TCWN December 21 - January 3, 2020

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Weekly News Volume 33 | No. 51 | December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


Price $1.00


TELEPHONE (649) 946-4664






The TCI’s recent violent crimes can only be termed as acts of terrorism for which serious consequences must follow, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson warned this week. Actors, singers and dancers from all over the TCI feature in this year’s colourful pantomime ‘Aladdin and the Magic Lamp’

Last chance to see this year’s Christmas show A DEBT-FREE TCI IS ON THE HORIZON PAGE  7






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December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020




Premier calls recent violent crimes ‘acts of terrorism’ Government considers increasing life sentences to 30 years BY OLIVIA ROSE THE TCI’s recent violent crimes can only be termed as acts of terrorism for which serious consequences must follow, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson warned this week. The leader made these strong remarks in a statement issued on Thursday (December 19). Cartwright Robinson, who made it clear that the Government has a zero-tolerance approach to senseless gun violence, said “stiffer penalties” will be handed out to culprits. “My Government’s tough stance on crime, gun crimes, evidenced by our increase in the minimum sentence from five years to seven years puts [us] among the countries in the region with zero tolerance for this behaviour. “This recent spree of crime or criminal acts, by what the commissioner of police has described as being carried out by a handful of ‘ex-cons’, can only be termed as acts of terrorism for which serious consequences must follow.” The premier described the series of violent crimes as “a deliberate attack on my country’s peace and way of life.” She impressed upon the community the importance of speaking up against the incessant lawlessness gnawing at the TCI’s moral fabric. “I encourage residents to assist the police as the police manage its resources to bring this era to an end,

Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson in the House of Assembly (file photo)

by first being even more vigilant in your movements but in sharing information that may help. “We cannot stress enough the fact that Crime Stoppers is safe and you need not worry about your identity being revealed if you provide a tip through this network. “The recent murder took our total number of homicides for the year to a record breaking 13. I take this time to offer condolences to the bereaved family. “My Government has determined that while resourcing the police is good, as leaders of Government business, we must bring changes too through laws.” On Tuesday (December 17), the Government read the Parole of Offenders Amendment Bill in the House of Assembly, which sets life

sentences at a minimum term of 30 years. Cartwright Robinson said: “This bill is available publicly for consultation and we welcome comments. “In the meantime, we continue to wait for presentation in the House of Assembly critical legislation like the Interception of Communications Bill, Private Investigators and Security Officers Bill and Public Order Bill.” MILLIONS INVESTED The premier went on to say that since the Government was elected to office, the police force has benefited from millions of dollars in funding under the ‘12 Point Law Enforcement Plan’. She said: “The police saw

Robber raids villa and hotels A LONE robber raided a villa and two hotels early on Wednesday morning (December 18) and managed to escape arrest. According to the police press office, the first incident took place at a villa on Stubbs Road, Providenciales, at about 3.34am. A masked man entered the villa through a glass sliding door and demanded money from the occupant/s. He stole a watch and made his way from the scene. It is not known if the man was armed. At 3.40am, officers made their way to Lower Bight Road, Providenciales, following reports

of a burglary at a hotel. An unknown male dressed in dark clothing entered a room. According to police, nothing was reported missing. An hour later at 4.40am, a burglary took place on the Lower Bight Road, Providenciales. An unknown man entered a hotel room and left with a handbag. He made his escape towards the Grace Bay beach. A robbery was reported minutes later at 4.42am at the security gate of a hotel on Princess Drive, Providenciales. According to the 911 control room, a man believed to be armed

entered the security booth and demanded money. He took a cell phone and a pocket knife. No injuries were reported in any of these incidents. Police press officer Takara Bain said: “Residents and visitors are reminded to practice all means of safety, for example, always ensure that your doors are locked at all times and pay attention to your surroundings.” Anyone who may have information on these incidents can call 911, Chalk Sound Police Station at 338-5901 or 941-8082, or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.

unprecedented increase in investment in cars, boats, building, plane, CCTV and at the end of this upcoming budget, the force would have grown in manpower by 65 in the last two years. “This tells us something which we all knew, that even when we give the police the resources it requests, which is great, an essential component of people support cannot be left out or substituted in fighting crime. “This is why the police everywhere continue to ask for assistance from the public and why I will continue to appeal to us as a people.” The premier revealed that members of Hotel Association are continuing to press the governor and police commissioner on the issue of crime. She said she was elated when a businessman reached out to the Government to offer a reward of $10,000 for any tip that could lead to the arrest of the perpetrators. “Truth be told, there are always persons who are aware of who are committing crimes and together with a resourced force, a participative people and businessmen and women who understand that we are all in this together, we can successfully overcome this period in our history.” She added that while the Government remains strong on

enforcement it is also strong on the rehabilitation of offenders who end up in Her Majesty’s Prison in Grand Turk. “We remain confident that our ‘Chance for Change (C4C) Programme’ will address many issues and whilst we have just concluded a critical management hire, a few former inmates have already been placed on jobs. “We are not happy with the response from the business community in its response to help former inmates to successfully reenter society. But we are happy for those who have come forward. “As a Government we remain committed to finalising legislative changes so that Government itself can fully participate in the C4C Programme.” She said the Government is hopeful that the TCI will turn the corner of this period with all stakeholders supporting the police from their homes or institutions. “I am confident that once we all see our role and play it seriously, we can achieve what we all so desperately long for: a sense of peace.” A comprehensive National Security Strategy has been developed to effectively confront crime CONTINUED 

Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising), (News) Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:




December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day

ARMED DEFENCE FORCE THE TCI is in the process of making plans to have its own armed defence force. The revelation was made by Governor Nigel Dakin in a post on Instagram on December 3. The governor, who disclosed that the move towards a reservist defence unit has been under discussion by Britain and the TCI for some time, said the aim of the military regiment will be to improve security and disaster management locally. What are your thoughts?

Solid base

Fantastic. But make sure it has a very solid foundation and is built up by persons with impeccable credentials.

Angry and worried

Mack Sennett and the Keystone Cops immediately springs to mind. Does any sensible person take this seriously? They clearly think we are very gullible.


The usual UK exculpation from their responsibilities. Tourism is in the balance right now (our only viable aspect of the economy) and yet they continue to gamble with it. The incident at Mr Grouper’s resonate? The world is in a precarious state right now because it is run by bureaucratic fools. We should all be very angry and worried.

Overarching physical power

Concerns will arise. What happens if an amoral, politically corrupt, systemically challenged government ever takes the reins of power with a defence force in place? Will the average man on the street, the poor man, stand a chance in light of so much emerging and overarching physical power? It will take some political maturity with the people. TC Islanders will have to emerge to a society that worships God more than they worship their political party. TC Islanders must now learn to exercise greater control over their governments. As human nature is not immune to politicians with this kind of power misjudging the meaning of their electoral mandate. Since 1976, we have had a number of constitutional suspensions owing to rife corruption, systemic failure and ministerial autocracy. It was stated then in 1986 that TC Islanders are not ready for politics. There will always be deep and foreboding concerns. In large measure that has proven true. We have trials ongoing and in many cases those expat developers who benefitted most from ministerial corruption are not even on trial. If we cannot manage that aspect of our life and law enforcement, are we ready for a defence force?

Fast response

I think this is a very good idea. We need a force to deal with not only natural disasters such as hurricanes but we desperately need to get the influx of guns and illegal aliens into the country under control. Our tourism based economy can only suffer more from all the violent and armed robberies taking place. A fast response task force could sit within this defence unit and they certainly need to be armed to deal with all the criminals that have illegal weapons.

We apologise In last week’s edition of the Turks and Caicos Weekly News (December 1420) the incorrect photograph was used to accompany the article entitled ‘TCI records 13th murder for the year’ by court reporter Delana Isles.

We would like to offer sincere apologies to all parties involved for any distress caused by our mistake. Above is the correct photo which should have been used with the article.

Border control

There should immediately be a focus on border control and a permanent and effective marine branch of any defence force.

Regional consultation

There must be strong legislation to protect rights and freedoms in light of this project.

Questions will arise like do want this or need this? It will prompt a rearrangement of national priorities in the TCI. There must then be regional consultation with the British, Bahamian, US, Caricom and related governments. As the TCI’s economy expands the idea of a defence force will build a greater capacity to expand port and aviation activity throughout the Islands. National security capacity will expand. With ministerial participation on the National Security Council after the 2011 Constitution, ideas like this become more immediate, as there is greater policy input by elected officials who must ultimately answer to the people. An emerging consultation with the people will prompt a serious discussion as to the social and economic causes of the crime wave which is now hitting Grace Bay, local restaurants and those dining facilities which collect accommodation tax. Hopefully the expansion to a defence force is not another means of fighting crime.

Enlistment maybe

This is a splendid idea as long as the force is made up of Turks and Caicos Islanders (by birth or bestowed) only. Conscription for both males and females maybe necessary however.

Debate and discourse

This may be an idea whose time has come. It is a further step towards the idea and ideal of self-containment of one’s borders and inner societal structures. The TCI is really an open borders country, surrounded by sea water, a geographical setting that precludes the idea of building a wall. A defence force would require so many inputs, boats, planes, radars, border patrols and highly disciplined officers. Most critically the number one component would be money. It would mean that the TCI Government must devise structures that would eliminate leakages of tax funds so that enterprises of a defence force nature would be realisable. The decision to move towards a defence force must invite a much-needed debate and national discourse. The Government will be well advised to take this step only after wide and deep consultation could be had with the public.

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December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020




A debt-free TCI is on the horizon BY DELANA ISLES IN JUST one year, the Turks and Caicos Islands could be debt free, that is, if the Government pays off the entire $3.75 million that is owed on the debt portfolio. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson made the revelation during her presentation of the Fiscal and Strategic Policy Statement (FSPS) to the House of Assembly on Tuesday (December 17). “Our debt portfolio has been reduced to $3.75 million and we intend to repay $2.4 million in 2020/2021. “Debt financing charges are forecast at less than one percent of revenue. “Therefore… if the Government agrees to pay the balance of outstanding loans which will be about $1.3 million, this country will be debt free.” As a result of this significant development, the premier said the territory is now “definitely poised to borrow for serious infrastructural needs”. As it relates to sustainability ratios, she added that all compliance targets that have been agreed between the governments of the United Kingdom and the Turks and Caicos Islands will remain in compliance. UK SUPPORT It was a memorable moment in February 2016, when the UK Minister of State for International Development, Desmond Swayne, reported to the UK House of Commons that the TCI had repaid its remaining borrowing under the $260 million loan guarantee on schedule, and

with an outstanding borrowing need of just $28 million. The Turks and Caicos Islands was then able to raise that amount without further recourse to the UK government for support. Almost three and a half years later, that debt will soon be repaid in full, potentially setting the Islands on the path of infrastructural development it has not seen in decades. “TCIG has progressed from deficits of US$77 million in financial year 2010/11 and US$29m in 2011/12 to a surplus the following year and strong surpluses thereafter,” Swayne told the House of Commons on February 25, 2015. “TCIG and the TCI public service had to make a number of difficult decisions and sacrifices. “Financial management and oversight has been strengthened, essential investment was maintained, including an expansion of the international airport that has allowed a significant increase in flights from US cities. “The successful conclusion of DFID’s guarantee is a credit to the resolve of the TCI public service, TCIG, the Governor’s Office and UK-financed technical experts,” he added. GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS Meanwhile, also in financial year 2020-2021, the premier outlined that government receipts are forecasted at $324.9 million, about 29.3 percent of GDP. Recurrent receipt of $320.1 million or 28.8 percent of GDP are expected to be about $6.4 million higher in 2020-2021 than the forecast outturn 20192020 and $16.3 million higher

Premier calls recent violent crimes ‘acts ... CONTINUED FROM 


throughout the territory. This multi-pronged strategy will identify immediate national security threats, efficiently manage the resources currently available, and procure additional tools and resources for internal and external security agencies. It will also strengthen partnerships locally, regionally and internationally

collaborating on security initiatives and will engage the TCI community in the fight against crime. During a press conference on September 16, the Government outlined stringent actions being taken imminently to stamp out violent crime. These included the scanning of imports, more community policing and stiffer penalties for gun offences.

than the actual performance for 2018-2019, the premier said. Non-recurrent revenue is $4.8 million, with total revenue at $324.9 million or 29.3 percent of GDP. According to the Government’s projections, the forward years’ outlook is forecast to grow by three

percent. And the premier said the Government’s revenue enhancement strategy will continue to focus on reducing the tax burden on the residents and citizens. “The aim is to use a balanced approach to improve voluntary compliance by

improving customer service, increasing audit coverage, and proposing legislative changes to address tax compliance issues that are different in their nature and therefore required different responses.” She added that the robust GDP growth is expected to return recurrent revenue

growth over the forecast outturn of 2019-2020 in the following ways: hotel and restaurant tax at 2.6 percent; import duties and customs processing fees at five percent; work permit at 2.8 percent; fuel tax at fiver percent and business licences three percent.



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020




‘We need to get angry… this is not okay’ Robbery victim urges community to speak out against violence BY OLIVIA ROSE “WE NEED to get angry, we need to be angry, because this is not okay.” These fiery sentiments were expressed by Lacey Sheddy, an aggrieved resident of Grand Turk and the victim of a violent home invasion last month. Sheddy, an avid scuba diver, was brutally beaten and robbed by two merciless bandits in her Grand Turk

home last month. The 28-year-old took to social media page ‘Free to Speak TCI’ and questioned the deafening silence and non-existent outrage from the community. “On Tuesday it will mark one month since two men decided to rob my house and to beat me until I was unconscious in the backyard of my own home on Grand Turk. All for a few nearly financially worthless

Christmas Message

‘Stretch out a hand to bless, help and to lift’ BY C WASHINGTON MISICK Leader of the Progressive National Party

CHRISTMAS is a time of togetherness, a respite from the rigors of everyday life to bond and rediscover the warmth of family, friends and community. It is a time to reflect on Christ the saviour - the greatest gift of all, the year that was and to contemplate the year that lies ahead. It is therefore with thankfulness that I pause to recognise the goodness of God to our Turks and Caicos Islands and to examine my own relationships with him, my people and my homeland. It is in the context of these relationships that my faith is strong and my hope springs eternal for the future of our homeland at a time of significant challenges and extraordinary possibilities. Our success will depend on our ability to build consensus from chaos and unity from division; the quality of our collective life will require solidarity and empathy. There is much talk about generosity, but also real tangible examples of it across our Islands. That is cause for celebration of, and appreciation for, the many good Samaritans both corporate and individual for looking after the many hurting hungry people who depend on the compassion of neighbours throughout the year. In the spirit of love and hope, let

electronic trinkets. “My face is still black and blue, but I am alive and for that I am grateful.” Sheddy said although the fingershaped bruises around her throat left by her attackers have healed, life is not the same. “As a result of my brain injury I have been left unable to enjoy activities I once loved. “I am traumatised by prolific stories of robberies and assaults that are plaguing Grand Turk, particularly against women. “I have received sympathy and well wishes from so many, and for that I am grateful, but outrage seems elusive. “How can it be, in this tiny community? Is it because the violence and theft has become so commonplace that everyone has been left to ponder their own security. “I struggle to think of a single person who has not had their own threat of burglary, home invasion or of arson. “How can anyone heal when the threat is ever present? There is no healing when you are just moving

Lacey Sheddy’s face was left bloodied and battered after the violent robbery

from trauma to trauma,” she added. Sheddy reminded that everyone has a role to play in ridding the Turks and Caicos Islands of violent crime. “It would be easy to point the finger at the police or at the community, but the onus is on us all. We need to get angry, we need to be angry, because this is not okay. “Here it’s become normal, but this is not and should never be normal, anywhere.” She implored residents to make their voices heard as armed robberies and murders continue to plague the nation. “We need to work together as one voice. We need to speak on what we know is happening in this small

Under the tree Opposition leader Washington Misick wishes true prosperity for 2020

each one of us during this yuletide season stretch out a hand to bless, help and to lift, for by so doing we obey our Lord’s command to love our neighbour as ourselves. Delthia, I and our entire family, together with the Progressive National Party take enormous pleasure in wishing all a most joyous holiday season and true prosperity for 2020. May the gift of Christ reconcile us to himself, may each of us choose to be of service to our fellowmen and may we resolve to be true to our duty of care to preserve and protect our beautiful but fragile Islands. God bless you and God bless the Turks and Caicos Islands Merry Christmas and happy new year!

community. If our police need more resources, it needs to be said. “We need to speak together, and to support each other, and not to be afraid to express our needs to keep each other safe. “One voice, loud and clear - we all need to speak up, together.” On Wednesday, November 20, at about 1am Sheddy was attacked in her residence on Close Haul Road in Palm Grove, Grand Turk. She was subsequently taken to the Cockburn Town Medical Centre to be treated for her injuries. A 38-year-man was taken into police custody in connection with the incident. No arrests have been made to date.

By Benneth Williams



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


Cayman cruise pier a matter of regional environmental significance

REGIONAL news coverage can be patchy. While electoral politics, national economic performance and crime from across the Caribbean are regularly reported and commented upon, this is not the case when the issues are regarded as being domestic. The lack of financial resource and reader insularity means that only a few, usually commercially linked publications can afford or are willing to regularly reproduce stories from sister newspapers elsewhere in the region. This is despite the existence of many vibrant publications in print and online, high-quality journalism and comment, and a very good but underfunded regional news agency. It means that lesser but often important events in one or another part of the region that raise matters of wider Caribbean concern do not obtain the regional coverage they deserve. A case in point is the continuing controversy in the Cayman Islands over a proposed port development. There an environmentally driven citizen-led campaign is questioning the extent to which Cayman and by extension any nation in the region is prepared to sacrifice its natural environment to support tourism


David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at

growth generally, and the interests of the cruise lines specifically. The matter revolves around a cruise and cargo port development planned for the Cayman Islands’ capital, George Town, and a popular referendum which has been delayed by the courts until early 2020 following a legal challenge by local environmental campaign groups. The project would see the dredging of the coral reef in order to accommodate much larger next generation cruise ships, an expansion of the island’s port facilities, the upgrading of an adjacent cargo port, and the construction of 3.7 acres of hard standing for cruise ship passenger arrivals. The objective is to enable Grand Cayman to cease to be a port where visitors are taken off cruise ships by tender. The plans involve Verdant Isle,

a consortium made up of Royal Caribbean and Carnival Corporation, plus McAlpine and Orion Marine Construction, designing, building, funding and maintaining the proposed $250 million facility. In return for upgrading the port, Verdant Isle will recover the cost over 25 years from taxes charged to passengers. Environmentalists argue that the dredging will destroy the coral, and that turbulence caused by vessels manoeuvring will at best limit future reef growth in the surrounding areas. They say that plans to relocate the coral elsewhere and rebuild the reefs are untested and questionable. They also believe that Grand Cayman will lose its clear water harbour, and with it the livelihoods of those who take visitors out to view it. More generally they argue

that the new port will damage the environment that visitors come to experience. In response the Cayman Islands government says that the port development is necessary as without it cruise tourism will eventually die; that the island is in desperate need of a cargo port; the only way to finance this is by linking it to the construction of a cruise pier; that some 5,000 islanders depend on the cruise sector for employment; and that new jobs will be created. Although a referendum on the issue had originally been scheduled for December 19, a grand court judge has granted leave to a leading member of the campaign group Cruise Port Referendum Cayman (CPR Cayman) to apply for a judicial review. The group had challenged the government’s decision to hold the vote before the completion of an updated environmental impact assessment and questioned procedural aspects of Cabinet’s decision making relating to the referendum. The Islands’ National Trust had also brought a legal challenge but then joined with CPR Cayman because of the similarity of its

environmental arguments. The case has wider implications too for other British overseas territories as for the first time it tests constitutional provisions for referenda. What happens next is for the island’s courts, government and people to decide, but reflecting on the issue, Carnival Corporation’s CEO and president Arnold Donald told the Cayman Compass before the court ruling that his cruise line would continue to call at Cayman even if the port development was rejected. “We’ve been coming here all along and I’m sure we will continue to come,” he told the publication. He warned however, that as cruise ships get larger and are unable to tender guests, that there might eventually be a decline in the number of passengers visiting Grand Cayman. “But if that were the will of the people, we obviously would respect that and honour that,” he noted. Mr Donald also observed that in the Caribbean over time, “there will be a handful and then a dozen” super large cruise ships. The issue illustrates the growing CONTINUED 

Time for real change COMMENTARY

YEARS have gone by and hundreds of thousands, millions of US dollars have been spent and it has all amounted to nothing. This is what the British justice system has amounted to - nothing. The SIPT trial is not over and may never be. Now it’s 2020 - 11 years after the British takeover. Lawyers, lots of lawyers, have put huge amounts of our dollars in their pockets. Then there are the other problems. No one seems to know how we have been forced to support Canadian companies with extreme prices when other options were available 1,000 miles and more closer. Millions have gone to

InterHealth Canada, millions to Fortis Canada. Little TCI has been ripped off and the rip-off continues. Ask yourself why. Who is responsible? It seems the British have failed. Now the Tories have taken the parliament so there is a slim chance they will help us. There is one option that I know will work - pray. I am not and will never be a pastor, preacher or deacon, but I do know that if the people of the TCI pray for justice it will be granted. How, no one knows, but our Lord will not let us down. Simply pray for his justice. Not ours. It is not ours to know how justice will be served. These problems affect everyone on all our Turks and Caicos Islands. Middle Caicos which once was the most populated is now the least.

Middle is still the largest in size. When one considers the wetlands, it could be huge! For that to happen someone has to drain the swamp. Middle is the green island. Bambarra Beach is one of the best in the Caribbean. It will take little to open it up to the public. We already have the cave and its history with tours available. At the other end of the island we have Haulover Plantation. This historic site needs to be cleared out, wardens appointed and trained. A grant set up for the TCI National Trust to work this out. Interesting are other plantation sites nearby. At Armstrong Pond a Lucayan Indian site has structures that support life on Middle Caicos before the British arrived. This Indian site has a type of stone


David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011

hedge, rocks laid out that act as a calendar. A mission from a Florida university has visited this site and written a history describing trading between our island natives and preColumbus Hispaniola Indians. Foreign visitors are buying land and building houses. They are bringing their life savings into the island. Usually seniors that need

first-class healthcare. Middle has a first-class clinic but no doctor or trained staff. The airport runway is in disrepair and unlighted. A huge government building sits unfinished for years - could this be a college? Conch Bar a college town? Middle Caicos has massive potential. Think about it.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


Control your spending habits ONE of the major issues in relation to personal finances is the lack of control and self-discipline. If we do not control our spending habits it can lead to more debt and eventually bankruptcy. Lack of control will cause you to acquire things you do not necessarily need. During this Christmas seasons and other special occasions in the upcoming year you will be bombarded with so many sales, bargains and discounts that will tempt you to be out of control with your spending. The truth of the matter is that these sales tactics manipulate you to get into these stores to purchase the things not only on sale but to purchase other things in the store. They just want you in the store and when you get in the store, if you cannot control yourself, you will be caught up in a shopping spree you did not plan. Here are some tips to control your spending: BE RIGID WITH YOUR BUDGET No one knows the condition of your status like you. You know what your income is and what your expected expenses are. Budget accordingly. Therefore, when spending, ensure that you are rigid and you only spend what is in you budget. If you find it a challenge maintaining a budget, then place cash in different envelopes for each spending category. When the envelope is depleted, discontinue further spending. USE A LIST Whenever you go shopping take a




Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.

list with you of what you really need. Stick to your list. Do not fall for the temptation of spending what is not on your list. BE AWARE OF THE SALES TRICK Some of the items on sale are not really deals. If you were to examine the prices all year around, you will notice some of the retailers change the price just around the season to make you feel like you are getting a discount. While it appears you are benefitting from the sales, the real beneficiaries are the entrepreneurs. Therefore, be aware of this tactic and don’t fall for the trap of enriching others at your own expense. Control your spending. ELIMINATE CREDIT CARDS If you cannot control yourself use your debit card only as you know how much is on your bank account. If you use your credit card, you may keep spending and only able to pay the minimum. If you want to use the credit card to get reward points, then transfer the

money from your bank account to your credit card and use the money that you transferred to your credit card. The key to this is discipline. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS One of the primary factors is that we tend to compare ourselves to others and as a result we spend money on things to keep up with the Joneses. You have to reach a point in your life where you have to stop spending unnecessary money on luxury items to impress others. Otherwise, you will be out of control on your spending. Your life should not be based on what others think or do not think about you. It should be based on your own passion from your vision. I know it is easier said than done to say control your spending habits. Therefore, I encourage you to go on a non-spending challenge in which you do not spend for a day or weekend. Start in small ways until you are able to control and discipline yourself fully.

Another opportunity in 2020 Dear Editor, As Christmas approaches and 2019 draws to a conclusion, my consciousness compels me to not only reflect upon, identify, accept and correct where possible, the mistakes in my life and our country that have occurred over the past year, but also to enthusiastically look forward to the prospects, opportunities and potential that 2020 will present to the people of the TCI. Since Christmas is a season for giving and sharing, I will briefly give and share my vision of 2020 with you. TCI voters will have an opportunity in 2020, by electing a new premier, to reset and correct the faltering course of our country, which appears stalled and poorly planned in areas crucial to locals. We deserve a government of elected ministers willing to specifically address and improve on some of the most pressing issues facing our country today; employment of our people, crime, educational scholarships, diversification of the economy, Islander status for immigrants, abandonment of Grand Turk, and the long range physical planning and access to our other islands to prevent over-building and over-burdening the landscape and environment of Provo. These issues have gone largely unaddressed or insufficiently addressed during the last three years of the current PDM administration. We deserve a government of ministers willing to focus their personal time and efforts on achieving meaningful goals and

solutions for critical issues that are beneficial to our people and our country, rather than focusing their personal time and efforts on expanding their own net worth and assets by leveraging their official government positions to acquire government contracts for themselves or to secretly acquire equity positions in construction contracts or businesses where they have influence or resort developments that they have approved in their official capacity. We deserve a government of ministers who are going to work for us, rather than themselves. We don’t have that now. If a repairman comes to your home, claims to make a repair and gives you a bill, but after paying the bill in full, you realise that the repairman really didn’t make a suitable repair, you don’t hire him again; you find a different repairman. Some PDM ministers have been too preoccupied with achieving their own personal financial goals to effectively deliver measurable results to TCI voters. It’s time to call a different repairman. A vote for me and the PNP in 2020 will ensure that these critical issues and many others will be addressed with the priority that they should have been addressed over the past three years. Brighter days are coming for the people of the TCI. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, prosperous new year. Shaun Malcolm, PNP elections candidate

Cayman cruise pier a matter ... CONTINUED FROM 10 

tension between governments’ desire to encourage development and increase revenues, and increasingly active citizen-led environmental groups concerned about the impact of investments that affect their nation’s and the region’s natural resources and biodiversity. It also raises important questions about how the region balances and values cruise visitors in relation to stay over tourism which in Cayman saw the islands in 2018 earn $680

million from 463,000 stayover visitors but just $200 million from 1.9 million cruise visitors. In an indication of how environmental issues are changing thinking and activism, CPRCayman was crowd funded, managing to obtain the over 5,000 signatures necessary to call a referendum, tellingly, with the help of children who encouraged their parents to sign. There are indications that that the issue is changing local politics and alarming some of the islands’ politicians, is unifying Cayman’s

diverse population and encouraging a wider debate among the islands’ 21,228 registered voters about grassroots engagement and the environment. What is happening in Cayman there are other examples of similar environmental campaigns in the Bahamas, Guyana, Jamaica and Belize - should give governments, investors and developers across the region pause for thought about the environment, what it is that attracts visitors to small islands, the dangers of ‘over tourism’ and where human values reside.

We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.

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The good, the bad and the governance Dear Editor, Yesterday (December 15) marked the third anniversary victory for the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) under the leadership of Hon. Sharlene Cartwright Robinson. Yesterday also marked the third anniversary of my crushing defeat at the polls for electoral district 10 Wheeland. The PDM on the campaign trail promised us a change. I don’t want to be biased, but I am yet to see the change and to be honest I don’t see that change anywhere in sight. As a matter of fact, the only changes I see to date are as follows: 1) More and more Turks and Caicos Islanders being marginalised and oppressed. 2) No equal rights, no justice – there is no level playing field for Turks and Caicos residents. 3) Increase in gun related crimes, home invasions and burglaries. Residents are afraid to even open their windows at nights for cool breeze because they’re afraid of being targeted. 4) Speaking about opening windows, the landfill in Wheeland. No solutions and no attention given by this Government and so the

residents are suffering every day. From 2012 to 2016 the landfill was managed properly under TCEM, commissioned by the then PNP Government. 5) Local contractors cannot find work or opportunities, but we are experiencing one of the biggest construction booms since Michael Misick administration (2003-2009). 6) Increase in the Turks and Caicos Islands residents unemployed. 7) Increase in the Turks and Caicos Islands residents underemployment. 8) Increase in human trafficking activities and our borders being invaded by illegal immigrants. Who can remember, I cannot stop the sloops? 9) Government members enriching themselves, involving themselves in tender processes and assisting in corrupt practices,

abusing their authorities and taking away opportunities from small business owners. 10) Increase in Government employees feeling demotivated. Air traffic controllers, immigration officers, firefighters etc. Aren’t your employees your greatest asset? Or is it different for this incompetent PDM administration? Residents the change you were given a six for a nine for in 2016 is here. But we need to have real change. We cannot continue along this path of destruction. For us, good news is not so far away. The Progressive National Party (PNP) has assembled a competent team, a team of experienced men and women led by Hon. C W Misick, a true statesman and Deputy Leader E Jay Saunders, an innovator and technology tycoon. Next year, 2020, you will have yet another chance to get it right, you will have yet another chance to vote for the positive and progressive change you so deserve, which is the PNP. Not loose change, the PDM! In 2020 reject the PDM at the polls. Dameko C Dean, PNP candidate for Wheeland

Heads must roll Dear Editor, Imagine for a moment if the Turks and Caicos Islands was a company and the main goal of the national security leadership team ie. the governor, the premier and the commissioner of police, was to keep us safe. They all would be fired by now! And if not all, at least somebody’s head would have rolled by now. Imagine your CEO, CFO and COO failing at this level and still keeping their jobs and having no pressure to perform placed on them. Such a thing is unfathomable anywhere in the world. Yet here we are, with none having the decency to resign and allow someone else to take up the mantle and effect meaningful change in regard to crime. The governor, as the queen’s representative, is charged with strategic oversight of internal and external security ie. the CEO. The premier is primarily responsible for funding all operations related to policing and border control ie. the CFO. The commissioner of police (CoP) is responsible for all operational aspects of national security ie the COO.

In our heart of hearts, do we believe that this grouping as currently constituted is doing enough? No, they are not, as all avenues for help have not been exhausted. Our patience as a people for this new National Security Strategy is wearing very thin. Single mothers in this country can hardly get a good night sleep not knowing if tonight will be their night. Fathers working the late-night shift as a security guard fear the thought of an armed gunman coming to rob the establishment which they are to protect with a flashlight. Let’s examine the last seven days. We recorded the record breaking 13th murder of the year when Kino Williams was gunned down. We had three masked gunmen rob an entire restaurant with over 30 patrons in the middle of the evening. We had at least three hotels being robbed. All that was left to happen was for another sloop to land to top it off. Do we fully understand the mental damage that is being done to our people, forced to live in a constant state of fear? What about the unforeseen

economic consequences that may only show up in our bottom line months or a year from now. Will the United States put out a travel advisory against us, as done in the past? In sports, if the team is not performing, the coach is fired. So, whoever is the coach in this national security leadership should be fired immediately. The governor has the ability to fire the commissioner of police. We, the people, have the ability to fire the premier once elections are called. The premier has the ability to petition the FCO for the removal of the governor. Somebody needs to go and needs to go right now. The sense of urgency of this matter is clearly not there and it’s evident this leadership team needs shaking up! Stay safe TCI. Jamell Robinson, PNP all island candidate

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Christmas Message

Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson pledges to be an example of true compassion

‘Demonstrate compassion, kindness and selflessness’ BY SHARLENE CARTWRIGHT ROBINSON Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands

“THEREFORE, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12 NIV My fellow Turks and Caicos Islanders, as we enter the holiday season and we spend time with our family, friends and loved ones, I challenge us all to keep three thoughts at the forefront of our minds. Firstly, as a Christian nation, we must remember that Christmas is not only about the gifts, the festive décor, family dinners and holiday festivities. The reason we celebrate this time of year is because of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Christ’s birth gave us a renewed hope for a brighter future; a new hope that restores the promise of a new beginning. Secondly, as we celebrate this season, let us be resolve in our approach to demonstrate compassion, kindness and selflessness throughout the length and breadth of these Islands. Let us all exemplify generosity and benevolence as we spread the spirit of joy to everyone we come in contact with. Just as Christ’s birth signifies the joy of new beginnings and

renewed hope, let us together, reflect inwardly, our individual actions and intentions. Thirdly, we must show our appreciation to God for his continued blessings by loving without reservation through compassion without boundaries and through pureness of intention. We have much to be thankful for in this Christmas season as our country has overcome many obstacles over the past years. As premier of this beautiful country, I pledge to be an example of true compassion in this festive time. I am motivated by the beauty of the country and its people and guided by my Government’s collective vision for a united Turks and Caicos Islands; a global leader in levels of prosperity and human development with our people positioned to be fully responsible for our country’s collective future as a nation. Together we can advance the Turks and Caicos Islands in the direction of prosperity as important investors in the success and longevity of this nation. On behalf of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government, I pray that joy, peace, love and health be yours this holiday. May you all have a merry and blessed Christmas Turks and Caicos. May God bless you and may God continue to bless these beautiful Turks and Caicos Islands.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



Christmas Message

Many species of coral – like this maze found off West Caicos – die within weeks of being infected (photo by TCRF) Governor Nigel Dakin and wife Amanda remember those who are not present

‘A time for giving and sharing’ BY NIGEL DAKIN Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands

CHRISTMAS and new year is by far my favourite time of year. It’s time for family. It’s time for friends. For many it’s a time of traditions. The house probably looks it’s best. There’s been an anticipation building. Old Year’s Night brings time for reflection on what’s occurred and hope for what’s ahead. It’s a time for giving, and sharing, and laughing and I hope just a little more time on things that give you pleasure. It’s also a time when you realise there are people who are not present - who you wish could be.

Perhaps because they are overseas or estranged in some way, or perhaps because they passed this year. Remembering them at this time of year and how much you miss them is also important. Having worshipped with many different congregations across the Islands, Mandy and myself also know that the very reason for Christmas, the hope that this season brings in terms of Christian faith, hope, joy and love will not be lost on or in these Islands. So with that, from both Mandy and myself, and our children Charlie and Fraser, we wish all of you the most wonderful Christmas and hope 2020 brings all that you hope it might, but most of all it is kind to you.

CABINET MEETING SUMMARY PAROLE of prisoners, road traffic laws and anti-money laundering were all discussed at the latest meeting of the Cabinet. Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the 30th meeting on December 12 at the Hilly Ewing Building in Providenciales. All ministers were present except Deputy Premier Sean Astwood. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance Athenee Basden and budget director Nordia Campbell were invited to attend the discussion on the Fiscal Strategic Policy Statement (FSPS) 2020-24 paper. AT THIS MEETING CABINET: - Had an in-depth discussion and approved the draft FSPS 2020-24, subject to various amendments, and for it to be submitted directly to the House

of Assembly in January 2020. - Had an in-depth discussion and approved amendments to the Parole of Prisoners (Amendment) Bill 2019 for submission to the House of Assembly in December. - Reaffirmed amendments previously approved by Cabinet to the Road Traffic Amendment (No2) Regulations 2019, subject to minor changes, for submission to the House of Assembly in December. - Were updated on plans for the removal of Triton Mega One wreck in Grand Turk. - Were updated on Governor’ Nigel Dakin’s recent discussions with the president and CEO of Fortis in Canada. - Were updated on recent antimoney laundering discussions in Antigua.

‘All we can do is watch our reefs die’ Frustration as eco-NGO remains powerless to act against fast-spreading killer coral disease

BY GEMMA HANDY MORE than 1,000 people have signed a petition demanding the TCI Government gives environmentalists the go-ahead to start work fighting the deadly coral disease ravaging the Islands’ cherished reefs. TC Reef Fund (TCRF) bosses say stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) has now spread further across Providenciales and is also impacting Grand Turk’s famed reef wall – the fourth island in the country to be affected. Meanwhile, the absence of an official permit means they are powerless to do anything but “watch corals die” - despite having had essential equipment and antibiotics to treat it on the ground and ready for action since September. Dreaded SCTLD – which has been wreaking havoc on reefs across the region since it was first detected in Florida in 2014 – is unprecedented in its rapid-fire contagion and 80 percent mortality rate. It was detected off the South Caicos coast earlier this year and has already spread to West Caicos, Provo’s Northwest Point and Grace Bay reefs, and now to the capital isle. “This disease is treatable, but it has to be done on a coral-head-bycoral-head basis, so it is very labour intensive,” the petition launched by the TCRF a week ago states. “The TCI Government does not have the resources or manpower to tackle this problem and save the country’s reefs from devastation, but the TCRF can muster a group of volunteers to take this on,” it claims. “Implore the TCI Cabinet to approve TCRF’s plan to begin interventions to save corals in the TCI before the damage is irreversible,” the petition urges. For its part, the Government claims it is “seriously weighing the

TCRF’s Don Stark is urging the TCI Government to allow the NGO to kick-start efforts to save the Islands’ reefs

best course of action to take” to protect the coral, which forms part of the world’s third largest barrier reef. A joint statement from tourism and environment chiefs states that they “understand the frustrations” and appreciate the offer of help. “However, the uncertainties regarding the impact on the corals, the marine environment and risk to human health of the proposed measure cannot be ignored when making this decision,” the statement continues, adding that they are in consultation with experts around the globe. TCRF’s Don Stark says the NGO has two comprehensive sets of equipment, bought with donations. While the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) gave the group permission to monitor the disease in August, the TCRF is yet to receive the green light to launch rescue work six months after applying for a permit. “I never thought we would still be waiting by now,” Stark told the Weekly News. The treatment involves administering small amounts of Moxycon, a form of penicillin, to sick corals – a method which has

seen success in Florida. “I’m not a big fan of putting antibiotics in the water, but it’s a choice of saving corals that have taken hundreds of years to grow and putting minute quantities of medication into the vast ocean,” Stark continues. He says such is the disease’s virulence it is unlikely it will ever be eradicated entirely, adding: “It’s a fast spreading disease and it’s a killer, but if we can intervene at an early stage, we can stop it in its tracks and minimise the impact.” Scientists are still unsure precisely what causes SCTLD but it is thought to be a bacterial pathogen. Latest theories suggest bilge water from passing freighters could be exacerbating its spread. While some coral species appear immune, SCTLD attacks more than 20 varieties, including many important reef-building types. In five years, it has impacted over half the stony coral species on the Florida Reef Tract. The disease was first detected in the Caribbean in early 2018 and has been confirmed in Jamaica, Mexico, St Maarten, the US Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, the TCI, Belize, and the Cayman Islands. Karen Neely, of Florida’s Nova Southeastern University, previously told the Weekly News SCTLD was moving across Floridian reefs at approximately 15 kilometres a month. “You can swim and swim and swim and not see a single living coral,” she said. Warmer waters associated with summer – and a trigger for coral bleaching – unexpectedly appeared to slow down SCTLD’s spread in Florida, a pattern mirrored in the TCI. Fears are now rife that activists face a race against time as winter kicks in and the temperatures dip once again.




December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

The British governor’s wife with the Caribbean roots BY GEMMA HANDY THERE’S no standing on ceremony when visiting the Dakin home, aka the current Grand Turk residence of HE the Governor and his wife. A smiling, barefoot Amanda Dakin opens the door herself, a cook kneading beef patties at the kitchen counter waves a hello, and there’s a hearty, wet-nosed welcome from Gnasher, the spaniel-poodle. Formalities are reserved strictly for official duties - and even then they’re adhered to out of obligation rather than pomposity. But then a governor’s wife who was born and raised in the Caribbean is already something of a departure from the norm. “Being from Barbados does give me a head start,” she says brightly, leading us across a Turk’s Headembossed rug – one of several national emblem furnishings salvaged from hurricane Irmaravaged Waterloo - and into an airy living room, French doors flung open to the breeze that whips through off the ocean. The role is her first public position, Amanda imparts unblinkingly. A short prep course organised through an offshoot of the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office bestowed some of the basics - what to pack, and to always plan ahead in case of being called upon for an impromptu speech, being among them. “Once I’d got my head around the fact I was going to be in the public eye, you just go with it and you are who you are,” she says, settling herself into an armchair, legs tucked beneath her. “You can’t be false in a position like this; people will see that. Everyone is different but, for us, it’s important this is a team role.” Some of the finer details she discovered along the way. “We landed on a Sunday and by Monday we were in Grand Turk for the swearing-in ceremony. “The driver was great and told me which side to get out of the car and on which side to stand next to Nigel,” she recalls. “He was so kind about it. The staff have been wonderful; they’re the ones who know how it all works.” Being in the limelight has been a new experience in other ways too. “People naturally focus on Nigel. But they do come up to me and ask where my security is,” she continues, face creasing into a broad smile. “I tell them I don’t need security; I can walk around okay by myself. “Or they try to give me a title, like Her Excellency or Madam. I say, just Mandy is fine. They like that but they’re a bit taken aback.”

Amanda Dakin talks exclusively to the Weekly News about her “barefoot” Barbados childhood, her love for the marine world and why she considers her first public role a privilege

Spaniel-poodle Gnasher is a much-loved member of the family

The Dakins’ unassuming demeanour is just part of the reason they’ve been warmly welcomed by Islanders since their arrival in July. They’ve also adopted a refreshing, hands-on approach and made a conscious effort to assimilate into the local community. “When we knew we were moving to Turks and Caicos, my first thought was, hooray, at last we are coming back to the Caribbean. I was so excited,” Mandy enthuses. The governor’s military and diplomatic background has taken the couple across the world with postings in Germany, Northern Ireland, Delhi and Islamabad. But, despite Mandy’s heritage, it’s the first time they’ve served in the region. “The biggest surprise was Provo – I expected it to be much more Caribbean and not as built up as it is,” she says. “It’s extremely high-end with beautiful homes and hotels; that’s something I had not seen in the Caribbean before.” She’s also been struck by the absence of the gender gap still evident in much of the world. “There are so many strong women here, and in very high positions. I think that’s amazing. I also wonder how they have time to do all that they do,” Mandy says.

“I’ve never heard of another country where women have most of the top jobs.” It’s a few decades since Mandy left Barbados to go to boarding school in England (Adcote School for girls in Shropshire) but memories of her first 13 years as one of five siblings growing up in St James on the island’s west coast remain fresh. “We used to run wild in Barbados; we were always barefoot. My mother had a constant battle with us to put our shoes on,” she laughs. “Moving to the UK was quite a culture shock. Me and my sister used to love to practice all the different accents – using plenty of words we probably shouldn’t have been. “At school, I didn’t have a clue how to do my tie or the cuffs on my shirt. My best friend used to help me dress in the morning. “I remember going into the dining room on my first day and literally watching how everyone took their food and how they ate.” Both of Mandy’s parents hail from generations-old Caribbean families. “My dad’s family have been in Barbados since the 1700s and my dad, Ralph ‘Bruggadung’ Johnson, is one of eight siblings and quite a personality on the island – a serial entrepreneur and all-round sportsman.

“Aged five, I used to climb onto his shoulders while he water-skied – scary but exhilarating.” Mandy has familial links to Guyana too; her great-grandfather started a still-thriving business in Georgetown in the late 1800s before settling in Barbados after the Second World War. “Being from the Caribbean means you have an understanding of the way things are,” she continues. “You can’t know everything, and every island is different, but there’s a general Caribbean way. “I remember visitors coming out to Barbados to see us and getting infuriated in banks with people chatting with the teller about their family and holding the queue up, or two cars stopping for a chat and blocking the road. “But that’s just the way it is – people are just being friendly.” Mandy met Nigel when she was 19. They married four years later and have two children – Charlie, 24, who works for a green PR agency, and Fraser, 22, who’s studying mechanical engineering at university in Brighton, England. Family trips to Barbados are a regular occurrence. “My father’s siblings all have children so there are lots of cousins there; it’s quite a tribe. When people

ask how I will spend my time in Barbados, I tell them I’ll be seeing my family – and eating roti. “I’m immensely proud to be Bajan. To have the opportunity to be closer to my family again is fantastic on so many levels – I feel I am home,” Mandy explains. “We have been posted to several places over the years – living in 18 different houses during our married life – and each time you have to start again. “I do think the experience of being an outsider is a good thing. It makes you very empathetic to others. It also makes you resilient and flexible,” she muses. Not that there was much chance of feeling like a newcomer for long. Mandy’s diary has been busy with a variety of engagements, from the reopening of Irma-hit schools to her work with the TCI Red Cross of which she is patron, and from assisting with art shows at the Edward Gartland Youth Centre to acting as a judge at the TCSPCA dog show. The latter is a cause close to her heart, she says glancing at Gnasher now fast asleep in my lap. She’s also an ardent advocate for children and sporting programmes, CONTINUED 


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Customers like you give us so many reasons to celebrate! Thanks so much for dropping in on us this year. With gratitude in our hearts, we wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season.


Industrial Park, Providenciales 649-242-3131

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



Christmas Message


One fabulous Christmas tree and whole lot of progress Salt Cay counts its blessings this holiday season The Right Reverend Laish Boyd said Christmas is about God coming into the world

‘True religion is treating people respectfully’ “LET us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened which the angel has told us about.” Luke 2:15 Christmas is about God coming into the world in a phenomenally unusual way and establishing a new and radical relationship between the human and the divine, the physical and the transcendent. This is the case whether you see the Christmas story as an event recorded in the word of God (the Bible) as a spiritual event or as a parable - and that story is all of the above. The Christmas story is about turning everything upside down, about doing things differently than they were done before and every element of the story exhibits this. 1) Mary is told that she will bear God’s son although she is engaged to someone, Joseph (Luke 1). 2) Joseph has every right to disgrace her publicly and walk away, but instead retains the engagement and accepts the child as his own. (Matthew 1:24) 3) Common shepherds see a vision while on night duty, and they come to find the new baby. (Luke 2:8-16) 4) Three distinguished and learned foreign visitors study prophecy and astronomy. They travel a great distance to find the baby Jesus and to bring him gifts. (Matthew 2:1-12) 5) Simeon, a godly old man, rejoices to see the baby Jesus and says some strange things about what the child would be: he says that Jesus

will cause the fall and rise of many people in Israel. (Luke 2:34) These are all examples of God turning the established order upside down. No one even imagined or expected God to take the form of a human and to enter the world through a human mother like everyone else. No one expected Jesus’ teaching to upset the established order like it did. He challenged his hearers not just to do things like they always did, or for doing sake alone. He called his hearers to form a relationship with God rather than simply following a prescribed form. He called people to act humanely, first and foremost, because God is a person in his son Jesus. This new compass was to be our guide rather than simply doing what people always did. A parable like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) and a story like that of the Pharisee and the tax collector or publican (Luke 18) both make a point: true religion is not about who you are or about what others regard or perceive you to be; true religion is treating others in a way that honours them as fellow human beings; true religion is treating people respectfully in spite of who we are and who they are. True religion is allowing ourselves to be controlled by what God thinks of us and of our actions. The babe in Bethlehem and the man Jesus both challenge us to CONTINUED 


IT FELT a bit like coming off a sugar rush. Months of hustle and bustle had come to an end, as Salt Cay’s residents, filled with excitement over two major infrastructure projects that had dominated activities (and conversations) for weeks on end, came back to the ground. December suddenly felt uncharacteristically quiet. Sure, some of the ‘winter residents’ had returned and the odd tourist made an appearance - but compared with the rush of the late summer and autumn this felt a tad anticlimactic. And while some decided to pass their time with a seemingly endless debate over whether the Salt Cay Airport ‘terminal’ building should be painted white or yellow (like before), others simply got on with planning Christmas. In a year when everything appeared to be going Salt Cay’s way, it was hardly surprising that its community Christmas tree also earned nationwide recognition and was praised in places as far away as Nassau. “Gorgeous,” wrote one resident in the Bahamian capital, “Salt Cay should lend this picture to that person who designed that cartoon tree in Nassau...” With almost 400 likes, dozens of comments and shares, the Salt Cay Christmas tree went as viral as one could expect. The excitement culminated with the arrival of the TCI’s director of culture who, along with her team, organised a very joyous Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The festive season. A time for thinking about Christmas, spending time with loved ones, a time to (all too often) overindulge in food and drink, a time for giving and receiving presents. And yet, when all the festivities are over, all the

Salt Cay’s community Christmas tree earned nationwide recognition


Titus was born in Hamburg and has lived in the Turks and Caicos Islands since 1989. He works as a general business consultant and has been based in Salt Cay since 2016.

turkey has been eaten, presents exchanged, one can’t help but think about Salt Cay’s most precious gifts - tranquillity, peace, harmony.

And no, I am not suggesting for a moment that you won’t find your fair share of problems here, from delayed and/or cancelled flights to the island, disrupted ferry service due to rough seas, to the challenges of attempting to build on an island with limited manpower and tricky logistics. The list goes on. All that said however, as we look around, not just in the wider world but indeed at our neighbours in the Turks and Caicos Islands, we can’t help but recognise that we truly are the ‘blessed’ island. As we read about crime in Providenciales and Grand Turk, we know that the gift we enjoy daily, here on Salt Cay, cannot be expressed in purely material terms. As one recent visitor noted: “Salt Cay is the island everyone loves to be from.” Long may it last.



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

‘On our way to tackle all the big issues’ Premier addresses the nation on her Government’s third anniversary PREMIER Sharlene Cartwright Robinson issued her annual address to the nation on Wednesday (December 18) in which she spoke of her Government’s successes three years in. Among the highlights was the nation’s resilience in the face of devastating hurricanes, improvements in prison management and new buildings for civil servants. She stressed that the Government will fulfil the promises it made in its ‘Change Document’ and plans to give a full account of completed work in January 2020. THE FOLLOWING IS HER ADDRESS IN FULL: My fellow Turks and Caicos Islanders, residents and visitors, three years ago today, December 16, the people of this country elected my party overwhelmingly. The past few years has been met with great challenges never before imagined but equally marked by accomplishments never before seen. Three years later, we must give God thanks despite the winds of encouragement to complain, we are a blessed nation and many more blessings are on the horizon. On being elected to office in December 2016, we were able to finalise financial priorities within three months and passed the

country’s budget by March 31. Our focus in a supplementary in two months benefitted the vulnerable, prison management and other critical needs. We were able to purchase three buildings for purposed retrofitted government offices for the police, immigration, customs and road safety. We were on our way to tackle all the big issues left unaddressed by the past 14 years. Hit by two hurricanes nine months later, my Government was put to the test like no other before. Though devastating and disruptive, with the help of God and valuable partners locally, regionally and internationally, my Government rose to the challenge and made critical policy and executive decisions that saw an early recovery that earned us respect at home and abroad. I have personally been invited regionally and internationally to speak of our accomplishments as a people including conferences in London, St Maarten, New York on two separate occasions and here in our region on multiple occasions. We remain grateful to God and while our agenda became more recovery focused, my Government has been able to deliver on and advance most of our key manifesto

promises contained in the ‘Change Document’. We intend to fulfil our contract with the people and will give our annual account of our work on January 7, 2020. We remain proud of the major changes made and the critical work ongoing in national security, border protection and immigration. We are proud of our achievements and critical work ongoing in repairing and rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure we inherited (and worsened after the storm); in advancing constitutional work and Crown land changes; for ground-breaking changes in health, special needs, education including our trade school, culture, the delivery of social services, tourism, maritime, disaster management, environment, housing, delivery of public utilities services, safe reliable public service transportation, agriculture, youth and sporting programmes, critical studies relating to our economy, economic stimulants, airport and port redevelopment, reviews of social safety net programmes, progressive changes for the civil service and police, critical policies and laws that will empower our people in our economy including 100 percent service charge for hospitality workers, improvements,

Parliament set to debate proposed constitutional changes in 2020 WHILE verbal presentation of the proposed changes to the 2011 constitution was delayed due to impromptu UK elections, it has afforded local legislators an opportunity to discuss the proposals. In the House of Assembly on Tuesday (December 17), Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson laid the report prepared by the Constitutional Review Committee. It was appointed in October to review the proposed constitutional changes and sensitise the public as to what they entail. The delivery of this report to the assembly, has now made it a public document, which will see robust discussions being held on its contents early in the New Year. In laying the report, the premier gave a review of the committee’s

work and thanked them for their hard work. The committee was jointly appointed by the premier and Leader of the Opposition Washington Misick, and was tasked with the responsibility to travel around the Islands and to present proposals for consideration and to invite fresh proposals. Chairing the body for the first time was Attorney General Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, with Government appointed members Deputy Premier Sean Astwood and the member for Cheshire Hall, Hon. Douglas Parnell; and Opposition members - member for Leeward and Long Bay, Hon. Akierra Missick and Hon. Ricardo Donhue Gardiner. The premier told the House that she and the Opposition leader were presented with the report on

November 15 following the public meetings of the body which ended on October 30. “I wish to express thanks to the members. It is my intention to debate this report in January 2020.” She stated that while the report will be debated in January when the House reconvenes from its Christmas break, it is her intention to agree on a course of action with Misick. Once debated, a bipartisan TCI delegation will travel to the United Kingdom to discuss the proposals which will be formally submitted to the UK government. The TCI is seeking a review of the 2011 constitution for the reinstatement of trial by a jury of peers, changes to the executive, changes to the legislature and a number of others. (By Delana Isles)

“Together we can; together we must,” Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson urged this week

trade, business support, international obligations in the financial services sector and many other critical areas. On January 7, 2020, we will set out, as you have become accustomed, our record of work across Government. Hold us into account. Much has been done but there is much more to do. Through stable, visionary leadership and with government and people uniting around our Vision 2040 National Plan, I am confident that we can achieve a united Turks and Caicos Islands. Working together, we can become a global leader in levels of prosperity and human development and our people can be positioned to be fully responsible for our collective future as a nation; we can have a

more resilient country that balances economic, social and environmental development for the greater benefit of all our people and our posterity. This is in our reach: together we can; together we must. We remain grateful for your trust and continued support, but more importantly, your prayers. My Government has been tested and scrutinised like no other and we know our record will stand the test of times. We are a working government and while you see visible evidence of the changes on the way, there is much more underway. May God continue to bless us and may he continue to bless these ‘beautiful by nature’ Turks and Caicos Islands.

‘True religion is treating people respectfully’ CONTINUED FROM 


pursue and to live this truth, even if it is difficult, or makes us uncomfortable, or cramps our style or causes us to change radically the way we have always done business. If we were to drill down into this point, here are some questions we would have to ask ourselves honestly as we pursue true religion and the real meaning of Christmas: How is God calling me to make a radical change in some area of my life? What can I do in a new and radical way to be more pleasing to God? What is God calling me to do that will take me out of my usual place but nearer to his will? What is it that will take me out of my comfort zone but into the will of God? What opinion of myself do I hold on to even though it degrades and devalues others? What are the things in my life which affirm me but displease God? When we answer these

questions honestly and allow the answers to change our behaviour, we begin to approach what is the real meaning, purpose and intent of Christmas is. Jesus came into the world as a baby to change us into who God would have us to be. When we do not, these things people do not see the spirit of Jesus in us. Then the gospel becomes a joke and Christianity seems like a waste of time to those who observe our attitudes and actions. This Christmas let us take stock of where we are and make every effort to be what we ought to be. This is why the babe of Bethlehem came into our world and may we never forget it. Merry Christmas and a happy new year from the Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. We wish you and your families every blessing and more. May almighty God grant you resolution and fulfilment now and always.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



National Security Strategy gets greenlight from Cabinet BY OLIVIA ROSE THE LONG awaited National Security Strategy, which will fortify the nation’s response to natural disasters and illegal migration, has officially been approved by Cabinet. Members gave the comprehensive strategy the green light during a meeting on November 15. The security strategy sets out the collaboratively-identified key threats to national security, along with a strategic and high-level overview of the Government’s planned response. When implemented it will ensure the TCI is more resilient in its ability to tackle illegal migration issues such as human trafficking and overstays as well as natural hazards. The update was disclosed in the House of Assembly during Governor Nigel Dakin’s reading of the throne speech on November 18. He said the Government’s response to national security threats will be based on four widely-used concepts - prevent, pursue, protect and prepare. “This multipronged approach will effectively and efficiently manage the resources that are currently available, procure additional tools

and resources to the entities tasked with internal and external security, strengthen partnerships internally, regionally and internationally to effectively collaborate on security initiatives and engage the TCI community as a valuable resource in the fight against crime. “Though we must evolve and adapt to the changing circumstances that fuel crime, there are tried and true strategies that have a profound impact on its reduction, elements of which my Government has nurtured to implementation in advance of the rollout of the National Security Strategy. “Chief among them is effective community policing.” During the speech Dakin revealed that a Border Protection and Central Intelligence Unit will be formed soon to unify the TCI’s defence forces. “On the high seas the acquisition of drone aircraft and additional sea craft will support this convergence of entities and bolster our current ninety percent interception rate of sloops breaching our borders.” He read that the relationship between residents and the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF) is critical to

Governor Nigel Dakin

discouraging criminality. “The manner in which our communities are patrolled by RTCIPF officers has been reassessed and there are not only more boots on the ground, but a strategic presence ensuring heightened security in communities that are hot spots for criminal activity. “Increasing the engagement between officers and the community gives residents the opportunity to inform and build relationships with those charged with their safety.” Governor Dakin further acknowledged that in addition

to effective community policing, modern crime fighting tools are essential to deter, detect and solve crimes. He said: “Among the TCI’s current arsenal is the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system which has entered its second phase through expansion to the nation’s capital. “Its capabilities will include an automatic number plate recognition system.” He continued that the Government is committed to continuously investing in its most valuable resource, its people. “My Government will not shy away from our responsibility in ensuring a safe and secure Turks and Caicos. Crime affects us all, it does not discriminate,” the governor read. “This fight against crime is one that we all must be a part of, it is one that we cannot afford to lose and one that every Turks and Caicos Islander must be encouraged to join. “My Government is resolved to address this ever-evolving challenge and ask you to partner with us to ensure that we all enjoy a safe and secure nation.” The strategy has now been endorsed by both Cabinet and the

National Security Council. Minutes from a National Security Council meeting held on December 11 disclosed that six significant strands of work had been accomplished to date. “The work to create a border force; similarly, a military force; a national intelligence unit; the appointment of a National Security Advisor with Secretariat; enhancements to our maritime protection capabilities and developments to our ability to respond to natural disasters. “The NSC were briefed that the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst will be delivering training to senior TCIG officials involved in national security in early January. “There was also agreement on funding of relevant staff in 2020 and for enhancements to TCI’s radar capability.” Further consultation on the National Security Strategy has been agreed as well as launch date in early January 2020. On September 19, the National Security Council approved a draft of the document. Following the approval of the draft strategy, Governor Dakin said the document was endorsed by both British and US representatives.

over the last few months, and will continue operational activities throughout the Christmas season. “We also wish to encourage visitors and residents alike to always remain vigilant when at public places” she said.

The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force is appealing to anyone with information on the robbery to come forward. Anyone with information on this crime can call 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-8477.

Bandits rob a dozen diners at Mr Grouper’s restaurant THREE armed men entered the popular Mr Grouper’s restaurant in the Lower Bight on Monday (December 16) and robbed at least 12 diners of cash and other personal items. At about 9pm while customers were dining, three armed men who concealed their identities with black masks entered the packed eatery. They demanded cash and personal items, including cellular phones and watches from customers. The culprits escaped in a getaway car parked obliquely opposite to the restaurant. According to a police report, there were no reported injuries or shots fired during the raid. In an Instagram post on Wednesday (December 18) Governor Nigel Dakin said he became aware of the robbery on Tuesday through social media and went on to visit the

restaurant. “The owners - the wonderful Yadley and Philip - took me very carefully through all the CCTV footage. I have a far better picture of what happened (somewhat different than before visiting). “What the calm serious owners hadn’t seen was the unrelenting criticism on social media of the police response. On this their measured story was different.” He said there had been a fast response and immediate first aid was given to a member of staff suffering an asthma attack. “The tracking of phones with screen shots being sent by officers on the scene to others occurred (as it happens to a Tactical Unit in pursuit). “Attacking the police when the issue is the criminals, isn’t smart. Showing the composure of Yadley

Mr. Groupers in the Lower Bight

and Philip is. “Rather than criticising, a determination by us all to work with the police, to tackle this issue, is the route to success.” Police press officer Takara Bain said the force has increased visibility



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Fiscal and Strategic Policy Statement delivered, without UK approval BY DELANA ISLES A HISTORIC moment was recorded this week in the House of Assembly when the Fiscal and Strategic Policy Statement (FSPS) was presented to parliament without prior approval of the UK. On Tuesday (December 17), Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson presented the House with the document. The policy paper puts into perspective the territory’s macroeconomic environment and the Government’s strategic priorities for medium term (2020-2024) budget planning. “I am happy to advise this honourable House that an era has ended for the TCI. For the first time in our modern history, the FSPS was not subject to UK minister’s approval,” the premier boasted. “You will recall that we have been consistently compliant with the agreed debt sustainability ratios from 2016, as such, we are for the first time moving the FSPS from the Cabinet straight to the House of Assembly.” Key strategies outlined in the document include managing climate change and fiscal risks, which Cartwright Robinson said are strongly correlated.

The mitigating strategies in the short, medium and long term are ensuring that public policies are carefully assessed to integrate climate change resilience and that public investments are aimed at reducing climate change risks, and building resilience, with the ultimate goal of reducing fiscal risks. She added that the Government remains focused on creating and sustaining national prosperity in the coming years. “A country’s success is dependent on the forward-looking and dynamic nature of its firms and citizenry. “Hence, my Government will continue to invest a major part of the annual fiscal space in human capital, quality healthcare, citizens’ security, product development and social welfare.” In so doing, the premier said it will focus on the removal of structural barriers that prohibit competitiveness to unleash a sustainable macro-fiscal environment that is favourable to private sector investments and citizens’ wealth creation. She has also promised to continue improving the public finance and accountability framework. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK One of the main focuses of the

Cartwright Robinson administration over the next four years is that of growing the territory’s economy to ensure the stability being experienced with the gradual materialisation of both private and public sector capital projects, remains. According to the premier, the Statistics Department’s preliminary projections reveal a continued positive economic growth over the period 2019 to 2021. “Real GDP is forecasted to grow by 3.8 percent in 2019 and to dip slightly by 0.6 percentage points in 2020 and is forecasted to remain positive in 2021.” This overall positive growth is attributed to contributions from the hotel and restaurant, construction and real estate sectors. The construction, hotel and restaurant and real estate sectors are all projected to increase by more than three percent in 2019 and 2020 and is forecast to experience positive growth in future years. The agricultural and fishing sector is projected to improve slightly by two percent in 2019, while the transportation, storage and communication sector is forecast to realise the same degree of growth in both 2019 and 2020. Although the growth rates for the

TCI sectors are relatively low, the premier stated that optimism remains as positive growth is being realised, despite the setbacks from the 2017 hurricanes. Meanwhile, construction activity continues to be propelled by foreign direct investment in large-scale tourism projects like the Ritz Carlton, which is at an advanced stage and is set to open in 2021. FISCAL TARGETS The premier said the fiscal targets her Government has set are planned against the background that no new taxes or fees are being imposed on the citizenry of the Islands in the medium term. “Total expenditure excluding capital has been restricted to $279 million or 25.1 percent of GDP. “Recurrent expenditure growth is planned at 2.5 percent for the medium term. “Recurrent expenditure of $270 million or 24.3 percent of GDP are expected to be approximately $33.5 million higher in 2020-2021 than the forecast outturn 2019-2020 and $42.6 million above the performance 2018-2019. “Recurrent expenditure growth is planned at 2.5 percent for the future years.

Grand Turk Christmas tree goes up in flames BY OLIVIA ROSE A STUNNINGLY decorated Christmas tree which brought momentary cheer to residents of Grand Turk mysteriously burst into flames earlier this week. The tree, which was colourfully adorned with ribbons and trinkets reflecting the unique cultural vision of each of the Islands and Cays, was unveiled on Sunday (December 15) at a tree lighting ceremony in the Over Back district. On Tuesday (December 17), just two days after the tree was erected, officers of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police force whilst on patrol at about 4am observed smoke

coming from the area. Upon further investigation, they saw the public Christmas tree, located near the NJS Francis Park, engulfed in flames. According to a statement from the police press office, the fire was extinguished by members of the Over Back community. An electrical defect or arsonists are among the likely causes of the blaze. Police are appealing to members of the community who may have information that could assist with this investigation, to contact 911, the Chalk Sound Police Station on 338-5901 or 941-8082, or call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-8008477.

The Grand Turk Christmas tree before and after the blaze

“Recurrent expenditure in 20212022 to 2023-2024 are projected at $269 million; $267.7 million; $274.4 million respectively.” While for capital expenditure, the Government has allocated $39 million for 2020-2021; and about $100 million is planned for investment in the TCI’s infrastructure over the next three years. Budget surpluses are planned for the medium term 2020-2024, the premier added. As it relates to the Government’s spending priorities, she said that given the existing constraints on recurrent revenue streams, the fiscal space for new spending approval for the 2020-2021 fiscal year is $30.5 million. Consistent with the focus to restrain recurrent expenditure, whilst augmenting the investment plan of the islands, Premier Cartwright Robinson revealed that a further $9 million has been allocated to the capital expenditure programme (revised to $39 million) and $21.5 million to recurrent expenditure. She noted that in line with the Government’s strategic priorities to security and infrastructural investments, it has added about 137 critical public sector positions.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



Mixed response to plans for direct shipping from Amazon BY OLIVIA ROSE THE GOVERNMENT’s plans to introduce direct shipping from online retailer Amazon to the TCI has garnered mixed reactions from residents. According to posts on social media, some look forward to the increased spending options while others say it could spell the end of the local retail industry. The Government announced recently that it has been engaged with ARG Global, a third-party e-commerce provider for Amazon, to enable direct shipping to the territory. The move will allow consumers in the TCI to have access to thousands of products available on the largest e-commerce shopping website in the world. Shortly after the Weekly News reported the plans, several residents took to popular Facebook page ‘Free to Speak TCI’ to express their views. One said the direct shipping would indeed make shopping online easier for her. “It would work out for me, shipping directly from Amazon here to me instead of from my US address then to me would work for me.” Another resident suggested: “It probably would be cheaper too.”

A third commenter said: “The market for Amazon is huge and will not subside - like products are not available, choice of products not available and price points with transportation, duties and taxes still outweigh local pricing.” A mother-of-two pointed out that direct shipping would be a cheaper alternative for consumers given the high cost of living. “I think it would be very good for people to have the option of buying and shipping directly from Amazon to the TCI. The prices for essentials are already outrageous here. “I usually buy baby pampers and food stuff from Amazon and have it shipped to the US and then here with a local company to cut the cost of

stuff. “Still it’s expensive to ship, so if there’s direct shipping through the Post Office it would be good for single mothers like me.” Other residents were more sceptical about the prospects of the project. Some surmised that direct shipping from major e-commerce websites like Amazon on a mass scale could wreak havoc on the territory’s economy. One said: “It could be good for consumers, but it would immediately kill the majority of locally owned stores. “I’m not saying it’s not a good idea, but we’d have to put protective measures in place.

“I’d argue for universal basic income if we allowed them to come in because a lot of people will be out of work if we’re not careful.” He added: “I’m not saying we shouldn’t allow it. Just pointing out we’ll have to deal with the consequences if we don’t prepare properly.” Another resident said: “It’s up to Amazon. Government does not prevent them from shipping here. “Many reasons why huge companies don’t bother establishing a presence here is because their business model banks on volume our population is way too small to fit into their scheme. “That is why most franchises fail or don’t bother to enter. Hopefully Starbucks does well in the capital. The numbers there are good and growing.” On November 18, the Government’s plan to establish a direct shipping link with ARG Global was disclosed in the House of Assembly. Governor Nigel Dakin, who read the Government’s prepared throne speech, said: “Since the opening of the George Brown Post Office my Government continues to make strides towards stamping our footprint in the e-commerce

The British governor’s wife ... CONTINUED FROM 


and speaks animatedly when she discusses her recent swimming certification and life-saving course. “Even if you can’t swim, you need to know how to be in the water, how to have fun in it, where the dangers lie and how to get out of them,” she says. Actually, her desire to see more Islanders experience the wonders of the ocean comes from a deep-seated respect for the environment as well as a safety concern. “The more people who put a facemask on and look beneath the water and see what all the fuss is about – and feel connected to it rather than just taking things out of it – the more they will see why it needs to be protected,” she contends. As a certified diver, Mandy has seen the impact of warming waters first-hand. “The diving is great but you do notice the coral bleaching,” she says. “You really feel the impact of climate change on islands like here. Watching the sea every day makes you realise how vulnerable we are.”

That love of nature also manifests itself both in a passion for gardening and for recreating the environment’s vibrant flora and landscapes on canvas. Mandy studied textile design and modestly describes herself as a “struggling artist” although the abundance of her works dotted around the room might suggest otherwise. Her green fingers she inherited from her mother and grandmother. “I learnt a lot about the plants of the region through them. My grandmother in Barbados was a great gardener who managed to grow roses and was often seen giving her plants a good talking to if they weren’t doing what was expected.” Mandy plans to lend a hand with the landscaping at Waterloo as the 200-year-old official Governor’s residence undergoes renovation. Waterloo’s revival is important to her, she continues, and while the improvements will see its interior updated, the integrity of its historical Bahamian structure will

remain intact. The intention is for the house and grounds to be open to the entire Grand Turk community to use and enjoy. The renovation is tipped to take a year and Mandy hopes it will be completed in time for 2020’s Governor’s Christmas party. Anyone lucky enough to get an invitation is advised to check out the liquid offerings because, frankly, the local rum punch could use a little work, she grins. Fresh – not processed – juice and a squeeze of lime is the secret. Libations aside, reflecting on her first six months in the TCI evokes a fondness, above all else, for the Islands’ people. One thing they’re guaranteed is a listening ear. “It’s been enlightening,” she adds. “But it’s also a privilege to have access to so many different people, in so many different positions, who are willing to talk to you about their history, their points of view and their dreams for the future.”

Amanda Dakin with husband Governor Nigel Dakin in Providenciales

marketplace. “With the recent implementation of the international customs declaration system, inbound and outbound packages moving through the TCI will be electronically entered in a global system for easy tracking. “It will also assist with the detection and prohibition of restricted articles entering the country.” The new George Brown Post Office is fully computerised and replete with a sorting room with mail sorting facilities, credit card machine service, a stamp shop and up to 3,500 more mail boxes. For years, consumers in the TCI have bemoaned the exorbitant shipping rates and tariffs associated with online shopping. According to the Government this new development, when brought into fruition, will eliminate costly middlemen and allow the Post Office to offer better rates and shorten delivery times. Currently, items on Amazon are restricted from direct shipping to the TCI. This is where the “middlemen” come in, with an option for customers to ship to warehouses abroad. The packages are then shipped to the TCI by sea or air and customers pay the duties and processing fees.



Governor promises TCI ‘a new way of doing government business’ BY DELANA ISLES GOVERNOR Nigel Dakin considers his first five months on the job in the TCI to have been very successful as he navigated through increasing crime, people trafficking and the recovery of the territory post 2017 hurricanes. This is the impression the governor strongly conveyed - in both words and actions - on Monday (December 16) during the final in a series of media breakfasts he has held since his swearing in this past July. “I closed my inauguration speech saying this would be a governorship based on values: listening, caring, serving and being clear, and in being clear, being straight. “And then I said I intended to get to work.” He added that over the past five months, he has worked diligently to exemplify this, and to build capacity for the territory and for those who are indigenous to the Islands. “Building indigenous capability can, for the moment, be best seen in the area of national security. “The premier and myself intend to speak more about this in January, but sitting under our own strategy will be a Turks and Caicos national security advisor reporting through the NSC to myself and the premier. “That will have a secretariat that can coordinate government departments. “The Islands will have their own military force, they will have their own central intelligence centre, maritime capabilities will have been improved, command and control will have been improved, a border force will have been established. “The Islands will be far more resilient to natural disasters, not just in terms of recovery, but in terms of literally weathering the storm.” FOCUS AREAS Governor Dakin reminded that in his inaugural speech, he had promised to initially focus on three areas: crime, illegal immigration and hurricane preparedness. He added that under the National Security Strategy, there is now a cohesiveness in the territory’s approach to these three areas. CRIME “My arrival coincided with a serious uptick in gun related crime and murder, through tireless work by the police - and I pay tribute to the way they reacted - the last couple of months have seen some suppression linked to visibility, intelligence led arrest operations, the formation of a specialist unit and some brave work by the Tactical Unit.

“More guns are being recovered. More arrests are being made.” However, he did acknowledge that the real answer in terms of policing, is building a force fit for the third decade of the 21st Century in a nation which he considers has changed at a pace that law enforcement, indeed much of local society, has not kept up with. In addition to the seven percent rise in police numbers that has already been delivered, the governor said that by March 2021 the territory can expect an overall 20 percent increase. “A recently established gun crime unit has started to have success some of the most recent arrests have come from this team. “The Forces Tactical Unit is set to increase and because of increased numbers, community policing can be introduced.” There is also going to significant allocation in the budget for training. “The most significant reason why all this is going to happen is that there is now a genuine leadership team, at the top of the country, of the premier, commissioner and myself. “In this team we bring together all the various powers we need and all the different types of accountability that are required. “We are committed, as one team, to deliver,” Governor Dakin emphasised. He noted that the National Security Council has become a team determined to not just hold different branches of the Government to account, but to also act as an engine to deliver cross-government solutions and build long term capability. According to the governor, the wider justice sector, under the guidance of the chief justice, have themselves generated a team approach that includes judges, the chief magistrate, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, police and prison. They have since drafted proposals as to how the judiciary can modernise, better deliver and provide 21st century reassurance to the public. “In short, we are starting down a path of a new way of doing government business here; it’s now about ‘teams of teams’, breaking down stove-pipes, understanding context, delivering what Government wants.” He did acknowledge that the change will take time, but the teams are prepared and determined to effect change that will positively impact the whole territory. “Don’t get me wrong - these are very early days - culture is changing and this takes time - but the tremendous news is that unlike in

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email or visit the Facebook page Nature Splendor.

some countries I’ve served, including when I witnessed this approach being introduced in the UK - there is not only no glacial resistance here, there is very positive energy. “People want this to happen because they know it must.” ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION According to Governor Dakin, the territory is now having an impact on illegal immigration. He stated that because of important technocratic changes to the TCI’s maritime and land based capabilities, the building of serious international relationships with the United States and the Bahamas, the result is that no large sloops have gotten through since August. “While I know I will need to report occasional failure, not least because we now enter the time of year when most attempts are made, we also need to recognise success and it’s true to say that we are getting better and better at consistent interdiction and there are other investments in top end capability that are in the pipeline.” However, he maintained that the biggest impact the territory can have is dismantling the business model that sits beneath this trade in human cargo. “The capabilities I mentioned we are building in national security will all help, but the arrest of 29 Sri Lankans, transiting the globe to get to North America via TCI, gives us an opportunity to work with international partners - and with top end capability - to properly identify and prosecute those who run this trade.” DISASTER PREPAREDNESS On his third priority, preparedness for disaster, the governor said he spent this hurricane season “listening and learning”. “The greatest capability we have on these Islands is experience. The political leadership of this country have been through this; the people have; the experts we have are genuine experts. I’ve learned a lot.” He noted that while the Islands were not hit, the work done behind the scenes to prepare for hurricane Dorian was reassuring, and identified areas that need improvement. “The premier and myself will talk more about our approach to natural and other disasters in early January, but needless to say there are changes coming to the way we approach this issue - focusing very heavily on resilience as well as recovery and the DDME will become a more significant branch of Government.” In the New Year, he said the DDME will start a month-by-month programme to ensure the territory is better prepared for 2020 than it was for 2019.

Homemade insecticide HERE’S a simple recipe for making your own homemade insecticide soap using ordinary household ingredients. The simplest insecticidal soap is nothing more than a two percent soap solution. To make this at home, you will need: -Sprayer: Any clean spray bottle or garden sprayer will work fine for spraying insecticidal soap. Make sure the sprayer or bottle hasn’t been used for herbicides. -Pure soap: Use a pure liquid soap. The best thing is an allnatural soap (fragrance free). Don’t use detergents which aren’t actually soaps, dish soaps or any products with degreasers, skin moisturisers or synthetic chemicals. One hundred percent natural soap is usually pretty easy to find in grocery stores.


15 cloves garlic 1 onion 3 cayenne peppers (or three jalapeno peppers or one tablespoon of cayenne powder) 1/2 teaspoon liquid castile soap (fragrance free) 4 cups warm water In a blender combine the water, garlic, onion and peppers and puree. Pour the mixture into a glass jar, secure the lid and steep for six to 24 hours on the counter. Then strain through a cheesecloth and add soap and mix well.


Oil: To help the solution stick a little longer add tree tablespoons of light cooking oil (such as corn, canola, olive or citrus oil) per

gallon of water to the mix. Vinegar: To make a spray that also targets powdery mildew add a teaspoon of cider vinegar per gallon of water to the mix. Garlic or pepper: To help repel chewing insects add a teaspoon of ground red pepper and/or garlic per gallon of water to the mix. Mineral oil: Mix 10 to 30ml of high-grade oil with one litre of water. Stir and add to spray bottle. This organic pesticide works well for dehydrating insects and their eggs. Onion and garlic spray: Mince one organic clove of garlic and one medium sized organic onion. Add to a quart of water. Wait one hour and then add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and one tablespoon of liquid soap to the mix. This organic spray will hold its potency for one week if stored in the refrigerator. Tobacco spray: Just as tobacco is not good for humans, tobacco spray was once a commonly used pesticide for killing pests, caterpillars and aphids. To make, simply take one cup of tobacco (preferably a brand that is organic and all-natural) and mix it in one gallon of water. Allow the mixture to set overnight. After 24-hours, the mix should have a light brown colour. If it is very dark, add more water. This mix can be used on most plants, with the exception of those in the solanaceous family (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants). Those are tips to spray your garden in a green way but does it really work? Well, let’s be honest, it doesn’t work as much as chemical product, you will have to apply it much more often, but it is so much more healthy, especially for vegetable garden. Make sure you don’t apply those products in full sun to avoid burning of the leaves.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





Season’s Readings! As we turn the page to another holiday season, we’d like to take a moment to thank you, our loyal readers, for your trust and support. We hope this Christmas delivers all the good news you’ve been hoping for and more. Happy Holidays! Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales Email: (Advertising), (News) Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address:

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Provo Ponies provided two of their finest animals to accompany Santa



A tent sale featured Christmas toys for people and pets

Charity Christmas fair raises $1,500 in four hours SANTA arrived at the TCSPCA’s office at Suzy Turn Plaza last weekend for its annual Christmas fair, not with his sled and reindeer but with two festive ponies. “It was difficult to tell which caused the greater excitement with the myriad of kids,” a charity spokesperson said, “the jolly old man or the horses decorated in all their Christmas finery.” During the day, children visited Santa’s grotto to have their picture taken while parents popped into the

TCSPCA’s office to enjoy cold drinks, homemade cookies and rum cake. A tent sale featured Christmas toys for people and pets, along with the ‘Rescued Animals of the Turks and Caicos 2020’ calendar. “If you haven’t got your copy, they are available at the TCSPCA office and in many stores and boutiques across the island,” the spokesperson added on Wednesday (December 18). The animal charity’s fair on Saturday, December 14, raised

almost $1,500 in four hours. The funds will help to pay the for the TCSPCA’s affordable pet and stray neuter programme and the on and off-island adoption programme. TCSPCA director Susan Blehr thanked the many parents who brought their children to support the annual fair. She added that she was “so grateful” for Santa Claus and for the Provo Ponies crew who provided 63 rides for the kids. Blehr was especially

Coal kilns to be eradicated ANY active coal kilns found in the TCI will be destroyed as part of a multi-agency approach to protecting public health and the environment. The Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) is working to address issues surrounding coal processing and coal kiln burnings in Providenciales. The practice can lead to health issues, deforestation and eventually changes in climate, a Government press release said on Wednesday (December 18). The department, an active member of the Joint Law Enforcement Taskforce, is joined by the Environmental Health Department and the Royal TCI Police Force in the mission. In the absence of a clear policy, the group will develop one which will inform a long-

term strategy on frequency of enforcement operations including raids. These will assess the current environment damage done to the tropical dwarf forest coverage. It will also describe monitoring, control and surveillance exercises to be coordinated by the enforcement group. “The community is recognised as a partner in curtailing this activity and a dedicated number will be provided for persons to make reports on any irregularity noticed,” the statement said. “There will also be an intensive education campaign in multiple languages which will seek to sensitise persons on the consequences of coal burning.” In the short term, the task force will continue to conduct comprehensive surveillance

exercises using drones to map the scope of this practice. The majority of this mapping has already been completed. At the same time, there will be inspections and patrols of the sites identified as a means of deterring people from engaging in the activity, any active sites found will be destroyed. “The Government is mindful that the persistence of this practice is directly related to the demand by local communities as well as possible illegal export trade. “Hence it is therefore seeking the public’s support in combating this issue, by not purchasing ‘homemade’ wood coal,” the statement continued. “Nuisance events impacting the health and safety of the public and gross environmental damage, cannot and will not be tolerated.”

grateful to the TCSPCA volunteers “who make this event happen at a time when everyone is planning their own

Christmas celebrations with family and friends”. “All of us who are involved with this wonderful animal

welfare organisation wish you a very merry, safe, joyful Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous new year.”



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


The Friends of the Arts Foundation hosted the highly anticipated Provo Arts and Craft Expo on December 7 and 8 at Salt Mills in Providenciales

Biggest Arts and Craft Expo welcomes scores of booths TWO weekends ago, Salt Mills in Providenciales came to vibrant life as scores of colourful booths sprung up for a two-day cultural fair showcasing the artistry of the Islands. This was the 10th year that the Friends of the Arts Foundation has hosted what has become a highly anticipated event - the Provo Arts and Craft Expo, held on December 7 and 8.

The expo is the brainchild of Lucie Stubbs and Emma Halliday, but this year, the two ladies graciously handed over the reins to Amy Avenant, with Stubbs lending her invaluable support to the planning committee. Avenant told Weekly News that this year’s showcase was the event’s biggest yet - making it a major success with over 50 vendors present.

The event is always the perfect opportunity for residents and visitors to grab a few trinkets or other items to help stuff their Christmas stockings, support the artists, crafters and other businesses present and of course snap a few photographs with Santa Claus. Avenant thanked the many vendors and volunteers who lent their time and talent to making this year’s event the huge success it was.

PRISON security, people smuggling and a hike in gun crime were all topics of discussion at the latest meeting of the TCI National Security Council (NSC). Governor Nigel Dakin and Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson co-chaired the meeting on Wednesday, December 11, at the Hilly Ewing Building in Providenciales. In attendance as members were Hon. Goldray Ewing, Minister of Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation, Vaden Delroy Williams, Minister of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services, Deputy Governor Anya Williams, Attorney General Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, and Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting. Superintendent of HM Prison Grahame Hawkings and the Permanent Secretary of Home Affairs were invited to make presentations. A statement from the Governor’s Office on December 13 said that at this meeting the NSC were: -Invited to participate in a ‘deep dive’ on issues relating to security at the prison. The NSC were updated on recent disturbances and offered a range of options that would, in the short term, mitigate risks to prisoners and staff. An action plan, to be monitored by the NSC, was developed. -Updated on the issue of illegal immigrants, including repatriation, current detainees, pending court cases and enforcement staffing. The police provided an overview of investigations and next steps around human trafficking through TCI, and on to other countries, and described the excellent support received from international partners who have been cooperating closely with the Royal TCI Police Force on the issue of people smuggling. -Updated on crime statistics, in particular a reduction of burglary and aggravated burglary but a spike in robberies and a very significant increase in gun related crimes over the same period last year (April to October). Balanced against this, the policing response had seen an increase in the number of arrests made and guns being recovered following a significant increase in searches of persons, vehicles and houses. The NSC noted that the significant increase in policing activity had had an impact on the levels of serious crime and discussed how this increased visibility and activity could be maintained. -Updated on progress made developing the National Security Strategy. This includes six significant strands of work that are all progressing: the work to create a border force; similarly, a military force; a National Intelligence Unit; the appointment of a national security advisor with secretariat; enhancements to maritime protection capabilities and developments to the ability to respond to natural disasters. The NSC was briefed that the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst will be delivering training to senior TCIG officials involved in national security in early January. There was also agreement on funding of relevant staff in 2020 and for enhancements to the TCI’s radar capability. An in-depth discussion was had about the priorities, structures, policies and legislative change required to take this work forwards. -Updated on further consultation on the National Security Strategy and agreed a public launch date in early January 2020.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020






December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Four days of celebration for new Miss World in Jamaica Toni-Ann Singh won the top beauty pageant on Saturday last.

JAMAICA’S newest Miss World, Toni-Ann Singh, will be the toast of an elated nation over four days, beginning this Friday, December 20. The beauty queen, who last

Saturday wowed the audience, fellow contestants and judges alike with a powerful rendition of Whitney Houston’s ‘I Have Nothing’ inside London’s Excel Arena, on her way to copping

the 2019 edition of the coveted Miss World title, will perform during a cultural concert at Emancipation Park in New Kingston this Saturday. The four days of celebrations to mark her victory will end on Monday. The announcement was made on Wednesday by Olivia Grange, the Minister of Gender, Culture, Entertainment and Sport during a post-Cabinet media briefing. The concert is scheduled to get underway at 7pm. Grange told members of the media that she has been having talks with Julia Morley, the head of the Miss World Organisation, and with Singh. “I have been impressing upon them, how eager we all are to see her and to celebrate with her as she begins her reign. “The initial response from Mrs Morley was that she had a very tight schedule and it would be unlikely before

sometime in January. But after discussions, many late night discussions, we all agreed that Miss World should return home for a brief visit organised by the Government of Jamaica,” Grange said. It will be a tight four-day schedule for Singh, as listed below: - Miss World arrives in Jamaica at 5.15 pm on Friday. - Press conference at the Jamaica Pegasus on Saturday at 10 am - Cultural tribute beginning at 7 Saturday evening at Emancipation Park. - On Sunday, the St Thomas native will journey to the parish of her birth to attend Unruly Fest, which is being hosted by dancehall artiste Popcaan. - Will tour sections of St Thomas on Sunday. - Will be hosted by Prime Minister Andrew Holness at a reception at Jamaica House on Sunday evening.

The Nassau grouper cannot be fished again until February 28, 2020

Nassau grouper season comes to a close FISHERMEN and women were reminded this week that Nassau grouper season came to an end on November 30 and the saltwater fish cannot be caught again until next year. The Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) issued a statement on Wednesday (December 18) to warn of the consequences of ignoring the ban. “During the closed season, any person who fishes for, purchases or is in possession of a Nassau grouper will be committing an offence that is punishable by a fine

of $5,000 or six months’ imprisonment or both.” The Fisheries Protection Ordinance (Amendment) Regulations states that the closed season is from December 1 to February 28 unless otherwise appointed by the governor in the Gazette. The DECR urged all fishers, restaurant owners, private residents and plant owners to ensure the compliance of the regulations. Any contravention of the Fisheries Protection Ordinance Regulations can be reported to the DECR on 338-4170 or emailed to

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

JOY to the WORLD For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. –Isaiah 9:6-7 May the spirit of the season fill your heart with enough joy to carry you through the year. From our family to yours, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

CBMS Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands

#151 Benson Rigby Apt, South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning and laundry. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 341-8585 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



CONTACT: 941-4202

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



• +5 years of experience in Hotel/Restaurant Management with VIP Guests and Tailored Services • Butler Certification or Degree in Hotel/Restaurant Management • Must be fluent in English and have great communication skills • Must speak French and Spanish


extractors, condensers, pumps, blowers, presses and other laundry equipment. • Repairs or replace parts, using hand tools and measuring instruments. Salary: $12 hourly


• Welcome and acknowledge all guests according to company standards; anticipate and address guests’ service needs; assist individuals with disabilities; thank guests with genuine appreciation


• Supply guests with directions and information regarding property and local areas of interest. • Identify and anticipate Guests’ needs and ensure personalized service is provided • Provide Food and Beverage Services as required • Assist with any plans or arrangements the guest intends to make during their stay Salary: $9 hourly



• To work 6 days a week. • Perform routine machine maintenance and troubleshooting. • Repair plumbing, electrical. • Repairs and maintains washers, driers,

• Must be available to work weekends, nights and holidays.

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




Blue hills, Providenciales. Cell: 2316858. Email


• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly



#27 Aviation Road





QUALIFIED PADI/NAUI SCUBA INSTRUCTORS NEEDED Successful candidate will be a PADI MSDT with current membership and insurance, resort operations experience including advanced level instruction, dive accident management, compressor maintenance, equipment, engine maintenance and repair. Captain’s license and STCW95 qualification preferred, or applicant must be willing to train. This position is currently filled by a work permit holder. Qualified Belongers are encourage to apply.

CONTACT: 649-231-6318

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19905

This is a tourism related job and will include all aspects of the company’s daily routine including but not limited to, teaching all levels of instruction, guiding dives, boat and vehicle operations and working the front office. The work schedule will include weekends, public holidays and occasional night dives. Starting Salary $390 - $510 per week based on experience and qualifications.

Contact David Volkert at 946-4232 or Positions available starting Feb 28, 2020. Please submit applications before January 20, 2020. 17B Turtle Cove Landing, Provo 19923


GATHER & GRAZE - CHEF Nutritional and menu planning, purchasing, budgeting and inventory management, food preparation, table presentation and occasional supervision of other service providers and staff for a residential property in Providenciales. Must be willing and able to work all days and shifts as set by Employer including holidays, weekends and split shifts, traveling extensively with employer for long periods away from Providenciales. Formal culinary degree from a recognized institution and minimum 6 years’ experience, excellent interpersonal and English communication skills, ability to stand for long periods of time and carry up to 45 lbs, must be non-smoker, have clean police record, driver’s license, own vehicle, ability to travel visa-free. Salary commensurate with experience, qualifications, quality and taste of food preparation but most importantly personality fit with family. Belongers only need apply. SEND APPLICATIONS TO

Savory & Co. Unit F205 Regent Village West, Grace Bay Email • Fax 946-4848. Applicants who are Islanders are invited to send a copy of their application to the Immigration Board 19918

Removed rubble, dirt, and hazardous waste from construction site, performed post-construction site cleanup and executed building cleaning activities, operated cleaning equipment and utilized cleaning materials. Salary: $7.00 per hour. Renewal & first time Belonger will be given first preference. 19924

HUDSON GARDINER Whitby, North Caicos 243-7375


His responsibilities are pick up years waste and collect leaves, clean the yard with sweeper, lift garbage bags and cans into garbage truck, pick up yard waste and tree limbs, repair broken furniture and assist with other work when needed. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE


Shamrack Plaza, Industrial Park, Providenciales

AUTO MECHANIC • At least 6 years or more experience as an Auto Mechanic. • Must be able to perform all vehicle diagnostics and updates using diagnostics equipment. • Able to maintain vehicle functional condition by listening to customers/ operator complaints, conduct inspections, repair engine failures, repair mechanical and electrical system malfunctions and replace parts and components according to manufacturer standards specifically on Japanese vehicle. • Keeps shop equipment operating by following operating instructions, troubleshooting breakdowns, maintaining supplies and perform preventive maintenance. • Must hold a valid driver license with a clean, insurable, driving record, must be able to drive manual and automatic transmissions. • Knowledge of tools and equipment required to conduct all repairs. • Basic wage is $9.00 per hour.


Must have six months of prior work experience Assist Head Mechanic in servicing and repairing customer cars. Must be able to work flexible hours. Able to use cleaning devices/equipment for washing vehicles. Knowledgeable on basic auto maintenance and repair and has ability to perform such tasks as prescribed. • Able to assist in performing maintenance and repair of different variety of Japanese Vehicle. • Assist to restore, refinish and replacing vehicle bodies and frames. • Basic wage is $7.00 per hour

Tel: (649)941-8438 | Email: Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders 19926


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Second annual Humanitarian of the Year Awards hailed a success

Humanitarian of the Year Award recognises ‘selfless work’ BY OLIVIA ROSE A YOUTH counsellor and a special needs activist are now etched in the TCI’s history books after receiving coveted Humanitarian of the Year’ Awards on Saturday (December 14). The second annual awards ceremony was held during a gala event at the Shore Club on Long Bay, Providenciales, under the patronage of Galmo and Althea Williams. The opulent occasion celebrated those who have committed their time to enhancing the lives of others and highlighted the power of people to influence and change society. The two award categories, junior and senior, featured a wide age range of nominees who have made a difference and gone above and beyond within their community.

This year’s Junior Humanitarian of the Year Award tied in with the theme for International Human Rights Day this year, ‘Youth standing up for human rights’. The nominees were Zaria Ingham, Rolanda Sejour, Wolfpack Ent, Arean Lewis and Darron Hilaire. After the viewing of each recipient and the various works they achieved and were nominated for, a select panel of judges deliberated on the winner. The winner of the junior category award was Darron Hilaire, who through his church has been challenging the young people to leave violence behind and pursue better options in life. Hilaire works primarily in the areas of youth counselling and empowerment and spends his energy effecting change in communities

through young people. Sabrina Green, head of the TCI Human Rights Commission, said: “It was evident that the nominees gave us all hope that our youth are dedicated to creating a better society for all of us to live in and they stand for what they believe in without fear or favour. “These young people contradict the stereotype of youths who are disengaged from their communities and are helping to build a fairer, more secure and stable TCI. “The TCI Human Rights Commission congratulates not only the winners of the 2019 Humanitarian of the Year awards but all of those who were nominated for their selfless work in building the Turks and Caicos Islands we all want to live in.” In the adult category, there were

many people who demonstrated the best of humanitarian values. The nominees were Angela Williams, Mervin Forbes, Food for Thought and Noreen WilliamsMcCoy. Winner Williams-McCoy has worked to improve the lives and the perceptions of people with disabilities by teaching others about her own experiences. Over the years, she has worked professionally to break down the stigma and discrimination that exists against young people with special needs ensuring that they receive the education that they deserve and that their rights are respected. This year, in addition to the main awards, the Human Rights Commission launched the Lifetime Achievement Award. This was

not voted on but decided by the commission. This award is conferred upon an individual who has dedicated the majority of their life giving back to the community without any expectation of recognition. This year the first ever TCI Lifetime Achievement Award was bestowed upon Mrs Marion Williams who is known as the ‘Grandma of Turks and Caicos’. Over the years, Mrs Williams has made it her life’s work to help poor families in her own community. The Human Rights Commission’s mandate is to help the TCI to become a place where there is no inequality, no discrimination, where everyone is secure and young people can develop themselves, free of stigma and discrimination, into the people they want to be.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


Mariah Carey’s ‘Christmas’ song finally reaches the No. 1 spot — 25 years later MARIAH Carey made history Monday with her 25-year-old holiday hit “All I want for Christmas,” which rocketed to the top of Billboard’s Hot 100 chart this week. Originally released in 1994 on Carey’s album “Merry Christmas,” the songstress was 24 years old when she recorded it. It’s the second holiday song to hit the top spot in over 60 years, following Alvin and The Chipmunks’ kid-friendly classic “The Chipmunk Song” in 1958. According to Billboard, the feat marks the first time the Walter

Afanasieff and Carey-penned modern classic made it to number one. The ubiquitous tune — adored by some, hated by others — is also the singer/songwriter’s 19th Hot 100 chart-topper, making her the only solo artist to achieve that status. The Beatles hold the overall record with 20 number one hits. The Hot 100 blends all-genre U.S. streaming, radio airplay and sales data. Columbia Records originally released Carey’s landmark holiday opus “Merry Christmas” on Oct. 28, 1994. The 10-track collection, which

Carey also produced, featured her gospel-tinged take on yuletide faves such as “O Holy Night,” “Joy to the World” and “Silent Night” alongside originals, including “Miss You Most (At Christmas Time)” and “Jesus Born on This Day.” The retro-styled “All I Want for Christmas” has become an international holiday staple, after becoming the unofficial theme song for the 2003 holiday cult classic “Love Actually.” Michael Bublé, CeeLo Green, Fifth Harmony and Lady Antebellum have covered it.

Mariah Carey performs onstage during her “All I Want For Christmas Is You” tour at Madison Square Garden on Sunday night in New York City.


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020




946-4664 Fax: 946-4661






Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.

Call: 231-3788




We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744 DUNCANSON & CO BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS 16121

Contact the Publisher at

42 CLASSIFIEDS MERCILENE JOSEPH #31 Snake Hill Ave, After Rodney Adams, Blue Hills


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 346-6920

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


MILOURDES AMILCAR 183 Back Road, Blue Hills Is seeking a


• Main responsibility will be taking care of a young baby, she must first and foremost love children, be kind, loving and caring. • Will be required to work 6 days per week. • Time will be schedule by employer. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 245-1169

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board




whose address is Penn’s Rd, Lower Bight, Providenciales, is seeking suitable qualified Belongers to fill the positions of

HOUSEKEEPER • Provides courteous and professional service at all times. • Ensure that all guestrooms are cleaned to the established standards. • Ensure that the facilities are kept clean and orderly in line with the resort standard of cleanliness.

• Reports for duty punctually wearing the correct uniform and name tag at all times. • Laundry


• Minimum of 2-3 years of housekeeping experience. • Must be able to work weekend and holidays. Salary: $8.00 per hr.

Qualified Belonger candidates with a clean police record are requested to submit a CV by e-mail to:

Marsha Blanche, email: | Tel.: 946-4732 Applications should be received no later than January 03, 2020.

MONROE N. FORBES JR 354 Ruby Crest Road, Millennium Highway Is seeking to employ a

MYSTIQUE CAR RENTAL & TOURS #72 Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 244-4047


• Clean inside the car and shampoo the outside of the car. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19897

CONTACT: 941-3910

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




Applicant must have knowledge of finance, accounting, cash flow projection and proficient in using POS systems for landscape, chemical and fertilization inventory. Ability to analyze financial data and prepare automated financial reports, statements and projections. Work requires professional written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills to deal with customers and suppliers. Salary is approximately $600/week and willing to work long hours, weekend and holiday if needed. Preference will be given to applicants who completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy, Finance or Business Administration. Excellent reference from previous employers a must. Interested applicants including Islanders/ Belongers can send applications to Services by EA by email to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

SHELLA ALPHONSE Breezy Hill, South Dock, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning, mopping, dusting, sweeping and other work needed. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

Contact: 345-1704 or 242-2779

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19871



fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 442-0820

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19904


VACANCIES Acting on behalf of

WMW CONSTRUCTION #11 Shrub Cl, Blue Hills


Plaster, put blocks, etc. Contact: 241-4693/345-6293


31 Shoe Lane, Leeward Highway

DOMESTIC WORKER $6.25 HOURLY Take care of children, clean, cook, etc. Contact: 347-2093 Email: Darling86@hotmail. com

Holders are currently held by work permit holders Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19891

MARIE R.A MISSICK Residence, Five Cays Is seeking a


• Clean yard and minor maintenance. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

This position is held by a work permit holder


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


ODINOR FRANCOIS #205 Venetian Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Clean the garden, electricity and plumbing work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 341-1861

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19883

CONTACT: 344-3710

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19882 ROBERT NIXON’S CLOTHING BOUTIQUE Timber Crest, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


• Keeping store surroundings and removal of debris daily. • Applicant must be honest, reliable and willing to work. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 232-5923

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19885


House #10 Unit #4 Blue Hills, Millennium Highway Is seeking to employ a


• Light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-8047

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


SAMMUEL EMMANUEL HALL Kew, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a


• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-0836

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19884

STABLE HAND WANTED • Applicant must have a minimum of 10 years experience in all aspects of stable maintenance. This includes: Riding and horse handling (training, grooming, tacking up, cleaning tack, cleaning stalls, and lunging), Understanding of Equine Nutrition, basic hoof care and basic equine vet health care. Teaching adults and children (mainly tourists) basic riding skills • Must have experience in breaking and training young horses • Must be able to guide and supervise inexperienced riders on trail rides. Must have valid driver’s license, must have high school diploma.. Must weigh less than 155 pounds. Must speak English fluently a second language an asset. Applicant must have basic computer skills. Further computer experience is an asset. Will work weekends and holidays. Starting pay is $550 per week.

If interested please email resume to provoponiestci@ or call 649-241-6350.



• Domestic Worker consists of cleaning and Laundry • Able to work with little or no supervision, be physically fit, dependable and hard working. • Must be self-motivated and able to understand, write and speak English fluently. Salary: $250.00 per week. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board All experienced and interested individuals can send inquiries to: Kayonn Missick-Simm 78 Marby Drive Juba Sound, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 231-7399 Email:

KAREN MISSICK Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 231-7489

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19873

KAMELA RIGBY Back Road, Blue Hills, Millennium Highway Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning the house and babysitting. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly

CONTACT: 649244-2882

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020 MARCELIN JEAN-GUY

#68 Lower Bight, Providenciales Is seeking a


• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-7907

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




Long Bay Hills, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a


• fixing plumbing systems, providing repair guidance, cleaning and remodeling community spaces, and performing repair assessments. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 244-4813

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19881

#39 BIRD ROCK STREET, LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a


Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. Watch children. Salary: $6.50 per hour


teaching qualification and should have at least two years’ experience working as a ski or wake board teacher, working with young children. Holding a Boat Captain’s license would be a bonus. The advertised position is a new position due to company expansion. We invite prospective applicants who are Turks Islanders to send copies of their applications to Okeanos Charters and to The Immigration Board.

Please send full CV, letter of application, teaching certificates and police check to Joshua Williams at | Tel: 649 333 6328. Website: 19849



Unit #106 Ocean Club Plaza, Grace Bay Is seeking a

#2 LOWER BIGHT ROAD, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ a



• Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, mixing concrete, hand tools to workers, and cleaning work site. • To work 6 days per week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

• Do maintenance on site for rooms and property • Work 6 days weekly. Salary: $8.00+ hourly CONTACT: ADMIN@SIBONNE.COM

CONTACT: 231-4336


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for a first time applicant.



Applicants should hold a BWSW (British Water Skiing and Wakeboarding) or similar water sport

TCA Handling Flight Services Ground Handlers for American Airlines and JetBlue is currently seeking qualified individual to fill the following position.

CONTACT: 231-7242




Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19892

102 Turtle Creek Drive, Discovery Bay, Providenciales. Is looking for a

• Teach individual children and adults wake boarding and water skiing • Run water sports camps after school, weekends, and during school holidays Salary ranges commensurate with experience, and qualifications, from $36,000 per annum (based on 40 hours per week).


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19861

• Inspect, maintain, and modify ground equipment. • Service equipment with fuel, water, oil, hydraulic fluid, and compressed air. • Responsible for repairs and maintenance of all ground support equipment including, but not limited to, Tugs, Belt loaders, Push backs Conveyors, Ground power units, Air start units, air-condition units, Baggage carts, motorized/ manual Air stairs, Turbo way and Golf carts. • Inspects ground support equipment and their components for the purpose of ensuring safety and identifying necessary repairs and providing an ongoing program of preventative maintenance • Responds to emergency calls for ground support equipment assistance. • Troubleshoot, repair, overhaul, and modify ground equipment. • Diagnose problems using test equipment and applicable manuals. • Remove, test, repair or replace components and accessories such as carburetors, governors, air and oil cleaners, ignition points and auditory sensors. • Check and adjust tolerance of valves, bearings, cams, clutches, and drive shafts. • Operate and test ground equipment for performance assessment. • Replace bearings, bushings, shafts, end plates, brushes, springs, coils, armatures, push rods, valves, manifolds, tubing, hose, and wiring as required. • Follow company safety policies and procedures. • Other mechanical duties as assigned. • Create and maintain daily, quarterly and annual service maintenance records. • Maintains tools and equipment for the purpose of ensuring the availability of items in safe operating conditions. • Identify and sources specialized components and tools. • Prepare and maintain an effective preventative maintenance programme and spare parts inventory. • Document daily, quarterly and annual preventative maintenance.


• • • • • •



Applicants must possess a minimum of 10 years of management experience, with knowledge and experience in producing accurate and organized records ranging from stock inventory in various businesses and maintaining and processing employee status cards. Must be proficient in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and QuickBooks. The candidate must have a proven record of working independently, be highly organized, and maintain deadline. Some holidays and weekend hours may be required to fulfill deadlines. Salary commensurate on experience.

Interested applicants including Islanders/ Belongers can bring all applications to Services By EA Ltd. Located at #65 Beechwood Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales or e-mail to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This positions is currently held by work permit holders.


• • • •

Must have a Degree and/or a Level (3) Diploma in Vehicle Repairs Must have at least six (6) years’ experience in automotive Must be able to conduct apprenticeship programme Must possess a valid driver’s license Must possess required knowledge, skills, abilities and experience and be able to explain and demonstrate, with or without reasonable accommodations, that the essential functions of the job can be performed. Ability to operate equipment used in semiskilled trades, power and hand tools, etc. Skill in effective oral and written communication. Must have working knowledge of Microsoft Suite. Must be able to work long hours, weekends and public holidays. Must be accessible in the case of emergency.

Salary Scale: $36,000.00 to $42,000.00 per annum based on qualification and experience

The Human Resources Manager TCA Handling Flight Services Town Centre Mall Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI and should reach no later than December 30, 2019, for further information/ appointment you can contact us at Tele:649-941-5969 or email hr@




December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

JOB ADVERTISEMENT Wymara Resort and Villas is a contemporary luxury full-service boutique resort on Grace Bay Beach. We are looking for driven and energetic professionals with Five Star experience and who are committed to achieving excellence by ensuring Five Star standards and services are continuously delivered.

Server/Team Leader

Ensure the highest levels of professionalism are maintained in providing our customers consistent service quality. Ensure the efficient and effective day-to-day operation of Stelle Restaurant and Stelle Bar and Zest Restaurant. Perform major tasks that affect the overall operation of the restaurant.


2-4 Experience in Supervisory role or similar; degree from an accredited degree in Food and Beverage, Hospitality, or related major. Minimum 5 years’ experience as F&B Server from 5 Star Level Luxury Resort, proven knowledge and ability to lead and direct guests dining experience. Fluent in English, both verbal and written. Ability to investigate and solve guest complaints, follow up and meet/exceed guest expectations.


• 5 years’ experience in the food and beverage, culinary and event. • High energy leader with 2 years’ experience in leading a successful fine dining a la carte restaurant, preferably in hotel environment. • Excellent communication, coaching and leadership skills. • Must be computer literate; must be proficient in Micros and Microsoft Suite • Must have the stamina to work long hours due to Operation’s needs. • Good organizational skills for dealing with diverse duties and staff. • Knowledge of varying brands and quality of liquors. • Ability to read, interpret and demonstrate the preparation of drink recipes. • Ability to train newly recruited staff members • Possess knowledgeable of daily food and beverage operations to schedule staff according to hotel occupancy. • Maintain a good relationship with vendors of Stelle restaurant


• Liaise closely with the Restaurant Manager and Assistant Manager while playing an active role in delivering service and guest satisfaction. • Ensuring all policies and standards are maintained with the object being to maximize profitability with sales of food and beverage products. • Maintain correct safety and security procedures as required and ensure all staff are aware of these procedures in their specific work areas. • Supervise the maintenance and cleanliness of the restaurant • Assume responsibility for any matters within the restaurant which may arise during the service period and solve them in the most appropriate and effective way with an emphasis on safety and customer service/ satisfaction

• Actively participate in all rostered and on the job training sessions. Training that falls on your day off or outside of your rostered hours. • Work with the Restaurant Manager maximize outlet productivity to meet set targets whilst adhering to and enforcing rostering/award legislation • Work with the Restaurant Manager to control food, beverage, operating equipment and linen item par stocks, and authorize requisitions and transfers. Compensation: $6.70 per hour

Spa Therapist

The Spa Therapist professional massage and body treatments to our guests. They must have a thorough knowledge of numerous massage modalities, possess a general understanding of body treatments and be willing to train in our spa’s specific massage and body treatment offerings. They must possess excellent communication skills and be able to learn the product and service knowledge necessary to effectively provide wellness solutions to meet the needs of our guests.


• Must hold CIDESCO or CIBTAC certification. Previous knowledge of SPASOFT/ SALONIRIS and Booker software is preferred. • Must be a graduate from an accredited university with extensive experience of at least 5 years with a reputed hotel/ chain or a luxury/Boutique Spa in massage, face therapy and nails. • Must have advanced knowle0dge of holistic therapy such as Reiki, Shiatsu, Thai Massage, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, bamboo therapy concepts that relate to the wellbeing of all guests in a spa environment. • Must be certified esthetician and massage therapist. • Must have good communication skills, flexibility to work hospitality shifts, PC skills, be a Team Player, self-motivated, punctual, professional. • Must speak and read English. Preferred with Asian/Gulf countries work experience. • Fluency in MS office specially Microsoft excel, outlook. • Ensure all clients are aware of their spa itinerary. • Escort clients to changing rooms and explain in depth how to fill out their client record card. • Duty of care to ensure the health and safety of themselves and other colleagues • Provides exceptional customer service to clients so that their experience is memorable. Focuses on driving productivity by leveraging strong front office management skills while maintaining strong working relationship with all team members and clients.

*Room Attendant

Report directly to the Assist Director of Housekeeping. Responsible for the overall cleanliness of assigned rooms/suites and provide a pleasant, comfortable experience for guest. Reports maintenance deficiencies in order to maintain rooms/suites in compliance with standards. Compensation: $6.25 per hour *Cook: The Cook is assigned to be directly responsible for one or more outlets or production areas in the following categories: production, alternative restaurants, buffets, or main galley. The Cook should expect to be rotated into different areas with or without advance notice in regards business demands and career development. Must have 2-3 years’ experience as kitchen helper or cook in luxury hotel or fine dining restaurant. Able to speak & read English, follow directions consistently, good attendance, good hygiene, likes to cook. Compensation: $15k - $20k per annum

*Sous Chef

Report directly to the Executive Chef. The position is responsible for assisting kitchen personnel and all related culinary activities; assist in the estimate food consumption and requisition or purchase food; assist in the selection and developing of recipes; assist in establishing presentation technique and quality standards; assist in planning and pricing menus; ensure proper equipment operation/maintenance and ensure proper safety and sanitation in the kitchen. Must have the ability to work in a diverse environment with focus on client and customer services are essential to success in this role. The ideal candidate should possess an associate degree or related culinary degree with two or more years of industry and culinary management experience. Compensation: $20k $36k per annum

*Chef De Partie

The Chef de Partie is a direct link between the Executive Chef, Executive Sous Chef, sous chef and his/her assigned production areas and outlets. His primary responsibilities are to ensure all communication, standards, policies, and expectations are communicated to his/her team and then executed flawlessly. The Chef de Partie enables his/her team by ensuring equipment and sanitation standards are always met, supplies and inventories are readily available, expectations are communicated, recipes are current, and training is on-going. He or She is expected to be a “hands-on” supervisor who leads his/her team by example. The Chef de Partie is assigned to be directly responsible for one or more outlets or production areas in the following categories: production, alternative restaurants, buffets, or main galley. The Chef de Partie should expect to be rotated into different areas with or without advance notice in regards business demands and career development. Compensation: $20k - $25k per annum

Interested applicants can contact our Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm on (649)941-7555. E- Mail cover letter outlining your interest and supporting experience in a particular position along with your Resume or C.V. to


Turtle cove, providenciales 232-3483


Provide customer services, plan menu and order supplies Salary $20.00 per hour

Cecelia Saintil

Kingston David Yard#6 Providenciales 244-6216


doing simple meal and snack, cleaning up areas. salary $6.25 per hour Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board. These position is currently held by work permit holder 19908



• Must have 5 years’ experience. • Must be able to follow plans (blueprints) install fixtures, cabinets, hang doors and windows. Salary: $9 hourly

CONTACT: 649-941-3886

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder Application Deadline January 1st, 2020 19909




• must be able to work 6 days a week and on holidays, must be able to speak and understand the English language. • Yard Help clean up premises of the employer. Monthly salary $1200. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board Interested persons please contact telephone number 232-1643 email address swiftdelivery@ renewal work permit 19894


Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To clean vehicles after Tours, assist customers and maintain premises. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 2459136/247-9212

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder. 19914

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020






The successful candidate will have at least a bachelor’s degree, a teaching qualification, and recent experience teaching the British National Curriculum either in the UK or at an international school of repute, as part of a curriculum leading to Cambridge (I)GCSE and A-Level, or International Baccalaureate.

Looking for a challenging and rewarding career? Looking for a career change? Looking for a new and exciting adventure? Looking to work with an organisation that believes in staff training and development? Well look no further as TCA Handling Flight Services Ground Handlers for American Airlines and JetBlue is currently seeking qualified Belongers to fill the following vacant positions.

The teacher’s duties will include lesson preparation, teaching, assessment, recording and reporting. The candidate should be competent in the various applications of ICT in lessons. A willingness to be a form tutor, and the ability to contribute diversely and generously to the school’s extra-curricular programme, sometimes on weekends, is also expected.

Customer Service Agents/Ticket Agent JOB DESCRIPTION:

• Responsible for providing Legendary Customer Service to people desiring to travel, by determining and recommending the service that meets the Customers’ needs. • Finalizes sales of contracted Airlines flights, confirms reservations, and provides information regarding ticket purchase and other special services. • Answers Customer inquiries regarding flight arrivals, delays, cancellations, flight irregularities, facilities, and other general information. • May be assigned to specialized duties such as aircraft grooming, assisting and/or lifting disable passengers on or off aircraft. • Utilizes computerized reservations system including a computerized video display terminal and keyboard on a constant basis to book reservations and retrieve information on flights and schedules.

Starting salary $3200 gross per month, commensurate with qualifications, experience, and additional responsibilities. CV, letter of application, and names of two referees to:

The Principal, British West Indies Collegiate, PO Box 338, 51 Venetian Road Providenciales Email:


Suitable candidates will be called for interview. TCI Islanders are invited to send copies of their application to the Labour Board. 19878

• Warm and friendly personality • Computer skills and knowledge of Microsoft Suite • Must be able to lift a minimum of 50lbs • Must have strong verbal and written communication skills. • Must have a clean Police Record • Must be able to travel regional and internationally • Must be able to work weekends and Public holidays Salary Scale: $8.50 per hour.





ASSISTANT MANAGER In search of a skilled person to work in communications and sales Starting Salary $15.00 per hour


• Ability to communicate, liaise, and negotiate internally and externally using appropriate methods to facilitate the development of profitable business and sustainable relationships • Strong understanding of Microsoft Office applications and ability to troubleshoot/diagnose computer and network issues • 5+ years project management experience • 5+ years managing and executing marketing plans • 5+ years experience in legal contract drafting and negotiation • 5+ years experience in troubleshooting computer hardware/software issues • 10+ years sales experience • 10+ years experience management, training, and recruiting staff according to company policies and employment laws, ensuring relevant HR procedures are followed

• Loading and unloading aircrafts in accordance with the instructions of the crew chief. • To ensure that all bags are accounted for by the triple A system or any other system that the company may be using. • The unloading and clean-up of any kind of waste from the aircraft. • Help in the lifting of passengers that is immobilize, up and down the aircraft ensuring a safe path at all times. • Able to work nights, weekends, holiday and varying schedules. • Marshall aircraft on the ramp (e.g. directing assisting and parking all arriving, departing and towed aircraft). • Observe safe ground-handling procedures and maintenance of ground service equipment including the performance of equipment checks. • Comply with all safety procedures and airline policies. • Assist in ramp set up and storage of equipment and baggage. • Service aircraft as needed (e.g. aircraft lavatories, potable water and any commissary items). • Constantly communicate with flight crew personnel and other ground personnel.


• Warm and friendly personality • Must be able to lift a minimum of 50lbs • Must have a clean Police Record • Must have a valid Turks & Caicos Driver’s license Salary Scale: $8.50 per hour.

Applicants will be required to pass a written skills test and show proficiency and understanding of the construction field.

Application giving full details of qualifications and experience should be addressed to:

Please email resumes to or inquire in person.

The Human Resources Manager TCA Handling Ltd. Town Centre Mall, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI


and should reach no later than deadline date goes here, for further information/appointment you can contact us at Tele:649-941-5969/941-5353 and/or email 19876



Well verse in preparation of Financial Statements, variance analysis cash and bank rec. PPC literacy (MS office, QB, Cost guard & POS) is a MUST. At least 6 years’ experience in Pizza-Pizza restaurant or flour industry in a supervisory capacity. Salary: $2,500 monthly

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board Work permit renewal No later than Jan 15, 2020


BLUE HILLS CONSTRUCTION Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


• Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/ or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $12 hourly

CONTACT: 331-3887

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19911

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


TANISSAINT & ABDON CONSTRUCTION FIVE Cays, subdivision 3411977/ 241-4732


Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters Salary: $6.25 hourly

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




#13 MARY JANE LANE, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a



Clean the store every morning, upheld safe and clean working environment, clean customers bathroom, replace tissue, remove trash from the store and bathroom, assisting owner when needed. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour.

Clean around yard, help lifting heavy items. Trim trees, cut trees. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 649-241-2950

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder

Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference.



OBED CONSTRUCTION Sisal Road, Long Bay #61


Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. Make, weld, and cut structural metal.

Carpenter - $8 hourly



The National Health Insurance Board with responsibility for the coordination of local and international financing of health care services in the Turks and Caicos Islands, is seeking a dynamic and transformational leader to fill the position of Office Manager in Grand Turk. Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the incumbent will be responsible for the delivery of administrative health care, financing and administrative services to the population of Grand Turk in line with the Corporate Plan of the NHIP.

Follow blueprints and building plans. Install windows, moldings and etc. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials

Painter - $8 hourly

Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces.

Labourer - $6.50 hourly

Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, and even hand tools to workers, clean worksite, and take down bracing and scaffolding.

CONTACT: 343-1420


KK&T’S AUTO RENTAL SERVICES #49 Industrial Park, By pass Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ a


• Lay steel. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 247-2390

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19920

THE HELP DESK Act on behalf of its client:


Shipwreck Lane, Long Bay, Providenciales 341-2758


Salary $6.25 per hour planting trees, digging, lifting, pruning. All positions are currently held by work permit holders. QUALIFIED BELONGERS MAY APPLY WITH LABOUR DEPARTMENT. 19917


▪ Manage the client registration and compliance activities of the NHIP in Grand Turk ▪ Carry out compliance audits within Grand Turk to ensure that all potential registrants are registered, and that timely remittance of statutory deductions are transferred to the NHIP ▪ Manage the customer service and complaint mechanisms ▪ Collaborate with internal departments on IT, Accounting, Patient Care matters. ▪ Collaborates with IT department on all office equipment. ▪ Manages relationships with vendors, service providers and landlord; ensures that all items are invoiced and paid on time. ▪ Develop KPIs for line staff in line with the organizational strategic plan. ▪ Adheres to all NHIB codes, rules and regulations. ▪ Performs other related duties as assigned.


23 Silverado Road, South Dock, Providenciales


Service and fix vehicles at the mechanic shop on a daily basis. To work five-days per week.


Panel beating and spraying - General repair of vehicles. To work five-days per week.


▪ Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Health Administration, Finance or related fields ▪ Minimum of six (6) years of experience in a senior management position within the insurance/healthcare field. ▪ Excellent time management skills and ability to multi-task and prioritise work ▪ Attention to detail and problem-solving skills ▪ Excellent written and verbal communication skills ▪ Strong organizational and planning skills ▪ Proficient in MS Office Salary: Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. $43,000 to $52,152 annum year. All Applications should be addressed to:

Sheena Smith-Yip National Health Insurance Board Salt Mills Plaza, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies Email: Please ensure the application clearly demonstrates how you meet the noted qualifications as applicants will be screened based on the information provided. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted. Applicants who applied for any of the above listed positions, do not have to reapply. After submitting application to National Health Insurance Board Human Resource department, Qualified Belongers may also submit a copy of their applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Immigration Board. Deadline for submission is January 4, 2020

Interested candidate may contact the employer at 342 4950 regarding employment. All application must be submitted through the Labour Department. Belongers are encourage to apply 19854


Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning windows and Doors. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 242-1358 Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work permit application.



Harbour House, Pond Street Grand Turk. Is seeking to employ


Duties: Washing Braiding, Weaving, Relaxing, grooming And maintenance, cutting And trimming and styling. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 232-6296

Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to The Labour Board. These positions Are held by work permit holder. 19915


Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To mix mortar, lay Bricks and stone, form and pour concrete Salary: $10.00 per hour.

CONTACT: 431-2640 Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



Foundation gives hundreds of toys to Grand Turk children MORE than 500 children in Grand Turk received Christmas gifts this week thanks to the generosity of Sandals Foundation and interCaribbean Airways. The organisations partnered on a huge toy drive in order to bring festive joy to young students, a press release said on Thursday (December 19). The gifts were donated by the Sandals Foundation, the charitable arm of Sandals and Beaches resorts, and Hasbro, an USA-based toy and board games company. It was all part of the foundation’s annual Christmas treats to local schools and its commitment of more outreach in the family islands. Jamie McAnally, general manager of Beaches Turks and Caicos, said: “We always look forward to our annual Christmas treat and this year our resort and philanthropic arm aimed to reach children of Grand Turk as we expand our outreach to the neighbouring islands. “I am proud of the work that our foundation is doing in impacting lives

throughout the Turks and Caicos and this latest donation is evident of our commitment to the children who are the future of these islands.” InterCaribbean Airways sponsored airfare for Sandals Foundation representatives to travel from Providenciales to Grand Turk and waived all fees for transporting the toys. Trevor Sadler, CEO of interCaribbean Airways, said the company is committed to supporting the communities in the countries it serves as part of the its social responsibility. “It is a privilege for us to support children and that is why we have joined with the Sandals Foundation bringing nearly 800 pounds of toys at this special time of the year and hope the Sandals Foundation led initiative brings joy to our school-age children in the TCI.” Gwenn Harvey, principal of Ona Glinton Primary School in Grand Turk, said she was “extremely grateful” to both companies for their donation to the school.

Sandals Foundation and interCaribbean Airways partnered to provide hundreds of toys to children in Grand Turk this Christmas

“Sandals Foundation has been very supportive of our school and we commend their efforts to support education and the growth and development of our children.” Last week, Sandals Foundation donated toys to students of Ianthe Pratt Primary School. More than 200 children were invited to the resort to take part in

the annual Christmas treat. It included arts and craft activities with travel agents of the Star Awards and donated toys from Sandals Foundation and Hasbro. Heidi Clarke, executive director of the Sandals Foundation, said the annual event has been a success thanked to the continued support of committed partners.

A Round of Thanks & Best Wishes Too From All of Us To All of You! HAPPY HOLIDAYS

C5-6 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Telephone: (1649) 941-8007 Email:

“Every year we are incredibly grateful to our partners, guests and team members who volunteer their time to wrap gifts, prepare meals and coordinate one of a kind events for the children. “It is truly through this sustained support that make our work to improve the lives of the Caribbean children and people possible.”



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Actors, singers and dancers from all over the TCI feature in this year’s colourful pantomime ‘Aladdin and the Magic Lamp’

Last chance to see this year’s Christmas show THERE are two final showings of this year’s colourful Christmas pantomime ‘Aladdin and the Magic Lamp’ – and tickets are going fast. The comedy musical, featuring actors, singers and dancers from all over the TCI, has been a huge hit so far and is set to close this Saturday (December 21) with spectacular performances. All put together by the TCI

Friends of the Arts Foundation (TCFAF), it features 17 major cast members, 58 dancers and scores of crew members. Audiences can expect “great costumes, mood inducing sets, energetic dance numbers, superb singing, bad jokes and fun audience participation,” a TCFAF spokesperson said. “The actors always rise to the

May the warmth and wonder of the season surround you and fill your world with happiness! Customers like you are the reason we love what we do, and we thank you for choosing us.

BLUE HILLS BED & LINEN 242 Bay Road, Blue Hills, Providenciales

occasion but there is an exceptional energy level when they can connect with a full house.” The team of performers, set builders, makeup artists, sound and lighting techs, back stage crew, costume makers, set artists and others have spent eight months preparing for the show. Aladdin is played by Don Charles, Amber Hurdle is Princess So Shy,

Tony Gruchot is Dame Widow Twankey, Stephen Wilson is playing Abanazer and Timothy Browning is Wishee Washee. This Saturday there will be a matinee performance at 2.30pm followed by the final show at 7.30pm. “Come and join the fun, bring the kids and staff and celebrate the holiday season and TCFAF’s 18th year of promoting a heightened

appreciation of the visual and performing arts.” Tickets are available at the Unicorn Bookstore in the IGA Plaza, Art Provo in Regent Village in Grace Bay, online at IsleHelp (app from Apple or Google stores) or at the door at Brayton Hall. Students tickets cost $10, adult floor tickets are $25 and adult balcony tickets are $45 each.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



50 CLASSIFIEDS ALLAN TRUCKING SERVICES Grants Plaza, Down Town Is seeking to employ a


• Driving company trucks. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8.50 hourly

CONTACT: 242-0508

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020


ALLIED MANAGEMENT SERVICES LTD. #18 The Village, KPMG Building, Grace Bay Is seeking a


For one of their properties. Must speak English JOB INCLUDE: • Cleaning. • Heavy lifting etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Salary: $7 hourly CONTACT: 231-1368 EMAIL: ALLIEDMANAGEMENT@USA.NET

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


UNIQUE CREATIONS BACK SALINA, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning yard disposing of Refuse, cleaning windows and doors. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 231-1195

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is for work permit renewal application. 19810

BIG MUM ON THE RUN The Ridge, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning kitchen and assisting with serving orders to guests and customers. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days per week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-1577

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19806



• Clean equipment, load and unload trucks. • Clean, rake leaves, remove trash. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 242-3631

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19796


• To do maintenance work • Must be willing to work 5 days per week. Salary: $6.25 per hour

CONTACT: 241-9408

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 19808

is looking for an experienced

STORE CLERK stock taking. • Individual must also have a solid experience with Quiclkbooks Pro, Quickbook Point Of Sale (mandatory) and also have a good knowledge of the brands, store layout and presentation. • Monthly salary starting at: $1600.00

Only well-presented applications with a cover letter which Must be hand delivered before January 15th will be considered.

#17 Phaclosse Street, Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

CARIBBEAN DREDGING #22 Morris Plaza, Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


is looking for an experienced

• To start asap who must be: • Very Mature, very organized, presentable and tidy with a good attitude and self-motivation. • Able to work as a team in a team six days a week 9am-6pm sometimes during peak holidays. • Person must also be flexible enough to arrive early or leave late when receiving inventory and


STORE CLERK (min 3-4 years in retail and service): • Must be very mature, very organized, presentable and tidy with a good attitude and selfmotivation while being able to work closely with the manager. • Able to work as a team in a team six days a week 9am-6pm sometimes during peak holidays. • Person must also be flexible


enough to arrive early or leave late when receiving inventory and stock taking. • Individual must also have a solid experience with Quiclkbooks Pro, Quickbook Point Of Sale (mandatory) and also have a good knowledge of the brands, store layout and presentation. Monthly salary starting at: $2400.00

Only well-presented applications with a cover letter which Must be hand delivered before January 15th will be considered.




A CHARTERED QUANTITY SURVEYOR The successful applicant must possess: - BSc in Quantity Surveying or RICS-recognized qualification. - Ten years post qualification work experience. - Computer literate with experience in Word, Excel, MS Project & Vector BQ system Duties will include and candidates should have experience in: - Pre and post contract Quantity Surveying duties - Market appraisals - Feasibility studies An annual salary of $42,000.00 plus performance Related commission is offered for this position. The suitable candidate should be able to work under his own initiative and be able to see through projects from concept to completion. This position is available immediately and closing date for application is 27th December 2019.

Qualified Turks & Caicos Islander Preferred.

Apply in writing to BCQS Limited, P. O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands or fax to 946-7184 or email to 19790




Whereas, MARVA MAXCINE WILLIAMS of 2000 Broadleaf Lane, Power Springs, Georgia 30127-7032 USA as personal representative of LOUIS HARTWELL FRANCIS (deceased) has declared that the Land Certificate for the above mentioned title number(s) issued in the name of LOUIS HARTWELL FRANCIS was inadvertently mislaid and cannot be found. Take notice that I, Brandie Anderson- Stewart, Registrar of Lands, shall issue a new land certificate for the said title six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Notice in a local newspaper and the Gazette. Dated this 6th day of December 2019. Signed ....................................................................................... REGISTRAR OF LANDS WITNESSED: ............................................................................


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020 ER CLEANING

28 Oyster Lane, The Bight, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, and other work. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 333-1246

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


SOWING SEEDS LEARNING CENTER Norway, Five Cays, Provo Is seeking to employ a


For teaching upholstery and building of furniture to the youths and adults of our community. Salary: $8.50 hourly

CONTACT: 331-8531

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19800

ALLAN PARKER North Back Salina Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Mix and Serve drinks and Cocktails, keep bar and Table areas clean. Salary: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 341-1407

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. These Are first time work permit applications. 19837

SOLOMON ALTIDOR Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 231-6432

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This a First time work permit application.





#88 Musgrove Cl, Kew Town Is seeking a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 246-0914

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19819


New Subdivision, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


• To do general house work such as washing, ironing, cooking and cleaning. • Applicant must be honest, reliable and willing to work. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 242-0832

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



J & W CONSTRUCTION LTD Unit#9 Storage Office Building Long Bay Road, 231-4519


All positions are currently held by work permit holders. Qualified Belongers may apply with Labour Department.



Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

NW Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 241-4162

Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To the Employment Services Office. This is a first time application.

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This a First time work permit application.




Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning windows and Doors. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 242-9892

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work permit application. 19835

Rate: $6:50hr Description: Assist with bathing, medication and transport

CONTACT: 946-7112

Interested candidate may contact the employer at 342 8945 regarding employment. All application must be submitted through the Labour Department

Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department


CONTACT: 344-9330

- Starting Salary $6.50 - $9.00 per hour Clean construction sites & Painting, mix paint etc.

Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

to cook, clean and served customers on a daily basis. Hours of work are eight (8) hours per day, five-days per week. Position is vacant and Belonger are encourage to apply. Starting salary is $6.50 per hour.


Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $200 weekly

- Salary $8-10.00 per hour lay blocks, apply marble Crete, plastering



Pelican Road, Whitby North Caicos



Wilson Circle #11 , Blue Hills, Phone: 346-0002

CONTACT: 347-1416


Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

act on behalf of its clients:

Duties: Performing a variety of Housekeeping chores such as Sweeping, mopping, dusting and Polishing to ensure all rooms are Made-up and kept tidy. SALARY: $7.50 per hour

23 Silverado Road, South Dock, Providenciales Seeking employment for the following:






Central Avenue, Whitby North Caicos. 246-7382 On behalf of our clients


Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 346-2537

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This position Is currently held by a work permit holder. 19833

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder








• Must have experience in child care • Feed, bathe and watch child Salary: $6.50 per hour CONTACT: JULIANA 244-7033

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19830

Repair vehicle tubes and tires. balance tires for all vehicles, order patches and plugs for tires.


Inspecting and testing vehicles; engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters.

CONTACT: 232-7177

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders




INSURANCE/CORPORATE ASSISTANT Caribbean Management Services Limited is seeking an enthusiastic and motivated Insurance/Corporate Assistant. Key responsibilities include: • Liaising with clients • Incorporation of insurance/corporate entities • Post-incorporation activities • Implementing AML requirements • Effectively communicating with the Financial Services Commission The successful candidate will have at a minimum an associate’s degree (or equivalent) in a business-related field and have at least three years corporate management experience with a corporate management firm. An additional professional qualification (such as STEP) would be an asset. The candidate must be proficient with Microsoft Office Suite and QuickBooks accounting software and have strong analytical and organizational skills as well as strong written and verbal communication skills. Salary will be dependent upon skills and experience and will be in the range of $33,000.00 per annum.

Turks and Caicos Islanders only need apply.

Applicants should send their details and résumés to the Managing Director at Closing date: 10th January 2020 19826


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



LABOURERS/GROUNDSMEN Pavilion Management is looking for Two Labourers to be responsible for the general maintenance of the gardens, plants and lawns at a rental villa. Responsible for the general maintenance of the gardens, plants and lawns at the villa. And also maintain the beautification of the lawns and gardens in order to attract guests to the property.


Soil cultivation when necessary, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, and planting. • Using and maintaining hand tools and basic light machinery. • Ensure all equipment and machinery are stored securely and clean after use. • Maintain gardens by trimming and making sure that plants are receiving adequate water. • Prune trees and hedges to correct shape and height so that they are safe and look good. • Maintain lawn and grass areas using machinery. • Keep the gardens, thoroughfares and footpaths clear and free from litter at all times. • Weed between the ferns and round the sides of the property. • Ensure the cleanliness of the beach frontage • Must be willing to have ongoing training in other areas A clean driving license would be an advantage. Must have basic command and understanding of English Previous experience in similar role as well as a sound knowledge and use of horticultural machinery is an added advantage. Salary $1500-2000 based on experience.

Interested Belongers should send cover letter and resume to Andrea Riggs, Griffiths & Partners, 82 Cherokee Road, Providenciales, Fax 649-941-8251. These positions are currently held by work permit holders.

#15 RESIDENCE YARD, FIVE CAYS. 345-1964 Seeking for a








to assisting with Medication goes to doctor, to clean the house, Wash and iron. Salary of 6.25 per hourly

• Payroll and other paper work. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $1,200 monthly

PLEASE CALL 346-2311


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19767

This position is currently held by a work permit holder. However, Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 19789




Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Wage: $6.25 per hour (minimum wage) Hours: 10am -6pm Monday to Friday Duties: Child care and cleaning Renewal TC Islanders are invited to apply and send a copy of application to the Board CONTACT: JAMELL.R.ROBINSON@ GMAIL.COM OR 331-3399


CONTACT: 231-1490

SOUTH SCHOOL LANE, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a


Duties: clean, iron, dust and other household chores etc. Must be willing to work 3 days per week. Salary: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 232-0023

This position is currently held by a work permit holder

to work 6 days a week. Shampoo, interlock/crochet, style, color, repair, treat and maintain dreadlocks/hair; install extensions Starting wage: $6.50/hr.

CONTACT: 241-4248

#126 Chalk Sound

LABOURER - $6.25 hourly Clean yard, weed, etc.

CONTACT: 242-9086

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19774






LICENSED PHARMACY TECHNICIAN • Must have pharmacy technician qualification from recognized college including at least 1 year of classroom-based learning. • At least 4 years post qualification experience. • Will be required to pass a pharmacy technician exam paper as part of interview process. • Duties will include accurate dispensing, use of dispensary software, maintenance of pharmacy stock, NHIP billing and OTC advice. • Recent experience with extemporaneous preparations of liquids and creams desired. • Willing to work long shifts, weekends and holidays. • $12-$17 per hour depending on experience and qualifications.

Please send cover letter, resume and copies of qualifications to or in person at Flamingo Pharmacy, Cabot House, Graceway Plaza, Leeward Highway. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Closing date December 31 2019

This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders are encouraged to lodge an application with the Labour Department. 19772

Responsible for design and fabrication of molds and prototypes for concrete products. Working with specialist materials and developing the best product solutions for our customers; working closely with our oversees Prototype Lab.

• Assist with the development process to meet technical specifications and quality standards • Assist with developing systems to optimize production efficiency and reduce manual processes

RESPONSIBILITIES: • Assisting with the design of molds • Consult with clients to provide fast prototype development for custom designs • Assist with design production process, procurement of tools for customized work

QUALIFICATIONS: • Minimum 5 years’ experience in mold design & fabrication using Silicone • Extensive experience on concrete product production • High level of attention to detail and mechanical aptitude • Excellent communication skills

Interested applicants may submit your resume with qualifications and experience via email to Interested Turks and Caicos Islands should also submit their resume to the TCI Employment Services and Labour Department. This is a new position. 19812



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020 Apt #4 Ingham Circle, Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


• Grounds men and maintenance work and painting. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 243-8307

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19770


#56 WALTER COX DRIVE, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a


Provide beauty services, such as shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. May apply makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, and provide nail and skin care services. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 345-8242

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



$1,250 MONTHLY


Assist patient getting dressed, eat, bathe and wash dishes, folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications.


Duties: preparing the work station for the cook, keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times To work 6 days per week, must work shifts and holidays Salary $7.00 per hour First time applicant

Duties: preparing orders, keeping kitchen clean, making sure food is prep Must be willing to work 6 days per week, work shifts and holidays Salary $7.00 per hour First time applicant

Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department


SEWING SEEDS LEARNING CENTER Norway, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


• Tailoring for men and alterations. • Applicant must be honest, reliable and willing to work. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 331-8531

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19768


CONTACT: 431-0442

CONTACT: 241-9408

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19805

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder



Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19809


• Taking care of yard. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

ROBERTS AGENCY Acting on behalf of

ARTHUR ROBINSON Queen Angel, Turtle Cove


Paying bills, purchasing goods, and etc. Contact: 231-6717


Aqua Lane, Long Bay

CARPENTER - $10 HOURLY Making cabinets, designing moldings and building roofs.

WOOD CARVER - $10 HOURLY Making cabinets, designing moldings. Contact: 244-2995

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19797


• Sweeping, mopping and dusting shelves. • Ensuring that store is always tidy. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days per week. Salary: $6.25 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19807


#20 BIBLE ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking a


-$600 weekly Drives and manipulates the bucket of a backhoe to dig and move dirt, sand, and gravel. Work Permit Renewal


- $10 hourly Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones; makes and repairs steps and plasters


• Do maintenance on house and business. • To work 6 days weekly. Salary: $10.00 hourly

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for a first time applicant





Is seeking a


• Must work weekends • Applicate will be digging holes, jackhammering. Planting and caring for shrubs and trees. • Jobs are outside • Driving license, a must. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 232-2272

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




Moitis Roberts is looking for a Domestic Helper at Grand Turk, TCI area. To wash, iron, clean and assist with two children. This position is presently held by a work permit holder. Applicants who are TC Islanders should send copies of their applications to the Labour Board. Salary: $6.25 per hour Submit Resumes to: Monica Simmons ( Telephone # 649-232-1437



THE LARGEST READERSHIP IN THE TURKS & CAICOS Civil & Structural Engineering Ltd P.O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI. Tel: (649) 941 4437 Fax: (649) 946 4670 E-mail: CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LTD. Seeks a

STRUCTURAL TECHNICIAN THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT MUST POSSESS: • BSc in Civil/Structural Engineering • 5 years post qualification work experience • Computer literate with experience in Word, Excel, Autocad DUTIES WILL INCLUDE AND CANDIDATES SHOULD HAVE EXPERIENCE IN: • Structural design calculations and

drawing work • Structural surveys • Site Inspection & Report Salary will be $36,000.00 per annum. The suitable candidate will be able to work under their own initative, and be able to see through Design Projects from conceptional design to final drawing works.

This position is available immediately and closing date for application is 27th December, 2019.


- $10 hourly Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials.

Contact: 244-4542 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

#73 PRINCESS DRIVE, LOWER BIGHT Is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 332-2621

CONTACT: 231-6100

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19766

CONTACT: 247-6615

Contact: 649-244-8400


• To do maintenance work • Must be willing to work 5 days per week. Salary: $6.25 per hour

Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



#22 Morris Plaza, Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

• General house chores including washing windows and laundry. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days per week. Salary: $6.25 hourly



Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents in the restaurant, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days per week. Salary: $7.00 per hour


Providing regular housekeeping, sweeping, mopping, laundry and cleaning dishes.

These positions are currently held by work permit holders Belongers can drop off resume to the store Providenciales: Central Square and The Regent Village Grand Turk: Goldsmith Building Front Street Tel: 649 946 4100. Email: 19775




#19 DUCKLING LANE, JUBA SOUND Is seeking to employ a


Must be able to provide assistance to customers and handle various duties such as operating the cash register, greeting customers, helping people locate products, doing paper work, stocking shelves, and maintaining the store clean and organized.





#10 Oak Avenue, Grace Bay, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a





Qualified Turks & Caicos Islander Preferred. Apply in writing to Civil & Structural Engineering Limited, P. O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. Contact: Chris Conway on Or fax to Labour Office, Providenciales on 946-7184





CLEANER to work 6 days a week. Salary $6.25 per hour

Interested applicants must be able to work flexible hours, have a clean police record, and submit their application with a copy of their CV and references to: and to the T.C.I Employment Services and Labour Department. Position is currently vacant.


SOUTH DOCK, #27 MALCOM ROAD Is seeking to employ a


Build and install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form buildings, bridges, and other structures. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. Salary: $12.00 hourly

CONTACT: 347-1905

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 19777


1. 60607/3 2. 60607/44 3. 60607/75 4. 60607/76

It is hereby declared that it appears to H.E. the Governor that the land identified below is needed for the public purpose identified below. The particulars required by Section 5(3) of the Land Acquisition Ordinance are as follows: (a) the place in which the land is situated: Providenciales (b) the particular purpose for which it is needed: Road Development Phase 4, Five Cay and Blue Hills, Providenciales. (c) its approximate area and all other particulars necessary for identifying it: Parcel Nos. Area (acres)



1 Osprey, Thompson’s Cove, Providenciales IS SEEKING TO HIRE A

South Dock Road, P.O. Box 608. Is seeking an


RESPONSIBILITIES: • Managing all office tasks. • Answer to manager in their daily requests. • Data recording • Help accountant in producing month end and year-end financial statements. • Manage all clients account. • Budget follow up. • Bank reconciliation • Production of French written documents upon request

Theresa Louise Rigby, Evelyn Elvera Rigby, PrIscilla Jane Rigby, Theresa Maria St. Jean and Stanley Jason Ellington




Westminster Property




Sherlock Conwell Walkin




Southwind Limited

(d) if a plan has been made of the land, the place where and the time at which such plan may be inspected: Public Works Department, Butterfield Square, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. DATED this 5th day of December 2019. Under the public seal of the Turks and Caicos Islands Acting in the name of and On behalf of the Crown ………………………………….. H.E. NIGEL DAKIN GOVERNOR

• IT management. • Dealing with French spoken suppliers and forensic accountant.

REQUIREMENTS: • 5 years+ experience in Office Management. • Accounting and QuickBooks knowledge. • Bachelor Degree in Administration. • Proficient in Microsoft Excel,

Word and Project. • Excellent English written and Spoken. • Ability to perform different tasks without supervision. • Good IT knowledge. • Problem solving skills. • Knowledge of minimum of French. • Ability to work long hours and weekends. • Driver’s license is mandatory. Salary $500-$750 weekly

CONTACT: (649) 941-3445

Qualified Belonger candidates should send their applications to The Labour Department and: | Deadline: December 20th, 2019 19887


• This Position Reports to Engineering & Maintenance Manager • Provide services as general helper for maintenance and engineering Department. Ensuring shrub removal around the fences at various Aerodromes, Ensure the runway is cleared of debris and overgrown vegetation and foreign object as required by regulations. Salary: $10.50 per hour


• This Position Reports to the Security Manager • To ensure the overall day-to-day safe, orderly and efficient operation of all airport security activities. Leading and managing the Security officers to ensure continued security department compliance with standard operating procedures/regulations and the requirements of Airports Authority. Salary: $33,064.80 per annum


• This Position Reports to the Terminal Manager • To supervise and investigate the quality and standard of caretaking and cleaning services of the TCI Airports. The cleaner performs janitorial duties to include terminal and landside surroundings. Salary: $21, 735.00 per annum

Area of land Proprietor being acquired (acres)

60607/3 15.00 0.08

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

GENERAL HELPER/ Maintenance Technician

• This Position Reports to Engineering & Maintenance Manager • Provide services as general helper for maintenance and engineering Department. Ensuring shrub removal around the fences at various Aerodromes, Ensure the runway is cleared of debris and overgrown vegetation and foreign object as required by regulations. Salary: $7.00 per hour

• • • •


This Position Reports to the Terminal Manager/Cleaning Supervisor The cleaner performs janitorial duties to include terminal and landside surroundings. Cleans building floors by sweeping, moping, scrubbing, waxing and polishing them Using electrically powered scrubbing and polishing machines to burnish, scrub, polish and spray clean floors (after receiving proper instruction and training). Salary: $7.00 per hour These positions are held by work permit holders. Perspective applicants who are belongers kindly send copies of your application to the TCI Labor Board. Interest persons must submit their applications on or before December 20, 2019 to:

Human Resources Manager, Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority Providenciales International Airport, Telephone# 649-946-4420, Fax# 9415996. Email:





#310 Gold Avenue, Phase 2, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT THE TCICC Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the following fulltime positions at the TCICC for the Spring semester commencing Monday, January 6, 2020.


Lecturers are required to teach across different academic levels from the G.C.E. Advanced level, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency and up to the Associate and Bachelor Degree levels. Multi-disciplinary candidates are particularly encouraged to apply for these positions. The ideal candidate must have knowledge and skills obtained through collegiate preparation resulting in a Master’s degree (Doctorate preferred) which must include eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in the area being applied for, from an accredited and recognized institution plus a Teaching Diploma or Postgraduate Diploma and no less than three years post qualification teaching experience. A Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of a second class honors or other postgraduate qualifications, teaching certificate/ Diploma and experience in teaching at Tertiary level may be considered.


TCICC needs a Nurse Educator who will help prepare the next generation of nurses in classroom settings. The ideal person should be able to provide guidance and mentoring to nursing students, showing them how to deliver the best healthcare possible. He/she will combine clinical abilities with responsibilities related to: • Designing curricula, courses and programs of study that reflect contemporary healthcare trends, • Creating healthcare environment in classroom, laboratory, and clinical settings that will facilitate student learning and the achievement of desired cognitive, affective, and psychomotor outcomes. • Teaching classroom and clinical courses • Advising and guiding students • Using a variety of strategies to asses and evaluate student learning in classroom, laboratory and clinical settings, • Documenting the outcomes of the educational process.


• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine. • Must be able to speak English. • To work 4 days a week and flexible hours including Weekends and Holidays. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 342-1163

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder


• Advising students • Engaging in scholarly work • Participating in professional associations • Contributing to the academic community through leadership roles • Engaging in peer review • Maintaining clinical competence • Writing grant proposals


Soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. Salary: $7 hourly


• Have excellent communication skills • Be creative, and have a solid clinical background • Be flexible and possess excellent critical thinking skills. • Have a substantive knowledge base in his/her area of instruction and the skills to convey that knowledge in a variety of ways to student nurses. • Have a strong knowledge base in theories of teaching, learning and evaluation • Be able to design curricula and programs that reflect sound educational principles • Be able to assess learner needs • Be innovative; and enjoy teaching. • Adapt curriculum and teaching methods in response to innovations in nursing science and ongoing changes in the practice environment. • Have advisement and counseling skills, research and other scholarly skills, and an ability to collaborate with other disciplines to plan and deliver a sound educational program.

CONTACT: 649-341-3426

CONTACT: 243-7815

ALL OUT PROMOTIONS Address: 313 Priton Development, Blue Hills, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 247-1011


Salary/Wages: $350 per WEEK Responsibilities/Duties: • Maintain equipment • Print and Train video and audio productions

not later than Friday, December 27, 2019. Where possible applicants should e-mail or fax their applications. FAX: 649 946 1661, TELE: 649 946 1163 EMAILL or or We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only persons selected for interview will be contacted. 19824

576 Blue Hills


- $6.25 hourly Wash, vacuum cars, etc. Contact: 347-2093



- $6.25 hourly Clean yard, assist mason.


- $12 hourly Plaster, put blocks, etc. Contact: 347-2093


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19785




• House cleaning and laundry. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

The Application Process: Applications with copies of qualifications (including official transcripts), CV, two character references, a police record and a recent testimonial from current place of employment should reach:

Acting on behalf of:

Holders are currently held by work permit holder. Send resume to Labour Board Belongers only apply


Salary is in the scale: Level II: US$40,210 - $43,488.40 per annum. Entry point will depend on qualifications and experience. In the case of staff recruited from overseas, appointment is on contractual terms for an initial period of two years. A gratuity is payable at the end of satisfactory contractual service at the rate of 10% of salary drawn during the period of service. A housing allowance is payable at existing rates.


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19769

Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

At a minimum, the ideal person should have a graduatelevel degree, such as a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a specialization in Nursing Education; and should be a Registered Nurse (RN) with advanced clinical training in a healthcare specialty.


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control. 19831


North Side, Blue Hills Is seeking a


Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 345-8505

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



#1 DAVIE BIGHT ROAD, WEST POINT, PROVO Is seeking to employ a


Inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters Salary: $8.00 per hour

CONTACT: 241-4515

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19826




MAMA’S KITCHEN NORWAY, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Applicant must be honest, reliable and hard working. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 331-8531




Taking care of an elderly man. Feed and clothe patient. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 343-3755 OR 241-8182

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19798

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19818





Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 232-1399

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



#12 Moses Ave, Blue Hills


Babysitting baby, cooking, cleaning, washing, and iron on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25-$7.00 hourly

CONTACT: 246-1717

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Norway, Kew Town, Provo Is seeking to employ a


Serving ix and frozen beverages. Contact: 649-242-8792 Salary: $6.25-$7.00 hourly

• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 331-8531


32B Moses Ave Millennium Highway

Aviation Drive, Down Town, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


To play all the instruments in the church, also to lead and promote the band. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-241-5922

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19782


• Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 341-9646 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Bible Street, Back of Mara Is seeking to employ a


• Fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 243-8890

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19843




Unit #204 Alice & Alice Plaza, Airport Road


Braiding, perming and supervising the salon and products.

CONTACT: 649-333-1236


• General house cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, laundry and washing windows. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days per week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 242-3005

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


GOOD TASTE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL #87 Bar Walkin Gas Retail Station Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER • Lifting boxes, stocking shelves. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly

CONTACT: 246-5189 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19822 PRESTON CHURCHILL HARRIS #57 Front Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


ALPHA BUILDERS LTD Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. Contact: 232-9702


Club Med Turkoise, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a

Acting on behalf of our clients


Belongers can also apply to the Labour Department for positions.


Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Iron Cl, Blue Hills

Contact: 649-242-8792 Email: 19820


• Applicant must be qualified, honest and reliable and willing to work. • Baking cakes, decorating and teaching children in our community. Salary: $8 hourly


Parrot Cut, Macaw Cl., Glass Shack Is seeking to employ a

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

ADRIAN CLAIRVANO MASON Technical Drive, Long Bay, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


To lean and prepare the job site and using a variety of tools, also to load and unload materials. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-343-0419

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19783


• Clean yard and minor maintenance. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-8830

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19781

D & M CONSULTANCY West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties:- Daily cleaning and Periodic checks of offices, Restroom and conference Room, ensure supplies are Stocked and issued. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 333-1674

Belongers are asked to submit A copy of their resume to the Labour Office. This is a first Time work permit application.




• FRCOphth or equivalent qualification required and at least 5 years post qualification experience. • Both hospital and surgical experience required. • Perform complete medical and surgical eye care treatment. • Salary commensurate with experience, part or full time $50k-$120k. • All applicants must be able to register with TCI Medical Council. • First time permit.

Please send CV’s to menziesead@ or Fax 649-946-4242



#51 Palms Well Drive, Leeward Palms, Providenciales Is seeking a


• Cleaning outside the property which includes weeding, sweeping, picking yard waste, disposal of trash and cleaning windows. • Require to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 231-3015

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19828

WANDA ARIZA BREEZY BRAE Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 232-1738

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This position Is currently held by a work permit holder. 19832

OLEM SEIDE ISLAND DRYWALL FINISH Timber Crest, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


• Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $9.50 hourly

CONTACT: 341-1944

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19850


24B Spring Water Street, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a



#134 South Dock Road, Providenciales


Washing and styling hair.

• Masonry Work. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

COSMETOLOGIST - $9 HOURLY Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and etc.

CONTACT: 347-8726


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19898

Polishing nails.

CONTACT: 343-0592

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board 19857

SARA WILLIAMS OVER BACK, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning yard disposing of Refuse, cleaning windows and doors. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 232-1471

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.




All candidate should have at least 2-3 years’ experience in the same field, excellent full knowledge of all casino table games and excellent knowledge of dice table games. Job summary: carry out specific tasks in the gaming operation to the highest standard efficiency and customer service, in accordance with gaming policies and procedures laid down by the company and gaming laws. Salary: $14 hourly Candidates must be willing to work on weekends, dayshift- night shift and holidays

Please drop off CV’s at the Casablanca casino 226 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales address to HR or email at Tel: 941-3737 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Position held by work permit holder



Gender: Female Duties: General House hold chores Hours: Minimum of 16 hours per day to maximum 38 Wages: $6.25 per hour Days off: Sundays Applicants: Turks Islanders need only apply



LABOURER - $280 WEEKLY To load and unload trucks. Assist with heavy lifting.

CONTACT: 343-6204

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board19902


CONTACT: 232-4554

EASY WAY EMPLOYMENT #5 Millennium Estate, Millennium Highway

#3 BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 343-2261




Washing dishes, cleaning and etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19900



• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly


WHITBY, NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Mon-Fri 7am-5pm Salary: $6.75 hourly

CONTACT: 2437785 OR 341-1683

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19890



Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

Apt #1, Building #59 Black Crow Norway and Five Cays, Kew Town, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

TILE LAYER • Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, patios, and roof decks. Level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 245-4898

CONTACT: 231-6028

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19859

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19872


Is looking for the following Full Time Position




Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19888


#11 Mack Close, Cooper Jack Is seeking to employ a

DOMESTIC WORKER $6.25 HOURLY Sweeping, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, and other work.


Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces.


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19880

#1 DAVIE BIGHT ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, and etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-2006

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19867

CLASS FASHION CLOTHING STORE New Subdivision, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


• Watch the store. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 341-7518

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board19858

Pillory Beach, Grand Turk


• *minimum 3 years experience in a full service bar • *fluent in English - verbal and written - Spanish is an asset • *pleasant personality a must • *excellent mathematical skills • *ability to mix Bohio specialty cocktails • *ability to open and serve bottle of wine • *cleaning and organization of all areas of bar

• *re-stocking of fridges and inventory bar daily • *must be able to open bottles of wine • *ensure proper cash handling - open and closing duties • *working hours Monday Sunday including holidays, based on scheduled shift *must be available to start at 6 am , hours based on weekly schedule


CUTTING EDGE LANDSCAPING AND DESIGNS 756 Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

D&D CONTRACTING 2nd Floor #2 Olympic Plaza, Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ a


• Soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.50 hourly CONTACT: 333-2621

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19868


Install wires and electrical work on buildings. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 246-2226

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19889



The successful candidates must be able to: • Install and maintain fiber, copper and COAX cables according to plan. • Perform low-loss fiber splicing and cable jointing. • Perform preventative maintenance and ensure that proper standards are followed. Salary is $12.00 per hour (negotiable), 5 or 6 days per week depending on workload Renewal work permit . qualified Belongers can submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department


Requires 2 Fiber Technicians

Applicants should submit a resume to: Director of Fiberworks #46 Stingray Street, Cooper Jack Bay Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Email: contact: 333-0980

#1 PROVO PLAZA, LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a

Part time position requiring occasional weekend work and variable hours. Applicant will have at least 5 year pqe management background, ability to prepare payroll and administer day to day operations. Must have own vehicle. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 946-4344


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19901



December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020



Sports Interational

Russia to appeal against four-year ban from major sporting events for doping offences RUSSIA is set to appeal against the decision to ban it from all major sporting events for four years. Its anti-doping agency, Rusada, says it does not agree with the punishment from the World AntiDoping Agency (Wada). The bans means Russia’s flag and anthem will not be allowed at events such as the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics and football’s 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Rusada says a letter to Wada will be prepared on behalf of the president “in the next 10-15 days”. “Then the ball will be in Wada’s court and the situation will be


Unit #5, 18 Old Airport Road Is seeking a


• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-231-2397

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19851

developing in the legal field,” added Alexander Ivlev, head of Rusada’s supervisory board. Wada’s executive committee made the unanimous decision to impose the ban on Russia in a meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, last week. It comes after Rusada was declared non-compliant for manipulating laboratory data handed over to investigators in January 2019. It had to hand over data to Wada as a condition of its controversial reinstatement in 2018 after a threeyear suspension for its vast statesponsored doping scandal


Subdivision Road, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-246-3271

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder

Russian president Vladimir Putin said after the ruling the country had grounds to appeal against the decision. Wada president Sir Craig Reedie said the decision showed its “determination to act resolutely in the face of the Russian doping crisis”. However, vice-president Linda Helleland says the ban was “not enough”, and it has also been criticised by other nations’ doping bodies. Athletes who can prove they are untainted by the doping scandal will be able to compete under a neutral


830A Leeward Highway Providenciales. 242-9656


sweeping outside and inside the building, remove dirt and hazardous waste outside the office, clean door frames, clean windows, clean the outside wall,takes waste outside property Salary: 6.25 per hour. RENEWAL BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.




flag. A total of 168 Russian athletes competed under a neutral flag at the 2018 Winter Olympics in



44A Prince of Wales drive, Leeward Gate 231-0309

LABOURER Cleaning outside the

property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, Cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.


Pyeongchang. Russia has been banned from competing as a nation in athletics since 2015. (BBC)

Acting on behalf of


Building #999 Leeward Highway


Lay blocks and plastering.

TILE LAYER - $8 HOURLY Lay tiles.

FINISH CARPENTER - $8 HOURLY Make furniture and cut wood. Contact: 33-3696


Turtle Creek, Discovery Bay

LABOURER - $6.25 HOURLY Clean yard and cut grass. Contact: 242-6376


Sam’s Building Complex, Down Town


shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Contact: 346-2239


Lower Bight Road, Providenciales


Soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching and etc.

2 LABOURERS - $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning properties. Contact: 345-7518

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board



Jeweler - $2,000 monthly

Must be able to repair clasps and links on Gold and Silver Jewelry. Must be able to identify precious and semi-precious gems and metals. To work 6-days per week.

Store Clerk - $1,250 monthly

Must be able to provide assistance to customers and handle various duties such as operating the cash register, greeting customers, helping people locate products, doing paper work, stocking shelves, and maintaining the store clean and organized.

Care Giver - $1,250 monthly

Duties: Taking care of elderly person in a wheelchair, general cleaning, and other related chores. Position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Sales Manager - $2,000 monthly

Must be able to achieve growth and hit sales team. Designing and implementing a strategic sales plan that expands company’s customer base.

TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDER STATUS APPLICATION Your application for grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status under Section 4 (3) of the Turks and Caicos Islands lmmigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 was approved by the Minister of Border Control and Employment Services on 4th December 2019 with the following decision being made: “It approved the commencement of the procedures as set out in the Turks and Caicos Island Status (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status to Mr. Carlos Michell Duverge Bautista”

These positions are currently held by work permit holders Belongers can drop off resume to the store Providenciales: Central Square and The Regent Village Grand Turk: Goldsmith Building Front Street Tel: 649 946 4100. Email: Aplicants can also submit copies to the Labour Board

Athletes will not be allowed to compete under the Russian flag at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics or Beijing 2022 Winter Games.



Sports National


December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

The Academy Jaguars are unbeaten in the league.

Jack Blain has a league high 14 goals and five assists at the break.

Blain’s last game dominance leads him to most individual points at PHL break

The SWA Sharks are tied for second at the break.

Jaguars stay unbeaten at Christmas break in Gilley’s Enterprises PPL THE Academy Jaguars remain unbeaten at the Christmas break in the Gilley’s Enterprises Provo Premier League with six wins in six games for a whopping 18 points. Beaches and the SWA Sharks are their closest rivals with four wins each from six games for 12 points. After the pair, the Flamingo and Blue Hills FC are tied for fourth on

nine points from three wins in six games, while the Academy Falcons are on three points from six games and the Academy Eagles are stilling hunting their first points. The Academy’s players Patrick Alouidor and Raymond Burey, who have been outstanding in the league so far, are in the run for the Golden Boot. Alouidor has 10 goals, while

Burey has eight. Brian Gregg from the Sharks, Jean Innocent from the Falcons and Angelyn Cadet from Beaches are tied with seven goals each. The League continues on January 11th with two games. Blue Hill FC will meet SWA Sharks from 18:00h, while from 20:00h, the Academy Falcons will meet the Flamingo.

JACK Blain’s five-goal strike for Midget team Saunders and Co. Greyhounds in his most recent clash propelled him onto of the individual leaderboard in the Provo Hockey League at their Christmas break. After five games the veteran junior player has notched up 14 goals and five assists, which take him to 19 points—the most by any player so far this season. Maddox Zaidan-Jones, a dominant youngster, who has excelled in all the divisions of the league, is tied with 14 goals, but he has four assists to

his name, which gives him 18 overall points at the break in the Midget Division. In the Bantam Division, the TCI Marble and Granite Sharks’ Jacob Been is first with 13 goals and two assists for 15 points, with Jordan Gedeon from CBMS Cougars in second place on 10 goals and three assists. In the Novice division, Helena Crawley and Jack Crawley are leading the Twa Marcelin Wolf Lightning with nine goals and four assists (13 points) and 10 goals and two assists (12 points) respectively.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Sports International



Tiger Woods: Presidents Cup performance adds further to his legend TIGER Woods added another significant line to his legend with his triumphant playing captaincy of the United States at the Presidents Cup. The skipper inspired America’s comeback on the final day to condemn Ernie Els’ international team to an eighth successive defeat. In the process, Woods started to provide answers to one of the biggest questions that has hovered over his playing career. Despite his individual glories - including 15 major titles - the reigning Masters champion has never been seen as a team man. His Ryder Cup record is pretty woeful with only 13 wins from 37 contests. Woods has only once been on the winning side, back in 1999 when he

played his first home match in the infamous ‘Battle of Brookline’. Such a potentially talismanic figure has inhibited rather than inspired playing partners, while bringing the best out of opponents. That said, the 43-year-old has tended to look more comfortable in Presidents Cup matches where the intensity often pales in comparison with matches when Europe are the opposition. But this one had an edge. There was a Patrick Reed inspired hostile build up and Els desperately wanted to put one over his old rival. Yet Woods was a man possessed. He won all three of his matches at Royal Melbourne to become his country’s most successful player in

Tiger Woods (fourth from left back row) won all three of his matches at Royal Melbourne this week.

the Presidents Cup. It is easy for those of us this side of the pond to dismiss this biennial contest. It does not share the same level of history but it is undoubtedly growing in passion with each match that passes. Results have been terribly one sided in America’s favour, but at Royal Melbourne they were given

a real fright by an astutely managed international team. And Woods rose above it all. He was a master at work on a masterpiece of a golf course This was the big take away. How great it was to see such a team competition on such a great course, because golf architecture does not get better than Royal Melbourne.

Its fast, firm conditioning and the tactical questions it poses invariably identify the best player. No one was better than Woods in last week’s match. Truly flawless golf has never been played, that’s an impossibility, but Woods came close to perfection with the craftsmanship he use to take on Dr Alister Mackenzie’s glorious design.

May Joy be your gift at Christmas, and may Faith, Hope, and Love be your treasures in the New Year. May God’s blessings be yours this Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the

Minister, Board of Directors, Management & Staff of the Turks & Caicos Islands National Insurance Board


Sports National


CHHS played solid team-ball en route to victory.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

Finals MVP Azel Carmichael.


CHHS Eagles wanted the win and they played hard for it, opines coach Harvey THE CHHS Eagles played their hearts out en route to the National High School Basketball title, opines head coach of the side Keith Harvey. CHHS defeated the Maranatha Academy Blizzards in the final of the 2019 National High School Basketball Championships by six points (with six of their players scoring eight or more points). According to the experienced coach, the scoring prowess by his side was the separating factor in the game. “Our guys came out and performed, they wanted that one. And they played hard for it…. We keep a more balance team….” Harvey added that the scoring is not just shouldered on one or two persons, but by multiple players, which makes it hard to hold down the side. Forward Obed Leopold and centre Sherlock Padmore led the scoring with 14 points each. Leopold, who scored twice from downtown, also grabbed seven rebounds and dished out three steals, while Padmore pulled down 12 rebounds, seven assists, five blocks and four steals. Small forward Vilnor Emmanuel added 10 points, five steals and four rebounds. The eventual MVP was however

Azel Carmichael, who had an outstanding all-round game. Carmichael used his quick hands and court vision to dish a whopping 10 assists to go with nine points, seven steals, five rebounds and two blocks. GRAHAM SHOW Although Carmichael was voted as MVP, the game was the Cavon Graham show. Harvey admitted that his side could not stop the forward. “We did not know the challenge of stopping him would have been that hard. We never stopped him in the game, so we had to pick the pace up and start to outrun him and keep him on his toes. That’s more or less what we overcome him with.” Graham exploded with 36 points, 10 rebounds, four assists and three steals. According to Maranatha’s coach Trevor Cooke, Graham was a oneman wrecking crew. “Graham was unstoppable, a oneman wrecking crew.” Cooke said that the game was very intense and competitive, and although they played without one of their better players, the side held their own well. He noted that the two shots from down-town by Leopold hurt their

Maranatha fought hard, but ended in second.

chances a bit, but overall he was happy with his team’s drive and mentality in the clash. BEST JOB

He also credited CHHS, whom he said played excellent ball. “They (CHHS) did a very good job, best job that CHSS has ever done in terms of a well-rounded

game.” Meanwhile Carmichael, Katrell Pierre (Marjorie Basden) and Wilbert Rodriguez (Alpha Academy) were named as All Conference Players.

December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020





December 21, 2019 - January 3, 2020

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