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The Alumni News

The Alumni Association

is printed five times annually by the Alumni Association of Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, and is edited by John Bard McNulty, Acting Alumni Secretary.

President: Eliot Ward, '13 Vice President: Alex W. Creedon, '09 Secretary: J. Ronald Regnier, '30

Front Cover: 'Neath the Elms: looking south from near the Main Office.

Asst. Sec.: James Henderson, Jr., '37 Treasurer: Harvey Dann, '32

Local Alumni Associations BERKSHIRE


William G. Oliver, '10, Acting President Eaton Paper Co., Pittsfield, Mass.

Paul E. Fenton, '17, President Crest Road, Middlebury, Conn. Bertram B. Bailey, '15, Secretary 170 Grand Street, Waterbury, Conn.

BOSTON John A. Mason, '34, President 33 Fairmount St., Brookline, Mass. Morton S. Crehore, '14, Secretary 30 State Street

NEW HAVEN Raymond A. Montgomery, '25, President 76 Carew Road, Hamden, Conn. Francis ]. Cronin, '25, Secretary 409 Norton St., New Haven, Conn.

BRIDGEPORT Louis F. Jefferson, '15, President Old King's Highway, Darien, Conn.

NEW YORK Jerome P. Webster, M. D., '10, President Meadowlawn, DodgeLane, Riverdale-on-Hudson Frederick C. Hinkel, Jr., '06, Secretary 63 Church Avenue, Islip, L. 1., N. Y.

CAROLINAS A cling Officers Arch W. Walker, '14 617 Woodlawn St., Spartanburg, S. C. Chester D. Ward, '13 Montgomery Building, Spartanburg, S. C.

PHILADELPHIA Ronald E. Kinney, '15, President 401 Walnut Street Charles T. Easterby, '16, Secretary 323 Walnut Street

CHICAGO Edgar H. Craig, '34, Acting President 2526 Hartzell St., Evanston, Ill.

PITTSBURGH Hill Burgwin, '06, President 1515 Park Building Joseph Buffington, Jr., '18, Secretary 1500 Peoples Bank Building

CLEVELAND William G. Mather, '77, President 12417 Lake Shore Boulevard David S. Loeffler., '26, Secretary 1197 St. Charles Avenue, Lakewood

RHODE ISLAND Louis W. Downes, '88, President 67 Manning Street, Providence

DETROIT Norton lves, '16, President 252 Moross Road, Grosse Pointe Farms James B. Webber, '34, Secretary 16913 Maumee Avenue, Grosse Pointe

ROCHESTER Elmer S. Tiger, '16, President Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. Edwin J. Nugent, M. D., '28, Secretary 1325 Lake Avenue

HARTFORD Nelson A. Shepard, '21, Vice President 39 Hickory Lane, West Hartford Kenneth W. Stuer, '26, Secretary 82 White Street

SPRINGFIELD Kenneth B. Case, '13, President 1200 Main Street Sidney R. Hungerford, '17, Secretary 21 So. Park Avenue, Longmeadow

HUDSON VALLEY Raymond ·c. Abbey, '10, Acting President Hotel TenEyck, Albany, N.Y. Edward L. Sivaslian, '33, Secretary 91 Delaware Avenue, Albany, N. V.

WASHINGTON - BALTIMORE Paul H. Alling, '20, President State Department, Washington 2

President Ogilby Discusses New Navy Program


The assignment to Trinity College of a V-12 unit under the Navy College Training Program not only gives us an opportunity to make a concrete contribution to the war effort but also gives us a chance to do so at our best. The Navy asks us to use our own faculty and to plan our own courses, selecting text-books and giving examinations according to our own standards. We shall, of course, give especial attention to Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Drawing, but beyond that the desire of the naval authorities is that we should strive to give the young men committed to our charge as much as we can of the heritage distinctive of the liberal arts colleges. This is a task we are eager to assume, for it partakes of the nature of a tribute. The expression, "The Navy is going to takeover the college," is specifically repudiated by high ranking naval officers. The college is not to be transformed into a "little Annapolis:" it will remain Trinity College. Our trainees will be apprentice seamen, in uniform and subject to the authority of officers of the United States Navy assigned here, and will receive certain instruction to prepare them for service; but their course of study follows so closely our collegiate pattern that the Faculty stand ready to grant academic credit to such of the seamen as achieve satisfactory grades. In addition to our naval contingent we shall have a number of regular students, men not subject to the draft or deferred under special categories. The naval authorities are ready to allow any such to attend Classes with the apprentice seamen. We are enrolling a Freshman class to start work on or about July 1st. To conform with the schedule required by the Navy, the college will operate for the duration on a

basis of three terms a year of sixteen weeks each: the Michel mas term starting July 1st, the Christmas term November 1st, and the Trinity term March 1st. After careful and thorough discussion of fraternity problems by the Board of Fellows and representatives from all our houses, an agreement was reached by which there will be no rushing, pledging or initiation after May 16, 1943, until an interfraternity alumni council shall cancel the agreement. This seems a wise move. \Ve have no guarantee that any of the men coming to us will stay long enough to be indoctrinated with the traditions of any particular fraternity. Upon the conclusion of the war, a burden of heavy responsibility will be laid upon our alumni to aid the administration of the college when we return to a peace basis. This was a real problem in 1919 and 1920, but it can be handled better next time because of the present efficiency of the Board of Fellows and our other alumni units. The leaders of the Class of 1943 before they graduated saw to it that all student organizations put their affairs in order, with all bills paid and the cash balances deposited with the Comptroller of the College. It should be the responsibility of the Alumni by an occasional visit to the campus to see that the sacred fires are kept alight, so that when the lights come on again they may be again blown into flame. We all must be alert to adjust ourselves and our college to new conditions: we should not expect simply to reconstruct what has been. The new day will make new demands, to be met in terms of the eternal ideal that has guided Trinity College for one and a quarter centuries. R. B. OGILBY

The list of Trinity Men with the Armed Forces which has been bound into the center of this magazine is an up-to-date revision of the list which was distributed during the Commencement week-end. It is included here for two reasons: - first, in order to provide alumni with as complete an address list as we can compile and, second, in order to give alumni a chance to inform us of changed or incorrect addresses. There have been days on which the Alumni Office has received as many as twentyfive changes of address and one of our most difficult tasks is keeping all these straight and up-to-date. It would be a great service to Trinity if alumni would let us know of any omissions or errors in this list.

At the request of the Comptroller of the College, Mr. Roger R. Eastman, we are including a biographical form in each copy of this issue of the Alumni Magazine. The biographical record is for the official college file. It would be a help to this office if alumni, after filling out the forms, would return them to: Alumni Secretary Trinity College Hartford, Conn. This will enable us to check our own files before passing the biographical forms on to Mr. Eastman.


Members of ~raduatin~ class smoke their corncobs at Class Day Exercises. This year the was unable to procure the usual clay pipes for the occasion.



and in helping to maintain the College's fine traditions. Col. Anson T. McCook, '02, presented the McCook Trophy to Arthur T. Heubner in recognition of outstanding leadership. The 1935 Football Trophy was also presented to Heubner. James D. Co!igrove, '35, made the presentation. At the annual meeting of the Alumni Association, Eliot Ward presiding, there were reports by President Ogilby, by Tom Flanagan for the Trustees, by various representatives of the local alumni associations, and by Bard McNulty, '38, Acting Alumni Secretary. The Eigenbrodt Trophy was presented to J. H. K. Davis, '99, by George C. Capen, '10 .. Dr. Ogilby, who had just returned from a meeting of Navy authorities and educators in New York, threw some light on the new Naval program to be adopted by the College beginning July 1st. The President told the alumni that the Navy wished to make it very clear that Trinity was not being "taken over" by the Navy, but that the Apprentice Seamen were going to take advantage of the excellent educational facilities which Trinity, together with a number of other colleges, has to offer. Trinity will not become a

Commencement Week-end The three-day Commencement activities took place this year in warm weather beneath the fresh green leaves of the elms. The more than one hundred graduates who returned for the exercises enjoyed a good spring week-end. The activities were officially inaugurated at the AlumniFaculty dinner on Friday at 6:30 p.m. held in the Dining Hall, where forty-four guests were welcomed by Dean Arthur Hughes. At seventhirty in the evening Eliot Ward, '13, president of the Association, and Allan Cook, '13, went on the air for half an hour over WTHT, reminiscing about college days. Saturday morning's program started with Holy Communion at eight o'clock, the Rev. E. C. Thomas, '03, celebrating. This service was followed at nine o'clock by Morning Prayer. The Rev. Joseph N. Barnett, '13, took the service. Lispenard B. Phister of the class of 1918 was the speaker at Class Day exercises. He told the members of the graduating class that it was their duty after the war to pull together in renewing their contacts with Trinity 4

Athletic Advisory Council: William F. Even, '28, renominated for a term of three years.

"little Annapolis," the President quoted Naval authorities as saying. One very interesting bit of information which Dr. Ogilby passed on to the alumni was that the long-anonymous donor of the money for the Chemistry building and for the new dormitory at Summit and Vernon Streets was the late Walter P. Murphy, who in 1933 had been given an honorary Master of Arts degree by the College. The following names were presented by the Nominating Committee and the men were promptly voted into office:


Committee for nomination of Alumni Trustee (one year term) Harold N . Chandler, '09. Chairman S. D. Pinney, '18 Leonard N. Dibble, '09 L. L. Scaife, '31 Harry Wessels, '12

War Alternates: Executive Committee - Louis Jefferson, '15 Alumni Fund Council - Henry Beers, '18 Athletic Advisory Council - HenryS. Marlor, '10 Nominating Committee for nomination of Alumni Trustee, A. P. R. \Vadlund, '17

Junior Fellows: Ronald E. Kinney, '15 - renominated for a term of three years Russell Z. Johnston, '16, for a term of three years Executive Committee: (Each for a term of two years) William G. Oliver, '10 MortonS. Crehore, Jr., '14 Ernest L. Simonds, '00 Alumni Fund Council: (Each for a term of three years) John R. Cook, '10 Harrison D. Schofield, '26

A new feature of the Alumni Meeting was the presentation of reports from the individual alumni associations. These reports gave a good panoramic review of the activities of Trinity alumni in all parts of the country. Following the Alumni Luncheon the two alumni baseball teams, the Connecticut Yankees and the New York Giants, fought it out under the elms while the spectators looked on from a

Lispenard B. Phister, '18, addresses the members of the ~raduatin~ class at the Commencement Day exercises.


John Henry Kelso Davis, '99, receives the Eigenbrodt Award at the hands of George Cleveland Capen, '10.

vantage point made doubly attractive by beer and shade. The result of the game was Connecticut Yankees 14 and New York Giants 12. After the president's reception from 5-6:30 in the afternoon, the alumni went down town for reunion dinners. The 1823 dinner was held at the University Club, twenty-two alumni attending. The classes of 1913 and 1918 held their reunions at the Heublein. Dr. Ogilby dropped in at the various meetings and talked over with the alumni the various problems facing the College as it goes over on to a military footing.

11 o'clock service was dedicated to Trinity men in uniform. The congregation listened to a reading of the list of men who had lost their lives in the present war and participated in singing hymns for the men in the services. Despite difficulties of transportation, and despite the fact that the graduating class was only sixty strong, the Chapel was packed for the 117th Commencement which took place at 4:30 in the afternoon. Col. Robert Cutler, A.U.S., gave the Commencement address in which he told the members of the graduating class that love for one's country, not hate for one's foes, should provide the dynamic force for those who fight to maintain democracy.

Sunday morning Holy Communion was celebrated at 9 :30 by the Rev. Clarence Ball. The



H. Kelso Davis, '99 Wins Eigenbrodt Trophy

Trinity Awards Six Honorary Degrees

Long before John Henry Kelso Davis, '99, was presented the Eigenbrodt Trophy, he had been recognized as one of Trinity's foremost alumni. The presentation of the Eigenbrodt cup at the annual Alumni Meeting on Saturday, May 15th, was a reaffirmation of the trust and admiration in which Col. Davis has for many years been held by his college.

The following are condensed and free translations of the Latin citations used in the awarding of six honorary degrees at Commencement, May 16, 1943.

In 1923 he was granted an honorary Master of Arts degree. That year, as chairman of the drive for a million dollars in connection with the Centennial celebration of the College, he successfully raised the million. In 1927, after serving a term as Alumni Trustee, he was elected permanent trustee of the College. The 1940 Ivy was dedicated to him. The presentation of the Eigenbrodt Trophy came, then, as the most recent statement of Trinity's faith in, and ratitude to, Col. Davis.

Distinguished president, this man, our much loved alumnus, came, saw and was conquered by the charms of our Muses. And little wonder. From his boyhood he was fired with love of the liberal arts, so that now it is fitting that he should be enrolled honoris causa, among our alumni. Therefore, this man, a citizen of Detroit, who, because of his outstanding ability in industry, accounting, and business, has been designated lecturer and consulting advisor of the Harvard Business School; a collector of objects of art and classical writings, and a follower of Isaac Walton, I present to you Carlos Blanchard Clark.


When George Cleveland Capen, '10, made the presentation before the assembled alumni, Col. Davis gave expressions of surprise and pleasure, !f while his fellow alumni showed their approval of the award by coming to their feet and clapping enthusiastically.


Distinguished president, this man, who these days has been singing "Gaudeamus I gitur" together with his comrades, is an outstanding example of the man educated in our halls, who has by his own labors brought honors not only upon himself but upon his Alma Mater. He gained fame for himself by writing clear accounts of the first world war in the daily "New York Sun." Later, he became interested in primary and secondary education and performed with distinction many tasks on behalf of the schools of New York. This good alumnus, well suited to lead our young men to the higher things in life, I present to you- William French Collins.

Since 1912, Col. Davis has been with the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, where he is now vice president and treasurer. His activities in Hartford civic life include the directorship of the Family Aid Society and activity in Community Chest work. A member of the Beta Beta Chapter of Psi Upsilon, where he is chairman of the Colt Trust Fund, Col. Davis is a familiar figure on the campus. As an undergraduate he was captain of the Trinity baseball team and he remains an enthusiastic baseball fan. All alumni of Trinity College will be pleased that to the distinguished roster of Eigenbrodt Trophy holders has been added the name of Col. John Henry Kelso Davis.

WALTER SAYER PAINE, Master of Science

Former holders of the Eigenbrodt Trophy are: 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942

Distinguished president, what is more honorable, laudable and memorable than to see father and son honored at one and the same time? This man now feels the same joy as you did when you were honored that day with the purple of Hamilton College. For neither of you can I ask more than that fortune may always smile upon you. This man, an alumnus of Syracuse University, is warmly devoted to our college. The father of two Trinity boys, manager of the Engineering and Inspection Department of the

William G. Mather, '77 Hon. Joseph Buffington, '75 Martin W. Clement, '01 Hon. Philip J. McCook, '95 (No award) Hon. Lawson Purdy, '84 Richardson L. Wright, '10 Charles G. Woodward, '98


Aetna Insurance Company, has done much to make mechanical work safe for mankind. He has worked for the Young Men's Christian Association. His skill has improved the acoustics of this very Chapel. I present to you \i\ alter Sayer Paine. ROBERT CUTLER, Doctor of Laws Distinguished president, this man, an alumnus of Harvard University, a prominent citizen of Boston, lawyer and one-time Corporation Counsel of his city, one who, because of his love and constancy, has served his city faithfully and wisely as Treasurer of the Peter Brigham Hospital, thrice president of the Community Chest and Councils of America, laden with honors, devoted to Christ and our Church and now an officer of our Army; I present to you - Colonel Robert Cutler. CHARLES EDWARD WILSON, Doctor of Laws Distinguished president, I hesitate to elaborate in words the worth of this man - his fortunes and achievements. But lest I leave him unmentioned, our guest is a character such as might be found in the stories of Horatio Alger.

A boy of the people, promoted with amazing speed, he arose to the apogee of honor and was named president of his company. Because of his patriotism, he left in forty seconds the position he had labored forty years to attain and dared to enter the labyrinth of Washington where one almost needs the thread of Ariadne to retrace his footsteps and to escape to the upper air. His untiring efforts, his genius in production and his firm resolve to second our nation's welfare make us rejoice at his being honored. This architect of victory I present to you so that he may deservedly be numbered among our honored doctors - Charles Edward Wilson. WARREN SEYMOUR ARCHIBALD, Doctor of Divinity Distinguished president, this reverend gentleman, your comrade in Harvard and the pastor of a famous church in this city, is known as a firm guardian of God's law, preaching to men the divine message of Heaven. He is a biographer of Thomas Hooker and other fathers of the church; an excellent speaker; devoted to our Chapel and deeply imbued with the majesty and beauty and the spirit of this place. I present to you- Warren Seymour Archibald.

Recipients of honorary degrees at Trinity's 1943 Commencement. Back row, left to right: Robert Cutler, Warren Seymour Archibald, Charles Edward Wilson. Front row: Carlos Blanchard Clark, William French Collins, President Ogilby, and Walter Sayer Paine.




TRINITY MEN LOST IN THE SERVICE 2nd Lt. James Gordon Sterling, '41, Army Air Force Missing in action at Pearl Harbor 2nd Lt. Robert Maccartney Flanders, '41, Army Air Force Killed at Providence, Rhode Island Lt. Newton Henry Mason, '39, Navy Air Force Missing in action in the Battle of the Coral Sea 1st Lt. Boris William Pacelia, '39, Army Air Force Killed at Kelly Field, Texas Lt. (jg) George Bradford Patterson, '39, USNR Lost in action in the Berents Sea 1st Lt. Horace Gillette Cleveland, III, '42, U. S. Marine Air Corps, Killed somewhere in the Southwest Pacific 2nd Lt. William Woolsey Johnson, '42, Army Air Force Killed in action in Africa 2nd Lt. Judson Stephen Ramaker, '37, Army Air Corps Killed somewhere in the South Pacific Capt. William Henry Warner, '35, Army Air Force Died as a result of wounds received in combat 2nd Lt. George Hyde Clarke, Jr., '44, Army Air Force Killed at Weed, California


TRINITY MEN WITH THE ARMED FORCES 1895- Col. P. J. McCook, Office of the Judge


General, Washington, D. C.

1900- Col. J. K. Clement, Ravenna Ordnance Plant, Apco, Ohio 1908- Capt. B. Budd, Sr., AAF, 420 Lexington Ave., New York City Brig. Gen. P. S. Gage, Sandy Hook, Fort Hancock, N.J. 1909- J. B. Kilbourn, M.D., Armed Forces, The Orchards, West Simsbury, Conn. 1910- Commander C. B. Judge, USNR, Dept. of Eng., Hist. & Gov., U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Brig. Gen. W. E. Larned, address unknown Major E. E. Olsson, AEF, 644 St. Mark's Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1913- Major J. P. Leavenworth, Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco 1914- Lt. Col. C. T. Senay, location unknown Brig. Gen. T. F. Wessels, 20th Armored Division, Headquarters Combat Command "B", Ft. Knox, Ky. 1915- Capt. 0. D. Budd, AAF, 420 Lexington Ave., New York City Lt. Col. B. J. Rogers, 708 Second Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Major B. L. B. Smith, Hqs. 98th Div., Camp Breckinridge, Ky. D. S. Squire, AAF, 850 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, Calif. Major R. C. Stratton, Office Chief of Ordnance, Safety & Security Branch, 333 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1916- Capt. F. Lambert, Chaplain, 1229th Reception Center, Camp Dix, N. J. 1917- Lt. R. S. Barthelmess, USNR, c/o Inshore Patrol, Naval Operations Base, Norfolk, Va. H. Katz, Armed Forces, 750 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Lt. Col. H. Schwolsky, Army, 18 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. 1918- Lt. F. J. Achatz, Army, Ft. Huachua, Arizona Capt. C. B. Beach, 95th Base Hqs. & Air Base Sq., Ft. Dix, N. J. Lt. Col. A. E. Burnap, APO 3, New York City Capt. E. R. Hampson, MBTB, AAFTTC, Miami Beach, Fla. Lt. Commander P. Holden, USNR, U.S. Naval Sta., Navy 121, c/o FPO, N.Y. C. J. M. Mitchell, Armed Forces, Cushman Rd., Rosemont, Pa. 1919- Major C. B. F. Brill, N. Y. Ordnance District, 80 Broadway, N. Y. City Capt. A.M. Grayson, Army, 1105 Franklin St., Monroe, N. C. MajorS. G. Jarvis, Army Air Base, Columbia, S. C. Capt. H. E. P. Pressey, APO 43, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Capt. G. H. Segur, Hqs. RRC, Fort Devens, Mass. 1920- Lt. Cmdr. S. S. Purves, USNR, 1st Dist. HQ, 150 Causeway St., Boston 1921- Capt. T. G. Budd, AAF, 140 West St., New York City Lt. E. B. Hungerford, USNR, Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Til. Lt. Col. J. R. Reitemeyer, Jr., Headquarters, 1st Army, Governors Island, N. Y. N. C. Strong, 26 E. lOth St., New York City 1922- Cpl. J. K. Callaghan, HQ & HQ Squadron, 5th BFT Group, AAF Bainbridge, Ga. Lt. Commander J.D. Case, USNR, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md. Capt. J. M. England, location unknown R. J. Plumb, Chaplains Corps, USNR, 5012 Talden St., NW, Washington, D. C. Capt. M,. H. Richman, Army, 601 19th St., NW, Washington, D. C. 1923- Pvt. W. F. Murphy, 31197426, Co. A, 80th Armd. Med. Bn., lOth Armd. Div., Ft. Benning, Ga. Lt. S. W. Webster, USNR, 3013 Q St., NW, Washington, D. C. 1924- Cpl. R. Goodridge, 1109 Signal Corps, Columbia, S. C. Capt. J. V. Mills, SC, Chief, Signal Branch, Camp Maxey, Texas Lt. E. S. Totten, USCGR, 14 Santa Clara Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 1925- Lt. W. Goodridge, USNR, c/o Am. Type Founders, Inc., Elizabeth, N. J. Lt. C. A. Jepson, 2420 Coast Artillery, Fort Terry, New York

1926- Capt. A. J. Avitabile, Medical Air Corps, Otis Field, Falmouth, Mass. Capt. M. M. Coletta, Hq. New England Section, 150 Causeway St., Boston, Masa. Pvt. J. Glotzer, 9th Technical School Sqdn. (SP), Plat. 17, Ft. Logan, Colo. Lt. Col. P. T. Hough, Lawson General Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. Lt. N. W. Manocchio, Qm. Dept., Army Base, Boston, Mass. Lt. R. J. O'Brien, AAC, 182 W. 4th St., New York City Chaplain F. J. Pryor, 313 Med. Bn. 88th Inf. Div., Camp Gruber, Okla. Pvt. M. B. Sherman, Hq. & Hq. 2nd Service Command, 1200 Service Unit, Governor's Island, N. Y. Capt. W. F. Walsh, Intelligence Office, AAF Sch. of Applied Tactics, Orlando, Fla. 1st Lt. J. Williams, Post Chaplain's Office, Fort Dix, N. J. 1927- Capt. L. D. Dickey, Medical Corps, Fort Collins, Colo. W. S. Dixon, USNR, 531 Valley View Rd., Merion, Pa. H. W. Gale, Army, c/o Brown, 753 N. Main St., West Hartford, Conn. Capt. R. W. Hildebrand, Box 58, Field Artillery Schon!, Fort Sill, Oklahoma W. H. Langdon, USNR, BOQ, Naval Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Va. 1928 -1st Lt. J. E. Bent, AAC, 60 Rumford Rd., West Hartford, Conn. L. M. DeLude, USNR, location unknown Lt. (jg) M. Green, USNR, 463 Park Dr., Boston, Mass. G. Gregorieff, Armed Forces, 601 West 149th St., New York City 1st Lt. C. G. Jackson, Medical Corps, 6th Corps Area, Chicago, Ill. W. C. Kelly, USNR, Box 718, Portsmouth, New Hampshire 1st Lt. N. A. Mastronarde, Medical Corps, AAF, Miami Beach, Fla. Capt. A. H. Moses, Army, 3026 P St., NW, Washington, D. C. Lt. (jg) W. P. Orrick, USNR, D-V(s), USN Preflight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. L. J. Rulnick, AAF, 265 Capen St., Hartford, Conn. Capt. C. Solms, Station Hospital, Bolling Field, D. C. Capt. R. I. Walter, Army Medical Corps, 1070 Park Ave., New York City 1929- H. Gillespie, Army Medical Corps, 132 Cornwall St., Hartford, Conn. K. Gordon, Cadet Aviation Bd. 321, New Post Office Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Lt. C. A. Hamilton, USNR, D-V(s), 2101 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C. Pvt. G. A. Hey, Class 50 OCS, Fort Sill, Oklahoma Pvt. P. R. Ihrig, AAF, New Windsor, Maryland L. E. "May, Chaplain, USNR, NAS (LTA), Elizabeth City, N. C. Pvt. J. H. Niles, AAF, AFTS, Madison, Wisconsin G. P. Nordstrom, BTD Headquarters Detach., Atlantic City, New Jersey Lt. W. J. Pitt, USNR, U.S. Naval Armed Gd. Ctr., 52nd St., & 1st Ave., Brooklyn D. S. Tuke, Army, 19 West Baltimore Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. 1930- W. T. Barto, Army Dental Corps, 41 Wells Road, West Hartford, Conn. Lt. (jg) N. W. DesChamps, USNR, Lionel B-31, NTS, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Lt. (jg) A. F. Knurek, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 2nd Lt. L. Labella, 1655th S. Unit, ASTP, ROTC, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Cpl. K. A. Linn, SC, Co. F, 3rd Bn. SCRTC, Ft. Monmouth, N.J. Lt. J. N. Macinnes, USNR, Argus Unit 10, c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif. 2M 2/c M. J. Mostyn, USNR, Receiving Station, Bath, Maine Pvt. E. Petrikat, 3rd Platoon Co. "C", 83rd Inf. Tng. Bn., Camp Roberts, Calif. Capt. A. B. Stainton, Stockton Ordnance Depot, Stockton, Calif. 1931- H. Apter, Medical Corps, 49 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Lt. R. D. Britton, USMC 13 AUS, Quantico, Va. Lt. J. F. Childs, USNR, Litchfield, Conn. Pvt. J. F. Fleming, Jr., Army, 159 Church St., Bristol, Conn. Lt. (jg) J. Gooding, USNR, 103-07 Puritan Ave., Forest Hills, N. Y. M. R. Johnson, Army, location unknown Ens. R. E. Martin, USNR, Fort Schuyler, Bronx, New York City Capt. D. B. McCook, Command and General Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. R. 0. Muller, Army, 251 Marcy St., Southbridge, Mass. Pfc. J. G. Tobin, Co. M, 306th Inf. APO 77, Desert Training Center, c/o P.M., Los Angeles, Calif. P. H. Twaddle, Public Health Service, U. S. Coast Guard & Training Station, Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1932- E. G. Baldwin, Airport Develop. Prog., APO 604, c/o P.M., Miami, Fla. Lt. (jg) W. Boeger, USNR, c/o Commander Eastern Sea Frontier, 90 Church St., New York City G. L. Bronstein, USNRAC, 224 W. Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. R. A. Clark, Army, 2385 Kenilworth Road, Cleveland, Ohio 2nd Lt. T. W. Convey, AAF, 1st Interceptor Command, BOQ, Mitchel Field, N. Y.


Major R. F. Gadd, 0-336227, APO 43, e/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. F. G. H. Geiger, Co. B, 740 MP Bn., Fort Custer, Michigan N. S. Glassman, USNR, 316 No. George Mason Drive, Arlington, Va. 2nd Lt. J. A. MacVeagh, Jr., Medical Corps, Co. E, 104th Medical Training Bn., Camp Robinson, Ark. Lt. (jg) H. K. Prior, USNR, U. S. Navy Yd., Nav. Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia G. T. Reuter, USCGR, Mt. Vernon Ave., Waterbury, Conn. R. L. Slosson, Jr., 209 Coast Guard Anti-Aircraft, Camp Stewart, Ga. Lt. (jg) T. R. Stumpf, USNR, 10 Greenway Terrace, Forest Hills, L. I., N. Y. Cpl. U. C. Ullman, APO 502, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. 1933- Lt. J. R. Cullen, MC, USNR, 361 Linnmoore St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. J. D. Fothergill, MC, Army Air Base Hospital, Ft. George Wright, Spokane Capt. J. R. Frothingham, Army Medical Corps, Harland St., Milton, Mass. Ens. J. M. Henderson, USNR, USSLST 385, c/o FPO, New York City Pvt. E. E. Houle, Med. Det. AAFBTS, Walnut Ridge, Ark. Lt. (jg) R. V. Holmes, USNR, Stonington, Conn. Lt. L. P. Jahnke, USNR, Medical Corps, Lakehurst, N.J. Pvt. F. C. Kelly, Co. A, 14th Tng. Bn., Ft. McClellan, Ala. Lt. (jg) J. P. Leo, USNR, 33 Pine St., New York City Pfc. W. S. Merritt, Ordnance Battalion, Camp Sutton, N.D. Lt. Col. P. B. Paige, Box 52, Hamilton Field, Calif. Lt. (jg) J. J. Sharkey, Chaplain, USNR, USS Honolulu, c/o FPO San Francisco Ens. C. M. Sheafe, USNR, Box 12, Navy 122, c/o FPO, New York City Lt. G. Silver, Army, 125 Mansfield St., Hartford, Conn. R. C. Smith, USNR, 3444 Elm St., New Haven, Conn. Lt. L. A. Wadlow, USCGR, #454 USCG Tng. Sta., St. Augustine, Fla. Lt. (jg) T. S. Wadlow, USNR, Section Base, Woods Hole, Mass. Pvt. E. J. Zizzamia, Hq. Detachment, 1108 CASU, Ft. Adams, R. I. 1934- W. J. Arnold, Sq. 17, Gp. C., AAF, OCS, Miami Beach, Fla.

Lt. (jg) J. E. Baldwin, USNR, 2631 Woodley Place, NW, Washington, D. C. Pvt. 1st Class W. R. Basch, Hq. Btry., 2nd Bn., 701st CA(AA), Camp Pendleton, Va. Lt. H. R. Bayley, AAF, location unknown 1st Lt. W. H. Benjamin, APO 520, c/o P.M., New York City Pvt. C. 0. Bierkan, AAF, 14th Academic Sqdn., 5 Academic Gp., Chanute Field, Illinois. Lt. (jg) J. J. Boyd, USNR, Naval Aviation School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Lt. (jg) N. T. Clark, USNR, Melbourne, Fla. Pfc. H. F. Cook, Co. C, 24th Arm'd Engr. Bn., Pine Camp, N. Y. Ens. R. H. Daut, Camp Peary, A 9-56, Virginia Ens. E. C. Ely, USNR, Southington, Conn. 1st Lt. E. M. Gane, Army Ked. Corps, Med. Sect. 263rd CA, Ft. Taylor, Key West Major R. J. Howard, Ordnance Dept., 2615 42nd St., NW, Washington, D. C. W. W. Jackson, Army, 94 Briggs Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Lt. C. T. Kingston, Jr., 332nd Air Base Sqdn. AAFTTC, Amarillo Field, Texas H. F. Knapp, Quartermaster's Division, Jeffersonville, Indiana 1st Lt. R. N. Liddell, MC, 443rd Coast Artillery Bn., Camp Hulen, Texas Petty Officer A. J. Lokot, USCGR, 2 Oakwood Ave., East Hartford, Conn. 1st Lt. J. G. Merriam, AAF, Lowry Field, Denver, Colo. Pvt. G. Muir, Co. C, 6th QKTR, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va. S/Sgt. C. F. Newman, 1st Guard Co., D&R Center, Camp Bowie, Texas Sgt. A. H. Onderdonk, Jr., 331st School Squadron, Luke Field, Phoenix, Ariz. Ens. A. Onderdonk, USNR, 1601 K St., NW, Washington, D. C. Cand. R. F. Schmolze, 14th Bt., AAA School, 1st Platoon, Camp Davis, N. C. Lt. (jg) D. E. Snowdon, USNR, 4970 Linnean Ave., NW, Washington, D. C. Pvt. R. I. Thomas, Air Corps Troops, Quonset Point, Rhode Island Ens. G. H. Uhlig, USNR, 117 Park View Terrace, Weehawken, N. J. 1935 -Ens. R. W. Adams, USNR, Kenmore Road, Bloomfield, Conn. Capt. R. P. Alexander, 3259 Glenview St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pvt. W. J. Angus, Bat. A, 263rd Coast Artillery, Ft. Moultrie, S. C. Lt. D. M. Ayres, Battery A, 14 Bn. CAC, Fort Eustis, Va. Sgt. H. Barnard, Army Air Base, Bangor, Maine E. W . Bishop, AAF, location unknown G. Boothe, USNR, 711 Princess St., Alexandria, Va. Pfc. D. G. Buckley, Med. Det. 1106th CASU, Fort Banks, Mass. A. B. Cacase, 2509 SU (STAR), 13th Echelon, Co. C, Georgetown Univ., Washington, D. C. 2nd Lt. J. B. Carson, 3rd Re~t. FARC, Ft. Bragg, N.C.

1st Lt. F. I. Eigenbauer, 0-910600, APO 668, c/o P.M., New York City Pfc. S. N. Fisher, Bat. D, 471st CA Bn. (AA, AW), Ft. Stewart, Ga. R. H. Gillespie, Jr., AAC, Newfield Road, Stamford, Conn. 1st Lt. W. J. Hoddinott, 128 Cheshire St., Hartford, Conn. Lt. W. A. Johnsen, AAF, 402 Alcazar St., Coral Gables, Fla. T. Kearns, 167 Homestead Ave., Hartford, Conn. W. F. Ladd, 10 Mitchell Place, New York City Ens. M. V. Lane, USNR, c/o Kenmore Road, Bloomfield, Conn. Pvt. R. J. Lau, AAF, 359th Fighter Sqdn., Westover Field, Mass. Sgt. M. R. Lund, Hq. Det. 7th Regt., Ft. McClellan, Ala. 2nd Lt. A. R. Madorin, Co. B, 929th Sig. Bn., Reno Air Base, Reno, Nevada T. J. McQuade, 108 Barker St., Hartford, Conn. Lt. T. H. Mowbray, Commonland Point, Shelly Beach, Bermuda Lt. (jg) H. Olson, USNR, Quarters "D", Submarine Base, New London, Conn. W. A. Paddon Lt. (jg) E. S. Purdon, USNR, USS PC 1252, c/o FPO, New York City Lt. D. W. Rankin, 0-432576, APO 845, c/o P.M., New York City 2nd Lt. M. M. Rulnick, AAC, 5326 Broad Branch Road, NW, Washington, D. C. Ens. B. Shaw, USNR, Office of the Port Director, 17 Battery Pl., New York City J. L. Shaw, Jr., AAF, Simsbury, Conn. Lt. T. J. Sisbower, 9th QMTRC, Camp Lee, Va. S/Sgt. W. H. Walker, Hq. 553rd Signal A W Bn. Sept. Army Air Base, Drew Field, Fla. 1936-Sgt. N. W. Brewer, APO 1060, c/o P.M., New York City 1st Lt. J. L. Buckley, MC, Westover Field, Mass. Ens. J. M. Carroll, USNR, c/o P.M., New York City Lt. D. L. Crawford, APO 507, c/o P.M., New York City J. L. Droege, Army, 310 E. 74th St., New York City 1st Lt. H. W. Duennebier, AAF, 949 West Blvd., Hartford, Conn. R. T. Dunne, AAC, Box 302, Granby, Conn. W. H. F. Gilfillan, OCS, Camp Davis, N. C. Pvt. B. Greenberg, 14 Plat. Co. B, 7th Echelon, 2509th SU (STAR), Georgetown Univ., Washington, D. C. Lt. (jg) A. E. Hall, USNR Ens. G. S. Hayward, Jr., USNR, c/o P.M., New York City Ens. A. A. Hoehling, USNR, Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas 2nd Lt. C. A. Lappan, Jr., AAF, 103 Elbridge Road, New Britain, Conn. Pfc. L. E. Lau, 770th MP Bn., Co. G, San Diego, Calif. Lt. (jg) H. Littell, USNR, NTS, Hotel Francis Scott Key, Frederick, Md. Sgt. L. Maynard, HQ Battery, 26 Reg. CA, Ft. McKinley, Maine Sgt. W. C. Mayorga, AAF, Machine Records Unit, Bolling Field, D. C. 1st Lt. W. C. McKone, AAC, 1143 East lOth St., Tucson, Arizona P. Mitchell, USNR, Louella Ave., Wayne, Pa. S/Sgt. J. J. O'Brien, 7 New Lane, Cromwell, Conn. Ens. H. D. Peckham, USNR, 26 Salisbury Ave., Stewart Manor, L. I., N. Y. Capt. S. S. Piacente, School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas M.M.2/c J. A. Rogers, USCGR, CGR -1973, Pier 18, Staten Island, N. Y. Lt. L. S. Rogers, Office of Camp Surgeon, Camp Stoneman, Pittsburg, Calif. Ens. W. F. Scott, USNR, St. Davids, Pa. Lt. H. R. Scull, Asst. FO, Finance Office, VIII Corps, Brownwood. Texas Cpl. D. M. Sellars, Army, 16 Elmwood Ave., Longmeadow, Mass. Lt. (jg) T. L. Sinclair, USNR, MTB Ron 15, c/o FPO, New York City. Lt. P. J. Spelman, MC, USNR, 400 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Pvt. L. Stein, 119 Magnolia St., Hartford, Conn. Lt. K. F. Stremel, 0338395, APO 24, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. G. E. S. Tetlow, OORP, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Y 3/c J. R. Williams, USNR, 114111th St., Boulder, Colo. Cpl. W. L. Winship, Co. G, 15th Sig. Tng. Regt., Ft. Monmouth, Red Bank, N. J. 1937- Ens. D. Anderson, USNR, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Lt. A. S. Anthony, 314 AAFFTD, Bartan Field, Tulsa, Oklahoma Lt. (jg) R. P. Bainbridge, USNR, Naval Air Station, So. Weymouth, Mass. J. I. Brooke, USCGR A/C J. D. Broughel, Sqdn. H, Gp. 15, Maxwell Field, Ala. Ens. B. Budd, Jr., USNR, Cragswold Apts., Scarsdale, N.Y. 2nd Lt. P. E. Burdett, Reno QM Depot, Ft. Reno, Nevada Pvt. P. D. Campbell, Regimental Hq. Hq. Co. 544th (EAR), Ft. Devens, Mass. 2nd Lt. C. Carter, AAC, 401 So. Front St., Wilmington, N. C. 1st Lt. R. A. Castagno, 0-461664, APO 302, c/o P.M., New York City


Lt. E. Colton, AAF, Photographic Laboratory, Experimental Engineering Section, Materiel Center, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio J. R. Dillon, OC 9, 16th Co., 2nd Training Regt., Fort Benning, Ga. Pvt. P. F. Downes, 40th Air Base Sqdn., Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho Ens. M. R. Downes, USNR, 1520 No. Lancaster St., Arlington, Va. Ens. J. N. Egan, USNR, 128 No. Beacon St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. T. H. Fanning, Co. K, 7th Reg., QMTC, Camp Lee, Va. Ens. F. A. Ferrucci, USNR, 129 Center St., Southington, Conn. 2nd Lt. I. Fien, Army MC, 2136 California St., #12, San Francisco, Calif. 2nd Lt. H. A. Gale, Army Signal Corps, Ft. Monmouth, N.J. Capt. J. A. Greco, AAF, 314 W. Preston St., Hartford, Conn. Lt. W. R. Griswold, Post Headquarters, Camp Philips, Salina, Kansas Lt. W. Haight, Central Procurement Dist., 8505 W. Warren Ave., Detroit, Mich. Ens. A. E. Haskell, SC, USNR, Navy 8210, c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. R. S. Hazenbush, Co. C, 821 TD Bn., Camp Hood, Texas Ens. F. L. Hertel, USNR, Hollis 13, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. C. B. Howland, Jr., USNR, 89 Whitmarsh St., Providence, R. I. Pvt. R. M. Kelly, Hq. Co. RRC, Camp Devens, Mass. Lt. (jg) C. W. Lindell, VP-42, c/o P.M., Seattle, Wash. S/Sgt. L. A. Little, 3rd Bn. Hq. Dt. 307th Inf., 77th Div., Ft. Jackson, S. C. Lt. J. T. Lloyd, Me, 63rd AAFFTD, Douglas, Ga. Cpl. E. C. May, Jr., 6th Co., OCS, Ft. Knox, Ky. Ens. W. R. O'Bryon, USNR, USNATB, Solomans Branch, Washington, D. C. Ens. A. B. Onderdonk, USNR, 524 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix, Ariz. 2nd Lt. R. R. Parker, 85th Engr. Hr. Pon. Bn., Camp Maxey, Texas R. S. Patton, USNR, Neptune Beach, Fla. Ens. W. K. Paynter, USNR, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Sgt. C. I. Soule, APO 462, c/o P.M., Minneapolis, Minn. 2nd Lt. H. T. Storms, USMC, Co. F, 20th ROC, MB, Quantico, Va. W. Styring, Jr., Army, Highwood Ave., Southington, Conn. Lt. J. S. Tyng, COD, AATC, Camp Edwards, Mass. S/Sgt. W. Urban, Hq. Co., Armed Force Repl. Tng. Center, Ft. Knox, Ky. tl

1938 -1st Lt. E. A. Anderson, Co. L, 52nd Ord. (HH) Regt. (Q), Camp Butner, North Carolina Ens. L. M. Armstrong, USNR, Section Base, Woods Hole, Mass. 1st Lt. P. H. Barbour, APO 871, c/o P.M., New York City Lt. S. N. Benjamin, c/o P.M., APO 817, New Orleans, La. Pfc. J.D. Brennan, APO 960, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. D. J. Clapp, Jr., 7th SS- Bks. 387, Chanute Field, Ill. S/Sgt. E. S. Corso, Special Services Section, Camp Wheeler, Ga. Pvt. A. H. Crandell, Hq. & Hq. Sq. 1st FC, Mitchel Field, N.Y. Lt. H. T. Davidson, AAC, Army Flying Field, Greenwood, Miss. 2nd Lt. J. R. DeMonte, Army Air Forces Navigation School, San Marcos, Texas Pvt. D. A. DiCorleto, CA Anti-Aircraft, 214th CA(AA), Bernicia, Calif. 1st Lt. R. M. Foot, Jr., APO 3660, c/o P.M., New York City Ens. H. M. Fuller, USNR, No. River Road, Manchester, N.H. Pvt. B. Globman, 186 Enfield St., Hartford, Conn. W. L. Gometz, Army, 112 So. Whitney St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. S. J. Grudzinski, Co. G, 13 QMTR, Bks. T-931, Camp Lee, Va. Lt. (jg) F. A. Hagarty, USCGR, Captain of the Port, Sandwich, Mass. Pvt. N. F. Holmgren, 66th Cavalry Mecn. Troop, APO 454, Camp Blanding, Fla. Lt. G. B. Keller, APO #8, c/o P.M., Los Angeles, Calif. Sgt. S. P. Kennard, SU, #3653 ASTP, Co. C, Hitchcock Hall, Uni. of Chicago, Ill. Pvt. F. C. Kowalczyk, Co. B, 4 Med. Tng. Bn., Bldg. 1231, Camp Pickett, Va. Lt. C. H. Lefevre, AAC, 88th Bomb Gp., Walla Walla, Wash. Cpl. J. M. Leon, Jr., Army, 2715 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York City R. G. Linde, 151 Whiting Lane, West Hartford, Conn. Lt. W. N. Lindsay, USNR, c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Ens. C. E. Lundin, USNR, c/o FPO, New York City Sgt. G. T. McKee, Army, 1545 Sunset Ave., Utica, N. Y. Lt. C. F. Melville, AAC, 51 Imlay St., Hartford, Conn. J. T. Merrill, Army, 64 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. Cpl. S. F. Montgomery, 1st Hq. Special Troops, 11 Armored Corps, Ft. Ord, Calif. R. D. O'Malley, 1224 St. Nicholas Ave., New York City Ens. W. R. Peterson, USNR, 3568 Mississippi St., San Diego, Calif. Sgt. N. H. Pfanstiel, AAF, 162 School St., Bloomfield, Conn. Ens. W. K. Rodgers, USNR, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla. K. R. Snow, Army, 14 Columbus Ave., Salem, Mass. D. J. Tevlin, Army, 369 Cornwall St., Hartford, Conn. J. Tiedeman, Army, 207 E. 16th St., New York City


Tulin, 19 Howe St., New Haven, Conn. Ens. L. M. Walker, USNR, 434 W. 120th St., New York City P/0 E. T. Wroth, USNR, 7335 W. Kenmore Dr., Apt. C, Daniels Gardens, Norfolk 1939- Capt. R. F. Ames, 1st Mapping Group, Washington, D. C. Pvt. W. L. Anderson, 68 Humphrey St., Hartford, Conn. 1st Lt. F. Barnes, APO 439, c/ o P.M., Los Angeles, Cali!. Sgt. E. C. Barrett, 154th QM Co. Service Group (Avn), Leesburg Service Center, Leesburg, Fla. 2nd Lt. F. L. Barrett, Co. F, 417th Inf., Ft. George G. Meade, Md. Pvt. E. F. Bassford, 31168719, Co. B, ASTU, SCSU 1142, MIT, Nichols Dormitory, 4 Ames St., Cambridge, Mass. Pvt. L. G. Bates, Jr., 28th ITB, Co. C, Camp Croft, S.C. Cpl. W. P. Bates, Co. B, MTB, STV- MRTC, Camp Pickett, Va. 2nd Lt. B. Blake, Jr., Park Road, Weston, Mass. S/Sgt. B. G. Borden, APO 962, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. B. Budd, Army, Northgate Apts., Scarsdale, N.Y. Lt. M. Budin, APO 259, c/o P.M., Los Angeles, Calif. Pvt. J. C. Buths, 31333703, 1st Plat., Co. G, BT 334, 13 WM Tng. Regt., Camp Lee, Va. I A. H. Campbell, USNR, 25 Kingswood Road, West Hartford, Conn. Lt. (jg) A. W. Cole, USNR, 306 W. Elm St., Brockton, Mass. C. W. Collier, Army, APO 306, P.M., New York City M. Crocker, RAF Ens. J. J. Cromwell, USNR, 1103 W. Beaver Ave., State College, Pa. 1st Lt. J. K. Dunne, Co. F, 289th Inf., Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. J. L. Follansbee, USNR, 210 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. Lt. (jg) L. Gilman, USNR, c/o Naval Inspector of Machinery, Fairbanks & Morse, Beloit, Wis. Ens. W. H. Gorman, USNR, USS PC 463, c/o FPO, New York City 1st Lt. G. D. Greenleaf, APO 700, c/o P.M., New York City Lt. (jg) M. V. Gualtieri, USNR, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Brighton, Mass. Lt. F. E. Haight, 107th Cavalry, Santa Rosa, Calif. G. V. Hamilton, Wydnor RD ~3, Bethlehem, Pa. Lt. D. P. B. Hanson, Army, 181 Willard Ave., No. Newington, Conn. Lt. R. S. Hart, Jr., Co. G, 417th Inf., Ft. Geo. G. Meade, Maryland R. J. Harris, USNR, 24 Darien St., Hartford, Conn. R. P. Hickey, Jr., AAC, 444 New Britain Ave., Hartford, Conn. Lt. (jg) R. J. Hill, USNR, 35511 A St., SE, Apt. 102, Washington, D. C. Pvt. F. J. Hope, APO 3473, c/o P.M., New Orleans, La. T. M. Huffman, Army, 22 Belridge St., Hartford, Conn. Ens. W. H. Johnson, USNR, 58 Wintonbury Ave., Bloomfield, Conn. Ens. D. Keating, USNR, Naval Section Base, Cockspur Island, Savannah, Ga. Lt. R. A. Leggett, AAC, 8th Weather Sq., Houlton AFB, Maine Pfc. M. T. Littell, APO 634, c/o P.M., New York City Pvt. R. C. Madden, Co. B, 87th Mt. Inf., Camp Hale, Colo. Lt. R. L. Mador, AAC, 14th Ftr. Con. Sq., Box 1111, San Diego, Calif. Cpl. F. E. McCarthy, AAC, Prov. School Sq. #1, Sub Base #1, Army Air Base, Salt Lake City, Utah A/C T. W. McKeown, AAC, Flight K, Class 43 B, AAFBFS, Bainbridge, Ga. Lt. L. W. McWilliams, Co. A, 399th Inf., 100 Div., Ft. Jackson, S. C. A/C C. B. Morgan, Jr., AAF, Gp. 5, Sq. 5, Flight 5, Advanced Navigati n School, Selman Field, La. Cpl. W. S. Morgan, Brigade Hq. Co., Quartermaster School, Camp Lee, Va. J. H. Naylor, Jr., USNR, Colchester Hall, Scarsdale, N. Y. L. J. Newhall, Army, 51 Woodale Rd., Philadelphia, Pa. 2nd Lt. J. E. O'Brien, Army, 60 Percival Ave., Kensington, Conn. BM1/c A. C. Olson, USCGR, c/o Fyfes Shipyard, USCGR 3019, Glenwood Landing, N. Y. Capt. W. F. Pickles, Tactical Section, The Infantry School, Ft. Benning, Ga. Lt. A. A. Sabat, Co. A, 56th Med. Tng. Bn., Med. Repl. Tng. Center, Camp Barkley, Texas B. Sackter, USNR, Navy Language School, Boulder, Colo. T/Sgt. J. B. Scannell, APO 958, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. G. R. Schreck, Co. B, 7th U.S. QM Tng. Regt., Bldg. T-439, Camp Lee, Va. Capt. T. J. Skelley, Jr., APO 43, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. 2nd Lt. J. E. Slowik, 61st Bomb Sqdn. 39th Bomb Gp., Davis-Monthan Field, Tucson, Ariz. E. L. Smith, Co. C, RRC, Ft. Devens, Mass. 2nd Lt. G. W. B. Starkey, Army Med. Admin. Corps, Children's Hospital, Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass.


Lt. R. Sterbens, Army, 655 Franklin Ave., Hartford, Conn. Pfc. F . A. Stockwell, Cryptography School, Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, Fla. Sgt. A. C. Turner, 72 Miller Road, Morristown, N. J. Lt. R. L. Talbot, Army, Army Intelligence School, Harrisburg, Pa. G. B. Weaver, 266 Central Ave., Fredonia, N.Y. 2nd Lt. A. C. Webb, Army Air Service, Advanced Training School, Pampa, Texas S. R. Wightman, Army, Essex, Conn. Capt. J. T. Wilcox, APO 43, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Capt. W. H. Yates, APO 43, c/o PM, San Francisco, Calif. 1940- 2nd Lt. H. W. Abts, AAF, 65th Sch. Sqdn. (Fl. Inst.) Brooks Field, Texas Lt. H. S. Alexander, Army, Special Service Co., Ft. Geo. G. Meade, Md. T/Sgt. H. R. Bland, APO 43, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Pic. 0 . A. Campbell, Army, East Norwich, L. I., N. Y. Pvt. P. A. Capobianco, APO 43, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. E. A. Charles, Army, 309 Brooklyn Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. T/Sgt. J. L. Clarke, 175th Signal Repair Co., Ft. Dupont, Del. Pfc. J. F. Collins, AAC, Hq. & Hq. Sqdn. ACRTC, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Pvt. R. M. Cooper, 4th Ferrying Gp., Memphis, Tenn. G. B. Cornell, Jr., USNR, 19 Bayley Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Ens. C. R. Crabbe, USNR, c/o 1 Shipwright St., Annapolis, Md. 0. E. Duennebier, Army, 949 West Boulevard, Hartford, Connecticut R. B. Ely, USNR, &W-1, Serv. Schools, U.S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla. 2nd Lt. A. W. Engel, AAC, Hyannis Field, Mass. Lt. W. P. Fay, Jr., APO 520, c/o P.M., New York City Pvt. R. J. Ferguson, Jr., Army, Military Police Co., #1114 SCU, Camp Edwards, Mass. C. N. Fisher, Bat. H, 514th CA (AA), Camp Davis, N. C. J. A . Fox, USCGR, 46 Eastview St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. C. Grandahl, APO 924, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Ens. J. F. Hazen, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. E . A. Heath, Jr., Public Relations Office, Post Headquarters, Ft. Dix, N. J. W. J. Hofmann, USMR, 111 Whiting Road, East Hartford, Conn. Ens. A. C. Hopkins, USNR, 2111 W. Hunting Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. R. R. Howard, Army, c/o Chase National Bank, 18 Pine St., New York City W. H. Howe, 242 CA (HD), 1st Bn. HQ, Ft. Terry, N.Y. A. Jacy, Hicks Field, Fort Worth, Texas A. V. Johnson, TD Permanent Guard, USCG, Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lt. W. F. Kelly, 92 Victoria Rd., Hartford, Conn. Ens. 0. Knapp, USNR, USS Ape 13, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Ens. J. L. Lathrop, USCGR, 248 Prince George St., Annapolis, Md. Lt. C. R. Lavieri, Army, OCS. BTRC, New Orleans, La. R. D. Lindner, USCGR, 590 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, Conn. Sgt. R. J . Lipsitz, 50th Air Base Squadron, 4th Air Force Base Command, Hammer Field, Fresno, Calif. Pvt. A. C. Loscalzo, 518 MP Bn., Fort Jay, New York Lt. W. J. McCarthy, 2nd Weather Region, Patterson Field, Fairfield, Ohio 2nd Lt. P. J . McCloskey, Jr., address unknown 1st Lt. T . McLaughlin, APO 520, e/o P.M., New York City Pvt. S. Merski, HQ 66th Observation Gp., Pope Field, Ft. Bragg, N. C. W /0 T. E. Metheny, APO 922, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Ens. J. S. Neill, Jr., USNR, 49 Park St., Manchester, Conn. Pvt. R. L. Onderdonk, AAF AFS, Yuma, Ariz. Cadet T. R. Pye, Co. A, ASTU #3408, Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. ' 2nd Lt. J . R. Randall, Physical Tng. Dept., AAFNS, Selman Field, La. J. F. Reynolds, Army, 1750 Grand Concourse, New York City Lt. J. L. Rihl, Army, 5026 Griscom St., Frankford, Pa. 2nd Lt. S. M. Riley, 385th Engineers Bn. Camp Edward, Mass. J. L. Ritter, USNR, 1428 Boulevard, West Hartford, Conn. G. H. M. Rountree, Jr., U. S. Maritime Service, Cragmere Park, Mahwah, N. J. Lt. W. T. Sandalls, Army, 417 Golden Hill St., Bridgeport, Conn. M. E. Saul, USNR, 63 Mercer Ave., Hartsdale, N . Y. T. S. Shaw, Jr., Army, 25 Atherton St., Ayer, Mass. Lt. (jg) R. R. Shelly, USNR, Fleet Air Base Unit 2, c/o FPO, San Francisco J . R. Siegel, AAC, 1039 W. 6th St., Erie, Pa. Lt. H. N . Slate, APO 27, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Major D. J. Smith, APO 633, c/o P.M., New York City S. C. Smith, USCGR, Headquarters USCG, Washington, D. C. B. C. Solyn, Jr., Army, 282 Washington St., Hartford, Conn. C. C. Spink, USCGR, 631 East Polo Drive, Clayton, Mo.

Pvt. J. W. Sykes, Jr., 313 Troop Carrier Group, 47th Troop Carrier Sqdn., AAB, Florence, S. C. Ens. L. Tibbals, Jr., USNR, 410 Riverside Drive, Apt. 53, New York City Pvt. E. R. Tucker, Bt. A, 514th CA (AA), T-896, Camp Davis, N. C. Pvt. R. L. Vogel, MDTS Hqs. Co., Lawson General Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. Lt. (jg) C. D. Walker, USNR, U. S. Naval Reserve Aviation Base, Peru, Indiana Ens. W. Weeks, USNR, Patrol Sqdn. 74, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va. J. S. White, AAC, 136 Bainbridge, Rd., West Hartford, Conn. 1941- R. A. Adams, USCGR, 48 Fairfield Ave., Hartford, Conn. A/C R. H. Barnes, Sq. F-2, AAFPFS (Nav.), Class 43-11, Monroe, La. Pfc. J. Bornstein, Medical Detach., Camp Wheeler, Ga. Pfc. M. L. Borstein, AAC, Maxwell Field, Ala. Pvt. R. E. Brainard, APO 502, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. G. F. Butterworth, Army, Hilltop Place, Rye, N. Y. Pvt. D. E. Callaghan, 591st Tech. Sch. Sq., Fl. B-2, Gulfport Field, Gulfport, Miss. Pfc. J. T. Carpenter, USMCR, Unit 1010, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. 2nd Lt. H. I. Chauser, 4041 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. A/C J. A. Clapis, AAFNS (Advanced), Sq. 2, Fit. 42, Selman Field, Monroe, La. T/Sgt. J. L. Clark, 175th Signal Repair Co., A. P. Hill Military Reservation, Fredericksburg, Va. Pvt. W. E. Clough, Med. Dept., Station Hospital, Bks. 8-4, Camp Shanks, N. Y. Pvt. F. W. Clow, Bt. A, 84th FA, 9th Division, Ft. Bragg, N. C. Cpl. G. S. Comstock, APO 929, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. J. R. Cormier, Bt. 20, 2nd Plat. OCD-AAS, Camp Davis, N. C. J. F. Crockett, USNR, 40-60 Elbertson St., Jackson Hts., N. Y. M. J. Desmond, AAC, 15 Harwich St., Hartford, Conn. W. G. Devine, Armed Forces, 29 Kelsey St., Hartford, Conn. Ens. W. Dexter, USCGR, 31 Main St., Rocky Hill, Conn. W. Dick, AAC, Islip, L. I., N. Y. Lt. J. H. Ewing, 1st Bn., 343 Inf., APO 86, Camp Howze, Texas J. G. Fitzgerald, USNR, 103 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. A. Flanagan, AFS, APO 616 c/o P.M., New York City Ens. E. N. Foley, USNR, 158 Woodlawn St., Hamden, Conn. 2nd Lt. R. A. Franchi, AAC, 380 Vine St., Hartford, Conn. Lt. A. R. Goebel, AAF, 27 Hartsdale Rd., Elmsford, N. Y. Cpl. L. D. Goodman, 29th Sig. Co., 'fobyhanna, Pa. A. Gorman, Jr., APO 616, c/o P.M., New York City (American Field Service) W /0 R. S. Grover, W2105616, 342nd AAF Band, Laredo, Texas Cpl. R. D. Hall, Jr., Quartermaster School, Camp Lee, Va. R. F. Hanley, USNR, 8418 104th St., Richmond Hill, N.Y. Lt. N. Hapgood, APO 887, c/o P.M., New York City 2nd Lt. J. W. Harris, 71 Gardner St., Allston, Boston, Mass. Ens. R. P. Harris, USNR, 50 Argyle Ave., West Hartford, Conn. 2nd Lt. W. A. Haskell, AAC, 131 West Moore St., Sherman, Texas H. A. Heap, Army, 42 Grove St., Adams, Mass. Pvt. P. J. Hoylen, Co. D, 3rd Med. Tng. Bn., Bks. #1258 MTRC, Camp Pickett, Va. Lt. C. R. Humphreyson, USMC, c/o Fleet PO, San Francisco, Calif. E. J. Hurwitz, Army, 17 Pembroke St., Hartford, Conn. Ens. A. V. Johnson, USNR, c/o Fleet PO, San Francisco, Calif. Lt. H. W. Johnson, Army, Maple St., Pine Plains, N.Y. J. J. Karp, Polish Army Air Corps, Boston Neck Road, Suffield, Conn. J. C. Kiley, USNR, 15 Bosworth St., Boston, Mass. Lt. R. E. Kinney, Jr., USNR, Naval Air Station, Elizabeth City, N. C. Lt. (jg) A. K. Lane, USCGR, CGRO Indoctrination School, St. Augustine, Fla. Sgt. W. C. Linder, FA, Hq. Bt. 28th Div. Artillery, Camp Livingston, La. Pvt. R. W. Maddigan, Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, Fla. Pvt. T. J. Malley, Det. Med. Dept., Med. Section SCU #1111, Ft. Devens, Mass. L. B. Marshall, USCGR, 78 Branford St., Hartford, Conn. L. C. Mazotas, 118th Observation Sqdn., Municipal Airport, Jacksonville, Fla. Cpl. J. F. McGee, Flt. A, 716th Tng. Gp., Atlantic City, N.J. A. S. Mehl, Army, 6382 Woodbine Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Pvt. P. E. Molumphy, ASTP, Yale Med. School, New Haven. Cpl. S. A. Mills, Co. A, 38th Tng. Bn., Bldg. 375, Camp Croft, S. C. 0/C H. R. Moody, Sqdn. 14, Wing II, AAFOCS, Park Avenue Hotels, Miami Beach R. F. Moran, USCGR, 137 Seymour St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. F. W. Mulcahy, Hq. & Hq. Sq., BTC #10, Greensboro, N. C. Capt. W. Oliver, Jr., AAC, 169 Pomeroy Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. Lt. P. J. F. Piccola, Bt. M, 6th CA, Fort Barry, Calif.


1st Lt. R. K. Pillsbury, Headquarters Co., 121st Inf., Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. S 2/c G. J. Prendergast, Jr., USNR, Naval Res. Aviation Air Base, New Orleans Lt. M. Rainsford, 413th Base Hq. Squad., Tonopal, Nevada 2nd Lt. R. J. Rebman, USMR, Co. K, 18th ROC, MB, Quantico, Va. Sgt. W. B. Rector, RCAF, 71 Hillcrest Road, Windsor, Conn. Lt. G. Reese, 34th Heavy Bomb. Gp., Army Air Base, Blythe, Calif. S/Sgt. J. H. Rice, AAC, 343rd School Squadron, Tyndall Field, Panama City, Fla. Ens. C. C. Roberts, Jr., USNR, USS Pc-492, c/o P.M., New York City 2nd Lt. J. N. Russo, Univ. of Vermont Med. School, Burlington, Vt. Ens. W. J. Ryan, Jr., USNR, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Lt. E. E. Sanborn, Jr., #'7 Sqdn., 34th Bomb. Gp., Geiger Field, Spokane, Wash. P. T. Sehl, USNR, 27 Brook St., Brookline, Mass. 2nd Lt. L. B. Sheen, 387th Bomb. Gp., 558th Bomb. Sqdn., MacDill Field, Fla. Ens. F. K. Smith, USNR, 2901-18th St., NW, Park Cr. Apts., Washington, D. C. Lt. J. C. Spencer, 63rd Prov. Bn., Area #3, Sec. 6, Row D, Camp Haan, Calif. Cpl. G. K. Stoddard, APO. 660, c/o P.M., New York City Lt. R. E. Thomsen, Co. B, 1st Tng. Bn., Camp Ritchie, Md. A. J. Tyler, Jr., APO 919, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. A. J. Wallace, AAC, 261 Summer St., Southington, Conn. Lt. E. D. Walsh, APO 919, San Francisco, Calif. 1942- A/C J. R. Barber, AAC, CATC #1, 211 Farnum Hall, Yale Univ., New Haven. A/C B. McC. Beaty, Gp. 6, Sqdn. A, Nav. Wing, AAFPFS, Ellington Field, Texas J. B. Beidler, USNR, Third Ave., Runnemede, N.J. R. C. Bester, AAC, 147 Lawler Road, West Hartford, Conn. Ens. M. T. Birmingham, USNR, 45 Westwood Road, New Haven, Conn. Pvt. J. C. Blackman, 240th MP Co., c/o A. Rogers Estate, Hyde Park, N.Y. A/C J. K. Blake, Group II, AAFNS, Hondo, Texas R. A. Bodkin, Jr., Army, 9 Mountain Ave., Maplewood, N.J. Cpl. J. A. Bond, USMCR, Radio Materiel School, Co. 12, Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif. · Pvt. F. J. Brazel, Hqs. Btry. 904th FA Bn., Camp Blanding, Fla. P. C. Brooks, American Field Service, APO 616, c/o P.M., New York City Pvt. Louis E. Buck, Hqs. Troops, 90th RCN Sqdn., Guard & Tng. Detach., Camp Barkley, Texas F. S. Burnham, Army, Station 30%, So. Windsor, Conn. Cpl. R. Burrage, Officers School, Fort Benning, Ga. Pfc. J. H. Cahill, Jr., 626 Forest Ave., River Forest, Ill. R. 0. Calaceto, 518th MP Bn., Co. E, Fort Jay, Governor's Island, N. Y. J. M. Cannon, AAC, 15 Morrison Ave., Wethersfield, Conn. Ens. G. L. Carey, USNR, 210 Medio Drive, West Los Angeles, Calif. J. M. Carey, Naval Med. Res., 130 Vanderbilt Hall, Harvard Med. Sch., Boston Pvt. J. A. Crichton, Hq. & Hq. Sq. 98th Bomber Group, Ft. Myers, Fla. J.D. Cummins, AAC, 60 Monument Ave., Swampscott, Mass. Pvt. J. A. Cushman, AAC, 325 W. 22nd St., New York City L. J. Czarnota, AAC, 308 AAFTD, Stanford, Texas A/C Robert B. Dilts, Sqdn. 4, Flight C, Cadet Detach., AAFBS, Midland, Texas Pvt. F. J. P. Donahue, BTC AAF #10, Bks. 821, Greensboro, N. C. 2nd Lt. L. H. Earle, 15th Cavalry, Camp Maxey, Texas Lt. (jg) M. R. Eddy, USNR, Lake Road, Lake Forest, Ill. Lt. F. A. Eisenman, 3461st Ord. MM Co., Camp McCoy, Wis. Pvt. R. M. Elrick, APO 958, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. 2nd Lt. F. F. Fasi, TC-MB, New River, N. C. Cpl. 0. A. Ferguson, 72 Crescent St., Rutland, Vt. Ens. C. H. Fisher, USNR, USS LST 360, c/o FPO, New York City Pvt. J. R. Glynn, Co. G, 4th Sig. Tng. Bn., Ft. Monmouth, Red Bank, N. J. H. G. Hale, Army, 62 Elm St., Rocky Hill, Conn. Pvt. I. M. Hanna, Bat., 3rd Regt. TRA, Ft. McClellan, Ala. Ens. J. W. Hotchkiss, USNR, East River, Conn. Pvt. W. P. Hunnewell, 357 Bomb. Sq., Army Air Base, Clovis, New Mexico F. L. Jacobs, Army, Warehouse Point, Conn. G. M. Jacobsen, AAC, 179 Benton St., Hartford, Conn. 2nd Lt. C. E. Jensen, AAC, 55 Lafayette St., Hartford, Conn. Sgt. W. C. Jerome, APO 919, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. W. Jesse!, Army, 10 Fairfield Ave., Hartford, Conn. Lt. A. 0. Jones, Jr., AAC, 86 Lake St., Cooperstown, N. Y. Pvt. J. R. Jones, Co. M, 3rd Bn., 87th Mountain Inf., Camp Hale, Colo. P. C. Jordan, Army, Newport Field, Newport, Ark. Pvt. C. A. Kuehn, Wright Aero. Corp., Paterson, N.J.

Pvt. F. D. Ladner, 854th Ordnance Co. (HM) (Q), Fort Bliss, Texas 2nd Lt. J. M:. Loutrel, AAC, 270 Irving Ave., So. Orange, N. J. R. R. M:adama, Armed Forces, 55 King St., Hartford, Conn. T. F. Madigan, Army, address unknown R. K. Madison, Army, 74 LeMay St., West Hartford, Conn. Lt. R. S. Manion, 303rd Fighter Squadron, Sarasota Air Base, Sarasota, Fla. Pvt. R. A. Manning, 924 TSS, Flight A, R 280, Atlantic City, N.J. J. W. Marlor, AAC, 82 Fairview Ave., Naugatuck, Conn. T. C. McGee, Military Police Det., SC 4th SC, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Lt. A. D. McKibbin, APO 8749, c/o P.M., New York City Pfc. R. R. McKinney, 19th Academic Sqd., Scott Field, Ill. Cpl. A. Meshenuk, Rm. 105, Warwick Hall, U. of Penna., 37th and Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Ens. W. T. Middlebrook, USNR, 711 Venetian Hotel, Miami, Fla. Ens. A. Miller, USNR, SCTC, R413, Miramar Hotel, Miami, Fla. Pfc. J. D. Mirabile, CCS, CL #8, Br. #3, Gainesville, Fla. A/C S. F. Moore, TS AAFTTC Yale Univ., Wing I, Group 2, Sq. G, Sect. 38, New Haven, Conn. 2nd Lt. R. F. M:orhardt, USMC, 188 So. Marshall St., Hartford, Conn. R. T. Morris, USNR, 697-14th Avenue, Paterson, N.J. E. J. Mosher, Army, 851 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, Conn. Sgt. W. Mugford, APO 929, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Cpl. R. J. Murray, Co. A, OCS, Fort Warren, Wyo. Pvt. R. P. Nichols, 84th NRO, Patterson Field, Ohio D. F. North, USCGR, Hq. Co., 77 Empire Blvd., Brooklyn, N. Y. C. E. Olsen, Army, 44 Highland St., Newington, Conn. Sub-Lieut. R. Paddon, RCNVR, c/o Fleet Mail Office, Esquimalt, B. C. Cpl. J. H. Payne, AAC, AAFNS, Hondo Army Air Base, Hondo, Texas V. L. Petersen, Army, 230 Walnut St., Newton, Mass. Pvt. F. P. Peterson, 12 School Sq., Bks. 757, Scott Field, Ill. Pvt. G. E. Peterson, Co. H, Bar. #4, RRC, Camp Devens, Mass. A. M. Pulito, Army, 106 Thomas St., West Hartford, Conn. M. F. Rhines, AAC, 312 Base Hq. & AB Sq., Municipal Airport, Dover, Del. Cpl. F. C. Romaine, Walter Reed General Hospital Section, Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C. E. G. Rosen, Army, 24 Garfield St., Hartford, Conn. Cpl. R. Rosenthal, 84th Bomb Gp. (0), 304th Bomb Sqdn., Drew Field, Fla. H. G. Rothauser, USCGR, 21 Arnold St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. W. F. Scully, Jr., Army, 64 Lawrence St., Hartford, Conn. C. P. Siems, Army, 860 Park Ave., New York City Ens. R. 0. Simpson, USNR, 42 Barker St., White Plains, N. Y. Pvt. W. J. Smyth, AAC, 2nd Tech. Sch. Sqd. (Sp), Lowry Field #2, Denver, Colo. T/S J. T. Soutter, 31234396, Det. Med. Dept., 1864th Unit, Ft. Sill, Okla. Pvt. 0. A. Staehr, 31344043, Co. D, 2nd Bn., Camp Wheeler, Ga. 2nd Lt. G. D. 0. Stoughton, 501st CA Bn. AA, Camp Edwards, Mass. 2nd Lt. P. V. Stoughton, USMCR, Bt. G, 3rd Bn. 14th Marines, Tent City, Camp Lejune, New River, North Carolina Pvt. J. A. Sweetser, Co. C, 8th Bn., ORTC, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. A/C J. Swift, 11095222, Atkinson 304, AAFTD, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. Pvt. C. E. Thenebe, 11094554, College Tng. Detach. (Air Crew), Sqdn. B, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. 2nd Lt. N. N. Turley, Personnel Officer, Bradley Field, Windsor Locks, Conn. D. S. Tuttle, Jr., USNR, South St., Middlebury, Conn. Cand. D. S. Vincent, Bat. A, CAOCS, Fort Monroe, Va. J. H. Wamsley, USNR, 45 St. Paul's Place, New Rochelle, N. Y. Ens. W. M. Webb, 35-43 84th St., Apt. 506, Jackson Heights, N. Y. A. G. Weeks, USNR, 48 Denny Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. F. F. White, USNR, 136 Bainbridge Road, West Hartford, Conn. Pvt. R. C. Whitsitt, Co. I, 801st STR, Camp Murphy, Fla. 2nd Lt. A. K. Will, AAATC, Camp Edwards, Mass. Cpl. J. M. Wilson, 2nd Signal Service Bn., Washington, D. C. Lt. M.D. Wood, AAC, 377 Bomb Squadron, Columbia, S. C. Ens. W. F. Wood, USNR, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. M. A. Zaccaria, Army, 1149 NTS, San Marcos, 'l'exas 1943- W. H. Arnold, Army, East Ferry Lane, Westport, Conn. T. V. Ashton, USNR, USNR Midshipmen's School, Johnson Hall 923, N. Y. C. W. B. Ayer, RCAF, #5, ITS, Belleville, Ontario G. C. Bacon, RCAF, 38 Bradford Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass. A/S R. B. Barnes, USNR, Co. 479, USN Training Station, Newport, R.I.


E. A. Bezurzyk, USNR, Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla. A/S W. B. Bolton, Bks. B-1, Comp. J, U. S. Maritime Service Training Station, Sheepshead Bay, N.Y. Ens. J. L. Bonee, Jr., USNR, 476 Farmington Ave., Hartford, Conn. Lt. J. P. Boucher, USNR, Bldg. 657, R. 1621, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. D. Q. Brinckerhoff, USNR Midshipmen's School, New York City Pfc. W. V. Casey, FA, 1st Bn. Hq. Bat. 193 FA, APO 305, Camp Livingston, La. Pvt. F. S. Cawley, APO 923, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. R. M. Cheetham, 301st TSS Flight 521, Army Air Forces Training School, Keesler Field, Miss. S. D. Colhoun, Jr., AAC, Crosswick Ranch, Gilroy, Calif. R. S. Cobb, USCGR, 232 Kent St., Brookline, Mass. S. B. Corliss, USNR Midshipmen's School, New York City L. B. Cuddy, American Field Service, APO 616, c/o P.M., New York City Pfc. R. Cunningham, Jr., 11094334, 18 Rep!. Wing, Salt Lake City, Utah 2nd Lt. J. C. Cuppia, Jr., USMC, Officers Mail Room, AAFSAT, Orlando, Fla. Pvt. B. T. Davidson, Bat. D, 110th FA, 28th Div., Camp Meade, Maryland Pvt. R. W. Dexter, 31142134, APO 528, c/o P.M., New York City · Pvt. G. H. Dickinson, Jr., 11086043, SCU 1187, Univ. of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. BM2/c P. H. Dodge, USCGR, Pier 18, Staten Island, N. Y. Pvt. R. Donohue, Co. A, 71st Bn., 15th Regt. 2 Platoon, Camp Robinson, Ark. Coxswain J. H. Douglas, USCGR, 12th Floor (Comm.), 42 Broadway, N. Y. C. P. C. Dryden, AAC, "Fairfield", Bernardsville, N. J. Lt. J. Ennis, AAC, 55 Home St., Metuchen, N.J. Pvt. A. L. Euliano, Med. Detach., Station Hospital, Camp Shanks, N. Y. Lt. J. E. Fay, USMCR, A Co., 19th ROC, Quantico, Va. Pvt. D. Felix, Co. 18, 1st Bn., Pittsburg Rep!. Depot, California Pfc. F. E. Fox, 31189358, AAFTTC, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. Ens. R. E. Gager, USNR, Center Road, Orange, Conn. E. F. Gamble, Armed Forces, 33 Lincoln Road, Wethersfield, Conn. Pfc. W. F. Gavin, Det. 859 Sig. Ser. Co., SPAD, Spokane, Wash. J. W. Ghent, Air Force, 114 Garfield Road, West Hartford, Conn. S. V. Glidden, USNR Midshipmen's School, New York City W. Grey, Army, Cedar Gate, Darien, Conn. E. G. Guillet, USNR Midshipmen's School, Notre Dame, Indiana W. C. Hajek, Co. M, Bks. 2, SCU 1112, Ft. Devens, Mass. Pfc. R. J. Hale, 17 TSS, Bks. 241, Chanute Field, Ill. R. F. Hanmer, Army, 36 Chapman St., East Hartford, Conn. Pvt. L. Hasbrou.ck, ASN 11072554, SCU 1112, Co. M, RRC, Ft. Devens, Mass. A. H. Healey, Med. Detach., 9th CA, Fort Banks, Mass. W. J. Hinson, USNR Midshipmen's School, New York City Pvt. L. C. Hipson, 92nd CTDAC, Class 92, Alva, Okla. J. N. Hobbs, American Field Service, APO 616, c/o P.M., New York City Pvt. C. H. Hodgkins, Co. M, SCU 1112, Ft. Devens, Mass. C. Ives, Army Ordnance Dept., Springfield, Mass. 2nd Lt. F. C. Jones, 0-659133, APO 860, c/o P.M., New York City L. J. Kavanaugh, Army, 110, Marian Ave., Fanwood, N. J. M. Kellin, USNR Midshipmen's School, Johnson Hall #708, New York City 1st Lt. R. M. Killam, 34th Fighter Sqdn, Army Air Base, Mitchel Field, L. I., N. Y. Ens. H. S. Knowles, USNR, 98 Clifton Ave., West Hartford, Conn. W. Lokot, AAC, 2-4 Oakwood St., East Hartford, Conn. 2nd Lt. D. R. Lutkins, HQ Co., 1st Bn., 413th Inf. Regt., Camp Adair, Or~. · Cpl. C. E. Martin, Med. Detach., Air Corps Technical School, Keesler Field, Miss. Pvt. J. F. McLaughlin, Military Police Bks., Lovell Gen. Hosp., Ft. Devens, Mass. Av/C J. S. MacNerney, Sqdn. B, Group X, Wing II, AAFPFS, (Pilot), Maxwell Field, Alabama D. Miller, Jr., USNR, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. S 2/c F. C. Moor, Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif. N. R. H. Moor, Jr., USNR, Naval Air Station, Bldg. 714, R 201, Jacksonville, Fla. Pvt. N. Motto, Co. M, RC, Ft. Devens, Mass. J. P. Morrissey, USNR Midshipmen's School, Johnson Hall, Billet 709 B, N. Y. C. G. C. Nelson, USNR Midshipmen's School, New York City Ens. E. A. O'Malley, USNR, SOQ, Brooklyn Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. S. Paine, USNR Midshipmen's School, Johnson Hall, New York City Pvt. J. Pearson, Army, 20 Old Farm Road, Hamden, Conn. Pvt. D. B. Peck, Co. M, Bks. 7, RRC, Ft. Devens, Mass. Pvt. R. B. Quinn, Co. A, 37th Inf. Tng. Bn., Bks. 216, Camp Croft, S. C. 2M 3/c F. M. Rackemann, Jr., USNR, c/o P.M., New York City Cpl. F. J. Rago, Co. 2-2 MRTC, Bks. 1419, Camp Pickett, Va. Lt. J. F. Ransom, APO 710, c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif.

Pvt. H. P. Reed, Jr., 800 TSS, Bks. T-1158, Seymour Johnson Field, N. C. C. L. Richards, Armed Forces, West 34th St. & 9th Ave., New York City J. M. Richey, AAF, Davenport Ridge, Stamford, Conn. Ens. J. G. Rossi, USNR, Hotel Esmeralda, 444 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Fla. Coxswain T. J. Scott, USNR, Dennett Road, So. Elliott, Maine R. G. Sharp, USNR Midshipmen's School, New York City Ens. G. A. F. Tracy, USCGR, COTP Shore Patrol, 520 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Lt. D. Tyler, AAF, 239 Jefferson St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. C. H. Upham, 1140th TSS, BTC-9, Flight 377, Miami Beach, Fla. Lt. K. 0. Vincent, AAC, Carlsbad Army Air Field, Carlsbad, N. M. Pvt. R. D. Vinter, Jr., Psych. Research Unit #3, SAAAB, Santa Ana, Calif. Ens. C. D. Ward, Jr., USNR, 314 Pine St., Spartanburg, S. C. Lt. R. W. Wells, AAC, 28 Brookline Drive, West Hartford, Conn. R. M. Welton, USNR, 212 Stacy Hall, U. S. Navy Pre-Flt. Sch., Chapel Hill N. C. C. H. Williams, USNR Midshipmen's School, Notre Dame, Indiana Sgt. C. F . Withington, Regional Weather Central, Mitchel Field, N. Y. Pvt. C. C. Woodward, USMCR, Bayberry Downs, Truro, Mass. Cpl. E . Woodward, Hq. Co., 1st QM School Regt., QM School, Camp Lee, Va. S. D. Woodworth, USNR Midshipmen's School, 735 Furnald Hall, New York City 1944- J. B. Alexander, Army, 25 Huntington St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. E. S. Anderson, 2523 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. J. D. Ballard, Co. D, 1st Bn.- ORTC, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland B. C. Barstow, Troop B, Bldg. 91, OCS, Ft. Riley, Kansas A. B. Beattie, Army, 8 Hickory Drive, Greenwich Acres, via Portchester, N. Y. Lt. R. H. Beck, AAF, 0-664952, APO 629, New York City Pvt. J. A. Biggerstaff, 113th Chern. Impreg. Co., Camp Siebert, Ala. 2nd Lt. G. Boardman, Army, Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., N.Y. D. H. Bromberg, Army, 91 Westbourne Pkwy., Hartford, Conn. T. F. Buchanan, USNR, Training School, Texas A & M Col., College Sta., Texas. R.N. Buttery, Army, Lime Rock, Conn. Pfc. P. W. Clifford, Officers Candidate School, Miami, Fla. T. B. Conklin, USCGR, Indian Harbor, Greenwich, Conn. Pvt. R. L. Corrigan, Army, 79 Eaton St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. D. S. Damtoft, 11072218, Bat. "B", 364th FA Bn., Ft. George G. Meade, Md. J. M. Danyliw, Army, 81 Marion St., Hartford, Conn. S 2/c J. C. Dawkins, USNR, 12 Ellington Ave., Rockville, Conn. E. W. Dexter, Army, 31 Main St., Rocky Hill, Conn. Pvt. J. R. Dolan, 31287746, 405th Tng. Cp. Flight I 3, BTC 4, AAFTTC, Miami Beach, Fla. Pvt. J. W. Dorchester, Co. M, Bks. 7, SCU 1112, Ft. Devens, Mass. Pvt. A. G. Dubovick, Army, P. 0. Box 58, Montville, Conn. G. G. Duncan, AAC, 86 Newport Ave., West Hartford, Conn. B. H. Earle, US Merchant Marines, 50 Brookside Drive, Hamden, Conn. Pvt. F. W. Elton, AAC, Pinehurst Road, Bristol, Conn. R. M. Farnsworth, Army, 4 Central Green, Winchester, Mass. Pvt. W. E. Farnsworth, Army, 31 Brookside Blvd., West Hartford, Conn. W. C. Fay, AAC, Sect. III B, AAFSSD, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pvt. M. R. Fearing, 614th Tng. Gp., 62nd Tng. Wing, 524th Sqdn., Beverly Hotel, St. Petersburg, Fla. S/Sgt. J. T. Fink, 1600 TSS, Tomah, Wis. Pvt. H. H. Forster, 12123447, Apo. 617, c/o P.M., New York City Pvt. S. H. Goslee, AAC, 45 Church St., Manchester, Conn. H. L. Grant, Co. B, 138th TD Tng. Bn., 4th Regt., TDRTC, Camp Hood, Texas R. R. Greene, No. D 11 9652, C. Bat. Survey Wing, CATC (A-1), Petawawa, Ont. G. H . Hart, Jr., USCGR, U.S. Coast Gd. Observation Base, Greenport, L. I., N.Y. Pvt. R. E. Haskell, Army, 192 Highland St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. R. C. Hastings, Jr., 11094556, 35 Tng. Gp. Sqd., Jefferson Barracks, Missouri J. L. Hayward, USNR, 1038 Bancroft Hall, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. 2nd Lt. M. M. Heard, AAF, George Field, Lawrenceville, Ill. F. R. Hoar, Officers Quarters 67 D, Chancerville Road, Ft. Devens, Mass. M. J. Hogan, AAC, 174 Terry Road, Hartford, Conn. J. H. E. Johnston, American Field Service, APO 616, c/o P .M., New York City Pfc. D. E. Jones, 32778022, 766 TSS, Bks. 520, Buckley Field, Denver, Colo. E. C. Kelly, USNR, Richmond, Mass. R. C. Kiley, AAC, 285 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Pvt. R. J. Kirkwood, 31276142, Co. A, AST Unit 3408, George Sch. of Techn., Atlanta, Ga. Pvt. A. Libby, Army, 77 Hebron St., Hartford, Conn. '. H. MacGuyer, Army, 20 Holly St., Providence, R.I.


J. Mackintosh, Greystones, Seville Park, Halifax, Yorkshire, England C. T. Mcilwain, Jr., R 141589- RCAF, #19 EFTS, Virden, Manitoba, Canada 2nd Lt. J. Menzies, Army, 115 Ridgewood Ave., Hamden, Conn. Pvt. B. L. Mullins, Army, 166 Barker St., Hartford, Conn. A. W. Newton, 1620666 LAC, 72 Course, 37 SFTS, Calgary, Alberta, Canada F. W. Palfrey, Jr., AAC, Bar. 244, Flt. 202, Tng. Gp. 804, BTC 8, Fresno, Calif. J. D. Peabody, Jr., USNR, 18 E. 84th St., New York City J. H. Peabody, American Field Service, APO 616, c/o P.M., New York City S. Peterson, Army, 10 Wolcott St., Hartford, Conn. M. S. Phillips, Jr., Army, 221 E. 131st St., Cleveland, Ohio G. W. Preston, AAC, 5 Roosevelt St., Hamden, Conn. Pfc. N. F. Rago, Jr., 21 TSS Sect. B, Flight 5, Ft. Logan, Colo. Pvt. J. Richardson, A Co., Platoon 2, lOth Med. Tng. Bn., Camp Pickett, Va. Cpl. T. W. Robertson, Jr., USMCR, Fleet PO, San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. F. R. Root, Army, 1 Harold St., Wethersfield, Conn. Pvt. M. L. Rutt, Army, 699 Broadview Terrace, Hartford, Conn. T. A. Smith, American Field Service, APO 616, c/o P.M., New York City E. W. Stadler, Army, 143 Kelsey St., New Britain, Conn. Pvt. E. K. Stein, Army, 9 Douglas St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. J. F. Stevenson, Co. C, 66th Bn., 14th Tng. Rgt., Plat. 4, Hut 6, Camp Fannin, Texas R. F. Stratton, USCGR, Collinsville, Conn. R. Toland, Jr., USNR, 312 Everett WS Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. S 2/c (QM) P. Torrey, U. S. Naval R/S Barrack F, Treasure Island, Calif. Pvt. J. M. Tweedy, 31137069, 98 Fighter Sqdn., Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. J. F. Tyler, Army, 239 Jefferson St., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. R. B. Van de Water, 125 South Hamilton St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A/C J. M. Verdi, Sqd. L, Sec. ~211x, Rm. 622, ACBTC, #1, Boca Raton Club, Boca Raton, Florida P. D. White, AAC, 186 Hollywood Crossing, Cedarhurst, L. I., N. Y. H. R. Wickenden, AAC, 241 Greenwood Ave., Bethel, Conn. Pvt. E. T. Williams, Co. C, 66 Bn., 14th Tng. Rgt., Plat. 2, Hut 3, Camp Fannin, Texas 1945-Pvt. R. Alton, 11064671, APO 813, c/o P.M., New York City Pvt. L. J. Bailey, Jr., Co. C, 56th MRTC, Camp Barkeley, Texas J. H. Bartman, Jr., Army, 48 Webster St., Hartford, Conn. W. H. Beatty, U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Pvt. D. Cleveland, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland Pvt. M. R. Campo, Army, 1579 Boulevard, West Hartford, Conn. Pvt. R. A. Cohen, Army, 142 Euclid Ave., Waterbury, Conn. Pvt. L. C. Collins, 31162950, Co. G, 101st In!. Regt., Tent 25, 26th Div., Fort George G. Meade, Maryland Pvt. W. H. A. Cronin, Jr., Bat. B, 11th Bn., Ft. Eustis, Va. S 2/c R. W. Cudworth, USNR, Radio Sch. (Serv. Schls.), Co. 1406, Newport, R. I. Pvt. J. J. Daly, Army, 126 Huntington St., Hartford, Conn. Dennis Dix, AAC, Orchard Cottage, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. C. Dowd, 11101149, 304th Inf., 76th Div., Ft. Geo. G. Meade, Maryland Pvt. F. C. Ellis, Army, 16 Belmont St., Wethersfield, Conn. Pvt. A. E. Fay, Army, 162 Collins St., Hartford, Conn. Ens. A. W. Foster, USNR, 106 W. Mth St., New York City C. Gifford, Jr., Army, 12 Arlington St., Cambridge, Mass. Pvt. H. W. Gleason, Jr., Star Unit 3906, 1905 Lincoln St., Pasadena, Calif. Pvt. W. V. Golkowski, Army, 53 Fourth Ave., West Haven, Conn. Pvt. W. A. Hart, Army, 41 Brookline Drive, West Hartford, Conn. J. T. Heistand, Army, 215 No. Front St., Harrisburg, Penna. D. W. Hollings, USNR, 172 Fairview Ave., Stamford, Conn. H. G. Honeysett, AAC, 214 Cliveden Ave., Glenside, Pa. J. Kapteijn, Army, 38 Lexington Road, West Hartford, Conn. C. H. Kiendl, Jr., USMCR, USMC Air Station NOB, Navy #38, FPO, N. Y. C. Pvt. B. Lapp, Army, 403 Woodland St., Hartford, Conn. J. C. Lovell, Army, 53 Pine St., Waterbury, Conn. Pvt. J . M. Marron, 102nd Signal Co., APO 102, Camp Maxcy, Paris, Texas Pvt. L. F. Martin, 384th Bomb Group, Wendover Field, Utah Pvt. N. A. Marzialo, Army, 10 Kilbourn St., Hartford, Conn. J. K. McNulty, S 1/c, USNR, Bks. B-7, Ft. Sampson, N.Y. W. Meigs, Army, 117 Woodland Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Pvt. A. W. Milligan, 11102919, 35th Tng. Gp., Sqdn. "D", Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Pvt. J. Molinari, Army, 50 So. Center St., Windsor Locks, Conn. Pvt. H. L. Montgomery, Hq. Co., 15th Sig. Ser. Reg., Ft. Monmouth, N. J. E. Norris, III, Army, 1215 Kemble St., Utica, N.Y.


Pfc. E. E. Peseux, Casey Jones Acad. Aeronautics, 88 Mulbury St., Newark, N. J. Pvt. J. T. Prendergast, Army, 91 Campfield Ave., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. S. A. Richardson, Army, 171 Western Ave., Brattleboro, Vt. Pf.c. T. J. Ritchie, 33rd TSS, Lowry Field, Denver, Colorado Pvt. D. J. Rotondo, Army, 1 West St., Simsbury, Conn. Pvt. C. E. Saunders, Army, 326 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N.Y. P. H. Sherlock, Army, 25 Elm St., Tariffville, Conn. Pvt. G. L. Smith, 11094798, Co. C, 66th Bn., Hut 3, 14th Tng. Rgt., Camp Fannin, Texas. Pvt. M. C. Smith, Army, 542 Hillside Ave., Hartford, Conn. A/C B. L. Smith, Jr., 18215286, Sec. 4, Sqdn. B, 91st Colg. Tng. Detach. (Air Crew) Shawnee, Okla. F. S. Taylor, U. S. Merchant Marines, 130 Westwood Road, New Haven, Conn. Pfc. W. I. Thomsen, Co. A, Plat. 3, MDTS, Lawson General Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. J. P. Vogel, Jr., Naval Aviation Flight Training, University of North Carolina, A/C H. Wheeler, USNR Aviation Base, Squantum, Mass. 1946- Pvt. E. C. Anthes, ASN 11100954, Area. B, 5th Rec., Camp Upton, L. I. W. G. Barnett, Camp Hale, Colo. H. R. Booth, USNR, 16 Essex Place, Bronxville, N.Y. P. Bosco, Army, 96 Ardmore Ave., Waterbury, Conn. Pvt. S. J. T. Camilleri, AAFTS, Seymour Johnson Field, North Carolina Pvt. V. M. Console, Army, 59 Linbrook Rd., Hartford, Conn. Cpl. S. C. Edsall, 11101313, Co. M, 803 Sig. Tng. Reg., Ft. Monmouth, N. J. T. W. Flanigan, Army, 26 Westfield Rd., West Hartford, Conn. Pvt. R. E. Greene, Army, 250 Queen St., Bristol, Conn. M. J. Granfield, Jr., Army, 65 Catherine St., Hartford, Conn. J. S. Griswold, Army, 97 Walden St., West Hartford, Conn. L. R. Guzzo, Naval Aviation Flight Training, RPI, Troy, New York S. P. Haight, Jr., Army, 64 E. 54th St., New York City Pvt. J. F. Howell, Army, 178 Garfield Rd., West Hartford, Conn. Pvt. E. H. Jawin, Army, 114 Putnam St., New Britain, Conn. Cpl. A. W. King, 32732254, 77 S. Portage St., Westfield, N. Y. Pvt. J. M. L'Heureux, 11095124, Hammer Field, Fresno, Calif. Pvt. T. D. Lockwood, 32873152, Co. K, 86th Inf. (R), Camp Hale, Colo. Pvt. M. Lubin, Army, 710 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. R. G. Plitt, AAC, 32-11 160th St., Flushing, N. Y. Pvt. M. R. Magarian, AAF, 151 Oak St., New Britain, Conn. Pvt. D. A. Magera, Army, 321 Franklin Ave., Hartford, Conn. J. B. Maue, Med. Dept., 86th Mt. Inf., Camp Hale, Colo. Pvt. G. T. Murray, Army, 454 Prospect Ave., Hartford, Conn. Pvt. F. D. Neusner, Army, Transportation Corps Unit, Camp Fannin, Texas Pvt. W. R. Noble, AFCC, Sqdn. 4F, Bks. 662, Nashville, Tenn. Pvt. E. J. Obert, AFRC, A-15, 3rd Platoon, Ft. Knox, Kentucky Pvt. R. L. Parson, 31325541, 504 t.b., 13 Sq. 217 Flb., Kearns, Utah Pvt. C. S. Prentice, 33rd College Tng. Detach. (Air Crew), St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa. W. T. Reed, Field Artillery School, Fort Bragg, N. C. Pvt. F. R. Rosen, 31327723, Hq. Hq.'s Co. 3Bn. 80th AR, APO 258, North Camp Polk, Louisiana R. W. Sarles, Army, 1004 Townsend Ave., New Haven, Conn. Pvt. G. V. W. Shepherd, Army, 4 Lumber St., Hopkinton, Mass. Pvt. H. A. Simpson, Sqdn. C, Fit. 18, AAFTTC, 27 TG, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. J. E. Surgenor, Co. 307- Unit E 4, USNTS, Sampson, N. Y.





It is impossible to say in this column anything which can add to the renown of the Honorable Joseph Buffington or to say anything about his connection with Trinity College which has not already been placed more clearly before our alumni at other times and in other places.

Glover Johnson graduated from Trinity School in New York City in 1919 and entered Trinity College's class of 1923. He graduated with the class of 1922, having earned a B.A. degree. From this one might assume that he gave all his time to books and very little to extracurricular activities, but such was not the case. During his busy three years. Glover Johnson found time to serve as manager of baseball and tennis, to participate in the Political Science Club, the Sophomore Dining Club and to help in the publication of the 1923 Ivy. A member of D.K.E., he served on the Interfraternity Council and, by way of relaxation from these duties, he helped to organize during his stay the Freshman Banquet, the Sophomore Entertainment Committee, and Junior Prom. Three years later, in 1925, he held an LL.B. from the New York Law School. Mr. Johnson has been a member of the College's Board of Fellows and the Secretary of the Alumni Association. He has served as a member of the D.K.E. National Council. The father of two daughters, Margaret Murray and Dorothy Patricia, he now lives at Brookside, Wilmot Road, New Rochelle, New York. He is a member of the Wall Street firm of White and Case. His connections in the legal world include the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the New York State Bar, the Westchester County Bar Association and the American Bar Association. Mr. Johnson's clubs include the Down Town Association in New York City, the Apawamis Golf Club in Rye, New York, and the Larchmont Yacht Club, where he is trustee and secretary. Though Mr. Johnson has never sought political office, . he participated some time ago with Thomas Dewey, now governor of New York, in establishing the Young Republican Club of New York and throughout the country.

Judg~ Buffington was admitted to the bar .fifty-four years ago in 1889 and about three years afterward, he was appointed by President Harrison to be a federal district judge. President Theodore Roosevelt commissioned him to circuit judge in 1906. In 1914 he became senior circuit judge and in 1938 he retired. His long career has been heaped with honors. Foreign nations have joined with his fellow countrymen in giving tokens of the esteem in which they held him. He holds the title of Commander of the Crown of Italy and he belongs to the order of the White Lion of Czechoslovakia.

The portrait which appears above, though it was pain ted more than twenty years ago by Leopold Seyffert, was recently brought back into prominence when it was presented in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the third circuit on February 19th of this year. Mr. Seyffert, one of America's leading portrait painters, painted two identical portraits of Judge Buffington. One_hangs in the Dining Hall at Trinity College and the other in the Circuit Court of Appeals mentioned above. Senator Claude Pepper, who in 1918 received an honorary D.C.L. degree from Trinity College, made an address when the portrait was presented to the Court. Mr. Pepper said that this portrait "is a delineation of a man of deep religious feeling." This most distinguished alumnus of Trinity College was graduated in the year 1875. He is a member of the Beta Beta Chapter of Psi Upsilon. His son, Joseph Buffington, Jr., received the degree of B.S. in 1920.


Left: Arthur T. Heubner, '43, receives the McCook Trophy from Anson T. McCook, '02.

hour of physical education each day in a program similar to the strenuous one our own students have had during this past year. It is believed that the students who can qualify for intercollegiate teams may substitute varsity practice for physical education, providing they have passed certain physical efficiency standards, including swimming. The usual seven game football schedule has been arranged for next fall, since football schedules are made up several years in advance. However, of the seven opponents listed, four have notified Trinity that they will be unable to play. The remaining games still listed are with Wesleyan, Coast Guard Academy, and Worcester Tech . If it becomes possible for Trinity to use the V-12 students for intercollegiate athletics, two or three more games with nearby opponents may be arranged.

Report on Athletics by Professor Oosting

Whether or not intercollegiate football is played, it looks like a very interesting and busy athletic year with the main emphasis on a thorough toughening-up program to prepare the men physically for whatever the next few years have in store.

Due to the early date for final examinations, it was possible to play only a very limited intercollegiate schedule this past spring. The track and tennis schedules were dropped entirely, but seven games were planned in baseball and, in spite of the unusually rainy spring, five of the seven games were played. The team enjoyed a very successful season , winning four games : two from Wesleyan, one from a strong Springfield College nine, and the other from Worcester Tech. The last defeat was by Yale. Cahill, the Yale ace, let Trinity win three hits to avenge the one to nothing victor,y Trinity scored last year in the long-to-be-remembered Commencement Day game. A few days before the Trinity game, Cahill pitched a five hit exhibition against Brooklyn , Yale losing by a two to one score. The Trinity nine showed real promise and it was unfortunate that it could not play the usual schedule of games. The short baseball season may be the last intercollegiate competition for Trinity teams for the duration, although the Athletic Department is hopeful of working out some sort of intercollegiate competition with the Navy V-12 students plus the few regular Trinity students who may be available. Both groups are scheduled to report July 1st. The only information available at this time is a short statement by certain Navy officials that the students will be allowed to participate, providing such participation does not interfere with the students' academic work. All V-12 students will be required to take one

Scores of 1943 Baseball Games Trinity



















Worcester Tech.


As this magazine goes to press, the Alumni Fund stands at $6,321.50. This falls below the final figure for last year's Alumni Fund, $6,;99.50. We hope those alumni who have been meaning to contribute but who have not got around to doing so for one reason or another will take the earliest opportunity of sending in their contributions. There will come a day when Trinity will need to refurbish a good deal of its old equipment and to buy new materials for the years of peace. When this day comes, nothing could stand the College in better stead than a sound and substantial fund built up through the contribution of its alumni.



NECROLOGY 1942-43 Name




1943 1882 Charles A. Appleton 1892 1942 John R. Bacon 1942 1900 Frank T . Baldwin 1942 Hon. 1924 Rev. George A. Barton 1889 unknown Rev. William L. H. Benton 1943 1894 James D . Birckhead, M .D. 1942 1903 Percival H. Bradin 1942 1900 Thomas P. Browne, Jr. 1943 Hon. 1915 William N . C. Carlton 1943 1942 Lt. Horace G. Cleveland 1943 1892 Rev. Albert Crabtree 1913 unknown Daniel B. Dawley 1942 1882 James G. DeForest 1942 1905 Edward L. Duffee 1942 1940 Lt. Robert M. Flanders 1942 Hon. 1934 Clarence W. Gleason 1942 1891 lrenus K. Hamilton 1943 1899 Rev. Charles B. Hedrick 1935 1926 Hives George A. 1942 1871 Rev. William F. Hubbard 1943 1911 Harold C. Jaquith 1943 1894 Rt. Rev. Frederick F . Johnson 1942 1943 Lt. William W. Johnson 1942 1910 Frederick S. Kedney 1943 1899 George T . Kendal 1942 1929 H. Mayhew Lancaster 1892 1943 Henry N. Lee 1942 1882 Arthur B. Linsley 1942 1939 Lt. Newton H. Mason 1942 1928 Millard F. Manning 1909 1942 Rev. Stephen E. McGinley 1942 1904 Rev. George S. A. Moore 1943 John Pierpont Morgan, Jr. Hon. 1918 1942 Hon. 1933 Walter P. Murphy 1942 1939 Lt. Boris W. Pacelia 1942 1939 Lt. George B. Patterson 1943 1937 Lt. Judson S . Ramaker 1943 1895 John H . Smart Hon . 1934 1942 Walter R . Steiner, M .D. 1942 1898 Rev. Edward S. Travers 1943 1935 Lt. William H. Warner 1943 Hon. 1937 Stillman F. Westbrook 1942 1&80 Frederick P . Wilcox 1943 1905 Charles B. Wynkoop


The death of Dr. Harold Clarence Jaquith , 1911, deprived Trinity of a loyal alumnus and a most helpful friend and advisor. At the time of a his death, April 20th, Dr. Jaquith was on leave from his post as Provost and Dean of Freshmen at the College. He was engaged as Educational Director for the State Office of Price Administration. Dr. Jaquith 's career was an interesting and important one. After graduation from Trinity in 1911 , he received a Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1914 from the Union Theological Seminary and in the same year obtained a Master of Arts degree from Coluittbia University. In 1917 he was appointed Assistant Secretary of Near East Relief and subsequently became its Managing Director. He was on the staff of the American Mission of Polahd and of the American Mission to negotiate peace in 1919. In 1921, after the Greco-Turkish war, he was engaged in administering relief fo war orphans in the Constantinople-Athens area. In 1933 he became President of Illinois College and remained there until 1937. He received his appointment at Trinity College in 1938. This office has had a unique opportunity to see the manifestations of genuine grief which Dr. Jaquiths' death has brought to many a Trinity man. A great number of alumni have written expressing sorrow at the passing of a beloved personal advisor and friend.


in our fine weapons. Cheers went up from all the men every time a plane burst into flames and plunged into the sea. After a good forty minutes of ' mixing it up,' five planes had been bagged and the other three were chased away. One of my men was officially given credit for bringing down one of the planes, which made me feel mighty proud. It was our first taste and did much to ease the initial shock. "At the present time we are located on a small tropical island somewhat nearer the Equator than before. There isn't much to see except endless rows of cocoanut trees and thick jungle. The wild parrots are really beautiful and keep up a continuous jabber all night long. However, when we have an air raid warning, they understand and shut right up. Lizards come in all sizes; from three inches up to three feet. Unfortunately we can't do much swimming because the coral is tough on the feet. "We a ll have slit trenches close by our beds and although we have frequent air raid warnings, nothing further has resulted . Our biggest concern is falling cocoanuts. The other day one of the men took off his helmet to wipe his brow. He had been working hard on his slit trench. Just at this moment a fresh cocoanut fell from a nearby tree and hit him squarely on top of his head . He stumbled around dazed for a few seconds, then picked up the cocoanut and much to his surprise, the cocoanut was cracked and dripping fresh milk. He shrugged his shoulders and threw the cocoanut away in disgust."

• • • From Lt. Eric S. Purdon, USNR, '35 " I got through the Submarine Chaser Training Center in Miami early in January and reported for the construction and fitting out of this ship in Houston . Mouse came down to Miami and on to Houston, but when the ship was built she went back to New York. Harry is now 16 lbs. a nd about to produce a tooth, I hear. They are in Garrison - where they're about to move into a house they've rented with Julia Haskell. Joe Haskell is in London now. "Both Hoff and Ham Benjamin are in North Africa. " We've had pretty good sailing so far. These ships are small and buck around quite a bit. So far I haven't succumbed but our crew practically to a man have longed hopefully for death a few times. But they've stood up well and will soon be all right. At one time in the midwatch I've had to steer as well while my duty section has relieved itself over the side! " I'm hoping naturally that the Commander in Chief will wake up one morning with the brilliant idea to order us to New York, but that of course . "

Above is a recent photo~raph of Thomas S. Wadlow, '33, who has been ~ranted a leave of absence from his duties as Trinity Alumni Secretary to take up arms in defense of his country. It will come as no surprise to alumni to hear that Tom is doin~ splendidly in the Navy.

Letters From Alumni From Walter


'42 somewhere in New Guinea " New G uinea is not so bad, outside of the heat, mosquitoes, ants, and other insects. Usually it cools off enough in the ea rly hours of the morning so that we can get some sleep. The first night I kept awake most of the time waiting for Tojo to come over but was very much disappointed (?) by him. The Air Corps keep him busy defending himself these days so that he does not have so much time to bother us. Tojo loves the full moon as much as two lovers do and usually makes the most of it, but he seems to have missed this month. Better knock on wood though . One good thing about the Combat Zone is that everything is informal and it is a good thing as one needs all one's energy for work - and there is plenty of it. We used to think that it rained in Louisiana, but here the sky just weeps by the barrel-full . Then the sun just dries everything up in a few hours a nd we eat dust again ."

From Midshipman Thomas V. Ashton, USNR, '43USNR Midshipmen's School, N.Y.C. " I am enjoying every minute of my schooling here. It is extremely novel and that makes it interesting. As apprentice seamen we cannot go north of 122nd Street, south of I lOth, east of Morningside, or west of Riverside. It gives us a fairly large field of operations."

• • • From 1st Lt. F. J.


'35, French N. W. Africa " I never expected to spend a winter's 'vacation' on the 'dark continent' " but here I am. My only previous conception of Africa had been via movieland, as portrayed by our good friend Frank (Bring 'em Back Alive) Buck, and that tree top troubador, Tarzan. I was quite surprised to find it so modern. For example, I'm working on the Chemins de Fer du Morae, and part of the system is electrified . M . W.'s 'narrow gauge line' hasn't anything better to offer. The buildings and homes are very nice too. I've been invited out by various families, and have been amaz~d at the furnishings of their abodes. Right up to snuff, in fact, in some cases way ahead of us.

• • • From Capt. John Wilcox, '39 somewhere in the South Pacific "One evening, just at sundown, we were attacked by eight enemy torpedo planes. At the time I was Troop Gunnery Officer and fortunately had a bird's eye view of the whole affair. Some 9f the men in my company were on the troop anti-aircraft gluns at the time. It was an excellent opportunity for the men because it gave them confidence


" When I first arrived I had to work with the French who are still operating the railroad system. I had quite a time. As you know , I didn't exactly breeze thru my French courses, or maybe I did, but if it hadn't been for a bit of the old sign language I picked up while in New York I'm afraid I would have been lost. You can tell Louis Naylor that I'm really cooking with gas now."

* * * From Harold Gleason, '45- Camp Haan, California "The colorful panorama which heads this stationery gives an excellent idea of what I am doing now. We are in the midst of the desert, practicing and maneuvering ad nauseam for coast artillery combat. Life in the desert is hardy, but good : for the first time in my life I am prepared to sneer at Ray Oosting's obstacle course as a strictly 4-F service! There are drawbacks, of course, such as all manner of creeping things that "will get you if you don't watch out," primitive " conveniences," and a terrific, perpetual barrage of dust and sand , which pervade one's equipment, clothes without stint. But the men are splendid, spirited, religious people, and living with them is hardly a duty , but a priceless privilege of American democracy.

From E. W. Spingarn, former member of Facultysomewhere in India " It's rather hard giving you much news about myself. The censorship is terribly strict . However, I can tell you that I'm somewhere in India. I've been out of the States almost a year now, and out here almost as long. So by American standards, I'm almost an old-timer! At first I started out with troops, as second-in-command of a Signal Depot Co. We actually reached the Depot-after all sorts of delays and adventures- but after about a month at the Depot, I got transferred up here ; and now I'm one of those chaps who has a 'soft job' at Headquarters. " I had lunch with Bob Barlow (Trin. '38, I believe) the other day. When I said I'd had a letter from you , he asked me to be sure to send you his best regards. We're both avid for news of Trinity and the war effort."

* * * From Jim Bailey, '45- Camp Barkeley, Tex. "If there was one course I regretted cutting at Trin, it was Gym. My hardest job was getting physically fit for this Army grind."

The Midshipmen pictured below graduated in uniform with the other members of their class at our recent Commencement. Back row, left to right: - Glidden, Hinson, D. S. Paine, Sharp, Morrissey, Brinckerhoff. Front row: Corliss, Ashton, President Ogilby, Woodworth, G. C. Nelson.

The delegation of the class of 1923 assembled for a brief ceremony on Saturday of the Commencement weekend before the 1923 gateway.

Alumni Notes

Jim Webber is in charge of the bond drive for the State of Michigan. 1935 - Lt. Horace Barnard, Jr., A.U.S., is engage to Miss Mary Beekman Woolsey. Before his enlistment .}in the Army. Lt. Barnard was with the United States Trust Company of New York. George V. Dickerson has moved to Kansas City, Mo. where he is Chief of Final Inspection in the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Corp. of America. His home address is 8516 High Drive, Kansas City. He has a nine months old • son, Richard Ripley Dickerson. Luke Kellam has just been sworn into Navy Airground force. 1936 - Francis V. Manion is engaged to Miss Mary Wilhelmina Schoen. Frank is a graduate 'cum laude" of the Hartford College of Law and is now a member of the Connecticut Bar Association. The engagement of Lt. (jg) Harrington Littell, USNR, to Miss Flora Reid has been announced. A son, Richard Keeler Sargent was born May 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Keeler Sargent. Lt. Clinton Arnold Burch was married on May 8th to Miss Delores Frances Conway in St. Theresa's Chapel in Sunnyside, L. I. Lt. Burch is with the Army Signal Corps. Duncan Peckham graduat don March 31st as midshipman in the U.S.N.R. 1937 - Albert E. Haskell was promoted last May to Lieutenant Ug), USNR. To Dr. Sidney L. Cramer and his wife was born on February 27th a child, Dale Tecla. A son Robert Gardner, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodo~e F. Musgrave March lOth in Cleveland, Ohio. 1938 - Timothy O'Neil Fanning was married recently to Miss Marion M. Thomas. Neil has been carryi_ng on studies at the Hartford College of Law together w1th his work as a co-ordinating engineer at Pratt and Whitney. Carl John Berg is engaged to Miss Elizabeth Blackwell Brooks. Dr. Berg got his Ph. J:?. from Princeton Universi~y where he is now engaged tn government research tn chemistry. Ernest Burgess Freeman was married in . March to Miss Anna Catherine Krantz. Mr. Freeman 1s now on Army duty. A baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hall on March 20th at the Hartford Hospital. To Lt. Samuel N. Benjamin and wife was born on March 11th a son, Samuel , Jr. Nick is the nickname. To Ens. Willys R. Peterson and wife was born on April 18th a daughter, Hollis Ann.

1895 - Col. Philip J. McCook has visited some of the camps and disciplinary barracks which the Army has established as rehabilitation centers for soldiers guilty of military offenses but not deemed incorrigible. 1901 - Lt. James H. Clement, A.U.S., son of Mr. Martin W. Clement, was married March 12th to Miss Ida Louise Larkin. 1909 Miss Claire Elizabeth Connor, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Michael A. Connor, recently became the wife of Lt. Roger Francis Morhardt '42 of the U. S. Marine Corps. Mr. Morhardt is now stationed at Washington, D. C., with the Marine Corps. 1910 - George C. Capen on May lst completed thirty years of service with the Connecticut General Life Insurance Company. 1916 - Willis B. George was recently appointed Editor of the Bristol Press. 1919- Fisk Brill has completed his officers training at Fort Riley, Kansas, and is now stationed on the West Coast for further training. 1923- Bill Brill has been retired from the Army for physical disability. His present address is the Hotel Statler, Boston . 1930 - The Rev. Edward T. Taggard, rector of Christ Church, Pelham Manor, N. Y., conducted a teaching mission in Grace Episcopal Church in Merchantsville, . . . . . N . .J ., in February. 1932- Kenny Gibson 1s pract1cmg law tn Centerv1lle, Md. 1933 - Bob Holmes is at the U. S. Fargo in South Boston. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Carey a son Thomas Brandon , Jr. was born May 18th. 1934 - Doug Gay had a daughter born April lOth . Lt. Harold R. Bayley, of the Army Air Force, had not been heard from since the fall of the Philippine Islands until recently. A Japanese broadcast in English gives the following message from him : "I am well, food adequate, fresh fruits plentiful; due to kindness of climate we manage to keep decently clothed. I keep busy with duties around the campus during the day and sleep comfortably in the university building at night. I think of you constantly. Do not worry. I am all right." Albert Holland, living in Berlin in 1939, ran out ahead of the war in the west and into the one in the east. Word has come through indirectly that he is in an internment camp in Mamla, though his wife and children have been allowed to live in a Manila apartment.


Visitors of the College, friends and relations, and members of the class of 1943 listen to the remarks of Mr. Phister as he addresses them at Class Day exercises. 1939- Lesle W. McWilliams writes from Fort Jackson, S. C., that he ran into Greg McKee, '38, not long _; ago. Greg is now a first lieutenant in the Army. "We had ~ quite a reunion," he writes. John Edward Upham, Jr. was married in February to Miss Margaret Gearon. Upham is a chemist associated with the Hercules Powder Company in Kansas. Daniel Philip Hanson was married on April 24th to Sudie Elizabeth Jones. #C. Wallace Ludwig Anderson, now a sergeant with the U. S. Army Air Force, was married on March lOth to Mary Elizabeth Belden at the First Presbyterian Church in Sante Fe, New Mexico. Dr. Stephen R. Bartlett, Jr., was married on March 24th to Marion Whitener. The wedding took place at the bride's home in Hingham , Mass. Bob Madden is in Co. B., 87th Mt. Inf. at Camp Hale, Colo. - Ski Troops. Vic Hamilton just graduated from the Fargo, and is doing further study there. 1940- Bob Pye has been taking advanced specialist's training in electrical engineering for the Army. " Even tougher than Trin," he writes. Howard S. Alexander was commissioned second lieutenant April 14th at Grinnel College, Iowa. He then studied at Washington and Lee, a school for Special Services, from which he graduated May 19th. He is now at Fort Meade, Md . DeForrest Manice is engaged to Miss Joy Coster. Robert Shaw Kerr was ordained to the ministry in February after completing his courses at the General Theological Seminary. Bob was presented at the service by the Rev. Lauriston L. Scaife. Bob is teaching in the Choir School of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. He also handles sacred studies and history. Bud Smith is on patrol on a Coast Guard 83 footer out of Washington, D.C. Moose Weeks is now a full lieutenant in the Air Corps. 1941 - Adrian J. Tyler has recently received a commission of second lieutenant in the Coast Artillery. Tyler is a veteran of one year's service in the South Pacific. H. E. Hungerford, Jr., went out to the Philippine Islands after his graduation to teach science at Brent School in Baguio, a school for American boys founded by President Ogilby in 1909. No definite word from him except one meager cable has been heard since the fall of the Philippine Islands. President Ogilby's last letter from him arrived the day after Pearl Harbor. Word has just come through that the Americans in Baguio, about five hundred in number, have been interned first at Camp John Hay and later at the Constabulary Barracks in Baguio. They have had plenty of hardship ,

especially as regards food supplies, but we gather from messages that conditions are better than they were. No personal word as to the welfare of Hungerford has yet come through. Pfc. L. Spangler, Jr. is engaged to Miss Martha Jane Eckert Reeves. After leaving Trinity , Spangler went to the Harvard School of Business Administration . When last heard from, he was stationed at Camp Phillips, Kan. To Dick Blaisdell and his wife was born on March 26th a daughter, Carol Sampson, six pounds and 12 ounces. 1942- Cadet George M. Jacobsen of the Army Air Corps is engaged to Miss Ellen Mary McAndrews. Stanley Joseph Krulikoski, Jr., is engaged to Miss Janette Elmore. Mr. Krulikoski is now a member of the War Research Staff at M .I.T. Lt. A. Donald McKibbin, A.U.S., is engaged to Miss Muriel Osterhout. Don got his officer's training at the Infantry School in Fort Benning, Ga., and is now in foreign service. 2nd Lt. Donald Scott Vincent is engaged to Miss Alys Elizabeth Campbell. Don was graduated recently from the Coast Artillery Officers Candidate School, Fort Monroe, Va. Bob Nichols is engaged to Miss Virginia Butler of West Hartford. When last heard from , Bob was at Patterson Field, Ohio. John M. Loutrel is in North Africa since last November with the 428th Bomber Squadron . Andy Weeks is soon to leave Norfolk, Va., for active service on a new destroyer. 1943- Walter Stark Taylor was married on .May 17th at St. Peter's Church, Hartford , to Miss Frances Cashion. Mrs. T aylor is a Pharmacist's Mate 2/ c in the Waves. Stark is in the Army Enlisted Reserve. The wedding constituted the first marriage of a H artford Wave. Louis Hasbrouck married Miss SusJ.n B. Hinman early in May in St. John's Episcopal Church , Hartford . Carlyle Forrest Nichol, Jr. is engaged to Miss Elizabeth Mason Charrington. Mr. Nichol is associated with the War Production Board in Washington, D .C. Edward H. Gilbert, Ill, is engaged to Miss Mary Livingston Barnes. Ed is a corporal in the Army Air Force. Grenville Kane McVickar was married to Miss Caroline Virginia Bogert on May .8th . McVickar studied aeronautical engineering a nd design at the Casey Jones School in New Jersey. 1944 - Stephen Calhoun, Jr. is engaged to Miss Rosalie D . Fletcher. Steve is with the Naval Air Corps. 1945 - Bill Beatty is finishing a flight training course, Navy, a t Corpus Christi , Tex .


Trinity's backyard - the corner lot at the junction of Summit and New Britain Avenue has been turned over to the management of the Hartford Victory Garden Committee. The ground was plowed, harrowed and fertilized by the Hartford Park Department (of which Dr. Ogilby is a member) and plots of ground are let out to neighborhood families. This picture was taken from Boardman Hall.

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