Trophy's Seven Mag

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M A G A Z I N E EDITOR IN CHIEF Thomas Corbin EDITOR Thomas Corbin JOURNALISTS Latoya Corbin SALES Thomas Corbin



P : (757) 348-6636 E : THOMASCORBIN@ OUTLOOK.COM


October is National Bul-

etc. Speak to the school

lying Prevention Month,

administration, sharing

which is a reminder to

as many documented

think about how to help

details as you can. Ensure

stop this behavior in

your child is a part of an

schools. Carol Heavin, a

environment that uplifts

school counselor for Ar-

them (i.e., church events,

kansas Virtual Academy,

sports, other clubs). If

offers the following tips if

possible, remove them

you suspect your child is

from the bullying situa-

a victim of bullying Take

tion and consider other

a deep breath and stay as

academic opportunities,

calm as possible.Docu-

such as a tuition-free

ment as many details as

online public schoolFor

you can from your child,

more information, visit

including what is being

said or done to them,

For more on tuition-free

who may have witnessed

online public schools,

the repeated behavior,


Advertise and build up your own clientele or use a site like to network. Driver Want to try out ridesharing but don’t own a car? Or maybe you don’t want the commitment of a longtime lease or loan? Car ownership and contracts can be expensive, but you can curb or even eliminate the cost and earn money by participating in

Simple ways to earn extra money without

the Lyft Express Drive. The program provides affordable access to

owning a car

rental cars through

(BPT) - Whether you’re new

If you love animals, con-

partners like Hertz and

to a city and are getting

sider offering your services

on your feet, or you don’t

to people in your area. De-

Flexdrive. Drivers have access to a Lyft-exclu-

want the commitment of

pending on your schedule,

sive starting weekly

a longtime lease or loan,

you could become a dog

rental rate of $209 per

there are countless ways

walker or pet sitter, where

week (plus taxes and

to put some dough in your

you visit the animal during

fees). However, this cost

pocket without the need

the day while the owner is

can drop with Express

to purchase a car. Working

at work. Another option is

Drive Rental Rewards,

with a flexible schedule

pet boarding out of your

a program designed to

doesn’t necessarily mean

home. This can be particu-

make each rental more

that you need to be tied to

larly great for dogs. Kennels

affordable. If a renter

traditional car ownership.

are expensive, and many

gives a certain number

Here are five simple ways to

dog owners will consider

of Lyft rides each week,

make money on your own

qualified and trustworthy

some or all of the rental


home boarding options as

costs can be covered by

an alternative to kennels

Lyft’s Rental Rewards

when they are out of town.


Pet sitter

Big Steve Johnson has been gaining experience as a business owner since 2013. He and his family decided to make it official in 2015 when they opened Trophy’s. Trophy’s is a used furniture store where customers can purchase good quality used furniture at affordable prices. While Trophy’s is mostly known for for their $100 mattresses, Big Steve has hopes that Trophy’s will be known for being a family owned and operated business that is giving back to the community. Big Steve shared how he and his family began selling furniture by creatively finding their inventory on craigslist and utilizing Facebook and Craigslist to sell the items. Trophy’s was selling merchandise on Facebook before Facebook Marketplace existed. While having new platforms to advertise comes with benefits, such as, being easier to reach the client and access to a larger amount of customers, it also comes with increased competition. While some business may fear competition, Trophy’s takes pride in knowing that their family and their businesses are here for the people, so, when it comes to competition,

it seems that the only competition


that Trophy’s is in -is with itself, by

Virginia Beach. At Easter, they plan

giving as much as possible back to

events for families and give-a-way

the community.

$100 golden Easter eggs. ‘People

at Palm Gardens in

need to know that they are not Big Steve is from Huntersville, in

alone. Sometime all people need is a

Norfolk, Virginia. He describes his

helping hand.‘

remembrance of how the church

At Se7en Magazine, we love to see

used to be the pillar in the commu-

businesses expanding and growing.

nity. ‘Over the years, things have

We asked Big Steve about his plans

changed. People go to church, give,

for expansion and how he envi-

and tithe and they can’t get any help

sioned his business’ growth over the

in their time of need. Back when I

next five years. Without hesitation,

was growing up, you could go to the

Big Steve began to explain his vision

church for help. My goal is to be a

to franchise Trophy’s up and down

pillar in the community.’

the east coast and to increase the number of delivery trucks so that

As a pillar, Big Steve and Trophy’s

they can accommodate more cus-

distributes free turkeys and ribs to

tomers and to create new opportu-

families during the holidays. In fact,

nities for the community. Communi-

this past October, Trophy’s hosted

ty seems to be the common theme

a Fight For Cancer Comedy Show

of this interview.

he understands why older people

We asked Big Steve about his busi-

might doubt him but has no problem

ness name Trophy. What or who in-

proving them wrong. The second

spired it and is there any significance

most common challenge would be

in it’s meaning? Big Steve shared

the infamous “Can I get a discount?”

that several years ago he released

Big Steve explains, ‘Although we set

a song called Ghetto Trophy, which

our prices at the best possible rate,

was an inspirational song for the

we have to leave room for negoti-

urban community, encouraging them

ation’. As a black-owned furniture

that you can get out here and hustle and make things happen. ‘I’m not

store, it would be nice to receive the same respect that other furniture

bothered by what’s going on in the

stores receive and to have our prices

economy because there are some


things that you just can’t get around. Things like paying Uncle Sam, han-

Trophy’s plans to continue to prove

dling your (business) overhead. I

themselves in the business commu-

have four kids to feed, so I can’t play

nity and in their local community.

no games.’

Trophy’s also functions as the parent

There are all kinds of challenges that

company to several other business-

businesses deal with on a daily basis.

es that are owned by the Johnson

The first most common challenge Big

family. Those businesses include

Steve says he’s confronted with is

lawn care, car sales, real estate, and

proving that his age is just a number.

a record label.

Since he is young ( How young?)

Your Connect

Business cards from various businesses

each flush. Simply place

spreading and keep family

your preferred cleaning

members healthy, wipe

tablet in a compartment,

down common surfaces with

choose a cleaning setting

a disinfectant wipe. It takes

and let the system go to

just seconds to do but can

work. You don’t have to

make a big difference.

lift a finger.

Clean hands Regularly washing hands

Launder towels and linens

is one of the best ways

Washing linens regularly

to eliminate germs and

helps eliminate germs

prevent illness. All family

and viruses while cleaning

members should scrub up

3 ways to stay healthy

off dirt and grime. This is

every time they use the

during cold and

especially important when

bathroom to keep fingers

f lu season

someone in the house is

fresh and surfaces clean.

sick because it prevents

For easy hand-washing,

(BPT) - With cold and flu

the spread to others.

use the Kohler Touchless

season just around the

For frequently used and

Foaming Soap Dispenser.

corner you might think

potentially shared items

Simply hold your hand under

there isn’t much you can

like bed sheets and bath

the spout to dispense soap

do to prepare for the inev-

towels, be sure to wash in

automatically. A 20-second

itable aches and achoos.

hot water or use the sani-

lighted timer lets you know

A few small changes in

tize setting. Follow this by

how long to lather, which is

your routine and at home

drying using the high-heat

not only the recommended

can go a long way toward

setting in order to kill any

hand-washing time from the

keeping you and your fam-


Centers for Disease Control

ily healthy all season long.

Disinfect household hot-

and Prevention, but also a

Tidy toilet bowls


helpful guide for kids.

The toilet can be a breed-

Doorknobs, cabinet han-


ing ground for bacteria,

dles and light switches

Getting proper rest and

but instead of slipping

are frequently touched by

nutrition is essential to

on the rubber gloves and

everyone who lives in your

maintaining a healthy im-

scrubbing with a grimy

home. That means any

mune system that fights off

brush, consider Continu-

dirt, bacteria or germs on

the germs and viruses that

ousClean from Kohler. This

their hands will get trans-

increase during cold and flu

factory-installed system

ferred to those surfaces

season. To prioritize these

housed in the toilet tank

and onto the hands of the

two essential steps, consider

dispenses a consistent

next person who touch-

meal planning and creating

dose of cleaner during

es them. To prevent this

a regular bedtime routine.

Jay has been in the tire business for the past 18 years. After returning home from a vacation Jay began working at his best friend’s tire shop which gave him an opportunity to start over and reinvent himself. Applying the same skills it takes to hustle, Jay began working 7 days a week and giving 110%. He was proud of his contribution to his friends success and eventually his dedication and work ethic was rewarded with an even greater opportunity. His friend decided to downsize and sell one of his locations. Jay decided that he was ready to step up to the plate and branch out on his own. That’s how Jay’s Tires came to be. Through hard work,m and staying focused he was able to turn his life around and grow from an employee to a business owner. Jay has continued to grow and expand his business. He recently signed the lease on a brand new location, 6100 Tidewater Drive in Norfolk, Virginia, which will be opened and running within the next 90 days. Jay reminisced about his time away and how his children and family were affected by his absence. He says that he never wants to see his children experience anything like that again. He described it as devastating and uses those memories to remind him that his children are his motivation to keep going and to know that God‘s got a plan. At this point in Jays life he says it’s important to him that he gives back to the community. He wants young people to know that they have options. They just have to stay focused and they also have to understand that there is a system in place that is designed to keep them coming back, just like e recycling center. I can fill tires every day take the negative that I was doing and turn it into a positive. The money is legal and just as good and you don’t have to worry about looking over your shoulder. It’s just like the game making your profits. Jay says he learned that when he became a man he had to put away childish things. I learned that the hard way but I also know that if you want to make a change, you can. I’d be the first person in line to hire someone with a criminal record who

is looking for an opportunity to change their life. They are some of the best people. There’s always opportunity out there. Somebody’s always watching. In fact, an investor saw his dedication and work ethic and offered him the opportunity to access the funds he needed to open a second shop. You never know who Who is watching you. Jay gives of the community the tires that they need and what they need are tires that fit at the time they are needed. In order to make sure that happens Jay buys 2000 tires monthly to offer his customers that assurance and the satisfaction that they’ll get the tires they came to purchase and at the best pricing hands-down. Jay will always beat any other tire quote as long as the quote is in writing. In addition, oil changes, brakes and minor automotive repair work is a specialty. “No Major Repairs”. In appreciation for his customers, Jay rewards his customers with customer loyalty discounts. Jay proudly shared that his shop is constantly complimented on its cleanliness. He keeps a very clean environment for customers so they can be comfortable while they wait. you can find him on Facebook @tireteam757. Hours of operation are Monday -Friday 9 AM to 11 PM. They are the only tire shop in the area that’s working the night hours. Saturdays 9AM to 6PM and Sundays 10AM to 5PM. Jays is closed on Thanksgiving,Christmas Eve and Christmas day but other than that they’re open all of the holidays. The next time you need your tires changed be sure to visit Jay.


Meet TAVI OSHON, from Hampton VA, by way of New York City, He is the founder and CEO of BILD A BERG Records & Management. How did music influence your childhood? My Mother and father used to play a lot of music throughout the house. My Brother loved hiphop music he had every album. He was also in a rap group and it inspired me to want to freestyle. I started rapping at a very young age. Where are you from originally? I was born on the run in Toledo Ohio but I never lived there I’m from Power Kingdom, Poughkeepsie New York. When I was coming up there was a lot of poverty. Close friends getting shot and dieing. There were a lot of people struggling, hustling and living in the projects... but it’s home the place that I love. How long have you been in Hampton Roads? I’ve been in Virginia for a minute ...almost 16 years at least. Hampton is my second home . I love Virginia. I live in Hampton two up to down baby! I’ve been on the hip-hop scene since 2003. That’s a long time that I’ve been involved in music. The Virginia House of Comedy was one of the first venues I performed at in Virginia. A local R&B artist named Romonta used to have a open mic there. Shout out to Romonta. Would you consider yourself a hip-hop OG? I consider myself to be humble and I consider myself like... a veteran but I’m always evolving and learning. I guess with all the work that I put in... I guess you could consider me a OG. Coming from New York to VA, would you compare yourself to Teddy Riley? That’s a good person to talk about because Teddy is from New York and came to Virginia and influenced a lot of people from this area and worldwide. He is definitely somebody that I would say I look up to. How would you describe yourself and your sound? My sound is very universal. I’m not in a box when I make music, sometimes I give it that vintage hip-hop style. With some music, I come with a modern style but it’s never really me try-

ing to have a certain sound. It’s more about how the record sounds to me if I can feel it and what the beat brings to me mentally. So it doesn’t matter what type of beat it is or what genre it is because I’m going to always be able to come at it correct. How do you keep your music relevant? Overall, as an MC you always have to keep evolving. Look at people like LL and Jay Z that were able to stand the test of time. No matter what the sound was they always kept it true to who they were. They tackled whatever the trending sound was at the time. No matter what the beat is... a modern instrumental or trap... I kill them all. What era of hip hop do you represent? I feel like I’m a part of all eras of hip-hop. I remember in the beginning to the 90s; to the 2000s; to where we are now. I have been a part of them all. Tell me about Tidal 1015 and Tidal1020.? Tidal 1015 and 1020 is a benefit concert JAY Z has at the Barkley center every year. Its also a competition that they only had for two years through Roc Nation, Dusse and Tidal. They had it on all social media platforms you had to submit a picture or 30 second video about Dusse and post it on your social media. The winner of the competition would receive two floor seat tickets valued at $10,000 to see Jay Z, Beyonce, Nas, Usher, lil Wayne, Nikki Minaj, TI, Lauryn Hill an many more. Dusse pre show happy hour with Roc Nation staff and after party at the 40/40 club. I actually won first place in that competition two years in a row with a 30 second freestyle. Have you ever had a chance to meet Jay Z? I’ve always wanted to meet him because I look up to him. He’s a very good businessman, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to meet him; however, they gave me floor seats I sat pretty close. Lol. Do you have any advice for new artist? New artists should definitely stay true to who they are and make music based off of what they believe in. A lot of people would just try to

jump on a trend. There’s nothing wrong with jumping on a trend or a sound but you don’t want to switch your whole sound and get caught in a time period. For example, if you want to be similar to Wale and then Future comes out and now someone else comes out and they want to try to sound like that person too. Just stay true to who you are and what you believe and in the essence of your life and what you’ve experienced. Even if it’s sitting at home playing video games, you can rap about that. If you play basketball... rap about that. Don’t try to become somebody that you’re not because you want to sell music. What new projects are you currently working on? The last project I released was called Effortless Perfection and since then I’ve recorded three or four projects. I’m also working on an EP with Illnote and it has the potential to become a whole album. There are a lot of good topics. I’m about to release a CD called LOST IN SPACE. I am in full support and a advocate for the legalization of recreational marijuana in the state of Virginia, so I made a CD about smoking and having a good time.The video for the first single NASA ft Selena Iverson is out now. I have a few projects that I’m working on that will be coming soon. What other projects do you have in works? I just finished writing a script to a comedy me and my boy Hersh came up with a few years ago. We are looking to start filming in the near future. Also I recently Exective produced a film Called THE DEAL . I linked with a guy named Jamal Johnson who is the director, He asked Tavi did he think he could do the score for this movie? Tavi took on the challenge and the film was a success. When the movie came out it sold out at Cinema Café. We also had three consecutive showings at the virginia air and space center IMAX theater. I did the soundtrack, the score and I played the roll of the main characters brother and as Executive producer I am part owner.

Are you collaborating with other people right now? I have my label BILD A BERG RECORDS I currently been mentoring new talent and working with a few local artists like B SMITH, DEZZY, SALINA IVERSON, DANA DANIELS, YOUNG DICTION, KILLA BUSH, KEEFV GO KRAZY , TOO KNOWN, LIL SAM just to name a few. It’s good to give people advice that can help them advance quicker because I been there before, you know? So I take what ive learned and use it in other types of businesses like clothing, movies, and sports shout out to Jerry SLUGGER Forrest. As a business man i have to be well rounded. When you learn how to do good business you can apply that to any kind of business. Are you currently looking for talent? Right now I haven’t really been looking but i will keep my ears to the streets. Most of the artist that I’m around I meet with them and I help them out with ideas. I guess you can say to a point, I’m looking for talent it just has to be the right person. They have to have that drive and passion for their craft and I’m always happy to work with motivated musicians like that. What do you plan to accomplish with your label? My main focus is to manage and guide artist and sports figures. To take music and all forms of entertainment to the next level. If you have something you think the world needs to hear, I have digital distribution and we can get your music on any platform from A to Z. How can folks link with you? For management, collaborations, or if you want to work with my label use my Gmail. Producers send beats to TAVI757@GMAIL. COM I’m on Instagram @TaviOshon Watch my videos on Youtube/ TAVI OSHON PEACE!

(BPT) - Technology has rapidly changed

viewed and managed. Previously, an

the way we live over the past 30 years.

analog meter on your home measured

Where people once turned strictly

your electricity use and, at the end

to their televisions to watch their

of the month, a bill came in the mail.

favorite shows or play video games,

Now, smart meters communicate with

people can now access their favorite

the utility in real time. For you, this

entertainment, anytime and anywhere

means easy, more immediate access

— thanks to smart devices and a WiFi

to your energy-usage information, as


well as the ability to take part in energy saving programs.

This new level of connectivity goes well beyond easier access to entertain-

“Children today have the benefit of

ment. For example, can you log onto a

knowing that connectivity is just there

computer and get a real-time look at

whenever they want it,” said Etienne

your energy use through your utility? If Veber, president of Field Trip Factory, so, your home has a smart-meter — a

a firm that helps design, schedule

powerful tool to help you better un-

and promote interactive learning

derstand this newly connected world.

experiences. “We can help our youth understand how this newly connect-

Smart meters are part of an emerging

ed environment works for them, so

set of smart grid technologies that

that they learn to use it responsibly

are transforming how electricity use is

and have the foundational knowledge

they learn to use it responsibly and have

pizza right in your backyard.

the foundational knowledge to one day lead and innovate future technology

Get a behind-the-scenes peek: Talk to


your child’s teacher or scout leader and volunteer to help organize a field trip to

Parents can lay the foundation in their

your local utility or have a utility repre-

own homes, and smart meters and their

sentative speak in your child’s classroom.

connection to the smart grid make an

Some utilities have developed engaging

excellent launching point for some fun

teaching tools that help children under-

science and technology lessons.

stand where their electricity comes from.

Make the connection: For decades,

One prime example is ComEd’s Smart

parents reminded children to turn off

Energy Hub Program in Northern Illinois.

the lights and shut the front door to save

Thanks to a partnership with Field Trip

energy. Children possibly ignored those

Factory, the electricity provider has

reminders, perhaps because it was too

designed and developed an engaging,

difficult to prove these things made a

interactive program for students — one

difference. With a smart meter and a

that cannot be duplicated in the class-

smart thermostat installed in your home,

room — that explains how the new smart

you have an unprecedented opportunity

grid system works, and how it helps

to show the cause and effect almost in-

everyone save energy almost effortlessly.

stantly. With a simple login, children can

So far, the Smart Energy Hub program has

now see how much energy your house

reached 6,000 families and students.

uses and discover what happens when the lights are turned off and the door is

Many of the youth return from the Smart


Energy Hub feeling inspired and motivated to reduce energy use at home. Be

Take a spin with renewable energy: One

sure and use that momentum and come

neat benefit of the smart grid is how it

up with a plan the whole family can use

makes it easier for utilities to use those

to save energy and keep more money on

renewable energy options, like solar and

hand for the fun stuff!

wind, and help them become increasingly available to customers. Help children understand how sun and wind can make renewable energy with backyard experiments that are safe, easy and practically free. For example, a cardboard box, aluminum foil and sunny day are all you need to create a solar oven that cooks a

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