeth to hold the female still during the procedure, often causing the female considerable discomfort. Food / Feed Strategy: The tiger shark is an apex predator and has a reputation for eating anything. It also possesses the capability to take on large prey.
• Body Form or Style: fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 31
Common Name: blue shark Scientific Name: Prionace glauca Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: Inhabits deep waters in the world's temperate and tropical oceans. Preferring cooler waters. Life Strategy: Courtship is believed to involve biting by the male, as mature specimens can be accurately sexed according to the presence or absence of bite scarring. Female blue sharks have adapted to the rigorous mating ritual by developing skin 3 times thicker than male skin. Food / Feed Strategy: Squid are important prey for blue sharks, but their diet includes other invertebrates such as cuttlefish and pelagic octopuses, as well as lobster, shrimp, crab, a large number of bony fishes, small sharks, mammalian carrion and occasional sea birds.
• Body Form or Style: fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 32
Common Name: lemon shark Scientific Name: Negaprion brevirostris Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: The lemon shark is found mainly along the subtropical and tropical parts of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North and South America, and around Pacific islands. Life Strategy: Lemon sharks are viviparous, females giving birth to between four and 17 young every other year in warm and shallow lagoons. The young have to fend for themselves from birth, and remain in shallow water near mangroves until they grow larger. Food / Feed Strategy: It eats mostly fish (including other sharks), but will also eats mollusks and crustaceans.
• Body Form or Style: fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 33
Common Name: nurse shark Scientific Name: Ginglymostoma cirratum Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Orectolobiformes
Family: Ginglymostomatidae
Geography / Habitat: The nurse shark is a common inshore bottom-dwelling shark, found in tropical and subtropical waters. Its common habitats are reefs, channels between mangrove islands and sand flats. Life Strategy: The mating season runs from late June to the end of July. Nurse sharks are ovoviviparous, meaning the eggs develop and hatch within the body of the female where the hatchlings develop further until live birth occurs. Food / Feed Strategy: Their diet consists primarily of crustaceans, molluscs, tunicates, sea snakes, and other fish, particularly stingrays. Hidden under submerged ledges or in crevices within the reef, the nurse sharks seem to prefer specific resting sites and will return to them each day after the night's hunting.
• Body Form or Style: fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform • Mouth Position: subterminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 34
Common Name: whale shark Scientific Name: Rhincodon typus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Orectolobiformes
Family: Rhincodontidae
Geography / Habitat: The whale shark inhabits all tropical and warm-temperate seas. Although typically seen offshore, it has been found closer to land, entering lagoons or coral atolls, and near the mouths of estuaries and rivers. Life Strategy: Neither mating nor pupping of whale sharks has been observed. The eggs remain in the body and the females give birth to live young. There is evidence that the pups are not all born at once, but rather that the female retains sperm from one mating and produces a steady stream of pups over a prolonged period. Food / Feed Strategy: The whale shark is a filter feeder – one of only three known filter feeding shark species. It feeds on macro-algae, plankton, krill, Christmas Island red crab larvae, and small nektonic life such as small squid or vertebrates.
• Body Form or Style: fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: thunniform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: Saltwater fishes
Species #: 35
Common Name: Copper shark Scientific Name: Carcharhinus brachyurus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: Western Atlantic: Gulf of Mexico, southern Brazil to Argentina. Eastern Atlantic: France to Algeria, Canary Islands. Mediterranean. Namibia, South Africa. Western Indian Ocean: South Africa. Western Pacific: Japan, China, southern Siberia, Korea, Australia, New Zealand. Eastern Pacific: Southern California to Gulf of California, Peru. Life Strategy: Viviparous, with yolksac-placenta (gives birth to live young). Litter size between 13 and 20 pups. Size at birth about 60 cm to 65 cm. Maturity is reached with a size between 200 cm and 230 cm for males, not really known for females but certainly less than 240 cm. Food / Feed Strategy: they feed on various fish.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform Mouth Position: Terminal
Title: Saltwater fishes
Species #: 36
Common Name: Basking Shark Scientific Name: Cetorhinus maximus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Lamniformes
Family: Cetorhinidae
Geography / Habitat: Basking Sharks have a circumglobal distribution and can be found in cold to warm temperate waters. They are pelagic sharks that are often seen singly or in groups of up to 100 feeding at or below the surface. Life Strategy: they are believed to demonstrate yolk-sac viviparity (eggs are laid in the womb that hatch internally, the shark then gives birth to live young) with the pups demonstrating oophagy (developing pups feed on unfertilised eggs). Food / Feed Strategy: One of only three filter feeding shark species, Basking Sharks feed passively on zooplankton and are thought to be capable of filtering over 1800 tons of water per hour.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform Mouth Position: tubular Citation:
Title: saltwater fishes
Species #: 37
Common Name: Scoophead Scientific Name: Sphyrna media Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Sphyrnidae
Geography / Habitat: found in the tropical waters of the western Atlantic Ocean from Panama to southern Brazil, and in the eastern Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of California to Ecuador. Life Strategy: They are viviparous. Food / Feed Strategy: Scoophead sharks are thought to eat elasmobranchs, cephalopods, and bony fish.
• Body Form or Style: Fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform • Mouth Position: subterminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fishes
Species #: 38
Common Name: Atlantic Ghost catshark Scientific Name: Apristurus atlanticus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Scyliorhinidae
Geography / Habitat: Eastern Atlantic: Madeira. Other areas are not confirmed. Life Strategy: Unknown, most likely oviparous (egg laying). Food / Feed Strategy: Unknown. Most likely small invertebrates and fishes.
• Body Form or Style: sagittiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: subcarangiform • Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: Saltwater fish
Species #: 39
Common Name: White Tip Reef Shark Scientific Name: Triaenodon obesus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: This species is found all across the Indo-Pacific region. It is found almost exclusively in coral reef habitats along the coral heads and ledges. Sometimes they can be seen near sandy flats, in lagoons, or near deep drop offs. Life Strategy: Females give birth to 1 to 6 pups at a time and pregnancy lasts for 10 to 13 months. The Whitetip Reef shark is a very social and is often found in groups. Food / Feed Strategy: Since this is a slow species compared to others, they prefer to hunt at night when most sea animals are sleeping. They prefer eels, crustaceans, octopus, lobsters, and crabs.
• Body Form or Style: Fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform • Mouth Position: Subtermina Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #:40
Common Name: black tip reef shark Scientific Name: Carcharhinus melanopterus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: This species is commonly found in shallow waters on and near coral reefs and occasionally in brackish waters. Life Strategy: small sharks measuring up to 1.8 m with short, bluntly-rounded snouts, oval eyes, and narrow-cusped teeth. They have 2 dorsal fins and no interdorsal ridges. Food / Feed Strategy: Blacktip reef sharks are fast, pursuit predators that prefer reef fishes, but also feeds on stingrays, crabs, mantis shrimps and other crustaceans, cephalopods, and other mollusks.
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Body Form or Style: Swim / Locomotion Style: Mouth Position:
Title: saltwater fishes
Species #: 41
Common Name: Winghead shark Scientific Name: Eusphyra blochii Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Sphyrnidae
Geography / Habitat: They are found in shallow waters of the continental and insular shelves and the tropical Indo-west Pacific are benthopelagic (i.e., occurring near the bottom or in mid-waters) and coastal. Life Strategy: Winghead Sharks are viviparous (live-bearing) with a yolk-sac placenta. This species is not known to attack people. Food / Feed Strategy: the diet of the Winghead Shark is not reported, but probably consists of small fishes, cephalopods, and crustaceans
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Body Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: subcarangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: Saltwater fish
Species #: 42
Common Name: White Tip Reef Shark Scientific Name: Triaenodon obesus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: This species is found all across the Indo-Pacific region. It is found almost exclusively in coral reef habitats along the coral heads and ledges. Sometimes they can be seen near sandy flats, in lagoons, or near deep drop offs. The preferred depth is 8 to 40 meters (26 to 130ft) making this a shallow swimmer. Life Strategy: Females give birth to 1 to 6 pups at a time and pregnancy lasts for 10 to 13 months. The Whitetip Reef is a very social fish. They often lay on the ground in large groups. Food / Feed Strategy: Since this is a slow species compared to others, they prefer to hunt at night when most sea animals are sleeping. They prefer eels, crustaceans, octopus, lobsters, and crabs.
• Body Form or Style: Fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform • Mouth Position: Subterminal Citation:
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 43
Common Name: yellowtail flounder Scientific Name: Limandaferruginea Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: perciformes
Family: hippoglossidae
Geography / Habitat: Yellowtail flounder are found along the Atlantic coast of North America from Newfoundland to the Chesapeake Bay. They live on sandy bottoms in waters between 130 and 230 feet deep. Yellowtail flounder are relatively sedentary.
Life Strategy: They spawn during the spring and summer. Females deposit their eggs on the ocean floor. After the eggs are fertilized, they float to the surface and the larvae drift in surface waters for about 2 months. When yellowtail flounder are first hatched, their eyes are symmetrical, with an eye on each side of their head
Food / Feed Strategy: Juvenile yellowtail flounder mostly eat polychaete worms; adults feed on crustaceans and polychaete worms. Spiny dogfish, skate, and a number of fish such as cod, hakes, flounder, and monkfish prey on yellowtail flounder.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: amiiform Mouth Position: terminal
Citation: der.htm
Title: saltwater fish
Species #: 44
Common Name: red snapper Scientific Name: Lutjanus campechanus Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Lutjanus
Geography / Habitat: is found in the Gulf of Mexico and the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States and much less commonly northward as far as Massachusetts. Life Strategy: Females are able to reproduce when they reach age 2. Males and females spawn from May to October, depending on their location. Food / Feed Strategy: Red snapper feed on fish, shrimp, crab, worms, cephalopods, and some plankton.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: saltwater fish
Species #:45
Common Name: lion fish Scientific Name: Pterois volitans
Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Scorpaeniformes
Family: Scorpaenidae
Geography / Habitat: The lionfish is a predator native to the Indo-Pacific. It aggressively preys on small fish and invertebrates. They can be found around the seaward edge of reefs and coral, in lagoons, and on rocky surfaces to fifty meters. Life Strategy: The lionfish can live from five to fifteen years and have complex courtship and mating behaviors. Females release two mucus-filled egg clusters frequently, which can contain as many as fifteen thousand eggs.
Food / Feed Strategy: The lionfish prey mostly on small fish, invertebrates and mollusks. They hunt by waiting and stalking their pray.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: ostraciiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: Saltwater fishes
Species #: 46
Common Name: Copper shark Scientific Name: Carcharhinus brachyurus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: The copper shark is the only member of its genus largely found in temperate rather than tropical waters, in temperatures above 12 °C (54 °F). it is found in various places all over the world. Life Strategy: Fast and active, the copper shark may be encountered alone, in pairs, or in loosely organized schools containing up to hundreds of individuals. Some aggregations seem to form for reproductive purposes, while others form in response to concentrations of food. Food / Feed Strategy: The copper shark feeds more towards the bottom of the water column than the top, consuming cephalopods, including squid (Loligo spp.), cuttlefishes, and octopus; bony fishes, including gurnards, flatfishes, hakes, catfishes, jacks, Australian salmon, mullets, sea breams, smelts, tunas, sardines, and anchovies; and cartilaginous fishes, including dogfish sharks (Squalus spp.), stingrays, skates, electric rays, and sawfishes.
• Body Form or Style: Fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform • Mouth Position: Terminal Citation:
Title: Saltwater fishes
Species #: 47
Common Name: Horn Shark Scientific Name: Heterodontus francisci Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Heterodontiformes
Family: heterodontidae
Geography / Habitat: The horn shark inhabits the continental shelf of the eastern Pacific Ocean, occurring off the coasts of California and Baja California from Monterey Bay southward, and in the Gulf of California. Life Strategy: The horn shark is a clumsy, sporadic swimmer that prefers to use its flexible, muscular pectoral fins to push itself along the bottom. It is usually solitary, though small groups have been recorded Food / Feed Strategy: Some 95% of the adult horn shark's diet consists of hard-shelled molluscs (e.g. bivalves and gastropods), echinoderms (e.g. sea urchins) and crustaceans (e.g. crabs, shrimp, and isopods).
• Body Form or Style: Fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform • Mouth Position: subterminal Citation:
Title: Saltwater fish
Species #: 48
Common Name: Grey sharpnose shark Scientific Name: Rhizoprionodon oligolinx Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Geography / Habitat: found in the tropical waters of the Indo-West Pacific Oceans between latitudes 30° N and 18° S, from the surface to 36 m. Life Strategy: It is considered harmless to people. It is eaten by people. is a requiem shark of the family Carcharhinidae Food / Feed Strategy: The diet of the grey sharpnose shark consists of crustaceans, fishes, and cephalopods.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform Mouth Position: subterminal
Title: saltwater fishes
Species #: 49
Common Name: brownbanded bamboo shark Scientific Name: Chiloscyllium punctatum Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Orectolobiformes
Family: Hemiscyliidae
Geography / Habitat: found in the Indo-West Pacific from Japan to northern Australia, between latitudes 34° N and 26° S, to depths of 85 metres (279 ft). Life Strategy: The major threats to these sharks are the loss of their habitat, pollution, and hunting (both for aquarium trade as well as food). Reproduction is oviparous. Food / Feed Strategy: their diet includes fresh shrimp, scallop, squid, and marine fish.
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ody Form or Style: fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: subcarangiform Mouth Position: subterminal
Title: saltwater fishes
Species #: 50
Common Name: Whitefin hammerhead Scientific Name: Sphyrna couardi Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Sphyrnidae
Geography / Habitat: Eastern Atlantic: Senegal to Congo. Possibly Mediterranean. Life Strategy: Average size about 200 cm to 250 cm, maximum total length about 300 cm. Viviparous, with yolksac-placenta (gives birth to live young). 24 to 28 pups per litter. Size at birth around 30 cm. Males reach sexual maturity between 150 cm to 180 cm, females between 230 cm to 250 cm. Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on fishes and cephalopods.
• Body Form or Style: fusiform • Swim / Locomotion Style: subcarangiform • Mouth Position: terminal • Citation:
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:51
Common Name: Striped bass Scientific Name: Morone saxatilis Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Moronidae
Geography / Habitat: Striped bass are native to the Atlantic coastline of North America from the St. Lawrence River into the Gulf of Mexico to approximately Louisiana. They are fish that migrate between fresh and salt water. Life Strategy: Spawning takes place in fresh water. They have been successfully adapted to freshwater habitat, they naturally spend their adult lives in saltwater. Food / Feed Strategy: Larval striped bass feed on zooplankton, while the diet of juvenile bass consists of insect larvae, small crustaceans, mayflies, and other larval fish. Adult bass eat almost any kind of small fish as well as several invertebrates, particularly crabs and squid.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:52
Common Name: white bass Scientific Name: Morone chrysops Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Moronidae
Geography / Habitat: White bass inhabit large reservoirs and rivers. When mating in the spring, they are more often found in shallow rivers, creeks, and streams.[5] White bass are found in high densities in the upstream segment of rivers. Life Strategy: The spawning season for the white bass is mid-March to late May. The optimal water temperatures are 12 to 20 degrees Celsius. They are known to find their home spawning ground even if it's moved to a different part of the same lake. Food / Feed Strategy: White bass are carnivores. They are visual feeders. When not frightened, they will bite readily at live bait such as worms and minnows. Only the largest fish will feed on other fish, and as the summer season progresses, there is an overall trend towards eating fewer fish.[
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 53
Common Name: largemouth bass
Scientific Name: Micropterus salmoides Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: The largemouth bass has been known to exist in many of the lower 48 states of the U.S. Although it is most popular in the southeastern states, many different varieties of the largemouth bass can be found in the north and western regions. Life Strategy: Studies of prey utilization by largemouth show that in weedy waters, bass grow more slowly due to difficulty in acquiring prey. Less weed cover allows bass to more easily find and catch prey, but this consists of more open-water baitfish. Food / Feed Strategy: The juvenile largemouth bass consumes mostly small bait fish, scuds, small shrimp, and insects. Adults consume smaller fish, snails, crawfish, and snakes.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:54
Common Name: smallmouth bass Scientific Name: Micropterus dolomieu
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: is found in clearer water than the largemouth, especially streams, rivers, and the rocky areas and stumps and also sandy bottoms of lakes and reservoirs. The smallmouth prefers cooler water temperatures than its cousin the largemouth bass, and may be found in both still and moving water. Life Strategy: The female can lay up to 21,100 eggs, which are guarded by the male in his nest. Food / Feed Strategy: Smallmouth bass are Carnivorous, its diet comprises crayfish, insects, and smaller fish; the young also feeding on zooplankton.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:55
Common Name: Spotted Bass Scientific Name: Micropterus punctulatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: It has now been determined that the "Spotted Bass" found in the Tallapoosa and Coosa Rivers, and their lakes, are a new species, now known as the "Alabama Bass". Life Strategy: convenient way to distinguish between a largemouth bass and a spotted bass is by the size of the mouth. A spotted bass will resemble a largemouth bass in coloration but will have a smaller mouth. Food / Feed Strategy: Preferring cool and warm mountain streams and reservoirs with rocky bottoms, the spotted bass feeds on insects, crustaceans, frogs, annelid worms, and smaller fish.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 56
Common Name: rainbow trout Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Salmoniformes
Family: Salmonidae
Geography / Habitat: the rainbow trout is a species of salmonid native to tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. The species has been introduced for food or sport to at least 45 countries. Life Strategy: They return to their original hatching ground to spawn. "Summer-run steelheads" migrate between May and October, before their reproductive organs are fully mature. They mature in freshwater before spawning in the spring. Food / Feed Strategy: Rainbow trout are predators with a varied diet, and will eat nearly anything they can grab. Their image as selective eaters is only a legend. Rainbows are not quite as piscivorous or aggressive as brown trout or lake trout.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 57
Common Name: blue catfish Scientific Name: Ictalurus furcatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Siluriformes
Family: Ictaluridae
Geography / Habitat: Blue catfish are distributed primarily in the Mississippi River drainage including the Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Arkansas rivers. Life Strategy: Spawn in late spring or early summer. The male, sometimes with the help of the female, selects and guards the nest site in dark secluded areas such as cavities in drift piles, logs, undercut banks and rocks. Food / Feed Strategy: Blue catfish are opportunistic predators and will eat any species of fish they can catch, along with crayfish, freshwater mussels, frogs, and other readily available aquatic food sources; some blue catfish have reportedly attacked scuba divers.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: subterminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 58
Common Name: flathead catfish Scientific Name: Pylodictis olivaris Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Siluriformes
Family: Ictaluridae
Geography / Habitat: Adults prefer deep pools with slow current and cover, such as submerged logs and brush piles. They are found in large rivers in Ohio and are most abundant in the Maumee, Muskingum, Scioto, and Ohio Rivers. Life Strategy: Flathead catfish spawn when water temperatures reach 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They build nests in dark secluded shelters such as natural cavities, undercut banks, or near large submerged objects. Food / Feed Strategy: Flatheads are predatory fish and will consume bass, bream, shad, crayfish and often feed on other catfish.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: subterminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 59
Common Name: silver carp Scientific Name: Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Geography / Habitat: species of freshwater cyprinid fish, a variety of Asian carp native to north and northeast Asia. It is cultivated in China. They are usually farmed in polyculture with other Asian carps, or sometimes Indian carps or other species. Life Strategy: Mature to breeding at three years old and breed until 10 years old. They live in rivers and streams, feeding in schools until spawning time then return to bigger water to feed again. Food / Feed Strategy: The silver carp is a filter feeder, and possesses a remarkably specialized apparatus capable of filtering particles as small as 4 micrometers. The gill rakers are fused into a sponge-like filter, and an epibranchial organ secretes mucus which assists in trapping small particles.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 60
Common Name: alligator gar Scientific Name: Atractosteus spatula
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Lepisosteiformes
Family: Lepisosteidae
Geography / Habitat: Alligator Gar are found in the Lower Mississippi River Valley and Gulf Coast states of the Southern United States and Mexico as far south as Veracruz. Life Strategy: Though the Alligator Gar prefers slow-moving waters of rivers, bayous, and oxbows throughout most of the year, it appears to need spring time inundated floodplain fields or wetland vegetation in order to spawn. Their eggs are very poisonous Food / Feed Strategy: The Alligator Gar is a relatively passive, solitary fish that lives in fresh and brackish water bodies in the Southern United States It is carnivorous and feeds by lurking amongst reeds and other vegetation, ambushing prey.
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Body Form or Style: sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:61
Common Name: channel catfish Scientific Name: Ictalurus punctatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Siluriformes
Family: Ictaluridae
Geography / Habitat: Channel catfish are native to Ohio and are found throughout Ohio in large streams, rivers, and lakes. They are also stocked in many farm ponds where they do well but rarely reproduce. Channel catfish prefer areas with deep water, clean gravel or boulder substrates and low to moderate current. Life Strategy: They use natural cavities, undercut banks and muskrat burrows as nests. The female lays a gelatinous mass containing between 8,000 to 15,000 eggs. The parents remain over the nest to fan the eggs and guard the young after hatching. Food / Feed Strategy: They are omnivorous and will eat a wide variety of items including insect larvae, crayfish, mollusks, fish, and even some types of fruits and berries.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: subterminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 62
Common Name: common carp Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Geography / Habitat: common carp is a widespread freshwater fish of eutrophic waters in lakes and large rivers in Europe and Asia. It prefers large bodies of slow or standing water and soft, vegetative sediments. As schooling fish, they prefer to be in groups of five or more. Carp are able to tolerate water with very low oxygen levels, by gulping air at the surface. Life Strategy: An egg-layer, a typical adult female can lay 300,000 eggs in a single spawn. Although carp typically spawn in the spring, in response to rising water temperatures and rainfall, carp can spawn multiple times in a season. Food / Feed Strategy: Eggs and fry often fall victim to bacteria, fungi, and the vast array of tiny predators in the pond environment. Carp which survive to juvenile are preyed upon by other fish such as the northern pike and largemouth bass, and a number of birds.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Citation: 89/Default.aspx
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:63
Common Name: grass carp Scientific Name: Ctenopharyngodon idella Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Geography / Habitat: This species occurs in lakes, ponds, pools and backwaters of large rivers, preferring large, slow-flowing or standing water bodies with vegetation. Life Strategy: In the wild, grass carp spawn in fast-moving rivers, and their eggs, which are slightly heavier than water, develop while drifting downstream, and kept in suspension by turbulence. The eggs are thought to die if they sink to the bottom. Food / Feed Strategy: Adults of the species feed primarily on aquatic plants. They feed on higher aquatic plants and submerged terrestrial vegetation, but may also take detritus, insects, and other invertebrates.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 64
Common Name: spotted gar Scientific Name: Lepisosteus oculatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Lepisosteiformes
Family: Lepisosteidae
Geography / Habitat: The spotted gar is native to North America and its current range is from southern Ontario to the west from the Nueces River in Texas east to the Northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico and southeast to the lower Apalachicola River in Florida. Life Strategy: Spawning habitat includes floodplains and wetlands with an abundance of aquatic vegetation. A female can have multiple mating partners and the female is usually larger than the males they mate with. They lay their eggs on leaves of aquatic plants. Food / Feed Strategy: Gar move slowly unless trying to catch food, which it grabs in its jaws in a quick sideways lunge. They often bask near the water's surface on warm days. Fry feed primarily on insect larvae and tiny crustaceans, but fish appear on the diet of young gar very early. Prey is usually swallowed headfirst.
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Body Form or Style: sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:65
Common Name: longnose gar Scientific Name: Lepisosteus osseus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Lepisosteiformes
Family: Lepisosteidae
Geography / Habitat: longnose gar are found in Central America, Cuba, North America, and the Isles of Pines. Longnose gar are frequently found in freshwater in the eastern half of the United States. Life Strategy: There consists of one female to five males per spawning ground. Eggs have a toxic, adhesive coating helping them stick to substrates and are deposited onto stones in shallow water, rocky shelves, vegetation, or smallmouth bass nests. Their hatch time is 7-9 days; young gar stay in vegetation during the first summer of life. Food / Feed Strategy: The most common prey of the longnose gar is clupeids (herrings and shads) as well as cyprinids and fundulids; they usually feed at night.
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Body Form or Style: sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:66
Common Name: blue gill Scientific Name: Lepomis macrochirus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: Bluegill live in the shallow waters of many lakes and ponds, along with slow-moving areas of streams and small rivers. Life Strategy: Spawning season for bluegills starts late in May and extends into August. The male bluegills arrive first at the mating site. They will make a spawning bed of six to 12 inches in diameter in shallow water, clustering as many as 50 beds together. Food / Feed Strategy: A small female can produce as few as 1,000 eggs, and a large, healthy female can produce up to 100,000 eggs.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:67
Common Name: Florida Gar Scientific Name: Lepisosteus platyrhincus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Lepisosteiformes
Family: Lepisosteidae
Geography / Habitat: They can be found in the Ochlockonee River and waters east and in peninsular Florida in medium to large lowland streams, canals and lakes with muddy or sandy bottoms near underwater vegetation Life Strategy: This occurs in late winter and early spring. Groups of both sexes come together in shallow weedy water where the females discharge their adhesive eggs among the aquatic plants. Food / Feed Strategy: They feed on many baits such as zooplankton, many smaller fish, and certain birds.
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Body Form or Style: sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 68
Common Name: Betta fish Scientific Name: Betta persephone Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Osphronemidae
Geography / Habitat: The Betta is native freshwater fish from Thailand and Cambodia. Wild Betta can often be found in a small pond, river and drain. Life Strategy: Male bettas flare their gills, twist their bodies, and spread their fins if interested in a female. The female will darken in colour, then curve her body back and forth as a response Food / Feed Strategy: Wild Betta fish are hardy and can eat almost anything in its living environment including: living worms, larvae of mosquitoes or other insects, and even smaller fish.
• • •
Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:69
Common Name: oscar Scientific Name: Astronotus ocellatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Cichlidae
Geography / Habitat: is native to Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and French Guiana, and occurs in the Amazon river basin, along the Amazonas river system. Life Strategy: Captive oscars may be fed prepared fish food designed for large carnivorous fish, crayfish, worms, and insects. Food / Feed Strategy: Oscar fish owners will quickly notice that their Oscars are almost always ready for a meal. It is recommended that owners don’t succumb to their pets’ begging and pleading at the aquarium glass and ensure that a disciplined feeding schedule is in place at the outset.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:70
Common Name: koi Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio haematopterus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Geography / Habitat: Koi have been accidentally or deliberately released into the wild in every continent except Antarctica. They quickly revert to the natural coloration of common carp within a few generations. In many areas, they are considered an invasive species and pests. Life Strategy: Like most fish, koi reproduce through spawning in which a female lays a vast number of eggs and one or more males fertilize them. Nurturing the resulting offspring is a tricky and tedious job, usually done only by professionals. Food / Feed Strategy: Fish do not have to be fed provided you do not overstock your pond. They will live off of algae, insects and other miscellaneous food that the environment provides
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:71
Common Name: yellow bullhead Scientific Name: Ameiurus natalis Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Siluriformes
Family: Ictaluridae
Geography / Habitat: Yellow bullhead range throughout the central and eastern US from central Texas, north into North Dakota, and east through the Great Lakes region to the east coast. Life Strategy: Spawning begins in May and June with both sexes participating in nest building. The nest may be under a log or stone or in a similarly enclosed burrow. The female will lay 2,000 to 7,000 eggs. The eggs hatch within 5 to 10 days. Food / Feed Strategy: The yellow bullhead is a voracious scavenger typically feeding at night on a variety of plant and animal material, both live and dead, including small fish, crayfish, insects, snails, and worms.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: subterminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:72
Common Name: shadow bass Scientific Name: Ambloplites ariommus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: The shadow bass' native range includes the southeastern United States from the Apalchicola River drainage in Georgia to the lower Mississippi basin in Louisiana. The shadow bass inhabits small to medium size rivers and streams with permanent water flow and prefers cool water temperatures. Life Strategy: The male shadow bass does the nest constructing, the females only obligation is to pick a suitable males nest and lay her eggs after that she departs. The male bass watches over the eggs till they hatch 3–5 days later.[ Food / Feed Strategy: diet of shadow bass consist mostly on small invertebrates mainly crayfish Order Decapoda when small less than three inches after three inches can begin feeding on small fish species such as darters, madtoms, and minnows.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:73
Common Name: creek chub Scientific Name: Semotilus atromaculatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Geography / Habitat: The creek chub's current range is the eastern two-thirds of the US and southeastern Canada. It can quickly adapt to different extreme environments, and can live on many different foods. Life Strategy: The creek chub has specific behaviors at different ages. Commonly a school fish, they have been documented to school from birth to late adult, occupying the edges of pools. Creek chub travels together within the same 50-meter radius, ensuring safety from unknown predators and environment; this increases their potential for survival. Food / Feed Strategy: The creek chub is described as an opportunist and a carnivore, and consumes many different foods to survive, including fish, insect remains and vegetation.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 74
Common Name: common shiner Scientific Name: Luxilus cornutus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Geography / Habitat: The Common Shiner can be found in rivers and streams, usually in the faster pools. It can also be found in ponds and lakes throughout North America. Life Strategy: Common shiners spawn in spring, usually over the nest of a creek chub, river chub, or fallfish, although some males will make their own small nests. Food / Feed Strategy: The Common Shiner eats terrestrial and aquatic insects, vegetation, and other fishes.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:75
Common Name: lake trout Scientific Name: Salvelinus namaycush Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Salmoniformes
Family: Salmonidae
Geography / Habitat: lake trout are quite rare. They are native only to the northern parts of North America, principally Canada, but also Alaska and, to some extent, the northeastern United States. Life Strategy: Lake trout spawn at night on rocky shoals in the fall, usually during late October or early November. Fertilized eggs settle within rocky crevices where they remain until hatching about four to six months later in late February to April. Food / Feed Strategy: As juveniles, lake trout feed on zooplankton and small invertebrates. As they mature, their foraging patterns shift and the fish become opportunistic piscivores. As adults, lake trout are generally pisciverous, feeding on a wide variety of pelagic prey species.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:76
Common Name: common bream Scientific Name: Abramis brama Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Geography / Habitat: The common bream generally lives in rivers and in nutrient-rich lakes and ponds with muddy bottoms and plenty of algae. Life Strategy: The common bream spawns from April to June. At this time the males form territories within which the females lay 100,000 to 300,000 eggs on water plants. The fry hatch after three to twelve days and attach themselves to water plants with special adhesive glands, until their yolk is used up. Food / Feed Strategy: At night common bream can feed close to the shore and in clear waters with sandy bottoms feeding pits can be seen during daytime. The fish's protractile mouth helps it dig for chironomid larvae. The bream eats water plants and plankton as well.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:77
Common Name: small mouth buffalo Scientific Name: Ictiobus bubalus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Catostomidae
Geography / Habitat: The smallmouth buffalo is a hardy fish that frequents clear, moderate to fast-moving streams but has been occasionally known in some lakes and ponds. If prefers waters with dense aquatic vegetation and a silty bottom. Life Strategy: Spawning often occurs in shallower sections of streams where the egg can adhere to vegetation and gravel to keep from flowing away. Food / Feed Strategy: The smallmouth buffalo's diet is primarily that of a detritivore, using its ventral sucker mouth to pick up vegetation and other organic matter from the bottom of its habitat, often scraping algae off of rocks.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:78
Common Name: bigmouth buffalo Scientific Name: Ictiobus cyprinellus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Catostomidae
Geography / Habitat: It is distributed from the United States to the Ohio River and south in the Mississippi River system to Texas and Alabama in the United States. It lives in sluggish areas of large rivers and shallow lakes and streams. Life Strategy: The bigmouth buffalo migrates upstream to spawn in the spring, usually April to June where it lays its eggs on plants to which they adhere Food / Feed Strategy: Bigmouth buffalo are a filter-feeder, using its very fine gill rakers to strain crustacean zooplankton from the water
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:79
Common Name: black buffalo Scientific Name: Ictiobus niger Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Catostomidae
Geography / Habitat: is found in large and small rivers in eastern North America from Mississippi to Canada. In Canada, the species was first described in Lake Eerie. Life Strategy: the black buffalo is a spring spawner. They spawn in flooded areas and backwaters of sloughs and small to large rivers. Food / Feed Strategy: The black buffalo fish is a bottom feeder.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:80
Common Name: northern pike Scientific Name: Esox lucius Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Esocidae
Geography / Habitat: Pike are found in sluggish streams and shallow, weedy places in lakes, as well as in cold, clear, rocky waters. Life Strategy: The males are first at the spawning grounds preceding the females for a few weeks. The larger females tend to be earlier than the smaller ones. Mostly a female is followed by several smaller males. When a pair starts slowing down the male will put his tail under the female's body and release it's sperm that is mixed with the eggs due to the tail movement. Food / Feed Strategy: The pike have a very typical hunting behavior; they are able to remain stationary in the water by moving the last fin rays of the dorsal fins and the breast fins. The pike have a very typical hunting behavior; they are able to remain stationary in the water by moving the last fin rays of the dorsal fins and the breast fins.
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Body Form or Style: sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 81
Common Name: yellow bass Scientific Name: Morone mississippiensis Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Moronidae
Geography / Habitat: is a freshwater fish native to the south and midwestern United States. The species name "mississippiensis" refers to the Mississippi River, where it was first described and is still most commonly found. Life Strategy: Yellow bass spawn over gravel bars in late April to June, moving into tributary streams and spawning over rock reefs and/or gravel bars in lakes. Females may lay more than 500,000 eggs that are left uncared for, capable of mating with other bass species to form hybrids Food / Feed Strategy: Bass feed on zooplankton, insect larvae, aquatic insects and small fish. Recommended artificial lures when fishing for yellow bass are spoons and spinners
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:82
Common Name: warmouth bass Scientific Name: Lepomis gulosus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: This species is native and found throughout the much of the south in the Mississippi River drainage; existing all the way to the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts and Northward to the Chesapeake Bay Life Strategy: Their spawning often begins in May and lasts until July. Nests are primarily constructed on rock or gravel substrates, usually located in or near to some type of structure in the water column. Food / Feed Strategy: The primary diet of the warmouth consists of insects, crayfish and other fishes.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 83
Common Name: yellow perch Scientific Name: Perca flavescens Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Percidae
Geography / Habitat: Yellow perch is native to North America in the northern region east of the Rocky Mountains including tributaries to the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River. It has been widely dispersed from its native range. Life Strategy: Yellow perch spawn once a year in spring using large schools and shallow areas of a lake or low-current tributary streams. They do not build a redd or nest. Spawning typically takes place at night or in the early morning. Food / Feed Strategy: Yellow perch spawn once a year in spring using large schools and shallow areas of a lake or low-current tributary streams. They do not build a redd or nest. Spawning typically takes place at night or in the early morning
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 84
Common Name: Alabama sturgeon Scientific Name: Scaphirhynchus suttkusi
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Acipenseriformes
Family: Acipenseridae
Geography / Habitat: is a critically endangered species of sturgeon native to the United States of America and now only believed to exist in 130 miles of the lower Alabama River. Life Strategy: adults spawn over rocky bottom. Individuals are fairly active during the spring, probably because they are searching for spawning partners. Food / Feed Strategy: there diet includes aquatic larva fishes and crustaceans.
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Body Form or Style: sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: subterminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 85
Common Name: sunfish readear Scientific Name: Lepomis microlophus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: is native to the southeastern United States, but since it is a popular sport fish it has been introduced to bodies of water all over North America Life Strategy: During spawning, males congregate and create nests close together in colonies, and females visit to lay eggs. The redear sometimes hybridizes with other sunfish species. Food / Feed Strategy: The favorite food of this species is snails. These fish are bottom feeders, meandering along lakebeds seeking and cracking open snails and other shelled creatures.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 86
Common Name: white crappie Scientific Name: Pomoxis annularis Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: White crappie can be found in large rivers, reservoirs and lakes. White crappie are more tolerant of turbid (murky) waters than black crappie. Life Strategy: White crappie spawns in May and June. Males construct nests by creating small bowl shaped depressions on the bottom around brush, rocks, and logs in shallow water. Females lay 5,000 to 30,000 eggs. The males guard these nests until the fry swim away. Food / Feed Strategy: Adult crappies feed mainly on other fish and some large invertebrates such as crayfish and hellgrammites. Young crappie feed primarily on small invertebrates during their first year of life.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 87
Common Name: redeye bass Scientific Name: Micropterus coosae Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centrarchidae
Geography / Habitat: It is native to only a few rivers in western South Carolina, southwestern North Carolina, northern middle and eastern Tennessee, southwestern Virginia, and portions of Georgia, Alabama. Life Strategy: The spawning of the redeye bass. The males will construct a nest in which the female will deposit between 2,000 to 3,000 eggs. These relatively large eggs are maintained and guarded throughout incubation and development of the fry. Food / Feed Strategy: Its main food tends to be insects.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #:88
Common Name: chain pickerel Scientific Name: Esox niger Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Esociformes
Family: Esocidae
Geography / Habitat: Its range is along the eastern coast of North America from southern Canada to Florida, and west to Texas. Life Strategy: Chain pickerel spawn in the early spring. Eggs are adhesive ribbon-like masses attached to submerged vegetation or structure. The female lays up to 50,000 eggs but does not guard them. Food / Feed Strategy: The chain pickerel feeds primarily on smaller fish which it ambushes from cover with a rapid lunge and secures with its sharp teeth. Chain pickerel are also known to eat frogs, worms, mice, crayfish, and a wide variety of other foods.
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Body Form or Style: sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 89
Common Name: walleye Scientific Name: Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Percidae
Geography / Habitat: native to most of Canada and to the northern United States. It is a North American close relative of the European pikeperch. Life Strategy: Adults migrate to tributary streams in late winter or early spring to lay eggs over gravel and rock, although there are open water reef or shoal spawning strains as well. Some populations are known to spawn on sand or on vegetation. Food / Feed Strategy: Like most other predatory fish, walleyes are opportunists. They eat whatever foods nature provides them. walleyes feed almost exclusively on insects, both immature and adult forms. Occasionally, walleyes eat snails, leeches, frogs, mudpuppies, crayfish and even mice.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: fresh water fish
Species #: 90
Common Name: Freshwater Drum Scientific Name: Aplodinotus grunniens Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Sciaenidae
Geography / Habitat: Freshwater drum are the only member of their family to inhabit freshwater. Their great distribution range goes as far north as the Hudson Bay, and reaches as far south as Guatemala most wide ranging species in North America.. Life Strategy: The freshwater drum then spawns during a six to seven-week period from June through July. During the spawn, females release their eggs into the water column and males release their sperm. Fertilization is random. Food / Feed Strategy: The diet of the freshwater drum is generally benthic and composed of mainly aquatic insect larvae and bivalve mussels, as well as small fish in certain ecosystems.
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Body Form or Style: compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: Fresh Water Fish
Species #: 91
Common Name: Goldfish Scientific Name: Carassius auratus auratus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae •
Geography / Habitat: The Goldfish is a freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of order Cyprinitformes. It was one of the earlierst fish to be domesticated and is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish.
Life Strategy: The life strategy of a goldfish is to live and reproduce.
Food / Feed Strategy: Goldfish normally eat goldfish flakes. They suck them in through their mouth.
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Body Form or Style: compressaform Swim / Locomotion Style: carrangiform Mouth Position:terminal Citation:
Title: Fresh Water Fish
Species #: 92
Common Name: Angelfish Scientific Name: Pterophyllum Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Cichlidae •
Geography / Habitat: The Pterophyllum, also known as Angelfish is a freshwater fish that is from the family Cichlidae. All angelfish species originate from the Amazon River, Orinoco River and Essequibo River basins in tropical South America.
Life Strategy: The life Strategy of an Angelfish, also known as Pterophyllum is to live and reproduce. Angelfish are ambush predators and prey on small fish and macroinvertebrates. All Pterophyllum species form monogamous pairs. Eggs are generally laid on a submerged log or a flattened leaf. As is the case for other cichlids, brood care is highly developed.
Food / Feed Strategy: The Angelfish normally eat flakes for tropical fresh water fish.
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Body Form or Style: Compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: Freshhwater Fish
Species #: 93
Common Name: Cardinal Tetra Scientific Name: Paracheirodom axelrodi Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Paracheirodom
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Characiformes
Family: Characidae •
Geography / Habitat: these fish prefer slow moving, middle layer water in shoals. They prefer slightly acidic pH of 5.8 and a temperature of 24 degrees Celcius. Cardinal tetras do not migrate and are generally found in open water. Cardinal tetras are small fish; males grow to about 2.5 cm in length in the wilt but can attain lengths of 5 cm in an aquarium.
Life Strategy: Eggs hatch within 24-30 hours of fertilization. Females can release their eggs during the rainy season. The eggs become fertilized by the sperm of males in close proximity. Mating takes place at twilight during the rainy season.
Food / Feed Strategy: This fish eats very small crutstaceans, mesocauna, eggs, algae, detritus ad some other types of prey.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform Mouth Position: Terminal Citation: http://animaldiversity.ummz,
Title: Freshwater Fish
Species #: 94
Common Name: Red Fire Guppy Scientific Name: Poecilia Reticulata Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Poecilia
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Poecilidae •
Geography / Habitat: The Red Fire Guppy is a very calm and peaceful fish and should be housed with freshwater tank mates of similar temperament.
Life Strategy: The male guppy is smaller in size then the female. Males have brighter coloration and females have a duller coloration. Females also dent to be more aggressive then the male red Fire Guppy.
Food / Feed Strategy: The Red Fire Guppy is omnivores and requires both algae based foods as well as meaty foods. An algae based flake food, along with freeze dries bloodworms and brine shrimp will provide guppies with the proper nutrition.
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Body Form or Style: Compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform Mouth Position: Terminal Citation:
Title: Freshwater Fish
Species #: 95
Common Name: Madagascan Rainbow Scientific Name: Bedotia gaegi Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Bedotia
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Atheriniformes
Family: Bedotiidae •
Geography / Habitat: This fish was found and identified in 1907 and is a member of the Silverside group. Rainbow fish are known for their characteristic large eyes, black or silver band, which runs through the middle scales row of their body. They have a deeply forked mouth and two dorsal fins.
Life Strategy: The peaceful fish is a schooling fish that should be housed in a planted aquarium with plenty of room to swim as they are very active. Madagascan Rainbow fish do best with gravel in their tank.
Food / Feed Strategy: The Madagascan Rainbow Fish have a large mouth, but their throat tends to be very narrow. With this mind, foods should not be to large for your fish. A good diet for these fish should consist of flakes food.
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Body Form or Style: Sagittiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform Mouth Position: Terminal Citation:
Title: Freshwater
Species #: 96
Common Name: Cherry Barb Scientific Name: Puntius Titteya Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Puntius
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Cyniformes
Family: Cyprinidae •
Geography / Habitat: Compared to other barbs this fish is more a slender fish. The main body of this fish is Silver and Black with a golden stripe that goes horizontal down his body. During the spawning, the male fish will turn a bright cherry red which also explains the name.
Life Strategy: The Cherry Barb prefers a 30 gallon tank that is well planted, with soft, slightly acidic water. You can add rocks or/and driftwood to the aquarium which will make it even more comfortable for the fish.
Food / Feed Strategy: The Cherry Barb fish eats a variety of foods. Including vegetables, and as well meaty foods. You can also feed quality flake food and as well live frozen shrimp.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform Mouth Position: Terminal Citation:
Title: Freshwater
Species #: 97
Common Name: Black Oranda Goldfish Scientific Name: Crassium Auratus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Garassius
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: N/A
Family: Cyrprinidae •
Geography / Habitat: This fish is a metallic scaled fish, closely resembling the veil Tail Goldfish. This fish is one of many varieties of what is collectively known as ornamental or fancy goldfish.
Life Strategy: Breeding often results in up to 1.000 eggs with fry hatching in five to six days. They should be fed small pieces of live or prepared foods designed for egg laying fish.
Food / Feed Strategy: Goldfish are omnivores and will what all types of dried and live foods. However limit protein intake. Goldfish flake of pellet food will provide these fish with the proper nutrition.
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Body Form or Style: Globiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Anguilliform Mouth Position: Subterminal Citation:
Title: Freshwater fish
Species #: 98
Common Name: Dalmatian Molly Scientific Name: Poecilia Latopinna Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Poeciliformes
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Poeciliformes
Family: Poecilia •
Geography / Habitat: This fish has a black and white polka dotted botty, and is sometimes referred to as the Marbled Molly of Marbled Sailfin Molly. Mollie has the ability to adapt to a variety of salt levels in the aquarium.
Life Strategy: The Dalmatian Molly is a livebearer that requires a spawning box in a large 25 gallon tank, or a larger breeding tank. Every 60 – 70 Days the female fish will give birth to 10 – 60 young that are already approx. one half inch long.
Food / Feed Strategy: These fish are omnivores and require algae. Provide these fish with algae, based flake foods, as well as freeze dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp
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Body Form or Style: Depressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform Mouth Position: Supraterminal Citation:
Title: Freshwater fish
Species #: 99
Common Name: Clown Loach Scientific Name: Botia Macrantha Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Botia
Class: Actinpterygii
Order: Colbitiformers
Family: Cobitidae •
Geography / Habitat: Native to the waters of Indonesia, this member of the Cobitidae family appreciates caves, holes, and other hiding places amongst heavy aquarium plantings especially when it sleeps. Because the Clown Loach is native to fast moving streams, it prefers good water movement and currents.
Life Strategy: These fish are native to fast moving streams, which means it prefers to good water movement and currents in the tank. They grown to an impressive size of nearly one foot in length and should be housed in larger freshwater systems.
Food / Feed Strategy: These fish should eat food such as vegetable flakes or tablets along with meaty supplements such as live frozen or freeze worms.
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Body Form or Style: Fusiform Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform Mouth Position: Subterminal Citation:
Title: Freshwater Fish
Species #: 100
Common Name: Ornate Bichir Scientific Name: Polypterus ornatipinnis Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Polypetus
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Polypteriformes
Family: Polypteridae •
Geography / Habitat: Ornate Bichirs are found in Africa, as well as other members of the primitive Polypteridae family. The Ornate Bichir has a unique ability to survive out of water. With a lung like paired swim bladder and gills to help breathing, the fish can spend short periods of time on the land. Bust must soon return to its water environment for respiration purposes.
Life Strategy: You have to be very careful choosing tank mates for the Ornate Bichir as they are very passive towards other large fish.
Food / Feed Strategy: These fish consume dries bloodworms, tubifex, brine shrimp and flake or pellet food.
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Body Form or Style: Taenform Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform Mouth Position: Terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater invertebrates
Species #: 101
Common Name: moon jelly Scientific Name: Aurelia aurita Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Scyphozoa
Order: Semaeostomeae
Family: Ulmaridae •
Geography / Habitat: the moon jelly is found along the eastern Atlantic coast of Northern Europe and the western Atlantic coast of North America in New England and Eastern Canada.
Life Strategy: Moon jelly adults may live for more than a year in an aquarium while the polyp can live up to 25 years. The male will release a strand of sperm which the female will take internally through the mouth for fertilization.
Food / Feed Strategy: feed on plankton that includes organisms such as mollusks, crustaceans, tunicate larva, rotifers, eggs, fish eggs, and other small organisms.
• • •
Body Form or Style: meduse Swim / Locomotion Style: pulsation Mouth Position: terminal Citation:
Title: saltwater invertebrates
Species #: 102
Common Name: sunflower seastar Scientific Name: Pycnopodia helianthoides Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Asteroidea
Order: Forcipulatida
Family: Asteriidae •
Geography / Habitat: Sunflower seastars are common in the northeast Pacific from Alaska to Southern California, and are largest in Puget Sound, British Columbia and Alaska.
Life Strategy: Sunflower seastars can reproduce either asexually through fissiparity or sexually through broadcast spawning. They also have separate sexes.
Food / Feed Strategy: There favorite food are sea urchins They also eat clams, snails, abalone, sea cucumbers and other sea stars.
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Body Form or Style: Swim / Locomotion Style: Mouth Position: Citation:
Title: saltwater invertebrates
Species #: 103
Common Name: common starfish Scientific Name: Asterias rubens Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Asteroidea
Order: Forcipulatida
Family: Asteriidae •
Geography / Habitat: most common and familiar starfish in the north-east Atlantic. The Common Starfish is to be found on rocky and gravelly substrates.
Life Strategy: The lifespans of starfish vary considerably between species, generally being longer in larger species.
Food / Feed Strategy: Most species are generalist predators, eating mollusks such as clams, oysters, some snails, or any other animal too slow to evade their attack
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Body Form or Style: Swim / Locomotion Style: Mouth Position: Citation:
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 104
Common Name: Caribbean reef octopus Scientific Name: Octopus briareus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Octopoda
Family: Octopodidae
Geography / Habitat: Inhabits the reefs, hiding in recesses. This octopus is active during the night. It can hide in the smallest recesses in coral heads. Depth: ranges from 5 m down to 30 m. Life Strategy: The coloring and texture of this octopus is highly variable. When disturbed, it can be white, but most commonly, the animal is patterned brown with a green background. Food / Feed Strategy: The Caribbean reef octopus feeds on crabs or shrimp, lobsters, polychaetes and a variety of fish. It is a nocturnal species which only hunts at night.
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Body Form or Style: Compressiform Swim / Locomotion Style: carangiform Mouth Position: terminal
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 105
Common Name: Common octopus Scientific Name: Octopus vulgaris Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Octopoda
Family: Octopodidae
Geography / Habitat: Inhabits the reefs, hiding in recesses. This octopus is on occasions active during the day, but usually hides. The reef outside its home can be littered with leftovers from lunch or trinkets it gathered. Depth: ranges from 3 m down to 30 m. Life Strategy: The coloring and texture of this octopus is highly variable. When disturbed, it can be white, but most commonly, the animal is mottled reddish-brown. Food / Feed Strategy: feeds on crabs or shrimp, lobsters, polychaetes and a variety of fish.
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 106
Common Name: Colossal Squid Scientific Name: Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Teuthida
Family: Cranchiidae
Geography / Habitat: In the colder waters is where you will find the Colossal Squid. They can be found along Antarctica, New Zealand, and even some areas of Africa. Life Strategy: There isn’t much at all known about this type of squid. Therefore it is hard to guess what their actual behaviors are. It is believed that they are loners in the water and that they eat large volumes of food daily. Food / Feed Strategy: Due to their enormous size, the Colossal Squid consumes a big volume of large fish out there. They are very powerful so they don’t have any trouble capturing and consuming these large fish.
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 107
Common Name: Humboldt Squid Scientific Name: Dosidicus gigas Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Teuithida
Family: Ommastrephidae
Geography / Habitat: found in the East Pacific Ocean region Life Strategy: They only get to be about 7 feet long and weigh up to 100 pounds. They grow extremely fast though so those new offspring can get very large in a matter of months as long as they have enough food to nourish their bodies. Food / Feed Strategy: This species of squid generally feeds upon krill and various types of small fish. They tend to look for food close to the surface of the water even though they spend most of their time deeper down. They come up at night to feed because that is when they find their prey to be readily available.
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 108
Common Name: Japanese Flying Squid Scientific Name: Todarodes pacificus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Teuithida
Family: Ommastrephidae Geography / Habitat: You will find the Japanese Flying Squid in the Northern parts of the Pacific Ocean. They can be found all the way up the cost too. This includes both China and Russia. They have also been located along the Bering Straight and into the areas of Alaska and Canada. Life Strategy: Reproduction takes place for the Japanese Flying Squid at about the end of their life. Food / Feed Strategy: The main food source of the Japanese Flying Squid is a variety of small fish. They will also consume other types of squid that are out there if food sources are short. Fishermen have learned to check their nets often too. Otherwise they will discover their catch is far less because larger squid have consumed the smaller ones in there with them.
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 109
Common Name: Broadclub cuttlefish Scientific Name: Sepia latimanus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Sepiida
Family: Sepiidae
Geography / Habitat: The type specimen was collected in New Guinea and is deposited at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris Life Strategy: The broadclub cuttlefish is the second largest cuttlefish species after Sepia apama, growing to 50 cm in mantle length and 10 kg in weight Food / Feed Strategy: It is known to prey on shrimp and prawns
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 110
Common Name: Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish Scientific Name: Metasepia pfefferi Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Sepiida
Family: Sepiidae
Geography / Habitat: a species of cuttlefish occurring in tropical Indo-Pacific waters off northern Australia, southern New Guinea, as well as numerous islands of the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. Life Strategy: Copulation occurs face-to-face, with the male inserting a packet of sperm into a pouch on the underside of the female's mantle. The female then fertilises her eggs with the sperm. The eggs are laid singly and placed by the female in crevices or ledges in coral, rock, or wood. Food / Feed Strategy: fish
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 111
Common Name: Australian Giant Cuttlefish Scientific Name: Sepia apama Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Sepiida
Family: Sepiidae
Geography / Habitat: native to the southern coast of Australia, from Brisbane in Queensland to Shark Bay in Western Australia Life Strategy: Sepia apama live from two to three years. Breeding takes place with the onset of the southern winter. Males, which outnumber females 11 to 1, abandon their normal cryptic colouring and set out to dazzle the females by adopting rapidly changing bright colours and striking patterns. Food / Feed Strategy: They are carnivorous, opportunistic and voracious predators who feed predominantly on crustaceans and fish
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 112
Common Name: Fried Egg Jellyfish Scientific Name: Phacellophora camtschatica Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Scyphozoa
Order: Semaeostomeae
Family: Phacellophoridae
Geography / Habitat: This cool-water species can be found in many parts of the world's oceans Life Strategy: The life cycle of this jellyfish is well known (Widmer 2006), because it is kept in culture at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It alternates between a benthic stage that is attached to rocks and piers that reproduces asexually and the planktonic stage that reproduces sexually in the water column; there are both males and females in the plankton. Food / Feed Strategy: It feeds mostly on smaller jellyfish and other gelatinous zooplankton, which become ensnared in the tentacles (Strand & Hamner, 1988). Because the sting of this jellyfish is so weak, many small crustaceans, including larval crabs (Cancer gracilis) and Amphipoda, regularly ride on its bell and even steal food from its oral arms and tentacles
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 113
Common Name: Scientific Name: Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Scyphozoa
Order: Semaeostomeae
Family: Cyaneidae
Geography / Habitat: Similar jellyfish, which may be the same species, are known to inhabit seas near Australia and New Zealand Life Strategy: A coldwater species, this jellyfish cannot cope with warmer waters. The jellyfish are pelagic for most of their lives but tend to settle in shallow, sheltered bays towards the end of their one-year lifespan. In the open ocean, lion's mane jellyfish act as floating oases for certain species, such as shrimp, medusafish, butterfish, harvestfish, and juvenile prowfish, providing both a reliable source of food and protection from predators Food / Feed Strategy: shrimp, medusafish, butterfish, harvestfish, and juvenile prowfish
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 114
Common Name: Coconut Octopus Scientific Name: Amphioctopus marginatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Octopoda
Family: Octopodidae
Geography / Habitat: The coconut octopus is found on sandy bottoms in bays or lagoons. It frequently buries itself in the sand with only its eyes uncovered. Life Strategy: displays unusual behaviour, including bipedal walking and gathering and using coconut shells and seashells for shelter. Food / Feed Strategy: It commonly preys upon shrimp, crabs, and clams
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 115
Common Name: Cloud Sponge Scientific Name: Aphrocallistes vastus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Porifera
Class: Hexactinellida
Order: Hexactinosida
Family: Aphrocallistidae
Geography / Habitat: The cloud sponge is found in the northern Pacific Ocean. Its range includes Japan, Siberia, the Aleutian Islands and the west coast of North America from Alaska southwards to California and Mexico Life Strategy: The cloud sponge is one of several species of glass sponge that form slow growing reefs in deep water. They provide a substrate that is the basis of a community of invertebrates and fish. Food / Feed Strategy: plankton and algea
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 116
Common Name: Blue Lined Chiton Scientific Name: Tonicella undocaerulea Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Polyplacophora
Order: Neoloricata
Family: Lepidochitonidae
Geography / Habitat: The natural range of T. undocaerulea stretches from Kodiak, Alaska to Point Conception, California. It is commonly found on rocks in low intertidal and shallow subtidal waters Life Strategy: The Blue Lined Chiton has a head plate with zigzag white (may be blue when alive) concentric lines without a dark border. It commonly has bright electric blue stripes and flecks when alive. The girdle is hairless and brown to red or pink, often with yellow or white mottling Food / Feed Strategy: This chiton grazes on corralline algae
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 117
Common Name: Gumboot Chiton Scientific Name: Cryptochiton stelleri Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Polyplacophora
Order: Neoloricata
Family: Acanthochitonidae
Geography / Habitat: It is found along the shores of the northern Pacific Ocean from Central California to Alaska, across the Aleutian Islands to the Kamchatka Peninsula and south to Japan Life Strategy: The gumboot chiton is found clinging to rocks, moving slowly in search of its diet of algae, scraped off of rocks with its rasp-like retractable radula, covered with rows of magnetite-tipped teeth. Food / Feed Strategy: Algae
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 118
Common Name: black-eyed hermit crab Scientific Name: Pagurus armatus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Polyplacophora
Order: Neoloricata
Family: Acanthochitonidae
Geography / Habitat: is a species of hermit crab found in the eastern Pacific Ocean of the United States and British Columbia, Canada. Life Strategy: one of the largest species of hermit crab lives on a variety of substrates, being particularly abundant in sea pen beds, at depths of up to 117 m (384 ft) Food / Feed Strategy: algae and fish
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 119
Common Name: Umbrella Crab Scientific Name: Cryptolithodes sitchensis Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Lithodidae
Geography / Habitat: coastal regions of the northeastern Pacific Ocean, ranging from Sitka, Alaska to Point Loma, California Life Strategy: may be hard to spot due to its rough, rock-like exterior, but is easily caught due to its slow movements. Found most commonly in the intertidal zone, this species feeds on coralline algae. The reason for the diverse colorations of its carapace may be camouflage with its surroundings Food / Feed Strategy: small fish and algea
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Citation: Title: Saltwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 120
Common Name: giant pacific octopus Scientific Name: Enteroctopus dofleini Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Octopoda
Family: Octopodidae
Geography / Habitat: It can be found in the coastal North Pacific, usually at a depth of around 65 m (215 ft). Life Strategy: The giant Pacific octopus is considered to be short-lived for an animal of its size, with lifespans that average only 3-5 years in the wild. To make up for its relatively short life span, the octopus is extremely prolific. Food / Feed Strategy: This species of octopus commonly preys upon shrimp, crabs, scallops, abalone, clams, lobsters, and fish.
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Freshwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 121
Common Name: signal crayfish Scientific Name: Pacifastacus leniusculus Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Cambaridae
Geography / Habitat: is a North American species of crayfish. Life Strategy: The life cycle of the signal crayfish is typical for the family Astacidae. Around 200–400 eggs are laid after mating in the autumn, and are carried under the female's tail until they are ready to hatch the following spring.[2] The eggs hatch into juveniles, which pass through three moults before leaving their mother. Sexual maturity is reached after two to three years, and the life span can be up to 20 years Food / Feed Strategy: omnivore
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Freshwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 122
Common Name: Marble Crayfish Scientific Name: Procambarus fallax Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Cambaridae
Geography / Habitat: They have since been introduced into natural ecosystems on three continents. They have been found in the wild in Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Madagascar, and Japan, probably through release or escape from aquaria. Life Strategy: Marmorkrebs have caused concern as a potential invasive species[2] because only a single individual is needed to establish a new population, and they can reproduce at high rates. Food / Feed Strategy: fish
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Freshwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 123
Common Name: ninja shrimp Scientific Name: Caridina serratirostris Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Cambaridae
Geography / Habitat: a species of freshwater shrimp that lives in the Indo-west Pacific region, from Madagascar to Fiji Life Strategy: its ability to quickly change color and disappear into its surroundings Food / Feed Strategy: omnivore
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Freshwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 124
Common Name: Dwarf Cray Fish Scientific Name: Cambarellus patzcuarensis Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Cambaridae
Geography / Habitat: Mexico. Life Strategy: listed as an endangered species Food / Feed Strategy: omnivore
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Body Form or Style: N/A Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A Mouth Position: N/A
Title: Freshwater fish Invertebrate
Species #: 125
Common Name: Red Swamp Crayfish Scientific Name: Procambarus clarkii Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Cambaridae
Geography / Habitat: The native range of P. clarkii is along the Gulf Coast from northern Mexico to the Florida panhandle, as well as inland, to southern Illinois and Ohio. Life Strategy: The burrowing activities of P. clarkii can lead to damage to water courses and to crops, particularly rice, and its feeding can disrupt native ecosystems. It may outcompete the native crayfish species, and is a vector for the crayfish plague fungus Aphanomyces astaci, for crayfish virus vibriosis, and a number of worms parasitic on vertebrates. Food / Feed Strategy: worms, zooplankton. And tiny fish’s.
• Body Form or Style: N/A • Swim / Locomotion Style: N/A • Mouth Position: N/A Citation: