TCWN November 2 - 8, 2019

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Weekly News Volume 33 | No. 44 | November 2-8, 2019


Price $1.00


TELEPHONE (649) 946-4664



STRIKE SHUTS DOWN AIRPORT Workers demand better wages and working conditions Hundreds of travellers to and from the Turks and Caicos PAGE Islands had their plans disrupted by industrial action at 5 Providenciales International Airport last Friday (October 25). Local musicians wow crowds at first MOTTAC Music Festival






Film festival seeks to put TCI on the movie map and help the planet at the same time




November 2-8, 2019

November 2-8, 2019






November 2-8, 2019

Tourism minister clarifies Integrity Commission inquiry BY DELANA ISLES MINISTER of Tourism Hon. Ralph Higgs has been called to meet with the TCI Integrity Commission to answer questions on the North Caicos promenade project. He has strongly refuted rumours that he is under investigation for alleged crooked land deals and illicit funds allegedly received when he was Director of Tourist Board. “Any and all statements to the contrary are absolutely false,” he said, “these statements are being publicised for purely political purposes and to scar my otherwise good name.” In May 2017, PNP elected representative, Hon. Porsha StubbsSmith - a former Minister of Tourism - called for Higgs resignation. She claimed he failed to declare the accurate cost of the Silver Palms Hotel and Promenade project, located in Bottle Creek, North Caicos. Hon. Stubbs-Smith called on the premier to make every effort to ensure her Cabinet is free of potential conflicts which could have detrimental effects on the economy and good governance. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson at the time stated that the Higgs family involvement had not influenced her decision to give the project the greenlight. She said that the spinoff benefits of the development for the people of North Caicos were paramount in her approval of the project. Cartwright Robinson added that there was no reason for Hon. Higgs to resign, calling the claims

Minister of Tourism, Hon. Ralph Higgs

‘frivolous and ill conceived”. Allegations over the reason for the commission’s questioning were shared via text on a social media platform Wednesday morning (October 30). Contained in the text were a number of speculations as to the purpose of the upcoming meeting with the watchdog body. The allegations were officially addressed by the premier during an address to the nation at 2.30pm the same day. She urged the public to use social media for good: “Today we see circulating a Whatsapp message in relation to a minister of my Cabinet. “I wish to clear the air right away on this. Hon. Ralph Higgs, as this matter will recall, was reported to the Integrity Commission some years ago by the Hon. Porsha Stubbs-

Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising), (News) Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:

Hon. Porsha Stubbs-Smith, PNP elected representative

Smith concerning the inclusion of the promenade in Bottle Creek, North Caicos, under his ministry.” The premier added that the project under scrutiny was included in her party’s 2016 manifesto, and was actually the plan of elected members before Hon. Higgs. It was given approval by her to be included in the budget, and was passed by the Cabinet and the House of Assembly, she stated. “Hon. Higgs will vigorously defend himself against this malicious report next week before the Integrity

Commission,” the premier promised. Shortly after the premier addressed the matter, Hon. Higgs issued his own press statement, substantiating what she had revealed as to the purpose of the November 5 meeting. He wrote: “I would like to categorically state that I have not been, neither am I being questioned by the Integrity Commission for anything relating to my tenure at the Tourist Board; further, during my tenure there has never been an allegation related to missing funds

from the board. My service was marked by distinction.” The tourism minister further clarified that he is not being questioned on anything related to alleged land deals or alleged construction projects. “Any and all statements to the contrary are absolutely false,” he said, “these statements are being publicised for purely political purposes and to scar my otherwise good name.” The minister said that on November 5, he will attend a hearing at the Integrity Commission to answer what he thinks is a “frivolous and baseless” allegation made against him by Stubbs-Smith. Hon. Higgs added: “It is astonishing that it has taken so long for the commission to deal with this stale date matter. “I have always cooperated fully. I have and continue to make complaint about the time taken, the procedures of the commission, and the use of public funds to pursue this matter.” Higgs reiterated that he has done “nothing wrong” and that he will “never do anything to bring shame and disgrace to my family’s name”. A planning application for the construction of the promenade and a craft market received Cabinet approval on October 23.

Pension plan for public workers could be on the cards A NEW programme that could provide a pension and terminal benefits for public workers is being assessed – seven years after the previous scheme was cancelled. A tender went out in September for a consultant to look at the feasibility of a new retirement plan which, if approved, will be introduced in the near future. Deputy Governor Anya Williams, who is head of the civil service, said the lack of a pension scheme is a “very valid concern” raised by staff that dedicate decades to the public service. They believe that it is “only right” that they should be adequately compensated for their service upon retirement, she added. The TCI’s public service previously benefitted from a pension plan that was fully funded by the Government. However, with the establishment of the National Insurance Scheme in April 1992, the scheme was gradually phased out. Those employed by TCIG prior

to April 1992 still benefit from the fully funded plan but officers employed after that date do not qualify for any form of public service pension. Consequently, the award of terminal benefits such as gratuity payments with respect to locally appointed staff was also ceased in 2012 in an effort to reduce public service costs. Under the new tender arrangements, a consultant will be hired to help the newly formed Benefits Committee to assess the feasibility of implementing a new benefits plan. They will take into account the provisions of the previous programme and those that currently exist in other British overseas territories. Williams, who chairs the Benefits Committee, said she is “very pleased” to be leading on the feasibility review. The previous terminal benefits programme came to a halt in 2012 as a part of a civil service cost

reduction exercise when public service costs stood at over 50 percent of annual revenue. Public service costs since then have been substantially reduced and managed to ensure that manpower costs ratios are maintained below 40 percent. This will ensure that should there be any shocks to the economy, these costs can be maintained and will not result in another downsizing exercise. “As the implementation of new benefits programmes will have an impact on these ratios, it is important to ensure that all costs and other factors are carefully considered,” Williams said. “We are grateful to the Government of the Turks and Caicos for their support in funding this review and in considering the options for implementation once presented.” The closing date for the tender submission is September 25. The Government has yet to announce the winning bidder.

November 2-8, 2019


Air traffic control workers during the protest on Friday



American Airlines plane grounded on Providenciales International Airport runway

Air traffic controller strike shuts down Provo airport BY OLIVIA ROSE HUNDREDS of travellers to and from the Turks and Caicos Islands had their plans disrupted by industrial action at Providenciales International Airport last Friday (October 25). Disgruntled air traffic controllers downed tools and reported sick to protest what they described as “management’s blatant disregard for their services and livelihood”. The employees, who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace, refused to work as they demanded the attention of authorities on issues affecting them in the workplace. Poor working conditions, low pay and outdated equipment were some of the grievances highlighted by workers during the strike action. Leader of the Opposition Hon. Washington Misick and other Opposition members stood in solidarity with the protesters who took to Salt Mills in Grace Bay to demonstrate their frustration. The workers were armed with placards that read, ‘Low pay no way’, ‘We hold the keys to the country’, ‘Safety before faulty equipment’ and ‘We need new equipment now’. Others said, ‘We work hard pay us for our service’ and ‘TCIAA CEO 168k/Air traffic controllers 37k”.

Workers demand better wages and working conditions Controllers condemned the unfavourable work conditions and said they are understaffed and work in more severe and dangerous conditions than other employees. The significant disparity between the CEO’s salary and that of the controllers was also highlighted during the protest. One worker told the Weekly News that the demonstration was a last resort. He said the employees repeatedly voiced their concerns to management but it appeared as though those concerns had fallen on deaf ears. “This has been going on for months. We work long hard hours and they still do not want to pay us overtime. “Some of us are barely making ends meet with the little pittance they give us, while the big bosses are eating steak and drinking wine daily. We deserve better pay,” the man said. Another worker said: “The salary is so low, the cost of living is so high, what are they going to do? “We’re not satisfied with the overtime…and we still have to climb that old rusty tower, no gratuities no nothing and this is happening across

the board not only the air traffic controllers. “We came here to ensure that the tourists and everyone know what we’re going through.” Opposition leader Washington Misick said the shutdown of the airport could adversely affect the economy. “It is a crying disgrace that the lifeline, the air services of this country, has come to a halt. “That is going to affect everybody in this country, the employees, the airlines, the resorts, everybody is going to end up losing - there’s absolutely no winners in this situation. “This situation is not new. It just didn’t happen overnight. The air control tower operators have been complaining about this for months and probably years. “You have to treat people fairly, pay them well, provide good working conditions if you want them to produce.” Misick called on the Government to quickly resolve the issue and restore normalcy to airport operations. “The bottom line is this is a

statutory body that is under the Ministry of Finance overseen by the premier. She must’ve known about this and nothing has been done about it. “The premier is spending far too much time outside the country. Crisis after crisis and she’s outside the country...this is the third issue of the year where public sector workers have gone on strike to get the attention of this Government. “It is absolutely ridiculous to think that important, key, necessary workers like the firefighters first and now the air traffic controllers have had to come to take to the streets in order to get the fair pay - seven years since they’ve received an increase. That’s totally unconscionable,” Misick said. Shortly after the protest, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, Deputy Premier Hon. Sean Astwood and Minister Hon Vaden Williams met with the chairman of the TCIAA Board, Andre Malcolm, Director of TCIAA Board Godfrey Been and acting CEO Floyd Ingham to resolve the issue. Air traffic controllers subsequently returned to work and flights resumed

on Saturday morning, October 25, at 6am. PASSENGERS STRANDED Last Friday’s protest action resulted in a complete shutdown of the airport which affected both international and domestic flights. Morning and afternoon flights were cancelled, airplanes were grounded and many US, UK and Canada bound passengers were left stranded at the airport. The Weekly News learned that resorts across the TCI have suffered losses in the tens of thousands of dollars as tourists scheduled to arrive into the county cancelled their reservations. Several hotel representatives told this publication that they had to make quick adjustments to accommodate hundreds of irate tourists, scheduled to leave the country on Friday. Many visitors were also forced to reroute their reservations to other neighbouring destinations. Some passengers even took to the TCIAA Facebook page to express their frustration with the vexing situation. One traveller, Jennifer Brinkschroeder, said: “Everyone that was scheduled to leave today [Saturday] still gets to leave while CONTINUED 




November 2-8, 2019

A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day


THE ECONOMY of the TCI continues on a path of growth, despite a slight dip in recurrent revenue and expenditure for the first four months of financial year 2019-2020. A fiscal overview of the country’s performance for this period by the Accountant General’s Office states: “It is evident that the Turks and Caicos Islands’s economy continues to rebound and experience some growth which current forecast expect will continue in the near future.” What are your thoughts?

Held hostage

The economy may be growing but it is not trickling down. Things are getting harder and harder for the average person, bills are accumulating and budgets have already been cut to the core. The Government has money but is not spending it on maintaining the things that need to be maintained such as the roads which puts additional costs on road users in having to plug or buy tyres for their vehicles. The basic things that the average person spends their pay on are essentially controlled by a single large company in each sector here, so they set the price and you are held hostage to them for essential needs, such as electricity, water and food. Numbers are able to be manipulated to say what you want them to say, but the average person knows that whatever the numbers say, things are getting harder and harder.

A PNP cover-up

Shortly after the 2003 by-election the TCI growth started to slide. Borrowing $90 million was a PNP cover-up. The long awaited Caribbean Cruise deal came down. But the deal was a bad one. We gave up the valuable dock land and 10 years of low landing fees - $3.50 per passenger instead of the $10 to 20 paid by cruise lines at other ports. What did PNP get for us? Enough instant cash for Mike to enjoy five Cadillac Escalades. Even Jeffrey got a Range Rover for Provo and a Lincoln Navigator for Middle Caicos. FortisTCI and InterHealth Canada. PNP built the cruise centre where Floyd Hall’s wife got the number one spot. New investors were frightened away. The $11 million May 2003 causeway grant from the EU to join North to Middle became a $5 million dirt mess built years late. New investors went away. Royal Reef, North Caicos Yacht Club, West Caicos, Dellis Cay, and so much more. Since 2016 we have seen road building in Richmond Hills, repairs to the Grand Turk

airport and Lighthouse Road. The $35 million debt that Washy failed to pay off is being worked down. Honest investors are coming back because they have a Government they can trust.

Total madness

This upward trend is good news but, as always, the improvement is in spite of the Government, and not because of it. The current Government continues to do absolutely nothing towards maintaining or building the country, and the premier seems to be concerned only with her ability to report a surplus of $24 million for the first quarter of the current fiscal year. But a true surplus can only be measured after the legitimate ongoing needs of the country have been met, and here this has definitely not been the case. Two years after hurricane Irma and still many schools have not been properly repaired, the surface of Leeward Highway continues to deteriorate badly, the airport was closed for a day as air traffic controllers walked off the job to protest the deplorable conditions in the control tower, overtime pay for extra hours worked is long overdue to many customs officers, and conditions at Her Majesty’s Prison have been allowed to deteriorate to the point where the health and safety of both prison officers and prisoners themselves are at risk. Almost all aspects of the country’s infrastructure are now showing the results of the Government’s policy of using the cheapest possible construction and then performing absolutely no maintenance. Witness the experience with the legislative assembly building in Grand Turk, where the Government was forced to operate from school facilities. This list could go on forever, enumerating areas where the Government is not spending the funds necessary for routine operations of the country. And one can only guess at the degree of frustration and loss experienced by hundreds of passengers and numerous businesses when

all outside links to this country were severed by the air traffic controllers’ walkout. On one hand, we are forced to criticise the current Government for doing absolutely nothing, but on the other, we should be concerned that, whatever they do try to do, they will make a complete mess of. Almost every government department, with immigration, labour and planning being among the worst, seems to have as its objective the complete frustration of efforts made by the private sector to move this country forward. It really is enough to drive one crazy!

Watching the trend

Kudos to economic and fiscal growth, however I want that translated and analysed against the back drop of: 1) Crime. 2) Under employment among qualified TC Islanders. 3) The huge concession write of millions of dollars to the conglomerate expat business versus the small businesses having to pay every dollar owed to the Government in fees, taxes and duties. Another giant hotel is being built on Grace Bay. Let’s watch the trend and see how it and the economy is going to materialise for Turks and Caicos Island citizens.

Fight harder

This can only be good news for the TCI, its economy and investment prospects and future. Good economic planning on the part of the Ministry of Finance is evident. If any government or administration succeeds, then we all succeed. It is a testament to the resilience of the TCI with the trade war with the USA’s Trump and China’s Xi. The winds do not portend well for the world and small economies such as this. The slight dip in revenues are testimonial to global conditions, uncertain as they are. It is important that the TCI people be relieved from the burden of the $100 million per annum, unaccounted payments, to the hospital deal, so that more could be done to strengthen the people and their futures. Ideally it would be great if more scholarships could be given.

Further with this window of good economic fortune maybe more monies could be budgeted for or directed to small business development as this is critical to the development of TC Islanders. It is said that there is enough money in TCI Government coffers to do anything. Yet there is a stifling bureaucracy which seems to be bent on doing their own thing, refusing to be proactive, a tendency to buck Cabinet directives and as a result little is done, less monies get spent. This is no way to run a country which is in need of so many things. Ministers must fight harder to get things done. Not all of our problems are constitutional. Some require some heavy lifting and a certain insistence for the fate of the people and their well-being. It is time that the procurement process for public works be modernised so that the deliberately impossible bureaucracy imposed by the interim government to prevent rife and systemic corruption, be lifted. This uninspired bureaucracy, a government within a government, is no way to fund a country. It is the same as using a sledgehammer to kill a fly. Most recently critical projects are vetoed because of the fiat of the procurement process and so little monies get spent even though the monies are there. It may be time for ministers to take the law into their hands, have Cabinet issue stronger directives and increased modernising regulations. The result is that the country would be better and given this good economic news the potential is there. The monies are there, just spend them wisely.

 BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR Want to become a contributor or have a suggestion for a Talk Back topic for us? What questions do you think we should be putting to the public? And what are your thoughts on it? Call our news team on 946 4664 or email

November 2-8, 2019




Barbara and Mark Pankhurst, founders of the Friends of the Arts Foundation, are among the film festival’s board of directors

Jamaican ex-sprinter Usain Bolt visited TCI earlier this year to help launch the festival and meet with local youngsters

The festival “sends a message that TCI is open for the film business” – Colin Burrows

Bolt with film festival director Colin Burrows

Highway to Hollywood Film festival seeks to put TCI on the movie map and help the planet at the same time FLEDGLING film festivals are generally the preserve of Quentin Tarantino aspirants, screening shakily produced indies edited in a garden shed while dreaming of Hollywood stardom. They are not – Colin Burrows is explaining earnestly – held in fivestar resorts, or feature the hottest, Sundance-winning releases and names as acclaimed as Leonardo DiCaprio, Greta Thunberg and Richard Curtis. So this month’s inaugural Turks and Caicos International Film Festival (TCIFF) with screenings at the luxurious Shore Club and The Palms, among others, is “already punching above its weight”. With more than 30 years in the business, Burrows is well placed to comment. As CEO of London-based Special Treats Productions, his creative content company has lent a hand to everything from James Bond to Star Wars. He chuckles as he admits to “shamelessly exploiting” a few personal contacts to give the eagerlyanticipated festival some credence. What further sets this particular event apart is its focus on the

escalating pressures facing the world’s oceans. Among the environmentallythemed flicks being showcased is eco-thriller documentary Sea of Shadows – executive produced by DiCaprio – which kicks things off on November 15. The troubling exposé of Mexican cartels’ deadly poaching methods, threatening some of the planet’s most endangered marine life, has already bagged itself the Audience Award at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and is now in the running for an Academy Award in February. The short Thunberg-narrated Nature Now, which demands natural solutions to mitigate against climate change and which Special Treats helped edit, will also make an appearance. Renowned late filmmaker Rob Stewart’s stand-out documentary Sharkwater Extinction is the result of Stewart’s oceanic travels to lay bare the illegal and violent underbelly of shark finning. The Canadian conservationist’s fascination with the marine world was to ultimately claim his life; he died tragically in a diving accident

Gemma Handy Former Associate Editor of the Weekly News

in January 2017 shortly before production ended. His parents Sandra and Brian Stewart will be present on island for Sharkwater Extinction’s TCI debut and to take part in a Q&A open to festival-goers. Other eminent names the public will have a chance to meet include British screenwriter Richard Curtis, behind classics like Bridget Jones’s Diary and Notting Hill. “The festival is the star, not the people, but it’s certainly nice to have some big names too,” Burrows, TCIFF’s director, tells the Weekly News. Featuring productions in line for Oscar success in the illustrious line-up is another way of drawing industry bigwigs’ eyes to the event, he continues. “This festival means a lot for TCI. Like many islands in the region, we are on the frontline of climate

change; we all look out into the Atlantic and are very conscious of rising sea levels and other pressures. “Having a festival that acknowledges that is good for the Islands,” Burrows says. “Secondly, we have not had a cinema here for a few years. I am a passionate believer in the big screen experience so I am very excited about bringing cinema back to the island. “Finally, there is a lot of creativity here and young local filmmakers are excited about the festival and the mentors we are bringing in. “It sends a message that TCI is open for the film business and puts us on the map for Hollywood,” Burrows adds. TCIFF’s open submission process has already attracted a handful of emerging Caribbean stars. Among those hoping to make their mark on the world is TCI’s own Dalia Engler. Her short film, Carried by the Current, will be shown on the festival’s final day and includes stunning imagery of the beauty beneath the waves. Audiences will also be treated to a 16-minute short from a collaboration of young TCI filmmakers. Bahamian-produced Plastic Warriors is included in the line-up too, along with two movies from Dominica created in the aftermath of devastating hurricane Maria which

exterminated homes, infrastructure and agriculture across the nature isle. It is not the first time the TCI has staged a film festival; the Friends of the Arts Foundation (TCFAF) held a private one in 2004, followed by three annual events headed by former First Lady LisaRaye McCoy. Neither are they new to the region with counterparts staged in Trinidad, Antigua, Dominican Republic, Barbados and Jamaica, to name a few. But as environmental plunders and plights continue to garner worldwide headlines thanks to vociferous young activists like Thunberg and the Extinction Rebellion movement, TCI’s festivities will attract attention from diverse and heavyweight international observers. For Barbara and Mark Pankhurst, founders of TCFAF which is now in its 18th year, the film festival is a crowning touch on the 100plus shows in the foundation’s chronology. The Pankhursts are on the brink of retiring from TCFAF but they remain ardent supports and funders of its work and are among the film festival’s distinguished board of directors. The foundation’s raison d’être has been to instill an appreciation of the arts in youngsters, so it is only CONTINUED 




Gov’t agrees to publish list of beneficial company owners But only when it becomes a global standard in 2023 THE TCI will publish a public beneficial ownership register for companies only when it becomes an international standard, according to the premier. Sharlene Cartwright Robinson made the announcement during a presentation at a meeting of Cabinet on October 9. “The TCI will work collectively with the EU, UK and the rest of the world through its association with the international bodies on shaping the standard for beneficial ownership information sharing,” she said. Last May, the UK House of Commons and House of Lords supported an amendment to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill. It said that overseas territories located in the Caribbean must operate a public beneficial ownership register for companies by January 2020, before it becomes a global standard. This caused an uproar across the territories, sparking a protest in the BVI and a series of meetings between the UK government and outraged leaders. Now the premier has updated

Cabinet that the register will be introduced when it becomes a global norm at the end of 2023. That will bring it in line with the British Crown dependencies of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man which announced in June that they would be following a similar timescale. Cartwright Robinson explained that the TCI Government has been in discussions with the UK government on the topic since April 2014. “The introduction of the UK’s public beneficial ownership register, the EU’s Fifth Anti Money Laundering Directive and similar actions by other jurisdictions represents a shift in the global standard and the practices used to combat illicit activity,” she said. “Turks and Caicos is pleased to announce it has worked well with law enforcement and competent authorities around the world on tax information sharing, including beneficial ownership information.” She said that assessments carried out by internationally recognised bodies confirm that the territory’s transparency environment is consistent with the global standard.

“While financial services in the TCI is not at the level compared to our sister territories, we do accept that we can compete on a level playing field and will make every effort to support the global development and implementation of evolving international standards in this area.” In 2016 the UK became one of the first countries to create a public register of the beneficial owners of companies. It committed to introduce a register as part of a raft of measures to tackle corruption and tax dodging at the UK-hosted G8 summit in June 2013. The data is available under an open data licence which means that it can be reused by other organisations and individuals without any restrictions. Publishing the registry as open data allows journalists or civil society organisations to analyse the database as a whole, rather than just viewing each company individually. Making it publicly available also enhances accuracy by allowing users - be they private sector, civil society, or public sector - to review and report errors.

Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson attends opening of port security office

Ports Authority opens new security office THE TCI Ports Authority officially opened a new security office at its port facility in Grand Turk on Thursday (October 31). Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, who is also Minister for Finance, Investment and Trade,

November 2-8, 2019


attended the official opening and toured the facility. The opening of the new building is a wider part of TCI Ports Reform funded by the Government. The TCI Ports Authority has a number of development projects

underway including the paving of the facility grounds and the construction of the RO/RO ramp in Grand Turk. Other works include construction at the ports in South Caicos and the major redevelopment of the South Dock Port in Providenciales.

Highway to Hollywood CONTINUED FROM 


suiting that a major part of TCIFF’s remit is encouraging local children on board. An outreach programme, led by photographer and environmentalist Kim Mortimer, has reaped dividends in raising schoolchildren’s consciousness of green sensitivities, Barbara Pankhurst says. It has included conservationthemed poster and video competitions, and even a visit by Jamaican former sprinter Usain Bolt who helped launch the festival in May before an audience of delighted kids. “The children have been very touched by the issues affecting our planet and have really picked this up,” Pankhurst explains. “They’ve been learning about overfishing, the use of plastics and the pollution of our oceans, and the fact that our reefs are dying for many reasons. “We gave all the kids metal bottles and bamboo straws as an alternative

to plastic and talked to them about reef-safe sunblock,” she continues. The creation of a film commission will further promote rising local talents, Pankhurst hopes. “This festival is long overdue. Not only do we have good reason for advertising what we have in TCI, we need to protect our oceans and our famous reef,” she says, adding: “This is just the inaugural event; we want it to be known internationally and to sustain it every year. “It’s vital to get the kids involved so they understand what we need to do to change the world – and ensure our Islands continue to exist.” The Turks and Caicos International Film Festival takes place from November 15 to 17. Visit for more information and to buy tickets. Volunteers are also being sought for a variety of positions. Email or emilie.faulkner. for details.

Air traffic controller strike shuts down Provo ... CONTINUED FROM 


the people scheduled to leave Friday are still stuck on the island. “I need to get off this island. This was the best vacation and has turned into a nightmare.” Another tourist Dena McConnell said: “We are stuck at the Providenciales airport in Turks and Caicos. Apparently the air traffic controllers have gone on strike. “No arrivals or departures today. What a dreadful end to a wonderful vacation. While we love it here, we won’t be returning.” Another disgruntled traveller said: “Seriously, there are hundreds of people who need to leave PLS, and there are those who are at airports around the world looking to land at PLS.” Other tourists complained about the additional expenses they incurred due to unforeseen delays. One man said: “Its 5.33pm PLS time...was supposed to leave today and can’t get a flight out... having to pay an additional $650 a night at our hotel.” Minister of Tourism Hon. Ralph Higgs said the strike was “unacceptable” given the fact that no notice was given to the relevant authorities. He said: “The time has come for us as a Government and people to move swiftly to further uphold the rights of all workers to engage in industrial action but within a well-defined and detailed set of rules.” Higgs argued that while workers have a right to protest, those employed by the Government and its agencies, classified as essential services, should not be allowed to

strike without giving at least 72 hours’ notice. He said: “This notice which should follow good faith negotiations by all parties involved, would allow for contingency measures to be put in place to ensure performance of essential services by the Government, private sector and particularly in our medical sector. “In no progressive country are workers allowed to essentially close down the country without proper and due notice. “Today I ask you to think of all the people who are relying on life saving medicines that were scheduled to come in to TCI or fly out on airlines today. “How about the thousands of travellers, some travelling for medical reasons, or simply on their vacation who will endure hardship or inconvenience through no fault of their own because of this strike action. “Imagine the knock-on government and business revenue and the reputational knock that our country’s image takes in the travelling world. “This is bad for business, bad for our people and frankly, unacceptable.” The tourism minister said he is in support of urgent legislation to uphold worker rights to engage in strike action but with safeguards to protect the public’s interest and minimise losses to the public’s purse and private business. “We can do this. Let’s do it. Let’s bring our labour laws into the 21st century,” Higgs added.

November 2-8, 2019


Inside the Courts

This gun and ammunition was found in home on Bay Road in Providenciales

Man arrested over illegal firearm A TWENTY-three-year-old man was arrested after police found an illegal gun and nine rounds of ammunition in a home on Bay Road, Providenciales. Officers of the Criminal

Investigation Department executed a search warrant on Monday (October 28) at about 5am. They arrested the man on suspicion of keeping an unlicensed

firearm and ammunition. He remains in police custody. Anyone with further information can call 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.

Burglars caught in the act

Court on Wednesday (October 30). A 54-year-old man was also arrested during a stop search for possession of controlled drugs namely crack cocaine. On Friday, October 25, he was released on $1,000 bail to return to the Grand Turk Police Station on Tuesday, October 29. The police press office was unable to provide any update on these matters at time of press.

amount was paid and the matter was withdrawn. Petronella Williams appeared on an application for judgment summons in the amount of $1,780.48. The defendant who was present made a part-payment of the outstanding amount and the matter was adjourned to November 26 at 9am for mention. Ashwood Forbes appeared on an application for judgment summons in the amount of $5,552.69. The defendant was present and the matter was adjourned to November 6 at 1.30pm. Central Security Services and Kerlin Smith appeared for failing to pay contributions and additional charges in the amount of $11,030.40. The defendant who was present has made a part-payment on the debt. The matter was adjourned to November 6 at 1.30pm for mention. Magnus Christie was called to appear on an application for judgment summons in the amount of $5,483.73. The defendant did not appear and the matter was set down for trial on November 7. Norma Goodridge appeared on two applications for judgment summons in the amounts of $44,796.80 and $34,196.35 respectively. The matters which are part-heard were set down for continuation on November 20 at 2pm.

Two bailed after stop search arrests A TEENAGER was released on $1,000 bail after being arrested for an assault charge on Thursday, October 24. Following a several random stop searches on Grand Turk the 18-year-old was arrested and charged with assault occasional actual bodily harm related to a report made on October 14. He was released on bail to appear in Grand Turk Magistrate’s

Employers face court for NIB default payments PROVIDENCIALES Magistrates’ Court heard several cases on Monday (October 28) involving employers who allegedly defaulted on National Insurance Board payments. Heartwell Smith appeared on an application for judgment summons in the amount of $11,268.80. The defendant who was present made a part-payment and the court made an order that the outstanding amount is to be paid by December 16 or in default 20 days’ imprisonment. Mia Gigauri Clare appeared on an application for judgment summons in the amount of $2,162.16. The full outstanding


Government to take tougher stance on domestic violence BY OLIVIA ROSE

POLICE officers foiled an early morning burglary that was in progress at a villa on Corona Close, Grace Bay, Providenciales. They caught two men, aged 44 and 21, after the homeowner contacted 911 at 3.20am on Sunday, October 27. Both men were arrested on suspicion of burglary and are still in police custody. Anyone with further information can call 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.


STRICTER safety mechanisms will be established in the coming months in an effort to better protect victims of domestic violence. That is according to the Minister with responsibility for Gender Affairs Hon. Karen Malcom who spoke on the topic at the conclusion of Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2019. Minister Malcom revealed that within the next four months, adequate safety measures will be put in place to allow the enactment of the revised Domestic Violence Ordinance which provides for greater protections and safety of victims. The revised ordinance will contain new provisions that hold offenders accountable and provide improved programmes and services for victims. She said: “It is my belief and commitment, to take a proactive stance to assure the protection of human rights, prosecution of offenders, and prevention of violence and provision of services to survivors. “Therefore, anyone caught in the act of domestic violence will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Malcom said. The minister stressed that domestic violence is one of the most pervasive violations of human rights in the world, and one of the greatest threats to lasting peace and development. “My ministry along with the Department of Gender Affairs is committed to the fight in ending all forms of domestic violence against individuals in our country. “Many women continue to suffer in silence, therefore we recognised the importance of raising awareness of the various forms of

domestic violence, which cannot be overstressed as it is vital for each and every one of us to understand, identify and most importantly report the occurrence of any forms of this maltreatment.” She stressed that domestic violence does not discriminate against gender, age, ethnicity or nationality. “My Government has held the highest standards for providing gender equality throughout the Islands,” Malcolm said. “We continue to embark on effective mechanisms and strategies that meet international norms and standards, such as those of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and the Convention of the Elimination of all Forms of Violence Against Women (CEDAW).” During October, the Department of Gender Affairs held a number of activities to bring awareness to domestic violence. A domestic violence awareness workshop was held on Providenciales, a ‘Lunch and Learn’ in Grand Turk and a ‘Paint the Town Purple’ event in South Caicos. Although significant strides have been made in areas like education, health, and reproductive rights for women over the years, the issue of violence against women still persists. The true magnitude of this horror often remains hidden with an unimaginable number of women around the world still subjected to domestic violence, rape and other forms of abuse. In the TCI, reports show that domestic violence and sexual offences are the most common causes of injury for women and children. Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2019 was observed under the theme, ‘Break the silence, stand against domestic violence’.

Armed man robs Airport Road gas station A MAN armed with a gun stole cash from a gas station on Airport Road in Providenciales on Tuesday (October 29). He entered the establishment shortly after 10pm and carried

out the robbery without firing any shots, a report from the police press office said. Anyone with information on this incident can call 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.



November 2-8, 2019

Be good stewards of your finances THE LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15 His master replied: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.” Matthew 25:21 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” Luke 14:28 The Earth is the lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Psalms 24:1 When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, he expected Adam to be a good steward of the garden. The way that God wanted Adam to take care of the garden is the same way God wants us to be good stewards of things in our lives. He expects us to be good stewards of our lives, our bodies, our family, our Earth and the environment, our properties and our finances. This article will focus on the latter which is being good stewards of your finances. I know some of you may be thinking how can you be good stewards of your finances when you have very little or no finances at all.

However, no matter how much you have, you must still be good stewards. Do you remember the story of the parable of the bags of gold in Matthew 25? The man who received five bags of gold put his money to work and got five more. The man who received two bags of gold put his money to work and got two more. The man who received one bag of gold dug a hole and put the money in it and hid his master’s money. The master was well pleased with the servants with the five bags and the two bags respectively. The master was upset with the servant with the one bag because he was lazy and did not take care of the one bag of gold. That servant ended up losing that one bag of gold as the master gave that one bag to the servant who had ten bags. WHAT IS STEWARDSHIP? I believe stewardship involves taking care of something properly and responsibly. According to Wikipedia, “stewardship is an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources”. HOW TO BE GOOD STEWARDS? First of all, we must accept the fact


Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.

that everything we have belongs to God. This fact alone should encourage you to take care of the money that was bestowed upon you as it does not belong to you. Let us look at this analogy, you may not have a personal vehicle of your own but a friend or a family member allows you to use his or her vehicle. I believe you will do your best to take good care of the vehicle as you may want to use it again and furthermore if anything goes wrong while in your possession, you may be responsible. Well, this is the same way we must take care of our finances. PLAN I believe one of the first steps in being good stewards is to plan. Planning involves having a budget. Always have a budget and try your

best to maintain your budget. In your budget, ensure that you have put aside 10 percent for your tithes. For the remaining 90 percent budget, only what you need not what you want. I know this can be a challenge given all of the marketing tactics we encountered daily but you must have discipline and control. Don’t get caught up in what others have for no one knows your condition better than you. GET OUT OF DEBT One of the major misuse of our stewardship is the fact that we find ourselves in so much debt. We have a lot of credit cards, a lot of loans and we owe our friends and family so much money. Part of Proverbs 22:7 stated that the “borrower is a slave to the lender”. It is our responsibility to have a

plan in place to get out of debt. Put aside a percentage of your finances each month to pay off debts. This will require some major sacrifices and perhaps a change in your lifestyle. Once you get out of debt don’t spend more than what you have. Get rid of all the credit cards except for one and preferably one that has reward points. INVEST AND SAVE I know some of you are living from paycheque to paycheque but as part of being good steward, ensure that you invest and save some of your finances on a monthly basis. Put aside some in a separate bank account that you normally do not use. You do not know what tomorrow will bring so have a savings account in the event of a loss of job. CONCLUSION While this article is about being good stewards of our finances, please do not become lovers of money as the love of money is the root of all evil and it may reach a point in your lives where you become greedy and dishonest. If you are having difficulty in a plan to start being good stewards, then find someone who can assist you with a plan.

Is this the defence? COMMENTARY

JAMELL Robinson complains about equal pay issues. Before discussing any issue bothering Jamell or any other member of his party, remember that since late 2003 - 16 years ago - the TCI was under his party for ten long years. Four more were under British direct rule because of PNP misdeeds. Fourteen years of mess out of 16. Now we have Mark. Remember Mark? Mark thought it proper three years ago to have our school children become his walking political billboard advertising his candidacy. Now he reminds us that under a democracy you are innocent until the verdict is in. Who is he talking about? Michael Misick? Perhaps Mike and brother Chalmers. Jeffrey, Clayton, Piper, Floyd Hall and


David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011

others? Perhaps he is defending the whole PNP. Young people in this tiny country watched the PNP openly manipulate the Government’s funds to PNP benefit. Young people turned to crime after 2012-2016 disappointed them. A legal investigation team turned over tens of thousands of evidence pages and the testimony of 200 witnesses to the prosecutor making their case. The top PNP openly used the

everyday folks’ money, pension funds and land for themselves. Then their top leader took off, disappeared and hid in a huge foreign country. He was eventually found, arrested and fought extradition via international legal rules. In the end a Brazilian judge legally sent him home. He arrived on an American government plane at Grand Turk’s prison. Soon he was free without travel documents on $10 million bail. Why so low? The British said their research

showed the PNP had misappropriated at least $300 million. Now someone stirs up strikes among civil servants. Why don’t we have a civil servants’ union, said one PNP? I thought we did. The Civil Servants’ Association. Led now by Jas Walkin. In recent years, their leader was Dr Rufus Ewing. He walked the streets of Provo carrying signs - union stuff! The damage caused when the PNP strikes our tourist trade is huge. Good performance by civil servants must be compensated with appropriate wages. Does anyone remember when civil servant payrolls were missed altogether, empty pay envelopes? Then somebody would dig up the money. This happened several times under the 2003-2009 PNP. Who eventually made our government payroll?

Later Governor Gordon Wetherell was chasing businesses in arrears for NIB pension payments. It was said that missing NIB payments were withheld by a certain resort because the PNP had never repaid them for coughing up the payroll dough. Vendors also were owed past due billings. This has been coming out of the Government’s cash flow ever since. The PNP caused all the short fall. Did the PNP’s top leader run away to Brazil and fight extradition because he felt innocent? There has been no defence case in the years long trial yet. The PNP has always taken advantage of the civil servants. Remember according to our constitution the civil servants report to the deputy governor, one of our own, not our premier.

November 2-8, 2019



The US, the Caribbean and climate change


SPEAKING last week in Pittsburg, president Trump all but confirmed that the US was withdrawing from the 2015 Paris climate change agreement. “The Paris accord would have been shutting down American producers with excessive regulatory restrictions like you would not believe, while allowing foreign producers to pollute with impunity,” he said, adding: “What we won’t do is punish the American people while enriching foreign polluters. I’m proud to say it, it’s called America First.” Initially, president Trump had indicated that he might seek to renegotiate the deal that former president Obama had signed, and which would have seen the US cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 by up to 28 percent over 2005 levels. However, climate change analysts say that no significant attempt have been made by the Trump administration to change the terms of what the former administration had agreed. Rather, encouraged by the US president, the secretaries of state for energy, the environment and other senior officials have been actively seeking to encourage the use of gas, oil and coal though deregulation, and have been attacking populous states such as California which are intent on introducing clean air standards. When in November 2020 the US formally withdraws from the 202-nation landmark accord, it will be setting aside the climate science that almost every nation in the world now accepts. In doing so it will be adopting an approach that is at odds with the interests of the Caribbean and every other low-lying region at existential risk from sea level change and extreme weather. It will also mean that the US will have ceded the global moral high ground and influence on the issue to China, the EU and others that have been working hard to reduce their emissions. Just as significantly it will demonstrate Washington’s disinterest in the very large numbers of young


David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at

people globally who are desperate to see concerted action on climate change, and is expected to encourage other nations like Brazil and Saudi Arabia to weaken their support for a global response. How this will play out when ministers, officials, nongovernmental organisations, corporate lobbyists and protestors from around the world assemble in Santiago de Chile this December for the 25th United Nations led Climate Change Conference, is far from clear. For the Caribbean, a low or no carbon emitter, these developments are particularly problematic as recent studies indicate that the world is unlikely to meet the figure advocated by small island developing states (SIDS), which believe that say that their ability to endure will depend on global warming being kept at no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Although small states have no power to enforce outcomes, the Caribbean should feel proud of the actions Jamaica’s prime minister, Andrew Holness, has taken on behalf of Caricom. Ever since last year’s summit in Katowice in Poland and his subsequent involvement with in the G20’s discussions in June and his dialogue with France’s president Emmanuel Macron, prime minister Holness has been at the forefront of global action to galvanise developed nations and influential groupings to develop a new approach. This has involved trying to create new collaborative partnerships with international financial institutions, UN member states and the private sector in ways that will see funding mobilised to the particular benefit of SIDS.

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As Mr Holness has pointed out, a new paradigm is needed. He believes that the answer lies in innovative financing responses that could involve public/private partnerships, new insurance instruments, debt for adaptation swaps, the creation of risk platforms and other solutions. This he argues requires a holistic approach that recognises the relationship between vulnerability to climate change and the social, economic, environmental, financial and trade-related difficulties that small low-lying states experience. What is now needed is a viable new mechanism for developed countries to honour their commitment to mobilise at least $100 billion annually in climate finance and focus on the practical shape of programmes

that fund and build resilience. This will require realism about what is achievable on the part of recipients and a change in the way that international development institutions address the distorting effect of using GDP data to determine access to concessional finance. Unfortunately, these are changes that require at the very least a change of heart in Washington, an unlikely admission by the US president that multilateral solutions work, and climate change is an issue as Mr Holness and others point out best solved through the global development and financial institutions that the US helped create. While some feel that the best organised global climate protest group, ‘Extinction Rebellion’ and its inclination towards hyperbole and direct action may be counterproductive, it is hard to avoid their conclusion that this is the moment to cease compromising and for nations to challenge directly US policy and its implications for the planet. There are some early signs that this may happen next year when G7 leaders from the world most

Under the tree

powerful economies meet, probably at Camp David now that the US president has abandoned the idea of holding the summit at his Mar-aLago resort. If as president Trump’s chief of staff has said, climate change will not be on the agenda, this ought to be the moment when global leaders stand up to the US president. Even so, after the US departs the accord and whenever Mr Trump ceases to be president, it will still take any multilaterally minded successor in the White House until at least until November 2021 to re-join the treaty and to begin to restore confidence in US leadership and diplomacy. As this column has pointed out before, climate change is an issue of strategic importance to the Caribbean. If the Caribbean can, as Jamaica’s prime minister suggests, encourage practical globally backed solutions that link climate change, adaptation, development financing and indebtedness, the region will have demonstrated that development thinking can be changed to owe more to the future of our planet than to its past.

By Benneth Williams



November 2-8, 2019

CDB urges all Caribbean countries to embrace financial services sector AS THE TCI looks to diversify its economy through the financial services sector, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has come out in full support of regional countries going down this route. Currently InvestTCI and the Financial Industry Association of the TCI is gearing up to host a major conference, the focus of which is to propel growth in the local financial services sector. Speaking at Barbados’ International Business Week 2019 conference, CDB president Dr Warren Smith called for regional coordination in the international business sector. According to Dr Smith, a private sector-led, regionally-coordinated approach can help the Caribbean reap the full benefits. He noted that the increasing attractiveness of the region as an offshore centre had brought closer attention to the of international business and financial services

(IBFS) sector. “According a recent OECD report, since 2010, developing countries have accounted for a larger intake of foreign direct investments than their more established counterparts,” he said. “But, the growing attractiveness of these economies to multinational corporations has come at a price, bringing them increased visibility and greater scrutiny.” He drew attention to the increase in regulation requirements with the passage of the United States’ Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Common Reporting Standard, noting that compliance with the various rules “places a bureaucratic burden on governments and institutions.” The CDB president stated that countries which failed to make changes to their regulatory frameworks faced the real threats of the loss of correspondent banking

President of the Caribbean Development Bank, Dr Warren Smith

relationships and of ‘blacklisting’. He pointed out that: “Since the recent threats of ‘blacklisting’ Barbados, many Caribbean countries are even more aware of the pressures that the international community can exert on the international business and financial services sector.” Smith strongly advised stakeholders to adopt a regional approach to protecting this valuable sector and establish the region as a “zone of excellence” for financial services. “We should embrace a regional approach that supports regulatory convergence and the adoption of

common principles among Caricom countries.” He added that a threat to the reputation of one Caribbean country is a threat to all. “In this business, what we trade on is our good name. The blacklisting of any one Caribbean country will have an immediate negative effect on the reputation of the entire region.” Dr Smith also noted that digitalisation and other prevalent global trends promise significant benefits for the Caribbean’s IBFS sector. The CDB head also called for the private sector to be more involved

in shaping the direction of the IBFS, advising that the private sector had a role to play in policy and strategy development. “There is untapped potential in the Caribbean for sustainable and inclusive growth through greater private sector involvement. “The engagement of the various private sector actors is not limited to the provision of financing. “Rather, the private sector brings to the table valuable knowledge and insights that can help shape better policies and build proactive strategies based on regional and international exposure and experience.”

Financial services sector will diversify and grow TCI economy BY DELANA ISLES THERE are many who strongly believe that the best route to diversifying the economy of the Turks and Caicos Islands is through purposeful development of the financial services sector. This is in spite of the many and emerging challenges related to legislative regulatory compliance in the financial services industry internationally. The solution to these ‘perceived’ challenges is for the Turks and Caicos Islands to market itself as fully compliant. This the thrust of the upcoming economic conference to be held at Beaches Resort on Friday, November 8. This will be the second conference of its kind put on by the TCI Finance Industry Association (FIA) and Invest Turks and Caicos agency, to be held under the theme ‘Financial services - Building block of a strong, diversified economy’. Keynote speaker will be Lorna Williams, interim executive director for BVI Finance and former first lady of the British Virgin Islands.

Invest Turks and Caicos CEO James Bursey with David Stewart, partner at Griffiths and Partners law firm and president of the TCI Finance Industry Association.

Other presentations will be made by attorney David Stewart, partner at Griffiths and Partners law firm, managing director at Coriats Trust and president of FIA, as well as

Invest Turks and Caicos CEO, James Bursey. On Wednesday, October 23, Stewart and Bursey briefed the media on the upcoming event.

The purpose of this year’s conference will be to focus on the implementation of a report prepared for the Government last year by an international team from KPMG,

including a team from Jersey and a local team, aimed at growing the financial services sector in the TCI. Stewart stated: “The Turks and Caicos has all of the legislative building blocks for a vibrant and successful financial services sector akin to the sectors in Cayman [Islands] and the BVI, but we have never capitalised, as perhaps we might have been able to, on our potential… “So, the purpose of this conference is to ask ourselves - do we want to grow our financial services sector, and if we do how are we going to do that and what are we going to do different to what we’ve done in the past that’s going to produce a different result, and how are we then going to take action to make sure a great conference doesn’t result in lots of laudable talk but no actual direct action.” In his remarks, Bursey said the investment agency sees the financial services sector as one of the key building blocks of the TCI economy. “We have a very large opportunity, [being] located in the Caribbean, CONTINUED 


November 2-8, 2019



TCI to lead Caribbean’s clean power push FortisTCI, Gov’t and Clinton Foundation ink trilateral agreement BY OLIVIA ROSE THE GOVERNMENT, FortisTCI and the Clinton’s Foundation have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to holistically advance clean energy in the territory. The trilateral agreement, inked at the Office of the Premier on Wednesday, October 23, will see a series of initiatives being implemented over the course of 22 years. The aim is to accelerate the development and integration of more clean energy sources throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands. The partnership is supported by the territory’s Resilient National Energy Transition Strategy (R-NETS). The R-NET strategy was developed in 2018 by the Turks and Caicos Islands Government, FortisTCI and the Rocky Mountain Institute to provide a roadmap for the country’s energy future from 2019 to 2040. Advancing clean energy solutions underpins the MoU, and it also includes the creation of regulatory frameworks that pave the way for renewable energy projects. The memorandum supports analysis of clean power technical skills, the integration of electric vehicles and the promotion of energy efficiency. Speaking at the signing, FortisTCI president and CEO Eddinton Powell said the transformation of the energy sector in the TCI is taking shape. He stressed that a collaborative approach is vital to the success of that transformation which will secure a new energy future for the territory. Powell said: “By working together to advance sustainable and resilient energy projects in the TCI, we can meet the objectives established in the R-NETS. “These objectives bring value and benefits to all stakeholders. “FortisTCI is pleased to continue partnerships with the Turks and Caicos Government and the Rocky Mountain Institute, and we look forward to working with the Clinton Foundation.” He added that renewable energy brings with it great opportunities. “There is no doubt that together, we can create an energy-producing economy and become less dependent on hydrocarbons,” Powell said. “Together we can enable supply and price stability, entrepreneurship and wealth creation across the TCI.” Minister of Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation Hon.

Goldray Ewing, said the Government is keen to reduce the territory’s dependence on fossil fuel. “TCIG is committed to developing a clean energy future for TCI that will decrease the Islands’ reliance on imported fossil fuel, reduce the cost of electricity for households and businesses, and demonstrate the country’s willingness to play a lead role in efforts to combat climate change. “This agreement represents the first step towards that goal.” Alexis Tubb, senior project manager of the Clinton Climate Initiative, said the MoU symbolises the TCI’s willingness to show its commitment to accelerating clean energy. “The global community is looking to the greater Caribbean region to be first responders and champions for the fight against climate change,” she said. “Replicable, scalable projects have the potential to show the world that renewable energy is affordable, economically sound, and environmentally sustainable. “To make those projects possible, everyone needs to come to the table - the public, private, and non-profit sector.”

FortisTCI CEO Eddinton Powell, Minister of Public Utilities Hon. Goldray Ewing and Alexis Tubb, senior project manager of the Clinton Climate Initiative

The Clinton Foundation and the Rocky Mountain Institute work together with governments and utilities to help foster the development and integration of renewable energy by enabling financing opportunities and providing project support. Last year, the Government alongside the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and FortisTCI partnered to develop the TCI Resilient National Energy Transition Strategy (R-NETS).

The R-NETS process will be implemented in three phases which takes a highly collaborative approach. Phase one takes a fact-based approach and identifies the traditional and renewable energy options available for TCI, along with current costs, projected future costs, and other risk factors. Phase two takes into account the technical and financial implications and seeks to narrow the potential

least-cost options further to meet the energy needs of the TCI. Phase three of the process will see the production of an R-NETS report and implementation plan. This report, also referred to as an Integrated Resource Plan, details the technical and economic concerns of the chosen future path and any implications on customer rates, reliability, environmental sustainability and resiliency of the plan.

Disabled parking bays must be provided by law BUSINESSES, churches and government buildings with public parking spaces must now provide parking for people with a disability - or face a fine of up to $1,000. And anyone without an official permit caught parking in those spaces could receive a $250 ticket. The new rules are just some of several amendments and additions to the road traffic and motor vehicle driving laws that will become active on Monday (November 4). They were approved by Cabinet earlier this year in order to improve safety on the roads, encourage compliance and extend special privileges to those who need them. Jas Walkin, special needs education officer in the Department of Education, told the Weekly News that his initial response was: “It’s about time.” “It has too often been the culture here in TCI that policies which affect individuals with

special needs existed in vacuums within certain ministries, but never reached the everyday areas of society where certain sensitisation and accommodations are needed. “I welcome this law and extend congratulations to the Road Traffic Department team and their leaders for this implementation. “However, I want to reiterate the word ‘implementation’. This is key. TCI is not immune to passing progressive laws but we too often fall short in the implementation and enforcement.” All government departments and agencies, statutory bodies, churches, and private businesses that are open to the general public are required to cater for people with disabilities. Establishments that have up to 25 parking spaces are required to reserve one space for handicap permit owners. Businesses with 26 to 50

parking spaces must reserve two spaces and those with 51 to 75 parking spaces are required to reserve three spaces. Facilities with 76 to 100 parking spaces must have four, and those with more than 101 must reserve five percent of their total parking spaces for handicap permit owners. Anyone who wants to be considered for the issuance of a handicap permit must apply for one at a cost of $30 to be compliant with the laws governing parking in the designated spaces. Once issued, permit owners will be required to display their permits in the vehicle they are driving when it occupies a designated handicap parking space. Parking in a designated handicap parking space without the required permit could result in a $250 fine. While failure to provide the designated number of handicap

parking spaces could lead to a summary conviction and a fine of $1,000. OTHER REGULATIONS In addition to the introduction of parking for people with disabilities, other amendments to the road traffic laws require car owners to display two number plates. They must be issued by the Road Safety Department and coincide with the date of the driver’s next birthday. The vehicle owner is responsible for firmly attaching one licence plate at the front of the vehicle and the other at the back. This will cost $20 for current plate owners and $40 for new owners. Licence plates are assigned to drivers and must be transferred to CONTINUED 



November 2-8, 2019



Salt Cay’s residents gather to meet Governor Nigel Dakin on his first visit

Governor Nigel Dakin sits close to the audience and asks questions

The ‘Instagram Governor’ comes to Salt Cay - and gets the picture HIS visit had been anticipated for some time, previously postponed due to bad weather conditions, and so it was a welcome sight for the residents of Salt Cay as the Governor Nigel Dakin and his wife Mandy stepped off the Salt Cay Ferry on October 28. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” confessed London’s (relatively) new man in the TCI, “this is the island I had looked forward to coming to the most.” “I bet he says that on every island he visits,” mumbles an elderly Salt Cay resident seated next to me. When asked whether he could be quoted on that, the viceroy nods in reluctant agreement, adding, “I think people on the other islands will forgive me for saying that.

“You know, they hold you in very special regard and lots of people have told me that they have family from Salt Cay.” He’s absolutely right. They do. Small gestures can speak volumes. A head table has been set up in Salt Cay’s community centre, The Salt Shed. No sooner has the governor entered the venue, noted the head table, he exclaims: “No, I am not going to sit there”, grabs an empty chair and places it close to his audience. He’s not here to give a speech, a few remarks perhaps, but most importantly he wants to listen, learn and hear from the community. He’s been referred to as the UK’s personified charm offensive in the TCI and its beginning to dawn on the writer of this piece, why. Whereas his immediate predecessor would have sat at that head table,


Titus was born in Hamburg and has lived in the Turks and Caicos Islands since 1989. He works as a general business consultant and has been based in Salt Cay since 2016.

aloof (some might say arrogant) and condescending, one has to give the current office holder credit where credit

is due, he is a good listener and appears to be genuinely interested in what his audience has to say. “When I first arrived three months ago, I promised people that I would listen, serve and care - and most importantly that I’d be straight with people.” And so, a conversation with the Salt Cay community begins. A variety of subjects are addressed, ranging from policing the island, to the benefits of e-government for places like Salt Cay, to how exactly Salt Cay should be developed. Has anything been approved as yet people are eager to know, “I can tell you this much, nothing has made it past cabinet.” On a general note, regarding any future development proposals, the governor informs the audience that two, key questions determine any and all decisions: Is it lawful? And has the

Financial services sector will diversify and grow ... located outside of the major financial centres, to offer investors an alternate location for them to locate their money and from which to build and invest in a number of different economies, including our own.” He added that one of the more important aspects of this is the ability to build jobs in the Islands. KPMG REPORT Stewart said the KPMG report - which has already been presented to the Government and the FIA - contains good quality research

and recommendations. The report, he added, sets out what the opportunity is, why the TCI should take it, and what happens if the territory does not seize this opportunity right now. He stated: “If we don’t take action… it’s clear from the relation international finance and to domestic banking, we are going to see a shrinking banking population, of trustees and consequently less jobs and less growth, and in fact that is already beginning to happen.”

He added that if the territory is already paying to build the regulatory frameworks and be compliant, it may as well invest some time and effort in growing it. “If you look at our sister Caribbean communities in Anguilla, Antigua, BVI, Cayman, they all have investment agencies dedicated to the financial services sector. They are all over the media advertising… why [they] are the clear choice. “We need to be seen and heard as a nation that wants to have part of that market, and I think there is an opportunity for us to gain

due diligence been done on the investors? Eventually the conversation turns to hurricane preparedness. “Tell me how it was here during Irma and Maria?” Stories are shared. The governor listens. He appears to be impressed by the ordeal, the people of Salt Cay endured and by their resilience. As the meeting draws to an end, the honoured guest, true to his nickname, informs the audience: “Oh by the way, if you want to stay in touch with me, send me a message on Instagram.” Instagram is all about pictures and as he departs, the people of Salt Cay are cautiously optimistic that here’s a governor, who actually got the picture. Time will tell.



market share.” According to Bursey, real growth is possible in the Turks and Caicos Islands’ financial services industry if the territory acts now. “Realistically, we should be able to take the base that we have now and I think if we go quickly in a two and slowly in a five year period, we should be able to double the size of the industry that we have now.” He stated that as the local financial services industry is currently not large, and within the time he outlined doubling is doable.

November 2-8, 2019





November 2-8, 2019

TC Islanders turn out in their numbers for the first MOTTAC Music Festival

Local musicians wow crowds at first MOTTAC Music Festival BY OLIVIA ROSE DROVES of residents turned out at the Downtown Ballpark last Saturday (October 26) to celebrate local talent at the first MOTTAC Music Festival. The event was organised by the newly formed Musicians of the Turks and Caicos Islands (MOTTAC) to showcase the rich musical heritage of the Islands. The family friendly gathering saw children enjoying many games, treats and prizes while adults rocked to the sweet sounds of traditional rip-saw music. The festival kicked off at 12 noon with performances by the Adelaide Oemler Primary School Rip Saw Band, Long Bay High School Choir, RAJ the Entertainer and the British West Indies Collegiate Steel Pan

Ban. The jam-packed line-up saw more than 20 solo and group performers from across the Islands serenading the crowd with a blend of traditional and contemporary music. The list included DJ Savage, Team Up Records, Island Boys, Inna Groove, DJ Dayoh, Sea Breeze, Carl ‘Choice’ Lewis, Sax O Pan Serenades, Mikey, Quinton Dean, Gemma, Tess the Entertainer, Julian, Stanley Roots, Q-Band Lynx, Pro-Vision, Mohen Cox, Prime DJs, Noel and Tiffany Brown, and V6 Band Boys. The festival, set to be an annual event, was commissioned by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and sponsored by the Office of the Premier.

The premier, who attended the festival with her family, said: “I was blown away by the production quality and showmanship of the MOTTAC Music Festival and all the entertainers who performed. “It is a testament to the calibre of talent we have across all areas of entertainment in the Turks and Caicos Islands. “It is important for my Government to keep its mandate in providing a platform where TCI’s talented musicians, entertainers and production technicians can showcase their various gifts; hence, the creation of Musicians of the Turks and Caicos and the commissioning of the music festival.” Cartwright Robinson said the Office of the Premier was a proud sponsor of the music festival and will continue to support the initiative in the future.

“Congratulations to the MOTTAC team for their first successful event and I look forward to what they have in store for years to come,” she added. Public relations officer for MOTTAC, Herbert Andrew Swann, told the Weekly News during the planning stages of the festival that MOTTAC was born from a desire to ignite and promote unity, creativity and productivity among local performers. “The aim of this event is to provide a fun filled, high standard celebration solidifying a oneness of all TCI musicians and beginning our philanthropic mission within the community during Heritage Month,” Swann said. Patrons also had the opportunity to purchase arts and crafts and enjoy a wide array of local food and beverages.

November 2-8, 2019





November 2-8, 2019

School recovery works move ahead slowly ONLY six percent of the posthurricane recovery and improvement works at Clement Howell High School have been completed and only 13 percent at Oseta Jolly Primary School. While capital works at other storm ravaged schools in the territory are expected to be concluded by April next year. On October 3, the Ministry of Education released a statement listing progress on both summer and capital works taking place in the TCI’s Government schools. Summer maintenance was completed in most schools in time for their opening on September 2 - except for Raymond Gardiner High School and C Hubert James Primary School, where minor work such as air conditioning and window installation is needed. Meanwhile, capital works continue at Clement Howell High School, Iris Stubbs Primary School, Marjorie Basden High School and the HJ Robinson High School. “As per planning requirements and considerations for health and safety of students, the works are being undertaken so that there is minimum impact or disruption to schools,” the statement said. HJ Robinson High School is undergoing ‘School Infrastructure Project Phase 1 - Renovations and Upgrade to CVQ Block’. All doors have been replaced, stairs to the science block has been demolished, rebuilt and painted and structural repairs to the visual arts block have been completed. The ceiling has been replaced and painted, and all AC units have been replaced in the staffroom. The project is at 31 percent

Capital works continue at Clement Howell High School, Iris Stubbs Primary School, Marjorie Basden High School and the HJ Robinson High School

completion and will be finished by December 2019. Marjorie Basden High School is undergoing ‘School Infrastructure Recovery Project’. Repairs to cracks on gable end walls and columns for classroom blocks A and B have been completed along with new windows installed to classroom blocks A and B. Roof decking has been replaced with peal and seal to block A, new floor tiles installed to toilet block with new toilets and face basin, new roof sheeting installed to the toilet block and walls painted. Steel reinforcement and form work is being finalised for the pouring of concrete to suspended floor for the new two-storey classroom block. Overall completion is at 28 percent and is scheduled to be

finished by April 2020. Iris Stubbs Primary School is undergoing ‘Schools Infrastructure Recovery Project – ISPS’. The roof structure is completed and roof sheeting installed, walls have been rendered, windows and doors installed to classrooms, and ceiling installed to classrooms. Floor tiles are being laid in classrooms, electrical conduits and boxes are being installed, and walls and ceilings are being primed with paint. The project is at 66 percent completion overall. The main classroom block will be finished by November. Clement Howell High School is undergoing ‘School Infrastructure Project Phase 2’ Repairs have taken place to

CHHS admin block, foundation for extension of toilet poured, peal and seal to roof completed. In the Claudette Dean block the damaged roofing structure has been removed and rafters strengthened, second lift poured to secure rafters and plywood decking installed. In the Claudette Clare block the same works have been carried out as the Claudette Dean block, and new roof trusses installed. The project is six percent overall completed. “The administrators, teachers, support staff at the Clement Howell High School and the contractor and his team of workers have taken the necessary precautions to reduce disruption to teaching and learning, minimise risks and ensure the safety of teachers, students and visitors

alike,” the statement said. “The capital works being carried out will result in modernisation of the infrastructure and aesthetics of each school, providing children with safe learning spaces and laboratories equipped with instructional resources to enable and support learning.” The work to repair and upgrade Oseta Jolly Primary School and Mary Robinson Primary School are ongoing. At Oseta Jolly Primary School there have been repairs to roof structure of the two-storey block, repairs to internal metal partitions to upper floor and repairs to plywood decking and peal and seal to roof of single storey block. Demolition and repairs to roof structure of the admin block have taken place, demolition of the condemned three-classroom block and installation of formwork for new columns and beam to water cistern to support new threeclassroom block. Construction workers have poured the footing for the security hut and excavated the foundation for new toilet block. The project is at 13 percent completion overall. In Mary Robinson Primary School, demolition of the damaged roof structure and gable walls to water cistern has taken place. Also construction of new gable walls and roof truss to water cistern is completed. The contractor is awaiting the arrival of plywood and peal and seal for the roof of the main school building before stripping the existing roof structure so as not to leave the building exposed to the elements.

Students learn about medical devices at hospital

HJ Robinson High School students learn about medical device reprocessing

PUPILS from Helena Jones Robinson High School on Grand Turk received a demonstration on medical device reprocessing (MDR) to raise awareness of the career field. The demo at Cockburn Town Medical Centre was held during International Medical Device Reprocessing Week which is observed during the second full week of October. An educational booth was positioned inside the foyer of the hospital during the special week for the students and general observers. MDR is the decontamination, packaging and sterilisation of reusable instrument sets.

It is critical to the delivery of healthcare as surgeries and other medical procedures cannot be performed without safe and sterile medical instruments. “Members of the public are often unaware of MDR activities that occur behind closed doors,” a TCI Hospital press release said on Wednesday (October 30). “The department is located in an isolated area of hospital with powerful specialised equipment and rigorous infection prevention and safety procedures.” Other initiatives held during the week included a special continuing medical education session for healthcare providers.

November 2-8, 2019



Art and education comp winners receive trophies THE WINNERS of a series of public school art and writing competitions have been awarded trophies for their efforts. This September students of all ages were invited to enter three contests to demonstrate their creativity and appreciation of education. The activity was run by the Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services along with the European Union. Primary school pupils were asked to submit a poster design or written piece as a demonstration of thanks to the organisers for modernising the education sector. High school and tertiary students were challenged to use a mobile device to create a song, rap or poem in a solo, duo or group style performance. In the ‘selfie or ussie’ contest entrants were asked to discuss the theme ‘How education helps me’, a press release on October 21 explained. Media production professionals, entertainers and an educator judged

the entries and the winners were announced on October 17. Minister of Education Karen Malcolm said: “This competition was a great opportunity for our students in the public school system to showcase their talent in the arts and creative writing. “I would like to congratulate our winners for their outstanding achievements in placing in the various categories. “It was indeed a worthwhile experience as the competition encouraged our students to learn more about the advancements that are happening within the education sector as a result of the partnership between the European Union and my ministry.” The European Union is providing funding support to the TCI Government to the tune of €17.52 million. The money, granted through the EDF-11 programme, is going to support school construction and restoration, training, curriculum development and management support.

Disabled parking bays must be provided ... CONTINUED FROM 


any new vehicle that they may own in the future. Anyone found guilty of driving without a valid driver’s licence on a second and subsequent offence faces a fine of up to $500 and a prison term of six months (previously three months). And motorcyclists caught not wearing a helmet will be fined $250 for the dangerous offence. Anyone whose presence in the Islands is limited by time in any way because they are either work permit holders, residence permit holders or contract workers will now be issued driving licences that will expire three months after their period of legal residency. A new service that provides for special on-site inspections for businesses owning 10 or more vehicles is subject to the following fees: 10 vehicles $250, 11 to 20 vehicles - $400, 20 to 30 vehicles - $540, 30 to 40 vehicles - $680 and 40 plus vehicles - $1,500. Finally, as of last Monday (October 28) all vehicles entering the Islands will be required to be

inspected and have licence plates affixed, before leaving the port. Inspection days will be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week. According to a Ministry of Home Affairs Public Utilities and Transportation press release on Monday, the new laws will help to mitigate national security risks at all levels. They are part of its mission to provide services that are “accessible and delivered at a high standard to ensure the connectivity, well-being and safety” of the TCI. “The ministry and Road Safety Department looks forward to the patience and support of the public as it works diligently to achieve these initiatives and outcomes.” Cabinet approved amendments to the Road Traffic Ordinance and subsidiary legislation covering road traffic fees and driver licence fees on September 12. And it approved the Motor Vehicle (Driving Licences) Regulations Amendments 2019 during its meeting on October 23. (By Rebecca Bird)

North Caicos student Porche Barromeo placed third in the written word contest

Ambassador Malgorzata Wasilewska, head of the EU delegation based in Jamaica, said: “We believe it is important to engage young people in efforts to foster sustainable development including though environmental protection, health promotion, education and skills development. “This is why I’m so pleased that the EU is part of this effort that

encourages young people to explore and showcase their creative skills in recognition of the value of education in transforming lives.” In the primary school poster competition first and second place went to Derronique Thelwell and Derron Thelwell of Eliza Simons Primary School in Grand Turk. In the primary school essay or poem competition first and second place went

to Brantley Saul and Aaliyah Germain of Eliza Simons Primary School, while third place went to Porche Barromeo of Adelaide Oemler Primary School in North Caicos. In the high school and college selfie or ussie competition first place went to Judle Noel, Kiyanna Hamilton, Kanson Charitable and Jean Naldo Joachim of Long Bay High School.

Assessors dub water company one of the region’s most efficient PROVO Water Company (PWC) has been recognised as having one of the highest system efficiencies in Latin America and the Caribbean. The call was made by an independent assessor, hired by the Government to conduct a review of the company’s operations this summer. However, Fichtner Water and Transportation also said there was room for improvement in several areas. Two members of the leading independent German engineering firm completed their two-and-a-halfweek examination in July. They conducted field assessments, interviews and meetings at the PWC facilities and met the Water and Sewerage Board, the Energy and Utilities Commissioner, Director of Environmental Health and other stakeholders. The visitors sought to determine whether the management of PWC were discharging their functions in respect of its institutional, financial, technical and operational management performance as a regulated business, in an effective and efficient manner and in accordance with the terms of its Instrument of Appointment, the Water and Sewerage Ordinance and accepted industry standards and practices. The assessors were also tasked with the responsibility to determine whether the level of charges and factors used for the charges scheme required change to ensure fair

pricing. Energy and Utilities Commissioner Malike Cummings said the timing of the exercise was impeccable as it coincided with the completion of the company’s water masterplan. This provided the Water and Sewerage Board a “holistic view” not only of the state of the sector in Providenciales today but also for the future. The water masterplan is critical in establishing how the water demand of Providenciales will be met in the most safe, economically and environmentally sustainable manner over the next 20 years and the levels of infrastructure investments that will be required over the short, medium and long term. The assessors congratulated the company for having one of the highest system efficiencies in Latin America and the Caribbean, in terms of the lowest non-revenue water statistics. However, some gaps were identified for future rectification. PWC were recommended to publishing their asset management plan for water and sewerage services. Within this they should differentiate clearly between those of PWC and the operations of the bulk water supplier, Turks and Caicos Water Company, especially as it relates to capital investments. They were also asked to provide OPEX calculations, more details on future maintenance requirements of the existing and proposed

infrastructure, and more details on potential land acquisitions while updating capital expenditure accordingly. The assessors also advised PWC to make amendments to its service standards and publish them accordingly, implement personnel assessments, define gaps and potential relocation of staff and prioritise of a formal training plan. Finally the company was asked to coordinate with the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources on ensuring alignment of safety guidelines and safeguarding of the environment. Clara Gardiner, chair of the Water and Sewerage Board and Permanent Secretary for the public utilities ministry, said the recommendations are being considered. She added that measures will be taken into account to address existing gaps, both in the instrument of appointment under which PWC operates and amendments to the Water and Sewerage Ordinance. This will ensure relevance to the industry which is positively impacted by technological innovation and improvements, she said in a Government press release on September 5. “…and ensure there is consistency in the instruments governing the sector and alignment with acceptable industry standards and best practices.” PWC based in Grace Bay provided potable water to customers throughout Provideniciales.


November 2-8, 2019



Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email

Irrigation in your garden

Grand Turk Pastors Fraternal host major prayer session for the TCI

Grand Turk Pastors Fraternal pray for TCI ALL of the churches on Grand Turk closed their doors last Sunday (October 27) to gather in a time of solemn assembly - a call for national repentance, prayer and worship. Nearly 600 members of various churches - English, Dominican and Haitian - were present, with more than 20 spiritual leaders in attendance. The event started off with the blowing of the Shofar and scripture readings in all of the represented languages, and prayers that were offered by several pastors of the

fraternity. The audience was lead with a time of hymns, praise and worship unto the lord. Commenting on the event was the president of the Grand Turk Pastors Fraternal, Dennis Swann. “Today God’s servant shepherds honoured him before his people in showing the world that with God being lifted up he will draw and bring his people together. “Today the body of Christ showed that all is not lost and our people’s

desire to be unified not separated. “I am so proud and feel truly privileged to be amongst Godchosen servants. “Today God restored this land to his people as a result of repentance. Let us all purpose in our hearts that we will not give it back to the Satan who cannot take anything from the children of God. This is a time of new beginnings for us all.” Immediately following the event, Sunday dinner food and drinks were served to everyone in attendance.

BECAUSE drought conditions are common in the TCI, it is essential to balance your garden’s need for water. You can keep your garden healthy without hurting the environment by carefully managing landscape irrigation. Using irrigation systems can help you with that. The right sprinkler system repair for the lawn and garden will get the right amount of water to help it grow well, but also make it resistant to a drought. The trick to getting a garden that is the envy of your neighbourhood is to use an automatic watering system that is very careful and thorough. Our irrigation system can help you to get that result. The irrigation system that you use should take into consideration the type of soil that you have, what kind of plants you have and their water needs. Some plants need more water than others. Using the right type of system will make sure that your lawn or garden gets the right amount of moisture. You want a good, carefully planned, deep soak to encourage good root development which ensures that your plants will survive prolonged dry periods. What you need to do before you choose any irrigation is to determine how well your soil holds in moisture. Different areas in the Islands have different soils, from sandy to loamy and to quarry for most places. You need to dig to a certain depth and analyse the moisture in a soil. The company that helps you with choosing your materials that might be right for your needs, will help you to determine the amount of watering that is required for you needs. Making sure that you have chosen rightly from all of the available sprinkler systems ensures your garden and lawn will look the

best they can possibly look. Your irrigation timer will help you to water at the right time of day. The preferred time to water is either early in the morning, or in the evening. Automatic irrigation systems have a controller, which sends signals to the valves located inside the control box. These valves open and close to direct water to different points on the water line. This is what makes the sprinkler heads pop up and allows them to start spraying water. Most modern sprinkler controllers are very reliable, but things can still go wrong. Transformers can stop working and circuit boards can go bad. Generally, if an irrigation timer fails, you just replace it. Repairing might look complex but irrigation systems are not as difficult to maintain as they first look. With regular care and attention, you should find that they work very well, and there should be little need to call in specialists unless you have wiring or solenoid valve problems. Another common issue is clogged nozzles and drippers. When a spray head gets clogged up with dirt, this will often mean that it rises and does not spray, or that it sprays weakly but will not lower after spraying. To fix this, you will need to dig out the head and remove it from the riser. Take the head apart to remove it from its body and then clean the filter screen and the head itself. Once you have rinsed the whole assembly clean you can put it back together and reinsert it into the riser. You may need to adjust the head to get the water to spray in a specific direction. There is usually an adjustable knob on top of the head that will allow you to do this. For more information on installation or repairs, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Facebook page ‘Nature Splendor’.

November 2-8, 2019



Talks begin on environmental strategy for a ‘secure future’ OPINIONS are being gathered throughout the TCI on the development of an environmental strategy that will guide governmental decisions in the coming years. The Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) with technical support from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) began consultations this October. Their aim is to rationalise environmental plans and activities, ensure effective implementation of environmental priorities, and support sustainable development.

Public asked for disaster training needs FEEDBACK is being sought from the public on what training they need to help them in the event of a disaster. The Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies (DDME) is currently conducting an online disaster management training needs survey. A statement on Monday (October 28) said: “The DDME would like to hear the public’s opinion on training that will fit the needs and benefit the residents of the TCI. “Information gathered from the survey will be used to identify the training needs and priorities.” The link to the survey is available on the ‘Turks and Caicos Weekly News’ Facebook page. The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 15. More information is available from Latoya Jones, DDME’s education and training specialist, on 3384039 or

Dr Megan Tierney and Lucy Beagley from JNCC visited the TCI between October 11 October 19 to conduct stakeholder consultations. They asked participants what the strategy should contain and what resources are required to implement the it now and into the future. “Responses gathered during the October consultations were very encouraging,” a department press release on October 24 said. These responses will inform a first draft framework and roadmap to the strategy, and stakeholders will then be invited to have further input during a workshop in February 2020. The strategy will be designed to align with the existing laws and policy framework such as TCI Vision 2040, the National Tourism Strategy

Views are sought on the creation of the TCI’s new environmental strategy

and Policy, and the National Disaster Management Plan. It will be guided by the principles and commitments set out in the TCI Environment Charter, the 25 Year Environment Plan and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. DECR’s Director Lormeka

Williams said the department is “pleased to be leading on the development of the environmental strategy and welcomes participation from all interested parties. “Having a sound environmental strategy will help us build a more environmentally sustainable and

secure future throughout all sectors in the Turks and Caicos Islands.” Minister Hon. Ralph Higgs said the Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Gaming continues to make strides towards bringing TCI in line with international standards.

Women of Wine TCI specialises in wine education for women

Women of Wine visit Napa Valley vineyards A GROUP of 23 women with an interest in fine wine jetted off to Napa Valley in California this month for a wine education course. Women of Wine TCI also known as WOW TCI is an organisation that specialises in wine education for women. The group was conceptualised through a ladies’ luncheon and

their love of wine, a press release from group sponsor The Wine Cellar said. “The intention of WOW TCI is to bring together women in a relaxed and fun environment in order to taste and learn more about wine and wine culture.” On October 9 the members travelled to Napa Valley, considered by many to be the

home of the best winemakers of the western world. “This will be a tremendous opportunity for the WOW TCI group as these ladies will be visiting some of the most soughtafter wineries in the world.” During their visit, they enjoyed tours and tastings at several vineyards, sightseeing and even took part in grape stomping.

The first WOW luncheon was held November 2011 and shortly after, the group was founded February 2012. Since inception, WOW TCI has been affiliated with The Wine Cellar, the largest distributor of wines in the TCI. The Napa Valley experience was the first annual event for WOW TCI.



November 2-8, 2019

Regional News

African Ebola has the Bahamas on alert MINISTRY of Health officials remain on high alert over the Ebola outbreak currently wreaking havoc in parts of Africa. There have been no reported cases of Ebola in The Bahamas and Health Minister Dr Duane Sands said work was ongoing to ensure the country remained free of the deadly virus. This comes after a flight in the United States, believed to be bound for The Bahamas, had been quarantined after a person on board was said to have visited Ebola infected parts of Africa. “(We) are absolutely on alert and this is something that we have had no cases of Ebola. We don’t want any cases of Ebola. We don’t want any more case of measles, but these international health regulations are there to protect the public,” Dr Sands told reporters yesterday outside Cabinet. “So when the public health teams go out and do surveillance they are looking for evidence of diarrheal diseases, water borne diseases, vector borne diseases and they are working even in the post (Hurricane) Dorian reality and it’s working.” Regarding the Bahamas bound

A PAHO report shows that sales of ultra-processed foods and beverages grew 8.3 per cent between 2009 and 2014.

Health Minister Dr Duane Sands said work was ongoing to ensure the country remained free of the deadly virus.

flight, Dr Sands said: “As you know we live in a world of Ebola and there are international health regulations that define what constitutes a risk or hazard. The Democratic Republic of Congo is the epicentre of the current Ebola outbreak. “This has now spread to Uganda and Rwanda and so when persons are identified as potentially having fever

and or constitutional symptoms and they have travelled to an area where there have been documented cases of Ebola - it now triggers a number of protective mechanisms. “I believe that is a reason why the flight was detained but as you can imagine the entire world is trying to contain a very serious public health risk,” Dr Sands also said.

Two dead as hundreds of police, supporters march in Haiti TWO people were killed as several hundred police and their supporters demonstrated in Haiti’s capital for better law enforcement salaries on Sunday, police said, while antigovernment marchers also took to the streets. The first victim was shot during a protest demanding that President Jovenel Moise step down. The man who opened fire on the crowd of marchers was beaten to death and then burned by demonstrators. “An unidentified individual was shot dead,” the Haitian police said in a statement. “The angry crowd set fire to his attacker.” With their faces hidden, several plainclothes police fired in the air near the anti-government protesters. Several large bursts of gunfire from unidentified individuals were then heard right next to the area where protesters were marching. Prior to the protests, police officers had presented their grievances at the headquarters of the Haitian National Police. “Our wages are miserable. We don’t have insurance. We have an insurance card but at every hospital

A man throws a plastic bag to a fire where a dead body is burning during violent protests in Port-au-Prince on Sunday.

we go to, we have to pay,” a masked police officer told AFP, asking to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals. As they have for two months, presidential detractors demanded that Moise resign. They were joined by some churchgoers on their way out of services. Since coming to power in February 2017, Moise has had to face the anger of an opposition movement that refuses to recognise

his victory in an election widely seen as dubious. Anger mounted in late August due to a national fuel shortage, and protests turned violent. But even before this crisis erupted, Moise was accused of corruption. An auditors’ court probing two billion dollars in aid from a Venezuelan oil fund found that companies run by Moise before he became president were “at the heart of an embezzling scheme”. (Aljazeera)

PAHO concerned as ultra-processed foods gain ground in Latin American and the Caribbean ULTRA-PROCESSED food, sugary beverages and fast food with poor nutritional quality are replacing more nourishing domestic foods in diets of families in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to a report published by the Pan American Health Organization, “Ultra-processed food and drink products in Latin America: Sales, sources, nutrient profiles, and policy implications.” The report shows that sales of ultra-processed foods and beverages grew 8.3 per cent between 2009 and 2014, the last year for which data were available. It estimates that those sales continued to grow another 9.2 per cent from 2014 to 2019, generating alarming effects on health and requiring government regulations to reverse this trend. “We are observing the beginnings of an epidemic of ultra-processed food consumption,” said Fabio da Silva Gomes, regional advisor in nutrition at PAHO. “Its sales are growing disproportionately in comparison with those of other foods, filling families’ tables with products that do not contribute to good health,” he added. The trend is promoted by the marketing and the unrestricted publicity of these products in a market that is practically deregulated in the region. “We need governments to establish policies that restrict sales of these products. Ultra-processed products cannot form the basis of our nutrition. They can’t be an essential product in our diets,” da Silva Gomes stressed. The report analyzed 250 products, divided into 89 categories, and pointed out those which exceed the recommended levels of free sugars, total fat, saturated fats, or sodium; and which are the specific products that contribute more energy and the critical nutrients. According to the report, all

the products analyzed contained excessive quantities of at least one of these critical nutrients. Together, 43 per cent of what these products contribute is sugar. Soft drinks, fresh and salted snacks, cookies, pies, cakes and desserts, and sauces and dressings were listed as especially problematic. Ultra-processed products typically contain little or no whole foods, the report notes. They are industrial formulations made mostly from substances extracted or derived from foods, plus additives. They include soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened juices and drinks, sweet and savoury snacks, candies (confectionery), industrial breads, cakes, and cookies (biscuits), sweetened breakfast cereals, reconstituted meat products, and pre-prepared dishes. In addition to sugars, oils, fats and salt, ultra-processed products include substances also derived from foods but not used in home cooking, such as hydrogenated oils, modified starches, protein isolates, and additives such as colors, flavours and flavour enhancers. Additives are used to imitate and enhance the sensory qualities of natural foods or to disguise unattractive qualities of the final product. A previous PAHO report on ultraprocessed products revealed that the increase in sales (and related consumption) was associated with increases in bodyweight, which indicates that these products are an important driver of growing rates of overweight and obesity. In the region, some 360 million people, almost 60 per cent of the population, are overweight. The report recommends that governments, scientific societies and civil society organizations support and implement policies and regulations to discourage consumption of ultra-processed products and protect and to promote the election of healthy foods.

November 2-8, 2019



Regional News Bahamas: Arrivals down 14% - but it could be worse

Rebekah is far away from the Caribbean.

Rebekah becomes 18th named storm of the year in Atlantic The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season’s latest named storm, Subtropical Storm Rebekah, has formed in the Atlantic Ocean far from the Caribbean and the United States. Closer to Europe, specifically Portugal’s Azores Islands, Rebekah formed on Wednesday afternoon, according to a public advisory issued at 5 p.m. Wednesday by the National Hurricane Center.

Rebekah’s winds were measuring 45 mph with some stronger gusts. A subtropical storm is a storm that bears some but not all characteristics of a tropical cyclone. Rebekah becomes the 18th named storm of the 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had predicted 9 to 15 named storms for the season.

Abaco and Grand Bahama were among the islands hardest hit by the Category 5 storm that ploughed through the archipelago on September 1.

Official death toll from Hurricane Dorian rises TWO months after Hurricane Dorian swept through The Bahamas, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), has put the official death toll at 67. NEMA Director Captain Stephen Russell told reporters that as the debris clearance operations continue, the authorities are “mindful that we can still be in the recovery mode, searching for deceased persons that may still be among the rubble in the islands of both Abaco and Grand

Bahama”. Abaco and Grand Bahama were among the islands hardest hit by the Category 5 storm that ploughed through the archipelago on September 1, causing an unprecedented amount of damage. Russell said that the police on the island of Abaco recovered remains of two unidentified bodies on Monday and last Thursday, adding also that the missing persons desk has been deactivated.

VISITOR arrivals were down 14 percent in September highlighting Hurricane Dorian’s immediate affect on The Bahamas’ tourism industry. According to Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar this week this was “significant”, but officials thought it would have been a lot worse. Earlier this month, Mr D’Aguilar told reporters his ministry was predicting a nine percent fall off in visitor arrivals this year as a result of Dorian’s destruction in Abaco and Grand Bahama. Meanwhile, the government has missed its self-imposed deadline of last week for the Leonard M Thompson International Airport in Abaco to start accepting international flights. As it stands, there is no new deadline for these flights to commence, the minister told reporters. “The numbers are in for September,” he told reporters outside Cabinet on Tuesday. “The number of foreign visitors coming into the Bahamas declined by 14 percent so that was significant, so we all know what happened in September. “We thought it was going to be a lot worse, so we’re pleased that it wasn’t as bad as that and so we are as diligently as possible attempting to get the word out that the Bahamas is open for business. “What we found in other storms is that as the memory of the hurricane fades from the listening public, especially in the United States, it becomes easier and easier to engage them about making a vacation to the Bahamas, so we’re kind of delighted that it’s not in the news as

Bahamas has had a reduction in arrivals due to the destructive hurricane of early September.

much any more because people are now thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas and beginning to reengage in thinking about a holiday in the Bahamas. “So, as I’ve said, first quarter of next year we expect to return to what it was.” He said hotels were offering special promotions to encourage tourist visits and a media trip to Canada was planned to remind the Canadian market that the Bahamas remained open for business. Regarding Abaco’s airport, Mr D’Aguilar said the situation came down to replacing 21,000 linear feet of fencing around its perimeter. He said: “The specific date is still being worked out. Obviously what we’re trying to do is to get the airport into a position where it is secure. “The problem with the airport was that there are 21,000 linear feet of fencing around that airport and it was blown down and destroyed and it is

very, very important for an airport to be secure for a number of reasons. “Of course the Americans want it to be secure in order for flights to go to and from the United States and so we are working diligently to source that amount of fencing to involve as many Abaco firms as we can to get it up and running so that’s really the one last hurdle to do. “A specific date, I don’t know.” Last week, a small group of security officers from the airport walked off the job, angered by the conditions there and what they believed was lack of government support. These issues, Mr D’Aguilar said, have been virtually resolved. “I have been advised rather the security personnel were a little upset about the working conditions and they were a little confused about whether they were going to get the money that the government had provided public officers.

Prominent Jamaican businessman freed of incest charges PROMINENT Montego Bay businessman Patrick Chung was this week freed of all 11 sexual assault charges in relation to a woman who accused him of having sex with her over a nine-year period, beginning in 1976 when she was 13 years old. Chung, 78, was freed of six counts of incest and five counts of indecent touching after a successful no-case submission in the St James Circuit Court. The court ruled that the prosecution failed to produce the evidence necessary to prove allegations of sexual assault. Attorney-at-law Jacqueline Samuels-Brown, QC, who is representing Chung, told The

Gleaner on Monday that her client and his family feel vindicated. “The whole family is extremely relieved because it’s been like a weight on their backs for all these years,” said Samuels-Brown. Chung was charged in April 2012, six months after the 49-year-old woman claiming to be his daughter made a formal report to the police. She was adopted. She alleged that between January 1, 1976, and December 31, 1985, Chung had sex with her at the family home in Montego Bay, St James, in a room located above the supermarket he operated in the resort town and also in Canada while she was away studying. After appearing before the Circuit

Court nine times and still no trial, Chung attempted to have the charges stayed on the basis that the 34-year wait to have his day in court would prejudice – or was likely to prejudice – his right to a fair trial within a reasonable time under the Jamaican Constitution. However, the Constitutional Court ruled in April that he had to stand trial by the end of the year. In May, a DNA test revealed that Chung was not the biological father of the woman. This finding followed an application by the prosecution in April, requesting a non-intimate DNA sample from Chung to determine the relation between him and the woman. (Jamaica Gleaner)


World News

November 2-8, 2019


General election 2019: Jeremy Corbyn vows to ‘transform’ UK JEREMY Corbyn vowed to “transform” Britain by taking on “the few who run a corrupt system” as he kicked off Labour’s election campaign. The party leader promised to “rebuild” public services and hit out at “tax dodgers, dodgy landlords, bad bosses and big polluters”. In a speech, Mr Corbyn called the 12 December poll a “once-in-ageneration chance to transform our country”. But Prime Minister Boris Johnson blamed Mr Corbyn for the delay to Brexit. He said he was “incredibly frustrated” that the 31 October deadline had to be extended, but a Conservative election win would remove the “logjam”. Both leaders, and those of other parties, are beginning six weeks of campaigning. In a speech at Battersea Arts Centre, south London, Mr Corbyn received loud cheers from supporters when he said Labour would launch “the biggest people-powered campaign in history”. Flanked by members of the shadow cabinet, he said: “You know what really scares the elite? What they’re actually afraid of is paying their taxes. So in this election they’ll fight harder and dirtier than ever before. They’ll throw everything at us because they know we’re not afraid to take them on.

“So we’re going after the tax dodgers. We’re going after the dodgy landlords. We’re going after the bad bosses. We’re going after the big polluters. Because we know whose side we’re on.” The December election was called for by the prime minister and is taking place after Mr Corbyn agreed to it, following the EU’s decision to delay Brexit. The Labour leader told the audience that, if elected prime minister, he would “open negotiations with the EU about a sensible relationship with Europe”. Mr Corbyn also said: “The prime minister wants you to believe that we’re having this election because Brexit is being blocked by an establishment elite. “People aren’t fooled so easily. They know the Conservatives are the establishment elite.” Mr Corbyn also said the NHS was “not for sale” and that any future trade deal with the US should not involve giving American firms greater access to it. The audience, made up of Labour supporters, then repeatedly chanted: “Not for sale.” Several times he asked the audience: “Whose side are you on?” They replied: “Yours.” Mr Corbyn said the prime minister had thought he was being “smart” in calling for an election in December, and thought that Labour supporters

“won’t go out to vote”. “Even if the rivers freeze over, we’re going out to bring about real change for the many, not the few,” he added. The prime minister visited Addenbooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, where he said: “I’m incredibly frustrated that we haven’t been able to get Brexit done today. We had a fantastic deal on the table.” He said he would deliver Brexit and “bring the country together”, adding: “If you vote for us, and we get our programme through - which we will, because it’s oven-ready then we can be out, at the very latest, by January next year.” Mr Johnson promised to “stimulate the wealth-creating sector” if the Conservatives win the election, saying the contest was not about “background” but a “vision for the country”. The Conservatives’ campaign chairman James Cleverly said voting for Labour was “precisely the opposite” to a “vote for change”. He said Labour would offer “more delay and uncertainty on Brexit, meaning the government can’t focus on people’s priorities, like the NHS, schools and crime”. Meanwhile, Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson has defended her decision to campaign as a “candidate to be prime minister”, denying such

After Jeremy Corbyn mentioned the NHS, Labour supporters chanted: “Not for sale.”

an outcome was a fantasy. She told the BBC’s Andrew Neil the UK was in a “very volatile political situation” and anything could happen on 12 December. “We have seen many unprecedented political results in recent years,” she added. As other smaller parties geared up for their election campaigns, the Daily Telegraph reported that the Brexit Party was considering helping the Tories to secure a majority by withdrawing hundreds of its general election candidates. However, leader Nigel Farage said that was “idle speculation”, adding: “I have not spoken to anyone of any seniority in the party [about this].”

Having been approved by the Lords, the early election bill will receive Royal Assent - when the Queen formally agrees to the bill becoming law § On Monday 4 November, MPs are due to elect a new speaker to replace John Bercow § Just after midnight on Wednesday, 6 November, Parliament will be shut down or be “dissolved” - meaning every seat in the House of Commons becomes vacant § The electoral authorities have set a deadline of the end of Tuesday 26 November for people to register to vote. § The cut-off point to apply for postal votes is the same day, but at 17:00 GMT. (BBC)

Boeing is facing a fresh crisis after another airline found cracks in a 737 plane BOEING is facing a fresh and growing crisis after the Australian airline Qantas found cracks in a 737 Next Generation plane, adding to a growing number of airlines reporting such issues and grounding some of the planes as a result. Qantas on Thursday said it found cracks in one of its 737NG planes and planned to repair it while inspecting 33 other planes this week. The airline said it did not see an immediate safety risk and would “never operate an aircraft unless it was completely safe to do so,” the BBC reported. The discovery comes a month after Boeing discovered the cracking problem in the 737NG, prompting the US Federal Aviation Administration to instruct airlines that fly the planes to inspect them. Thousands of 737NG planes are in service globally. Those inspections were instructed for planes that had made more than 30,000 flights, while Qantas said its

Qantas on Thursday said it found cracks in one of its 737NG planes and planned to repair it while inspecting 33 other planes this week.

plane had made fewer than 27,000 flights, the BBC reported. A source told Reuters that cracks were also found Wednesday on

another Qantas plane that had flown almost 27,500 times. And another source also told Reuters that the US carrier Southwest

Airlines also found cracks in one of its planes that had flown about 28,500 times. The plane grounded by Qantas adds to a growing list of 737NG planes grounded by airlines. Korean Air grounded nine of the planes Friday after cracks were discovered, and the news agency Agence FrancePresse reports that up to 50 737NG planes have now been grounded around the world. The cracks are on an area of the plane called the pickle fork, which connects the plane body, wing structure, and landing gear. Qantas said “detailed analysis” by Boeing showed that “even when a crack is present, it does not immediately compromise the safety of the aircraft, as indicated by the timeframe given by regulators to perform the checks,” Australia’s ABC News reported. But Australia’s aircraft engineers association called on the airline to ground all of its 737NG planes.

Its secretary said on Thursday that the crack “was about an inch long, it’s very small,” but added that “these things do propagate very quickly when they’re under load … It’s when that grows, and that grows very quickly, that you have problems,” The Guardian reported. The new problem is distinct from Boeing’s ongoing crisis over its 737 Max planes, which have been grounded around the world since a combined 346 people were killed in crashes in October 2018 and this past March. Those crashes have been linked to software known as MCAS, which Boeing has been working to fix. Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg testified before Congress about the issue on Wednesday, when lawmakers accused him of “pushing profits over quality and safety.” Muilenburg directly apologized to victims’ families and said the company “made some mistakes” in the plane’s design. (Business Insider)

November 2-8, 2019

World News

After the explosion, the fire spread throughout the train.

At least 70 dead after gas cylinder explosion sparks fire on Pakistan train AT LEAST 70 people have died after a gas canister exploded in a train in Pakistan, authorities said. The train was passing through the Punjab city of Rahim Yar Khan on Thursday morning when the cylinder exploded, causing a fire which spread through the train, according to local police officer Amir Taimoor. Seventy people are dead and another 30 are injured, said Nadeem Zia, the medical supervisor of District Headquarters Hospital in Liaquatpur, a city in Rahim Yar Khan district. Earlier, Taimoor said that around a dozen people are critically injured. Army

troops, paramedics, and an army aviation helicopter are currently on site. Although gas cylinders are banned on trains, passengers were using gas-powered cookers to prepare breakfast inside the train carriage when the explosion occurred, Taimoor added. He added that many of the people on board the train were heading to a protest in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, about 800 kilometers (500 miles) from Rahim Yar Khan. The train was running on the Tezgam line, a daily service that goes from the coastal city of Karachi to the northern city of Rawalpindi. (CNN)

Hugh Grant (left) claims he declined the handshake because he Sajid Javid was dismissive to press abuse victims.

Grant in handshake row with Sajid Javid HUGH Grant has hit back after being criticised for not shaking Chancellor Sajid Javid’s hand at a film premiere. In an interview with ES Magazine, Mr Javid said he put his hand out to the Hollywood star and said “lovely to meet you” - but Grant refused to shake it. “I think that is incredibly rude,” said the chancellor. On Twitter, Grant put across “my side of the story”, saying he declined the handshake because he felt Mr Javid was

dismissive to press abuse victims. Grant, 57, has been one of the leading voices in the campaign for stricter press regulation, after being one of the victims of the phonehacking scandal. He said his exact words to Mr Javid were: “If you don’t mind, I won’t shake your hand because you were rude and dismissive to the victims of press abuse when you met them as culture secretary.”



JOB OPPORTUNITIES Windsong Resort, located on Stubbs Road, Grace Bay would like to fill the below positions:

Waiter * JOB SUMMARY: Provide elite dining service to in-house and visiting guests to include but not limited to welcoming and escorting guests; food & beverage menu presentation and order taking; table service and maintenance with grace and finesse; and foster memorable dining experiences. Work as beach waiter as needed. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: • A minimum of 4 years working experience at a reputable full-service restaurant • Proven track record of the ability to work alone and handle a fast-paced environment. • Professional certifications will constitute an advantage. Salary range - $6.50 - $6.75 per hour. This position is currently being held by a Work Permit Holder

Gardener* GENERAL JOB DUTIES BUT NOT LIMITED TO: • Apply fertilizer and mow and trim all lawns as per established scheduled. • Cleaning and maintain tools and equipment • Digging, planting and weeding flower beds and borders • Monitor and clean irrigation systems and adjust times, coverage and settings as needed • Assist with beach cleaning as needed • Assist with the maintenance of swimming pool and spa as directed. • Salary $8.00 per hour commensurate with experience. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: • Minimum of 4 years in the specialized field • Ability to read and write English is a must • Ability to lift up to 65 pounds. Knowledge and experience in pool cleaning is a must. • environment. This position is currently being held by a Work Permit Holder

Housekeeping Room Inspector GENERAL JOB DUTIES BUT NOT LIMITED TO: • Supervise housekeeping staff to the standard of Windsong Resort • Train and direct housekeeping staff to ensure full compliance of brand and quality standards • Conduct quality inspection and prepare work orders for maintenance repairs. • Work closely with maintenance and front to ensure that all guest and property requests are fulfilled • Maintain Suite Inventory • Maintain pest control program for housekeeping. Prepare weekly schedules and timesheets. • Assist with cleaning activities during slow periods and times of exceptional high occupancy. • Monitor Turndown Service and Laundry as required SKILL REQUIREMENT • Minimum of 4 years housekeeping supervisory experience at a 4* or 5* property with working knowledge of housekeeping cleaning standards • Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Possess basic math skills • Working knowledge of Property Management Systems and computer application • Ability to multitask. Must be flexible with working nights, weekends, and holidays. • Must be flexible with working nights, weekends, and holidays This is an opened Position OTHER AVAILABLE JOB POSITIONS: • Dish washer/ Kitchen cleaner • Room Attendant/ Housekeeper Reliever/ Turndown Service Attendants • Laundry Helper: to assist with stain linen and hand washing as needed. Deep cleaning of laundry, ironing etc. JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum of 4 years in the specialized field. Ability to lift up to 65 pounds • Excellent written and communication skills. Reading and writing English is a must. Candidates must be flexible with working nights, weekends, and holidays. • Salary $6.25 per hour. Some Positions are available on a Part-Time basis

*Prospective applicants who are Belongers are asked to send copies of your applications to the Labor Board. *Some positions are currently being held by Work Permit Holders. Only qualified Belongers should apply. Salary commensurate with experience. Only Shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Email resume and cover letter to or drop off resumes Windsong Resort, Stubbs Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales 19243

World News




36 Palm Circle, Leeward Palms Is seeking

4 MAIDS - $6.25 HOURLY

Cleaning villas, bathrooms, and kitchens.



Behind Marah, Bible street 344-4528


320 Low Water Villas, Richmond Hills Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean. Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board 19257


Located #1085 Leeward Highway in Providenciales seeks experienced


turned against ISIS after the group killed a relative, WaPo reported. The Syrian Democratic Forces leader, Gen. Mazloum Abdi, said Monday to NBC News that his organization had an informant that helped the raid happen. The Pentagon and White House have not commented officially on a mole being a part of the raid, according to WaPo. “I’m not going to comment on what may or may not have happened with the SDF on the objective,†Army Gen. Mark A. Milley,

the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Monday. “The actions on the objective, the aircraft coming in, the aircraft overhead and the soldiers conducting the assault, was a U.S.-only operation.†Al-Baghdadi died by detonating a suicide vest during a two-hour-long raid on his Syrian compound Saturday evening by U.S. military forces. A DNA test following the raid confirmed that the body was that of the ISIS leader. (National Interest. org)



Employer: Kevin Swann Central Square Road Whitby, North Caicos

MASON • Repairs, maintains and



Rate: $6.50 per hour Weeding yard, moving trash, washing windows This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department Contact:246-7382


540 Leeward Highway

alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/ or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $400 weekly

CONTACT: 232-5501

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19251


Applying soap to clean the outside Scrapping loose dirt, cleaning tires, rinsing with a hose, Drying. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.





532 BAY ROAD Blue Hills, 241-2078


to gather, write and edit news copies; should be able to work flexible hours, including late at nights and weekends, and should be able to adhere to strict deadlines. Salary is commensurate with experience. Tel: 649 941 4750 this position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department

This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference 19256


• Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 332-0771

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19235


# 29, Mirade Close Blue Hills, 343-2227


Cleaning outside the property, Pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, Cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference.19253



#43 Palms Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning outside the property, Pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, Cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour.

Mix and bake ingredients to produce breads, grill chicken, pork meat, tacos. Check products for quality and identify damaged or expired goods, clean the kitchen. Pay: 8.00 per hour Renewal.


Al-Baghdadi died by detonating a suicide vest during a two-hour-long raid on his Syrian compound Saturday evening by U.S. military forces.


# 3, National Church of God Rd, Millennium Highway 241-0452


Inspecting and testing vehicles, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters. Contact: 345-3823



Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. 2 JANITORS - $6.50 HOURLY Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning floors, and stocking bathrooms.


Five Cays across Paradise Baptist Church

ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi betrayed by turncoat A MOLE inside Islamic State leader Abu Bakr alBaghdadi’s Syrian compound was essential to taking down the terrorist, officials said. A well-placed informant who helped with alBaghdadi’s movements around Syria and oversaw construction in the Syrian safe house where the ISIS leader was found gave U.S. and Middle East-based officials information about his whereabouts. The mole, an ISIS defector, provided a room-by-room layout of the northern Syrian compound, a move that helped take down the leader, according to officials. The man was allegedly a logistics aide and trusted official of al-Baghdadi and provided information including that the ISIS leader was always armed with a suicide belt so he could kill himself if anyone attempted to capture him, The Washington Post reported. He also escorted al-Baghdadi’s family members to get medical care at times. A U.S. official added the informant was vetted carefully and flipped sides after he “clearly lost faith†in ISIS. The mole was on the scene during the al-Baghdadi raid Saturday and was exfiltrated two days later alongside his family, WaPo reported. He will likely get some or all of the $25 million U.S. bounty that was placed on the ISIS leader’s head, officials added. One official said the mole was a Sunni Arab who

November 2-8, 2019


Provo Industrial Park, Providenciales. Is seeking one


To perform a variety of tasks on heavy-duty trucks, vehicles propane trucks. To inspect, diagnose and repair brake systems, engines, electrical components, steering systems, transmissions and tires. Must be willing to work weekends Salary $2,300.00 monthly

Contact us on 339-3585 or email

This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 19249



(Clean house, Apt and Business yard) Lower Bight, Aniela’s Plaza Provo,Unit 1 $6.50 Hourly, 244-5408 Position held by Work Permit Holder


Restaurant & Cafeteria


(Assist with food Prep & cleaning) Lower Bight, Aniela’s Plaza Provo, Unit 1

$6.50 Hourly, 244-5408 Vacant Position

Vacant Position



(Cleaning villas, condo & Hotels) 62 Bay Rd, Blue Hills, Provo $6.50 Hourly, 441-6000 Vacant Position





(kids care & House Chores) Wheeland, Liney Cl, Provo $6.50 Hourly, 241-7878


(kids care & House Chores) 88 Walter Cox Dr. Provo $6.50 Hourly, 344-7880 Vacant Position


(kids care & House Chores) 11 Boodle Way. Blue Hills, Provo $6.50 Hourly, 345-3216 Vacant Position

Belongers are encouraged to apply only. Also send all resumes to and the employment Services.



November 2-8, 2019




REQUIREMENTS: • Experience with, and comfortable preparing a variety of different cuisines in a fine dining environment • Understand the importance of consistency • Knowledge of food preparation techniques and health/safety DUTIES INCLUDE: • Prepare all food items according to recipe cards and correct handling procedures. • Maintain highest quality and appearance of all foods sent from kitchen and make sure plates are clean and appetizing. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Starting salary $6.25 per hour not including service charge.

Chief Engineer*

REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum of 7 years previous experience as Chief Engineer/Director of Engineering with experience in luxury resort • Post-secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience • Thorough understanding of plumbing, electrical, HVAC and deep refrigeration with ability to quickly evaluate problems and decide on a plan of action • Experienced with waste water treatment plant • Understanding of all concepts behind landscape and grounds maintenance • Experience developing and implementing effective preventive maintenance programs • Knowledge of Opera system is also a definite plus • Must be able to work all days and shifts DUTIES INCLUDE: • Supervising/managing/overseeing maintenance and engineering departments as well as landscaping • Maintaining and refining preventive maintenance program • Develop and monitor annual operating , Capex and project budgets • Serve as project manager for renovation/ upgrade projects including sourcing, vendors and establishing schedules and budgets Starting salary $50,000.00 per annum.

Kitchen Steward*

DUTIES INCLUDE: • Clean & sanitize all areas of the kitchen • Operate dishwashing machine in a safe, accident free manner • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Starting salary $6.25 per hour not including service charge.


DUTIES INCLUDE: • General laborer duties as assigned by the supervisor or manager. • Willingness to work varying schedules, split shifts, nights, weekends and holidays. Salary $6.25 an hour not including service charge.

Room Attendant *

REQUIREMENTS: • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts • Ensuring that standards of cleanliness and organization are met at all times in assigned areas. Starting salary $6.25 not including service charge

Houseman *

REQUIREMENTS: • Ability to work with heavy cleaning machinery. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts DUTIES INCLUDE: • Ensuring that standards of cleanliness and organization are met at all times in assigned areas.

Assistant Pastry Chef*

REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum 4 years’ experience in a hotel restaurant preferably in a luxury hotel. • Accuracy and attention to detail. • Excellent communication skills, both written and spoken. • Must have skills in mathematics. • Able to stand for long periods of time. • Able to carry up to 20kgs. • Able to handle a fast paced environment and be able to work under pressure. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Check all ordering is correct to market lists. • Liaise daily with the Pastry Chef to ensure there is up to date communication within the Pastry kitchen. • Co-ordinate all aspects of the operation of the pastry kitchen according to business levels. • Develop, with Pastry Chef, a complete seasonal menu in accordance with hotel standards. • Ensure mis-en-place is set for all stations of the Pastry kitchen. • Ability to read recipes, check food presentations and displays with precision. • Check the quality of the product to ensure the standards for food service are maintained. • Show precision cuts and knife use.

• Demonstrate ability to prepare all types of bakery items with the correct method and temperature. • Ensure the correct rotation and storage of products for quality selection. • Ensure the Pastry Kitchen is kept clean and sanitary. • Follow directions from the Pastry Chef or other Kitchen management with accuracy. • In addition, other duties as may be required as directed by your Manager. Starting salary $45,000- $55,000 per annum not including service charge.

Spa Therapist/ Technician *

REQUIREMENTS: • Diploma in massage therapy or equivalent. • Prior experience in a 5-star luxury environment. • Extensive knowledge of Eastern style massage, wraps, facials and other treatments. • Proficiency in English. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts DUTIES INCLUDE: • Providing spa treatments to resort guests and day spa guests. • Maximize the revenue of the department through massage and retail product sales. • In addition to performance of the essential functions, this position may be “required to perform a combination of support functions Starting salary $6.25 per hour not including service charge and commission

Demi Chef De Partie*

REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum 3 years cooking experience in a luxury hotel environment. Proven experience in various sections of the kitchen. • Able to carry up to 20kgs. • Able to handle a fast paced environment and be able to work under pressure. • Must be organized and detailed oriented. • Excellent communication skills, both written and spoken. • Tertiary culinary qualification preferred. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts DUTIES INCLUDE: • Assist with ensuring mis-en-place is set for all stations of outlet kitchen. • Ability to read recipes, check food presentations and displays with precision. • Assist with checking the quality of the product to ensure the standards for food service are maintained. • Responsibility for care and maintenance of all equipment and machinery • Restock linens and amenities on carts • Run needed items to guest floors CONTINUED U



November 2-8, 2019

IMMEDIATE OPENING • Assist housekeepers as required Starting salary $6.25 not including service charge.

HVAC Technician*

The chosen candidate must be a licensed/certified refrigeration technician with knowledge of different types of refrigerant including R22, 134A and 404A. Must have experience maintaining and repairing low temperature refrigeration, walk-in freezers and coolers, ice machines and direct expansion air conditioning systems. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Perform scheduled preventative maintenance and corrective repair on all refrigeration equipment. • Upgrading equipment as required. • Maintaining inventory of parts needed for designated equipment to avoid down time. Starting salary $7.00- $9.00 per hour plus service charge.


The Upholsterer is responsible for repairing wood and rebuilding upholstered furniture, using hand tools with a wide knowledge of fabrics and upholstery methods. The ideal candidate will be a friendly, caring, dedicated individual with good cross cultural sensitivity and the capability to identify priorities with a willingness to put in an extra effort and time when required. You will work well under pressure in a fast paced environment and enjoy working with a multi-cultural team and guests alike, while possessing following additional competencies: REQUIREMENTS: • Operate sewing machine to seam cushions and join various sections of covering materials • Repair seats, sofas, curtains, carpet and mattresses • Gather and assemble specified upholstery materials and accessories for upholstered furniture • Ensure that the upholstery workshop is tidy and clean • Keep inventory record of the stored upholstery items • Maintain machines and equipment’s in good condition at all times • Maintain upholstery in all outlets, lobby, corridor and guestrooms • Organize and take inventory of all fabric materials and sewing accessories • Ensure that the fabric materials that used in making the upholstery is correct • Also, responsible for resorting and painting furniture pieces; and • Must have knowledge of paint products and blending techniques. • Education, Qualifications & Experiences Starting salary $9.00 per hour

Stewarding Manager*

REQUIREMENTS: • Prior experience managing the stewarding department of a 5 star Luxury Resort. • Must have an excellent working knowledge

of the kitchens, equipment, food productions, sanitation, hygiene and safety. • Must be able to organize and delegate large banquet functions. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Ensures the maintenance of a clean, sanitary kitchen by supervising steward personnel • Issuing cleaning supplies to stewards, checking usage and making adjustments • Ensuring that kitchen floors and walk-ins are clean • Monitoring cafeteria and provide assistance to kitchen personnel during set-up and clean-up • Working with the Food & Beverage Director banquet orders • Taking inventory of and ensure proper amounts china, dishes etc. are available • Ensuring the training of and proper use daily of all safety, hygiene and sanitation Starting salary $35,000 per annum not including service charge.

Maintenance Manager*

REQUIREMENTS: • Establish goals, measurements and results for the department along with the General Manager. • Involvement in the preparation of the Maintenance Operating and Capital budgets. • General operational and preventative maintenance of systems including: Boilers and heating systems; make up air and HVAC systems; Pool facilities; and General plumbing issues. • Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on heating, cooling and ventilation systems. • Show precision cuts and knife use. • Demonstrate ability to cook meat, fish and vegetables with the correct method and temperature. • Ensure the correct rotation and storage of products for quality selection. • Assist with ensuring the Kitchen is kept clean and sanitary. • Follow directions from the Executive Sous Chef or other Kitchen management with accuracy. • Communicate any defects in kitchen equipment to the Executive Sous Chef. • In addition, other duties as may be required as directed by your Manager. Starting salary $7 per hour not including service charge

Pastry Chef*

REQUIREMENTS: • Must have previously worked as a pastry chef for a minimum of 5 years in a luxury Resort. • Demonstrate understanding of the technical skills for assigned area (all kitchen work stations). • Post-secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience. Experience with, and are comfortable preparing a variety of different pastries in a fine dining environment. • Understand the importance of consistency. • Knowledge of food preparation techniques and health/safety requirements.

• Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Assists in creating and developing dishes for the pastry department • Ensures the highest quality of product within cost constraints by participating in the preparation of baked goods, pastries, desserts, ice carvings and show pieces • Assists in creating daily specials and signature desserts • Assist in producing the production of all pastry items, ensuring the right quantity and the highest standards of quality. • Maintenance of pastry equipment • Requisition food with necessary approvals according to policy Starting salary $6.25 an hour not including service charge.

Chef De Partie*

REQUIREMENTS: • 3 years culinary experience in a full service, fine dining establishment as Chef De Partie • Post-secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience • Must have strong knowledge of kitchen inventory and ordering process, staffing, expediting and ability to supervise the staff and kitchen operations under the direction of the Executive Chef • Excellent culinary technique and ability to work the line during all meal periods • Exceptional customer service orientation, complying with company service culture • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts DUTIES INCLUDE: • Supervise daily food preparation for assigned areas. • Ensure that the level of quality, portion control, and plate presentation is adhered to consistently • Work closely with staff to exceed guest expectations • Maintain product consistency by conducting inspecting or seasonings, portion and appearance of food • Recruit and select qualified candidates, provide training and communication performance expectations • Coordinate the inventory, purchasing and disbursement of all supplies with the purchasing manager • Inspect and ensures the proper set up and readiness of each item on menus Starting salary $20,000.00 per annum, not including service charge

Chef De Cuisine*

REQUIREMENT: • Minimum 4 years’ experience in a hotel restaurant preferably in a luxury hotel. • Accuracy and attention to detail. • Excellent communication skills, both written and spoken. • Able to stand for long periods of time. • Able to carry up to 20kgs. • Must have excellent mathematic skills. CONTINUED U

November 2-8, 2019



IMMEDIATE OPENING • Able to handle a fast paced environment and be able to work under pressure. • Must be organized and detailed oriented. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Critical role in menu planning and pricing for assigned outlet. • Development and maintenance of training manual for assigned outlet. • Assure the maintenance of inventory control policies. • Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on plumbing systems, electrical systems and appliances. • Maintain the hot tub by ensuring a safe chemical balance through frequent testing. • Organize, implement and track all maintenance projects for guestrooms and public areas. • Monitor and revise as needed, departmental health & safety tools including training programs, policies and practices. • Ensure a safe work environment is maintained at all times and that all colleagues are committed to working safely. • Partner with Front Office Manager to ensure safe guest evacuation during emergencies (i.e. Fire Alarm). • Motivate, train and lead maintenance personnel by personal example with a philosophy of work conduct, enthusiasm and personal development that leads to maximum performance and job satisfaction. • Effective scheduling, vacation planning and department productivity to budget. • Effective and timely interaction with all Hotel & Restaurant departments and positively impact guest experience by effectively and efficiently resolving maintenance concerns. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Prior Maintenance Management and/or supervisory experience within a operation equal in size and facilities. • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal. Proven ability to motivate and lead employees in a busy, high quality environment. • Background in electrical and or plumbing are essential. • Ability to respond quickly in a dynamic and changing environment. Ability to handle multiple requests in a fast-paced environment. • Good training, coaching and mentoring skills are essential. • Proven experience with budgets and payroll process is essential. • Majority of work shift requires standing or walking 90% of the work day • Many tasks require sitting, bending, stooping, kneeling, and/or positioning to accomplish tasks • Able to lift and carry up to 50+ lbs. is common and up to 150 lbs with assistance • Reaching is required at all levels throughout the work period • Climbing of stairs is required and may require up to 50% of the time • Previous hotel maintenance experience preferred • Able to work efficiently under time constraints

Starting salary $45,000- $55,000 per annum not including service charge.


REQUIREMENTS: • Must have advanced knowledge of beverage preparation and service of alcoholic beverages with ability to mix, garnishes and present drinks using standard ingredient recipes. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Maintain proper and adequate set-up of the bar on a daily basis and cleaning of bar area on closing. • Requisitioning and stocking of all beer, wine, spirits, paper products, etc. and produce based projections from the daily functions sheet. • Maintaining stock, cutting and storing of all fresh fruit and vegetable garnishes, juices and other perishables daily to insure product quality. Starting salary $7.00 per hour

Laundry Driver

REQUIREMENTS: Must have valid driving license and clean driving record. Six months experience in housekeeping/ laundry situation. Ability to follow instructions and work independently. DUTIES INCLUDE: Pick up dirty linens and refuse and return to the laundry. Support laundry department as instructed Starting salary at $7.00 per hour. • Ensuring that services meet customer specifications. • Work with the Executive Chef, Dining Room Manager, Bars Manager and Food & Beverage Supervisors to ensure all guest needs are met, ensuring guest satisfaction/repeat guests and minimizing guest complaints. • Ensure staff have professional attitude and proper appearance and uniform standards. • Responsible for staff training and development of culinary team • Assist with the recruitment and training of Kitchen and Stewarding employees in accordance with hotel guidelines. • Assist with the review of the performance of Kitchen and Stewarding employees in accordance with hotel guidelines. • Assist with overseeing all aspects of the Kitchen and Stewarding operation ensuring the operation is in accordance with business levels. • Work closely with the Executive Chef to prepare daily market lists. • Review all daily bookings for all restaurants. • Assist with ensuring hygiene standards and safety guidelines are adhered to at all times. • Assist with ensuring all Kitchen and Stewarding employees are trained in the correct use of all equipment and legally required training and testing is completed. • Manage the Kitchen and Stewarding departments in the absence of the Executive Chef. • Assist with setting all standard operating

procedures for the Kitchen and Stewarding departments. • Work closely with the Executive Chef to ensure food and labor costs are in line with the hotel budgeted guidelines. • Assist with seasonal and special event menu preparation. • In addition, other duties as may be required as directed by your Manager Starting salary $35,000 per annum not including service charge.

Boiler Mechanic Technician*

The chosen candidate must have knowledge and experience in repair and maintenance including preventative maintenance to prevent down time on commercial laundry equipment including 250lb washer, flat ironer, folding machines, steam dryers, valet equipment, boilers, 150hp boiler feed tank, steam water heater and chemical injection system. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Maintain proper preventative maintenance to laundry equipment and boilers. • Maintain proper inventory on designated parts to avoid down time. • Maintain proper amount of chemical injection on boiler feed tank and proper conductivity at boilers. • Preventative maintenance to steam traps and steam lines. Starting salary $7.00 -$9.00 per hour plus service charge

Food Runner

DUTIES INCLUDE: • Maintain positive personal presence with body language and demeanor, complying with all hotel and department grooming and dress code standards. • Serve all food and beverage in accordance with all standards of service; provide continuous, attentive service maintaining positive guest interactions and experiences. • Maintains complete knowledge of table/seat/ station numbers, room capacity, hours of operation and proper table set-up. • Assist with all service as needed, attending all guests in a timely and courteous manner and maintaining correct ambiance and tone for the dining experience. • Maintain cleanliness and ambiance of guest areas. • Restocks bussing stations regularly. Polishes silverware, folds napkins, and stocks china, glassware, ice and clearing trays. • Assists service team as necessary to ensure luxury guest experience. Starting salary at 6.25 per hour. *POSITIONS MARKED WITH (*) ARE POSITIONS CURRENTLY HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER.

Interested applicants can apply in person at The Palms’ Human Resources Department on Monday through Friday between 9am – 5pm, resumes can also be dropped off to the employment center. Please bring along with you an updated resume that will be attached to your completed application form. Applicants can also email their resumes to Attention: Dian Kennedy, no later than end of day, Monday 11th 2019. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 946- 8666. 19224



November 2-8, 2019


Season four of Chop Off Cook Off Challenge on this December ONE of the more dynamic events in the Turks and Caicos Islands is back for a fourth time this December 6 – and the star of the show this year is lobster. Foodies, party goers, supporters and fans are invited out once again to the Ports of Call Plaza to witness four top chefs battle it out for some major prizes and bragging rights for one year. First the four chefs will compete at the TCI Lobster Fiesta Chop Off Cook Off Challenge on December 6 in Grace Bay, then at the 11th annual Smokey’s Lobster Festival the following day in Blue Hills. The events are put on by TCI culinary ambassador and restaurateur Nikita Skippings

aka ‘Chef Nik’. “As the culinary ambassador of the Turks and Caicos Islands, I see it fitting to keep food traditions and culture alive by hosting school and college culinary events and exhibitions, the fourth annual Chop Off Cook Off Challenge, 11th annual Smokey’s Lobster Festival and the inaugural inter-high school Chop Off Cook Off to debut in the following year,” Skippings told the press this week. He noted that culinary traditions and food ways, just like anthems or flags, are among the fundamental building blocks of national pride and identity. “The first Smokey’s Lobster Festival was birthed 11 years ago, marking the

opening of Turks and Caicos lobster season. “This event afforded locals and tourists the opportunity to experience the most creative local dishes using everything lobster. This event became a hit and one of the most anticipated events of the year.” He stated that since 2015, the dynamics of this festival has drastically changed through the inception of the very popular TCI Chop Off Cook Off Challenge. This is a culinary competition that now features four nominated chefs that represent the indigenous islands of the Turks and Caicos Islands. “This culinary event has already awarded 12 chefs the opportunity to showcase their

2019 Chop Off Cook Off Challenge chefs revealed

skills, win amazing prizes and awards, create a brand, be a part of a prestigious culinary community, travel to represent TCI at international food shows and wear the title of Chop Off Cook Off Champion,” Skippings stated. He said that since its inception the show has pulled major brands such as Flow, Connolly Kia Motors, Sail

Rock, Inter Caribbean, United Airlines, Caicos Express Airways, Parrot Cay, Hartling Group, Ports of Call Resort, Jaca Construction, Herzog, Grace Bay Club Resort, Global Capital, NCS Moneygram and Graceway IGA, among several others. He promised that the 2019 challenge will definitely not miss the mark with entertainment.

The Help Desk act on behalf of its clients: RIGBY BUILDERS

Tana Road, Five Cays, Providenciales Telephone: 241-9541


Clean sites, tools, build walls, plastering, install doors/windows’ form work etc


1B TDMG Building, South Dock Road, Telephone:331-0888


Clean interior/exterior of buildings, windows, sweep, mop,other menial task may be required etc.

Positions currently held by work permit holders. Belongers may apply with Labour Department


WHAT TO EXPECT The Lobster Fiesta Chop Off Cook Off Challenge is a three round cooking competition featuring four of the country’s top local cooks representing the islands of Salt Cay, Grand Turk, South Caicos and Providenciales. Representing Salt Cay will be chef Gordon Wilson, Grand Turk - Olivia Smith, South Caicos - Jameka Williams and Providenciales - Livingstone Lightbourne The overall star ingredient of this event is lobster which will be the key ingredient found in the mystery basket of every round. Show time begins at 7.30pm and attendees will be entertained by a line-up of live local acts. Tapas and canapé style foods and drinks will also be available at purchase price for general admission and VIP ticket holders can enjoy an open menu with bar. The next day, December 7 will be what Skippings refers to as the family edition – the 11th annual Smokey’s Lobster Festival. “This event is not new to the Turks and Caicos Islands, it is one of the most anticipated events of the year and will continue on for years to come,” he added. The proposed venue for this event is Crackpot Kitchen Restaurant, Bar and Grill and the Courtyard in The Shops at Ports of Call, Grace Bay, Providenciales. Hosting the festivities once again will Bianca Harvey. “This all day affair is scheduled to begin from the early hours of 10am with Smokey’s Saturday morning lobster edition brunch, which will flow right into a line-up of live local entertainment and acts throughout the day and into the evening,” Skippings promised.

November 2-8, 2019





November 2-8, 2019

November 2-8, 2019





November 2-8, 2019


Twitter to ban all political advertising TWITTER is to ban all political advertising worldwide, saying that the reach of such messages “should be earned, not bought”. “While internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertisers, that power brings significant risks to politics,” company CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted. Social media rival Facebook recently ruled out a ban on political ads. News of the ban divided America’s

political camps for the 2020 election. Brad Parscale, manager of President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, said the ban was “yet another attempt by the left to silence Trump and conservatives”. But Bill Russo, spokesman for the campaign to elect Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden, said: “When faced with a choice between ad dollars and the integrity of our democracy, it is encouraging that, for once, revenue did not win out.” Reacting to the move, Facebook

founder Mark Zuckerberg defended his company’s policy. “In a democracy, I don’t think it’s right for private companies to censor politicians or the news,” he said during a conference call with journalists. Twitter’s ban will be enforced from 22 November, with full details released by 15 November. Internet political ads, he said, presented “entirely new challenges to civic discourse”. These challenges included “machine learning-based

Twitter’s ban will be enforced from 22 November, with full details released by 15 November.

optimisation of messaging”, “microtargeting, unchecked misleading information, and deep fakes”. “It’s not credible,” he wrote, “for us to say: ‘We’re working hard to stop people from gaming our systems to spread misleading info, buuut if someone pays us to target and force people to see their political ad…well...they can say whatever they want!’” Countering the argument that the new policy might be seen as favouring leaders already in office, he pointed out that “many social movements reach massive scale

without any political advertising”. Ads in support of voter registration would not be affected by the ban, he added. Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic candidate who lost to Mr Trump in the 2016 presidential election, welcomed Twitter’s ban and appeared to challenge Facebook to rethink its stance. Social media analyst Carl Miller said it was “one of the first times a tech giant has stepped back in concern for the enormous disruptions they’re doing to the institutions that don’t move as quickly as them”.


Senior Reporter We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to help keep the country's leading newspaper ahead of the pack. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at No phone calls please

R. Kelly is being held without bond at the Metropolitan Correction Center in Chicago.

R. Kelly loses toenail to infection, misses court R. KELLY stood up a judge Wednesday to nurse an infected toe, his lawyer said. The infection was so bad that it caused the jailed Grammy winner accused of sex trafficking to lose one of his toe nails, his lawyer Steven Greenberg told U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber, according to the Chicago Tribune. After the brief hearing in Chicago Federal Court, Greenberg told reporters that Kelly is wearing a “walking boot” to protect his injured foot. “He didn’t want to come today because of the process when you’re

handcuffed (with) other inmates and so forth. Someone could step on your foot. They step on your foot (when) your toe nail has been pulled off, it could be quite painful,” Greenberg said. Kelly, 52, is being held without bond at the Metropolitan Correction Center in Chicago while he battles a long list of federal and state criminal charges spanning multiple states. The Wednesday hearing related to his 13-count Chicago Federal Court indictment claiming he conspired with two former cohorts to rig his 2008 child pornography trial through bribery and intimidation.

November 2-8, 2019






November 2-8, 2019

946-4664 Fax: 946-4661






Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.

Call: 231-3788




We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744 DUNCANSON & CO BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS 16121

Contact the Publisher at

November 2-8, 2019 ACHARO HARVEY SOUTH SCHOOL LANE, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a


• Manual labour, minor maintenance and repairs. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 347-9990

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19208



Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 343-1056

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




CONTACT: 243-0591

CONTACT: 342-2313

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is for a first time applicant 19221

This position is for a first time applicant Belongers are encouraged To send copy of their resume To The Labour Board.

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Employment Services Office. This is a work permit renewal Application. 19202





Starting salary: $50k Duties include: Integrate booking software. Logistical strategy. Growth strategies for merchandise and direct sales. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree or higher. Bookkeeping experience. Management experience. Web-development training.

WHITBY, NORTH CAICOS 246-7382 Pelican Beach RD, Whitby North Caicos


Job Description: Weeding and cleaning yard, washing windows Work permit is a renewal Rate: 6:50hr 19172

Manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, nail fills, nail repair, and etc. 2 HAIR DRESSERS - $6.25 HOURLY

Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, and provide hair treatments.

CONTACT: 345- 5137

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders




Caicos Dream Tours Alexandra Resort 1.649.231.7275 ATTN: Cam Jacobs Position is open to work permits. Belonger will be given preference



• Must speak, read and write English. • Must have a clean Police Record. • Salary is $40,000 per annum • Belongers need on apply • Deadline is November 21st, 2019 • This position is for a first time applicant




CONTACT: 243-3201

Send all resumes to the Labor Department and Coco Bistro Grace Bay. Email Contact: 946-5369

2 COSMETOLOGISTS $6.25 HOURLY Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and etc.

HOSPITAL ROAD Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Cleans and drives the boat. Salary: $7.00 per hour 5 days per week


104 Alice & Alice Building, Airport Road



Duties: To care for an Elderly person, to cook And clean. Applicant must Be kind and gentle, honest And reliable. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

#10 Oak Avenue, Grace Bay Road Is looking for a


Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Duties: To clean and Maintain premises pick up Yard waste and leaves, Cleaning windows and doors. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.


• Assisting wine service to the guest at restaurant • Purchasing of wine and beverage • In charge of Beverage program at the restaurant • Working 44 hours per week and on holidays • Can do wine tasting for guest. Enough knowledge on wines



1 Upstairs Alice & Alice Plaza, Airport Road


Manicures, gel nails, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and acrylic toenails. Contact: 342-7373

JC BEAUTY SALON 1 Upstairs Alice & Alice Plaza, Airport Road


Babysit clients’ children. Contact: 346-7601

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are work permit renewals 19228

Prospect #10 Cooper Jack Road, Glass Shack Is seeking to employ a


• Help with house. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 246-4668

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19206



Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $275 weekly

CONTACT: 241-3881

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19229

#9 Ballpark Road, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a



2 COOKS - $6.25 HOURLY

Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly

Building # 16 Tropical St., Grace Bay Is seeking to employ

Setting up workstations. Preparing ingredients, cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking food.


Cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes.

CONTACT: 442-2633

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19190





• Help making cabinets. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 331-5858

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


• Transport materials and drive heavy equipment vehicles. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly

CONTACT: 242-3631

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19198

LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a


CONTACT: 246-1371

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19192


La Vista Azul, Turtle Cove Is seeking to employ a


Full body waxing facials and makeup services. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 344-9274

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19176


Shamrack Plaza, Industrial Park, Providenciales

Auto Body Repairer

• Must have 5 or more years of experience • Body repair or vehicle modification involving refurbished, replacement, disassembling or welding of sectional metal parts of vehicles such as trucks, autos, vans and other motor vehicle. • Competent on utilizing all required safety equipment and follows proper repair procedures. Keeps personal work area organized and return tools, materials and equipment to designated areas. • Capable of painting surfaces of vehicles using spray-painting equipment, power tools and work aids utilizing specific surface preparation and painting techniques. • Able to inspect panels to be pained for body repair, prepping and/or buffing defect. • Can able to be exposed to fumes, chemicals, high level of dust and noise in repair center. Basic Wage is $10 hourly.

Administrative Personnel

• Must have 3 or more related experience. • Able to repair and gather all payroll data including reconciling timesheets and benefit deduction. • Monitor rental sales transactions, prices and customer confidential records. • Can prepare vehicular damage estimates. • Preferably with prior knowledge on garbage operation. • With excellent customer care skills, including the ability to resolve customer related issues such as overdue rental, delinquent accounts and customer complains in a professional manner. • With strong PC proficiency including the entire Microsoft Office Suite with an emphasis on Excel. Basic wage is $9 hourly

TEL: 941-8438 EMAIL: DNBAUTOPARTS@TCIWAY.TC Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


38 CLASSIFIEDS HARTMAN RANSCUTT HANDFIELD #281 South Dock Road, Provo TCI Is seeking to employ a



Requires an

P.O.Box 543, #6 Grace Bay Road, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ a


• Must have 5 years experience on the line with Italian Cuisine. • Must be willing to work weekends, evenings and holidays. • Must be available 6 nights a week. • Must speak, read and write English. • Must work well with others and work well under pressure. • Must have a clean police record.


Taking care of the children. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-241-4061


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder Application deadline: November 12th 2019 19196



• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

HERZOG CARIBBEAN LTD. is seeking to employ a

ASPHALT PLANT OPERATOR • Leadership - Oversees and directs a team consisting of a Loader Operator, Ground Man, and Dispatcher to efficiently manufacture and deliver quality asphalt with a positive environment of accountability. • Quality Production - Consistently produces quality asphalt. Matches plant production to meet product demand - Produces accurate mix volumes maintaining correct mix temperature - Maintains appropriate inventory levels of all raw materials • Proactively communicates with HCL team members and customers to maximize quality and efficiency. • Maximize Productivity - Meets daily production plan by meeting HCL labor targets by managing start-up, shutdown, and production times. • Completes all plant preventive maintenance procedures according to schedule and fixes breakdowns. - Welds, cuts, and fabricates steel as necessary - Utilizes mechanical skills/hand tools to proactively spot maintenance issues and take corrective action before they become critical - Troubleshoots mechanical and electrical control issues • All parts of the facility are consistently neat and clean, reflecting positively on HCL’s public image. General Responsibilities • Personally sets an example of

behavior is in compliance with applicable company, state and federal safety regulations including lock-out tag-out, machine guarding, PPE, fall protection, confined space, and fire watch guidelines. • Follows required HCL administrative procedures such as timekeeping and recordkeeping. • Performs all job functions in a manner that ensures the consistent utilization of Standard Operation Procedures. • Controls Training – computer skills, electrical schematic reading skills, piping flow direction and logic, valve operation, and pump operation


• Minimum 5 years asphalt plant experience • Clean Police Record • Must have own vehicle to travel to work

CONTACT: 244-1111

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19169


Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, provide hair treatments, deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving.


Manicures, gel nails, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing.


Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments and etc.

CONTACT JULIAN GARLAND AT 341-5535, 49A COOPER JACK ROAD, AND THE LABOUR DEPARTMENT. This position is held by a work permit holder. 19029

CONTACT: 231-5562

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders




UNIT #4 IBO BUILDING, DOWN TOWN Is seeking to employ a

# 2, Felix Guzman Millennium Highway 333-1114



Assisting with the supervision of the children during lesson time, snack, and lunch and nap time, responsible for potty training, changing diapers. Assisting with storytelling and singing. Salary: $6.25 per hour.

• Helping the cashiers. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly

CONTACT: 341-1021

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19193





Location: Graceway Plaza, Leeward, Highway Providenciales, TCI. Seeking a

2 Norway Rd., Kew Town Is seeking a

CERTIFIED PRINTER REPARIR TECHNICAIN • Salary Range $20,000.00 to $25,000.00 per annum • Candidate must possess a minimum of 5 years’ experience performing installation and repair of Imaging and Printing Device. • Repair experience should include HP, Cannon, Xerox, Brother and Lexmark devices • Proof of Certification required • Proof of Work experience require • Potential candidates will be required successfully complete industry standard testing • Main duties are Device Installation, Device Diagnostics, Device Maintenance and Device Repairs

Please email your resume to Telephone; 649.241.1545 interested Turks Islander must copy their Resume to the Labour Board this position is vacant 19216


Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters Salary: $9 hourly

CONTACT: 243-0948

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19203



• • • • • •

IRVIN HARTLAY COALBROOKE Overback, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Overback, Grand Turk

Applicants should be certified in Microblading and Eyelash extension applications. Salary starts at $350.00 per week. This is a mobile beauty service and applicant will attend at client’s home / apartment / condo / villa. Belongers need only apply.

• Must be willing to work weekends, evening and holidays. • Must be available 6 nights a week • Must speak English. • Must have a clean police record.




CONTACT: 331-6763

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19177


November 2-8, 2019


Background in electrical/mechanics Good physical strength Good physical stamina Good manual dexterity Great attention to detail Works well as part of a team


• $26K ~ $36K per annum


• Full-Time

Please submit applications to main office at C 5-6 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales TCI.


Location: Graceway Plaza, Leeward, Highway Providenciales, TCI. Seeking a

COMPUTER REPAIR TECHNICAIN • Salary Range $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 per annum • Candidate must possess a minimum of 5 Year experience in a Computer Science field with repairs • Education: Bachelors in Electronics & Communication Engineering • Experience in programming Languages: Visual Basic, VBA, BASIC, PHP, SQL • Software: Microsoft Office, MAC OS,

LINUX, Windows • Computer Networking, CCNA • Computer Hardware & Software Repair • Level 5 Electronics Repair (Board level repairs) Potential candidates will be required successfully complete industry standard testing. Main duties are Device Installation, Device Diagnostics, Device Maintenance and Device Repairs

Please email your resume to Telephone; 649.241.1545 interested Turks Islander must copy their Resume to the Labour Board this position is for work permit renewal


November 2-8, 2019 EL RANCHO RESTAURANT & CAFETERIAS #1496 Victory Cl, Kew Town


• Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 331-9854

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 232-1220

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19170




• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly

CONTACT: 244-3054

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19242


7A Martha Yard, The Bight Is seeking to employ a

• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly


Unit #3, #14 Timber Crest Road, Dock Yard, Kew Town Is seeking a

LEEWARD, PROVIDENCIALES is currently looking to employ a

MAINTENANCE MAN To maintain their villas in various areas. • Duties: To fix, maintain • Building problems and yard • Maintenance as necessary.

CONTACT: 348-7523

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19191

Must be willing to work with little or no supervision Must have a valid driver’s license Must be willing to work weekends and holidays Must speak English Salary is $7.50hr

Kindly email all resumes to


along with a copy of your driver’s license. This is a first time applicant. Belongers are encourage to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 19236




Reports to: Business Manager. Job Purpose: To carry out general laboring duties. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:

A Labourer’s responsibilities include: 1. Loading and uploading of material either into storage or across the property. This will involve manual handling of heavy and/or awkward objects. 2. Adapting to variety of tasks which could include cleaning our properties, organizing storage, cleaning windows and other general duties as required. 3. At all times comply with company policies, procedures and instructions. 4. Contribute to improving the business, protecting and enhancing the reputation of the company, by putting forward new ideas and, when requesting to do so, implementing change.

DEADLINE: Positions open to all qualified Turks and Caicos nationals. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to The closing date for applications is November 8, 2019.



Unit #3 Ronnie Plaza, Blue Hills. Is seeking a


Sales Lady

• Receive payment by cash, and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 347-6125 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19231

#570 Blue Hills, Millennium Highway


erect scaffolding, lay out tools, pouring concrete foundations, hand tools to workers, remove all debris, pack up tools, put away any unused materials, and take down bracing and scaffolding. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 241-2962

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder





• General cleaning of the kitchen and pastry room • Assist with prep work and washing utensils • Willing to work weekends and long hours Salary $6.50 per hour Renewal


• Must be able to obtain sanitation certificate • Must be experienced in the production of Jamaican pastries to include all bread products • Must be able to prepare Caribbean cuisines • Willing to work long hours and weekends Salary commensurate with experience Renewal


• Must be able to work long hours and remain calm under pressure • Clean police record • Ability to multi-task is essential • Must be very honest • Enjoy providing excellent customer service • English plus fluency in at least one other language – Spanish • Salary $6.50 per hour plus tips Renewal


• Must be able to obtain sanitation certificate • Must be experienced in the production of Oriential cuisines • Must be able to prepare Caribbean Cuisines • Willing to work long hours and weekends Salary $8.00 per hour Renewal


• Must be able to work long hours and remain calm under pressure • Performs any combination of the following duties to maintain and conduct minor repairs on plumbing, electrical, cooling systems, carpentry and masonry • Supervise all general labor personnel within the family group • Ensure that the esthetic of all properties is kept in good condition • Monitor building security and safety by performing such are working on doors and checking hazards are not created Salary $36,000 per annum Renewal Please apply in writing with full resume no later than November 23, 2019

The Managing Director Chinson Restaurant & Pastries P.O.Box 293, #14 Savannah Road, Leeward Highway, Providenciales



November 2-8, 2019


#67 Robinson St., Five Cays Is seeking to employ a




REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST The Government of Turks and Caicos Islands has applied for financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of a Diagnostic Assessment to Determine the Feasibility of Establishing a Partial Credit Guarantee Fund (PCGF) to Support Enterprise Development in the Turks and Caicos Islands and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of Government of Turks and Caicos Islands and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than the Government of Turks and Caicos Islands shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

Electronic copies of the Expressions of Interest must be received at the first address below no later than 3:00 pm on Friday, 15th November, 2019 (Turks and Caicos Islands time). Also three (3) hard copies should be sent by courier by that deadline; and one electronic copy must be sent simultaneously by email to CDB at the second address below. The sealed envelope containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for the Diagnostic Assessment to Determine the Feasibility of Establishing a Partial Credit Guarantee Fund (PCGF) to Support Enterprise Development in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment now invites interested eligible consulting firms to submit Expressions of Interest for the provision of these consultancy services.

Following the assessment of submissions, a short-list of not less than three and not more than six applicants will be provided with full terms of reference and invited to submit technical and financial proposals to undertake the assignment. The Government of Turks and Caicos Islands reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not short-listing any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.

Consultants shall be eligible to participate if: (a) in the case of a body corporate, it is legally incorporated or otherwise organised in an eligible country, has its principal place of business in an eligible country and is more than 50 per cent


The Secretary to the Procurement Board Office of the Deputy Governor Waterloo Plaza Waterloo Road Grand Turk Turks and Caicos Islands


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 244-0117

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest.

The objective of the consultancy is to assess the level of demand for and the feasibility of establishing a Partial Credit Guarantee Fund (PCGF) that may address the lack of access to finance, which has long been a challenge to small businesses operating in the TCI, made worse after the global financial crisis. The project will have two phases: 1) the diagnostic assessment that will determine whether the PCGF is feasible and 2) If deemed feasible in the first stage, the Consultant’s contract will be amended to include the second stage to design an appropriate PCGF model for the Turks and Caicos Islands. The duration of the assignment is expected to be for a period of six (6) months.

CONTACT: 343-6780

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19175

Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking a

Eligible countries are member countries of CDB.

The Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment, the Executing Ministry, now wishes to procure consultancy services to undertake a diagnostic assessment to determine the feasibility of establishing a Partial Credit Guarantee Fund (PCGF) to support enterprise development.

• Cleaning. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

Johnathan L. Roberts

beneficially owned by citizen(s) and/or bona fide resident(s) of eligible country(ies) or by a body(ies) corporate meeting these requirements; (b) in the case of unincorporated firms, the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and (c) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country.

In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to technical competence, qualifications and experience, local and regional experience on similar assignments, financial capability and existing commitments for phase 1 and 2 of the assessment, although the initial contract would be for phase 1. All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.



11 Robinson St., Apt 11, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-3479




CONTACT: 243-6006

KEW TOWN. Is seeking a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-2371

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19194

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19211



#192 South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a


• Lead praise and worship team and prepare them for church services. • Must be willing to work 3 days per week Salary: $300.00 per week

CONTACT: 243-5844

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 19233 19220


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19186

• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • 5 days a week. Salary: $350 weekly

Procurement Officer Procurement Policy Unit Caribbean Development Bank

Telephone 649 946 4925

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19199

Bottle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking



salary: $6.25 5days per week



Setting up workstations. Preparing ingredients, cutting meat etc. WAITRESS - $6.25 HOURLY Take orders and serve food and beverages. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals.

CLEANER - $6.25 HOURLY Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.

CONTACT: 344-1691 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


November 2-8, 2019 LATINO’S CONSTRUCTION 192 South Dock Road


Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials



Set up equipment, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, pouring concrete foundations.

Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems. Inspect transformers and circuit breakers. Identify electrical problems with testing devices. Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 332-0771

CONTACT: 241-2235


Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters.


Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19189




is seeking to employ

2 LABOURERS Duties will include, washing and greasing off all garbage trucks, all heavy equipments and keeping surrounding areas clean. Work hours are from Mon – Fri @ $6.25 per hour.

Contact # 649 242 8558. Locations: Glass Shack,

Discovery Bay Road, Providenciales. Belonger’s are encourage to send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 19026


298A Pal Circle Drive, Leeward Palms, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, and etc.


Transport materials and drive Heavy equipment vehicles.

CONTACT: 231-0538

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19184

658 NELL’S APT., LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a


• Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 347-7129

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19239

NMY BAR AND RESTAURANT Osbourne Road, Grand Turk. Is seeking


• To work 6 days a week. • Duties include mixing and serving beverages, serving food and maintaining a clean environment. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 332-5963

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19173




Duties: building roofs and cabinets Salary $10.00 per hour


Duties: assembling cabinets Salary $10.00 per hour



Domestic Worker


173 Cooper Jack Bay Rd. Discovery Bay Providenciales TCI, Discovery Bay

In search of an experienced person to work in the home caring for children and completing household tasks. Salary $10 per hour. • Must have at least 5 years experience working with children • Must have CPR certification • Must have a valid driver’s licence. • Must be willing to clean and prepare meals as needed • Must speak English and Spanish or French

This position is currently held by a work permit holder Please email resumes to Lise Gula: Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department 19215


BARTENDER REQUIREMENTS: • Uphold Professional Customer Service • Maintain Bar • Mix and serve drinks • Track Inventory • Clean and organized all areas of the bar • Engaging and outgoing

Interested applicants including Islanders/Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of the resume to the Labour Board Successful applicants will be notified for an interview 19168

Grace Bay Court Suite 101, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


To clean and maintain premises, assist skill workers on construction sites. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 347-2816

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19177


Duties: install windows, doors, framing for door moldings and building cabinets Salary $10.00 per hour


#112 Leeward Palms, Providenciales


Duties: lifting heavy boxes, delivery of office supplies Salary $6.25 per hour Contact: 231-2621


Duties: must have 5 years experience in Revit, AutoCap #13, Architecture, Lumion Pro 8, Adobe Photoshop Salary $12.00 per hour 19225

personality who enjoys working with the public • Good Computer literacy on POS System • Must be willing to work irregular, long and late hours • Salary US$7.25 per hour





Duties: installing pipes and fixtures for bathrooms and kitchens etc. Salary $10.00 per hour Contact: 347-8726


Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

• Cleaning, dusting, household chores. • Must be willing to work 5 days per week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 341-2479

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Is seeking to employ a

acting on behalf of our clients:


CONTACT: 242-3256




Acting on behalf of our clients is looking to fill the following positions:


35 Stingray Street, Cooper Jack Is seeking to employ a


• Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 243-9380

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19187


#4 New Subdivision, Five Cays Is seeking to employ


Painting and creating art.


Receive payment by cash, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct.

CONTACT: 243-8302

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders 19200



Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-5980

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board





The Credit Union Consultant will be responsible for advising Board of Directors on the requirements for managing all aspects of the formation of the new entity including, satisfying the requirements for licensing, preparation and execution of the business plan, procurement of the core processor and other critical computer hardware and software, hiring of management staff, policy and procedure development and the training of volunteer and staff. Knowledge, Skills and Qualification: The job requires a credit union professional with at least ten(10) years’ experience as the general manager of a credit union and well-developed communication skills necessary for communicating essential information to the Credit Union staff, Board of Directors, and government regulatory agencies, as well as projecting a positive image as representative for the Credit Union. The work requires extensive knowledge of finance and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) In order to effectively advise the Board and supervising the staff. Experience in market analysis and financial forecasting, advanced knowledge in staff supervision and human resource management is also required. Knowledge and support of the Credit Union movement policies and procedures is expected as well as knowledge of applicable Government laws and regulations. These characteristics are normally acquired through completion of a high school education plus and at minimum a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, management, economics and a MBA or MSc. in Accounting or related field. SALARY $36,000-$48,000 per annum. APPLY VIA EMAIL TO:

The CEO, National Company Services, Butterfield Square, Providenciales TCI - by November 12, 2019. Suitable candidates will be contacted for interview. The position is being advertised for a Work Permit holder.




MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR experience. • University Certificate required. • Work flexible shifts including nights. Emergency on-call. • Must be fluent in English. • Must have exceptional computer and diagnostic skills. • Must be self-motivated, hardworking and reliable. • Pay rate: $13.50/hour. • Currently work permit holder

Location: #11 Village St. Grace Bay, Provo Email resumes to or call 432.1797. Please deliver or fax copy to TCI Labour Office: 649-946-4164

52 Tropical St., Lower Bight Road, Providenciales Is seeking a


• Work alongside job foreman and relieve them during their breaks. • Prepare job quotes, handles customers’ payments, and issue receipts. • Verify identities of customers’ queries and concerns. • Purchase materials needed for the job sites. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: (649) 241-5563


• Responsible for establishing complete maintenance program for all electronic Commercial Laundry, Dry Cleaning and affiliated equipment such as boilers, compressors, hydraulic pumps etc. • Minimum 10 years experience mechanical and electrical maintenance. • 5 years Supervisory

November 2-8, 2019


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19227


Apt #2 Darren Been Apt., South Dock Road Is seeking a


Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Salary: $12 hourly

CONTACT: 441-0268

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19188


11 Macaw Close, Cooper Jack Is seeking a


Erect scaffolding, lay out tools and pass to workers, cleanup work sites, clean and put away tools. Take down scaffolding at the end of the day. Assist mason and carpenters. Mix mortar. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 333-1199

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19207

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19240


To facilitate and ensure the smooth processing of medical/health-related Claims to ensure the timely, efficient and accurate payment to contracted providers.

• Duties include household chores, e.g cooking, washing, cleaning etc. • Accompanying employer to therapy and traveling abroad, when needed. • Applicant must be able to work 6 days a week. Wages are $6.00 per hour.

INTERESTED PERSONS CAN CONTACT: 431-4022 TC Islanders are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board

CONTACT: 231-6423





Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. Salary: $10 hourly

Discovery Bay, Providenciales. Is seeking to hire a






• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $375 weekly

CONTACT: 231-2621


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19204


• Ensures Claims are entered accurately and processed in accordance with established standards. • Suggests improvements to increase efficiency of claims processing. • Ensures monthly reports on departmental activities are prepared on time. • Reviews claims to ensure compliance with documentation requirements. • Ensures that claims are closed in a timely manner for payments. • Maximizes the use of the department’s database to track and write the relevant • Management reports; accesses the main and sub-systems to accurately achieve this end. • Produces accurate claims history reports for provider payments. • Addresses provider and beneficiary queries. • Performs other related duties assigned.





Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. All Applications should be addressed to:

Sheena Smith-Yip National Health Insurance Board Salt Mills Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands British West Indies Email: Please ensure the application clearly demonstrates how you meet the noted qualifications as applicants will be screened based on the information provided. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted. Applicants who applied for any of the above listed positions, do not have to reapply. After submitting application to National Health Insurance Board Human Resource department, Qualified Belongers may also submit a copy of their applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Immigration Board. Deadline for submission is November 10, 2019



MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN CANDIDATES MUST HAVE: • Minimum 5 years Experience • Experience with all aspects of Maintenance/ Engineering operations • Must also be personable, customer service oriented, have strong English verbal and written communication skills,auto • Salary Commensurate with Qualifications & Experience Resumes can be emailed to or dropped off at resort Att Edward Claude Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department.


• At least an Associate’s Degree in Business, Finance, Health Administration, Accounts from a recognized tertiary institution. • Bachelor’s Degree in above referenced areas (preferred). • 3 years of relevant job experience. • 1+ years of accounting/finance experience (preferred). • Excellent oral and written communication skills. • Working knowledge of the use of personal computing software including spreadsheet applications, Microsoft Office/word processing, and operating systems applications.



Unit 11 Williams Plaza, 22 Lower Bight Road

Cutting, and styling hair, trimming beards, and etc. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments.


Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.


Receive payment by cash, and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money and ensure that amounts are correct.

CONTACT: 346-4514

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


23B COMPASS CLOSE Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a



Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis Salary: $200 per week CONTACT: 231-3892

This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department



• Manual labour, minor maintenance and repairs. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 332-1022

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19209


22 Cooper Jack Bay Rd., Industrial Park Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is looking to fill the following position:


• maintain/operate/gas plants • make repairs on gas plants • minor electrical building repairs/set up • assist owner in building repairs Wage- $9.50 per hr.


ADIALLE SELESTIN MESADIEU #49 Lower Bight Is seeking to employ a

CARETAKER Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 345-1770

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


• Who will be responsible for the daily maintenance of the building and its surroundings. • Must be able to drive a range of vehicles including buses, must be courteous at all time. • Must have excellent customs service skills. • Salary $10.00 hour • All applicants must possess a valid

BEEN CONSTRUCTION 378 Saltmills Plaza Unit #54, Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales. Is seeking


Lay blocks and plastering.


Lay tiles.


Measure, shape, and cut wood. Build furniture

CONTACT: 231-6921

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19250

driver’s license • Willing to work with little or no supervision • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays • Must be able to drive a manual vehicle. • Belongers or PRC holders preferred This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Please email all application to Bayview Motors Ltd, P.O Box 619, Leeward Highway, Providenciales




Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


51 Bay Road, Blue Hills

is currently looking to employ a






• Computer Literate • Living and working on board the vessel up to eight weeks before vacation is scheduled. • Working seven days a week including holidays and Sundays • Knowledge of boat mechanics Salary $500 per week.

Contact: | Tel: 231 4030

This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 19180


#10 Oak Avenue, Grace Bay Road. Is seeking to employ a


• Responsible for recipes and planning daily specials • Punctuality and adhering to management schedule • Making sure kitchen is closed properly • Must have 15 or more years if experience • Prepping for meals • Preparing orders as they are place • Cleaning, putting up food delivery orders. Salary: $7 hourly. Must be willing to work 6 days per week

Contact: 946-5369 Email: Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Deadline for application is November 23rd, 2019


FIVE CAYS ROAD Is seeking a


• Take orders and serve food and beverages. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. • 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 332-5646

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19232

CONTACT: 946-8877

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19230

21 Fresh Ave, Back Road, Millennium Highway Is seeking a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 2421197 OR 232-7077

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19232


Location: Graceway Plaza, Leeward, Highway Providenciales, TCI. Seeking a




• Preparing the work station. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week.



• Must have PADI/SSI Dive Instructors Membership and liability insurance. • Must have specialty ratings • Knowledge of underwater film and photography • STCW compliant • Follow Captain’s instructions with regard to daily boat maintenance/administration paperwork


• Salary Range $20,000.00 to $25,000.00 per annum • Candidate must possess a minimum of 5 Year experience in the graphics design industry • Education: Bachelor’s degree or Certification in related field • Must demonstrate proficiency or certification in Adobe and or related design software

• Must provide a verified portfolio of completed Graphic Design Work • Potential candidates will be required successfully complete industry standard testing • Main duties are: Client Consultation, Work Planning, Design Concepts, Finalizing Designs, Printing Jobs

Please email your resume to Telephone; 649.241.1545 interested Turks Islander must copy their Resume to the Labour Board 19218 This position is vacant

PHARMACIST WANTED SEEKING A QUALIFIED PHARMACIST FULL TIME. 1. Responsible for providing safe and appropriate pharmacy services in a retail pharmacy. 2. Experience with and knowledgeable of computers and kroll software. 3. Excellent communication skills. 4. Able to work independently. 5. Proficient in English Language. However, a second language will be an asset. 6. Must be willing to work flexible hours, including holidays and weekends in rotation. 7. Be able to manage, supervise, and train pharmacy support staff.

8. To do daily auditing of sales and submit reports, both on a weekly and monthly basis. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelors of Science in Pharmacy from an accredited University. 2. Ten (10) years of experience in retail pharmacy. 3. Eligible for registration with the Health Practitioners Board Turks and Caicos Islands. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Fax your resume to: 649-941-3338 or


November 2-8, 2019



November 2-8, 2019

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF ISLANDER STATUS FIRST PUBLICATION In accordance with section 6(1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance, notice is hereby given that the following persons have made applications in 2019 for the grant of Islander Status under section 5(1)(b) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance

Tina Anne Adair Booroff, spinster, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Graham John Canham, married to Jayne Peterson, father of 1 child, of Oakville Ontario, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales. Caridad Rodriguez Garcia De-Pozo, married to Julio Pozo Ortiz, of Dominican Republic, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily in Providenciales. Berlyne Gervais, married to MarckEnson Myrtil, of Cap Haitian, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.

The public are requested to make any submissions within 30 days of this publication, which day falls on 11th November 2019. Submissions are to be made to: Sakera E. Cook Secretary to the Commission

Luckson Louis, married to Emilienne Jean Louis, of the CapHaitian, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales. Samuel Michael McCleery, married to Daniela McCleery, of Herts, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Grand Turk.

Turks and Caicos Islander Status Commission Former Sammy Been Plaza (2nd Floor) Government Complex Airport Road, Providenciales Or email:

Renald Julien, bachelor, of Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Anthonie Suprinvil, married to Preudhomme Pedro, of Cap Haitian, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Five Cays, Providenciales.

Daniela McCleery, married to Samuel McCleery, of Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Grand Turk.

Elizabeth Mary Turner, married to Nicolas Anthony Turner, mother of 3 children, of Devon, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.

Liset Vianeli Pina Sanchez, spinister, mother of 3 children, of Laguna Salada, Dominican Republic, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.

Amory Nieves Chesterton, bachelor, of Santa Cruz, Spain, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Turtle Cove, Providenciales.


#2 Tranquility Lane, Leeward Is seeking to employ a


• General household cleaning, ironing, mopping, laundry, window washing, grocery shopping. • To work 6 days a week and weekends Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-941-7923

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19157



NEON HOLDINGS LTD. #2 Tranquility Lane, Leeward, Providenciales Is seeking a


• Yard cleaning, ability to use gardening tools. Wedding, planting and maintaining property gardens. Washing vehicles, cleaning windows. • To work 6 days a week and weekends Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-941-7923

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19158

NUMBER 1 CHICKEN’S GRILL #7 Kew Plaza, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


Setting up workstations, Preparing ingredients, and Cooking food.


Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.

CONTACT: 345-7823

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19156

P&D EMPLOYMENT Acting on behalf of



Maurby Dr., Juba Sound, The Bight

5 Load Ave, South Dock Road

Install wallboards and applying plaster. Applies coats of compound after panels are mounted. Contact: 244-5638

Cleaning the property, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Contact:231-2621





Building 999, Leeward Highway


Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems. Inspect electrical components. Identify electrical problems. Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures. Contact: 333-3696

South Dock Rd., Five Cays

Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. Contact: 346-7379


Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board



Perla Mary Nieves Chesterton, married to Glenn Everest Chesterton, of Chicago, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Turtle Cove, Providenciales. Glenn Everest Chesterton, married to Perla Mary Nieves Chesterton, of Massachusetts, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Turtle Cove, Providenciales.

Lindsey Lorraine Mensen, married to Mathew Emery, mother of 1 child, of Ontario, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Jonathan Paul Flanagan, married to Cindy Allison Flanagan, father of 1 child, of Easington, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.

Simon Edward Michael Wood, married to Kathleen Mary Wood, of Coventry, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.


November 2-8, 2019



SHA Construction, Maid to Clean, Newtech construction Chub Cl, Blue Hills, Cell # 231-6858. Looking for:

Breezy Brae, Of Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



Duties: To take boats out to Fishing locations to haul pots, On a daily basis, to sell the Catch of the day and to account For all monies from sales. SALARY: $9.00 per hour

Must be able to read and understand building drawings; layout and erect brick wall, concrete columns, beams, supports, concrete staircases; concrete floor rendering; layout and build driveways, deck floors, swimming pools, cisterns; competent with masonry tools and working knowledge of imperial and metric measurements; Perform maintenance and minor repairs (replacing broken switches, fixing door handles, minor leaks etc.). Install, measure, cut, shape. Salaries starting @ $8 -$13.00 per hr. Work 5-6 days a week. Qualified Belonger candidates should send their application to:

CONTACT: 246-2661 Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is a first work work permit application.

Email: Dead line: November 8th 2019


November 2-8, 2019



RICARDO FULFORD CONTRACTING Alfred Meme Building #3 Blue Hills Is seeking a



• Supervision of kitchen staff to ensure cold and chill rooms are kept immaculately clean and products stored properly and rotated. • Assist in preparation and execution of private cheffing jobs n offsite villa/hotel locations. • Overseeing proper sanitation procedures as good food can only come from a wellorganized.

#8 Leeward Drive, Long Bay

2 Labourers & 2 Gardeners

• Must have previous gardening experience and be familiar with landscaping equipment such as lawn mowers, trimmers etc. • Must be willing to carry out work such as heavy lifting, digging, weeding, trimming and plant waste removal. • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays. • Must have a clean police record and provide employer references on request. Salary: $6.50-$7.00 hourly depending on experience) Contact: 649-332-4280 Email: to arrange an interview

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are for 2 work permit renewals and one new gardener position 19113

#53, P.O. Box 68, Blue Mountain, Providenciales


Operate a variety of hand and power tools, other tools directed by management.


Fabricates, alters, repairs, and maintains walls, bathroom showers and sink etc. Contact:231-0337






Leeward Palm, Providenciales

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


DAVIS TIRE SHOP & SERVICE #895 Leeward Highway

2 LABOURERS - $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning the property disposing trash, clean windows, and doors.


Repair vehicle tubes and tires in the field. balance tires for all vehicles, order tires for all vehicles, order patches and plugs for tires. send tires out for assistance and direction.

CONTACT: 649-345-1421

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19161

Sweeping, mopping, laundry and cleaning dishes. Contact:243-2380


#756 Leeward Highway

LABOURER - $6.25 HOURLY Clean outside the property, dispose trash. Contact: 231-3163


1075A Leeward Highway


Diagnose, repair and maintain

KERVIN CONSTRUCTION Unit #1B Central Storage, Industrial Park Is seeking to employ a


• Mixing mud, cleaning the work site, assisting masons and carpenters. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 332-3300

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



ARTIST Duties: painting on canvas. Salary $6.25 5 days per week

CONTACT: 431-1079

This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department


Acting on behalf of IV SUPER CLEAN

#5 Airport Road, Providenciales


Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Contact: 346-7375

Saturday 9th November 2019 10am to 2pm WC Security Services Offices Long Bay Hills (Opposite the Storage Place) If you are interested in becoming a security officer and have the necessary skills, qualifications and attitude please come along. Bring your Passport, references and a Police Record if you have them and be prepared to complete an application form and undergo an interview. Turks Islanders only need apply If successful applicants will be required to work shifts across 24/7 and be prepared to work outside in various weather and sometimes adverse environmental conditions. 19054


Cleaning and preparing a job site, loading and delivering materials Contact: 941-4575


Rafter 4 Columbus Drives, Leeward


To maintain and repair all stone work and tiling on the property. Contact: 941-4515


#220 Bay Road, Wheeland, Blue Hills

CARETAKER - $6.75 HOURLY • Light housekeeping duties,






hardware and software components to ensure the smooth running of computer systems.

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Work permit renewals


For more information call 649 333- 6577

CONTACT: 232-2272

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18991

Acting on behalf of

14 Caribbean Paradise Inn, Grace Bay

• Reporting directly to the head chef. • Assisting the head chef in organizing and managing the kitchen, personnel so as to ensure timely completion of miss place daily by 5pm so as kitchen to be ready for nightly service at 6pm.

• Landscape Design. • Job Experience of 5 plus years. • Project management. • Phytosanitation measure • Pest control license. • Bachelor Degree Major Horticulture. • Must work outside with crew daily. Salary: $3000 monthly





Contact: 346-6954 Email: Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19143

Acting on behalf of

• Cleaning the restaurant, dining room and bar.

1 Hidden Habour, Discovery Bay, Providenciales

• To transporting materials, testing equipment to ensure it is working properly, and clearing the work site of hazardous items etc. • Must be willing to work 8 hours a day, 5 days per week. Salary: $10 hourly




such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. • 5 days a week. Contact: 341-4752


Kingston, Lower Bight Road, The Bight


Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. Contact: 242-6780

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy 19159 of their resume to the Labour Board

• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 342-8027

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder19138

KENNETH & SON is seeking to employ a


Duties will include, collecting garbage from various settlements On the island of Providenciales. Work hours are from Mon – Fri @ $6.25 per hour .


Discovery Bay Road, Providenciales. Belonger’s are encourage to send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 19027

November 2-8, 2019 3J’S ENTERPRISE Princess Drive, The Bight Is seeking a


Greets customers, receive payments, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-232-5144 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


BLACK BOY & JEAN TRUCKING Old Clinic Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


• Applicant must be honest, reliable and hard working. • Driving heavy trucks. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 343-4275

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19079


Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking a


Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials.


Set up equipment, run lines, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, cleaning the site, and take down bracing and scaffolding.

CONTACT: 241-2515

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS 5 STAR FASHION SALON #2 Hampton Lane, Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $300 weekly

CONTACT: 246-1075

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19095

ANGELA WILLIAMS 6 George Alley, Aviation Drive, Providenciales Is seeking


• Care for plants. • Yard caretaker. • Free accommodation and 2 weeks’ vacation included. LIVE-IN NANNY-$6.25 HOURLY • Care for special need child. • 4 weeks paid vacations. • Living accommodation. CONTACT: 232-1473 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


CARAMANDA LOUISE HIGGS Bombara, Middle Caicos Is seeking to employ a


• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 431-3064 EMAIL: DESISMITH14@ YAHOO.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


Must have at least 3 years experience. Salary start at $11.00 an hour. Job entails determining and estimating project materials and requirements, constructing and repairing building structures and frameworks. Must be able to work weekends if deemed necessary.

Interested persons should send applications via fax at (649) 941-4034

Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resume to Labour Board Position currently held by work permit holder. 19048



North Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



Braiding, weaving, relaxing and maintenance, cutting, rimming and styling. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 347-5954

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19069

CARIBBEAN BUILDERS #12 Doctors Road, Chalk Sound Is seeking to employ a


• coordinating tasks for the day, creating schedules for workers, oversee quality of the site, and managing the budget. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $15 hourly

CONTACT: 244-0065

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19097


Salary: $6.50 hourly Excellent physical strength is required.



Cleaning, cleaning outside of property, loading heavy equipment’s or delivery, drainage cleaning, polish wood materials inside the property, repaint walls. Candidate must be willing to work on weekends, dayshiftnight shift and holidays.


West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

240 Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

Is looking for the following Full Time Position

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




Please drop off CV’s at the Casablanca Casino 226 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales address to HR or email at Tell: 941-3737


41 Princess Drive, Grace Bay. Seek

Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 649-231-1391

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19062

Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 241-8797

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by A work permit holder. 19090



NORTH CREEK, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a


Duties: cleaning, washing, ironing. Salary $6.50 per hour. Must be willing to work 5 days per week

CONTACT: 649-244-2152

Duties: To clean and Maintain premises, paint and do repairs as needed. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 232-1976

This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 19051

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder. 19041



PALM GROVE, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

HOSPITAL ROAD, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a

Duties: To clean and Maintain premises pick up Yard waste and leaves, Cleaning windows and doors. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

Duties: To clean and Maintain premises, paint and do repairs as needed. SALARY: $7.00 per hour.


CONTACT: 242-3005

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This a first time work permit application. 19030


Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder. 18360

AVIS & PAYLESS CAR RENTALS Looking for a promising career in a fast-paced, customer-driven industry? Avis & Payless Car Rentals are currently seeking to employ

RENTAL SALES AGENTS for the upcoming season. The Rental Sales Agent’s role is to provide unparalleled customer service by: • Greeting and assisting customers and prospective customers. • Completing rental and return transactions. • Selling of programs and services to customers and prospective customers at the counter. • Following established procedures and sales techniques. • Identify and report vehicle damage. All individuals must possess the following: • Exceptional customer service skills • Valid Turks & Caicos Driver’s License • Ability to work weekends and holidays • Computer literacy (previous experience with reservations software is a plus) • Self-motivator with the ability to work with little supervision Salary begins at $8.00 per hour (or more commensurate with experience and qualifications). Belongers/PRC holders preferred.

Please email all applications to 19027

48 CLASSIFIEDS TABOO’S 24H BAR AND RESTAURANT Building #64 Airport Road. Is seeking a

Bartender - $7.50 hourly

• Uphold customer service. Maintain Bar. Mix and serve drinks • Clean and organize all areas including bathrooms

Waitress - $6.25 hourly

• Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Communicate with

customers to resolve complaints or ensure satisfaction.

Cleaner - $6.25 hourly

• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.

Cook - $9 hourly

• Setting up workstations, ingredients and cooking equipment. Cooking food.

CONTACT: 241-7216

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders 19033


#24 A Line Avenue, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ


Install materials floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, patios, and roof decks. Level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood. Salary: $10.00 per hour

CONTACT: 333-5559

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19078

November 2-8, 2019


TCI PROGRESSIVE IMMIGRATION EMPLOYMENT SERVICES #35 Leeward Palms, Providenciales Contact: Manager- 231-6991 Seeking




Maintenance duties


Casual labourer.




5 days per week to perform assigned tasks as necessary. Salary: $7 to $10/hr

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19108

T HOLDING LTD Unit #106 Ocean Club Plaza, Grace Bay Is seeking a







Unit #1 & #2 La Petit Plaza, Grace Bay Is seeking a


• Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, mixing concrete, hand tools to workers, and cleaning work site. • 5 days per week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Apply makeup, dress wigs, hair removal, and nail and skin care services. Salary: $320 weekly

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19100

CONTACT: 231-4336


Apt #21 Turtle Cove Landing, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $8 hourly

Contact: 941-8342 or 241-1502

CONTACT: 332-6954

West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ


• • •


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

extensive knowledge of wines Mixology training, first aid training, fully proficient in English and a minimum of two other languages Advanced computer skills Maintain a high standard in personal appearance & hygiene Salary $2,000.00 per month

This position is vacant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department 19055 ISRAEL FORBES

Bottle Creek, North Caicos 344-7117 Pay: 6.25 per hour Renewal

Momentous Ltd. is seeking qualified individuals for the following positions. Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including weekends and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers, must have a valid passport, and ability to travel globally. Applicants will be required to pass a written skills and fluency (English) test. This position is currently occupied by a Work Permit holder. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are invited to forward resumes to the Labour Board.


To clean the property, takes our garbage.


This position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference 19056

– Product Development & Operations

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19035


#550 TURTLE TAIL DRIVE. 649-245-1305

• Coordinate with guests in advance of arrival and when guests are at the villa • Provide food and beverage service, customer service at a 5 star level with guests • Help prepare food, plate and serve meals and drinks • Valid driver’s license food and safety certificate • Sommelier training &

Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 244-1017

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19022


• Minimum of 5 years’ verifiable experience as a host in a luxury villa • Required daily housekeeping of the villa and the grounds • Minor maintenance is required • Pool service • Organization of the stock areas and control inventory

#2 Hampton Lane, Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

TRIPLE S CONSTRUCTION 19B Parrot Cut Drive, Glass Shack, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 243-3460

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19061


410 Blue Hills Roundabout & Airport Road, TCI Lotto Yard Is seeking


To wash, scrub and polish the interiors and exteriors of car suv’s and buses. Task; vacuum, clean and maintain vehicles. Salary: $6.25 hourly


Duties: Clean work place, lifting, general construction. Salary $7 per hour Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour Department, Contact: (649) 333 0209 Currently held by W/P Holder


CONTACT: 244-6080 EMAIL: MCGKL@GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by work permit holders 19018

Salary: $45,000 Annually


EMMANUEL BELIZAIRE Grand Hills, Unit #14 Five Cays Providenciales salary: $6.25

#24 A Line Avenue, Blue Hills

Build walls and install partitions.

2 CARPENTER HELPER $9.00 PER HOUR Cut timber or lumber.


Assemble pipe sections.


Assist plumber.

2 LABOURERS - $7.00 PER HOUR Mixing concrete.

2 MASONS - $10 HOURLY Repairs and maintains building, laying bricks.



Answering calls and taking messages.

CONTACT: 333-5559

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

5days per week




Applications can be submitted online at

New Tech Construction

TELEPHONE - 347-0913


● Demonstrated experience managing the full product development lifecycle, including product briefing, conceptual crafting, product line development, costing, prototyping, spec development, manufacturing, designing, testing, release ● Create, execute and track agile project plans, including the User Story/Acceptance Criteria process ● Plan and manage sprint cycles. Ensure the timely and bug-free delivery of sprints. ● Build and lead a high performing internal team of development, technical, engineering, and design staff, while also leveraging external industrial designers, product designers, and vendor/factory resources to develop compelling new products ● Ability to gather and analyze data and trends by extracting data directly from databases using Microsoft SQL ● 5 + years experience in domain name industry including familiarity with launch and life cycle of new gTLDs. ● 5+ years experience building hi-profile products and demonstrating a minimum of 3 successful product launches ● 5+ years experience with agile development methods ● 10+ years experience strategy development and project management ● University degree from top-tier university





South Dock Road, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ an

AUTO BODY REPAIR MECHANIC Remove damaged body parts, including bumpers, fenders, hoods, grilles and trim. Hammer out or patch dents, dimples and other minor body damage. Fit, attach, and weld replacement parts into places and apply new finish to restored body parts. Willing to work 6 days per week Salary $8.25 per hour

Turks and Caicos Island National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) Providenciales

Chief Executive Officer, NHIB Reports to: Board of Directors and Minister of NHIB Reporting to this position: Deputy CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Internal Auditor, Legal Officer, Human Resource Officer and Administrative Assistant. Location: NHIB Head Office - Providenciales


The NHIB is a Statutory Body that is primarily responsible for the management of: • The medical Treatment Abroad Programme on behalf of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government. • Statutory deductions from each employer and employee within the Turks and Caicos Islands for the purpose of the National Health Insurance Plan (NHIP).


The Chief Executive Officer is the chief executive of the National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) and, has system wide responsibility for the effective and efficient administration and day-to-day management and administration of the of NHIB in accordance with the National Health Insurance Ordinance and Regulations. Providing supervision to other professional and clerical staff. The CEO is expected to generate satisfactory results when the qualitative and quantitative output of the staff is at a high level, the expenditure of the NHIB is within the limits of the budget, and the services of the NHIP are provided to the Government and the beneficiaries in a timely and value for money basis.


• Monitoring and administering the Plan; • Monitoring and administering the Fund; • Monitoring the collection of contributions under the NHIB Ordinance; • Advise the Minister on the policies relating to the health care needs of the beneficiaries • Advise the Minister on the policies and directions concerning the use of monies of the Fund; • Establish a quality assurance programme for the functioning of the Plan through monitoring of the health care service being provided to the beneficiaries; • Supervise and control expenditure from the Fund; • Financial and operationalmatters; • Developing administrative and human resources development manuals for approval by the Board; • Preparing regular financial and operational reports for the Board; • The administration and control of the staff of the Board; • Accounting for all monies collected, paid or invested under the Ordinance; • Contracting health service providers for the purposes of the objects of the NHIP; • Ensuring compliance by contracted health service providers with the quality standards as may be prescribed by the Minister from time to time; • Make disbursements from the Fund; and • Perform such functions as are for the time being conferred on him or her by Virtue of the Ordinance or any other law or any Regulations and as the Board or the Minister may from time to time assign.

CONTACT: 649- 344-8753


This is a high-stress position based on full responsibility for the NHIB’s operations. Handles detailed, complex concepts and problems, balances multiple tasks simultaneously, and makes rapid decisions regarding medical and administrative issues. Plans and implements programs. Establishes strong and appropriate relationships with Board, committees, staff and subscribers/clients. Develops smooth and constructive relationships with executive colleagues, outside agencies, organizations and individuals. Plans and meets deadlines. Maintains a flexible work schedule to meet the demands of executive management. Hours may be long and irregular. Conveys a professional and positive image and attitude regarding the NHIB. Demonstrates commitment to continued professional growth and development.


• A Master’s Degree in Health Administration/Health Financing/Health Insurance/Finance or a related field; • A minimum of ten (10) years’ on the job experience in a senior management position in insurance or health related field to acquire the necessary competencies to effectively respond to the challenges of the role; • Certification in theAccounting/Financefield(such as ACCA,CPA, CMA or CGMA would be an asset). As Chief Executive Officer, this individual should demonstrate key competencies in Transformational Leadership, Strategic Management, Financial Management, Performance Management, Organizational and Behavioral Management and should possess Communication Skills at the Senior Management and Executive level. Knowledge and experience in establishing a National Heath Account would be an asset.


Salary is in the range of US$115,000.00 to $130,380.00 negotiable based on qualifications and experience. A standard set of benefits and allowances are additional.


Interested persons are requested to submit a resume, along with their contact information, cover letter, two letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer), copies of educational certificates, a Police Certificate and a copy of the Passport photo page. Applications can be hand delivered directly or by courier, to the National Health Insurance Board, Salt Mills Plaza, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, prior to the deadline. The envelope should be addressed to The Chairman – National Health Insurance Board with the words “Chief Executive Officer Position” clearly marked on the front. Alternatively, applications can be emailed to recruitment@ . The subject line in the email should read “Chief Executive Officer Position”. We thank all applicants for their interest but only candidates selected for an interview will be acknowledged.


The deadline for submission of applications is by close of business on Friday, November 15, 19092

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labor Board. This position is for a first-time work permit

RT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES #81 Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


• To work 8am-5pm 6 days a week. • Mason work on construction sites and homes. Salary: $9 hourly CONTACT: 331-0947 EMAIL: R.TCONSTRUCTION@ GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



November 2-8, 2019


42 Chandelle Drive, Venetian Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $2,000 monthly

CONTACT: 344-4528

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19063

S WALKIN AND SONS #658 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

GARDENER Soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. Salary: $8.00 per hour

CONTACT: 946-4411

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


SANDS CONSTRUCTION #24 A Line Avenue, Blue Hills. Is seeking

4 CARPENTERS - $14.00 PER HOUR Build walls and install partitions.

2 CARPENTER HELPER $9.00 PER HOUR Cut timber or lumber.

2 PLUMBERS - $14.00 PER HOUR Assemble pipe sections.

2 PLUMBER HELPER $9.00 PER HOUR Assist plumber.

2 LABOURERS - $7.00 PER HOUR Mixing concrete.


Repairs and maintains building, laying bricks.

CONTACT: 333-5559

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19075



5 days per week to clean, wash, Iron and assist where necessary. PART TIME. SALARY $10/HR. CONTACT: TWA@TMWLAW.TC 946-4261 OR 1276 LEEWARD HWY. Reference to TCIslanders. Position currently held by Permit holder. 19025

2 COUSINS TRAILER SERVICES is looking to employ a

LABOURER Duties include various yard cleaning, Trash removal and sometime lifting heavy boxes

Duties: Performing a variety Of housekeeping chores such as sweeping, mopping, dusting, and polishing to ensure all rooms are made-up and kept tidy. SALARY: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 241-5715


Duties: To mix mortar, lay Bricks and stone, form and pour concrete. Salary: $10.00 per hour.

CONTACT: 242-1358

GREGORY ADAMS Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To fix, maintain Building problems and yard Maintenance as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 332-6328

Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resume to The employment Services Office. This is a first time Work Permit Application.

Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Employment Services Office. This is a first Time application. 19120






Cooper Jack, Robinson Street #16 Is seeking to employ a

FIVE CAYS ROAD Is seeking to employ a




Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Contact: 341-6254 Email:



Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



Please send all resumes to with a copy to the Labour Board. Contacts are 649 344 4012/241 2360

Location; Long Bay, Providenciales, work hours are from Mon- Friday, 8:00 a.m to 5:00 pm. Salary is $6.25 per hour. Belonger’s only apply


Osborne Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ

Receiving messages.

November 2-8, 2019


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These position are First Time work permit holders 19052


• Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 345-6174

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19140


Whitby, North Caicos

Employer: Agnes Swann Central Square Road Whitby, North Caicos





Duties: to wash, scrub and Polish interiors and exteriors Of cars, SUV’s and buses, to Vacuum and clean mats and Rugs. To work 6 days per week. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

The Quarry, Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 244-6459





21 Airport Road, Elite Plaza, House #3 Is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 246-7382 19033

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19114

(renewal) Rate: $6:50hr Description: House cleaning, Cooking, washing

CONTACT: 232-4476

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by A work permit holder. 19116


Employer: Kim Taylor Middle Caicos


Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Dept., This position is Currently held by a work permit Holder. 19117

Setting up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking food. Salary: $6.25 hourly

(renewal) Rate: $7.00 per hour Weeding yard, moving trash, washing windows

OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 343-2420

554B Sunny Apt, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a

• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 246-7316

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19139


Suite #101, Grace Bay Court, Providenciales

is seeking to employ a

VACANCIES FIELD ENGINEER Finishing Mechanic • Applicant must be detail oriented and efficient in all areas of finishing construction; • Duties include specializing in all aspects of sheetrock installation, design and finish; • Overseeing the installation, design and fine toning to the details of tracks and studs; • Reading and understanding architectural drawings and executing the design concepts; • Must be comfortable and knowledgeable when it comes to reading blue-prints, design concepts, application of various textures and techniques and discussing the same with architects, structural engineers and clients. • Must have 10 years experience in this position and willing to work six days a week plus holidays. • Salary is $25 per hour or based on experience • This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to apply.

Carpenter Helper • Follow blueprints and building plans in order to adequately assist lead carpenter; • Meet with clients in the absence of carpenter to record any changes to design concepts; • Assist with structural installation, installation of fixtures, windows, mouldings (interior and exterior) and intricate finishings. • Must have 5 years experience in this position and willing to work six days a week plus holidays. • Salary is $8 per hour or based on experience • This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to apply.

Interested Belongers and Work Permit holders are encouraged to drop off a resume at Labor Department, Email to: or deliver to Ovando’s office. Contact: 946-5855


professional manner. • Assist in carrying out a variety of basic field duties at the job site related to general construction.


• Degree in Civil Engineering &/OR • Minimum 5 years’ experience in similar field • Must be able to read and interpret drawings and specifications. • Must have the ability to perform and be proficient in geometrical and mathematical calculations. • Must have knowledge and ability necessary to perform layout and surveying. • Must have knowledge of basic computer systems and software. • Must be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. • Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions. • Clean Police Record • Valid Driver’s License


• $52K – $65K


• Full-Time

Please submit applications to main office at C 5-6 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales TCI.



• Engage in site layout, cost estimating, construction planning, scheduling, material procurement, quality control, and job site safety. • Provide and maintain horizontal and vertical survey control by use of a level, GPS, total station, etc., including organized documentation of survey notes. • Perform quantity tracking (including calculations) and cost coding for purposes of productivity analysis and accurate job cost forecasting. • Initiate progress and final payments with owners and subcontractors. • Prepare daily reports as related to crews, progress and issues. • Provide document control for correspondence, submittals, RFI’s, etc. • Assist in the preparation of final records for the project, including asbuilts. • Work with foreman to ensure structures are built in conformance with the contract requirements. • Coordinate and monitor the work of subcontractors. • Represent HCL in a business-like and

November 2-8, 2019 LITTLE ANGELS NANNY SERVICES Chick-A-Willy CL, Apt #3, Juba Sound Is seeking to employ a


Applicant must be good with children, honest, reliable and always willing to work. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 242-0287

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


MARIO SIMMONS #100 Walter Cox Drive, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-1429

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


LORLEAN WILSON #48 Long Bay Road Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER Cleaning property,

picking up yard waste, gardening, cleaning windows and doors, taking care of pets daily. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-241-4603

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18939

MIDJIE CLOTHING STORE Store A1, #28 Blue Hills Is seeking a


• To work 8am-5pm 6 days a week. • Maintenance of store and homes. Salary: $9 hourly Contact: 241-9497 Email: Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19020


LABOURER/VEHICLE PREP WORKER JOB DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Cleaning of rental cars • Checking fluids (engine oil, transmission, tire pressure etc.) • Maintain Fleet and ensure all vehicles are in good working condition • Fill gasoline tank and check fuel levels on all fluids • Must have knowledge of all

types of cars • Must be able to drive multiple types of vehicles • Must be able to work outdoors in all types of weather conditions • Must be able to work on weekends, holidays and nights • Have a Valid Driver’s License and a clean Police Record

Please forward resume to Mystique Car Rental & Tours Ltd. 72 Old Airport Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Deadline: November 4th, 2019 19038


#769 Leonie Plaza, Leeward Highway


• Repair vehicle tubes and tires in the field and at the garage; make road calls. balance tires for all vehicles, order tires for all vehicles in the fleet, order patches and plugs for tires. • 6 day a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 332-8300

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board work permit Renewal 18433



PROVO UPHOLSTERY Five Cays, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Repair furniture. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 941-5010

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19111

OCEAN VIEW SALON #3 Blue Hills. Is seeking a


• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $350 weekly

CONTACT: 232-5443

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



#12 Stars Building, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a


• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly

CONTACT: 331-2316

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



• Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves, assisted other work as needed. • 6 days a week. Salary: $350 weekly

CONTACT: 231-6318

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


OLD OAK MILL WORK South Dock Road, Unit #9 Caicos Depot. Is seeking

2 FINE WOOD CARPENTERS-$9 HOURLY Cutting and trimming wood for cabinets and other furniture.


Apply paints and coating to furniture, interior and exterior walls. Salary: $9.00 per hour

CONTACT: 333-5559

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Lighthouse Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



Duties: Welcome clients as they arrive in the shop and engage them in conversation to determine their needs. Cut, Trim hair and beards or Giving shaves. Assume responsibility for The maintenance of Instruments and work Station. SALARY: $8.00 per hour

CONTACT: 431-7116

Duties: washing dishes and pots and cleaning Must be able to work 5 days per week Salary $7.00 per hour This position is for work permit renewal


Duties: Supervising catering jobs. Must be able to work 5 days per week. Salary $8.00 per hour This position is for work permit renewal

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This position is held by a Work permit holder. 19121

Belongers can submit their resume to the Labor Department 19073


2 Omega Lane, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a

1B TDMG Building, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

Construction Supervisor

• Must have at least 5 years of experience • Duties: oversee jobsite, ensure that supplies are on job, • Prepare work schedules, ensue safe working environment. • Must have a clean drivers license Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour

QUICK STEP SHOE REPAIR In front of Kishco, Aviation Drive Is seeking to employ a



CONTACT: 244-4398


Department, Contact: (649) 242 5638 Currently held by W/P Holder



1B TDMG Building, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Clean work place, lifting, general construction. Salary $7 per hour Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour Department, Contact: (649) 244 5638 Currently held by W/P Holder 19036

• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-6050

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


HERZOG CARIBBEAN LTD. is seeking to employ a


Supervises field operations for an Earthwork/Roadway/Grading project. The Grading Foreman will directly supervise and coordinate activities of grading crew and may also engage in the trade work of the employees being supervised.


• Directly supervises grading crew. • Reports on work to Superintendent. • Experienced on all types of heavy equipment for dirt and site projects. • Knowledgeable in the areas of dirt work, including excavation, grade work, surveying and final excavating work. • Reads, understands, and interprets drawings and specifications. • Monitors crews for organizational structure, sizing, crew mix ratios, and wage compliance in conjunction with Superintendent. • Reports on time and materials. • Monitors the implementation of safety orientations, safety indoctrinations, provides coaching

for improvement.


• Minimum 5 years earthworks/ grading foreman experience • Clean Police Record • Valid Driver’s License


• Knowledge of the local customers, materials and specifications is strongly preferred. • Demonstrate strong communication and interpersonal skills. • Proven record of being a selfstarter and able to work under limited supervision. • Able to recognize drainage issues. • Good physical strength. • Good physical stamina. • Good manual dexterity. • Great attention to detail. • Works well as team leader.


• Based on Experience


• Full-Time

Please submit applications to main office at C 5-6 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales TCI.






# 42 Shandel drive, Venetian road, 344-4528 Care for the baby, feed, dressed and change diapers, Supervise when awake.

# 111, Regent Village, Grace Bay, 333-5034 Location: Providenciales

applying soap to clean the outside Scrapping loose dirt, cleaning tires, rinsing with a hose, Drying, Salary starts at $6.25 per hour.

Assistant chefs aid head chefs with skilled food preparation and cooking. They also oversee the storage and disposal of leftover food products, and help to make sure that the kitchen is clean. Help head chefs develop and test new recipes, and maintain records of what food has been prepared and what ingredients were used. Salary: $ 9.00 per hour


This position is held by a work permit holder. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference



Godets Allotments Hospital Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


NOYAL HAMILTON SALT CAY NORTH Is seeking to employ a


• Keeping the premises clean. Dispose of weeds and shrubs. Minor maintenance and repairs. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 232-1762

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


November 2-8, 2019


Duties: manual labourer, minor maintenance and repairs, must be willing to work 5-6 days per week Salary $6.50 per hour


Granny Hill, Five Cays, 346-6622


Mix and bake ingredients to produce breads, rolls, cookies, cake, pies, pastries or other baked goods. Check products for quality and identify damaged or expired goods Pay: 6.25 per hour RENEWAL. THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 19086





Assist in managing staff including cashiers and others working on the floor, formulate pricing policies, coordinate the shipping of merchandise etc. maintain inventory and ensure items are in stock. Salary $8.00 per hour


North Caicos. 232-6538


Used farm equipment to till soil and plow fields, dug ditches, bales hay fertilized fields and rotated crops each season, cared for the farm animals, transport live stock and fruits and vegetables to processing plants, carry farm goods out for sales Pay: 6.25 per hour

To servicing, cleaning the building attentively by sweeping and scrubbing. Vacuuming and mopping. Repairs equipment, bathroom, repair broking furniture. General knowledge of carpentry, electrical, plumbing and mechanical system.




LEEANDRA GARLAND Palm Grove, Grand Turk Tel# 341-5257

Contact: 649-946-2811 These are both for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 19105


This position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference 19085

LESHAM FULFORD Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



Responsible for doing manual work, loading and unloading containers, assisting in stocking of shelves, should be physically fit to lift products 50lbs. or more, being able to work at heights, committed to working flexible hours, days, nights, weekends and holidays Salary $6.50 per hour



Duties: taking care of Child working hours 5 days out of the week $500 a week surety. This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 19040

• Erect scaffolding, lay out tools and pass to workers. Clean and put away tool at the end of the day and take down scaffolding, Assist masons and carpenters. Mix mortar. • Must be willing to work 5 days weekly. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-6679

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19068



InterHealth Canada is currently recruiting for a Key Senior Management position within their Facilities Department.

OPERATIONS DIRECTOR FACILITIES SERVICES Based in Providenciales, with rotation and visitation to Grand Turk as required. Responsible for Facilities Services at both Grand Turk and Providenciales Hospital sites. Responsibilities for organisational leadership, team development, and over all operational accountability for all Facilities Service streams including: contractual and budgetary compliance, delivery of Key Performance Indicators, finance and quality management and reporting functions, administration, human resources and training functions, business planning and continuous improvement initiatives. Candidates must have a minimum of 10 years TFM (Total Facilities Management) experience at Director level with 5+ years’ experience being within a Healthcare environment with appropriate supporting qualifications.

InterHealth Canada Construction and Services has pleasure in announcing the following vacancies within the Facilities Management Department at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales.



Qualified Belongers will be given first consideration.

Applicants must have relevent experience in the field they have applied for. Must be able to work 40 hours per week (5 shifts allocated over 7 days and include weekend working and bank holidays). Excellent customer service, English language skills and literacy are required for all posts.

Salary: Negotiable, commensurate with qualifications and experience.

*Salaries dependant on qualifications and experience

Apply in writing together with an up to date curriculum vitae to:

Interested candidates please forward your resume to:

CLOSING DATE: November 15th 2019 Applications will not be accepted after the closing date.


For further information and queries, please contact Donique Pinnock on Tel: 941-2800 Ext 71802



# 3 Dock yard, Kew Town 242-7715

NUMBER 1 KITCHEN GRILL RESTAURANT # 4 Dock yard, Kew Town 241-7032


Braiding and massaging. Treating scalps, Coloring, styling, Shape eyebrows and remove facial hair. Pay: 8.00 per hour RENEWAL, THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 19087




Prepare Haitian and Caribbean food , breakfast, lunch & fried meat at night Salary starts at $8.00 per hour. First time, Belonger will be given first preference. 19091




BARBER Cutting, trimming,

Building 2, Mary Jane Lane Millennium Highway 331-8812

Cleaning outside the property, Pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, Cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference.


CONTACT: 331-1977

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


Blue Hills, Island Front Road 254 Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frame. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 332-3751

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19045


20 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a


• Take care of cats, dogs and a child after school. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 231-3122

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19046

Community/Retail Pharmacy located on the Island of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, is seeking 3 fulltime pharmacists.



1. Dispensing prescription medication, checking dosage, giving advice and instruction on the usage of over-the-counter medicines and medical appliances. 2. Patient counseling on health matters especially relating to managing hypertensive and diabetic patients. 3. Liaising with doctors about prescriptions and new medication 4. Managing, supervising and training pharmacy support staff.

HO2 CONSTRUCTION Suite #101, Grace Bay Court, Providenciales


VACANCIES • Follow blueprints and building; • Meet with foreman and architect to discuss blue-prints and design concepts; • Install metal studs, tracks and drywall with intricate and detailed designs; • Must have 10 years experience in this position and willing to work six days a week plus holidays. • Salary is $10 per hour or based on experience • Belongers are encouraged to apply.

shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. Salary: $6.50 hourly


Pharmacist Needed



Unit #1 IBO Plaza, Behind Ball Park, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


• Must be able to work with various textures and paint applications; • Specialty painter who works seamlessly with designing and applying textures like STO and similar products for interior and exterior surfaces; • Must be comfortable with apply knock-down, building up and blocking in textures, dry brushing, Sgraffito and glazing. • Salary is $10 per hour or based on experience • Belongers are encouraged to apply.

1. A minimum of three years experience within the Retail Pharmacy business will be an asset. 2. Certification from a reputable institution as well as proof of current pharmacist registration. 3. Good communication skills, and keen attention to details 4. Proficient in the English Language however a second language (Spanish or French Creole) will be an asset. 5. Knowledge of the Kroll pharmacy computer program or similar 6. Must be willing to work flexible hours, including holidays and weekends in rotation. Ad is for permit renewal however position is open to all suitably qualified applicants. Salary ranges from $36,000.00 to $42,000.00.

Pharmacy Technician Required

Interested Belongers and Work Permit holders are encouraged to drop off a resume at Labor Department, Email to: or deliver to HO2 Construction’s office. Contact: 946-5855 18123


An Application Registered, PR 14497, by BELB EAST DEVELOPMENT LTD has been submitted to the Planning Department for consideration of Outline Development Permission & Rezoning from Low Density Residential (3 Units/Acre) to Tourism Related Developments being a Hotel Development on parcels 61113/410 and 411, Long Bay Hills, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Anyone wishing to make representations, please do so in writing to the Director of Planning, Department of Planning, Providenciales or Grand Turk within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of the Notice. Notice dated: October 22nd, 2019 BELB EAST DEVELOPMENT LTD. 19058


1. Assist pharmacist in labeling and filling prescriptions as well as enter prescriptions into the computer 2. Assist patients in dropping off and picking up prescriptions 3. Compound oral solutions, ointments, and creams under Pharmacist supervision 4. Medication ordering 5. Work with insurance carriers to obtain payments and refilling authority Skills required: 1. Previous experience working as a Pharmacy Technician 2. Certification from a reputable institution as well as proof of current Pharmacy Technician license. 3. Strong communication skills and the ability to work independently as well as part of a team. 4. Understanding of medical terminology and calculations 5. Proficient in the English Language however a second language (Spanish or French Creole) will be an asset. 6. Must be willing to work flexible hours, including holidays and weekends in rotation. Ad is for permit renewal however position is open to all suitably qualified applicants. Salary ranges from $22,800.00 to $25,200.00.

Domestic Worker • • • • •

Needed for retail business. Must be willing to work Weekends and Holidays Ad is for work permit renewal however position is open to all suitably qualified applicants. Salary $7.00 per hour

All applicants should apply to the Managing Director, Grace Bay Pharmacy, Box 1276, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands or email 19081


November 2-8, 2019



Wilson Apt #1, 65 Walter Cox Drive, Cheshire, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a




DIRECTOR OF TOURISM A rewarding career opportunity awaits you in the Turks & Caicos Tourist Board, in the post of Director of Tourism. This position is based on Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. The successful candidate will have direct responsibly to ensure that the Turks and Caicos Islands is promoted as a premier destination globally. These promotions are to be carried out in conjunction with the TCI Board of Tourism’s Strategic Plan. The Tourist Board is responsible for stimulating economic development and providing promotional direction and branding for the Turks and Caicos Islands. The primary objective of the Director of Tourism is to provide excellent quality leadership and executive direction in the following key areas: • • • • •

Strategic Positioning and Direction Destination Marketing Promotions and Public Relations Product Development Fiscal Responsibility

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. STRATEGIC POSITIONING AND DIRECTION 1.1 Develop and implement the TCI Board of Tourism’s Strategic Marketing Plan with an aim at increasing local and overseas investment and leisure and corporate travel to the TCI. 1.2 Manage the activities of the TCI Board of Tourism through excellent leadership. Position the TCI Board of Tourism as the leading promotional body in the area. Develop and maintain the high quality of TCI’s tourism products and services. 1.3 Execute a leadership role for hospitality and tourism industry with respect to destination marketing, and other core activities of the Board of Tourism. 1.4 Promote an excellent public image and draw awareness to TCI’s tourism assets, programs, events, cultural, community and tourism resources. 1.5 Oversee the development of annual advertising plans, creative messaging, and media buys. 1.6 Direct the collection of market research and statistical data, and general visitor information; ensure distribution of market research and statistical data to relevant sources. 1.7 Work closely with all tourism stakeholders to facilitate the expansion of tourism in the Turks and Caicos Islands. 2. DESTINATION MARKETING 2.1 Market TCI as a tourism destination to stimulate economic development; attend consumer and trade shows; oversee familiarization trips, site visits and sales missions in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. 2.2 Build and maintain positive working relationships with Tourism Stakeholders, Government Agencies, and Community Groups; enhance Belonger participation and ownership in the tourism industry. 2.3 Oversee the development and distribution of brochures, marketing, advertising and other collateral materials. 3. PROMOTIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS 3.1 Promote TCI as a tourism destination that is the sought after destination in the region. 3.2 Ensure that collateral materials are appropriately created and distributed to provide the most positive image of TCI tourism. 3.3 Increase the visibility of the TCI in the media and through public relations with timely placed articles through sought after publications to ensure that a continued relationship and goodwill is in the marketplace, at all times. 4. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Identify new tourism products based on market and consumer research; maintain and enhance existing tourism products in keeping with the Board of Tourism’s annual product development plan. 4.2 Develop materials to promote the various tourism products in the TCI 4.3 Liaise with the Board, Government Departments, Non-governmental Organizations, the Private Sector and other relevant entities to execute Product Development plans and activities. 5. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY

5.1 Develop and manage annual budget of the organization, operating within established budgetary guidelines as set forth by the Board of Directors. 5.2 Provide monthly/quarterly/annual reports on tourism activities to the Board, and keep the Board updated and informed on matters of relevance. 5.3 Prepare annual reports and make presentations on the economic impact of tourism within the Turks and Caicos Islands. 5.4 Identify sources of financing for marketing, product development, training and other core activities of the organization.

• Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, and etc. Level the surface to be tiled. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 332-7196

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19042


Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• To ensure that the premises is well kept, dispose of trash and leaves, water plants when necessary, minor maintenance and repairs. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

6. OTHER 6.1 Comply with the policies, procedures and guidelines of the TCI Tourist Board. 6.2 Perform other duties as directed by the Chairman of the Board.

CONTACT: 232-0976


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

A Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism, Public Relations, Marketing or a related field with a minimum of 10 years’ experience in the travel/tourism industry, or an equivalent combination of education and experience. • Five or more years’ experience managing staff in a public sector environment with tourism management experience. • Management experience with ability to supervise others. • Ability to represent the Board of Tourism at the highest levels of interaction. • Considerable knowledge of TCI’s tourism products and services, with the ability to administer all aspects of tourism programs. • Knowledge, skill and ability to develop and implement marketing and strategic plans. • Ability to maintain effective relationships with the Board of Directors as well as local and international tourism sector stakeholders and partners in the public and private sector. • Ability to develop, coordinate and evaluate travel and tourism promotional activities. • Proficiency in MS Office software, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. • Ability to communicate effectively both in written format and oral presentation. • Excellent social and interpersonal skills. • Good health and high energy level.


IDEAL CAR RENTALS B7 Windson Drive, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a


• Greeting guest, taking reservations, dropping off and picking up vehicles. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 243-4492

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19032


• Self-managed in a results driven environment. • A dynamic work environment. • Interface with relevant government ministries and departments and tourism private sector entities. • Ability to travel extensively, and at short notice. • Goal accomplishment within an environment of change and flux. • Work hours may extend to evenings, weekends and holidays.


South School Lane, Grand Turk. Is seeking a


• To ensure that the premises is well kept, dispose of trash and leaves, water plants when necessary, minor maintenance and repairs. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

SALARY: Salary for this position is commensurate with qualifications and experience. For consideration please submit the following documents to chairman@ or submit to The Chairman, Turks and Caicos Tourist Board, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands: • Cover Letter • Current Resume • • •

Two (2) reference letters Current Police Record Resident Status


CONTACT: 244-2951

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board work permit renewal 19071 19024

November 2-8, 2019



OPEN JOB POSITION DATE OPEN: October 21, 2019. START DATE: December 1, 2019


Villa Housekeeper


PROPERTY: Grace Bay Resorts

• Read blueprints or technical diagrams • Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems • Inspect electrical components, such as transformers and circuit breakers • Identify electrical problems with a variety of testing devices • Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures using hand tools and power tools • Follow local building regulations • Rate starting at $10 -$ 13.50 per hour


• Perform a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing • Ensure all rooms in the Private Villa Collections are cared for and inspected according to standards • Protect equipment and make sure there are no inadequacies • Notify superiors on any damages, deficits and disturbances within the villa • Deal with reasonable complaints/requests with professionalism and patience • Check stocking levels of all consumables and replace when appropriate • Adhere strictly to rules regarding health and safety and be aware of any company-related practices Qualified Islanders and Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: $6.25 per hour

Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than November 1, 2019 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1020 Email: Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies





– Position to be help by a work permit holder


• Interprets blueprints and building specifications to map layout for pipes, drainage systems, and other plumbing materials • Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, steam, air, or other liquids • Installs supports for pipes, equipment, and fixtures prior to installation • Assembles fittings and valves for installation • Modifies length of pipes, fixtures, and other plumbing materials as needed for a building • Uses saws and pipe cutters as necessary • Installs water heaters • Tests plumbing systems for leaks and other problems • Analyses problem and identifies appropriate tools and materials for repair • Performs inspections of plumbing systems to identify and replace worn parts • Rate starting at $11 - $13 per hour



P.O. Box 1125, South Dock Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands


• Build and assemble machines or mechanical components according to requirements. • Inspect machines, engines, transmissions etc. and run diagnostics tests to discover functionality issues. • Conduct repairs aiming for maximum reliability. • Troubleshoot reported problems and resolve them in a timely manner • Perform thorough maintenance on machinery, equipment and systems. • Clean and apply lubricants to machinery components. • Replenish fluids and components of engines and machinery. • Provide consultation on correct maintenance and preventative measures to machine or vehicle users. • Undertake other duties as assigned (e.g. repair of hydraulic systems, make hydraulic hoses etc.) • Keep logs of work and report on issues. Must possess suitable mechanic background (Degree preferred) as well of experience with in all aspects of automotive movil services/ repaired industry. Salary: With experience and qualifications salary range $15-$30 per hour. Must have own tools Drop off resumes/cv at the office located on P.O Box 1125 South Dock Rd. or at Labour Department in Providenciales or email: admin@ | Phone: (649) 946-5919/ (649) 245-2897 Fax: (649) 941-7935. Belongers only need apply

– Position to be held by a work permit holder


Job Overview: We are looking for a professional Housekeeper able of attending to our facilities with integrity and attention to detail. The goal is to create a clean and orderly environment for our guests that will become a critical factor in maintaining and strengthening our reputation.

– position held by a work permit holder • Assist Electricians and plumbers on job sites • Clean up job sites • Rate 6.25 – 10 per hour


– Position to be held by work permit holder


• Maintains accounting records by making copies; filing documents. • Reconciles bank statements by comparing statements. • Prepare bank deposits • Reconcile accounts • Daily enter key data of financial transactions in database • Rate $310.00 weekly



- position held by a work permit holder • Inspect food preparation and serving 19072


areas to ensure observance of safe, sanitary food-handling practices. • Turn or stir foods to ensure even cooking. • Season and cook food according to recipes or personal judgment and experience. • Observe and test foods to determine if they have been cooked sufficiently, using methods such as tasting, smelling, or piercing them with utensils. • Weigh, measure, and mix ingredients according to recipes or personal judgment, using various kitchen utensils and equipment. • Portion, arrange, and garnish food, and serve food to waiters or patrons. • Rate $400.00 per week

THE LODGINGS VILLA HOUSEKEEPER - To be held by work permit holder


• Answer immediately to request from guests, as well as from other departments • Load cart with supplies such as linens and move it to the required area • Enter guest rooms by adhering to proper procedures and ensure they are vacant • Replace used amenities in guest rooms • Provide clean linens and terry for dirty ones • Fold towels, make beds, and ensure bathrooms are clean • Take away, room service items, dirty linen, and trash • Perform check on all room appliances to ensure they are in good working condition • Adjust furniture, desk items, and appliances when necessary • Dust furnishings and walls and remove marks from them • Carry out floor care duties in hallway and guest rooms, and mop floor • Adhere to all safety, security, and company procedures and policies • Keep proprietary information confidential • Ensure company standards are followed in welcoming and acknowledging all guests • Expect service needs of guests and provide them even before called upon to do so • Apply professional language in communicating with guests and other people • Provide support to team to achieve common goals • Rate $6.50-$9.10 per hour Address: 34 Williams Plaza, Old Airport Road, Providenciales Contact 946-4726 .Resumes can be faxed to 941-3425 and the Labor Department, Providenciales as soon as possible.



- position held by a work permit holder • Stocking shelves and freezer • Off load pallets when new shipment arrives • Rate 7.00 per hour Address: 54 Airport Road , Providencilaies Contact 946-4726 .Resumes can be faxed to 941-3425 and the Labor Department, Providenciales as soon as possible.


November 2-8, 2019


#29 Norway Road, Apt #2 Kew town. Is seeking a


JOB OPPORTUNITIES Bark & Bliss Ltd. is seeking qualified individuals for the following positions. Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including weekends and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers. Applicants will be required to have a valid passport, the ability to travel globally, and pass a written skills test. These positions are currently occupied by a Work Permit holders. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are invited to forward resumes to the Labour Board.


RESPONSIBILITIES: ● Deliver diagnosis, treatment and intensive medical care for patients in need ● Treat urgent and emergency medical and surgical cases ● Perform routine surgical, specialty surgical and dental procedures ● Institute and deliver preventative care for healthy patients ● Perform routine surgical, specialty surgical and dental procedures ● Verify accurate charges, and provide detailed notes for ongoing patient care and case transfer ● Developing protocols for all aspects of the business; work closely with accounting to maintain and update budget, inventory, and staff time within approved budgetary constraints ● Develop relationships with social service agencies, government agencies and rescues/shelters ● Train and educate volunteers, veterinarians, technicians and veterinary students on our anesthetic and surgical protocols EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS: ● Must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree ● 10+ years of practice as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine ● 5+ years of experience in high volume spay & neuter environments ● 5+ years of experience with modern diagnostic equipment and machinery ● 5+ years hiring, managing and training staff ● Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English

VETERINARY TECHNICIAN Salary: $35,000 Annually

RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: ● Assist in diagnosis, treatment and intensive medical care for patients in need ● Assist in the treatment urgent and emergency medical and surgical cases ● Provide nursing care or emergency first aid to injured or recovering animals ● Restrain animals during exams or procedures ● Administer anesthesia to animals, and monitor their responses ● Collect laboratory samples, such as blood, urine, or tissue, for testing ● Perform and interpret laboratory tests, such as urinalyses and blood counts

● Prepare animals and instruments for surgery ● Administer medications, vaccines, and treatments prescribed by a veterinarian ● Collect and record patients’ case histories ● Perform general hygiene procedures such as nail clipping, bathing, etc.


• Create culture, environments and training to facilitate evangelism through new and existing ministries inside the Church. • 5 days a week

CONTACT: 241-2962

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders 17929


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-2068

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19065


Unit 101 Ports of Call Plaza, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a


Experience & Qualifications:

• With multiple instructor ratings and varied experience to tech a variety of diving courses. • This is a tourism related position and requires a six-day work week including weekends and public holidays. Salary: $26,000-$30,000 per annum

● Must have an Associate Degree in Veterinary Technology ● 5+ years of experience in a veterinary clinic environment ● 5+ years of experience in high volume spay & neuter environments ● 5+ years of experience with modern diagnostic equipment and machinery ● Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English


This position is not currently occupied by a Work Permit holder. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are encouraged to apply or invited to forward resumes to the Labour Board. Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including weekends and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers. Applicants will be required to pass a written skills test.

CERTIFIED VETERINARY ASSISTANT/GROOMER Salary: $10/hour or commensurate with experience

RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: ● Assist in diagnosis, treatment and intensive medical care for patients in need ● Assist in the treatment urgent and emergency medical and surgical cases ● Provide nursing care or emergency first aid to injured or recovering animals ● Restrain animals during exams or procedures ● Prepare animals and instruments for surgery ● Administer medications, vaccines, and treatments prescribed by a veterinarian ● Collect and record patients’ case histories ● Perform general hygiene procedures such as nail clipping, bathing, etc. ● Perform animal grooming

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19036



• Client reservations • Check-in/out guests • Provide exceptional customer service • Other duties as required • Salary: $6.50/hour REQUIREMENTS: • 2+ years’ experience • Good computer skills • Available to start immediately • 6 days/week • Must be fluent in English and French (preferred) • Belongers/Permit holders only Apply in person with resume to Grace Bay Suites on Grace Bay Road next to Salt Mills Plaza from 9 am to 4 pm. This position is vacant 649-241-7050 19028

GOOD TASTE WHOLESALE & RETAIL #87 Walkin Plaza, Five Cays


Take inventory, stock shelves, order and receive products, cash and etc., process returns and exchanges.


Cleaning the property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames.

CONTACT: 345-2061

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board The positions are currently held by work permit holders



HEAD HOUSEKEEPER • Staff supervision • Cleaning and inspecting rooms • Managing inventory of housekeeping supplies • Reporting issues to management • Salary starting at $7.00/hour REQUIREMENTS: • 2+ years’ experience • Available to start immediately • 6 days/week • Must be fluent in both English and French (preferred) • Belongers/Permit holders only

EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS: ● Must have a Certificate in Veterinary Assistant ● Must have Certificate in Dog Grooming ● 10+ years of experience in a veterinary clinic environment ● 10+ years of experience in assisting with animal surgeries ● Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English


• Cut and measure wood. • 5 days a week.


Belglade Parker Gardens, Corrinize #10, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


Apply in person with resume to Grace Bay Suites on Grace Bay Road next to Salt Mills Plaza from 9 am to 4 pm. This position is vacant 649-241-7050


November 2-8, 2019



DJIMY ANTENOR #39 Lower Bight Is seeking to employ a


Unit #2 Alice & Alice Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ

DONTE WILLIAMS 17 Thompson Cove, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a




Light housekeeping. Yard work. Run errands. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 343-2261

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19098

Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, massaging and treating scalp. makeup, hair removal, and nail and skin care services. 4 SPA ATTENDANTS - $8 HOURLY

Cleaning bathrooms, emptying trash, and restocking linens. CONTACT: 342-7373

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19109

• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 442-6220

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




• Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and the application of acrylic toenails. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 346-8003 OR 342-8479

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19066

193 South Dock Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC • Cleaning, lubricating, and conducting routine services on heavy-duty vehicles. • Cleaning and servicing of machine attachments like winches, blades, and side booms. • Performing major repair work when necessary. • Consulting with other mechanics on smaller job.

Palm Plaza Unit #6, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a


P.O. Box 1125 South Dock Road., Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands

NATURE OF POSITION • Driving to the job site. • Inspecting trucks, cranes, bulldozers, and other heavy equipment for proper performance. • Diagnosing faults using computerized testing equipment. • Adjusting equipment and replacing faulty parts.


• Reporting damaged or faulty equipment to management Must possess suitable mechanic background (degree preferred) Salary: with experience and qualifications salary range $15-$25 per hour. Must have own tools.

Phone: (649) 946-5919/ (649) 245-2897. Fax: (649) 941-7935

Drop off resumes/cv at the office located on P.O. Box 1125 South Dock Road or at the Labour Department in Providenciales or email: Belongers only need apply 19099


11 Macaw Close, Cooper Jack Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 333-1199

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


FERGUSON AND SON Five Cays, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 332-4404


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19031


• Must have building skills • Mus be able to work under pressure. • Hours are from 7am4pm; Monday-Friday. Salary: $6.25 per hour CONTACT: JOHN FERGUSON 649-346-2026

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


EXTRAORDINARY MINDS LEARNING CENTER 6 George Alley, Aviation Drive, Providenciales Is seeking


• Must have a teaching degree. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $2,000 monthly

CONTACT: 232-1473

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19101


#11 Ralph Close, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


• Greets customers, receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 341-1863

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



P.O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI. Tel: (649) 941 4437 Fax: (649) 946 4670 E-mail:





• University degree in Civil or Structural Engineering • Over 10 years of relevant project experience as a Resident Engineer or Site Supervisor • Knowledge of site health & safety, materials testing and quality control • Structural engineering design experience and AutoCAD skills • Computer literate, with excellent Word and Excel skills • Must be fluent in English and Spanish and be able to communicate effectively in both languages, including report writing

• service, identify and repair faults on electronically controlled vehicle systems such as electronic fuel injection, electronic ignition, antilock braking, cruise control, automatic transmission, airbags and air conditioning • install electrical equipment such as gauges, lighting, alternators and starter motors in vehicles • install electrically operated accessories such as radios, heating or demisting equipment, air conditioners, driving lamps and anti-theft systems • refer to circuit diagrams, and use meters and test instruments to find electrical faults • adjust engine control systems and timing to ensure vehicles are running at peak performance • test, recondition and replace faulty alternators, generators, starter motors and related items such as voltage regulators and batteries • repair or replace faulty ignition, electrical wiring, fuses, lamps and switches • use hand tools, specialized electrical tools, instruments and machines, including drills, grinders, presses and lathes • solder or weld when repairing electrical parts • install, repair and service air conditioning systems. 19037

Please contact email or (649)946-8302


• Site inspections and surveys • Materials testing on site and in laboratory • Reporting writing and shop drawing review • Structural design calculations and technical drawing work Salary will be $36,000.00 per annum. The suitable candidate will be able to work under their own initiative, and be able to see through the projects from start to completion. This position is available immediately and closing date for application is 31st October, 2019. Qualified Turks And Caicos Islanders Preferred.

Apply in writing to Civil & Structural Engineering Ltd. Limited, P. O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. Contact: Chris Conway on Or fax to Labour Office, Providenciales on 946-7184.



November 2-8, 2019


Sports Interational CAREER OPPORTUNITY


WHO WE ARE Cable & Wireless part of the Liberty Latin America group of companies have operated in the region since the 1870s, always at the forefront of innovating infrastructure and services. Today, our modern fiber fast broadband, mobile, landline and TV services are underpinned by over 50,000 kilometers of the most modern subsea and terrestrial fiber networks in this part of the world. This enables us to offer unparalleled connectivity - the fastest broadband with the latest video content, secure IT solutions, plus mobile services packed with data options – all under a blend of iconic consumer, business and wholesale brands. Like Flow and C&W Business in Turks and Caicos, +Movil in Panama and BTC in the Bahamas. Together, our commitment is to invest and innovate so that we empower our customers and stakeholders to succeed in this connected world. WHO YOU ARE You’re a passionate and dynamic leader who can deliver our commercial strategy in Cable and Wireless (TCI) Limited. You’ll lead the entire Turks and Caicos team and our in-country business plan, driving sales and inspiring the team here to deliver an excellent customer experience, becoming the local customer champion on all matters. RESPONSIBILITIES • Drive and implement the commercial strategy for the country. • Lead in-country business plan coordination and strategy execution. • Implement the 12-month AOP for the Caribbean product suite required to meet the plan for the business. • Ensure that end to end delivery, sale and customer support process and plans are established for product suite in country. • Responsible for country P&L development (exclusive of indirect operating cost) and indirect sales management. • Lead and take responsibility for issues and actions on the Monthly Operations review. • Responsible for board management (where applicable) and direction of all operating company requirements in stipulated jurisdiction. • Manage a positive relationship with local government and regulators. • Responsible for creating good community relationships that are in keeping with overall Caribbean corporate social responsibility agenda. • Grow value added services for the business. • The recruitment, development, and growth of the team members across all commercial lines. • The delivery of monthly; quarterly; semi-annually; and annual revenue and performance targets. YOUR QUALIFICATIONS Ideally, you’ve got the following qualifications and experience: • A bachelor’s degree in a discipline that means you can meet the intellectual demands of the job; and/or equivalent experience. • A minimum of five years’ experience in a senior commercial role in a competitive sales environment • Execution of marketing programs, covering advertising, promotions, pricing and product development • Knowledge of trends in the telecommunications industry with experience of working in a competitive environment. If you’re looking for work with purpose – where you’ll use our innovative products and services to create moments that matter for our customers right across the Turks and Caicos Islands – we want to hear from you. Remuneration based on experience (starting $90,000 per annum) plus Company Pension, Health Insurance and Company performance-related bonus. All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit applications in writing with full CV and Cover letter to Phebe Warren (Corporate Recruiter) via email at or Cable and Wireless (TCI) Limited’s head office at P.O. Box 78, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, for the attention of Phebe Warren (Corporate Recruiter), by November 18th, 2019. Prospective TC Islander applicants may also lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board. Apply now to join our growing company. 19246

This is the first title for the Nationals’ franchise, and the second for the city.

Washington Nationals defeat Houston Astros to clinch first World Series THE Washington Nationals have clinched their first World Series title after defeating the host Houston Astros 6-2 in Game 7 on Wednesday night at Minute Maid Park. This is the first time in World Series history that the road team has won every game. Anthony Rendon and Howie Kendrick homered to power the Nationals, who had finished the regular season as a wild-card team. “There’s guys that in a big moment you want up there,” Nationals Manager Dave Martinez said. “They’ve come

through all year long for us in big ways. They have the knack to stay calm and do what they need to do.” Starter Max Scherzer kept the Nationals in the game, throwing five innings and giving up two runs. Patrick Corbin, a starter turned reliever for this game, pitched three scoreless innings to earn the win. Daniel Hudson pitched a perfect ninth to earn the save. Scherzer, who missed Game 5 with back and neck spasms, said he was fine Wednesday night. He said his teammates

believed in one another. “It just means that I am part of the greatest team in 2019,” he told broadcaster Fox. “These guys, they battled. It was stay in the fight, that was our motto. Everybody gave it their all.” Astros reliever Will Harris, who gave up Kendrick’s goahead home run in the seventh inning, took the loss. The Nats broke it open with a run in the eighth and two runs in the ninth. The Astros struck first. Yuli Gurriel hit a leadoff home run in the bottom of the second inning to make it 1-0.


78 Industrial Road Is now interviewing for the following position:


• Must have prior experience purchasing Asian products particularly Filipino Products. • Must be have prior experience with Quick Books. • Must be able to speak and write Filipino as such to assist cliental as well as identify the products required to be ordered. • Must be available to work on Holiday, Nights and weekends. Both Saturday and Sunday nights are required with a day off during the middle of the week.

• Must be have experience with Filipino Frozen Products and be able to work long hours inside a FREEZER with temperatures -10 Degrees F or - 23 Celsius . • Must be physically able to consistently lift in excess of 65 pounds or more. • Starting Salary is $7.25 per hour. • Must have TCI valid driver license. • Most work is required by standing for long periods of time and working in an environment that is not air conditioned such as a dry warehouse.

Please apply wihin at the above address or contact 941-7939 or send resume via email to Belongers only need apply. 19243

November 2-8, 2019



Sports Interational Curry’s broken hand sets Warriors up for 2020 NBA Draft Lottery

Back-row pair Sam Underhill (14) and Tom Curry (18) have just 32 caps between them.

Rugby World Cup final: England team unchanged for South Africa match ENGLAND head coach Eddie Jones says his team are ready to produce their finest hour after naming an unchanged team for Saturday’s World Cup final against South Africa. Captain Owen Farrell, leading try-scorer Jonny May and prop Kyle Sinckler have all been passed fit after carrying knocks from the semi-final win over New Zealand. Farrell stays at inside centre with George Ford once again picked at fly-half, while scrum-half Ben Spencer is on the bench after flying out last weekend as emergency cover following an injury to Willi Heinz. Jones said: “We know South Africa are going to come at us, and we’re going to come at them even harder. “I’ve got no doubt that they’ll play better, but we’ll play better - we will play with no fear. “We’re confident in the game we have and we’re confident in the way we’ve prepared. “We’re ready to go. Hang on to your seats, because it’s the last dip of the rollercoaster.” England produced what many critics described as the greatest performance in their history to see off three-time world champions New Zealand 19-7 last Saturday. The form shown by the 10-12 combination of Ford and Farrell and the outstanding displays of Sinckler, Maro Itoje, Tom Curry and Sam Underhill have persuaded Jones - in his 50th game in charge of the side - to stick with the same XV for the first time all tournament, despite the direct, muscular threat posed by the Springboks. Jones has the highest winning percentage of any coach to take charge of England, and a second World Cup triumph, 16 years after Sir Clive Woodward’s team took the first, would be the ultimate valediction for his four sometimes controversial years in charge.

He said: “That was always our aim, to be here on 2 November in the Yokohama Stadium. “So we’ve achieved one goal, but we know what’s at stake in the final, and we’re well prepared. “South Africa are a different proposition - they’re much more physical, they come through you at the front door, whereas New Zealand it’s the front door and back door. “We have to make adjustments, but we’re ready for the brutality of the game. “Our players have had the will to prepare. They’ve pushed themselves through some tough physical tasks. “They’ve worked hard to get the right tactical game and they’ve worked hard to build the bonds between them.” Despite the youth of 21-year-old Curry and 23-year-old Underhill in the back row, this is an experienced England side, with a total of 731 caps in the starting XV. And on Thursday those players were in relaxed mood despite the biggest game of their lives being just 48 hours away. Jones invited his entire 31man squad and the English media together for morning coffee before the players were given time with their families and parents to go out around Shinjuku for lunch. On Friday they will go through one last light training run at Yokohama Stadium before returning to their hotel in central Tokyo and a team meeting led by skipper Farrell. It will be Jones’ own third World Cup final after his Wallabies side were beaten by England in 2003 and the Springbok team he was helping to advise saw off England in Paris four years later. He said: “I’ll be looking back at the lessons of 2003 and 2007, and even 2011. “You can never take anything for granted. You have to go out there and take the game.

THERE may be a silver lining for the Warriors after the news that superstar Steph Curry broke a bone in his hand during Wednesday’s loss to the Phoenix Suns. The Warriors could return to the NBA Draft Lottery for the first time since 2012. Yes, the Dubs have been so dominant in recent years – five straight NBA Finals appearances with three titles – that they haven’t been in the lottery in recent memory. They own a protected pick up to the 20th pick from the Nets in the D’Angelo Russell sign-and-trade. “This is a team that’s going to be in the lottery and probably deep in the lottery,” ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski said on air Thursday morning. “They’ll keep that pick this year and they’ll have a chance to get really high in the lottery and maybe get an impact player and try to come back next year with Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green and that core.” The Warriors built their current core through the lottery, landing Curry with the No. 7 pick in 2009

Steph Curry broke his hand on Wednesday night during a loss against the Phoenix Suns.

and Thompson at No. 11 in 2011. They also drafted Harrison Barnes, now in Sacramento, at No. 7 in 2012. The 2020 draft is not nearly as deep as the 2019 draft headlined by Zion Williamson, Ja Morant and R.J.

Barrett, but the Warriors (1-3) could have a shot at some elite players. Consider that they will be playing in the loaded Western Conference now without Curry (for an extended period) and Thompson after Kevin Durant bolted for the Nets. (Forbes)

Woods equalling Sam Snead’s PGA Tour wins record an ‘exceptional and extraordinary’ feat TIGER Woods is the greatest winning machine golf has ever known. This is also a golfer who deals exclusively in realms of the extraordinary. It was only a matter of fitness and time before he moved alongside Sam Snead for the most number of wins on the PGA Tour. The way he equalled the record of 82 victories was remarkable and in keeping with his exceptional career. The Zozo Championship, the inaugural PGA Tour event to be held in Japan, was Woods first competitive golf since August. The 43-year-old has been recovering from yet another operation on his left knee. This was only his sixth completed tournament since April when he won the Masters to claim his 15th major title. After that stunning triumph at Augusta, Woods struggled for form and fitness. We can now safely attribute that poor spell, in which he posted only one top 10 and missed cuts at the US PGA and Open championships, to the effects of cartilage problems now rectified by the fifth and latest knee procedure. Woods shook off rust from this latest spell of competitive inactivity within three holes of his triumphant return. After a hat-trick of bogeys he proved unstoppable despite massive weather interruptions at the Narashino Country Club. Traditionally he likes tough

Woods moved on to a record-equalling 82 PGA Tour wins with victory in Japan.

courses and conditions in warm weather. Firm fairways, demanding greens and narrow targets that call for supreme shot-making bring out the best of Woods. In Japan the course was relatively short, the fairways were soft and played wide and there was a chill in the air. Yet he still built a three-stroke lead to take into the final round, a position this winning machine never squanders. Woods has now won 25 tournaments and lost none when carrying at least that advantage into the closing circuit of holes. Here he needed to play 29 holes on Sunday before the closing seven as the event spilled into a fifth day. That was a big tick in the fitness box which will give him great cause

for optimism for the future. Jack Nicklaus has always said he is grateful for Woods’ pursuit of his record of 18 majors. The now 79-year-old, who claimed 73 PGA Tour victories, reckons it has served to keep his own feats in the public consciousness. So it would only be right to reflect on Snead’s extraordinary achievements as Woods moves alongside him at the top of the PGA Tour victory ladder. “Slammin’ Sammy Snead” won his 82nd and final title at the age of 52 at the 1965 Greater Greensboro Open at Sedgefield Country Club. He won by five shots with another great, Billy Casper, among his closest rivals on the leaderboard.


Sports Interational


November 2-8, 2019

Barty reaches WTA Finals semifinals by beating Petra Kvitova AUSTRALIAN world number one Ashleigh Barty reached the semifinals of the WTA Finals with a straight-set win over Czech sixth seed Petra Kvitova. Barty, 23, won 6-4 6-2 to eliminate the two-time Wimbledon champion from the season-ending event in Shenzhen. Swiss seventh seed Belinda Bencic also progressed after Kiki Bertens retired from their match through illness. Bencic, who was leading 7-5 1-0, will face defending champion Elina Svitolina in the semi-finals. Dutch alternate Bertens, who replaced the injured Naomi Osaka earlier this week, is the third player to withdraw from the eight-player field, with US Open champion Bianca Andreescu pulling out with a knee injury earlier on Thursday. French Open champion Barty, competing in the WTA Finals singles for the first time after a stunning year, recovered from Tuesday’s defeat by Bertens with a dominant win over an out-of-sorts Kvitova. Barty edged the key moments in the opening set, breaking for a 3-2

Colchester United reached the League Cup quarter-finals for only the second time by beating fellow League Two side Crawley Town.

Ashleigh Barty, who has won the Roland Garros, Miami and Birmingham titles this year, will finish 2019 as the world number one

lead and saving break points in each of her next two service games, then ran away with the second as Kvitova began to tire. “I felt I executed really well and knew I had to come out and play aggressively,” said Barty, who has won her past three matches against Kvitova. “I had a few early break points against me and I played them really well. It was important to keep my

nose in front.” Ukraine’s Svitolina was the first player to make the last four by beating Wimbledon champion Simona Halep in the Purple Group on Wednesday. Romanian Halep plays Czech Karolina Pliskova in their final round-robin match on Friday, with Barty awaiting the winner in Saturday’s semi-finals. (BBC)

Tom Brady is in a contract year, but he says he plans to play for another three years.

Carabao Cup: Man City at Oxford in quarter-finals, Man Utd host Colchester HOLDERS Manchester City have been drawn away at League One side Oxford United in the quarter-finals of the Carabao Cup. League Two Colchester United, the lowest-ranked side left in the competition, face a trip to five-time winners Manchester United. Aston Villa will host eight-time winners Liverpool, while Everton will be at home to Leicester City. The ties are scheduled to take place the week commencing 16 December. Liverpool’s tie is likely to be rescheduled as they play in the Fifa Club World Cup on 18 December. “The EFL is in discussions with

Liverpool to identify an alternative date given the club’s participation in the Fifa Club World Cup competition,” said an EFL spokesman. The Reds beat Arsenal 5-4 on penalties after a 5-5 draw to reach the last eight. “If they don’t find a proper date for us then we cannot play the next round and whoever is our opponent will go through - or Arsenal will play it,” said Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp after Wednesday’s game. Quarter-final ties: Oxford United v Manchester City; Manchester United v Colchester United; Aston Villa v Liverpool; Everton v Leicester City (BBC)

Hill carded a final-round 62 to reach 17 under par for the tournament’s three rounds to finish two shots ahead of fellow Englishman Harry Ellis and land the title.

Brady says again that he will play in the NFL until he’s 45 Josh Hill: Mena Tour victory aged IF Tom Brady, 42, can play football at a high level until he hits 45, it may be further proof that he is superhuman. The New England Patriots quarterback made his weekly appearance on Jim Gray’s radio show on Westwood One, and he reiterated his desire to play until he hits 45. “Yeah, I certainly hope so,” Brady told Gray when asked if he wants to play until he’s 45. “You’re right, I have expressed that. A lot of times, I think it is important for athletes to

have short-term goals and long-term goals. I have set that number for a long time, and I work pretty hard at it every day. I think that part of me being a professional, giving my best to the team, is making sure my body is in great condition, that I am able to take the field. I take a lot of pride in that. “A lot of it is, I am not a robot out there. It’s a lot of time and energy, and I enjoy putting my time and energy in those places and taking

care of myself. Hopefully, to afford myself the ability to play as long as I want to play. I also really love the sport and I enjoy playing. So, not many things have changed on that front.” Despite the questionable science advocated by his controversial trainer, Alex Guerrero — according to the FTC, Guerrero once claimed his products could cure cancer and obesity — he must be doing something right with Brady.

15 breaks Ryo Ishikawa record ENGLISH teenager Josh Hill became the youngest male player to win an Official World Golf Ranking event but could not claim his prize money. Hill won the Al Ain Open on the Mena Tour in the United Arab Emirates at the age of 15 years, six months and 27 days old, beating Ryo Ishikawa’s record. Japanese player Ishikawa’s previous mark, set in 2007, was 15

years and eight months. “I really don’t know what to say right now. I am shocked,” said Hill. Hill carded a final-round 62 to reach 17 under par for the tournament’s three rounds to finish two shots ahead of fellow Englishman Harry Ellis and land the title. However, as he is still an amateur, his £10,477 prize was given to professional Ellis instead.

November 2-8, 2019

Sports National



Schofield and Canadians win Graceway Sports Centre squash competition HARRY Schofield emerged victorious in the Graceway Sports Centre squash tournament which was organised by squash pro Chris Hanebury. The youngster bested 10 other juniors en route to the title at the squash courts at the centre. Oliver French finished second and Tom Phillips third. The three-day event, which concluded on Saturday, had Samuel French in fourth and Jaden Robinson in fifth in the boys division. Ella McGurk was the Junior Girls winner. 14 adults (10 men and four women) competed in the senior division. Canadian Jessica Wilkens got past Pauline O’Reilly, while Jennifer Layman (Canada) placed third in the female category. Brad Henebury and fellow Canadian Johnny Potts placed first and second, with Rob Ayer in third, Rob Phillips in fourth and Mark Francis in fifth. Nick Paddison was the Tinner winner. According to Graceway’s General Manager Adina Ciurar the idea is to develop the sport. “Our concerted efforts to develop the sport of squash in TCI include lessons offered to school students

Junior winners: Jayden Robinson, Tom Phillips, Matt Phillips, Oliver French, Sam French, Harry Schofield.

during their PE classes.” She added that this competition was the first one organised by new squash coach Hanebury.

“His goal was to create the interest around the game and evaluate the potential of the players. Juniors were the most numerous, as

their interest in the game is quite high. “Chis is planning another, smaller, competition towards the end of the year, while the plans for

the near future are quite ambitious, including participating to the Caribbean squash tournament in 2020.”

Skippings elected for the third time as TCAAA head EDITH Skippings returned for her third consecutive term when the annual General Meeting and elections of officer bearers of the Turks and Caicos Islands Amateur Athletic Association (TCAAA) were recently held at the Oseta Jolly Primary Conference Room. The long-standing president, whose term extends until 2023, will have Williah Gray as her first VP and Alvirto Smith as her second VP. Rosalie Ingham-Hall will serve as General Secretary and Kenisha Thomas as her assistant (first time position). Thelma VanAlstine will serve as Treasurer and Linda Lynette Grant as her assistant. Meanwhile seasoned coach Randy Ford will again function as Coaches Representative, so too will Darian Forbes, who will serve as the Officials Representatives. Among the new faces are sensational female athlete Yanique Haye-Smith, who will serve as Athletes Representative and Gertrude Forbes who is the PRO.

Rita Gardiner, Gervin Simmons and Roxanne Smith are the threecommittee members. Skippings told the Weekly News that the new executive would “look to dedicate all we can to the advancement of track and field by bringing more grass roots training programmes into action”. She said that the association hopes to get more clubs off the ground with training and mentoring programmes. “The youths are the future of our country and we will strive to keep them into sports.” “I wish and hope that more of our youth would join up and take part in Track and Field but if they don’t like Track and Field then they should try to find a sport that they like and get involved. As this is one of the key things in also keeping you healthy. Being involves in sports also keeps you relaxed and it open your mind and brain to allow for easier absorption of information and retaining of information, which provides for better results in your schoolwork.”

Edith Skippings will serve four more years at the helm of the TCAAA.


Sports National


Cyclists promise their best at first-ever Caribbean Road Championships TCI’s first ever representatives at the Caribbean Road Championships promise to do their best at the prestigious event, in Havana, Cuba this weekend. A team of three, including top elite riders Tyrone Bishop, Omard Gardiner and female cyclist Gabriella Hegedus will represent the TCI. Local cycling federation president Shanwell Gardiner left with our lone female rider on Thursday, while the elite riders were set to join them on Friday. Saturday is the individual time trial and Sunday is the road race. Females will have a 20km time trial, while the males will ride over 30km. Sunday’s battle would see female riders battling over 70km, while males will race over 112 km. At a press conference earlier this week, Gardiner had stated that cycling on the island is moving

apace and pointed to the fact that this is the first time that TCI has been invited to the prestigious event—the biggest that any local rider has ever competed in. “The fact that an invitation was extended to us, it show that they are noticing our improvement. The first two years that conversation was never had. This year, we were one of the first countries to get an invitation. That speaks for all of us.” The national riders have been outstanding this year. Bishop notched up the most points in the Elite category for the 2019 season, while Omard Gardiner was right behind. Although Hegedus was battling herself all season (lone senior female cyclists), she did improve and the local head was quick to point that out. “I’m confident; they are in peak

November 2-8, 2019

The national team (l-r) Tyrone Bishop, Omard Gardiner, Gabriella Hegedus and President of the TCI Cycling Federation Shanwell Gardiner, who also travelled as manager.

form, especially Gabriella. Typically in our races, she would start with us and then within a few miles the we (the bigger guys) would drop her, but in North Caicos in the tour she stayed with us 40 plus miles, she has improved significantly.” At Monday’s press conference, which was chaired by Minister of Sports Hon. Edwin Astwood and also included Director of Sports Jarrett Forbes, the riders promised to give it their best. Omard said that he was “excited and nervous at the same time,” but noted that he was in peak form. “I’m going to do my best, rider smart, save energy.” Bishop said that he was more excited than nervous, especially to rider with over 100 quality cyclists. “The plan going into this race is

just staying with the pack and don’t get drop. If we can stay with the pack until that 75-mile ending that would be something awesome… We all know that this is going to be hard… but we are going to do our best and nothing but the best.” Hegedus said that the competition “is a great opportunity for me again to match myself with other females”. She noted that although she intends to do her best, she will be older than most of the females, since in the Elite division, which she is competing in, the riders are between the ages of 1839. “Most of those girls can be my daughters probably. But, I’ll do my best. If I finish in the top 10, I’ll be very happy, the aim is always on the podium, but it’s going to be tougher than the last time.”

President of the Federation Gardiner said that he is looking forward to great things for the sport. “Next year we should be fully licence, I’m in the process of registering the cyclists with the UCI. So we’ll have a UCI number, so we will be able to represent the country anywhere in the world at the World Championships, at the highest level.” Both Minister Astwood and Mr. Forbes lauded the federation for their giant steps in the sport. The Minister called the trip historic, while Forbes noted that TCI has seen “expeditious growth and consistent growth” in cycling. “The guys keep breaking barriers and keep taking it to the next level.” The best riders from a number of Caribbean islands will be a part of the competition.

Clement Howell stay unbeaten in Schools’ Football competition

The Clement Howell High School Football team has won seven consecutive games.

CLEMENT Howell High School are favourite for the title after they handed their main rivals, the British West Indies Collegiate (BWIC) another loss in the latest round of the Turks and Caicos Islands Football Association/Department of Sports Schools’ Football League and Championships. After seven games in the sixteam battle, CHHS are flawless on 21 points, while BWIC are second on 18 points (six wins in eight games). Long Bay who whipped Alpha Academy by a scoreline of 21-0 last Friday, the biggest margin of victory to date in the competition, were tied for third with Wesley Methodist High on nine points each.

Up to press time on Thursday afternoon, Long Bay results against Holy Family Academy was not known. That team was in a two-way tie with Alpha with one win each. Alpha has played eight games, while prior to Thursday, Holy Family had played six. On Wednesday afternoon at the Ball Park, CHHS were able to register a 5-2 win against BWIC. The teams exchanged goals in the first half and early second, before CHHS pulled away late in the second. Chris Valbrum netted a hattrick, while Jermaine Johnson scored a pair. For BWIC, C Hawkins scored a brace and H. Williams a second half goal.

November 2-8, 2019





November 2-8, 2019

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