Seven Magazine Buttar

Page 1

Issue 23 - Aug






Buttarcups Fancy Face painting// Granny’s Country Cooking

elite women care Dr. Kiesha Burfoot


At the top of your GAME

Sabrina Sutton Your GA Real Estate Specialist

Infamous Tattoo

Editor’s Notes


f you are in business for yourself, I am sure that your ultimate goal is SUCCESS! The formula — if there is such a thing — is preparedness. You must carefully prepare to reach success both mentally and physically. Mental preparation is the first and most important step in succeeding. The reason for this is because you will need to face and get beyond your fears and the fears that other people try to give you. Yes, you can be affected by other people’s fears if you are not careful. To mentally prepare for business, face all fears and everything else that concerns you. Write it out and work through it until you have resolved each issue. Don’t underestimate the advantage of surrounding yourself with successful business people. There’s an old saying “success breeds success.” Join organizations where you can locate these folks. Do whatever you have to do to keep your confidence up and your entrepreneurial spirit high. Preparing for success takes time, effort


Big Murph

Tattoo Supplies



Water Plus


“You’re full of it..”


“Artist making moves.”

Latoya Corbin

You’re full of it... Your body is approximately 70% water by volume. The primary functions of water are to transport nutrients, lubricate the joints and organs, regulate temperature and to transport waste material.

Transporting of Nutrients

Oxygen enters your body through the lungs (80% water) to be carried by your blood (90% water). Blood also transports food nutrients from your digestive system. All food must be reduced to a liquid in order to be absorbed into the blood stream. Blood then nourishes our organs (7080%) along with other tissues such as muscle (76%) and bone (20%).

Lubrication Water literally prevents our organs from sticking together. It provides lubrication to tissue and the cartilage (55%) between joints. Your brain is 80% water.

Temperature regulation Temperature is regulated by the evaporation of sweat, which results in the cooling of the skin’s surface. Breathing also contributes to heat loss and while not always apparent; you can lose a pint or more of water vapor daily through your breath. You see evidence of this during cold weather.

Transporting of waste material The kidneys excrete dissolved body waste in the form of urine. Excess water in the colon is recycled into the body. However, too little water in the colon will result in constipation.

Water purity through distillation

most surface and groundwater contains trace amounts of such contaminants as arsenic, lead, carbon tetrachloride, PCBs, raw sewage, industrial wastes and radioactive material. Even treated municipal water sources, while considered safe, may contain added chemicals; such as, chlorine and ammonia, in order to kill bacteria and viruses.

Leaching of minerals from the body

This is a very inaccurate description of distilled water allowing the body to cleanse itself. When you drink purer water, your kidneys deposit more waste material into Through what is known as the hydrolog- your urine. Because distilled water is cleanic cycle, water from lakes, ponds, oceans er, the body can get rid of more toxins, just and other surface bodies of water evapo- as a clean mop can pick up more dirt. rates into the air. This moisture returns to earth as “pure” water in the form of *Consuming a liquid (coffee, tea, soft drink, precipitation (rain, sleet, snow, etc.) beer, etc.) is not the same as drinking This water is pure and only becomes water. Whenever you add something to or contaminated by pollution in the air or produce something from water, it becomes upon falling back to the ground. The a food product that must then be digested; hydrologic cycle is the natural way of thus, producing waste material to be elimicleansing water and it is the very process nated by the kidneys. It is recommended duplicated by distillation; wherein, that we consume 6 to 12 glasses of water water is heated until it becomes a vapor each day, depending on body weight to (steam) and cooled in a condensing coil. maintain optimal health. It is then filtered and recaptured as pure water. Contaminants remain in the boil- WaterPlus of Virginia ing tank and are discarded. 757.466.7293 Dixie Square Shopping Center 5950 Poplar Hall Drive, Norfolk, VA 23502

What about minerals?

The purpose of water is not to feed the body. There are no minerals found in spring, mineral or well water that can not be found more abundantly in foods. Minerals from foods are organic minerals; which means, they are from a “living” source, not inorganic forms found as dirt, rock or soil. The body only uses minerals from live sources. In addition,

Sabrina Sutton



abrina Sutton-Bryant has been a Realtor for 9 years. She is a member of the National Association of Realtors. As a Realtor, Sabrina has taken an oath to be loyal and trustworthy. When asked if she had a motto she stated, “I am the consultant of a winning team.” Her goal is to have a lasting relationship with her clients so when they think of real estate they will think of her. Sabrina specializes in military relocation and is proud to serve military families relocating to Georgia. As a member of the Armed Forces, you are eligible for and you will receive special consideration, benefits and savings when you decide to purchase or sell a home with Sabrina. For your service to our country you are entitled to cash back and special savings on the cost of your next real estate transaction purchased or sold. With the changes that have occurred in the real estate market over the past few years, Sabrina explains that low home prices combined with low interest rates make this the best time in years to become a real-estate investor. If you are thinking about becoming an investor it is important to have an expert like Sabrina to guide you through the process

and assist you to make well informed decisions regarding your investment. “The current real estate market is also great for first time homebuyers. Buying your first home has many benefits. You’ll become part of a community, experience the security of owning the roof over your head, and have the opportunity to create a home that meets your needs and style”, says Sabrina. She continues, “In Georgia this is the best time for you to get more “house” for your money. It’s a great time to invest because prices are at their lowest. It’s a buyer’s market. There are more houses at a cheaper price and people can purchase houses up to 50% less than what they previously sold for”.

grow your asset. Gain potential tax benefits - Your mortgage interest and real estate property taxes are usually tax deductible when you file your income tax returns. (Consult a tax advisor.) Build your credit - Making on-time mortgage payments can help you create and keep up a strong credit history. Take control - Rent increases, cancelled leases and other unexpected tenant hassles will be things of the past.

Sabrina’s advice to those with credit challenges is to start now. “Take a moment to look at your credit, income, and where you want to live. Don’t be afraid to be a homeowner”. Although home ownership is a dream for many, some may feel as First time homebuyers are provided with a though they are not financially capable free seminar that explains the home buying of purchasing a home at this time. Credit process. This seminar allows the first time challenges may hinder the home buying home buyers the opportunity to talk to process; however, bad credit should not be home inspectors and lenders who share viewed as a permanent obstacle. As a part valuable information about down-payment of her services, Sabrina refers individuals assistance and other programs that are who are in need of credit repair to credit offered in various counties. I asked her, if repair specialist who are knowledgeable there were additional benefits of becoming and experienced at evaluating your a first-time homebuyer? With ease she credit report and providing sound explained, as a first time homebuyer you recommendations that will improve and will: increase your credit score. Sabrina’s trusted Build home equity - Unlike rent, the credit specialists will work with you for 6 principal portion of every mortgage to 12 months towards getting your credit payment you make has the potential to strong.


merica has a serious drug problem, but it’s not the one you might be thinking about. The problem is not illegal drugs or drug abuse, but rather an alarming percentage of Americans who do not take their prescriptions as instructed. The impact of non-adherence, beyond patient outcomes, is as significant source of waste in our healthcare system. For some people, a lack of symptoms coupled with denial, or high out-of-

CONTINUED Sabrina recommends that a person wanting to purchase a For Sale by Owner home contact her to represent them as a Buyer’s Agent. Since the seller of the home pays for it –there is no cost to the buyer. Why not have a Buyer’s Agent to protect your interest? Visit to read 50 Reasons Why You Need a Buyer’s Agent. pocket costs or concerns over potential side effects make them less inclined to even fill their prescriptions let alone adhere to medications. However, experts also agree that a substantial portion of the non-adherence problem is inadvertent. “Many patients are dealing with multiple medications, all in nearly identical containers, but each one with a different set of dosage instructions,” says Ian Salditch, CEO of Medicine-On Time. “It’s a recipe for mistakes all of which could be addressed through better prescription packaging.” Using Medicine-On-Time, pharmacists will sort and organize medications into personalized pill cups labeled with the day, date and time to take them. In addition, the packaging is designed to be easily opened by the frail and elderly. Background information and specific details about customized packaging can be found on the company’s website, www.

Sabrina is ready to help you through every stage of homeownership – as you plan to buy, when you purchase and even after you own your home. From your mortgage application to your move, Sabrina is with you every step of the way.

Sabrina Bryant-Sutton


nfamous Tattoos is the realized vision of Frank “Nitti” Johnson. Born and raised in New Jersey, Nitti (as he is referred to by friends, family and clients) moved to Atlanta in 1996 to pursue his career in carpentry. Yes, I said carpentry. You may be asking yourself (as I did) how does someone go from being a carpenter to owning a booming tattoo business? The answer: One ink at time. Nitti’s business started out of his house, then moved to a small room in a barber shop, then to a larger room in a larger barber shop, until the traffic just became too much. It was time to open Infamous Tattoos. “I never sought out to be an entrepreneur. But when I got my first tattoo, it turned into a passion right then and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I started researching on the Internet about tattoos, designs, and the process of tattooing skin and just practiced and

practiced sketching. Then I begged my cousins to let me do little small things on them,” he pauses for a laugh. “Now they’re working with me and they’re two of my best artists!” The first location opened in Decatur in 1998, then moved in 2000 to Old National Parkway in College Park. Nitti claims that word of mouth grew the business and in 2005 the second location was opened off of Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway. Nitti describes his tattoo shops as an “Urban tattoo parlor. It’s an inner city type thing. We get college students, people from all neighborhoods, artists, rappers, musicians…we get a large mix!” Currently, Infamous Tattoos boasts 13 talented artists, Nitti included. “I still tattoo people even though I run the business. It’s my passion. It’s what I love to do.” So what can you expect from Infamous Tattoos? “I demand from my artists that they give

people a better tattoo than they even hoped for. Your tattoo is your tattoo so we want to give you the best direction for your idea. Our artists will consult with you and help you get it to exactly how you want it.” Furthermore, Infamous Tattoos offers a line of after-care products that facilitate tattoo healing and prevent damage. And here’s a fun fact: Getting a tattoo in the Fall or Winter time is one of the best times! Why? “It takes 2-3 weeks for a tattoos to really heal, so by keeping it covered in Winter it’s going to look awesome and ready-to-go for the Summer.” Infamous Tattoos has 2 locations: 5330 Old National Hwy College Park, 30349 404-767-1612 1992 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy Atlanta, 30318 404-794-5809 Hours are: MondayWednesday 12 p.m.-9 p.m. Thursday-Sunday 12 p.m.-12 a.m. Appointments and Walk-Ins welcome You can visit Nitti and Infamous Tattoos online at

of Personal Financial Advisors (www., and Financial Planning Association (www., as well as your own state securities agency all collect background information on financial professionals that can be accessed through their websites. Use these sites to make sure the advisors you are considering haven’t faced disciplinary action for dishonest practices and are in good standing with regulators. * Know the difference between working with an independent RIA and a stock broker, or other financial services provider. Independent RIAs, for example, are bound by law to act in their clients’ best interest. Brokers, on the other hand, are held to a “suitability” standard, meaning the advice they give must be suitable to that client’s situation. If you are looking for objective, comprehensive money management, you might want to consider an RIA.


aving for retirement is an essential task, but one that can be complex and demand a lot of attention. With the arrival of April - Financial Literacy Month - focusing on your existing saving strategies should be a priority. It’s also an ideal time to talk to a financial professional who can help you shoulder the burden and explore other options to make your money work harder for your future. According to a recent Investor Sentiment survey conducted by Research Now on behalf of TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation, the majority (63 percent) of investors report they do rely on or seek guidance from a professional investment advisor when making investment decisions. Even if you have a good handle on your investments, you may find that hiring a financial advisor - who can put the time and energy into making sure you and your family plan for a secure financial future

- may be a worthwhile investment. By hiring an independent registered investment advisor - commonly referred to as an RIA - you can make sure your investments are managed on a full-time basis by a professional, while still having control. Of course deciding to put someone in charge of your hard-earned money is not a process to be taken lightly. TD Ameritrade offers these tips to consider as you choose an independent financial advisor or RIA: * Just as it is wise to do research on the background of anyone who would take care of your children, you should investigate the person or company you enlist to handle your money. The Securities and Exchange Commission (www., Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (, Certified Planning Board of Standards (, National Association

* While RIAs are required by law to act in your best interest, there are other ways that you can ensure they will do what is best for you. One is to ask how they are compensated. Fee-only compensation can help minimize conflicts of interest and means that your advisor is paid only for the management services and advice he or she offers, and only by you, not by investment product providers. When an advisor is paid on commission, there’s a greater chance he or she will make choices with your money that serve not only your interests, but

their own as well. That’s not to say that advisors do not work fairly under this model, but potential conflicts of interest are something to consider as you choose an advisor. * When looking for referrals from friends or relatives, the most valuable referrals may come from those in similar situations. It’s also a good idea to ask potential advisors if they specialize in working with certain types of clients and choose one that fits your unique profile. * Check to make sure your advisor’s firm is audited on a regular basis. A third party custodian should also handle all your deposits, to ensure checks and balances. An independent custodian can help ensure the safety and security of your assets, and will provide you with a clear, concise statement every month. A duplicate monthly statement is also sent to your advisor. Make sure this is also a legitimate and upstanding business. Working with a trusted independent RIA can help you pursue your financial goals, while allowing you to spend less time worrying about and managing your investments. If you need help finding a financial advisor through the TD Ameritrade AdvisorDirect program, visit


t’s time to think spring which means fresh home updates. Spring home improvement projects will help you update your home, add comfort and save more of your hard-earned paycheck.

“You can save time, money and stress by planning ahead,” says Kathy Krafka Harkema, Pella Windows and Doors expert. “Seek out expert advice, research product options and schedule home remodeling projects now, while you have the time to plan it and get on the schedule of contractors.” A well-planned remodeling project can: 1. Add curb appeal to your home 2. Increase your home’s energy efficiency and help reduce energy costs 3. Improve your home’s comfort and style 4. Reduce annual maintenance time and expenses Jumpstart your spring projects with inspiration from these 2013 remodeling trends: Energy-saving updates From low-volatile organic compound (VOC) paints and adhesives to more energy-efficient windows and furnaces, spring

projects can help improve air quality and increase your comfort. Look for ENERGY STAR-qualified products that help lower your home’s energy consumption, and in turn, your utility bills.

shades also help reduce certain indoor airborne allergens from accumulating, improving indoor air quality. Cordless window fashions also are safer for homes with children and pets.

Better bathrooms

Hot kitchens

For many homeowners, sought-after remodeling projects for 2013 will include kitchen upgrades, bathroom remodels and master bedroom suite renovations.

Yahoo! Homes says 2013 kitchen remodeling trends focus on practical, durable and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects like refacing kitchen cabinets, adding quartz composite countertops, hardwood-looking engineered floors, deep bowl kitchen sinks, commercial-style or built-in appliances and mixing colors and tones on cabinets.

Bathroom remodeling options can include heated bathroom flooring, custom tile and stonework, custom vanity and cabinetry, beautiful bathtubs, showers and fixtures, low-profile linear shower drains and big windows to let in more natural sunlight. “Today’s bathroom and bedroom remodeling projects often incorporate relaxing technology and products,” Krafka Harkema says. “With energy-efficient replacement windows from Pella, you can create warm natural light-filled spaces while also maintaining your privacy and comfort.” Energy-efficient Pella Designer Series wood windows and patio doors bring in the sunshine, and provide privacy with optional between-the-glass window fashions. Between-the-glass blinds and

Whether you do the work yourself or hire someone to get it done, Pella can help you complete your spring home improvement projects. Schedule a free, in-home consultation to choose the right product


ven as the country moves out of the great recession, many Americans are still in a money-saving mode - looking to conserve wherever possible.

Good news. There are simple ways to save money especially if you go back to the time-honored concept of BYO “bringing your own” container of coffee, lunch or water as part of your daily routine. This can do a world of good not only for your pocketbook, but also for the environment, and even your health. Here are some tips to get you started: * Bring your own coffee or tea According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans throw away 25 billion foam cups each year. And 500 years from now, those cups will still be sitting in a landfill. Despite the convenience of foam cups, small changes such as bringing coffee or tea in a reusable container can have both an environmental and economic impact. For example, Genuine Thermos(R) Brand makes a vacuum insulated commuter bottle that will keep a beverage hot for eight hours or cold for 12 hours. Not only is this great for a day at the office or running errands around town, it saves the cost of purchasing beverages day in and day out. If you still like an occasional custom-made coffee or chai latte, some retailers will fill your own bottle. * Bring your own lunch Many grownups still have fond memories of a school lunchbox featuring their favorite TV or movie character. Bringing your own lunch in an insulated lunch carrier is a good way to keep your favorite foods fresh and tasty, and

a smart way to save money. According to a report in Time magazine, bringing your lunch to work can cut your weekly costs by 80 percent. To keep foods fresh while on the go, insulated reusable containers are an ideal option. They come in all shapes and sizes to keep snacks or lunch foods hot or cold for hours, saving you the cost of going out and making it easier to stay away from unhealthy temptations. * Keep yourself hydrated As you get in the habit of bringing your own reusable portable container, don’t neglect the one thing every human needs for basic good health - water - to help you hydrate throughout the day. According to the Mayo Clinic, water makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Lack of appropriate water intake can lead to dehydration, draining your energy and making you feel tired. The Institute of Medicine determined that adequate water intake for men is roughly 104 ounces and is roughly 72 ounces for women. Instead of purchasing bottled water in containers that will also end up in landfills, bring plenty of your own water in a portable, reusable container. One easy option for quenching thirst while on the go is the 24 oz. Hydration Bottle with Meter that is made of BPA-free Eastman(TM) Tritan and has a rotating meter built into the lid to help keep track of your daily water consumption. Embracing the bring-your-own mentality can make a world of difference economically and environmentally. So, take the first step to “bringing your own” on May 23, which is the inaugural National Fill Your Thermos Brand Bottle Day, and celebrate


bout 600,000 people die from heart disease in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making heart disease the leading cause of death for both men and women. However, despite the grim realities of heart disease, the steps to achieve better heart health can be simple.

high blood pressure are serious. Exercising and maintaining a healthy body weight, in addition to eating a low-sodium diet, can all contribute to a healthier blood pressure.

* Products are now available that provide a natural way to help promote healthy blood flow by supporting normal platelet function. A tomato-based concentrate made from select Mediterranean tomatoes called Fruitflow is a natural, healthy and safe * Numerous studies spanning a decade ingredient that has been proven through or more of research support the claim clinical research to keep platelets smooth, thereby promoting healthy blood flow. Try that dietary fiber from whole grains, products with this ingredient like Langers as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may Tomato Juice Plus or L&A Tomato Juice with Fruitflow as healthy daily beverage choices. lower the risk of heart disease. * The risks that accompany uncontrolled


f you worry about the kind of car your teen will drive, you’re not alone. In a survey commissioned by USAA, 81 percent of parents put reliability first when choosing a vehicle for their teens, followed by a high safety rating. The good news is that teens also want cars with the latest safety features. “Being safe is the new cool,” says Shelby Fix, a 21-year-old safer-driving advocate and automotive journalist. “There are cool colors and options, but side-impact air bags and hands-free devices - that’s what’s in the new, cool cars.” Fix, known as The Car Coach 2.0, says new technology turns teenagers’ heads almost as fast as slick makes and models. The daughter of automotive expert Lauren Fix, Shelby raced go-karts at age 7 and was raised on talk of crash-test ratings. She grew up hearing the mantra of a mother who loves cars, but loves her kids more “You can replace cars, but you can’t replace a child.” That’s why the decision parents and teens make about that first set of wheels is so crucial. “Your car is like your outside shell when you’re in it,” Shelby says. She’s learned six key factors to look for: * Newer cars with newer technology. A used car may lack the technology that could save your child’s life. In addition to electronic stability control - which helps drivers keep control of the vehicle - and side-impact air bags, base prices for newer cars are including built-in rearview cameras and park-assist systems. * The right size. Avoid sport utility vehicles, which have higher rollover rates and can

prove tougher to maneuver; and tiny cars, which may offer less protection in a crash. Shelby recommends moderatesize vehicles for more stability and easier, more predictable handling. * Sedan style. Don’t give your teen more power than he or she can handle. “Even though sports cars have a strong performance image, a lot of accidents are speed-related,” Shelby says. * Crash-test ratings. Check the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s Top Safety Picks each year on its website, * Accident history. If you’re in the market for a used car, get a vehicle history report. It can alert you if a car’s been in an accident or damaged in a flood. -* Mechanic’s signoff. Have an Automotive Service Excellence-certified mechanic check the vehicle to make sure the used vehicle you’re purchasing is a good one. Check out the vehicles that made USAA’s 2013 Top 10 for Teens list. They had to be USAA Preferred vehicles and have an MSRP below $25,500. In addition, each vehicle’s safety, reliability, insurance cost and overall value were considered. The cars are: 1. Dodge Dart 2. Dodge Avenger 3. Honda CR-Z 4. Chrysler 200 5. Honda Insight 6. Volkswagen Golf 7. Hyundai Elantra 8. Nissan Versa 9. Kia Optima 10 Chevrolet Malibu


e feel our best when we do our best. At the top of our game is where we all want to be. This is as true in the workplace as it is on the basketball court. But to stay at the top of your game at work and in life, you need to stay primed ready for that next big play. It requires staying alert; keeping your skills sharp; and hearing your best. That’s right - hearing your best. Listening doesn’t typically come to mind as a highly coveted job skill. But the truth is, listening is one of the top skills employers look for in those being promoted, according to the International Listening Association. Both business practitioners and academics identify listening as one of the most important skills for an effective professional.-Individual performance in an organization directly relates to listening ability or perceived listening effectiveness. And good listening skills are even tied to effective leadership. So if being at the top of your game - especially on the job - is what you’re after, pay attention to your hearing. Hearing your best is the first step to good listening skills. And good listening skills help pave the way to success. For those with hearing loss: Be encouraged. Today’s modern, sleek, and virtually invisible hearing aids can help the vast majority of people with hearing loss. In fact, the days of letting unaddressed hearing loss stand in your way are long gone - and good riddance to them! Hearing aids, other forms of amplification, and even modest workspace accommodations enable almost everyone to hear their best so they can do well on the job. Today’s hearing aids are digital, wireless, and can be as discreet or as stylized as you choose. They allow you to hear from all directions and in all sorts of sound environments so you can more easily discern what people are saying. So whether you’re a mechanic, a plumber, a nurse, a teacher, a C-suite executive, a police

officer, a customer service representative, an attorney, or in any line of work, there are hearing-aid technologies and other approaches to dealing with hearing loss that can help. And remember: You are not alone. Roughly 60 percent of Americans with hearing loss are in the workforce overcoming the very same challenges you are. Research shows that hearing aids really do help. A study by the Better Hearing Institute found that using hearing aids reduced the risk of income loss by 90-to-100 percent for those with milder hearing loss, and from 65-to-77 percent for those with severe to moderate hearing loss. What’s more, people with hearing loss who use hearing aids are nearly twice as likely to be employed as their peers who do not use hearing aids. And eight out of 10 hearing aid users say they’re satisfied with the changes that have occurred in their lives specifically due to their hearing aids. From how they feel about themselves to positive changes in their work lives, relationships and other social interactions, hearing aid users are benefiting from today’s technology. Face it. You’ve got too much game in you to slow down now. So play at the top of your game. Stay at the top of your game. Make an appointment with a hearing healthcare professional and learn how you can hear your best today. To take a free, quick and confidential online hearing check to determine if you need a comprehensive hearing test by a hearing healthcare professional, visit www. For more information on hearing loss, visit Download “Your Guide to Buying Hearing Aids” - a step-by-step breakdown of what to expect, ask and look for when visiting a hearing healthcare professional and purchasing a hearing aid­ - at www. under publications.

Hospital infections are a top concern, especially for surgical patients. According to WHO, hand hygiene is the single most important measure to reduce health-care-related infections. Patients should keep hand sanitizer at their bedside and use it often. Additionally, the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) recommends: * Reminding your care team about hand-washing before any direct interaction. * Keeping an eye on intravenous catheters and wound dressings, and notifying your health care provider right away if something looks wrong.

Each year, millions of Americans seek hospital care to treat a wide range of medical problems - from accidental injuries to chronic or life-threatening illnesses. While the majority of patients have positive outcomes, it is imperative to remember patient safety should be a top priority for everyone. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) notes patient safety is a serious global public health issue. Even in developed countries such as the United States, as many as one in 10 patients may be harmed while hospitalized. Injury rates are even higher in developing countries, making patient safety a high priority around the world. You can take steps to help ensure your safety whether in the hospital for a planned or unexpected circumstance. Here are three things to keep in mind to make your hospital stay as safe as possible: Reduce infection risks:

ologists have more than 10,000 hours of related medical training and education to diagnose, treat and respond to any medical complications that may occur. In addition to making sure a physician supervises your anesthesia care, it is important to follow all pre-operative instructions from your doctors and get plenty of rest before surgery. Also, be sure your anesthesiologist is aware of your prior anesthesia history and any medications you take. For more information about anesthesia and preparing for surgery, please visit Be aware of setbacks:

* Taking charge of health problems such as diabetes, excess weight and smoking, which can increase infection risk in the hospital.

While unpredictable progress in recovery is not unusual, it’s important to minimize the risk of avoidable setbacks such as falls and readmissions.

* Following doctors’ directions about breathing treatments to avoid lung infections.

Tumbles are a major concern for the elderly, but even younger patients are at risk of falling in the hospital. NPSF often points to research indicating more than 500,000 falls occur in U.S. hospitals each year, causing 150,000 injuries. Muscle weakness, medication-related impairment and age can increase a patient’s risk of falling. Follow your physician’s directions and the hospital’s procedures for surer footing.

Understand anesthesia: Over the past century, anesthesiologists have advanced patient safety through innovative research, science and technology advancements. Whether in the operating room, procedure room, intensive care unit or pain clinic, anesthesiologists are committed to patient safety. Today, anesthesia-related fatalities only occur in less than one in every 200,000 procedures. To help ensure the highest quality and safest care, anesthesiologists lead Anesthesia Care Teams to supervise non-physician providers during the administration of anesthesia to make critical life decisions when there are only seconds to make them. According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), anesthesi-

Before you leave the hospital, make sure you understand the doctor’s after-care instructions to reduce your risk of readmission. Bring any questions or suspicions of complications to follow-up appointments to help your physician assess your recovery. Health care is incredibly intricate and complex, and while medical science has made great strides for patient safety, patients need to play an active role in their care. With diligent research and advocacy for their own health, patients’ collaboration with their care team can make them informed and, most importantly, safe.

fast-food restaurant or a shopping mall. If it involves the exchange of a very valuable item, bring a friend who can witness the exchange, and always have your cell phone with you. Don’t carry large amounts of cash. For purchases of $100 or more, it’s best to use a cashier’s check. If you’re the seller, don’t accept a personal check (in case of check forgery) and tell the buyer to come prepared with a cashier’s check or money order from his or her bank. If you’re the buyer, do not offer to go with the seller to an ATM or your bank to withdraw cash.


eed a bike to start getting into shape? Looking for a new job? Interested in renting a condo for that long-desired trip?

Every day, millions of Americans turn to to buy and sell items, find jobs, meet other people or find a vacation property to rent. More than 60 million people use the website- and view an estimated 100 million ads per month in the U.S. alone, according to the company. As Craigslist has become one of the most well-known online marketplaces in the world, it’s also become a destination for criminals, according to, the nation’s leading website for free legal information. Criminals use the site to scam individuals and conduct other criminal activity, ranging from armed robbery to prostitution. Whether you’ve used Craigslist many times before or are a newbie to this online destination for trading and selling, here are some helpful tips from FindLaw. com to help you navigate Craigslist safely and responsibly:

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. This is the No. 1 rule of Craigslist. Whether you’re seeking an item to purchase, hunting for a new job or looking for a place to rent, if it sounds like it’s too good of a deal, trust your instincts and avoid the seller. Use a separate email account. Open up a free email account for Craigslist as a preventive measure to protect your privacy. Avoid using the email address you rely on for communicating with friends and family, or your work email. Never share personal or financial information. If someone starts asking you personal questions about where you live and work, or your appearance, break off the communication, immediately. Don’t advertise your home address and avoid meeting at your home or office. Always meet in a public place. Remember, you’re dealing with strangers. You don’t know who they are or what their motives are. To complete your transaction, meet during daylight hours in a public place with a lot of traffic, like a

Avoid listings outside your local area. Craigslist was designed to facilitate local buying and selling. If you want to buy or sell something from someone in another state or country, it’s best to use another online service. Requests from a seller to wire funds from your checking account or to pay for shipping are potential signs of mail fraud.

Assume you’re buying “as is.” In other words, you’re purchasing the product or service in its current condition without refunds or returns. Because you’re not dealing with an established merchant or business, your only recourse to challenge a product or service with which you’re not happy is through small claims court. That’s why you should be knowledgeable about what you’re buying (or selling) and carefully inspect the product or service before exchanging money, or trading a product or service. Keep current records. To a lot of people, buying and selling items on Craigslist seems a lot like a garage sale, only online. However, if you become a regular seller, then you should maintain records of your sales, expenses and profits. If your intention is to make a profit, then you should plan to report it. To learn more about your legal rights and responsibilities, visit


e interviewed Dana aka Buttar about her business Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting. What we learned is that Buttar is undoubtedly dedicated and passionate about working with kids and giving their parents a platform to do something different and special for them. Seven Magazine: How did you start face painting? Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting: In early 2000 I accepted a part-time job from the newspaper at Busch Gardens. It was there that I learned the art of face painting. SM: What made you start your own business? BFFP: A parent asked me if I did face painting for parties, so I wrote

that I can take anywhere in the world. I wouldn’t take a job that paid more or less. I am happy with what I do. Passion is more important than money and I am passionate about face painting. SM: How do you remember your birthdays when you were growing up? BFFP: I was born in the winter right before Christmas so I never had birthday parties. I always had to choose between my birthday and Christmas. SM: How did you choose the name Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting? BFFP: My nickname is Buttar so I kept my nickname and reinvented myself as Buttarcups to tie it all in together. Also, I always listen to the parents that I work with and I began to notice that they described my work as “fancy” and that’s how I came up with the name Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting.

“My nickname is Buttar so I kept my nickname and reinvented myself as Buttarcups.........they described my work as “fancy” and that’s how I came up with the name Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting.”

down my number and she called. I worked at Busch Gardens for a few months and eventually resigned and decided to step out on faith. I consider myself to be what I call a “marketing butterfly”. Children are always having birthdays and parents always want to do something different for their children. It’s the one day out of the year that should be memorable. SM: Before you began working at Busch Gardens did you have a talent for art? BFFP: I definitely believe that what I do is a God gifted talent. It’s so simple and it was right in front of me. I never knew that I could do this. I have always been interested in art and fashion. I love working with children and I love painting faces. Since I have started this business I have expanded to include body art, bounce houses and much more. I see what I do as an occupation

Birthday Parties, and Anniversary Parties! If you are having a party and you don’t have a babysitter? Have no fear, Buttar is here! Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting will keep your little ones busy while you enjoy your party and entertain your guests! Be sure

SM: Where can Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting be found in the community? BFFP: We have been fortunate to work and travel with the Universoul Circus for the past several years. We are currently face painting in several local restaurants in Hampton Roads. Parents can bring their children out to eat free or for $1 depending on which restaurant you visit. Parents are encouraged to visit our website at www. to view the list of the restaurants we face paint at. SM: Is face painting safe for the skin? BFFP: Yes it is. We only use FDA approved materials and we are licensed, insured, and bonded. Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting offers party packages to fit your budget! Call Buttarcups today to get your personalized quote! They offer parties such as Pamper Parties, Bridal Showers, Bachelor Parties, Bachelorette Parties, Private Parties, Kids’

to visit their website at www.buttarcups. com for a complete list of services that will satisfy all your party planning needs. Or give them a call at (757) 813-2201 to schedule your next event. You can also email Buttarcups Fancy Face Painting at


here’s a spot in Norfolk, Virginia that has everything a tattoo artist needs and wants. Big Murph Tattoo supply is an artist’s one stop shop, from tattoo supplies to equipment repair. A skilled auto mechanic by trade and former tattoo artist, Murph, established his innovative business 6 years ago as only a low scale venture, via Craig’s List. Since then things have grown it into an essential, but rare commodity within the Hampton Roads area. Big Murph Tattoo Supplies is a one of its kind retailer in the Tidewater area, conveniently located at 956 E. Little Creek Road. E-nk: Murph, when and how did you come up with the idea to be a supplier for tattoo artists? MURPH: Six years ago I started selling tattoo equipment. I used to tattoo. When I first got into it I used to collect tattoo machines. I had about seventeen of them, but only two or three that were my favorites. I never had used the other ones, so I decided to sell ten. I put

ten of them online. As soon as I put them up there people started calling. They were asking, “You got needles, you got ink… you got this… you got that?” I wouldn’t sell it because it was my personal stuff that I was using to do tattoos. Then I was like, “Well, forget it… I’m about to go back to New York and pick up some more stuff.” That’s when I came about that; because I kept selling my personal stuff. By me moving here (to Virginia) from Jersey I didn’t really know a lot of people here. So when they were calling I was getting more with selling my equipment than I was doing tattoos. I was only tattooing people I knew like family and friends. E-nk: Okay, because your tattooing clientele was mainly in New Jersey? MURPH: It just turned over to selling. I was just like this is what I’ll do, because I didn’t driveways and I couldn’t reallyneighbors’ want to tattoo anyway. I was sellinghave Artistsfor were doing parties and out ofthat. my house over four tattoo years but run out of needles there they werewould too many people comingorbyink at 12 or 1 o’clock in the morning, and in they my house. Then they started parking thewould just come by without calling. That’s when I came to the Little Creek location. E-nk: Now since you have changed the location from out of your home to an actual facility, and bringing that professionalism to it, would you say that your clientele has expanded? MURPH: This is the difference… I used to take pictures of certain things that I had and just post it. Now I just take a picture of the shop. You can look at the showcases… it speaks; instead of taking a picture of the ink and posting it. It’s more professional. I work on the equipment as well. You may have a problem with your foot pedal or problems with your machines. When people buy anything from me, if there’s a

tattoos. If I do a loaner the customer has to leave me something that is worth that. You might not have the money but you may have a ring, a charm, or a chain. E-nk: Do you give a limited amount of time on your loaners? MURPH: I let them give me a time. If they say a month or two months… then it’s okay. I know what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to get right. They might get used to it and ask, “Hey Murph, how much do you want for this?” By it being a loaner, it might be used or refurbished. I’m going to give you a good deal on it. E-nk: Since the business is growing do you see yourself expanding eventually?

problem I have no problem with making that problem better. If you get something and it breaks, then I will give you another one with no problem. E-nk: Okay! Well, that’s great that you guarantee your products. MURPH: Yes. If you bring someone else’s things in I will have to charge. I think the most that I’ve ever charged for fixing someone’s machine, if there were no parts, was about $10. They can wait while I do it [if they like]. If you bought it from me then you do not have to pay anything. If I can’t fix it then I will give you another one. E-nk: Do you also sell refurbished equipment? MURPH: I don’t really get into it. Some stuff I order and when it gets to me it might be damaged or some power suppliers may go out. I will refurbish them and use them as loaners and a person can get through their

MURPH: I’m trying to do that right now in Hampton. I’m looking for store fronts. Hopefully, I’ll get one real soon. I’m all ready for it! I’m definitely looking to opening another one. I even got my man that came in from North Carolina… he’s got a rim shop, tints windows, and systems. He saw how I was running it. I got him going over there already. He’s putting one together over there right now in North Carolina. E-nk: What does Big Murph Tattoo Supplies bring to the area and tattoo artists? MURPH: There is no other tattoo supplier around here in the Seven Cities. Any tattoo artist out there knows me. The only other place that you can get it is online or travels to another state. It’s like a blessing! I hear it all the time.

granny’s country cooking Randy:


hat is soul food? Soul food is a variety of cuisine in African American culture. It is closely related to the cuisine from the south. Soul food can also be described as a hearty African American meal usually including macaroni, fried chicken, collard greens, yams, mashed potatoes, rolls and occasionally sweet peas. These delicacies are typically mastered by

“ After the response that we had recieved at Buckroe Beach Festival, the right thing to do was to go into the food industry. My wife and I knew we had something special and with our business experience and our cooking expertise, the decision to open Granny’s was a easy decision.”

grandmothers and cannot be duplicated by anyone. Soul food, as we know it, originated from the cuisine developed by the African slaves mainly from America and South. It became a cuisine fashioned from the meager ingredients that were available to the slaves. The meat was usually the least desirable cut and the vegetables, some bordering on weeds, was all that was available for black slaves to prepare their meals with. Those meager ingredients evolved into a hearty and delicious cuisine that we know as soul food. Its no surprise that Granny Country Cooking gives you the feeling of sitting in your grandmother’s kitchen. It brings back memories of family dinner. Upon entrance to Granny’s Country Cooking you immediately know that you are in the right place. The smell of soul food in the air will have your mouth watering. They offer an array of dishes that are sure to satisfy any food craving you may have. It’s no surprise that Granny’s Country Cooking makes you feel like you’re sitting in your grandmother’s kitchen. The array of soul food dishes that are available will make your mouth water and you will definitely come back again and again. Granny’s Country Cooking offers a warm and cozy atmosphere. Meals are served hot and freshly prepared with portions that are large and sure to satisfy your hunger. Their staff is friendly and eager

Randy Baker- Co-owner to serve. If you are having an event, rest assured, Granny’s Country Cooking offers catering services. Stop by to visit Granny’s Country Cooking! 636 W. 35th Street, Norfolk, VA (757) 626-3424


AVI OSHON is one of the most consistent Hip Hop artist in the 757. He is sick on the mic and on the stage and is currently burning up the Internet releasing video after video and is a force to be reckoned with. SM: This isn’t your first appearance in one of our publications is it? TO: No, it isn’t. I’ve been on the cover of Ill Magazine and in Sphere Magazine. SM: Do you have a current mix tape available? TO: My current mixtape thats out Is called NOW OR NEVER! That is hosted by and includes a collaboration with DJ Babey Drew from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. SM: Do you perform locally? TO: I’ve been doing shows locally for a

while now. I recently opened up for Future at The Alley and for Shannel from young money in Philly. I’ve traveled to Los Angeles, Hollywood to perform. I have also done work in New York and Atlanta with Blackout from DSGB. Last summer he won 4 weeks in a row on 92.1 with his song” Loving You “which is on his Now or Never CD. SM: How do you promote your music? TO: The internet and in the street. I have the mix cds and I put out 1 video every month so far this year. I participated in the Virginia Riot video where I was number 12 and it got over 100,000 views. Other artists who were included on that project were Double XL and Quan. I have been on internet radio shows called A list radio, Heavy Hitters radio show, and Rockstar radio.

worked with? TO: I’ve worked with quite a few artist. Double XL, Quan, B Smith, to name a few. In fact, I shot and directed his first video “24/7” and so far it has over 2400 views. SM: What projects are you working on right now? TO: I have three mix CDs I’m about to bring out. I recorded 50 songs in the last 12 months working on a movie called Selling Party with Hersh from Hood platinum. We didn’t start shooting yet the script is almost done. Selling Party features local artists such as Double XL comedians Durty Monty and Angus Black. I think people are going to like this movie. I would describe Selling Party as a twist between Friday and House Party. I’m originally from New York, from an area called Power Kingdom but I rep Hampton, VA. As a tribute to my hometown I’m putting out a CD called POWR KINGs which is a collaboration CD with Killa Bush and the name of the first single is “Let’s Go”. I also have a video on youtube called POWR KINGS. SM: How can your fans get in touch with you? TO: They can email me at On Facebook/tavicoston and @tavioshon on Twitter Instagram @TaviOshon and Tavi Oshon on Reverbnation . Be sure to check out TAVI OSHON

TAVI records his own tracks and he produces music, however, TAVI’s Ultimate goals are to be successful in music and have his own record label so that he can help new talent. TAVI would like to shout out John Tyler Elementary School, where he currently mentors children and talks to them about education, jobs, peer pressure, etc., his mom and family for always supporting him ,Dj Mista Nice, Killa bush, Awall, Hersh, Double XL, B smith, Big crispy, Dezi, D Boy productions ,Krush beats Zomeone, Biggz, Dj silk, young diggz, Dj Boz, the whole 10210 mmg and Rep ya set DvD . He also wants to give congrats to his friend DJ Babey Drew on the success of the Love & Hip Hop show in Atlanta.

SM: Who are some of the artist that you

My Way featuring DJ Kool and Magoo. Other collaborations include Timbaland, DJ Kool, Magoo, Skillz, Aaron Ried and Sean Garrett. S.A.S.O has also worked with producers such as Timbaland , Tre Black producer of platinum recording artist Jo Jo’s fairytales, and Sunshine’, Knottz , Teddy Riley, and Multi Platinum Super Producer Kevin KHAO Cates. It is clear S.A.S.O is no amatuer. He has numerous performance experience and has also written for artist such as DJ Kool, Ludacris, Ray J, Teyana Taylor, industry new comer Young Marqus and various independent artist.

S.A.S.O was introduced to the music business through his DJ cousin Lil Mike, and a friend named Troy who had already been signed with London / Polygram. Through his lyrics and approach, it is clearly apparent that he will be a force to be reckoned.


treet wise and smooth with the flow, S.A.S.O laces the track with b, style and tenacity. Born Antonio Joseph Jr., in Bronx, New York and at age 9 relocated to Virginia. S.A.S.O got his feet wet in the business with an appearance on mega- hit and platinum producer Timbaland’s compilation album, a track with Petey Pablo and his own single Back Up Out

Touching on topics such as God, musical success, love, life itself, and hip hop living, his style is clear and concise. S.A.S.O is musically savvy and a perfectionist when it comes to his craft and work ethic. He spends countless hours in the studio honing his skills. His musical influences include life and as he states “ Every one doing them.” In five years he plans to be one of the most successful moguls in the game, and eventually looks forward to bringing out new talent. Copyright © 2013 S.A.S.O. Music Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


uck 50 has been rapping for the past two years. He started rapping with his uncle and his cousin called the Ill Vision gang. He was visiting from college. At the time he was attending Saint Augustine’s College in Raleigh, North Carolina. He gave it a try and realized that he had the creativity for it but continued to work on his timing, lyrics and polishing. He got better with time. Buck 50 came up in the era of artists such as 50 cent and Lloyd Banks and considers them influential. Buck 50 says that he still pursuing events to perform at and he’s constantly looking for new opportunities. He recently released a mix tape called No Other Option. His mix tape can be found at and The mix tape has 15 tracks on it. Buck 50says that although he could have put a mix tape out sooner, he waited about 5 months because he wanted to make sure that he had the right material. He currently has two singles playing in rotation on the radio in North Carolina. The first one is called Drugs R’ Us and the second one is called Next To You. Buck 50 says that he’s received positive feedback from listeners on the radio. His goals for the future include creating a buzz in Virginia and getting his name recognized throughout the industry. When asked about his plans he stated that he doesn’t want to do too much at one time because it slows you down. Having an immediate plan makes it easier for him to get things done. Buck 50 is originally from Washington, North Carolina. While he was at Saint Augustine College in North Carolina, he studied criminal justice for a year. His long-term goals include getting a record deal and going worldwide. When asked how he describes his music he said he is still a young cat, so the music he makes is for young people. It’s what he describes as lyrical club bangers. Not talking all over the place, but lyrical Club Bangers. Not all about being a wild on the track but it (the

lyrics and the topics) make sense. Buck 50 describes himself as versatile and said that he can get on the East Coast flow and he can step up to the music whatever kind of music it is. He currently resides in Newport News where he’s been living for the last 9 months. Buck 50 feels that success in this industry is sometimes about who you know but it’s also a matter of faith and patience. Buck 50 doesn’t feel that the industry is missing anything except him and what he has to offer. He feels as though he has to think outside of the box and a lot of artist are doing just that, so he has to give them their props. He wants to give a shout out to his team which includes One-9, Conspiracy, L. Real, Billy Doowah (who’s from the Funkadelics) and Ms. Ivy.

coming soon


lamorous Styles was founded in October of 2013 by Quensella and Michael Mustafa. Glamorous Styles is truly a blessing from God. Quensella says owning a salon was always her dream since she was a little girl, born from her father, the late Nathaniel Simpson and her mother, the late Bonnie Simpson. It’s definitely an example of what God can do when you believe and trust in him. I truly thank my husband for all of his support over the years; my two beautiful daughters Laquin and Miasia; and a host of friends and family

and wonderful cllients that have stayed with me for many years. One of my first clients, Mrs. Martha Peterson has been with me through it all. My goal was to create a salon with an atmosphere in which clients could come to enjoy. I dreamed of a salon where stylists could be apart of a great team with one common goal, which is, to respect their clients and their time. I truly have a great team - Linda, Jessica and Shenice. So please, come visit our salon and experience the true luxury of top notch service with a hint of love and care for your hair at great affordable prices.

dr. kiesha burfoot elite’s women care


r. Keisha Burfoot was born and raised in New York City, where she attended the Macy Medical Professions Program at A. Philip Randolph Campus High School In Harlem. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut,

in 1991. She received her medical degree from Hahnemann University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1996. While in medical school, she was honored to serve as a medical missionary at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya -- an experience that helped shape her life and devotion to healing. She then completed a 4-year

residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark, where she received acknowledgment for special excellence in endoscopic procedures. For the next 8 years, Dr. Burfoot practiced OB-GYN in Chesapeake, Virginia in a group practice setting. Eager to follow her own Staff working hard at office

spiritual, personal and professional values, she left the security of an established practice and started Elite Women’s Care in August 2008. Her intuition about how to best meet the healthcare needs of women in Tidewater was wellfounded and has established Elite Women’s Care as a premier OB-GYN practice in the region. Latoya corbin getting checked out

Dr. Burfoot is board certi-

fied in Obstetrics and Gynecology, a Fellow in the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology, and a member of the American Medical Association. She is married with four daughters and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and Mount Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church. She spends her leisure time with her family and is active in community service.







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