Weekly News Volume 33 | No. 30 | July 27 - August 2, 2019
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JUDGE TO RULE ON MONDAY Judge set to give ruling whether or not corruption case involving former Government ministers should be thrown out PAGE
Armoured police cars are bomb and bullet proof CARIBBEAN NATIONS JOIN FORCES TO TACKLE TAX ISSUES PAGE 4
July 27 - August 2, 2019
July 27 - August 2, 2019
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Caribbean nations join forces to tackle tax issues BY OLIVIA ROSE TAX administrators from 19 Caribbean countries are meeting in the TCI for five days to exchange ideas on how to tackle tax challenges in the region. The Caribbean Organisation of Tax Administration’s (COTA) 25th General Assembly and Technical Conference got underway at the Shore Club, Providenciales, on Monday (July 22). Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson delivered the keynote address at the conference on the topic of global advancements in technology and their effects on tax administration. Statistics over the last few years indicate that an unprecedented flow of information and increased use of social media has adversely affected tax systems in many countries, she said. “In the Turks and Caicos, we continue to see leakages in our hotel, restaurant and accommodation tax with the utilisation of online booking applications such as Airbnb, booking. com and innovative tax treatments of large international hoteliers.” She added that it is crucial for countries like the Turks and Caicos Islands to create more robust tax frameworks to address the myriad of challenges in the tax sector. “It is imperative that Caribbean tax administrations seek to carry out the necessary reforms required to move our tax administrations, tax procedures and tax policies to the
Delegates from around the Caribbean attend COTA’s 25th General Assembly and Technical Conference in Providenciales
digital age. “We should explore the creation of innovative compliance strategies that address and embrace the age of technology; update our legislative framework to address issues that may arise as a result of digitalisation, and most importantly make the necessary investments, as governments to ensure that tax administrations are provided with the obligatory tax technology and infrastructure.”
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
Cartwright Robinson further emphasised COTA’s role and importance to the region. “This conference has come in no better time than now. I applaud this initiative of the Caribbean Organisation of Tax Administration for putting together this conference and an agenda that will adequately address many of the concerns that are looming across the Caribbean regarding this matter. “This conference and discussions
among your colleagues, I hope, will assist and guide us into transforming the Caribbean tax administrations in the age of digitalisation,” she added. Among the other issues discussed at the meeting were collaborating with the Caribbean Technical Assistance Centre, signing on to the Network of Tax Organisations Memorandum of Understanding, the reform of corporation tax in Caricom member states, next steps for Caricom states in relation to the
Premier and Finance Minister Sharlene Cartwright Robinson delivers the keynote address at the conference
OECD Tax Governance Initiative and the modernisation of excise management practices. COTA, established in 1971, is an integrated institution operating under the Caribbean Community (Caricom) secretariat. It seeks to advance the interests of tax administrations in the region through information exchange and joint training initiatives. The meeting will conclude on Friday (July 26).
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Lead prosecutor Andrew Mitchell QC
Former Premier Michael Misick
Justice Paul Harrison
Critical decision in corruption trial due Monday Judge set to give ruling whether or not case involving former Government ministers should be thrown out BY GEMMA HANDY ALL eyes will be on the Supreme Court on Monday (July 29) for a hearing marking a pivotal juncture in the ongoing corruption trial of several former Government ministers. The lengthy proceedings, now in the fourth year, will either enter a new phase or be thrown out entirely, depending on Justice Paul Harrison’s ruling. The latter is what defendants and their lawyers are hoping for.
Attorneys for the nine corruptionaccused – which include erstwhile premier Michael Misick and four of his ex-Cabinet ministers – spent weeks earlier this year arguing that the prosecution had failed to show sufficient evidence of their clients’ alleged misdeeds. Judge Harrison will give his decision as to whether or not there is a case for them to answer. If he rules lead prosecutor Andrew Mitchell QC and team have not adequately proven the charges
The Ministry of Education in partnership with the European Union have welcomed suggestions this week from education stakeholders during a think tank at the Sands at Grace Bay in Providenciales.
outlined, the defendants will be acquitted and the case dismissed. If Harrison deems adequate evidence has indeed been presented, the trials will move into the defence phase with lawyers for the accused presenting their side. The trials officially opened in December 2015 and were expected to last just six months. TCI’s taxpayers have controversially picked up the bill for most of the proceedings. The most recent estimate of costs, given
Among the topics discussed so far were the arts, job readiness, a free adult literacy programme, and tourism as mandatory vocational skill for all high school leavers. More on this in next week’s Weekly News.
by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson at this month’s swearingin ceremony of new Governor Nigel Dakin, was almost $100 million. More than $10 million was budgeted for the current financial year. And if the trials move ahead, they are once again likely to be protracted. Mitchell spent two and a half years laying out the Crown’s case before wrapping up in September. Defence attorneys previously lamented the sheer volume of evidence presented for them to sift through. It includes more than 200,000 pages of documents and 2,000-plus witness statements. In January, the lawyers demanded the trials be dismissed because the Crown had failed to make them “manageable”. Judge Harrison disagreed, adding that the long delays experienced had been unavoidable. Misick himself is fending off a litany of charges including conspiracy to receive bribes, conspiracy to defraud government and money laundering. Prosecutors also claim endemic corruption saw public officials line their own pockets with underthe-table dealings, many of them pertaining to the sale of Crown land. Swathes of land desired by foreign developers are said to have been sold to locals, who benefitted from special discounted rates, before being flipped and sold to investors at market price with defendants pocketing the difference. Other charges range from avoidance of customs duties to handing out ‘Belonger status’ citizenships to entitle foreigners to purchase Crown land.
Defence attorneys claim, among other things, the Crown has not sufficiently shown there to be an “overarching conspiracy” between seven of the defendants, as alleged. The Crown asserts various bribes were received between 2003 and 2009 in relation to eight separate developments when the political defendants were in office. The conspiracy is said to have taken place between four members of the then Cabinet, namely Misick and his ministers Floyd Hall, McAllister Hanchell and Jeffrey Hall. Also apparently involved were two attorneys, Chalmers Misick and Clayton Greene, and Hall’s wife Lisa. Other allegations centre on the way political donations were spent, including a charge of conspiracy to defraud the then ruling PNP party and its members of donations. Misick’s party received $13.5 million over a seven-year period for “electoral purposes” – eight times more than the main Opposition. The Crown claims Misick spent much of the money on himself, including $23,000 given to his wardrobe stylist; $110,000 for a boat charter for Misick’s then wife, Hollywood actress LisaRaye McCoy, and nine of her friends; and a further $150,000 apparently debited for furnishings in the newlybuilt Misick mansion. Defence attorneys reminded Harrison of testimonies from witnesses, including developers, who said it was commonly accepted that sums donated were spent at candidates’ discretion. The other two defendants on trial are former Health Minister Lillian Boyce and attorney Melbourne Wilson.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
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BACK TO 2006 Jas Walkin said the CSA will “demand a response” from decision makers
Civil service rep says the ‘code of silence’ must end THE NEW head of TCI’s Civil Service Association (CSA) said workers’ issues have consistently been dismissed in what he calls a ‘code of silence’ from decision makers. Jasmin ‘Jas’ Walkin, who was appointed as president on June 24, said this has to end and employers will now be held accountable. In a fiery statement sent to the Weekly News on Tuesday (July 23), Walkin cited a movie called ‘The Code of Silence’ released in the 1980s, staring martial arts superstar Chuck Norris. In it the rigid cop fought to expose police corruption within his precinct, the CSA chief said. “As this was not received too kindly by some officers they decided to teach him a lesson and not respond to his call for help and maintain complete silence on the radio; thus a code of silence. “When you talk to TCI civil servants throughout this country about the challenges they have been facing and issues they need address, it would appear that they have been issued a code of silence.” There have been significant improvements in the civil service during the last seven years, Walkin assured, but there is room for improvement, especially in labour relations and employee benefits. “There have been times when civil servants have followed procedures outlined in the Public Service Handbook and Public Service Ordinance and still cannot get any reliable response. “There has been a need for the improvement of some of the working conditions for civil servants before and after the passage hurricanes Irma and Maria that has significantly affected their ability to deliver a more efficient service to the public.” He questioned what the response of employers has been, and again said that in many instances it is “a code of silence”. “Since 2012 many civil servants now face the reality of little to no
retirement benefits as the gratuity once paid at the end of their careers has ceased due to an amended legislation. “This was something TCI civil servants looked forward to at the end of a long dedicated service to our country.” On the other hand, members of parliament qualify for pension and can collect a gratuity payment after only two parliamentary terms and after the age of 50, Walkin said. He said that again the response from the House of Assembly was a code of silence. “Perhaps TCI civil servants have become so accustomed to the code of silence they have lost hope in seeing issues addressed, new policies implemented to enhance their employment experience and have lost trust in their employers to provide the security of retirement benefits similar to what has been provided for them.” He stressed that the CSA under his leadership will not accept this code of silence. “We will speak and express the concerns you bring to us. We demand a response. We will agitate for change and most importantly; hold our employers accountable for what is due to us. The code of silence must end.” Walkin won 350 votes at the polls to be elected as president of the CSA. He beat front runner Damian Wilson who secured 90 votes as well as Wilbur Caley and Lucille Wilson who got 56 and 65 votes respectively. The nomination process, which got underway in May, resulted in 16 nominations for the post of president and 17 nominations for the post of vice president. However, as the time drew closer only four candidates confirmed their interest in running for the post of president in the elections held on June 24. DeMarco Williams was elected vice president of the CSA with 275 votes.
PREMIER Sharlene Cartwright Robinson says the present constitution, which was not crafted by the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands, is “nothing short of an affront to locally elected Government”. The country’s leader made these remarks during her address to the new Governor Nigel Dakin at his swearing-in ceremony in the House of Assembly. The premier has called for the TCI’s 2006 constitution to be reinstated. What are your thoughts?
Election date
A much needed and timely request to continue with elected governance. However, the premier if, as she said, is willing to cross party politics to achieve this by October, she needs to declare an election date first to be seen as not acting in her own political interest.
Does the TCI have children in leadership or does the TCI have adults? That is the question.
Not a gift
The honourable premier is indubitably correct. She is correct not only from a national perspective but she is also correct from an international legal perspective under the UN Charter. There is a duty imposed by UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 of 1960 which relates to the right of a people to self-determination. By law the controlling power (UK) has a legal duty of advancement of the people to the goal of selfdetermination. It cannot be an advance when the present constitution is more retarded than the one of 1976. The obligation is imposed under international law and as such it is a right not a gift to be bestowed by the colonising power. But what is Britain in her demonstration of the use of power in the world? An enslaver, a capturer of other people’s lands, the inventor of the concentration camp - be that in South Africa or be that in Kenya. Those are the facts. Even as recently as in February 2019 the International Court of Justice, by an overwhelming majority, ruled against Britain that her theft of the Chagos Islands and depopulation of those
islands was unjust and wrong under international law and that the islands must be returned as must the people who had occupied and lived on those islands until forcefully removed like animals to live the rest of their lives as exiles. All to say that this is the power, amoral power and forceful power that the premier is contending with. All stated as totally verifiable facts from the annals of both international law and history itself.
Independence needed
She or any Turks Islander can say whatever they want, but it will still mean nothing unless you have independence. People do not have what she is talking about without independence.
Economic empowerment
TC Islanders need their constitution, fully enfranchised with the powers under the 2006 model. Now that the Opposition has a
leader, joint talks have commenced. They must stay at the table. Politicos must forget this is election year silly season where all feel to politicise everything. Future TCI elections will make no sense if civil servants and governors exercise more decisionmaking initiative than the elected representatives of the people. The former governor thought he had control over the outcome of Cabinet business. That clause must be clarified in favour of elected officials. In 2019, it is retrograde to live under an adhesive constitutional instrument not designed by the people. The premier is correct; it is insulting and “nothing short of an affront to locally elected Government”. If any Government succeeds we all succeed. TC Islander economic empowerment is the only reason for constitutions. Elected governments need powers to direct low interest monies to TC Islanders for business finance and expansion. They need fiat to investigate the hospital deal and review the hundreds of millions being spent, whilst the needs of the people continue to be sacrificed. The TCI people need Crown land allocation as a form of economic empowerment. It is time to change the constitution for the better under a united flank of Government and Opposition.
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July 27 - August 2, 2019
PAHO urges Caribbean to prepare for intense heatwaves that take daily medications have a greater risk of complications and death during a heatwave, as do older people and children. “Reactions to heat depends on each person’s ability to adapt and serious effects can appear suddenly. “This is why it is important to pay attention to the alerts and recommendations of local authorities.”
BY OLIVIA ROSE CARIBBEAN countries including the Turks and Caicos Islands are being warned to prepare for heatwaves this summer. Meteorologists have said that 2019 is set to be one of the hottest years on record, making the last five-year period the hottest since scientists began recording annual global temperature. This week a heatwave broke records across western Europe after a very warm stream of air from northern Africa brought unusually hot weather. Scientists also said this heatwave is “absolutely consistent” with extremes linked to the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and is a sample of what is likely to become the new normal for summer in the northern half of the planet. In a statement issued on July 13, the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) urged the region to prepare for the intense heat, in light of heatwaves in Europe. The health organisation predicted that this phenomenon will hit various parts of the Caribbean and Americas with potentially life threatening effects. “Weather forecasts for North America, Central America and the Caribbean predict heat waves during the summer of 2019. “This could increase droughtinduced stress, lead to forest fires and have harmful effects on human health,” PAHO said. PAHO has developed a guide to help countries in the region
This week a heatwave broke records across western Europe after a very warm stream of air from northern Africa brought unusually hot weather
formulate contingency plans to address heatwaves. The organisation said this guide provides recommendations that the health sector and meteorological agencies can implement to prepare for and better respond to this threat, promote health, prevent the adverse effects of heatwaves, treat affected people and save lives. “The document stresses that heatwave contingency plans should be able to determine the extent of the threat, with alert activation procedures, a description of roles and functions, and intra- and interagency coordination mechanisms. “The document also highlights that countries should strengthen the epidemiological surveillance of heat-related morbidity and mortality, the capacity of health services (training of staff, improvements in the design of new hospitals, and
equipping of existing hospitals in high-risk areas), and enhance the actions of local authorities, the media, and communities in terms of inter-agency response measures, prevention measures, and self-care.” PAHO stressed that exposure to heat causes severe symptoms such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke (a condition which causes faintness, as well as dry, warm skin, due to the inability of the body to control high
temperatures). The organisation said the majority of heat-related deaths are due to the worsening of cardiopulmonary, renal, endocrine and psychiatric conditions. Other symptoms include oedema in the lower limbs, heat rash on the neck, cramps, headache, irritability, lethargy and weakness. The health organisation informed that people with chronic diseases
- Stay tuned to weather alerts and forecasts. - Avoid sun exposure between 11am and 4pm. - Do not leave children or older persons in parked vehicles. - Do not exercise or engage in intense outdoor activities without proper protection. - Drink water every two hours, even if you aren’t thirsty. - Keep the home cool by covering windows during the day and using air conditioners or fans during the hottest hours. - If you have a chronic disease and take drugs, consult your doctor.
Three injured in bar shootings A NINETEEN-year-old man was taken to hospital after being injured during a shooting in a bar on Leeward Highway on Saturday (July 20). Police responded to reports of shots fired in the Providenciales drinking hole at 3.14am. Seven spent shell casings were collected from the scene. The injured man was treated and released. Less than ten minutes later police responded to a report of a shooting at a bar on Aviation Drive, Providenciales. Witnesses saw four masked men in a white Nissan Teana car pull up at the bar. One of the
assailants fired shots. Two men were taken to hospital with gunshot wounds. The day prior officers acting on information executed a search warrant at a home on Bay Road, Blue Hills, and recovered eight rounds of ammunition. A 26-year-old man was arrested for suspicion of keeping ammunition and handling stolen goods. The man remains in police custody. Investigations are ongoing. Anyone with information in relation to these incidents can contact police on 911 or anonymously via Crimestoppers at 1-800-8477.
Superintendent Darron Williams and Commissioner of Police James Smith with the new armoured police cars
Armoured police cars are bomb and bullet proof THREE fully armoured four by four vehicles will allow police to patrol the Turks and Caicos Islands in complete safety. The Land Rovers were purchased from the Police Service of Northern Ireland, where they were used to protect officers from bomb blasts and gunfire. They were handed over on July 19 after an 18 month purchase process, a press release from the Royal Turks
and Caicos Islands Police Force said. Commissioner of Police James Smith the cars were purchased at a “very affordable price” with the assistance of the private sector. He explained that armoured vehicles are needed in situations that have the potential to cause significant harm to the public or police officers. “These vehicles can withstand the most serious weapons in this country,” the police chief said.
“They also have bomb blast protection and when you look at them you can see that they can go anywhere in any conditions. “In some of our most challenging areas, our officers can now patrol with complete safety, in the event that someone fires a shot at them, they would be able to respond very effectively.” All tactical officers will be trained to use the new armoured vehicles.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Outgoing police chief says the force needs more resources BY OLIVIA ROSE DEPARTING Commissioner of Police James Smith said the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF) is in a “good place” but needs more resources to cope with challenges. He spoke on the issue during his last press briefing on Tuesday (July 23), three days before he officially handed over the reins to a new commissioner. Smith said more resources and support is needed to ensure the force is equipped to handle the changes that will inevitably accompany the development and growth of the territory. “There’s still much to be done and support from inside and outside the force its vital to get change and we constantly change in the police service as the other services. “So to those who provided that support willingly – I’m very grateful. “I firmly believe that whilst the force is in a good place it could be in a better place and I believe we need more resources than we currently have at this time.” Smith stressed that these resources which would include additional manpower are needed to advance the force and increase its ability to tackle criminal activities. Commissioner Smith added that resources will help the force to address a myriad of challenges such as illegal migration and natural disasters as well as emerging threats. Help in the past few years has come from “the Government’s budget and we’ve also had significant support from the Police of Northern Ireland, from the Miami Beach Police across in Florida and from the United Kingdom in particular the National Crime Agency,” Smith said. Last November, the TCI signed a historic partnership with Miami Beach Police Department. The collaboration saw Commissioner James Smith travelling to Miami to meet fellow Chief of Police Daniel Oats of the Miami Beach Police Department, following months of informal partnerships. The two signed a letter of agreement which formally enabled officers from both forces to collaborate and provide mutual assistance.
This partnership built on an already established relationship between the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force and Miami PD which saw TCI officers being trained in the use of Axon’s Taser and has seen the donation of a prisoner transport vehicle. First and second level supervisors from the RTCIPF in consultation with Miami PD also received training in forensic capability to keep them on par with the ever-developing field. The outgoing commissioner highlighted several advances made in crime fighting during his tenure. He acknowledged the support of the private sector and cited the implementation of the CCTV programme which significantly boosted the force’s ability to maintain law and order. Smith pointed out that during his four-year tenure the TCI saw a 30 percent decline in crime overall. The commissioner in his final remarks commended the brave men and women in the force for their dedication and commitment even in the face of adversity. He said his officers deserve more credit than they are given for their tireless efforts to keep the TCI safe. “…from the hurricanes of nearly two years ago when this country was devastated and almost every one of my officers showed up for work, even those who had lost their own homes. “So it’s been a privilege to work with them. It’s been a privilege to work in Turks and Caicos and I wish everyone a safe and prosperous future.” He said the years just flew by given the pace of development in the Turks and Caicos Islands. “I expected that this time would pass more slowly, but the pace of things in Turks and Caicos and the amount of things that need to be done and the demands on us...I think in that sense life passes by very quickly.” Smith officially took over command of the 280 men and women of the RTCIPF from his predecessor Colin Farquhar on February 11, 2015. On Friday (July 26) Smith handed over command to his successor Deputy Commissioner Trevor Botting during an official change of command ceremony.
Outgoing Commissioner of Police James Smith
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson presents a pin to outgoing Police Commissioner James Smith as a final farewell
Departing police chief receives farewell pin from premier PREMIER Sharlene Cartwright Robinson presented a pin to the outgoing Police Commissioner James Smith as a final farewell thank you token. The outgoing commissioner
received the pin during his last National Security Council meeting on Wednesday (July 24) at the Hilly Ewing Building on Leeward Highway, Providenciales. Smith, a veteran police
officer who succeed Police Commissioner Colin Farquhar in 2015, will be returning to his native Canada as his contract comes to a close.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Operation Stingray to counter illegal trafficking and migration BY OLIVIA ROSE A COMPREHENSIVE plan aimed at tackling illegal trafficking and irregular migration plaguing the Turks and Caicos Islands and the Bahamas will be rolled out soon. The plan dubbed ‘Operation Stingray’ when completed will encourage public support to help the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF) address criminal issues. It will also attempt to disrupt or discourage those who seek to violate the TCI’s laws and will have an extensive outreach programme including a tip phone line to report criminal activities. The police force recently hosted the Caribbean Regional Information Operations Council (CRIOC) for a five-day planning and training symposium in Providenciales. The sessions from July 15 to 19 aimed to develop a holistic strategy to counter transnational trafficking networks operating in the Caribbean, specifically in the TCI and the Bahamas. The CRIOC delegation comprised of the RTCIPF, the TCI Immigration Department, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, UN Migration Agency - Haiti, US Embassy, Nassau Bahamas, The Ministry of Defence - UK, The US North and South Command and the US Coastguard. CRIOC is a collaborative partnership between countries in the Caribbean hemisphere created to coordinate and synchronise Caribbean partner nations’ information-related capabilities. Its aim is to counter address a number of illicit activities and transnational threat that the region faces. Participants at the planning session discussed Haiti’s migration issue including the causes, trends, capabilities and current initiatives to counter illegal migration. They also spoke about strategic narrative development and target audience segmentation, including how to develop strategies to counter illegal migration and counter strategic competitors. Other areas discussed were how to create a regional counter illegal migration campaign to increase RTCIPF and RBDF intelligence sharing, interoperability, coordination and joint operations. Chairman of CRIOC, Dr Ben Gochman said: “We’ve developed a plan, Operation Stingray, to counter illegal trafficking and irregular migration through the Bahamas’ and the Turks and Caicos
Islands’ waters. “We came up with solutions to the said issues and we’re hoping to launch in six months. “We appreciate the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force for their support and participation in this initiative. We couldn’t have done it without them.” Commissioner of Police James Smith also said the planning sessions were fruitful. “I am very impressed by the commitment and output by the CRIOC team that came here, combined to take the views of everybody involved in this difficult irregular migration situation, and I am sure they are going to produce a plan that is very effective for us in the near future.” Assistant Commissioner of Police, Rodney Adams said the efforts of the local, regional and international partners have resulted in a very positive outcome. “This partnership confirms that through working with allies, we can certainly recognise common challenges and develop strategies to tackle the issues involved. “Once implemented, Operation Stingray will allow us to focus our resources on the issues that threaten the national security of the TCI.” Governor Nigel Dakin, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Minister of Immigration, Hon. Vaden Delroy Williams all spoke on the final day of the session. The governor said: “It is excellent that we’ve got regional partners, the United States, the United Kingdom, and someone that could talk to us about the issues from Haiti because together we stand a chance of actually doing something very serious about this very serious problem.” Premier Cartwright Robinson emphasised the importance of partnership in tackling national security issues. “We are extremely grateful when we have our partners come to the Turks and Caicos Islands to help with what is one of our most challenging issues. “It is certainly a show of our support and the strength of our partnerships, who have come to the table with us to show the Turks and Caicos that we are serious about irregular migration. “It is a serious issue that we are going to take head-on and it is something we are looking for support, not just from global and regional partners but from the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands, as it is certainly in the best interest of our country.”
Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force hosts the Caribbean Regional Information Operations Council for national security talks
Members of CRIOC with Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, Governor Nigel Dakin and Police Commissioner James Smith
Armed man robs Provo play centre A MASKED man armed with a gun robbed an indoor play centre in Providenciales while a three-year-old child was inside, according to reports. At 8.35pm on Saturday (July 20) police responded to reports of a robbery at PlayLand based Downtown. The culprit stole an undisclosed quantity of cash from the business, which was closed at the time, along with personal items. One staff member and a threeyear-old were present during the robbery. There were no shots fired
or injuries reported. Only the day before on Friday (July 19) at about 7pm two masked men entered a Kew Town grocery store with firearms. Police officers were dispatched to the scene where they found a burnt orange car. The assailants fled the scene into nearby bushes, making good their escape. Nothing was reported stolen and there were no reports of shots fired or injuries. On Monday, July 15, staff at Providenciales hardware store KB Home Centre were left terrified
when three masked men stormed the store with guns drawn. The incident occurred at about 5pm and police responded to the scene in Five Cays at 5.27pm. When they got there, they were told that the gunmen got away with an undisclosed sum of cash and cell phones. There were no shots fired or injuries reported. Anyone with information in relation to these incidents can contact police on 911 or anonymously via Crimestoppers at 1-800-8477.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Britain’s uncertain future
NB/ This article was written before Boris Johnson was elected as the new Conservative Party leader on Tuesday (July 23) and became the new prime minister of the United Kingdom on Wednesday (July 24). IN A few days’ time about 160,000 members of Britain’s Conservative Party – largely white, male and in their late fifties – will elect a new party leader and so appoint Britain’s next prime minister. This 0.3 percent of the country’s electorate must choose between two men, both of whom now appear determined to lead the UK into a no deal Brexit after October 31 and to an uncertain future. Speaking a few days ago, Boris Johnson, the candidate widely expected to become prime minister, and his opponent, the present UK Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, laid down new red lines. Addressing party members, both observed that they would not agree to the EU 27’s position on the Northern Ireland border with the Irish Republic. Mr Johnson said that he that he would not accept the existing language contained in the withdrawal treaty over which the UK parliament is deadlocked. He proposed instead that this aspect be abandoned. His plan, he said, is to hold fresh talks with the EU 27 but if there is no new agreement he will just leave.
David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at david.jessop@caribbeancouncil.org
In response, the EU’s member states and the European Commission are adamant that what has been agreed to in the draft treaty cannot be reopened, not least because it protects the economic unity of the EU by defending the interests of the Irish Republic. Where this leads is to political and economic turmoil. Mr Johnson, by design or though opportunism, is boxed in by an unworkable coalition-based majority, likely to be down to three following a forthcoming by-election. In addition, a hard-line group in his own party want Brexit at any cost, others including existing cabinet members are refusing to leave the EU without a deal, and an insurgent Brexit party threatens electoral upset if the UK does not leave as promised. All give him little if any room for manoeuvre. His hopes now appear to rest on a gamble in the form of a general election soon after a managed or more likely unmanaged exit from the
EU, and British voters providing him with a clear working majority for having left. He believes, perhaps correctly, that Britain’s divided Opposition Labour Party with its radical socialist leadership, and unclear position on Brexit, is unelectable. He is aware too that polling suggests support for the populist Brexit Party is diminishing and by leaving the EU in October, he will have eclipsed its sole cause. To complicate matters, the UK is also on the cusp of a Brexit-related constitutional crisis. This is because the UK parliament voting on cross party lines may well not consent to any attempt by the executive to walk away from the EU. This has led to the suggestion, not rejected by Mr Johnson, that parliament might be prorogued (suspended), a course of action that would likely involve a challenge by the speaker, legal action by senior political figures, and could even draw in Britain’s apolitical monarch,
Queen Elizabeth II. A hard Brexit may also result in a rapid and radical realignment in the UK’s foreign relations. Mr Johnson is expected to seek a significant deepening in the UK’s economic ties with the United States and is reported to want an early meeting with the US president. Mr Trump who has already endorsed Mr Johnson, has no love of the EU and wishes to diminish its economic power and influence. As a part of a broader strategy he has embraced populist and illiberal political figures across Europe. While Mr Johnson may not be so easily categorised, the opportunity to draw the UK away from Europe may well lead the US president to offer rapid if limited concessions on services and investments. Some commentators close to Mr Johnson go further. They suggest that if the UK cannot persuade the EU to revise the withdrawal treaty and proceed rapidly to negotiate a new trade agreement, Britain might explore joining the North American Free Trade Area (now the USMCA), creating a new free trade alliance with the US, Canada and Mexico. Although unlikely, any such outcome would have profound consequences, reshaping global alignments, implying that the UK would also seek to deepen its relationships with Latin America and the Caribbean.
Mr Johnson has run a tactically brilliant campaign to secure from his party’s members the position of prime minister. Despite being vague on detail, he has been able to encourage many in his party to believe they can have their cake and eat it by promising huge economic gains and tax cuts, while evoking the Dunkirk spirit of the 1940s and pointing towards the sunlit uplands. In contrast, a detailed economic analysis by the UK’s legally independent Office of Budget Responsibility has suggested that even a more benign no-deal Brexit than that suggested by Mr Johnson would plunge the UK into a recession. Brexit would, it said, leave a huge hole in the public finances, causing the pound and asset prices to fall sharply, heightening uncertainty and deterring investment. Whether an early election results in a clear Conservative or Labour win or a hung parliament and a new coalition, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the UK is headed for disruption on an unprecedented scale, severely testing its economy, currency, national unity, and the stability of its Westminster political system. Any no deal Brexit will alter profoundly and unpredictably the UK’s domestic politics and social CONTINUED
The British bulldog WE HAVE a daughter who loves animals. She currently has three horses, six dogs, three cats and a pet pig. She lives in Texas with the rest of the cowboys and cowgirls. She now has two British bulldogs in her menagerie. She happened to come by the first one free, it is a male. She soon discovered that this British breed was different. British bulldogs cannot procreate the normal way. They cannot mate as other dogs and mammals do. Breeders must use artificial insemination to impregnate the female. When the time comes for birth, the girl dog cannot have her puppies the normal way. Those oversized bulldog heads are too large for the birth canal so the veterinarian must perform a C-section.
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
Our daughter spent lots of money breeding her male and paying her half of the surgery required for the birth process. One of the five puppies did not survive. Bulldog puppies sell for $1,500 because of the expensive reproductive process. Owning bulldogs requires lots of care. Those deep wrinkles on their faces must be carefully cleaned daily. One wonders how the breed
survived with owners that could not afford the expensive breeding process, but they did. The British bulldog is well known for its inclination to grab hold of something with its strong jaws and stubbornly not let go! The breed seems to fit its national origin. History and visits to England tell us that tradition is a number one trait. Our Queen, Big Ben the huge parliament for a medium size
population and a failed inclination to hold on to large countries that they at one time conquered are now in their history. Today they hold on to the last tiny overseas territories trying to impose the British form of socialism. Democracy starting with the Magna Carta has turned into a highly confused type of socialism. Similar to the German and Russian tilt of the 20th century where the majority is now ruled by the minority. From setting aside their position in the EU by a vote that continues to be questioned, to promoting superior gay rights over the rights of the God fearing majority. Signals have long been there. The bulldog like face and policies of prime minister Winston Churchill, a staunch conservative were until recently replaced by the weak
position of former Tory prime minister Theresa May. She is no Margaret Thatcher. The world watches the sun go down earlier on ‘The Empire’ every day. The Conservatives have been voted in to save Britain from war and financial ruin then kicked out by the rude liberal socialists of the 20th and 21st centuries. Nevertheless, goodbye to our liberal (Labour) troublemakers, socialists Meg Munn, Leigh Turner, et al. Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and the PDM can have our way by also stubbornly standing strong. Under an enforced rule of law, corruption never wins but time and God do. We wonder in the end, will God save the socialists or the traditionalists, the bulldogs?
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Britain’s uncertain future CONTINUED
cohesion and may change, perhaps irrevocably, the nature of its internal union with Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. It will also realign Britain’s international relationships and likely diminish for a decade or more the UK’s role in the world. This has multiple implications for the Caribbean, not least because the region continues to enjoy a close economic relationship through exports, investment and tourism, maintains warm party political relations, in the case of the Anglophone Caribbean has familial ties and influence through its one million strong diaspora, and has inherited the UK’s values and systems of governance. In a matter of months Mr Johnson and the British people will arrive at a moment of truth about Brexit. Only then will the difficulties of trying to maintain stability, create certainty and restoring confidence become painfully apparent.
A posthumous pardon for attorney Lloyd Rodney PART TWO Dear Governor Nigel Dakin, Your Excellency’s immediate predecessor did elect to do nothing when I made pointed and factual complaints about the deputy governor’s misconduct as crosscomplaints in regards to another matter of egregious injustice inflicted on a client of mine. The matter concerned a civil servant who, despite the fact that he had an unblemished record of over 23 years of faithful, diligent and competent service with the Government was without just cause put on indefinite leave without the prospects, as it appeared, of ever being reinstated to his position. Only after strenuous legal and other efforts, inclusive of a formal complaint in the matter to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, did your predecessor on a day very close to when His Excellency was due to depart
from the Turks and Caicos Islands reinstate my client to his post. This after having had ample time to take legal advice, done absolutely nothing in that matter or on the crosscomplaints for over two years. In fact, two men were paid from the public purse to do one man’s job, since one was suspended on full pay and the other was employed to do the other man’s job at full pay. Was it arrogance, incompetence, stupidity or a combination of all those failings? That was a wrong and unworthy precedent for someone who holds the high and important executive office of governorship of these Islands to set. Other precedents of disproportionate and unjust treatment meted out as an attack on freedom of expression exist from both colonial days and modern Britain. In colonial Jamaica in the 1940s, a noted Jamaican author, journalist, novelist, poet, playwright and artist, Roger Mais, published an article entitled ‘Now we know’ which
questioned the propriety of the conduct of the British authorities for enslavement, exploitation and perpetuation of colonialism. In consequence, he was tried and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for seditious libel. In 2019 the publisher of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, finds himself in a British jail, HM Prison Belmarsh, a high security prison, for having consistently published the truth about state and high authorities’ misconduct, inclusive of abuses inflicted by the British state. “How dare mere colonial subjects or truthful advocates question our unassailable authority and/or integrity” seems to be the displayed mantra and exclusive prerogative being exercised. Shouldn’t there be a better trope for our time? DO THE RIGHT THING Let not the annals of history have Lloyd Rodney posthumously appear to have been a justly convicted and imprisoned criminal.
Open letter to the governor
Scylla and Charybdis by way of allegorical reference would be for Your Excellency, as presumably a new, vibrant and different governor, simply either to follow colonial precedent (but which precedent) or make a sensible and logical written response in a timely manner. Quintessential colonialism needs to end in all the British overseas territories. Despite promises and protestations to the contrary that Britain has modernised in word and deed, the facts belie the declaration. Old habits are mentally embedded and evidently choose to die a slow and reluctant death. I remain grateful for Your Excellency taking time to read, and act fairly on the basis of my open letter to you. Welcome to the Turks and Caicos Islands and may we be able to look forward to better times ahead. Respectfully, Courtenay Francis Raymond Barnett, Providenciales
Thank you Ryesha Higgs THERE are so many adults and teenagers today who are suffering from low self-esteem because of how they were treated as children. Therefore, it is important that all of us do our part in empowering our children so that our children can become happy and confident individuals and as a result be productive citizens in our community. There are many ways in which we can empower our children and one way to do this is through dancing. Therefore, this article is dedicated to Ryesha Higgs who recently completed two weeks hosting an intensive dance programme on the island of Providenciales. My wife and I had the pleasure of attending this event and we were very impressed with this excellent initiative. DOING HER PART Ryesha Higgs is a biomedical science student at Kings College London, however, she is gifted in dancing and has been dancing since she was five-
years-old. She completed a one year programme at the Ailey School in Manhattan. She then studied two years of classical ballet at the Dance Theatre of Harlem. Ryesha Higgs has been doing this intensive programme for the past four years. This year, 67 students participated in this programme. I am not sure how she was able to train all of those students successfully but she did it with no flaws. Thank you Ryesha for sacrificing your personal finances and your summer break time for imparting your dancing knowledge and talent to our children. Because of your gift, you have made dancing fun for so many children and as a result empowered them. Thank you for contributing significantly to our community with your gift from such a young age. THE BENEFITS OF DANCING At the end of the show, Ryesha revealed an interview she conducted with the students who were all excited
Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
to be a part of this programme. Based on the interview, some of the children said that dancing programme made them feel good, it gave them an opportunity to express themselves, it relieved stress and allowed them to be focused. You see, many of our children are suffering from low self-esteem, some of our children do not have any confidence in themselves, some of our children are very shy, some of our children are treated differently depending on their size and colour. At the Ryesha Higgs Summer Intensive Show there were children of different sizes and colour and
these children exhibited so much confidence and team work over the weekend. Many of us may not have the talent of dancing but we certainly have
other gifts and talents. Whatever you have, let us do our part in helping others especially our young people. Our young people need guidance. We talk the talk that our young people are the future. Rather than just talking, let us do our part by training our young people, mentoring our young people and supporting our young people like what Ryesha Higgs is doing. Due to the positive impact of dancing, I highly recommend that we should have dancing for males and females as part of our extra curriculum activities in all of our primary and secondary schools.
We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.
Send letters to tcweeklynews@gmail.com
July 27 - August 2, 2019
New policy will disadvantage the region MORE than 60 percent of hotels reported the Booking.com commission policy will result in changes in how they assess and/or cover these charges. This may include increasing rates, deducting the commission from the tip/gratuity amount paid to employees, no longer accepting bookings from Booking.com or reconsidering the discounted percentage offered to Booking.com. The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) pointed to a recent survey of its 33 hotel and tourism federation associations and hotels that believe the policy will adversely affect their business. Key findings from the survey CHTA conducted earlier this month revealed that 84 percent of hotels are reconsidering using Booking.com as a result of the new commission policy. 61 percent of hotels reported that
they assess tips and gratuities in their billings, overwhelmingly the most common type of surcharge levied by hotels. Over 20 percent reported they are legally mandated charges. 95 percent of hotels which assess tips and gratuities pass the full amount on to employees. The remainder apply a small charge to handle costs related to the administration of the pass-on. 37 percent of hotels report assessing resort fees. What is included in these fees varies by destination and hotel, but typically includes tips and gratuities, destination fees (which can support a range of broader destination initiatives from beautification and environmental enhancement, marketing and overall destination product improvements). Taxes are sometimes bundled into
a resort fee as well. Resort fees also may include other services like breakfast, comp beverages, pool and beach amenities, parking, and wifi. Some of the resort fee charges like destination fees, tips and gratuities are required by law or other collective agreements. Some resort fees are inclusive of government mandated taxes. 62 percent of hotels report that the Booking.com commission policy will result in changes in how they assess or cover these charges. Frank J Comito, CEO and director general of the CHTA, further cited trade media reports that certain areas of the world or major brands might be exempted from Booking.com’s new commission policy. The association reminded “smallmedium sized hotels, many in our region which are luxury properties, are already disadvantaged because of
Senior Reporter We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to help keep the country's leading newspaper ahead of the pack. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at
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the marketing and buying power of hotel brands and major destinations”. He said that small and mediumsized independent hotels have supported Booking.com from its earliest days, stating that “those who have helped you the most stand to lose even more as this policy impacts their bottom line”. “While hotels and destinations have benefited from this added platform, they have likewise invested considerable resources in marketing and product development. “This has made the Caribbean one of the most desirable vacation destinations in the world. “We have all benefited from the consumer demand and appeal. Many of our small and medium
sized independent hotels have been steadfast clients of Booking.com from its earliest days. “With this new policy, those who have helped you the most stand to lose even more as this policy impacts their bottom line, further disadvantaging our region, and in particular our small to mid-sized independent properties, and many of the tipped employees in the region, we believe to be poor policy.” Appealing to Booking.com to drop its policy, the association cautioned: “Without further consideration and a reversal of your policy, we can only advise hotels to reassess their use of your platform and consider placing added emphasis on other booking options.”
Ebola is a global threat, warns health ministry BORDER surveillance at TCI’s air and sea ports will be increased following warnings from international health experts on the spread of ebola. In the past year, the deadly disease has infected about 2,500 people and killed nearly 1,700 in the Democratic republic of Congo. It is once again causing concern across the world after spreading across Congo’s border into Uganda. On July 17, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services announced this week that it will be stepping up border surveillance. The action comes following advice from the WHO and Caribbean Public Health Agency. The ministry is liaising with regional and international partners regularly to receive updates, it said in a press release on Wednesday (July 24). Although travel to the affected region is not restricted, the ministry strongly discourages non-essential travel at this time because of the extent of the current virus outbreak. “In addition, we would like to advise all persons with a history of recent travel to the affected country be aware of the symptoms and signs of ebola and report to their healthcare providers early if they develop symptoms within three weeks of travelling.” The ministry also encouraged the general public to practice good personal hygiene at all
times, be aware of the risk factors and symptoms, and to seek medical advice early. Officials will be hosting stakeholder meetings in the near future in addition to making plans and preparations in response to the threat of ebola. Ebola virus is a viral haemorrhagic fever. It is a severe and often fatal disease. The virus originated in the central African rainforest and is thought to have spread to humans by handling or butchering infected animals such as monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees, forest antelopes, porcupines or bats. Ebola then spreads through human to human transmission via direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with blood or body fluids or objects that have been contaminated with body fluids. The incubation period from infection to the onset of symptoms is from two to 21 days. A person infected with ebola cannot spread the disease until they develop symptoms. Symptoms can be sudden and include fever, muscle pain, sore throat, fatigue and headache. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, a rash, symptoms of impaired kidney and liver functions, and in some cases both internal and external bleeding can occur. An experimental ebola vaccine proved highly protective against ebola in major trials in Guinea in 2015. Ebola is not spread through food or water. Updates on the virus will be shared with the general public as the situation develops.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Tourism chiefs reject booking site’s new commissions BY OLIVA ROSE A POPULAR online booking site’s new policy to charge commission on destination fees has received a negative backlash from many Caribbean hotels, including those in the TCI. Booking.com is the world’s largest travel fare aggregator website and travel metasearch engine for lodging reservations. It recently introduced a new commission policy aimed at generating additional revenue, according to the US company. However, this decision is not sitting well with tourism executives in the TCI or the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA). Stacy Cox, chief executive officer of the Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA), told media that the new policy will adversely impact the TCI’s hotels and resorts. She said: “The policy now through Booking.com is now applying commission to taxes, service charges, facility fees for our destination. “We’ve been lobbying that if you are going to do this that you exempt the service charge because it’s something that obviously, the staff look forward to. “And we think it’s almost an unethical practice to charge a commission on something where the hotel is a conduit for receiving those commissions and then passing it on to the staff. “Both Karen Whitt and myself sit on the executive committee for CHTA so we’ve been in meetings... we’ve been a part of discussions on how we can lobby against Booking. com in this initiative.” Almost every major resort, hotel and villa in the Turks and Caicos Islands uses the online reservation service. But now many hotels in the TCI and other countries in the Caribbean are threatening to pull their listings from the agency. In a communique sent to Booking. com on Sunday (July 21), the CHTA labelled the policy “regressive” and outright rejected its implementation in the region. Frank J Comito, CEO and director general of the CHTA, said the new commission policy will generate additional revenue for the online giant at the expense of consumers, the region’s destinations, hotels and employees. Commissions levied on staff tips and gratuities by the online travel agency Booking.com have been assailed by the CHTA as “grossly unfair” and the tourism association has called for the immediate
Stacy Cox, chief executive office of the TCI Hotel and Tourism Association
CEO and director general of the CHTA Frank J Comito
Many hotels and resorts in the TCI are listed on Booking.com
discontinuance of the policy. Comito said: “As we’ve further reviewed the impact of this policy, the CHTA again appeals to Booking. com to reconsider what we believe to be regressive and punitive position which adds to Booking.com’s revenue while negatively impacting the Caribbean tourism industry, hotel operations and profitability, and the earnings of many of the region’s hardworking employees. “We believe the consumer to be further impacted as well, as some of the higher costs associated with additional payments to Booking. com will need to be shared by the travelling public, as some hotels seek to recoup losses by raising prices.” Comito stressed that in the
Caribbean region where consumer price sensitivity and high operating costs are an ongoing challenge, this new commission policy will further compound the challenges currently facing the industry. “While Booking.com may appear to be the overall financial winner from its policy, we question the overall net impact on your company as well, as a growing number of hotels discontinue using your platform,” he said. “The manner in which the policy has been rolled out has been disappointing, as the industry was presented with little notice and no prior consultation, and subsequent communication was sparse and sometimes defensive.”
Trade department launches website THE DEPARTMENT of Trade, Industry and Consumer Affairs has launched a new website which can be accessed at www.gov.tc/trade The website will be used to update the public on the latest developments in domestic and international trade. It will also show upcoming events and initiatives aimed at strengthening the local business community and improving the way business is done in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Consumer Corner on the website’s home page will be updated weekly with tips and information on matters relevant to
the consumer. This week it features ‘Ten tips on smart and safe shopping online’. The website also includes reports on TCI merchandise trade activity and information on access to external markets. A Government press release on Wednesday (July 24) said: “We invite you to visit the website and give us your feedback as we continue to improve the website. “A note of thanks is extended to Mr Andre Mills, Director of CITU, Mr Brandon Williams and the entire staff at CITU who assisted us with the development of the website.”
July 27 - August 2, 2019
TCI NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEETING S U M M A R Y A NEW police aircraft, number plate recognition and licencing hours were all topics of discussion at the latest meeting of the TCI National Security Council (NSC). Governor Nigel Dakin and Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson cochaired the meeting on Wednesday, July 24, at the Hilly Ewing Building in Providenciales. In attendance as members were Deputy Premier Sean Astwood, Deputy Governor Anya Williams, Attorney General Rhondalee Brathwaite Knowles, Vaden Delroy Williams, Minister of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services, outgoing Commissioner of Police James Smith, incoming Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting, and Superintendent of HM Prison Grahame Hawkings A statement from the Governor’s Office on Thursday (July 25) said that at this meeting the commissioner of police spoke about: -The procurement of a replacement police aircraft which should be in country by November 2019. Its main purpose will be to support the police Maritime Unit tackling illegal migration, DECR’s work tackling illegal fishing and transporting high risk prisoners between Grand Turk and Providenciales. -The recent delivery of three armoured Land Rovers for use in response to high risk situations and specialist training which will be delivered for their use. -Leadership and firearms training for police officers. -Number plate recognition capabilities being brought into service. -Reported crimes which stood at 505 between April 1 to June 30, representing a reduction of 16 percent against the same period in 2018. -Enforcement of licensing hours on Grand Turk and Providenciales in particular. The roles of both the Liquor Licensing Authority and Magistrate’s Court and issues that need to be addressed through awareness raising, compliance checks, enforcement action and training. The NSC received an update from Vaden Delroy Williams, Minister of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services, on: -Concerns over illegal migration and the removal of over-stayers. Three sloops landed and a further two sloops were intercepted between April and June 2019 culminating in 391 apprehensions (other than landings) and 83 repatriations from vessels, down 59 percent for the same period in 2018. Of these, 177 have been repatriated and 29 have been deported. -The pull factors. Human smuggling, human trafficking and modern slavery. -The implementation of recommendations provided in a report by UK immigration experts for enhancing the work of the immigration control regime. -The Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS) which was introduced at the airports and cruise port on June 1, improving both security to the Islands and visitor experience. -A draft code of conduct for immigration officers and separate draft Repatriation Policy which will shortly be brought to Cabinet. -Capital expenditure on operational equipment now delivered and provision for finger printing capabilities. -A memorandum of understanding with the government of Bahamas on the patrolling of TCI waters which is expected to be completed for submission to TCI in August, reinforcing the work of the Immigration Task Force and Police Maritime Unit. The NSC received an update from the Superintendent of HM Prison Grahame Hawkings on: -The implications of and arrangements for high risk trials for serious offences between July and October 2019. -Proposed legislative amendments and changes needed for criminal trials by video link including a remand centre/prison in Providenciales. -Planned works on the new prison block, fencing and procurement mobile phone jamming equipment. -Hurricane preparedness and immediate minor works. -Capital expenditure and prison infrastructure. The NSC received an update from the premier on the draft National Security Strategy (NSS): -A draft NSS, strongly supported by the governor, will be discussed at the next NSC in September 2019. -The premier presented the outgoing commissioner of police with a commemorative pin in thanks for his leadership during his tenure.
CABINET MEETING SUMMARY SCRAP metal, adopting roundabouts and were discussed at the latest meeting of the Cabinet on Tuesday (July 23). Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the 18th meeting at the Office of the Premier and Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment, Durham’s Building, Lighthouse Road in Grand Turk All ministers were present except Goldray Ewing, Minister of Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation. AT THIS MEETING CABINET:
- Approved the appointment of Oliver Mills (chair), Indira Higgs, Samuel Handfield, Sonny Forbes and Curly Hentuler as members of the National Honours and Awards Committee for the period from August 1, 2019, to July 31, 2020. - Approved policy to incentivise the removal of scrap metal from TCI including waiver of fees. - Approved the implementation of an Adopt A Roundabout Programme. - Noted an information paper on the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF). - Approved planning application PR 13225 for the rezoning of parcel 61112/180 from Low Density Residential (R3) to Tourism Related Development in order to construct a town house complex in Providenciales. - Approved the appointment of Wendy Robinson-Saunders as secretary for the Adoption Committee and rescinded the current appointment of Sakera Cook as secretary for the fiscal year 2019-2020. - Approved the appointment of George Missick (chair), Dr Darren Hall, Dr Jameiko Harvey, Dr Nadia Astwood, Pierre Richardson and the Attorney for the public service as members of the Medicine and Dentistry Professions Council for 2019-2020. - Approved the appointment of Mikette Been (chair), Elaine Forbes, Beatrice Burton, Pierre Richardson, Dr Derrick Aarons and the Attorney for the public service as members of the Nursing and Midwifery Professions Council for 2019-2020. - Approved the appointment of Shanwell Gardiner (chair), Dr Anna Parish (deputy chair), Madeline Mills, Carol Robinson, Andre Morgan, Pierre Richardson, Dr Derrick Aarons and the Attorney for the public service as members of the Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy Professions Council for 2019-2020. - Approved the appointment of Noel Skippings (chair), Dr R Dionne Lightbourne, Bishop Earle Fulford, Mary Forbes, Clarence Selver and Dr Derrick Aarons as members of the Health Appeals Tribunal for 2019-2020. - Approved the Health Professions (Amendment) Bill 2018 to include indemnity provisions. - Approved changes to the dates of the crawfish season, extending the closed season to August 15, 2019, and bringing forwards the end of the fishing season to March 1, 2020. - Approved the remuneration, allowances and expenses provided for members of the Gaming Control Commission which came into force on May 1, 2019. - Noted recommendations by the Procurement Board on the award of contracts for consultancy to oversee the removal of a grounded vessel on Grand Turk (PN 005433/PN 005535); the supply of a variable speed transfer pumps for fire hydrants on Grand Turk (PN 005511) and the supply of air conditioning units for airports on Grand Turk and Providenciales (TR 19/06). - Approved the bringing into force on August 1 the Credit Union Ordinance, Regulations and Prudential Standards. - Approved amendments to a development proposal for Wymara Development Ltd and approved a revised development agreement previously considered by Cabinet on September 13, 2018. - Noted a paper setting out the Legislative Programme/Agenda of priorities within Government for the period July to December 2019. - Noted a paper on projects approved by the Ministry of Finance post 2018 under the Small and Medium Enterprises Development (Amendment) Ordinance 2018. - Noted a paper on the financial performance of the TCI Government from the period January to March 2019. - Noted a paper reporting the financial performance of the Statutory Bodies of TCI Government for the 3rd quarter of 2018-2019. - Approved the change of date for the Notice of Waiver of Warehouse Rents pursuant to Regulation 4 of the Customs (Government Transit Shed and Queens Warehouse Rent) (Amendment) Regulations 2016. - Approved the funding of sub-projects under PN 005500 School Infrastructure Projects Phase 3, to be allocated to individual projects without affecting the appropriated amount allocated to the projects for FY 19/20. - Approved part of the Chalk Sound Police Station as a prison and the designation of police officers as temporary prison officers as dictated by the commissioner of police, subject to specific measures being put in place. - Approved a draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2019 intended to modernise targeted areas of the regulatory framework of the energy sector and granted permission for consultation with stakeholders to take place. - Approved planning application SA 249, Parcel 10704/38 for the construction of a chemical storage building in South District, Salt Cay. - Received an update from the attorney general on the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force and its impeding face to face meeting in August 2019. - Were informed by the premier that a meeting of the Caribbean Tax Administrators is being hosted by TCI this week. - The premier expressed her thanks and that of Cabinet for the commissioner of police’s work during his tenure.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
The fast-spreading disease killed this coral head within weeks (Photo by Alex Brett)
Fears intensify for TCI’s precious reefs BY GEMMA HANDY
STARTLING photos laying bare the virulence of the killer coral disease desecrating the TCI’s world-famous reefs have been released. The pictures of a great star coral off West Caicos, infected with stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD), showing the animal first sick and then dead were taken just weeks apart. The before and after images show “just how deadly this is”, Don Stark, chairman of the TC Reef Fund (TCRF), told the Weekly News. “Given the amount of turf algae growth on the dead coral, it had been dead for a few weeks when the second photo was taken,” he explained. “In other words, the disease killed off the rest of the coral on this head in a matter of two to three weeks.” Dreaded SCTLD was first spotted off South Caicos earlier this year, followed by West Caicos in June and Providenciales this month. Its rapid-fire contagion mirrors that seen in Florida where it has impacted half the reef-building corals on the world’s third largest barrier reef since it first appeared in
2014. It has been dubbed the biggest threat to the TCI’s cherished marine environment and a potential disaster. Speedy and meticulous intervention is needed to control its spread, say TCRF chiefs who have applied for a $150,000 grant from the UK’s Darwin Plus scheme which funds environmental projects in overseas territories. If successful, the cash will be provided next April. But by then, experts fear all the TCI’s reefs could be infected. The disease has a mortality rate of around 80 percent. In the meantime, the NGO has appealed to hotel and tourism leaders to put up $50,000 in stopgap funding. Parrot Cay resort has already pledged $10,000. The money will help pay for antibiotic treatments to affected coral heads, which have shown a positive success rate in other countries. There was a recent glimmer of hope with the arrival of a state-ofthe-art underwater drone to conduct a thorough probe of the Islands’ reefs. The TCRF’s bid for Sofar Trident equipment via National Geographic’s
digital community platform, Open Explorer, was successful and the drone was received some days ago. “With the aid of an underwater drone we will be able to more quickly assess and monitor the spread of the disease and target sites for intervention,” Stark said. It also eliminates the need to put divers in the water which can, inadvertently, spread the disease between reefs via contaminated dive gear. Divers have been warned about the need to thoroughly clean and decontaminate all equipment such as wetsuits, buoyancy control devices and fins after exiting the water. The drone will also assist efforts to reduce the number of invasive lionfish in the TCI’s waters. “We have a theory that the larger lionfish have gone deeper on our reef walls, to areas not easily and safely accessible for scuba divers,” Stark said. “With the Trident drone on a 100-metre tether, we can go deeper searching for them. It won’t eliminate them but will tell us where we may want to focus a few deep removal dives.”
Two TCI representatives – one from the Reef Fund and one from the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) – are due to attend a workshop in Key West in early August to learn more from their Floridian counterparts about what has, and has not, worked to date in battling SCTLD. Specialist training is due to commence upon their return. The TCRF is also awaiting approval from the DECR on a
research permit to enable them to get started. Since it was first detected in Florida six years ago, SCTLD has spread into Mexico and through the Caribbean archipelago. It typically appears like small patches of white exposed skeleton and has been identified on more than 20 different species of hard coral. The precise cause is still unknown but is suspected to be a bacterial infection.
We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.
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July 27 - August 2, 2019
The initiative has reached more than 7,000 youngsters since it began in 2014 (Photo by Anseye Pou Ayiti)
Mighty again IT MAY be the world’s oldest black republic but Haiti’s education system has long remained rooted in outdated colonial concepts. Now an innovative grassroots movement is bringing the nation’s colourful culture into the classroom, as Gemma Handy reports. When Nadege Blanchard wants her young pupils to understand the value of perseverance in overcoming adversity, she quotes an ancient proverb. ‘Little by little, the bird builds its nest’ – translated from the Haitian Creole ‘piti piti, zwazò fè nich li’ – results in a smile of instant comprehension. It is not just proverbs that make a regular appearance in Nadege’s colourful classes in the heart of rural Haiti. Traditional games, generations-old folk tales, songs and riddles are all used in her schoolroom to vivify everything from maths to literacy
while instilling morality, self-discipline and leadership. “Our culture is the anchor of learning; I realised it happens much faster when we use concepts the children immediately recognise from their own environment,” she says. Haiti may be the world’s oldest black republic – independent from France since 1804 – but outdated, imported teaching materials mean foreign cultural references are more likely to be presented to perplexed primary schoolchildren than something familiar. The standard school system remains deeply rooted in its colonial past, with lessons characterised by rote memorisation and a formal, stuffy ambience. Nadege is one of 150 teachers trained through an innovative grassroots movement currently sweeping the Caribbean nation. Anseye Pou Ayiti (teach for Haiti) operates predominantly in disadvantaged
rural communities and has reached more than 7,000 youngsters since it began in 2014. Its fresh approach with strong emphasis on indigenous culture aims not just to raise standards of education but transform the way children are taught. Such is the programme’s success the pupils under its care are said to be passing sixth grade at three times their neighbourhood average. In a country where just one in five primary schoolteachers are professionally trained and most adults have less than five years of schooling, the initiative recruits and trains both existing teachers and recent graduates through 65 partner schools across the country. Emmanuel Alexandre was inspired to teach 15 years ago. He has since completed additional studies with Anseye Pou Ayiti (AYP) where he learnt to create lesson plans incorporating cultural elements. Time-honoured proverbs like ‘kwoke
makout ou kote men w ka rive’, which translates to ‘hang your bag where your hand can reach it’ and alludes to avoiding temptation, are abundant in his school in Gros-Morne. Science classes are often taught outside so pupils learn about Haiti’s forests and the need to protect them while immersed in them. Folk stories play a role too; some of Haiti’s most pervasive feature the trickster Ti Malice, a sharp, guileful character who outwits the hardworking but greedy Uncle Bouki. “Some things are so deeply embedded in our culture that when they’re incorporated into teaching, kids immediately understand what behaviour is expected of them,” Emmanuel explains. “Our customs are primordial; you can’t have learning not linked to the children’s daily reality. So, instead of using examples like the Eiffel Tower from French textbooks, I refer to our citadel which is linked to Haiti’s
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Teacher Emmanuel Alexandre says the project has reinforced the need for love and respect in the classroom (Photo by Anseye Pou Ayiti)
Teacher Nadege Blanchard plays traditional games with her young charges (Photo by Anseye Pou Ayiti)
The project operates predominantly in disadvantaged rural communities across Haiti (Photo by Anseye Pou Ayiti)
Anseye Pou Ayiti pupils are said to be passing sixth grade at three times their neighbourhood average (Photo by Anseye Pou Ayiti)
struggle for independence.” AYP’s founder, Nedgine Deroly, believes the country’s mainstream schooling was designed specifically to reserve quality education for the elite classes, allowing them to accumulate wealth and entrench meritocracy. “Creole is our native language but most schools still teach in French and they’re largely privatised so how much money you have determines how far you can go,” she explains. “Corporal punishment is common, even though it’s illegal. And it’s used to breed fear; adults grow up with the mentality that you must submit to authority, don’t think for yourself, don’t ask questions. And that all starts in the classroom. “In a typical schoolroom in Haiti, you only hear the teacher speak. Ours are beautifully noisy with lots of critical thinking and group work.” Another colonial legacy is a prevailing
notion that “foreign is superior”. Using alien reference points isolates children from Haiti’s own rich culture, Nedgine says, and strikes at the heart of the social divisions that blight the country. Haiti’s poverty has long been illustrated by trite superlatives. Garnering far less attention is the flagrant disparity; Haiti is ranked fourth on the CIA World Factbook for income inequality. The richest 20 percent of people hold two-thirds of the country’s wealth. With one in three of the population aged under 15, educating future generations will be pivotal to putting Haiti on a path to prosperity. “We’ve been told this myth that poverty defines us,” Nedgine adds. “There’s a constant narrative that says everything is broken in Haiti and that disempowers people, pushing us to ignore the assets upon which we can build.” Nearly all the programme’s teachers hail from underprivileged communities; Nedgine believes those who have experienced inequity
themselves are the best solution bearers. Twenty years may have passed but Emmanuel vividly remembers the sting of humiliation at 15-years-old when he struggled over a complex fraction and was told by his teacher that his humble, countryside background meant he would never advance. Children from Haiti’s rural communities still face greater stigma than their urban counterparts, he says. “I tell them my experiences so they know I’ve been in their place. I encourage them to ask questions and not worry about not knowing the answer. “They have developed a new sense of responsibility and no longer have their parents running behind them to make them do their homework.” Emmanuel adds: “For me, AYP has reinforced the need for love and respect in the classroom. I want every child to feel they’re my friend.” Nadege says while many schools still
fail to see the value in highlighting Haitian culture, that is slowly changing. “Some were initially hesitant to our approach and didn’t agree with teaching in Creole. But they’re now seeing the results, the impact on the children and are coming to us asking to join.” At the core of AYP’s ethos is developing the civic leaders of tomorrow. Ralph Youry Joseph, 11, from Mirebalais, dreams of becoming a doctor. He describes the widespread use of the cane when he first started school. “It’s like it was a habit, the first tool used to teach. It made us feel like school was hell,” he recalls. But when he entered fifth grade he encountered an AYP-trained teacher with a different stance. “Participation, games and collaboration made our knowledge grow,” Ralph says. “My vision is to become a great leader so I can help those in need and be helpful to my family, my community and my country.”
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Health ministry gets new contract manager A HEALTH expert has been promoted in the civil service thanks to her continued technical and professional excellence. Florinda Gardiner-Talbot is now the contract performance manager in the Ministry of Health Agriculture Sports and Human Services. The role is key in ensuring that the contractual obligations of the hospital services contract are being delivered upon. Gardiner-Talbot will also ensure that the healthcare needs of the Islands’ residents are being met and managed in accordance with the project agreement. In a press release on Monday (July 22) she said she was honoured to have been selected in the new role. “My team and I will continue to work diligently to foster a strong relationship with key stake holders to ensure that high quality healthcare is provided for our service users.” Gardiner-Talbot holds a Bachelor’s Degree (Hons.) in Health and Social Care and an MBA (Distinction) in Hospital and Health Services Management from the University of Bedfordshire in Luton. She returned to the TCI in 2017 after holding several key healthcare positions in the United Kingdom. In April 2018, she re-joined the civil service as the deputy contract
Florinda Gardiner-Talbot is the new contract performance manager in the Ministry of Health Agriculture Sports and Human Services
performance manager within the Ministry of Health. In that role Gardiner-Talbot participated in several key activities such as inspections of hospital facilities and monitoring post hurricane repairs. She collaborated with multistakeholders on the launching of the Sexual Assault Referrals Centre (SARC) and most recently assessment of overseas providers’ services and facilities. Deputy Governor Anya Williams said the civil service is pleased to
congratulate Gardiner-Talbot on her recent promotion. “She has been an asset to the Ministry of Health during her tenure as the deputy contract performance manager and has demonstrated strong technical, professional and leadership skills, allowing her to excel to this elevated position.” The deputy governor added: “We wish Mrs Gardiner-Talbot well on her new appointment and congratulate her on her rapid progression with the Turks and Caicos Islands civil service.”
Another promotion for dedicated civil servant AFTER just seven years in the civil service Myrlchina Lewis has been promoted to the role of deputy collector of customs. This is “testament to the fact that not only is there vast opportunities for upward mobility and growth in the public service”, said Deputy Governor Anya Williams. Lewis joined the public service in December 2012 as a tax officer and was promoted in January 2015 to the post of senior tax officer. In June 2017 she was promoted again to the post of financial manager and on July 15 she became deputy collector of customs within the Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment. Lewis holds an Associate Degree in Business Studies from the TCI Community College, a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Florida International University in Miami, Florida, and as a former Chevening Scholar, a Master’s of Science Degree with Merit in Financial Management. In a Government press release on Tuesday (July 23), she said she was “delighted and humbled” for the opportunity. “I enjoy being a public servant and continue to be grateful for the opportunities and support afforded to me in the past seven years. “I look forward to the additional responsibilities of this new
Myrlchina Lewis is the new deputy collector of customs within the Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment
appointment and promise to execute my duties in a manner that is ethical, efficient and beneficial to the Customs Department, the Ministry of Finance and TCIG as a whole.” Anya Williams, Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service, said it is with “great pleasure” that she can formally congratulate Lewis on her recent appointment. “Myrlchina joined the public service less than seven years ago and within that time period has already been promoted on three separate
occasions. “She is a testament to the fact that not only is there vast opportunities for upward mobility and growth in the public service, but also that hard work and dedication pays off. “We wish her well in her new role and know that there are even greater things in store for her in the future. “I encourage other public servants to follow her example in making the most of the opportunities that are available to them.”
Nasiya Misick is the Deputy Director of the Exchange and Information Unit within the Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment
Finance and law specialist becomes deputy director “TRUST in God and trust the process” were words of advice to those wishing to boost their career progression after Nasiya Misick was promoted to a higher post in the civil service. Misick is now the Deputy Director of the Exchange and Information Unit within the Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment. In a press release on Wednesday (July 24), she said that when she began her career in law 13 years ago, she did not imagine a future career in finance. “It was not until I joined the Ministry of Finance in 2014 that I recognised that I had a passion for finance and the law. “Life has taught me that it is important to trust in God and to trust the process, for life is not a sprint, but a marathon.” Misick joined the TCI Government in 2006 as a Crown Counsel in the Attorney General’s Chambers, working in the Commercial and Civil Divisions until 2010. In 2014, she re-joined the civil service as assistant commissioner of revenue (legal) with the Revenue Department. She was responsible for the general operations of the Grand Turk office, in addition to being the department’s legal counsel. In 2015 she was given additional duties and appointed as collector of stamp duty. In 2017, she transferred to the Exchange of Information Unit within the Ministry of Finance as the exchange of information officer. Misick has provided legal assistance in all Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS) matters. Most notably to date, she was given the opportunity to participate in the territory’s second round of reviews by the Global Forum for
the Exchange of Information on Request. Misick helped in the preparation of the report, the onsite review and the peer review group in Paris, for which the TCI received a largely compliant rating with the international standard. She holds a Bachelors of Law (Hons) Degree from the University of Manchester in Manchester, UK, and a legal practicing certificate from Manchester Metropolitan University. Through the Civil Service Professional Development Fund, she is currently pursuing an LLM in International Trade and Commercial Law at the University of Essex. Anya Williams, Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service, said she was pleased to congratulate Misick on her new appointment. “Ms Misick has been an asset to the Exchange of Information Unit during a very demanding period where various international obligations have had to be met. “She has proven not only her ability, but her sound technical knowledge of the expectations and requirements of this newly established unit and we wish her well in her new role.” Misick thanked all her associates for the “valuable lessons” she learned during her time with the Revenue Department. “Additionally, I would also like to thank the Director of the Exchange of Information Unit for his support and his belief in my abilities to help shape the Exchange of Information Unit. “I look forward to a continued productive relationship and ultimately achieving the goal of combating tax evasion through tax transparency worldwide and the continued development of a Unit that all Turks and Caicos Islanders can be proud of.”
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Science & Technology
Growing bananas I LOVE banana trees. Their large leaves are so exotic and a symbol of the tropical countries. Actually, bananas are herbaceous plants, just like strawberries. Basically there are two species of banana, Musa acuminata and M balbisiana, and most banana cultivars are hybrids of these species. Banana cultivars vary greatly in plant and fruit size, plant morphology, fruit quality, and disease and insect resistance. Most bananas have a sweet flavour when ripe. Exceptions to this are cooking bananas and plantains. Plantains are hybrid bananas and are always cooked before consumption and are higher in starch than bananas. The two groups of plantains, French and horn, produce fewer fruit per plant than sweet bananas. The banana and plantain are native to southeast Asia, where they have been cultivated for thousands of years. Bananas are eaten fresh and used in salads, desserts, breads and candy. Bananas are a good source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin B, and potassium. Banana plants may also be used in the home landscape for ornamental purposes. The range in plant sizes and colour and fruit shapes adds a tropical atmosphere to the yard. Banana is a fast-growing plant consisting of one or more pseudo stems (upright, trunklike structures) formed by tightly packed concentric layers of leaf sheaths, an underground rhizome, and a fibrous root system. The banana flowering stalk emerges from the centre of the pseudo stem 10 to 18 months after planting; by this time 26 to 32 leaves have been produced,
Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email denisbgarden@gmail.com
if it was watered regularly. The process of banana flowering is called shooting. The flowers appear spirally along the axis of the inflorescence in groups of 10 to 20, covered by purplishto-greenish fleshy bracts which shed as flowering development progresses. The first flowers to emerge are functionally female. In the edible cultivars, the rapidly growing ovaries develop parthenocarpically (without pollination) into clusters of fruits, called hands. The fruit is a berry. The last flowers to emerge are functionally male. Wind is a common constraint in the Islands. Continuously windy weather may cause severe leaf drying and plant crown distortion. Winds above 25mph and 45mph may cause tall and short banana cultivars (respectively) to topple. Temperature and soil moisture are the most important factors in banana production. Lack of water at any time may cause a reduction in fruit number and size and ultimate crop yield. Symptoms of drought stress include folding of the leaves, pale green to yellow leaf colour development and premature leaf death. Severe drought stress may cause choking and pseudo stem collapse. Banana plants are not flood tolerant and in general, plants may survive 24 to 48 hours of flooding caused by moving water. Banana plants do not grow or fruit well in saline soils. Symptoms of salt damage include yellowing and death of the leaf margins and thin, deformed fruit. Planting banana should be in
holes large as three feet wide by two feet deep if possible. Addition and mixing with the native soil of completely composted organic matter or a sand-peat moss mixture may be desirable. Wanna try something real, real good? Try this banana jam. It takes time to do it, but boy it’s worth it. INGREDIENTS
• 4 pounds of very ripe bananas • 1 1/2 cups brown sugar • 1 cup sugar • 3 tablespoons lime juice • ¾ cup dark rum • ½ tablespoon minced fresh ginger • 1 tablespoon of Angostura • 2 tablespoons vanilla • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon • 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg • ½ teaspoon allspice • 1 teaspoon salt
Peel and slice the bananas one inch thick. Place them in the slow cooker along with all the other ingredients. Give it a good stir. Put chopsticks, skewers or a wooden spoon between the crock and the lid to allow it to vent and reduce while cooking. Cook eight (at least) or until dark brown and the consistency you prefer for jam. Give it a stir every few hours and scrape down the sides. Ladle finished jam into jars. Store in the refrigerator or freezer. Come and join us on our Facebook page: Nature Splendor
Experiments show some species of bacteria - and the chemicals they make - change the pace of the disease.
Gut bacteria may have motor neurone disease role GUT bacteria may be playing a role in motor neurone disease, according to early studies in animals and people. Experiments show some species of bacteria - and the chemicals they make - change the pace of the disease. The team at the Weizmann Institute in Israel says it adds to work suggesting the “microbiome” alters the brain in autism and Parkinson’s disease. The research is at a very early stage, but the team hope it could lead to the first treatments for the disease. WHAT IS MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE? It is a group of diseases that stop messages from the brain and spinal cord from reaching the muscles. It leads to muscles wasting away and affects the ability to move, eat and even breathe. The most common form of the disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and life expectancy is usually between two and five years after symptoms start. Although physicist Stephen Hawking lived for more than half a century with a rare form of motor neurone disease. WHAT IS THE MICROBIOME? § You are more microbe than human - if you count all the cells in your body, only 43% are human. § The rest is our microbiome and includes bacteria, viruses, fungi and single-celled archaea § The human genome - the full set of genetic instructions for a human being - is made up of 20,000 instructions called genes § But add all the genes in our microbiome together and the figure comes out at between two million and 20 million microbial genes § It is known as the second genome and is linked to diseases including allergy, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, Parkinson’s, whether cancer drugs work and even depression and autism
IS THE MICROBIOME INVOLVED? The experiments, detailed in the journal Nature, used mice genetically programmed to get ALS. The animals’ symptoms became much more severe after having a dose of antibiotics to kill their gut microbiome. “We were very surprised,” said researcher Prof Eran Elinav, who could see the difference in the mice’s muscle and brain tissue. The team honed in on the gut microbes and found 12 species that seemed to exist in much higher or lower numbers in the diseased mice. By adding these bacteria, one species at a time, into mice with ALS the researchers showed some made the disease more severe. One species Akkermansia muciniphila slowed the pace of the disease. “But in no way are we implying we have stopped, cured or reversed the disease,” Prof Elinav told BBC News. HOW CAN GUT BACTERIA AFFECT YOUR BRAIN “The bacteria are in the gut, but disease is very far from the gut,” said Prof Elinav. He added: “Our working hypothesis is this is done by secretion of small molecules that can penetrate into the bloodstream and then different organs.” Researchers identified a chemical, called nicotinamide, that was being produced by Akkermansia muciniphila, which when injected into diseased mice also improved their condition. It is thought the chemical is involved in minimising oxidative stress and preserving healthy neurone function for longer. “It presents a very exciting prospect of understanding how our unique signature of microbes, and their function, affect processes not necessarily where the microbes live,” Prof Elinav said.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
RBC executives meet with the organisers and leaders of the TCIFF in Providenciales
Bank sponsors first local film festival RBC Royal Bank has announced it has signed up as a lead sponsor of the inaugural Turks and Caicos International Film Festival (TCIFF) taking place from November 15 to
17. The main objective of the TCIFF is to shine a light on environmental issues facing the Caribbean region in the hope of bringing about change
and responsible environmental stewardship. One of the pillars of the TCIFF is its outreach programmes designed to support students in TCI. It
PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to DOMINIQUE MILLER JENNINGS by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
does this by connecting them with workshops, tutorials and networking opportunities with filmmakers and conservationists. A press release from the bank on Tuesday (July 23) said: “Giving students these opportunities is a principal element of RBC’s flagship youth education programme, RBC Future Launch. “A programme that works with local stakeholders in Canada, the United States and the Caribbean to prepare our youth for the new jobs of tomorrow and the future world of work.” The home-grown festival
will showcase cinematographic stories centred on oceans and the environment with international features, short films, documentaries and workshops. TCIFF director Colin Burrows said: “We want to celebrate the best of film making particularly focusing on oceans and the environment, but we also want to bring together film makers from around the world to discuss how best to tell compelling stories about environmental change.” In April the festival secured partnership with its first major sponsor,
telecommunications provider Digicel TCI. Digicel regional CEO Sinead O Marcaigh said: “We are very excited to come on board as a sponsor of the TCIFF and play our part in the development of young filmmakers and bringing further awareness to ocean sustainability in TCI, where the health of our environment is so closely tied to the health of our nation.” The three-day festival will run several film strands screening at multiple locations, plus workshops and the Making Waves discussion programme.
The Meridian Club is looking for an individual experienced with at least two years’ experience cooking in for large groups – who is hard-working, organized, creative, and passionate about food and customer service. Have excellent interpersonal skills, be a team player and also able to work unsupervised. You will also be able to work a flexible schedule including days, evenings, weekends and public holidays. Must be willing to reside on Pine Cay. Salary commensurate with experience. REQUIREMENTS: • Food preparation certification • Food preparation and cooking, plating, presentation
• Kitchen maintenance and cleaning • Maintaining and ordering stocks and supplies • Following food safety requirements
This position is currently held by a permit holder. Belongers need only apply.
Please submit written resumes to: hr@meridicanclub.com and Mr. Edwin Taylor -Labour Commissioner
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Public opinion sought on derelict vehicles THE GOVERNMENT is considering the enforcement of restrictions on the importation of vehicles by age to help curb the build-up of derelict vehicles across the territory. In the Turks and Caicos Islands it is not uncommon to see abandoned vehicles in vegetated areas along streets and unpaved roads. These vehicles eventually become derelict which defaces the environment, becoming “eyesores” and ultimately decreases community aesthetics, a statement from the Government said. The TCI currently does not
have in place an effective and enforceable regime for the disposal of imported vehicles at the end of their useful lives. As a result, vehicles are abandoned either in secluded areas, on the roadside in communities, at mechanical workshops or remain on the owner’s premises. The Government said: “There has been an increase in the numbers of derelict vehicles and scrap metal in the TCI in recent years, a challenge which has worsened by an increased importation of used and refurbished vehicles.”
Old abandoned vehicles sit on the road side in Blue Hills
Members of the public are invited to take part in an online survey to gather information on potential policy changes on www.surveymonkey.com/r/ vechiclepolicy At the latest Cabinet meeting held on Tuesday (July 23) Cabinet approved a policy to incentivise the removal of scrap metal from the TCI including waiver of fees.
HEAD SWIM TEACHER Swim and Surf TCI is a non-profit organisation established to provide a sustainable, consistent and affordable swimming programme and swim teacher training programme for the community of the Turks and Caicos Islands. We currently seek to employ a Head Swim Teacher to work alongside our Executive Board of Directors to continue to deliver our successful learn to swim programmes for children and adults.
A live in Technician/Caretaker FOR A PRIVATE VILLA
• • • • •
The successful candidate will work closely with the Property manager and is expected to assist with the upkeep and maintenance of the villa.
• Technical experience with swimming pools, irrigation, and water pumps are essential • Certification in Electrical and or plumbing installation and the ability to read MEP Plans • Must have experience in general maintenance, electrical installations, plumbing and carpentry in a villa/hotel Technician duties and responsibilities • Must be able to maintain Creston Audio Visual Systems • Please note this position requires the applicant to be on call 24/7. • Must be willing to work with the team and assist in training and delegating maintenance staff • Applicant must have a good command of the English Language • Computer literacy is required in order to access equipment and part replacement information and ordering • Must possess a clean driver’s license and police record
• • • •
Learn to Swim School programming and implementation Open water swimming programming and implementation Out of water education with regards to nutrition, healthy and active lifestyle Water safety awareness and drowning prevention education Liaising with the VP of Swimming and VP of Surfing with the development and implementation of the trainee/mentor programme. Responsible for supervising volunteers and mentors Develop and encourage the development of competitive swim teams both in the community and schools throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands. Strategic planning for the development of a Swim Teacher Training Scholarship for individuals wanting to start a career in teaching swimming Liaise and network with internationally recognised organisations for the development of swimming in TCI
MUST have a current Swim Teaching qualification along with CPR certification with an internationally accredited swim organisation (Swim England, Swim Australia, Royal Life Saving Society or ASCA etc). A degree or certifications in Fitness and Physical Education is required. Must have a strong background in swimming; learn to swim and swimming development. Must have proven experience in developing and presenting water safety awareness programmes to members of the community at all level 3 years of age to adults. To organise and manage competitive sports activities, promote the development of increased fitness and active lifestyle through swimming, organise and manage social activities for students and parents, have the personality and experience to encourage the confidence and skills of individual participants and trainees in the programme. Must have the ability to work on their own to meet the demands of the programme and a high degree of professionalism to liaise confidently with the Executive Board of Directors and the TCI community at large. Organisation and administration skills with ability to promote the organisation through appropriate social platforms.
Helper/Cleaner A helper/cleaner labourer is needed to work along with our maintenance team. Duties include but are not limited to: • Cleaning the outside of the villa and property as required • Collect and disposing of garbage and debris including removing leaves • Set up/disassemble equipment as necessary • Must be able to perform basic maintenance • Must be willing to take instructions and work along with the team • Must have a clean police record • This position pays $6.25 per hour.
These Adverts are for work permit renewal. Please address all resume’s to hr@ thesource.tc and drop off a copy to The Department of Employment Services.
Salary is $45,000 per annum. Deadline for Application is August 10th, 2019
Email: swimandsurftci@gmail.com Please copy application to: Labour Commissioner Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands This is a new work permit application
Regional News
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Haiti’s President defends choice for PM HAITIAN President Jovenel Moise defended his choice for prime minister Wednesday, following complaints that Fritz-William Michel is a virtual unknown who should not have been named. Opposition lawmakers say Michel has close ties to Deputy Gary Bodeau, president of the Chamber of Deputies, and that he was not chosen by consensus. “Mr. Michel is a distinguished civil servant who has devoted his entire career to serving the people of Haiti,” Moise said, in his first public statement on the matter since announcing his choice. “This is a consensus choice — made with the presidents of both assemblies to end the political paralysis that is harming the citizens of this country.” Haiti has been without a prime minister since Jean Henry Ceant was ousted by a no-confidence vote in March. Moise’s first choice to fill the position, Jean Michel Lapin, was never approved by the parliament and resigned Monday. Several attempts to consider Lapin’s nomination were blocked by opposition lawmakers who used tactics such as moving furniture out of the chamber, fighting on the parliament floor and not showing up for work. Speaking for the opposition block in the Chamber of Deputies, Deputy Abel Descolines told VOA Creole that he does not approve of Michel’s nomination and that nine of 16 opposition lawmakers do not believe Michel will resolve the socioeconomic and political problems facing the country. “We should be starting with indictments related to the PetroCaribe affair,” Descolines said.
A man receives a vaccine against Ebola in the DR of Congo.
Barbados updating Ebola plan as outbreak declared a public health emergency Jovenel Moise said that the move was a consensus choice made with the presidents of both assemblies.
Moise, who has been implicated in the PetroCaribe corruption report, denies wrongdoing. He insists that lawmakers should be working toward resolving the country’s problems and that his new cabinet will be inclusive. “Mr. Michel’s cabinet will be representative and inclusive, and will include members of the opposition. We are proposing a government of national unity in order to resolve a national crisis,” Moise said. Government projects have been on hold while lawmakers bicker about the PetroCaribe corruption probe amid calls for a national dialogue. Sky-high inflation, crime and unemployment have sparked massive
nationwide protests demanding the president’s resignation. People also complain openly about not having a representative government, not being able to afford basic necessities, and not being able to pay for their children’s education. The demands have fallen on deaf ears. Moise urged lawmakers to move forward with the nomination process. “The approval of the prime minister’s general policy by parliament will unlock the budget and the billions of dollars in international financing that belongs to the Haitian people. There can be no more delay; we must do the work we were all elected to do,” the president said. (VOA)
THE Ministry of Health and Wellness in Barbados says it’s reviewing and updating its Ebola Plan to ensure authorities are able to respond effectively if the need arises, as the latest outbreak of the deadly disease is declared a global health emergency. The World Health Organization (WHO) on July 17 declared the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo a public health emergency of international concern. In a statement issued this week, the Ministry disclosed that Minister of Health and Wellness, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic, had met with the Ministry’s senior officials as well as representatives of the Bridgetown Port, the Grantley Adams International Airport and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital to review the status of preparedness. It assured the public that it will continue to take steps to strengthen
its level of preparedness and these measures would inform the revision of the Ebola Plan. The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has urged countries in the region to enhance disease surveillance at ports of entry and at health facilities. “It is important that the region takes on a proactive approach. Use this as an opportunity to review and strengthen your systems,” said CARPHA’s Executive Director Dr Joy St John. CARPHA pointed out, however, that in keeping with the International Health Regulations and the statement on the meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee for Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on July 17, no country should close its borders or place any restrictions on travel and trade.
Two Caribbean judges appointed to United Nations Dispute Tribunal JUSTICE Francis Belle of Barbados and Justice Eleanor DonaldsonHoneywell of Trinidad and Tobago have been elected to serve sevenyear terms on the United Nations Dispute Tribunal (UNDT) as halftime judges. The two were among four judges elected by secret ballot at the recent 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, and their appointments took effect on July 10. The other two were Justice Rachel Sikwese of Malawi and Justice Margaret Tibulya of Uganda. UNDT half-time judges serve on rotation in New York, USA; Geneva, Switzerland; and Nairobi, Kenya.
They are deployed up to a cumulative period of six months per year, as decided by the President based on the caseload and any judicial absences affecting the work of the Tribunal. To be eligible for appointment as a judge to the Dispute Tribunal, candidates must be of high moral character and impartial; possess at least 10 years of judicial experience in the field of administrative law or the equivalent within one or more national jurisdictions; and be fluent, both orally and in writing, in English or French. A total of 325 applications were received globally, 51 of which
came from Latin America and the Caribbean. 96 candidates advanced to the written assessment stage and 23 were invited to interview with the Internal Justice Council at The Hague, Netherlands. Finally, seven candidates received the Council’s recommendation for consideration of an appointment by the General Assembly and four were appointed by the General Assembly. Justice Belle has served as a High Court Judge for over 15-years. His judicial experience spans adjudication of criminal and civil matters, including Administrative and Employment Law actions. Justice Belle served as resident
Justice Francis Belle of Barbados (left) and Justice Eleanor Donaldson-Honeywell of Trinidad and Tobago were among four judges elected by secret ballot.
judge in Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Antigua and Dominica; visiting judge in Anguilla and Montserrat with the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC)
2003-present. He periodically serves as acting Court of Appeal Judge with the ECSC and acting judge of the Cayman Islands Grand Court (2015-present).
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Regional News
Bermuda’s Premier ready to work with Boris Johnson Some of the 104 kilos of gold that was seized.
Cayman Islands leads international gold smuggling investigation AUTHORITIES in the Cayman Islands are leading a money laundering investigation with the assistance of the United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency (NCA), following the seizure of gold worth around £4 million (US$4.9 million). The gold was seized by the NCA as part of an international investigation into a suspected South American drugs cartel. Officers from the UK’s Border Force, acting on intelligence from the NCA, moved in to detain the shipment at Heathrow on June 1. The gold was being transported from the Cayman Islands to Switzerland,
having earlier been shipped to the British Overseas Territory on a private jet from Venezuela. The bars and pieces of gold, which together weigh around 104 kilos, have been seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act, following a hearing at Uxbridge Magistrates in London. NCA Heathrow branch commander, Steve McIntyre, said: “We believe that this shipment was linked to drugs cartels operating out of South America. Working with partners overseas and in the UK we were quickly able to identify it and stop it’s onward movement.
A “PRODUCTIVE working relationship” with Britain is expected to continue with new PM Boris Johnson, Bermuda’s Premier said this week. David Burt said: “The Government of Bermuda has a long history of working with UK governments. “With the election of Mr Johnson as the leader of his party and his eventual appointment as Prime Minister, I fully expect that this productive working relationship will continue.” Mr Burt was speaking after Mr Johnson, a former foreign secretary who resigned last year, was elected by Conservative party members as the successor to Theresa May. Mr Burt met Mr Johnson on a visit to London to attend a Joint Ministerial Council of the UK Overseas Territories in 2017. The former Mayor of London, took 92,153 votes from party members, a convincing victory over Jeremy Hunt, who took over from Mr Johnson as foreign secretary, who got 46,656 votes. Mr Johnson, a major supporter of the campaign for Britain to leave the EU, told supporters in his victory speech that he would “deliver Brexit” and “unite the country”. Craig Cannonier, the One Bermuda Alliance leader, said that he supported a prime minister who realised their duty to listen to the
David Burt said that the Government of Bermuda has a long history of working with UK governments.
people and governments of the Overseas Territories. He added: “As a former foreign secretary, I would expect Mr Johnson to be aware of the issues which affect countries like Bermuda and I would expect him to act accordingly.” Mr Cannonier said: “With any change of leadership there is a period when you are waiting to see what policies the new prime minister will want to pursue and how those policies might affect countries like Bermuda.
“I would encourage the Government to take every possible step to ensure that in this settling in period, and despite the negotiations over Brexit, that our voice is heard loud and clear. Mr Cannonier added that he had a “simple” message for Mr Johnson. He said: “We are a self-governing country, we are the UK’s largest dependent territory, so treat us with respect and do not try to force things upon us that harm our economy, such as a public Register of Interests.”
Jamaica could see states of emergency for up to seven years
Venezuelans wait to register in Government’s amnesty programme outside the Queen’s Park Oval in Port of Spain on Friday.
Trinidad PM orders unregistered Venezuelans to be deported PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley has instructed National Security Minister Stuart Young to deport Venezuelan nationals who have not registered with the Government. In issuing the instruction, the prime minister recalled that 250 Venezuelans have taken legal action against the State for the opportunity to register and, according to their attorney, want the Government to issue them registration cards within 28 days so they can work locally.
As he noted this, the prime minister quipped: “These people have money they don’t know what to do with.” He was speaking at a sod-turning ceremony for construction of the new Carenage Police Station on the Carenage Main Road this week. The Government gave ample notice and information as to the twoweek registration process carried out from May 31 to June 14, Rowley said.
AS the Jamaica government aims to reduce murders significantly, Prime Minister Andrew Holness says the country should see states of emergency (SOEs) sustained for up to seven years. Speaking in the House of Representatives in the debate on extending the state of emergency in the St Andrew South Police Division until October 5, he argued that the SOE was the best tool at this time for achieving a meaningful reduction in murders. “If we continue to use this strategy in a selective way, give ourselves five to seven years and we can bring our murder rate down to 16 per hundred thousand, or 500 (per year). We would then be in a position to use conventional methods to maintain and reduce crime fully,” he said. Between January 1 and July 15 this year, Jamaica recorded 726 murders and 726 shootings across 19 police divisions. The total number of people killed last year was 1,287. Holness said the SOEs are very effective in controlling the
During the States of Emergency, the security forces will have the power to search, curtail operating hours of business, restrict access to places and detain persons without a warrant.
geographical spaces in which murders are occurring. “In 2018, we saw 360 fewer murders than in 2017. And that was purely as a result of the implementation of the SOEs in Kingston Western, St James and St Catherine. So, it is, without question, a very effective tool,” he emphasized. “In Kingston Western, we would have seen a reduction of 17 murders
compared to this time last year. In St Catherine North, we would have seen a reduction of 22 murders amounting to 32.8 per cent, relative to last year this time, and, of course, we would recall that St Catherine North benefited from an SOE which was declared last year. It is important that we continue the national effort to reduce crime, and, in particular, continue to use the tool that is the State of Public Emergency.”
World News
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Boris Johnson: Premiership will be the start of a golden age BORIS Johnson has promised the “beginning of a new golden age”, as he made his first Commons statement as PM. Speaking to MPs, Mr Johnson said his government would throw itself into Brexit negotiations with energy, while Michael Gove would lead on no-deal planning as a “top priority”. He also said EU citizens living in the UK would have their rights protected. But Downing Street was unable to confirm if there would be any new laws to underpin the commitment. Tory MP Alberto Costa - who has campaigned for EU citizens’ rights after Brexit - welcomed Mr Johnson’s pledge, but said “the devil, as ever, is in the detail” and he would be “scrutinising how that guarantee comes forward”. Replying to his statement in the Commons, Jeremy Corbyn said people “do not trust” the new PM to deliver on his promises. And Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has written to Mr Johnson to say it is “essential” her country has an alternative option to his Brexit plan. The statement came after the first meeting of Mr Johnson’s new cabinet, who he said had all committed to leaving the EU on or before 31 October, “no ifs, no buts”. New secretaries of state include former leadership contender Sajid Javid as chancellor, and leading Brexiteers, with Dominic Raab as foreign secretary and Priti Patel as home secretary.
The new UK PM said that his government would throw itself into Brexit negotiations with energy.
More junior ministers are expected to be announced later, with further reshuffling on Friday. Mr Johnson has also held his first calls with other foreign leaders - including Dutch PM Mark Rutte and Australian PM Scott Morrison and is due to speak to the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker later. WHAT DID THE PM SAY IN HIS STATEMENT? Much of Mr Johnson’s statement focused on his plans for Brexit. Despite emphasising the importance of preparing for no deal, the new prime minister said he would “much prefer” to leave the EU with an agreement, saying he would work “flat out to make it happen”. However, he told MPs the withdrawal agreement his predecessor,
Theresa May, had negotiated with the EU was “unacceptable to this Parliament and to this country”. That plan was voted down three times by MPs, with one of the controversial parts being the Northern Ireland backstop - a mechanism to avoid physical checks on the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in case of a no-deal Brexit. Mr Johnson has pledged to scrap this element of the plan, saying alternative arrangements to keep checks away from the border were “perfectly compatible” with the Good Friday Agreement - the peace agreement signed in 1998. The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, said eliminating the backstop from the withdrawal agreement was “unacceptable”, and after Mr Johnson’s “rather combative speech”, the bloc would have to “be
ready for all scenarios”. Mr Johnson also said he would be looking into changing the UK’s immigration system, as per his leadership campaign pledge. He wants to bring in a pointsbased system, similar to that used by Australia, and he said he would be asking the Migration Advisory Committee to conduct a review, “the first step in a radical rewriting” of the policy. The PM’s spokesman later said that further details of Mr Johnson’s plans would be revealed “in the coming days and weeks”. Labour’s leader said the country was “deeply worried the new prime minister overestimates himself”. Mr Corbyn added: “People do not trust this prime minister to make the right choices for the majority of the people in this country when he’s also promising tax giveaways to the richest of big business - his own party’s funders [a policy Mr Johnson proposed during the leadership campaign]”. He also asked the PM to rule out “once and for all” the NHS would form part of a trade deal with the US, following comments made by President Donald Trump on his visit to the UK in June. Mr Johnson said: “Under no circumstances would we agree to any free-trade deal that put the NHS on the table.” WHAT DID MR JOHNSON TELL CABINET? After a raft of resignations, sackings and appointments on Wednesday night, Mr Johnson addressed his
cabinet for the first time as prime minister early on Thursday. He told the cabinet they had “a momentous task ahead”, as he repeated his commitment for the UK to leave the EU on 31 October - calling it “a pivotal moment in our country’s history”. He said the new team respected the “depth and breadth of talent in our extraordinary party”, who were “not going to wait until 31 October to get on with a fantastic new agenda for our country... delivering the priorities of the people”. The appointments have already faced criticism from the opposition, with the chair of the Labour Party, Ian Lavery, calling it “a cabinet of hard-line conservatives who will only represent the privileged few”. He comments were echoed by independent MP Nick Boles - who resigned the Conservative whip over Brexit - saying the “few elements remaining of the liberal one-nation Conservative style are neutered captives in this cabinet”. But the new Leader of the House, Mr Rees-Mogg, who led the proBrexit Tory European Research Group (ERG), denied there had been a “Leave” takeover of the cabinet. “Boris is bringing the country together, the party together, through his cabinet appointments,” he said. The newly appointed Lib Dem leader, Jo Swinson, has tabled an early day motion expressing a lack of confidence in the prime minister - although such motions are rarely debated and generally used to draw attention to an issue. (BBC)
Sturgeon calls for new Scottish independence vote SCOTLAND’S first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has written to Boris Johnson to tell him that she is “looking forward” to discussing with him her proposals for a second independence referendum. Using her first letter to the new prime minister to remind him of Scottish government analysis which found that a no-deal Brexit could cost 100,000 jobs across Scotland, she writes: “Given your public comments about leaving the EU on October 31 with or without a deal, “come what may” and “do or die”, it is now – more than ever – essential that in Scotland we have an alternative option.” Stating that her government would continue the parliamentary progress of legislation to enable a second referendum on independence, which Sturgeon has indicated she would like to hold before 2021, she tells Johnson: “The right of the people of Scotland to determine their own future is a basic democratic principle that
must be respected.” The referendums (Scotland) bill does not specify the date, question or referendum period, which would all be set by secondary legislation. The Scottish National party leader has previously committed to securing the necessary transfer of powers from Westminster. Johnson refused to rule out blocking a second referendum on Scottish independence, even if the SNP won a mandate for one at the next Holyrood elections, when he visited Scotland during the Conservative leadership campaign, maintaining that “we should stick to that promise” that the 2014 vote was decisive for a generation. Giving Johnson a timetable for future discussions, Sturgeon writes: “Similarly any decision of the Scottish parliament on whether to give people that choice must be respected. The parliament will consider the necessary framework legislation for a referendum after the
Nicola Sturgeon congratulated Boris Johnson on his appointment but also pressed the case for independence.
summer recess, and I look forward to taking this matter forward with you once MSPs have had the opportunity to debate the issue further.” The letter comes after the SNP shadow leader of the house, Pete Wishart, described Johnson’s new
cabinet as the “worst since Thatcher” on Wednesday night, while his fellow SNP MP Tommy Sheppard dismissed the Scottish Conservative leader, Ruth Davidson, as a “busted flush”, after Johnson apparently ignored her advice to keep the former
Scottish secretary David Mundell in post. Sheppard said: “Ruth Davidson is a busted flush – Boris Johnson has humiliated her and left her authority non-existent following the sacking of David Mundell as Scottish Secretary.” Davidson, who has made no secret of her reservations about Johnson and said on Tuesday that she would judge him by his actions once in Downing Street, issued a warmly worded statement after Mundell’s sacking, while many other senior Scottish Tories indicated on social media that they felt his departure was a significant loss to the party. While critics have warned that a Johnson premiership could boost support for the SNP and independence, Scottish Conservative supporters of the new prime minister have insisted in recent days that he is willing to take guidance from colleagues based north of the border. (Guardian.com)
July 27 - August 2, 2019
World News
Europe heatwave breaks more temperature records
Robert Mueller accused Trump of not always being truthful and called his support for the 2016 release of stolen Democratic emails “problematic”.
Democrats plot postMueller plans without clear path to impeachment AFTER being built up for months, former special counsel Robert Mueller’s highly anticipated testimony Wednesday does not appear to be the turning point that will take Democrats -- and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi -- down a path toward impeachment. That doesn’t mean impeachment is off the table. House Democrats are now pivoting to their court cases in an effort to obtain the special counsel’s grand jury evidence and force Mueller’s key witnesses to testify, which they say will give them the information they need to make a decision on impeachment. But Democrats ahead of the hearing had hoped that Mueller would bring his report to life -- that even if he stayed within the confines of the report, he would help illustrate to the public the misconduct the investigation had documented. Instead, Mueller’s constant oneword responses and decision not to engage on a multitude of issues even within in the report prompted Trump and Republicans to declare victory Wednesday and call for Democrats to move on. Just minutes after Mueller’s testimony concluded Wednesday, House Democrats debated their next steps internally at a caucus meeting, where lawmakers pressed leadership about impeachment and the process with moving forward with an inquiry, according to multiple sources. Pelosi continued to reiterate that it’s not time to begin impeachment proceedings, but she told her caucus she wasn’t taking it off the table, the sources said, and that she respected their decision to say what they wanted on impeachment and do what’s best for their districts. Publicly, Democrats called the Mueller hearings an important step on Wednesday, where the special counsel explained that his investigation did not exonerate the President, detailed how his actions toward Russia and WikiLeaks were
problematic, and outlined what they see is a clear case of obstruction of justice, even if Mueller would not say so explicitly. “For people who are not (familiar with the report), this should have blown their minds,” said Rep. Ted Lieu, a California Democrat who backs an impeachment inquiry. “I think it was groundbreaking,” said Washington Rep Pramila Jayapal, a key liberal voice on the Judiciary Committee who favors an impeachment inquiry, adding that she thought Mueller had moved the needle for the public and her own caucus. Others were less sure that public opinion would shift. “I’m not sure if (Mueller) changed the dial on impeachment,” said Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana, a Judiciary Democrat who also favors impeachment. “I think it’ll depend on how the public views what they saw today.” On the campaign trail, Mueller’s appearance quickly turned to an afterthought, as the 2020 Democratic hopefuls said his testimony confirmed old truths about the President and then largely pivoted to other issues. At a news conference flanked by the chairmen who ran Wednesday’s hearings, Pelosi called it a “historic” day. “It is a crossing of a threshold in terms of the public awareness of what happened,” she said. But the speaker also added that she wasn’t ready to move on impeachment yet. “We want to have the strongest possible case to make a decision as to what path we will go down,” the speaker said. “The stronger our case is, the worse the Senate will look for just letting the President off the hook.” There are now more than 90 House Democrats publicly calling for the House to begin an impeachment inquiry, but Mueller’s testimony did not create thus far a groundswell of new converts.
PARTS of Western Europe saw record-breaking temperatures as the second heatwave in a month reaches its peak on Thursday. A red alert was issued in northern France - with Paris temperatures hitting a record 42.6C (108.7F). Germany also set a new temperature record, reaching 41.5C in the west. The UK recorded a record temperature for July of 38.1C and trains were ordered to run more slowly to stop rail tracks buckling in the heat. The Netherlands also recorded its highest ever temperature, at 40.7C. “Climate change has increased the likelihood and severity of heatwave episodes across Europe,” the UK’s national weather service said. French authorities earlier launched a red alert - the highest state of alert - in the Paris region and 19 other districts and said temperatures were expected to reach 42-43C in parts of the country. French media said Wednesday night was “probably” the hottest ever recorded in France. Belgium’s Royal Meteorological Institute issued “code red” warnings across most of the country - urging people to take extra
A woman cools down near the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
precautions during “extremely high temperatures”. In France, officials warned people to avoid travelling and to work from home if possible. Children’s nurseries also been closed. The chief architect responsible for restoring the Notre-Dame warned that the extreme heat could lead to the cathedral roof collapsing if the joints and masonry holding up the roof dry out. French reports suggested five deaths may have resulted from the high temperatures.
Comparisons were drawn to a heatwave in August 2003 which contributed to almost 15,000 deaths in the country. In parts of north Germany, rivers and lakes have dried up - with warnings that fish and mussels could be “severely threatened”. In the Netherlands, hundreds of pigs died earlier this week after a ventilator at a farm failed. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, a Eurostar train from Belgium to London broke down, trapping passengers.
US: AG Barr orders reinstatement of the federal death penalty ATTORNEY General William Barr has ordered the reinstatement of the federal death penalty after a 16-year pause, the Department of Justice announced Thursday. Barr also directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to schedule the executions of five death-row inmates convicted of murder, the Justice Department said in a news release. The executions are slated to take place in December 2019 and January 2020. “Congress has expressly authorised the death penalty through legislation adopted by the people’s representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President,” Barr said in a statement. “The Justice Department upholds the rule of law — and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system,” he added. The last federal execution occurred in 2003, when Louis Jones Jr. was put to death for raping and murdering a 19-year-old female soldier. There are currently 62 inmates on federal death row, according to a list compiled by the Death Penalty
The death chamber in Huntsville, Texas.
Information Center, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit. The list of current inmates includes convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof. The federal inmates whose executions have been scheduled are Daniel Lewis Lee, a member of a white supremacist group convicted of killing a family of three, including an 8-year-old
girl; Lezmond Mitchell, convicted of stabbing to death a 63-yearold woman; Wesley Ira Purkey, convicted of raping and murdering a 16-year-old girl; Alfred Bourgeois, convicted of sexually molesting and beating to death his 2-and-ahalf-year-old daughter; and Dustin Lee Honken, convicted of shooting five people to death. The executions will take place at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana. (NBCnews)
HIDEWAY GRILL & CHILL TURTLE COVE Is seeking to employ a
Required for private luxury villa in Turtle Tail including holidays and weekends • Must speak fluent English • Must be detail-oriented • Willing to live-in as necessary
• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Interested Turks & Caicos Islanders should provide a letter of interest and CV to Sharick Forbes at sharick@twsvillas. com. Applicants should also provide a copy of their application to the Labour Department.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17503
INDIVIDUAL SHOULD BE: • Energetic • Reliable • Able to multi-task • Cook and clean • Grocery shopping • Work flexible hours
CONTACT: 244-8046
This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
• To clean and wash off garbage and dump trucks, clean surrounds. • Work hours are from 7am-4pm Mon-Fri. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-242-8558
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17512
Monthly salary is $1,500.00
DISCOVERY BAY ROAD Is seeking to employ a
July 27 - August 2, 2019
MARIE GARDINER BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Working with the main Mason. Mixing concrete, cleaning tools, getting water, blocks, etc. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.00 hourly
Millennium Plaza, Blue Hills. 649-341-4752. Acting on behalf of our clients. M.S CONSTRUCTION
windows, door frames.
Apply paints, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and etc.
Make, weld, and cut structural metal in fabricating shops.
Cleaning yard, dispose of trash, clean
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
Cleaning the house, clean bathrooms, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Youthful Forbes
Soil cultivation, digging, forking, watering, raking, weeding, edging, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and renewal work permits 17508
Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 246-5315
SALES PERSON Duties: Greet customers, Handle cash sales, Assist Customers, Dust and stock Shelves. Salary: $7.00 per hour
Labourer for general chores related to yard and garden. Must be reliable and able to work 6 days a week. Salary $6.50 to $7.50 per hour, depending on experience. Position currently held by work permit holder.
CONTACT: 243-2928
Contact: Twa Marcelin Wolf, Attn: Erica Krygsman at erica@ tmwlaw.tc or 946-4261. 17496
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To The Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a Work permit holder.
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises, paint and do repairs as needed. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 231-0167
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position if currently held By a work permit holder. 17518
Requires a
Seeking for the following positions. Salary starts at 9.00 to 12.00 per hour Please drop the resume at Building materials office
Clean the inside and outside of the store, Assist with furniture assembler, clean the yard, storage areas
• Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Pharmacy from an accredited university. • Eligible to register with the TCI Health Practitioners Board and MPS • At least 10 years post qualification experience • Duties will include dispensing, clinical assessment, patient counseling, staff training and inventory management • Proven ability to work alongside a busy work environment with a team of 10 staff • Exceptional clinical knowledge • Willing to work long shifts including weekends • Salary rate is $30.0 per hour This is a new position.
Load materials to customers vehicles, Moving materials within the depot facility by unload and loading transport products.
Please send resume, copy qualifications and immigration status to jobs@flamingopharmacy.com or fax to 649-941-4098 with a copy to the Labour Department. Turks & Caicos Islanders will be given preference. Closing date of 29th July 2019 17515
Transport sands, gravels, crushed rock, Transport materials to customer location.
Servicing the company vehicles,
test and systems to ensure that they are working properly, identify mechanical problems, repairs and maintenance work on each vehicle, inspect and repairs rental machines, engine tune-ups, oil change.
Assist customers with paints for exteriors and interiors of building, spray guns, and paint brushes. Assist with indoor and outdoor residential and commercial construction project, arrange and store materials, tool and equipments, mixing paints to customer order
Domestic worker
general cleaning work throughout the store, maintain interior clean at all time, dust items on shelf, takes out garbage outside, clean office and public bathrooms.
July 27 - August 2, 2019 HEATHER CARTER OF GRAND TURK Is Seeking To employ a
WAITRESS/ SERVER Duties: To greet and seat Customers and take food And drink Orders. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 246-9008
Belongers are asked to Submit a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is Currently held by a work Permit holder. 17521
DOMESTIC WORKER Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and caring for a child must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-4536
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder.17522
Of Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
LIVE IN MAID Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and caring for a child must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 442-0116
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17519
Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-8730
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17252
• Minimum 5 years’ experience in slot machine operations • Must be able to repair and maintain all types of slot machines • 6 days a week/ shift work • Days/nights, weekends and holidays Salary: $10 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume the Labour Board. This position is vacant 17527
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.2 hourly
CONTACT: 241-2078
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17547
Cutting of furniture and remodeling used furniture. Salary: $8-10 hourly
Cutting of wood, nailing & drilling first time work permit. Salary: $10 hourly EMAIL: BASSETT_27@HOTMAIL.COM CONTACT: 244-4562
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and Renewal work permits
Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 4 days a week. Salary: $275 weekly
CONTACT: 242-5421
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Duties: To see that containers Are checked and logged in Warehouse to keep an accurate Account of inventory. SALARY: $8.50 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a Work permit holder. 17520
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17517
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 17523
Keeps equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles; Engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters.
CONTACT: 243-1068
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Cut, measure and shape wood. CONSTRUCTION LABOURER -$7 HOURLY Clean the construction site.
MASON-$8.50 HOURLY Lay blocks.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17526
CONTACT: 247-1413
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17530
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-6915
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17532
Responsible for the safe operation of their vessel and must ensure that it is operated and crewed according to both company and legal guidelines. Salary $275.00 per week plus $10.00 per person commission
CONTACT: 946-5603
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
CHALK SOUND Is seeking to employ a
Renewal, position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference
CONTACT: 946-1942
Duties and Responsibilities:
CONTACT: 331-1067 17544
Remodeling used furniture.
CONTACT: 332-1450
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Smooth out concrete in segments to ensure the concrete poured in level. Arrange the concrete forms. Prepare surface with hammer and chose. Rub cement in with sponge-rubber float or burlap. Use special blades, making sure all lumps are smoothed over. Use wood or plastic forms to shape the concrete and hold it until it is set. SALARY: 8.00 per hour
I, GORDON BURTON, c/o Caribbean Management Services Limited HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on June 17th 2019, I was appointed Voluntary Liquidator of the above-named company.
Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and caring for a child must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-7796 OR 346-2674
Contact: 649-244-8400 Email: elitetci@gmail.com
Clean the trucks.
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Gaming Slot Technician
WINDOW TINTER Tinting vehicle windows.
• Assist with the preparation of financial statements. • Analyze and reconcile bank statements and general ledgers. • Post journal entries for accrued expenses and revenue. • Act as a liaison for vendors to reconcile any billing discrepancies. • Proficient in Microsoft. • SALARY $8.00 per hour
1 -649 332-3300
This position is for first time applications Qualified Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17529
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT #244-3293
Location: Leeward Highway Telephone: 341-4502
to performed concrete sealing tasks, removed rubble, dirt, and hazardous waste from construction site, performed post-construction site cleanup and executed building cleaning activities, operated cleaning equipments and utilized cleaning materials, organized all companyprovided equipments and materials on sites.
Renewal, this position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference.
SECURITY OFFICER Duties: Provide security services For various businesses and personnel Around the island. Patrolling properties Inspecting buildings and equipment. SALARY: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 232-3804
Belongers are asked to submit a Copy of their resume to the Labour Board.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
CARPENTER Duties: Follow blueprints
CONTACT: 241-4027
CONTACT: 231-6432
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To fix and maintain Yard Painting and cleaning, Repairs as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 241-3935
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the labour Office. 17466
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-0192
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17471
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Read blueprints Install, fit cut Plumbing pipes. Must be will to work six days a week. Salary: $12.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 243-4714.
Belongers are asked to Send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is Currently held be a work Permit holder. 17469
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ an
Duties: Drive trucks, operate Heavy Equipment such as Cranes, forklifts, frontend Loaders and such like. SALARY: $12.00 per hour Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is Currently held by a work permit holder.
OF GRAND TURK. Is seeking to employ A
Build from plans to meet Clients needs. Install Structures and fixtures, Doors, Windows, must be Able to use electrical tools. Salary: $10.00 per hour
Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board.
#12 Beach Lane, Thompson Cove - Is seeking to employ a
Live in Housekeeper/ Butler • Must be able to live on property full time. • All housekeeping/cleaning and laundry duties • Some garden and pool maintenance • Must be available 24/7 when Owners and Owner guest are on island. • Must have valid driver’s license with no
traffic offenses. • Must be able to maintain Spread sheet for issues and maintenance items. • Cooking of three meals when owners are in house • Work weekends and holidays if owners are in house. Salary: $6.50 per hour
Contact: 232-2272. Email: bunderwood@tciway.tc
ELECTRICIAN TECHNICIAN This Position Reports to the Maintenance & Engineering Manager RESPONSIBILITIES
• Execute plans of electrical wiring for well-functioning lighting, intercom and other electrical systems • Install electrical apparatus, fixtures and equipment for alarm and other systems • Install safety and distribution components (e.g. switches, resistors, circuit-breaker panels etc.) • Connect wiring in electrical circuits and networks ensuring compatibility of components • Prepare and assemble conduits and connect wiring through them • Prevent breakdown of systems by routinely inspecting and replacing old wiring and insulated cables, cleaning circuits etc. • Perform effective troubleshooting to identify hazards or malfunctions and repair or substitute damaged units Requirements • Proven experience as an electrician • Experience in industrial and/or commercial electrical systems • Demonstrable ability to use electrical and hand tools (e.g. wire strippers, voltmeter etc.) and electrical drawings and blueprints • Thorough knowledge of safety procedures and legal regulations and guidelines • Excellent critical thinking and problem-solving ability • Excellent physical condition and flexibility to work long shifts and overnight • Diploma in relevant vocational training or successfully completed apprenticeship as an electrician • Valid license to practice profession • Valid Police Record • Must hold a Certified National Electrical Certificate Salary $35, 134.80 per annum
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17490
• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
• Uphold customer service • Maintain Bar • Mix and serve drinks • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 332-8501
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 243-5406
PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a
This position is held by a work permit holder. Perspective applicants who are belongers kindly send copies of your application to the TCI Labor Board. Interest persons must submit their applications on or before August 2, 2019 to:
CONTACT: 243-7785
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17488
• Deceased pick up and transport, professional unsupervised embalming (all conditions), dressing, funeral arrangements, and etc. • To work 6 days a week and be on call 24 hours. Salary: $1500 to $2400 monthly based on experience.
Human Resources Manager Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority, Providenciales International Airport Telephone# 649-946-4420, Fax# 9415996. Email: hrrecruitment@tciairports.com
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a
TANYA JACKSON VENETIAN ROAD Is seeking to employ a
• Take care of two young children. • Carry out domestic chores, including washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning. • Run errands. • Accompany children on extracurricular activities. • Be on full-time duty 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 347-1921
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17491
A&S FUNERAL SERVICES LEEWARD Is seeking to employ a
• Deceased pick up and transport, deceased preparation for embalming (unsupervised), assist with dressing, funeral arrangement, prepare cemetery, assist with burials, administrative duties. • To work 6 days a week and be on call 24 hours. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 243-7785
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Helping other workers. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-1683
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17511
July 27 - August 2, 2019 LESHUN SEBASTIAN MISSICK
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-9541
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17502
Sam’s Building, Down Town Contact: 232-2001 Acting on behalf of our clients
CABINET BUILDERS -$10 hourly Build cabinets.
TILE LAYER -$7.50 hourly Lay tiles
-$6.25 hourly Clean. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time work permits 17480
PAINT SPECIALIST Wallpapering, stucco repair, able to do venetian plastering, pricing charts and interior and exterior finishing. Salary: $800 per week
CONTACT: 941-4051
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17498
NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-3793
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Experienced full-time and live-in Nanny/Housekeeper is needed for a private home in Providenciales operated by Fish Overseas Ltd. Applicants must speak English, must be fit and able, hold a valid driver’s licence and be prepared to work
CONTACT: 332-8383
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
evenings and weekends. Applicants must have at least five years’ experience with childcare and general housekeeping duties. Salary commences at $6.25 per hour and is based on level of experience.
Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board. 17505
TCI PROGRESSIVE IMMIGRATION EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Leeward Palms Contact: Manager- 231-6991 Seeking
DOMESTIC WORKERS HOUSEKEEPERS MAINTENANCE MEN LABOURERS GARDENERS COOKS 5 days per week to perform assigned tasks as necessary. Salary: $7 to $10/hr These positions are First Time work permit holders Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17495
CONTACT: 242-3885
• Household chores, cleaning, laundry, caring for two children and running errands. Other chores if and when necessary. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CHALK SOUND Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17514
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
-$6.25 hourly • Cleaner. • To work 5 days a week.
-$7 hourly • Cleaning the construction site. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week.
CONTACT: 244-0065
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17504
TNF VARIETY STORE GLASS SHACK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-3825
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17489
DA CONCH SHACK BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Washing dishes clean kitchen area and bathroom. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 946-8877
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17513
Blue Hills Road
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change 7$ per hour. 5 days a week. 9:00 to 5:00 pm
• To perform yard chores, minor maintenance and repairs. Other chores if necessary. • Must be willing to work on weekends and holiday. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 441-0612
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17492
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT 345-3137
for first-time work permit
To work for three to five days a week at minimum wage. Duties will include basic housekeeping: washing; ironing and cleaning of household for five to seven persons. Currently employed by work permit holder. CONTACT: BURKLEY OR MARCELLA MALCOLM
TEL: 231 -0146
Whose address is 100 Ocean Drive, Turtle Tail Providenciales is seeking to appoint a qualified
to oversee 3 high-end properties. Suitable Applicant will be required to liv- in in one of Hilltop’s properties. QUALIFICATIONS MUST INCLUDE: • Very good expertise in Pumps & drainage system • Very good expertise in Air conditioning, with the ability
to install AC and service such system • Very good expertise in complex pools • Computer literate, with knowledge in MS Excell, Word, Powerpoint, Maximo App and SAP programs • Can read and interpret mechanical, electrical schematics and as built
plans • Driving license • Ability to work week-ends and holidays • Must be able to conduct preventive maintenance • Must know how to swim • Like working in team Salary for this position is $1500 to $2’500 per month function of expertise
Interested candidates should send their resume and references no later than August 2nd 2019 to:
; to prepare pastry dishes and desserts Salary: $9 per Hour, 2412550 Address: Five Cays Road, 2005 Plaza, Providenciales Vacant position
lines, & maintenance) $9.00 per Hour, Providenciales, 241-7878, at 5 years experience Vacant Position
(To assist professional when making padded seats, Sofa, curtains & leather covers) $7.00 per hour, 6 days a week, old Airport Rd, Providenciales 241-7878, Position held by work permit holder
(To take care of kids & house Chores) $6.50 per hour, 6 days a week, Providenciales 244-0066, Vacant Position
(Deliver water throughout the Island) 1 day off per week: Salary: $ 7.00 per hour Blue Hills, Providenciales 343-2283, Vacant Position
Plumber (Install and repair water supply
(To take care of kids & house Chores) $6.50 per hour, 6 days a week, Providenciales 241-7878, Vacant Position
Heavy Duty Truck Mechanic (Towing, Trucking & Haulage Services Mechanic) $9 Per Hour, 6 days a week 241-7878, Providenciales
Belongers are encouraged to apply only. Send all resumes to tciprobusiness@gmail.com and the employment Services.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and youth minister Karen Malcolm bid the TCI Cadet Corps farewell at Providenciales International Airport
Police cadets join Jamaican adventure camp TWELVE members of the TCI Cadet Corps are taking part in an adventure training programme in Jamaica this summer. They left Providenciales for the three week course on July 19, and both Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and youth minister Karen Malcolm bid them farewell. During the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force
International 75th Anniversary Camp attendees will be trained on mass casualties, aviation, kayaking, survival at sea and basic rescue. They will also participate in the Jamaica 57th Anniversary Independence Day Parade and a shooting competition. Meanwhile, about 75 other cadets have just completed at
local camp held at Long Bay High School. They were trained in leadership, field crafts, map reading, orienteering and first aid among other courses. A closing ceremony was held at the school on Wednesday (July 24), during which the Sea Cadet programme was launched along with the cadet band and the new cadet uniform.
Laws banning gay sex under challenge in Dominica A GAY man in the tiny Caribbean nation of Dominica filed a legal claim challenging its laws that ban gay sex and punish same-sex relations with prison terms and psychiatric confinement, a Canada-based rights group said on Friday. Dominica is one of nine Caribbean countries that outlaw gay sex, and taking down its ban could build momentum to address the anti-gay laws throughout the region, supporters said. The challenge seeks to prove the law violates Dominica’s constitution that guarantees rights to
freedom of expression, privacy and freedom from inhumane or degrading punishment. The person filing the case was a gay man who has faced frequent violence because of his sexuality, but authorities refused to step in and protect him, said Maurice Tomlinson, senior policy analyst at the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. “He has suffered extreme abuses … including being attacked in his own home, and the police did nothing about it,” Tomlinson told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Under Dominican law,
gay people are considered criminals, “so they refused to help him,” he said. Gay sex is punishable in Dominica, a nation of about 70,000 residents, under laws enacted 1873. Punishments include prison terms as long as 12 years, and Dominican courts also can order offenders to be sent to psychiatric institutions. “The existence of these laws prevents a culture and a legal environment being developed that would support LGBT people,” said Tomlinson. “Once these laws are gone, we are legitimate members of society.”
July 27 - August 2, 2019
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Meek Mill: US rapper gets new trial after 11 years US RAPPER Meek Mill has been granted a new trial on drugs and weapons charges that date back to his teenage years after a long legal battle. Three judges in Pennsylvania ruled there were credibility issues with his original trial in 2008. The rapper, who was jailed in 2017 for a minor probation violation, now campaigns for criminal justice reform. He has been supported by celebrities and campaigners who say the system treats minorities more harshly. Jay-Z, and the owners of the New England Patriots and Philadelphia 76ers, Robert Kraft and Michael Rubin, have joined Meek Mill in creating the Reform Alliance to help people who are “trapped in the system”. Meek Mill, whose given
Meek Mill said the last 11 years had been “mentally and emotionally challenging”.
name is Robert Rihmeek Williams, said that the past 11 years had been “mentally and emotionally challenging” but that he was “ecstatic that justice prevailed”.
WHAT IS THE CASE ABOUT? The Pennsylvania Superior Court panel ruled on Wednesday that Meek Mill had the “right to be tried before an impartial
judge... because the trial judge heard highly prejudicial testimony at the first trial.” The sole witness in the first trial was a now discredited drugs squad officer who is no longer with the Philadelphia force. He was sentenced in 2009 to between 11 and 23 months in county prison, but was released on parole after five months and given a 10-year probation. Wednesday’s decision by the court means prosecutors now have to decide whether to hold a new trial or drop the case. HOW DID HE BEGIN CAMPAIGNING FOR JUSTICE REFORM? While on parole he started to make his name nationally as a rapper, signing to Rick Ross’s label and releasing a string of hugely successful mixtapes. Before long he was a platinum-selling artist. But he was arrested in August 2017 for reckless driving as he rode a dirt bike during filming of a music video. Although the charges were later dropped, a judge ruled the arrest itself was a breach of his probation and he was jailed that November for up to four years - prompting an outcry from Jay-Z, Beyonce and others who campaigned to free him.
Avengers Endgame became the highest grossing movie ever this week.
Cameron congratulates ‘Avengers: Endgame’ after it passes ‘Avatar’ HIS box-office record may have finally been turned to dust by Thanos and “Avengers: Endgame,” but James Cameron is taking it in stride. The filmmaker on Monday congratulated Marvel Studios after “Endgame” reached $2.79 billion at the global box office, passing Cameron’s “Avatar” to become the highest-grossing movie ever. “I see you, Marvel,” Cameron said in a statement posted to the “Avatar” Twitter page. “Congratulations to Avengers: Endgame on becoming the new box-office king.” The post included a photo of Iron Man surrounded by woodsprite seeds from the
“Avatar” movie. It took nearly a decade for a movie to surpass “Avatar,” which grossed more than $2.78 billion following its theatrical release in 2009. The third-highest-grossing film ever, 1994’s “Titanic,” is another Cameron production. Joe and Anthony Russo, who directed “Endgame,” had high praise for Cameron on Monday. “You’re a monumental reason why we fell in love with film in the first place,” they tweeted from their joint account. “Thank you for always inspiring us and opening the world’s eyes to what’s possible. We can’t wait to see where you take us next...”
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Anne Hathaway is pregnant with her second child.
Hauer continued acting right up until his death.
Hathaway reveals she’s Rutger Hauer: Blade Runner actor dies aged 75 pregnant with her second child ACTOR Rutger Hauer, who starred Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments In his youth, he joined the THERE’S going to be a new little co-star in Anne Hathaway’s life. The Oscar-winning actress revealed Wednesday that she’s pregnant with her second child. “It’s not for a movie... #2,” Hathaway captioned a black-andwhite Instagram photo showing her burgeoning baby bump. She continued, “All kidding aside, for everyone going through infertility and conception hell, please know it was not a straight line to either of my pregnancies. Sending you extra love.”
Hathaway, 36, and her husband, Adam Shulman, are already parents to a 3-year-old son named Jonathan. The “Princess Diaries” star and Shulman, 38, have been married since 2012. It’s been a busy year for Hathaway, as she starred in a pair of movies, “Serenity” and “The Hustle,” that opened in recent months. Hathaway won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2013 for “Les Misérables. (NYDailynews)
Booker Prize: Irish author Kevin Barry on longlist IRISH author Kevin Barry has been longlisted for the Booker Prize for his book Night Boat to Tangier. Mr Barry, who was born in Limerick and now lives in Sligo, is one of 13 authors on the list, including Salman Rushdie for the novel Quichotte. The judges have described Night Boat to Tangier as a “rogue gem of a novel” and “a work of crime fiction not quite like any other”. It features two fading Irish gangsters discussing their past lives. Last year’s Booker Prize winner was Belfast author Anna Burns for the novel Milkman. Previous Irish winners include Roddy Doyle for Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, John Banville for The Sea and Anne Enright for The Gathering. Mr Barry, 50, has won numerous awards for his work, including the Dublin International
Kevin Barry is the only Irish author on this year’s Booker Prize longlist.
Literary Award, the Rooney Prize and the Goldsmith’s Prize. He is the only Irish author on this year’s list. The list will be whittled down to a shortlist of six on 3 September, with the winner to be announced on 14 October.
in 1982’s Blade Runner, has died at the age of 75. The star died in the Netherlands on Friday after a short illness, his agent confirmed. Hauer played the murderous replicant Roy Batty in Blade Runner, which was directed by Ridley Scott and also starred Harrison Ford. The actor’s funeral was held on Wednesday. Hauer’s character gives a famous speech during a face-off with Ford at the end of Blade Runner, dialogue which he helped write himself. “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe,” he is seen telling Ford. “Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the
will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.” Hauer is quoted as telling an interviewer his character - who had only a four-year lifespan wanted to “make his mark on existence”. “The replicant in the final scene, by dying,” he said, “shows Deckard [Ford’s character] what a real man is made of.” Hauer was particularly well known for horror and vampire roles, starring as Van Helsing in Dracula 3D, and as the vampire Barlow in Salem’s lot - a 2004 mini series of the Stephen King novel. Hauer was born on 23 January 1944 in Breukelen, near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands.
Dutch merchant navy but returned to Amsterdam in 1962. He briefly studied acting but then quit to join the army. He later returned to acting and got his major break in 1969 when he was cast in the title role of TV series Floris. His performance in Blade Runner was by far his most famous role, but he continued acting right up until this year. He has also appeared in the films Sin City, Batman Begins and the HBO series True Blood. Filmmakers and actors led tributes to Hauer on social media. Shape of Water director Guillermo del Toro said Hauer had brought “truth, power and beauty to his films”. (BBC)
July 27 - August 2, 2019
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Sandler boasts a lifetime box office gross of close to $3 billion according to Box Office Mojo. Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall in the original “Coming to America”.
Arsenio Hall officially on board for ‘Coming To America’ sequel ARSENIO Hall is officially in play to reprise his role as Prince Akeem’s right-hand man in the upcoming sequel to the 1988 blockbuster “Coming To America.” The former late night talk show heavy hitter has closed his deal to reprise his role as Semmi in “Coming 2 America,” according to Deadline. While he was rumored to be starring in the project alongside his longtime pal Eddie Murphy and was recently pictured with Oscar-winning costume designer Ruth E. Carter on set just a few months ago, the news is official now. The beloved 1988 film starred Murphy as Akeem Joffer, the crown prince of the fictional African nation of Zamunda. In an effort to find a wife his family didn’t choose for him, Akeem, along with his trusted assistant Semmi, played by Hall, decides to travel to Queens, N.Y., to find his future queen. The John Landis-helmed movie has grossed $288 million.
In the sequel, Akeem reportedly learns about a longlost son and must return to America to meet the “unlikely heir to the throne of Zamunda.” Alongside Murphy and Hall, most of the original film’s cast, including Shari Headley and James Earl Jones, is expected to return. As of now, “Superior Donuts” star Jermaine Fowler has also officially signed on as a lead in the film. “black-ish” creator Kenya Barris is rewriting a script from original “Coming to America” writers Barry Blaustein and David Sheffield. “Hustle & Flow” director Craig Brewer is on board to direct the project, which Murphy’s also producing. The two recently worked together on the upcoming Netflix comedy “Dolemite Is My Name,” which follows the story of late comedian Rudy Ray Moore. “Coming 2 America” is set to hit theaters Aug. 7, 2020. (NYDailynews)
Sandler gathers friends for upcoming Halloween-themed Netflix comedy Adam Sandler has gathered a group of his friends for his next Netflix project, an as-yet-untitled Halloween-themed comedy. According to Deadline, the former “Saturday Night Live” funnyman is writing the script with frequent collaborator Tim Herlihy. The plot will follow Hubie Dubois who, despite his devotion to his hometown
of Salem, Mass., and its legendary Halloween celebration, remains a figure of mockery for kids and adults alike. But this year, something really is going bump in the night, and it’s up to Hubie to save Halloween. The movie stars past and present “SNL” cast members Maya Rudolph, Kenan Thompson, Tim Meadows, Colin Quinn, Mikey Day and Melissa
Villaseñor. Emmy award nominee Kym Whitley, comedy veteran George Wallace, and “Black Lightning” actress China Anne McClain will join Kevin James, Julie Bowen, Ray Liotta, Steve Buscemi, Michael Chiklis, Shaquille O’Neal and “Stranger Things” actor Noah Schnapp in the cast.
Sir Michael Palin to have heart surgery COMEDIAN and broadcaster Sir Michael Palin is to have surgery to fix a “leaky valve” in his heart. The Monty Python member discovered a problem with his mitral valve - a small flap that stops blood flowing the wrong way around the heart - five years ago. It had not affected his general fitness until earlier this year, he said. “Recently, though, I have felt my heart having to work harder and have been advised it’s time to have the valve repaired,” he wrote on his website. “I shall be undergoing surgery in September and should be back to normal, or rather better than normal, within three months.” According to the NHS, a leaking mitral valve - known as mitral regurgitation - can cause dizziness, breathlessness, tiredness and chest
Sir Michael Palin after being knighted earlier this year.
pain, and can potentially lead to an irregular and fast heartbeat, high blood pressure and heart failure. The 76-year-old has cancelled a
book tour scheduled for October to promote his North Korea Journal, a spin-off from his recent Channel 5 documentary about the country.
FRONT DESK AGENT/ SALES CLERK • Must have a Good outgoing personality • Must have a good reference
• Must be honest and hardworking • Must be computer literate • Must be 25 or older
CONTACT: 231-3788
July 27 - August 2, 2019
946-4664 Fax: 946-4661
Email: tcnews@tciway.tc
Website: tcweeklynews.com
Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.
Call: 231-3788
CALL 649 231-3788
FOR SALE House in Richmond Hill residential area on a half acre land.
CONTACT: 231-3788
July 27 - August 2, 2019
duncansonlaw@gmail.com duncansonlaw.office@gmail.com 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744
CALL 649 231-3788
CONTACT: 649-946-4894 C&S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTACT- 241-5922 Acting on behalf of our client Joseph Thomas Watkins Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.50 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17572
Acting on behalf of our client Oreta Dorine Been Providenciales
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.50 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17560
CLAY ARTHUR NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
FISHERMAN Uses equipment like nets, fishing rods, and traps, to catch fish and other marine life that will be consumed by humans or used as animal feed or bait. Salary: based on commission
CONTACT: 231-3382
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17595
We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. Contact the Publisher at tcweeklynews@gmail.com D RUDY BEAUTY SALON AND BOUTIQUE Palm Plaza Unit #6, Airport Road Is seeking a
Cool Crest, Grace Bay are seeking to hire a caretaker for their children to work 5 days a week. Salary $6.25 per hour
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, deep conditioning, and hair coloring. Salary: $7.50 hourly
INTERESTED APPLICANTS PLEASE CALL (649) 342-9534 between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm or email: vielka27@live.com. Also be sure to send a copy of all applications to the TCI Employment Services and Labour Department Position is currently vacant
CONTACT: 649-346-8003
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First time and Renewal work permits 17604
DELIVERY AGENT who is reliable, trustworthy and want to make some extra cash Delivery times are 11 A.M and 3 P.M Call 231-3788 or 246-7856 for further information
Manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, nail fills, and nail polishing. Pedicures and acrylic toenails
Is looking for a
DOMESTIC WORKER Duties: household chores, iron. Salary $6.50 per hour 5 days per week CONTACT: 231-3116
This position is for a first time applicant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
Duties: cleaning the surrounding areas, minor repairs. Salary $7.00 per hour 5 days per week
CONTACT: 242-3005
This is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17586
The successful applicant is required to supervise and Care for children, maintain general cleaning of home. Remuneration is $6.25 per hour work days are Monday thru Friday. This position is currently held by a work permit Holder Applicants who are Belongers are required to submit their application to Labour Board and Contact Delma Harvey-Graham Grand Turk
email resume to hdelma@hotmail.com Tele contact 2453580
Duties: Smooth out concrete in segments to ensure the concrete poured in level. Arrange the concrete forms. Salary $8.00 per hour 5 days per week
CONTACT: 231-3116
This position is for first time applicant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
July 27 - August 2, 2019
General Manager InterHealth Canada Construction & Services (TCI) Ltd seeks to appoint a General Manager for its operations within the Turks and Caicos Islands to oversee and manage all of its contractual operations & services at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre and Cockburn Town Medical Centre. BASE REQUIREMENTS: (NOT EXHAUSTIVE) QUALIFICATIONS:
(a) Degree or diploma level qualification in Facilities management or similar acceptable discipline. (b) Degree or similar in Health Management (c) NEBOSH advanced Health and Safety or equivalent (d) BIFM Qualification. (e) Extensive knowledge of a range of specialist areas, acquired through post graduate diploma or equivalent experience or training plus further specialist knowledge or experience to master’s level or equivalent. (f) Qualification in at least one of the managed service stream (g) Member of relevant professional body
(a) 15 year proven senior management experience with 10 years being within the healthcare environment. (b) Experience in managing a large and diverse workforce across a number of specialties (c) Experience in the contract management and administration of FM services in a public private partnership framework with an emphasis on compliance and strategic performance. (d) Experience in the development of plans, processes and corporate policies to ensure that the organisation conforms to the requirements of relevant legislation. (e) Experience of policies from government departments and external bodies, which may impact the organisation. (f) Planning, developing and evaluating methods and processes for gathering, analysing, interpreting and presenting data and information. (g) Experience in providing and receiving highly complex, sensitive or contentious information, negotiate with senior stakeholders on difficult and controversial issues including performance and change (h) Ability to present complex and sensitive information to large groups of staff at board level both internally and externally and through a variety of media (i) Experience in the accrediting of healthcare facilities to an international standard (j) Ability to manage revenue and capital programme budgets covering physical assets across the Concession. (k) Experience and in depth knowledge of producing complex lifecycle reports and managing lifecycle process both biomedical and engineering. (l) Sound knowledge of employment conditions, hygiene, health and safety and other relevant healthcare legislation. (m) Management of Healthcare multi service contracts essential, including Engineering and soft services contract management. (n) Experience in carrying out value testing and benchmarking exercises within a public private partnership framework (o) Experienced in making decisions autonomously, when required, on difficult issues, working to tight and often changing timescales (p) Ability to set priorities for a team to ensure operational and corporate objectives are met within a deadline. (q) Must have previous commercial experience and able to demonstrate management of change (Economical, Technical and or operational) across all service streams. (r) Experience of external auditing process (s) Sound knowledge and understanding of HTM’S and other healthcare engineering legislation and guidelines. (t) Able to strategically manage, lead and motivate a team of staff to a high level of performance and have excellent interpersonal skills. (u) Experience in departmental budget and staff establishment control, (v) Previous full budget accountability essential including management of a large multi tasked team
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 348-0477
(w) Reporting to the ICC&SCo Board of directors this role carries senior and professional responsibility for a range of services provided at Turks and Caicos Islands hospital. You will be responsible for the strategic management of the organisation all directly employed staff employed within the company and actively review and improve all services within your remit these services include all Health and Safety issues relevant to the services provided and to ensure compliance with current legislation (UK & TCI).
(a) Based at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre on Providenciales but also responsible for services to Cockburn Town Medical Centre on Grand Turk. Work at Grand Turk may require stays on island of one or more days, including occasional weekends. (b) The successful candidate may also be required to travel outside the Turks and Caicos if the company requires Qualified Belongers will be given first consideration. Salary: Negotiable, commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Apply in writing together with an up to date curriculum vitae to: dpinnock@interhealthcanada.tc CLOSING DATE: 12th August 2019
NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 341-1683
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time work permit holders
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-8557
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17558
CONTACT: 649-245-8046
Ports of Call Is seeking to employ a
PADI Scuba Diving Instructor • Candidate will also be a licensed Master of Vessels. • Have completed STCW95 certification. • This tourism related position requires a six-day work week that includes weekends and Public holidays. Salary range: $26,000-38,000 and will be commensurate with experience
Contact: 946-5029. Fax: 946-5936 Email: diveprovo@tciway.tc
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17599
Location: Leeward Highway Telephone: 343-4671
Fill up gas tanks, Collect money from customers, dispense change, Collect and dispose of trash outside, Provide customers with receipts, Answer questions and provide directions if needed, clean windshield, Activate fuel pumps, Prepare daily reports of fuel, Clean gas station bathrooms, Sweep and mop floors. Renewal, this position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference. 17584
D&S CONSTRUCTION Location: Providenciales Telephone: 347-7217
to performed concrete sealing tasks, removed rubble, dirt, and hazardous waste from construction site, performed post-construction site cleanup and executed building cleaning activities, operated cleaning equipments and utilized cleaning materials, organized all companyprovided equipments and materials on sites. Renewal, this position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference. 17585
July 27 - August 2, 2019
• Erect scaffolding, lay out tools, pass tools to workers, cleanup work sites, clean and put away tools. Take down scaffolding at end of day assist masons and carpenters. • To work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Must have at least 5 years Point of Sales and QuickBooks experience Salary $24k per annum
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-335
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder17568
SOUTH DOCK Is seeking to employ a
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
LEGRAND ROSELINE BEAUTY SALON Location: Down town Telephone: 333-5034
Keeps maintenance of a building, cleaning the yard, repairing minor problems, willing to work extra hours. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder17607
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17552
Must have Loading/ Heavy Equipment operating experience Salary $9.00 per hour
CONTACT: 244-3095
VENETIAN ROAD Is seeking to employ a
• Braiding, weaving, relaxing, loc, grooming and maintenance. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $1,200 monthly
CONTACT: 344-4528
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17565
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Watch children afterschool.
• Braid Hair. • 8am-1pm. Salary: $8 hourly each
CONTACT: 331-5444
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time and Renewal work permit holders
• Taking take of the children. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-4061
is seeking a:
DUTIES ARE: • General house cleaning such as: sweeping,mopping, dusting and,polishing • Caring for children • Preparing meals for the family Salary: $6.25 per Hour working from Monday to Saturday Contact: MUGNARDINE PIERRE @ 649-341-3173 Belongers should submit a copy of resume to the Labour Board
Responsible for operations of daily kitchen, food production, HACCP, due diligence, Catering Budget, patient and retail menu compilation, costing and stock management. Also responsible for training and development of all catering staff and daily management of the catering team. Salary based on qualification and experience.
assistant role. Duties to include food service to public and patients, cash handling, basic food production, cleaning duties, due diligence recording and customer service. Previous experience is essential. Shifts 7.a.m. to 3p.m., 8a.m. to 5p.m., and 11a.m. to 8p.m. Appointments will be made based on successful interview, positive reference check, and clear Police check. Previous experience is preferred.
Food Service Assistants
Excellent communications skills, good standards of English and literacy, IT literacy and previous customer service experience are necessary.
Two positions available for kitchen
Belongers only are invited to apply.
Interested candidates please forward your resume to:
Dpinnock@interhealthcanada.tc For information and queries, please contact Donique Pinnock on Tel: 941-2800 Ext 71802.
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 347-4578 OR 342-9265
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
LOWER BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 348-7086
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
InterHealth Canada Construction and Services has pleasure in announcing the following vacancy within the Facilities Management Department at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales. – PROVIDENCIALES
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
is seeking to employ a
Chef Manager
CONTACT: 649-231-6809
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17561
Both positions are for the Providenciales location
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Position: Sweep and mop the floor early in the morning and throughout the day of work, cleaning and maintain the salon's appearance, clean the bathroom, put in place, equipments, wash the salon towels and put them in place, clean the salon windows. Renewal, this position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference. 17537
• Use accepted methods to inspect, sample, and test aggregates, asphalt, or other materials for the purpose of quality control. • Sample and test mixtures to stay in compliance with contract specifications and quality control tolerance. • Monitor and test process functions and materials daily to ensure our products meet or exceed requirements of the appropriate agency or customer. • Prepare and record accurate information; maintain test results database. • Obtain required certifications in a timely manner. • Maintain all laboratory equipment, keeping track of all certification paperwork on lab scales and other equipment that requires annual recertification. • Follow quality control plans and guidelines as assigned. • Follow directions of manager as to daily tasks and expectations for each specific duty. • Ensure a safe work environment in compliance with all safety policies and procedures using the appropriate tools and equipment for the task. • Follow all company policies and OSHA / MSHA regulations for safe working
procedures. • Perform general cleaning of work areas.
• Minimum 5 years’ experience in related field • Clean Police Record • Valid Driver’s License
• Must know and understand all TCI/ DOT regulations, such as sampling frequency, sampling methods, graduation requirements, quality requirements, etc. • Proven ability to develop relationships and to work with teams as both a leader and a participant. • Effective interpersonal and communication skills; building rapport, listening, presenting, giving, and receiving feedback. • Must be able to perform simple mathematic calculations. • Must have or acquire basic computer skills and be able to work with e-mail and simple spreadsheets.
• Based on Experience
• Full-Time
Please submit applications to main office at C 5-6 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales TCI.
• Must work weekends • Applicate will be digging holes, jackhammering. Planting and caring for shrubs and trees. • Jobs are outside • Driving license, a must. Salary: $7 hourly
July 27 - August 2, 2019
NEWMOND BUCKLEY SOUTH DOCK Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
• Must be honest, reliable and willing to work. • Assisting in the kitchen with the catering. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 243-5006
Each company is looking for suitably qualified persons to fill the following positions:
· Read blueprints or technical diagrams · Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems · Inspect electrical components, such as transformers and circuit breakers · Identify electrical problems with a
variety of testing devices · Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures using hand tools and power tools · Follow local building regulations · Rate starting at $10 -$ 13.50 per hour
Email: bunderwood@tciway.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17581
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17569
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17563
Address: Unit # 6 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands .Contact 247-9994 or email :smith@express.tc .Resumes can also be dropped to the Labor Department, Providenciales as soon as possible. 17673
PHASE #2, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-7318
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 331-8346
Laborer: $6.25 per hour Clean yard, assist in lifting heavy things etc. ERB CONSTRUCTION
Mason: $10-$12 per hour Plaster, put up blocks etc.
Construction Helper: $6.25 per hour Assist mason, carpenter etc. These positions are currently held by work permit holders Contact: 347-2093 or email: darling86@hotmail.com Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a
HOUSEKEEPER Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-7177
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17556
• Uphold customer service. Maintain Bar. Mix and serve drinks • Clean and organize all areas including bathrooms
Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in
dining establishment. Communicate with customers to resolve complaints or ensure satisfaction.
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.
CONTACT: 241-7216
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and currently held by work permit holders
Sunny Foods Wholesale and Cash & Carry LTD Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. Is seeking to Employee an
• Survey buildings and repair refrigeration & mechanical systems to ensure they are consistent with health and safety standards • Perform maintenance of electrical & refrigeration systems. • Setup of ventilation, refrigeration and other systems and conduct repairs when necessary • Maintain and repair plumbing and heating & cooling components • Prepare, prime, and paint building interior and exterior surfaces • Maintain and repair Hill phoenix racking and other HVAC systems. • Perform manual repairs when necessary on refrigeration and other equipments • Conduct general upkeep procedures and other tasks as assigned (painting, carpentry etc.) • Compile with all policies for the safe storage, usage and disposal of hazardous materials • Participate in ongoing technical, safety, and operational process training programs • Maintain a clean and safe work environment • Document work performance and materials procurement as directed
• • • • • • • • •
Airport Road - Is seeking to employ a
Previous working experience as a Maintenance Technician for 10+ year(s) High school diploma Relevant certification on HVAC, CMRP etc. Advanced understanding of electrical, refrigeration and other systems In depth knowledge of general maintenance processes and methods Applicable knowledge of tools, common appliances and devices Manual dexterity and attention to detail Problem solving aptitude Good physical condition
CONTACT: 941-8112 Salary for this position will commensurate with qualification and experience. This Position is for work permit renewal interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of the resume to the Labour Department.
Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. Contact: 946-2811. Is seeking to Employee an
• Fabricate and assemble structural and functional components of refrigeration system, using hand tools, power tools, and welding equipment. • Lift and align components into position, using hoist or block and tackle. • Observe and test system operation, using gauges and instruments. • Test lines, components, and connections for leaks. • Install wiring to connect components to an electric power source. • Adjust valves according to specifications and charge system with proper type of refrigerant by pumping the specified gas or fluid into the system. • Mount compressor, condenser, and other components in specified locations on frames, using hand tools and acetylene welding equipment. • Performs planned maintenance, regular servicing, and repairs to refrigeration equipment of all types, sizes, and temperature ranges. • Coordinates work schedules with other departments and shops in order to keep inconvenience to a minimum.
• 4- 5years experience in related field of work • Knowledge of the HVAC or refrigeration tools, materials, and test equipment. • Knowledge of repair, maintenance, and installation techniques. • Skill in reading and understanding schematics. • Skill in analyzing HVAC or refrigeration malfunctions from performance and test equipment readings and determining appropriate repairs. • Skill in both verbal and written communication. Salary for this position will commensurate with qualification and experience.
Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to labour board. This position is a fist time work permit holder.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
• Take care of children. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 348-8986
First time work permit Interested in hiring a
to supervise children for 35 Hours a week. We are seeking an experienced child care professional who enjoys caring for children. Position will require some evening and weekend work. Salary based on experience. Interested applicants may
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17562
CONTACT 1-649-333-3999
DOWN TOWN Is seeking to employ a
• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 243-4166
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17579
belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
LEEWARD Is seeking to employ a
• Drive the boat and fly people. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week Salary: $800 weekly
CONTACT: 332-8359
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a • House chores, cleaning, laundry, caring for one child and running errands, related chores if and when necessary. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-1941
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17571
UNIQUE TOURS & RENTALS BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Must have 10 years’ experience. • Train horded, ensure that the horses are well taken care of. • Keep up with grooming the horses • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $1,500 monthly
CONTACT: 441-8687
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17598
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 246-6642
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17570
NOTICE LOST LAND CERTIFICATE TITLE NUMBER SECTION ISLAND 61109/29 LONG BAY HILLS PROVIDENCIALES Whereas, FRANCES JILL FRIED of #19 Morgan Road, Parsippany, New Jersey, 07054, USA (formerly of #27 Spring Hill Drive, West Orange, New Jersey 07052) has declared that the Land Certificate for the above mentioned title number(s) issued in the name of FRANCES JILL FRIED was inadvertently mislaid and cannot be found. Take notice that I, Brandie Anderson, Registrar of Lands, shall issue a new land certificate for the said title six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Notice in a local newspaper and the Gazette. Date this 20th day of June, 2019.
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $275.00 per week
CONTACT: 346-1293
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17559
LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-7177
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Meridian Mortgage Corporation Ltd. as Chargee, pursuant to its charge and the Registered Land Ordinance, hereby gives notice that it will cause to be sold the property listed below by Public Auction, to be held at the office of Meridian Financial Group, Le Vele Plaza, Grace Bay and Providenciales at 10.00 a.m. on Friday 9th of August 2019.
Title No. 61112/58, Long Bay Hills, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, comprising a total land area of approximately 0.46 acres.
The subject property is one of the few parcels of vacant land with great elevation and zoned for commercial use. This property is centrally located near the entrance of the Shore Club and one of the fastest growing community on Providenciales. This is an excellent business location, and one of the best deals on the Leeward Highway.
Howard Richardson Handfield
Approximate Area
0.46 acres
Title No. 10508/52 South Suburbs, Grand Turk comprising 0.94 acres of undeveloped land.
The subject property comprises a 0.94 acre parcel, vacant land, directly east of the Grand Turk Cruse Centre. Great potential for development. Panoramic view of Grand Turk and the Cruise Ship Terminal.
Tanya Vonetta Williams
Approximate Area
0.94 acres
Meridian Financial Group P.O. Box 599, Le Vele Plaza, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands, B.W.I
Signed .................................................................................................... Registrar of Lands Witnessed ..............................................................................................
Tel. (649) 941-3082. Fax (649) 941-3223 17158
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
84 Slater Drive, South Dock, Providenciales, TCI Is currently looking for
ARTHUR DEAN DOCK YARD Is seeking to employ a
• Able to weld carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum. • Familiar with carbon, stick, MIG and TIG welding processes. • Capable of measuring, cutting and assembling accurately, without supervision.
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT 432-0024
CONTACT: 241-8730
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Position is held by work permit holder.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17618
RONALD SEYMOUR BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hurly
CONTACT: 241-8434
CALL 946-4664
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Master Certified Slot Technician
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
226 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales Is looking for the following Full Time Position
$15/ hour
Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. Salary: $7.50 hourly
• Candidate must have at least 7-10 years’ experience in the casino industry as a certified slot technician, must have a full knowledge of all slot games, slot data programming and analyzing, repair slot machine. • Must be willing to work night shift, weekends and holidays.
CONTACT: 344-2420
Please drop off CV’s at the above address. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Position is held by work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17613
RICHMOND HILLS Is seeking to employ a
INDUSTRIAL PARK - Is seeking to employ
• Electrical Diagnostics, installations and repairs air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. • Necessary qualifications and experience required • Minimum of 10 years’
experience in similar position
• Sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • For Indian Cuisine. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
1 PAINTER- $9 HOURLY Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $10.00 per hour
Contact: 241-4976 Email: Manpower-services@hotmail.com
CONTACT: 332-4868 OR 232-0004
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Some positions are currently held by a work permit holder 17431
• Maintaining cleanliness of the work site. • Responsible for ensuring all job sites are left clean and any excess garbage is removed. • Sorted recyclable materials for resale. Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 332-3866
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
ESSENCE SALON AND NAIL Alice and Alice Unite 207 Is seeking to employ
• Maintains supplies by checking stock; anticipating needs; placing orders; verifying receipt. • Prepare hair for styling by analyzing hair condition; shampooing and treating hair. • Keep work station clean. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 332-2222
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by work permit holders
Dog Groomer
Neptune Plaza, Providenciales TCI. Is seeking to employ a
• Must have a minimum of M.B.B.S. from an accredited University • Minimum of 5 years work experience in a Primary Health Care setting and a minimum of 3 years working in a Secondary Health Care institution • Must have a minimum of 5 years as a fully registered Medical Practitioner on a register of a recognized Medical Board.
• Must have written evidence of 3 years grooming experience for all breeds • Must have written evidence of animal behavioral background • Must have experience with Quickbooks • Heavy lifting and daily cleaning routines required which include feces pick up and able to manually remove external parasites from tick infected animals. • Must have own transportation and willing to transport animals in vehicle. • Must be available to work 6 days per week • Starting Wage is $7 per hour based on experience.
Dog Trainer
Carry out patient consultations in the Clinic Perform physical examinations Diagnosis and treatment of illness/ailments Manage acute and chronic illnesses Order laboratory and diagnostic tests Perform minor surgery Be proactive with patient health education Expected to be part of practice management and administration Liaise with other healthcare professionals and/or hospitals Ability to perform basic ultrasounds an asset Computer knowledge – experience using EMR files
Monthly salary $6500.00 to $8500.00 depending on experience. Belongers only need to apply. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. EMAIL: ADMINE@GRACEBAYMEDICAL.COM PHONE: 649-941-5252. FAX: 649-946-8243
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
RICHMOND HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• • • • • • • • • • •
July 27 - August 2, 2019
• Must have 5 years experience obedience training- written evidence is required • Must be qualified to conduct group and private classes • Heavy Lifting and a flexible schedule is required • Must be willing to work 6 days per week • Understanding and willingness to utilize sanitary regulations in accordance to kennel licensing
requirements • Must have experience with QuickBooks • Must have own transportation and willing to transport animals in vehicle. • Starting hourly wage is $7 per hour.
• Experience is essential. No less then a minimum of 5 years consecutive and verifiable experience in grooming and animal behavior will be accepted, references will be required • Experience in Quickbooks • Must be able to read write and speak the English language • Must be able to start work at 6am • Must be able to bath dogs in preparation for grooming, including comb outs, brush outs, stripping, detangling, de-matting and clipping • Must be able to de-tick manually and use chemicals safely and responsibly • Cleaning of animals quarters outside and inside bathing and grooming areas, including feces pick up on a hourly basis • HEAVY LIFTING REQUIRED • Must have own transport and willing to transport animals in vehicle • Hourly rate is $7 and is based on experience.
All positions are currently held by work permit holders. Belongers are encouraged to send their resume to labor department and Pampered Paws Only qualified persons will be interviewed
Please contact 431-1119 or sharwind2002@yahoo.com
July 27 - August 2, 2019
The Financial Intelligence Agency of the Turks and Caicos Islands is inviting applications for the following vacancies: APPLICATION DEADLINE: 16th August 2019 Please Note: Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed. All positions advertised are contract positions.
The post holder will be responsible for the daily management of the FIA’s operations and its staff ensuring that optimal use of human and other resources is applied towards meeting the Agency’s legislative mandate, operational and financial targets. With an emphasis on high professional standards, integrity, confidentiality and general conduct work with stakeholders to fulfil the Turks and Caicos Islands AML/CFT mandate. The post holder may be required to carry out other duties as may be required by the Board.
• Undergraduate degree in Management, Finance, Law, Law Enforcement or related field with at least 5 years as a senior manager in an AML/CFT capacity; OR 10 years executive management in a legal, law enforcement, financial or intelligence capacity with an AML/CFT background; • Proficiency in the preparation, recording, presentation and explanation of high-level reports to a Board of Directors or senior level administrators. • Experience in an investigative/ intelligence role or similar. • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office Suite - Word, Excel, Power Point and Access.
The post holder will be required to manage the process of receipt, analysis and dissemination of confidential information received through disclosures of financial information reported via Suspicious Activity/ Transaction Reports (SARs/STRs) related to Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and connected crimes. The Deputy Director will ensure the accuracy and validity of the information as well as create new and develop existing case files, maintain and update information and cases on the computer database and other FIA databases and will create reports for review by the Director. The post holder will be required to perform the duties of the Director in his or her absence. With the emphasis on high professional standards, integrity, confidentiality and general conduct, carry out the functions of the Agency. The post holder may be required to carry out other duties as may be required.
• Undergraduate degree in Management, Finance, Law, Law enforcement or related field with 5 years management experience; OR 10 years management experience in law enforcement with a focus on AML/ CFT. • Experience as a financial intelligence analyst with an AML/CFT focus. • Proficient in an investigative/ intelligence role or similar environment. • Experience in the preparation, recording, presentation and explanation of high-level reports to senior management or senior level administrators. • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office Suite - Word, Excel, Power Point and Access • Must be able to maintain a professional approach within a high-pressure working environment that may present fluctuating work demands and very tight deadlines.
The post holder will be responsible for receipt, analysis and dissemination of confidential information received through disclosures of financial information reported via Suspicious Activity/ Transaction Reports (SARs/STRs) related to Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and connected crimes. The Intelligence Analyst will ensure the accuracy and validity of the information as well as maintain records and cases and update the computer database and other FIA databases and will create intelligence, analysis and other reports for the Director; With the emphasis on high professional standards, integrity, confidentiality, professionalism and general deportment, conduct analysis into the financial circumstances of those involved in criminal or suspected criminal activity. The post holder may be required to carry out other duties as may be required by the Director from time to time.
• Qualified as or trained as a Tactical and Strategic Analyst. – Undergraduate degree in Management Studies, Finance, Economics or Social Science discipline or a related field; OR at least 4 years experience working as an analyst in an analytical, research or investigative environment. • Experience in an intelligence/ analyst role or similar environment • Experience in the preparation, recording, presentation and explanation of quality reports for managers. • Experience in analysing complex financial transactions with a level of appreciation of various financial and nonfinancial services and products, their legal structures and potential connections with money laundering and terrorist financing schemes. • Advanced proficiency using Microsoft Office Suite Word, Excel, Power Point and Access. • Must be able to maintain a professional approach within a high-pressure working environment that may present fluctuating work demands and very tight deadlines.
The post holder will be responsible for receipt, analysis and dissemination of confidential information received through disclosures of financial information reported via Suspicious Activity/ Transaction Reports (SARs/STRs) related to Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and connected crimes. The Intelligence Officer will ensure the accuracy and validity of the information as well as create new and develop existing case files, maintain and update information and cases on the computer database and other FIA databases and will create reports for review by supervisors. Additionally, he/she will provide Information Technology and Network System Support; with the emphasis on high professional standards, integrity, confidentiality and general conduct, conduct analysis into the financial circumstances of those involved in criminal activity. The post holder may be required to carry out other duties as may be required within the scope of the administrative functions of the FIA.
• Qualified or trained as an Intelligence Officer (IO). – Undergraduate degree in a law enforcement or related field and IT; OR certification as an IO with at least 4 years’ experience as an IO and certification as a computer/ systems administrator. • Experience in an investigative/ intelligence role or similar environment and provision of IT network and systems support to private or public sector agencies. • Experience in the preparation, recording, presentation and explanation of information. • Demonstrate experience in dealing and liaising with public, external agencies and internal colleagues, particularly by telephone and email. • Proficiency in the use and administration of Microsoft Office Suite - Word, Excel, Power Point and Access. • Must be able to maintain a professional approach within a high-pressure working environment that may present fluctuating work demands and very tight deadlines.
The post holder will be responsible for effective and efficient office operations of the FIA and the Board. Maintenance of the Agency’s finances, with the emphasis on high professional standards, integrity, confidentiality and general conduct carry out his/her functions in accordance with TCI laws and Agency guidelines. The post holder may be required to carry out other duties as may be required within the scope of the administrative functions of the FIA.
• Undergraduate degree in accounting or finance; OR an Associate degree in accounting or finance with at least 4 years’ experience in office administration or as a Senior Administrative officer. • Experience in an administrative or business operations officer. • Experience in the preparation, recording, presentation and explanation of budget, expense and accounting reports. • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office Suite - Word, Excel, Power Point, and Access. • Knowledge of the use of accounting software and applications such as QuickBooks.
An initial contract of up to 3 years with the option to renew dependent upon performance and Agency requirements. The successful candidate will adhere to the FIA Security and Staff Policies and be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.
1. Application cover letter indicating position applied for. 2. Copy of updated Curriculum Vitae including your contact details. 3. Two reference letters; one of which must be from a person who can speak to your professional capacity for the job. 4. Copies of relevant qualifications. 5. Copy of passport Bio page. 6. A Police certificate of character no older than 6 months.
Applications along with your CV are to be submitted to hr@fia.tc Turks and Caicos Islander applicants should also forward copies of their application to the Labour Board. No positions are currently held by work permit holders. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and caring for a child must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-0990
CARPENTER Duties: Follow blueprints Build from plans to meet Clients needs. Install Structures and fixtures, Doors, Windows, must be Able to use electrical tools. Salary: $10.00 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a Work permit holder. 17623
Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board.
Osborne Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 342-8856
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17642
July 27 - August 2, 2019
CONTACT: 243-2928
Location: Providenciales Telephone: 231-6667 Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: Renewal
Care for the garden, plant trees in the yard, water plants including soil cultivation digging, forking, mulching, raking, weeding, edging, seed sowing bed preparation and planting, clean the yard, transporting garbage of property and assist with other work
This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference 17632
Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Cook, clean in dwelling home wash Contact: 232-9861
RUDOLPH MALCOLM Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
Doing labourer chores around the home cleaning yard.
(House Cleaning, laundry, Cook & kids Care), Blue Hills. Salary: 6.50 per hour
TEL: 345-3216
Duties - house duties, and any other responsibilities as requested by employer. Salary- $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 244-7137 EMAIL ALL APPLICATIONS TO BASSETT_27@HOTMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders
Vacant Position Belongers are encouraged to apply only. Send all resumes to tciprobusiness@gmail. com and the employment Services. 17630
Renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
CONTACT 649-332-7429
TURTLE COVE Is seeking to employ a
JUANA FERMIN BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
AIRPORT ROAD Acting on behalf of our clients
• Cooking, cleaning, household chores and washing. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 242-6751
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-5564
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17639
CONTACT: 244-7033
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17638
CONTACT: 243-6406
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17643
Carry and maintaining plants.
Plastering and block laying.
CONTACT: 241-2043
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time and Renewal work permit holders 17644
RESPONSIBILITIES AND ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: • Installing, maintaining and repairing ventilation and air conditioning systems And equipment. • Identifying maintenance risks on equipment. • Diagnosing electrical and mechanical faults for HVAC systems. • Investigating, adjusting and repairing systems, and performing warranty Services • Performing emergency repairs promptly and efficiently. • Providing technical direction and on-thejob training. • Keeping daily logs and records of all maintenance functions. • Ensuring compliance with appliance standards and with Occupational Health and Safety rules. • Complying with service standards, work instructions and customers' requirements.
• Minimum 5 years Senior oriented, have strong Hotel Management/ English verbal and Supervisor Experience written communication • Experience with all skills,auto aspects of Front of The • Salary Commensurate House operations with Qualifications & • Must also be personable, Experience customer service Resumes can be emailed to dpapke@portsofcallresort.com or dropped off at resort Att Edward Claude
• Clean offices and homes. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
• Assisting with customers' queries.
• Engineering Diploma. • 3 + year experience as an HVAC Engineer, and willingness to continue education in HVAC field. • Understanding of advanced principles of air conditioning, refrigeration and heating. • Working knowledge of boiler systems. • Proficient in balancing air and water treatment systems in line with HVAC protocols. • Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal skills. • Proficient in reading schematics and work plans. • Ability to work after hours, over weekends and on public holidays with short Or no notice.
• Ability to work in confined spaces.
Contact 941-3445. Email: info@tkcavacationrentals.com 17623
Belongers are encouraged to send their resume to labour board. Dead line August 9th.
July 27 - August 2, 2019 CAROLIE GRANT FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
• Keep yard. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-1189
1 CONCIERGE- $8 HOURLY Pick up guests from airport, buy food for guests.
CONTACT: 232-5443
• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17636
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17637
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
HAIR BRAIDER Applicant must be willing to work and very good working with people. Salary: $7.50 hourly CONTACT: 346-6169
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17634
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 232-5443
CONTACT: 341-9177
CONTACT: 243-4048
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17627
Perform physical, manual
HELP WANTED Tibor’s Machine Shop is looking to fill the following positions:
• Lay out, fit and fabricate metal components to assemble structural forms using knowledge of welding techniques, metallurgy and engineering components • Operates drill presses, power saws, grinders, metal lathes and a variety of welding equipment and hand tools • Analyze sample parts, blueprints, engineering drawings and specifications to plan welding operations • Remain in a standing position for extended periods of time. • Experienced in SMAW / GMAW / GTAW & oxy• fuel welding / cutting • Must have a valid trade specific certifications with at least 5 years working experience. Wage: $8.00 per hr.
CALL 946-4664
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
Duties include using supplying or holding materials or tools and cleaning work area and equipment.
INDUSTRIAL PAINTER • Work with various hazardous coatings including epoxies, urethanes, solvents • Safely apply hazardous coatings and storage • Utilize/assemble, maintain, and clean a variety of painting materials, tools, and equipment including compressors, sprayers, sanders, and cleaning equipment • Experienced with CARC coating and HVLP guns • Construct and move scaffolding, ladders, and platforms. • Estimate time, materials, and equipment required for jobs assigned • Understand painting climates Experienced in different installation procedures Wage: $9.50 per hr. INTERESTED APPLICANTS CA N CONTACT
CONTACT: 247-9445
• • •
Clean metal works Positive attitude and eager to assist Miscellaneous painting Clean and maintain a clean shop, machines, equipment and any incoming jobs Assist in repairs/welding/machining when required. Operate specific equipment in a safe and efficient way per supervisor’s instruction Able to operate power and hand tools Provide manual labor assistance on various tasks and assignments Wage starts at $6.25 per hr.
work that includes digging trenches, laying foundations, building walls. Steel Unlimited
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders
THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
AIRPORT ROAD. 941-4515 Acting on behalf of our clients.
Layering building materials such as, concrete, tiles and other construction materials.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• 5 years’ experience and can work 6 days per week. • Performed high quality repairs and refurbishment of electronic devices: phones/ tablets/ laptops/desktops/ servers/etc. including Assembling/ disassembling, testing, trouble shooting and micro soldering and circuit board repair. • Computer skills including Word, Excel. • Must be well organized, ability to multitask with strong work ethics. Good verbal and written communication skills in English. Salary: $7.50 hourly.
CALL 1-649-231-3788 FOR MORE INFO.
• •
Leeward Highway - Is seeking to employ a
Complete Construction
• Install materials on surfaces, such as floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, and roof decks. Set on smooth, even surfaces, level surface to be tiled with mortar or plywood. • 5 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $350 weekly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 241-5564
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17626
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
941•5802/ EMAIL YOUR RESUME TO ancha@tiborsmachineshop.com Or send resume to the Labour Board POSITIONS HELD BY WORK PERMIT HOLDERS; BELONGERS NEED ONLY APPLY
July 27 - August 2, 2019
AUTHENTIC BAPTIST CHURCH OF BEREA Telephone: 649-232-7077. Providenciales
TWO (2) EXPERIENCED KITEBOARD INSTRUCTORS AND ALL-AROUND WATERSPORTS INSTRUCTORS • Must be IKO / WKO certified; • Must have at least 2-years’ experience as an instructor; • Be willing to work weekends and holidays to accommodate the tourist season; • Must be fluent in English, a
second language would be an asset but not required; • Must have experience in stand-up paddle boarding and windsurfing. Salary commensurate with experience but starts at $35.00/hr.
Interested qualified Islanders should send a detailed CV and certifications to info@kitesurftci.com. Persons should also submit an application to the Labour Department. These are new positions.
• Preparing weekly sermons • Preaching and conducting worship services • Responsibility to interpret biblical scripture for the congregation • Provide care and counseling to church members and assist them in crisis situations • Officiate at special services, such as baptisms, weddings and funerals
• Collaborate with choir leaders to integrate music into church service • Assisting in church financial matters • Holding regular staff meetings to coordinate ministries • Ensuring church facilities are functioning • Attending social events at the church and completing administrative duties
Salary: 1500.00 per month TYPE OF APPLICATION: First time application
Location: Millennium Highway Telephone: 333-5034
sweep the front and back parking lot every morning, clean upstairs and downstairs windows, clean customers bathroom on the outside, sweep apartments front porch and both stairs, takes garbage to public dump, feeds the dogs as well. First time application, Belonger will be given first preference.
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to DINELSA DE LOS SANTOS ROJAS by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to COLASINA CIRIACO LOPEZ LIGHTBOURNE by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to YANILSA ALTAGRACIA DIAZ DE HERNANDEZ by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to HERBERT LLOYD BEAM by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Business Development and Risk Manager
with minimum 15 years industry experience in the areas of General Insurance, Risk Management, Coverholder, Underwriting, Marketing and Production. The successful applicant should be 35 years of age or older with a professional qualification of ACII, AIIC or equivalent and possess a high degree of technical ability. The position is a Regional one and requires demonstration of a successful track record in the areas of Sales and Business Development. The applicant chosen will oversee the development of business for the Turks & Caicos Islands, The Bahamas and The Cayman Islands. Salary will be $55,000. Turks & Caicos Islanders only need apply.
Applications providing full particulars of personal history and experience should be sent to Human Resource Manager, J.S. Johnson, 34 Collins Ave., Box N-8337, Nassau Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Labour Department, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. 17455
LOWER BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 6 days weekly. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-6780
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
PROVIDENCIALES Telephone: 341-9945 Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: Renewal
to care for the garden, plant trees in the yard, water plants including soil cultivation, to pick up yard waste and collect leaves, clean the yard with sweeper, lift garbage bags and cans into garbage truck during collection, pick up yard waste and tree limbs. This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference
LE BOUCHON DU VILLAGE Telephone: 333-5034 Location: Providenciales
Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, Cleaning ceiling vents, Restroom cleaning Performing and documenting routine inspection and maintenance activities. Carry out heavy cleaning tasks and special projects, stocking and supplying designated facility areas. Salary: $ 6.25 per hour
This position is held by a work permit holder. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to GERALDINE MARISHA WILLIAMS by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to GUILENE FILS-AIME SIMMS by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to JUDITH CAROLINA PENA TEJADA CAMPBELL by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to DAMIAN ST ANGE by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-0206
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17434
July 27 - August 2, 2019
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 341-0673
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17453
TURTLE COVE Is seeking to employ
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Nail and hand services, basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and acrylic toenails. • To work 6 days weekly. Salary: $6.25 hourly +15% commission
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $500 bi-weekly
• Cleaning and preparing construction sites. Unloads and loads materials, mixes concrete, pours concrete, and assists carpenters, and other construction site workers. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-9275
CONTACT: 245-2790
CONTACT: 232-5420
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holders 17439
NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
• Greet customers when they arrive at the store and ask if they need assistance • Process sales transactions at the POS (point-of-sale) counter • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 946-7059
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Industrial Park - Is seeking to employ a
GARDENER Duties: Mow lawns and monitor the watering needs of the grounds, nurture lawns by weeding, aerating, and adding mulch where necessary, trim lawn edges for neatness, remove lawn clippings, and clear other debris from the ground using rakes, brooms, and powered leaf, blowers. Pruning trees and shrubs, neatly shape bushes and trees to a desired design, pruning and trimming, gardeners cultivate different types of plants. Taking care of the property, sharpens or replaces mower blades or changes sprinkler heads. Salary $6:50 per hour Must be willing to work 5 days per week This position is for a First time work permit. Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17631
• Must have a degree in accounting/Finance and Banking or other related Courses. • Must have at least 3-5 years’ experience in accounting, Finance or Management or in any other related field. • Must have proficient knowledge in Point of Sale and Financial QuickBooks. • Knowledge in Automate and Keystroke advance POS is an advantage. • Knowledge in Microsoft Word, Power Point
and excel is an advantage. • Must be flexible and willing to work overtime, during weekends and Holidays. • Able to work under pressure. • Customer Service Oriented • Knows how to draft Letters, Memorandums and Proposals. Salary: $24,000-$31,200 per annum based on Qualifications and Experience
Contact: 941-8438. Email: dnbautoparts@tciway.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to MICHAEL MCCALLA by virtue of marriage to a Belonger. JOHN FREEMAN
CONTACT: 649-941-3512
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17438
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder17446
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Head Brewer • Day to day running of brewing and bottling and canning operation. • Winemaking and alcoholic malt beverages • Developing quality recipe formulation and ingredients selection handling and assessment of raw materials and grains. • Controlling quality of product and keeping the facility and equipment clean and operation. • Equipment maintenance and troubleshooting. • Purchasing of raw materials.
CALL 1-649-231-3788 FOR MORE INFO.
• • • • • •
Strong communication skills Sound Technical knowledge of brewing, winemaking and distilling. Understanding of microbiology and aseptic lab technique Ability to maintain organized records of brew and quality control data. Efficient computer skills. Graduate of Brewmaster and Brewery Operations Management Course Salary $50,000 per year or commensurate with 5 years’ experience. Work permit renewal
Is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the Position of Inside
SALES REPRESENTATIVE The Inside Sales Representative is responsible for supporting the sales of assigned product lines to customers throughout the Turks & Caicos and the Caribbean. In this role, your responsibilities will include accurate specification interpretation, quotation and technical support, and timely communication with manufacturers, customers, warehouse and manufacturing plants to facilitate issue resolution. Pro-actively identify sales potential and follow up to secure orders. Provide on-going customer service with minimal supervision. The Inside Sales Representative will utilize a combination of sales support techniques to achieve orders / sales goals while delivering customer concentric solutions. • Provide technical support on electrical, plumbing, appliance, lighting products, and services to customers, including application and pricing assistance. • Assist outside sales representatives on electronic quotation, opportunity identification, order entry, production tracking and shipping processes. • Build relationships with manufacturers and customers to enhance long-term business growth. • Prepare sales quotations based on customer requirements and expectations. Utilize pricing tools to complete timely professional quotations. • Support outside sales representatives with quotation follow-up and competitor activity reporting. • Partner with channel partners to create excitement, focus and enhance market reputation. • Hold internal and occasional external meetings with Area Sales Managers and/or customers.
• Minimum of 8-12 years of experience in construction-related field. • Electrical, plumbing and lighting experience is highly preferred. • Willingness to learn Epicor P21 software and build a career in international sales & project management. • Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills with the ability to maintain a “customer first” approach; multiple Self-motivated with the ability to manage priorities and meet deadlines. • Exhibit tact and strong diplomatic skills when dealing with all staff, customers and suppliers. • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite. • Strong communication and relationship building skills. THIS POSITION IS NOT HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER Salary for this position is $ 80,000.00 per Annum.
Please email resume to dave@turksheadbeer.com Provo Beverages 52 Universal Drive, Providenciales, TCI
Caicos Water Fun offer tours for Snorkeling, Excursions, Reef and Deep Sea Fishing. We are now interviewing for the following position:
TOUR BOAT CAPTAIN We are seeking fun, loving, experienced and detail-oriented Captain with excellent people skills and a strong focus on safety. The Captain will be taking up to 12 people out on a 26' -27' foot boat on 4 hr trips or 7 hr trips. This person should hold his captain license. Having fishing skills and/or a commercial fishing license is a plus. Salary: $20/hour plus gratuities. Gratuities usually range from $75 - $150 per tour trip. Caicos Water Fun also offers a Captain Partnership Program with seasonal bonuses. Don't wait and come join us !
Interested persons must submit their resume with qualifications and experience no later than August 2, 2019 to: Carlisle Supplies, Leeward Highway, Providenciales. Tel. 946-4417 - Email: carlisle@tciway.tc
Interested applicants should contact us via email at caicoswaterfun@gmail.com 17541
July 27 - August 2, 2019
JOB VACANCIES The Sands is now accepting applications/résumé for the following positions. Only highly self-driven & motivated, personable and professional individuals, whom have the desire to serve others, need apply:
SENIOR MAINTENANCE PROPERTY MANAGER • Maintain hotel guest rooms and public areas by performing routine maintenance jobs and repairs. • Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on heating, cooling and ventilation systems. • Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on plumbing systems, electrical systems and appliances. • Maintain the hot tub by ensuring a safe chemical balance through frequent testing. • Organize, implement and track all maintenance projects for guestrooms and public areas. • Monitor and revise as needed, departmental health & safety tools including training programs, policies and practices. • Ensure a safe work environment is maintained at all times and that all colleagues are committed to working safely. • Partner with Front Office Manager to ensure safe guest evacuation during emergencies (i.e. Fire Alarm). • Motivate, train and lead maintenance personnel by personal example with a philosophy of work conduct, enthusiasm and personal development that leads to maximum performance and job satisfaction. • Effective scheduling, vacation planning and department productivity to budget. • Effective and timely interaction with all Hotel & Restaurant departments and positively impact guest experience by effectively and efficiently resolving maintenance concerns. • Effective and timely interaction with HR regarding payroll (i.e. set up new hires, etc.). • Occasional maintenance to staff residence as required. • A positive contributor to the leadership team of the hotel. REQUIREMENTS • Prior Maintenance Management and/or supervisory experience within an operation equal in size and facilities. • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal. Proven ability to motivate and lead employees in a busy, high quality environment. • Background in electrical and or plumbing are essential. • Good English communication skills (both written & oral). • Ability to respond quickly in a dynamic and changing environment. Ability to handle multiple requests in a fast-paced environment. • Good training, coaching and mentoring skills are essential. • Proven experience with budgets and payroll process is essential. • Completion of high school and technical training required. • Majority of work shift requires standing or walking 90% of the workday • Many tasks require sitting, bending, stooping, kneeling, and/or positioning to accomplish tasks • Able to lift and carry up to 50+ lbs. is common and up to 150lbs with assistance • Reaching is required at all levels throughout the
work period • Climbing of stairs is required and may require up to 50% of the time • Previous hotel maintenance experience preferred • Able to work efficiently under time constraints • Able to work independently and with others Salary start at $48,000.00 commensurate with qualifications and experience
The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities and be able to explain and demonstrate that he or she can perform the essential functions of the job, using some other combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace to facilitate the communication process. • Requires excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. • Must possess above average computational ability. • Must have previously held position as AFOM in at least 2 other hotel or resort. • Bachelor Degree or equivalent Hotel Lodging experience required. • Required certificate of successful completion of FOM AHLA Educational Institute Courseline. • Experienced on PMS systems and is MICROSOFT PC literate. • Second language a plus. • PMS Systems Manager knowledge and certification a plus. • Must possess a high level of hospitality skills including highly effective body language. • Has effective written and oral communication skills to communicate with guests, owners, VIP’s, employees, and senior management. QUALIFICATION STANDARDS/ PREREQUISITES: EDUCATION • Completion of High School or equivalent education. • Bachelor Degree or equivalent Hotel Lodging experience required. • Required certificate of successful completion of FOM AHLA Educational Institute Courseline. • Experience • A minimum of 5-8 years previous front office management experience. • Must have been in the role and job title of Front Office Manager at least one time prior, and for at least 3 or more years at the same resort. • Grooming • Must maintain a neat, clean and well-groomed appearance per The Sands at Grace Bay standards. PHYSICAL DEMANDS • Most work tasks are performed indoors. Temperature is moderate and controlled by hotel environmental systems. • Must be able to stand and exert well-paced mobility for up to 3 hours in length. • Must be able to lift up to 30 lbs. on a regular and continuing basis.
• Must be able to push and pull equipment weighing up to 30 lbs. • Must be able to exert well-paced ability in limited space. • Must be able to bend, stoop, squat and stretch to fulfill tasks. • Requires grasping, writing, standing, sitting, walking, repetitive motions, bending, climbing, listening and hearing ability and visual acuity. • Talking and hearing occur continuously in the process of communicating with guests, supervisors and other employees. • Vision occurs continuously with the most common visual functions being those of near vision and depth perception. • Requires manual dexterity to use and operate all necessary equipment. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Ensures maximum compliance and efficiency in the performance of Housekeeping staff in guest rooms and surrounding areas • Carries out the policies and procedures of Housekeeping Departments Standard Operating • Offers assistance to guests and owners, initiates corrective action on complaints of cleanliness and service to guest rooms • Assists in and conducts monthly Housekeeping Inventories as required • Conducts routine guest room and common area inspections. Provides inspections scores and retrains for success • Assists in and conducts staff scheduling and annual performance evaluations • Maintains inventory and stock controls • Ensure delivery of service excellence to all guests by monitoring staff performance and provides hands-on training and development • Evaluates and updates Executive Housekeeper on staff performance. Makes recommendations for appropriate action in the areas of disciplinary and commendation • Maintains quality controls and assurance • Assists in overseeing Laundry Department as required in service, quality, inventory, inspection, scheduling and overall performance REQUIREMENTS: • High school diploma • Must have supervised a minimum of 15 employees • Most work tasks are performed indoors and outdoors. Temperature is moderate and controlled by hotel environmental systems • Must be able to stand and exert well-paced mobility for up to 3 hours in length • Must be able to lift up to 40 lbs. on a regular and continuing basis • Must be able to push and pull carts and equipment weighing up to 200 lbs. on a regular and continuing basis • Must be able to exert well-paced ability in limited space • Must be able to bend, stoop, squat and stretch to fulfill cleaning tasks CONTINUED
July 27 - August 2, 2019
JOB VACANCIES • Must have minimum of 3 years supervisory experience in the Hotel/Resort and/or Hospitality Industry • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language (s) used in the workplace • Must be able to read and write to facilitate the communication process • Requires excellent communication and grammar skills, both orally and written to communicate well to guests and owners • Must possess basic math and computational ability • Must have basic computer skills in Hotel PMS, Word, Excel and Outlook • Must work weekends and holidays QUALIFICATION STANDARDS/ PREREQUISITES: EDUCATION • High school or equivalent education required. • Experience • Minimum of 3 years’ experience as Housekeeping Supervisor. • Licenses or Certificates • Required Housekeeper Certification with American Hotel Lodging Institute Educational Courseline (AHLA) required. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1. Maintain resort cleanliness standards, ensure orderly and attractive conditions on guest floors, and mop closets, maid’s carts, and public/common and employee areas. 2. Monitors and maintains a sanitary, healthy and safe environment for owners, guests, employees, suppliers and vendors. 3. Effective and professional written and oral communication skills. 4. Ensures the effective dissemination and followup of all work assignments, tasks, coordination of inter-department repairs/maintenance/restoration. 5. Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace to facilitate the communication process. (This list is not limited or exhaustive of all functions, duties and expectations of the position.) Salary start at $7.00 per hour
RESPONSIBILITIES: • To skillfully and professionally perform all scheduled maintenance related jobs. • Account for time spent on individual work requests/orders and actively seek further tasks when assigned tasks are completed. • To advise the Engineering Administrator when parts or supplies need to be reordered. • Perform weekly and monthly physical counts of all inventory stock and tooling and requirements. • Any other duties assigned and/or as deemed necessary by the Engineering Administrator. • Reassembling and testing equipment following repairs • Repairing and replacing defective equipment,
components in addition to wiring • Laying out and connecting electrical wiring between controls and equipment • Obtaining and maintaining required certifications • Maintain machinery, equipment, and tools • Upkeep, installation, and maintenance of hydraulic, pneumatic, electronic, mechanical and electrical systems on all production machines • Performs preventive maintenance and makes repairs to heating, ventilating, air conditioning equipment according to instructions such as replacing belts on motors, changing filters, bearings, etc. • Lays out, assembles, installs, and maintains pipe systems and related hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, and repairs and replaces gauges, valves, pressure regulators, and related equipment REQUIREMENTS: • As a HVAC Technician, you must comply with all applicable standards, policies and procedures, including safety procedures and the maintenance of a clean work area. We are seeking a detailoriented mechanic with experience in both commercial and residential installation and services. • Refrigeration experience. • Must meet minimum professional qualification/ certification in Plumbing/Electrical/ Mechanical and A/C related trades. • Follows proper safety practices and procedures as required of the position. • Must have minimum of two years hands-on experience working on minor electrical, painting, plumbing and A/C. • Must speak, read, write and understand the primary language (English) used in the workplace. • Must work weekends and holidays. • Must work AM and PM shifts as business demands according to the operations policy. • Must have reliable transportation to get to and from work. Salary $8.00 per hour commensurate with qualifications and experience LINE POSITIONS
Positions marked by asterisks are currently held by work permit persons. For the above line staff positions, Caribbean resort experience is an asset but not a requirement. Applicants must have a willing, positive and personable attitude, must be willing to work holidays and weekends as standard in the hospitality industry. Salary will commensurate with experience.
Turks Island citizen’s only need to apply in person to Kitchandra McDonald, Assistant Human Resources Manager at The Sands Resort located on Grace Bay Road, Providenciales, the Turks and Caicos Labour Department, or e-mail: careers@thesandstc.com contact number 649-946-5199 ext. 30147. Resumes/CV’s must be in by August 05th, 2019
(Boat Anchoring, maneuver, docking, assist captain & passengers) $8.00 per Hour, Providenciales, Multilingual, Mon-Sat, 241-7878, 5 years+ experience Vacant Position
(Cleaning, dusting off, Sweeping, Mopping & dumping trash Blue Hills, Salary: $6.50per hour 241-7878-Position Held by Work Permit Holder
(Assist Mechanic with car services, flat tires & changes) $ 9 per hour, Blue Hills, Providenciales, 241-7878, Vacant Position
Belongers are encouraged to apply only. Send all resumes to tciprobusiness@gmail.com and the employment Services. 17534
Job description: Care of Child. Must love children Days worked: Monday - Friday. Salary: $200/week This position is for work permit Renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
CONTACT: 232-4107 17549
• Setting up workstations with all ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients to cook, chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8.50 per hour
CONTACT: 332-8501
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17548
ANDRE K. MALCOM Is seeking a
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Yard maintenance • Light Painting • Provide assistance to contractors (i.e. craft workers, electricians, painters) as needed • Complete all assigned tasks in a timely and efficient manner • Ensure construction equipment and tools are cleaned and stored properly REQUIREMENTS AND
QUALIFICATIONS • High school degree or equivalent educational experience • Ability to physically stand, bend, squat, and lift up to 40 pounds • Positive attitude and work ethic • Able to work independently or as an active member of a team • Good interpersonal skills and communication • English and Creole fluency a plus Salary: $200.00 per week
Contact :malalcom@tmwlaw.tc cc: Labour Department This position is currently held by a permit holder. Belongers need only apply.
• Stock shelf and keep the store clean. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 346-7379
REQUIREMENTS: • Friendly and outgoing • English speaking • Hardworking • Team player • Salary: $10/hr
• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encourage to submit their resume to the Labor Department
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17484
CONTACT: 345-9859
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sales processes, inventory receiving, managing, stocking, displaying of goods. • Must be able to transport and lift unassisted boxes and packages up to 60lbs. • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays. Salary: $1600 monthly
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days per week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 232-0918
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17445
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17436
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder17450
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
July 27 - August 2, 2019
CONTACT: 241-2179
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
helps a senior pastor at church lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Taking on responsibilities within the church, such as overseeing key leaders and leading a ministry. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-0887
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Line Cook
Description: we are looking for a line cook with at least 2 years experience in vegetarian kitchens. They must be a strong team player, speak English and Creole, and have flexible working hours. Requirements: • English speaking • 2 years experience in a vegetarian kitchen Pay: $10/hr
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17443
SHA CONSTRUCTION, MAID TO CLEAN, NEWTECH CONSTRUCTION Blue hills, Providenciales. Cell # 231-6858 - Looking for:
Carpenters, Welders, Masons, Plumbers, Tile layers, Gardners, Labourers, Painters,Steelman Must be able to read and understand building drawings; layout and erect brick wall, concrete columns, beams, supports, concrete staircases; concrete floor rendering; layout and build driveways, deck floors, swimming pools, cisterns; highly proficient in gray and coral mortar rendering; competent with masonry tools and working knowledge of imperial and metric measurements; must be a team player. Perform maintenance and minor repairs (replacing broken switches, fixing door handles, minor leaks etc.). Install, measure, cut, shape. Fabricate and assemble metal structures.ect... Salaries starting @ $8 -$13.00 per hr. Work 5-6 days a week Qualified Belonger candidates should send their application to: Email: shagroup@hotmail.com Dead line: July 19th 2019
S & F Wholesale Cash & Carry LTD Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. Is seeking to Employee an:
July 9, 2019
Dear Valued Customer As you have been reading in the news, the United States has imposed a new round of tariffs on select goods imported from China. This has had and will continue to have a significant impact on the price of products sold in our store as most of our suppliers are based in the US. In the interest of being completely transparent, I am writing to share with you how this will impact you as our customer, and how we are working with our suppliers to mitigate the impending price increases on these products. The current tariff of 10%, which went into effect late last year, was expanded to 25% for relevant goods arriving on US shores on or after June 1st, 2019. This represents an increase of 15% over current tariff rates. What does this mean for our NAPA customers? Some of our suppliers have already come to NAPA with tariff related increases. We expect these increases to take effect throughout July and into the subsequent months. This a very fluid situation and some price changes may be received and passed through quickly. It is our intention to work through these tariff increases as our parts suppliers issue them to us, and to adjust prices to the end marketplace. Please understand that this is a marketwide condition which will not only affect our pricing, but pricing at other local retailers as well. As such, we will closely monitor our competitive positions and will make continued adjustments as necessary. Although the situation dictates that we must pass along these increases, we continue to work to find solutions with our Distribution Center and supplier partners to control costs on the quality automotive parts and accessories purchased everyday by our loyal NAPA customers. We thank you for your business and continued support. Sincerely, Nick Aquino Managing Director Provo Auto Supply
• Fabricate and assemble structural and functional components of refrigeration system, using hand tools, power tools, and welding equipment. • Lift and align components into position, using hoist or block and tackle. • Observe and test system operation, using gauges and instruments. • Test lines, components, and connections for leaks. • Install wiring to connect components to an electric power source. • Adjust valves according to specifications and charge system with proper type of refrigerant by pumping the specified gas or fluid into the system. • Mount compressor, condenser, and other components in specified locations on frames, using hand tools and acetylene welding equipment. • Performs planned maintenance, regular servicing, and repairs to refrigeration equipment of all types, sizes, and temperature ranges. • Coordinates work schedules with other departments and shops in order to keep inconvenience to a minimum.
• 4- 5years experience in related field of work • Knowledge of the HVAC or refrigeration tools, materials, and test equipment. • Knowledge of repair, maintenance, and installation techniques. • Skill in reading and understanding schematics. • Skill in analyzing HVAC or refrigeration malfunctions from performance and test equipment readings and determining appropriate repairs. • Skill in both verbal and written communication. Salary for this position will commensurate with qualification and experience.
Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to labour board. This position is a fist time work permit holder. 17475
July 27 - August 2, 2019
ROYAL BABES NURSERY THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 441-3619
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17485
5-6 days per week to perform assigned tasks as necessary. Salary Range: $7 to $10/hr. CONTACT: MANAGER AT 231-6991.
Preference to TCIslanders. New positions. 17494
RAYCAL HANDFIELD BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days per week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
SALES CLERK Must be honest, reliable, and willing to work Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-2684
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 241-2228
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17449
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17452
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Provide beauty services, Such as shampooing, cutting, Coloring and styling hair, and Massaging and treating scalp, To apply makeup, dress wigs, Provide nail and skin care Services. Must be willing to work 6 days A week. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 346-1143
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to The Labour Board. 17464
Belongers are encourage to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department This position is for renewal
Dated Posted: July 16th, 2019 17494
• Cashing out customers and stocking shelves. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 242-1249
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17447
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-9191
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 241-5715
An application, REGISTERED PR 14227 by Fredrick Daniel Dames, for rezoning of parcel 60811/55 The Bight & Thomas Stubbs on Providenciales which is currently zoned for R6 Apartments to C 1 Commercial. The planning application is for a 6 one bedroom and 2 two bedroom apartment. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To fix and maintain Yard Painting and cleaning, Repairs as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
Must be able to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the labour Office. 17467
– To be held by a work permit holder DUTIES
• • • • • • • • • • •
Providing excellent customer service Presenting menus to customers Explaining menu items to customers Answering questions from patrons about food and beverages Sharing information with customers about the status of their orders Finding out if customers need additional items Verifying that customers are satisfied with their orders Taking food and drink orders Entering each item ordered into restaurant register system Accepting payment for the meal Rate $ 6.50 per hour
Villa Housekeeper DUTIES:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
- To be held by work permit holder
Answer immediately to request from guests, as well as from other departments Load cart with supplies such as linens and move it to the required area Enter guest rooms by adhering to proper procedures and ensure they are vacant Replace used amenities in guest rooms Provide clean linens and terry for dirty ones Fold towels, make beds, and ensure bathrooms are clean Take away, room service items, dirty linen, and trash Perform check on all room appliances to ensure they are in good working condition Adjust furniture, desk items, and appliances when necessary Dust furnishings and walls and remove marks from them Carry out floor care duties in hallway and guest rooms, and mop floor Adhere to all safety, security, and company procedures and policies Keep proprietary information confidential Ensure company standards are followed in welcoming and acknowledging all guests Expect service needs of guests and provide them even before called upon to do so Apply professional language in communicating with guests and other people Provide support to team to achieve common goals Rate $6.50-$9.10 per hour
Williams Plaza, Old Airport Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands .Contact 946-4726 .Resumes can be faxed to 941-3425 and the Labour Department, Providenciales as soon as possible. 17427
Palm Plaza - Is seeking to employ
2• Shampooing, COSMETOLOGISTS cutting,
coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. apply makeup, dress wigs, hair removal, and nail and skin care services. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week Salary: $6.50 per hour
• Remove dead rodents after extermination. • Cut or bore into buildings to access infested areas. • Clean and remove pesticides after application. • Post warning signs and lock building doors to secure are to be fumigated. Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-5007
CONTACT: 333-2155
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Email: diversetci@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holders 17472
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 244-6932
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17448
July 27 - August 2, 2019
• Clean the yard and wash cars. • Must be willing to work 4 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 343-2261
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17440
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 345-0349
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CALL 946-4664
ELITE SECURITY LEEWARD Is seeking to employ a
• Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0047
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
FREDERICK BAIN GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 431-1634
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
GEE HANDFIELD NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 7 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-9688
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Caribbean Diamonds Resorts Ltd. 193 Leeward Estates, Turks & Caicos Islands Phone: +1 649-231-4885. Is looking for a
MAINTENANCE PERSON to be able to Survey buildings and repair mechanical systems to ensure they are consistent with health and safety standards. Maintain heating and plumbing systems to ensure functionality Conduct general upkeep procedures (e.g. landscaping) and other tasks as assigned (painting, carpentry etc. Person should be able to work flexible hours such as evening, weekends, and holidays. $9 - $13 per hour. Monday to Saturday. Qualifies Belonger candidate need to apply only.
DEADLINE : JULY 19TH 2019 17398
A MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN is required to work in a villa community. This individual must possess the following skills: • Preferably at least 5 years’ experience in a luxury hotel • Plumbing experience preferred • Housekeeping experience is a plus • Must have knowledge of pest control • Computer literacy would be an advantage but not essential with the ability to record and present invoices and purchases in an accurate manner THE CANDIDATE MUST ALSO: • Be willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays etc. • Be able to work within a team, be reliable and trustworthy • Be extremely well presented and have a good command of English • Must possess a clean driver’s license in order to run errands • Must be prepared to carry out duties when guests are not in house • Preference will also be given to individuals who have worked within a 5-star luxury environment • Salary dependent on experience Preference will be given to individuals with work experience in luxury villas or 5 star hotels and with a valid driver’s license. Starting salary is $1,500 monthly excluding service charge. This AD is for a work permit, however, this position is open to all qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders. Potential Turks Island candidates should also submit copies of their application to the Labor Board. Please apply in writing to
Human Resources, Beach Enclave, Unit G202 Regent Village email: hr@beachenclave.com P: +1 (649) 941-8887
Beach Enclave is seeking to hire a
PAID INTERN FOR DATA ENTRY, BOOK KEEPING AND BASIC ACCOUNTING High School or Post High School student with a keen interest in business and accounting, this position will help to prepare you for a career in Accounting and Finance.
Reporting to the Finance Director, the Accounts Intern will assist in: • Daily transfer of data from the hotel PMS to QuickBooks accounting software, • Batching and capturing vendor invoices into QuickBooks, • Night audit preparation,
• Inventory counting and reporting, • Reconciliation of Accounts Payable and Bank accounts, • Organising and filing all relevant documents.
The Candidate must: • Be 16 – 19 years of age, • Be organised and professional, • Be willing to work flexible hours, • Possess basic knowledge of MS Excel and Word. Benefits starting at $12 per hour
Turks & Caicos Islander applications preferred. All applications to be sent to hr@beachenclave.com 17461
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Science & Technology Pledge to end smoking in England by 2030 The government is pledging to end smoking in England by 2030 as part of a range of measures to tackle the causes of preventable ill health. Promoting physical activity, developing guidelines on sleep and targeting those at risk of diabetes are also set out as priorities in the green paper. The policy document aims to reduce the number of years spent in poor health. Currently men and women spend over a fifth of their lives in ill health 19 years for women and 16 for men. Those in deprived areas experience the longest periods of poor health. The green paper, which will now be consulted on, proposes a number of ways of tackling this. They include: - Ensuring any smoker admitted to hospital automatically gets offered help to quit - Extending tooth brushing schemes
in nurseries and primary schools - Reviewing the evidence on sleep and health with a view to developing clear national guidance on daily recommended hours of sleep - Encouraging “active play” such as skipping in nurseries and more travel by bike and on foot - Doubling funding for the diabetes prevention programme which targets lifestyle support to those most at risk of developing type 2 diabetes The measures come on top of steps that have already been consulted on, including: Clearer calorie labelling in cafes, restaurants and takeaways and a ban on junk food advertising before 21:00, banning the sale of energy drinks to children. But the publication of the green paper was immediately criticised after it was slipped out just ahead of the announcement of a new prime minister on Tuesday. Helen Donovan, of the Royal
Currently men and women spend over a fifth of their lives in ill health - 19 years for women and 16 for men.
College of Nursing, said: “We’ve been waiting some time for these plans which appear to have been buried in the dying days of the current government.” She also warned that the plans “already start at a disadvantage” as the money councils get to run healthy lifestyle programmes is being cut.
Councillor Ian Hudspeth, of the Local Government Association, said the green paper contained some “ambitious and interesting ideas”, but agreed it would be undermined by the inadequate funding. Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth branded the green paper “extremely disappointing”,
highlighting the decision not to push ahead with extending the sugar tax to milkshakes - the paper proposes waiting to see if industry reduces the sugar content of milk drinks. There is no commitment either to introduce a levy on tobacco firms to pay for stop smoking services something which had been called for.
TWO AIRCRAFT MECHANICS Eligible candidates MUST have the following minimum credentials in order to be considered: • CAA AMEL with group rating in Cat A and Cat C Licence with TSIO520 rating • FAA A&P Licence with experience in general aviation airplanes with C402 type • Salary scale between $45K-75K annually depending on experience • Should be an independent worker with no supervision required
An OWNER REPRESENTATIVE is required for a luxury villa community. This individual must possess the following skills and qualifications: • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a luxury hotel / residence brand • A degree in hospitality • Must be able to provide the home owners with regular reports and statements • Exercise good cost control and procurement on behalf of owners • Computer literacy is essential with the ability to prepare reports and charts for presentation to owners THE CANDIDATE MUST ALSO: • Be willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays etc. • Possess strong organizational skills • Possess a keen eye for detail • Demonstrate impeccable communication skills (written and verbal) • Ability to adapt to a flexible and fast-paced work schedule • Be able to work within a team, be reliable and trustworthy • Be extremely well presented and have an excellent command of English • Must be prepared to carry out detailed inspections when guests are not in house Salary starting at $2,500 per month based on qualifications and experience.
Interested persons should contact Richardson Arthur at 2321982 and resumes can be faxed to 941-3864 or emailed to info@ caicosexpressairways.com and also to the Labour Department Deadline for remitting expressions of interest and qualifications is 31st July 2019 THESE POSITIONS ARE CURRENTLY HELD BY WORK PERMIT HOLDERS
This position is open to all qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders. Potential candidates should also submit copies of their application to the Labor Board. Please apply in writing to Human Resources, Beach Enclave, International Drive email: hr@beachenclave.com P: +1 (649) 941-8887. 17686
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Science & Technology
Cuba ‘sonic attacks’ changed US diplomats’ brains, study finds THE brains of 40 former staffers at the US Embassy in Cuba who developed mysterious symptoms during so-called “sonic attacks” have visible differences compared to a control group, according to a new study. The State Department has said the employees developed what became known as “Havana Syndrome” – headaches, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms that arose when they heard penetrating, high-pitched sounds. MRI scans from the 23 men and 17 women showed changes in brain structure and functional connectivity between different parts of the organ compared with 48 other adults, according to the study by the University of Pennsylvania. The difference in the brains between the two groups “is pretty jaw-dropping at the moment,” lead researcher Dr. Ragini Verma, a professor of rabdiology at Penn, told Reuters. “Most of these patients had a particular type of symptoms and there is a clinical abnormality that
The US embassy in Havana.
is being reflected in an imaging anomaly,” she said. However, in findings published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, Verma and her team said it was unclear if the brain patterns directly translate into significant health problems.
Initial MRI scans of 21 embassy workers in Havana had revealed no abnormalities. The diplomats’ health problems surfaced in 2016 after the Obama administration reopened the embassy in an effort to improve relations with Cuba.
Most of the employees were removed from the Communist island nation in 2017. President Trump has blamed Cuba for what the State Department has called “significant injuries” suffered by the workers. Canadian embassy employees complained of similar health issues and also were removed from Cuba, whose health officials have rejected the accusation that health attacks and brain damage caused the symptoms. Though the study did not draw any conclusions about the cause of the symptoms, the MRIs confirm that “something happened to the brains of these people,” Verma told AFP. “It’s not imagined. All I can say is that there is a truth to be found,” she said, adding, “Whatever happened was not due to a pre-existing condition, because we test for that.” Some of the people affected have recovered and returned to work, but others are still undergoing rehab, Verma said. The new study was met with some skepticism. “Finding evidence of brain
change doesn’t provide evidence of brain injury or damage,” Dr. Jon Stone, a professor of neurology at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, who was not involved in the study, told Reuters. Dr. Sergio Della Sala, a professor of human cognitive neuroscience also at the University of Edinburgh, called the study “half baked,” noting that 12 of the affected workers who had a history of concussion prior to going to Cuba were included in the analyses. “In comparison, none of the controls declared previous brain injury. This in itself could cause statistical group differences,” Della Sala said. Skeptics also have challenged State Department assertions that some unknown weapon had targeted the workers. For example, the sound that some believed may have caused the problems was later identified by insect experts as the mating call of the male Indies short-tailed cricket. (NYPost)
Someday, an arm implant may prevent HIV infection for a year IN what could eventually become a milestone for H.I.V. prevention, very preliminary tests of an implant containing a new drug suggest that it may protect against infection for a full year. The new implant, by the drug company Merck, was tested in just a dozen subjects for 12 weeks. But experts were quite excited at its potential to revolutionize the long battle against H.I.V. The research was described on Tuesday at an international AIDS conference in Mexico City. New H.I.V. prevention methods are desperately needed. About 75 million people have contracted the lethal virus since the AIDS epidemic began. Even now, about 1.7 million people are infected each year — despite decades of promotion of condoms and abstinence, and years of efforts to get people to take a daily pill that prevents infection. “If — and I’m emphasizing if — if it pans out in a larger trial that it delivers a level of drug that’s protective for a year, that would be a game-changer,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and a leading expert on AIDS. Dr. Robert M. Grant, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, who led the landmark
2010 trial that proved that a daily pill could thwart H.I.V., said he had expected a breakthrough based on the powerful new drug used in the implant. The device “seems ideal in many respects,” he added. “It can be removed if there are side effects or H.I.V. infection.” Merck’s innovation is to deliver its new antiretroviral drug, islatravir, with a proven technology long used for birth control: a matchstick-sized plastic rod inserted just under the skin of the upper arm that slowly releases tiny doses of the medication. Many people at risk of H.I.V. infection, particularly women in Africa, are desperate for prevention methods that are easier to use, and easier to conceal, than a bottle of pills. According to Unaids, more than 6,000 young women under age 24 are infected every week, and 80 percent of infected teenagers in Africa are girls. African girls are often victims of rape or pressured into sex with older men in return for food, clothes or cash. Another study released Tuesday at the same conference reinforced the extreme vulnerability of young African women. In it, 427 women and teenage girls in South Africa and Zimbabwe were
given Truvada pills, the form of socalled pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent H.I.V. infection, also called PrEP, used in the United States. They were repeatedly reminded to take the pills every day, but after one year, blood tests showed that less than a third were still taking any pills. Only 9 percent of the women and girls took them frequently enough to have protective levels of the drug in their bloodstreams. The study’s authors are still interviewing participants about why they failed to comply. But women in Africa often say they cannot keep H.I.V. drugs at home because they fear being accused by family, neighbors and lovers of being immoral or of having H.I.V. Some fear being threatened or beaten. (Clinical trials among women in Africa often fail, or produce hardto-interpret results, because some participants sign up but rarely use the interventions being tested. In interviews afterward, some have admitted to joining only because the trials offer free medical care and modest payments for participating.) The drug used in the new implants is islatravir (pronounced IZ-lah-trahveer), which until last week was known as EFdA or MK-8591. It is the first in a new class of drugs called nucleoside reverse transcriptase translocation inhibitors, which block
The research was described on Tuesday at an international AIDS conference in Mexico City.
movement of the enzyme responsible for cloning the virus’s DNA so that it can infect new cells. Islatravir has “some remarkable attributes,” said Dr. Roy D. Baynes, Merck’s chief medical officer. It is 10 times as potent as any previous H.I.V. drug, he said, so tiny amounts are effective, which lowers the risk of side effects. The drug lingers in the body for a relatively long time — after five days, half of the dose remains — so it can be given less often that other H.I.V. medications. Unlike some H.I.V. drugs, islatravir is absorbed into anal and genital tissues, which is where most infections start. And because it attacks a different step in the infection process, the drug appears
not to give rise to viral strains with cross-resistance to other H.I.V. drugs. Other drug companies have recently reported success with other long-acting forms of H.I.V. prevention. For example, injections of cabotegravir or rilpivirine deep into the buttocks have protected study participants for a month. But monthly intramuscular injections are inconvenient and sometimes painful. And implants can be removed. The half-life of injectable cabotegravir, for example, is about 40 days. If a user develops a “breakthrough” H.I.V. infection in spite of the injection, the lingering drug may drive the virus to mutate into a resistant form.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Sports Interational
Nairo Quintana won the 2014 Giro d’Italia and 2016 Vuelta a Espana and has twice finished second at Le Tour. Dina Asher-Smith, 23, won the European 200m title in August in 2018’s fastest time
Dina Asher-Smith to take on Elaine Thompson in Birmingham BRITAIN’S Dina Asher-Smith will take on Olympic gold medallist Elaine Thompson and double world champion Dafne Schippers in a stellar 200m field in Birmingham on 18 August. Asher-Smith, 23, won the European 200m title in August in 2018’s fastest time. She is second in the current IAAF
rankings for the event behind Olympic 400m champion Shaunae Miller-Uibo, who will also appear in Birmingham. The event - part of the Diamond League season - will be shown live on BBC Two. It comes a little over a month before the start of the World Championships in Doha on 27 September. (BBC)
Tour de France: Quintana wins stage 18 BRITAIN’S Geraint Thomas dropped to third overall at the Tour de France but remained 95 seconds behind leader Julian Alaphilippe after Nairo Quintana won a mountainous stage 18 to Valloire. Colombian Quintana attacked from a leading bunch, 7km from the summit of the Galibier, for a fine solo victory. Defending champion Thomas rode away from Alaphilippe on the final climb but the Frenchman caught up on the descent. Thomas’ team-mate Egan Bernal is second after the Colombian attacked late on. “We wanted a hard pace and
unfortunately we ran out of guys,” said Welshman Thomas. “The call was made for Egan [Bernal] to go and that kicked it off. I couldn’t do much then other than follow. “I had a little dig just to see if anything was going to happen and the guys followed me over the top. It was a good day for Egan gaining some time. “We knew it would be hard to drop Alaphilippe, but there are two more big days to come.” The 208km race from Embrun took in three Alpine mountain passes of more than 2,000m each in altitude
and most of the action came on the final one of those, the 23km ascent of the 2,642m Galibier. Quintana, who started the day almost 10 minutes adrift of the overall race lead, sprinted away from a bunch that had gone clear early on in the stage. He reached the summit around 90 seconds ahead of France’s Romain Bardet, and he maintained that advantage on the 19km descent to the finish. Team Ineos’ Bernal also attacked on the Galibier, riding clear of fellow general classification favourites, including Thomas, Alaphilippe, Thibaut Pinot and Steven Kruijswijk.
Jay-Z and Roc Nation fight back against boxer suing over brain injury JAY-Z and Roc Nation Sports want a Los Angeles judge to KO a lawsuit brought by a boxer who claims negligent management led to his traumatic brain injury. Lawyers for the music mogul and his company say the suit doesn’t belong in Los Angeles County Superior Court because the boxer, Daniel Franco, agreed in his contract that any disputes would be governed by New Jersey law and subject to arbitration. “Plaintiff cannot unilaterally decide to apply California law when he and Roc Nation Boxing expressly agreed to have the Promoter Agreement governed by New Jersey law,” a motion to dismiss the case filed Tuesday argues. Famed boxing promoter Dino Duva filed a declaration in support of the dismissal motion, claiming Franco was represented by “experienced manager” Ray Chaparro when he signed his deal in 2015. He said Chaparro “proposed terms,
added terms, and deleted terms” during the contract negotiations, so there’s no question both sides read and understood the terms. A hearing on the motion is set for Sept. 20. Franco filed his lawsuit in May, claiming Jay-Z and Roc Nation should have to pay damages after he suffered a devastating injury following prior injuries that weren’t taken seriously. Franco’s paperwork says he was a “promising young boxer” with a record of seven knockouts when he entered his four-year contract with Roc Nation. He claims he won his first five fights after signing the deal but suffered from the flu before a fight with boxer Christopher Martin on March 23, 2017. Franco says he tried to get out of the match because his illness meant he wasn’t able to properly train and prepare. He claims Roc Nation told him he had to proceed or face “difficulty securing future fights.”
Daniel Franco celebrates his win against Marcelo Gallardo during their Featherweight bout at ORACLE Arena on August 6, 2016 in Oakland, California.
Martin won by a technical knockout, and Roc Nation later scheduled Franco for a second fight on May 12, 2017, and a third fight against Jose Haro on June 10, 2017,
according to the complaint. Franco says Roc Nation didn’t pursue “appropriate medical clearance” before setting the Haro fight in “an extreme departure” from
industry practice. His lawsuit claims he suffered “two skull fractures and a separate brain bleed that likely occurred in the two fights before the (Haro) match,” and that Haro knocked him out in the eighth round of their match. “The reckless and grossly negligent acts of Roc Nation in scheduling so many fights in such a short amount of time, including when Franco was sick and unable to train, resulted in Franco suffering from a devastating brain hemorrhage,” the lawsuit states. “As a result of traumatic brain injury, Franco still suffers from devastating neurological and cognitive deficits, including difficulty with speech, motor function, ambulation and balance problems,” the paperwork alleges. Franco now takes medication for seizures and must wear a helmet at all times because he is “still missing a piece of his skull,” the lawsuit claims. (NYDailynews)
Sports Interational
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Bahamas: ‘Reno’ has fists set on world title TUREANO ‘Reno’ Johnson said his dominating performance over Ireland’s Jason Quigley for the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) middleweight title is just the tip of the iceberg. He now wants to go after a world title. In the 10-round main event of the Golden Boy DAZN Thursday Night Fights at the Fantasy Springs Casino in Indio, California, Johnson put on a boxing clinic for a ninth-round stoppage. He dedicated the fight to two of his nieces, Faith Davis, who passed away in November and Deandrreanique Minus, who died on May 1, both as a result of cancer. “We are in Florida right now. I’m just waiting for them to mail me my belt. I don’t want to return home without my belt,” Johnson said. “So I’m just taking it all in and relaxing. Hopefully, the belt will arrive today or tomorrow so I can come home.” Johnson, 35, left California without the belt because one was not prepared for him. Johnson believes that the organisers of the fight didn’t anticipate him winning and so they didn’t get a belt prepared for him. “I don’t think they actually expected me to win the fight,” Johnson said. “Jason still has his belt that was customised for him. He just lost his title. But they didn’t have one customised for me so they had to prepare it after I pulled off the upset.” Having moved up the ranks from a fledgling amateur programme, Johnson said he was destined for greatness in the pro ranks and now he’s on the pathway to fulfilling his long-time dream of becoming an undisputed world champion. “From the beginning of time, I was encouraged by my mom (Ikenna Johnson) and my dad (Erwin Johnson) and now my wife (Natania) and my 11-year-old daughter (Tatiana), who is one of the strongest engines behind me in my boxing career,” Johnson said. “I am pleased with my boxing career thus far. I think I have done my country just and I’ve made my country proud. As an amateur, I was number one in the Caribbean for many years, having won over 14 CARIFTA Games gold medals and at least six boxer of the tournament, winning a medal at the Commonwealth Games, making it to the World Championships and medalling at the Pan American qualifier and making it to the pinnacle of my career at the Olympic Games where I obtained a number four ranking in the world.” At this point in his pro career that spanned from April 3, 2010 when he made his debut with a win over Cleoney Fuqua at the Center Stage
Britany Anderson ran the new record in 12.71s
Anderson breaks sprint hurdles Junior World Record WORLD Under-20 silver medallist Britany Anderson ran the fastest time ever by a junior, pending ratification, in winning the 100 metre hurdles at a European Athletics Permit Meet in Motonet, Finland on Wednesday. Anderson sped to 12.71 seconds to take the event, bettering the 12.74 set by Dior Hall of the United States in 2015.
Elsewhere, former world record holder Asafa Powell ran a season’s best 10.02 seconds in the men’s 100 metres for second in that event behind winner Arthur Cisse who ran 9.93. It was the fastest time Powell was running since he clocked 10.01 at the Zagreb World Challenge Meet in Croatia in September of 2016. (Rjrnewsonline)
Tureano ‘Reno’ Johnson made light work of Ireland’s Jason Quigley for the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) middleweight title last week.
in Atlanta, Georgia, Johnson is now pegged at No.17 in the world with four titles, including the World Boxing Council’s Continental Americas, World Boxing Council’s Silver middleweight title and the World Boxing Association’s International middleweight titles. “I think I’ve done great for boxing in the Bahamas,” Johnson pointed out. “As a civil servant, I think I’ve done a great job with my Big Brother Outreach programme and so I am proud of what I have accomplished in boxing. “Right now, there’s much more to come. There’s much more left in my tank. I’m looking forward to the future. Hopefully, before this week is out, I will know what else is there for me to do. But definitely, my focus is to fight for the world title. I’m talking about not just unifying, but becoming the undisputed middleweight champion of the world.” The plan now is to get ready for a possible shot at the world title. “We are right now eligible to fight a world champion, so hopefully I will get a chance,” he said. “Whoever steps in the ring, Tureano is ready to bring the heat. I’m going to step in there with the Bahamas on my shoulder. I’m carrying everybody in the Bahamas into the ring.” After literally destroying Quigley, whose trainer Dominic Ingle threw in the towel just before the start of the 10th round, Johnson said he
knows that most of the fighters will probably think twice about agreeing to fight him. “I was very explosive against Jason. I was much more polished and more technical than the brutal fighter that I was in the past. I threw about 11 punches more than I normally throw, so that was an accomplishment in itself for me. “There is much more improvement for me to make, but we are taking it step by step. So I believe there is a lot of fear right now about taking on Tureano Johnson, but at the same time, a lot of them misjudge me because of my age.” With a 21-2-1 win-loss-draw record, Johnson said most fighters would sort of bypass those stats and lean more on taking a chance on fighting him because he is 35 years of age. “Longevity is one thing that we as Bahamians hold. When you look at Sherman ‘the Tank’ Williams, he’s one of the strongest fighters in the heavyweight division in the world today. He’s a senior man, but he’s still one of the most feared heavyweights in the world,” Johnson said. “That’s one thing about Bahamians. We have that longevity and that may be the reason why we could probably lure some of the fighters to take me on, rather than my performance in the ring. That could be one of their biggest mistakes because Tureano was much more complete than my opponent.”
Antoine Griezmann’s move to Barcelona was widely expected long before his release clause changed on 1 July.
La Liga could block Griezmann Barcelona move from Atletico Madrid ANTOINE Griezmann’s move to Barcelona could be blocked in a row over the fee, La Liga president Javier Tebas says. Atletico Madrid complained after Barca announced they had signed the France forward, having activated his 120m euro (£107m) release clause on 12 July. The clause dropped from 200m to 120m euros on 1 July, but Atleti claim the deal was done before then and that they are due the larger amount. “It is possible to block a player’s transfer,” Tebas told Onda Cero. “La Liga will have to decide what course of action to take.” Griezmann has already played
a friendly for his new club, a 2-1 friendly defeat by Chelsea in Japan. Tebas said: “[Atletico] submitted a complaint and put in doubt whether we should pass Griezmann’s licence to Barcelona. “There’s a process that has been put in motion and those overseeing it will have to come to resolve the case.” Atletico reported Barcelona to Fifa over an alleged illegal approach for Griezmann in December 2017. The player rejected an offer from Barcelona last summer. But Atletico claim Barca talked to him again in March and accused the Spanish champions of disrespect. (BBC)
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Sports Interational
China’s Xie Zhenye breaks Asian men’s 200m record in London
Santillan was a former South American super-featherweight champion.
Argentine boxer becomes second to die in days ARGENTINE boxer Hugo Santillan has died from injuries sustained during a title fight, just days after the death of Russian fighter Maxim Dadashev. The 23-year-old collapsed in the ring on Saturday shortly after his WBC Latino Silver lightweight bout with Eduardo Javier Abreu in Argentina ended in a draw. He was taken to hospital and underwent emergency surgery but died on Thursday. “Rest in Peace, Hugo Santillan,” the World Boxing Council said in a
tweet. Santillan is the second boxer to die from injuries sustained in the ring this week after Dadashev’s death was confirmed on Tuesday. The 28-year-old had been hospitalised with bleeding on the brain after his IBF light-welterweight fight against Subriel Matias was stopped at the end of the 11th round last Friday. He underwent emergency surgery but failed to recover. Boxing promoter Kalle Sauerland tweeted on Thursday: “A sad, sad week for boxing.” (BBC)
CHINA’S Xie Zhenye broke the Asian men’s 200 meters record as he won the title at the IAAF Diamond League here on Sunday. Xie, who won the event at the same stadium last year in the World Cup, fought back from fifth off the bend to take an impressive win in 19.88 to smash the Asian record by 0.09 and improve his personal best by 0.18 seconds. The 25-year-old Xie, who has clocked 9.97 seconds in the 100m, beat local hero Miguel Francis, who finished second in 19.97. “It was amazing because it was my personal best and a new Asian record, so I’m very happy,” the Asian champion said. “I love you guys, I love this track. I just told myself to go fast. This gives me a lot of confidence for the World Championships.” It was the first time that the Chinese sprinter ran under 20 seconds, which helped him break the Asian mark of 19.97 set by Nigerianborn Femi Ogunode of Qatar in 2015. His teammate Xie Wenjun won the 110m hurdles by getting the nod in a photo finish over Wilhem Belocian of France. Both were credited with 13.28 seconds, with the Chinese 0.005 faster. Olympic champion Omar McLeod of the United States finished third in 13.32. Xie Wenjun said after the race, “I’m always excited to perform in
Xie Zhenye of China celebrates after the men’s 200m final at Muller Anniversary Games at London Stadium in London, Britain, on July 21.
London. But I’m not too satisfied with my time of 13.28. This was down to my start not being to the standard I’m used to, although I did manage to catch them up after a few hurdles which is pleasing.” Jamaica’s two-time Olympic champion Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce underlined her status as the world’s fastest female sprinter with 100m victory. Fraser-Pryce, also a seven-time world champion, clocked 10.78 seconds in a very slight wind to eclipse her own six-year meeting record.
Britain’s Dina Asher-Smith finished second in 10.92 with MarieJosee Ta Lou of Cote d’Ivoire third with a time of 10.98. Daniel Stahl of Sweden, who also won the Diamond League titles in Doha and Oslo, smashed the nine-year-old men’s discus meeting record with a 68.56m hurl. In the men’s high jump, Majd Eddin Ghazal of Syria cleared 2.30 meters for the title while world champion Mutaz Barshim of Qatar settled for second after clearing 2.27 at the third attempt. He failed at 2.30 after two attempts. (Xinhuanet)
Worth $5 billion, the world’s most valuable sports team is the Dallas Cowboys The Dallas Cowboys is the most valuable sports team in the world
according to Forbes, staggering $5 billion.
It’s the fourth consecutive year that the NFL outfit has topped the
Owned by Jerry Jones, the Dallas Cowboys are the most valuable sports team in the world.
rankings, this year fending off competition from teams from the worlds of baseball, basketball and European soccer. Owned by businessman Jerry Jones, the defending NFC East champions generate twice as much sponsorship and seating revenue at its AT&T Stadium than any other team. Major League Baseball (MLB) outfit New York Yankees jumped up from fifth last year to second, with its value coming in at $4.6 billion -- an annual increase of 15%. Coming in at third place, Real Madrid is ranked as the most valuable soccer team in the world. The Spanish side may have struggled on the field last season, finishing third in La Liga, but that had little impact on its financial power with its value increasing 4% to $4.2 billion. Just behind is Madrid’s fierce rival Barcelona with the Catalan club worth $4.02 billion after winning the Spanish domestic league. NBA side New York Knicks make up the top
five. Forbes’ valuations suggest the NFL is the most powerful sports league in the world, accounting for more than half of the current top 50. This is due to rocketing broadcast contracts that cannot be compared to with other sports. The MLB has seven teams in the list while the NBA has nine and European soccer eight. “The values of teams in major sports leagues are booming thanks to sky-high TV deals, both local and national,” said Kurt Badenhausen, Senior Editor, Forbes Media. “And with revenue growing faster than player salaries, franchises are more profitable than they have ever been.” The enterprise valuations are based on the team’s current stadium deals and takes into consideration clubs from the world of NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, F1, soccer, and Nascar. Incredibly, every NFL, NBA and MLB franchise is now worth at least $1 billion. (CNN)
July 27 - August 2, 2019
July 27 - August 2, 2019
Sports National
TCIFA’s Technical Director says grassroots changes will reap benefits THE TURKS and Caicos Islands Football Association (TCIFA) has revamped its grassroots and youth football programmes, which according to the FA’s Technical Director Andrew Edwards will help better structure the sport on the islands and keep it in line with best international practices. The FA said that the changes are aimed at overall improvement, effectiveness and efficiency. “The technical staff of the TCIFA has embarked on a number of changes. These changes we have determined are necessary to accelerate the development of the sport in line with international best practices and so we are very confident that with giving time, everybody will adjust and adopt to these changes and see the fruits in the not too distant future,” Edwards told the Weekly News. The Technical Director added that: “Previous we only had inter-
island competitions and Fortis Leagues, now we have broaden that to incorporate, beach football, indoor five-a-side, outdoor five-a-side, outdoor eight-a-side and of course 11 vs. 11.” According to a release from the FA, as of September this year, the FA’s Youth and Grassroots programmes will mirror the school calendar with three seasons (September to December, January to March/April and April/May to July). Each season will run for 12-14 weeks. “For 2019-2020 the seasons are as follows: CHRISTMAS - Youth (12 and older) September 9 - December 14, 2019; Grassroots (12 and under) September 16 - December 7, 2019. EASTER - Youth and Grassroots January 6 to March 28, 2020. SUMMER - Youth and Grassroots April 20 to July 11, 2020.” The TD added that the FA is trying to utilise time better and maximise the use of its facility and human
The FA said that the grassroots changes are aimed at overall improvement, effectiveness and efficiency.
resources. “Previously we had U7, U9, U11, U13 and U15. We changed the grassroots age to U6, U10, U12 and kept the U13 and U15 for elite youth team where we get our national team.” MORE STRUCTURE The new changes are not just about age and number of seasons, but
about structure and development, given that players will be evaluation, will have to sign a code of conduction, will have to be punctual and fall in line with the football culture. “All players, especially those at the youth level and even more so those who are involved in the YNTs (youth national teams), must go through an individual evaluation
session with his/her coaches at the end of each season (three per year). The player should receive a copy of the report and another will be placed on his/her file. Evaluations will also be kept on our office data base.” Meanwhile effective January 2020, players will be required to register for each season at $30 per season or $80 per year.
Some of the Provo Netball Club regulars.
Provo Netball Club had successful season THE Provo Netball Club, which was formed in January of this year, had had a relatively good opening season. Public relations officer Kate Yarwood said that the goal of the club was to bring the sport to the women of the TCI, and for the large
part, they have been very successful. “Since January Provo Netball Club have been meeting weekly at the Gus Lightbourne Centre to practice…. The club is breaking for summer but will be back in September to resume weekly training and more matches.” Two Fridays ago, the club held
their first official match after months of training. Ladies of different ages and experience levels got together for the Rays vs. Sharks game. The friendly, but competitive battle, ended 37-20 with the Sharks surging to victory. According to Yarwood the club is
looking to grow. “We are always looking for new members…even if you have never played before. It’s fast paced and high energy, great for fitness, team work and expanding your social circle here in Provo. The now established club was
started by Jo Bowden, Chiara Davis, Alex Foster, and Kim Meehan, with other members, including Yarwood, joining later. Netball is hugely popular in the Caribbean and throughout the Commonwealth and has the potential to grow here.
Sports National
July 27 - August 2, 2019
U14 footballers showed improvement after Cuba games THE NATIONAL U14 female footballers who competed in three football clashes in Cuba, have all returned as more experienced footballers opines Women’s Football Director Yunelsis Rodriguez-Baez. The Cuban born, who organised the three games, said it was good experience for Puerto Rico next month, where the national team will match horns with Haiti, Puerto Rico and Bonaire from August 5 to 13 in the Caribbean Football Union, Girls U14 Challenge. “All the players showed technical improvements and impressive results, the compliance of the tactical
tasks of the team, the competitive warranty, positive mentality and commitment to their team, the girls showed good levels.” Although TCI lost to the sides, our girls did improve, so much so that we were able to hold the National Select side to just a 1-0 lead until the half, but according to Rodriguez-Baez, she decided to give our substitute some needed practice, which increased the scoreline. The girls played Artemisa on Saturday, a side from Havana on July 21 and the Cuba National Select on July 22 in a three-match series dubbed the Friendship Cup.
The national U14 side in Cuba.
Dominant Sonics repeat as Mallory McComish 20-andunder champions
Sonics lifted their second consecutive title
THE HAB Sonics claimed their second consecutive title when the curtains came down on the 2019 Mallory McComish tournament, which concluded last weekend at the Gus Lightbourne Sports Complex court. Although the winners had a strong line up, it was the shooting prowess of shooting guard/small forward Carly Noel, which helped them past a spirited Grand Turk Kings in the championships clash. Noel, who did his damage in the first quarter to ensure his side got off to an explosive start, finished with 27 points, 10 rebounds, five steals, three assists and two blocks to capture the MVP title. The Sonics were convincing winners with a 93-79 victory. It was a gruelling four-day competition as five teams battled for the much coveted title. The fans were treated to a great show of fierce rivalry and
competition. The preliminary round was played in a round robin format and teams seeded for a birth into the playoff round. The Blizzards emerged as the number one seed in the tie breaker with the Sonics. The two teams shared a 3-1 record, but the Blizzards best the Sonics in their preliminary game to claim the number one seed. The Blizzards got a bye into the other round, while the Number Two seed Sonics defeated the Number Five seed Flyers 4034 and the Number Three seed Eagles defeated the Number Four seed Grand Turk Kings 47-36. The two losers, the Kings and the Flyers battled for a place in the semi finals, and the Kings prevailed 47-29. After the Sonics gained revenged against the Blizzards (39-34), the Kings battled past the Eagles 47-36 to set up the final match up.
July 27 - August 2, 2019
July 27 - August 2, 2019