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臺南視野 Vision of Tainan│黃怜穎

Vision of Tainan

Tainan Chihsi Love Festival《2020 Old School Date》

The Seven Gods of Matchmaking Safeguarding the City of Love

Writer│Huang Lin-Yin Photo│Cultural Affairs Bureau of Tainan City Government, Wang Yu-Ling, Tsai Chuang-Sheng

There are many temples in Tainan. Among them, the ones dedicated to Yue Lao, also known as the God of Matchmaking, are the most numerous in Taiwan! What is the most intriguing is that one can pick a specialized Yue Lao according to one's needs : for those who do not have a partner and want to find the right one, those who pray for a harmonious relationship between husband and wife, and even those who want to cut off the bad romance, the God of Matchmaking is the guardian deity who solves the worries of the believers and blesses their hearts with positive thoughts.

In Tainan’s Grand Guanyin Pavilion there is a statue of Yue Lao, the Buddhist god who serves as a matchmaker.

The 7th Day of the 7th Lunar Month

Legend has it that on Chihsi, the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, the Goddess of the Seven Stars reports the registry of unmarried men and women to the Heavenly Court. Yue Lao then sets out to match the people on the list with their Mr. and Mrs. Right with the red thread of marriage. Therefore, it is especially advisable to visit temples in Tainan around this time of year and ask for His blessing on your love life. So here we recommend you to pay a visit to the seven temples that worship the God of Matchmaking and leave a mark on the city map of love!

First Off, the Four Major God of Matchmakings in the Prefectural Capital

Sacrificial Rites Martial Temple : For those who are in unrequited love or looking for a partner, they can pay homage to the God of Matchmaking without taking a red thread. For those who want to take a step further with their sweethearts and seek marriage, they can directly ask for a red string and a packet of pink “fate powder” after worship. Finally, if your partner is fooling around, Yue Lao can "strike" their affairs with his walking cane. Tainan Grand Mazu Temple : The statue of Yue Lao here has a long history, dating back to the Ming Dynasty. It sits in the right-side room of Sacred Parents Hall, together with the Earth God. One of them is in charge of marriage, while the other harvest and prosperity. The presence of both gods in the same hall gives people a sense of peace of mind that both love and bread are taken care of. Single people throw divination blocks and ask for a red string to put in their pockets. When it disappears one day, that's the day the God of Matchmaking finds you a match! People believe that He blesses couples to further their relationship and eventually tie the knot. Grand Guanyin Pavilion and Official Xing-Ji Temple : According to legend, the Yue Lao at the Grand Guanyin Pavilion has a relatively larger mouth, symbolizing His eloquence and unmatched matchmaking skills. People call him "the Wide-Mouthed Yue Lao"! Therefore, it is especially recommended for singles so that the God of Matchmaking with a wide mouth can find you a good match. After worship, you can cast divination blocks to ask for a red packet with red threads and "fate powder."

Chongqing Temple : In the temple is a pot of vinegar passed down from the Qing Dynasty to the present day. It is most practical for those who already have a partner. If you are having issues in your relationship, or if your partner is unfaithful, stir the vinegar for the "Speedy Report Officer" to hear your worries. If you have no problem with your partner and want to pray for a smooth relationship, stir it clockwise three times. If you need to reconcile your old relationship and pray for a reunion, whisk it counterclockwise three times.

Visit the Three Great Gods of Matchmaking in the Suburbs

Luermen Tianhou Temple : Those who are single and seeking romance only need to pay their respects and do not need to ask for a red thread. However, if you want to ask for marriage, you can get a red bag from the God of Matchmaking by casting divination blocks and get a "yes" for a reply. Next, pass the bag over the incense burner and circle it three times clockwise; take it with you or put it under your pillow, just as at other temples. What is unique here is that you can light a "marriage lamp" as well. Then, once you get engaged or married, remember to come back and show gratitude to the God of Matchmaking. Orthodox Luermen Sheng Mu Temple : On your way to worship Yue Lao on the 3rd floor, you will see a testimonial wall covered with wedding photos. The glowing testimonies are proof of the God of Matchmaking’s success rate! The statue has two gourds, one on the marriage registry for releasing good fate and the other on the walking cane for recalling lousy romance. Unwed men and women pray for good prospects, and married couples wish for happy relationships. Before worshipping here, you have to fill out a form and read it to the God of Matchmaking. Only after throwing the divination blocks and getting a "yes" can you take the red thread and marriage bag from Him. Nankunshen Daitian Temple : Being the largest temple in Southern Taiwan, of course, its God of Matchmaking must be an all-rounder. The jade pendant hanging from the waist of the Yue Lao statue is a unique feature. Therefore He is also known as the "Jade Pendant Yue Lao." He holds a walking stick in his right hand and a marriage registry in his left. He helps the believers find suitable partners, slashes unwanted affairs with his walking stick, and blesses families. It is a comprehensive range of security that He provides.

Every year around Chihsi, the city offers various activities that give people a taste of the atmosphere of a city full of love and anticipation. Which elderly man with a white beard would you like to see this year? Talk to Him about your hopes for love, and maybe come back next year to thank Him with some sweet and happy news.

You can join creative market and musical events at Blueprint Cultural & Creative Park during the Tainan Chihsi Love Festival.

臺南 視野



文│黃怜穎 圖│臺南市政府文化局、王語羚、蔡宗昇 臺南廟宇多,其中祀奉月老的廟宇,更是全臺最多!最有意思的是,還能依據自己的需求,選擇對應的 月老:沒有對象要找正緣的、祈求夫婦感情和睦的、甚至求斬爛桃花的,月下老人是為信眾感情煩惱解 惑、加持心靈正念的守護神。


傳說七夕時七星娘娘會向天庭報上未婚男女名冊,由月老星君牽姻緣紅線 —— 將名冊上個性條件合適 的人配成對,所以特別適合在七夕前後,拜訪臺南各廟別具特色的月老神尊,也拜託祂老人家多多關 照啦。以下為各位善男信女特選幸運數字「七」—— 走訪七間月老廟,連線愛情城市地圖!


臺灣祀典武廟:無論是單戀中、想找男女朋友的,不用拿紅線,可向月老拜拜即可,想跟意中人更進一 步、求姻緣的,拜拜完不需擲筊,可直接索取一條紅線和一包粉紅色緣粉(緣份之意)。已有對象的 人呢,遇上伴侶桃花多多,可讓手持拐杖的月老星君「棒打」孽緣。

全臺祀典大天后宮:據說月老神像歷史非常悠久,源自明代,跟土地公福德正神同在聖父母殿的右側室, 一神掌管姻緣,另一神掌管五穀豐收財源廣進,二神同在一殿,給人能保佑兼顧愛情與麵包的安心感。單 身者擲筊求紅線,隨身放口袋裡,當有天紅線不見,也就是月老幫你牽起紅線的那一天!也被認為能為交 往中的情人加持進而結連理。

大觀音亭暨祀典興濟宮:相傳大觀音亭的月老神尊嘴形比例較大,代表其能言善道、說媒功力無人能 比,大家叫祂「闊嘴月老」!所以特別推薦給單身無對象的男女前往,讓闊嘴月老為您說媒牽起美好 良緣。拜拜完可擲筊求有紅線和緣粉的姻緣紅包袋。

寧南坊重慶寺:這裡有缸從清代流傳至今的「醋」,推薦給已經有伴侶的信眾們。感情路上若與對方 失和、甚有第三者介入,當攪動廟裡的「醋矸」時,就是在向「速報司」報告來意;和對方沒有什麼問題 想祈求維持感情順利,採順時針攪3圈;需要重修舊好、祈願破鏡重圓,則是逆時針攪3圈。


鹿耳門天后宮:單身求桃花者,只要拜拜即可,不需索取紅線,想求姻緣,則拜拜完擲筊,求得一聖杯可 索取月下老人紅包袋;跟其他廟宇相同,將姻緣袋過香爐,順時針繞3圈,隨身攜帶或置放枕頭下。比較 特殊的是這裡還有「姻緣燈」可點,無論許願還是點燈促成良緣時,記得在訂婚/結婚後要回到廟裡參拜 月老答謝一番。

正統鹿耳門聖母廟:拜月老往 3 樓走,一路上可見證牆上貼滿一對對佳人前來答謝月老所留下的結婚照小 卡,壯觀程度跟月老靈驗程度成正比!聖母廟月老神像有鴛鴦譜和拐杖上兩只葫蘆,一只放出良緣,另一 只是用來收爛桃花用的,未婚男女祈求正緣,已婚夫婦賜福美滿。這裡拜前要先填單,需照著內文唸給月 老聽,拜完擲筊、擲出聖杯才能從月老神尊手中取走紅線與姻緣袋。

南鯤鯓代天府:臺南面積最大的廟宇,當然也得有全方位多功能的月老囉!代天府月老腰間玉佩掛著姻緣 線是其特色,也有人稱「玉佩月老」,金「玉」良緣是月老的祝福。祂右拿拐杖、左拿姻緣簿,不只加持 為信眾尋找合適的另一半,也以拐杖痛斬第三者爛桃花,保佑家庭順遂,正是全方位的守護。

每年七夕前後,總期待著這城的各種活 動,讓人體會到愛情城市的氛圍。今年 想去找哪位白鬍子老爺爺呢?跟祂說說 對愛情的想望,明年也許回來答謝甜蜜 蜜的幸福消息。


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