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ALUMNI MAGAZINE Hartford, Connecticut

Volume VII • Number 2

Winter 1966


Editor: Robert Harron Associate Editor: June L. Thomas Alumni Secretary: John A. Mason '34 Editorial Board: F. Gardiner F. Bridge, John F. Butler '33, Jacob W. Edwards '59, Douglas L. Frost '59, Albert E. Holland '34, Richard K. Morris '40, Kenneth C. Parker, Robert C. Stewart. Advisory Council: Royden C. Berger '28, George Malcolm-Smith '25, William K. Paynter '37, L. Barton Wilson III '37. The Trinity Alumni Magazine is published four times yearly: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Second Class postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut 06106.

1 Frederick La ndis Gwynn, 1916-1965 2 A Library Grows 4 Reflections on the Future -The Life Sciences 6 Reflections on the Future- The Small, Independent College 9 Doxiadis: Master Builder 10 Alumni Read ing Program 14 Modesty and Distinction 16 Thoughts of a Tripod Editor 17 Campus Notes 20 Sports 23 Association Notes 25 Vital Statistics 26 Class Notes 39 Necrology

Credits: Cover, Smithsonian Institution; Quotations page 9, permission Saturday Review and C. A. Doxiadis; Photo page 20, Trinity Tripod; all others by John Monacio, staff photographer.

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION FOR TRINITY ALUMNI MAGAZINE As required by the Act of Congress, October 23, 1962 (Section 4369, Title 39, United States Code) 1. Date of filing of statement: October 1, 1965. 2. Title of publication: Trinity Alumni Magazine 3. Frequency of Issue: 4 times a year 4. Location of known Office of Publication: Trinity College, Summit St., Hartford, Conn. 06106 5. Location of Headquarters: Trinity College, Summit St., Hartford, Conn. 06106 6. Publisher: Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. 7. Editor: Robert Harron, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. 06106 8. Owner: Trustees of Trinity College, Summit St., Hartford, Conn. 06106 9. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees and other Security Holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company and the United States Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington , D.C. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. ROB ERT HARRON


COVER STORY During December the College was privileged to have on exhibit a collection of thirty-four rubbings of brass plates taken from memorials in various medieval churches in England. Dating from the thirteenth through the seventeenth centuries, the plates were used as commemorative monuments for noted personages and form a fascinating record of the times. The plates were duplicated on paper by an American, Mrs. Lewis Purnell, using a heel ball of beeswax, tallow and lamp black. "Brass Rubbings from England" were made available to Trinity through the courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service.

FREDERICK LANDIS GWYNN 1916-1965 The campus community was shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of Dr. Frederick Landis Gwynn, James J. Goodwin Professor of English, on December 31. A member of the Trinity faculty since 1958, Professor Gwynn was a graduate of Bowdoin College and earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University. His major field of teaching and study was modem American literature. He was the author of Sturge Moore and the Life of Art and co-author of The Fiction of J. D. Salinger. He had been a Research Associate in th e Modern Language Association and served as editor of College English from 1955 to 1960. During the service for Professor Gwynn at Immanuel Congregational Church in Hartford on January 4, the Reverend Robert L. Edwards spoke ¡these words in tribute;

These days we are not very comfortable with eulogies, and Fred Gwynn would not want one. Yet where a life has been very meaningful and is suddenly gone, we have a deep need to say something about it. Even these great words we have just read from the Old and New Testaments tend to hang loose until we link them with a person. What you might want to express here and what comes to me to express might well differ in detail. I have known Fred off and on for nearly thirty years. Some of you have known him longer, some perhaps not quite so long. One way or another, however, I wonder whether we would not all want to express something about the unusual combinations that were in him. The welcome combination - bow shall we say it? perhaps of the puckish and the profound. He had a wonderful wit and an infectious delight in humor and laughter. Nobody could be with him very long without finding out about that. Yet along with it were the serious insights into large matters, usually spoken with a touch of caution, as though he almost bad it, but not quite. This combination made him a rare companion under all sorts of circumstances and in many kinds of human relationships. Part of him also was an impressive combination of the reflective and the active. As a scholar, teacher, author, and to some extent as a man of music, he was brilliant in both performance and promise. For most men that would seem enough. But along with that, there was his lively ability to excel in the active. The fact that he died while skiing is one small sign of this. Far greater evidence was his career in World War II. A man who could so easily and understandably have served behind a desk, he took to the sea and to the air, and he won from old sea dogs such as Admiral Halsey tributes as a fighting torpedo-plane pilot, a good friend, and an effective aide. We have not known many who could do so much so well. He had too, the unusual combination of the exposed and the clean. When you join the Navy you still see the world! He bad also "been around" as part of his literary trade, both in reading and in roaming. He knew as well

as anyone that life has its lesser sides, some of them rough and misleading. Yet somehow all this never marked him very much. In a genuine sort of way he continued to be fresh and clean and clear. We have not known too many who could pass through that way. Lastly, there was in him a memorable combination of the not knowing, and the always looking. Here we are dealing with the biggest issues every man faces, and the quest for a final answer. I remember him telling me once that during his early student years he earned part of his way through school by tending a furnace for a fine old gentleman. One day they fell into conversation. As a young man Fred looked at this seasoned friend and asked, "When you reach your age, do you get to see any more clearly the point of it all?" The reply came back, a little wistfully, "No, you don't." Although this is almost more than one man can know for sure about another, it seems to me that a touch of that "No" went with Fred all his life. It made him tentative about a lot of things. Yet whom have we known who searched and sifted the evidence more constantly and carefully? It is supposed to be my full-time task to work with the Gospel, and to me it is the greatest career in the world. Yet it is very likely that Fred had read the Bible through more times than I, and surely with great perception. If he never found the whole answer, he would not be so different from the rest of us, nor entirely different even from the greatest of men. Even they said, did they not, "Now we see in a glass darkly. Now we know in part." But I believe, and I am confident that you believe with me, that, whereas before be may not have known, be does know now, even as these great forerunners were sure that they would know at last. "For now we see in a glass darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know fully, even as also I have been fully known."


A Library Grows

By DoNALD B. ENGLEY, Librarian

One of the single best measures of the worth of a college or university is the size and quality of its library collections. Trinity is fortunate in its venerability. It has had one hundred and forty-three years in which to collect books for teaching purposes. But age is not all. The constant concern of faculty over the years for the welfare of the Library, the attention to its support by administration and trustees, and the benefactions of devoted alumni and friends all have helped to make the Trinity College Library an impressive one, equalled or surpassed on few college campuses. The announcement in October that the Old Dominion Foundation bad given the College $440,000 for the expansion and improvement of the library building it made possible in 1952 called attention again to the importance that Trinity places on books and other research materials in the teaching of young men. Fortunately, when the original building was constructed _a decade and a half ago at a cost of $1,250,000, provisions were made for its future expansion. The first expansion is now about to take place on a basement level presently occupied by Connecticut's first educational television station. Shortly after October 1, 1966, construction will begin on bookstacks for 100,000 volumes and study carrels for 100 seniors who will be writing senior theses required under the new curriculum. In addition to increasing the book capacity from 500,000 volumes to 600,000 and the seating capacity from 350 to 450, the gift from the Old Dominion Foundation will provide air-conditioning for the entire building, including the valuable rare books and special collections of the Watkinson Library. Temperature and humidity controls, omitted for reasons of economy in the original construction have become essentials for both the preservation of ;aluable books and the comfort of library users. As the summer session continues to grow in enrollment (740 in 1965), it is pleasant to contemplate that by the summer of 1968 the College will have comfortable study quarters for students and faculty during the concentrated ten-week session. Reference has been made above to the library benefactions of alumni and friends over the years as well as

to the proper conditions for the protect~on of these valuable collections. Space does not perrmt the enumeration of the many important gifts that come our way in the course of a year. These few recent examples provide evidence of the good fortune that is Trinity's and of the vitality of its library program. 1. The Doves Press Bible. The single most impressive gift of a book in recent months has been this magnum opus of the press established early in this century by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson and Emery Walker at Hammersmith, England. It is in five, large quartovolumes and its simplicity of design and flawless workmanship have set a new standard for modern printers. It is the gift of Allerton C. Hickmott, Hon. 1958, Trustee of Trinity College and of the Watkinson Library. 2. The H. Bacon Collamore-Robert Frost Collection. H . Bacon Collamore of West Hartford is known in book-collecting circles as one of the two or three _p~e­ eminent collectors of American poetry. Here at Tnruty he is held in additional esteem as the Chairman of the Trinity College Library Associates and a Trustee of the Watkinson Library. While it is dangerous to place con:parative values on rare books, it is safe _to ~a~ th~t his recent gift to the Watkinson Library ?f his d_rsting_mshed Robert Frost collection surpasses hrs previous unportant gifts to Trinity. One of the earliest collectors of Frost's poetry and a long-time friend of the P?et, Mr. Collamore has assembled a remarkable and ill many instances unique collection of first editions and other books, many with inscriptions and notes in Mr. ~r.ost's hand. Both the donor of the collection and the recipients are happy in the thouoht that this collection will be preserved for scholars ~n the campus where, in 1962, Mr. Frost made one of his last personal appearances. 3. Additions to the Moore Collection on the Far East. For thirty years Mr. Henry D. B. B. Moore, H?n. 1948, of Norfolk, Connecticut, has been presentmg Trinity with books in English and Oriental languages on almost every aspect of Eastern culture. The _collection now numbers close to 7,500 volumes and will continue to grow over the years by virtue of a substantial bequest to be provided by Mr. _M?ore. ~is most re~ent gift of books in November comctded With the amval on campus of the distinguished editorial c~aim~an of Time-Life-Fortune, Mr. Henry R. Luce. Durillg h1s stay at Trinity at the invitation of the Phi Kappa E~~ca­ tional Foundation of Alpha Delta Phi, Mr. Luce VISited the Library. Because of his interest in the Far East, dating from his birth in China of missionary paren~s, he was particularly pleased to see the many treasures ill the Moore Collection. It is worth recording, in concluding this review of recent library developments at Trinity, that this growth is a vivid demonstration of the vitality of the College. To meet the challenge of today is to provide an education encompassing both modern needs and eternal values. It is good to know also that the immediate "hard cash" challenge of the Ford Foundation to produce the resources for continued vitality and greater excellence bas been answered in part by the generous act of the Old Dominion Foundation.


Reflections on the Future THE



Five scientists distinguished in the fields of biology and psychology participated in a Convocation at the College on Saturday, October 30. This significant event marked the groundbreaking for the new Life Sciences Center to be built on South Campus. Held in the Field House, the three sessions were attended by more than twelve hundred persons, including Trinity faculty, students, invited guests, and the general public. Registration revealed those attending came from seventeen states and as far away as California. The complete proceedings of the October Convocation will shortly be published in booklet form. Although a general mailing will not be made, copies may be obtained by addressing a request to the Office of Publications, Trinity College.

"Transplantation of cells, tissues, and organs provides the basis of powerful analytical procedures applicable to a wide range of problems in genetics, embryology, physiology, oncology, etc." Dr. Rupert E. Billingham

"The important point is that the constancy of the internal environment is most exact in man, and it is in man that the free life reaches its highest development as well as the greatest sensitivity." Dr. Ross A. McFarland

" ... the colleges of the country teem with talent yearning for the spark to light enthusiasm, the God within, which is essential for creative work, for discovery, for solution of the cancer problem." Dr. Charles B. Huggins

"There are three major phenomena ... (which) indicate the nature of the problems and difficulties they pose to the world generally, but more specifically and especially to our own nation . . . 'The Population Bulge,' 'The Automation Squeeze,' and 'The Education Blitz.' Dr. Donald B. Lindsley

". . . if we consider man and his society through the accessible periods of history, it seems clear that man has changed relatively little genetically and physically during this time, in contrast to the rapid and presently exponential changes in his culture and society.'' Dr. Edward L. Tatum

Honorary degrees were awarded to the five principal speakers before the evening session.

Science honor students from Connecticut high schools attended.

Future occupants of the Life Sciences Center view the model on display. Left to right: Professors of Biology Donald B. Galbraith and J. Wendell Burger; Professors of Psychology M. Curtis Langhorne and A. C. Herschberger. Trinity majors in biology and psychology had the opportunity to talk informally with speakers. Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Life Sciences Center. Left to right: Melvin F. Evarts Jr., '66, President of the Student Senate; Lyman B. Brainerd '30, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees; President Jacobs.

Geoffrey J. White '67, one of the five student aides assigned to escort the speakers to the various functions, greeted Dr. and Mrs. Lindsley when they arrived at Bradley Field. Professor Langhorne looks on.

More than twelve hundred people were present for the three sessions held in the Field House .


Reflections on the FutureThe Small, Independent College

By ALBERT E. HOLLAND '34 Vice President, Trinity College

I do not expect small colleges to disappear like the little red schoolhouse. I simply expect them to disappear from the top quality brackets.- W. Allen Wallis, President, The University of Rochester.

This is the key sentence in a letter to the editor of the Atlantic which was published in the November issue of that magazine. In the letter President Wallis predicts a discouraging future for the small, independent college. He argues that such a college faces the loss of its best faculty members and its best students. He implies that it will no longer attract substantial funds except from sentimental alumni who do not know that the bell has tolled for their college. In recent years a number of university presidents have prophesied the end of the small, independent college as a significant force in American higher education. Behind their point of view lies a belief that liberal arts education no longer serves any vital purpose. These educators speak of "Education for National Purposes" and of the increasing need for specialists. To them Science is all that matters even though they pay lip service to the humanities. They appear to be unaware of the threat to our freedom in their emphasis on Science. To quote Don K. Price of Harvard, "If we rely on science alone we will be left with no sense of the purpose of existence, and thus no 6

basis for determining our political goals to guide the blind forces of applied technology." The arguments of President Wallis deserve a thoughtful answer from the small, independent colleges. I say " thoughtful," because it is not enough for these colleges to point proudly to growth in enrollment and new buildings. If we are truly products of a liberal education, we know that mere physical growth is not automatically translatable into educational leadership and moral influence. So let us first examine and try to answer President Wallis' arguments and then discuss the nature of liberal arts education and what a college must do to remain small, independent, and of high quality. President Wallis bases his first argument on the change in the quality of the college admissions candidate. He points out that the large number of candidates permits the selection of a very high quality group. He notes that these students will be so well prepared that almost all of them will be able to handle graduate work in their senior year of college while some of them will be qualified to take at least one graduate course in their freshman year. How will they be able to do this at a small, independent college? Will these best students not flock to that college which is an integral part of a strong university where they can move into graduate courses at any time they can meet the qualifications? President Wallis is right so far as concerns the specialist student in the natural sciences. This student even today moves directly from secondary school to the institutes of technology and the large universities. Such a student forgets that life is not exclusively utilitarian and materialistic. He is looking for a first-rate training in his particular field and for nothing more. He will get just this. The thinking student will wonder what the college that is part of a university will have to offer him . Except for a small number of the most heavily endowed and traditional universities he will find that he is a forgotten man and that very often his teachers will be graduate assistants and not famous scholars. We all remember the disturbances at Berkeley, and certainly the University of California has great teachers and modern laboratories. The answer is that the Berkeley undergraduates felt that they did not count; that, to put it bluntly, no one cared about them. And they were right. At the large university the emphasis is on the graduate schools, on government contracts, and on research. Undergraduate teaching is held in no high esteem and the disdain for undergraduate teachers is matched by a disdain for their students. In such an atmosphere a liberal arts education cannot flourish. There are too many pressures, too much overt coercion from the mere presence of the large and powerful graduate schools. I believe that the best and most thoughtful students will continue to choose a good, small, independent college whose most important concern is their personal and intellectual development and where the emphasis is on good teaching and close teacher-student relationships. Also most young men and young women do not develop intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically to the same degree at the same time. One of the great advantages of the four-year small, independent college is the

possibility it offers for a gradual maturing. President Wallis' argument then moves to the faculty. What good teacher will prefer to be connected with a small, independent college when he can be a part of a "multiversity" and enjoy the immense library and laboratory resources of such an institution? Where he can rub elbows with famous scholars? Well, new information retrieval methods will soon give teachers even at small, independent colleges access to the resources of the greatest libraries in the world. For their research they need fine laboratories but not on the scale required for university research. As for rubbing elbows with famous scholars, I wonder just how much of this elbow-rubbing goes on? Is there really any close relationship between the graduate and undergraduate faculties at a large university? I doubt it. It is true that the university offers a way to earlier preeminence in a highly specialized field, and for the man who prefers research to teaching there is no choice but the university or industry. However, the teacher the small, independent college seeks is more apt to be repelled by his narrow colleagues at the university. He will prefer to play a leading role in the education of young men and women at a small, independent college than be the forgotten man at a large university - no matter how strong. Also at a good small, independent college be will be more apt to find a faculty esprit de corps with all this means to the quality of the college. He and his colleagues will retain at their college many of the powers which faculties at large universities have surrendered to anonymous administrators. As a result, there are today many outstanding teachers who are self-recruited to the small, independent liberal arts college, and for the thoughtful teacher the small, independent college will continue to exert a strong appeal. Finally, President Wallis implies that the small, independent college will not be able to attract sufficient funds to maintain an adequate level of quality. This is certainly true of government research grants. On the other hand, there is an increasing number of federal and state programs which will help these colleges. Corporations are becoming more and more aware of their need for liberally-educated men and women, the products preeminently of the small, independent colleges. Foundations, as the special Ford Foundation program shows, recognize the importance of assisting these colleges. Individuals are supporting the small colleges with ever-larger gifts. The small, independent college will have to work many times as hard as the university to secure the funds it needs. But the cause is vital and the funds are there. Obviously, the small, independent colleges that do not have or do not aspire to quality goals and just drift on the tide of a flourishing economy are even today at the low level President Wallis foresees for all small, independent colleges a generation hence and are not worth anyone's concern. No small, independent college can rest on its oars. This brings us to the second part of our discussion: the factors which make for quality. It can be simply said: To reach towards greatness a college must continuously remind itself of its purposes and objectives, evaluate constantly its success in attaining these goals, and always be


alert to new and imaginative ways of achieving them. We have inherited over thousands of years a vast body of knowledge and aesthetic and moral values. For many small colleges, including Trinity, this knowledge and these values are animated by the force of the Christian revelation which, as Bishop Hines recently said, "sets forth both the idea and the reality of the truth." With an influence far out of proportion to our small numbers we, the liberally-educated, radiate this culture wherever we are and pass it on, augmented and impressed with our ideals, with the fruits of our endeavors, and with our special insights. Thus the general purposes of a liberal arts education are to preserve the culture we have inherited, to add to it, to utilize it in meeting the needs of our society, and then to pass it on to the next generation. Liberal education aims at producing men and women who will understand the power they possess through their education and who will use this power to change their hearts and lives and, through the strength of their being, the lives of others. To fulfill these general purposes we have specific objectives. Our primary objectives are to develop in our students those qualities of mind which stimulate independent and responsible thought, to help them to make use of their innate sensibilities and to arouse their wills so that mind and feeling can express themselves in harmonious action. We hope that our students will always be hospitable to divergent views and that by the end of their four years they will have gained some control over themselves, have some knowledge of their faults and virtues and have evolved at least a tentative philosophy. We must relate to these purposes and objectives curriculum, criteria for faculty, and admissions judgments. Some educators believe that it makes no difference what is taught just so long as good students and good teachers get together. I do not agree at all with this view. A student when he comes to college is like a stove in which a fire must be lighted so that he can give off heat to warm others. The teacher is the match that ignites the fuel, the curriculum. Or, to put it another way, if education is a teacher on one end of a log and a student on the other, then the log is the curriculum which holds the two of them on a course that has sequence, continuity, relationship, depth and breadth. There is no such thing as the ideal detailed curriculum for any group of colleges, but a liberal arts curriculum should include courses which will give a student knowledge and understanding of his cultural heritage; knowledge and understanding of contemporary society ( certainly no liberally-educated man or woman can afford to be ignorant about economic and social problems); knowledge and understanding of cultures other than his own; and an understanding that the ultimate unity of all human experience makes the "gulf" between the natural sciences on the one hand and the humanities on the other far less important than Lord Snow believes. To use this curriculum to the best advantage the small, independent college must look for the very special teacher who seeks to go beyond communication and to achieve communion with his students. Remembering the saying of the satirist, Lichtenberg, "A chemist who knows only chemistry is no chemist," these colleges must


look for a teacher with knowledge beyond his immediate field. Far too many graduate schools are turning out prospective teachers with very limited intellectual interests, humorless, with little sense of proportion and embarrassed even to mention the word "enjoyment." The teacher the small, independent college needs is one who delights ¡in seeking out his students and inspiring them with his enthusiasm. He will understand at once what Joyce Cary means when he says: "A teacher cannot escape responsibility for the results of his teaching. It is the necessary burden and glory of his creative art." Academic competence is, of course, the most important criterion to look for in a teacher, but the independent college must look for far more than this. Admittedly, this teacher is difficult to find, and the most important job of a college president, dean and department chairman is to find the needles in the haystack. At a small, independent college, admissions must be a creative process. High rank in class and high collegeboard scores are only a part of the picture. The director of admissions and his associates must constantly look for the unusual candidate. Each class should be a proof of their sensitivity and perception. For the last eight years we have had a special project at Trinity College, just to take one example, which involves saving about 15% of the places in each entering class for young men whose rank in class and collegeboard scores are well below the average but whose personal qualities and unusual talents indicate great promise as human beings. In this group we have found many campus leaders, some honors graduates and even a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship. The admissions officer who looks at every candidate as a unique human being and who is willing to take academic "risks" where a candidate appears to have very special qualities is truly an admissions officer worthy of his profession. To sum up, a small, independent college of quality to survive must think through its purposes and objectives; stand up for its values; be willing to consider innovations and to make use of new technological aids; be willing to use its resources imaginatively; be eager to cooperate in every possible way with other institutions of higher learning; be eager to offer leadership to its community. Liberally-educated men act as a leaven in their communities. I ask them also to act as a leaven in their relationship with their colleges. I ask them to help their colleges to avoid the joyless faults of smugness, indifference and self-satisfaction. Under the thrust of the thoughtful questioning of its alumni and the thinking of its trustees, faculty and administration the small, independent college can continue to be a leaven in higher education. It is no answer to President Wallis to shrug our shoulders and to say, "It can't happen here." History is filled with examples of the decline of institutions whose ears were closed to warnings. It is certainly no answer to put off until tomorrow the vital issues that should be faced today. It is no answer to try to make do with halfmeasures. The answer must lie in using our intelligence to understand clearly the hard problems we face in the years ahead and then to work with all our ability, resolve, imagination and courage to solve them.

Doxiadis: Master Builder Five thousand and fifty air miles from Hartford, Constantinos Apostolos Doxiadis sits in an office on the slopes of Lycabettus Hill where he has an unobstructed view of Athens. In March, Dr. Doxiadis will board a plane for the first leg of his journey that will bring him to the campus as the Trinity Lecturer for 1966. His week's stay at the College will be a busy one with ample opportunities for students, faculty and members of local professional organizations to meet and talk with him and absorb some of his vision. Although basically a city planner in the broad sense, Dr. Doxiadis is also respected as a teacher, philosopher, architect, author, lecturer, thinker and businessman. He is president of Doxiadis Associates, a city planning organization with headquarters in Athens and with branch offices throughout the world. His staff is involved in the remodeling of old cities, the planning of new ones and the rearrangement of entire regions. His operations have extended to over twenty countries and include such diversified projects as a highway system for his native Greece, a city expansion plan for Bagdad, a plan for Islamabad, the new capital of Pakistan, and the development of the new community of Eastwick in Philadelphia, the largest urban renewal project in the United States. Dr. Doxiadis is founder and chairman of the Athens Technological Institute where his doctrine of "Ekistics," the science of human settlements, is taught to eager students. His doctrine is based on the main thesis that "human happiness is the central concern" and that all aspects of community planning, from the individual dwelling unit to the entire region, shall have this as the goal. In this concept of total planning, he brings together not only the architect, the engineer and the city planner but, on an equal footing, the sociologist, the economist, the geographer and other specialists. As fascinating and intriguing as the man himself are the titles of the three public lectures he will deliver dur-

ing his residence at Trinity: "Toward Dystopia"; "Escaping to Utopia"; "Need of Entopia." Doxiadis, the philosopher, expressed himself most eloquently in the January 1, 1966, issue of Saturday Review in an article entitled: "Learning How to Learn." " ... I became convinced that one can learn from anyone at any moment, and that learning is a continuing process that starts when our own life starts and ends only when our life ends." "Learning is a link that connects the individual with the totality of his surroundings - nature and art, men and animals, the atom, the earth, the cosmos. As long as we do not know about them, they do not exist for us." "While paddling for several days in the swamps of southern Iraq, and again when floating in the rivers of the delta of Bengal, I began to realize that we participate not only in many spheres of space but also in many spheres of time. When I first visited such areas I thought I was simply moving in space, only to realize that I was also moving in time, since some of the inhabitants live today as they did in prehistoric times. Thus some people belong to the present and some to various periods of the past (others belong also to the future)." In the same article in Saturday Review Dr. Doxiadis explains the philosophy that guides his work in city planning. "When I speak of the city which, according to Aristotle's definition, should make man happy and secure, people politely look down or far away. But I have not lost my courage on this topic, and although I have no formula for total happiness I think I am under the obligation to work toward a city- the habitat of man- that will make man as happy as possible. And this means to satisfy as many as possible of man's needs in relation to space. In other words, to make space fit the man."


The Alumni Reading Program

The name is misleading. The Program is designed for graduate students, wives, parents and friends as well as alumni. Over the past four years alumni reading topics have included Modern American Fiction; Existentialism; Literature, Obscenity, Censorship and the Law; Modern Italian Fiction; Problems of Economic Growth: USA and USSR; Looking at Modern Art; The New Mathematics; The Crisis in Civil Rights; Approaching: The Theatre of the Absurd. Introductory essays serve as a point of departure for the readings which, in turn, provide a working background for the discussion seminar held on Friday afternoon of Reunion Weekend in June. In the following pages G. William Benz explores the topic of Democracy and Foreign Relations. At the conclusion of his article there is a list of recommended readings. The discussion seminar will be held at the College on June 3, 1966. (The reunion announcement will give time and exact location.) Mr. Benz was appointed instructor in government this past fall. He is a graduate of the University of California, Riverside. He has studied at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, under aNational Defense Fellowship. He was awarded the M.A. degree in 1963 and an M.A.L.D. in 1964. He is currently completing his dissertation for the Ph.D. degree. He is writing on Soviet Foreign Policy toward the United States, 1945-1947. Befote attending the University of California, Mr. Benz served in the Navy. Mr. Benz wrote a short article entitled "Some Thoughts on Protest" for Issues '65, a student publication. In the article, Benz touches on the problem of a citizen expressing himself on foreign policy as opposed to domestic matters. Copies may be secured by addressing requests to Douglas L. Frost at the College. ALUMNI READING PRoGRAM CoMMITTEE

Hugh Campbell '32, Chairman WardS. Curran '57 Donald B. Engley, Librarian Douglas L. Frost '59


Democracy and Foreign Policy ...

By G.


Instructor in Government

One of the more fascinating problems of American politics, and one that bas received increasing attention in recent years among practitioners and students of the political scene, concerns the relationship between foreign policy and the democratic ethic. The basic issue revolves around the question of whether foreign policy can or should be made through democratic processes. The debate is by no means a new one. Over a century ago Alexis de Tocqueville pointed out the weaknesses inherent in a democratically controlled foreign policy.l Few writers have accepted his view that democracies are, by their nature, incapable of generating intelligent and realistic external policies. But there have been many, from Lord Bryce to recent authorities such as Walter Lippmann, Dexter Perkins and George Kennan, who have focused attention on the view that use of democratic principles often leads to serious pitfalls in the conduct of international relations. The reasons advanced in support of this thesis have varied a great deal but usually include the following points: ( 1 ) The elements of flexibility and speed, both essential to modern foreign policies, are in conflict with the practices of democratic states; ( 2) There is the necessity for secrecy in the development of international policies, particularly with reference to intelligence activities, negotiations, etc.; (3) Relations between states must of necessity be the exclusive monopoly of the government. The complex nature of foreign policy requires decision-makers who are experts and who are not directly responsible to the capricious whims of public opinion or pressure groups; ( 4) The limitations placed upon American policymakers by such factors as the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers, the pressures of public opinion and influence groups, an opposition party within the government, etc., place American foreign pol-

icy at a distinct disadvantage in comparison with totalitarian or communist governments who are not faced with similar restrictions. The divisive qualities inherent in the democratic approach to foreign policy are not shared by most of the non-democratic powers. The sum of these and other arguments leads to the conclusion that democratic principles serve as impediments to the formulation and implementation of the kind of external policies necessary in international relations to a great power such as the United States. There is no doubt that the proponents of this view have brought into focus a problem that is not only crucial in the realm of foreign policy but also to the whole notion of the continued validity of democratic government. If democratic principles are to be accepted as valid, they must be able to prove themselves equally in all areas of the governmental process; it is impossible in the complex world of today to draw any line separating foreign affairs from domestic policy. External affairs cannot be operated according to one set of principles and the remaining aspects of government according to others. There can also be little doubt that, in theory, this argument is basically a sound one. Nevertheless, it can be argued that those who maintain that the restrictions of democracy tend to mitigate against effective foreign policy perhaps are giving democracy too much credit. It seems highly probable that American foreign policy today in practice suffers far less from the divisive and restrictive effects of democratic principles than is perceived by its critics. A good argument could be made that the way foreign policy is conceived and carried out in the United States bypasses and renders inoperative many of the cardinal tenets of the democratic ethic; there exists a wide gap between the theoretical rela-


tion of democratic principles to foreign policy and the actual way in which policies are formulated and implemented. While policy continues to be formed within a broad democratic framework, the actual influence of democratic methods is minimal and spotty in application. This can be demonstrated more clearly by a brief examination of a few of the major principles included within the American democratic ethic. The first deals with the relationship between public opinion and the policy-making process. The entire notion of "public opinion" has an extremely elusive and vague quality despite the nC!table attempts that have been made to define it precisely and to evaluate it empirically. But difficulties of definition and quantification do not negate the fact that the role of public opinion in the democratic process is universally recognized to be a vital one. ¡ Any democracy is predicated on the suppqsition that government is merely a means by which public opinion is transferred into public policy. Thus an important element in the determination of foreign policy, perhaps the most important element, should be the policy-makers' evaluation of the voice of the people rather than their perception of what the national interest is or ought to be. To this concept of the existence of a "public interest" should be added a few related tenets of democratic theory: ( 1) The individual citizen is knowledgeable and interested in public issues; (2} The citizen understands the relationship between his personal interests and the interests of the polity; (3) Through the process of debate and discussion the citizen can make meaningful decisions on these issues; ( 4) The decisions reached in this mann(fr represent wiser choices than those reached by experts or special interest groups. Now it would be foolish to maintain that these principles could ever be realized in practice to the degree suggested by the theory. But it also seems clear that if democracy is to be meaningful in something more than name only, there should be some evidence that these basic elements have validity in practice as well as theory. It is crucial to a democracy that there exist a well-informed body politic with knowledge of the issues and opportunity for debate, discussion, criticism and dissent with regard to choices and alternatives. How applicaple in practice are these concepts in the sphere of foreign affairs? In the first place, there is an abundance of evidence to demonstrate that the public is remarkably uninformed and ignorant when it comes to questions of foreign affairs. Studies such as Gabriel Almond's trail blazing work on The American People and Foreign Policy, James Rosenau's Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, as well as numerous polls taken throughout the last few years, have clearly shown that the general public is notably ignorant concerning global issues and, furthermore, does not display any manifest interest in them. There are times when the public is aroused or prodded out of this apathetic state, but these occasions are almost always ones in which there is a high degree of emotional content and do not generally reflect any in-


crease in knowledge of the issues at stake. As James Rosenau points out: "On the rare occasions when it does awaken from its slumber, the mass public, being no more informed than previously, is impulsive, unstable, unreasoning, unpredictable, capable of shifting direction or of going in several contradictory directions at the same time .... ""

It is true that American policy-makers are influenced by public opinion and assiduously cultivate it as much as possible. But because the public is more accurately described in the terms employed by Mr. Rosenau rather than those of the democratic ethic cited earlier, the influence of public opinion can often lead in directions counter to those based on a more rational and careful evaluation of the alternatives. It is a fear of the harmful influence of Pllblic opinion that forms the basis for arguments of men like Walter Lippmann and, to a lesser degree, Dexter Perkins in favor of greater executive determination and authority in the field of foreign affairs. 3 But while their arguments are based essentially on the limitations of democracy in this sphere, it should be noted that the real cause for their concern is the wide discrepancy between democratic theory and the realities of the American system in practice. If public opinion was formulated along the lines set out in the democratic ethic, the unfavorable results to which these theorists point would probably not occur. At least two other related points should be mentioned. First, a real problem for any democracy is providing sufficient and reliable information for the public on foreign affairs. Proper discussion must be based on adequate and open sources of information. However, the nature of modem foreign policy makes this difficult at times. The necessity for speed and secrecy, for example, often precludes releasing the necessary materials. But despite the existence of weak points and shortcomings, it seems reasonably clear that in the American democratic system there is a wealth of information available to the interested citizen on almost all aspects of foreign policy issues. 4 Second, there is the problem of the role of dissent. A basic tenet of democratic,: thought holds that dissent is vital to the existence of a democracy. But it is not the existence of disagreement itself that is so crucial - it is the right to disagree that is essential. It is this fact that sharply distinguishes democracies from totalitarian governments. The danger in a democracy does not lie in the fact that dissension will be openly crushed but rather that the same result may be achieve<! through indirect and subtle means. When, for instance, the right to dissent is buried under an avalanche of flag-waving, superpatriotism which tends to equate protest with disloyalty, then a democratic society is traveling on a very dangerous road.

If the notion of the existence of a "public interest" is accepted, the problem becomes one of how the wishes of the public can be transferred effectively into policy. Does the democratic system provide means through which this can be carried out?

One major way in which public opinion can be translated into policy is through the electoral process. A fundamental element in American democracy is the requirement that decisions be made on the basis of majority rule. The obvious fact that this principle cannot be implemented in its pure sense in a nation of several million people has led to the evolvement of the concept of representative democracy which attempts to incorporate as much as possible of the notion of majority rule within the requirements and limitations of a large and complex society. On balance it seems clear that representative democracy, despite its limitations, has provided a workable method whereby the wishes of the electorate with regard to domestic issues can be made known. However, its effectiveness in the area of foreign policy questions is not nearly so apparent. There has been a noticeable trend in the direction of a diminishing influence on the part of the electorate in the realm of foreign policy. There are many reasons for this, but the trend received its major impetus with the post-World War II emergence of the concept of bipartisanship. Bipartisanship, with its stress on the maxim that politics should "stop at the water's edge," has the advantage of preventing internal instability when major foreign policy decisions confront the nation. The importance and necessity of unity within the government on such decisions has seldom been questioned. But it should be recognized that this advantage is gained at the expense of making control and influence over foreign policy issues and goals extremely difficult to achieve and maintain through the electoral process. Bipartisanship can be seen in some respects as a compromise between the desirability of maintaining the democratic framework of government and the necessity to provide maximum flexibility and unity in the formulation of foreign policy. The difficulty is that, in its application, bipartisanship has tended to stress the unity aspects at the cost of minimizing the opportunities for the voter to make meaningful choices and to make assessments of responsibility for past successes or failures. [From around 1947 on, the voter has seldom had any real choice in foreign policy between the Democratic and Republican parties or between the major Presidential candidates. The party platforms read remarkably alike and the aspirants for the Presidency have not differed significantly over international issues and what should be U.S. policy. What differences there have been have revolved around the question of means, not ends.] Another critical area that demonstrates the wide gap between American democratic theory and practice in the realm of foreign policy concerns the wide range of constitutional and institutional restrictions on the formulation and implementation of policies. Unfortunately, the idea of checks and balances and separation of powers, which are considered by many to be vital to the proper working of a democratic government, have only limited application in foreign affairs. The Constitution divides power in the foreign policy field between the executive and legislative departments . Yet the combination of historical experience and neces-

sity have tended to increase greatly the powers of the President and to reduce those of Congress. Numerous examples could be cited: ( 1) Congress's power to declare war has been virtually eliminated by technology, and the President, through his power as Commanderin-Chief, could, involve the nation in a war practically at a time and place of his own choosing; (2) The Senate's power in the treaty-making process has largely been circumvented by the tremendous growth in use of the Executive Agreement to accomplish the same ends; (3) What has often been considered to be a major power of Congress, the control over appropriations, is more of a theoretical check than a practical method whereby Congress can influence foreign policy - particularly given the existence of such a strong bipartisan emphasis in the Congress and the related hesitancy of most Congressmen to make foreign policy a political issue; ( 4) the growing complexity of foreign policy matters has forced the Congress, because of time and lack of expertise, to delegate vast discretionary powers to the President in all sorts of matters related to foreign policy. The points sketched out in this essay are not meant to provide any real solution to this apparent dilemma caused by the attempt of democratic governments to carry out foreign policies within the restrictions of the democratic ethic. In fact, the brief treatment accorded here does not even begin to scratch the surface of the problem, much less pose any answers. But it is hoped that some of the readings cited below will help to provide a deeper understanding of the complexities of the problem and increasing awareness of its crucial importance in preparation for further discussion and exchange of ideas at the Alumni Reading Seminars on June 3, 1966. N OTES 1. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Vol. I, pp. 236- 37. 2. James Rosenau, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, pp. 36- 37. 3. Walter Lippmann's arguments are mainly set out in his Essays in the Public Philosophy, especially Chapter II. A good example of Dexter Perkin's position is his article "Foreign Policy in Presidential Campaigns," Foreign Affairs, Vol XXXV, No.2, (January 1957), pp. 213-224. . 4. Current debates over management of the press and the mconsistent nature of information from the government concerning the American effort in Viet Nam provide evidence that the problem still exists to a large degree. RECOMMENDED READING Almond, Gabriel A., Th e American People and Foreign Policy, Praeger. Dahl, Robert, Congress and Foreign Policy, Norton. Fulbright, William, "The Elite and the Electorate. Is Government by the People Possible?", in Edward Reed, ed., Challenge to Democracy, Praeger. Kennan, George F., American Diplomacy, Mentor. Lippmann, Walter, The Public Philosophy, Mentor. Ransom, Harry Howe, Can American Democracy Survive the Cold War?, b oubleday Anchor. Rosenau, James N., Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, Random House. Spanier, John, American Foreign Policy Since World War II (2nd Rev. E.), Praeger.

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The announcement of the retirement of Professor Ray Oosting in June evoked a flood of congratulatory messages and expressions of gratitude for his distinguished contribution to Trinity. These editorials from the Hartford press tell the Oosting story with clarity and conviction. They reflect the deep respect and gratitude of the community and College he has served so well: Ray Oosting's 42 years as coach, teacher and athletic administrator at Trinity College are a record posterity will find it hard to equal. He will reach that milestone in June when he retires from the faculty as professor emeritus of physical education. This is the first time Trinity trustees have authorized such a designation. Mr. Oosting came to Trinity in 1924. Within a few years he was widely recognized as an oustanding basketball coach. But that was only one facet of his busy life in the field of physical education. In the techniques of coaching, he has been thorough and skilled. But of greater importance has been the part he has played in inspiring young men to represent their college in competitive sports with honor, dignity and spirit. In these days when athletic coaches come and go almost as fast as the changing seasons, a record of 42 years implies a welcome stability both in the man and in the college he has served. Ray Oosting has graced his calling with modesty and distinction. We hope his services will be available to this community for a long time to come. Editorial, The Hartford Times

FOR BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME Ted Torrant, opening the after-dinner program at the recent annual dinner of the Original Dixies basketball team, proposed Ray Oosting, director of athletics at Trinity College for the Basketball Hall of Fame. The proposal brought lusty cheers and this was to be ex-


pected. No one has contributed more to the game of basketball as player, coach, director of clinics, member of national committees and in many other roles. It would be an honor well merited and it would come at a signally appropriate time, Ray due to retire at the end of the school year from his post at Trinity College where he has served the college faithfully and well for four decades. Here is Ray's record in tabloid, revealing a wide range of activities: Record as a Player: Basketball letter, Hillsboro High School, Tampa, Florida, 1918. Basketball and track letters, Central High School, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1920. Track letters, Springfield College, 1921 , 1922, 1923 and 1924 (Captain 1924). Established Eastern Intercollegiate Track Association records in 100- and 220-yard-dash events. Basketball letters, Springfield College, 1922, 1923 and 1924. Selected on the mythical All-New England Basketball team in junior and senior years. Record as a Coach: Coach of varsity basketball at Trinity College from 1924 to 1940, and aga in from 1943 to 1957. Record, 24 7 victories, 179 defeats. Coach of varsity track at Trinity College from 1924 to 1949, except two war years. Coach of freshman football at Trinity College 1924 and 1925. Coach of cross-country at Trinity College from 1932 to 1946, except two war years. Government Service: Conducted basketball coaching course, School for Special Services, Washington and Lee University in Virginia, Summer 1945. Conducted basketball coaching clinics for the U.S. Armed Forces in the Philippines and Japan , Fall 1945. Conducted basketball coaching clinics for the U .S. Armed Forces in Hawaii and Japan, Fall of 1953, 1956 and 1957.

Positions Held: Fall of 1924 to 1928, Instructor in Physical Education and coach, Trinity College. 1928 to 1934, Assistant Professor of Physical Education and coach, Trinity College. 1934 to present, Director of Department of Physical Education, Trinity College. 1936 to present, Professor of Physical Education and Director of Athletics, Trinity College. Publications and Writing: Series of tri-weekly articles on basketball, Hartford Times, Winter season 1950-51, 1951-52. Organizations: Member American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Member College Physical Education Association. Member American Association of University Professors. Past President and Charter Member of the West Hartford Kiwanis Club. Past President, Central Connecticut Football Officials Association. Past President, New England Conference on Athletics. Past President, New England College Basketball Coaches Association, National Association of Basketball Coaches: 1932, joined the Association; 1947, member Visual Interpretation Committee; 1948 , elected to Board of Directors; 1952-53, Treasurer; 1953-54, Secretary; 1954-55, Second Vice President; 1955-56, Vice President; 1956-57, President of the Association; 1957-58, immediate Past President and Member of the Board. National Collegiate Athletic Association: 1944, appointed for a two-year term, National Basketball Rules Committee of U.S. and Canada; 1946, appointed for a four-year term, National Basketball Rules Committee of U.S. and Canada; 1957, appointed for a four-year term, National Basketball Rules Committee of U.S. and Canada; 1940 to 1944, New England Representative, Committee on Committees for NCAA; 1954, appointed to Survey Committee on "Playing and Practice Sessions"; 1956, appointed to Committee on Public Relations, Eastern College Athletic Conference; 1960-61, Chairman, Committee on Eligibility. Honors: Presented Gold Key Award by the Connecticut Sportswriters Alliance for "Outstanding Contribution to Sports" in Connecticut, 1951.

Art McGinley, The Hartford Times.

KURTH: NEW DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Karl Kurth Jr., professor of physical education, assistant director of athletics and physical education, line coach of the varsity football team, director of intramural athletics and varsity track coach, has been named to succeed Ray Oosting as director of athletics when Ray retires in June. A native of Albany, N.Y., and a 1942 graduate of Springfield College, Karl began his Trinity association in 1952 after a five-year stint as athletic director and football coach at East Hartford High School. During his undergraduate days, he had a brilliant athletic career. Among other achievements, he was runner-up for the 175-pound intercollegiate wrestling championship, set two hammer throw records and, in his senior year, was named All New England tackle. While doing graduate work at Springfield, he served as football assistant, coached the freshman track team, and assisted with the wrestling team. In 1959, he was a goodwill sports representative of the U.S. State Department and undertook a mission in Africa where he was a track and field specialist for residents of Libya, Ethiopia, and Egypt. In 1962, Karl was appointed a member of the National People-to-People Committee. He has served as secretary of the Eastern Intercollegiate Athletic Association for fourteen years. In 1964, he was one of three Trinity faculty members to receive the first student Senate Faculty Award for "caliber of instruction, academic contributions, and for active student-faculty relations." 15

Thoughts of a Tripod Editor By Malcolm N. Carter '66

ficient; and as I look back over my year as editor I cannot really say. On the one hand, I enjoyed many advantages, while on the other there were a number of disadvantages. I think it is best to list the disadvantages first so that the reader is left in a pleasant, rather than a disagreeable, mood. In this way, he stands a better chance of enjoying my reflections. DISADVANTAGES Knowing too much. As editor, I was taken into the confidence of all segments of campus life so that I would have at least an informed background for possible editorials. This is a consideration I fully appreciated, but there were persons who abused the privilege of confidential information and expected nothing to go beyond the editor's office. Such a practice is called managing the news, for facts which are owed the campus population sometimes had to be withheld. There was also the constant possibility I would forget what was "confidential" and what was not. Time consumed. The editor of the Tripod normally spends an average of 25 hours weekly in his efforts to produce a newspaper. At times the average plunges to 20 hours and occasionally soars to more than 30. Up to this time, the editor has had to be either totally dedicated to journalism, either professionally or avocationally, or a sucker. Trinity has been fortunate in the capabilities of the three editors under whom I was a staff member, but there is no reason to believe this good fortune will continue if the editor does not receive compensation above and beyond prestige, satisfaction and free dinners. At the Tripod election dinner, I told my successor, David Downes, he had received a full-time job, because: A missed story will cause you worry. An angry publicity chairman may cause you worry. A discontent staff member will cause you worry. A campus crisis will cause you worry. Because it is your job to worry. Worry, as the reader must well know, is time consuming.


At four p.m. on December 2, 1965, I was relieved of my responsibilities as editor of The Trinity Tripod. No more were the images of forgotten deadlines, uncovered stories, unwritten editorials and pages and pages of type to be read every Sunday, when the weekly newspaper is produced. Of course, some Sundays, one could better say the newspaper is squeezed from typewriters that prefer to remain silent, from administrators too cautious to speak or from ideas too embryonic to be born. There isn't a Tripod editor who, in the midst of producing a newspaper, hasn't asked himself, "Does anyone really read the Tripod?" The answer is a resounding "Yes!" And one of the most rewarding experiences of my work with the paper was the sight of heads buried behind Tripods on Tuesday mornings. I keep asking myself whether the satisfaction I felt as students and administrators read the Tripod was suf-


Shaping the individual. When I arrived at Trinity I planned to become a physician and had gone so far as to pass organic chemistry. Suffice to say I am now planning a career in professional journalism. Talking. I certainly did not need the Tripod to talk, but being editor brought me into contact with many persons I might not otherwise have met. These persons ranged from visiting dignitaries to college officials to many students. Some of these contacts have turned into friendships, and the impetus was my notion that it was up to the Tripod to be a bridge between students and administrators. I felt duty-bound to understand the thinking of the other "side," and the benefit was mine. And now I must look to others to play campus "critic" and to play campus politics. The fear of irresponsibility was always with me, but the need for accurate and truthful communication of all the news - that challenge was greater. And to Trinity I am grateful for the opportunity I had to answer that challenge.

CAMPUS F. Gardiner F. Bridge, director of student affairs, is leaving Trinity to become headmaster of The University School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as of July 1, 1966. "The decision to leave Trinity was difficult," said Mr. Bridge. "For a decade Trinity and Trinity's students have presented a happy, stimulating and meaningful experience. The new opportunity, however, represents a challenge in another significant phase of educational work. The invitation is one I find impossible to decline." The University School of Milwaukee is a large, independent day school made up of elementary grades, which are coeducational, and an upper school for college preparatory work. The present school is the consolidation of three wellestablished, smaller private schools Milwaukee Country Day School, Milwaukee Downer Seminary and Milwaukee University School - which merged in July 1964. Mr. Bridge served Trinity as director of admissions from 1956 to 1964, when he assumed the position of director of student affairs. Previously, he had been assistant to the director of admissions at Dartmouth College, his alma mater. Mr. Bridge taught at Hebron Academy in Maine from 1946 to 1952. From 1943 to 1945, he was supervisor of Pratt & Whitney Group Leader Training Programs in Willimantic and East Longmeadow, Massachusetts.

While director of admissions at Trinity, Mr. Bridge became the first chairman of the Advisory Board of the College Admissions Center in Evanston, Illinois, and served as a member of the board from 1961 to 1964. He was a member of a panel of college visitors for the College Entrance Examination Board, Northeast Region, from 1963 to 1965. Mr. Bridge has served the Greater Hartford community as a consultant and member of the Fuller Scholarship Fund and the Modeen Scholarship Fund, and and as a member of the Kaman Aircraft Corporation Scholarship Committee of Bloomfield. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Connecticut Institute for the Blind and a director of The Conductor's Council of the Hartford Symphony.


L. Barton Wilson '37 has joined the staff of the Office of College Relations. His background bas been in the fields of advertising, public relations and sales promotion, and he has held advertising agency and corporate management positions with both administrative and creative responsibilities. A native of Baltin1ore, he has served the College in many capacities over the years. He has been a member of the Board of Fellows, class agent, a vice president of the National Alumni Association and chairman of reunion and homecoming committees. He has also been associated with a number of community activities. During World War II Mr. Wilson was assistant editor of the ETO edition of Army Talks, a weekly news commentary magazine.

Dr. Blanchard W. Means, Brownell professor of philosophy at Trinity and department chairman, has been elected to a three year term as a member of the Board of Regents at the University of Hartford. The author of a number of articles which have appeared in professional journals, Dr. Means is a member of Pi Gamma Mu, The Cum Laude Society, the American Philosophical Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is also a trustee of the Julius Hartt Musical Foundation of the University of Hartford. Associate Professor Michael R. Campo '48, director of the Cesare Barbieri Center, is undertaking a color film on Dante and the Divine Comedy. John D ando, associate professor of English, is working with Dr. Campo on this project, as are Robert Ebinger '67 and Paul Draper '66. The film, planned to premiere at Trinity this spring, has been in the works for a year and a half, during which time Dr. Campo and his associates have been filming fresco and wood panel paintings and illuminated manuscripts from the fourteenth century. Many institutions, including the Vatican Library and the British Museum, have given the Center permission to film work of that period presently in their possession.

The fifth annual performance of Buttondown Sounds, presented by the Trinity Pipes to raise money for a scholarship fund, was enjoyed again this year by a sell-out audience in the Washington Room of Mather Hall. Featured in the 1965 show, along with the Pipes, were the Cornell Sherwoods, the Vassar GStringers and the Trinidads. The Trinity College Orchestra made its debut in the Austin Arts Center on November 23 under the direction of Lecturer in Music, Baird Hastings. Mr. Hastings announced that "The Orchestra was formed this year as part of a design to broaden the scope of music at Trinity and to strengthen the College's cultural liaison with the Hartford community." The evening was highlighted with Mozart Organ Sonatas performed on Trinity's famous Rieger Organ by Clarence E. Watters, Chairman of the Department of Music. The Arts Center also hosted the professional Kohan Quartet, now in residence at New York University. The Quartet is directed by Harold Kohon, well-known concert violinist and former concertmaster for Leopold Stokowski. The Widener Gallery in the Austin Arts Center has been the site of much activity on campus this term with three exhibitions hosted by the Department of Fine Arts. A Memorial Exhibition to Anne Gwynn Whittlesey (1921-1965), wife of E. Finlay Whittlesey, professor of mathematics, was on display from October 10 to October 29. The exhibition was composed of twenty-one contemporary oils. The vigorous, intellectual graphic arts of the Connecticut Artist-Educator Invitational were displayed from November 5 to November 28. This excellent exhibition brought to the campus the works of art scholars from ten Connecticut colleges and universities. A D ecember 5th reception opened an exhibition of American Landscape Paintings (19th and 20th centuries), which will remain in the gallery through January 28. The paintings have been loaned by Amherst College, Professor Charles H. Morgan of Amherst, The Art Museum of New Britain, and The Wadsworth Atheneum. The Wean Lounge in Mather Hall has not been without its exhibitions this term. A one-man show of paintings, sculpture, mosaics and collages by Drew J obnstone, art instructor at the Sedgewick School and chairman of the Art Department for the West Hartford school system, was exhibited from October 17November 2. The Hallmark Honor A wards, including watercolors, oils, drawings and mixed media selected as the best work submitted in the past five years of the Scholastic Art Awards competitions sponsored by Hallmark, were on display from November 5 to November 23.



Henry R. Luce, editorial chairman of Time, Inc ., visited with Librarian Donald B. Engley during his stay on the campuj in November.

Dean Robert M. Vogel, right, accepted an Esso Foundation grant of $2,500 from Irwin G. Mahr, district manager of Humble Oil & Refining Co.

Jack N. A rbolino, center, executive director of the Council on College Level Examinations, spoke at the annual Educators' Dinner. Flanking him are the winners of the first Capital Area Outstanding Teacher A ward presented by the College: John F. Harris, Conard High School, West Hartford; and Joseph s: Stookins, Loomis School, ¡ Windsor. Connecticut Governor John D empsey was among the spectators at the post-season N.C.A .A. soccer match won by the invaders from West Point.

Dr. Odell Shepard, former Jam es I. Goodwin Professor of English, returned to the campus in December to give two evenings of poetry readings. H e is shown with Dr. Morse S. A lien, James J. Goodwin Professor of English, Emeritus.

A lien Tate, prize-winning poet, critic, teacher and editor, was the poet-in-residence during the Christmas term.

Lyman B. Brainerd '30, vice president of the Board of Trustees, and Dr. Jacobs welcome J. Peter Grace, president of W. R . Grace & Co. who spoke at the thirteenth annual Business and Industry Dinner.

CAMPUS NOTES The dramatic arts have been represented in the Arts Center with one Jesters' performance and one student workshop presentation. The Jesters selected Maxwell Anderson's Winterset as their first production this season as a protest against the contemporary literature of pessimism and despair. Winterset, presented for the first time in the mid-1930's, was an affirmation of man's innate goodness. The Jesters, under the direction of George E. Nichols III, director of the Arts Center and associate professor of drama, executed this production superbly, in spite of the difficulties of a script written in iambic pentameter. Edward Albee's The Death of Bessie Smith was the first all student production in the Arts Center. William S. Bartman Jr. '68 adapted his cast and Garmany Hall well to Albee's play and the student workshop production idea. He prefaced his production with a short movie about Bessie Smith herself, so that, although she never appears in the play, her presence was felt.

In the academic sphere, Trinity has presented talks by scholars and experts from other colleges and universities recently. Dr. H. Gordon Skilling, presently a professor of political economy at the University of Toronto and director of the Centre for Russian a nd East European Studies at Toronto, spoke on "Communism: National and International." Dr. Skilling indicated that rivalries and barriers between East and ¡west are slowly wearing down. He suggested that the United States take small economic, cultural and political steps toward unity rather than hope for "dramatic breaks for freedom," because there are "forces now at work in Eastern Europe" which will work themselves out with help toward unity. Dr. Hajo Holborn, Sterling professor of history at Yale, delivered the annual Mead History Lecture on the "Origin of Hitler Ideology." Hitler, motivated by a primitive instinct to attain power, said Dr. Holborn, "must be explained in political and social terms, not in philosophic terms." The Mead Economics Lecture was delivered this year by Dr. Edward S. Mason of Harvard, former Dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration. He spoke on "India and Pakistan: Economic Prospects for Southeast Asia." Dr. Mason stressed the fact that the Asian economy is being strained by the Kashmir War, and that progress toward economic independence is extremely slow. India and Pakistan "will need, for decades, aid from the United States, Asia ... or any source available." Dr. Gerald J. Mangone, professor of political science and international law at the Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, drew together varying phases of past, present and future in international affairs with the annual Mead Lecture in Government, "The UN: A Step Backward to Leap Forward." His thesis was developed on the concept that setbacks suffered by the United Nations over the years in such fields as econom-

ics human rights and compromises have actually placed the organization in a position to "spring forward."

Representatives of the literary arts at' Trinity have been Allen Tate, poet, essayist, novelist and one of the most important contemporary American critics, and Dr. Odell Shepard, poet, philosopher, writer and teacher at Trinity for 29 years. Allen Tate came to Trinity from October 11 to October 15 as Poet-in-Residence and guest of the College Poetry Center. He entertained the campus community and the public with three lectures: "Recollections of T. S. Eliot," a reading of his own work, and "Southern Renaissance: Fiction." Mr. Tate noted that, "Artists and poets are indirectly the 'legislators' of the world, reminding man of what he ought to be. They must recreate for their age the image of man and propagate standards by which other men may test that image and distinguish the false from the true." Dr. Odell Shepard, once James J. Goodwin Professor of English Literature at Trinity, returned this fall to present two evenings of poetry readings. He devoted the first to nonsense verse, treating it seriously, and called his readings "The Laughing Muse." The second program was called "The Song of the Lark," which included " ... three or four poems of exaltation, joy and courage suited to the lark song and the spirit of youth poems written by Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Shelley and Meredith."

Peter R. Atwood '66 of Avon, Connecticut, and Alfred Raws III '67 of Yardley, Pennsylvania, have brought a first-time honor to Trinity. They have been awarded $100 prizes by the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society as two of the five undergraduates from United States and Canadian colleges and universities who ranked highest in the General Mathematics Examination sponsored jointly by these societies. A first prize of $200 and four additional prizes of $100 each are awarded annually in this competition. Robert D. Jenkins '67 of Denver, Colorado, and Michael J. Richmond '68 of Wichita, Kansas, successfully passed the General Mathematics Examination. Peter S. Heller '67 of Bayside, New York, passed the Probability and Statistics Examination of the Society of Actuaries. The Department of Mathematics is doing well this year. Michael Mermey '67 of Mamaroneck, New York, has announced the formation of a student speakers' bureau designed to send Trinity students with unusual experiences and interests to speak to a variety of community organizations. The bureau is being advised by Mrs. Constance Ware of the Office of College Relations. A brochure is being prepared to notify the community of the availability of these speakers by subject interest. Some of the subjects presently under consideration are Zen Buddhism, Japanese Ink Painting, wor~g wit~ Indians in Alaska, Arab-Israeli relatiOns, and the ethnology of Bolivia and Peru.

CAMPAIGN TOTAL NEARS $3,500,000 As Trinity moves ahead on the Ford Foundation Challenge, gifts continue to come into the College from alumni, parents, friends and corporations throughout the United States. The campaign efforts in the Fall of 1965 have been concentrated in the Greater Hartford area. Although the Hartford campaign is not completed and will continue into the early months of 1966, success is assured by the campaign leaders if the present rate of giving continues. The total amount raised in Hartford is now well over one million dollars with approximately $270,000 of that coming from alumni in the Greater Hartford area. Business and industry have responded admirably. The total from this group is well over the $400,000 mark. Mr. Henry Beers '18, General Campaign Chairman, bas predicted a resounding victory for Trinity in the Hartford area when all the calls are completed. Those who have lead the Hartford Area have been Mr. Lyman Brainerd '30, Life Trustee of the College and President of the H artford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, and Mr. Ostrom Enders, Life Trustee of the College and Chairman of the Hartford National Bank. Mr. William P. Gwinn, Life Trustee of the College and President of United Aircraft Corporation, bas beaded the corporation efforts while Mr. Seymour Smith '34, Life Trustee of the College and Executive Vice-President of Travelers Insurance Company, and Mr. Charles Kingston '34, Alumni Trustee of the College and President of Charles Kingston and Associates, Inc., have headed the alumni efforts. Representing the College at the joint conference of the American Alumni Council and the American College Public Relations Association in Montreal this month were five members of the Trinity administration. Kenneth C. Parker presided as District I Chairman of AAC; Douglas L. Frost '59, newly elected chairman of the AAC program on annual giving, and Mrs. June L. Thomas were panelists; and John A. Mason '34 and Harry K. Knapp '50 participated in meetings of alumni and development programs. Raymond E. Thomsen '41 of Connecticut Printers was a joint panelist with Mrs. Thomas at a meeting of alumni magazine editors. NEW ALUMNI DIRECTORY The Alumni Office is preparing a new Alumni Directory and plans to have it ready for distribution this summer. This will be the fifth Alumni Directory to be printed since World War II. A questionnaire will be sent out this winter to all alumni. Please return it as soon as possible to the Alumni Office after making any necessary corrections and additions. The new directory will contain a Class List - showing Trinity degree(s), home and business addresses, occupation and fraternity. It will also contain an alphabetical and a geographical listing.


Record-breakers William Bacon '68 (left) and David Tyler '67

SPORTS Twenty-six wins, fourteen losses. That is the Trinity winter sports picture through midJanuary. Although the remaining schedules will bring strong competition, there is general optimism that an over-all winning season is in the making. Varsity basketball has posted a nine and three record. Their six-game winning streak was finally brought to a halt during the American International College Holiday Tournament in Springfield. In the latter, the first such tournament for a Trinity team, they posted a first round come-from-behind win over Bowdoin, 97-83. Defeat came at the bands of tourney host AIC in the second round, 93-89. Battling for third place honors, Trinity also bowed to St. Michael's, 91-85, in double overtime. For the record, AIC took the title. There have been several highlights thus far. In five games the Trinity quintet scored over one hundred points and set a new Field House record of 109 hosting Middlebury and a Trinity record of 111 at Brandeis. Leading in the scoring column is Captain Jim Belfiore, last season's Most Valuable Player, with 1,078 points, topping the previous record of 1,066 held by Barry Leghorn '64. In the first ten games, he has maintained a 24.8 average. Other leading varsity scorers are Ed Landes, Don Overbeck and Bob Gutzman. Coach "Robie" Shults, in his second year as varsity mentor, has every right to be proud of his charges, and deserves for himself a great deal of credit. His 1964-65 team compiled a 12-7 record. The hustling freshmen cagers have recorded six wins against two losses. Coach Hal Donnelly has particular praise for Guard Pete Clark, Forward Jack Godfrey and Center Ron Martin. For the varsity swimming team it has been five wins in as many meets. And already records have been broken. Captain Jim Belfiore

On the attack against W esleyan

SCENE The name Tyler is still prominent. Captain Duff Tyler (son of David A. Tyler '43) broke the pool record by sixteen seconds at Worcester Tech in the 200-yard butterfly event. Against Tufts in Medford he set a new Trinity record of 2:12.2 in the same event. Duff currently holds six college records, including two New England records in the 200-yard and 500-yard freestyle. Lang Tyler, a member of the freshman swimming team, captured two events and was on the winning team in the relay to help post a victory over R.P.I. Another outstanding member of the varsity is Bill Bacon who also broke a pool record at W.P.I., set a Trinity and New England record of 56.5 in the 100-yard backstoke against Coast Guard, and broke the Tufts pool record in the 100-yard freestyle. The third star performer is Bill Roth, a freestyle specialist. The only senior on the team, Jeff Seckler, has captured the diving event in three of the four meets. Coach Bob Slaughter admits the long-range prospects appear brighter. The varsity squash team, led by senior George Andrews, posted a 9-0 win over Fordham but has dropped contests to Navy, Yale, Williams and Wesleyan. Coach Roy Dath hopes for improvement as the season progresses. Hockey, under the tutelage of Penn Hargrove, is an informal sport started in 1961. In spite of snow and poor ice conditions, the team tripped MIT at Cambridge, 5 to 3. Freshman Henry Barkhausen pulled the "hat trick," scoring three goals. They blanked Wesleyan, 4-0. In another informal sport, the fencing team has managed to two-two record with wins over Holy Cross and Pace, and losses to MIT and Harvard. Over the past five years, the team has compiled a record of twenty-two wins against fourteen losses and, this season, is defending the New England Championship- a distinction it holds for the second time.

Th ese m embers of the class of '67 will captain Blue and Gold varsity teams next Fall. Left to right: Edward H utton, soccer; H oward Wrzosek, footba ll; Jesse Brewer, cross country.

Defending N ew England Champions

Dan Jessee Honored

It is unusual for a football coach to stay at one college for thirty-four years. It is rare for that coach to compile a record of 144 wins, 74 losses and 7 ties, including four undefeated teams, twenty-one winning seasons. It is distinctive for that coach to receive recognition from his colleagues across the country. It is most uncommon for that coach to receive a tribute from the chief executive of his state. But all of these things have happened to Professor Daniel E. Jessee. On January 13, in Washington, D .C., Dan was installed as president of the American Football Coaches Association, the first coach of a small college to be so honored. On the previous night, at a reception sponsored by Connecticut college and high school coaches and attended by the Who's Who of football, Dan was presented with the following Official Statement from the Honorable John Dempsey, Governor of the State of Connecticut: The election of Professor Daniel E. Jessee as President of the American Football Coaches' Association is an honor not only to him, but also to Trinity College and to the State of Connecticut.


Never before has a Connecticut coach attained this high office, and never before has this honor been bestowed on a coach from a small college. Dan Jessee's winning Trinity record of one hundred and forty-four victories to only seventy-four defeats and seven ties, his four undefeated, untied seasons and the fact that he has coached at one school since 1932 for the longest tenure of any coach in the nation all point to his outstanding position in his profession. Trinity College and the State of Connecticut are indeed fortunate that he elected to come East more than thirty-three years ago from the Pacific Coast where as a young man he already had demonstrated his prowess as an athlete and his skill as a coach. It is with pride and pleasure that I salute Professor Daniel E. Jessee as a man wholly dedicated to the well being and betterment of intercollegiate sports, and extend to him my best wishes for a most successful administration as President of the American Football Coaches' Association. JOHN D EMPSEY



ENGAGEMENTS 1948 Joseph H. Schachter to Irma D. Klein 1950 Robert W . Parker to Jean M. Chambers 1958 Frederick G. E. Clarke Jr. to AnneN. Rienecke 1960 Robert F. Liepis to Carol M. Landry John M. Moran Jr. to Mary-Christine Lauritzen Murray H . Morse Jr. to Eleanor L. Peters Peter Strasser to Virginia M. Bayer 1961 John E. Stambaugh to Blair H . Danzoll 1962 Thomas F. Bundy Jr. to Judith A. Cox Lt. J. Donald Woodruff Jr. to Mary M. MacLeod 1963 David D. Holroyd to Elizabeth Ross Steven J. Molinsky to Judith S. Grossman 1964 Malcolm 0. Campbell Jr . to Mary M. Bean Sidney R. Katz to Susan J. Kaplan 1965 Patrick G. Pierce to Julie F . Braucher Robert M . Price to Karen E. Nyborg MARRIAGES William J. Arnold to Kazuko Yoshi April23 , 1965 1948 Dr. Harold W. Gleason Jr. to Mrs. Patricia Mason August 16, 1965 1953 Alan E. Kurland to Marcia A. Nicholson November 6, 1965 1955 Alvan Fisher, Jr. to Barbara Singer September 11, 1965 1959 James M. Haynes Jr. to JaneL. Weller November 6, 1965 Richard R.Jaffee to Miriam J. Margolin July 12, 1965 1960 Neboysha R. Brashich to Prunella M. Crawford October 16, 1965 Richard M. Brenner to Elizabeth A. Hill October 15, 1965 Roger D. Emley to Virginia A. Sandstrom September 24, 1965 1961 William Kirtz to Sarah P. Denney December 4, 1965 Neil R. Newberg to Francine R . Simensky December 19, 1965 Lester Schoenfeld to Linda C. Rosen October 3, 1965 Ronald S. Steeves to Sankey B. McCoy October 16, 1965 1962 Robert M. Harting to Emilie A. Clothier August 20, 1965 David E. Lee to Virginia King June 5, 1965 1963 Lt. jg. James F. Blair to Elaine Donovan July 3, 1965 Richard B. Emery to Mrs . Alice W. Bassett November 27, 1965


Richard C. Nygard to Susan Scobie July 3, 1965 Stephen S. Washburne to Carolyn Kott August 28, 1965 Victor A. Adelstein to Fern L. Edstine November 28, 1965 Douglas W . Craig to Joanna D. Burbank October 30, 1965 Jonathan L. Haring to Judith L. Drews November 13, 1965 Benjamin H. Gorsky to Susan J. Rubin ow December 20, 1965 Joseph R . McDaniel to Carolyn Ake September 11, 1965 Allen R. Nielsen to Norma J . LaMarre September 24, 1965 PeterS. Prentice to Eleanor A. Bennett December 18, 1965

BIRTHS 193 7 1950 1952


1953 1955


1957 1958 1958


1960 1962 1963

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Little John Anthony, August 17, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Mullane Thomas Francis, August 13, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Yeomans Sanford Albert, September 27, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Noble F. Richards Andrew E. Richards, September 3, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Freeman Susan Fairbanks, Septemper 1, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Moss L ynda Ann, October 1, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel P. Reed Nathaniel Pryor, Jr., November 10, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Evans Charles William , September 21, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Warren Margot Miller, July 29, 1965 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Daniels Heather Eileen, June 3, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Back Christopher Frederick, November 8, 1965 Mr. and .Mrs. Richard B. Noble Jr. Kim, July 14, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Remington Rose Amanda Cronan, October 7, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. L. Raycraft Wilson Deanna Louise and Deborah Lee, September 18, 1965 Dr and Mrs. Frederic I. Fischpein Jane Sydney, August 6, 1965 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sgro Anthony Huston, October 29, ~ 965 Mr. and Mrs. W. Croft Jennings, Jr. Thomas Thacher Richmond, September 12, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wood Edward Randolph, September 23, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Raymond Julie Ann, October 14, 1965






Dr. Richard K. Morris '40, associate professor of education, addressed the Association November 3 at the Beacon Street Hotel in Brookline. He spoke on the development and trends in elementary and secondary education. Last June 27 a most successful cookout was held at "Tuppeny Tower," the borne of Gordon ''Red" Ramsey '61 on Wingaersbeek Beach, West Gloucester. This January 27, Assistant Professors Thomas Willey, Kai Schoenhals and William Benz of the College's History and Government departments will lead a critique on "Current Assumptions of American Foreign Policy." This will be a dinner meeting at the Lexington Inn, Route 2A and 128.

Harry Knapp '50, assistant director of development, and Don Miller, assistant football coach, were the speakers at the Association's annual fall dinner at the Halfway House iDJ Darien November 18. The new officers are: William D. Dobbs '51, president; Robert B. Jennings '47 and William Arnold '43, vice presidents; R. Houston Hale '52, treasurer; and Frederick M. Tobin '57, secretary.

CAPE COD If you visit the "Elbow" or "The Islands" during the month of August, and if you are not on the Trinity Cape Cod mailing list, please notify John A. Mason '34, alumni secretary, so that you will receive a notice for the third annual Cape Cod alumni meeting.

DETROIT Dr. Norton Downs, professor of history, spoke to the area alumni November 29 at the University Club, Detroit. He also answered any and all questions, and from what we hear it was a most successfuL evening.

HARTFORD Dr. Francis J. Braceland, Hon. '58, delivered a most interesting and thought provoking address at the Trinity Club's annual dinner October 25 in the Mather Dining Hall at the College. Mr. Ostrom Enders, Life Trustee, introduced him. The Club's officers were re-elected for another year, and Bob Elrick '42, Dr. Seymour Podorowsky '38, Wendell Stephenson '50, and Martin Wood '42 were elected to the Executive Committee for a two-year term. The monthly luncheons held the first Tuesday of each month at the City Club, 10 Allyn Street, Hartford, continue to be popular. Speakers will be Professor Murray Stedman, Government, February 1; Professor Robert Foulke, English, March 1; Professor Michael Campo '48, Modern Languages, April 5; Professor Edward Bobko, Chemistry, May 3; and Professors Louis Naylor and Raymond Oosting, May 31.

LOS ANGELES Area alumni met October 5 with W. Howard Spencer, assistant director of development, at the Corsican Restaurant, Hollywood. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hudson '14; Dave Lambert '48; Mr. and Mrs. William J. Currer, Jr., parents; Ben Jenkins '51; Bob McKee '36; Walter Brown '56; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nutt '53; Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sidrane '53; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blanchard '50; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Buell; and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goldenberg '58. NEW BRITAIN As we go to press plans are being made for an alumni dinner at Trinity, Monday, January 24, with Dean Robert M. Vogel the speaker. NEW LONDON Thanks to the wonderful generosity of Fran Pugliese '51, who graciously opened his home in New London to all area al umni , a fine evening meeting was held October 29. The speakers were Jacob W. Edwards '59, assistant to the Dean and director of the Summer Session, and Don Miller, assistant varsity football coach. NEW YORK The annual dinner was held December 1 at the Columbia Club with talks given by Professor John Dando, Vice President Albert Holland '34, and Ray Oosting. A standing ovation was given for Ray who will retire this June after 42

At Homecoming: Bill Peel/e '44, Chairman of the Alumni Fund (left) and Andy Onderdonk '34, Alumni Association Senior Vice President, made awards to the following: (l. tor.) Doug Tansill '61, the 1961 Cup for best participation in Alumni Fund by class graduated ten years or less; "Scrubby" Bent' 15 received 1934 Cup for class with best all-round participation: and Paul Campion '59, best Class Secretary.


DALLAS Thanks to the kindness of Harry Maxson '09 all Trinity men in the Greater Dallas area were invited to lunch October 7 at the City Club to meet with W. Howard Spencer, assistant director of development. Those present were: Harry I. Maxson '09; Paul L. Thomas '50; Henry L. Williams '56; the Rev. A. Palmore Harrison '31; Dr. Robert Bishop '51; W. Perry Bentley '02; Charles D. Ryder '60; Rigaud Paine '49 and John S. Robottom '50. Also were present were two fathers of current Trinity students, Mr. John S. Maxon and Mr. Charles V. Campbell. It is hoped that in the near future an area association will be formed. The Rev. A. Palmore Harrison, 3116 Rosedale (Apt. #3), Dallas, will be glad to hear from any alumni within motoring distance.

At New York Dinner: Association Officers, Fred Hinkel '06, Secretary-Treasurer, and Des Crawford '36, President

Lou Christakos '54; Dr. Oliver Church '49; Frank Clow '41; Bob Guertin '61; Dick Meloy '32; Harris Prior '32; Dr. Gordon Robinson '54; Bill Ross '42; Bob Rubel '63; George Butterworth '41, president, and Peter Webster '57, secretary.


WESTCHESTER The Association had its usual informal send-off for area freshmen last September at Barclay Shaw's '35. The Executive Committee met in October and has selected three Committee Chairmen: Barclay Shaw '35, Interviewing; Bev Koeppel '47, Grants-In-Aid; and the Rev. David Hoag '55, School Contacts. Consideration is being given to a spring dinner or outing. Wilson Haight '37 is president and would appreciate hearing from any Trinity alumni in the country as to ideas for this new area association. His address is 405 Quaker Road, Chappaqua, N .Y.

"Is There a Trinity Type?" This was the topic of Dr. Edmond Cherbonnier's talk to the Springfield alumni October 20 at the Colony Club. Dr. Cherbonnier is professor of religion at Trinity. John Mason '34, alumni secretary, and Don Miller, new assistant varsity football coach, were also present. The new officers are: Bradford Cogswell '48, president; Richard Durick '48, vice president; John H. Parker '51, secretary; and Scott Stearns '50, treasurer.

WESTERN NEW YORK Vice President Bert Holland '34 was the guest speaker November 29 at the Old Post Road Inn, Buffalo, at the Association's annual dinner. He delivered an excellent talk on the role of the small college in this country. The new officers are: Richard Hirsch '54, president; Mr. William G. Coward, vice president; Philip McNairy '59, secretary; and Daniel Kenefick '58, treasurer.


years with the Athletic Department, the last 30 years being as professor of physical education and director of athletics. All alumni who work in New York City should bear in mind that the first Tuesday of each month there is an uptown luncheon at 12:00 noon at Schrafft's, 5th Avenue and 46th Street, on the fourth floor. For those alumni who work downtown there is a luncheon the last Monday of each month at the Antlers Restaurant, 67 Wall Street. One orders from the regular bill of fare for the day, and prices are reasonable. Jim Sauvage '54 at Union Carbide, 270 Park Avenue, is in charge of the midtown lunches while Dick Hooper '53, c/ o Breed, Abbott & Morgan, 1 Chase Manhatten Plaza, heads the downtown lunches. PHILADELPHIA John Dando, professor of English and well-known for his radio and TV programs, was the principal speaker at the Association's annual fall dinner November 30 at the Presidential Apartments, City Line Avenue, Philadelphia. His talk, sparkling with wit, was entitled "Trinity Today" and it covered many aspects 'Neath the Elms. Don Miller, assistant varsity football coach, also spoke.

WASIDNGTON The area alumni held its annual reception for all young men interested in entering Trinity next fall at the National Lawyers Club December 29.

W. Howard Spencer, assistant director of development, met with area alumni September 27 at the Iron Horse, San Francisco. Those present were Alex Hunter '48; Paul Laus '37; Dick Cobb '43; Larry D'Oench '62; Dick Hunt '53; Phil Simmons '58; Frank Gleason '61; Bob Olton '59; Stone Coxhead '63; and John Bailey '64.

At Board of Fellows Meeting: (seated, l. tor.) William Peelle '44, Chairman R obert Toland Jr. '44 and Samuel Wilcox '25; (standing) Dr. Joseph Astman '38, Judge John Cotter '33 and Charles Johnson '42

PITTSBURGH On November 30 Dr. Norton Downs, professor of history, met with area alumni for dinner at the University Club in Oakland. We are told his talk was well received. ROCHESTER Vice President Bert HoiJand '34 gave a stimulating talk on the role of the small college to area alumni November 30 at the Genesee Valley Club, Rochester. Those present were: John Baker '34;



Victor F. Morgan 57 Neck Road Madison, Conn. SIXTY-FIFTH REUNION


James A. Wales 315 Ave. C., Apt 9-D New York 9, N.Y.


Anson T. McCook 396 Main Street Hartford 3, Conn.

'03 '04

Frederick C . Hinkel Jr. 63 Church Avenue Islip, L.l., N.Y.

William Tucker has moved from his home on South State St., Syracuse, N.Y., to the Mount St. James Apartments, 338 Jamesville Ave., Apt. # P2, Syracuse, N.Y., 13210.

for the Connecticut Institute for the Blind. He has served in this position since 1954. Our deepest sympathy to Dr. Jerome ''Dan" Webster, whose lovely wife, Emily, died suddenly December 11. Many alumni will recall her as a most gracious hostess at the Webster's home "Meadowlawn," Riverdale, N.Y.


The Rev. John H. Rosebaugh 1121 Louisiana St. Lawrence, Kan. FIFTY-FIFTH REUNION

Stanley Grint has retired from business and now lives at Palm River Estates, Naples, Fla. Levi Hickey has been elected to the Connecticut Bar Association's Half-Century Club.


Harry Wessels 55 Winthrop St. New Britain, Conn.


Allen R. Goodale 335 Wolcott Hill Rd. Wethersfield, Conn.


Kenneth B. Case 1200 Main St. Springfield 3, Mass.

'06 '07

Frederick C. Hinkel Jr. 63 Church Avenue Islip, L.I., N.Y.


Robert E. Cross 208 Newberry Street Hartford 6, Conn.

1906- SIXTIETH REUNION Robert P. Butler was welcomed into the Connecticut Bar Association's HalfCentury Club on October 2.


Edwin J. Donnelly 1248 Farmington Ave. West Hartford 7, Conn.


The Rev. Paul H. Barbour 30 Outlook Avenue West Hartford 7, Conn.


George C. Capen 87 Walbridge Rd. West Hartford 7, Conn.

George Capen has been re-named chairman of the Greater Hartford Committee for the 1965-66 fund-raising drive

At Homecoming: Syd Pinney '18 and Allen Goodale '05

Our sympathy goes to the Rev. Mark Brewster whose wife, Ora Wood Brewster, died October 22, 1965, in Baltimore, Md.


Ralph H. Bent 5253 Fieldston Road New York 71 , N.Y.


Robert S. Morris 100 Pearl Street Hartford 3, Conn.

Victor Morgan '99 congratulates George Hardman '29, recipient of the Achievement in Life Award. Of current interest is H ip Harding's recent return from an extended trip around the world, following retirement from his vocation. Herb Spencer has just retired a second time and is now digging clams and catching fish at Waterford, Conn. Jim English wrote that he was retiring a few years ago but finds himself more involved than ever before. George Ferris' investment firm has just added the American Stock Exchange to his other two memberships and has appointed one of the distaff members of his organization as the active member. Mrs. Walsh is one of the first two ladies to hold such a membership. Next September Sam Berkman will assume the active post of dean emeritus in residence at the Hart School of Music, Hartford. The Rev. Roderic Pierce is retiring from the active ministry February 1, 1966, and may be addressed at Box 173, Lahaska, Penn. 18931.

FIFTIETH REUNION Enthusiasm anent our 50th Reunion is mounting. A splendid attendance is assured. With letters of intent come a shower of news items, much too numerous to include in this column. However, highlights will be released from time to time between now and next June.


The Rev. Joseph Racioppi 264 Sunnieholme Drive Fairfield, Conn. 06430


George C. Griffith P.O. Box 526 Sea Island, Ga. 31561

Your Secretary has sold his home on West Hill Drive, West Hartford, and has moved with brother Ned '17 to Sea Island, Ga. We may be addressed P.O. Box 526, Sea Island, Ga., 31561. Our new home there will be ready early in 1966. In May we will return to Guilford, Conn. Henry Beers has been named to the newly-created post of Society Chairman of the Hartford Symphony Orchestra. In a recent Hartford Times, "25 Years Ago Today," we read that Syd Pinney, associate actuary of the Travelers, had been elected president of the Casualty Actuarial Society at its annual meeting in New York City.



Clinton B. F. Brill Brill Engineering Corporation 160 West Broadway New York, New York

Irving E. Partridge, chairman of the Committee on Ritual and Ritualistic Matter, attended the New England Regional Ritualistic Conference of Scottish Rite Masons, 33rd Degree, held at the Masonic Temple in Boston in October. Your Secretary spent some time last fall in Portugal and France on an extended vacation with his wife. We both enjoyed it greatly.


I oseph Hartzmark 2229 St. James Parkway Cleveland Heights, Ohio


Beaufort R. L. Newsom 36 Waterside Lane Clinton, Conn. FORTY-FIFTH REUNION

The Connecticut Company buses are running again. We are proud of the fact that WaHrid G. Lundborg had a large part in accomplishing this feat. Wally was chief counsel for the company and aided E. Clayton Gengras, board chairman, in the strike discussions and negotiations. Wally is a long-time labor lawyer with a reputation as one of the best and toughest bargainers on the national scene. He, along with Gengras, was responsible for framing the company's position throughout the grueling days of the negotiation. There will be no strike trouble for at least three years, and so Wally got a fine settlement for all concerned, including the public. Charter Oak Planting: Jack Reitemeyer donated to the Town of Barkhamstead a small seedling oak tree of direct descent from Connecticut's original Charter Oak. Jack originated the idea to have Governor Dempsey present each delegate to the Constitutional Convention a young charter oak. Jack had his planted in the town of his residence. Norman Strong, with the Wenzlaff Agency of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, is a candidate for the president's challenge cup. This means that Norm is up there with the national producers of group insurance where he has stood for most of the years of his most successful business career. He is a leader. Pete Ransom is seen at practically all

At New York: Walt Canner '23, Doug Perry '23, Walt's son, John, and Jack Leon '38 the sports events at Trinity College. He sent a son through Trinity and he was a good athlete while there, just as his father was. Pete was a hundred-yard-dash man and carried off many honors in his day. Your Secretary, his wife, and daughter Nancy took in every Trinity football game in Hartford or away, that was played this fall. That meant four very happy week-ends. I urge you all to try it.


Bert C. Gable Jr. 61 Clearfield Road Wethersfield, Conn.

The Rev. Robert Plumb's article "The Trumpet's Uncertain Sound" appeared in the December 5 issue of The Living Church magazine. Bob is former executive secretary, Armed Forces Division of the Executive Council. We commend Fred Tansill, football fan that he is, for attending seven out of eight Trinity football games this fall. Of course, it included the Wesleyan game. Wonderful going, Fred!


I ames A. Calano

35 White Street Hartford 6, Conn.

Add another honor to Professor Harry Clark's list. Harry was named 1965 president of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, a century-old organization in Madison consisting of 1200 members. Happy to hear that Stan Miller is entirely well after a bout with surgery. I sat next to Pete Ransom '22 during the Capital Campaign dinner at the College. Pete, a track star, recalled the heroic efforts of our Bill Murphy who was probably the smallest freshman ever

At New York Dinner: "Dan" Webster '10, Professor Ray Oosting and Paul Norman '23

to make the varsity track team. I was amused to learn that many scenes of the movie "Parrish" were shot at the old Ransom homestead and tobacco plantation in Windsor. The class of 1950 has placed two men on the Hartford City Council - Ted DiLorenzo, my son-in-law, who was reelected and Roger B. Ladd Jr., who made it for the second time after a lapse of several years. Quite a feat for both of them considering they ran on the GOP ticket in this strongly intrenched Democratic city where the registration is four to one against them. Bob Hartt reports a bumper Macadamia crop notwithstanding the heavy rains in the LaJolla area. Strange the West Coast should acquire such abundant rain while we in the East go athirst. Bob claims it was not his age that barred him from participating in the Sealab II experiments so much as his apprehension of being mistaken for one of the many strange species of fish that inhabit the Pacific Ocean. Joe Manion is such an advocate of the charms of the Mediterranean region that I wouldn't be at all surprised if he were given a seat in the Italian Chamber of Commerce. Joe even intersperses his correspondence with bits of Italian and if he continues I'll be obliged to invest in an Italian dictionary. Joe exhorts the Calanos to take a trip to that beautiful area. Thank you, Joe, for your wonderful suggestion and thank you, Doug Perry, for recommending an early retirement. Now if the class would care to subsidize the entire project, we'll give it serious consideration! We are sorry to learn of the passing of Tom Fitzsimons which you will note in the necrology section. We extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends.


Arthur B. Conrad 188 Mountain Road West Hartford 7, Conn.


Raymond A. Montgomery North Racebrook Road Woodbridge, Conn.


N. Ross Parke 18 Van Buren Ave. West Hartford 7, Conn. FORTIETH REUNION

Bob Sheehan has a fine article in the January issue of Fortune magazine entitled "Those Fund Raising Business Men." All of us are grateful to learn


that Merrill Shennan is making steady progress and Vivian and I were agreeably surprised and delighted to have Merrill and Helen pay us a visit. Merrill and Helen deserve our heartiest praise for their wonderful spirit and faith and fortitude. All "the great going" is not alone on the athletic field- as we know. For the record, Joe Hubbard, now of Gull Pond Road, Wellfleet, Mass., specializes in architectural photography, brochures, illustrations and post cards. Congratulations, Dick Ford, on doing a good job representing T26 on the College Reunion Committee and on our special alumni fund drive. Your Secretary is grateful to have been invited to exhibit five paintings at the second Annual Exhibition of the Beth Sholom Synagogue and also has been invited to hold a "One Man" Exhibition at the Dime Savings Bank in West Hartford, which they call their "Holiday Art Show." Just as a pleasant reminder, Dear Brothers of T26, our 40th Reunion is but six months away. When we were youngsters, the great slogan in World War I was "40 and 8" and now we say "40 in '66."


Winthrop H. Segur 34 Onlook Rd. Wethersfield 9, Conn.

It was very pleasant to receive a couple of tardy responses to the class letter released last summer. Better late than never, especially when checks representing class dues are enclosed! Howie Manierre happily reports some improvement with his sight problems and tells us of his new address at 71 Silver Lane, East Hartford. Let's hope subsequent reports are even better! Our one and only general, Fred Ammerman came forth with a very newsy letter. Both Fred and his son, a recent West Point graduate, encountered all sorts of problems during the summer which have now been straightened out. Barring unforeseen circumstances, I think we may count on Fred being on campus come June 1967 to renew acquaintances. Bill Keller called from South Jersey relative to a youngster who had an appointment at school in connection with possible enrollment in next year's freshman class. Your Secretary managed to take in six of the eight games played by Professor Jessee's exciting ball club last fall . Just by a whisker or two the season's record might well have been 6-2 rather than a most respectable 4-4. Twenty-seven was always a good number and believe me #27 on Dan's club is a whale of a footbaUer, well deserving such an illustrious number. Didn't spot too many classmates at the games, but Frank Conran did show up at Amherst. The Andy Forresters and the Roger Hartts were in evidence at our horne games.


Royden C. Berger 53 Thomson Road West Hartford 7, Conn.

It was a pleasure to see Howie Goodhue again after these many years. I learned that he has been with the South-


At New York: (l . tor.) Bruce Hinkel '5 1, Jack Gooding '31, Milton Marquet '35, Tom Burgess '32 and Fred Tansill '22 ern New England Telephone Company for nearly forty years. He now is production supervisor of the Directory Department and previously had been sales manager for many years. Howie has three children and ten grandchildren. To see them he has done a good deal of travelling in recent years, for one daughter lives in California, a son in northern Vermont, and another son in England. Harold Rome was the subject of a column in the Hartford Times and of a TV interview recently. The reason for all this attention are two new shows currently on Broadway: "La Grosse Valise," for which Harold wrote the lyrics, and fhe "Zulu and the Zayda," for which he wrote the songs. From the Hartford Times we learned that Harold is an avid collector of African sculpture, having more than 2,000 items. African music is another of his hobbies, which led to his being chosen to write the songs for the African play.

Reinsurance Co. In addition, he is a director of the affiliated life company, North American Reassurance Co. Last year he established a mathematics scholarship fund at Alma Mater in the name of the two above companies to mark the centennial of Swiss Reinsurance.



James V. White 22 Austin Road Devon, Conn.

Karl Koenig who is a professor of German at Colgate University presented a paper at the regional meeting of the American Association of Teachers of German at Syracuse University, Saturday, November 13. His paper was entitled "Observations of American Life as discussed in the Diary of the Baroness von Riedesel (1777-1783)." Remember, Karl is chairman of our Memorial Book Fund. There are still a few members of our class who are not memorialized. Please get in touch with him on this. Jack Wardlaw was recently elected vice president of the North Carolina Life Underwriters Association. He is opening the new Wardlaw Building in Raleigh at 2008 Hillsboro Street for Christmas. From the pictures it looks beautiful. Drop in and visit Jack on your next trip South. Andy Brown was honored by Junior Achievement of Hartford recently. He is assistant to the president of Southern New England Telephone Company. In addition, he is a director of the Executive Committee for the Hartford and Connecticut Chambers of Commerce, chairman of the Industrial Development Commission, a director of Rotary Club of Wethersfield and a director of Junior Achievement of Hartford, Inc., of which he was president from 1962 to 1964. John Walker, president of North American Reinsurance Corporation, is also president of the Swiss Remanagement Corporation, which acts as manager of the U.S. Branch of the Swiss


Philip M. Cornwell, M.D. 85 Jefferson St. Hartford, Conn.

Lyman Brainerd, vice-chairman of Trustees at Trinity and president of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. is co-chairman for the Greater Hartford Trinity Capital Campaign. Ron Regnier recently concluded a twoyear term as president of the Hartford Golf Club. Your Secretary was recently elected president of the Medical Staff of the Hartford Hospital. Robert P . Waterman 148 Forest Lane Glastonbury, Conn. THIRTY-FIFTH REUNION 35th Reunion in June! Spread the word. Charlie Jacobson will be the chairman of the Reunion Committee for the Alumni Association as a whole, so it is up to us to help him make the weekend one of the best yet. Lew Giffin's report on his stay in Haiti reached me just after the last issue's deadline. One reason it was delayed, perhaps, is that the narn1:1 Giffin was misspelled four times in the interview I read. This was no Caribbean cruise of Lew's, but a two-month volunteer stint at the Dr. Albert Schweitzer Hospital in the Aribonite Valley, 90 miles northwest of the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince. Operating three days a week and working in the outpatient clinic on the other days, he understandably lost ten pounds. The 100-bed hospital staffed by ten doctors (seven full-time) and three volunteers (of whom Lew was one last summer), serves a quarter of a million inhabitants of that area with the help of a hundred nurses and nurses' aides. Dr. W. Larimer Mellon (whose stepson Ian Rawson was Trinity '61, incidentally) built the institution largely with his own inherited fortune at the suggestion of the late Albert Schweitzer.


Julius Smith, D.M.D. 242 Trumbull St. Hartford, Conn.


Joseph J. Trantolo 103 Brookside Dr. West Hartford, Conn.

Bob Cronin has been named executive director of the State (Connecticut) Labor Department's Unemployment Security Division. For the past 19 years he has been secretary of the State Board of Mediation. Jack Montgomery bas been appointed Professor of Modern Languages, Wesley College, Dover, Del. Dr. Joe Frothingham bas been appointed a Field Representative of the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association in the New England area. He surveys internship and residency programs in various hospitals. He also works for the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission as Associate Chief Medical Consultant. He lives at 4 Rockland St., South Dartmouth, Mass. 02748.

Have you sent your check for the Bill Warner scholarship fund to Shed McCook? It's really a small world when Your Secretary meets on Parents D ay at MacDuffie School for Girls George (Doug) Rankin '34 and Mrs. Robert O'Malley (Bob, ' 38, one of the touchdown twins in the late '30s). Purely by chance Your ~ecretary met at the Seventh Annual Human Relations Forum sponsored by the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, the most eminent Ollie Johnson. Meaningful chit-chat ensued. Present also were such Trinity stalwarts as Ernie Hallstrom and Jack Wilcox. Class Agent Shed McCook and his uncle and aunt Anson and Frances have published a most fascinating autobiography of Shed's father, Judge Philip McCook Th e Days of M y Y ears. To Trinity alumni and Hartford area residents the book gives many twinges of nostalgia.



John A. Mason Trinity College Hartford 6, Conn.

Our deepest sympathy to Frank Remkiewicz whose father died November 22 in Rockville, Conn. Vahan Ananikian is teaching physical sciences at the Northwestern Community College, Winsted, Conn. John Midura is a guidance counsellor¡ at Hartford Public High School. Chet Newman is with the Lawrence Smith Co., Newington, Conn. We are glad to learn that Francis Rostek has found a summer hideaway in Chatham, Mass. Seymour and Margaret Smith kindly ferried Andy Onderdonk, Joe Flynn and Your Secretary to the Amherst football game. Seymour was appointed last October to one of the seven top positions in the Travelers Insurance Company's corporate reorganization. He is now a senior vice president in charge of the casualtyproperty agency, actuarial , engineering, and auditing operations, as well as underwriting. Many congratulations! If the above is not enough, Smitty has been re-elected vice chairman of the National Insurance Actuarial and Statistical Association. Charlie Towne has been reelected a director of the Symphony Society of Greater Hartford.


Albert W. Baskerville 52 Tobler Terrace Wethersfield, Conn.

The Hartford Courant carried several items of interest re '35ers. Under the heading "The Business Beat," with a picture yet, was a story of our peerless brunch host Ollie Johnson concerning a book Connecticut Taxation of Corporation which his firm, Bond Press, has just published. Incoming mail from you good people is slight. One appreciated but undeserved note of acknowledgment was from Harry Olson re the news of his promotion. In his letter Harry spoke of recently using that architectural marvel. (The Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel) with which Luke Kellam had no little part. Proof that the Alumni Magazine is read! Charlie Haaser called Your Secretary shortly after last issue appeared. Charlie, who lives in Springfield, is employed by Kaman Aircraft.

Robert M. Christensen 66 Centerwood Rd. Newington, Conn.

At Hom ecoming: Ollie Johnson '35, Mrs. Johnson and Barclay Shaw '35 Lou Little has been named manager of Materials at Simonds Saw & Steel Co., Fitchburg, Mass. He is also busy at home -see column entitled Births in this issue. The Rev. John Banks represented the College at the Inauguration of Dr. John S. Hafer as president of Curry College, Quincy, Mass., November 17.


THIRTIETH REUNION Dr. and Mrs. J. Kapp Clark announce the birth of their first grandchild, D avid A. Hughes Jr., October 5, 1965. The Rev. Wallace Houston Jr. is living at 172 West Lancaster Ave., Paoli, Pa. 19301. Mike D'Ambrosio has been given increased responsibilities with Internal Revenue Service, Hartford. He is also teaching a foreign administration training program of two months duration at U. Conn with IRS.


Robert M. Kelly 183 Kenyon St. Hartford, Conn.

Ben O'Connell, in addition to carrying on a very successful teaching career at Hartford Public High School, reports that he bas become most active in the real estate business in and around Windsor. Ben's two older boys, twins, are rapidly approaching successful completion of their educational programs. One will be ordained a priest next year, the other will receive his M.D. degree. Bruce Onderdonk, who operates his own consulting engineering firm, is currently very busy on five jobs in Bermuda. This bas led to many enjoyable business trips. Bruce and his wife, who have eight children of their own, recently adppted a sixteen yea r old boy. Clyde Carter reports be has left the insurance business because of the pressure of his home building and land development activities. Recently Clyde began developing Orkil Farms and this has taken him into the farming business, also. This past summer the Farm produced 28,000 bushels of apples, plus peaches and pears. Clyde has three children, the oldest boy being 19 and a sophomore at Tufts University. Ted Urbanik, for many years now the operator of the Capitol Radio Company of West Hartford, recently bowled 191, his highest score in a very active bowling career. Two of Ted's five children are attending college, with the oldest son scheduled to graduate from Stevens Technical Institute this June.

James M. f. Weir Riverside Trust Co. 125 LaSalle Rd. West Hartford, Conn.

Sam Benjamin left December 3 for a five-week safari to deepest Africa. In this country Sam is executive vice president of the New York real estate firm of Hanfield, Callen, Ruland & Benjamin, 588 Fifth Ave. Joe Astman is now back as full-time chairman of the Foreign Language D~partment at Hofstra College. Last year he spent three days a week with the Modern Language Association as Director of Testing. He has given talks on testing from Hanover, N.H., to Atlanta, Ga., and as far west as Hays, Kan. Both of Joe's sons are in the U .S. Army. Cantor Arthur Koret will make a concert tour in South America next summer. He plans to visit Buenos Aires for several recitals. His long-playing albums are best sellers in the field of Hebrew liturgy, and he is vice president of the Cantors' Assembly of America.


John T. Wilcox 57 Glenview Drive Newington, Conn.

Sumner Twiss, president of the Chemical Division, Chrysler Corporation, was recently awarded the "Order of the Silver Slide Rule" by the Indiana Institute of Technology national alumni association. This award followed the dedication of the new million-dollar Alumni Quadrangle residence hall at which Doctor Twiss was the guest speaker. Dick Leggett was recently promoted to vice president apd actuary of the Life, Accident and Health Actuarial Department of The Travelers. The following address changes have been reported: Francis A. Stockwell Jr., 19 Highwood Dr. , Little Rock, Ark.; Richard H. Clow, 111 Oceano Ave., Apt. F, Santa Barbara, Calif. Bill Morgan, international golfer par excellence, has been elected secretary of the Hartford Golf Club. The Rev. Walter Couch Jr. represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. J. Jack Melhorn as president of Melhorn College, Wichita, Kan. , November 14. Edward Barrett represented Trinity at the inauguration of President Fer-


A t New Y ork: (l. tor. ) Bill Haight '37, H enry Fuller '38, D ick Weitze/ '48 and Brent Harries '50 rin as the fi rst chancellor of Barrington College, Barrington, R.I. , May 8. Congratulations to Mike Bassford who was promoted in D ecember to Secretary, Policyholders Service Dep't of Aetna Life & Casualty Insurance Co., Hartford.


Richard K. Morris 120 Cherry Hill D rive Newington, Conn. On Trinity-Wesleyan Weekend, November 13, John Hazen, Gus Andrian, Ernie Essex, AI Hopkins, H erb Bland and their families attended the thrilling football game between the two ancient rivals. Herb Bland and his wife, D ottie, again held open house. Al Hopki ns and his wife, Jean, and Carmine Lavieri were among the faithful. Herb has added new activities to his already busy life: D irector, Almada Lodge, Times Farm Camp Corporation and Vestryman at St. Joh n's Church in West Hartford. Lt. Col. Ed Burnham, USAF Reserve, is acting Liason Officer for the U .S. Air Force Academy and is also present chairma n of the Board of Educatio n, Windham, Conn. Paul Cassarino was elected chairma n of th e New Britain Water Board in the November 2 election in that Connecticut city. Arvid E ngel, Lt. Col. in the USAF Reserve until his retirement this year, was recently honored at a 25-years-ofservice di nner at the Aetna Insurance Co. Arvid lives in Wethersfield, Conn., with his wife Barbara and their three children. P hilatel ist a nd astronomer Dick Hamilton is with the R . T. Vanderbilt Co., East Norwalk, Conn. and is working on research in vinyl resin stabilizers. Dick will be pleased to learn of the revival of astronomy at Trinity. Bill H arrison completed, this summer, ten years with the General Electric Company at Pittsfield, Mass. John Hazen (see above) is Second Vice President of the Cherokee Insurance Company of Nashville, Tenn. Lawyer Carmine Lavieri is completing a full year as president of the Board of D irectors of the University of Connecticut Law School. His son, John, is a junior at Princeton, Patricia is a sophomore at Ithaca, and four other children, three girls and a boy, are no doubt collegebou nd. Dick Morris addressed the Connecticut Bra nch of the Humane Society of the U nited States at its annual lu ncheon meeting in Norwalk, Conn., November 13, on the subject of humane education in our schools. J. Jay Shapiro, member of the American Bar Association, practices law in North Hollywood, Calif.


Dr. D on Smith of Overland Park, Kan. , has just returned from an extensive tour of southern Europe, including France, Italy, Greece and Turkey. He was accompanied by his wife, Patricia. Charlie Walker, organist and choirmaster at the Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York City, has recently published articles in T he American Organist and T he American Guild of Organists Quarterly. Charlie Duncan Yetman, vice-principal of Hartford Public High School and now acti ng principal of the H a rtford High Annex, has written for various English journals. He addressed the Connecticut Historical Society January 4th on the "History of Hartford High School."

The Rt. R ev. Albert W. VanDuzer '40

Our sincerest congratulations to the Rev. Canon Albert W. Van Dozer who was elected Suffragan Bishop-elect of New Jersey. AI is now the rector of Grace Church , Merchantville, N .J. The Rev. Canon Robert Kerr represented the College at the inauguration of General Barksdale H a mlett as President of Norwich University October 30. Bob is rector of St. Paul's Church, Burlington Vt., and his son, Phillips, is now a student at the University of Vermont.


Frank A. Kelly Jr. 21 Forest D r . Newington 11, Conn.

TWENTY-FIFTH REUNION Herb Feldman has left the field of science for that of finance. He was president of Manson Laboratories in Wilton, Conn., from 1952 to 1964. He is now a registered representative with L. F. Rothschild & Co., 1 East 57th St., New York City, a member of the New York Stock Exchange. F rank Smith sent in a capsule autobiography: "After graduation from Trinity in 1941 I went to law school, leaving to join the U.S. Navy. Spent four years, two of them with PT Boats in the Pacific. Returned to go to work in industrial re-

lations in Philadelphia, went to Temple Law School at night, graduated in 1949. Practiced with two law firms, formed my own in 1953, mostly trial practice in civil and criminal fields. Got into flying in 1955; have four books published on aviation, three by Random House; am Contributing Editor to Flying Magazine and write for five others, plus two newspaper columns. Still married to same wife. Three sons all bigger than I. Now a lobbyist for aviation in D.C. and executive director of National Aviation Trades." Ivan Bennett has an impressive list of positions held and community responsibilities fulfilled: "Senior Physician, Lilly Laboratories for Clinical Research, Eli Lilly and Company; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine; Member, Advisory Committee on Alcoholism, Department of Mental Health (Indiana); Associate Staff Physician, Depa rtment of Neuro-psychiatry, Marion County General Hospital, Indpls.; Member, Professional Advisory Committee, Indiana Association for Mental Health." On July 1, 1965, Bob Adams was promoted from Commander to Captain by the Coast Guard. His new job is resident inspector at Avondale Shipyard which is building four new High Endurance Coast Guard Cutters, the first to use DieselGas Turbine propulsion, and his new home is at 204 Prancer St., New Orleans, La. 701 14. He reports three children, ages 10 - 13- 19. The eldest is a son, in his second yea r at Ottawa University. Bill Van Wyck has spent recent years in the pleasant climate of Phoenix, Ariz. Whether nostalgia ever directs his thoughts at this season to the cold and snow of New England he doesn't say; perhaps he will tell us at the Reunion. He is associate rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Phoenix, a director of the Episcopal Commission on Alcoholism, Diocese of Arizona, and a member of the Board of Examining Chaplains of his diocese. H e lists four children, two boys and two girls. They are, from eldest to youngest, freshman at Grinnell, junior at Philips Academy, sophomore at Phoenix County Day School, and sixth grader in public school. F rank Mulcahy has reported that he will be at the Reunion and John Harris tells us that it looks as if he will be able to take time off to attend. We expect a good many more favorable replies by the time you read this. Don Walsh, state adjutant general for Connecticut's Army National Guard, announced in December plans to teach basic military subjects to some 600 of its

At Hom ecoming: (1. tor.) AI Hopkins '40, H erb Bland '40 and "Scrubby" Bent '15

recruits whose active duty training has been delayed because Army training centers are filled up. John Rice is living at Apt. # 10, 2048 Metcalfe St., Montreal3, P.Q., Canada.

It is not too early to plan on our reunion get-together, June 3-5, 1966. We are planning to join with Classes of 1946, 1947 to make a gala affair.



Martin D. Wood 19 Tootin Hill Road West Simsbury, Conn.

Dr. Bud Earle is chairman of the Hartford Heart Association's Research and Development Committee. As a result of a recommendation by Bud's committee, the association gave Hartford Hospital a new machine which helps physicians determine what drug and how much of it is needed by coronary patients. Change of Address: Francis A. Eisenman, 273 Beacon Hill Road, Trumbull, Conn. 06611; Dr. Clayton E. Jensen, 13229 Glenhill Road, Silver Spring, Md. 20904; Standish B. Taber, 2040 Neptune Way, Sacramento, Calif. 95825.


John L. Bonee McCook, Kenyon and Bonee 50 State Street Hartford 3, Conn.

Drew Brinkerhoff, accompanied by his son Peter, suffered in the rain along with the rest of us at the Trinity-Wesleyan Game. Drew holds a top executive position with CBS in New York City and lives with his wife, Barbara, and their three children in Fair Haven, N .J. New residences for our classmates are reported as follows: Monk Moor, 70 Glen Drive, Sausalito, Calif.; Charlie Renshaw, The Whithall Hotel, 105 East Delaware Place, Chicago, Ill.; Ed Vignone, 95 Pilgrim Road, Wellesley, Mass. Your Secretary urgently solicits news of you and your families. Send to above address on a postcard as you read these lines. I resigned from the five-member Hartford Redevelopment Agency December 15, after having served on it for nine years.


Harry R. Gossling, M.D. 558 Simsbury Road Bloomfield, Conn.

Peter Torrey has been awarded the diploma of a Chartered Life Underwriter, one of the top professional designations in the insurance field. Pete at present is manager of the San Francisco branch office of the Connecticut General Life Insurance Company. Pete lives at 703 Crescent Avenue in San Mateo, Calif., with his wife, Grace, and three children. Tom Smith, a member of the administrative staff of Trinity College, also has been active as an elected member of the West Hartford School Board. He has been recently commended in an editorial in the West Hartford News for his courage in being outspoken on controversial subjects related to school integration.


Andrew W. Milligan 15 Winterset Lane West Hartford 17, Conn.

Dr. Thornton B. Roby is now at 36 Mulberry Close, Leys Road, Cambridge, England. James Rheinberger represented the College at the inauguration of the Very Rev. William P. Haas as President of Providence College, October 9.

Charles S. Hazen 10 Oxford Dr. West Hartford 7, Conn. TWENTY-FIFTH REUNION

Dr. Les Cramer was recently appointed professor of Plastic Surgery at Temple University in Philadelphia. Previously he had been at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. Soliciting for the Capital Gifts Campaign, Ed Washer stopped by and reported that he is now teaching chemistry at Wethersfield High School. We note from the local paper that Commander Bill Beckwith is serving as medical officer aboard the USS Kitty Hawk in Hawaiian waters. He and F aith maintain their residence address at 3798 Summer Drive, Pensacola, Fla. 32504. After all these years of shuttling between Brooklyn and Wall Street, it appears that Stan Kligfeld has retired early to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., where he can be contacted through P.O. Box 1607. On the other hand, Clay Ruhf has moved closer to the city; his new address is 4 I Wolfpit Road, Norwalk, Conn. 06841. Read it and weep, gentlemen - this is the year of your Twentieth Reunion. The only way to prove you're not balder a nd fatter than the next guy is to return to Trinity next June and see for yourself. We'll be joining forces with the Classes of 1945 and 1947 for the first combined observance of our respective quinquennial reunions.


Paul J. Kingston, M .D. 27 Walbridge Road West Hartford 7, Conn.


The Rev. E. Otis Charles Saint John's Church Washington, Conn.

Our deepest sympathy to Dick Elam whose mother died November 16 in Hartford . Professor Mike Campo was the main speaker at the Dante Celebration December I at Mitchell College, New¡ London, Conn. The title of his address was "Dante's Divine Comedy: Its Enduring Nature." Mike is the director of the Cesare Barbieri Center of Italian Studies at Trinity and the editor of the Cesare Barbieri Courier, a journal devoted to matters of Italian culture. Dr. Harold "Winkie" Gleason Jr. is now head of the 30-member English Department at Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, Pa. The Rev. Bill Glazier II has left his parish in Westbrook, Conn., and is living at 125 Whiting Lane, West Hartford. Bill will be studying at the Hartford Seminary.


Charles I. Tenney, C.L.U. Charles I. Tenney & Associates 2 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. 19110

Happy new year to all you '49ers. With the year 1966 our class notes will advance even further towards the front of the Alumni Magazine, or haven't you

At Homecoming: Thomsen brothers say "Beat Wes" -Ray '41 , Henning (a loyal rooter) and Bill '47 been noticing? Oh well, the best years are ahead I am told by those older and wiser than Your Secretary. Maybe there will be more news in 1966 from you tycoons. Jack Gunning has been elected president of the Greater H artford Board of Realtors for 1966, which is the last bit of news I received to close out the year 1965. For those of you who would like to keep up with the latest moves of our classmates, here are some new addresses: Dr. Jim Marron, 761 Washington St., Norwood, Mass.; Charlie Osborn, 1179 Filbert St., San Francisco; Rev. Stan Rodgers, Christ Church Cathedral, 13th a nd Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.; Marvin Fishman, Farmington Ave., New London, Conn.; Cdr. Godfrey S. Huber, USN, Naval Medical Research Institute of National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md., Bob Cudworth, 88 Bentwood Road, West Hartford; Herb Lucas, 136 Inglewood Drive, Pittsburgh ; Saward Epps, 661 Cliffside Drive, Akron, Ohio. Dr. James Surgenor represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Edward J. Bloustein as President of Bennington College, Bennington, Vt., October 9.


James R. Glassco Jr. 313 North Quaker Lane West Hartford 7, Conn.

Ray Beirne has moved to 1030 N.W. 36th Rd., Gainesville, Fla. Ray is teaching courses in Contemporary Drama, Great Books, and a special honors course in Freshman Literature, the latter which he particularly enjoys. Gerald B. O'Connor had dinner with Your Secretary in Pittsfield, Mass., recently at a delightful place quaintly called the "Country Club" (it hasn't had a coat of paint since 1914) and while devouring two of Maine's lobsters I learned of the scholarship Rory received: he is attending the University of Massachusetts studying journalism working towards a Master of Arts degree. We wish him well in his pursuit of learning. Even though Jack Zaiman, Connecticut political reporter, already knows of


WHAT'S COOKING? To the uninitiated, banquet courses such as daurade dans son fume!, sorbet d'ananas au champagne, or faisan roti et ses oeufs are only to be identified after the waiter serves it, and possibly not even then. But to Joseph L. Hyde '50 it is the patois of his profession. As chef extraordinaire and head of his own cooking school, Joe is unique among the alumni and quite properly qualifies as another Trinity man with a "most unusual calling." With a background of instruction under some of the chefs of France, experience at the Brussels Restaurant and the Waldorf Astoria in New York, he now creates dinners upon invitation, most of them private functions. In addition, he conducts eight-week courses in the secrets of French cuisine in "the great kitchen" of his home at Sneden's Landings, N.Y., built in 1685, for gourmet enthusiasts, men, matrons, and brides. This acknowledged expert in the culinary arts says of French cooking: "It is a matter of love, time and butter." Have you a nomination for a Trinity alumnus with an unusual occupation? If you do, please write us.

Trinity's contribution to politics, I suggest it is just a matter of time before he observes that the class of 1950 is Trinity's principal contributor to this phenomenon. Roger Ladd recently joined Ted DiLorenzo for a two-year term on Hartford's City Council. Delmar Thornton, partner in Hartford's Insurance Agency Clipfel-StanfordThornton, was one of a group of 15 who on October 21, 1965, received their CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter) diplomas. William R. Cotter ('49) Connecticut's State Insurance Commissioner, was also present. Recent a rticles in The Christian Sci¡ ence Monitor and the Boston Globe praise Allan Zenowitz for his fine work as director of Civil Defense for Massachusetts. The fall issue of the Blair Academy Bulletin contains an article by Paul White entitled "Why I Coach." Paul is chairman of the school's history department and also is JV swimming coach. John Shute has moved to RD #2, Box 95, Nazareth, Pa. Your Secretary delivered a paper "Automated Accounting for Bonds and Stocks" November 4 at the Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association's 2nd Annual Conference at Schine Inn, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Scott Stearns Jr. has announced the creation of a new Springfield, Mass. , real estate firm of Stearns & Yerall as of January 1, 1966, with offices in Springfield , Longmeadow and Wilbraham, Mass. Scotty is the immediate past president of the Springfield Board of Realtors and a director of the Massachusetts Association of Real Estate Boards for 1966. Peter Detwiler has been elected to the board of directors of Albion Malleable Iron Co. This company is a major producer of malleable iron castings for automotive and defense industries.



John F. Kearns Jr. 30 Conard Dr. West Hartford, Conn. 06107 FIFTEENTH REUNION

Hats off to Dick Garrison, writer of this corner for nearly 15 years, who resigned (temporarily, we hope) due to increased pressure of business. Alec Simpson, in Newport Beach, Calif., reports that he has recently seen Ben Jenkins, Bill Keady and John Nettel. John, who resides in Costa Mesa, was recently elected to the Newport Beach California School Board. Tom Naud, president of Video Programs, apparently is commuting between New York and Hollywood. Bill Shaughnessy, Hartford attorney, recently elected to a 4-year-term on the Hartford Board of Education. Hollis Burke left in July for Turkey. He is with the Peace Corps. Congratulations to Dr. Randy Emmons, new associate professor of Biology at Washington and Lee University, and to Tom Woods who is imparting knowledge to students at Central Connecticut State College. IBM announces Don Mastriforte has left Beirut for a new assignment in London, England. Donn Wright was installed as Secretary of Blair Academy, where he was recently awarded a special certificate for Blair's prize-winning entry in the American Alumni Council's competition (about 1,000 colleges and secondary schools) for direct mailing in solicitation of funds. John Klingler was appointed a committee member of the Scholastic Writing Awards Program and will judge entries from students throughout Connecticut. John is a faculty member at Simsbury High School. Sidney Whelan is now with the Fifth

Avenue law firm of Turk, Marsh, Kelly & Hoare in New York. Dick Buckley announces the opening of his real estate office, Richard C. Buckley Associates, specializing in residential property in West Hartford, Simsbury, Avon, and Farmington. Ed Ludorf is a new partner in Hartford law fum bearing his name. Hobart Johnson, back from England, is now attending Stanford School of Business. George Wittman, head of G. H. Wittman, Inc., who has visited Africa more than 30 times, worked out a 30-milliondollar diamond transaction with the Congo. American dealers will stockpile diamonds here and they will be paid for from the sale of surplus farm commodities. Hard to believe there will be a Trinity without Ray Oosting and Louie Naylor, both of whom retire this June after 40 years. Best wishes for many happy years from '51. Bob Bacon has been appointed agency vice president for Jay Grant & Co., advertising and public relations, West Hartford. John Coote has been named president of the General Agents' and Managers' Association of the Albany, N.Y., area. He is manager of Connecticut General Life's agency there. Dr. Bill Vaun has been appointed director of the Department of Medical Education at Monmouth, N.J., Medical Center. He lives at 100 Neptune Place, Sea Girt, N.J. 08750.


Richard P. Yeomans Box 248, Rt. #1 Schnecksville, Pa. 18078

Dr. Edward P. South is now Jiving at 37 Calle del Caballo, Suison, Calif. 94585. Jim Van Sant was graduated December 10 from the 48th session of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard University's Graduate School of

Business Administration. This thirteenweek program brought 160 business executives, government and military leaders from all over the United States and 18 overseas countries. This program was started in 1943 and nearly 6,000 men and women have participated in it. From the sunny South comes an invitation from Bob and Sidney Buffum to join them again at their Manosota Beach Club in Englewood, Fla. This is their sixth season. Stu Woodruff is reported to be working on a new textbook. Now that Stu has his twins started in school, he should have it nice and quiet to do his writing. How about it, Stu? Herb White, after spending a year at the Paulist Fathers Novitiate in Oak Ridge, N.J., has joined the community at St. Paul's College, Washington, D.C., where he is studying theology. Herb will continue his studies for the priesthood for the next six years at the college. John Massey, who is director of design advertising and public relations for the Container Corporation of America in Chicago, had an exhibit of his graphics, paintings and constructions last fall in New York. The following letter was received from Pete MacLean a few weeks ago. To do anything except publish the letter in its entirety would be an injustice. Although this letter was sent to me, I can't help feeling Pete would like to share his thoughts with everyone in the class. "I am writing this a few feet from a soggy rice paddy a few miles southwest of the beautiful resort city of Danang, Vietnam. Up to this point it has been a beautiful Sunday morning; we found a few mines on the road leading out so I was able to cancel a service with no qualms of conscience. What the next will bring can be anyone's guess but I have a suspicion that the local VC will have something to say. "I've been down here since the middle of August and plan to stay until next June. Along with the normal work of a priest in uniform I have found myself very involved in the Marine Corps Civic Action Program which I found right up my alley. There is a lot of traveling and rarely do I sleep in the same place two nights running. I feel something like the old Methodist circuit riders of the West . . . and occasionally my bones tell me so. I can still keep up with these kids but it takes a little more effort. "Once a month I get up to the ancient city of Hue up near the 17th Parallel to conduct Episcopal services for the people up there. That trip I make via the courtesy of the US Army. Otherwise the Marines have got me lock, stock and barrel. T would be interested in knowing if there are any other Trinity people over here .. . even if there are two we can pull off an alumni meeting- VC or no VC. "The food is good, the beer is cold, the working conditions are outstanding, the pay is excellent and I think I'm losing my mind. Best wishes to you all. "Faithfully yours, "Pete" To which we can only add, Pete, a wish from each one of us that the Lord watch over each and every one of you over there. Pete's address is Lt. Peter D. MacLean, ChC, USN, 3rd Battalion 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, FPO San Francisco, Calif. 96601.

Bill O'Hara, assistant dean of the University of Connecticut Law School, has written a book John F. Kennedy on Education published by the Teachers College Press. Our thanks to Dean O'Hara and his reunion committe for the recent tome entitled "Reunion Wrap-up."

'56 At New York: Mike Schacht '58 and Duncan Bennett '57


Paul Mortell 508 Stratfield Road Bridgeport, Conn.

Robert D. Keith has accepted a position with the National Foundation March of Dimes as a field representative in South Louisiana. Winthrop W. Faulkner announced the opening of his office in Washington, D.C., for the practice of architecture. Stan McCandless is office manager of the Petrochemical Division of Shell Chemical Company in New York City. William B. Smith Jr. has been named superintendent of the operations division in the data processing department at Travelers Insurance Company. Richard T. Lyford Jr. has been awarded the diploma of a Chartered Life Underwriter, one of the top professional designations in the insurance field. Dick is a member of the Den ver Branch office of Connecticut Genera l Life Insurance Company. We hear th at Gene Binda is doing very well as manager of Bulk Commodities of Sealands Service, Elizabeth , N .J . Steve Plum is the public relations director of the Pitluk Advertising Co. , 123 Auditorium Circle, San Antonio, Tex.


Theodore T. Tansi 160 Sedgwick Road West Hartford, Conn.

The following have changed their addresses: John H. Adams, 226 Steeplechase Dr., Racine, Wis.; William P. Anderson, 201 Stover Rd., Harleysville, Pa.; Kenneth W. Stuer Jr., 156 Greenwood St., East Hartford, Conn.; Jack L. Weinberg, 338 Augusta Dr., Orange, Conn. John Adams is now with Walker Manufacturing as coordinator of manufacturing computer services. Charlie Esler has joined the Philadelphia brokerage firm of Reynolds & Company. Ray Moylan and Your Secretary have been quite busy working for Trinity in the Hartford area in the Ford Challenge Gift campaign. Keep me posted as often as you can. The class does want to know what you are doing.


E. Wade Close Jr. 547 Willow Lane Perrysburg, Ohio

Robert J. Donahue has been named vice president in charge of the planningdata processing department of the Progressive Casualty Insurance Co., Cleveland. He is living at 22361 Westchester Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio.

Edward A. Montgomery Jr. Country Club Road Sewickley Heights, Pa. TENTH REUNION

Rial Ogden has been elected to the board of trustees of the Hartford Conservatory. Sanford Scott, actuarial assistant to the research assistant of Connecticut Mutual Life, has been named a fellow in the Society of Actuaries. Fellowships in the national organization are earned after examinations on a ten-part course of study. Sanford bas worked in the actuarial division since 1960, following his release from the Air Force. Kim Shaw has been appointed personnel manager for Sylvania's Electronic Systems Advanced Research Laboratory in Waltham, Mass. Jim Streeto has been appointed a Research Fellow in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and is associated with the New England Deaconess Hospital. Tom Sullivan bas become associated with the firm of Later and Della Fera in the general practice of law in Wethersfield, Conn. Tom obtained his law degree from the University of Connecticut where be received the American Jurisprudence prize for insurance. Ron Warren, wife, and new arrival, Margot Miller, write that they all are doing fine. John Wilkins has been appointed to the post of assistant to the director of public relations for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. John has more than eight years of advertising and public relations experience with the Company in New York. Capt. Ridley M. Stuart may be addressed at 7272 FTW, Box 676, APO New York, N.Y. 09231. Leslie Chard ll represented the College at the Centennial Convocation of Atlanta University, October 17. He is professor of English at Emory University in Atlanta. Arnold Persky represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Leland E. Traywick as president of Omaha University, October 15. Stephen Mongillo Jr. is now associated with the firm of Charles W. Scranton & Co. in New Haven, Conn., as an account executive. Richard Price has returned to civilian life, having been a captain in the Air Force. He is now with the Norden Company and lives in Weston, Conn. I hope that you are all making plans now to return to our lOth reunion June 3 and 4.


Captain William N. Pierce Jr. 62894A 7406th SUPPRON Box 3906 APO 57, New York, N.Y.

Your Secretary apologizes for missing the October issue. I was away for the month of September and as a result did not meet the deadline for our class notes. Sometimes the Air Force doesn't cooperate!


In December 1964 John Kuiper completed chief residency at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Earlier this year John spent six months in research in renal disease at the Hammersmith Hospital Postgraduate Medical School in .London. Presently he is on the medical staff at the U .S. Army General Hospital in Verdun, France. Bryan Bunch is chief mathematics editor for Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., in New York City. He is in charge of all elementary and secondary school math textbooks. He also writes numerous articles for Grolier Publications. Besides the annual science review in the Book of Knowledge Annual, be has written three of the major articles on math for the new Book Of Knowledge. Bryan writes, " . . . no poems for over a year. No letters for longer than that." He bas also been working toward a graduate degree in math at NYU. Nick Vincent and his wife, Sue, are living in San Francisco where he is in residency at the Presbyterian Medical Center. Earlier this year Nick completed training as a flight surgeon in Pensacola, Fla., with the U.S. Naval Reserve. Last September John Woodward joined the faculty at the Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., where be is teaching American History. John also coaches the junior varsity hockey team as well as coaching the junior soccer and baseball teams. For the past three years he has taught at the Marvelwood School in Cornwall, Conn. A note from Earle Fox tells us that in September be began work as curate at St. Jude's Church in Burbank, Calif. Earle was graduated from General Seminary in 1960 and was ordained a Deacon at Washington Cathedral. In June 1964 Earle received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oxford University where he studied for nearly three years. At Oxford he wrote a paper concerning the relation between theology and science. Len Wolin is spending the academic year in Denver where he is a Fellow in Renal Medicine at the University of Colorado Medical Center. He is working with the newest types of artificial kidneys and doing some independent research. Len received a third prize from the American Urological Association by presenting his paper entitled "Stress Incontinence in Young, Healthy Nulliparous Women" in their Prize Essay Contest. Last spring he presented a paper "Cystometography - Diagnostic Tables and a New Simple Technique" to the Brooklyn-Long Island Urological Association. Understand that Kev Logan joined Crown Zellerbach in New York City this past summer. The Russell Jones bought a farm about a year ago 20 miles northwest of Wilmington, Del. He works for the investment management company of Blue Ridge Mutual Fund. Russ writes that in the evenings and weekends he is busy "keeping track of four horses, two dogs, one cat, one daughter, and a wife!" This fall Fred Tobin joined the Stamford law firm of Curtis, Brinckerboff & Barrett, having completed his duties as law clerk to the Hon. James E. Murphy, associate justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court of Errors. He recently published an article entitled "The Law of Defamation in Connecticut," which is a


At a '57 gathering: (I. tor. seated) Don Finkbeiner, Bruce Whitman '55, Ed Babington, Kev Logan; (standing) Laird Mortimer, Brooks Harlow and Bruce Arrington study of all decisions written in the State dealing with the field of libel and slander. His article appeared in the Connecticut Bar Journal. Jim Melrose recently joined the medical staff at the Westover AFB Hospital in Massachusetts. Earlier this year he completed the orientation course for medical officers at Gunter AFB, Ala. The Jerry McKelvys have moved recently from Greenwich to Hillsborough, Calif. In Philadelphia, Bill Learnard bas been appointed assistant manager of public information at Smith, Kline & French. In July Cortland Meader was appointed assistant secretary of the United States Trust Company of New York in the Trust Administration Division. Dick Kompalla was transferred earlier this year from the Marine Trust Company of Western New York to the Marine Midland Corporation as an assistant manager in the methods and research department. Dick and his wife are living in Buffalo. A letter from Paul Cataldo reveals that his law firm of Bachner, Roche a nd Cataldo in Franklin. is keeping him very busy. He also spends much of his time as a representative in the Massachusetts Legislature. Ward Curran, assista nt professor of economics at Trinity, addressed !he Trinity Club of Hartford's monthly luncheon January 4. His topic was "Trends in the Teaching of Corporation Finance."


The Rev. Borden W. Painter Jr. 321 Ridge Road Hamden, Conn.

Members of the Class of '58 continue to make news in various parts of the world. We find, for example, Jim Studley now operating out of Christchurch, New Zealand, flying supplies for the Air Force to Antarctica in Operation Deep Freeze. Captain Jim pilots a C-130 Hercules transport which resupplies the scientific stations on the frozen wastelands of Antarctica. A recent news release called his 2,300 mile, over-water route one of the "world's worst" for flying. Good luck, Jim! Meanwhile back in Dublin, Ireland, Jim Flannery continues to work on his Ph.D. in drama while meeting with critical success for his direction of plays. He

recently directed two Yeats Plays, Calvary and The R esurrection, which were acclaimed as one of the major successes of the Dublin Theatre Festival. The critic for the London Sunday Times hailed Jim's work, calling it "very impressive: one of the most striking events of the week." An invitation bas been extended by Deutsche Fernseh (German Television) to bring the production to an international experimental theatre festival to be held in West Berlin this spring. Ridge Satterthwaite recently wrote a Jetter filling me in on his latest activities. Ridge, his wife, and their three children, are residents of Madison where he is in his third year of graduate work and teaching at the University of Wisconsin. Working in the geography department, Ridge's special interest is in Latin America, and the past two summers have found him teaching and studying south of the border. Bruce Gladfelter is also at Wisconsin where he is fast becoming expert in the field of physical geography. Ed Lorson's desire to see his name in print finally drove him to his writing table to pen an epistle to yours truly. Ed is also a Captain in the Air Force and is now stationed at Wright Patterson AFB in D ayton, Ohio. He's hard at work on a Master's degree in Aerospace Mechanical Engineering with a thesis on "testing a Low Temperature Plasma Generator." What this really means is building little liquid rocket engines and setting them off. "Lots of fun ," writes Ed. Bruce Headle is stationed at D ayton, too, where he is working on the Altitude Chamber. Larry Bouldin was a recent visitor to the campus. As director of ad missions at North Central College in Illinois, Larry was on one of his periodic swi ngs through the East talking to high school counselors and prospective students. Walter Wolk has opened an office at 28 Church St., East Hartford, for the practice of dentistry. Augustin Parker is teaching at the Pebble Hill School, Dewitt, N.Y., outside Syracuse. Jim Law is a senior at the School of Theology of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. He is married to the former Miss Pamela Lytle of Monteagle, Tenn., and they have a daughter, Polly.


PaulS. Campion 49 Oxford St. Hartford, Conn. 06105

Several of the '59ers who met after the Trin-Wes game last fall concluded, between sips, that those '66 cars are great, but that Doug Frost's six-year-old job has a feature none of them can match. It's paid for!! Better Late than Never Dept.: Received a pleasant note from Zeke Gay's mom who informed us that Zeke was promoted to Captain USAF and is now flying C134's all over the world. It's a pretty sure bet he'll make a career out of the Air Force. The latest address we have on Zeke is: Capt. F. S. Gay, Box 276, 14th Troop Carrier Sqndn., Hunter AFB, Savannah, Ga. While on the subject of addresses, Lorna and Walt Graham have headed east and have left the City of Brotherly Love to settle down at One Rabbit Run Rd. , Cherry Hill, N.J. Last September, the Air Force reassigned Captain Don Seastrom to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Ala., first

capital of the Confederacy. Don's pulling duty as an administrative officer on the staff of the Air War College. He's still in the bachelor clan, which puts him in a swindling minority as far as the Class of '59 is concerned! Talked the other day with Russ Kerchis who is still with Pratt & Whitney Tool in West Hartford in production engineering. Russ and Margaret just had their sixth child last summer, but they cheerfully report that their only real difficulty is with the new math. Trouble is, kids getting the new math are bringing home the old marks! Enjoyed hearing from Bob Olton who is now gainfully employed in the Great Society as a Research Psychologist in the psychology department of the University of California at Berkeley. Bob had many an interesting comment on the recent demonstrations at the University, but summed it up quite well by stating that those young people who were so indignant about "the establishment" will get over it, as soon as they get established. Bob writes, "Am really enjoying life in the San Francisco area, and recommend that any Trin men contemplating a visit to be sure to allow time for some short side trips to the California wineries near here - wine tasting is free and alcoholic euphoria awaits." USAF Captain Arnie Lieber and his wife, Linda, have been assigned to a unit of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe, America's overseas air arm assigned to NATO. Arnie has just been graduated from the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine primary course at Brooks AFB, Tex. Arnie completed eight weeks of specialized study in aerospace medicine while at Brooks. Paul Goodman was awarded a Ph.D. from Cornell in a field lying between social psychology and sociology. His research has and continues to focus on individual time perspective - that is, how far people consider events in the future, and their evaluation of the desirability of living for the future relative to the present. Paul is now at the University of Chicago in the graduate school of business teaching in the behavior science area. His address is: 5554 South Kenwood, Hyde Park, Ill. Talked with Gintas Simonaitis the other night and learned he's just as busy as ever. He and his wife, Reda, have a 1 ~-year-old daughter, Vida, and are residing in Hartford at 57 Dean Street. Gintas is studying for his Master's in Education at Trinity, while continuing with United Aircraft Corporation, Pratt & Whitney Division, in their Research Lab., Computor Division. Dr. Fred Fischbein is still serving in the Medical Corps USNR and stationed in Long Beach, Calif. Fred plans to return to residency in internal medicine in July of '66 at Montefiore Hospital in New York City. Fred's attempts at sailboat racing have been successful and he is slowly but surely building up a collection of trophies for the fireplace. As a matter of fact, he's already decided to name his next boat, "The Bantam." Locally, Bob Brian continues to pursue his actuarial studies and career. Bob has just successfully competed for and won the new position of Casualty-Fire Actuary for the State of Connecticut. Received a real fine letter from Charlie Cerrito who is an assistant secretary with Irving Trust Company, Park Ave. & 54th St., N.Y.C. Charlie has long been one of the top producers for the

At New York: (I. tor.) Dick Krim '59, Scott Reynolds '63, Doug Tansill '61, Dale Peatman '61 and Don Fish '61 bank (new business) and recently completed a 3 ~-week business trip through California last September where he "managed" a golf game with Pat Boone and Dean Martin at Bel Air Country Club ... "played a respectible game, however, not well enough to get into the movies!" Dick Jaffe is living at 142 West End Ave., Apt. # 19-M, New York City, with his new bride, Miriam . (See under marriages). He is with Potter Instrument Company. Dick Stebbins has left the great State of Texas for New York City and is living at the St. Anthony Club, 16 East 64th St. He is with J. F. Stevens Co., 1460 Broadway. Mike Borus' article "The Cost of Retraining the Hard Core Unemployed" appeared in the September issue of the Labor Law Journal. He is on the law faculty at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. The Rev. Warren Freeman has become an associate rector of Christ Church, Needham, Mass., and lives at 65 Rosemary St., Needham.


Lloyd McC. Costley 219 Third NE Washington, D.C.

Have mailed all my cards for the 1960 Advisor Program. If I do not have your correct address and you have not received the information, please enter the following on a post card and mail it to me: Home and office phones, addresses; any graduate study; undergraduate major; present profession. I shall mail you a copy of the memo. Most of the class seems to be keeping out of trouble, but I did manage to dig up a little dirt on a few: Brian Foy is an investment advisor for the Chemical Bank New York Trust Co. James Sallinger is an insurance broker for Milton Wagner Insurance in Boston. Milton Johnson is with the Travelers Indemnity Co. as a Fidelity Underwriter and living in Hazardville, Conn. Russell Bjork¡ lund is assistant treasurer in the Mortgage Loan Department for the Society for Savings in Hartford. These boys say they liked Connecticut so much they just couldn't leave, but I think they either haven't climbed the rope to the top of Alumni Hall, or they're still behind in their chapel credits. The Academics: Robert Larsen is teaching French and Latin at St. Luke's School (M.A.T. - Johns Hopkins University 1962); Richard Schwiebert is teaching history at the Trinity-Pawling School. Marvin Peterson is assistant dean at Harvard Business School - understand Harvard took 160 from Trinity this fall;

all you do is call Marv, tell him when you'll be there. Bill DeColigny is in his fourth year of admissions work - now at Syracuse. William Hokanson is dean of students at the Detroit Country Day School. The Cloth: The Rev. Alan K. Salmon received his Bachelor of Sacred Theology at the General Seminary, N.Y.C., and is now priest and curate, Trinity Church, Cranford, N.J. Joseph M. Cimbora is pastor of Founders Congregational Church in Harwinton, Conn. The Rev. Charles M. Hawes is the priest at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Rochester, N.Y. Stuart Coxhead will be a graduate student at Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, through June of 1967. Stu served three years with the U.S. Army Security Agency. David Russell is on the big team, IBM as a Programmer-Analyst. He also doubles as personnel sergeant and recruiting sergeant for the 1117th US Army Garrison in Hartford. Murray Morse is with the Philadelphia branch of OwensCorning Fiberglas Corporation; more particularly reinforced plastic and insulation sales to manufacturers. Robert S. Kirk received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Yale, is now our man in the General Electric Research Lab. David Chase is manager, Guest Services (Marketing), Electronic Data Processing, Honeywell, Inc. Kenneth Lyons is with Roskin Brothers, wholesale distributors of major appliances. Richard Brenner is a group department superintendent with the Insurance Company of North America. Ed Cimil¡ Iuca is a product management aspirant at General Foods Corporation, Kooi-Aid Division Marketing. Walt Green is a branch credit manager for 3M Co. and is living in Teaneck, N.J. This is a government of laws, not men; however: Terry Johnson is presently working as a general referee and legal deputy for the Probate Judge, Dayton, Ohio. Joe Broder is a practicing attorney in both New York and Connecticut. John Friedman has been industrious enough to hang out his shingle at 185 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. John is also pursuing part-time study toward LL.M. in Taxation. Aaron Fleischman has joined the firm of McKenna & Wilkinson here in Washington. Frederick Fox is a licensed real estate broker, Fox & Lazo, Inc., Cherry Hill, N.J.; currently acting as branch office ma nager. George P. Kroh is also in real estate, land development in Kansas City, Mo. You know, when we come onto a quiet scene of cows grazing in a field , we often envision a giant high rise on the spot; the critical part is that second


step - which for most of us is to drive on. We shall await the construction of Fox and Kroh to face Jarvis, Seabury and Northam. Dick Davy is with Becton, Dickinson & Co., surgical instruments, Rutherford N.J. Jack Wardell is a dentist in Jacksonville, Fla. Stephen M. Lazarus interned at Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, in surgery; his residency is at Jewish Hospital in Brooklyn, in urology. Bruce Frank is presently a National Institute of Health Post-doctoral fellow. Charles Middleton is a first-year surgical resident at Hartford Hospital. Clark Phippen is with Mobile Oil Franc,:aise in Paris. He is the manager, traffic division, French Tanker Fleet. Wouldn't you hate to be located in Paris? Nothing to do, no place to go. Ed Cimilluca is with General Foods Corporation, White Plains, N.Y. Rog Le Clerc continues to do a fine job for the Chicago Bears. Late in November when the Bears had injury trouble, Rog played full time as offensive center. His team voted him the game ball for his outstanding performance. Marvin Peterson represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. John E. Fenton as fifth president of Suffolk University, Boston, Mass., December 12.


Peter T. Kilborn West Main Rd. Little Compton, R.I. FIFTH REUNION

Roy Price has become Paris correspondent of Business Europe, a Genevabased newsletter and European arm of Business International. Roy leaves no question about his intentions of remaining abroad. He has already bought a n apartment in Paris. And Bill Kirtz is on his way. He was planning to leave New York in December for London where he said he would be free-lance writing for American newspapers and seeking a theater critic job with the British Press. Bill also married Miss Sarah Denney, a Londonner, on December 4. They will live at 14 Smith St., Chelsea, London, S.W. 3, England. Don LeStage remains in Attleboro, Mass., continuing to learn the ropes at LeStage Manufacturing. He and wife, Linda, who was expecting their second child at last report, have just bought a house at 56 Raeburn Drive to accommodate it. WeU ... that's it from Paris. Congratulations to Doug Tansill who has been appointed an assistant treasurer of Bankers Trust Company, New York City. 1st Lt. Dick Gadd is a pilot with the 19th Air Commando Squadron at Tan Son Nbut Airfield, Viet-Nam. Pete Hoffman is living at 55 East 87th St., New York, N .Y. 10028, and is with Haskins & Sells, accountants, 2 Broac!way. We hear that Bill Sullivan ran for City Council in Warren, Ohio, but we do not know how he made out. Archie Thomson is with the investment house of Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath, Philadelphia, and Jeff Hudson is at Wharton Graduate School and living at 301 Cherry Lane, Wynnewood, Pa.


Steve Leiser is teaching sciences at the Riverdale Country Day School, Riverdale, N.Y. Lester Schoenfeld is with Shell Oil in New York City and attends N .Y.U. Law School evenings. He lives at 7 East 14th St., Apt. #420, N .Y.C. Michael Kauff was awarded his M.D. from Albert Einstein Medical School last June and is interning at BeUevue Hospital in New York City. · Frank Gleason writes he bas passed his qualifying exams at Berkeley for advancement to candidacy for the doctorate in biology. He is working on his thesis and hopes to teach microbiology, perhaps by 1967-68.


William G. McKnight ill 120 East 90th St. New York 28, N.Y.

Tom Boyd, running for Hartford City Council, was eliminated in the voting; however, Tom did poll 5,554 votes, only 2500 votes short of a berth on the Council. Two lawyers in our class have been active this faU. Bob McNally writes that after admittance to the Connecticut Bar, he joined Reid & Riege in Hartford. He is now living at 58 South St., Hartford. John Syer is studying at the University of Southern California Law Center. Dave Burt is now employed at Langley Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, Va. Dave and his wife Cary are living at 415 Griffin Ave. in WiUiamsburg, Va. Steve Cool, while working for his Ph.D. in Physiological Psychology, is teaching at Trinity. The Chicago Daily News has added Henry Kisor to its staff. Henry was previously working in Wilmington, Del. for the Evening Journal. His new address: 1360 N. Sandburg Terrace, Chicago. Like all good newsmen he reports: "No children yet. Which is fortunate ain't married." Here in New York, Andy Miller is now with Neuberger and Berman as a broker and has recently moved to 126 East 79th St. Steve Lockton has left First National City Bank to join the Wall Street firm of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette. Dan Tuerk writes that he and his wife, Jan, have graduated from Johns Hopkins Medical School and both are presently interning at Bronx Municipal Hospital Center in New York City. Jan is in pediatrics and Dan is in surgery. Ernest Anastasio writes that he received his M.A. in psychology in June 1965 at Texas Christian University, and is currently working on a Ph.D. degree from National Aeronautics and Space Administration. His wife, Dina, daughter, Kristine, and son, Trey, are all doing well. In Charlotte, .N.C., Guy Anderson is working for Service Bureau Corporation as a sales representative. Bill Price is currently employed as director of publications for the Bureau of Industrial Relations, Graduate · School of Business Administration, University of Michigan. Bill is also studying part-time at the Law School. After his tour in the Air Force, John Jevne and his wife, Joan, have returned to Stamford, Conn., where John is working in the Trust Department of the State National Bank. Your

class secretary is now in the National Division of First National City Bank, traveling in Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia. A much more sunny and southern environment is experienced by Tony Cutler, traveling for Morgan Guaranty in Florida and environs. Bill Duncan pokes around the caverns of New York City drumming up new business for Chemical New York. Ed Goodman is with the Bank of New York in the Wall Street Head Office. Rich Francis has his hands full keeping abreast of the record year in General Motors' treasury office.We thought we had pinned Bill Rich· ardson down in New York last spring; he writes he has taken the position of research associate with the University of Chicago (Center for Health Administration Studies) where he expects to finish his work toward a Ph.D. in about a year. New address: Apt. 15, 7535 So. Saginaw, Chicago, 60649. John Banghart, after returning to Trinity, is now with the Columbia Business School. Conrad Van Der Schroeff writes he has taken over as Communications Officer on the USS Berkeley (a guided missile destroyer) . In the Philippines, Sam Bailey is stationed at a radar site on the South China Sea. Frank Smith and Bill Chase Jr. are attending New York University Graduate Business School. Thomas M. Kelly may be addressed 105-A Charles Drive, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 19010. Lt. Dick Cunneen has transferred to Travis AFB, Calif., and is now a pilot. His address is 2344 Penn Ave., Apt. # 2 (Pamela Apts.), Fairfield, Calif. Shep Spink is in an observation squadron flying helicopters for the U.S. Marines. Dave Lee writes he is in his final year at the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass., along with Rog Nel· son, Chuck Hoffman and Mike Creigh· ton. Last summer Dave spent six weeks in the Middle East. Jerry Gough has received a Fulbright FeUowship for a year of study at the University of Paris. His present address is Fondation des Etats-Unis, 15 Boulevard Jourdan, Paris 14, France. Kev O'Brien received his LL.B. from Boston College's Law School last June and bas been admitted to the Massachusetts Bar. But now Uncle Sam has called him into the military.


W. James Tozer Jr. Apt. 4N, 516 East 78th St. New York, N.Y.

It seems as if every second member of our class residing in New York is in finance. Not only is there your friend at The Chase, Jim Borden, but at least one classmate at almost every other major bank in the City. Together with me at First National City, New York's largest and the only bank your family ever needs, is Dick Field who is in the training program for the national division. His roommate here in New York, Bob Tyndall, is in the training division of competing Chemical Bank New York Trust. He joins Dave Wicks and Ken Southworth who went with the Bank shortly after graduation. Dave is now an officer's assistant in its national division where he is assigned to the boom-

At New York: Dave Wicks '63 and Jim Tozer '63 ing southwestern United States while Ken is advancing in the Personal Trust department of their trust division and at the same time performing the herculean task of working towards a law degree at NYU in the evenings. He plans to have his degree by spring of 1967. How he does it is beyond me. Down the street at Bankers Trust Pete Mackie is doing comparable work in its trust division in a Personal Investment Advisory Service. Finally, Starr Brinckerhoff is working for Bank of New York. There has been some exodus from banking per se, but not from finance. Pete Linberg has moved over to the brokerage business. He will soon be a registered representative for Paine, Webber, Jackson and Curtis. Presently he is learning the tools of the trade as is AI Holland, who is in a more formalized training program at Francis I. duPont. Some of our class is still in school with others of them re-entering. Here in New York, Bob Streisand, now married, lives at 201 Linden Blvd. in Brooklyn and is in his last year at the Medical School of the University of New York. Don McCormick is continuing his work at the Columbia University Library School but also has had the good fortune to find a position at the New York Public Library's new multi-million dollar library at the Lincoln Center. He is a librarian in the dance collection. Mike Masius is working for his law degree at the New York Law School and appears to be putting in the kind of hours that should give him a legal education as well as a law degree. Up in Cambridgeland, Stan Marcuss has started on that long, hard three years at Harvard Law. I suggest that he check with Vic Keen on how to intersperse the maximum amount of the good life into the grind. Apparently Ed Trickett is going on to get his Ph.D. in psychology out at the University of Colorado. Jay Howard has resigned from General Electric and has gone back to business school here at Columbia. Shortly before Christmas Dick Field and Bob Tyndall threw a party which could well have been the high point of the fall social season in New York. Even such a long-lost face as Peter Stanley was there. He is in the Wall Street office of the investment banking house of Mitchell Hutchens. He is talking of eventually locating in San Francisco, but then isn't everybody. Wilb Shenk, Hunter Marvel, and Fred Neulander were there representing the academic world. As you know Wilb is working on his Master's in Engineering Mechanics at Columbia. Hunter is there

also, but in business school. Fred is in his third of five years at Hebrew Union College and was married in December. They are living at 84-01 Main St. in Kew Gardens in Queens. On the twenty-seventh of December Tom McCord was married to Carol Moore in Scarsdale. Elsewhere in the New York labor market, Mike Leinbach is in the Specialty ¡ Paper marketing group for International Paper. While he is based in New York, he is doing some travelling in the field, so do not be surprised if he drops in. While Perry Rianhard is doing the same type of work for West Virginia Pulp and Paper, he and his wife, Susie, have recently fled the city for Montclair, N.J., where they are living at 21 Oxford Street. I am sure that it comes as a surprise to no one to learn that David Shields is still embroiled in the travel industry. He is Interline Passenger Representative for United Airlines at JFK and he says that he has advanced to that point in the corporate heirarchy where he can call his own coffee breaks. Ted Scull is also in travel with the Holland-American Lines. He is doing sales promotion work, so that at this time of the year he is putting together cruises. Maybe he can arrange some kind of Trinity discount. Roger Baum is working for Dun and Bradstreet as a municiple bond analyst. He is living in the penthouse suite at 502 East 87th. Finally for the New York area, is what may well be the most "What's My Line?" type of job: Bob Kirk has been employed by J. C. Penny's and is in the purchasing department buying girls' blouses. I hear that th!'! sales conventions in that business ai:e just what the bachelor needs. From far away lands, we have heard that Bob Perrin has left Doyle, Dane Bernbach and is now on a year plus trip which he is starting by working in Israel. Maybe on his paragranations he will run across Dwight Holbrook who, after leaving the University of Iowa, started teaching English at the Spanish American Institute. Somewhere along the line he met and married the former Rada Ruiz. They are now living in Thessaloniki, Greece, where he is on the faculty of Anatolia College. Dick Emery, who has spent the last two years in Nepal in the Peace Corp, has had such a rewarding experience that he has decided to extend for another tour there. Making it 100% reinlistment is John Lamphear, whom we saw last week. By the middle of January he will be back in Tanzania where he will be teaching English in the shadows of Killamanjaro. Not only did he come back sporting an ostrich egg and a rhinocerous' tooth that he kicked out of the dead animal's mouth with his engineer boots, but also he distinguished himself by being one of the two members of the Peace Corp program to pass advance fluency examinations not only in Swahili but also in two other major sub-Saharan African languages. This will be John's fourth year in Africa. With this material combined with John's literary talent, it will be a shame if a book does not result. What an addition it would be to the Don Taylor collection in the library. Speaking of Don, on July 19 in the Nairobi Game Park, Kenya, a lecture hall at the Wildlife Education Centre was dedicated to his memory. At the dedication, Dr. Robinson, the father of

Crossroads Africa, said, "The legacy of his love, liis work and his spirit has found its permanent resting place in the land of Kenya." We should all be extremely proud to have associated with him. Contributions are still being accepted for the Don F. Taylor Memorial Collection in African Studies. We are off to a fine start, thanks :J. generous response from many who knew Don. Those who have not yet participated may do so by sending a check pay~J:>le to the Trustees of Trinity College to Jack Waggett, Admissions Office, Trinity College. From the military mail call, which I just suspect might be a little larger ip the next few months, we have learned that 1st Lt. Kurt Wetzel has completed Air Force survival training at Stead AfB in Nevada and is now stationed at Griffiss AFB in New York. Lets hope that he does not have to make more practical use of what appears, to the as yet uninitiated, to be tropical warfare training. Jim Goodridge is also stationed in this part of the country. He is at the Boston Naval Shipyard and is living with his wife, Lucy Lloyd, Holyoke '62, at 86 Colbourne Crescent in Brookline. This soft tour is a reward for having spent the summer ferrying troops from San Diego to Vietnam. Another fairly soft assignment has been drawn by Barry McCutchen who, while stationed in Morbach, Germany, with his wife, Gail, is also on the USAF-Europe basketball team. They play a schedule that has them in England in the heat of the summer and in Madrid for Christmas. Barry wants to share his fine fortune and extends an invitation to all to stop in when they are in the area. Bruce Davis was one of the first to do duty in Southeast Asia. He was out for over a year in 1964-65. He was in Vietnam with the first wave of Marines during the Tonkin Gulf Crisis. He's back and living in San Clemente, Calif., where he is a commuting soldier and in a car pool with Jay McCracken '62. Bruce is doing some Thesbian work on the side. He not only has been quite active in little theater but appears to have been the first of our class to make the big screen with a brief part in the movie "To the Shores of Hell." We expect to hear more. Dick Gooden writes from West Mesa AFS, New Mexico, that he is defending our southern borders from enemy penetration. What I cannot figure out is whether he is working for Mr. McNamara or for Mr. Wirtz. He did mention that while visiting the "Ratskeller" pub in the BOQ in Albuquerque, he ran into Bob Bond, who is looking forward to a six-months tour in Vietnam. Back in the relative safety of the academic life, Bob LaMotte wrote from Kansas to say he has finished his Mas; ter's degree in psychology and is pushing on for his Ph.D., which is another year and a half down the line. Ken Aldrich has not only been elected president of the student body at Philadelphia Divinity School, but also is on a honors program. How you students can manage to stick to it is amazing. Two new degree recipients in our class are Pete Landerman and Dick Nygard. Pete received his Master's of social work from the U Diversity of Connecticut in June and is now employed by Family Service Society in Hartford where he lives with his wife and two children.



Dick picked up both a degree and a wife this summer: the former a Master's in International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh and the latter on July 3, one Susan Scobie of New Rochelle .a nd the University of Vermont '64. They are now Jiving in Hyattsville, Md., and Dick is working for the government. This past June Trinity College awarded Master's in Chemistry to two of our classmates: Tim Johnson and Mike Pleva. Apparently they are both going on for their Ph.D.s, Tim at Purdue University where Dick Gold is also working for his doctorate in chemistry, and Mike at the University of New Hampshire. John Fitzgerald is just one more wave in the western migration. In June he reported for his position with Systems Development Corporation in Santa Monica, Calif. In addition to new uniforms, new assignments, and new degrees, there are those that are advancing in their old jobs. Bob Kraut has received his third promotion since he joined Southern New England Telephone Company. He is now District Dial Traffic Supervisor for SNETCO in Manchester. Ever active Rufus Coes has been named director of activities at WfiC-TV, Constitution Plaza, in Hartford. Bayard Anderson has been appointed advertising assistant in the Marketing Division of Pittsburgh National Bank. He was formerly an analyst in the bank's market research department. Steve Repetto is with Loctite Corporation, Newington, Conn. Time, Inc. has announced the appointment of Gary Knisely to their Cleveland office. Prior to this assignment he worked with Time marketing services, Sports Illustrated general promotion, and Fortune s_ales promotion.


Thomas J. Monahan 401 East 86th St. New York, N.Y. Harry Huntoon has entered the Cornell Graduate School of Business and Public Administration. His address is 258 Sage Graduate Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. We can all expect to receive reminders on the value of insurance in the near future from John H. Hutchins, who is now with Royal Globe Insurance Company in Philadelphia. Rufus Blocksidge and his wife recently won a frost-free Gibson refrigerator freezer in a nationwide sweepstake contest. I would imagine that John Gordon explained the odds to Rufus for the contest. Lt. John C. Hussey was recently awarded the U .S. Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation from the Air Training Command flying school. Joe Martire is a first-year student at New Jersey College of Medicine and has plans to get married in June 1966. John Mcintire, an ensign, is stationed in Norfolk, Va. Jack visited Trinity for Homecoming. Tim Crawford played for the Blue Rugby Club in addition to attending classes at Columbia Medical this fall. Geoff Freeman is now attending the Harvard Graduate School of Landscape Architecture. Jon Powell recently enrolled as a first-year student at the Yale School of Architecture. Dick Schiro has returned from studying and teaching in Asia and is now enrolled at the University of Chicago Law School. Bruce


Bridegroom has received his Master's in history from Valparuss University and is scheduled for a Peace Corps assignment in India. I understand that Bruce received most of his training in social work while a member of Sigma Nu. Bob Miller expects to receive his M.S. from Penn State this winter and then go on to the University of Pennsylvania for a Ph.D . in Biophysics. Bob Bennett reports that he is studying classics at Yale University and preparing for his examinations for his Ph.D . Bob will be lecturing two sections of History 204 at Trinity next semester while Dr. Davis is on sabbatical. This is what Trinity needs - new men with young ideas. Mike Tousey is said to be enrolled at Yale Law School. Dick Pastore is studying psychology at Columbia University. AI Burfeind has been elected President of the student body at the Hartford Seminary. Mike Heid is teaching at New Rochelle High School and also working on his Master's at Trinity. Vic Adelstein is employed at Aetna Life Insurance Company as an actuarial student. Vic and his wife will be moving into their home at 14 Grenhart St. in West Hartford. Bill Koretz will be finishing up at the University of Michigan Business School in April and then plans to burn his draft card and thus eliminate his military obligation. Brooks Palmer was married in Washington, D .C., in August and bad the distinction of having Mike Dearington as his best man. In a recent issue of the Far East Stars & Stripes, there was an article concerning Harry Pratt and his bagpipe. It seems that Harry is introducing the strange sounds to the officers in Kunsan, Korea. The article mentioned a little bit about the history of the bagpipe and the Trinity Pipes and Drums. The literary content of the articles seems to have its origin from Harry himself. A letter from Alan Anderson states that be has been appointed professor of economics at the American School in Switzerland. He is one of the few professors who bas title to a Porsche. Maybe AI will return to Trinity as a dollar-ayear man. Bob Feinschreiber has recently been appointed to the Yale University faculty in the department of economics. Bob is an accounting instructor. In his spare time he also teaches business Jaw and accounting at New Haven College. Mal Campbell Jr. was recently named both a partner and vice president of Carl Candels & Associates in Hartford. They are a public relations firm specializing in association counseling. Chuck Roncaioli Jr. is employed with Westinghouse in Philadelphia and hopes to be going to technological school for special training. Bob Anderson, who is studying for his Master's at Columbia Business School, is still under the "informed" impression that all financial concerns are brokerage houses. I hope Bob plans to organize his former band on a professional level and lets one of Wharton's Business school representatives such as Bob Schilpp manage the financial arrangements. While many of us were celebrating Homecoming weekend on fraternity row, that old "smoothie" Jon Haring was escorting Judith Drews down the marriage row. In attendance at the festivities were Charlie Todd, Bill Avery and Ted Pettus.

Bill Barnes is with the Prudential Insurance Company, Newark, N.J. On November 21 a beautiful set of iron gates in the College Chapel was presented in memory of Albert Creighton Williams by his family. Arnold Wood is with the State Street Bank & Trust Company, Boston, Mass. Tom Cone and his wife, Ginny, are serving their second year in the Peace Corps, and are at Boys' Town, a home for orphans, in Monrovia. They will return to the states sometime this summer.


David J. Graybill Box 65 , Yale Divinity School 490 Prospect St. New Haven, Conn. 06520 How modest we are, fellow-classmates! However long it takes to re-adjust to the life a La monde, Your Secretary does expect more news of stunning (or otherwise) success in the word from '65. Cast away that cloak of modesty; or get another classmate to play your notes while you gloriously rat on him. I sense great potential as yet untapped for "Spy vs. Spy." The Hartford Times on 27 October 1965 featured Josh Smith as a member of the Community Renewal Team, registering people in Hartford's North End to vote in the election of board members who will administer the Anti-Poverty Program Funds in the Capital City. Mark Lowenthal is now teaching at the Charlemont (Mass.) High School; while James Lubitz, recently out from Uncle Sam's thumb in the sky, is a program representative for the U.S. Public Health Service at the Jamaica Health Center on Long Island. Roland Carlson, sharing an apartment with John Makin in Chicago, took up Hospital Administration at the University of Chicago. Robert H. Mason is admitting freshmen into the University of Rochester. A news note of some time ago finds John W. Fitzgerald, who graduated in January, 1965, has been with the Systems Development Corporation in Santa Monica, Calif., since last June. The writer of the Connecticut General News Letter interestingly noted in July that Merrill Y avinsky "will acquire a bride, Rita Carroll, on 28 August." An acquisition? A footnote on style, garnered from a reunion last September on Pier 88 of Tom Garson, Jack O'Neil, Jim Levine (chief informant though his "memory of specific event slightly fuzzy), Tom Curran, and Your Secretary, was Dan Swander's recent acquisition. Now, I ask you, how many of us take off from the altar (or will do so for the benefit of that rapidly diminishing class of stalwarts) in a helicopter? It was good to hear that Ousman Sallab has made a fine recovery from his lung illness, and was able to be on the sidelines November 26 at Trinity Field when the Bantams played Army in the second round of the National Collegiate Soccer Championship. Bob Morrisse's address is 217-54 Peck Ave., Queens Village, N.Y. 11427. He is at the graduate school of biology of Hofstra University. Kim Waterhouse holds the rank of lieutenant and may be addressed CMR, Box 1929, Math Afb, Calif. We hear that Bunny Perkins is with the Peace Corps working on poultry production in India.

NECROLOGY 1898 Word has reached the College of the death of Dr. Frederic A. Lund, September 22, 1959, in New London, Conn. He was born September 18, 1874, in Jersey City, N.J., a son of the late Oscar Frederic Lund and Sarah Wells Palmer. He prepared for college at Norwich Free Academy and entered Trinity in 1894 with the Class of 1898, remaining in residence two years. He was a member of the Alpha Chi Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. After graduation from the New York Homeopathic Medical College in 1900, he practiced general medicine in New York City and taught also at the New York Homeopathic College. In 1900 he married Miss Frances Edna Doughty of New York City.




Charles W. Cooke, director of the Hartford Flood Commission since 1956 and known throughout Connecticut as one of the state's most experienced engineers, died in Hartford December 27. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Irene May Tansley, and a sister, Mrs. Clarence C. Palmer. Born April 27, 1890, in Amherst, Mass., a son of the late Frank Wallace Cooke and Carrie Isabelle Tuttle, he prepared for college at Hartford Public High School and entered Trinity in 1910 with the Class of 1914. His fraternity was IKA, now the Sigma Chapter of Delta Phi. Joining the Hartford engineering department in 1914, he became head of the engineering staff of the Flood Commission in 1936, a position he held for twenty years. He also was director of Public Works for the City of Hartford from 1948 to 1956. Mr. Cooke supervised the construction of the Connecticut River dikes without which Hartford's Constitution Plaza never would have been realized. He directed the conduit enclosure of Hartford's Park River, Cemetery Brook, and Tower Avenue Brook. A past president of the Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers, he was also a past president and director of the New England Chapter of the American Public Works Association. Mr. Cooke held memberships in many Connecticut engineering societies and wrote many papers and articles¡ on his field. He was past president of the Hartford Lions Club, a 32nd-degree Mason of Norwich, and chairman of the trustees of the South Park Methodist Church, Hartford. A loyal Class Agent, Mr. Cooke received a citation from Trinity College at the 1955 Convocation. It read in part: "In our complex economic and social life we must depend more and more upon the abilities and devotion of our career public officials. His planning led to the construction of Hartford's flood-protection works which spared this city the widespread destruction suffered recently in other areas of our State. We thank him also for the express-highway plans for our community, and we are grateful to him for his many activities in behalf of youth." -R.E.C.

1914 Raymond H. Dexter, the last living member of the original staff of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, died October 24 at his home in Rocky Hill, Conn . Born March 28, 1892, in Black River, N .Y., a son of Edward Mansfield Dexter and Nettie Gertrude Boyce, he prepared for college at Hartford Public High School and entered Trinity in 1910 with the Class of 1914. As an undergraduate he played on his class baseball team and was a member of the Sophomore Smoker Committee. He was elected Secretary and Vice President of his class. His fraternity was IKA. After his graduation he joined Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, and advanced from office boy to Secretary. In 1916 he joined the company's fidelity bond department and served as its assistant superintendeJ~t and superintendent. He retired in 1957. Dex was interested in flying and in I 929 qualified for a solo flying license. He was also active on the school and town planning boards of Rocky Hill. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Margaret Hester Wyper, and three sons, Raymond H., Jr., Class of 1937; William B., Class of 1941; and Edward W., Class of 1944. Another son, Richard Whitney Dexter, Class of 1943, was killed in action D ecember 3, 1944, in Europe. - R.E.C. RAYMOND HENRY DEXTER,

1915 Dr. George W. Gilbert, a practicing dentist in New Haven for forty-six years, died December 20 at his home in Madison, Conn. after a long illness. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Eva Glasbrenner Gilbert; a son, Dr. George W. Gilbert; and a brother, Frederick T. Gilbert, Class of 1909. Mr. Gilbert was born May 21, 1885 in Versailles, Conn., a son of the late Thomas Gilbert and Martha Swindells. After completing one term at Trinity with the Class of 1915, he transferred to the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, graduating in 1915. He practiced continuously in New Haven until his retirement in 1961. He was a member of the American and the Connecticut Dental Association. GEORGE WILLIAM GILBERT,

1921 Word has reached the College that Col. Wilbur K. Noel died May 21, 1965, in Pompano Beach, Fla. Col. Noel was born July 22, 1901, in Lebanon, Ky., a son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Lucien Doty Noel. He entered Trinity in 1917 with the Class of 1921, staying three years. His fraternity was the Phi Kappa Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi. He was a member of the Sophomore Smoker Committee, the Political Science Club, and as a sophomore was secretarytreasurer of the Class of 1921. Colonel Noel was graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, with the Class of 1924 and assigned to the Cavalry. He was detailed to the WILBUR KINCAID NOEL,

Washington and Lee University Law School and received his LL.B. degree in 1938, transferring to the Judge Advocate General's Department. During World War II he served with the XI Corps in the Pacific Theater and was awarded the Bronze Star medal. He retired in 1953. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Patricia McCarthy Noel, and two daughters, Mrs. Frederick W. Heldenfels and Miss Dorothy P. Noel.

1923 Word has reached the College of the death of Dr. Edwin R. Curran May 31, 1961 in Naugatuck, Conn., at the age of sixty-five. He was at Trinity for a term in 1920 and had served in the Army during World War I. Dr. Curran graduated from Jefferson Medical College and was a health officer at Naugatuck and Beacon Falls, Conn., being associated with St. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury.


1923 Word has reached the College of the death of Tom Fitzsimons October 18, 1964, at the Veterans Hospital in New York City. He leaves his wife, the former Miss lone King of Summit, N.J.; a daughter, Mrs. Gloria Wilson; and a son, L. Neal Fitzsimons. Born March 13, 1898, in Waterbury, Conn., a son of Oscar S. Fitzsimons and Edna Lane, he prepared for college at Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, Conn. He entered Trinity in 1919, staying in residence for one year. His fraternity was Delta Kappa Epsilon. From 1940 until his retirement a few years ago, he was physical director at the General Theological Seminary in New York City. He was well known in yachting circles and served for many years as chairman of the Larchmont Yacht Club's race committee.


1928 Earle K. Bouteiller, retired teacher in the West Hartford, Conn., school system for 33 years, died at his home in that town October 14. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Lucy Wilmot Bouteiller. Born July 28, 1899, in Cromwell, Conn., a son of George F. Bouteiller and Margaret Estelle Foster, he prepared for college at Ansonia High School, Ansonia, Conn., and entered Trinity in 1927 after transferring from Syracuse University. As an undergraduate he was a member of the Political Science Club. Receiving his Master's degree from Gallaudet College and from Trinity, he began teaching in the West Hartford School system and organized the Student Council in the three junior high schools. He was an active member of the West Hartford Teachers Association and the National Education Association. He retired in 1962. During World War I he served with the medical corps in France. EARLE KENNETH BOUTEILLER,


KARL FREDERICK STREMEL, 1936 Word has reached the College of the death of Karl F. Stremel, July 1, 1965. He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Marjorie Hershey, and a daughter, Marjorie Gail. Born June 6, 1914, in Johnstown, Pa., he prepared for college at New York Military Academy, Cornwall, N.Y., and entered Trinity in 1932 with the Class of 1936. As an undergraduate he was on the squash team and was a cheer leader and member of the Tripod Board. His fraternity was the Phi Kappa Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi. After graduation Karl worked for the Swank Hardware Company, Equitable of Iowa, and the Paul Revere Life Insurance Company before joining Bridgeways, Inc., a motor truck transportation company, in 1948, as terminal manager. For the last nine years he was with Yard-man, Inc., of Jackson. During World War II he served in the U.S. Army for nearly four years and was discharged a Captain. - R.M.C.

EERO RAIG, 1956 Eero Raig died October 12 at the Veterans Hospital, Newington, Conn., after a long illness. He leaves his father, Eduard Raig; his stepmother, Mrs. Silvia Nei Raig; a brother, Taivo, and two stepbrothers, Enn and Heiti. Born January 18, 1933, in Tai;tu, Estonia, he prepared for college at William Hall High School, West Hartford, and entered Trinity in 1952 with the Class of 1956. As an undergraduate he was a member of the Education Club and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Gamma Mu. He belonged to the Brownell Club. At his graduation he was Salutatorian and received honors in History. Eero spent five years at Yale and had completed his studies for his doctorate in 1961 when he was called to active duty in the Air Force. He was discharged in 1964 because of serious illness with the rank of Captain. - E.A.M.

JOliN HANAN WARD, 1936 John H. Ward died October 10 at the Newington Veterans Hospital , Newington, Conn. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Constance Jordan Ward, and a son, Jonathan H. Born October 23 , 1909, in Boston, Mass., a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Bernard Ward, he prepared for college at the Weaver High School, Hartford, and entered Trinity in 1932 with the Class of 1936. He was in residence for one year. A Navy Veteran of World War II, he was associated with the Phoenix Insurance Company and the Houston Fire Insurance Company. Recently he had been with the real estate firm of MillerWard, Inc., Farmington, Conn. The funeral was held in the College Chapel with the Rev. Alan C. Tull, Chaplain, officiating.

RODNEY CHARTER REYNOLDS, 1957 Rodney C. Reynolds died at his home in Centerville, Mass., October 12. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Diana S. Johnson Reynolds; his mother, Mrs. Ruth a. White; three sons, Paul C., Peter C., Jason T .; and a daughter, Pamela J . Born May 7, 1932, in Hartford, he prepared for college at the Loomis School. After attending Yale University he transferred to Trinity in 1955 and was graduated two years later.- W.N.P.

ROBERT TOGGENBURGER, 1954 Robert Toggenburger, senior chemist of the Research Department at Monsanto Chemical Company, Springfield, Mass., died October 12 in Hartford Hospital. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Anne Taylor Toggenburger, formerly of LaPorte, Texas, and a daughter, Lisa. Born June 9, 1929, in Englewood, N.J., a son of John and Hedy Mark! Toggenburger, he prepared for college at Hartford Public High School and entered Trinity in 1950 with the Class of 1954. As an undergraduate he was a member of the Chemistry Club for four years and its vice president for two. He was elected to Sigma Pi Sigma, national physics honor society, and to Phi Beta Kappa. He was a member of the Brownell Club. After his graduation in 1954 he studied at Trinity for two years, receiving the Master of Science degree in 1956. He then joined Monsanto Chemical Company, but left to study at the University of Colorado, receiving the Ph.D. degree in 1961. He was a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Association for Advancement for Science, Sigma Xi, and the Phi Lambda Gamma Society.- T.T.T.


PERRIN HAMILTON LONG, HoN. 1955 Dr. Perrin H. Long, a pioneer in the development of sulfa drugs in this country, died December 17 at his home in Edgartown, Mass. He leaves his widow, the former Miss Elizabeth Griswold; a son, Perrin H. Jr.; and a daughter, Mrs. P. H. Walker. Born April 7, 1899, in Bryan, Ohio, he prepared for college in the public school of that city and entered the University of Michigan in 1916. After receiving his bachelor's and his medical degree there, he interned at the Institute of Freiburg, Germany, and at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York City. In 1929, he joined the Johns Hopkins Medical School faculty and served as head of the Department of Preventive Medicine there from 1940 until 1951. Dr. Long predicted by 1939 the early medical control of the majority of infectious diseases and described the new drug sulfanilamide. In World War I, he joined the Army's Ambulance Service and received the Croix de Guerre. In World War II, Dr. Long served as Colonel in the Medical Corps and later was appointed a Brigadier General in the Medical Reserve. Trinity College awarded him the honorary degree of Doctor of Science in 1955. From 1951 to 1961, Dr. Long was professor of medicine and department chairman at the State University of New York, Brooklyn. After his retirement he continued to be the editor of the periodi-

cals Resident Physician and Medical Times. A Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, he was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor in 1951 and an honorary officer of the Order of the British Empire. He had written more than one hundred scientific publications concerning infectious diseases, sulfonamides, antibiotics and preventive medicine.

LEWIS Buss WmTTEMORE, Hon S.T.D. 1957 The Rt. Rev. Lewis B. Whittemore, retired Bishop of Western Michigan and interim Chaplain at the College in 1956, died December 5 in Martha's Vineyard, Mass. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Helen M. Crawford, a son, the Rev. James Whittemore; and two daughters, Mrs. Charles W. Packer and Mrs. Andrew F. Wissemann. Bishop Whittemore was descended from the Rev. John Robinson, an English Nonconformist clergyman who ministered to the Pilgrims in the Netherlands before they sailed on the Mayflower in 1620. He was also descended from J obn Alden and Priscilla Mullens of Longfellow's poem. His grandfather, James Robinson, was a Martha's Vineyard skipper of square-rigged sailing ships that hunted whales in the South Seas. Born in H artford, Conn., June 17, 1885, a son of the late William E. Whittemore and Mary Bliss Robinson, be prepared for college at the Hartford Public High School and was graduated from Yale University in 1907. After teaching in the public schools in the Philippine Islands for three years, he joined the staff of the Baguio School, Luzon, where at that time the late President Remsen B. Ogilby was headmaster. In 1961, he published "Struggle for Freedom: The Philippine Independent Church." It is interesting to note he helped bring about an accord between the Episcopal Church and the Independent Church on intercommunion. Returning to this country in 1912, he enrolled at the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass., and received the B.D. degree in 1915. He served at Christ Church, New York City; Calvary Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Trinity Church, Detroit, Mich .; and in 1926 became rector of Grace Church, Grand Rapids, Mich. In 1921 he conducted for the first time in history a church service on radio over station KDKA, Pittsburgh. In 1936 he was elected Bishop Coadjutor of Western Michigan, and the following year became Bishop of that diocese serving until his retirement in 1953. For several years he assisted in the Diocese of Connecticut. In 1957 Trinity College awarded Bishop Whittemore the honorary degree of Doctor of Theology, and in 1939 Kenyon College had granted him a similar degree. His Trinity citation read in part, ''This candidate strayed to Yale, but everywhere Trinity has haunted him - a childhood on Vernon Street, comradeship with Dr. Ogilby, and lately a happy interim Chaplaincy on our campus. A Church scholar eminent for his contribution to Church education - let us therefore honor the return of the native."

To commemorate the 80th meeting of Trinity and Wesleyan last No vember, football captains of other days gathered for a photograph that will stir the memories of past gridiron glories and give cause to conversations that will begin something like: "You know, I remember the day we played . . ."Left to right: Stanley D . Kennedy '24, Richard B. Noble '25, William Goralski '52, Edwin J. Donnelly '08, Roger W. Hall '50, Richard J. O'Brien '26, Umberto Del Mastro '53, John T. Fink '44, John E. Kenney '59, K. C. Cromwell '62, Frederick Tansill '22 , Richard Noble Jr. '51 , Thomas D. R eese Jr. '61, Merrill Ya vinsky '64

New Reunion Plan The Executive Committee of the Alumni Association has voted to adopt a new method of scheduling reunions. This plan was devised by a sub-committee consisting of Ronald F. Storms '54, Andrew W. Milligan '45, Richard A. Leggett '39, and myself and is based on a similar plan which has been used at Dartmouth for years, apparently with great success. Under our traditional plan each class meets every 5 years but never with other classes which were at College at the same time. Under the new plan the lOth, 25th, 40th and 50th reunions will be held at the traditional dates. However, some of the other reunion dates will be juggled so that, for instance, some classes will hold their 15th reunion in the 14th year, some in the 15th year and some in the 16th year with the result that the three adjoining classes will be back at the College at the same time. Perhaps an example will explain the plan best. The class of 1966 will hold its 5th reunion in 1970, 4 years after its graduation, at the same time as the class of 1965 and 1964. It will bold its 15th reunion in 1982 with the classes of 1967

and 1968, its 20th reunion in 1987 with the classes of 1967 and 1968, its 30th reunion in 1996 with the classes of 1965 and 1967, its 35th reunion in the year 2001 with the classes of 1965 and 1967 and its 45th reunion in the year 2010 with the classes of 1964 and 1965. Don't try to understand this plan, just have faith in it. It has been certified to be sound by Dick Leggett, who is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries. You will be informed as to when your class holds its reunions so you won't have to worry about when you will be returning. The whole purpose of this rather involved plan is to make sure that you see friends from classes other than your own when you return for reunions. However, each class will decide for itself whether ¡it will have joint dinners or meetings with the other classes returning. This plan was adopted only after we had submitted a questionnaire to a large number of typical Alumni and found that the great majority of them agreed to try the plan. - Ethan F . Bassford '39 Vice President, Alumni Association

1966 Reunion Committee The overall Reunion Committee met December 14 at College under the chairmanship of Dr. Charles E. Jacobson Jr. '31 to plan the Alumni Reunion for June 3 and 4, 1966. Considerable attention is being given by the committee in the planning of interesting topics for the Alumni Seminars and the Alumni Reading Program. Of interest to many alumni will be a home and home baseball series with Wesleyan. The two rivals will play at Trinity June 3 and at Wesleyan June 4. Next year the days will be reversed. Alumni are invited to send suggestions for the reunion program to Dr. Jacobson or to the Alumni Secretary, John A. Mason '34. Other members of the overall Reunion Committee are: RobertS. Morris '16; John R . Reitemeyer '21; Richard M . Ford '26; Clifford L. Morse '31; Hugh S. Campbell '32, Vice Chairman; Albert B. Starkey '36; Frank A. Kelly Jr. '41; Charles S. Hazen '46; Thomas F. Ferguson '51; Richard F. Nissi '56; and George P . Lynch, Jr. '61.

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