August 2019

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Thomas Corbin EDITOR Yvette Seabrone


Thomas Corbin


Contact P : (757) 348-6636

Thanks to all of our vendors for a very successful event. See you in 2020.


in Hampton Roads

and professional level. She reminisces of the days when she started to go to Karaoke. She explained how Karaoke enabled her to overcome her stage fright. She explained that previously when she would even sing in church that she would just cry. Four years of Kareoke was the remedy! Soon after she went into the studio and began recording.

La’Nique’s latest work is the album Love & Intermissions, that The RnB songstress,

Norfolk, VA. La’Nique

La’Nique, is originally

has been singing almost

from Queens, New York.

her whole life but

She moved to Hampton,

approximately twelve

VA when she was 12 years

years ago she decided

old. Currently she and her

to follow her heart

producer husband lives in

musically on a serious

released May 18th. of 2019. This collection of soulful songs brings the Rhythm and Blues back to the RnB genre. She worked closely with her producer and husband on majority

of this project. The songs collectively walk the listener through a relatable journey of love and intermissions of relationships--and also the healing and happiness that comes eventually. Love and Intermissions is available and can be listened to on all music platforms. La’Nique isn’t just a musical queen with a captivating soultry voice. She is also a radio personality aside co-host Shuntell Diverse, DJ Lil Joe, shows creator and producer CEO P, station owners Red Carpet Capo and Nicole Buckley. You can catch the show on (app available) every Wednesday at 8pm-9pm. There is also the monthly showcase, that

she has been hosting, along with cohost {and singer) Shuntell Diverse. for a year at the West Beach Tavern -- Located at 5000 Cleveland St., Virginia Beach, VA. The Back 2 RnB with La’Nique Showcase is held generally every last Saturday of the month. She also does side shows with Capri Lawrence. La’Nique additionally runs her full-figured fashion brand, called respectfully, Thick Lucious Chick. Keep up with La’Nique and all the updates via social media--FB:Lakeisha La’Nique Napper IG: LaNiqueMusic IG: @Back2RNB_

H ea l ing From Bet rayal Webster’s definition: To hurt (someone who trusts you, such as a friend or relative) by not giving help or by doing something morally wrong. “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.” ~Unknown By definition, when someone commits an act of betrayal, we are going to experience emotional pain. Our world is going to turn upside down, we have to grieve the loss of our interpretation of who the betrayer was, understand the more realistic interpretation of who the betrayer is based on his/her actions, forgive ourselves for whatever we blame ourselves for, heal and move forward. “Forgive yourself for the blindness that let others betray you. Sometimes a good heart doesn’t see the bad.” ~Unknown Now, if we add codependency to this mix, I propose the healing is more difficult, may take longer, and requires working on our codependency issues. Let’s go back to the definition we have been using for codependency: a system of distortions that exists on a continuum. Codependents learn personality traits that interfere with knowing one’s self and others. Codependents take care of others, often ignoring or tolerating their abuse, avoiding confrontation, and enabling the “bad” behavior.

Three very important components of codependency are: putting others concerns before our own concerns, needing others to like us for us to have self esteem, and an irrational need to avoid conflict. When any or all of these are operating, we are not taking care of ourselves. It is not a contradiction for us to take care of ourselves and then address others concerns, build our own self-esteem and feel good when others like to be around us, or learn how to face confrontation and use de-escalating practices. Think about these concepts and see where you honestly assess yourself. If we do not have the tools to take care of ourselves first, build our own self-esteem, and handle conflict, we are going to be hit hard when we are betrayed by a love one. Betrayal hits everyone hard, but if we are fragile before it arrives we are really going to be knocked down emotionally. If we add a long history with the person (thinking you could trust them) – e.g. Elizabeth Edwards with her husband Senator JohnFree Web Content, or any long marriage/family relationship/friendship where the person is someone you felt you could trust – betrayal is going to be devastating. The grieving process becomes more challenging when there is a long history. Betrayal is not gender specific

T h e P ure He ar t Show Stefon Penn, also known as, Dat Artist has a mag-

but your heart is pure.” That

nificiently eccentric art gallery located in Norfolk,

quote merged within him

VA at Military Circle Mall. The Pure Heart Show

and the words (along with


his deep and personal journey of the nuber 13) became

Dat Artist opened his gallery to the public on August

art that is now the logo for

31, 2018. The 31 year old artist defines his interest-

Dat Artist and The Pure

ing artwork as free expression. At the age of 25 he

Heart Show.

began to take what was a hobby from the early age

August 2019 will mark the 1

of 2, and took his talent on as his life’s career. He

year anniversary of the The

had worked as a tattoo artist and a musician, but

Pure Heart Show Gallery,

painting and repurposing items was the true depths

which will be celebrated

of his talents. He was ready to explore fully into

with a remodeling of the gal-

destiny. He wanted to be able to say at 50 years old

lery and a special art show

that he could wake up and love what he was doing.

exhibit. To keep informed of

He said he let himself dream without doubt. He

the event connect on Face-

dreamed of himself traveling the world doing huge

book and Instagram: Dat

art shows,and picking up other artists to come along

Artist. Go visit the energy

with him (not just painters, but also musicians) for

of The Pure Heart Show

these artful events. He decided to take his journey

Gallery at Military Circle

and then he created his logo. The logo he created ex-

Mall --- open weekends

plains in high volume. Dat Artist stated that a close

12pm-close. Dat Artist also

relative had said to him once, “Your mind is tainted

conducts art classes called Dat Art Classes. Youth art clasess (ages 8-13yrs) are held Sundays 12pm-4pm (Mar.- Sept.). He will also do adult classes from September through April. For more info for Dat Art Class as well as paint parties call: 757504-0885. Dat Artist / The Pure Heart Show Gallery Military Circle Mall -- Norfolk, VA Ph: 757-504-0885 FB/Instagram: Dat Artist

ment to depression.”


Mental illness is pervasive too. As I started doing more research on my condition, I learned that

B ip o l a r De p res s ion. It’ s OK t o t alk abo u t it . Mental illness is relent-

“It was never some-

less. Patients and their

thing that I didn’t

days and restless nights

know was there through the years. I began to look over my relationships from the past

caregivers face stressful - filled with profound physical and emotional challenges. For me, a patient with bipolar disorder, life was like being on a roller coaster, rotating mercilessly out of control.

and begin to see a

“After being diagnosed

pattern. I began

was in the middle of a

to realize that in many cases I was the common de-

with bipolar disorder, I manic cycle and barely sleeping a couple hours a night, if at all, sometimes I would just lay in the bed hoping for an emotional

nominator. Luckily

miracle that would snap

I began a relation-

tions controlled me. I was

me back into life.My emo-

ship with a partner

living on a roller coaster

that understood.”

from happines, excite-

that was moving quickly

I am one of millions of Americans - over 46 million, in fact - whose lives are impacted by mental health conditions. That equals one in every five adults 18 years of age and older in the U.S. who suffers from mental illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Younger people are similarly affected, as nearly half of adolescents between the ages of 13-18 will experience a mental illness. Staggering financial toll The burden of mental illness is further ominous when viewed through the lens of its financial consequences. According to an editorial in the American Journal of Psychiatry, serious mental illnesses cost patients more than $193 billion per year in lost earnings. The overall health care delivery

system is impacted as

ence, I know how black

well. The NIMH reports

men grow up in culture

that mental health care

that tells us “men are not

expenditures are the

supposed to cry,” that we

third most costly medical

“should deal with prob-

condition, behind heart

lems on our own.” This

conditions and trauma,

only enforces the idea

and tied with cancer.

that it’s not okay for us to

Globally, the World Health

say we are hurting inside.

Organization projects that

I’ve spoken to countless

depression will become

friends who, out of fear

the largest health burden

of being labeled as weak

by 2030.

or less than a man, don’t want to acknowledge or

In spite of these dynam-

vocalize any of their pains.

ics, there is reason for

This is true for me as

optimism for improved

well, as there have been

treatment of mental

moments in my life when

illness and positive pa-

I was afraid of sharing my

tient outcomes.

true emotional well-being (or lack thereof) to close

In the black community,

family and friends.

there is a negative stigma

I encourage individuals

surrounding mental

who are trying to manage

health. Instead of seeking

their “issues” on their

professional help for

own, to trust the process.

conditions such as depres-

Treat your mental health

sion and anxiety, many in

and wellbeing as aggres-

the community resort to

sively as you would any

self-medication (drugs,

other illness. It’s ok. If you

opioids, alcohol, etc.) or

or a loved one would like

isolation in an attempt to

support with managing

solve their problems on

your mental health and

their own. This issue of

well-being don’t be afraid

masking pain is especially

to speak to you primary

prevalent amongst black

care doctor. For more


information please call me

Speaking from experi-

at (757) 348-6636.

Home flipping experts reveal the story of their first renovation Like a first kiss, first car or first day of school, entrepreneurs and home renovation experts Ashley and Andy Williams will never forget completing their first home renovation project. “That day began as all our days do - with organized chaos,” Ashley said. “We got our two kids ready for school amid a mad dash of ensuring book bags were packed, homework was done and items for after-school activities were all in their proper places. We also made sure that our own gobag for the day was filled with almonds, water and fruit in case a hot property hit the market. As busy parents and entrepreneurs, we need the energy that almonds provide so we can stay on our A-game from school drop-offs, house hunting and everything in between.” They took the scenic route around town looking for a project to take on. That’s when they saw it: a home that had been sitting on the market for 236 days, looked like a time capsule from 1976 (complete with wallpaper and original kitchen appliances) - but had incredible potential to be transformed into a place that any family would want to call home. Just like the feeling of falling in love, they said they knew it was the right project for them. They immediately called the listing agent to arrange a meeting with the sellers and sketched out their proposed vision. The sellers felt their passion for the property, and

the deal was sealed. Then, the work began. It turned out that the 1970s charm they loved about the house was the same thing that threw them curveballs at every turn. From the outdated plumbing and HVAC systems to the decades-old wiring to the foundation and flooring - the house needed a huge overhaul to conform with modern building codes. Those first few weeks of the renovation were long and tiring, but productive. Once the bones of the house were up to code, they turned to the interior. From choosing family-friendly, durable kitchen appliances to finding the perfect color laminate that would run from room to room, they poured their hearts into this renovation - just as they had with their own home years prior. Then finally, after five months of hard work, it was time to put what had become their second home on the market. “We brought our kiddos over to put the finishing touches on the staging and by the end of the week, we sold the home to a young family who appreciated the charm and design of the home as much as we did,” Ashley said. Passion. Hard work. Positivity. Family.

That’s what “owning their everyday” means to the Williams family. How will you turn your everydays into memorable moments? https://scontent.forf1-2.fna. jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_oc=AQmLzrG_S0d1YTrCx-YwxZ5Eka3nqDjQHvS0XmU-TdLUoeZ-X2L5GTJ_O78riKK6DQ&_nc_ht=scontent. forf1-2.fna&oh=ff4286f3f43c8e7ffafd921f30e94392&oe=5D911E7D jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_oc=AQmLzrG_S0d1YTrCx-YwxZ5Eka3nqDjQHvS0XmU-TdLUoeZ-X2L5GTJ_O78riKK6DQ&_nc_ht=scontent.forf1-2. fna&oh=ff4286f3f43c8e7ffafd921f30e94392&oe=5D911E7D

POWERHOUSE BOXING Journalist: M. Yvette Seabrone

The Powerhouse Boxing and Kickboxing gym is not only a gym that builds professional fighters. This facility brings to the Tidewater area a few other amenities that you can’t always find at your local boxing gym. Owner and personal trainer, Coach Bryant (along with his family) and co-owner, Coach B., has created a place of fitness for all. Powerhouse houses all accredited trainers. One trainer inparticularly that has reigned as a renowned Lightweight Champion and Super Welterweight Champion -- Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker. There’s also trainer Brian Collette, an advance Muay Thai Kickboxer. The gym teaches both the Muay Thai style as well as American style. Powerhouse Boxing accommodates to those that wish to add a higher level of fitness to their lifestyle. The gym’s programs cater not only to the individual boxer, but there are classes setup to also cater to women and children as well. This could be a new and healthy way to have family night! Coach Bryant explained how the gym was much more than a fantastic boxing facility. Powerhouse offers a place for people, especially women, with weight loss goals. One of the major classes is the Cardio Bag class. There’s also the 30 minute Box and Burn. This exciting and vigorous workout is geared to burning all those unwanted calories. An innovative way to get that body right for the summer! Then there is the Saturday morning, “Women’s Cardio Class.” These classes are solely for women. This special class allows femailes to feel completely comfortable in their workout session with just the ladies! The Women’s Cardio Class is held every Saturday morning at 10 AM. If you wish to

have more of a one-on-one, Coach Bryant offers personal training sessions as well. Keep in mind I did say that Powerhouse can be a place for the entire family; that includes the kids! The children’s training program teaches boxing techniques, strengthens confidence, and positively focuses on team building. Annually they also carry a summer camp. The children and parents look to their gym family not just as trainers or coaches, but as mentors --- as family. Powerhouse offers even more perks for their younger members with the area called, “The Kids’ Room.” This area is a place for studying afterschool and before training; or for kids to gather after training sessions if they are waiting for their parent’s session to end. This is a significant benefit for the families that become members! Believe it or not there are even more bonuses with your membership to Powerhouse Gym. Personal trainers will even travel. There soon will be meal planning. There’s also the opportunity to upgrade your membership to include a joint membership with Flex Gym; which is for weight lifting and body building. If you’re already a Flex Gym member you can upgrade that membership for a small additional fee to include your Powerhouse Boxing membership. Take the time to visit Powerhouse Boxing and Kickboxing gym located at 4718 Princess A Powerhouse Boxing and Kickboxing Gym Owner: Coach Bryant and Coach B.

Ask about our Waist Trainers!

Front and center: The effort to



(BPT) - Cannabis is having a moment. This plant - the focus of legal debate, strong emotion and great confusion currently finds itself front and center in American pop culture, in Congress and in households across the country. Where cannabis is not currently is an even larger issue, as many argue it has life or death consequences. Cannabis is the plant that produces marijuana - high in THC, or the element that has psychotropic effects. The same plant is manufactured to produce CBD, derived from industrial hemp that’s low

in THC (less than .03 percent) with no psychotropic effects. And yet, the federal government treated both marijuana and hemp as a schedule one drug until late 2018 when Congress passed the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill allows hemp to be grown as an agricultural crop. Hemp has many uses, but in 2018 a World Health Organization (WHO) report showed that CBD derived from industrial hemp has multiple health benefits, including alleviating PTSD, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, seizures and migraines, among others. More importantly, The WHO showed CBD had no addictive impact. Additionally, U.S. patent 6630507 also states the medical benefits of CBD. “I’ve lost more friends from suicide since I’ve been out than I did in combat,” said Malachias Gaskin, former Army combat medic. “I want to ask, why would we prescribe medications where some of the side effects are suicide, then question why we lose 22 soldiers a day to suicide?” Gaskin is one of thousands of veterans who are questioning why the Veterans Administration is not allowed to prescribe CBD derived from industrial hemp as an alternative to addictive opioids. Currently, an estimated 22 veterans per day commit suicide. Suicidal thoughts are a known byproduct of opioids, of which the VA is the largest prescriber in the United States. “I was on multiple VA-prescribed drugs,” said Gaskin. “Due to the issues related to my bursitis, my arm was in a sling when a buddy told me about CBD. I got a bottle of 300 mg. After taking it twice a day for three days, I was back in the gym, lifting my full weight.” Gaskin said CBD also helped him get much needed sleep, devoid of nightmares. Currently, the 116th Congress is con-

sidering multiple bills aimed at medical cannabis; however, none of them is focused solely on medicinal hemp, the one element that could legally be pushed through thanks to the Farm Bill. “Hemp is now federally legal. There’s nothing stopping the VA from studying it,” said Steve Danyluk, founder, Warfighter Hemp and author, The 2019 Medicinal Hemp Research Act. “So, what’s the holdup? Every day we wait, more veterans are dying.” Danyluk founded Warfighter Hemp in 2017 after retiring as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Marines. His last tour was working wounded issues at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, which opened his eyes to the opioid impact on veterans. He knew there had to be a better solution. He’s working with legislators to introduce the 2019 Medicinal Hemp Research Act, which would allow the VA to study CBD derived from industrial hemp and ultimately prescribe CBD as it currently does other supplements. “CBD derived from industrial hemp can be easily sourced and provided to veterans and anyone suffering from chronic pain. We have hundreds of testimonials that it works. We now need Congress to do the work to pass a bill forcing the VA to study it,” said Danyluk. Warfighter Hemp grows its hemp on Colorado’s largest organic hemp farm. This 100 percent organic, U.S.-grown hemp results in high-quality CBD, of critical importance, as some CBD is shipped from overseas under unknown conditions. Fifty percent of Warfighter Hemp proceeds go to support veteran charities. To learn more about what you can do to help get the 2019 Medicinal Hemp Research Act introduced and passed, visit to complete a form and send to your Congress person.

You’re not alone: How to recognize and support kids with anxiety and ADHD

(BPT) - Does your child seem anxious about school? Is it something beyond typical stress? A big challenge for parents is figuring out where to turn for support and information when their kids are struggling. Parents often wonder whether it’s anxiety or some other issue making school difficult. For instance, some symptoms of ADHD can look like anxiety. According to the CDC, it’s not unusual for a child to have both: 1 in 3 kids who have ADHD also have anxiety. Find support It’s easy to feel alone when your child has anxiety or ADHD - or when you’re starting to suspect that your child is struggling with something like this. Many parents crave connection with others who understand what they’re going through. Today, families can find community through resources like Understood’s new podcast, “In It.” In each episode, families and experts provide insights about the joys and challenges of raising the 1 in 5 kids in the U.S. with learning



and attention issues, anxiety and related concerns. “We want families and educators to feel like they’re not alone,”

says Amanda Morin, co-host of the

Is anxiety a sign of something else?

podcast. “This journey has enough challenges as it is, so we wanted to

Without a formal evaluation, it can be

create a space for further support and

hard to tell if anxiety is the root of your


child’s struggles, or if the anxiety points to something else - like a learning or at-

Know the signs of anxiety

tention issue. If anxiety is the root of your

If you’re worried your child may have

child’s struggles, knowing this can help

anxiety, it’s important to be familiar

you understand other ways your child may

with signs of anxiety in kids. This

be struggling.

includes behaviors like: That’s what happened for comedian Dena * Saying “what if ” a lot and worrying

Blizzard. On a recent episode, Blizzard

about the future

shared how she realized her daughter’s

* Being unable to relax or concentrate

anxiety might be an indicator of other

* Getting angry without any clear

issues. “We had finally gotten her anxiety


under control, but I started to notice

* Frequently complaining of head-

her difficulty with comprehension. Even

aches and stomachaches

though no one agreed with me, I trusted my instinct and had her evaluated for

Keep an eye on when and why your

learning disabilities.” Her daughter was

child gets anxious and look for

found to have auditory processing issues,

patterns. What was happening right

a learning disability, specifically with

before your child got anxious? Was he

problems with comprehension and work-

trying to organize his backpack? Was

ing memory, and ADHD.

she nervous about starting an assignment and saying things like, “What

Not all kids with anxiety have learning

if I pick the wrong topic?” While

and attention issues like ADHD. These are

everyone experiences anxiety some-

different conditions and they’re addressed

times, excessive worry that is difficult

in different ways - even if they exist

to control may rise to the level of an

together. Parents can look for patterns and

anxiety disorder.

consult with teachers, doctors and mental health professionals to determine whether

Keeping track of what you’re seeing

their child has a learning and attention

will help you understand your child’s

issue, anxiety or both.

struggles. It can also help you frame your concerns for your child’s doctor

To learn more, find the podcast wherever

or mental health specialist.

you listen to podcasts. Visit for more information.

Pro cr a s ti n ation

Nothing, nothing at all, will screw you up more than putting off until tomorrow the important things you know must be done today. If “Tomorrow”, “I meant to get it done”, “I have so many other things to do”,” When does it have to be done”, “It is never too late”, “I need more information - facts - statistics”, “It has to be perfect”, “ I am afraid it will not be good enough” blah, blah, blah, are part of your own internal communications, you are a procrastinator, and you will not succeed to the extent your abilities, personal and technical skill sets, education and energy would otherwise allow you to succeed. Every day we all see people with average abilities and education and all the other measures we use to qualify our fellow human beings, succeeding while other much more “qualified” people stay in place, or slide back, or make less progress than the less endowed. What’s the difference? Procrastination is a major culprit -in fact ‘ the major culprit. It may be caused by the usual culprits. Fear, perfectionism, conflicting priorities, confusing busy with effective, placing importance on the wrong things. In every case, the result is performance that doesn’t meet expectations. I suggest that the successful live in today, and procrastinators live in yesterday and tomorrow - today is the bridge backward or forward for procrastinators. Remember the song in Annie - the movie and the Broadway play. “The sun will come up tomorrow -------”. The saying “Tomorrow is another day”. The thought - “It’s never too late”.

All of those phrases are very encouraging,

Perhaps the action is finally picking up the

very comforting. They mean there is hope - if

phone and calling that person you have

it wasn’t done today, well, there’s always

meant to stay in touch with. Perhaps it is


that trip to the gym that has been delayed

The truth is there may not be a tomorrow - it

for three months. Perhaps it is starting the

might very well be too late. The sun may not

first step in getting your tax information

come up tomorrow. And what’s wrong with


today, anyway? Maybe a more accurate truth is the saying “ He who hesitates is lost.”

In any case, it is taking action to do

That’s the truth.

something that you know you must do and fighting that little message that says

Procrastinators are time optimists - they

- “There is always tomorrow”. And turning

rationalize not getting things done by telling

your back on that message the first time

themselves there is always tomorrow. In

- and then the second time - and then the

doing that they rob themselves of today. And

thousandth time - and then ---. And then

today becomes another day of frustration and

you will be well on your way to your new

the accomplishment of thin things. Make no

habit of thought - a habit that tells you “

mistake, most procrastinators are very busy

Today is all I have, and I have not a mo-

and may be the people who work more hours

ment to lose.”

than any others. But they aren’t effective. And they usually get the fewest critical opportunities to accomplish important things, because of the low level of trust others have in their performing on a timely basis. So what can be done about this truly destructive behavior that afflicts millions of people, and impacts success in every business? The toughest issue with procrastination, in its many forms, is that it’s a habit of thought . It does not respond well to surgery, or the purchase of books, CD’s and other materials stuffed with hope and revelations and epiphanies. This is the true challenge - to replace the Tomorrow habit of thought with another habit- one that creates a Today habit of thought. But the only way to do it is through action.

But why it is essential to have a great career with a dream job. Well, I will tell you the reasons for the same such as: • It helps in offering you a good quality lifestyle. • It helps in inspiring you towards the other life goals. • It helps in providing financial stability to the person and many more. Well, do you know that as per the statistics it has been found that only 40% of people in the age group of 26-30 years are well aware of their dream job? But they are not actually aware of the ways to get one. Hence, let’s start discussions about the five essential steps to take today so that you can grab your dream job tomorrow. 1. Start by Clearing thoughts about Your Dream Job At first before grabbing or working towards your dream job. You need to know about your dream job. The following questions are the ones which need to answer to know your dream job: - Think about the industry in which you want to grab a job. - The salary you may want to grab. - The location you prefer for the job. - The nature of the job and skills required for the same. You need to look at the other perks and benefits too that come up in a job i.e. other than salary like employee benefits, working culture and many more These are the few things which can help you to clear your thoughts about the type of dream job you may wish so. Hence you need to get clear on the above things and then has to prepare yourself towards the road of getting



the particular job which you dream off. For instance, if someone is interested in a sales job as his or her dream job. Then they will start preparing for the exam which needs to be clear for getting the particular sales job. One of the essential things one needs to find is the self-awareness about your own need or requirement. 2. Build a Secure Network of Professionals Many people aren’t willing to leave their range of familiarity to try genuine endeavors networking. In any case, what they don’t understand is that meeting new people is the secret of having a meaningful connection that can get your name at the highest point of the hire list. When you got companions in high places, they can send one email or telephone call, and you’re good to go to land your dream position. Furthermore, it’s just through network administration you can in some cases skip past the application and meeting process by and large to get a position. What’s more, have you thought of influencing a network to push through LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter? Hiring specialist and managers are also on these platform for their own particular reasons. Thus you should merely start engaging with them and their substance by leaving reactions. Finally, you just improve at networking the more you do it and the more individuals you know. Apart from this, you should also use the right Job Search Apps to find your dream job. 3. Comprehend What all it Takes for a Dream Job In case, if you need a dream job, you have to work hard for it. As it is not the case where directly apply today and get it tomorrow. You will need to realize what the activity prerequisites are and vital plans you need to get it. Separating precisely what it is you have to do will likewise diminish your sentiment of being overpowered. So you need to research what you need to have. And then make contact or talk with the individuals who are already working in the

position which you want to have so that to know the criteria and situation of the same position. For instance, in the event that you want to be a teacher, at that point choose how you will get the teaching abilities. 4. Enhance Your Skills As per this, you need to enhance your skills as per your dream job requirement so that you need to qualify for the potion. Therefore all you need to search job for the requirements and qualification required for the particular job and start enhancing your skills and qualifications in the same manner. For example: If someone wants to grab a higher management position in the reputable MNC and then he needs to have a recognized management degree from the prominent institutes such as MBA from IIMA etc. Other than this if a particular position required X years of experience than you need to work on the same accordingly so that you should qualify all the way for your dream position. 5. Apply for the Job With Full Confidence When you’ve done everything as yet, the main thing left to do is to unquestionably convey your identity, what all you can do for the industry or company you are applying for. All you need is to present yourself with full confidence. As if you are confident in yourself and your skills, then you will be surely able to grab your dream position in your dream company. Thus all you need to remember here is to be confident about yourself and your qualifications to get the potion. Therefore, start preparing yourself for getting your dream job in the future with all the above-mentioned points. If you don’t have a lot of time for job searching, and you don’t want to be stuck to your laptop so you should also use some most popular jobs apps too which can make it easy to browse opportunities anytime , anywhere.

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