2013 tigis daily 4 中英合版

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3-4 / Nov. 1-2

Smart Green City Summit Embraces Green Vision & Smart Future 台灣國際智慧綠色城市高峰論壇迎向綠色願景、智慧未來!


t T aiwan International Smart Green City Summit on November 1, keynote speakers offered their vision of smart green cities in Asia. The summit provided Taipei and other urban centers with a blueprint to build green economy, and to create ecofriendly infrastructures and sustainable environment. In her welcome address, Ms. Hui-Fang Chiang, Director, Trade Development Division, MOEA Bureau of Foreign Trade, said Taiwan had been planning for energy- efficient, green cities of the future. She affirmed this vision was supported by the government, and would enable Taiwanese enterprises to expand business opportunities in this sector with innovations on city planning and green buildings. Mr. Peter Huang, President & CEO of TAITRA, in his address fur ther indicated technical know-how, with a strong foundation in ICT and solar energy industries, placed Taiwan in a favorable position to collaborate with international communities to build intelligent green cities of the future. Besides Taipei, he also pointed out the rapid progress made by Taichung City in recent years, as Taichung was ranked the number one intelligent city in the world by ICF (Intelligent Community Forum) this year. Special guest Ms. Trac ye McDaniel, President of Choose New Jersey, Inc., noted the challenges faced by cities around the world. She spoke on New Jersey’s new urban infrastructure and installation of solar energy systems. She also encouraged business collaboration between Taiwan and her state. For the session on “Global Strategy”, Mr. Andrew Leung, President of Asia Institute of Intelligent Buildings, spoke on “Achieving Sustainable Environments and Economies”. He suggested future smart cities be built on culture

TAITRA and government officials are joined by international keynote speakers to open the summit conference. 經濟部國際貿易局江蕙芳組長、外貿協會黃文榮秘書長及與會國內外貴賓共同為論壇揭開序幕

and driven by information, with focus on safety, comfort, and quality of living. Dr. Stanley Yip, Director, Planning & Development ARUP, spoke on “Low Carbon Eco-City in Mainland China: From Vision to Implementation”. He presented 17 low carbon, eco-city programs in China, and the pilot project in Beijing’s Chang Xindian district, which had new designs for water resources, energy, ecology, and waste treatment management. He stressed the need for government ’s Policy Framework, and for evaluation with performance Indicators on energy efficiency, green buildings, and ecosystem balance. The other keynote address was given by Mr. Damian Tang, President, Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects, discussing ecological planning to beautify rivers and canals of Singapore. In his presentation, “Achieving Smart Cities through Living Systems”, he offered a vision of future cities, with green landscapes

inside sky tower buildings and neighborhood surrounded by green parks with living river ecosystem.

經濟部國際貿易局主辦、中華民國對 外貿易發展協會執行的2013年「台 灣國際智慧綠色城市高峰論壇」, 藉由國際智慧綠色城市的案例分享,為我 國智慧綠色城市發展提供寶貴的經驗與借 鏡。11月1日活動中,各國專家分享亞洲其 他國家的案例、新的發展趨勢,以及解決 方案,探討城市設計的未來。論壇提供了 以綠色經濟為基礎,建設生態友善基礎設 施和永續發展智慧城市的方向和途徑。 經濟部國際貿易局貿易發展組江蕙芳 組長在致詞中提到,台北和其他台灣縣市 計劃成為高效節能、低碳,綠色的未來城 市。這一願景受到政府支持,藉由創新的 理念及技術應用,促進台灣企業在城市規 劃和綠色建築領域的商機。 中華民國對外貿易發展協會黃文榮

買主的話 Buyers' Words

Bart Linssen

Parithi Era Elamparithi

I work in a wind energy c o m p a n y i n Ta i w a n . We manufactures large wind turbines. The exhibition has many green products and technologies, with good business opportunities.

This is my first time to Taiwan to visite this exhibition. I am here mainly to look for solar panels and solar products as I work for a company manufacturering and distributing solar products in India.

Service Manager Solvent GmBh Taiwan branch

我在台灣一家風電能源外商公司 工作,我們的主要產品是大型風力 發電機。在這個展覽裡,我看到許 多傑出的綠色產品及技術,非常吸 引人,並有很好的商機!

Tansei Solar (India) International

我們是一家位於印度的太陽能產 品製造和經銷商,這是我第一次來 台灣,也是第一次參觀這個展覽, 目的是為我任職的公司尋找太陽能 電池板和太陽能產品。

Organized by / 主辦單位:

Organized by / 主辦單位:

Implemented by / 執行單位:

秘書長也在致詞中指出,台灣的技術強項 在於資通訊技術及太陽能產業,有利於打 造國際級智慧綠色城市。除了台北以外, 他還表揚台中市近年來人文導向的城鄉規 劃、推廣綠色建築上的迅速進展,智慧城 市論壇評選台中市為今年全球第一的智慧 城市。 Choose New Jersey Inc.總裁Tracye McDaniel女士,則指出了世界各地和新澤西州 在城市基礎建設,以及太陽能系統安裝所 面臨的挑戰,同時鼓勵台灣與新澤西州的 商業合作和投資。 全球發展策略佈局專題的主講人, 香港亞洲智能建築學會梁以德會長介紹了 「環境永續與經濟永續的實踐」。梁會長 表示,未來智慧城市應建構在文化及資訊 驅動的綠色經濟上,並聚焦在國民安全、 舒適度和生活品質。 ARUP奧雅納(中國)規劃/發展總監 葉祖達,隨後探討了「中國的低碳智慧城 市:從願景到實踐」,他說明目前中國17 個低碳生態城市計劃,以及在北京長辛店 區的示範區。這項企畫包含水資源處理、 能源、生態和廢物處理的新設計。他強調 實現政府政策架構的必要性,應用環保指 標評估、監測能源效率、綠色建築和生態 系統的平衡。 新加坡景觀建築師協會主席鄧國輝, 在「從生活方式實踐智慧城市」中,深 入講解如何以生態綠化規劃,美化新加 坡的河流和運河。他提出未來智慧城市的 願景,其中包含在天空塔內的綠色景觀設 計、擁有河流生態系統的公園綠地所包圍 的鄰里,以及已囊括在新加坡新建設發展 計畫中的生態友善國民住宅建設。 在下午的場次中,特邀演講者介紹 了「永續城市專題」和「整體性解決方案 專題」,其次是由社團法人台灣智慧建築 協會理事長溫琇玲女士主持的「智慧城市 綜合座談」,總結論壇中的研討和交流理 念,為台灣國際智慧綠色城市高峰論壇劃 下一個完美的句點。

Greg Overton

Tai Ying Systems Co., Ltd. I am looking for solar panels and relate products for my company; a manufacturer and exporter of bicycle components. It is my second time visiting this exhibition, I find many interesting exhibitors here. 我們公司從事腳踏車零組件的製 造與出口,此次再度來台參觀這個 展覽,主要目的是尋找太陽能電池 板和相關產品。這個展覽很專業, 而且有許多我或興趣的參展廠商。

Experts and officials gather to explore managing Taiwan's Water Industry Development and Opportunities 研討會探討台灣水資源產業發展與契機


t the opening session of the Taiwan Water Industry Conference, keynote speaker Hsu Shiang-Kueen discussed “Water Industry Development in Taiwan”, presenting broad overview, program appraisal and policy recommendations. Hsu, former chairman of Taiwan Water Corporation, stressed the need to protect water resources, meet the requirement of citizens and industries, manage risks, enhance water reservoir capacity, and improve water distribution and supply infrastructure. He also noted that worldwide water resource marketing is currently valued at US$300 billion annually, with over 95% involving public sector. However, there is still plenty of room for private enterprises to be involved with new products and applications in the fields of water resource management, water treatment equipment, water quality monitoring, recycling systems and other innovative technology. Hsu recommended that Taiwan should

develop nascent seawater desalination technology, scaling up production to 1 million tons daily, to meet the increased demand from many countries. He also proposed that Taiwan should develop its own domestic “Water Bank” and “Water Exchange Market,” with transparent business management for the trading, valuation and pricing of water resources. The second keynote speaker was Professor Ng How Yong from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at National University of Singapore. Ng spoke on “Membrane fouling control and prevention,” which is increasingly utilized in the reclamation and recycling of water. He advised that control and prevention of membrane fouling must be based on specific membrane applications for drinking water production, waste water treatment and seawater desalination. New developments in “non-fouling” surface coating technology,

with nano-engineered particles, can be used to counteract biofouling and improve water quality, Ng said. In the afternoon session, officials, industry experts and water resource researchers made presentations and discussed different water resource topics.


013水利產業研討會由主講人徐享崑 開場,探討我國水資源產業發展之契 機,包括水產業在台灣的整體發展 概況、方案評估和政策建議。身為前台灣 省自來水公司的董事長,徐享崑強調保護 水資源、照顧國民和企業需求、水風險管 理、提升水儲藏量,並提升水源分配和供 給基礎設施的必要性。 他指出目前全球的水利資源市場,每 年估計價值約3000億美元,其中超過95% 為政府部門涉及的領域,不過仍有許多空 間可由民營企業研發水利資源管理、水處 理設備,水質監測,再生水循環系統,以 及其他創新技術的新產品和應用。

Dr. Hsu Shiang Kueen 水利產業研討會主講人 徐享崑

徐享崑建議台灣應發展自己的新生海 水淡化技術,並提升產量至每日百萬噸, 以滿足許多國家在這一領域日益增長的需 求。他並建議台灣發展本國的「水銀行」 和「水交易市場」,建立透明的機制管理 水資源的估價、交易及定價。 第二位主講者是新加坡國立大學土木 與環境工程學系的Ng How Yong教授,會中 深入討論他的專題研究「水薄膜污染控制 及預防」,探討水薄膜在回收和循環再造 水領域上的更多運用。 他表示,控制及預防水薄膜污染必 須依據具體的功能,如:飲用水生產、廢 水處理、海水淡化等。最新研發的「不結 垢」表面塗層技術,運用奈米製作的微 粒,可以用來抵抗生物污染並提升水質。

Over 40 Buyers Attend Procurement Meetings 聯合採購洽談會40餘家國際廠商共襄盛舉

Panel Presents Taiwan-USA Smart Grid Achievements 台美智慧電網研討會發表合作成果


ver since the Executive Yuan launched the “Taipower Smart Grid Implementation Plan” to boost energy saving last year, smart grid suppliers have applied US smart grid SoC to develop remote automatic-reading devices in Taiwan. In light of this development, Taiwan-USA Industrial Cooperation Promotion Office (TUSA) and American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) held a seminar on Taiwan-American smart grid technology and business opportunities at the International Convention Center on October 31, 2013. AIT and TUSA officials first discussed the opportunities for cooperation between Taiwan and the US; Parsons Brinckerhoff Company then presented a real-time sub-metering powerreading system with three Taiwan energy service providers. The seminar also invited American Auto-Matrix (AAMatrix) to address the issue of smart building solutions for HVAC and critical environment control. The final presentation was given by Lance Chen, Business Development Section Manager at Tatung Company. Tatung was established in 1918, with headquarter in Taipei. Chen introduced grid services and reading machine systems. The company won a bid from Taipower, Taiwan’s main power supplier, and attracted attention on its sustainable energy-saving services.

政院於2012年8月通過「智慧電網總體規劃方案」,台灣智慧電錶製造商引進 美國智慧電錶系統單晶片核心元件,開發遠距電力資訊自動讀錶裝置。美國在 台協會及經濟部TUSA台美產業合作推動辦公室共同舉辦「2013台美智慧電網 技術及商機研討會」,邀請美商Parsons Brinckerhoff工程顧問公司、盛達電業公司、 金瑞通科技公司、承隆智能工程公司等台灣能源服務業者進行異業整合,使用台灣 電信業者提供之雲端運算平台,開發並建置適用於大型集合住宅及一般商辦大樓公 共設施用電設備Sub-Metering,以及其使用之「雲端遠距即時電力資訊讀錶系統」, 並在研討會中進行成果發表。 研討會末場則由95年老字號的台灣大同公司進行相關技術及產品與服務簡報, 以「智能電網先進讀錶系統(AMI)」為題,大同分成三大事業群:重電事業部、馬達 事業部、電線電纜事業部,該公司去年獲得台電公司的標案,使其提供的永續節能 服務又再度受到注意。


013 TiGiS, BuildInG Taiwan and PV Taiwan held joint procurement meetings on the 2nd floor of the TWTC Exhibition Hall on October 31. Over 40 international buyers attended the meetings to find suppliers and partners. Senior consultant James Patterson-Waterston of Buro Happold from England said it was the first time his company came to look for intelligent lighting system providers in Taiwan. Buro Happold specializes in urban planning and infrastructure, consulting managament and design services. Firma Budowlana Perfect Aiman Qeisi from Poland was another company looking to buy lighting system suppliers. The company sells electrical equipment, electrical switchboards and monitoring systems. The representative regarded these meetings as a good way to connect with Taiwanese companies. Hydro One Networks from Canada focuses on energy management and renewable green energy technology. The company’s representative said he liked Taiwan very much and it was his third time at the exhibition. He suggested that SMEs in Taiwan form more alliance and cooperate with different suppliers globally. He came to look for companies offering energy-saving and power generating equipments.

促成太陽光電展、智慧 城市展及綠色產業展參 展廠商,與大型外商 之合作商機,外貿協會今年 擴大邀請來自全球40餘家大 型外商來台觀展並與參展廠 商進行一對一洽談。來自英 國、美國、加拿大、捷克、 波蘭、德國、墨西哥等國際 大廠代表均表示相當期待與 台灣的廠商進一步合作,採購項目包括太陽光電、環保及綠能等相關產品,現場洽 談氣氛積極且踴躍。 英國Buro Happold公司的資深顧問James Patterson-Waterston表示,這是該公司首 次來台灣參與採購洽談會,Buro Happold提供都市規劃與內部結構設計、諮詢管理及 顧問等服務,希望來台能覓得智慧照明系統的合作夥伴,藉由此次大會精心安排的 深度洽談,相信洽談能帶來具體結果。 來自波蘭的Firma Budowlana Perfect Aiman Qeisi代表說明此行也是該公司首次 來台尋找照明系統合作夥伴,希望藉由洽談牽起台灣與波蘭的合作機會。 加拿大能源管理公司Hydro One Networks則是第三度來台,該公司代表開心表示 他非常喜歡來台灣參加洽談會,因為總是能接觸到各種廠商,在這幾天的展覽中他 已經至少與50家公司討論合作機會。洽談會中他希望可以獲得各類節能設備廠商資 訊。該公司代表同時也建議台灣中小企業要積極與異業結盟,拓展全球市場。

Exhibition Highlight ■ 展品特寫

Taiwan Energy Saving Film Company


Energy Saving Film presented by Taiwan Energy Saving Film Company is the best solution for building heat rejection. Energy Saving Film has a high light transmittance and blocks heat outside the building, while allowing light to enter through the windows. This reduces energy loss and lowers air conditioning costs. Energy Saving Film blocks up to 90 percent of IR rays and 99 percent of UV rays, which also protects interior furniture. With the correct installation Green film provides a 10 year guarantee.

Giant Lion Know-How Co., Ltd.


成屋的隔熱最佳解決方案就是貼節能膜,節能膜可見 光高,可保持室內良好的採光及視野;紅外線阻擋90%以 上,可以有效降低熱輻射進入室內,減緩冷氣壓縮機的運 轉,有效節省能源;亦可以隔除99%以上的紫外線,使地 板及家具等提高10倍以上的壽命。 台灣節能膜股份有限公司的節能膜是隔熱與採光都可兼 得的選擇,保證年限長達10年。

Giant Lion has displayed several patented shallow geothermal energy application systems at TiGiS 2013. Two of them are featured below.

Booth No: B1039

Taiwan Flux Technologies, Inc.


3. High temperature models generate water at 85℃. 4. Single-effect models generate hot water only, whereas dual-effect models generate hot and chilled water.

Taiwan Flux Technologies will present several flux heat pumps at the Taiwan International Green Industry Show, including the HUS, HLS and HWW series, which have the following features: 1. Draw-in air from one side and expel from the other side. 2. Standard models generate water at 65℃.

臺灣熱流將展出節能熱泵,其特點如下: 1. 標準系列熱泵產製65℃熱水;高溫系列熱泵 產製85℃熱水。 2. 單效機產製熱水;雙效機共生熱水與冰水。 3. 超強客製化能力,誠願為 貴客量身打造理想熱泵, 包括:加熱能力、高低溫能力、內裝設備元件品牌 與材質、外殼板金材質塗裝與防護等級、監控軟硬 體等,甚至合理的COP值,都可遵照貴客規格製造。 4. 節能、環保、安全。

Double effect thermal recycling air-conditioning system in buildings that use shallow geothermal energy for passive temperature regulation and air exchange The system works by pumping external fresh air through a natural thermal-storage unit into an indoor space for air exchange and pumping out non-fresh indoor air through a natural thermal storage body. The air exchange restores the thermal energy achieving 40-60 percent electrical energy savings, which makes it ideal for public buildings such as train stations, factories, government buildings and schools. Passive heating open loop/close loop active/passive convec tion thermal release system with shallow geothermal energy An active thermal enabler that conducts the thermal energy of a natural thermal energy storage body can be used to replace conventional heating devices and sources. The system requires no pumps as thermal energy is provided by natural airflow cycle of hot air floating up and cool air sinking down. However, optional pumps can be installed to enhance the system’s heating or cooling operations. The system is perfect for greenhouses and warehouses.

Booth No: B1120 巨獅創意在台灣國際綠色產業展展示了幾項專利的 淺層溫能應用系統發明,以下為其中的兩項:

Masterhold Int’l Co., Ltd.

藉淺層溫能作被動調溫及換氣之雙倍效熱回收建築空 調系統 由外部泵送常溫新鮮氣流通過自然蓄溫體,直接對 空調空間作送氣調溫,並泵送劣化氣流經自然蓄溫體 釋出溫能後對外排放,並回收溫能,換氣不換熱,省 點百分之40到60。為第一代之雙倍效能,協助公共 建築,如車站、廠房、機關、學校節省電費。

菲凡能源科技股份有限公司 Masterhold International will showcase its vital power multi-function power bank, with the following features: 1. The voltage stability will enable the spark plugs to achieve maximum benefit and reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emissions so that vehicles may save up to 10% or more of fuel. 2. With the emergency rescue design, simply press the emergency rescue key to activate the backup power and start the engine without having to seek help from outside or power up from external sources. 3. It charges and discharges up to 3,000 times and has a lifespan of more than 10 years. The batteries are replaced less frequently and you and your car are in better hands. 4. With the features of an ultra capacitor, there is no need to install the sound enhancer (ultra-capacitor), and first-class audio can still be enjoyed. 5. The stable voltage is suitable for PDA, NB, and 3C products used while inside the vehicle and enhances the efficiency of the air-conditioning. 6. The special digital protector is designed for switching on/ off and battery performance testing at any time. 7. Fast charging and discharging with only 1/3 the weight of a traditional lead-acid battery. 菲凡能源將主打汽車啟動用鋰鐵電池,其特色如下:

1. 電壓穩定,可使火星塞火花達到最大效益,增加動 力,可讓車輛減少油耗及廢氣排放量,依車況可省 油達5%-25%。 2. 備有緊急救援鍵設計,救援鍵按下後即有備用電源可 發動車輛,讓您不需向外界求援、接電。 3. 充放電可達3000次以上,使用壽命可長達10年以 上,減少電池替換次數,增加人車安全係數。 4. 具超級電容之功能,讓您的高級音響不用再加裝音霸 (超級電容器),音效一級棒。 5. 電壓穩定,適合車上使用PDA、NB、3C產品,亦可 增強車上空調設備效率,且延長燈泡壽命。 6. 特殊數位化保護板設計,可開關電池之功效,如愛車 須長期放置,可以關掉電池,待要用車再開啟,亦 有防盜效用。 7. 充電快、放電快、重量輕,重量只有傳統鉛酸電池的 1/3,減輕車輛負載,充電時間僅需約30分鐘即達飽 和度。 Booth No: B0231

藉淺層溫能被動致熱開放式/封閉式 主動/被動對流釋 熱系統 由主動致熱器(101)傳輸自然蓄溫體之溫能,取代 傳統致熱裝置及致熱能源,建造後可不需設置泵浦, 不需輸入能源即可藉氣流熱昇冷降循環運作,源源不 絕供給溫能。可選擇設置流體泵,增進致冷或致熱功 能。適用於溫室和倉儲。 Booth No: B0615

Exhibition Highlight ■ 展品特寫

Trans Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Micro Advanced Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.



Micro Advanced Technology will showcase its MAT-IES Ion Exchange System. The IES (Ionic Exchange System) removes odors, VOCs and cation/ anion pollutants using ionic exchange fiber and regeneration liquid. This system consumes less water and electricity than conventional wet type scrubbers. Ionic Exchange Fiber Fibrous adsorbent (Polypropylene nonworn fabric) material contains radicals from radiation-induced graft polymerization, exchanges cations or anions and is regenerated continuously and stably.

Trans Energy’s HRU-I700WW continuous heat recovery unit is a dual effect heat recovery system that is able to supply hot and chilled water instantly and continuously. The unit can simultaneously provide hot water up to 75℃ without the waiting time required by general heat pumps and chilled water at 7℃. The PLC automatic temperature control system is also easy to operate. 匯能科技主打工業用高 溫熱泵HRU-I700WW 。 其產品特色為連續式熱 回收機組是一種雙效型熱 回收系統,可「即時」及 「持續穩定」地同時供熱 及供冷。 可直接提供最高75℃ 的熱水,免去等待一般熱 泵加熱時間,提高製程效 率。同時可提供最低7℃的 冰水。PLC自動控溫系統, 操作容易。

Booth No: B1018

IES是利用離子交換纖維之靜 電吸附原理,進行廢氣中之離 子吸附作用,達到廢氣處理的目的,利用再生溶液使其還原為帶電性,而達到不斷的重複循 環再生。對於處裡VOCs以及異味性廢氣有著>99.8%以上非常高的去除效率。在運作上極為節 能,設計為極低耗電,低廢水排放之綠色環保設備。 Booth No: B0924

2013 Event/Seminar Program 活動/研討會一覽表

Kaori Heat Treatment Co., Ltd.

高力熱處理工業股份有限公司 Kaori Heat Treatment will showcase high temperature heat pumps, the key features of which include: 1. Low Operating Costs These heat pumps cost approximately 25% of standard electrical boilers, 34% of gas boilers and 21% of diesel boilers. 2. Environmentally friendly Kaori heat pumps use heat from the environment so there is no pollution from waste gas, which lowers CO2 emissions and minimizes their impact on global warming. In addition, all the company’s pumps use HFC refrigerant and do not damage the ozone layer. 3. Safety There is no combustion, no waste gas and therefore no danger from potential explosions or gas poisoning. 4. Multi-functional Other than heating water, Kaori high temperature heat pumps can also be used as air conditioners or dehumidifiers. 5. Easy to operate These heat pumps do not require boilerspecific installation operators and can be operated with automatic control. 高力熱處理公司展出多項產品,包括 水對水R134a高溫熱泵熱水機,其特色 有: 1. 運轉成本低 : 熱泵製熱成本約僅為電 熱鍋爐的25%,燃氣鍋爐的34%,燃油 鍋爐的21% 2. 環保 : 利用環境中的熱能,無廢氣等 二次污染,降低CO2排放,減少溫室效應 防止地球暖化,全系列採用環保HFC冷 煤,不會破壞臭氧層 3. 安全性高 : 沒有燃燒,不產生廢氣, 免除鍋爐爆炸之危險,無瓦斯中毒疑慮 4. 多功能 : 除供應熱水外,亦可有冷氣 (或冰水)或除濕等功能 5. 操作方便:無需鍋爐特殊設備操作人 員,採全自動控制 Booth No: B0930 /B0302

Date 日期

Time 時間

11/2 (Mon.)


Event/Seminar 活動內容

Venue 地點

Ontario Cleantech Seminar Grand Hyatt Taipei Residence Two 2013加拿大安大略省潔淨環保技術研討會 台北君悅大飯店 (1樓君寓二)

2013 New Product Launch Program 新產品說明會時間表 Venue: Main Stage, Area B, TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 地點:台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓1樓 B區大會舞台 ※ Subject to change without notice活動內容若有異動恕不另行通知

Date 日期

11/2 (Sat)

Time 時間

Tpoic 主題

Presenter 公司名稱


Integration System Applied in The Intelligent Household Electricity 智慧型家庭電力運用整合系統

Changs Ascending Enterprise Co., Ltd. 長園科技實業股份有限公司


Ifarmer in Happy Farm 自家一畝田活氧開心農場

Ying Tang Sustainable Service Co. Ltd. 穎瑭永續服務股份有限公司


Introduction to High Efficient Induction Lights 高功率照明節能設備介紹

LVD International Light & Energy Corp. 上一國際光電股份有限公司


Compressed Air System Energy Conservation Measures 空壓機系統節能

Pro-Air Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd. 元福實業股份有限公司 (協力廠商通雲企業代表發表)


Introduction to The Battery Swap Service for E-Scooter & E-Bike --- Sincereplus 電池交換系統介紹

Sincereplus International Co., Ltd. 信璽國際股份有限公司


Advanced Application of High Temperature Heat Pump 高溫熱泵進階應用說明

Trans Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 匯能科技股份有限公司


Applications and Breakthrough of Nano High Heat -Dissipation PCB 奈米高散熱基板應用與突破

Tcy-Tec Corp. 中揚動力股份有限公司


Dandelion Recycled Household Paper 蒲公英環保家庭用品系列

Cheng Loong Corp. (Chu Pei Mill) 正隆股份有限公司(竹北廠)


Taya Green Wire & Cable 大亞環保電纜

Ta Ya Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. 大亞電線電纜股份有限公司


Vision of A Home: Digital, Smart and Intelligent Ammamsic Technology Corp. 數位家庭智慧化、智能居家非夢想 銨茂科技股份有限公司

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