The Sixty-First December Nineteenth, Two Thousand Twenty-Four
Guests are asked to silence cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices. Please refrain from talking on cell phones during the ceremony.
The Sixty-First December Nineteenth, Two Thousand Twenty-Four
Guests are asked to silence cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices. Please refrain from talking on cell phones during the ceremony.
Dear Graduates,
I am pleased to extend sincere congratulations to each of you, the members of the Tri-County Technical College Class of 2024. You have reached a significant milestone toward achieving your career and personal goals. We celebrate your accomplishments and a job well done.
Earning a college degree, diploma or certificate is an outstanding achievement for every student, and, in particular, for those who are the first in their families to graduate from college. Student success is our top priority. This means that, when you succeed, we succeed. We applaud you for the tenacity, hard work and dedication you showed during your time as a student at Tri-County Technical College.
I am certain the education you received at Tri-County will provide the foundation and career preparation you need to succeed in life and work. You are well positioned to meet future challenges and opportunities because of your talents, skills, education and strong work ethic.
I want to thank faculty and staff for helping to prepare our graduates for the future. Our commitment and passion for teaching, learning and student success are the very heart of what makes Tri-County Technical College the top-rated technical college in South Carolina by nearly every measure—student success, graduation, transfer rates and more.
I also would like to offer special thanks to parents, spouses, children and friends for their patience, sacrifices and support of our graduates. You can share in the feeling of pride and excitement in what your graduate has accomplished and the many opportunities that lie ahead.
Graduates, you now join the ranks of thousands of Tri-County Technical College alumni who are making a difference in our communities. We encourage you to stay connected to the College in the coming years. Tri-County is your lifelong partner, and we stand ready to assist you in meeting your career and personal goals.
Galen DeHay, Ph.D. President
Welcome Hamid R. Mohsseni Chair, Tri-County Technical College Commission
*National Anthem............................................................................................................ Rin Hoyt Associate in Arts Student
*Invocation John Powell Tri-County Technical College Commission
Remarks Sage Briggs President, Student Leadership Council
Recognitions and Awards
Address to the Class of 2024
Conferring of Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates
Dr. D. Galen DeHay President, Tri-County Technical College
Dr. Laneika Musalini
2024 Distinguished Alumni Award Winner
Dr. D. Galen DeHay
Dr. Jacquelyn C. Blakley, Dean, Business and Public Services Division
Dr. M. Ahmad Chaudhry, Dean, Health Education Division
Dr. Mark R. Dougherty, Dean, Students
Dr. Stacey Frank, Department Head, Arts and Sciences Division
Matthew Woodall, Department Head, Engineering and Industrial Technology Division
*Please stand
Address to the ClAss of 2024 dr. lAneikA k. MusAlini 2024 distinguished AluMni AwArd winner
Dr. Laneika Musalini’s contributions to her community and to Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) have been countless over the past two decades.
In addition to more than 20 years of experience in research and grants administration, including a decade at TCTC, she is an award-winning leader in her profession and a tireless ambassador for her alma mater.
She has been recognized by local, state and national organizations time and time again for her passion, service, commitment and collaboration with other individuals and organizations to enhance and improve educational opportunities for individuals in her community and beyond.
Currently, Dr. Musalini serves as director of the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs for Metropolitan State University of Denver where she also serves on the provost council and the academic affairs leadership team. She continues to reside in Anderson and works remotely.
This May marked 24 years since she received her first college degree in 2000, an associate degree in Office Systems Technology (now Administrative Office Technology). The plan was to graduate from TCTC, gain a skill, get a job, and begin pursuing a four-year degree. With help from an Abney scholarship and a vocational business school scholarship from the Hanna-Westside Extension Campus, she earned an OST degree and relied on AIM and its Women and Children Succeeding (WACS) program for assistance with eliminating barriers that existed for her as a single mom.
She joined Clemson University in 2000 as an administrative assistant and took TCTC’s University Transfer classes on her lunch hour. She transferred to Anderson University, where she graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services and Resources. She was promoted to grants manager for Clemson’s College of Business and Behavioral Sciences and earned a master’s degree from Clemson where she graduated with highest honors from the Human Resource Development program.
She joined TCTC as director of grants in 2012. During her 10-year tenure, she raised more than $20 million by writing successful state and federal grant proposals. She also chaired the project charter team for the diversity and inclusion initiative and served as the liaison to the TCTC Board of Visitors.
In 2021, she graduated from Wingate University with a Doctor of Education degree, earning a 4.0 and the outstanding dissertation award.
Earlier this year Dr. Musalini was the recipient of TCTC’s 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award. Among her awards are the 2015 ATHENA Young Professional Award from the Anderson Chamber of Commerce and the Anderson County United Way Community Trailblazer award in 2017. She was named by Clemson University to the Roaring Ten for 2014 and was named to the South Carolina Black Pages 20 under 40 African Americans in South Carolina in 2019.
She is a member of Tabernacle of Deliverance and Praise in Anderson and is the founder and president of Women’s Empowerment, Inc. She serves on the Pendleton Foundation for Black History and Culture Board and is a member and former president of the Anderson University Alumni Association Board. She is a member of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) and chaired the Presidential Task Force on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. In 2020, she was honored by NCURA with the Distinguished Service Award.
Dr. Musalini and her husband, Wadud, have four children and reside in Anderson.
AssoCiAte in Arts
Anthony Michael Vincent Conti
Chloe Marie Curnow*
Alana Grace Dickert
Kailyn Jade Dyar
Karasten Farmer-Kinard
Mikayla Marie Gallagher
Gregory Edward Guarna
Kayla Elizabeth Haley
Clarence O’Bryan Hunt
Haley Renae Jerome
Thomas Bryce Kelley
Derek Lane Lazzara
Abbie Faith Lowe
Dakota Gene Maish
Dillon Conner McDowell
Hannah Anwar Qazah
Jaden R. Rector
Hannah Nicole Simmons
Savannah Lynn Stone
Meegan Elizabeth Sweet
Anna Victoria Weeks
Logan Reid Wood-Campbell
Tatiana Michelle Yarbrough
AssoCiAte in sCienCe
Laurin Bailey Ables
Taylor Nicole Alexander
Zoey Lynn Alexander
Carson Leigh Arms
Devin James Ash
Andrew Greer Bennett, Jr.
Christin Leigh Bovender
Jaden Cayce Brock
Bryce Mathyus Brown
Frances Claire Calvert
Carli L. Campbell***
Zachary Brian Cason*
Benjamin Cary Clay
LaToya Celeste Cooley
Michael John Cromer
Marybel Cruz Juarez
Krystiana Angelique Devaux*
Abigail Marie Dodgens
Nathaniel Bryan Duncan
Karasten Farmer-Kinard
Banner Blythe Garren
Elizabeth Jean Gibson
Gregory James Gilliland**
Ryan Marcus Gonzales
Elizabeth Ann Greene
Joseph Gabriel Hallmark
Hunter Scott Hanks
Ashlyn N. Hemelgarn***
Chloe Maddison Hughes
Savannah Marie Humphrey
Katie Elisabeth Hyder
Jamie Johnson
Kailey Elizabeth Kirkwood
Courtney D. Lipe
Anna Jullia Luqueti Werkhauser
Kerrigan Alexis Mahaffey
Katelynn Victoria Morris
Jazmine Leigh Murray*
Jessica Potter Murray
Rebekah Praise Mytko**
Madison Faith Partridge
Jessica Paul Prince
Britney Nichole Read
Anna Christine Reynolds
Ann Lavonne Rice
Spencer Garrison Ross***
Jacob Drake Sale
Abigail Rose Tabor
Mckinley Layne Thames
Madison Nicole Thompson
Sarah Elliott Udouj
Kylee Michaela Whitten
Arts And sChienCes university studies CertifiCAte
Zoey Lynn Alexander
Carli L. Campbell***
Benjamin Cary Clay
Chloe Marie Curnow*
Alana Grace Dickert
Elizabeth Jean Gibson
Gregory Edward Guarna
Joseph Gabriel Hallmark
Christopher Justin Holliday
Clarence O’Bryan Hunt
Jamie Johnson
Thomas Bryce Kelley
Alexandra Ortiz
Douglas Eugene Phillips
Grace Elizabeth Poole
Chase Keith Ray*
Anna Christine Reynolds
Emily Adelle Stephenson*
Meegan Elizabeth Sweet
Seth Brian Terry
Sarah Elliott Udouj
Logan Reid Wood-Campbell
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in ACCounting
Sydney Grace Arnold*
Tylisha Ballentine
Kerry Alexander Rice
Hannah Nicole Sahms
ACCounting Bookkeeping CertifiCAte
Kerry Alexander Rice
Hannah Nicole Sahms
AdMinistrAtive offiCe teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in AdMinistrAtive offiCe teChnology
Kymberly Ann Lynn
AdMinistrAtive offiCe teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in AdMinistrAtive offiCe teChnology - MediCAl eMphAsis
Lamia Lasha Peace
AdMinistrAtive offiCe teChnology
AdMinistrAtive support diploMA
Kymberly Ann Lynn
Lamia Lasha Peace
AdMinistrAtive offiCe teChnology
dAtA entry Clerk CertifiCAte
Luana Burdette***
Kymberly Ann Lynn
Lamia Lasha Peace Shaanan Wheeler
AdMinistrAtive offiCe teChnology
MediCAl offiCe speCiAlist CertifiCAte
Lamia Lasha Peace
AdMinistrAtive offiCe teChnology
offiCe support speCiAlist CertifiCAte
Kymberly Ann Lynn
Business teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in Business AdMinistrAtion
Anthony Trey Carter
Alyssa Annette DeHaven
Jackson Howle
Jacob Daniel Hudson
Eric Michael Jones
Sanquisha LeeAnna Little*
Emma Morris
Gwendolyn Nadine Nelson
Thomas Avery Nix
Jamison Crowe Phillips
Lucas Drayton Prince
Business teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in Business AdMinistrAtion - entrepreneur eMphAsis
Katherine Andrea Castillo
Sarah Elizabeth Follis
Jordan Renee Lanier
Drodrana Hydea Sharman Lee
Alexis Nicole McCowan
Ydalee Mejia
Marcus B. Miller
Haylee Kennedy Moncus
Grace Elizabeth Poole
Ryann Nicole Shepherd
Allison Lee Stoltzfus*
Savannah Bailey Wood
Business teChnology
entrepreneurship And sMAll Business MAnAgeMent CertifiCAte
Katherine Andrea Castillo
Sarah Elizabeth Follis
Drodrana Hydea Sharman Lee
Marcus B. Miller
Allison Lee Stoltzfus*
Savannah Bailey Wood
Business teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in Business AdMinistrAtion - MAnAgeMent eMphAsis
Zachary Tyler Davis
Jacob Ryan Garrett
Summer Michelle Hudson
Emma Virginia James
Isaiah Malik Johnson
Christopher Lee Jones
April Janette Ledford*
Braxton Walker Louch
Austin Kenneth Lyko*
Sydney Lynn Pittman
Stephanie Lynn Seigle
Stephanie Allyssa Sheriff**
Jackson Davis Sires
Seth Brian Terry
Ryan Chad Whisnant
Business teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe
with A MAjor in Business AdMinistrAtion - MArketing eMphAsis
Matthew Wayne Bledsoe
Cheyenne Grace Foster
Lizmayri Leticia Mejia
Caitlinn Eileen Osborne
Business teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in Business AdMinistrAtion - operAtions MAnAgeMent eMphAsis
Potter A. Loftis
Business teChnology
Business foundAtions CertifiCAte
Jackson Howle
Sanquisha LeeAnna Little*
Emma Morris
CoMputer And inforMAtion teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in CoMputer teChnology - CyBerseCurity And forensiCs eMphAsis
Sean Michael Riley*
McKenzie Nichole Sears*
Taylor Kay Sheriff
Christopher Lee Thrasher*
Lake Aurington Wagler
Nancy Wright
CoMputer And inforMAtion teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe
with A MAjor in CoMputer teChnology - network systeMs MAnAgeMent eMphAsis
Austin James Colburn
Tylik RaSon Jackson
CoMputer And inforMAtion teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in CoMputer teChnology - softwAre And weB developMent eMphAsis
Jonah Boyd Bolt
Matthew Duckett
Jourdan Adam Moeckel
CoMputer And inforMAtion teChnology CoMputer teChniCiAn CertifiCAte
Jonah Boyd Bolt
CriMinAl justiCe teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in CriMinAl justiCe teChnology
Sada Jean Dempsey*
Alison Marie Fuller
Elijah James Oleson
Chase Keith Ray*
CriMinAl justiCe teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in CriMinAl justiCe teChnology - lAw enforCeMent operAtions eMphAsis
Elizabeth Nicole Albright
Joshua Evans
eArly CAre And eduCAtion
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in eArly CAre And eduCAtion
Marina A. Antonich*
Felicia Nicole Challinor***
eArly CAre And eduCAtion
eArly CAre And eduCAtion AssistAnt CertifiCAte
Marina A. Antonich*
Felicia Nicole Challinor***
eArly Childhood developMent
eArly Childhood developMent CertifiCAte
Marina A. Antonich*
Felicia Nicole Challinor***
eArly Childhood developMent
Child CAre MAnAgeMent CertifiCAte
Marina A. Antonich*
MediA Arts produCtion AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in MediA Arts produCtion
Adeline Victoria Acker
Justin Burrell
John Scott Coleman
Michael Korycansky**
Roman Elishah Mauney
Jared Michael Ragland
Taylor Morgan Staaf**
MediA Arts produCtion Audio produCtion CertifiCAte
Michael Korycansky**
MediA Arts produCtion digitAl produCtion teChniques CertifiCAte
Roman Elishah Mauney
MediA Arts produCtion photogrAphy CertifiCAte
Taylor Morgan Staaf**
AutoMotive teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in AutoMotive teChnology
Hannah Marie Cappiello
Grant Edward O’Shields
Ethan D. Sotiropoulos
AutoMotive teChnology
AutoMotive BrAking systeMs CertifiCAte
Ethan D. Sotiropoulos
AutoMotive teChnology
AutoMotive eleCtriCAl systeMs CertifiCAte
Ethan D. Sotiropoulos
AutoMotive teChnology
AutoMotive engine perforMAnCe systeMs CertifiCAte
Michala C. Davis
AutoMotive teChnology
AutoMotive trAnsMission systeMs CertifiCAte
Michala C. Davis
Ethan D. Sotiropoulos
CnC progrAMMing And operAtions
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in CnC progrAMMing And operAtions
Ashley Taylor Graham**
engineering design teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in engineering design teChnology
Christian Keenan Greco
Logan Scott Warren
heAting, ventilAtion, And Air Conditioning teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in heAting, ventilAtion And Air Conditioning teChnology
Hunter Gene Cantinieri
Daniel Frederick James Hembree**
Brian Jacob Kennedy**
Jonathan L. Murphy** Owen McCollum Thomas
heAting, ventilAtion, And Air Conditioning teChnology hvAC ApprentiCe CertifiCAte
Daniel Frederick James Hembree** Jonathan L. Murphy** Owen McCollum Thomas
heAting, ventilAtion, And Air Conditioning teChnology hvAC instAller CertifiCAte
Daniel Frederick James Hembree** Jonathan L. Murphy** Owen McCollum Thomas
MAnufACturing MAnAgeMent And leAdership
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in MAnufACturing MAnAgeMent And leAdership
James Alston
Adam Gregory*** Griffin Lafate Jones
MAnufACturing MAnAgeMent And leAdership introduCtion to MAnufACturing MAnAgeMent teChnology CertifiCAte
James Alston
Adam Gregory*** Griffin Lafate Jones
MAnufACturing MAnAgeMent And leAdership introduCtion to quAlity AssurAnCe CertifiCAte
James Alston
Lindsey D. Bryant
Ashley Brooke Dorsey
Adam Gregory***
Griffin Lafate Jones
MAnufACturing MAnAgeMent And leAdership
MAnufACturing And Continuing proCess iMproveMents CertifiCAte
James Alston
Lindsey D. Bryant
Shara Barbre Clinkscales
Adam Gregory*** Griffin Lafate Jones
MAnufACturing MAnAgeMent And leAdership MAnufACturing produCtion i CertifiCAte
Stephanie Marie Davis*
Sabrina Anne Ward Fletcher
Sidney Renee Fletcher
Melanie Bernadette Jones
Erin Molly Mccreary
Cameron Jalen Paul
Nelshaly Rodriguez Rosario
John Michael Ruiz-Rosario
Rebecca Paige Satterfield
William Matthew Stovall
MeChAtroniCs teChnology AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in MeChAtroniCs teChnology
Marco Thomas Barbusca
Clayton James Brooks
Jack Carter Bryson*
Alexander Canela Vazquez
Colby Carl Cawthon
Joseph Cameron Chitwood*
Kamrun William Gentle
Cole Jaymison Hill
Hunter Zarek Hughes
Palmer Alexander Johns
Zachary Thomas Mahoney
Christian Malachi Mayes
Jeffrey Grant McCurry
Cody Dale Mcalister
Austin Nichols*
James Rayford Powell, IV
James Ryan Rein
Lukas Avery Richardson
Dylan Jase Smith
Micah Ray Upton
Wilson Ross Williams*
Anthony Worthen
MeChAtroniCs teChnology
teChniCAl operAtors i CertifiCAte
Clayton James Brooks
Colby Carl Cawthon
Joseph Cameron Chitwood*
Isaac Paul Johnson
Tyler Patrick Looney
Zachary Thomas Mahoney
Jeffrey Grant McCurry
Cody Dale Mcalister
Austin Nichols*
Lukas Avery Richardson
Dylan Jase Smith
Micah Ray Upton
MeChAtroniCs teChnology
teChniCAl operAtors ii CertifiCAte
Caleb Samuel Bowen
Clayton James Brooks
Jack Carter Bryson*
Alexander Canela Vazquez
Colby Carl Cawthon
Joseph Cameron Chitwood*
Kamrun William Gentle
Cole Jaymison Hill
Palmer Alexander Johns
Isaac Paul Johnson
Jackson Ryan King
Tyler Patrick Looney
Zachary Thomas Mahoney
Jeffrey Grant McCurry
Cody Dale Mcalister
Austin Nichols*
James Rayford Powell, IV
James Ryan Rein
Lukas Avery Richardson
Dylan Jase Smith
Micah Ray Upton
Wilson Ross Williams*
Anthony Worthen
welding teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in welding teChnology
Dalton Cole Gray
Lilian Katherine Padgett
Joshua Joseph Wilson
welding industriAl welding CertifiCAte
Lilian Katherine Padgett
Multi-proCess welding CertifiCAte
Lilian Katherine Padgett
sMA pipe welding CertifiCAte
Lilian Katherine Padgett
Allied heAlth sCienCe personAl CAre Aide i CertifiCAte
Gabriel Michael Atwood
Jessie Mikayla Atwood
Zyun Z. Bryant
Sierra Kay Carranza
Rachel Fielding
Alexis Nicole Galloway
Alaina Halyckyj
Chelsea Danelle James
Caitlyn Dianne Mcjunkin
Harlie Mae Poore Rholetter
Lorena Del Carmen Saavedra
Mackenzie Taylor Smith
Anniya Markayla Starks
Angel Nicole Wooten
eMergenCy MediCAl teChnology
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in eMergenCy MediCAl teChnology
Isaac Preston Holcombe nursing
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in nursing
Imersan Diane Armstrong
Shannon Attaway***
John Samuel Avery*
Glair DaSilva Beach
Melissa Dawn Brandenberger
Danielle Breau
Madison Rose Bright**
Lesia Lynch Bryant
Courtney Alexandra Davenport
Asia Tomoiee Dawson
Helyn Unone Fasuyi
Andrea Nickole Fuller
Mikayla Marie Gallagher
Jacqueline Jessica Goforth
Kiersten Elizabeth Grubbs
Kayla Elizabeth Haley
Torria LaMa Hamilton
Autum Spencer-Dawn Hardin
Michelle Lee Laplume
Caroline Mccall Lister
Jada Quinntina Lloyd
Abbie Faith Lowe
Linda Marie McAllister
Sarah Christine McDowell
Megan Elizabeth McLaughlin
Joseph Niess Mccoy
Belle Rose Meyer
Hailey Breanna Porter
Kelly Lynne Portillo**
Bailey Elizabeth Rhodes
Brandi Alexis Rice
Stephanie DAndrea Rosemond
Spencer Garrison Ross***
Sharif DaShawn SantanaCobb
Kayleigh Faith Shepard
Ricale Antoinette Taylor**
Sarah-Katelyn Margaret Welborn
Shawna L. Young
prACtiCAl nursing
prACtiCAl nursing diploMA
Seth Garris Anderson
Carson Leigh Arms
Austin Bradley Bell
Candrus Shar’Vae Brown
Samantha Mackenzie Byrne
Hannah Marie Cely
Bre’Anna Gabriel Cobb
Dickie Crisp
Madison Elizbeath Dalton
Mary Hannah DiVittorio
Kalyn Ann Haney
Karissa Renee Henderson
Zahrah Abdelmajid Hentati
Tanishia Lashai Justice
Abigail Leigh King
Stephen Cody King
Jenine Pigte Krope
Fiona Elizabeth McGuire
Lizzie A. Means
Ayanna Rose Morales
Anayeli Morris
James Oliver Morrison
Jessica Potter Murray
Dhruviben Patel
Kristina Ellyn Rettig
Sarah Arrowood Roth
Melinda Rudder
Jacob Drake Sale
Crystal Faith Vaughn**
Kylie Anne Yingst
heAlth professions
AssoCiAte in Applied sCienCe with A MAjor in surgiCAl teChnology
Savanna Jean Blanton
before Jessica Lea Brewer
Jessica Lea Brewer
Ansley F. Brezeale
Cain Elijah Clark
David Robert Crockett
Deonjah Dawson
Lyric Faith Franklin
Anna Claire Jenkins***
Shiera Faith Anne Laraya
Jorai Bailey McCrary
Victoria Elizabeth McCreary*
Tabatha Beth McGuffin
Victoria Courtney Ann Pryor
Brittany Lynn Weddle
Note: The listing of graduate names in the commencement program is accurate at the time of printing and is based upon the anticipated successful completion of program requirements. It is possible that graduates listed may have been unable to complete all requirements for their degrees. This document should not be taken as an official record that degrees have or have not been awarded. Graduates whose names are not listed may have applied for graduation after the printer’s deadline.
Honor standing, as indicated in this program, is based upon academic work completed prior to Fall 2024. Final honor standing will be announced during the commencement ceremony.
*Cum Laude (blue cord)
**Magna Cum Laude (silver cord)
***Summa Cum Laude (gold cord and gold tassel)
The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is the nation’s largest leadership honor society. Our members are invited to join the Society based on their number of completed credits and their cumulative GPA. They subsequently complete a rigorous program of leadership training sessions, public speeches, and small group workshops to become fully inducted members.
Bre’Anna Gabriel Cobb – Practical Nursing
Alison Marie Fuller – Criminal Justice Technology
Braxton Walker Louch – Business Administration – Management Emphasis
Kerrigan Alexis Mahaffey – Associate in Science
Rebekah Praise Mytko – Associate in Science
Emily Adelle Stephenson – University Studies
AlphA ZetA BetA MeMBers of phi thetA kAppA honor frAternity fAll 2024
The first honor society was organized at Tri-County Technical College in 1981. To be invited to join, a student must be enrolled in an associate degree program, must have accumulated 12 credit hours, and must have achieved and maintained a GPA of at least 3.50.
Shannon Attaway – Nursing
Jonah Boyd Bolt – Computer Technology – Software and Web Development Emphasis
Melissa Dawn Brandenberger – Nursing
Felicia Nicole Challinor – Early Care and Education
Nancy Wright – Computer Technology – Cybersecurity/Forensics Emphasis
Al Norris
tri-County teChniCAl College foundAtion, inC., sCholArships
Alice Manufacturing Company
Alvin Fleishman Marketing Education
Anderson Area Homebuilders’ Association
Anderson County Woman’s Club
Anderson Marketing, Inc.
Anderson Rotary Club
Anita L. Nalley
AnMed Health
Arthrex Scholars
Avondale Mills, Inc.
Bank of America
BASF Catalysts
Betty and Earle Youngblood
Bolt W. Smith Memorial
Brenda B. Nix Memorial
Brenda Mattison Accounting
Brooks and Ross Cannon I-Best
Bruce Norton Memorial
Cameron and Margaret Murdoch
Carol S. Garrison
Champion CNC
Champion Manufacturing Management and Leadership
Champion Mechatronics
Charles and Lucile Battle Memorial
Charles T. and Mollie B. King
Christ Community Church/ELM
Christine Worthy
Claude L. Reeves
Claude Moore
Clemson Downs ADN
Clemson Downs CNA
Cpl. Freddie Stowers, Medal of Honor Recipient
D. L. Scurry Foundation
Daris and Broy Moyer Memorial
David A. Armstrong Memorial
David and Claudia Boles Engineering and Industrial Technology
DeHay First-Generation College Student
Despo P. Stathakis Memorial
Dixie Chapter No. 395 UDC of Anderson
Don C. Garrison Memorial
Donald B. McPhail Memorial
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Mullikin Veterinary Technology
Dr. C. Lynn Lewis Health Sciences
Dr. Charlotte Kay Memorial
Dr. Henry Cowart Drake Memorial
Dr. J. C. Holler Memorial
Dr. O. Wray Smith Memorial
Dr. R. K. Nimmons, Jr.
Dr. Valerie R. Ramsey
Duke Energy
E. Steve Darby Memorial
Earle Rochester Memorial
Early Childhood Development
Easley Custom Plastics
Edwin C. Anderson
Emory Russell McGinley Memorial
Eric M. Hansen Memorial
Ernest H. and Ruby Sharp Hicks
Faculty SOAR Award
Five Smith Sisters’
Florence Gates Fleishman Memorial
G. B. Nalley Memorial
Gambrill Foundation
Gene Haas Foundation
General Machine of Anderson
George B. “Bud” Nalley, Jr.
George Michael “Mike” Kelly
Glen Raven Mills, Inc.
Greg Shaloski Memorial
Gregg Corley Memorial
Gwendolyn B. Owens
Harold Vandiver Sullivan Memorial
Hayden Abney Fulp Memorial
Hazel and Grace Jensen
Hazel Strickland Booth Memorial
Helen Rosemond-Saunders
Hill M. Seigler Memorial
Home Builders Association of Oconee/Donald J. Andrews Memorial
Honorable Marshall J. Parker
Honoring Their Service, Inc.
Hoover I-BEST
Horton EIT
International Association of Administrative Professionals Memorial
Ione P. Gallant Memorial
J. Byrnes Ouzts Memorial
J. Cameron Murdoch Memorial
J. E. Sirrine Textile Foundation
Jack L. Ford Service Legacy
Jackie Oakley
Jackie Jackson Memorial
Jackye Kiser Murphy
James D. and Annie Reid C. Smith
James D. Rutledge Memorial
Jim and Betty Barton
tri-County teChniCAl College foundAtion, inC., sCholArships (Continued)
Joe F. Mason Memorial
John D. Wakefield Family
John Sam and Zonell McPhail Lay
Julia M. Darby
Kathie O. Jones
Kathryn Taylor White Memorial
Katie M. Marshall
Ken Thomas
Kenyon Family Fund
Keowee Key Community Partnership
Keymark, Inc.
Kim, Lahey & Killough Law Firm Paralegal
Kreager Family
Kym and Kelly Cleveland
Lawrence B. Miller Memorial
Lawrence F. and Sandra Yuda
Lynn Garrison Memorial
Margaret Gallant Sullivan Memorial
Marion and Mary Davis
Marion Davis
Marjorie C. Smith
Martha Barham Parker Memorial
Mary (Sally) M. Smith
Mary Davis
Mary Katherine Littlejohn
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
McPeak Family
Men of Color
Michelle Hammond Memorial
Milton Ford
Milton H. Hansen Memorial
Mina Lee Lesley Memorial
Ms. Boseman Practical Nursing
Nixon and Augusta M. Cox
Oconee County Medical Society
Oconee Family Community Leaders
Oconee Federal Savings and Loan Association
Oconee Machine and Tool Company, Inc.
Oconee Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
Orian Rugs, Inc.
Patriot Place
Paul and Lucy Wilkerson
Peggy Fleming Anderson
Pete and Kleo Stathakis Memorial
Pete and Sally Smith Foundation
Pickens Lions Club
Pratt Sosebee Memorial
Preston and Cynthia Williford
R. Clyde and Florence G. Stewart Memorial
Randall E. “Randy” Lusk Memorial ROTC
Robert A. and Jane R. Harris
Robert D. and Louise Mathews/ BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
Robert W. Smith Memorial
Ruth B. Seabrook Memorial
Ryobi Motor Products Corporation
S. Lewis and Lucia B. Bell Memorial
Sally M. Wakefield Memorial
Santee Cooper
Sara L. and Nathan R. Fleishman
Sarah McFall Sullivan Memorial
Seneca Rotary Club
Sheriff E. E. “Duck” Cooley Memorial
Smith E. and Frances Hendricks Memorial
South Carolina Association of Veterinarians
South Carolina Broadcasters Association
South Carolina Broadcasters Association/Cleatus O. Brazzell
South Carolina Upstate Equine Council
Sue Lawrence Gignilliat and Thomas McCutchen Gignilliat
Susan and Tom O’Hanlan “Infinity and Beyond”
T. Rhett and Gaynell Evatt Memorial
Thirteen Smith Grandchildren
Thomas and Laura Johnston
Tomi E. Shuler Garrison Memorial
Tribble Foundation
Tri-County Board of Realtors
Tri-County Technical College Alumni Association
U. S. Engine Valve Corporation
United Community Bank
Upstate Federal Credit Union
Upstate Veterinary Specialists
VyTech Industries, Inc.
W. Erskine Gallant Memorial
Walhalla Woman’s Club
Weston and Ruth Reeve Memorial
Will A. Watson Memorial
William Law Watkins Memorial
William Y. Hazlehurst, III, Memorial
Yuda Family at Compact Air Products, Inc.
Executive Staff
Dr. D. Galen DeHay, President
Dan T. Cooper, Executive Director, External Affairs
Dr. Amanda L. Elmore, Vice President, Academic Affairs and Workforce Development
Rhonda D. Gibby, Vice President, Human Resources
Cara T. Hamilton, Vice President, Business Affairs
Linda C. Jameison, Vice President, Student Affairs
Karen K. Potter, Associate Vice President, Marketing, Communications and Executive Operations
Sarah J. Shumpert, Associate Vice President, Organizational Development and Planning
Courtney B. White, Executive Director, TCTC Foundation
Dr. Jacquelyn C. Blakley, Business and Public Services Division
Dr. M. Ahmad Chaudhry, Health Education Division
Dr. Mark R. Dougherty, Students
Adam A. Ghiloni, Enrollment Services
Jennifer B. Hulehan, Arts and Sciences Division
Bryan C. Manuel, Integrated Workforce Solutions
Paul R. Phelps, Engineering and Industrial Technology Divison
Crystal Pitrois-Takayama, Academic and Career Foundations
Tri-County Technical College Foundation Board Officers
Kym J. Cleveland, Chair
Emily B. Holland, Vice Chair
Curt T. Evatt, Secretary
William B. Harley, Treasurer
State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education
Roger P. Schrum, Chairman, At-Large Member
Terry A. Hardesty, First Congressional District
Benjamin W. Satcher, Jr., Second Congressional District
Anthony G. Barker, Third Congressional District
Edward G. Burns, Fourth Congressional District
Ralph A. Odom, Jr., Fifth Congressional District
Rachel T. Gainey, Sixth Congressional District
Kathleen Richardson, Seventh Congressional District
Carolyn Swinton, At-Large Member
Warren A. Darby, Jr., At-Large Member
Orville S. Smith, III, At-Large Member
Ellen Weaver, S.C. Superintendent of Education, Ex-Officio Member
Harry M. Lightsey, III, S.C. Secretary of Commerce, Ex-Officio Member
Dr. Tim Hardee, President, S.C. Technical College System
Tri-County Technical College Commission
Hamid R. Mohsseni, Chair, Anderson County
James D. “Jim” Wanner, Vice Chair, Oconee County
James P. “Jim” Kaplan, Secretary, Pickens County
Leon “Butch” Harris, Anderson County
Melanie H. McLane, Pickens County
John M. Powell, Oconee County
Helen P. Rosemond-Saunders, Oconee County
Thomas F. Strange, Pickens County
J. Allard “Al” Young, Anderson County
The five academic gonfalons on display represent the College and its four academic divisions. Gonfalons, which are banners hung from crosspieces on poles, have been used since medieval times as symbols of state or office. The navy gonfalon with the official College Seal represents the institution as a whole. The gonfalons for the four academic divisions display the division names and the colors associated with the academic disciplines of the divisions: Arts and Sciences – white and science gold; Business and Public Services – crimson, drab, light blue, midnight blue, peacock blue, and science gold; Health Education – apricot, gray, and sage green; and Engineering and Industrial Technology – orange and science gold.
The Tri-County Technical College Mace is carried by the president of the Faculty Senate, who leads the academic procession at commencement. Historically, the use of a mace dates back to the Middle Ages and was carried before or placed near a magistrate or other dignitary as an ensign of authority. In commencement exercises, the mace specifically indicates the authority of the College president to award degrees. The College Mace is made of pecan and brass and depicts the official College Seal. It was designed and manufactured by students in the Engineering and Industrial Technology Division.
Academic regalia worn by persons in the procession varies in style and color according to the highest degree earned. The border and edging of the hood are in the color of the discipline for which the degree was earned as follows:
Accounting ...................................Drab
Agriculture ...................................Maize
Arts, Letters, Humanities .............White
Business Administration Drab
Commerce, Accountancy, Business
Economics Copper
Education Light Blue
Engineering Orange
English White
Fine Arts (including Architecture) Brown
Forestry .........................................Russet
Health and Rehabilitation............Sage Green
History White
Industrial Arts Science Gold
Information Technology Science Gold
Journalism ....................................Crimson
Library Science ............................Lemon
Mathematics Science Gold
Medicine Green
Music Pink
Nursing Apricot
Oratory (Speech) Silver Gray
Pharmacy .....................................Olive Green
Philosophy ....................................Dark Blue
Public Administration (including Foreign Service) .......Peacock Blue
Public Health ...............................Salmon Pink
Public Service Peacock Blue
Science Science Gold
Social Work Citron
Theology Scarlet
Veterinary Science Gray
tri-County teChniCAl College vision, Mission, vAlues vision
Passionate people transforming lives and building strong communities one student at a time.
Tri-County Technical College provides students an exceptional and affordable learning experience that improves their quality of life. The College advances economic development in the tri-county region by preparing a highly skilled workforce.
Integrity: We lead by example and are steadfast in upholding high ethical standards.
Respect: We engage with one another in a manner that promotes civility, trust, openness and understanding.
Learning: We promote a growth mindset and use what we learn to deliver a transformative experience for our students and employees.
Collaboration: We achieve more when we work together, especially when we bring diverse groups of people together to solve problems and generate change.
Innovation: We encourage creative ideas that lead to positive outcomes for our students, our employees and our community.
Diversity and Inclusion: We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community that fosters a sense of belonging where every individual feels welcome and valued.
Tri-County Technical College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees. Tri-County Technical College also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Tri-County Technical College may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (
Tri-County Technical College does not discriminate in admission or employment on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, qualifying disability, veteran’s status, age, or national origin.
Mailing Address
Tri-County Technical College P. O. Box 587
Pendleton, SC 29670
Pendleton Campus 7900 SC Highway 76 Pendleton, South Carolina 864-646-8361
Anderson Campus 511 Michelin Boulevard Anderson, South Carolina 864-260-6700
Easley Campus 1774 Powdersville Road
Easley, South Carolina
Oconee Campus 552 Education Way Westminster, South Carolina 864-613-1900
Main Number: 864-646-TCTC (8282) Toll-Free Number: 1-866-269-5677
Tdd/Voice: 1-800-735-2905
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