2013 tigis daily 2 中英合版

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2 / Oct. 31

TiGiS and BuildInG Taiwan Showcase Taiwan Ingenuity in Lifestyle, Green Industry and Green Trade 2013年「台灣國際綠色產業展」暨「台灣國際智慧綠色城市展」 展現台灣綠色生活、綠色產業及綠色貿易創新


u e i - Fa n g C h i a n g , D i r e c t o r , Tr a d e Development Division, Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA; Peter W. J. Huang, President & CEO, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA); Lih-Chyi Wen, Deputy Director, Green Trade Project Office, MOEA; and Kitty Wong, President, Expo Union Corporation, were present at the joint opening ceremony for TiGiS and BuildInG Taiwan yesterday to speak on the future of green industry. According to a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report, the global carbon reduction and energy-saving technology industry will triple in size by 2020, reaching $2.2 trillion in value. As of 2012, Taiwan had about 1,200 green industry vendors with an annual output value of NT$373.1 billion, representing growth of 133% since 2008. In 2012, total exports of green products reached US$40.5 billion, accounting for 13.5% of total exports. There are also 138 (75%) first time exhibitors displaying a wide range of green products. In addition to exhibitors from industry and universities, local central and municipal governments are also in attendance; The Executive Yuan’s Environmental Protection Administration, the Low-Carbon City Pavilion of Taipei City Government, the Green Energy Industry Flagship Pavilion of New Taipei City and the Taiwan Green Classics Awards and Display Area of the Green Trade Project Office are among the government agencies showcasing their latest efforts at promoting environmental protection and green industry development. Taipei City Government organizes the “Low Carbon City” theme pavilion that demonstrates seven subject areas: city of design, friendly transportation, health cloud management,

smart green building, green energy, green industry, and energy saving and carbon re d u c t i o n , w i t h a c t i v i t i e s including YouBike test riding, and illustration of the removal of the Neihu District landfill, which will create a 16-hectare green area. The Department of Environmental Protection demonstrates how to turn mud in gutters into “regenerative earth” for gardening. New Taipei City’s green energy industry pavilion has four theme areas, namely “Green Life Experience”, “Energy Service Company (ESCO)”, “Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage”, and “Recycled Energy and Energy Saving Equipment ”, gathering 22 green energy associations and enterprises that showcase p ro d u c t s i n c l u d i n g L E D l i g ht i n g, p l a nt factory, and smart cloud energy management systems. The Green Trade Project Office’s “Taiwan Eco-Product Demo House” demonstrates the strength and environmental protection capabilities of the local industry, including made in Taiwan environmental building materials, energy saving lighting and other energy saving equipment, and products winning Taiwan Green Classics Awards from over 20 companies. TA I T R A a l s o o r g a n i z e d t h e " 2 0 1 3 procurement fair for clean energy" to facilitate the interaction of international buyers and Taiwanese green industry manufacturers. 45 buyers from emerging market countries such as Thailand, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Brazil, Mexico and Kenya participated in the fair.

買主的話 Buyers' Words

Subor Sannt Iran This is my first time visiting the exhibition. I am looking for electricity generator and power supply systems. 這是我第一次來台灣參觀這個 展覽 , 發電機和供電系統相關產 品是我此行最主要的目的,另外, 環保技術的議題也是我非常感興 趣的。


013年「台灣國際綠色產業展」與 「台灣國際智慧綠色城市展」聯合 「台灣國際太陽能光電展覽會」10月 30日起一連四天在世貿一館盛大展出。聯 合開幕典禮隆重邀請經濟部國際貿易局貿 易發展組江蕙芳組長、中華民國對外貿易 發展協會黃文榮秘書長、經濟部推動綠色 貿易專案辦公室的溫麗琪副執行長,以及 展盟展覽公司的黃潔儀總經理等多位國內 外嘉賓,為典禮致詞並參與剪綵儀式。 本屆台灣國際綠色產業展為台灣綠色 相關產業涵蓋範疇最廣的專業展,而台灣 國際綠色智慧城市展則是台灣唯一主打城 市規劃及整體性解決方案、智慧建築及綠 建築的展覽,兩項展覽聯合提供我國業者 與國外業者交流的契機,協助我國廠商前 進國際市場。今年的綠色兩展,有138家廠 商(75%)為首次參展,展出產品相當多元。 看好綠色二展為拓展亞洲綠色商機的 最佳平台,國外企業也紛紛參展。除美國 各州駐華辦事處籌組美國相關廠商,成立 ASOA專館,另外還有來自日本、芬蘭、瑞 士及中國大陸的廠商。綠色二展亦獲得我 國政府單位及相關非營利組織推動綠色環 保的支持,包含政府單位、學術單位、財

Bourssairi Bouzazi Omar Elleuch

Ravi Seethapathy

We c a m e f r o m J a p a n t o research on PV products and green energy. We are looking to cooperate with companies in Asia on these two areas.

I visit the TiGiS and BuildinG Taiwan every year. It is a wonderful platform for green technology. I am here to look for new green technology; any improvement in green technology will be of my interest.

Semiconductor Laboratory Toyota Technological Institute

我們遠從日本的大學半導體研 究室來參觀這次展覽,目的是研 究太陽能電池產品和綠色能源, 當然也希望在這兩方面能和亞洲 的公司合作。

Organized by / 主辦單位:

Organized by / 主辦單位:

團法人及公協會。 台北市的低碳之都主題 館以生活面相呈現7大主題: 設計之都、友善運輸、健康 雲端管理、智慧綠建築、綠 色能源、綠色產業、節能減 碳,特色則囊括YouBike微笑 單車的體驗,現代版愚公移 山的內湖垃圾山清除工程則 是亞洲民生廢棄物掩埋場清 除先例,完工後將可產生16 公頃的綠地;環保局則是將 泥溝土再製為「再生土」, 提供園藝植栽使用。 而新北市政府綠能產業旗艦館則有4大 主題區,分別為「綠色生活體驗」、「能 源服務(ESCO)主題區」、「電動載具及儲能 電池主題區」與「再生能源及節能設備主 題區」,總共集結22家綠能產業的公協會 與企業共同參與,展出括最新的LED節能照 明、植物農場、雲端智慧能源看管系統等 最新的綠色科技產品。 綠色貿易專案辦公室推出的台灣綠色 貿易專區將展示一座以智慧綠色建築理念 所蓋成的綠色商品展示屋,屋內有超過20 家廠商展示獲得台灣環保標章的MIT環保建 材、節能燈具與其他節能設備,同時還有 今年綠色典範獎的得獎作品。 外貿協會亦接受經濟部國際貿易局委 託,針對綠能產業市場,辦理「2013年月 月買主到聚落」採購洽談會,邀集泰國、 印度、印尼、緬甸,甚至遠道從巴西、墨 西哥、肯亞,近20國共45位新興市場買主 來台採購。 今年除了綠色兩展之外,並同時展出 「台灣國際太陽能光電展覽會」,此綠色 三展是台灣的年度環保盛事,為國內外的 專業買主打造一站購足的採購平台。

Implemented by / 執行單位:

MaRS Discovery District, Senior Advisor, Cleantech Toronto, Canada

我每年都來參觀這兩個展覽,這是 一個美好的綠色技術平台。我來這裡 尋找新的綠色科技技術,綠色技術的 任何改善與進步都是我的興趣所在。

Taiwan Expert shares smart grid achievements and visions 台灣專家分享智慧電網發展與計劃 需之智慧型電網關鍵技術,確保所發展智 慧型電網系統設備導入,台灣電力網路系 統之可靠度與產業化之可行性。 該計畫之量化效益目標包含推動配電 自動化,預計相較於現階段,2030年可達 成每戶每年平均停電指標減少5.5分鐘。推 動輸配電計畫工程,以強化電網結構與管 理,推動變電所自動化/保護電驛數位化 工程,促成全國變電所智慧化。 促進節能減碳預計可以擴大導入低碳 能源及節能管理措施,減少CO2排放114.71 百萬噸,引導低碳產業,引導智慧電網相 關產業發展,創造產值新臺幣7,000億元。 在虛擬電廠推動上,第二期智慧電 網主軸計畫規劃台灣本島實施虛擬電廠概 念,可有較佳的驗證實績。從配電饋線開 始,考量以供電瓶頸分佈、再生能源分佈


n e rgy experts and scholars from home and abroad discussed their visions for smart grids at the 2013 International Symposium on Smart Grids held in Taipei yesterday. Taiwan has drawn up a plan to promote the smar t gr id and advanced meter ing infrastructure (AMI) industry with a view to establishing a high quality, high efficiency, useroriented and environmentally friendly power system that reduces CO2 emissions, while enhancing energy efficiency and safety. The plan, spanning 2011 to 2030, is expected to generate business opportunities worth NT$700 billion and reduce the duration of system interruptions from 21 minutes per customer a year to 15.5 minutes. This matches state-run Taiwan Power Company’s smart grid development schedule and also brings together the research ability of industry and academia to establish smart grids and support the power facilities industry. Taiwan aims to increase the share of installed renewable energy to 30 percent by 2030, from its current level of 4.7 percent, while cutting carbon dioxide emissions from 276 million tons to 114.71 million tons. In pursuit of that goal, Taiwan will promote AMI, microgrids, smar t home (building) energy management systems and advanced distribution automation management projects. It will also work to ensure that the use of developed technology in the power system is reliable and feasible. These efforts have already had some success, including the establishment of test beds, microgrid test fields and AMI demonstration sites, and the enhancement of distribution automation systems, advanced WA M S a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d p o w e r q u a l i t y monitoring techniques for the transmission system. Looking forward, Taiwan is seeking to complete the transfer to smart grids and AMI by 2017, with a view for commercialization and introduction in conjunction with smart meters and electric vehicles. It will thereby establish a power energy and electric vehicle energy supply management system lead-in. In addition, Taiwan is also seeking to promote smart home power management technology for household users and buildings,

with the first demonstration site for smart grids and AMI introduced on the offshore islands of Penghu. Indeed, the ROC government intends to make Penghu a world-class low-carbon island, slashing carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2015, meeting up to 50 percent of its energy needs through renewable energy and lowering its electricity consumption growth rate by 7 percent. D a n To n , s m a r t g r i d R & D Pr o g r a m Manager at the US Department of Energy talked about US smart grid investment grants and demonstration projects; Satoshi Morrozumi, smar t community depar tment direc torgeneral, discussed the development of smart grid projects in Japan; Z Y Dong, head of the school of electrical & information engineering at the University of Sydney, discussed future energy grids; Meng Yue, an electrical engineer at Brookhaven National Laboratory, shared his views on surface solar radiation forecasts using total sky imagers and grid integration applications; and Goran Svenda, a manger of power systems at Serbia’s Schneider Electric DMS NS, talked about the advanced distribution management systems involved with smart grids.

自國內外的專家學者出席昨天在台 北舉行的智慧電網國際研討會,分 享各國智慧電網之發展及願景。台

灣智慧電網與先進讀表主軸專案計畫願景 為發展台灣電力設備產業,協助建立高品 質、高效率、以用戶為導向和環境友善的 電力網路系統。 智慧電網與先進讀表主軸專案計畫成 立之主要目的即為扶植國內智慧電網相關 產業,各先導型計畫目前已分別完成數處 測試場域。智慧電網與先進讀表主軸專案 計畫亦協同台灣經濟研究院共同成立台灣 智慧型電網產業協會,除整合台灣重電業 與智慧電網相關產業之力量共同發展智慧 電網相關技術外,亦推動智慧電網標準與 規範之制定及各項國際合作。 國立中央大學電機系林法正教授表 示,推動策略為配合台電智慧電網建構期 程,整合國內產、學、研發展智慧電網技 術能量,協助建構台灣智慧型電網,並扶 植台灣電力設備產業。推動方式為由電 力、資通訊產學研單位共組團隊,發展所

與儲能系統設置等三個區塊對應重疊的場 域為優先。 台灣再生能源由於地勢、風場、日照 等地理環境因素發展並不平均,藉由「先 進智慧配電系統開發」、「智慧電網示範 系統」,輔助提升再生能源系統滲透率。 智慧電網示範系統之建置為強化分散 式能源整合,提高輸電效率,增加輸電安 全,達成強化電網系統性能之目標。 推動智慧電網產業需透過智慧電網標 準與產業推動、智慧電網示範系統建置、 引進國際標準,整合國內外產業鏈,開發 微電網、虛擬電廠供電服務、智慧家庭與 建築能源管理等利基商品,建設國內智慧 電網示範場域,協助國內商品化系統與設 備獲取運轉實績,進入已開發國家或開發 中國家利基市場。

GTPO Presents 2013 Taiwan Green Classics Awards Winners


his year, Taiwan Green Classics Awards were given to 19 products and 5 services from 16 Taiwanese companies. 43 companies submitted 65 products and services for competition. Winners were recognized at the Taipei International Convention Center on October 29, 2013. The Awards were established by the Green Trade Project Office in October 2011 to highlight Taiwan's capacity in green production and services. Winners are required to pass an evaluation in three separate stages: eligibility review, first round appraisal and final appraisal. Four criteria guide the judges’ decision: “green value of product/ service,” “green supply chain management,” “innovative technology and green marketing” and “corporate social responsibility.” Green marketing experts and scholars are invited to select winners in two major categories: products and services.

「第3屆台灣綠色典範獎」揭曉16家 企業24件產品及服務獲肯定 「第3屆台灣綠色典範獎」歷經近3 個月角逐競爭,獲獎名單已於10月29日 於台北國際會議中心舉行之「第3屆台灣 綠色典範獎」頒獎典禮正式揭曉。本屆共 計43家廠商65件產品及服務報名,選拔 出11家廠商19件「綠色典範獎產品」, 及5家廠商5件「綠色典範獎服務」,作為 台灣企業推行綠色工作之表率。 為了鼓勵台灣企業以節能減碳為出 發點,研發綠色的產品與服務,創造新的 綠色商機,經濟部國際貿易局自100年起 特別在「綠色貿易推動方案」下創設「台 灣綠色典範獎」,表揚優質的綠色產品與 綠色服務,獲獎者可使用由經濟部授予的 「台灣綠色典範標誌」,參加全球綠色相 關的行銷推廣活動。

Exhibition Highlight ■ 展品特寫

Changs Ascending Enterprise Co., Ltd.


Changs Ascending Enterprise researches, develops and produces cobalt, nickel and nickel-cobalt cathode material for lithium batteries. The company is set to highlight its Home Energy Management System - UPC (universal power center) at the Taiwan International Green Industry Show. The 3KVA storage system, with an installed or built-in 36V 20Ah LFPO battery, can be extended using 1 to 4 36V 60Ah LFPO battery modules externally and 720W solar panels are also a battery charging option. This intelligent storage system is able to monitor output power from the city grid or battery module by remote control. The electricity consumed during peak time and charged at off-peak rates from a battery module is programmable while in TIMER MODE. The UPC MODE switches input power from battery to grid automatically once battery capacity is 50% DOD (and can be set as low as 80% DOD) and disconnects from grid power when the

battery is fully charged. This enables energy savings and reduces carbon emissions, resulting in lower total electricity costs. The company will also highlight a movable power station, which provides an un-interruptible power system and offers a solution to the weight problem faced by battery modules. 3KVA小型儲能設備,內建36V 20Ah氧化鋰鐵電 池,外部可擴充1-4組36V 60Ah氧化鋰鐵電池,另 可外接720W太陽能板供電池充電。 智慧型儲能系統,可遠端控制輸出使用市電 或電池能量。TIMER模式可設定尖峰時段使用電池 能量,而離峰時段對電池充電。UPC模式提供智慧 型自動切換電池與市電輸入,使用者可達到節能減 碳、減輕電廠負擔、進而降低電費成本等功用。 Booth No: B1012

M-Field Energy Ltd.


M-Field Energy will introduce the UEH series energy storage and fuel cell power generator at the Taiwan International Green Industry Show. The UEH series provides seamless outstanding back-up power during blackouts as well as self-refilling from an embedded electrolyzer system. The UEH series can also use AC power on-site to generate hydrogen and stores the fuel in a hydrogen storage tank for more than 8 hours back-up power at maximum power output. In addition, the company will also display the MF-LPH Series, which is a cutting edge innovative fuel cell power module designed to meet the needs of mobile, portable and stationary power applications. The MF-LPH provides power from 1kVA to 3kVA through a simple system and compact dimensions that offer higher reliability and efficiency, the best possible core system for the product. 該公司主要展出提供傑出備用電力的UEH系列,停電時可無縫接軌並藉由電解系統自我供給。UEH可以 交流電現場產氫並存於儲氫槽,且可在最大輸出時提供超過8小時的備用電力。 該公司也展出MF-LPH Series,該系列為創新的燃料電池模組,適用於可移動型及定置型之電源應用, 以滿足不同的需求。MF-LPH外觀設計簡潔,內部發電模組可提供1kVA至3kVA功率,且具有高可靠度及高效 率的表現,可做為產品電力需求上之最佳選擇。 Booth No: B0302 / B1022

Hi-VAWT Technology Corp.

新高能源科技股份有限公司 HI-VAWT Technology specializes in the research and development of alternative and renewable energy solutions using the natural resource of wind. The company will showcase the DS3000 off-grid wind system for remote workstations at the Taiwan International Green Industry Show. Features: • Overcomes the problem of geographic turbulence; compatible with urban and suburban applications • Extremely quiet operation • Genuine low wind self-start • Optimal control system • Always in the wind • Innovative looking • High power performance • Durable and Robust • Lower maintenance costs • Less space needed for installation 新高能源科技股份有限公司為關心地球暖化的日益嚴重及倡 導再生能源的利用,由一群熱愛大自然及熱衷環境保護的工作夥 伴,於2005年成立新高能源科技股份有限公司。新高能源積極投 入風力之再生能源的相關研究與開發,是目前國內最先投入中、 小型垂直軸風力發電系統之研發、製造、及系統整合的專業公 司。小型風力發電可安裝於任何大樓屋頂,適合在都會區推廣以 達到分散式能源供應的目標。應用市電併聯之最新科技與太陽能 光電同樣運用於小型分散式補助性電源供應目標。所謂市電併聯 科技,係於潔淨能源發電量大時,市電供應減少;而潔淨能源發 電少時,市電供應即增加之動態。具有創意景觀造型,全風向適 應性佳,擁有高效能、高耐候性、低運轉聲、低安裝地點限制、 低土地取得成本等特點。 Booth No: B0609

Metalligence Technology Corp.


Metalligence Technology ’s Building Energy Management System (BEMS) specializes in the energy management of buildings. This is achieved by increasing office appliance and equipment manageability, speeding up the detection of abnormal conditions and the use of proactive alert notifications. BEMS provides data and charts to visualize energy consumption and expenses. It enables company executives and management to identify problem areas and reduce overall operating costs. The company will also demonstrate its Home Guardian System solution, which by utilizing cloud technologies and sensor devices offers 24x7 home monitoring services, providing property owners and consumers with enhanced safety and protection.

智上科技的BEMS(Building Energy Management System,大樓能源管理系統)是一套專為企 業客戶與大樓建築所設計的雲端能源管理系統, 它包含各種能源感應器、偵測器,以及雲端能源 管理平台與介面,可針對企業不同的環境需求, 提供最佳化的硬體配置及雲端平台。藉由BEMS 所提供的各項統計數據及工具,包括分區分時能 耗數據、用電異常偵測、遠端智能開關、定時排 程管理與可視化圖表等,即可協助企業透過正確 的數據分析和報表,制訂專屬的能源管理策略, 從而有效降低企業運營成本,為企業形象加分。 該公司也展示Home Guardian System家庭安 控護衛系統,它是一套跨平台的家庭安全與能源 管理系統,搭配各式感應器、偵測器、網路攝影 機等,使用者可隨時從遠端或近端存取控制本系 統,透過個人行動裝置,如智慧型手機或平板電腦,可即時掌握居家環境安全及異常用電狀況,並進行必要的調控。 Booth No: B0336


Yeong Ming Machine Industrial Co., Ltd.



Yeong Ming’s Pelleting Machines are designed for local conditions and to meet customer demand for safe and smooth operations. They also offer low maintenance costs, less wear on parts, easy operation, comprehensive safety features, a perfect lubrication system and enhanced output. The Pellet Mill YM series Pellet Mill can make pellets from a wide range of powdered materials, including animal feed, organic fertilizer, wood chips, deposit dirt, kitchen waste, cocopeat, herbage, paper pulp waste, rice husks and many kinds of recycled waste. 咏明製粒機YMHP能依照現場 規劃安裝,並達成節約成本、操作 順手的原則,同時使用安全、降低維 修成本、換裝簡易、提昇產量、適當 調質熟化、提高品質。 顆粒製粒機設 備可將多種粉料以擠壓方式製作成圓柱 狀的顆粒。可應用於飼料、有機肥料、 木屑、沉積土、廚餘、椰子殼、牧草、 紙漿廢棄物及多種環保回收物料製作。


10/31 (四)

11/1 (五)

Time 時間

Venue 地點


Taiwan Water Industry Conference 2013 (1) 2013水利產業研討會(1)

Room 3~4, TWTC Hall 1 台北世貿展覽大樓 第3~4會議室


US-Taiwan Green Energy & Environmental Technology and Business Cooperation Seminar 2013台美智慧電網技術及商機研討會

Room 201D, TICC 台北國際會議中心 201D會議室


Procurement Meeting 採購洽談會

Room 2&5, TWTC Hall 1 台北世貿展覽大樓 第2&5會議室


Taiwan International Smart Green City Summit 台灣國際智慧綠色城市高峰論壇

Room 201,TICC 台北國際會議中心 201會議室


International Conferences on Green Trade : International Conference Hall, CIER Trends and Promotion of Green Products and Services 中華經濟研究院 蔣碩傑國際會議廳 綠色貿易國際研討會


Taiwan Water Industry Conference 2013 (2) 2013水利產業研討會(2)

Room 3~4, TWTC Hall 1 台北世貿展覽大樓 第3~4會議室


Advanced Heat Pump Technology & Thermal Application Seminar 工業熱泵進階應用技術研討會

Room 105, TICC 台北國際會議中心 105會議室

新產品說明會時間表 地點:台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓1樓 B區大會舞台 ※活動內容若有異動恕不另行通知


Time 時間

China Steel Machinery Corporation (CSMC)

中鋼機械股份有限公司展出的風力發電機主要由葉片、主發電機、塔架等三大部 分所構成,並具備自動迎風轉向、葉片旋角控制及監控保護等功能。其中塔架的製作 程序包含鋼板捲圓、焊接、塔身組裝、檢驗、噴砂油漆、運輸、安裝等。一般來說, 具有經濟效益的運轉風速必須至少大於每秒4公尺以上,當風速達每秒10至16公尺 時,即達滿載發電。 由於每座風力發電機皆可獨立運轉,故每座風力發電機均可視為單獨的風力發 電廠,是屬於一種分散式發電系統。實際上,一個大型的風場可能包含數十座獨立 的風力發電機,並且腹地遼闊。截至目前,全球安裝的風力發電機組超過了60000部 以上,機組容量大多為600至瓩3000瓩不等,目前主流機組為2000瓩,最大機組為 5000瓩。 Booth No: B0106

11/1 (五)

Presenter 公司名稱

Ifarmer In Happy Farm 自家一畝田活氧開心農場

Ying Tang Sustainable Service Co., Ltd. 穎瑭永續服務股份有限公司


Healthy Sleep 健康的睡眠

Oderbau Furniture Co., Ltd. 歐得葆家具有限公司


Improve Efficiency, Energy Saving and New Way for Ceiling Fans 世紀空調新主流,節能減碳好幫手

Welly Technology International Ltd. 威利事業有限公司


Diesel Engine Exhaust Pollution Improvement Methods 柴油引擎排煙汙染改善的方法

Chiauying Electric Co., Ltd. 喬英電機有限公司


Green Energy Application : Small Wind Turbine, Energy Saving Lighting and Hydraulic Power Generator Saturn Power Co., Ltd. 綠色能源之應用: 釷新動力股份有限公司 小型風力發電機、節能燈具、水力發電機


Flux Heat Pumps 雙效節能熱泵原理與應用

Taiwan Flux Technologies Inc. 臺灣熱流科技股份有限公司


Service of Green Lifestyle Excellence Cluster 綠色生活精品群眾服務

Cashido Corporation 華仕德科技股份有限公司


Epoch Carbon Cleaning Systems 引擎環保除碳設備之市場潛力

Epoch Energy Technology Corp. 友荃科技實業股份有限公司


CPT 6.9” Panel for Car Use Win Carbon and Water Footprint Dual Certification 華映6.9吋車載碳足跡及水足跡雙認證面板

Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd. 中華映管股份有限公司


Not Just Wood Flooring 不只是木地板

Ua Wood Floors Inc,. 誌懋股份有限公司


Introduction to High Efficient Induction Lights 高功率照明節能設備介紹

LVD International Light & Energy Corp. 上一國際光電股份有限公司


Power Battery & Energy Storage System 客製化動力電池及儲能系統

Masterhold International Co., Ltd. 菲凡能源科技股份有限公司


Compressed Air System Energy Conservation Measures 空壓機系統節能

Pro-Air Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd. 元福實業股份有限公司 (協力廠商通雲企業代表發表)


Micro-Particulate Fractionalization & Nano Protection Technology MPF微粒子分解技術 & 奈米防護科技

Eco Equipments Inc. 亞欣環保科技有限公司


Application of Large-Sized Intelligent Energy Storage System for New Energy 智慧大型儲能系統在新能源中之應用

Changs Ascending Enterprise Co., Ltd. 長園科技實業股份有限公司


Introduction to The Battery Swap Service for E-Scooter & E-Bike --- Sincereplus 電池交換系統介紹

Sincereplus International Co., Ltd. 信璽國際股份有限公司


Green Energy Application : Small Wind Turbine, Energy Saving Lighting and Hydraulic Power Generator 綠色能源之應用: 小型風力發電機、節能燈具、水力發電機

Saturn Power Co., Ltd. 釷新動力股份有限公司


Inno-Ultra Highly Efficient Sludge Reduction and Green Energy Hydrolysis System 弋諾超高效污泥減量及綠能水解系統

High View Innovation Co., Ltd. 高識能股份有限公司


Eco Service Eco服務

China Airlines Ltd. 中華航空股份有限公司


How Buildings to Insulate Heat and Save Energy 建築物如何隔熱與節能

Taiwan Energy Saving Film Company 台灣節能膜股份有限公司


LED Lighting Applications LED照明應用

Domag Led Technology Co., Ltd. 多鎂光電股份有限公司


Bio Plastic Materials& Total Solutions Provider 生物塑膠原料代言及整合方案供應商

Hong Ming Eco Technology Co., Ltd. 鴻明環保科技股份有限公司


Mobile Solar/Wind Hybrid Energy Generator 移動式風光混合發電機

Art's Tech Industrial Co., Ltd. 術藝實業有限公司


Improve Efficiency, Energy Saving and New Way for Ceiling Fans 世紀空調新主流,節能減碳好幫手

Welly Technology International Ltd. 威利事業有限公司


High Efficiency Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Technology 高效率厭氧廢水處理技術

Star Enprotech Corp. 十大環保股份有限公司


10/31 (四)

Tpoic 主題


Booth No: B0836a

China Steel Machinery Corporation (CSMC), founded by China Steel Corporation (CSC) in 2001, will showcase its ability to build wind turbine towers. Wind turbine generators are mainly made up of blades, a primary generator and a tower. The manufacturing of towers includes plate bending, welding, section assembly, inspection, corrosion prevention, transportation and erection. As a general rule, wind generators require a wind speed of 4 m/s or greater to be economically viable. At a wind speed of 10-16 m/s, the generator reaches full power. Today, there are more than 60,000 wind turbine generators in the world, most with a capacity ranging from 600W to 3000W. In contrast, current mainstream wind turbine generators are 2000W and the largest 5000W. CSMC holds records for fabricating wind turbine towers and other equipment, including iron and steel making equipment, rolling stock, vertical automatic coil storage systems (VACSS), off-shore oil rig equipment, material handling equipment, petrochemical and power plant equipment, armored vehicles used by the Ministry of National Defense and casting products.

Event/Seminar 活動內容

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