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Make Plans to Attend Your District Meetings
To run for trustee, members must:
1. Be a full-time resident of the district
2. Submit your signed Notice of Intent at least 21 days prior to the District Meeting and meet all qualifications as outlined in the by-laws
3. Attend the district meeting Questions?
Call 1-800-999-2285
All district meetings start at 6:00 p.m.
District 7
Friday, July 21
Central Baptist Church
Monticello, FL
District 8
Tuesday, July 18
Lake Bird Methodist Church
Perry, FL
District 9
Thursday, July 20
Blue Creek Baptist Church
Perry, FL
Democratic process. Authority to vote. That is what makes cooperatives different than traditional businesses. Each year, Tri-County Electric Cooperative members elect their leadership.
TCEC’s board consists of nine trustees who are also TCEC members. The board meets monthly to make decisions regarding budget, policy, rates, and other co-op business.
How do I run for the board of trustees?
Each year, Tri-County Electric Cooperative (TCEC) holds trustee elections in three districts. Those elections are the members’ opportunity to select someone to represent them on TCEC’s ninemember board. Such elections are held each year. TCEC’s by-laws require that potential trustees must be a natural persons receiving service at their “primary residence.” That means you must be living in a home that receives electricity from the co-op. Potential trustees must file their Notice of Intent seeking to be a candidate for trustee at least 21 days in advance of the district meeting. Notices are available at the Tri-County Electric Cooperative offices in Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, and Dixie County.
If I do run, what’s the time commitment? Tri-County board of trustees must become knowledgeable about the electric industry. They also must make decisions regarding the strategy and operation of the co-op.
To do this, the board meets on the second Monday of each month. Meetings are held at the Main Headquarters Office Building in Madison, Florida and last a good portion of the afternoon. In addition to monthly meetings, TCEC trustees often attend meetings and conferences of the statewide association, Florida Electric Cooperatives Association (FECA) and national association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), and TCEC’s generation and transmission cooperative Seminole Electric Cooperative.
If you have an interest in becoming a Tri-County Electric Cooperative trustee, obtain a Notice of Intent by calling 1-800-999-2285 or email eherndon@tcec.com.