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Great American The Hospitals of Providence .........................................Inside Front
collections by returning to the prior calendar of two major shows a year; spring/summer and fall/winter. Fashion will get into the hands of both buyers and sellers in a more seasonally appropriate manner. However, there are designers such as Dior and Chanel who will adhere to the six annual collections to which they have become accustomed.
So, what does all of this mean for us and our clothing and outfit choices? For some, dressing up is greatly missed. Fashionistas claim to feel “bleh” and “unmotivated” turning to social media platforms for opportunities to showcase their looks. Actual hashtags such as #wfhfits (work from home fits) and #goingnowherebut#@%$itimgettingdressed are popping up on Instagram and TikTok. Creativity lives on through new and innovative formats and mediums.
“The only thing certain is that nothing is certain.” Pandemics happen and fashion not only survives but thrives. Masks were commonplace during the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, Coco Chanel used foraged fabric during the first World War and our country came back to life in technicolor after the Great Depression. How we exist/ existed before, during and after such events is/was reflected in our fashion, perhaps not intentionally but consequentially. History does repeat itself…with style.