Classics newsletter 2016

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Welcome to the Classics newsletter. The Department continues to flourish and the last academic year was both a busy and productive one for staff and students. First of all we are delighted to welcome two Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellows to the Department: Dr Boris Kayachev who will be with us for 2016-17 working on the pseudo-Virgilian poem Ciris, and Dr Jacopo Tabolli who has been awarded a two year fellowship and will be working on an interdisciplinary project centred around Etruscan funerary practice. We are very much looking forward to learning more about their work. We are always pleased to see former students and members of the Department, and this year we collaborated with Dr Isabelle Torrance in hosting participants in the University of Notre Dame conference Classics and Irish Politics 1916-2016. Many of the speakers had also studied with us, and indeed worked with us, at some point over the last 20 years and it was enormously gratifying to see so many of our former students enjoying academic success. The GradLink mentoring programme has been another opportunity to renew contacts with former students who have gone on to success in other fields, and we warmly thank our 2015-16 alumni for mentoring 20 of our students. If you are interested in becoming involved in the programme in the future, do please contact us. We are always exploring ways to improve our course offerings at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Following on from the introduction of new ‘taster’ modules in Greek and Latin Language and Culture which are open to students across the university, 2016-17 sees the introduction of a new undergraduate pathway in Single Honours Classics. This will allow students with no training in either Latin or Greek to study both languages from beginners’ level (for full details please see It is looking like a bumper year for Classics with 13 students currently registered for 1st year Single Honours, including seven on the new pathway. The Department is also developing The Trinity Latin Project, spearheaded by Anna Chahoud, Professor of Latin. This will bring Latin into the many schools where the language cannot currently be offered. Interactive lessons, videos and blogs will guide the learner to a solid reading ability with actual Latin poetry and explore the cultural history of Ancient Rome.

Updates on our new initiatives, as well as news and details of events can be found on our website, and on Facebook. We hope you enjoy this year’s Newsletter. We look forward to staying in touch with you by letter, email, or through Facebook. We are also keen to share your success stories with fellow alumni in next year’s newsletter, so please do not hesitate to get in contact! Hazel Dodge Head of the Department of Classics

Newsletter 2016 – 2017

News From the Department answers. Ashley’s own continuing research into the long dialogue between Anthropology and the Classics led him back to the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when the Classical past had a central role to play in the initial assimilation of the New World and the nascent disciplines of primatology and anthropology.

Ancient Greek translation of the 1916 Proclamation, commissioned by Trinity’s Centre for Literary Translation for the programme ‘Trinity and the Rising’. Read all the translations (including Latin and ancient and modern Greek) at:

Anna Chahoud continued her research on fragmentary Republican Latin, and was delighted to see the publication of two papers in the volumes edited by R. Ferri and A. Zago, The Latin of the Grammarians: Reflections about Language in the Roman World (Brepols) and by J. N. Adams and N. Vincent, Early and Late Latin: Continuity or Change? (CUP). Anna continued championing the Trinity Research Theme on Manuscript, Book and Print Cultures with the continuing support of the Long Room Hub ( and her involvement in the COST Action IS1407 ‘Ancient European Languages and Writing’. ( Ashley Clements enjoyed another year teaching, especially final years students: this year saw new collaborations with the Plato Centre’s Newman Fellow, Dr Nicolo Benzi (now lecturing in Greek Philosophy in the Classics Department of University College London), in exploring the ancient wisdom tradition, and with our own finishing Ph.D. student, Olaf Almqvist, whose M.A. in Anthropology and subsequent interdisciplinary research in the Department was put to excellent use in providing our Senior Sophister students studying the Anthropology and the Greeks module with new and exciting questions and 2

Martine Cuypers was on research leave in 2015-16. In addition to giving papers in Edinburgh and Liverpool, she gave two lectures in Brazil, at the Universidade de São Paulo and to a general audience at São Paulo’s Centre for Literary Translation. In addition to progressing a commentary on Book two of Apollonius’ Argonautica, she co-edited a collection of essays entitled The Gods in Greek Hexameter Poetry, and finished versions of Aeschylus’ Oresteia and Euripides’ Iphigenia at Aulis with playwright Andy Hinds; and with students Zoe Boland and Alistair Daly she translated the 1916 Proclamation into ancient Greek for Proclamation Day, March 2016, on the centenary of the 1916 rising. Hazel Dodge continued as Head of Department for a third and final year – and celebrated handing over to Monica Gale in July with a month-long research trip to Rome. This was to work on the final stages of a sourcebook on the city of Rome (co-authored with Jon Coulston and Christopher Smith) as well as projects on the use of Egyptian stones in the ancient Roman city and the Egyptian obelisks of Rome. During the year she continued to pursue funding for the Classics Coin Project. Monica Gale continued to work on her commentary on the complete poems of Catullus, alongside a small book on the poet for the Greece and Rome New Surveys series; she also began editing, with Anna Chahoud, a volume of papers from the Augustan Space conference, held here in Trinity in June 2014. She attended conferences in Lille and Heidelberg, giving papers at both. A new venture in 2015-16 was the editorship of Trinity’s in-house journal, Hermathena: she took over as editor from Brian McGing last September (see below), and hopes to put out two special numbers early in the new year. Brian McGing handed over editorship of our journal, Hermathena, after 30 years in the role. Brian writes: “I have transferred the reins into the very able hands of Monica Gale, who has been doing a wonderful job as reviews editor: indeed, Hermathena publishes some of the best and most interesting reviews in the classical world. When I took over in 1986, Hermathena was still a very local Trinity product; it is now, I believe, an international

classical journal.” The job of Senior Dean continues to weigh heavily on his time. While inching ever closer to finishing four volumes of the new Loeb edition of Appian, he spent much of the last year dealing with Ptolemaic revolt, particularly from a comparative historical perspective. And Polybius continues to engage him; Brian was speaking in June at an excellent conference in Thessaloniki devoted to new work on Polybius. Christine Morris was delighted to have the opportunity to share her ongoing research in Trinity, following a sabbatical term in spring 2015, by showcasing the digital scanning of Minoan figurines at Discover Research Dublin in September and speaking at our own Trinity Classics research seminar in December. During the year she also spoke at the British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology conference in Lampeter, and talked to the University College Dublin (UCD) Classical Society about a collaborative project in development on modern receptions of the Aegean Bronze Age. A particular highlight of the teaching year was taking her final year Ancient Cyprus class to London, where they were treated to an unforgettable behind-thescenes look at the British Museum’s Cyprus collections through the kindness of Dr Thomas Kiely (A.G. Leventis Curator of Ancient Cyprus). The summer was kept busy with museum work in Crete, followed by a month in Dublin helping to organise the International Byzantine Greek Summer School (IBGSS). Shane Wallace has spent the last year balancing teaching and research commitments. He has published articles on Greek inscriptions from Afghanistan and on India and Alexander the Great as well as finishing a chapter on receptions of Alexander the Great in the Greek and Roman worlds for the forthcoming Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great. Work is also continuing on his book The Politics of Freedom. The summer was spent, as is now traditional, between sunny Athens and not-so-sunny Cork.

SS Ancient Cyprus students Conn McNally, Claire Dunne, Trudy Kilgore, Hazel Scully, Olwyn Moyne, Caolán Mac An Aircinn, Ellen Finn and Laura Condon at the British Museum with Dr Suzanne O’Neill and curators Dr Andrew Shapland (centre) and Dr Thomas Kiely (right)



Research News Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellows This year the Department of Classics played host to two Irish Research Council (IRC) Research Fellows, Dr Andreas Seraphim, from Cyprus, and Dr Yvona Trnka-Amrhein, from the U.S. We were delighted to welcome them both to Dublin and to Trinity, and greatly appreciated their contribution to the Department’s research culture and international flavour. Here they each give a short account of their time at Trinity. Dr Andreas Seraphim In the context of my IRC Fellowship in the Department of Classics, I am currently pursuing a programme of original research centred on the performance aspects of Greek oratory. I have been working on a monograph, Attic Oratory and Performance, to be submitted to the publisher in early July 2016. In addition to this monograph, I have also been finalising my first two edited volumes, The Theatre of Justice: Aspects of Performance in Greco-Roman Oratory and Rhetoric, and Addressing Matters in Context: the Art of Persuasion across Genres and Time Periods. Other research activities I have been involved in have included the finalisation of a series of contributions to other volumes, the organisation of a panel at the Classical Association conference, and a radio interview about humour that was broadcast on SBS Australia in March 2016. For the last part of my fellowship my key priorities include the preparation of three book chapters, editing of my second collective volume and participation in the Classics Celtic Conference at University College Dublin.

Dr Andreas Seraphim

Dr Yvona Trnka-Amrhein It was wonderful to be welcomed into the Classics department at Trinity over the past year. With generous support from everyone, especially Brian McGing and Martine Cuypers, my work both progressed and developed in new and fruitful directions. In particular, I explored the adventures of the Argonauts for a new chapter that rounds out my book on the ideal Egyptian Pharaoh Sesostris and wrote several articles on new (Ptolemaic Dynastic History) and old (The Sesonchosis Novel) topics. I am very grateful for the time allowed by my IRC fellowship to think more deeply about legendary traditions, nationalist myths, and the reuse of the past in a year of great significance for Ireland. Hailing from the almost Irish city of Boston, I discovered a home away from home in the vibrant city of Dublin. In the coming fall, I will return to teaching at Harvard with a refreshed perspective, a lot of research under my belt, and most importantly very happy memories of an amazing year in the Trinity Classics department.

Dr Yvona Trnka-Amrhein


Newsletter 2016 – 2017

Events Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens Day School 2016: Recreating the Ancient Past

Dr Frank Lynam at the IIHSA Day School demonstrating the use of virtual reality techniques in the study of the ancient world, with the assistance of Leaving Cert. student Oscar McHale

International Byzantine Greek Summer School Trinity Classics was delighted to host the International Byzantine Greek Summer School in Dublin. We very much hope that this will become a regular event! The programme ran for a month under the direction of Dr Anthony Hirst, building on 15 years previously at the University of Birmingham (2012-15) and Queen’s University Belfast (2002–2011). Offering both beginners’ and more advanced courses, the programme attracted an international cohort of enthusiastic and talented students from as far away as China, Russia, Turkey, Australia, North America, and Europe. As well as Dr Hirst, the teaching staff comprised Dr Cosetta Cadau, Seán McCrum, Patrick Sammon and Adrian Saunders. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Classical Association (U.K.) and the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies for student bursaries for this year’s IBGSS course.

Honorary Degrees Highlights The year was marked by special ceremonies. Winter Commencements were a celebration of Human Rights with individuals such as Dame Graça Machel, Father Peter McVerry, Senator David Norris, Rory O’Neill aka ‘Panti’, Tomas Reichental being acknowledged. A special ceremony in the Summer welcomed Joe Biden, Vice President of the U.S., who addressed the graduands with a memorable speech on their role in shaping the future. The ordinary Summer Commencements were everything but ordinary, honouring among others Professor Peter Higgs, Nobel Laureate. 4

It was the turn of Trinity Classics to host the annual Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens (IIHSA) Day School which was held in the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute. This year’s theme invited reflection on the myriad of ways in which the past can be ‘recreated’ in the present. The wide-ranging papers took the audience from the reception of classical themes into modern cultural forms to more modern forms of recreation such as replication work in archaeology and the digital worlds of virtual reality and 3D representations. Trinity researchers were well represented in the lineup of speakers by Dr Frank Lynam, Dr Suzanne O’Neill and Charlie Kerrigan.

Lecture on Economic Development and Ancient Athens

Professor Ober with Brian McGing and Ph.D. student Barry O’Halloran

In a series of exciting studies (most recently The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece), Professor Josh Ober (Stanford University) has argued the case for economic growth in ancient Greece, against the prevailing view of a static and impoverished ancient economy, and maintains that the institutions of Athenian democracy were a cause of this growth. This is controversial territory – the data are far from secure – but even if the case is only partly correct, it still carries the possibility of providing important lessons for modern democracy. In a scintillating lecture, Is Development Uniquely Modern? Athens on the Doorstep, delivered under the joint auspices of the Classics and Political Science Departments, Professor Ober set out his stall, demonstrating, at the very least, how modern political and economic science can be enriched by consideration of ancient Athenian democracy, and ancient government in general.

Classics and Irish Politics, 1916–2016

Speakers at the Classics and Irish Politics conference: Brian McGing with alumni Fiachra Mac Góráin and Cillian O’Hogan

In June we were delighted to work in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame to host a conference on Classics and Irish Politics 1916-2016. It afforded us the opportunity to work with and welcome back a former student Dr Isabelle Torrance (Ph.D. 2004). The conference involved scholars from Ireland, the U.K. and North America, and Trinity Classics was particularly well represented with papers presented by Brian McGing, Christine Morris, Siobhan Hargis and Sue O’Neill and Ph.D. student Charlie Kerrigan. As well as Isabelle, we were also able to welcome back a number of former colleagues and students including Professor Damien Nelis (now Geneva), Dr Cillian O’Hogan (British Columbia), Dr Fiachra Mac Góráin (University College London), Dr Donncha O’Rourke (Edinburgh), Dr Siobhán McElduff (British Columbia) and Dr Diana Spencer (Birmingham). Proceedings were brought to a close with a reception in the Classics Department.

Classics Administrator Winifred Ryan (whose planning expertise ensured that the conference ran like clockwork), with graduand Sana Sanai (TSM Latin)



Modern Greek at Trinity

Vangelis Dimos (left) working on the modern Greek translation of the Proclamation with Dr Andreas Seraphim, HE Ambassador of Greece Katia Georghiou, Professor Petros Florides and Dr Christine Morris

Complementing Trinity Classics’ long and distinguished tradition in ancient Greek, the Department has also offered classes in Modern Greek for over 20 years. This is made possible by a bilateral agreement with the University of Thessaloniki, through which a Greek postgraduate undertakes study in Linguistics, while offering a Modern Greek class under the aegis of the Classics Department. A special activity this year was the translation of the 1916 Proclamation into modern Greek (alongside a host of other languages taught in Trinity); this was led by this year’s teacher, Vangelis Dimos, in fruitful collaboration with Dr Andreas Seraphim (IRC Postdoctoral Fellow), Professor Petros Florides and HE Ambassador of Greece, Katia Georghiou (for the full text, see proclamation/#Greek). The bilateral agreement also provides a scholarship for our own students to undertake an intensive summer school in modern Greek in Thessaloniki. Recent scholarship recipients have been Ellen Finn and John Francis Martin.

Looking for a Good Read? Our recommendations for you… Introducing a new feature for this issue of the Newsletter: a selection of recent publications recommended by members of staff which might be of particular interest to alumni who’d like to catch up on some Classical reading. Ashley Clements recommends: Felipe Fernández-Armestro, So You Think You Are Human? A Brief History of Humankind (Oxford University Press, 2004). Fernández-Armestro traces the contested history of the concept of the human in his erudite investigation into what separates the human from the animal. In the wake of organisational campaigns such as the Nonhuman Rights Project, never more urgent or topical. and Rachel Poliquin, The Breathless Zoo: Taxidermy and the Cultures of Longing (Penn State Press, 2012). For natural history museum lovers, hipster interior designers, and anyone who has an anthropological interest in human-animal relations, a wonderfully thoughtful rumination on human longing, animal magnetism, and allegory, that underlies the history and now resurgent appeal of taxidermy. and also Markus Gabriel, Why the World Does Not Exist (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015). A bravura and witty ‘new realist’ deconstruction of the totalising perspectives of both science and religion from Gabriel, who was Germany’s youngest ever Professor of Philosophy, and who here defends the thesis that the world does not exist but witches and unicorns do. Martine Cuypers recommends: Mary Beard, SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome (Profile Books, 2015) Mary Beard hardly needs an introduction. In SPQR the Cambridge don provides a sweeping history of ancient Rome, debunking persistent myths and misconceptions along the way in a book that is not only an engaging read but also encourages its readers to view Rome’s rise to power in novel ways. and Tim Whitmarsh, Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World (Faber and Faber 2016) Remember those exam questions that started with “Discuss the role of the gods in (fill in your author/text)?” Doubts about the existence and nature of the gods are as old as belief, as Cambridge’s Tim Whitmarsh reminds us in Battling the Gods (Faber & Faber, February 2016). Arrestingly matching up ancient and modern thinkers, Whitmarsh shows that ancient arguments for atheism remain remarkably topical. Monica Gale recommends: William Fitzgerald, How to Read a Latin Poem if You Can’t Read Latin Yet (Oxford University Press, 2013) Have you ever wondered what you’re missing when reading Classical texts in translation? This highly readable book, by a superb interpreter of Roman poetry, offers an accessible introduction to the intricacies of Latin poetic style and form, and shows how features such as word-order, sound and rhythm can contribute to the effect and meaning of a poem – even for those who ‘can’t read Latin yet’.


Newsletter 2016 – 2017

Alumni Profiles

Student News

Dr Frieda Klotz Plato’s Symposium. I was alone but for a couple of other tenacious students, and I remember the sense of pleasure that I felt; secluded, the library almost dark, reading with unparalleled enjoyment about the Platonic concept of love. I studied ancient Greek and English literature at Trinity in the two-subject moderatorship programme, and what I loved most about Greek was the complexity, difficulty and richness of the language. It left me with a willingness to embrace other cultures and language systems, pertinent in an academic and journalistic career that has brought me from Dublin to Oxford to London, New York and latterly to Brussels. Dr Frieda Klotz (Greek 2000)

When I look back on my university years, the best time I had was not in the Buttery Bar or at the Trinity Ball. It was sitting one evening late at night in the Berkeley Library translating

The Classics Department at Trinity was almost unique in its small size and in having lecturers who wanted both to foster excellence and forge a welcoming environment for students; and this open-minded friendliness was an ideal setting in which to encounter the foundational Greek texts.

Dr Stephen Murphy

Dr Stephen Murphy (AHA 1998)

Stephen Murphy is curator for Southeast Asia and curator-in-charge for the Tang Shipwreck Gallery at the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore. After graduating with a Ph.D. from the Department of History of Art and Archaeology, The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London 6

Undergraduate Awards and Successes We congratulate all our students on their achievements and awards over the past year! Graduating student Alexandra Madela (Classics) won a gold medal in her final examinations, and returned to the department to begin her Ph.D. in September 2016. Congratulations to Trudy Kilgore (AHA) who was awarded the George Huxley Prize for the best undergraduate dissertation in 2016.

Postgraduate Awards and Successes

Congratulations to Ph.D. graduates Frank Lynam, Liz Bourke and Pamela Zinn

in 2010, he went on in 2011–13 to take up the post of research associate at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York for the exhibition, Lost Kingdoms: Hindu-Buddhist Sculpture of Early Southeast Asia. This show brought masterpieces from the National Museums of Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia and Vietnam. Following this, he was a research fellow for six months at the Asian Civilisations Museum before assuming his role as curator for Southeast Asia in July 2014. In 2015 he curated the new permanent gallery for the Tang Shipwreck, a ninth-century vessel carrying a cargo of over 60,000 Chinese ceramics and precious metals which sank in the Java Sea on its return voyage to the Middle East. Stephen specialises in the art and archaeology of early Buddhism in Thailand and Laos, and to a lesser extent Myanmar, Cambodia and Malaysia, and is currently organising a special exhibition on the Art and Archaeology of Myanmar – scheduled to open in December 2016.

Three Ph.D. students graduated on the same day in April 2016: congratulations to Dr Liz Bourke, Dr Frank Lynam and Dr Pamela Zinn. Guy Walker (M.Phil. 2015) was awarded both the George Huxley Prize for the best M.Phil. thesis and a Trinity Postgraduate Research Studentship: he returned to the department as a Ph.D. student in September 2016.

Congratulations to our MPhil graduates of 2015 Elise Poppen, João Sita, Guy Walker, Leonardo Gerino, Séamus Ó Súilleabháin, James Fortuna, Catriona Maher, Joe Madsen, Annemarie Fitzmaurice and Venina Svetli Kalistratova



Scholars of the Decade 2016 Alumni Notes

We were delighted to welcome four Scholars of the Decade 2016: the distinguished Irish diplomat John Hone Fitzgerald Campbell (Classics Scholar 1956); Mrs Alison Bond (neé Kingsmill Moore, Ancient and Modern Literature Scholar 1956), wife of the late Godfrey Bond (Classics Scholar 1946) Fellow of Pembroke College Oxford, and Public Orator at Oxford (1980-1992); the Most Reverend Michael Geoffrey St Aubyn Jackson, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin (Classics Scholar 1976); and writer and film-maker Dr Kevin McGee (Classics Scholar 2006). Trinity Classics were also honoured by the visit of Professor Emily Gowers from St John’s College Cambridge, in the traditional visit of representatives from Trinity’s sister colleges in Oxford and Cambridge

The medals donated by Professor Courtney (left to right: Vice Chancellor’s Prize in Latin, Gold Medal in Classics, Berkeley Prize in Greek; Papers in frame: Apollonius exam paper; letter of accompaniment for the Berkeley medal).

In continuing tribute to his Alma Mater, Professor Ted Courtney (Classics 1954) donated his remaining two undergraduate medals to the Department: the Gold Medal in Classics (1954) and the Vice Chancellor’s Medal in Latin, awarded for Juvenal (on which Professor Courtney would become the leading authority). The medals were delivered in June by Professor Courtney’s former pupil Professor Sara Myers (University of Virginia), whom it was a great pleasure to welcome to the Department, albeit for a short visit. During the reception, marking the Classics and Irish Politics conference (see p.4), we took out our treasures for display in the Seminar Room. The case containing Professor Courtney’s Berkeley medal (donated 2013) and related (seemingly impossible) Apollonius paper, set by Professor J. V. Luce, attracted most of the attention, and great admiration.

Scholars of the Decade Mr John Hone Fitzgerald Campbell (Scholar 1956) and Dr Kevin McGee (Scholar 2006)

Alumni News Michael Carroll (Greek 2009), who completed his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge in 2014, is currently a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh. John Fahy (CC 2008) completed a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology at the University Cambridge in 2015-16, and is now a Junior Research Fellow with the Woolf Institute, working on interfaith dialogue in Doha, Delhi and London, and based in Qatar. Siobhan Hargis (Ph.D. 2010) has started a new business Stroll Dublin ( which provides personalised, expert tours of Dublin and its surrounding regions. All indications are that this will be a successful venture and we wish Siobhan every success in the future. Rob Hopkins (AHA 2003) has run a brewing company, Barrelhead Beer, in Dublin since 2006. John O’Rourke (Greek 2010) is working as Director of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Artsnight, where he produced, inter alia, the remarkable episode Michael Palin Meets Jan Morris, aired on 8 Oct 2016 and featured in the Irish Times (see Cillian O’Hogan (Classics 2006) completed his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 2012, and currently holds the post of Assistant Professor in Latin Language and Literature at the University of British Columbia. Suzy Renwick (CC/Latin 2002) is now living in West Cork, after a varied career in New Zealand, Cork, Dublin and Brussels as an arts administrator, food writer and dog training instructor, and a Masters in sociology from University College Cork.


Upcoming Events The Stanford Lectures 2016-17 will be given in the last week of March by Dr Will Wootton of King’s College London. The provisional title for his lecture series is Unfinished Things: Roman Art in Process. This lecture series was established, by public subscription, to honour the memory of William Bedell Stanford, Regius Professor of Greek in Trinity from 1940 to 1980, and Chancellor of the University of Dublin from 1982 to 1984.

From invisible to visible: new data and methods for the archaeology of infant and child burials in Pre-Roman Italy. An international conference to be held at Trinity on 25 April 2017 with the support of the Trinity Long Room Hub and in collaboration with the Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies. This conference is part of the research project Childhood and the Deathly Hallows: Investigating Infant and Child Burials in Pre-Roman Italy (c. 1000– 500BC), funded by the IRC and carried out by Dr Jacopo Tabolli and Dr Hazel Dodge.

Remember. The power of a legacy to Trinity There’s an old saying that the true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade one does not expect to sit. When you leave a legacy to Trinity however big or small, you’re planting a tree which will grow to provide shelter to many. You’re empowering ground-breaking research which will benefit people in Ireland and all over the world. You’re supporting students from all backgrounds to access a Trinity education. You’re helping preserve our unique campus and heritage for new generations.

When you remember Trinity in your will, you join a tradition of giving that stretches back over 400 years – and reaches far into the future. For more information about leaving a Legacy to Trinity, please contact Carmen Leon.

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Oregon Maple Library Square Planted early 1800s

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Do you have any news or updates that you would like to share with your fellow alumni? Submit your news with an image, subject of study and year of graduation to For more information please visit

Ms. Winifred Ryan, School of Classics, Trinity College, Dublin 2 Phone 00353 1 896 1208 Facebook @TrinityCollegeDublinClassics Email


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