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lesterol that helps remove deposits from your blood vessels. Aim to raise your HDL above 60 mg/dl. * Triglycerides raise your chances for a heart attack or stroke if your levels are too high. Aim for triglycerides lower than 150 mg/dl. Your doctor may also give you a “total” cholesterol number. A good total cholesterol goal is less than 200 mg/dl.

Want to lower your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease? Managing your cholesterol can help. But cholesterol, a type of fat in your blood, can be confusing. For example, one kind of cholesterol clogs your arteries. Another kind helps remove the bad cholesterol from your body. What do you really need to know to protect your health? * Lower your bad cholesterol. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad cholesterol that blocks your blood vessels. Try to keep your LDL cholesterol below 100 mg/dl. * Raise your good cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good cho-


Why is managing cholesterol important? “Dyslipidemia, or abnormal cholesterol levels, is a key risk factor for both type 2 diabetes and heart disease,” says Dr. Michael Davidson, Director, Preventive Cardiology at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine. “Keeping your cholesterol levels in check can lower your risk for both of these deadly diseases and help you live a longer, healthier life.” Your doctor can do a simple blood test to measure all your cholesterol numbers. If your levels are off, you’re not alone: about one in four American adults face the same challenge. But many others have learned to achieve a healthy cholesterol balance—and you can, too. Their secret? “The key is simple,” Davidson says. “Healthy lifestyle changes lower LDL and raise HDL at the same time. Combining lifestyle changes with medicines, if necessary, is your best bet to manage cholesterol so you can live a longer, healthier life.”


Here are five tips to help you manage your cholesterol: 1. Eat Smart. One simple way to lower your bad cholesterol is to eat fewer trans fats and high-cholesterol foods like egg yolks, fatty meats, butter and whole milk. You can also help your body absorb less bad cholesterol by eating foods that contain soluble fiber, such as oatmeal, kidney beans, yams and apples. Other cholesterol-smart foods are salmon, walnuts and olive oil. Eating as many vegetables, whole grains and fruits as you can will help you feel fuller longer and cut your cravings for less healthy snacks. Always check the “Nutrition Facts” labels on foods before you buy to see how they might help or hurt your cholesterol-lowering efforts. 2. Stay Active. You can raise your good cholesterol and lower the bad at the same time with exercise. To get this powerful benefit, exercise for 30 minutes a day, five days a week. And don’t worry about going to the gym—walking briskly is just as effective. And you can head to the mall and walk there when the weather is bad. Or do house work or work in the yard. The key is to get your heart pumping. This week, why not start with just 10 minutes? Take a 10-minute walk around the block every day during your lunch break or after dinner. Or choose another time that works for you. Then continue to add one lap each week until you’re walking briskly for 30 minutes. 3. Drop a Few Pounds. Being overweight raises your bad cholesterol. At the same time, it lowers your good cholesterol. But eating smart and staying active will help you lose weight—and dropping just a few pounds can raise your HDL. Maintaining a healthy weight will help you keep your cholesterol in balance. 4. Quit Smoking. It’s no surprise that smoking lowers your good cholesterol. If you smoke, quitting can help your HDL jump as much as 10 percent. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can help. Options include the nicotine patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler or nasal spray. Prescription medicines are another option. Talk with your health care provider about which options are best for you. And visit to learn more about how to quit. 5. Consider Cholesterol Medicines. Ask your doctor if medicines such as statins, fibrates and niacin can help you lower LDL while raising HDL levels. To learn more about how managing cholesterol can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease, call the American Diabetes Association at (800)-DIABETES (800-342-2383), e-mail or visit www. Be sure to ask for your copy of “What You Need to Know: Cholesterol.”







Moving Beyond Your Divorce by Shelly Stile


here is no single more powerful stumbling block to moving beyond our divorce into a new life than the inability to accept our new reality. Acceptance is the hardest part of the divorce recovery process. Acceptance requires total honesty, courage and the willingness to let go of the life that we had...a life that no longer exists. Without that acceptance, we cannot move forward and create a new life. How does one learn acceptance? Although it takes time and a good deal of inner work, it can be done. Here is a step-bystep guide to move you towards acceptance: 1) It’s about you, not them. One of the most powerful lessons in life is the knowledge that we have control over one person and one person only… ourselves. If you are looking outside of yourself to move forward, you won’t. We can’t change anyone but ourselves. We have power over no one except ourselves. It is when we turn inward and do the work on ourselves that we will be able to effect dramatic and positive changes in our lives. Being a victim means giving away all control and power. If I blame someone else for my situation, then I am powerless to do anything about it as I have chosen to absolve myself of any responsibility. We can create changes that will make out lives better but not until we stop trying to change our ex or our current reality and we realize that it’s about us, not them. 2) Get support. If you think you can do this all by yourself you may be in for a big surprise. Research consistently shows that getting support in any challenging endeavor leads to more success. Whether you choose a divorce support group, a therapist, a member of the clergy or a Life Coach, just do it. If you are one of the those people who think that you have to handle life’s challenges on your own because somehow you equate support with weakness, get over it! Getting support is a sign of intelligence as far as I’m concerned as well as an indication that you really are serious about moving onward in life. 3) First, you must get through the initial stages of loss that includes denial, grief, anger, depression and whatever else you might be feeling early in the divorce process. These emotions are all natural and necessary states that we need to experience. They are the norm versus the exception. Each one of these feelings needs to be embraced and experienced fully. There must be an ending before a new beginning. There is a difference between fully experiencing an emotional stage and getting stuck in it. Beware excessive self-pity and real depression. Here is where support becomes important to your well-being and improvement. 4) Distinguish between facts and interpretations. I cannot stress the importance of this step enough. People get stuck when they cannot face the facts and prefer to believe that their personal interpretations are reality. You might be familiar with the exercise of the picture that has a hidden image within it. Ten people may come up with ten different interpretations of the picture. Some people will see the hidden image immediately and others will never see it until it is pointed out to them. Either way, the hidden picture exists. It is a fact. You may feel that you have been mentally abused and yet


your partner may feel that you are the one that is abusive. He said, she said. Probably a counselor will see a totally different picture altogether. You know, there’s your side, his side and then the truth. Once you are truthful with yourself and can see the facts versus the drama or story of your divorce, you will be on your way to acceptance. 5) Be brutally honest and take responsibility for your marriage, divorce and life. Those of us who can be totally honest with ourselves will receive the gift of a deep awareness of who and what we are along with the ability to accept our lives as they are without looking to blame someone else. Being honest allows us to see things that hadn’t existed for us before. The truth will indeed set you free. By setting aside our egos, we can look at our life for what it actually is versus a story about our divorce. Once we have been honest and have embraced all the facts about our divorce, we are free to accept full responsibility for our lives. Responsibility is power and the freedom to choose what we want next in life. If we cannot take responsibility, we remain victims and victims absolve themselves of both their responsibility and therefore the power to control their own lives. 6) Learn the difference between what is and what you think should be. If we are living in a netherland of what we think should be, we are completely cut off from reality or ‘what is’. If you think that you should not have to be experiencing divorce, then you cannot accept what is…that you are indeed getting divorced. You live in a world of your own. We all create a list of should be’s that keep us stuck in the status quo: I should be happier, I should be getting more support, I shouldn’t have to work, and I should still be married. By concentrating on what we should be, we ignore what actually exists for us and remain stuck. I think we should live in a world where peace is the predominant ethic but we don’t live in that world. That’s a dream I have. By acknowledging the world as it truly exists, I can make choices as to how I will live my life and also how to address the problems that do exist. 7) Consider the emotional wounds that you brought to the marriage. Your ex may complain that you were not a warm person. I doubt that it was your marriage that created a cold person, if indeed that is what you are. We bring ourselves into our marriages and the parts of us that show up and create issues are the parts of us that we haven’t addressed yet. They are emotional wounds from somewhere in our past and they have a tendency to pop-up in our close relationships or when we are faced with challenging times. Now is your chance to address those wounds andheal them so that you do not repeat your so-called mistakes again. Use your divorce as a catalyst to go inside and heal yourself. 8) Release toxic emotions. Get rid of the debilitating toxic emotions that you are carrying around. Picture them as heavy baggage that keeps you stuck in your misery and produces a broken back. Anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment, rage…these are all toxic emotions that will harm you far more than your ex. You are


the one who pays the price. You need to work through them and then release them because they will weigh you down for the rest of your life if you allow it. Once you have done the work of truth versus interpretations and what is versus what should be, you will find it much easier to give up your anger and resentment. They do not serve you and you are learning to give away anything that does not serve you well. 9) Learn forgiveness for yourself and your mate. You might not be able to practice forgiveness in the early stages of the journey to recovery but if you go through these other steps, you will be able to forigive your ex and more importantly, yourself. Forgiveness takes a big load off your shoulders. It releases energy that can be used for positive things. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean you condone bad behavior, it simply means you forgive. If we separate the person from the behavior it becomes easier to forgive. You know that just because you sometimes say mean things it does not mean you are a bad person. Just a lapse in judgment. We are not necessarily our behavior. We know all the subconscious motivations that exist within every individual. If we look at the inner child within a person, forgiveness is a given. 10) Make conscious decisions; utilize free choice. When you do the inner work of divorce recovery, you tend to attend to many things that have been left unresolved for years. You become more conscious of your actions and your choices. You become aware of the subconscious and how it can run your life. When you learn to observe the constant mind chatter that goes on inside your heads, you learn that the mind chatter is not us, its just chatter. Making conscious decisions based in free choice means that we are not letting our mind chatter, our past, our emotional wounds or our interpretations of reality run the show. We take control of our lives. Conscious living allows for incredible freedom and the ability to create extraordinary changes. And your bonus tip: 11) Find the gifts of your divorce. Everything that occurs in our lives and everything that we are (warts and all) has a hidden gift. If you speak to someone who has survived divorce and has gone on to create a and vibrant life based upon their own passions and

values, they will certainly tell you that their divorce was the best thing that happened to them. That may not be true for you but there is a gift waiting for you to find. My ex likes to say that he is responsible for my new career and to a certain extent he has played a part. Oftentimes it takes a good whack on the head to awaken us to life’s possibilities and our own happiness. It’s the old adage: Every cloud has a silver lining. It is true. Search for the gifts of your divorce and it becomes yet another step toward a successful recovery from the trauma of divorce. Successful divorce recovery takes inner work. Much like a flower, the work that has takes place underneath the surface of the ground, invisible to the human eye, is the crucial aspect. Without that subterranean work, there would be no flower. The reward of the flower is dependent upon the inner work of the seed and the root system. It is the same with humans. Do the inner work and you see the outer rewards.



by: Judy Hansen

2. Play fosters socio-emotional learning. What does a ten-month-old baby who shrieks at the sight of her stuffed toy have in common with a ten-year-old boy who plays basketball with his friends? They both deal with their confidence For children, play is naturally enjoyable. And since it is their acas they choose to embark on their play activities. At the same tive engagement in things that interest them, play should be child-led, or time, they are displaying their independence in the decisions that at least child-inspired, for it to remain relevant and meaningful to them. they make. These two children are also internalizing social rules Children at play are happily lost in themselves; they are in their own in their respective play situations: the baby waits patiently for her realm of wonder, exploration, and adventure, pulling parents in at times stuffed toy to appear, while the school-age child has to contend with a frequent “Let’s play, mom!” as an open invitation into that world. with an impending loss in a ball game. As early as infancy, children immerse themselves in play activities with the purpose of making sense of the world around them. Play gives children the opportunity to learn and experience things themselves, which is vital for their development. Although peek-a-boo games seem pointless to adults, tots are awed by the surprise that awaits them as they see the suddenly emerging faces of people they love. (Stages of Play) During toddlerhood, children experience a motor-growth spurt that equips them to solitarily fiddle with anything they can get their hands on – be it a construction toy or the box from where it came. Toddlers also love breaking into song, wiggling and jiggling to tunes, and imitating finger plays they are commonly exposed to. Preschoolers begin extending their play to involve others, whether they bring others in at any stage of their game or they plan their game and its players’ way ahead. Their physical and motor skills allow them to widen their lay arena, from dramatic play to table games to outdoor pursuits. Schoolage children start appreciating organized play – such as innovated songs and rhymes, games with rules, relays and other physical activities, sports and projects that they can accomplish over a certain time frame. Play Perks: Why the big fuss about playing? Play benefits the child in ways that might be a tad difficult for adults to imagine. 1. Play brings pure and utter joy. A toddler who jumps into an empty box and runs around the house ‘driving a car’ shows the sheer happiness that play brings him or her. When children are asked what they did in school and they answer ‘play,’ it is a clear sign that these kids remember a feeling of genuine joy that is captured in this four-letter word.


3. Play hones physical and motor development. Play often involves the use of the senses, the body, and the extremities. When children play, they exercise their bodies for physical strength, fluidity of movement, balance and coordination. Perceptual-motor ability, or the capacity to coordinate what you perceive with how you move, is an essential skill that preschoolers need to develop. A three-year-old who is engrossed in digging, scooping, and pouring sand into a container must match his or her perception of the space in front of him or her with actual hand movements, so that he or she can successfully fulfill the motor activity. 4. Play facilitates cognitive learning. Play is vital to the intellectual development of a child. We live in a symbolic world in which people need to decode words, actions, and numbers. For young children, symbols do not naturally mean anything because they are just arbitrary representations of actual objects. The role of play is for the child to understand better cognitive concepts in ways that are enjoyable, real, concrete, and meaningful to them. For instance, through play, a child is able to comprehend that the equation 3 + 2 = 5 means ‘putting together’ his toy cars by lining them up in his makeshift parking lot. When he combines 2 triangles to make a square during block play, or writes down his score is a bowling game, the child is displaying what he knows about shapes and numbers. Through play, the child is constructing his or her worldview by constantly working and reworking his understanding of concepts. 5. Play enhances language development.


Toddlers who are still grappling with words need to be immersed in oral language so they can imitate what they hear. They benefit from songs and rhymes that provide the basis for understanding how language works. When these tots are playing with toys, adults model to them how language is used to label objects or describe an event. At play, preschoolers use language to interact, communicate ideas, and likewise learn from dialogues with more mature members of society. 6. Play encourages creativity. Barney the dinosaur was right about using imagination to make things happen. A lump of Play-Doh suddenly turns into spaghetti with meat sauce and cheese; a small towel transforms into a cape that completes a superhero’s wardrobe; and a tin can serves as a drum that accompanies an aspiring rock artist. Play opens an entire avenue for children to express themselves, show what they know and how they feel, and to create their own masterpieces. 7. Play provides bonding opportunities. Play is an important factor in child development. It provides for interaction, experimentation, and moral development. Here are some ways by which parents can encourage and support their children’s playtime. - Let your child be the player-leader. Let children initiate their activity, set their own theme, choose the parameters where the play will take place. Play becomes a venue for children to express their feelings and be in control. - Help them help themselves. When your 5-year-old asks for help, say, figuring out how to piece a puzzle together, stop yourself from coming to her rescue and first ask your child questions that allow him or her to help himself or herself. Say, “Where do you think this piece should go?” Afterward, commend his or her success. - Play attention. Once you make a commitment to play with your child, watch for the following signals: Does he or she want you to actively play a part in the activity? Does he or she need encouragement? Is he or she tired or hungry? Does he or she need to take a break? - Have a play plan. If you seem to have little time for playing with your child, consider using self-care chores to have fun with him or her. Also, get support from other people in your household, like older siblings, household help, or the child’s grandparents, so that they understand why play is important and how they should continue to encourage it.



An economic downturn is a phase of the business cycle in which the economy as a whole is in decline.This phase basically marks the end of the period of growth in the business cycle. Economic downturns are characterized by decreased levels of consumer purchases (especially of durable goods) and, subsequently, reduced levels of production by businesses. While economic downturns are admittedly difficult, and are formidable obstacles to small businesses that are trying to survive and grow, an economic downturn can open up opportunities. A well-managed company can realize the opportunity to gain market share by taking customers away from their competitors. Resourceful entrepreneurs capture the available opportunities, from an economic downturn, by developing alternate methods of doing business that were never implemented during a prior growth period. The challenge of successfully navigating your business through an economic downturn lies in the realignment of your business with current economic realities. Specifically, you, as the business owner, need to renew a focus on your core clients/customers, reduce your operating expenses, conserve cash, and manage more proactively, rather than reactively, is paramount.

• Negotiate, negotiate, and negotiate! The value of a strong negotiation skill set cannot be overstated. Negotiating better deals and contracts is an absolute must for realigning and resizing your company to the current economic conditions. The key to success is not only knowing how to develop a win-win approach in negotiations with all parties, but also keeping in mind the fact that you want a favorable outcome for yourself too. Recommended Best Practice Activities: The Nuts and Bolts… The following list of recommended best practice activities is critical for your business’ survival and for its growth during an economic downturn. The actual financial health of your particular business, at the outset of the economic downturn, will dictate the priority and urgency of the implementation of the following best practice activities.

Here are best practices that will help you to successfully navigate your business through an economic downturn: Goals: The primary goal of any business owner is to survive the current economic downturn and to develop a leaner, more cost-effective and more efficient operation. The secondary goal is to grow the business even during this current economic downturn.

1. Diligently monitor your cash flow: Forecast your cash flow monthly to ensure that expenses and planned expenditures are in line with accounts receivable. Include cash flow statements into your monthly financial reporting. Project cash requirements three-to- six months in advance. The key is to know how to monitor, protect, control, and put cash to work.

Objectives: • Conserve cash. • Protect assets. • Reduce costs. • Improve efficiencies. • Grow customer base. Required Action: • Do not panic… History shows that economic downturns do not last forever. Remain calm and act in a rational manner as you refocus your attention on resizing your company to the current economic conditions. • Focus on what YOU can control… Don’t let the media’s rhetoric concerning recessions and economic slowdown deter you from achieving business success. It´s a trap! Why? Because the condition of the economy is beyond your control. Surviving economic downturns requires a focus on what you can control, i.e. your relevant business activities. • Communicate, communicate, and communicate! Beware of the pitfall of trying to do too much on your own. It is a difficult task


indeed to survive and to grow your business solely with your own efforts. Solicit ideas and seek the help of other people (your employees, suppliers, lenders, customers, and advisors). Communicate honestly and consistently. Effective two-way communication is the key.


2. Carefully convert your inventories: Convert excess, obsolete, and slow-moving inventory items into cash. Consider returning excess and slow-moving items back to the suppliers. Closeout or inventory reduction sales work well to resize your inventory. Also, consider narrowing your product offerings. Well-timed order placement helps to reduce excess inventory levels and occasional material shortages. The key is to reduce the amount of your inventory without losing sales. 3. Timely collection of your accounts receivable: This asset should be converted to cash as quickly as possible. Offer prompt payment discounts to encourage timely payments. Make changes in the terms of sale for slow paying customers (i.e. changing net 30 day terms to COD). Invoicing is an important part of your cash flow management. The first rule of invoicing is to do it as soon as possible after products are shipped and/or after services are

delivered. Place an emphasis on reducing billing errors. Most customers delay payments because an invoice had errors, and therefore, will not pay until they receive a corrected copy. Email or fax your invoices to save on mailing time. Post the payments that you have received and make deposits more frequently. The key is to develop an efficient collection system that generates timely payments and one that gives you advance warning of problems. 4. Re-focus your attention on your existing clients/customers: Make customer satisfaction your priority. A regular review of your customers’ buying history and frequency of purchases can reveal some interesting facts about your customers’ buying habits. Consider signing long-term contracts with your core clients/customers which will add to your security. Offer a discount for upfront cash payments. The key is to do what it takes to keep your current customers loyal. 5. Re-negotiate with your suppliers, lenders, and landlord: i) Suppliers: Always keep your negotiations on the level of need, saying that your company has reviewed its cost structure and has determined that it needs to lower supplier costs. . Tell the supplier that you value the relationship you have developed, but that you need to receive a cost reduction immediately. Ask your supplier for a lower material price, a longer payment cycle, and the elimination of finance charges. Also, see if you can buy material from them on a consignment basis. In return for their price concessions, be willing to agree to a longterm contract. Explore the idea of bartering as a form of payment. ii) Lenders: Everything in business finance is negotiable and your relationship with a bank is no exception. The first step to successful renegotiations is to convince your lenders that you can ultimately pay off the renegotiated loan. You must point out to your lenders why it would be in their best interest to agree to a new arrangement. Showing them your business plan and your action plan that includes your cost-savings initiatives, along with “the how” and “the when” of the implementation of your plan is the best way to achieve this goal. Explain to them that you will need their cooperation to insure that you can survive, as well as, grow your business during the economic downturn. Negotiated items include: the rate of interest, the required security to cover the loan, and the beginning date for repayment. A beginning date for repayment could be immediate, within several months or as long as a year. The key is to realize that your lender will work with you, but that frequent and continual communications with them is critical. iii) Landlord: Meet with your landlord. Explain your need to have them extend the term of your lease at a reduced cost. Make sure you have a clause in the lease agreement that entitles you to have the right to sublet any or all of the leased space.

Therefore, any reduction in the hours worked through work schedule changes, short-term layoffs or permanent layoffs has an immediate cost saving benefit. Most companies ramped up hiring new employees in the good times, only to find that they are currently overstaffed due to slow sales during the economic downturn. In terms of down-sizing your staff, be very careful not to reduce your staff to a level that forces you to skimp on customer service and quality. Consider the use of part-timers or the current trend of outsourcing certain functions to independent contractors. 7. Shop for better insurances rates: Get quotations from other insurance agents for comparable coverage to determine whether or not your present insurance carrier is competitive. Also, consider revising your coverage to reduce premium costs. The key is to have the right balance-to be adequately insured, but not under or over insured. 8. Re-evaluate your advertising: Contrary to the other cost-cutting initiatives, evaluate the possibility of increasing your advertising expenditures. This tactic realizes the advantage of the reduced “noise” and congestion (fewer advertisers) in the marketplace. The downturn period a great opportunity to increase brand awareness and create additional demand for your product/service offerings. 9. Seek the help of outside advisors: The use of an advisory board comprised of your CPA, attorney, and business consultant offers you objectivity and provides you with professional advice and guidance. Their collective experience in working with similar situations in past economic downturns is invaluable. 10. Review your other expenses: Target an across-the-board cost-cutting initiative of 10-15%. Attempt to eliminate unnecessary expenses. Tightening your belt in order to weather the downturn makes practical, financial sense. Proactively managing your business through an economic downturn is an enormous challenge and is critical for your survival. However, through wellplanned initiatives, an economic downturn can create tremendous opportunity for your company to gain greater market share. In order to take advantage of this growth opportunity, you must act quickly to implement the above best business practices to continue realigning and resizing your company to the current economic conditions. Copyright © 2008 Terry H. Hill

6. Re-evaluate your staffing requirements: This is a very critical area. Salaries/wages are a major expense of doing business.



(ARA) - Are you a television junkie? Do you hold viewing parties for season premieres, award shows or season finales? You may already know that at 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 17, 2009 analog TV will cease to exist. But you may not know what this really means for you. Is this the end to your viewing parties? Or to free TV? Will you need to replace your current TV with a newer, digital model? What are the benefits -- will you be able to watch higher-quality TV? These are some of the many questions being asked, and now is the time for you to raise your hand, ask a few questions around the “switch to digital TV” movement, and get prepared. IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional society has the answers to some key questions that can help ensure you’ll have a signal to watch your favorite shows, from Oprah and the local news to CSI and championship sporting events.

DTV reception. This presumes that the current antenna covers the same television bands (low-VHF, high-VHF, UHF) that are being used by the digital stations. Q: Is there such a thing as a “digital” antenna or an “HDTV” antenna? A: No. While the box in which the antenna is sold may be called “DTV Antenna” or “HDTV Antenna,” the analog and digital television signals can be picked up (i.e., received) with the same antenna. The complete IEEE FAQ can be found online at under the IEEE news section. Additionally, the FCC has issued a number of very helpful consumer advisories on the DTV transition at: .

Q: Will digital television be better than analog television? A: Yes. With digital television, you’ll have higher-quality, picture-perfect signal and CD-quality sound. Think of it as bringing movie-quality viewing to the comforts of your home. Q: Is digital television more expensive than analog television? A: No. Traditional, non-cable television programs will continue to be free. Q: If I currently have cable service, is there anything else I need to do to prepare for the switch? A: If you have cable service, there is nothing else you need to do. However, if other TV sets in the house are not connected to cable and they receive their signals with an antenna, each of these sets will need a digital TV converter box. Q: What is a digital TV converter box? A: A digital TV converter box hooks up to a conventional analog TV set, allowing it to receive digital broadcasts. Q: Will my current television still work with off-air signals after Feb. 17, 2009? A: Yes, as long as you have a digital TV converter box and an appropriate antenna. In general, if your antenna works well with analog signals, it will possibly work with digital signals that are in the same television band (low-VHF, high-VHF, or UHF). Q: How can I determine if my current television antenna is acceptable for digital reception or whether a new antenna is required? A: In general, if your current antenna (outdoor or indoor) provides good or excellent reception quality, that antenna should be acceptable for



(ARA) – You want to find a gift that matches your loved one’s personality for Valentine’s Day. Finding the perfect fragrance or scented gift for your special someone means that every time they catch a whiff of that smell, warm thoughts of you will come to mind. Ideas for Men: * Your favorite guy can scent out a bakery or coffee shop a mile away. Turn his favorite food smells into the perfect gift. Enroll together in a cooking class, or take a day off from work and make a romantic dinner for two. Or if you aren’t into cooking, plan a night out on the town, finding new restaurants full of new tastes, smells and memories. * Is your man a little tense, or suffers from colds easily? A gift of aromatherapy can do wonders for him. Basil oil helps the body to release tension after a grueling day at work, leaving him relaxed for an enjoyable evening together. Or when the sniffles strike, most guys are miserable. But the combination of eucalyptus oil and mint can help get men back up and striding about with full strength. If your guy balks at aromatherapy, try signing both of you up for a couple’s massage, complete with the scented oils. * Every woman loves the way her man looks heading to work in his suit, and you want the scent of freshness and confidence to accompany his self-assurance. UR for Men in aftershave, deodorant and eau de toilette exudes energy and masculinity, perfect for a day in the office. But when your man is taking you out for a night on the town wearing his leather jacket, Usher for Men’s fresh, woody, musk scent is ideal for a night of socializing and romance. Usher explored the depths of his personality and emotions as he created these lines, exploring the changes in his life and how his personality has mirrored these changes. “There’s always a story behind what I create,” Usher says. “These fragrances transcend and bring together my worlds – my art, my music and my passions.” Ideas for Women: * Your special lady loves candles, but you could go the extra step and make sure any candles you give her are

environmentally friendly and fill the room with her favorite scents. Candles made with renewable resources – like beeswax, bayberry wax or even soy – reduce the amount of petroleum released in the air when lit. And they come in scents of all flavors, honoring the seasons and even special moods. * You want to capture the secure, mysterious and alluring personalities exhibited by the woman whose smile distracts you from your work and laugh is so contagious, you find yourself smiling for unknown reasons. You can do that with Usher for Women and UR for Women. UR for Women is light enough for daytime wear with a blooming fruity floral fragrance that leaves that special woman feeling soft, sensual and playful, and is especially alluring at night. Usher for Women is more mysterious and combines freesia, apple blossom and apricot nectar with amber wood, sensual musk and incense. * Win favor not only with your special girl, but also her coworkers. Infuse her office with the scent of fresh-cut flowers once a month, signing her up for a monthly delivery from a local florist. If you’re really creative, you can also arrange the clippings to follow special holidays or anniversaries. Make sure your sweetheart thinks of you every day, not just Valentine’s Day. Find their perfect scent as a gift this year.



Well, we are coming towards the end of the second month of the year and it’s time to start shedding the weight off for the spring and summer. You know what that means, improving the diet and of course…cardio. Yes cardio, most people hate the fact that they have to run or bike for hours to burn fat. It’s even more boring if you have to use a cardio machine such as a cross trainer, elliptical, or treadmill. Now what if I told you that there was a more exciting and effective way to get your cardio in only a half an hour? You would want to try it right? So how about trying some cardio using High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT principles. It’s mostly used by boxers. If you ever seen them train, they would do an exercise such as jump rope for 2 to 3 minutes, rest for a minute then hit the heavy bag for another 2 to 3 minutes, rest for a minute and so on. Usually they would have 3 or 4 exercises included in this workout. If you are familiar with boxing exercises, then you may utilize this workout for good a HIIT workout. Just find 3 or 4 boxing exercises that you can do well for 2 or 3 minutes and split them up with 1 minute rest intervals. Keep the workout going for 30 minutes; this includes the 1 minute rest intervals. Some boxing exercises can include; jump rope, heavy bag, speed bag, or shadow boxing. If you are not much into the boxing version of HIIT, you may also run or bike using this principle. Just simply run or bike at almost top speed for 1 or 2 minutes then walk or cruise for 1 minute. Do this workout for 30 minutes as well. In my experience with doing a HIIT run, it is better on the joints if you were to perform the run on a treadmill. I say this because the treadmill forces you to slow down to a walking pace during intervals, as to running on the road can tempt you to “hit the brakes” too hard and can really take a toll on your joints. The intensity may not be for everyone, but if you want a change in your cardio routine? Try using a HIIT workout with your training regimen and see how it works for you. Train safe and stay consistent in attaining your goals.

Thanks, Percy Cuerpo, CFT

If you have any questions regarding this or any other Training Tip, email me at cuerpo123@cox. net and write “training tip” on the subject line. Remember I will not respond to your email unless the subject line has “training tip” on it. This is just a way for me to distinguish my emails.



A grocery shopping list can be the front line tool you use in saving money on your grocery budget each month. There are several more sophisticated ways to save grocery money, but none is easier or faster to implement than the lowly grocery shopping list. Interestingly, this is a tool that almost everyone knows about, yet very few people actually use it in a systematic and reliable way. For those folks who are not convinced of a grocery list’s potential power in household management, here’s what happens when you DON’T use one. -- You lose money. Without a grocery shopping list, a shopper is at the mercy of “what looks good” in a grocery store. Believe me, if you shop this way, you WILL find something that looks irresistible. And costs more than you might have spent with a list. Why? Simple. It is the grocery stores’ job to entice you to spend money in their stores. That’s how they stay in business. There’s no problem with that. But it’s YOUR business to get the best value for your money...unless you don’t care how much you spend on your groceries each month. In which case you probably wouldn’t be reading an article like this one.

your family. You call the shots on how much fat, salt and sugar your family consumes. You can decide to emphasize whole grains and whether raw vegetables, frozen or canned will grace your family’s dinner table. In short, with a grocery list, you are in control. -- You lose efficiency. Ever stand in your grocery store and think to yourself, “well, I know I need some frozen veggies (or broth, or canned fruits, or favorite mixes, etc.) to keep on hand for that easy throw-together recipe my family likes. But I can’t remember what I already have at home. I’ll just get a couple of bags of SOMETHING to keep on hand.” Fast forward to the night you want to actually COOK that wonderful food for your family. You discover you’ve got two bags of frozen broccoli and three bags of frozen stir-fry veggies, but what you NEED is a bag of frozen corn. A grocery shopping list could have helped you bring home the corn. Without the extra stir-fry. Using a grocery list means you have what you actually need in your pantry when you need it. Plus, you’ll end up with less throw-away food, too, since you’re purchasing what you know your family will eat within a given period of time. Bottom line, if you’re serious about saving money at the grocery store, the first thing you’ll want to use is a grocery shopping list. It’s easy and you can start using one today. (For a free printable grocery shopping list, see the author’s resource box at the end of this article.)

-- You lose time. Using a grocery shopping list means you can enter your favorite grocery store, fly up and down the aisles one time, and be ready to check out in the fraction of time of another shopper who uses the ‘browse’ method of grocery shopping. And if you’re under the mistaken impression that you’ll need to spend lots of upfront time figuring out what to put on your grocery list, well, you don’t.

Whether you’re a college student learning how to grocery shop for the first time, a newly married couple establishing a budget, or a mom whose family has grown and the grocery budget has developed a mind of its own, the place to start to regain control is the lowly grocery shopping list

Hang your grocery list in a prominent place in your kitchen and train your family to use it. Then your list will be ready to go shopping when you are. -- You lose nutrition. Using a grocery shopping list means you get EXACTLY what you want at the store; and that includes the nutrition you want for



(ARA) – Small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy representing 99.7 percent of all employer firms and generating 60 to 80 percent of new jobs annually over the past decade, according to the Small Business Administration. As the economy continues to fluctuate, small business owners must focus on being innovative and find creative ways to help their business grow. It is likely that the innovation and creativity that has been the driving force behind small business growth over the last decade will also help lead the U.S. out of the economic environment that it’s in today. One such innovative and successful small business owner is Bonnie Marcus, owner of The Bonnie Marcus Collection, “where fashion meets paper.” Bonnie decided to launch her own business in 2002 from her kitchen table after she saw a lack of fashion-forward wedding invitations in the market. Today, her fresh, clean, and forward-thinking stationary line can be seen in the hands of numerous a-list celebrities as well as in over 1,000 retail stores throughout the country. She has also expanded her line from wedding invitations to birth announcements, holiday designs, and even a flip-flop collection. Bonnie always remains focused on her business goals, allowing her to expand her business, regardless of economic conditions. Here are Bonnie’s three creative tips that will help you grow your small business during any economic cycle: * Make your business schedule work for you. If you are married, or have children, you might not be able to structure your business around the traditional 9 to 5 principle. With the internet being available 24/7, it allows you to take advantage of early mornings, late evenings, and the weekend hours. This flexibility can be a real resource for small business owners focused on growth and a work life balance. * Get help managing the books. “It’s important for small business owners to remember that there are tools out there that offer the convenience, security and control needed to keep a small business’s finances on track,” Marcus says. As a Bank of America customer, Bonnie has access to the resources she needs for her business, like Express Invoicing and Easy Online Payroll. By offering packages like Business Fundamentals for sole proprietors and start-up companies and Business Advantage for more established small businesses with employees, Bank of America provides tools that can be customized to meet the financial needs of small business owners at every stage of growth. Using Bank of America’s small business solutions saves her time and allows her to focus on growing her business. * Cultivate a small business network. Bonnie found that through connections with other small business owners, she was able to save money and find increased value through bartering and trading valuable services. Bonnie extended her creative services to the printing shop and provided them with a new logo design and in return she received discounted printing services. Think about your small business network and who you might be able to barter with, to save money and increase your bottom line. For more information on how to manage and grow your small business, visit and click on small business.





(ARA) - Moving their relationship from dating to marriage was a big step for Lynn Lehman and Cliff Simonelli. One primary concern was how their respective children -- Lynn’s two young sons, ages 5 and 8, plus Cliff’s three youngsters, ages 9 to 15 -- would come together as a family.

after the newlyweds exchange rings, their children join them for a special service focusing on the family nature of a marriage. Each child is given a Family Medallion pendant (or ring) with three interlocking circles, a symbol that represents family love (for ceremony information, see

“Cliff and I were both divorced,” explains Lynn, a 38-year-old marketing manager. “Divorce turns kids’ lives upside down. My boys didn’t verbalize anything, but I knew they were worried. That’s one reason why Cliff and I decided to do something during our wedding to communicate to all the children that we were creating a family that would be there for them. We wanted them to know that they could trust that our marriage and our new family would not fall apart.”

The Wheaton, Ill. couple liked the message of the family ceremony, which included a pledge to love and care for all the children either spouse brings to the marriage. “We were making a commitment to the children, and we wanted them to make a commitment to work through the challenges that our new family would inevitably face,” Lynn adds.

But finding the perfect “family” wedding ceremony was not as easy as Lynn had anticipated. She spent hours surfing the Web only to find a lot of so-called blended family products with more sizzle than substance. Eventually Lynn found exactly what she had in mind: a simple and emotionally satisfying family service that gives children a meaningful role in the wedding celebration.

The Simonellis say they will never forget the special family service that was the highlight of their September 2008 wedding. The justice of the peace called each child forward and, while he read the words of the ceremony, Lynn and Cliff placed the medallions around the necks of their children. There was a lot of hugging and tears. “I could tell by the way the kids reacted that on some

This five-minute ceremony -- known as the Family Medallion service -- can easily be integrated into any religious or civil wedding ceremony. It differs from the traditional wedding in only one respect,



continued on page 49

(ARA) - Our immune systems are smart. The immune system, when exposed to new flu and cold viruses, learns to recognized and react to seasonal strains of the invaders. The system also remembers bugs it has seen before. But we’re a mobile society -- each year, world travel brings new strains of germs and virus home, forcing the immune system to deal with new invaders it has never seen. This is why the Center for Disease Control makes yearly changes to the flu vaccine, hoping to predict which bugs will arrive in the U.S. on a seasonal basis. A flu vaccine may help during cold and flu season, but there’s no guarantee for full protection. Extra efforts are needed to avoid seasonal germs -- including a healthy diet, exercise and nutritional supplements. Here are some suggestions for extra immune support during the 2008-09 flu season: Diet can make a difference. Prevention Magazine recently published a list of immunity-boosting foods, including: lean beef in moderation for its zinc content; orange vegetables including sweet potatoes and carrots (for vitamins A and D); mushrooms such as shitakes, which may help white blood cells act more aggressively against foreign invaders and a cup of black or green tea daily which provides powerful anti-oxidant activity. Also included in the list was yogurt containing active probiotic cultures, which help balance the immune system in the digestive tract. According to ABC news, turmeric, a rich, flavorful spice, “has been used for centuries as part of Ayurvedic

and traditional Chinese medicines, in addition to being used for cooking. Turmeric is found in every yellow curry, and its golden color is the result of curcumin, a polyphenol with strong cold and flu-fighting properties. Although the mechanism is unclear, a 2008 study published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications found that curcumin prevents some immune cells from responding to stimulants and so has modulating and anti-inflammatory effects. Other studies have also shown the immune-boosting properties of curcumin in turmeric, however these have not been confirmed in humans.” Turmeric is found naturally as the rhizome part of the turmeric plant and it looks very similar to ginger. The powdered spice is made by boiling, drying and grinding the root. The powder has antiseptic qualities when applied topically and often is used on cuts, burns and bruises. This spice is available as an encapsulated supplement at health food stores. In addition to a healthy diet, a supplement brought to the U.S. from Russia is a favorite of many doctors. Del-Immune V ( has been clinically tested to show a significant increase in immune activity, and may provide significant support to avoid colds and flu. The muramyl peptides in Del-Immune V act as switches in the immune system, and are responsible for dramatically elevating immune activity our bodies. “I have used this in several hundred patients and have found it to be safe, reliable and very effective,” says Dr. Roger Mazlen, of Rosslyn, N.Y. Courtesy of ARAcontent










veryone, businesses and individuals alike, is struggling in today’s economy. When you need extra income or are facing a layoff, taking your talents online can generate big business and even a new career. Whether you already have a Web site or are considering one, it’s important to think about how to attract customers to your business. Nearly everyone uses search engines to find a product or service, so having your business show up in a Google search is far more important than an advertisement in the phone book. In fact, according to a 2008 eMarketer study, only 2 percent of advertisers believe they receive a worthwhile return on investment with a Yellow Pages placement, compared to more than 50 percent who engage in online marketing and advertising. Small, strategic investments in online marketing can make your business Web site much more visible, and grow your revenues. Search engines scan Web sites for keywords to determine what the site is about, and then rank the sites in order of relevance. To get your Web site listed in these natural (also called organic) listings, many businesses engage in search engine optimization (SEO). SEO incorporates specific key phrases into the content and programming code, so that a search engine is more likely to reward your site with higher rankings. SEO also includes building up a Web site’s popularity by getting links to it from other Web sites. to a report from iProspect and Jupiter Research, 62 percent

TIP: For the best results in SEO, start early. If you can incorporate optimization into the structure of your Web site as you build it, you’ll already be ahead of the curve. Consult an SEO expert about ways to get your site maximum exposure on search engines. Although SEO is an ongoing process, getting your site designed with SEO in mind can save a lot of time and effort down the road. Turn Visitors into Customers

Get Found by Search Engines


of searchers click on a link within the first page of results. Using SEO is a great way to increase your site’s natural search rankings and drive more traffic to your Web site (and more revenue to you).

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is a cost-effective way to drive traffic through your doors, increase online orders, grow your list of contacts and get visitors to take action on your Web site. PPC is an advertising method in which ads are displayed on a search engine result page like Google or Yahoo!. These advertisements, or sponsored links, appear at the top or on the right side of a search results page. An advertiser only pays for an ad when a visitor clicks on it and is taken to the advertiser’s Web site. “Unlike traditional advertising, only consumers that are already searching for products and services you offer will see your PPC ads,” says Harry Brooks, director of search marketing for Network Solutions. “This can lead to a friendlier user experience for shoppers, less wasted ad costs for you, and a higher conversion rate for your ad campaigns all around.” Whether a customer is shopping for the product you create or the consulting service you provide, PPC ads can reach the right customers at the right time -- when they are ready to buy. A recent study by Piper Jaffray & Co. found that the average cost per acquisition for search engine advertising was $8.50

continued on page 38



John Williams, CEO of K-9 Special Services, has trained dogs for 26 years. His driving force for his business is to see a well professional well trained dog. K-9 Special Services specializes in the import and export of dogs and puppies, assisting in dog selection, obedience training (on and off leash), voice and hand commands, protection training, commercial guard dogs, enter and exit vehicles, crowd control, hand gun training, bomb dogs, narcotic dogs, victims of violent crimes, and much more. Clients can train the dogs using English, Dutch, or German. I asked one of his clients and employees to say a few words about Mr. Williams. His client said, “He has a good program and good learning techniques. He helps dogs and their owners. I’m enjoying it thus far. He is hard on you, so that you can do what is right for you and your animal.” His employee said, “He is a point blank individual, well rounded, and is not going to sugar coat anything. He knows his stuff and if he doesn’t he knows how to look it up.” Here at K-9 Special Services we are all about street survival. We offer services to government, state, local and private citizens. Some of the services we provide are the following...

Import and Export Dogs and Puppies Assist In Dog Selection Obedience Training (on and off leash). Voice and Hand Commands. Protection Training Commercial Guard Dogs Enter and Exit Vehicles Crowd Control Hand Gun Training Bomb Dogs Narcotic dogs Victim of Violent Crimes And Much Much More!!



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ow many times have you driven past a beautiful home and said...”One day I am going to have my own house?” or “I wish I had my own home”. Well, truthfully people just don’t know how easy it can really be. Just like we commit ourselves to a loved one, a career or a routine, committing yourself to achieving the goal of owning a home can be just as easy. Consulting with the “right” real estate professional could be the best thing one could do to taking things to the next level. What most don’t realize is that with what current rents are one could easily substitute that payment for a mortgage. Sadly many are in jeopardy of losing jobs and their homes during these economic times but that could also mean opportunity for those potential home buyers that have been apprehensive about taking the first step. There are many obvious benefits to owning home. Based on the latest IRS guidance, here’s what you need to know if you’re thinking about buying a house this year -- taking advantage not only of low prices and record low mortgage rates, but a temporary tax credit that might or might not eventually have to be repaid. A $7,500 tax credit is available to singles, married couples filing jointly and unmarried co-purchasers, provided they meet the non-ownership test for the previous three years. Married couples filing separately can claim up to $3,750 each. Unmarried individuals can allocate the credit on their filings according to their respective ownership shares or capital investments in the house. It may sound cliché, but knowledge is power..if owning a home is a dream of yours, take the time to sit down with a professional and discuss your options. Even if now is not the time for you, now is the time to get on the right path, know your options and create a mindset that will set a precedent for you and generations to come that Dreams can become a Reality. If you have any questions regarding buying a home for the first time, buying-up or downsizing I’d be happy to help you. Market knowledge, business savvy, dedication and providing world class service every step of the way is my commitment!



With 2009 underway, many New Year’s resolutions may have fallen to the wayside, but one that should stay at the top of every consumer’s list is reducing debt and improving credit standing. “While losing weight is typically at the forefront of Americans’ minds as they enter the new year, managing credit health should take precedence for consumers this year,” says Lucy Duni, vice president of consumer education at TrueCredit. com by TransUnion. “Consumers who play a more active role in managing their credit will establish important lifelong habits that can enable them to have a truly holistic view of their finances.” Here are five easy tips to help keep Americans on the right path with their credit resolutions in 2009. Tip

1: Always pay your bills on time. While it may sound like a no-brainer, making payments on time is essential whether consumers are trying to boost or maintain their credit score. Yet, TrueCredit’s 2007 survey revealed that one in four (25 percent) respondents had missed making one or more on-time bill payments. Tip 2: Don’t overspend. Keep debt below 35 percent of your limits. Although it can be tempting and easy to overspend, it’s important

for consumers to keep their credit card balances low and not to max them out. Part of a lender’s evaluation includes reviewing a consumer’s available credit. If consumers are nearing or have over extended their credit, it may impact their ability to be approved for a loan at a competitive rate. Tip 3: Keep tabs on your credit report. In order to maintain a “healthy” credit score and to position yourself best with creditors, it’s important for consumers to monitor their report regularly to provide an up-to-date view on credit card activity and debt. It also enables consumers to identify possible signs of fraudulent activity, as the potential for identity theft remains high. Tip 4: Monitor leases and loans closely where you are the co-signer. When consumers open a joint account or co-sign a loan, they are taking on legal responsibility for the account. Any activity on these shared accounts, good or bad, will be reflected in both credit reports. Tip 5: Long-standing credit card accounts can help your credit score. Consumers should be cautious when thinking about closing credit card accounts where they have been making punctual payments over a long period of time. In addition to lowering your available credit, canceling old credit accounts can also ultimately lower your credit score by making your credit history appear shorter. To learn more about managing your credit, visit www.gotruecredit. com.



ed, families are not saving enough. The good news is that every little contribution helps and parents should know there are some simple steps they can take now to jumpstart their child’s college savings for the future:

It wasn’t long ago that everyone was making a big deal about the first graduating class of the new century. Here we are, nearly ten years later, and the Class of 2020 is embarking on their educational adventure. They are now kindergarteners.

1) Consider a tax-free 529 savings account and start contributing to it regularly. If you deposit just $50 into the account every month, at the end of the year you’ll have built up $600 in principal. Add in gift checks from grandparents and part of any bonuses you may receive at work and you could be putting away a couple thousand dollars a year. Investment earnings could boost that number even higher. The great thing about 529 accounts is they are tax-advantaged and anyone can open one.

As they make their way through school, things will be very different for today’s students than they were for their parents. These days, instead of overhead projectors and chalkboards, lessons are being taught on computers. And that’s not all that has changed.

2) Encourage your child to take part in saving for college by putting a portion of his or her allowance in a piggy bank. At the end of the year, they can add up their savings and deposit it into a special bank account. When the time comes for college, the money they have saved can go towards the extras they want for school.

Because of budget constraints, many schools have cut enrichment classes such as art, music and physical education. In fact, many are turning to parents to help pay for field trips, athletic uniforms and basic learning tools such as pencils, paper, markers, chalk and glue.

3) Become a Upromise member and begin earning college savings rewards with online purchases from hundreds of retailers as well as on purchases at grocery and drug stores, gas stations and even restaurants.

Think education is expensive now? According to the College Board, a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity, the average cost for tuition and fees at four-year public institutions has increased nearly 51 percent over the last 10 years (after adjusting for inflation), and these costs will almost certainly continue to rise. While the cost of college has skyrocket-

“Since 2001, Upromise has been dedicated to helping families get started saving for college. We now have 8 million members and hundreds of top retail brands partnering with us in this mission to help make college more affordable,” says David Rochon, president, Upromise. The latest addition to Upromise, the Upromise Schools Program, helps families save more for college and at the same time helps raise much needed funds for schools. So far, more than 9,000 schools across the country are registered with the Upromise Schools Program. “The Upromise Schools Program is a no brainer. There is not another fundraiser out there that doesn’t cost any money, puts money into parents’ pockets, and makes money for the school. It’s a win -- win -- win all the way around,” says Angie O’Farrell, parent volunteer, Level Creek Elementary, Suwanee, Georgia. To sign up for a free membership and start saving today, log on to



WOW!... it’s amazing and scary that our president is african american or just plain and simply “a black man”. And it’s not because I fear the hatred that will come from people who are not ready for “CHANGE” or the lies that will surround him. It’s the reality that even though we have come so far there are those that will not let go of the past and that word “PREJUDICE” still is alive and active and filling the hearts of so many people. I pray that we push towards being the example of love,peace and unity. We must realize that we are created to help one another and not destroy each other. So I am so ready for this new beginning but I do know that the work has just begun. Racism is still an issue and hate crimes are committed everyday but one thing remains true. In order for change to happen you have to be willing to be sacrifice. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X gave so much to get us to this point and now,Barack Obama is taking us all the way. So in times like these i have to trust GOD and believe his will shall be done. Also,check out my BLOG SITE: IF YOU WANT THE NEW “FREE” SINGLE...”BLACK CITY”...HIT ME UP ON MY Photography by:


K’bana blaq


(ARA) – Staying on track with your weight is difficult. You might be tempted to skip breakfast as a way to save calories, but this plan usually backfires. Bypass breakfast and you’ll end up being ravenous and unable to make smart eating decisions at lunch.

is also the most satisfying for the calories and will keep your hunger in check until lunch, Greene explains.

Protein -- especially high-quality protein, such as eggs -- helps quell appetite. Greene recommends Crystal Farms AllWhites and Better’n “Skipping breakfast only delays hunger, and often leads to overeatEggs as a convenient way to add lean, high-quality protein to your ing later in the day,” explains Bob Greene, an exercise physiologist, morning meal. Made from real eggs -- but with no fat, no cholespersonal trainer to Oprah Winfrey and author of ‘The Best Life Diet terol and half the calories -- AllWhites and Better’n Eggs are optimal Cookbook.”“But not just any breakfast will do. Some standard options sources of protein. Both products come in easy-to-pour cartons and like Danishes or doughnuts are simply empty calories. Instead, choose can be found in the dairy case of your local grocery store. a balanced, nutritious dish.” That means your breakfast should include all three “macronutrients”: carbohydrates, such as whole-grain toast; healthy fats like nuts or nut butters; and lean protein (such as egg whites and nonfat or 1 percent dairy). This combination offers a wealth of nutritious ingredients, but


“We all have busy lives, but it couldn’t be easier to add lean protein to your breakfast,” Greene says. “From traditional scrambled eggs to increasing the protein in a smoothie recipe, egg alternatives bring healthy convenience right into your fridge.”





r. Joseph E. Lamb, Sr. is Pastor of the St. Thomas A.M.E. Zion Church in Norfolk, located at the corner of Mellon and Vine in Diggs Town. He has been Senior Pastor at St. Thomas for the past 5 years. He has been pastoring since 1984. He received his Master of Divinity Degree from Virginia Union University and went on to receive a Doctorate of Ministry from the United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, in December 1998. Prior to coming to the Tidewater area, Dr. Lamb pastored in the District of Columbia for over eight years. Dr. Lamb believes that in this age of diversity and discorvery, God is calling us to find new ways to apply the good news to a new emerging world. The church is called upon to develop new ministries for today’s world if we are to be alive tomorrow. Ministries that worked in teh industrial society no longer meet the needs of people in an informational society. Therefore, if churches are to become stronger, every minister along with a miisterial staff must seek and define what it is that God has called them to do. The church must be receptive to the utilization of the various gifts that God has placed into His kingdom. Dr. Lamb is married to Joyce Griffin Lamb, and is the father of three and nine grandchildren. To God be the glory, for Great things He has done!

Happy 25th Anniversary St. Thomas AME





continued from page 27 versus $20 for advertising in the phone book. FACT: According to a study by iProspect, when a user encounters a PPC ad and an organic SEO listing on the same search result page, there is: * a 45 percent increase in orders. * a 45 percent increase in actions taken on the Web site * a 43 percent increase in page views * 39 percent more time spent on the site Get the Word Out Online Media Marketing is another way to market and advertise your business online. Through press releases and e-mail campaigns, customers learn about your business and can find your products and services more easily. If you’ve got exciting news about your company -- sales are up, you have a new product or you’ve recently appeared at an industry event -- an online press release can build your site’s popularity and boost your search engine rankings even more. Targeted e-mail campaigns go the extra mile to reach out to your customers through newsletters and announcements. On the Internet, it is all about driving customers to your Web site, so the more you distribute information about your business electronically, the better. TIP: In addition to distributing press releases online, posting releases onto a “news” section of your Web site is a great way to keep your site’s content fresh, which in turn helps with SEO rankings.





continued from page 34 For an on-the-go breakfast option packed with protein, Greene recommends this makeover of the traditional greasy breakfast sandwich. Prepared in just 10 minutes, the Spicy Bacon and Cheese Eggwich combines high-protein egg substitutes with cheddar cheese and lean turkey bacon in a whole-wheat English muffin. With 17 grams of protein, this sandwich also includes good sources of fiber and calcium -- two other essential nutrients that are often lacking from morning meals. Spicy Bacon and Cheese Eggwich Time to Table: 10 minutes Ingredients:

Spray 10-inch nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Heat over medium heat. Add Better’n Eggs and stir in hot pepper sauce. As egg substitute starts to set use spatula to lift edge of eggs, letting uncooked eggs flow to bottom of skillet. Cook until egg substitute is set but still moist. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top and then fold over the egg substitute so the cheese melts in the middle. Place turkey bacon on microwave safe plate. Cover with paper towel. Microwave on high for 30 to 40 seconds or until warmed. Toast each half English muffin in toaster. Spoon about 1/2 cup mixture on top of two toasted muffins. Top each with one piece cooked bacon. Top with remaining toasted muffins.

1 cup (8 ounces) Better’n Eggs 1/4 teaspoon cayenne hot pepper sauce 1/8 cup (1/2 ounce) shredded Cheddar cheese 2 slices turkey bacon, cut in half crosswise

Makes two servings. Nutrition per serving: 226 calories, 54 from fat; 6 grams total fat; 2.5 grams saturated fat; 15 mg cholesterol; 534 mg sodium; 27 grams total carbohydrates; 5 grams dietary fiber; 17 grams protein.

2 whole-wheat English muffins, split Directions:


For more healthy on-the-go recipes, visit and Bob Greene’s Web site,





pon entering W&B Thrift Outlet, one is greeted with a warm and hearty welcome. The customer is made to feel at home the very instant they open the door. The outlet is a one stop shop for all of your needs. Like their business cards read, they sell “new and gently used quality items” which include apparel, appliances, electronics, furniture, and much more. They purchase their own items. They are not a non-profit organization or a consignment shop. Therefore they discourage donations from people because they will not be able to write receipts for tax purposes and customers are not able to sell items to the store. W&B Outlet began over five years ago with a yard sale and due to its success, William and Brenda held yard sales three weeks in a row. Then one day, while inquiring about a pool table at a thrift store called Second Time Around, William and the owner decided to strike a deal for space in the store. At the time, Brenda and William both held full time jobs and sold items there on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. After a short time in the consignment businessa, it came to a point where they were flooded with calls from customers wanting to purchase large items on the days they were not open. After discussing it with William, Brenda made the conscious decision to leave her full time job and work at the thrift store full time. It is apparent when meeting Brenda and William that they love people. Their hospitality does not stop at the door. They love to help in the community, whether it is helping a homeless person find a nice outfit to wear to church or visiting with elderly patrons. On Christmas morning, in conjunction with Operation Smile, William delivered furniture to a church. The dynamic W&B duo are more like an aunt and uncle, they we’re also described as, “the kind of people that everyone wishes were their neighbors.” In the future, they would love for their children or grandchildren to take over the business. They are also working toward owning their building. They are also looking to franchise thier business with another husband and wife team that would not mind starting their own thrift store business. Brenda says, “It would be an investment and a turnkey business that we’d like to give the opportunity that was given to us five years ago to another couple. Making a career out of this requires alot of work from taggin items, cleaning merchandise, pricing and merchandising and you must be people a person.”



By now, many people know that Be President of Your Own Fan Club is the motto of my Finding Your Beauty workshops. What most people do not know is how I learned to do that myself. Recently, someone asked me why I am so passionate about teaching people (especially women) to celebrate the things about them that are wonderful. The source of my passion is experience. I’ve seen the issue from both sides. There was a time in my life when I thought that it was wrong to think too highly of yourself. For some reason I believed, like many women do, that it was alright to be beautiful and talented but it wasn’t alright to believe that you were beautiful and talented. I thought that you had to wait for someone else to validate you. I also thought, along with most women, that any imperfection I had made me a bad person. The result of all this misguided thinking was years of wasted time and energy. When I look back there is one accomplishment that had a positive domino effect in my life. I quit smoking. It’s funny; you would think that having two college degrees would have done it. Education was expected in my family. When I went to college, I never considered not graduating. I knew I could finish college. What I wasn’t so sure about was if I could stop smoking.

model. It is a duty that I take very seriously. The thought of someone using me as an excuse to smoke made me feel very guilty. That guilt led to my determination to quit. I began my journey to non-smoker with a long walk and a conversation with GOD. I begged him to deliver me and told him that I would do whatever it took to give up cigarettes. Then I used every tool available to me and I did it! When my lungs began to clear, so did my head. I realized that I could do anything I wanted to do. That included loving myself. Now I can acknowledge my beauty, my talent and my flaws and celebrate them all. It is amazing how good it feels to be able to do that. Years ago, I attended a workshop facilitated by Bill Hybels, pastor of a mega church in Illinois. Bill talked about discovering your passion. He said that your passion is something that you just can’t stop thinking about. My translation of that was something that GOD won’t leave you alone about. With that as my definition, it took me five minutes to discover my passion. That was how my Finding Your Beauty Workshop (for women) and my Be President of Your Own Fan Club workshop (for mixed groups) were born. Lori M Hobson is a Motivational Speaker, Counselor, Trainer and Author. To learn more about Ms. Hobson, purchase a copy of her book Momma Sayings, or learn about her upcoming events, visit her website at or contact her at 757-224-8589.

Since beginning my professional career, I have been aware that I am a role



2008 was officially dubbed “Year of the Gentleman” by Grammy Award winning singer and songwriter, Neyo. However, 2009 is definitely the year where Ladies Reign! For decades, the Hampton roads area has been known for its heavy military influence. Home to the male dominated military branches of the United States Navy, Marine Corps, Air force, Coast Guard and NASA, Hampton Roads has always had a double dose of testosterone in the air. However, in 2009 the ladies have come to the fore front and are now showing the men who’s the boss…literally. Within the last 10 years, African American female entrepreneurs have been on the rise. Not only are women showing the men who’s the boss, but they are also putting Virginia on the map.

The top ten states with the highest survival rates from 1997 to 2002 among African American women owned employer establishments were: Oklahoma(89% survival); New York (87%); Arizona (83%); Maryland (81%); Nebraska (81%); Alabama (79%);Michigan (78%); Wisconsin (78%); Pennsylvania (77%); and Washington (77%). Hampton Roads is comprised primarily of “Seven Cities” they include: Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Hampton, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Newport News and Suffolk, and from all over women in Hampton Roads are proving that when it comes to business they have the Midas touch. Seven Magazine decided to highlight the accomplishments of 8 enterprising women from around the Hampton Roads Area. Their stories are innovative and inspiring to say the least.

Janice Alisa Parker; Vice President of Showcase Exclusive Imports in Newport News Virginia states “ My inspiration in becoming an entrepreneur was to be in control of my future and to be a benefit to people in need along the way. I saw the way my parents live, and in their golden years retirement benefits and social security has not been enough. I wanted to set myself up for success”. She adds “The best advice I could give to those who dream of entrepreneurship is to study your market and have a plan. Planning is the biggest part of being in business. Surround yourself with people who know more than you”. Showcase Exclusive Imports has been in business for more than 16 years. 5 years into her entrepreneurship she partnered with Vergil Williams, who now serves as Chairman and President, and the rest has been history. Showcase Exclusive Imports, began with just 3 cars, now 15 years later they serve over 10,000 satisfied customers and stock over one-half million dollars in the finest luxury automobiles. When asked to reflect on her experience as an entrepreneur Parker states “My experience has been rewarding. However, it takes tenacity to make things happen. Pursue your goals and never give up”.

Keknesha Bond, owner of She’s Vexed! Boutique and designer of She’s Vexed!, a couture, custom accessory line, is also a veteran entrepreneur. In business since the tender age of 18, she has the credentials as well as the experience necessary to be a success. In 1998 after graduating from High School, she began her own store on eBay and became a powerseller within three months. While doing so, she went on to intern at Sean John Fashion design in NYC, all while pursuing her undergraduate degree. While pursuing her Master’s degree, she opened a storefront and closed it two years



later. However, the entrepreneur refused to stop chasing her dreams, a year later she created She’s Vexed! Boutique. “I’m hoping that my story will encourage and inspire someone to become an entrepreneur, to follow their dreams and to do what they love despite what people say. By no means is entrepreneurship for everyone, but whatever your career choice may be, decide to be the best at it. Learn absolutely everything you can about your industry, and eventually you will make it to the top.” She’s Vexed! is for the lady that is outrageous, exotic, idiosyncratic-simply one of a kind. It is a brand consisting of high fashion, hand crafted, and original pieces of jewelry and accessories that include: earrings, necklaces, bracelets, broaches, customized shoes and handbags. The boutique also carries statement making, high fashion clothing and footwear. The pieces carried by She’s Vexed have been featured on BET’s Tears, Shears and Beauty and in Cosmo Magazine just to name a few. You can find her creations at or on MySpace at Another local boutique owner is Cassandra Savage, CEO of Curvaceous Boutique. The boutique is located in Virginia Beach, VA. It opened as a result of her own frustrations with the current fashion industry and their view of the plus-size woman in the retail clothing market. Curvaceous Boutique, owned and operated by Savage has become a hot commodity in the Virginia Beach, VA area since opening its doors in 2007. After becoming dismayed with the offerings of many “chain” Plus-Size stores, Ms. Savage stepped out on faith and opened Curvaceous Boutique, LLC. Curvaceous Boutique offers a wide array of styles from shirts, jeans, and dresses to accessories. “We definitely have what you’re looking for if you’re seeking very trendy, edgy, head turning clothing sizes from 10 to 28.” Curvaceous Boutique has a warm environment and offers one on one consultation every day. “There is a new perspective amongst plus size women that says, “I can be sophisticated, sexy, and I want to show off my curves.” I wanted to offer plus sized clothing that even “skinny” women could admire.” In America, more than 60% of women and teens are considered plus sized, with the average figure size being 14. Cassandra’s motto is: “It’s time for us to stand up and take position as the average, real woman in America!”

Not in boutiques? Are consignment shops more your speed? Look no further. Brenda Williams is the co- owner of W&B Thrift Outlet in Hampton, Virginia. At W&B Thrift Outlet they have a different take on fashion and household items. They specialize in one of a kind vintage and antique items that can seldom be found elsewhere.

Couture filled boutiques are a fashion staple but, almost any woman can confirm that an outfit is not complete without the perfect hair-do. Sheila Land, Maisha Harris and Amii Creekmur are some of Hampton Roads’ finest Salon owners and can all attest to the notion that hair can make or break an outfit.

Sheila Land is a local stylist in the Hampton Roads area who is no stranger to hard work and dedication. She has been a licensed cosmetologist since graduating from Ward’s Corner Beauty Academy in 1993. By 1995 Ms. Land had opened her first hair salon by the name of Strictly Business Unisex Hair Salon. Her next venture Sheila’z Beauty Land came about in 1999. In business for 12 years, Sheila Land has never been afraid to challenge herself. Other ambitious entrepreneurial feats conquered by Land include;



becoming a Mary Kay consultant in 2002 and opening up her own successful convenience store just to name a few. “I had a plan for success, so I brainstormed, wrote it down and spoke my goals out loud to give it life and then executed my plan.”At 35 years old Sheila Land has already accomplished what may take others a lifetime to achieve. “It’s all been worthwhile to me, my whole life I have had a passion to make people feel beautiful.” Currently Shiela is”The First Lady” of Top Styles at 6142 Sewells Point Road in Norfolk, Va. 757-319-0239. Shiela would like to acknowledge her football superstar son, Reggie B. of Salem Middle School and thank “Slim” for giving her the opportunity to work at one of hampton “Top Shelf”Beauty Salons! Maisha Harris known to many as “Miss Poo” has been in the salon setting for more than 10 years. She has a B.A degree in Music, Media and Mass Communications from Norfolk State University, and is the owner and operator of Hair 4 the Grown and Sexy located in Virginia Beach, Va. She is a graduate of the Vo-Tech Cosmetology Apprenticeship program in Norfolk Va. In 1998 she originally specialized in cosmetic nails and nail care, “At that time I thought… as a people we kind of let nails slip out of our hands, other have perfected it and made it a billion dollar industry.”Eventually Harris’ passion for hair outweighed her desire to take back the nail industry. “I have always had a passion for hair care. I started out as a child doing anything from my doll’s hair to family and friends. As opposed to nails, hair is more intimate hair is your crown and glory.” Hair 4 the Grown and Sexy is an upscale salon that attempts to provide a professional yet comforting environment. In the future, Harris hopes to maximize her success and one day offer franchise opportunities through Hair 4 the Grown and Sexy. Amii Creekmur is another veteran salon owner in the Hampton Roads Area. She is the owner of Star Struck Styles located on S. Military Highway in Chesapeake Va. Creekmur has been actively styling hair since she was 12 years old, where she worked from out of her mother’s kitchen. At an early age she aspired to be her own boss. “I just woke up one day and knew I wanted to open up my own salon and work for myself. From then on I said “I’m going to do it” It all happened really fast for me. I didn’t think twice about it. I just began to prepare”. The process for opening Star Struck Styles was a family affair. Piece by piece the salon was assembled with the help of various relatives lending a helping hand to get the salon up and running. Creekmur describes her experience as an entrepreneur as “Golden”. “I want to inspire someone else to step out be an entrepreneur, and achieve wealth.” Dana “Buttar” Mitchell is a vivacious and full of life wardrobe stylist. Buttar, born and raised in the church hails from Philly but as calls Hampton her home. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing at Norfolk State University. She specializes in customize made items such as jewelry, clothing, accessories as well as body art and face painting. Her motto is “Its not what you wear, its how you wear it.” Fashion is her life. She enjoys helping people look and feel their best. In the next five to ten years, Buttar would like to go on tour as a celebrity wardrobe stylist and open a chain of boutiques that would be electric, sophisticated and out of the box. Whenever anyone meets Buttar it is evident she is going places with her outgoing and go-getter personality. She can be reached by telephone (757) 813 – 2201, email, or MySpace just search by her email. Latoya Tull, a real estate agent at Wainwright Realty. Her mission is “to help people get into homes. I’m motivated to help first time buyers achieve homeownership.” In this economy that can be an almost impossible feat to take on, but Tull has proven that insurmountable odds is not enough to deter her from achieving her goals. She has always dreamed of work-



ing in real estate, but for years she worked as a financial specialist for Wachovia Corporation. “I thought changing careers would be impossible and I never thought I would pass the test. One day I decide to conquer my fears and enroll in the real estate course. To my surprise I passed the exam the first time around!” Tull believes that one of the best ways to build wealth in America is to become a homeowner. Real estate is one of the best investments an individual can make. Tull’s advice for those fearing taking on the risk of entrepreneurship is “Don’t be afraid of failure. Perfect the process by failing, and when you fail get back up again. Always remember that the darkest hour of the night is just before dawn.” Ms. Tarnisha Carter is a single mother and college student seeking a degree in the Human Resource Field. She’s currently working at Family Impact Inc. in the Human Resource Department. Ms. Tarnisha Carter say’s that she has always had a passion to work with teenage girls because of my own life experiences. She ends by saying, “Helping people in our communities has taught me to become graceful.” Mrs. Ruth Felicia Thompson-Mattocks was a single mother of two, who worked in the social services field for over 13 years and have always had a passion to help children and their families. Mrs. Thompson-Mattocks finally fulfilled her dream with her brother Steven Thompson-CEO and started Family Impact Inc. in 2004. Mrs. Thompson -Mattocks has encouraged people, impacted the lives of families from Richmond, Hampton Roads and says’s, “We will continue to be soldiers on the battle field for Gods children. “ From salon owners to Vice presidents of luxury Automobile Dealerships, these lovely ladies of Hampton Roads have redefined the role of women in the world of business. The road to success is not an easy one, but those willing to put in hard work and dedication will surely find themselves on top. On the road to success there are no short cuts. In retrospect , entrepreneurship is not only about being business savvy, but it is also about deciding to no longer be a spectator in this journey known to us all, called “life”. Making the decision to participate and to take an active role in pursuing one’s own success, ensures that there will always be an opportunity to advance. Decide that there is no day like today to start a new lease on life- your legacy depends on it. 2009 can also be the year that you reign. Here’s to seeing you at the top!



well as several commericals, such as Cox Communication, Beach Ford and Riddle Acura. “I would encourage all of us to take the time this year and change the way we think. With Barack Obama being our president anything is possible but it starts with ourselves. Shevika plans to write a book to help the younger generation.“We need more role models so that young people can understand the importance of credit,” she explained. And with Shevika’s determination and positive attitude, it’s clear she is a role model that will inspire young people to reach for greater heights. I would like to emphasis the importance of family and that Nations First Mortgage of Virginia is a family owned buisness who is in the community to help. Here at Nations First our motto is “Opening the Door to Homeownership, Providing Powerful Financial Solutions for Your Life, Stop Dreaming, Start Living.” Rates are Historically Low, We Specialize in Refinancing, Purchases, Reverse Mortgages (62 years), Credit Repair, 100% VA and Rural Property Loans. Contact Information: Shevika Ward NationsFirst Mortgage of Va., LLC 3145 Va. Beach Blvd. Suite 210 Va. Beach, VA 23452 w. 757-490-3940 c. 757.408.4208


e all have a purpose in life,” said Shevika Ward, vice president of NationsFirst Mortgage ofVirginia.“If you’re determined, have a positive attitude, and keep God first, anything is possible.”

After graduating from Randolph-Macon in May 2001 with a B.A. in Communications, Shevika joined NationsFirst, which is owned and operated by her mother, Audrey E. Ward. Her rapid rise to the top shows her determined spirit. No stranger to hard work, Shevika plans to be a multimillionaire by 30. “I believe God has placed an anointess on my life, which is to help others and to make their lives better,” Shevika said. “That’s why I plan to open up real estate properties all over Virginia to help disabled children and homeless people.” Her work with NationsFirst is already making a difference in the lives of others. “I want to help as many people as possible become homeowners,” Shevika said.“Anyone can achieve the American Dream of becoming a homeowner.” Besides her work with NationsFirst, Shevika pursues a passion for acting and modeling by appearing in a variety of televisions episodes on the Discovery Channel, as



continued from page 22 man, had been concerned that his teenage son and daughter might not warm to the idea of a family service. “But once we gave them the medallions, I could feel in them a palpable sense of relief -- that they knew everything was going to be OK.” Most of the guests attending the Lehman-Simonelli wedding were awed by the family ceremony. “We got tons of compliments,” says Lynn. “People told us that they had never seen such a unique and beautiful way to recognize children.” More than 15,000 couples annually use the Family Medallion ceremony to help strengthen the bond between parents, stepparents and children. “I was very impressed with the Family Medallion ceremony,” says Rev. David Schaal, a Minneapolis minister. “When I recently used it during a wedding, I could see the pride and happiness in the face the little boy who received the medallion. It’s my feeling that when children are involved, it’s important to do something tangible to recognize them during the wedding.” Lynn and Cliff believe that their decision to have a “family” wedding will strengthen their family bond for years to come. “As our kids grow older, I hope they appreciate the value of family and what we did to assure them that they would always be an integral part of our lives,” Lynn says. Andrew Lehman, 8, isn’t thinking much about the future. He wears his Family Medallion every day and refers to the wedding as, “The day my mom, my stepdad and all of us kids got married. My medallion means family. That’s what we are.” For additional information about Family Medallion products or the family wedding ceremony, visit or call (800) 237-1922.









coverage and have five or more chronic conditions, like diabetes and heart disease, see about 14 different physicians each year. Many of the associated costs can be reduced through preventive health care, early detection and treatment to avoid future complications and disability. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, and avoiding tobacco use and risky drinking makes a huge difference in overall health and greatly reduces the risk for chronic conditions. (ARA) – Today, Americans are living longer than ever before, enjoying more time for travel, family and hobbies. For today’s seniors and baby boomers looking to stay healthy and independent for years to come, practicing easy, proven healthy-living strategies can make a difference in their health and wallets. During these difficult economic times, just a little preventive health care can pay off and save money in the long run. “You can take steps to prevent premature aging and to stay healthy as you get older,” says American Medical Association (AMA) President-elect Dr. J. James Rohack. “Healthy living and regular check-ups can help older patients focus on enjoying their lives instead of worrying about their health.” The cost of making unhealthy lifestyle choices is staggering – both in terms of financial and human consequences. About 20 percent of those 65 and older who use Medicare for health

“It is never too late to start working toward a healthy lifestyle,” says Dr. Rohack. “Research shows that a healthy lifestyle can substantially reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke, as well as delay or stop the onset of type 2 diabetes. Quitting smoking at any age can improve circulation and lung function and greatly reduce cancer risks.” Eating Right Choosing the right foods is a major component of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating can help prevent and control many diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, and improve your energy level. Many people think that this means going on a diet, but by making small changes over time, you can incorporate healthy habits into your normal routine. Aim to eat at least two cup-size portions each of fruit and vegetables daily, mostly whole grains, fish and other lean protein to get needed vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Aim to eat smaller portions of foods high in sodium, sugar and saturated fat. Importantly, adults over continued on page 59







Everyone experiences adversity at some point in their lives, and in that regard “Big Daddy’s soul food restaurant owner Fred Wills is no different from the rest of us. The quality that sets him apart, though, has been his ability to not only overcome adversity but also embrace it to the point that he always seems to emerge from it stronger and better than ever. Whether it’s been lengthy periods of incarceration or building a once-fledgling sub shop into one of Hampton Roads’ finest soul food establishments, Fred Wills has managed to succeed with a passion that this writer found to be absolutely contagious. For those who were unaware, “Big Daddy’s” successfully re-opened for business this past September after a two-month hiatus and I recently had the opportunity to discuss the re-opening as well as Mr. Wills’ inspiring journey from prison to prosperity. “Big Daddy’s” has been in existence for over 10 years, but it was only after Wills had been incarcerated for over 15 years that he was able to discover his considerable gift for the culinary arts. He explained it to me with the following: “It’s something that God gave me, and no matter what I tried to strike out to do I would always come back to what God gave me to do and that’s cook. It’s my passion and it’s something I love doing. You have to realize that when God has something in your plan that you need to do you go through things to find out (what He has planned). No matter what prison they sent me to I always ran the kitchen”, and while the average person would have most likely felt bitter about dealing with such difficult circumstances Wills is quick to point out that “God had to sit me down that long or else I would have been dead or still incarcerated and now I’m stronger than ever because of what I’ve been through”. Wills went on to attend culinary school and eventually become an executive chef yet his checkered past prevented him from obtaining employment in his desired field. In spite of his setbacks he continued to persevere until he was given the opportunity to work in a sub shop that was due to go out of business. “A guy named Mr. Kraft gave me a chance to work in a sub shop on Hampton Blvd. in Norfolk by the naval base. He and his wife were going through a divorce and they were planning to get rid of the store so I asked what I could do to obtain it. We worked out small payments and the shop was already called ‘Big Daddy’s’ so that’s where the name came from. I didn’t have any employees and it was rough. I didn’t even have a car so I would catch the bus and sleep in the back of the store but I worked and built an empire.” Mr. Wills went on to describe how he gradually built his business from the ground up: “I didn’t have any savings or loans; I just believed in myself because no one else believed in me. Whenever things got hard before (in the past) I would go back to what I knew how to do to survive, whether it was robbing, hustling, or whatever but the last time I was tired (of doing that) and I had to prove to myself I could do it”. He continued with a poignant story about a visit from his mother that would turn out to be a pivotal point in his life: “My mother came to visit me when I was in lock-up and asked what I had done this time. I said ‘ma they keep dissin’ me’ and she started crying. She said ‘you don’t know who you are by now? You’re at your lowest point and you still care what people think of you? You don’t have anything to



prove to them. Before I die please let me see you make something of your life’. That’s what pushed me and I haven’t looked back since.” From that point on Wills did everything from offer food at a discount to pass out flyers and menus while traffic was stopped during train crossings in front of his store. “I did it with relentless self-promotion. I would offer it to customers on the house just to get them to taste it and once they did and liked it word of mouth spread. I used my talk game just like I did when I was hustling and I figured that if I put the same effort into something legal then eventually something’s got to give. Mr. Kraft gave me the platform and once he saw my drive and struggle he ended up selling me the business before I had paid him in full”. In speaking with him it quickly became obvious to me that his restaurant is an extension of himself, so when it began to decline due to the poor management of others he was forced to shut down operations from July, 2008 until September of that same year to bring it back up to his lofty standards: “We tried to expand to other ventures and let others run the store but they ran it down. I realized that there are certain things you have to do yourself because I can’t expect someone else to have my dream. That’s why we had to shut it down until me and my wife could come back and get it together”. When asked what he will do differently when he looks to branch out in the future he says “I need to find someone who is just as hungry as I am, and I need to hire people who actually like to cook, not just people who want to come work for me as a cook. In the past I put people in charge and left, but now I need to put them in charge and work with them for a year. I can’t throw it (the business) into someone’s hands and expect them to do what I do. I did that before and I blame myself for that because in the end it’s still Big Daddy’s”. For those interested in starting their own business, and more specifically for those who might be looking to earn money legally instead of illegally Wills has the following sage advice: “The most important thing is to believe in yourself, and if you want something that bad you should go for it but don’t look for it to be easy. You have to work twice as hard doing it legally because the money comes slower but in the end you feel good about yourself.” It is often said that behind every good man there is a good woman, and in the case of Fred Wills that woman is his wife Makeisha. “A lot of people don’t know this but my wife has been a big part of Big Daddy’s. She is my heart, my soul, and my partner, and when I think of Big Daddy’s I think of Makeisha and Fred Wills, not just Fred Wills”- William Hollis Contact Information: Big Daddy’s Soul Food Restaurant 3300 E. Princess Anne Road Norfolk, VA. 23502 757-305-6062





continued from page 53 65 should incorporate added calcium and vitamin D to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Exercising Body and Brain Regular exercise can help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and help relieve arthritis pain, anxiety and depression. It isn’t necessary to have a gym membership to get enough physical activity. For exercise, take a walk or ride a bike around the neighborhood. Swimming is also great exercise and easier on older patients’ joints. Gardening and playing with kids are also fun ways to be active. Muscle strengthening activities can also greatly benefit older adults to build muscle and strengthen bones. If you are over 50, check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Mental activity is just as important as physical activity. Activities like reading, playing cards, and doing crossword puzzles can keep your brain alert and responsive for the things you do every day like grocery shopping, cooking and handling finances. Staying mentally active may also lower the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease and help offset normal age-related decline in thinking skills. Health Check-ups Healthy habits are important, but don’t forget regular visits to the doctor for screenings and preventive care to help avoid chronic disorders in vision, hearing, bone density, cancer and obesity. Half of all American adults in 2005 did not receive recommended preventive care, including vaccinations, cancer screenings and blood-pressure checks. By getting a regular physical exam, a physician can catch health problems early on, treating them with efficiency and accuracy to maintain overall health. Healthier people spend less money on health care. At age 50 it’s important to start annual exams for colorectal cancer, and men should have a prostate exam. Screenings for osteoporosis should start at age 60 for women who are underweight. It is also a good idea to keep a list of medications, including over-the-counter, herbal or nutritional supplements to bring to each doctor’s appointment to avoid any harmful interactions. “Seventy-five percent of the total health care spending in the U.S. is linked to chronically ill patients,” says Dr. Rohack. “Many chronic health problems are preventable, and if we can help Americans live healthier, we can reduce disease and decrease health care spending. As the nation works to improve its overall health care system and get more value from our health care dollar, each person can help make a difference by taking steps to stay healthy as they age.” More tips on healthy aging can be found in the “American Medical Association Complete Guide to Prevention and Wellness.” The book can be found at retail and online bookstores and at Also available to help you to get healthier is AMA’s Healthier Life Steps Program with tools and resources to get started on lifestyle improvements. Information and tools can be found at







Double XL is a local celebrity who is quite possibly on the verge of breaking through the glass ceiling that hovers over most local artists, but more importantly he is an MC who truly loves hip-hop and its culture. XL’s formative years coincided with that of hip-hop itself and it is plain to see that fame and fortune are not his primary motivation for doing what he does. Anyone who is familiar with “Rock the Mic” should already know him since he is one of the founders, not to mention the fact that he’s served as an opening act at Hampton Coliseum in front of 12,000 people. In spite of such considerable accomplishments he remains passionate about his craft and I had the opportunity to discuss his journey from early 80’s hip hop head to one of Hampton Roads’ most well-known and respected MCs. Double XL’s first encounters with music took place in a studio watching his father’s funk band lay down track, and that musical background was paired with hip hop when he began to recite his uncles’ rhymes and watch them beat box at age 6. In the beginning he would simply put his name into their songs but after winning a 4th grade talent show he began to take hip hop more seriously. When asked about his influences, XL lists pioneers like Big Daddy Kane, Kool G. Rap, and Scarface as having an impact on the development of his skills while Jay-Z represented a model for how to construct an album. He went on to tell me about the local music scene in Newport News and how he often (freestyle) battled grown men during the early 90’s at the age of 12. “There was always a battle going on during that time, and not always freestyle battles but a battle where this person wrote a song about another and vice versa. I would battle against grown men when I was only 12 or 13 and I didn’t always win but I gained confidence from people sayin’’ this dude said that and he’s only 13”. Many artists have complained that Virginia’s local artists aren’t unified enough but Double XL believes otherwise: “The local scene has actually become way more unified over the years. Back in the day the 7 cities were non-existent to each other but now there is a movement of at least 100 serious artists in the area because of open mics and radio. The world is also smaller now due to the internet so more artists are able to hear one another and collaborate.” When asked about the best and worst thing about being a local artist in Hampton Roads Double XL had nothing but positive things to say: “The best part is that if you stay on your grind you can rise to the top. I went to a hip hop summit in Philadelphia and I was just like everyone else in that I didn’t want to hear anyone else’s music and I just brought CD’s to pass out. Russell Simmons said something that changed my whole perspective, though. He said ‘the day of the demo tape is dead. Get it popping in your city and we will come find you’ and from that point on I’ve followed that advice and been successful. While others may complain that more established acts with roots in Virginia haven’t come back to help up and coming artists, Double XL actually sees that as a positive. “Some people expect Missy or Timbaland to come knock on their door but that’s not how it works. They also were grandfathered into the game because they knew someone and that’s not a bad thing, but I’m grateful that I have a role because I’ve come through



Gage is an artist on G-Man entertainment who found his gift for the art of emceeing in his early teens. He actually sang before he rapped, but with the encouragement of friends and people he looked up to he continued to hone his craft into a style all his own. Gage has performed at various local venues such as the popular “Rock the Mic” along with Granby theater and Club Reign (now “Entourage”), and I recently had the opportunity to discuss his goals for the present and future. Gage had been affiliated with fellow G-Man artists “Contamination” under a previous label and continued to collaborate through the years until all three caught the attention of George “G-Man” Waters. He explained further with the following: “The first label was new to me and I was just excited to be on a label but that didn’t last too long. The label I just came from did some good things for me but it wasn’t consistent enough, also the love for music just wasn’t there. I should have made the change to G-Man a long time ago because I had the opportunity and they knew my talent from before.” There are many people who do music as a hobby but Gage has never been one of those people and he was quick to explain why: “I have something against people who take music as a joke. I believe that if you’re going to do it you should be true to it and I always took it serious”. Gage describes himself as “real and authentic” and when asked about the difference between branching out and selling out he says “branching out is challenging yourself and I’m an artist and not a rapper. To me selling out is being something you’re not.” He also says hip-hop is alive and well because “if it’s not abolished it’s not dead. It’s a different time and era some something’s got to change and everybody is trying to make money”. In regards to whether he would rather earn “5 mics” or go platinum Gage says would rather go platinum because “that’s an achievement in and of itself, and it means you’ve touched a lot of people”. His future goals include “being in the industry by 25 because I don’t want to be an old rapper” and to win an award at the “Blendsville awards”. Gage summed up the greatest challenge he faces as a local artist with a story about an encounter he had with an A&R at Slip-N-Slide records: “He told me that VA artists aren’t expected to sell because we don’t have any support”. On the flip side he says his greatest advantage is that “there aren’t a lot of people like me”. He also says that while being an independent artist is better in terms of keeping more of the money you generate he wouldn’t mind signing with a major label. His wish list includes Def Jam and Rocafella, and although he doesn’t cite any particular artist as an influence he does admire what Jay-Z has accomplished. Some artists are better in the studio versus on stage and vice versa but for Gage it doesn’t make a difference. “I just have fun with it and I want to catch everyone’s attention. I try to write every verse and treat every performance like it’s my last”. In closing Gage says “remember to be you because that’s the person you’re stuck with. Take time to build yourself up, even if that means not listening to rap for awhile because it’s important to be you”.- William Hollis



Misc. is charming, engaging, and intelligent, and at first glance you would never think that she’s an extremely talented MC and the first lady of G-Man entertainment. Her pretty face and pleasant personality would lead most people to believe otherwise, however this writer had the pleasure of witnessing an impromptu freestyle in which she unleashed the fiery lyricist within and to say I was impressed would be a tremendous understatement. We had the opportunity to discuss her unique experiences as a female honing her craft in an industry largely dominated and primarily populated with males. This Lake Taylor High School and Virginia State University graduate first discovered her love for hip-hop at age 12 when she began to write other people’s rhymes to recite back and forth with classmates until she started to create her own songs. “I was a huge Wu Tang fan back in the day because they were raw and intelligent and they were also different. They made me want to rhyme and I also listened to Nas and Bahamadia”. She went on to describe her journey as an up and coming female MC: “It was challenging because I grew up around dudes and I felt like I had something to prove. They were tough on me but they respected that I loved to rhyme.” Misc. never had to worry about compromising sexuality like some did because “I was a tomboy and it didn’t matter what I had on because I still got attention and I molded to my surroundings.” There was never a time when music was just a hobby for her because “I always had a hunger to be a star and I wanted the world to hear me”. Misc. also refuses to be placed in a category because “I want to be worldwide. I want to be known as someone who is willing to take risks and go left field.” Her willingness to branch out also explains her attitude towards those who might accuse her of selling out as she expands her horizons. “I don’t let people or their opinions depict who I’m going to be. You already know about the hood so let me experience different things and explore. I get bored with the same thing so that’s why I’m willing to do something completely different.” Misc. is a self-professed fan of old-school hip hop and although she acknowledges that music “is in a fun time where everybody is having a party” she has always cared more about what an artist’s subject matter than anything else and that’s what she feels she can bring to the table. “I’m bringing the essence and the passion for hip-hop because at the end of the day you might have had a tight beat and a tight hook but what were you talking about? I’m bringing skills and creativity because most rappers today don’t relate. You might be popping bottles but can you relate to what I’m going through?” The respect of her peers is obviously important to her so it’s no surprise that she would choose an album that earns “5 mics” over an album that earns less mics yet sells a million copies. “5 mics is your respect and street credibility. More people will read the album review than will actually buy it because people can bootleg and download it from the internet. Besides no one is really doing numbers right now anyway so I’d rather start low and move up because that’s motivation for the next album.”







(ARA) – While the beauty routine of some women consists of little more than a hairbrush and moisturizer, others spend hours in front of the mirror mastering the latest beauty trends. But no matter how highor low-maintenance you may be, the right beauty tricks will have you looking your best in no time. Celebrity makeup artist BJ Gillian and hairstylist to the stars Brett Freedman share some of their beauty tips for everyone from women with little time for beauty, to those prepping for a night out on the town. Low -- In a time crunch: * Tinted moisturizers with SPF and gradual self-tanners not only protect you from the sun, but also add color to the skin. “I like the new Olay Definity Color Recapture, which also has anti-aging properties,” says Gillian.



Webster’s Definition of the word Ambience is “an environment and or its distinct atmosphere”. This had to be the mindset of the creators of Ambience Hair & Nail Gallery. One look at this salon would let you know that the atmosphere is “Fierce” & the environment truly “Distinct”. Ambience is the brainchild of the entrepreneurial duo of Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Shelley Freeman. Shelley’s work in the beauty industry spans for over 15 years. During these early years she was awarded the opportunity and great fortune to work along side some of the most sought after hair stylist’s in the 757. Raised in the Hampton Roads area Shelley always envisioned being one of the top hair stylist and salon owners in Virginia. In order to bring this dream to fruition she knew she needed to be able to provide more than one service to her clients, she’s a licensed hair & nail technician a colorist and a facial wax technician. As a salon owner she has created a contemporary upscale establishment that would make you feel like you were at home in your living room receiving a beauty treatment. Ambience Hair & Nail Gallery promises nothing less than the absolute best service. Their elite styling team is comprised of over 85 years in contemporary and traditional hair design as well as over 40 years of nail care. This award winning diverse team of stylist include seven hair technicians and one nail technician. The team members are Shelley Freeman, Marca Bowser, April Cofield, Angie Granby, Tascha Guy, Ebony Brinkley, Tonya Dupree and Coquise Smith. Shop Owner & Proprietor Shelly Freeman specialties include the counseling and treatment of healthy hair, coloring & color correction, waxing, silk wraps, relaxers and long natural hair styling. With Ambience in its 6th year of existence Shelley’s ultimate goal is to insure that they strive for excellence & professionalism while setting the standard for the latest trends. Marca Bowser has 6 influential years as a estatition & hair stylist in the beauty industry. While taking advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity she was the apprentice of the Internationally Renowned Global Master “Charlie Price” from Denver Colorado. From that time to now Marca’s popularity in this



area has risen at a meteoric pace. Her clientele is very diverse and includes all walks of life from the young & the old, from African American to Caucasian, from Hampton University to William & Mary, regardless, Marca styles them all. April Cofield’s tenure as a Master Stylist started in 1988. Since then she has blazed a trail as one of the style trendsetters of the 757 and abroad. April is a winner of the prestigious Golden Scissors Award, and has been featured in several nationally acclaimed hair publications including Hype Hair, Extreme, Black Hair & Trend Setters. These accolades awarded her the opportunity to become a stylist to the Stars. Her clientele includes not just the Hampton Roads area but Celebrities as well. Ms. Cofield’s talent doesn’t stop there, she is a platform artist for Clairol and B&D hair products. Weather its short hair, long hair, weaving or bonding, April’s your girl. Angie Granby is the senior stylist of the team. 24 years of experience gives her knowledge beyond belief. A graduate of the popular “Va. School Of Hair Design”. Angie feels like there’s not a style she hasn’t done and a fad she has not seen. From short to long she is a perfectionist. Weather it’s a dinner date or the prom she’s got you. Knowledge & Experience are King. Tascha Guy 17 years of nail excellence is second to none. This Master Expert can boast being the only technician to help write the Virginia Board Of Education Curriculum for nail technicians. She received numerous awards for instructing the teachers & students from the American Skills USA programs located in public High Schools. Over the last 5 years Tascha worked in Washington D.C. with members of Congress and the Senate in a program called “Welcome To Our World” which enables politicians to see first hand what nail technicians do on a daily basis. She is truly one of the last real nail technicians left. Using only OPI products this certified OPI instructor refuses to perform her talents with the aid of machines, razors or drills. That’s right manicures, pedicures, gels, wraps, acrylic and filing all done by hand!!!! Ebony Brinkley is the trendy Queen. If there is a new style she’s on it. If there is a new trend in hair she probably invented it. Ebony not only styles it, but she wears it. That’s the true mark of a trend setter. Short hair styling are second nature to Ms. Brinkley and long hair weaving are options the following week. They



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say if you build it they will come, well looking at Ebony ’s full appointment book she truly has built something special.

* For wash-and-wear hairstyles, get a good haircut with layers to keep hair from being weighed down, says Freedman. “Try Pantene Pro-V Volume Root Lifter Spray to wake up your roots and Pantene Pro-V Volume Mousse all over to give hair a gorgeous amp up,” he says. “My tip: Less is more. Don’t bog hair down with product.”

Tonya Dupree life as a cosmetologist was inevitable. Refusing to follow in her mothers footsteps, before she knew it the “neighborhood braider” as her friends and family called her saw 20 years go by. But from year 1 to year 20 she has managed to accumulate a resume of accolades to die for. You’ve seen her work in national publications such as Black Sophisticates, Style and Hype Hair. She has also styled models for numerous hair show competitions such as Golden Scissors, Diva Dolls and Bronner Brothers. Platform work dons her resume too. Prosperous Hair Care Products in 2003 made sure they Employed Mrs. Dupree services. Braiding, weaves, cuts, color and make up artistry make Tonya a force to be reckoned with. Coquise Marzette is new to the Virginia area. Coming from California by way of Uncle Sam, her 5 years in the world of cosmetology are bi coastal. Coquise has a natural talent for versatility, mixing West Coast Flair with East Coast Flavor she brings to the forefront a style all her own. Although quite as a person her styling speaks loudly to the public. Being the latest member to join “Team Ambience” she feels like a new sponge soaking up all the knowledge she can from the rest of this Dynamic Diverse Team of Cosmetologist. From walk ins to regulars from weaves to wraps, from short hair to long hair from your hair to store hair if you need it cut curled washed or permed, Ambience Hair & Nail Gallery is your One Stop Shop !!!!!!!

Medium-- Easy beauty tricks with maximum impact: * Use your eye color to determine what shades of shadow to use. Blue eyes work best with brown and sea green colors, while green eyes pop with plum and violet shadow colors. Brown-eyed gals can wear any color. * To easily fake a chic look, try combining sleek, pulled back hair or a tousled bun with a vivid or smoky eye. High -- Heading out for a night on the town: * Women who prefer liquid or powder foundations should avoid moisturizer and find the right kind of makeup suitable for their skin, says Gillian. For example, oily skin needs an oilfree foundation and dry skin will benefit from a moisturizing foundation or tinted moisturizer. * Big-night-out hair requires an intense-hold hairspray. “I recommend Pantene Pro-V Sheer Volume Hairspray with Maximum Hold, not only after styling, but before using any hot tools like curling irons or hot rollers,” says Freedman. “Spray a small amount on each section before curling. It makes a huge difference.” No matter how complicated you make your beauty routine, keep these tips in mind to help keep your skin and hair looking their best.



continued from page 62 the ranks and risen to the top. People will be able to say ‘I remember when he used to kill it at whatever venue’. For those who are unaware Double XL is working on his second album entitled “The New Deal” (his first was called “Me vs. Me and released and distributed by an independent label and sold at various F.Y.E. locations throughout the east coast four years ago). XL says that while his debut did reasonably well for a local artist, he parted ways on good terms with his former label and looks forward to displaying ‘the growth of a man”. “I’m more comfortable with myself now and feel like I can rap about whatever I want. At this point I’m making grown man music so there are some things I used to rap about that I don’t rap about anymore”. In his words, XL is “big on morals” and is disappointed in what he views as an overabundance of mimicry. “I hear people say ‘everybody is on their rock star kick, so I’m gonna get on my rock star kick too’, I don’t understand that. If we’re in the same business why would I wanna dress like another rapper?” When asked about whether he would choose to earn 5 mics for an album that sells 50,000 copies or 2 mics for an album that goes platinum Double XL was clearly in favor of the former: “For me I’ve been doing this since I was six years old so it was never about being a rich rapper. It was always about being a dope MC for me so while others dream about Bentleys I dream about people arguing in the barbershop about whether I’m the best. I think that brings influence and once you have influence you can always get money.”- William Hollis Contact Information: Double XL, Hood Platinum Entertainment

continued from page 64 Misc. also says she would rather remain independent if possible because “a major label has too many expectations and once you sign that contract you’re basically signing yourself away. I’m not saying I would turn down the right major offer but as of now I’d rather go independent”. Like many others Misc. believes that VA’s local music scene would be better with more support: “Right now we get an hour on the radio but why not 2 or 3 hours? If your song doesn’t get played during that time you don’t know how long artists will have to wait or how many won’t get heard”. In spite of those challenges Misc. has performed at local venues such as “Rock the mic” and “VA house of comedy” along with numerous auditions to open for major acts. In her words “if there’s anything going on in the 757 I’m there.” In closing Misc. would like to inform readers that she is currently pushing her single “Get that gwap” and you can expect to see her at more shows and venues during the upcoming year. She also aspires to book more out-of-town shows, and last but not least she urges all would-be artists to “be yourself because nobody can tell you how to do you. Just do what’s in your heart.”-William Hollis





All day everyday, people ask themselves that question. I get emails all the time from people second guessing their relationships. A majority of the time it’s people who have made it pass the five year mark. Trust me if you can make it pass the first year, you may have a potential friendship on your hands. Did you hear me? Friendship. You can believe me now or later but I’m telling you a relationship without a friendship is like having a cup of kool aid without the sugar. Time after time: day after day. People say I love you. But what does that mean? Does that mean they wont cheat on you? Does it mean they will call you back when you leave a message? Does it mean they will loan you money when you really need it? Lastly does it mean they will ride with you in any situation, even if it means they could possibly get hurt? Only you can answer that question. The truth hurts. I can honestly say the single life can be fun: only if you are comfortable with it. Some people are single by choice some are not. Most people believe the only way to be happy is to be with someone even if it’s for a little while. The saying goes a piece of man/women is better than having no one at all. Sometimes we must be honest with ourselves. Don’t be scared. You can find truth and man up to it or you can allow truth to find you. In most cases when truth finds you it brings pain along. Free or not to be free? that is the question. Got feed back? Want to vent? Hit me up at saran7magazine@ About Mrs. Day Saran Bell Day, the President and Founder of Youth Against Drugs And Diseases (YADAD) has been called “The Community Oprah”, and makes it her life’s mission to save youth from drug abuse and preventable diseases. She is a certified HIV/ AIDS educator and has been planting the seed of knowledge in those in the community one child at a time. She has endured personal struggles of her own, making her empathetic to those who need her services because she understands their situations. In 2006 Mrs. Day received an award from the Virginia state senate for her hard work and dedication to eradicating HIV/AIDS. She does not claim to know all the answers, but her primary goal is to provide resources to individuals in need.

















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