Teachers College Press
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Early Childhood and Elementary School Education fall/winter 2018–2019
Coaching with ECERS Strategies and Tools to Improve Quality in Pre-K and K Classrooms Holly Seplocha is professor of early childhood education at William Paterson University and project director at the New Jersey Center for Quality Ratings. Foreword by Debby Cryer, Richard M. Clifford, Thelma Harms, and Noreen Yazejian
ECERS is widely used in the United States and internationally to assess the overall quality of preschool and kindergarten classrooms. This new book in the ERS® Family, Coaching with ECERS, presents best practices for coaches to use in their work with teachers and administrators to help them improve classrooms and teaching practices.
Nov 2018/120 pp. PB, $24.95, 978-0-8077-5954-7 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7748-0
‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘
Both experienced and novice coaches will find this resource of great value.... We, the authors of the ECERS, thank Holly for writing this much-needed resource, and hope that the book eases the challenges that coaches face every day. —From the Foreword by Debby Cryer, Richard M. Clifford, Thelma Harms, and Noreen Yazejian In her very practical and straightforward style, Dr. Seplocha breaks down the ECERS subscales into easy-to-tackle steps that will more readily lead to improvements in program quality. —Judy Jablon, Leading for Children Seplocha’s approach helps coaches focus their efforts beyond getting a good ECERS score to what is truly critical: getting the best results for children. —Deborah Stahl, consultant, early childhood implementation
The author focuses on how coaches and teachers work together to implement what is best for children. Each ECERS subscale chapter offers suggestions for quick and easy solutions, as well as strategies for classroom change that generally take more time for teachers to understand and incorporate into daily practice. This resource also includes guidance and activities for facilitating group meetings, professional learning communities, and staff workshops. Appropriate for use with ECERS-3 and ECERS-R, Coaching with ECERS will help refine classroom practice and environments so that scores will rise, not just for the day, but for every day.
Book Features: • Outlines the nuts and bolts of coaching with ECERS in a way that has meaning and impacts classroom practice. • Provides an overview of adult learning and coaching strategies, incorporating techniques for coaching novice and experienced teachers, as well as administrators. • Examines the diversity of roles, from peer coaching to coaching from the inside or outside of the program, to administrators and supervisors who coach within their role. • Presents the case for building onsite program capacity for coaches who target their efforts with administrators. • Offers hands-on advice, strategies, and tools including “ECERS Tips” and “No, No, Never, Nevers,” as well as helpful resources to support coaches and administrators.
Environment Rating Scale Family of Products
Meet the whole family, pages 12–13
ERS® and Environment Rating Scale® are registered trademarks of Teachers College, Columbia University.
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Infant and Toddler Development from Conception to Age 3 What Babies Ask of Us Mary Jane Maguire-Fong is faculty emerita in early childhood education at American River College in Sacramento, California. Marsha Peralta is professor of early childhood education at Folsom Lake College in Folsom, CA.
Foreword by J. Ronald Lally Afterword by Edward Tronick
Nov 2018/208 pp. PB, $34.95, 978-0-8077-6108-3 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7738-1
Even before they are born babies are busy learning, and their first 1000 days will shape the rest of their lives. Here’s an extraordinary collection of stories from the extensive research that confirms this, enabling caring adults to take the baby’s perspective. —Elizabeth Jones, faculty emerita, Pacific Oaks College
This book beautifully describes our latest understanding from science and what this means practically. They may not do so in words, but babies are asking this of us! —Nils Bergman, M.D., University of Cape Town, South Africa
Infants invite those caring for them to join as companions on an incredible journey. Infant and Toddler Development from Conception to Age 3 is a helpful guide to that journey. Each chapter taps a distinct area of research to shed light on babies’ biological expectations for care and their amazing competence as active participants in that care. Because the shadow of adversity and trauma disrupts the journey for some, this book includes ways to help infants and families recover and heal. Exploring each domain of development, with policy and practice recommendations, the authors offer important insights into: • How prenates “read” and adapt to characteristics of their environment. • How fetus and mother respond in sync to a cascade of hormones that facilitate healthy birth, breastfeeding, bonding, and immune system development. • How infants search for proximity to caring, responsive others as a means of regulating physiological systems and making friends. • How infants gather statistics on language through interactions with companions. • How infants learn as they investigate objects and people within everyday play and interactions.
Teaching and Learning with Infants and Toddlers Where Meaning-Making Begins Mary Jane Maguire-Fong / Foreword by J. Ronald Lally / Afterword by Edward Tronick
“From its clear explanation of the developing brain of a baby to its enlightened presentation on the art of reflective childcare, I see how many times I will use this work as a resource.” —From the Foreword by J. Ronald Lally, codirector, Center for Child and Family Studies, WestEd Find insights into how to design an infant care program, plan curriculum, assess learning, and work with families. 2015/192 pp./PB, $33.95, 978-0-8077-5619-5/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7352-9
Copublished with WestEd
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High-Quality Early Learning for a Changing World What Educators Need to Know and Do Beverly Falk is professor and director of the graduate programs in early childhood education at the School of Education of the City College of New York. Foreword by Jacqueline Jones
“This text is a portrait of what it means to be an early childhood professional and to take seriously the job of establishing meaningful relationships with children, families, and professional colleagues.” —From the Foreword by Jacqueline Jones, Foundation for Child Development
Aug 2018/208 pp. PB, $31.95, 978-0-8077-5940-0 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7693-3 Early Childhood Education Series
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Distills years of experience into practical advice and wellresearched lessons. —Samuel J. Meisels, Buffett Early Childhood Institute, University of Nebraska
Brilliantly challenges us to translate what we know into what we do in order to improve school and life outcomes for ALL children. —Maurice Sykes, Early Childhood Leadership Institute
Falk brings us critical knowledge about early childhood in this superb book. —Ann Lieberman, Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education
This important book articulates the critical role that early learning educators play in facilitating young children’s cognitive, emotional, and physical development. —Vivian L. Gadsden, Penn Graduate School of Education
This concise and accessible resource provides an overview of the fundamentals of teaching in early childhood settings (pre-K–2), with a focus on what high-quality practices look like. It details the features of developmentally appropriate, linguistically responsive, culturally relevant/ sustaining teaching and how this approach can prepare our youngest citizens for the challenges of our 21st-century world. Beginning with what the research tells us about how young children develop and learn, Falk shows how to create learning environments, plan, teach, and assess in ways that support children’s optimal development. Specific strategies are described and explained, such as setting up the classroom environment and schedule, making smooth transitions, using effective communication strategies, and creating home–school partnerships.
Book Features: • Combines understandings from multiple disciplines: child development, neuroscience and biological sciences, culturally responsive teaching, and language diversity practices. • Pays particular attention to traditionally underserved communities. • Provides concrete examples, including photos and links to online videos.
Defending Childhood Keeping the Promise of Early Education 2012/288 pp./PB, $32.95, 978-0-80775310-1/HC, $68, 978-0-8077-5311-8/ Ebook, 978-0-8077-7099-3 Early Childhood Education Series
Teaching the Way Children Learn 2009/208 pp./PB, $29.95, 978-0-8077-4928-9 the series on school reform Copublished with NEA
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Studio Thinking from the Start The K–8 Art Educator’s Handbook Jillian Hogan, Lois Hetland, Diane B. Jaquith, and Ellen Winner Foreword by David P. Nelson
“If we want our students to think, if we want them to learn, we must engage them in habits of the mind that cultivate their innate abilities.” —From the Foreword by David P. Nelson, president, MassArt
Aug 2018/176 pp. PB, $34.95, 978-0-8077-5915-8 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7699-5
Copublished with NAEA (National Art Education Association)
For experienced and novice teachers alike, for generalist teachers and for art teachers, Studio Thinking from the Start is a needed addition to teacher resources for improving the quality of elementary art education. —Olivia Gude, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Starting young with studio thinking is a fabulous idea supported by this fine resource. After all, studio thinking thrives on art but applies to everything. —David Perkins, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Students of all ages can learn to think like artists! Studio Thinking: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education changed the conversation about quality arts education. Now, a decade later, this new publication shows how the eight Studio Habits of Mind and four Studio Structures can be used successfully with younger students in a range of socioeconomic contexts and school environments.
Book Features: • Habit-by-habit definitions, classroom examples, and related visual artist exemplars emphasizing contemporary artists. • Full color mini-posters teachers can hang in their classrooms to illustrate each of the eight Studio Habits of Mind. • Sample templates for students to use as they plan, reflect upon, and talk about works of art. • Innovative approaches to assessment and strategies for implementation. • Photos throughout the book of Studio Thinking signage and activities, students making art, and student artworks. • Suggestions for using Studio Thinking for arts education advocacy.
Studio Thinking 2 The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education, Second Edition Lois Hetland, Ellen Winner, Shirley Veenema, and Kimberly Sheridan
The first edition of this bestseller was featured in The New York Times and The Boston Globe for its groundbreaking research on the positive effects of art education on student learning across the curriculum. Capitalizing on observations and conversations with educators who have used the Studio Thinking Framework in diverse settings, this expanded edition features new material, including a full-color insert with new examples of student art. 2013/176 pp./PB, $32.95, 978-0-8077-5435-1/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7159-4 Copublished with NAEA (National Art Education Association)
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The Early Advantage 1 Early Childhood Systems That Lead by Example— A Comparative Focus on International Early Childhood Education
Edited by Sharon Lynn Kagan, the Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Early Childhood and Family Policy and co-director of the National Center for Children and Families at Teachers College, Columbia University and professor adjunct at the Child Study Center, Yale University. Foreword by Marc Tucker
Aug 2018/264 pp. PB, $37.95, 978-0-8077-5941-7 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7715-2 Copublished with NCEE (National Center on Education and the Economy)
Kagan and her team describe a field at a very important inflection point, and they provide a framework for pushing on to the next stage. —From the Foreword by Marc Tucker, National Center on Education and the Economy
Pushes the early childhood field far beyond its traditional focus on services toward understanding systems, culture, governance, and sustainability. —Hirokazu Yoshikawa, New York University
A must-read for all those seeking to meet the joys and challenges of advancing the development of their youngest citizens. —Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University
Learn how exemplary countries are dealing with the challenges and joys of advancing the development of their youngest citizens. In this book, Sharon Lynn Kagan and her contributors systematically examine how six diverse countries go about envisioning, designing, and implementing their services to young children and their families. The Early Advantage 1 sheds light on new and exciting approaches to early childhood education and care (ECEC) that are contributing to the quality, equity, efficiency, and sustainability of services for young children. Brimming with fresh insights, the text provides concrete examples of successfully implemented strategies and methods that warrant attention from other countries wishing to improve their early childhood services. The 2-year comparative analysis upon which this volume is based was made possible with funding and support from the National Center on Education and the Economy’s (NCEE) Center on International Education Benchmarking. Contributors: Alfredo Bautista (Singapore), Rebecca Bull (Singapore), Lily Fritz (England), Bridget Healey (Australia), Sharon Lynn Kagan (U.S), Kristiina Kumpulainen (Finland), Eva Landsberg (U.S.), Carrie Lau (Hong Kong), Mugyeong Moon (Republic of Korea), Grace Murkett (England), Tom Peachey (Australia), Nirmala Rao (Hong Kong), Kathy Sylva (England), Collette Tayler (Australia)
The Early Advantage 2 Building Systems That Work for Young Children International Insights from Innovative Early Childhood Systems Sharon Lynn Kagan Forthcoming 2019 / Visit tcpress.com for updates
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Before Words Wordless Picture Books and the Development of Reading in Young Children Judith T. Lysaker is an associate professor of literacy and language at Purdue University.
Foreword by Peter Johnston
“This brilliant and well-researched book is a thoroughly engaging, provocative, and insightful analysis of the process and development of comprehension in young children. . . . Judy Lysaker has turned wordless books from a curiosity into a powerful learning tool for teachers and children alike.... This book is a breakthrough work. Prepare to have your mind opened to completely new terrain in children’s literate development.” —From the Foreword by Peter Johnston, The University at Albany–SUNY
In this book, the author challenges reductive views of emergent literacy prevalent in many of today’s kindergarten and pre-K classrooms. As an alternative, Lysaker explains how reading wordless books with young children helps them to develop a range of comprehension abilities that are important for understanding narrative texts. Readers will find concrete methods to help them gauge, document, and respond to children as they make meaning of and respond to wordless books. Through description and analysis, the text reveals the undervalued richness of young children’s emergent comprehension and the intricate, purposeful nature of their specific early thinking activities. Before Words encourages readers to think about young children’s comprehension as complex meaning-making and suggests new ways of responding to the unique sense-making tools young children use during wordless book reading. Nov 2018/160 pp./PB, $34.95, 978-0-8077-5916-5/HC, $80, 978-0-8077-5917-2/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7700-8 Language and Literacy Series
“We’ve Been Doing It Your Way Long Enough” Choosing the Culturally Relevant Classroom Janice Baines, 1st-grade teacher, Orangeburg, SC; Carmen Tisdale, 2nd-/3rd-grade ELA teacher, Columbia, SC; and Susi Long, professor, the University of South Carolina.
“Captures the heart of culturally relevant teaching. It is impossible to read this book and return to the same old pedagogies and practices.” —Nathaniel Bryan, Miami University “This volume seamlessly embeds guidance for creating liberating pedagogical practices in order to transform schools for all students and teachers.” —Gloria Boutte, University of South Carolina
“Teaches us to not only have conscience and act on it, but to engage in culturally relevant teaching in ways that are doable and necessary.” —Shashray McCormack, elementary school teacher, Louisville, KY Filled with day-to-day literacy practices, this book will help elementary school teachers understand their role in dismantling the imbalance of privilege in literacy education. Chapters take readers into classrooms where they will see, hear, and feel decolonizing and humanizing culturally relevant pedagogies as students learn literacy and a critical stance through musical literacies, oral histories, heritage lessons, and building a critical consciousness. The authors also share strategies to help teachers examine their own educational spaces, start the school year in culturally relevant ways, build reciprocal relationships with families and communities, and teach within standards and testing mandates while challenging unjust systems. Practices are brought to life through students, families, and community members who voice the realities of pedagogical privilege and oppression and urge educators to take action for change. Aug 2018/168 pp./PB, $35.95, 978-0-8077-5717-8/HC, $100, 978-0-8077-5718-5/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7571-4 Language and Literacy Series
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Summer Reading New Edition
Schools of Promise for Multilingual Students
Closing the Rich/Poor Reading Achievement Gap Second Edition Edited by Richard L. Allington and Anne McGill-Franzen
“With several new chapters and features—and revisions throughout—the second edition is even more useful than the first.” —Nell K. Duke, University of Michigan Featuring three new chapters, the second edition of this groundbreaking book provides research-based guidelines for planning a successful summer reading program, including tips on book selection, distribution methods, and direction for crucial follow-up. New for the second edition: supporting multilingual and English learners; what libraries can do; enticing boys to read; new “favorite titles” selected by students. Contributors: Richard L. Allington, Lynn Bigelman, Maria Cahill, Jennifer M. Graff, James. J. Lindsay, Anne McGill-Franzen, Geraldine Melosh, Natalia Ward, Lunetta M. Williams Jul 2018/192 pp./PB, $32.95, 978-0-8077-5875-5 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7669-8 Language and Literacy Series
Comingy Januar
”We Dare Say Love” Supporting Achievement in the Educational Life of Black Boys
Edited by Na’ilah Suad Nasir, president, Spencer Foundation and faculty member (on leave), the University of California, Berkeley; Jarvis Givens, assistant professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and the Suzanne Young Murray Assistant Professor, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study; and Christopher P. Chatmon, Deputy Chief of Equity, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). Afterwords by Tyrone Howard and Pedro Noguera
This book chronicles the development and implementation of the African American Male Achievement Initiative in Oakland Unified School District that created an environment with high expectations for the engagement and achievement of Black boys. The text features reflection chapters by leading experts on Black male achievement, including Tyrone Howard and Pedro Noguera. Jan 2019/Approx. 160 pp./PB, $36.95, 978-0-80776107-6/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7751-0 Multicultural Education Series
Transforming Literacies, Learning, and Lives Edited byAlthier M. Lazar and Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt
“This book offers multiple pathways to educational success with children often labeled as ‘at risk.’” —Luis C. Moll, professor emeritus, University of Arizona “Readers will find inspiration from the variety of solutions described in this volume, which has transformed education for multilingual students.” —David and Yvonne Freeman, professors emeriti, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley See how administrators, teachers, caregivers, and community members worked together to successfully serve multilingual students, especially those who affiliate as Latinx. Examine the inner workings of school-wide initiatives that include developing students’ home languages, recruiting caregivers and community members to mentor students, establishing positive and respectful climates, providing rigorous instructional interventions, and inviting students to take leadership roles. Contributors include Steven Z. Athanases, Mark Conley, Brian A. Collins, Marnie W. Curry, Ann Ebe, Ivana Espinet, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Norma González, Lee Gunderson, and Shelley Hong Xu. Sep 2018/208 pp./PB, $37.95, 978-0-8077-5947-9 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7730-5
Teaching A Life’s Work—A Mother– Daughter Dialogue Sonia Nieto and Alicia López
Nieto and López document their reasons for becoming teachers and share some of the most important lessons they have learned along the way. Using journals, blogs, current writings, and their research, they explore how their views on curriculum, pedagogy, and the field of education itself have evolved over the years.
Comingy Januar
Jan 2019/PB, $29.95, 978-0-8077-6109-0 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7750-3 Visit tcpress.com for updates
Comingy Januar
The Heart and Science of Teaching Powerful Applications to Link Academic and Social–Emotional Learning, K–12 C. Bobbi Hansen
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Blending the latest research in education, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology, this resource will help K–12 teachers create emotionally supportive classroom environments. Jan 2019/PB, $29.95, 978-0-8077-5951-6 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7749-7 Visit tcpress.com for updates
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The Brilliance of Black Boys Cultivating School Success in the Early Grades Brian L. Wright with Shelly L. Counsell Foreword by James Earl Davis
“Wright’s uncommon insight into the world of Black boys unveils a new narrative and gives educators a formula for turning opportunity into advantage.” —Carol Brunson Day, past president, NAEYC This accessible book provides teachers (pre-K–3rd grade) with classroom strategies to help young Black boys achieve their highest potential, along with other resources for supporting their social-emotional development, such as a reading list of authentic multicultural children’s books with Black boys as protagonists. 2018/168 pp./PB, $29.95, 978-0-8077-5892-2/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7681-0
Hands On, Minds On How Executive Function, Motor, and Spatial Skills Foster School Readiness Claire E. Cameron Foreword by Sharon Ritchie
“Teachers, both novice and veteran, are eager to learn how to apply brain research to their practice, and Dr. Cameron has offered some very real knowledge and support to this effort.” —From the Foreword by Sharon Ritchie, FPG Child Development Institute Hands On, Minds On describes the importance of children’s foundational cognitive skills for academic achievement in literacy and mathematics, as well as their connections with other areas of school readiness, including physical health and social and emotional development. It also examines the growing evidence in favor of guided object play. 2018/192 pp./PB, $34.95, 978-0-8077-5909-7/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7694-0
Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) Second Edition
New Edition
Teri N. Talan and Paula Jorde Bloom
“BAS is a unique tool that has helped thousands of providers across the country measure and improve their business practices. I highly recommend this second edition!” —Tom Copeland, family child care business consultant
The second edition includes refinements to reflect current best practices in administering a family child care program. This easy-to-use instrument assesses: Qualifications and Professional Development, Income and Benefits, Work Environment, Fiscal Management, Recordkeeping, Provider-Family Communication, Family Support and Engagement, Marketing and Community Relations, and Provider as Employer. Use the BAS with the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale–Revised for a comprehensive picture of your family child care learning environment. 2018/48 pp./PB, $24.95, 978-0-8077-5939-4
Program Administration Scale Measuring Early Childhood Leadership and Management Second Edition Teri Talan and Paula J Bloom
This easy-to-use instrument assesses: human resources development, personnel cost and allocation, center operations, child assessment, fiscal management, program planning and evaluation, family partnerships, marketing and public relations, technology, and staff qualifications. 2011/96 pp./PB, $24.95, 978-0-8077-5245-6
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RECENTLY PUBLISHED Engineering in Elementary STEM Education
Curriculum Design, Instruction, Learning, and Assessment Christine M. Cunningham and Museum of Science, Boston Foreword by Richard A. Duschl
“Wondering how to infuse engineering into your teaching and curriculum? Here’s the book for you!” —From the Foreword by Richard A. Duschl, Penn State University “Schools or districts looking to introduce engineering in ways that enhance science and mathematics learning can use the inclusive teaching strategies in this book.” —Linda Curtis-Bey, executive director of STEM, NYC Department of Education This comprehensive introduction outlines how engineering can be integrated into a broader STEM curriculum, details its pedagogical benefits to students, and includes classroom examples to help elementary school educators tailor instruction to engage diverse students. Go to eie.org/book for videos, assessment tools, reproducibles, and other instructional supports. 2018/176 pp./PB, $34.95, 978-0-8077-5877-9/HC, $80, 978-0-8077-5878-6/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7671-1 Copublished with Museum of Science, Boston
Reading the Rainbow LGBTQ-Inclusive Literacy Instruction in the Elementary Classroom Caitlin L. Ryan and Jill M. Hermann-Wilmarth Foreword by Mariana Souto-Manning
“Reading the Rainbow invites us to enact justice in our classrooms as we honor our students’ rights and work to foster equity.” —From the Foreword by Mariana Souto-Manning, Teachers College, Columbia University “The field has been hungry for this book! It will allow elementary teachers to make immediate and impactful change in their classrooms.” —Elizabeth Dutro, University of Colorado Boulder Drawing on examples from K–5 classrooms, the authors make clear what LGBTQ-inclusive literacy teaching can look like in practice, including what teachers might say and how students might respond. The text also provides readers with opportunities to consider these new approaches with respect to traditional literacy instruction. 2018/160 pp./PB, $29.95, 978-0-8077-5933-2/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7711-4 Language and Literacy Series Copublished with GLSEN
Fun and Fundamental Math for Young Children Building a Strong Foundation in PreK–Grade 2 Marian Small Foreword by Graham Fletcher
“Within the first few pages it quickly became apparent that, whether you are a new or veteran teacher, your knowledge and appreciation of and for primary mathematics will grow page by page.” —From the Foreword by Graham Fletcher, math specialist, Atlanta, Georgia This book focuses on the most important concepts and skills needed to provide early learners (preK–2) with a strong foundation in mathematics, in ways that are fun for both children and educators! Professional developer Marian Small provides sample activities and lessons, troubleshooting tips, formative assessments, and much more. Visit Marian Small’s website (onetwoinfinity.ca) for in-person and online professional development. 2018/224 pp./PB, $30.95, 978-0-8077-5911-0/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7696-4 Copublished with, and available in Canada from, Rubicon Publishing Inc. BESTSELLER BY MARIAN SMALL:
Good Questions Great Ways to Differentiate Mathematics Instruction in the Standards-Based Classroom Third Edition 2017/304 pp./PB, $34.95, 978-0-8077-5854-0/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7585-1
Copublished with NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) and Nelson (Canada)
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RECENTLY PUBLISHED On the Road to High-Quality Early Learning Changing Children’s Lives Marjorie E. Wechsler and David L. Kirp
“This book is so valuable—it’s a ‘how-to’ for the current generation of political leaders, Republicans and Democrats alike, who want to develop early education policies and practices that work.”—James B. Hunt, Jr., former Governor of North Carolina This timely book will help policymakers and practitioners convert their visions of high-quality early education into on-the-ground reality by examining how states, local districts, and independent providers can design, fund, and manage exemplary programs. The authors describe and analyze how four states—Michigan, West Virginia, Washington, and North Carolina—have built early education systems that positively affect student outcomes with key takeaways from each state. 2018/256 pp./PB, $29.95, 978-0-8077-5938-7/Ebook, 978-0-8077-7718-3
Thinking Tools for Young Readers and Writers Strategies to Promote Higher Literacy in Grades 2–8
Culturally Responsive Teaching Theory, Research, and Practice, Third Edition Geneva Gay
“The third edition responds to the question educators continue to ask: How do we do it?. . . This book is an invaluable resource to preservice and inservice teachers as well as teacher educators.” —Teachers College Record
New Carol Booth Olson, Angie n Balius, Emily McCourtney, and Editio Mary Widtmann Foreword by Judith A. Langer
Professional developer Carol Booth Olson shows teachers how to help young readers and writers construct meaning from and with texts. She offers research-based teaching strategies, activities, and extended lessons focused on the “thinking tools” employed by experienced readers and writers. Includes web links to student samples, anchor charts, videos, and more! 2018/208 pp./PB, $32.95, 978-0-8077-5894-6 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7683-4
Engaging Learners Through Artmaking New Edition
For this new edition, Gay has made many important revisions to keep her foundational, award-winning text relevant for today’s diverse student population, including: new research on culturally responsive teaching, a focus on a broader range of racial and ethnic groups, and consideration of additional issues related to early childhood education. 2018/384 pp./PB, $36.95, 978-0-8077-5876-2 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7670-4 Multicultural Education Series
Educating Emergent Bilinguals
Choice-Based Art Education in the Classroom (TAB), Second Edition Katherine M. Douglas and Diane B. Jaquith Foreword by Christine Marmé Thompson
This is the completely updated edition of the groundbreaking bestseller on choice-based authentic art education for K–grade 8 classrooms. The user-friendly text includes sample lesson plans and demonstrations, assessment criteria, curricular mapping, room planning, photos of classroom set-ups, media exploration, and many other concrete and open-ended strategies. 2018/192 pp./PB, $29.95, 978-0-8077-5891-5 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7680-3
PROFESSORS It’s easy to request exam copies at www.tcpress.com
New Edition
Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners, Second Edition Ofelia Garcia and Jo Anne Kleifgen Foreword by Jim Cummins
The authors have updated their bestseller to reflect recent shifts in policies, programs, and practices. What makes this book a perennial favorite are the succinct descriptions of alternative practices, such as building on students’ home languages, incorporating pedagogical innovations, using proven-effective approaches to parent engagement, and employing alternative assessment tools. A totally new chapter highlights multimedia and multimodal instructional possibilities for engaging EL students. 2018/256 pp./PB, $32.95, 978-0-8077-5885-4 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7676-6 Language and Literacy Series
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Environment Rating Scale
Family of Products
SEE ALSO: Coaching with ECERS: Strategies and Tools to Improve Quality in Pre–K and K Classrooms, page 2
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale® (ECERS-3) Third Edition Thelma Harms, Richard M. Clifford, & Debby Cryer
The new third edition of the internationally recognized Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale®, ECERS-3, focuses on the full range of needs of preschool- and kindergarten-aged children. This widely used, comprehensive assessment tool measures both environmental provisions and teacher-child interactions that affect the broad developmental needs of young children, including cognitive, social-emotional, physical, and health and safety. ECERS-3 also includes Items assessing developmentally appropriate literacy and math activities.
New Edition
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale® (ITERS-3) Third Edition Thelma Harms, Debby Cryer, Richard M. Clifford, and Noreen Yazejian
This revised and updated assessment tool focuses on the full range of needs of infants and toddlers up to 36 months of age and provides a framework for improving program quality. ITERS-3 assesses both environmental provisions and teacher-child interactions that affect the broad developmental milestones of infants and toddlers, including: language, cognitive, social-emotional and physical development as well as concern for health and safety.
New Edition
WIDELY USED ERS is appropriate for state and district-wide QRIS and continuous quality improvement, program evaluation by directors and supervisors, teacher self-evaluation, monitoring by agency staff, and teacher education. The established reliability and long-term evidence of validity of the ERS family of instruments make them particularly useful for accountability and research.
CONVENIENT ORGANIZATION Suitable for use in inclusive and culturally diverse programs, ERS subscales and Items evaluate: • • • • •
Physical Environment Teacher–Child Interaction Health and Safety Curriculum Schedule and Program Structure
A COMPLETE TRAINING PROGRAM Online Training and Ongoing Support The Environment Rating Scales Institute (ERSI) website (www.ersi. info) provides:
• A Quick Link for each scale that includes updated Notes for Clarification. • Online and live training session details. • A list of frequently asked questions and the option to submit your own questions. Additional Scoresheets: Free additional scoresheets for the above are available at www.tcpress.com/ERS.html
Multimedia Training Each multimedia package contains an interactive video and an Instructor’s Guide. Video Guide and Training Workbooks, containing training activities, are sold separately. ITERS-R DVD, $64, 4709-4 Video Guide & Training Wkbk, $4, 4320-1 ECERS-R DVD, $64, 4706-3 Video Guide & Training Wkbk, $4, 3835-1 FCCERS-R DVD, $64, 4773-5 Video Guide & Training Wkbk, $4, 4826-8
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The scientific evidence linking process quality (as measured by the ERS) ”and child learning and developmental outcomes is compelling... ” —CampbellCollaboration review,
January 2017, “The relationship between teacher qualification and the quality of the early childhood education and care environment”, by Matthew Manning et al.
CHOOSING A SCALE authors: Thelma Harms, Richard M. Clifford, and Debby Cryer
ECERS-3 ages 3 to 5
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale® Third Edition Assesses group programs for preschoolkindergarten children, from 3 through 5 years of age. Total scale consists of 35 Items. 104 pp./PB, $24.95, 5570-9/Ebook, 7613-1 large format, spiral binding
Note: If you are not yet ready to switch to the Third Edition, you can continue to purchase ECERS-R.
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale® Revised Edition (ECERS-R) English: 96 pp./PB, $24.95, 4549-6 large format, spiral binding Spanish: 64 pp./PB, $24.95, 4257-0 large format
ITERS-3 birth to 36 months
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale® Third Edition Thelma Harms, Debby Cryer, Richard M. Clifford, & Noreen Yazejian
Assesses group programs for children from birth to 36 months of age. Total scale consists of 33 Items. 2017/104 pp./PB, $24.95, 5867-0/Ebook, 7612-4 large format, spiral binding
Note: If you are not yet ready to switch to the Third Edition, you can continue to purchase ITERS-R.
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale® Revised Edition (ITERS-R) English: 80 pp./PB, $24.95, 4640-0 large format, spiral binding Spanish: 72 pp./PB, $24.95, 4517-5 large format
FCCERS-R Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale® infancy to schoolage
SACERS 5 to 12
Revised Edition Assesses family child care programs conducted in a provider’s home for children from infancy through school-age. Total scale consists of 38 Items. English: 88 pp./PB, $24.95, 4725-4 large format, spiral binding Spanish: 88 pp./PB, $24.95, 4879-4 large format
School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale® Updated Edition
Thelma Harms, Ellen Vineberg Jacobs, & Donna Romano White
Defines and assesses the quality of both public and private programs caring for school-age children (ages 5–12) during out-of-school time. 72 pp./PB, $24.95, 5509-9 large format, spiral binding
CURRICULUM SCALE authors: Kathy Sylva, Iram Siraj-Blatchford, and Brenda Taggart Foreword by Thelma Harms
to 5
The Four Curricular Subscales Extension to the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale®—Fourth Edition with Planning Notes: Use the ECERS-E companion scale with the ECERS–R for a complete picture of what a high-quality early childhood education program can look like. Convenient organization: Literacy • Mathematics • Science and Environment • Diversity 72 pp./PB, $24.95, 5150-3 large format, spiral binding Available in the UK from Trentham
ERS® and Environment Rating Scale® are registered trademarks of Teachers College, Columbia University.
SEE ALSO: High-Quality Early Learning for a Changing World, 4 • Culturally Responsive Teaching, 11
Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World Multicultural Education for Young Children, Fourth Edition Patricia G. Ramsey Foreword by Sonia Nieto
Designing Groupwork Best seller
Strategies for the Heterogeneous Classroom, Third Edition Elizabeth G. Cohen and Rachel A. Lotan Forewords by Linda DarlingHammond and John I. Goodlad
Describes research-based classroom practices to engage children in exploring the complexities of race, economic inequities, immigration, environmental issues, gender and sexual identities, and abilities and disabilities.
“In this updated version of the nowclassic text, Rachel Lotan demonstrates, once again, her virtuosity at combining enormously practical guidance for effective pedagogy with solid theory and evidence.” —Jeannie Oakes, UCLA
2015/240 pp./PB, $32.95, 5625-6/Ebook, 7362-8
2014/256 pp. /PB, $28.95, 5566-2/Ebook, 7320-8
Early Childhood Education Series
To Teach
Multicultural Teaching in the Early Childhood Classroom Approaches, Strategies, and Tools, Preschool–2nd Grade Mariana Souto-Manning
“Provides teachers of young children with strategies to ‘lift the moment[s]’ when inequity or unfairness arises in our classrooms rather than shutting students down with our adult logic.” —Language Arts 2013/168 pp./PB, $30.95, 5405-4/HC, $60, 5406-1 Ebook, 7145-7 photos Early Childhood Education Series Copublished with ACEI (Association for Childhood Education International)
The Play’s the Thing Teachers’ Roles in Children’s Play, Second Edition Elizabeth Jones and Gretchen Reynolds
“Provides an excellent summary of theories related to the importance of children’s play and illustrates the six roles teachers can use to put these theories into practice.” —Harvard Educational Review This bestselling text has been expanded to include assessment, diversity and culture, intentional teaching, inquiry, and the construction of knowledge. 2011/168 pp./PB, $29.95, 5241-8/Ebook, 7138-9 Early Childhood Education Series
What If All the Kids Are White? Anti-Bias Multicultural Education with Young Children and Families, Second Edition Louise Derman-Sparks and Patricia G. Ramsey
This bestselling guide includes teaching strategies, activities for families and staff, reflection questions, and organizational and website resources.
The Journey, in Comics
Best seller
William Ayers and Ryan Alexander-Tanner Foreword by Jonathan Kozol
“An inspiring, heartwarming book that serves as a reminder of what teaching should, and can, be.” —Harvard Educational Review
2010/144 pp./PB, $24.95, 5062-9 (T)/Ebook, 7063-4
To Teach
The Journey of a Teacher, Third Edition Foreword by Sonia Nieto Afterword by Mike Rose 192 pp./ PB, $28.95, 5063-6/Ebook, 7147-1
Teaching Kindergarten Learner-Centered Classrooms for the 21st Century Edited by Julie Diamond, Betsy Grob, and Fretta Reitzes Foreword by Vivian Gussin Paley / Prologue by Ruth Charney
Features examples of teachers working with diverse populations of students and focusing on issues of social justice across urban and rural communities. ccss 2015/176 pp./PB, $30.95, 5711-6 Ebook, 7417-5 photos Early Childhood Education Series
Twelve Best Practices for Early Childhood Education Integrating Reggio and Other Inspired Approaches Ann Lewin-Benham Foreword by Howard Gardner
“Joyful, grounded, and practical counsel to early childhood teachers. . .totally delightful and thoroughly helpful!” —Sharon Lynn Kagan, Teachers College, Columbia University 2011/224 pp./PB, $35.95, 5232-6/HC, $72, 5233-3 Ebook, 7139-6 large format, photos Early Childhood Education Series
2011/224 pp./PB, $30.95, 5212-8/Ebook, 7130-3 Early Childhood Education Series
Professors It’s easy to request exam copies at www.tcpress.com
SEE ALSO: The Brilliance of Black Boys, 9 • Hands On, Minds On, 9
Trauma-Sensitive Schools
Observing and Recording the Behavior of Young Children Sixth Edition
Learning Communities Transforming Children’s Lives, K–5
Dorothy H. Cohen, Virginia Stern, Nancy Balaban, and Nancy Gropper
“ A theoretically sound and pragmatically useful ‘how to’. . . supports essential understanding and appreciation of how children develop.” —John Snyder, Stanford Center for Policy Opportunity in Education For pre- and in-service educators of young children (birth to age 8).
Susan E. Craig
“This book couldn’t have come at a better time. This research is essential knowledge if educators want to create a school system where all children can feel safe enough to learn and succeed academically.” —From the Foreword by Jane Ellen Stevens, ACEs Connection Network 2016/160 pp./PB, $30.95, 5745-1/Ebook, 7453-3
2016/240 pp./PB, $30.95, 5715-4/Ebook, 7419-9
Unsmiling Faces
Teaching and Leading with Emotional Intelligence
How Preschools Can Heal, Second Edition Lesley Koplow, Editor Foreword by Vivian Gussin Paley
A Dilemma-Based Casebook for Early Care and Education
This classic text provides an essential framework to help teachers understand the emotional lives of the young children they serve.
Peggy Daly Pizzo with Teresa Gonczy O’Rourke and Ed Greene
“This excellent book will restore balance to our school readiness accountability initiatives.” —From the Foreword by Edward F. Zigler
2007/288 pp./PB, $30.95, 4803-9
Creating Schools that Heal: Real-Life Solutions Lesley Koplow
Dilemma-based teaching cases. 2017/176 pp./PB, $32.95, 5884-7/Ebook, 7675-9
2002/240 pp./PB, $30.95, 4268-6/HC, $44, 4269-3
I N FA N T S & TO D D LE R S SEE ALSO: Infant and Toddler Development from Conception to Age 3, p. 3 • ITERS–3, p. 12
Seven Essentials for Family–Professional Partnerships in Early Intervention Bonnie Keilty, with contributions by Hedi Levine and Sagarika Kosaraju
“A valuable resource to help improve the outcomes of early intervention for all children and families.”—From the Foreword by Philippa Campbell, Thomas Jefferson University Includes tools to help plan, implement, and evaluate early intervention practices for children birth–3. 2017/168 pp./PB, $34.95, 5837-3/Ebook, 7572-1
The Early Intervention Guidebook for Families and Professionals Partnering for Success, Second Edition
Bonnie Keilty
“An exceptional book with the most recent policy and evidence-based practice recommendations. I can’t keep enough copies in my library.” —Susan Fowler, director, Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse 2016/224 pp./PB, $34.95, 5773-4/Ebook, 7484-7
Teaching and Learning with Infants and Toddlers Best seller
Where Meaning-Making Begins Mary Jane Maguire-Fong
“Filled with great ideas, evocative illustrations, and practical considerations.. . . A wonderful, necessary read.” —Ross Thompson, UC Davis Explores infants amazing capacity to learn, presenting a reflective approach to teaching. Informs how to design an infant care program, plan curricula, assess learning, and work with families. 2015/192 pp./PB, $33.95, 5619-5/Ebook, 7352-9 photos, large format Copublished with WestEd
Infants and Toddlers at Work Using Reggio-Inspired Materials to Support Brain Development Ann Lewin-Benham Foreword by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
“A wealth of information.” —Young Children 2010/192 pp./PB, $32.95, 5107-7/HC, $62, 5108-4 Ebook, 7337-6 large format, photos
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SEE ALSO: Studio Thinking from the Start, 5 • Engaging Learners Through Artmaking, 11
Artful Teaching
Best seller
The LearnerDirected Classroom
Integrating the Arts for Understanding Across the Curriculum, K–8
Edited by David M. Donahue and Jennifer Stuart
“Provides a thorough guide to integrating art into other disciplinary subjects... recommended.” —SchoolArts 2010/192 pp./PB, $27.95, 5080-3 Ebook, 7630-8 15 photos Copublished with NAEA
Preparing Educators for Arts Integration
Developing Creative Thinking Skills Through Art
Edited by Diane B. Jaquith and Nan E. Hathaway
“A useful tool for both preservice and experienced educators looking for methods to use within the constraints of a system of compliance and conformity.” —National Art Education Association
Placing Creativity at the Center of Learning
Gene Diaz and Martha Barry McKenna, Editors Foreword by Jane R. Best
Strong empirically tested models of arts integration to inform curriculum development and teacher professional learning. 2017/224 pp./PB, $37.95, 5848-9 HC, $96, 5849-6/Ebook, 7581-3
2012/176 pp./PB, $33.95, 5362-0 Ebook, 7268-3
L A N G UAG E & LI TE R AC Y SEE ALSO: Before Words, 7 • Summer Reading, 8 • Reading the Rainbow, 10 • Thinking Tools for Young Readers and Writers, 11 • Educating Emergent Bilinguals, 11 2016 AESA CRITICS’ CHOICE AWARD
Accelerating Literacy for Diverse Learners
Reading, Writing, and Talk
Classroom Strategies That Integrate Social/Emotional Engagement and Academic Achievement, K–8, Second Edition
Inclusive Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners, K–2 Mariana Souto-Manning and Jessica Martell Foreword by Gloria Ladson-Billings
Unique in its focus on inclusive and culturally relevant language and literacy teaching, this book will help K–2 teachers (re)think and (re)conceptualize their practices. 2016/176 pp./PB, $33.95, 5757-4/HC, $72, 5758-1/Ebook, 7471-7 Language and Literacy Series
Every Young Child a Reader Using Marie Clay’s Key Concepts for Classroom Instruction Sharan A. Gibson and Barbara Moss
“These writers challenge us to implement differentiated teaching in classrooms to meet the instructional needs of individuals, and they have provided a rich source of information to help us do it.” —From the Foreword by Gay Su Pinnell, professor emeritus, The Ohio State University A valuable resource for K–2 teachers. ccss 2016/160 pp./PB, $34.95, 5810-6/HC, $80, 5811-3/ Ebook, 7517-2 Language and Literacy Series
The Reading Turn-Around A Five-Part Framework for Differentiated Instruction (Grades 2 through 5) Stephanie Jones, Lane W. Clarke, and Grace Enriquez
Provides effective methods to differentiate reading instruction in Grades 2–5. Includes self-check exercises to help teachers, specialists and coaches analyze their reading instruction.
Socorro G. Herrera, Shabina K. Kavimandan, Della R. Perez, and Stephanie Wessels
“A powerful framework to guide teachers’ decisionmaking processes in support of their students’ sociocultural, linguistic, cognitive, and academic biographies.” —From the Foreword by Ester J. de Jong, EdD, 2017–18 president of TESOL 2017/224 pp./PB, $33.95, 5859-5/Ebook /7615-5 large format
The Administration and Supervision of Reading Programs: Fifth Edition
Shelley B. Wepner, Dorothy S. Strickland, and Diana J. Quatroche, Editors Foreword by Jack Cassidy
This popular textbook focuses on what literacy leaders (pre-K–12) need to know and do to meet today’s mandates. ccss 2014/256 pp./PB, $35.95, 5480-1/Ebook, 7241-6 large format, photos Language and Literacy Series
Children’s Language Connecting Reading, Writing, and Talk Judith Wells Lindfors Foreword by Vivian Gussin Paley
Describes how teachers can help young students learn to read and write using the oral language processes they already know. 24-page online Guide for Instructors and Teacher Study Groups. 2008/144 pp./PB, $29.95, 4885-5/HC, $56, 4886-2 Language and Literacy Series All author royalties on this book go to SafePlace (www.safeplace.org)
2009/160 pp./PB, $29.95, 5025-4 large format, photos Language and Literacy Series (Practitioner’s Bookshelf)
Professors It’s easy to request exam copies at www.tcpress.com
B E S T SE LLE R S BY J U DY H E LM Young Investigators
Becoming Young Thinkers
The Project Approach in the Early Years, Third Edition
Deep Project Work in the Classroom
Judy Harris Helm and Lilian G. Katz
Judy Harris Helm
“This practical book is full of good ideas for teachers developing investigative projects with the youngest children. A powerful resource, it combines sound educational theory with many ways to support and document learning.” —Sylvia C. Chard, University of Alberta Third edition of the bestselling step-by-step guide to conducting meaningful investigations with young children (toddler through grade 2). ccss 2016/176 pp./PB, $33.95, 5690-4/
Ebook, 7480-9 large format, photos Early Childhood Education Series
Provides specific strategies for selecting meaningful topics for projects, integrating standards, supporting children’s questioning, and helping children represent their ideas. ccss 2015/144 pp./PB, $31.95, 5594-5/Ebook, 7335-2 large format, photos, full-color insert Early Childhood Education Series Copublished with NAEYC
Windows on Learning
Documenting Young Children’s Work, Second Edition Judy Harris Helm, Sallee Beneke, and Kathy Steinheimer 200 pp./PB, $27.95, 4786-5/Ebook, 7714-5 large format Early Childhood Education Series Copublished with NAEYC
S TE M LE A R N I N G SEE ALSO: Engineering in Elementary STEM Education, 10 • Fun and Fundamental Math for Young Children, 10 • Young Investigators, 17
The Young Artist as Scientist
What Can Leonardo Teach Us?
Mary Jo Pollman Foreword by Judy Harris Helm
“A coherent, well-researched argument for replacing meaningless activities with engaging creative art and STEM experiences.” —From the Foreword by Judy Harris Helm, president, Best Practices, Inc. 2017/208 pp./PB, $32.95, 5795-6 Ebook, 7650-6
STEM Learning with Young Children
Inquiry Teaching with Ramps and Pathways Shelly Counsell, et al.
“Using R&P could be an excellent entry point or foundation for educators seeking to better integrate content and infuse STEM learning into their classrooms.” —Teachers College Record ccss 2016/216 pp./PB, $34.95, 5749-9/ Ebook, 7456-4 Early Childhood Education Series
Exploring Mathematics Through Play in the Early Childhood Classroom Amy Noelle Parks
“Smart, readable, relevant, and authentically focused on children.” —From the Foreword by Elizabeth Graue, University of Wisconsin ccss 2015/160 pp./PB, $33.95, 5589-1 photos Early Childhood Education Series Copublished with NCTM
R EG G I O E M I LI A SEE ALSO: Teaching and Learning with Infants and Toddlers, 15 • Infants and Toddlers at Work, 15
In the Spirit of the Studio Learning from the Atelier of Reggio Emilia, Second Edition Lella Gandini, Lynn Hill, Louise Cadwell, and Charles Schwall, Editors Foreword by Steven Seidel
“Will help to promote a vibrant and creative approach to learning.” —Barbara and Eric Carle, The Very Hungry Caterpillar 2015/224 pp./PB, $37.95, 5632-4/Ebook, 7366-6 large format, color photos and illustrations Early Childhood Education Series
Bringing Reggio Emilia Home An Innovative Approach to Early Childhood Education Louise Boyd Cadwell
The lively text includes many “mini-stories” of preschool and kindergarten-age children, teachers, and parents who embark on journeys of learning together. 1997/176 pp./PB, $29.95, 3660-9 Early Childhood Education Series
We Are All Explorers Learning and Teaching with Reggio Principles in Urban Settings Daniel R. Scheinfeld, Karen M. Haigh, and Sandra J.P. Scheinfeld
“This well-crafted book offers detailed how-to’s on re-creating one of the world’s best preschool programs in a low-income urban setting.” —Lisa Delpit, Florida International University 2008/208 pp./PB, $32.95/4908-1
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Best seller
Creating Welcoming Schools
New Ways to Engage Parents
A Practical Guide to Home–School Partnerships with Diverse Families
Strategies and Tools for Teachers and Leaders, K–12 Patricia A. Edwards
“Presents scores of practical ideas and resources.” —Joyce L. Epstein, Johns Hopkins University
Literacy in the Welcoming Classroom Creating Family-School Partnerships that Support Student Learning
JoBeth Allen
JoBeth Allen
“A comprehensive resource that . .. goes far and above the call of duty.” —The Bookwatch
Showcases effective strategies that educators can adapt to fit their own school communities.
2007/192 pp./PB, $29.95, 4789-6 /HC, $52, 4790-2 13 photos
2010/120 pp./PB, $27.95/5077-3 Language and Literacy Series Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)
2016/168 pp./PB, $29.95, 5671-3 Ebook, 7389-5
LE A D E R S H I P & P O LI C Y The Power of Protocols An Educator’s Guide to Better Practice Third Edition Joseph P. McDonald, Nancy Mohr, Alan Dichter, and Elizabeth C. McDonald
“This is one of a handful of books that I keep right on my desk.” —Kathryn Boudett, Harvard Graduate School of Education 2013/144 pp./PB, $28.95, 5459-7/Ebook, 7266-9 the series on school reform
Positive School Leadership Building Capacity and Strengthening Relationships Joseph F. Murphy and Karen Seashore Louis
Powerful model of school leadership that is grounded in research and the complexities of life in schools. 2018/216 pp./PB, $44.95, 5903-5/Ebook, 7689-6
The School Leaders Our Children Deserve Seven Keys to Equity, Social Justice, and School Reform George Theoharis
Facing tremendous barriers, these principals made important strides in closing the achievement gap through humane and equitable practices. Featuries a mix of theory and practical strategies. 2009/192 pp./PB, $29.95, 4951-7/HC, $56, 4952-4
Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs A Guide for Change Louise Derman-Sparks, Debbie LeeKeenan, and John Nimmo
A powerful combination of conceptual frameworks, strategies, and practical tools. 2015/192 pp./PB, $30.95, 5598-3/Ebook, 7340-6 large format Early Childhood Education Series Copublished with NAEYC
Is Everyone Really Equal? An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education, Second Edition
Özlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo
2017/288 pp./PB, $34.95, 978-0-8077-5861-8 Ebook, 978-0-8077-7617-9 Multicultural Education Series
How Leaders Learn Cultivating Capacities for School Improvement Gordon A. Donaldson, Jr.
“Readers will discover here the kind of reflection, guidance, and support they are looking for.”—Susan Moore Johnson, Harvard Graduate School of Education 2008/192 pp./PB, $31.95, 4854-1
WHY WE TEACH NOW Sonia Nieto, Editor
“A powerful contribution to the discussion about teachers, teacher retention, and educational policy.. . describes the daily struggles not only of teaching, but of teaching under the current trends.” —Journal of Education 2015/288 pp./PB, $31.95, 5587-7/HC, $68, 5624-9/ Ebook, 7361-1
Guiding Principles for the New Early Childhood Professional Building on Strength and Competence Valora Washington and Brenda Gadson 2017/144 pp./PB, $27.95, 5869-4 Ebook, 7664-3 Early Childhood Education Series
Leading for Change in Early Care and Education Cultivating Leadership from Within Anne L. Douglass 2017/144 pp./PB, $29.95, 5835-9/HC, $65, 5836-6/Ebook, 7652-0 Early Childhood Education Series
Supervision in Early Childhood Education A Developmental Perspective, Third Edition Joseph J. Caruso with M. Temple Fawcett 2007/288 pp./PB, $30.95, 4731-5 Ebook, 7398-7 Early Childhood Education Series
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