Seven Magazine December 2011

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nce again, the end of the year is upon us. It seems as though the year just began a few weeks ago and as quickly as the year came in it’s on its way out. It’s during this time of year when we often look back and take inventory of our accomplishments, successes, and failures. We may even attempt to determine what our goals will be for the upcoming year. I would like to encourage every person reading this magazine to make the upcoming year the best and most productive year of your life. In order to do so, you will have to set goals. When you set goals visually it’s like laying out a map for how you plan to get to your destination. Here are 7 steps to successfully setting attainable goals for the New Year. 1. Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want, not just something that sounds good. 2. A goal cannot contradict any of your other goals. 3. Develop goals in the 6 areas of life: Family and Home, Financial and Career, Spiritual and Ethical, Physical and Health, Social and Cultural, Mental and Educational. 4. Write your goal in the positive instead of the negative. 5. Write your goal out in complete detail. 6. Make sure your goal is high enough. 7. This is the most important, write down your goals. We have to understand and come to terms with the fact that we have everything that we need to be successful inside of us. We have the passion, the determination, the ideas and the desire. In order to move forward we must have a plan and we must be willing to let go of the things and people that are holding us back. I encourage each of you not to make a meaningless resolution for the New Year, instead set goals that will grow your business, enhance your career, improve your lifestyle, and strengthen your family. Happy New Year!

Icon Limo’s image is more than a limousine service but a limousine event service. The owner, Mark Bold, takes an initiative to make sure his customers are fully satisfied with their event’s transportation needs… and then some! To speak with Mark Bold for one minute… you would know that he is personable. Then talk to him for five minutes and you would see that he is knowledgeable of not only the limousine business but sincere with delivering top notched customer service. After ten minutes of being in a conversation with Mark Bold there is no doubt that you would want to have Icon Limo to be a part of your event’s experience.

the parades. We’re in the Cancer Walk at Harbor Park. The City Parade… the Williamsburg Parade for Christmas. We do the Norfolk/ Portsmouth Parade. We just did the Hampton University Parade. It was actually a combination of the Hampton University Parade, the 25th Alumni, and the anniversary for Susan Komen. We had a celebrity to come in that is the breast cancer survivor from Portsmouth and went to Hampton University… the comedian, Wanda Sykes. She was awesome! Really cool and down to earth. She was in the pink Hummer waving at everybody.”

The day that I spoke with Mark Bold, owner of Icon Limo service, he was just getting back from doing one of his many charitable acts. I could hear the smile in his voice as he told me about brightening a young lady’s day. The girl he spoke about was a teenager that Icon Limo decided to give a special surprising day. Her day consisted of a girls’ day out with her best friends and family… beauty treatments, hanging out, and all while being attentively chauffeured by Mark Bold himself in one of the limousines from his grand fleet. Though the special day wasn’t going to change the sadden fact that doctors had announced she wasn’t expected to survive to the winter holidays; the day was at least one day that her young soul could smile, and her family and friends could cherish forever.

Mark Bold ran down his history… that eventually led to the Icon Limo of today. “The company itself has been here for 2 names ago… 2 other owners ago, at the same location. I started up north with all the Italians up there. I’ve been in the area here for a long time. I used to drive everybody around. I started my other limousine company, Atlantic. I actually had a partner and we bought two companies at the same time… two distressed companies. We combined them and made it one of the largest in the area at the time; which was about ten years ago. It was Atlantic Beach and East Coast Limousine. I had a bad partner situation. I had that company to where it was awesome, but I somewhat got squeezed out not protecting myself with that partner situation. I got out of it for a while. Then I started working with Icon about a year ago; waited for the right timing to take over this. We just got done after having the company for 2 or 3 months I’ve already acquired a small limo company… Shore Arrive Limousine. Shore Arrive has a great reputation; having Peabody’s, Shorebreak, and Hot Tuna. This has expanded our fleets and now we are the biggest in the area. We just got done doing two huge photo shoots. I don’t waste time! We took over Shore Arrive on Wednesday… I had a fleet photo shoot on Sunday. So we took fleet shots with almost all of the cars.”

Mark Bold involves himself and the limousine company in numerous charities and area functions. His sponsorship has been connected with organizations such as Color Me Pink and the Make a Wish Foundation. The unselfish extras that he coincides with his company are plentiful. Mark told of some of the activities that Icon Limo partakes. “I have a friend that was a school teacher. She’s still a school teacher in Turks. She opened up a local charity called Smiles, for terminally ill kids locally. She does awesome-awesome work! We do stuff with them as well as American Cancer Society and all of the breast cancer awareness groups.” Mark gave some examples, “Beyond Boobs and The Bra Ha-Ha… all of them. We do all

Icon Limo has done family oriented events like

Holiday lights for Christmas. “Everybody can take the limo and go down on the boulevard to see all of the lights. Halloween parties for Halloween. We do different things for organizations like for Veterans Day. We got military homecomings. We do another one with baby homecomings. For the newborn moms that have been going through pregnancy for nine months; dads can treat them by bringing Mom and the baby home from the hospital in a limo. It’s not that expensive of a run either.” Take the time to visit the company’s website [] to learn about Icon’s Sporting Event packages or their VIP Night Out packages! The staff of Icon Limo attempts to make your events as special as possible. Mark stated, “We try to setup dinner reservations for them.” Icon Limo has the networking resources to assist with unexpected treats for their clients; such as discounts to restaurants and VIP at the clubs. Hotel rooms too. He acknowledged, “They give us really good deals on suites.” Then there are the special treats that Icon Limo delivers to their customers that are hard to find with other comparing services. Mark gave some details of the Icon package perks. “We’ll put packages together; Red carpets, balloons, and banners, a dozen roses… a theme package with specific colors in the car ahead of time. We do whatever we can do to make the event a lot more special and just pop for them!” Icon Limo’s drivers are an important part of Icon Limo’s reason for branding the company’s service for possessing extraordinary quality service. They are amongst the highest qualified drivers. The law within the state of Virginia states that it isn’t mandatory for drivers to have CDL licenses, unless it’s for transporting over 14-16 passengers. However, the Icon drivers are CDL licensed no matter the passenger count. Mark Bold person-

ally trains his drivers to fit into the quality brand of the company. He affirmed, “My drivers will stay with everybody and take care of them all, and anything that they need. They’ll have kits with them that include bobby pins, safety pins… whatever little extras for whatever may come up. It’s sort of like having a chauffeur/bodyguard/personal assistant. That’s what makes the difference. It’s about having the right driver; and they are all well dressed. Every time I have a meeting I pump it up to just make everyone’s event as special as possible.” Mark Bold informed of future expansions for Icon Limo. “I am currently trying to get a bigger office,” he said. Mark plans to incorporate with a few other people. He told Seven, “I’m trying to combine with a few other people like a wedding planner, one of the best hair and make-up people, one of the DJ’s in the area… everybody all together so that we can combine forces and have everybody in one location.” Icon Limo is taking the Limousine service into a major full service experience for your events. Mark Bold explained, “We try to go out of way all of the time. I’ve always had a good reputation in the whole area. Everybody knows me as always being straight up with everybody… always being sincere and caring about everybody’s events. I think that is what it all boils down to… the customer service. That would be from the phone all the way to the driver.” ICON LIMO 138 S. Rosemont Rd. –Suite #205 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-498-7433

Coach Reggie Barnett Sr. has been in boxing since the 60’s at the early age of 5 years old. Seasoned and a master in the sport, he has taken the responsible and unselfish step of passing on his knowledge and has established a place to nurture the skills of others with the desire to box. 757 Boxing has been opened since May of 2007. The gym is located at 5011 Cleveland St., in Virginia Beach, VA. There Coach Barnett instills the sport of boxing and so much more. Coach Barnett started boxing in 1965 at the Boys Club when he was a young boy living in Dallas, Texas. Then at age 13 he changed boxing clubs when his coach was no longer there. That’s when Barnett started to train at a club on the east side of Dallas with a new coach that was the former world champ. When I asked Coach Barnett what is most gratifying to him, I believe his emotional answer reflected his feelings for his own earlier years of finding a passion almost from sheer accident and his gratefulness for those that were there to nurture him along the way in the sport of boxing. He said, “The most gratifying thing to me from this is that I give back to the community.” The youngest age that the 757 Boxing club accepts is 6 year-olds at the gym. Currently the youngest there are ages 8 through 16 for the kids. Then there are the adults; which Coach Barnett said that there are a lot of military that have become members of the 757 Boxing club. “We do boxing and fitness. We also do a little bit of mixed martial arts. We teach the standup portion of it and wrestling and submission. We are one of the premier boxing clubs around here. I have about 12 or 13 juniors; which is the Junior Olympic Division. The others are my adult boxing team; which is probably about 12 of them too. I have a large boxing team.” The

age that the boxers can compete doesn’t start until they are eight years old. They can train when they are 6 or 7. The ones that go into competition only compete with others that are comparable in age and weight. Coach Barnett said, “I want to be able to teach the kids and adults the basics and then take them into what I call a different platform, once they’ve gotten past the basics; to raise their level of competition.” Some parents that are looking for an extracurricular activity for their child to be a part of may have hesitation or questions about the safety of the sport. I decided to raise this question. Coach Barnett talked to me truthfully about the extremeness of training in and competing in boxing. “Safety as far as amateur boxing is better than any other sport. When they come in and they’re competing, whether it’s sparring in the gym, they’re wearing all of the protection… the gloves, mouthpiece, headgear, and groin protector. We occasionally meet a couple bloody noses here or there, but nothing serious. If they’re in there sparring and one kid is a little stronger than the other one then we will not continue with them sparring with each other. We will actually take them out and put them with someone else that’s equal. We do mix the kids around in there because they are about close in age and is pretty much light weight. The tallest kid I have in the gym is an 11 year-old and he’s pretty small for his age… he’s 55lbs. I have an 8 year old who is the same weight as him, but the 11 year-old is like an inch taller than him. So safety is a big issue. If someone gets hit with a good punch then we stop it immediately; we don’t keep going. We make it fun. We don’t get in there and make it where it’s a necessity where you got to win at all cost; as long as we’re having fun we’re okay.”

The pluses for training children in the world of boxing, was what I asked Coach Barnett about next. He replied, “The pluses are the discipline. It helps them as far as school. It helps them to get along in life; as far as being able to get along with other kids.” He gave a scenario, “Let’s say one of the kids in my gym… and some kid at school pick a fight with him. I don’t condone violence. But to me kids have a right to defend themselves; but only when it’s absolutely one hundred percent necessary. Of cause they should tell an adult first and let the adults deal with it.” Coach Barnett continued, “If it’s to the point where they just have no other choice. Then yes, by all means defend yourself. My rule when kids come to sign up is that they are not to brag about this, they’re not to post it, they’re not to go around telling everybody… yeah I box! Because you’re opening yourself up for people to try and challenge you. Your challenges should only be inside the ring and in this gym, where you’re challenging yourself to be better at what you do for the sport and to have fun.” Coach Barnett, who has raised children of his own, spoke on one of his top concerns for the children in his gym [without me even asking him about it]. “Another one of my rules is that education is the big thing here. Some of the kids if they come here and they didn’t have time to do their homework then they do their homework here at the gym. They don’t start any training until their homework is done. I have plenty people in here, including myself, who will help them with their homework. Once they are done with it we’ll check it for them, and if there is something wrong then we will go back over it with them and help them out. Then they can start training. We don’t close until 9pm. They can come every day if they want. During school I only require them to come in 3 or 4 days out of the week, and then every other Saturday.” Boxing is a sport that has been widely spread as merely a form of exercise for some people; men and women… young and old. Coach Barnett filled me in on that detailed aspect of the sport. “They’re going to get a lot of physical education. They are going to get a lot of cardio exercises. You name it… we do it in here. We do a lot of things here; like run at Mt. Trashmore.” Coach Barnett gave an example, “I can’t speak for all the boxing clubs, I can only speak for mine, but my kids have to be in top condition. They are in the best shape of any of the other kids that I’ve seen. We went down to North Carolina to a two day event in April. I took all of my little juniors down there and I took one of my senior boxers. They went down there and basically put on a boxing clinic. When they did they didn’t get tired. They were so excited. We won every fight the first night. The next day I had four of them to fight. We brought home 8 gold

medals and 2 silvers. They did pretty good. They were in shape. I make sure that they’re in the best shape.” 757 Boxing club owner and coach, Reggie Barnett began to elaborate on the competition portion of what goes on in the club. “I’m very selective on who they have their first competition against. It has to be someone pretty much new; just like them to the sport. It has to be pretty much on an equal playing field. You don’t want to break the kid’s spirit… you don’t want to break their confidence. Being in here… being in amateur boxing gives kids a lot of confidence. It helps them out as far as their day to day with being able to cope with things at school… being able to listen to their parents. That’s the big key.” 757 Boxing is different to different people. To some it’s about instilling discipline and integrity into their children. To others it may be solely about increasing their level of health with an interesting option of exercise. However, there are those that train in boxing and they do this because of their undeniable love for the sport of boxing. Coach stated, “This sport is not for everyone.” The ones it may be for are the ones that enter into the competitions and train relentlessly to get past mediocre. I asked Coach Barnett just what makes it obvious of who goes on to compete in the boxing competitions. Coach explained, “They have to meet the qualifications as far as competition. We don’t put people in competition unless we’re one hundred percent sure that they are ready; and it all starts in the gym with the sparring in here. When we feel like they’re ready to compete we will put them in the competition. The age for the senior boxers is ages 17 to 34. Then there are the masters… Coach Barnett explained. “Your 35th birthday you can continue as an amateur. There’s a division called the masters division; age 35 and up. You can play as an amateur until you’re 60 and 70 years old. There are some older guys that actually do. When they get a certain age if they decide that they want to take it to the next level… a professional level, then yes we’re going to go that direction. I have one of my amateurs in here who is 27. He started boxing a little late, but he was one of the top heavy weights around here. So, he is a professional now. He is undefeated, 1 and 0, and we’re currently getting ready for another fight in Atlantic City February 4th.” The average age for starting into the professional ranks are between 19 and 27, according to Coach Reggie Barnett. Barnett told Seven Magazine just how he got into the coaching aspect of boxing. “When I joined the Navy in ’79, during that time I

wasn’t thinking about the military. I was 18-19 years old. I was actually getting ready to make the 1980 Olympic team. We found that the US was going to boycott the 1980 Olympics ahead of time. A year before the Olympics they always have the Olympic Box Off. Just when we’re getting ready for that I found out about the boycott so I withdrew from the tournament and joined the Navy instead. When I was in the Navy I competed in this Smoker; which was new to me. I didn’t understand the word. They told me what it was so I was like… okay. They knew that I used to box. We were overseas so I competed in it.” Soon after he was asked to join the Navy’s boxing team. He was on the team from 1980-1982. However at 22years old, Barnett became burned out and stopped boxing. He explained, “Sometimes you do things and you actually need a break. That’s all I did since a kid… that’s all I did. I went to school, I trained, and I traveled.” During that time Barnett had a young daughter and was weighing his priorities and options of staying in the Navy or getting out the Navy

to pursue professional boxing. He chose to not further his boxing career and focus on his growing family. However, boxing was a part of him and couldn’t so easily be swept under a rug. When his young son started to walk he bought him his first pair of boxing gloves. He began to teach his son to box. By the time his son was 3 years old, and his family was in Virginia, Barnett was teaching his son how to hit the boxing bag and shadow boxing while at Little Creek. Now Barnett’s son, Reggie Barnett Jr., is 25 years old and he is one of the top 135lbs MMA fighters here in Virginia and in the region. Coach Reggie Barnett Sr. answered how he found his way back to his heart, “I got back into boxing is because of him.” 5011 Cleveland St., Virginia Beach, VA *HOURS: Mon-Fri [5 to 9] & Sat [9:30 – 3:00] *CHILDREN RATES - $62 a month [multiple children in same household - 1 child is at regular rate and the others receives a 15% discount]. *ADULT RATES - $65 a month

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hroughout our society many elderly citizens and mentally challenged individuals have to face the added burden of not living within their familiar surroundings, or not being able have the daily family life that should be considered of the norm for all people. Some of the mandatory daily needs of such persons can sometimes be impossible for ones extended family members alone to handle while still maintaining jobs and other demands within their own lives. Some instances it is where an elderly person or the mentally challenged needS assistance with matters that could be achieved through an alternative resolution, rather than to be taken out of their home and sent to a convalescent type of facility. Katrina Wilson’s Blessed Hands Home Health Care is a much needed service within the Hampton Roads area. The service is providing attention to clients that have been verified of the need for assistance with some aspects of their lives. Katrina Wilson explained, “What we do is send an aid in that is called a PTA. PTA’s, CNA’s, RN’s, and LPN’s go into the homes and they take care of the mentally challenged and the elderly… whatever Medicaid pays for.” Some of the services that the companions supply are meal preparation, bathing, grocery shopping, checking vitals, light housekeeping, and transporting clients to appointments. The fact that the clients are in need for assistance is understandable. Nonetheless, when people are able to keep a form of normality within their lives

and feel the sense of some self sufficiency, this can bring contentment to these individuals that would otherwise lose all of their inner fight when being placed into a facilitated environment. Healthcare aides are more like a companion to the clients. While attending to a client’s special needs, a good aid will also nourish a client with compassion. Something as simple as a card game or listening to a client’s stories can enrich a patient’s mental health. Blessed Hands Home Health Care’s owner, Katrina Wilson, has worked in the health care field for over 8 years and her office manager has over 20 years experience. Blessed Hands Home Health Care opened its doors 19 months ago in Portsmouth, Virginia. Katrina Wilson expressed the characteristics that she searches for in her Blessed Hands Home Health Care staff members. “I look for honesty and a person that is a people’s person; because if you don’t have any type of compassion at all [then] this job is not for you.” She also expressed of how she puts herself in that position of her company’s clients. “When I get older I want somebody who is going to be reliable; who is not going to steal from me, and someone that’s going to be there for me; not only just there for the paycheck, but because you are human and you have some type of emotions.” Katrina Wilson was inspired to go into the healthcare line of business due to a pass situation with a beloved aunt Evelyn Beamon. Wilson wasn’t comfortable with the care that an aunt had received. “She was real sick and she was obese.” Wilson told Seven Magazine of

her family’s experience. “She had an aid to come in that talked bad to her, she didn’t do what she was supposed to do, she didn’t bandage her wounds up… you know things that they are supposed to do that they didn’t do.” She explained that some clients aren’t even fully aware of what care that they are supposed to receive. This can leave too much room for negligence. Wilson also had another aunt Mary Privott, that was 90 years old who was in a nursing home. That experience wasn’t a good one for Wilson’s family. Before entering the nursing home Wilson’s aunt could walk and was doing many things on her own. However, when she went into the nursing home Wilson explained, “It took everything away from her! Independence is very important to a lot of older people.” When independence was taken from Wilson’s aunt she went straight down. Wilson told of some instances when visiting a nursing home that she had seen obvious

“When I get older I want somebody who is going to be reliable.......”

negligence. “I’ve seen patients lying on the floor without any supervision.” The vivid reminders of her family’s bad experiences have driven Katrina Wilson’s dedication to enabling good experiences for the Blessed Hands Home Health Care clients and their families. If you have a family member that are in need of assistance within their daily lives, and you are in search of a trusted and compassionate helping hand contact Blessed Hands Home Health Care at 757-673-8878 or 1-866-974-4156 / 2601 Airline Blvd., Portsmouth, VA 23701. Office hours are Monday-Friday 9am-5pm (senior care available 7 days a week).


lack Diamond Hair Studio [2041 N. Battlefield Blvd, Suite #107, Chesapeake, VA] is one of the Tidewater area’s newest salons. The salon recently had its grand opening November 1, 2011. The family oriented establishment is owned and operated by the 20 year experienced stylist, Samantha Grant. Samantha has always been very goal oriented. She started doing hair at approximately the age of 12. She eventually went to hair school at Suffolk Beauty Academy, as well as studied at the vocational technical school. Her travels to opening the Black Diamond Hair Studio began to move towards being more than an envisioned dream as she faithfully seasoned her craft. The licensed beautician gained the credible experience under the roofs of well established salons such as All About You Hair Salon, Hairstyles Etc., and at the JC Penny Hair Salon. “It’s been a dream of mine forever, to open my own salon,” Samantha spoke fully blessed. Samantha has taken on the sometimes overwhelming responsibilities that were sure to come with the transition from stylist to salon owner. “I just try to take things in stride,” she said. Her support has strongly been in her corner from her husband and family. The loyal support and interest from Samantha’s family stretches widely; for instance her sister in-law that is also thinking about joining into the family business. Also for example the support of her father in-law [preacher and owner of Faith Deliverance Church of God located off Witchduck Rd. in Virginia Beach]. Samantha told Seven Magazine, “We try to keep everything as a family. Keep the drama out. The lord has to be at the front door.” Stylist and salon owner, Samantha Grant, commented about the trends that are throughout the 757 area. “I see that clients do a lot of quick weaves and Mohawks.” The services that are provided at Black Diamond Hair Studio are hair coloring, locking [dreadlocks], braiding, eyebrow waxing, hair cutting, sew-ins and quick weave. The salon currently has booth rentals available for exceptional stylists that are looking to be branded with a high quality salon. Samantha explained her future plans. “We’re trying to get into the hair shows.” She anticipates Black Diamond Hair Studio doing shows in Atlanta and doing big things as they

represent the styles and artistic stylists of the Tide- the salon’s stylists add to the peaceful setting water area. She sets her sites on getting the Black of the Black Diamond Hair Studio’s ambiance. Diamond Hair Studio name out there! Samantha Grant stated, “My stylist and I work together. We’re making sure that you’re not sitBlack Diamond Hair Studio has been the perfect ting and waiting. We’re always on point. We are foundation for Samantha Grant to absorb her pas- making sure that somebody is getting something sion and to exude her soul. “Hair is an expression. done. I know there are a lot of people that don’t I’m the type of person that loves to have people like to sit a lot… we make sure that you get in feel good… I like to help people look better. I and get out.” know that when I look better that I feel very good about myself.” Samantha talked of a very personal Black Diamond Hair Studio has not only qualpart of her life that has inspired a plan for the ity styling and professional customer service, salon. “I just lost an aunt to cancer. I want to start but also superior specials! Right now Black a cancer awareness month. I would do facials and Diamond Hair Studio is selling weave inside the just give little free things here or there, with dona- salon! Additionally, if a client gets a style done at tions.” Samantha also has in the works to have Black Diamond Hair Studio with the purchase of Black Diamond Hair Studio to start its own hair the weave, the customer will receive 50% off the shows in Virginia. “I see that we don’t have many purchase of the hair. Black Diamond Hair Studio going on here. I’ve been to a couple. However, is bringing the convenience for customers to other than that it’s not many that are here in go to one spot and get everything done! They Virginia,” She expressed to Seven Magazine her also offer conditioning treatments and hair care love for the hair events. “I like the theatrics, the products. There’s 10% off with a flyer or with this themes they put together, and the movement of copy of Seven Magazine. the hair; the performances… everything about the The Stylists of BLACK DIAMOND HAIR hair shows. I just love it!”Samantha informed of STUDIO how her and her husband plans to put Virginia on ZOE Brown the map with the art of hair styling. “I plan to start specialize in natural hair my own hair school also. “My husband and I are TORNETTE Williams trying our best to make sure that this salon lasts.” specialize in quick-weaves Samantha’s goal is to make Black Diamond Hair Studio a franchised salon. Samantha Grant stated, “We’re trying to not only do this one here. Maybe two or three more here in Virginia, and then move to other states.” The family business plans to also grow within the talents of the Grant’s aspiring daughters. Their 17 year-old daughter is interested in being a nail technician, and the 18 year-old is following directly in her mother’s footsteps with the plans to be a hair designer. Stylist and salon owner, Samantha Grant, expressed the vibe of the Black Diamond Hair Studio. “When my customers first walk into my door it’s always a family environment; I try to keep it as soothing as possible. It’s warm… family oriented. I play soothing music. If my clients need something to drink I make sure that they are not parched. I make sure that everybody is feeling welcomed in Black Diamond Hair Studio.” The relations of


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