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Valero Texas City Refinery
Large Business
In his nomination of Ezmine During as the WILA Large Business honoree, Jim Macpherson, soon to be retired from Valero Texas City Refinery after 32 years as Refinery Financial Controller, stated, “ It is my honor to nominate Ezmine on behalf of our Refinery Leadership Team for this award. Her dedication as our Lead Accountant, and soon to be new Refinery Financial Controller, has demonstrated her ability to balance a demanding blend of operations, maintenance, projects and administration with equal attention.”
As Refinery Controller, Ezmine has graciously combined the refinery needs as well as corporate objectives. She has done so with common understanding so that each individual or group always comes away better informed. Ezmine consistently champions such things as individual face-to-face training as well as computer-based training, understanding that not only does the individual benefit, but the development of a stronger individuals is paramount to the betterment of the team as a whole.
In addition to Ezmine’s functional leadership at the refinery, she affectionally demonstrates her servant’s heart.
Ezmine is the chairperson for Valero’s annual United Way campaign and continuously goes above and beyond to bring attention to their campaign with a focus on the many needs of the agencies.
Ezmine helps to coordinate a monthly day of caring where extra attention to the United Way agencies’ needs are highlighted and addressed continuously throughout the year on top of their annual campaign.
Ezmine proudly leads refinery volunteer events with high energy and enthusiasm and in doing so is a recipient of the Valero Volunteer of the Year as a testament to her compassion.