Weekly News Volume 34 | No. 45 | November 7-13, 2020
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The Turks and Caicos Islands is for the first time leading the Caribbean region as US tourists’ destination of choice.
The Leon Wilson Airport opens in Salt Cay PAGE 9
Capital island records sixth PAGE 4 murder of 2020
BEACHES DENIES CANCELLING MEDIATION Said it was unaware of tax penalty write off
November 7-13, 2020
November 7-13 2020
Man shot dead in Grand Turk Capital island records sixth murder of 2020 A MAN died after being shot multiple times behind a bar on Pond Street in Grand Turk last Thursday evening (October 29). Police have identified the victim as 22-year-old Raykwon Morris, however details of the incident remain vague. According to the police press office, a call was made at 9.58pm of an incident and officers and medical staff were dispatched to the area behind the bar where gunshots had been heard. An unresponsive man was found on the ground with what appeared to be gunshot wounds. He died at the scene. Speaking the same day as the attack, Acting Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams said it is “unclear how the shooting unfolded”. He added: “Heartfelt condolences to the family of the young man shot this evening. “The senseless loss of life to gun crime is unacceptable and cannot be the new normal - especially for a small island like Grand Turk.” The murder is the 21st in the Turks and Caicos Islands in 2020. In 2019, there were 13 murders recorded during the entire year – far surpassing previous totals.
Deceased Raykwon Morris, 22, was born in the US and lived in Grand Turk
Last week’s murder is the sixth recorded in Grand Turk this year – the highest number of homicides ever counted on the capital island. In August two men, Deon Emmanuel and Howard Freites Junior, were murdered in Grand Turk in a series of shootings which left another man in critical condition. According to the police press office, Emmanuel, 23, was walking in the Over Back district at about 11pm on August 23 when he was shot. Emergency personnel were dispatched to the scene but the young man was pronounced dead at 11.47pm. Less than half an hour after the first attack, two armed men came out of bushes and fired gunshots
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
towards a group of men playing dominoes at a bar off Church Folly. Freites Junior, 37, was shot and died at the scene while a second man, aged 44, was injured. Dominic Swann, 31, and Ellington Been, 25 - were arrested in connection with the murders but released on bail without charge. On August 6, Dale Taylor Junior was found dead on the roadway near a bar in the West Road District of Grand Turk at about 12.04am. Hurd Harvey, 51, was stabbed to death in The Garden in North Back Salina, Grand Turk, on June 20. Phillip Nathaniel Smith, 51, has been charged with his murder. Nine-year-old Samardia Karioka was killed in her Grand Turk home on May 20. Her mother Najaj Karioka, 42, has been charged with her murder. Anyone with information on any of these incidents can call 911, contact a police officer they know and trust or Crime Stoppers confidentially on 1-800-8477. “Remember this line is anonymous,” Adams said. “A tip can go a long way to getting justice for the family of the deceased.”
Armed men raid Bight restaurant TWO men armed with guns raided a restaurant in the Bight, Providenciales, on Monday (November 2) stealing cash and cell phones from staff and customers. Police were informed of the incident at about 9.20pm and quickly attended the scene. They were told that masked men entered the restaurant and demanded money. The men robbed the cashier and patrons of cash and phones before leaving in a small burgundy car. There were no shots fired or injuries reported in this incident, according to the police press office. Anyone with information can call 911, contact a police officer they know and trust or Crime Stoppers confidentially on 1-8008477.
November 7-13, 2020
Government claims Beaches backed out of mediation BY OLIVIA ROSE THE GOVERNMENT claimed this week that Beaches Turks and Caicos was no longer willing to go through with mediation in their ongoing multi-million-dollar tax dispute. The claim came just a few weeks after the two sides announced they had mutually agreed to arbitration on November 18. This was hailed as a significant breakthrough in the standoff between the administration and its largest private-sector employer. A Government press statement on Monday (November 2) said: “TCIG has been informed, that Beaches is, regrettably, no longer willing to engage with it in a mediation concerning its outstanding tax liabilities. “This is a mediation that TCIG has said for many months it was prepared to participate in, and in respect of which an agreed mediator had been selected and a date set.” The Government said that Beaches had published “unnecessary and misleading press statements” which seek to “bully, coerce or cajole” it into acceding to Beaches’ demands. “We are conscious that our people found this name-calling by Beaches offensive, and this Government has certainly felt that Beaches’ conduct has not been consistent with the proper mind-set expected of a party seeking to take part in good faith discussions about their liabilities. “To draw a line under those undercurrents in recent press attacks levelled by Beaches against TCIG, and lest it be alleged again, whatever decisions Beaches and its off-shore owners have taken not to reopen the doors of their Turks and Caicos Islands resort cannot be properly or coherently linked with that tax dispute or its resolution.” The statement went on to say that it is a “great pity” that Beaches has not yet reopened its doors. “TCIG, just like every citizen of TCI, is not one to leave its colleagues, unreasonably as they may have behaved, to face economic hardship alone.” The Government said it will
engage critical stakeholders to urgently discuss the impact on airlift and other logistical issues resulting from the resort’s closure. It added that it is aware of the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on businesses in the tourism industry and remains ready to assist businesses during these difficult times. “It goes without saying that TCIG is readily aware of the difficulties that the Covid-19 pandemic has presented and poses for business operating not only in TCI but worldwide. “It goes further without saying that we remain, as ever, here to support our commercial colleagues, including Beaches TCI, in these unprecedented times. “Needless to say, we will entertain those reasonable, proper and lawful requests that Beaches might have for assistance and we will continue our willingness to engage in discussions (facilitated or otherwise), in good faith, with a view to ultimately arriving at a workable resolution for both parties. The statement added that the Government is open to “sensible proposals” to take Beaches’ relationship with the citizens of TCI forward in an equitable manner. The family-oriented resort which in the past has employed more than 2,000 residents in the TCI has maintained that it will not reopen its doors until the matter is resolved. Beaches is said to owe the Government $76.4 million in penalties on taxes owed in the amount of $26.7 million. However, the resort claims its development agreement was violated by the current Government and it had been overpaying taxes. In a statement on October 19, the resort said it wanted the Government to honour the terms of its development agreement and other legally binding commitments. “Breaches of these agreement(s) by TCIG is the reason Beaches was compelled to file its lawsuit in May 2019,” it said. The company maintained that it has not asked the Government for any “favours” or “special treatment” in this matter.
November 7-13, 2020
The TCI’s status reflects the territory’s efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus and the efforts of the tourism ministry, local stakeholders and travel partners to promote the destination.
TCI is most popular Caribbean destination among Americans BY DELANA ISLES THE TURKS and Caicos Islands is for the first time leading the Caribbean region as US tourists’ destination of choice. According to Squaremouth.com, a US travel insurance aggregator, the TCI is the fifth most popular destination of choice in the world for Americans. It is surpassed only by the US, Mexico, Canada and the United Kingdom. The website reported on October 29 that the TCI is the fastestgrowing international destination, shooting to fifth place up from 60th in 2019. Prior to Covid-19, the Bahamas and Costa Rica were the only Caribbean countries to ever make the top 10 list. “While the Bahamas have been a popular destination for the past decade, it was surpassed by Turks and Caicos following the Covid-19 pandemic,” the agency reported. The Bahamas is now in spot six, while the US Virgin Islands,
Jamaica, Israel and Aruba make up the other spots. The methodology used to calculate this was based on all travel insurance policies purchased through Squaremouth.com between March 12 and October 19, for all future travel. The agency said the Caribbean nations of the TCI, US Virgin Islands, Jamaica and Aruba had never before been among the most popular destinations. It explained the year-overyear change in purchase of travel insurance policies for the US was 319 percent, with Mexico seeing +46 percent, the TCI seeing +303 percent, US Virgin Islands +207 percent, Jamaica +27 percent, and Aruba +2 percent. Losing travel custom this year were Canada with -43 percent, the UK with -56 percent, the Bahamas registering -32 percent and Israel with -50 percent. Public health concerns and travel restrictions coming out of Covid-19 pandemic continue to impact international travel.
Heading into the winter season, Americans are increasingly seeking out those destinations that demonstrate a commitment to comprehensive health and safety protocols and guidelines. The TCI’s status reflects the territory’s efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus and the efforts of the tourism ministry, local stakeholders and travel partners to promote the destination. The Weekly News spoke with the Minister of Tourism, Hon. Ralph Higgs, about what this new development means for the Islands’ tourism industry during this time and going forward. “Clearly, it’s a huge achievement for the destination and it is clearly the result of many of the financial things that our destination has started, our world class resorts, our first-class beaches - we have gotten best beach in the world constantly - accessibility to the destination, lack of crowds here, and an overall feeling of peace, tranquillity and safety in the destination.” The minister said all of these
features are contributors to this major accomplishment. He gave kudos to all of the hospitality workers across all of the spectrum - transportation, hotel workers, tour and taxi operators, charter boat operators, frontline workers in his ministry and the immigration minister, and to the public. “I believe if we continue to pay attention to detail we would be able to maintain this rating or even move up the ranks a few notches as more and more people come to experience our fabulous destination,” he said. Asked if the territory’s decreasing number of active Covid-19 cases (seven at time of press) played a part in this selection by US travellers, the minister was cautious. He noted that while this may be the case, and it certainly is reassuring to visitors, it is still a fluid situation in the territory. “The lone remedy for Covid-19 at this time is prevention, that is, taking the necessary measures,
following the regulations to prevent it…” He is again encouraging residents and visitors to continue to follow the regulations and protocols in place to ensure the TCI’s Covid-19 cases remain low. Minister Higgs said the Government will continue to do its part in working to have the TCI removed from any list with respect to quarantine of people who travel from the territory. As it relates to airlift into the destination for the month of November and the impending high season, the minister said a number of factors will influence any increase in flights. He noted that while the TCI may have very low Covid-19 cases, if the territory’s source markets - US, Canada and Europe - have a high number of cases, then it becomes very difficult for those residents to travel. “It is mainly a community effort on our part, but it certainly has to be led and driven by some external forces as well,” Higgs noted.
Campaign rallies can be super spreaders, health minister warns MINISTER of Health, Hon. Edwin Astwood has twice advised against the hosting of inperson political campaign rallies around the Islands. The warning was first issued during a press conference last week Thursday, October 29, then again during a House of Assembly on Tuesday (November 3). The warnings came as the Progressive National Party (PNP) kicked off a ten week round of rallies, motorcades and other events as it seeks support for the
upcoming general election. “Looking at it purely in the context of public health, not as a politician, we all know that we can be asking for trouble when we begin to see political rallies, which bring together many people with limited physical distancing, and with individuals often packed shoulder to shoulder for prolonged periods,” the minister told parliament this week. “We know that there is chanting and shouting that causes attendees to expel aerosols and potentially transmit the
coronavirus. “In addition, individuals come from other islands, and if there are infected persons then these rallies have the potential to be super-spreader events.” In light of this fear, the minister made a public health appeal and warned all political parties, which includes the one that he is affiliated with (PDM), as well as all aspiring candidates and politicians, about the dangers of hosting public rallies. “Please do not be careless about a disease that has already
killed six persons in the TCI, and more than one million persons worldwide, and sent economies into recession.” The health minister noted that many times these events are less structured, and organisers can struggle to implement key measures, such as physical distancing, mask wearing, and hand sanitising to reduce the risks of exposure. “Therefore, I am encouraging all political parties, and all candidates to maintain crowd discipline, and take Covid-related
precautions, demonstrating utmost vigil and care, during electioneering and campaigning, as any complacency could have devastating consequences, enabling the virus to spread much faster, and much wider.” He called on organisers of the events to implement control measures so as to limit the risks of cases growing exponentially after political rallies and campaigning. “We owe this to our country, and the people we are expecting to cast a vote, when that time comes,” Astwood said.
November 7-13, 2020
A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day
The TCI’s gross domestic product (GDP) is likely to be 25 percent lower than the previous financial year, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson announced last week. Government revenue is also expected to be down 45 percent, from $315 million in 2019-2020 to an estimated $173 million in 2020-2021. Prior to March 2020, economic growth in the TCI was expected to increase, however, and obviously, this changed abruptly when the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic began to be felt locally. Although the Statistics Department has projected a decrease in economic activity, the premier said she is “cautiously optimistic” that in 2021 the TCI will return to its growth trajectory. What are your thoughts?
Initial deficit
Whoever wins the next TCI election has precious little option but to stimulate the economy with injected money which implies a deficit initially. Over time it is hoped that the economy shall return to a normal progressive growth trajectory.
Stay woke
I agree and I am also optimistic that we will rebound steadily in the coming year. I think with the challenges of the hurricane damages and the now current Covid-19 situation, the Government under the premier’s leadership has done exceptionally well. I am in favour of giving this Government another term. After all, if the PNP Government didn’t do it in 13 years. How can I or anyone expect this Government to do it in three to four years. Stay woke people. Don’t just be politically blinded.
The TCI is caught in a headwind of the global Covid-19 pandemic crisis and local events, such as the enduring tax dispute with Beaches. This issues with Beaches forms a critical part of the TCI’s revenue and fiscal narrative. Going into the lockdown phase, March 2020, the premier and minister of finance indicated that the TCI had over $200 million in reserves. Today, despite a serious falloff in revenue, the headwinds with Beaches, those reserves now stand at $155 million. This is remarkable comparatively, because most nations in the region are finding it near impossible to run their affairs and or to seek new streams of finance to carry on. The TCI Government expected that there would be significant revenue declines. Covid-19 is unprecedented with its impact where for the first time in history, one event impacts every inch and every corner of the Earth. World War II was not so effective in its global impacts, yet this one may be termed
apocalyptic. It is not surprising that revenues have declined by 45 percent. It meant that even though there was a revenue decline, significant revenues were coming in. It was helpful that the minister of finance announced an economic stimulus to spur real estate spending starting with a 75 percent cut in stamp duty on purchase if the purchaser bought between September 21 and October 20. Thereafter there were further reliefs in future months at 50 percent and 25 percent respectively. This reset in fiscal policy spurred a lot of spending and investment giving rise to new monies and new revenues to the Treasury. This innovative decision helped to stop the bleeding. It means that the TCI is finding a way to manage and work its way out of the crisis. Local events, such as the dispute over TCI Government revenues, taxes and penalties with Beaches, are all impacting the increase in revenues negatively. The timing therefore, of the stamp duty reduction is good because some of the other resorts, those other than Beaches, are opening and must open. Hopefully this stab in the back by Beaches will be minimised with competition opening and more revenues coming in. Beaches, however, is gifted with an exceptionally dominant position in the TCI market being the TCI’s flag ship and biggest marketing engine.
Keep up the fight
I do expect a V-shaped economic recovery in the first quarter of 2021. This is if we succeed in a Covid-19 vaccine which is very likely after most are in third phase trials in
the developed world medical communities. The economic performance is a mirror image of the Bahamas’ economy. There is basically nothing any country can do right now about the debilitating effects on Covid-19 economic fallouts. Stay fighting the spread of the virus is all anyone can do right now. Keep wearing masks, sanitising hands and social distance. Pray that God will give us relief soon. Stay safe my people.
Pay cut
Whether we regain some statistician’s or politician’s goal is not relevant to me. What we have all been made aware of, with Covid-19, is the fragility of our lives and plans. What have we learned? Plan for the down days, help your neighbours, grow food in your gardens, learn to want what you have and share with those who are less fortunate. And wouldn’t it be thoughtful if all elected Government members took a 45 percent pay cut? They’ve been in power almost four years, so surely they have saved for a rainy day and could easily afford it.
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November 7-13, 2020
Beaches denies cancelling mediation Said it was unaware of tax penalty write-off BY DELANA ISLES BEACHES Turks and Caicos said this week that it has not cancelled any mediation over an ongoing tax dispute with the Government, nor was it aware of any write-off of penalties. A mediation had been slated for November 18, to allow the two to resolve disagreements relating to an alleged $26.7 million in unpaid taxes. In a statement on Monday (November 2), the Government said it had been informed the resort was “no longer willing to engage in a mediation concerning its outstanding tax liabilities”. However, the company’s board of directors stated on Tuesday that it did not cancel the meeting. In their denial, Beaches called
on the Government to make a full disclosure of what went on behind the scenes with regards to the November 18 proposed mediation. Media queries to the resort on Tuesday, following the government’s announcement on Monday, saw general manager of Beaches, James McAnally, issuing a press statement on the matter. The statement, from the company’s board of directors, said they did not cancel the mediation. “In fact, since the Government now seems to have no issues speaking to the press, then it should let the people of the TCI and Beaches employees know the truth about the mediation. Let’s have full disclosure. “We call on the Government to publish the letter dated October 29, 2020, which was sent to Beaches
Two charged over dumpsite murder TWO men have been charged with the shooting murder of an unknown man at Providenciales’ dumpsite in Blue Hills earlier this year. Jamasly Destine, 23, and Wilkenson Beaute, 26, were taken into custody after an early morning raid by the police Tactical Unit on early Tuesday and Wednesday (November 3 and 4). They were charged on Thursday with murder, attempted murder, discharging a firearm, carrying a firearm, carrying ammunition and wounding. Both men who remain in police custody are scheduled to appear in court on Friday (November 6). Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting paid tribute to the detectives who worked diligently on this investigation and to members of the public who assisted officers. He said: “This investigation has been challenging from the outset and the victim has yet to be identified. “The officers from the RTCIPF Serious Crimes Team have worked relentlessly to identify those responsible for this terrible act. “The charging of the two men is a culmination of hard-nosed policing and a commitment to get justice for a victim who does not have a voice or a family to fight for
justice for him. “I want to publicly thank my officers for their professional and dedicated work during this investigation.” Just before 11.15am on April 18 officers and ambulance workers were called to the Providenciales dumpsite after reports were made of shots being fired in the vicinity. “Upon arrival, they met the lifeless body of a male on the ground with a gunshot wound,” a statement from the police press office said. “The man, age unknown, was pronounced dead at the scene.” Investigating officers soon after discovered a second man on Mary Jane Lane in Blue Hills who also had gunshot wounds. Police believe that the second man was also shot at the dump site but ran from the scene in search for help. He was taken in an ambulance to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre where he was treated for his wounds. The murdered man has not yet been identified, and has been named by police simply as ‘John Doe’. Anyone who has information on the shooting can call 911 or Crime Stoppers confidentially at 1-8008477.
and which the Government wished to be treated as confidential, and to then also publish Beaches’ response.” Beaches has consented to the publication of the letter. “Let the citizens decide for themselves. Let the people of the TCI know about freedom of the press, unless the Government wishes to take away their constitutional right,” Beaches added. Last week, the Weekly News reported on a press conference on October 27 held by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson. During the conference, she said the Government was committed to writing off the accruing $76 million in penalties on the $26.7 million it claimed Beaches owes. “We have already committed to having the penalties written off, it would have to go to the House of Assembly, but the core of the taxes is under $30 million.” The board, in their statement
James McAnally, general manager of administration at Beaches Resort and Spa
this week, said they knew nothing about the intention to dismiss the penalties until it was reported by this publication. Meanwhile, the board maintained that they are, and have always, been ready, willing and able to resolve the matter in a fair, equitable and transparent manner. They reiterated that the tax matters and the breaches of their development agreement can be resolved in a day or two. However, they added: “This can be achieved only if there is a strong
commitment, sincerity, good faith and capable decision makers sitting down together. “Our team continues to stand ready.” The board also made it clear once again that they will not allow their brand to be used for political propaganda or as a political football. “Beaches has no interest in playing politics. Our concern is for our team members and the citizens of the TCI. Government, the ball remains in your court.”
Under the tree By Benneth Williams
November 7-13, 2020
Stigma hurts those battling Covid-19, expert says BY OLIVIA ROSE STIGMA can isolate people and prevent them from seeking medical care while battling diseases such as Covid-19, according to a leading TCI mental health expert. Dr Alicia Malcolm, Director of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, spoke about the issue at a press conference on Thursday, October 29. She explained that in an outbreak people are labelled, stereotyped, discriminated against and treated differently because of an actual or perceived link with the disease. The director said such treatment can negatively affect not only those with the disease but also their caregivers, family, friends and communities. “I want to address the issue of stigma that has been attached to
the coronavirus,” she told the press conference. “We know stigma is that negative association between a person or group of people and a specific disease. “There are many reasons for stigma, but one of the main reasons is because this disease is somewhat new and there are many unknowns.” Dr Malcolm urged residents to better educate themselves on the virus in an effort to reduce stigma and discrimination towards people who are infected. “We’re often afraid of what we don’t understand or know very much about and so it’s easy to associate that fear with others.” The director stressed that while it is understandable that there is confusion, anxiety and fear among the public, unfortunately these
factors fuel harmful stereotypes. She added that people who do not have the disease but share other characteristics with people who do, may also suffer from stigma and discrimination. “The danger is that we create a barrier which prevents people from coming forward to be tested, so we have to work together to end this stigma,” she said. “We do this by choosing to be kind, by speaking up against negative stereotypes and by educating ourselves about the virus and how it spreads and also by sharing our experiences to provide the support that’s needed to others.” Unlike non-communicable diseases like heart disease or cancer, due to the contagious nature of Covid-19 people around the world are asked to maintain
Dr Alicia Malcolm, Director of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
social distancing. This can often mean avoiding physical contact, physical attachment and face to face communication. Stigma is also heightened by insufficient knowledge about how the coronavirus disease is transmitted and treated, and how to prevent infection. This has a myriad of effects on patients such as health-risks, harassment, life-insecurity, psychological disorder, loss of social capital and emotional capital, shattering family bonds and social solidarity that work as barriers to community wellbeing.
Four weeks to register for elections ANYONE who is not on the TCI Register of Electors has until November 30 to request to be included. Supervisor of Elections Lister Dudley Lewis issued the reminder on Monday (November 2) and added that the new register will be published on March 31, next year. “Eligible voters on the present Register of Electors do not need to reapply to be included in the 20212022 register,” he said. “They will be automatically included unless they notify the Elections Office that they have changed their name or place of residence, or no longer meet the eligibility criteria. “This includes being resident in the TCI for at least 12 out of 24 months.” Lewis encouraged new applicants to apply to be included on the register especially those who have turned 18 since March 1 this year and those over 18 who did not apply to join the register earlier in 2020. An elector’s status as a Turks and Caicos Islander must be verified first by the Ministry of Border Control by obtaining a TC Islander status card. Potential new electors should complete a voter registration application form which may be collected from the Elections Office in Grand Turk, Strategic Policy and Planning Department South Base or Butterfield Square, Providenciales, or the District Commissioner’s Offices in Salt Cay, South Caicos, Middle Caicos and North Caicos. More information on the electoral registration process is available from the Elections Office, Grand Turk, on 338-2304 or email dllewis@gov.tc More information on the verification of TC Islander status and the issuing of TC Islander Status cards is available from the Ministry of Labour and Border Control.
November 7-13, 2020
Cabinet ministers, Acting CEO of TCIAA Floyd Ingham (fourth from left), Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson (fourth from right) and Deputy Governor Anya Williams (second from right) at the airport’s opening
Government officials and entourage under the blue marquee (photo by Titus de Boer)
The airport’s brand-new airstrip
The Leon Wilson Airport (photo by Titus de Boer)
The Leon Wilson Airport opens in Salt Cay BY OLIVIA ROSE FLIGHTS in and out of Salt Cay have resumed as the Government officially unveiled a brand-new airstrip and terminal building at the island’s airport last week. Residents and visitors of Salt Cay will once again enjoy the ease of access to and from the family island now that the long-awaited airport rehabilitation project has been completed. On Friday, October 30, the airport was reopened for traffic following a 14-month closure to facilitate extensive rehabilitation and repairs. As part of the reopening pomp, the inaugural Caicos Express Airways flight was welcomed with a rousing water cannon salute. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson flanked by Cabinet ministers and Floyd Ingham, acting CEO of the Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority, unveiled a plaque.
It displayed the facility’s new name ‘The Leon Wilson Airport’, named after Henry Leon Wilson, a well-known airline industry professional. Wilson is a Salt Cay native and the youngest person ever elected to parliament in the TCI. The rehabilitation of the airport brings it up to par with benchmark standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), as prescribed by the local Civil Aviation Authority. The scope of work included the rehabilitation of the runway, taxiway and apron, underlying and pavement surfaces as well as an apron expansion. The pavement line markings and airfield signage were enhanced, and the runway longitudinal transverse strips and safety ends were defined. Storm water drainage improvements, airfield electrical improvements, and airfield
perimeter fence relocation and installation were part of the upgrades carried out. Speaking at the reopening ceremony, Ingham expressed elation that the project had come to fruition in spite of the challenges. “The operation was quite challenging at times,” he said, “and I had to make frequent visits here which often resulted in me being accosted and rightfully so. “…it was always regarding the Airports Authority’s responsibility to provide them with a proper airport.” Ingham explained that a few years ago the airport operating certificate became jeopardised due to the deterioration of the runway, taxiway and apron. “It became impractical for the ICAO to issue an operating licence and this of course placed a hardship on the community of Salt Cay. “It also squarely placed the responsibility in the laps of the Airports Authority, which we had
to deliver on, so a series of external and internal risk assessments, much negotiation and stringent litigation the airport authority and the civil aviation authority were able to balance safety priorities and the Salt Cay community’s transport needs. “We finally arrived at a position permitting minimal and restrictive flight operations which continued until major works got under way in 2019.” Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson who brought remarks during the ceremony explained that the airport was in dire need of repairs. “We had times where the Salt Cay runway had to be closed and we know what that meant for the people of Salt Cay… “We got the emails and we really appreciated the difficulty especially when we have high seas and knowing as well still that we have a largely elderly population.” She stressed that the airport
enhancement project, which was of great importance to the Salt Cay community, required major attention. “The decision has always been for quick fix, let’s patch it…but the time had come for real change for Salt Cay and the decision was taken by the Airports Authority board. “I was very pleased as the minister of finance to support it and the Cabinet overwhelmingly supported this project not just once but twice when we needed to come back.” She added: “I want to say thank you to Cabinet colleagues because everyone appreciated that this work was important and we can no longer continue to patch works here on the airport and continue with the inconvenience for the community.” The premier expressed her gratitude to everyone who contributed to the project’s completion.
November 7-13, 2020
Capitalism, socialism and democracy
THE GLOBAL community is split into two vicious blocs, confronting each other with extreme vehemence – socialists and critics of socialism. The blustering rhetoric to which these factions succumb in their bicker shrouds the reality that both capitalism and socialism admirably agree in the end, concerning their strategies for society’s social and economic development. Karl Marx, the German political philosopher and economist, was especially aggravated by antagonisms and the struggles he observed among workers under capitalism from the economic and social changes, spawned by the Industrial Revolution. He famously berated the feudal system, pronouncing that the main social classes – the aristocracy and the peasantry – were heavily dependent upon the economic system, which were defined relative to their relationship to the dominant mode of production. Under these circumstances, income inequalities, wealth, life chances and health were marked by sharp declines. Since the 1980s, in America these challenges worsened and served as the gateway to the 27.5 million Americans now
BY D MARKIE SPRING D Markie Spring, a TCI resident of 15 years, is an expert in law enforcement. He worked as a detective in the Royal TCI Police Force and was director of security at Beaches Turks and Caicos.
without any form of health insurance. Conversely, Marx in his communist manifesto cited the establishment of European welfare states in the 20th century delivered a ‘safety net’ of benefits across-the-board that insured workers and managers alike against unemployment, illness and old age. In reality, a purely socialist state has never existed. States are described as socialist because of social programmes and the social ownership of the means of production. This is true about Denmark, Sweden and Norway, which are deemed socialist states, given their free college tuition, universal healthcare and subsidised child care initiatives. However, these countries have successful capitalist sectors and policies driving their economies.
Deploying capitalism has aided their quest for economic growth and development. On the flip side, inside capitalist-run states they have adapted social welfare policies such as education and childcare assistance, healthcare and medical provisions, food and cash aid, housing, energy and utility subsidies, health insurance, employersponsored health insurance and social security. Even the recent Covid-19 stimulus packages are seemed social programmes. Interestingly, communist states like Cuba and China are modifying their communist economic policies and upgrading their centralised model in adapting to new economic realities by employing capitalism to move their economies forward. From a completely state-run economy to
the gradual opening to foreign investments, Cuba is decentralising the use of the dollar, allowing the influx of American tourists and assisting the emerging private sector. Self-employment is reappearing. Privately owned spas, restaurants, outdoor haircuts and beauty salons are evident everywhere and president Raul Castro is expanding the island’s private sector categories. Of the 4.7 million strong workforce, 1.3 million Cubans are working for themselves. These phenomena suggest that none of the two systems is perfect and it is encouraged that each system borrow workable principles from the other to get ahead. Capitalism has always out-classed this infamous ‘post scarcity’ system by far, but like all other systems, capitalism has its flaws and borrowing ideas from a rival system does more good than bad. Democratic governments rely on social programmes to adequately meet their demands. I believe, in this Covid-19 era, the stimulus packages should be extended to the education system and food programmes to ensure no child is left behind and no one goes hungry.
Reassessing relations with a post-Brexit Britain PART TWO WHAT the UK government says is that it wants to go further, to deepen its trade and investment relationship with the Caribbean, and to build on the multi-faceted, political governance and cultural ties it already has in ways that involve more the one million plus British citizens who form an important diasporic link with the region. All this is happening as a high-level reexamination of the UK’s global policy priorities and objectives in the light of Brexit and budgetary constraints is nearing conclusion. For the first time for decades every aspect of the UK’s place in the world is being considered in an integrated review of foreign policy, defence, security and international development, with the objective, to paraphrase Downing Street, of determining how the whole of government can be restructured, equipped and mobilised to meet the opportunities and challenges the UK faces globally.
David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at david.jessop@caribbeancouncil.org
Practically, this means looking at everything from the deployment of the UK’s defence and security assets to determining what matters most from a strategic, economic, and cultural perspective at a time of diminishing resources. The objective is to create a more coherent approach in a world in which old certainties have all but disappeared but in which the UK remains a nuclear power, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, and a G7 and NATO member. The review, which closely relates to a multi-annual spending review and changes already made bringing foreign and
development policy together, is expected to be made public this autumn, although there is now some uncertainty about this. Many in Britain including some of its political leaders continue to labour under the delusion that Brexit is somehow going to rapidly return it to greatness and global exceptionalism. However, realpolitik, economics and common sense suggest over time the UK will become a significant but middle ranking, albeit innovative power trying to chart a path between the US, China, and other much larger emerging powers. For economic reasons Britain has little
option other than to come to terms with the EU27, adapt to being a singular economic power, and accept the trade-offs and compromises necessary to establish new trade relationships with the US, the Trans Pacific Partnership, and other groupings and nations. For this reason, this is also a propitious moment for the Caribbean to assess what it wants from a post Brexit Britain and from the EU27. One starting point would be to consider in a regional and bilateral context the thought provoking ‘integrated review’ submissions contained in the dozens of linked documents assembled online by the House of Commons library. For those in the Caribbean involved in long term policy development this may offer a better perspective than Brexit on how Cariforum and the overseas territories might in future relate to Britain and the now inevitable requirement to rebalance the region’s priorities in relation to the US, China, the EU27, and likely new partnerships in Africa and with India.
November 7-13, 2020
Stop thinking negatively about people because of their past PEOPLE have made mistakes and continue to make mistakes. Some people are trying their best to transform their lives and when they do, we remind them of their past as if some people cannot be transformed. People do change. No one is perfect. We all have made mistakes but we are so busy looking at the mistakes of others that we forget that we too have made mistakes. Someone may have cheated on their spouse once but they are labelled as a cheater for life. Someone may have stolen something once but they are labelled as a thief for life. Have we forgotten some of the stories in the Bible where some people had performed some terrible acts in the past yet God used them in a mighty way? Sometimes it takes people with a messy past to help others because they can relate more to what others are going through.
Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
For example, a former drug addict who has recovered maybe the best person to help other drug addicts to recover. Moses was a murderer. He killed an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew. Despite this past, God used Moses to bring the people out of Egypt. When you hear about Moses, very rarely do you hear about his past. You hear about how he went to Pharaoh to demand he let his people go.
You also hear about how he crossed the Red Sea. You also hear about how he went to the Mount. So, despite his past, he was used by God and in today’s world would probably be considered a hero. Rahab was a prostitute but she is known for hiding the Israelites. We look down on prostitutes but God used Rahab to protect the Israelites. There are people who had sex with
multiple partners and have changed, but no matter what they do we always labelled them as a prostitute or remind others about their past. David is considered one of the best kings in the Bible but he had a messy past too. He slept with Uriah’s wife and set up Uriah to die. Today many of the psalms that we read were written by David. Yet people who are there encouraging others to do better, we remember their past. Paul persecuted Christians. Paul’s life was transformed and today most of the books in the New Testament that we read were written by Paul. There are people who have done a lot but yet we refuse to read or listen to their transformation simply because of their past or we don’t think they have changed. In conclusion, God can use anyone no matter their past. Let us stop judging people solely on their past.
What will it take to reclaim our country from violent crimes? Dear Editor, As a resident of Grand Turk, I am literally angered and heartbroken over the loss of so many young lives and the senseless acts of aggression within our communities. We are seeing a disturbing and significant increase in violent crimes primarily among our young men. Many of the crimes appeared to be to do with gangs, pent up anger or some score that needed to be settled. Now is high time we come together to find solutions to eradicate violent crime in our nation’s capital and elsewhere. Rather than casting blame or pointing fingers let us stand alongside each other and our elected leaders with determination and power to actualise change. Yes, we need to hold our elected and appointed leaders accountable for their actions or lack thereof, but I dispel this notion that having X number of additional officers on the streets would have prevented these unfortunate incidents from happening. In addition, we cannot expect law enforcement nor the Government to have all the answers. Our communities need to become more proactive and we cannot rest until we see more positive results because this is what our people deserve. Over the years, I have seen a number written articles on crime prevention for our country. Albeit some of the ideas are great in theory but may lack practicality.
It would be in the best interests of the country to capitalise on a few of those suggested ideas that are prudent to national security regardless of who submitted it. And again, we are not telling the police how to do their jobs, just offering what we see as viable solutions. Criminals are becoming stealthier and lawyers are becoming more savvy. If our strategies are not regularly re-evaluated and revised, one of the challenges we will continue to face is that suspects will be arrested but the evidence will be lacking to prosecute them. This is the trend we are seeing too often in many of the criminal cases today. These are unprecedented times. We must take bold and sometimes costly steps to affect the desired results. The simple and most practical way to start impacting armed violence is to try and stem the flow of illegal guns. If the escalating gun violence is largely in part due to the result of compromised boarders, there is one of, if not, the most important benefits of TCI being a British overseas territory. They have an obligation to properly protect our boarders, provide adequate support and enhanced technology in this area. Let us hold their feet to fire to help get the job done. One may never grasp or understand why these good upbringing individuals do what they do.
Maybe they have lost hope in the system of justice, struggling with mental illness and are now embracing their new twisted beliefs with a fervour that is, perhaps, not understandable or comprehensible to others, thereby, driving them to commit these heinous acts of violence against our citizens. Either way, it impacts every single one of us in some form or fashion. The question that will always remain is - are they really heartless criminals or just seeking social mobility and trying to make progress for themselves for which they now deem as acceptable norms? What we are seeing in this young generation is simply a shift in attitudes. Some of these individuals become very frustrated because they are not finding any routes to making progress; they find their paths blocked and frustration can lead to aggression. As a result, they are now classifying violence as a justified means to an end. What we need are long-term and shortterm public policies to address these issues, to include focus on neighbourhoods suffering from socio-economic inequalities. We have got to find ways to avoid our youths from becoming expendable in the wrong areas of life, because in the end, no one wins. Below are some suggestions of a sevenpoint short and long-term plan and a framework, which can be built upon to help curb crime and improve outcomes.
1) Law enforcement must form an active tactical gang unit with the necessary training and expertise. Let us try to nip this in the bud before it gets way out of hand and more innocent bystanders or unintended targets become victims. 2) Focus on creative ways to rid illegal guns off the streets, coupled with datadriven deployment of officers. 3) Implement a focused deterrence approach geared toward high-risk repeat offenders to include increased visits from their probation officers. 4) Increase the existing budget for CCTV cameras for both Grand Turk and Provo, to include additional placement and quality of equipment to improve video footage. 5) Conduct close review of law enforcement salaries compared to other departments and agencies to determine equitable compensation and cost of living regardless of Belongers status. This will help to improve loyalty and minimise corruption. 6) Based on in-depth analysis and crime data, set up police substations in high crime ridden areas or communities that are suffering from spatial displacement of police presence. 7) Rehabilitation and mental health treatment for incarcerated criminals, because they are not serving life sentences and will eventually be released into society. We are certainly at a crossroad here and CONTINUED
November 7-13, 2020
TCI tourism to see hell in 2020
Elected Representative for North and Middle Caicos, Minister Ralph Higgs
Arlington ‘Chuck’ Musgrove, PNP Candidate for North and Middle Caicos
Higgs tells Musgrove to prove himself as elections campaigning picks up BY DELANA ISLES MINISTER of Tourism and elected representative for the twin islands, Hon. Ralph Higgs, has called on his opponent PNP’s Arlington ‘Chuck’ Musgrove to get from behind the shadow of Michael Misick and let the people know what he has to offer. The two men - Higgs and Musgrove - are locked in a fight for the votes of the people of North and Middle Caicos, a former PNP stronghold constituency which the PDM flipped their way at the last general election. A well-loved son of the sister islands, Higgs’ selection as PDM candidate in 2016 played a major role in this decision by the people of the twin islands to vote for change. In a Facebook post on Monday, November 3, Higgs addressed the attacks on his family and his character he said were made by Musgrove and former premier Michael Misick. The minister noted that while it is not unusual - during political campaigns - for those seeking office to say their opponent is not experienced or qualified for the office they hold, personal attacks will not go answered. He noted that over the past several weeks, Musgrove, the
former premier and PNP supporters have had a lot to say about him and his family - all of which he said are lies - and hardly any of them were challenged. Higgs stated that on those rare occasions he chose to reply to the attacks with the truth about Misick and his opinion of Musgrove, he was attacked personally. “When a politician’s history is called into question he or she points to their formal qualifications or to positive things they have been doing in their community long before election time which may qualify them for the job they are seeking,” the minister stated. Adding: “It would perhaps be more enlightening and convincing if ‘Chuck’ or Mike or his spokespersons would share with the people of North and Middle Caicos some of the things Chuck has been doing, before he got the Government’s contract to build the Bottle Creek Clinic, to help improve our communities. “Hearing from Chuck himself, on why he thinks he is best qualified and experienced to be the representative for Electoral District 4, with credible facts and a realistic vision is what our people expect and deserve.” Higgs added: “Chuck you don’t need a spokesperson to tell the
voters of Electoral District 4 what you have achieved in North and Middle Caicos before you started to run for office. “You don’t need a spokesperson to write about or sell your vision when it’s your vision and not Mike’s.” According to Higgs: “Mike has told us that a vote for you is a vote for him and that Chuck is running to complete my legacy. Why does Chuck want to stand in Mike’s shadow which is dark? “What does Chuck want for his legacy?” Higgs is calling on Musgrove to show his qualifications and experience on how government works, working with government systems or the public service which would help him accomplish his dreams for the twin islands, “if you have any”. Higgs said between the two of them, he is the better qualified man for the job - both academically and otherwise. “As we move closer to that fateful day when the people will decide, hopefully based on our records (yours and mine), our qualifications and experience and our vision for the future of the twin islands would be brought clearer into view. “I am looking forward to defending my wicket,” the twin island representative said.
Dear Editor, Winter is coming. While that’s good news for most Caribbean destinations since it’s the peak season for travel and to make money, for the TCI it’s as worrying as it is for the people of King’s Landing in Game of Thrones - bringing only fear, pain and anxiety. But unlike the leaders in George RR Martin’s masterpiece who were able to find a solution to save their people, the leaders in the TCI seem helpless or maybe clueless on how to get the vital hotel sector reopened in order to save the good people. At the heart of it remains this ongoing, now ancient standoff with Beaches resorts with no sign of a resolution any time soon. But as winter’s icy touch threatens to dampen Thanksgiving and Christmas for the TCI, elsewhere the sun is starting to shine through. This week prime minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonzalves, signed off on plans to develop a 1,200 room Beaches resort. That should send a clear message to all and sundry in the TCI that as we stand still the world is moving on, and the once precious dominion we had over the Beaches product is starting to whittle away. Such a development would no doubt kick-start any forward thinking, progressive administration into action to seal what we have here in the TCI, but the current one can’t even solve a four-year old disagreement. What does that say for the future of the TCI? Are we going to awake one day and find out that the impossible is suddenly a reality? That we have lost our grip on the family vacation market that Beaches TCI has had for so long? Is this the administration that will sound the death knell for travel and tourism? Only the blind will not admit that Beaches is not just the anchor resort of the TCI, it is the very lifeline that keeps our entire sector
alive. Imaginary reports about rising occupancy levels do little to fill a hungry man’s belly. We all know better. That is not meant to be sensational, but is meant to drive home a hard, hard truth, and if we think it can’t happen well guess what, it’s happening. Instead of earning money from our natural treasures as we have been doing for decades, we are now cap-in-hand for grants and loans in order keep ‘poor man hunger’ from whispering in Belongers’ ears. That is the fate of people already hard hit by Covid-19. From one calamity to another. But while the pandemic is out of our control, the economy is something we can fix. I only wish our leaders truly cared for the suffering of people as they claim. Hand-outs are not how you empower people; you allow them to work and that then gives them dignity. What kind of administration just twiddles its thumbs while keeping its people in financial limbo when it has the power to do something about it? We elected you to provide solutions, not to drown us with your excuses. This is not the Christmas story we would have written for ourselves. We thought a new day was coming. That we would rise like our other Caribbean brothers and sisters in leading the way in controlling the pandemic. That we would set an example for how to jump-start the economy in a sustainable manner. But alas, the skies continue to darken. The wind chills the depth of our very being. The candle 10 miles away offers no warmth. Instead of waking from our slumber we are being asked to hibernate. Winter is coming. Keisha N Simmons, Former Grand Turk resident, Miami
What will it take to reclaim our country from ... CONTINUED
what brought us to this point is definitely not for a lack of effort on the part of our dedicated men and women serving in our police force. What we must demand at every level, is performance based and results driven leadership. I am still confident that
collectively we can come up with some viable and effective solutions to this growing madness. It’s a must, as our lives and our livelihoods are depending on it. Ed Forbes, Grand Turk
November 7-13, 2020
Local residents urged to rediscover TCI this November BY DELANA ISLES NOW that local travel restrictions have been lifted, residents are being encouraged by the tourism ministry to rediscover the uniqueness and beauty of the entire Turks and Caicos Islands. The call came as the ministry officially kicked off Tourism Environmental Awareness Month (TEAM) with a press conference on Monday (November 2). Joining the Minister of Tourism Hon. Ralph Higgs and other tourism staff, were Karen Whitt
of the TCI Hotel and Tourism Association, Lormeka Williams of the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR), Director of Tourism Pamela Ewing, Adelphine Pitter, chairman of Tourist Board, and tourism training manager Blythe Clare. This year, the ministry changed the theme of the month to ‘Rediscover Turks and Caicos’, which will be used for the next three years. The previous theme ‘Tourism is key, it starts with me’ has now been retired after five years. Minister Higgs officially declared
TEAM open by reminding the public that without the TCI’s environment, the territory would have no tourism. “Without tourism, perhaps we would have no economy and no country. “I say that to say that our environment and tourism sector is perhaps one of the most important industries we have as a country.” He reminded residents to take care of the environment, not just for themselves, but for the livelihood of all. He said the Ministry of Tourism, the TCI Hotel and Tourism
Grades five and six to return to school HIGH school students in grades five and six will be able to return to school on Monday (November 9) for face to face learning. The move is part of a modified phase four of the Ministry of Education’s five step ‘Roadmap for the Reopening of TCI Schools’. The first three phases are already in place and have seen teachers go back to school and conduct online and blended classroom learning. The original date for the activation of phase four was November 3 and was designed to see the return of students to classes in Salt Cay, Grand Turk, South Caicos and North Caicos.
However, acting on the advice of health officials and key stakeholders, the ministry reviewed the model and decided to modify the return of students. Health officials have also advised that the recently introduced community testing for Covid-19 will give a better indication of the level of containment before moving forward. And suggestions have been made on testing teachers before activation of the later phases, the ministry said in a statement on October 29. “The ministry is committed, as indicated in the Roadmap document, to have all students
return to face to face instruction in January 2021.” The roadmap, which was unveiled on August 31, highlighted a five-step approach with instructions for online and ordinary classroom learning. It included a blended model of learning which was set to be phased in gradually over the coming months. The guidelines were intended to mitigate the health risk posed by Covid-19 to students, teachers and parents while at the same time facilitate active learning. On September 14 school teachers were urged to return to empty classrooms to conduct distance learning.
Association and other private sector partners will be crisscrossing the length and breadth of the TCI during the month. “…reminding you of how important our tourism is, reminding you of the bedrock of our tourism which is our environment and reminding you of how important your role is in ensuring that you are playing your part to protect and promote our environment and to be good caretakers and custodians of our number one industry which is tourism.” The minister noted that even in these challenging times, the brand Turks and Caicos is still trending positively in the world. “Notwithstanding Covid-19, we continue to see strong interest in our destination. “I believe that as soon as the pandemic subsides, we will see more visitors returning to our shores, and Turks and Caicos Islanders regaining their rightful place as participants and contributors to our economy.” He encouraged residents to go out and rediscover the Islands. “Go and experience the quaintness of Salt Cay, the elegant and rustic beauty of Grand Turk and indulge in the opportunities and possibilities that exist in South Caicos. “North and Middle Caicos are the gem among these Islands and I believe the future of the tourism industry lies within them. “Providenciales, of course, is the breadbasket of the country, and all of our sister islands are available
for you to explore and enjoy.” When travelling around the territory, the minister encouraged everyone to obey the regulations and protocols set in place by the Government to mitigate against the spread of the coronavirus. The events to commemorate the month will be hosted mainly virtually. They include a virtual tour of Grand Turk on November 9, Back in the Day Island Experiences on November 10, virtual tour of junkanoo museum on November 11, virtual tour of Cheshire Hall Plantation on November 13, a nationwide clean up and driveby giveaway on November 14, a virtual tourism symposium on November 18 and a rediscover Turks and Caicos: Island Delicacies on November 25. As part of the month’s celebrations, residents and students are encouraged to ‘Rediscover Turks and Caicos’ in a creative sense by participating in a video and art competition. The video competition is open to the general public to submit a video based on the theme while fourth to sixth grade students are invited to submit visual art interpretations of the theme. The winners of both competitions will receive cash prizes. Criteria for entry and submission guidelines are available on the ministry of tourism’s website at https://turksandcaicostourism. com/tourism-month/
CABINET MEETING SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT on Ambergris Cay, ‘Parties in Paradise’ and fines for litter droppers were all discussed at the 41st meeting of the Cabinet. Acting Governor Anya Williams chaired the meeting on Monday, October 26, at the Hilly Ewing Building, Providenciales. All members were present. AT THIS MEETING CABINET:
- Approved a draft development agreement with Ambergris Cay Management subject to certain conditions and a reduction on stamp and customs duties in accordance with the Investment Policy. - Members also approved a separate refurbishment order be granted to
the developer for the refurbishment and reconstruction existing properties on Ambergris Cay. - Were updated on the matter in relation to Juniper Hole. - Approved the establishments of the following committees to oversee and inform the development of a National Physical Development Plan for the TCI. These are: a) Management committee composed of chair Ian Astwood, Dainer Lightbourne, Kona Gray, Betsy Fulghum Suiter, Toriano Williams, Reginald Charles, Leonardo A Glasgow and secretary Oswald R Williams. b) Review committee composed of
the deputy director of planning or designate as chair/secretary, Stacy Cox, Albert Higgs, Almaida Wilson, Yvette Cox, Cynclair Musgrove, Theophilus Durham, Tomlinson Skippings, Darry Handfield, Pastor Bryant Cox, Hon. Temard Butterfield, the director of National Trust and representatives from the electricity and water service providers. c) Technical committee composed of the director of planning or designate as chair/secretary, director of DECR or designate, director of tourism or designate, director of public works or designate, director of road safety or designate, director of Crown Land Unit or designate, director of
surveys and mapping or designate, director of disaster management and emergency or designate, director of agriculture or designate, director of environmental health or designate, director of housing / estate management or designate and the tourism risk manager or designate. - Discussed plans for the production of ‘Parties in Paradise’ by Fremantle Media. - Approved the development of regulations for a ticketing system to address public littering, which threatens the TCI’s ‘beautiful by nature’ waters and unsanitary properties.
November 7-13, 2020
$200m hotel resort to be built in Grand Turk Government inks development agreement with Grand Lucayan Resort BY OLIVIA ROSE A $200 million seven storey resort is now in the pipelines for Grand Turk. The Government and directors of the Grand Lucayan Resort in the Bahamas signed a development agreement for the mega hotel on Monday (November 2). The official Heads of Agreement (HOA) signing took place at the Office of the Premier in Providenciales. Acting Governor Anya Williams, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and directors of the resort assented to the deal. The $200 million investment is expected to go a long way to revitalise the island’s economy, and provide a myriad of economic and employment opportunities for local residents. Colin Ingram, lead developer of the Grand Lucayan Resort, said the seven-storey property will boast 150 luxury rooms and a casino when completed. Ingram explained that the developer’s vision is for the resort to become synonymous with the rich culture and history of Grand Turk. “We believe that we have assembled an exceptional team for the Turks and Caicos, specifically for the island of Grand Turk. “It is our intent to build the best resort in this part of the world. “If you’re going to build a project on the capital island, you want to be able to embrace the essence of the people of the country
and its culture, its history. “So as a team we went to Jags McCartney monument of different places, just so people can get a feel as we go through the process of designing what we hope to be something that fits seamlessly into the landscape of Grand Turk. “Yes it’s going to be seven storeys. We want something iconic. We want when people think of Grand Turk and travel they think about this resort, so we are paying attention to every aspect of this project.” When the project comes to fruition, residents of Grand Turk will be able to reap the benefits of capital investment, employment opportunities for tourism and construction industries, increased commerce for local businesses, taxi services and tour operations. Ingram, who is also Turks and Caicos Islander, said: “As somebody who has traversed the streets of Grand Turk in my years growing up, we want to ensure that this development does not pass the people by. “So we are going to do everything that we can. I can certainly say the Honourable Edwin Astwood has been behind us. “You know that it got to be about the people, it has to be about the people, the people in Grand Turk have to be able to feel this, and it is our intent to ensure that is the case.” Ingram revealed that the hotel and resort will be constructed by world class developers and architects. He said: “Persons like Michael
Members of Government and developers of Grand Lucayan Hotel and resort ink the development agreement
D’Amato and Trip Knox have been in the industry both in excess of 40 years and they have been in the technical part, working all over the world working with some of the bigger names hotel brands. “This has allowed them and us to be able to select the best product that we want for the capital, Grand Turk. “We make no bones about it, we are going to be exceptional. It’s going to be a five-star resort. We are going to have one of the best aquatic systems in the world. “Trip Knox is a world renowned aquatic specialist who is in the top 25 aquatic features built in the world, five of which is his, so there is no doubt what we are going to be bringing to the table.” TRAINING THE COMMUNITY Ingram also pointed out that the resort has prepared a training module, to ensure construction workers meet the requisite standards when the project begins. “In terms of those persons who will be working on the resort on a permanent basis, we have
almost completed the training programmes for the staff, as we want to ensure that service at our resort is excellent.” Additionally, training programmes and scholarships will be offered to young people who would like to be employed in the tourism sector. “We’re going to be working with the high school, primary school, we want persons to be excited about working in the tourism industry. “We are going to assist them with training ...to go into the hospitality business. We’ll provide scholarships. We want this project to be a part of the community,” he said. Bringing remarks at the signing, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson explained that the investment signals strong investor confidence in the territory. She emphasised that the development will significantly boost economic activity in the capital which will augur well for the TCI as a whole. “We do know that the capital has been looking forward to a hotel development, basically all of our
lives at the scale that we have seen put forward today.” Cartwright Robinson said a project of this magnitude is critical for the territory especially given its current economic situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “It’s such an important statement for Turks and Caicos to be making together with developers, that even as we watch the economy almost at a standstill they are persons who see that there is an investment opportunity in TCI and recognise that this country will bounce back and bounce back stronger. “So we want to thank you for the shot of confidence and for the testimony for all the world to see today that Turks and Caicos is indeed still in the art of doing business and certainly as a world leader in the hospitality sector. “We are absolutely still in that business and looking forward to just growing and becoming stronger once we would rebound,” the premier said. This increased revenue will also enable the Government to fund much needed infrastructural programmes on the island.
KPMG TCI is now Baker Tilly TCI THE firm formerly known as KPMG TCI is now a member of the Baker Tilly International network. It left the KPMG network on Saturday (October 31) and Baker Tilly TCI was launched on Sunday. Baker Tilly TCI will continue to provide audit, advisory and tax services to a wide variety of public and private sector entities and is a market leader in tourism data and analytics. It is led by Gary Brough who has over 30 years’ experience working within the tourism, leisure and travel industry. Brough was the lead partner advising the Government on its current National Tourism Policy
and Strategic Implementation Plan. “The global leadership of Baker Tilly International engaged with us from the very outset of our discussions which created a great first impression,” he said. “Neil French, our head of audit, and I both found our conversations with the senior executives of Baker Tilly International to be very refreshing. “They share our belief and optimism in the future of the TCI, which is of critical importance to us, and they have introduced us to resources within their network that led us to conclude they represent our best opportunity to fully realise the potential of some of the initiatives we are working
on most notably our tourism data and analytics initiative.” Speaking on the development, Ted Verkade, Baker Tilly network CEO, shared Gary’s optimism for the region. “The Turks and Caicos Islands are a vibrant part of the Caribbean region and I am delighted to welcome Gary, Neil and their team to our network. “Following the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic, now - more than ever businesses operating in this sector need to feel confident that they have data and analytics they can trust to be able to understand and manage risks, and to make the right decision now, to rebuild and
shape their tomorrows.” He said what separates the TCI team from others is their deep knowledge of travel and tourism, which converts data and analytics to information that matters. “I am excited to bring the team’s industry knowledge and leading analytics expertise into our global network as we help clients with scenario planning and predictive modelling as we build a bolder tomorrow.” According to a press release from the company on Tuesday, it has extensive relationships in the tourism sector throughout the Caribbean. Ollie East of Baker Tilly US said: “We’re proud of the
deep data analytics and digital expertise we bring to our clients through our global network. “We have a variety of experience using multiple technologies and analytical techniques across many industry sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, aerospace, and finance and insurance. “The Turks and Caicos Islands team’s specialisation in the tourism sector is a strong complement to those offerings.” Baker Tilly International is a rapidly growing global accountancy and business advisory network represented by independent member firms in 146 countries.
November 7-13, 2020
THE SALT CAY NOTE The premier, Leon Wilson and Lionel Talbot get ready to unveil a plaque and cut the ribbon
Lionel Talbot standing in front of Salt Cay Airport in the early 1980s
Salt Cay residents look on as ministers and VIPs gather under a blue marquee
Lionel Talbot at the reopening ceremony of the newly named Leon Wilson Airport
Ministers, memories and a blue marquee Observations from an airport reopening
“VIBRATIONS!” “Say what?” I ask somewhat bewildered as a visibly content Enrique Dickenson informs me that the Salt Cay reverse osmosis plant has been repaired and is once again up and running. “What was wrong with it?” I had enquired just moments before and Enrique expands on his previous reply. “A bit that controls the vibrations had to be replaced.” Right. He politely leaves it at that, recognising full well from my befuddled facial expression that I haven’t got the foggiest idea what he’s talking about. And yet a quiet satisfaction cannot be denied as I think back to my recent column about the water situation on Salt Cay and the RO plant. It concluded with the words: “So a note to the decision makers; let’s get this thing sorted and we can continue bragging - and take a shower while we’re at it!” One would like to think it had helped. Speaking of things that work, the Salt Cay Airport, or as it is now to be known ‘The Leon Wilson Airport’. It was just a question of time, as it turns out quite a long time, but finally there landed a noticeably pleased premier on the Salt Cay runway, with elegantly suited entourage in tow. Following an impressive water cannon welcome (thank God that aforementioned RO plant was fixed!) the assembled dignitaries proceeded
Titus de Boer was born in Hamburg and spent his formative years in the West Indies. After a formal education in Germany and subsequent training as a journalist, he moved to the TCI in 1989. Titus’ Salt Cay stories and photographs can be found on www.saltcaynote.com
to much-needed shade as they took their seats under a blue marquee. What followed was an event not dissimilar to others witnessed over the years. They all, more or less, tend to follow a certain order, or call it ‘routine’. A call to order by the master of ceremony, who on this occasion was none other than Salt Cay’s District Commissioner Madam Almaida Wilson, the singing of the National Anthem, a prayer and a welcome, followed by remarks and greetings from various VIPs, including, on this day, the Honourable Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson. However, Salt Cay wouldn’t be the
unique, independently-minded place it is, if it were to allow this event to turn into just another self-congratulatory photo opportunity for local politicians. And so, Ms Nettie (aka Pastor Anthonette Talbot) wasted no time in turning her prayer into one of her highly entertaining reminiscences about the early days of air travel from Salt Cay. “We would take off in a five-seater right here, from a muddy little airstrip and land on Grand Turk’s Church Folly.” Then, after a series of remarks from project participants, the audience was rapidly reenergised by a solo from Salt Cay’s very own songbird Patrianna Simmons whose rendition was probably heard as far away as South Caicos. Suddenly, while the honourable premier gives her remarks, noting quite rightly that this $6 million investment is a major achievement and one that will position Salt Cay favourably for future tourist arrivals, someone hastily hands out leaflets with the title, ‘Biography of Mr Henry Leon Wilson. The renaming of the Salt Cay Airport to The Leon Wilson Airport’. This proves very useful and explains the plaque, hastily affixed to the wall of the airport building only minutes before the ceremony commenced. The reader of the leaflet learns that Mr Wilson, who was born on Salt Cay, served as its first elected representative in 1976, making him the youngest person ever to have been elected to office under the ministerial form of government.
Continuing, the reader is informed that “after his exit from politics Leon worked at airports in Grand Turk and Providenciales” and “it was his dream that one day Salt Cay would have a world-class recognised airport”. As I read the leaflet I could not help but think that someone in the premier’s office got just a fraction carried away! Yes, Salt Cay does now have a lovely little airport, causing us all much pride and pleasure, but “world-class recognised”? Never mind - high marks for enthusiasm! I had thought about the Salt Cay airport and its history not too long ago when a friend found a photograph in her archive from the early 1980s. In the photo one can see a very modest little building clearly marked as ‘Salt Cay Airport’. In front of the airport is parked a pickup truck and against the truck leans a young man in a green t-shirt who, at closer inspection, turns out to be none other than Lionel Talbot, today known as ‘Uncle Line’. Forty years later, I see Lionel at the reopening ceremony. He has been asked to assist the honourable premier and Mr Leon Wilson with the ribbon-cutting ceremony. “Hey T,” he says, “take a picture of me sitting in front of our airport!” No sooner have I taken the shot, then I share the photo from the 1980s with him. After a moment’s pause, he looks up: “Well, the airport looks a lot different now!” And with that we share a laugh, praise his longevity and enjoy the next chapter in this remarkable story called ‘Salt Cay’.
November 7-13, 2020
Education in the Covid-19 era By TCI Human Rights Commission
Remembrance Day services in the TCI in 2019
TCI commemorates Remembrance Day this Sunday ALLIED, Commonwealth and British personnel who fought in the two world wars of the 20th Century and subsequent conflicts will be remembered this Sunday (November 8). In Grand Turk, the Remembrance Day service will be held at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Front Street, at 9am. Acting Governor Anya Williams will lay a wreath at the war memorial. Immediately following the service, all uniform groups will attend an ecumenical service at the Methodist Church. The Providenciales Remembrance Day service will be held at St Monica’s Anglican Church, Leeward Highway, at
11am. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, Leader of the Opposition Washington Misick and Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting will lay wreaths at this service. Organisations also laying wreaths include the TCI ExServiceman Legion, TCIG Medical Department, the Scouts, Guides and Brownies, Rotary International, Soroptimists International and the Red Cross. In a press release on Tuesday (November 3), acting Governor Anya Williams said: “More than a hundred years ago the world came together in the defence of freedom from tyranny.
Flow TCI to get microwave towers upgrade THE GOVERNMENT has approved building permits to allow Flow TCI to replace four microwave towers and boost bandwidth across the territory. These towers provide connectivity for Grand Turk, South Caicos, North Caicos, Middle Caicos and Providenciales. The Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning via the Department of Planning approved the permits. Flow TCI country manager
Joanne Missick said: “With the improved loading capability of the microwave towers, customers in the sister islands will experience a significant increase in bandwidth and the overall performance of mobile and fixed services once the upgrade is complete. “We are grateful for the support of the TCI Telecommunications Commission and the Department of Planning and wish to reaffirm our commitment to keeping our customers connected.”
“This action confirmed that even in the darkest of times we can still find light in the darkness when we remember our collective humanity. “Remembrance Day is a promise to every generation that we will never forget the ravages and real human cost of war; and in this promise we remember and honour those in the armed forces, and those in civilian life, who have made the ultimate sacrifice and continue to make it their personal responsibility to ensure mankind never falls into such darkness again. “This Remembrance Sunday, the Turks and Caicos Islands will once again commemorate allied, British and Commonwealth servicemen and women who have fought and continues to fight in conflict since the first World War. “We must all be inspired by their service, bravery and their sacrifice. We must never forget!” Remembrance Day, known informally as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of the red remembrance poppy, is a memorial day observed throughout the Commonwealth. It has been held since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. The poppy has come to represent the immeasurable sacrifice made by those who serve. Remembrance Day evolved out of Armistice Day, which commemorated the signing of the Armistice between Germany and the Entente. Hostilities formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918.
EDUCATION across the world has been profoundly affected by the current global health crisis. Many institutions, both private and public, have found it necessary to adopt new protocols to mitigate the risks to students, teachers and families. Most schools have adopted some form of online learning to ensure that their students continue to receive an education whilst still protecting them and their families from the threat of infection. The conversation has now moved on to if, when and how students should return to school, and countries around the world are devising reopening strategies for the upcoming academic year. Schools are perfect breeding grounds for infection and, although children are the least vulnerable demographic to succumb to Covid-19, they can pass it on to their teachers, families and the wider community. In the TCI, the risks are heightened by the recent increases in the number of active Covid-19 cases. There are many pros and cons on whether your child should return to the physical classroom. Many private schools are small and have limited access to space; while many government schools have issues with overcrowding which makes social distancing a challenge. No matter where your child/children go to school, social distancing in the classroom will be difficult and especially so in the case of younger children. The Ministry of Education has stated that it is currently making plans for our children’s return to school but has confirmed that any return will involve, at a minimum, masks and social distancing. From a human rights perspective and in accordance with the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) – Article 28, education is not only vital to the development of our children but is pivotal to the overall success of a society. However, so is the health and safety of children and staff. It is imperative for governments to ensure that the highest attainable standard of care for the safe and healthy working conditions in facilities responsible for the care or protection of children, are adhered to. Governments of the day are therefore placed in an extremely difficult position where they need to balance all these rights in pursuit of the best outcome for the public. The concern being should a child carry the virus to school and infect other children, who then take it home to their families and communities around them, will result in further spread, thus causing greater risk to the general population. However, we need our children to receive the highest quality of education possible so that they have the tools to carry our society forward in to the future. The Government is aware of these issues and has presented a phased reopening strategy for all schools which sees children in the final phase, returning to physical school in January 2021. The road map for this can be seen on the Ministry of Education, Government website. The commission supports this phased approach during these unprecedented times. However, being aware of the limitations to providing every child with the necessary electronics and access to reliable internet, is an issue that must be addressed as a matter of urgency. The commission has already made contact with the Education Department to provide support in ensuring that international standards on the rights of the child are met for the resumption of the academic year. Ultimately, we will all have to work together to chart our course through this new reality, to ensure that our children are impacted as little as possible whilst safeguarding them, our teachers and our communities. In closing, the HRC would like the entire TCI to know that we are diligently working on your behalf during these very challenging times. TCI Human Rights Commission can be contacted on 941-5343 or tcihumanrightscommission@hrc.tc
November 7-13, 2020
Health ministry releases dates for free Covid-19 testing Blythe Clare honoured by tourism minister and staff for her work
Blythe Clare recognised for her role in TCI’s tourism reputation BY DELANA ISLES FOR the past 20 years, a programme dubbed ‘Together Individuals Delivering Excellent Service’ (TIDES) has been doing just that. It has been delivering excellence service to industry partners to ensure the territory’s reputation remains at a high standard. To celebrate the programme’s 20 year anniversary, the Tourist Board honoured its training manager E Blythe Clare who has championed the programme for several years. During a tourism press conference on Tuesday (November 3), Clare was recognised as an exemplary ambassador for Turks and Caicos Islands. Presenting the award was Director of Tourism, Pamela Ewing, who offered a few words of thanks.
“On behalf of the Turks and Caicos Tourism Board and indeed the country, we appreciate you and we want to say thank you very much for all that you do, for all that you have done in the past and all that you continue to do to contribute to the country and the tourism industry.” TIDES began as the TCI’s host training programme in September 2000. It was created to enhance the TCI’s visitor experience by raising the level of customer service to complement the territory’s position as a premier holiday and investment destination. The programme has seen thousands of civil servants, public service drivers and private sector employees benefit from the customer service course provided through the Tourist Board.
The world in a nutshell Turks and Caicos is doing fine But we are still not over the line Continue to play your part well So that Miss Rona can return to hell. She came upon the world suddenly And it is indeed a tremendous agony. No one was familiar with Covid-19 The Antagonist, who would commit felony! This Virus came in time To shut us off from our busy pipeline. Many have been working from home To bring about the best solution, In this era of incredible confusion! Children and teachers no longer roam Working from home and utilising Zoom And other important apps that was once dormant But now a part of the new normal, Rona a worldwide unprecedented combatant Is causing pain and pressure, And still no means of resistance. The world has to adjust to this game changer And enforce a new spectrum of labour. Again many are sent on lockdown And this is creating a lot of frowns. Uneasiness is coming to light Miss Rona is adamant to cause a fight She is raging war, while many are not on par. Many skeletons flew out of the closet And this has created a deadly family crisis. The world is sliding back and forth One moment we are doing well on the court Next time we’re losing scores. Wars and rumours of wars are everywhere ‘Black lives matters’ This has triggered protest around the sphere.
RESIDENTS throughout the TCI are invited to get tested for Covid-19 for free at one of the Ministry of Health’s community testing clinics this November. The tests are for anyone who is not showing symptoms of the disease. Those with symptoms should remain at home and call the ministry’s hotline on 2329444 or 333-0911. Symptoms include fever, headache, dry cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhoea, joint pain, loss of taste and loss of smell. Anyone who attends the clinics should maintain a physical distance of at least foot and wear a face covering. GRAND TURK: Every Wednesday between 2pm-4pm at the Gazebo (Pond Street, across from the Office of the Premier) SOUTH CAICOS:
Every Wednesday between 9am-12pm at the Primary Healthcare Clinic NORTH AND MIDDLE CAICOS: Every Friday between 9am-12pm at the Primary Healthcare Clinics (Kew, Bottle Creek and Middle Caicos Clinic) PROVIDENCIALES: The Mobile Clinic will be parked at the locations below between 10am-1pm: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Downtown Ball Park (drive through) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Blue Hills Community Clinic (by the pier) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Five Cays Community
Centre MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 IGA Graceway WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Kew Town (roundabout, across from SNAP Centre) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Downtown Ball Park (drive through) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 The Bight Community (basketball court) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Maranatha School, Blue Hills MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Smart Supermarket, Butterfield Square, Downtown
By Maureen Tucker, Blue Hills, Providenciales
Job shutdown has led to great loss! And this has become a monumental task! Bottled up in the mind like soda in a flask. It’s time for Miss Rona to flee And give us back our freedom and glee Miss Rona is destroying our good wishes Keeping us locked up like penthouse witches. At no time we must behave unaware Rona is the most subtle virus in this atmosphere. Rona has taken many lives, young and old And she's was not afraid to attack The most prominent man on the planet Became one of Miss Rona’s targets He went around touting the masses And refused to wear a mask He downplayed Miss Rona until she placed him in a quarantine cast, But he recovered at the best hospital at long last! Can you imagine? Many people have no Health Insurance Yet they are followers of This propaganda Mr Big Man rose up like a ‘King Kong’ Running around with all his fans To prepare for the most historical political poll And claimed that he was made fully whole! This erratic behaviour has caused the entire world to retire And realize that there is no Admirable Empire! The Big Man continues to play cool Like an uncontrolled satirical fool. Even announced that he might be immune. He beat the orders and started his rallies much too soon. This was his careless desire to show himself strong And to take precedence over Ms Rona’s devastating plans! He disregarded the fact that Miss Rona is running wild, While the world is consumed in a new global stockpile, Unprecedented global disasters are storming
Financial instability, health and wellness are choking! We are thankful that this little Turks and Caicos Is doing fine, for the leaders have seen it fit to emphasize “People, I beg of you just adhere to the caution!” Never spend time to abhor the illegal jargon. Let's continue to do our best to prevent Rona, From another round of lockdown mess. Remember to adhere to the protocols For we must control this deadly rascal. I am sure by this we all understand That Miss Rona has sent many thousand under the sand Exposing the weakness of the worldwide medical plans Miss Rona has adopted the deadly grip, Just look around and see the world is in a twit! It is a small world after all And everything is upside down But for God sake, keep Turks and Caicos safe and sound! No more ridiculous Rona parties around town Young people let’s work hard to be safe and sound For this generations are setting records By imitating the biggest and brightest stars Let’s not worry, look to the Creator No one else stands greater Like Christ our precious saviour! He is our worthwhile example And we must claim His mantle. Take His shield of faith and stand up GREAT Remain sober to wisely integrate. In this era when many are treated like animals. We can graduate to the next level Without being cast down and trampled Now is the time to let the world know We are one global village, let’s eradicate erratic suggestions And Miss Rona’s destructive weapon of mass interruption Enter a new area to trigger Christ-like intentions.
November 7-13, 2020
Regional News
Unions welcome Baha Mar’s December reopening MEGA resort Baha Mar has announced its reopening in December, which was hailed by a hotel union official as a “good signal” for the tourism industry. Darrin Woods, president of the Bahamas Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union, added that he hopes the move will help “create a domino effect” causing other hotels across the country to follow suit. Mr Woods’ comments came hours after the Cable Beach resort, in a press statement released on Wednesday, revealed it will begin its phased reopening starting December 17, allowing for “over 1,500 associates” to return to work in the first phase. Resort officials said the phased reopening strategy will begin with the resumption of operations at Grand Hyatt Baha Mar, followed by Rosewood Baha Mar and then SLS Baha Mar. Strict protocols inclusive of enhanced safety and health measures will facilitate this reopening to ensure the safety of both staff and guests, officials added. “Ensuring safety, health and wellbeing is our number one priority, and we have built upon the natural strengths and intimate experiences of the resort destination to reintroduce signature and new guest offerings,” said Baha Mar’s president, Graeme Davis. Baha Mar’s announcement comes nearly a week after Atlantis confirmed that its phased reopening will take place this year, with its “first guests” expected to return to the Paradise Island property before year-end 2020. Atlantis’ president and managing director, Audrey Oswell said last month that further details will be provided shortly on “the milestones Atlantis needs to achieve to bring” its operations back on line. On Wednesday, Mr Woods hailed Baha Mar’s decision to resume
The re-opening of the resort would result in some 1500 persons returning to work.
operations next month, touting it as a step in the right direction. He told The Tribune that even though the union does not represent the resort’s workers, officials still see the move as a good signal as they believe it will send a message to the travelling public that the Bahamas is open for business—sparking tourists’ interest. “For 2020, we have taken a beating – the industry and the workers in general, but we know that this will not salvage the tourism year anymore because it’s only one more month in the year but if you could get it open, it’s good,” he said. “… So I believe it’s a good signal because what it does too is it also gives some employees some hope and some light at the end of the
tunnel like ‘hey I’m going back to work’ though it may be phased,” he said. With major resorts already making plans to reopen, Mr Woods said the union is hoping other properties will follow with similar plans, allowing for furloughed tourism workers to soon return to work. However, the union president said he knows the matter would also depend on tourist demand. “None of the other properties have indicated when they’re going to reopen,” he told this newspaper. “But we’ve always said if the major hotels begin to open that would send a strong signal to the travelling public that the Bahamas is open for business and we’re here to accept you and then the other hotels will do
the same thing. “The thing is a lot of them feed off the major hotels and we know that there won’t be a rush or ramp up because if you’re familiar with the hospitality industry, around Christmas it’s slow in any event but right after Christmas is when people start to travel. “But now we need to see the effects of COVID and how people rebound from it because these are the same persons who also maybe unemployed so there’s a lot of mitigating factors and things that have to go into the mix to see what is going to happen and I believe the reason you would see them to put out dates to kind of test the market to see what the appetite of the travelling public is.”
Still, the union president said he is hoping for the best. And, as more hotels begin to reopen, Mr Woods reminded hotel workers to follow all protocols implemented to safeguard their safety against the COVID-19 threat. “We believe that whatever protocols are put in place, we’re admonishing our people to follow to make sure that there is not a community spread or workplace spread because if you notice a lot of agencies and places, they were saying the spread is in the workplace so if you get that workplace spread then it goes back into the community… So, we want the employees to be safe and do whatever is necessary because we don’t want them walking around and spreading amongst themselves.” Baha Mar will reopen at a maximum of 60 percent capacity, the resort said. Guests will be required to take a complimentary antigen test during the check-in process at Grand Hyatt Baha Mar. All Baha Mar associates will be tested prior to returning to work and on a weekly basis to maintain the resort’s commitment to health and safety, the resort said. In this first phase, Baha Mar will be open to resort guests exclusively, “creating an environment that is believed to enable Baha Mar to operate as safely as possible with a view to fully reopen as soon as possible,” according to a press release. To ensure confidence in booking future stays during this time, Baha Mar has introduced a flexible cancellation policy, allowing for trip cancellations up to 24 hours before guests’ arrival. In celebration of Baha Mar’s return, the resort destination is introducing a “Spectacular Awaits” offer. Guests booking three nights stays will receive the fourth night free, the resort said. (Tribune242)
Barbados adds Cayman to its COVID high-risk list Barbados has added the Cayman Islands to its list of countries and jurisdictions considered to be high risk for COVID-19. In its latest coronavirus health protocols, which went into effect on Tuesday, 3 Nov., Barbados added 14 countries to its high-risk category, bringing the total number to 50. Other countries added to Barbados’ high-risk list were Antigua and Barbuda, Cuba, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, Japan, Martinique,
Norway, Sri Lanka and the United Arab Emirates. They join 36 others in this category, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Jamaica. Just two countries are considered low risk by the Barbados authorities – Greenland and Egypt – while there are six countries on the very-low-risk list – Anguilla, China, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, and St. Kitts and Nevis. In its risk categories, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Any passengers arriving from Cayman or one of the other 49 countries on the list will be required to quarantine upon arrival at the Grantley Adams International Airport.
considers Cayman to be low risk for COVID-19. Back in August, Cayman
had been listed “very low risk” by the CDC, after observing more than 30
days without a new case at that time. (Cayman Compass)
November 7-13 2020
The National Insurance Board (NIB) is pleased to inform the general public that in collaboration with the Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG), a temporary Unemployment Assistance Benefit will be provided to insured persons who have been made involuntarily unemployed as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both TCIG and NIB recognize the great difficulties currently being experienced by persons due to COVID-19 and therefore the NIB is offering financial support at this time of great need, in response. A PERSON WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE THE UNEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE BENEFIT IF THEY MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA. THEY MUST: • Be insured with NIB immediately prior to April 1, 2020; • Be under the age of 65 immediately prior to April 1, 2020; • Have 250 contributions recorded prior to becoming unemployed (if a Turks and Caicos Islander up to a maximum of 200 contributions may be credited and if a permanent resident up to a maximum of 100 contributions may be credited. All other claimants must have 250 paid contributions); • Be unemployed and have been unemployed continuously for not less than
• • • • • •
two weeks; Be capable of and available for work; Be resident in the Islands; Not be eligible to receive any other publicly financed support related to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; Not be in receipt of sickness benefit, maternity benefit, injury benefit, retirement benefit or invalidity benefit; Make a claim on the form approved by the Director for making the claim; and Make a claim within 14 days of the date of termination of employment or from the date of commencement of the regulations.
The Unemployment Assistance Benefit will be paid periodically or as a lump-sum for a period of eight weeks or until the funds allocated for the payment of the Unemployment Assistance Benefit is exhausted. The rate of the benefit will be 50% of the average weekly insurable earnings during the last twenty-six contribution weeks immediately prior to the week unemployment commenced. In accordance with the safety guidelines and social distancing protocol, claiming for the Unemployment Assistance Benefit will be an electronic process. Insured persons will be required to complete the temporary unemployment benefit form and submit the same via email to nibunemployment@tcinib.tc and the employer will be required to complete the online termination of service/lay off/validation form on the NIB website www.tcinib.tc and submit in a timely manner.
November 7-13, 2020
Regional News
Bahamas: Get-rich-quick Ponzi schemes to be illegal THE Minnis administration passed legislation in the House of Assembly yesterday that seeks to criminalise Ponzi schemes that have over the years defrauded Bahamians of hardearned money. Finance Minister Peter Turnquest said the decision to make pyramid, Ponzi and advance-fee schemes illegal came because these ploys have plagued unsuspecting Bahamians for generations. He said these schemes are fundamentally detrimental to investors and the public. As a result, the proposed law will not only criminalise hosting such schemes, but makes it a criminal offence to promote or market them, empowering the Securities Commission of The Bahamas to dissolve them where warranted. He made the remarks during debate on the Digital Assets and Registered Exchange (DARE) Bill 2020 and the Financial and Corporate Service Providers (FCSP) Bill 2020. The bills brought to Parliament were debated as a compendium in the House of Assembly yesterday and now move on to the Senate for debate and passage. The latter of the two bills, according to Mr Turnquest, will not only attract Bahamians engaged in corporate services activity, but it also captures many of the nonbank financial services activities in which Bahamian entrepreneurs are involved. These activities include money lending, debt collection, financial leasing and payday and cash advance services, the minister said. The FCSP Bill will repeal and replace the Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act, 2000. The East Grand Bahama MP said: “The bill defines for the first time certain criminal financial schemes, making the Bahamas one of the leading jurisdictions to introduce legislation to expressly criminalise this type of activity. “These may take the form of pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes and advance-fee schemes, among others, and many of them have plagued unsuspecting Bahamians for generations. Further, these schemes are fundamentally detrimental to investors and the public. “The bill criminalises the promotion or marketing of these financial schemes and empowers the Commission to dissolve them where circumstances so warrant. It also empowers the Commission to investigate and enforce against persons engaged in financial schemes.” One of the deficiencies of the legislation being repealed is its insufficiency in defining financial services. “This resulted in the Commission
At the BVI airport would-be tourists will undergo intensive screening before being allowed to proceed to the immigration counter.
Rigorous demands from BVI for would-be tourists -Including multiple Covid-19 tests, quarantine and contract tracing through phone or bracelet Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest said these ploys have plagued unsuspecting Bahamians for generations.
in the past having to be creative in its efforts to provide adequate supervision under the 2000 Act,” he said. “In fact, the Commission relied on a policy decision to adopt the World Trade Organisation’s definition of non-bank financial services and public notices publishing its policy, in order to provide some much-needed clarity to the industry. All this changes with the Financial and Corporate Services Bill, 2020. The bill defines both corporate services and financial services.” He continued: “The bill takes an activity specific approach to financial services and clearly defines both corporate services and financial services, for which licensing pursuant to the bill are required. “These financial services will each have a specific framework developed through the promulgation of rules tailored to the risk and other needs they represent. “The specific financial services it incorporates are: money lending, money broking, payday and cash advances, credit extension, bill paying services, debt collection, financial leasing, financial and advisory or consultancy services, financial intermediation services, trading in commodities and other financial instruments, custody of digital assets and wallet services providers. “I note the last two, custody of digital assets and wallet service providers, dovetail with the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges Bill, 2020. The DARE Bill establishes the legal framework for a new industry, and the Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act 2020 has expressly defined and captured these related services. They
represent specific opportunities for entrepreneurial Bahamian fintech firms to enjoy the credibility of being licensed and functioning under a comprehensive regulatory regime and participate in the fintech industry that is being forged with the DARE Bill.” Back in September, the Securities Commission reissued warnings against falling victim to Ponzi and pyramid schemes which promise large payouts after a person pays a sum of money under the guise of an investment plan. The Commission said it was made aware there is an increasing presence on social media and other internet sites of advertisements or invitations to members of the general public to join purported financial programmes in which an individual pays a certain sum of money to join, then in turn must solicit and encourage other individuals to join in order to receive a large cash pay-out. The schemes, originated in the US, have made their way to the Bahamas, where people are particularly vulnerable due to the financial downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Pyramid schemes are scams where promoters claim they can turn a small investment into large profits within a short period of time. In reality, participants make money solely by recruiting new participants into the programme. The scheme gathers momentum until it crashes. Fraudsters behind these schemes typically go to great lengths to make their programmes appear to be legitimate multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes, but the schemes eventually fall apart when it becomes impossible to recruit new participants.
As the BVI Territory continues to prepare to reopen for tourists on December 1st, Premier and Minister of Finance, Andrew Fahie has revealed what may be the world’s toughest testing regime for airborne tourists to enter the territory. In an address last week Fahie detailed numerous requirements that airline arrivals must meet to be allowed to enter the Territory. The terms and conditions include periods of quarantine at approved accommodations, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing, medical travel insurance that includes COVID-19 coverage, subscription to a contact tracing system through their mobile phone, and in some cases using a wearable device, and bearing the costs associated with
these measures. The Premier added that travellers will need a BVI Gateway Traveller Authorisation Certificate which will be obtained via an online portal, called BVI Gateway. The portal will be at bvigateway.bviaa.com and was projected to be live on Monday, November 2. Prospective travellers will be required to register on the BVI Gateway portal, and upload their relevant documents. The application must be completed at least 48 hours prior to the intended flight. Approved travellers must present their BVI Gateway Traveller Authorisation Certificate along with their negative PCR test result at the check-in counter prior to boarding the flight into the Territory.
Cayman Islands to attract crypto businesses with new regulatory framework THE Cayman Islands government is trying to build a regulatory framework for Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs), the Caymans’ Ministry of Financial Services said in a press release on 31 October. According to the announcement, the ministry is already looking into ways to regulate and enforce AntiMoney Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) rules, which is Phase One of their plan. Prior to the announcement, the Ministry of Financial Services and Home Affairs (FSHA) published a new virtual assets bill, which seeks to amend the law to facilitate the phased rollout of the new rules. The ministry also pointed out that the new framework would attract
more digital asset businesses to the Cayman Islands, saying: “The Cayman Islands’ ability to regulate and attract persons and entities that deal with virtual assets as a business is now strengthened, with the commencement of legislation for virtual asset service providers (VASPs).” The new AML/CFT rules, that try to incorporate the updated recommendations from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), are currently under review by the FATF and its Caribbean counterpart, following a recent Mutual Evaluation Report. VASPs already working in the Caymans, and newcomers to the market, will need to notify and register with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, and demonstrate their AML/CFT compliance.
November 7-13 2020
World News
Windrush: At least nine victims died before getting compensation AT LEAST nine people have died before receiving money applied for through the Windrush compensation scheme, according to Home Office figures. The Windrush scandal saw deportation threats made to the children of Commonwealth citizens. Despite living and working in the UK for decades, many were told they were there illegally because of a lack of official paperwork. The government apologised in 2018 and the compensation scheme was launched. It was intended to help those who did not have the right documentation to prove their status in the UK. It’s also meant to compensate victims for things such as loss of earnings and periods of detainment. But the Home Office figures, released to the BBC under Freedom of Information laws, show that in addition to people dying before they receive any money, fewer than five people have been offered the top level of “Impact on Life” payment. These payments reflect how badly a claimant’s life was affected and range from Level 1 - essentially a minor inconvenience worth £250, to Level 6 - a profound and likely irreversible impact worth £10,000 or more. More than 1,500 claims have been made using the scheme, with 250 being offered an “Impact on Life” payment. The figures are correct as of 31 August. Glenda came to the UK from Dominica in 1961 before her first birthday. In 2009 she lost her job as a GP’s practitioner as she didn’t have the
Campaigners take their case to Downing Street.
paperwork to prove she could legally work in the UK. ‘SHOCKED’ Glenda, who lives in Hackney, east London, was unable to work for almost 10 years and in this time could not claim welfare. After being detained for several hours at Gatwick airport following a family holiday, she was told if she left the UK again she would likely not be allowed to return. Last year she rejected a compensation offer of £22,000 and has since rejected a further offer. “I was shocked,” she says, “to get a letter saying we’re offering you £13,000 for loss of employment, we’re offering you £7,000 for Impact on Life and we’re offering you £1,500 for detainment. “I was like, there’s something wrong somewhere, I have to go public with this, this isn’t fair.” Glenda, who contemplated taking her own life during the period in
which she could not work, says her anxiety levels have been affected by the compensation process. “It’s stressful, it’s long, it’s tiring and the whole process of doing the compensation form is something you cannot do by yourself, you definitely need legal help. “You call them up and you’re not getting directly through to the person who’s supposed to be allocated to your case and that alone just raises your stress level, because you’re getting more angry because you’re not getting a result. “’It’s in process.’ ‘Okay what’s the process?’ ‘I can’t say anything.’ ‘But it’s about me, why can’t you tell me? Can you get the caseworker to call me?’ ‘I don’t know if we’ll be able to do that.’ No one wants to answer directly.” Holly Stow, a senior caseworker at the North Kensington Law Centre, which represents almost 50 Windrush claimants, including Glenda, says no one she represents has ever received
an “Impact on Life” offer in the top level. “We’ve seen various claimants where they have been detained, threats of deportation, they’ve lost their jobs, they’ve lost their house, they’ve been homeless. “We’ve submitted evidence where people have gone to their GP and mention they’re feeling suicidal, considering self-harm and even that type of evidence is not enough for a Level 6. “So it makes you wonder, what do these people have to go through to be able to show that their life has seriously been affected by this?” She says the Home Office has asked some of the people she represents for evidence that no longer exists. “The delays come from caseworkers asking for further documentation and evidence that we’ve already supplied to them, asking for documents that simply are not there and we cannot gather.” ‘HIGH PROFILE CASE’ Earlier this year, one of the most prominent Windrush victims, Paulette Wilson, died aged 64 without receiving any compensation. The Home Office says Paulette had not completed an official application through the Windrush Compensation Scheme Glenda, who campaigned alongside Paulette, says her death, along with the revelation that at least nine claimants have now died, has people worried about the likelihood of claims being resolved. “It’s made people realise, my God she was a high profile case and to know that they still haven’t sorted
out her compensation, well what are they doing?” “It’s such a straightforward thing, but they make it so complicated and turn it into something which is causing a lot of anxiety to people and some people give up. “I don’t want to hear another person’s died through stress, I don’t want to hear that at all and that’s exactly what is happening to our age group.” Holly says some claimants have been making plans for what should happen to their compensation claim if they pass away before it’s resolved. “For people to have to think ahead about the fact that they might die before having any compensation is a terrible state of affairs. “After all that people have been through because of the Windrush scandal, and now they have to plan their death around their justice?” A Home Office statement said, “We are determined to right the wrongs of the Windrush generation, and the Windrush compensation scheme has paid out or offered more than £2.8m, with more offers being made every single week. “We continue to work with families to ensure compensation is still paid out where claimants have sadly passed away. “While we aim to process claims as quickly as possible, it is important we get this right, and that we carefully consider each person’s circumstances and experiences, treating everyone with the care and sensitivity they deserve. “This will mean that the maximum payment can be made to every single person.” (BBC)
The UK economy is heading back into recession The Bank of England is pumping another £150 billion ($195 billion) into the UK economy after warning of a double-dip recession because of the coronavirus pandemic and an uncertain outlook because of Brexit. The UK central bank said on Thursday that it would keep interest rates unchanged at a record low of 0.1% but would increase its purchases of UK government bonds to £875 billion ($1.1 trillion). Restrictions introduced to tackle a rapid rise in Covid-19 cases would weigh on consumer spending to a greater extent than the bank projected in August, “leading to a decline in GDP” in the fourth quarter of this year, it added. England re-entered a national lockdown on Thursday, with restaurants, bars and non-essential businesses closed until December
2. The United Kingdom reported its second-largest daily increase in Covid-19 cases on Wednesday with 25,177 new infections recorded in 24 hours. In a bid to soften the blow to households and businesses, UK finance minister Rishi Sunak on Thursday announced that the British government would extend its furlough program through March 2021. The government will pay 80% of the wages of employees of businesses forced to close, capped at £2,500 ($3,270) per month. The lockdown and unresolved talks on a post-Brexit trade deal with the European Union left the outlook for the UK economy looking “unusually uncertain,” the Bank of England said. Without an EU deal, UK-based companies face hefty tariffs, quotas and other barriers to
doing business with the country’s biggest export market from January 1. “It depends on the evolution of the pandemic and measures taken to protect public health, as well as the nature of, and transition to, the new trading arrangements between the European Union and the United Kingdom. It also depends on the responses of households, businesses and financial markets to these developments.” The central bank expects the economy to shrink by 2% in the fourth quarter, and by 11% in 2020. Over the longer run, scarring caused by the pandemic will reduce the country’s economic output by roughly 1.75%. GDP is not expected to exceed the level it reached at the end of 2019 until the first quarter of 2022.
The Covid-19 pandemic and an uncertain outlook because of Brexit are to blame.
A survey of business activity published Wednesday showed the increase in private sector activity last month was the weakest since June, with new orders declining and employment dropping. “November’s lockdown in England and a worsening Covid-19 situation across the rest of Europe means that the UK economy seems on course for a double-dip recession
this winter and a far more challenging path to recovery in 2021,” said Tim Moore, economics director at IHS Markit, which compiled the survey. The UK economy is expected to have rebounded strongly in the third quarter after suffering the biggest GDP fall of any major economy in the second. It also shrank by 2.5% in the first three months of 2020. (CNN)
World News
November 7-13, 2020
US election results: Trump sues as path to victory over Biden narrows Tuesday’s election was projected to be the highest in 120 years at 66.9%, according to the US Election Project.
DONALD Trump and Joe Biden each claim to be ahead in the US presidential election, even as the final outcome hangs on a razor’s edge and both sides gear up for legal action. The Trump campaign is contesting counts in the key states of Nevada,
Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The BBC projects Mr Biden won Michigan. US media forecast he took Wisconsin. No result has yet emerged in Pennsylvania. Winning all three of these Rust Belt states would hand Mr Biden victory. The Democratic candidate is also currently leading in Nevada and Arizona, while the gap is closing between him and Mr Trump as counting continues in Georgia. Mr Biden has stopped short of declaring victory, but said he was confident he was on course to beat his Republican rival. Overall turnout in Tuesday’s election was projected to be the highest in 120 years at 66.9%, according to the US Election Project. Mr Biden had the support of 70.5 million voters, the most won by any presidential candidate ever. Mr Trump has pulled in 67.2 million votes, four million more than he gained in 2016. The bitter election race was dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, which hit a new record high of 103,000 daily cases in the US on Wednesday, according to the Covid Tracking Project. But the economy, which has been badly affected by the pandemic, was the most important single issue to voters, exit poll data indicated. On Wednesday afternoon, Mr Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Delaware: “When the count is finished, we believe we will be the winners.” “I will govern as an American president. The presidency itself is not a partisan institution.” He and his running mate Kamala Harris have launched a website for the transition of power, which says that their team “will continue preparing at full speed so that the Biden-Harris Administration can hit the ground running on Day One.” Mr Biden also said he was feeling “very good” about Pennsylvania, although President Trump’s campaign said it was “declaring victory” in the state on the count of “all legal ballots”. Mr Trump has attempted, without evidence, to sow doubt about the validity of ballots counted after election day and cast by mail. Senior Trump campaign aide Jason Miller said: “By the end of this week, it will be clear to the entire nation that President Trump and Vice-President Pence will be elected for another four years.” Mr Biden has 243 Electoral College votes, giving him the edge in the race to accumulate the 270 needed to win the White House. Mr Trump has 214. In the US election, voters decide state-level contests rather than a single, national one. Each US state gets a
certain number of electoral college votes partly based on its population, with a total of 538 up for grabs. If Mr Trump does lose Wisconsin (10 electoral college votes), he must win Georgia (16 votes), North Carolina (15), Pennsylvania (20) and either Arizona (11) or Nevada (6) to prevail. Officials in Georgia said they would keep going all night until counting was finished, but as of midnight local time (05:00 GMT) they reported that there were still about 90,000 votes to count. At that time President Trump was ahead by some 31,000 votes, but his lead has narrowed since. In Arizona, Mr Biden was leading by about 80,000 votes further results were expected on Thursday. CBS has categorised it as a “likely” win for the Democrat. Supporters of Mr Trump gathered outside a vote counting centre in Maricopa County (which includes Phoenix, the largest city in the state), where officials vowed to “continue our job”. An update on the count in Nevada - where Mr Biden is slightly ahead - was not expected until Thursday at 17:00 GMT (09:00 local time), while in Philadelphia, counting is not expected to finish for several days. WHAT ABOUT THE LEGAL CHALLENGES? The Trump campaign has launched a number of lawsuits demanding a halt to counts. But in states like Arizona and Nevada, where Mr Trump is currently marginally behind, his supporters are demanding that counting continues. The campaign filed a lawsuit in Michigan to stop counting there because it contended it had been denied “meaningful access” to observe the opening of ballots and the tally. In Detroit, Michigan, police were called on Wednesday afternoon to guard the doors to a vote-counting facility as some protesters outside demanded access to monitor the process. According to the Detroit Free Press, there were already some 200 people observing the vote inside the building. The Trump campaign also filed two lawsuits in Pennsylvania to halt all vote counting “until there is meaningful transparency”. Election officials have called for patience, with state Governor Tom Wolf saying “the delay that we’re seeing is a sign that the system is working”. The president has a three-point lead in the Keystone State, but many thousands of votes remain to be counted. Mr Trump has also started legal action against Georgia to halt the vote count there. His campaign said a Republican poll observer in the southern state had witnessed 53 late absentee ballots being illegally added to a pile of votes in Chatham County.
November 7-13 2020
November 7-13, 2020
November 7-13 2020
World News
November 7-13, 2020
Amazon fires: Year-on-year numbers doubled in October THE number of fires blazing in Brazil’s Amazon region in October 2020 was more than double those in the same month last year, satellite data suggests. The Institute of Space Research said there were 17,326 fires in the Amazon, compared to 7,855 in October 2019. Satellite data also suggests that there was a record number of fires in the Pantanal wetlands last month. Campaigners say the government is failing to stop the rise in fires, but the government denies it is to blame. In July, the government imposed a 120-day ban on setting fires and deployed the army to badly hit areas, but the latest figures from Brazil’s National Institute of Space Research (Inpe) suggest the measures have not curbed the blazes. Data released by Inpe on Sunday suggests there were
Official figures show the number of Amazon fires so far this year is higher than that in the same period last year.
2,856 fires in the Pantanal region in October, the biggest monthly figure since records began over 30 years ago. President Jair Bolsonaro has not commented on the latest figures, but has previously dismissed data from Inpe as flawed. He has also said the criticism
levelled against his government over the fires was “disproportionate”. While the figures for October - traditionally a month when rains bring some relief - are particularly alarming, those for the year so far are also worrying environmentalists.
November 7-13 2020
28 CLASSIFIEDS 352 Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
BLACK CROW RD, KEW TOWN, APT #24, #5 Is seeking to employ a
Perform for church on instruments. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 2415409 OR 245-8108
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23002
HOSPITAL ROAD, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
NORTH CREEK, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• To work 5 to 6 days a week. • Cleaning houses and offices. • Hours 8am to 5pm. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning yard disposing of Refuse, cleaning construction sites. SALARY: $7.00 per hour.
Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. SALARY $6.50 PER HOUR
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises, paint and do repairs as needed. SALARY: $7.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 441-0237
CONTACT: 241-1556
CONTACT: 346-1540
CONTACT: 232-1976
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23059
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is for renewal of a work permit application. 23006
FRANCIUS NICOLAS PHILISTIN Horseshoe Lane, the Bight Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Financial Services Commission (FSC), the regulator of financial services business in the Turks and Caicos Islands, is seeking suitably qualified applicants to fill several vacancies. APPLICATION DEADLINE 13 NOVEMBER 2020
CONTACT: 2417000 OR 347-5595
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Department: Finance Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $73,185.00-83,640.00
After Beaches Roundabout, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
JOB SUMMARY The holder of this office is responsible for managing, executing and reporting on activities within the finance and accounting areas, assessing the financial performance of the company as well as possible risks and investments. This includes overseeing all financial aspects of the business and drives the company’s financial strategy and planning. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 241-3729
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this 22996 position
Department: Finance Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $26,650.00– $30,955.00 JOB SUMMARY The post holder reports to the Senior Accounting Officer and is responsible for supervising or undertaking the processing of various accounting transactions. Functions include preparing journal entries for the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers, reviewing payment documentation and ensuring payment of suppliers, assisting in preparing budgets, bank reconciliation, financial analyses and financial reports and preparing payrolls and deductions. Details on the above vacancies can be found on the Commission’s website at https:// tcifsc.tc/vacancies/ or by contacting the Commission at telephone numbers 649-9462550 or 649-946-2791 ext. 4021 or 4048.
Applications should be emailed to administration@tcifsc.tc no later than 13 November 2020. A copy of the application should be submitted to the Employment Services Department by emailing to CHbacchus@gov.tc and MCadams@gov.tc. Applications received after the application deadline may not be considered in this recruitment phase but may be placed on file for future reference. While we appreciate your response, please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 23018
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder. 23005
CONTACT: 345-4646
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
• Up-to-date with culinary trends and optimized kitchen processes • Good understanding of useful computer programs (MS Office, restaurant management software, POS) • Credentials in health and safety training Salary: $60,000 per year
Contact: 946-5369. Email: cocobistro@tciway.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
45 Reese St., Five Cays Is seeking to employ a • Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 245-6959
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23029
process • Promote well-being by educating patients about health care management • Management of chronic and acute medical conditions Monthly salary $5000 - $7000 depending on experience. Belongers only need to apply. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
Email: cynthia@gracebaymedical.com Phone: 649-941-5252. Fax: 649-946-8243
Black Crow Rd, Kew Town, Apt.#24, #5 Is seeking a
Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 441-0237
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23060
Naturopathic Physician
• Diagnose, treat and care for patients using natural health
Set up worksite, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, remove debris, pack up tools, put away any unused materials, and take down bracing and scaffolding. Salary: $6.25 hourly
• Head chef Requirements • Proven experience as head chef • Exceptional proven ability of kitchen management • Ability in dividing responsibilities and monitoring progress • Outstanding communication and leadership skills
Neptune Plaza, Providenciales TCI. Is seeking to employ a
• Must have a postsecondary/graduate degree or equivalent • Minimum of 5 years work experience • Must be on a register of a recognized Medical Board.
12 Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking a
#10 Oak Avenue, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
November 7-13, 2020
704 The Bight, Leeward Highway. Is seeking a
Fit and study garments on customers to determine required alterations. Sew garments, using needles and thread or sewing machines. Measure parts such as sleeves or pant legs, and mark or pinfold alteration lines. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 347-3663
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22997
November 7-13, 2020 SIMON & JANINE TAYLOR
P. O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands.
Is Seeking to Employ a
Professional Couple in search of a Domestic Worker. Duties: Cook, Clean etc. • Working Hours will be 44 Hrs. Weekly, • Monday through Saturday, • Must be Willing to Work some Nights. Salary: $1,300.00 - $1,600.00 per month.
CONTACT: 946-4238 Belongers are encourage to apply to Simon Taylor or via the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. 23044 F&J DECORATIVE BLOCKS & BALUSTERS #41 Horse Shoe Lane, Leeward highway Is seeking to employ a
Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters Salary: $10 per hour
CONTACT: 342-4656
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23031
JACK WILLIAMS Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Regular housekeeping. Which includes Cleaning mopping. Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 243-4141
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23068
FIDELITY CONSTRUCTION Behind Coco Bistro, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
Build and install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form buildings, bridges, and other structures. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. Salary: $750 bi-weekly
CONTACT: 231-4587
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23011
TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS CARAMANDA HIGGS-FORBES Bambarra, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
CARGO EXPRESS SERVICES LTD #70 South Dock Road, Providenciales
CLEANER *Labourer Needed
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 431-3064
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
E&V EQUIPMENT LIMITED Williams Auditorium, Five Cays Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
SANITARY WORKER Picking up garbage. Salary: $350 per week CONTACT: 649-941-8494
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23033
physical activities for approximately 8 hours daily • Ability to work well with others in a fast-paced non-climate-controlled environment • Excellent communication skills in English with the ability to write legibly • Salary: Starts at $6.25 per hour for 40-hour workweek.
Interested persons may contact Cargo Express Services, in person, at 70 South Dock Road or email application to bkerr@tropical.com Application deadline: November 7, 2020 *Position is currently held by a work permit holder 23034
Bootle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 342-4040
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
HOUSE KEEPER Duties: To sweep the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, living room, laundering sheets. Salary: $7. 50per hourly
CONTACT: 332 37 83
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
ROCHELLE BEEN GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: His job is to clean the seats, mopping the floor. Wipe the windows. Salary: $7. 50per hourly
CONTACT: 333 16 74
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23039
Working 5 days a week. Salary: $ 8. 00
CONTACT: 241 50 30
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23037
#10 Oak Avenue, Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a
Domestic Worker • Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents in the restaurant, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days per week. • BELONGERS CAN SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATION TO THE LABOR BOARD • This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department • Salary $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 946-5369
General Duties: • Cleaning and maintenance of the environment as well as equipment used inside/ outside of warehouse facility • Manual & mechanical movement of dry and chilled cargo from containers to/from warehouse/customers • Basic Requirements: • Ability to engage in
• Creating the correct blend of tobaccos for a variety of cigars – mild, bold etc. • Making cigars by hand and in various shapes • Ringing cigars with labels and packaging.
#10 Oak Avenue, Grace Bay Road Is seeking to employ a
• Responsible for recipes and planning daily specials • Punctuality and adhering to management schedule • Making sure kitchen is closed properly • Must have 15 or more
years if experience • Prepping for meals • Preparing orders as they are place Salary: $7.00 per hour. Must be willing to work 6 days per week
Contact: 946-5369. Email: cocobistro@tciway.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Deadline for application is June 22nd, 2020
• Cleaning the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-4704
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23062
• Speaking to Customers on various Cigars/tobacco or Cigar making methods • Maintaining the work stations, tobacco storage and humidor areas ensuring cleanliness and that there is proper storage and preservation of the products. • Assisting in maintaining the cleanliness of all common areas of the store. • Assisting the Sales Clerks with any product related questions. Full knowledge and understanding of tobacco growing, storage, blending and rolling and fluency in Spanish is mandatory (for tobacco consultations) Salary is commensurate with qualifications and years of experience in the range $13,200 - $16,500 per annum. Other allowances apply. APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO
& Claudia Munnings Cuban Crafters Cigar Factory Salt Mills Plaza, Providenciales ccrafterstci@gmail.com camunnings@hotmail.com
The Labour Department SAMS Plaza, Downtown Providenciales Turks & Caicos Isl. 23040
AT TURQUOISE CAR RENTAL North Caicos Required to work six days a week. Cleaning and refueling car. Cleaning in and outdoor premises. Changing tires and garbage disposal. Salary is $6.25 p/hour – 48 hours – min p/w Apply to handmy@tciway.tc Apply by 12 November, 2020
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
#52 KISHCO PLAZA, AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping, mopping, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, and other work. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-5538
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23053
November 7-13, 2020
TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS Overback, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 246-2661
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23032
SIMON WOOD ASSOCIATES LTD. (DBA SWA ARCHITECTS) Unit 301 Neptune Court, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands is seeking to employ a Work permit renewal
#45 Five Cays, Subdivision, Providenciales, TCI. Is looking a
To work from Monday to Saturday. Duties: cleaning and filling up the water tanks on several sites when required. Salary: $ 6.25 per hour
JOB DESCRIPTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: 1. Manage a team of up to eight architects and technicians. 2. Design projects and/review architectural or engineering plans, specifications and contract documents to ensure compliance with government codes, laws and regulations. 3. Prepare proposals for potential projects and liaise/negotiate with Clients. 4. Advised Subcontractors on the interpretation of plans, recommends changes when necessary. 5. Prepares and/or review preliminary designs, working drawings, specifications and cost estimates related to the project. 6. Provide technical expertise in development or review of policies and procedures in relation to architectural structures, systems and construction/safety codes. 7. Researches literature and maintain knowledge of current building materials, structural, mechanical and electrical system codes and methods of application. 8. Reviews subcontractor’s shop drawings to ensure compliance with specifications and contract agreements by checking them for technical accuracy according to accepted guideline. 9. Work with customers and clients to gather facts, define design and space planning problems, conceptualize possible solutions and secure approvals of proposals. 10. Review product literature, analyze materials and determine appropriateness for application to projects. 11. Provide advice and develop design documents to initiate and modify architectural, interior design and space planning solutions. 12. Perform design drafting including preliminary drawings for architectural working drawings and full detail drawings for architectural, structural and mechanical works associated with building construction or improvement projects. 13. Provide finish selections, including color palettes, floor and wall finishes, lighting and other various interior selections. 14. Have experience with CAD software such as BricsCAD, SketchUp skills and Revit. Also, proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe Photoshop. 15. Excellent written and spoken English language. Portuguese language skills will be an advantage. 16. LEED Accredited Professional an advantage.
• Mixing concrete, cleaning tools, tooting and handling blocks, cleaning site, etc. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 246-5315
MARIE JOSEPH Granny Hill, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 343-3595
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
R.C. Construction for a
32B LONEY’S PLACE, AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
LUC APT, THE BIGHT, LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
• To assist chef with preparing meals, washing dishes and taking up food. • Task may vary from time to time. • Monday-Saturday. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position
CONTACT: 231-6318
Applicants must be fully qualified architects with ARB membership (or equivalent), and have a minimum of twenty years professional experience. The ability to travel freely throughout the Caribbean, USA, South America and Europe essential.
Applicants should send a copy of their Resume to info@SWA.tc for more inquires contact 649 946 5911. Salaries commensurate with experience
CONTACT: 342-5316
PLUMBER $750 per month with allowances.
The contact information: Claudia Been-Munnings – camunnings@hotmail.com 10 Nicole Close, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands Work Permit renewal
All interested applicants, please send resumes to info@ho2group. com. Preference will be given to experienced and qualified Belongers. Only those receiving an interview will be contacted.
OPERATIONS MANAGER Reporting to the Managing Director, for Process Improvement & Internal Controller will be charged with assessing procedures and controls of various units throughout the Company and making recommendations for improvement. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability to work with individuals with diverse experience and backgrounds. The individual will be responsible for realizing and maintaining accounting procedures, acquiring and implementing new software systems, streamlining business activities, issuing a written report documenting current procedures and detailing recommendations for improvement and following to assess progress achieved. He/she must be a nimble thinker who can quickly assess the larger risks before making recommendations for improvement related to detail procedures and duties. Graduate Degree in a related field, 4+ years’ experience in a business of this nature, ability to work independently, strong analytical and financial ability, strong written and oral communication skills, Detail orientated. Salary: $32,000 + per annum. 23006
November 7-13, 2020
LESHUN MISSICK East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
WAITER Take orders and serve
Tana Road, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 246-1909
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23028
Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 232-9541
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is A first time work permit application.
food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-2855
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
• Taking care of children. • Applicant must be honest, reliable, and willing to work.
Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters.
CONTACT: 344-6089
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds the babysitter position
CAROLYN DICKENSON Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 247-6233
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently Held by a work permit holder. 23070
• Maintenance of
properties. • To work on construction sites • To work 7-5. Salary: $8 hourly Contact: 331-8346 Email: ntabconst@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
LAND FOR SALE 10 acres’ organic farmland in North Caicos $100,000
Contact: 514-377-7888 Phil 23042
#28 South Dock, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
CLYDE ST. C. HOLIDAY South Back Salina Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 243-5281
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently Held by a work permit holder. 23069
Turkberry Ltd. is seeking qualified individuals for the following position. Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including weekends and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers, and must have a valid passport. Applicants will be required to pass a written skills and fluency (English) test. This position is currently occupied by a Work Permit holder. Salary is $10/hour. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are invited to apply online or forward resumes to the Labour Board.
● Strong academic record required. Must have both CPA & CMA designations plus a BSc from top-tier University ● Must have over 5+ years of experience in domain name accounting management ● Must have over 5+ years of experience accounting related to ICANN accredited companies ● Must have over 3+ years of experience in cryptocurrency transaction entries ● Must have over 3+ years of experience in blockchain inquiries and transaction auditing ● Must have over 5+ years of experience with Microsoft Dynamics GP ● Must have over 5+ years of experience with NetSuite ● Must have ability to travel globally ● Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English
EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS: • 8+ years of experience serving and preparing coffee beverages • 8+ years of experience preparing and processing customer payments • 4+ years of experience making and serving Frozen Yogurt and Donuts • Must have experience and knowledge of recipes to make beverages such as (but not limited to) espresso, café latte, cappuccino, mocha latte • Proficient at operating a Unic Twin Mara Volumetric Espresso Machine • Must be available to work early mornings, daytime, and evening hours • Must have full•time availability • Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English Responsibilities • Prepare and serve coffee drinks by following recipes and preparation techniques • Maintain and monitor inventories by replenishing coffee bean supply, stocking coffee brewing equipment, maintaining paper product supplies, and complimentary products • Clean and sanitize work areas, utensils, and equipment • Ensure all health and food safety standards are maintained • Clean service and seating area • Opening and closing shift procedures • Keep equipment in optimal operating condition by following operating instructions, troubleshooting breakdowns, performing preventative maintenance, calling for repairs • Describe the menu items to customers or suggest products that might appeal to them • Order, receive, or stock supplies and retail products • Provide customers with product details, such as coffee blend and preparation descriptions • Receive and process customer payments • Prepare and serve all products, donuts, frozen yogurt, coffee, etc.
Applications can be submitted online at www.momentous.com and then confirmed by email to careers@momentous.com
Applications can be submitted online at www.momentous.com
Momentous Ltd. is seeking a qualified individual for the position of
Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including evenings, weekends, and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers. Applicants will be required to pass a written skills test. Salary is $50,000 annually. This position is not currently occupied by a work permit holder. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are invited to forward resumes to the Labour Board or apply at www.momentous.com.
32 CLASSIFIEDS W&J POSITIVE SERVICE DELIVERY Mary Jane Lane, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 342-5965
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23008
CONTACT # 941-2372
VARIETY CHEAP CHEAP STORE Of Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Greet customers, Receive payments by cash, Cheques and Credit Cards, To issue receipts and change As necessary, maintain change And balance cash at days end. SALARY: $6.50 per hour
REQUIRED FOR RESORT PROPERTY • Duties: Masseurs help clients with pain, stress and physical ailments by massaging and kneading muscles and soft tissues, in order to help their clients relax their bodies. To advise clients on relaxation techniques to help prevent muscle problems and relieve stress. • Must have certificate/ diploma in Massage Therapy • Must be willing to work evenings and weekends • Must be honest, hardworking and reliable • Ability to read, write and communicate in English Salary $7.00 per hour 23076
PATRIANNA SIMMONS South District, Salt Cay Is seeking to employ a
Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To take client orders. Mix and Serve drinks. Keep counter areas clean. Must be willing to work. Irregular, long and late hours. Salary: $8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 246-7943
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is currently Held by a work permit holder. 23065
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. These Positions is currently held by a work permit holder. 23071
CONTACT: 346-1654
BLACK CROW RD, KEW TOWN, APT #24, #5 Is seeking to employ a
#18 The Village, KPMG Building, Grace Bay
Email to: alliedmanagement@usa.net or 946-5866 A work permit holder currently holds this position
November 7-13, 2020
Cleaning, mopping, polishing, shining on all jobs. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 441-0237
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23054
KEW, NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
LABOURER • Cleaning outside the
property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 342-4896
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 232-6009
Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
- $6.25 hourly To clean, iron and laundry.
- $6.25 hourly • Clean property dispose of trash, clean window, etc. • Monday-Friday.
CONTACT: 649-241-8005
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is A first time work permit application. 23067
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Work permit holders currently holds these positions
#18 The Village, KPMG Building, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a
answer calls greet guests at the door, assist in the planning of events and dinner parties, oversee table settings, and serve drinks and food. Salary: $6.25 PER HOUR
CONTACT: 242-1063
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is work permit renewal 23077
#93 South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a
- $10 hourly Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops. Level the surface with a layer of mortar or plywood.
- $10 hourly Install structures and fixtures. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials
CONTACT: 331-7256
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board Work permit holders currently holds these positions 23048
#53 FIVE CAYS, PROVIDENCIALES Is now interviewing for the following positions:
#6 BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• We have an immediate opening for an Equipment Operator. Candidates should have at least one year of experience operating a variety of trucks and equipment. You will be responsible for inspecting trucks before and after you use them, load and unload cargo, and move large pallets of inventory from one area to another. When necessary, you will also perform routine maintenance on the machines or recommend they be sent out for repairs. All equipment operators must follow company and governmental safety guidelines at all times. • Inspect large equipment before and after use to ensure they are working properly • Load and unload cargo and move them to the appropriate storage area • Follow all safety procedures while operating equipment • Perform regular maintenance and minor repairs when necessary • Report needs for larger repairs to the appropriate parties • Equipment Operator Requirements and Qualifications • High school diploma or equivalent • 10+ years of experience working with trucks and equipment • Possession of a commercial driver’s license or a willingness to obtain the license • Strong work ethic and physical ability to lift 50+ pounds
• Greet Customers, Receive Payments by cash, Credit Cards and cheques. • Issue receipts and correct change due to customers • Balance cash at end of
Please note that all applications must be submitted with a valid police record, and copies of all educational certifications. Please send resumes to tmw@tmwlaw.tc Deadline for this post is November9, 2020. This position is a first-time permit. Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resumes to the Labor Department Salary offered at 30-45K annually based on experience
Preparing the workstation for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 3418332 OR 232-7387
CONTACT: 941-8112
This Position is for work permit renewal interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of the resume to the Labour Department.
THE DIFFERENCE BARBERSHOP #4 Grants Gas Station Is seeking to employ a
Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 244-7745
day • Standing for extended period of time • Committed to work flexible hours, days, nights, weekends and holidays. • Able to safely lift boxes Salary $6.50 per hour.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23030
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23009
#53, P. O. Box 68, Blue Mountain, Contact 231-0337
Operate a variety of hand and power tools.
Bonaventure Cres, Grace Bay Contact 649-941-5160
HOUSEKEEPER - $7.50 P/H Cleaning all assigned areas
14 Caribbean paradise inn, Grace Bay, Contact 946-5186
DOMESTIC WORKER - $7.00 P/H Cleaning the restaurant
1075A Leeward Highway Tel: 941-4575
LABOURER - $9.25 P/H
Cleaning & preparing a job site.
South Dock Rd
2 LABOURER - $6.25 P/H
Upkeep of the surrounding of the property.
Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board. These position is currently held by work permit holder. 23088
November 7-13, 2020 HARD DRIVE CONSTRUCTION #5 Fern Close, Behind Glass Shack, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Duties Include:
Mixing concrete, passing tools, blocks, water, cleaning tools, site, etc. Working hours 5 days per week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 231-3171
LATINO CONSTRUCTION #93 South Dock Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ
-$7.50 per hour Cleaning the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste, dispose of trash.
-$10 hourly Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials
CONTACT: 332-0771
MARIE R.A MISSICK Residence, Five Cays Is seeking a
Qualified Belongers are encourage to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 23074
Sweeping, mopping the floor, iron clothes, and cook.
CONTACT: 345-7571 Belongers are encouraged to
send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this 23081 position
CONTACT: 344-3710
- $12 hourly Assemble and install solar panels, take measurements to install, perform test and fix issues, regular maintenance etc. Belongers only apply 23047
Acting on behalf SCHMID MICHEL The Bight, Providenciales
LABOURER Cleaning outside the
CONTACT: 348-0786
CONTACT: 649-343-2559
-$8 HOURLY Set up equipment, cut, and position and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
#03 SHRUB CL,BLUE HILLS. Cell : 432-3447 looking for:
CARPENTERS,WELDERS,MASONS,PLUMBERS,TILE LAYERS, LABOURERS, PAINTERS, STEELMAN, STONES FABRICATORS, CLEANERS, BUTLERS, CUSTODIANS must be able to read and understand building drawings;layout and erect brick wall, concrete columns, beams, supports concrete staircaises; concrete floor rending,layout and build driveways, deck floos, swimming pool, cisters,competent with masonry tool and working knowledge of imperial and metric measurement. Perform maintenance and minors repairs( replacing broken switches,fixing doors handles, minor leaks, cut and polish rocks, install,measure, cut and shape. Salaries started @$8- $13 per hr. Work 5-6 days a week. Qualified belonger candidates should send their application.
email: shagroup@ hotmail.com
Dead line July 18th, 2020 for renewal and new work permit
CAICOS P CONSTRUCTION Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
Is seeking to fill the following two positions:
Working hours are from Monday- Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m.7:00 p.m. Wages are based on the minimum wage and paid on a weekly basis. Applicant's are to provide their resume and any accompanying documentation to the following:
Misicks Bakery Church Folly Grand Turk (649)231-0890 23087
Acting on behalf
- $6.25 hourly Dust, mop floors, clean windows, etc. Contact: 241-8141
OBED CONSTRUCTION Apt #61 East Side Rd, Long Bay
- $10 hourly Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. Contact: 343-1420 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
New Subdivision, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
- $6.50 hourly
MEP SOLUTIONS TCI LTD #999 Leeward Highway 946-5907
A work permit holder currently holds this position. Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department 23051
– to weed, shape trees, water plants, maintain the cleaning of the yards, pick up and throw out trash of the managed properties. Salary $6.50 per hour Belongers need only apply This position is for work permit renewal
Acting on behalf
CONTACT: 946-5306
-$12 hourly Service and install generator systems, run load bank test on diesel, natural gas and propane generators, diagnose and repair issues, rewire and adjust control panels and voltage regulators etc.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Work permit holders currently holds these positions 23049
#533 Chalk Sound Drive Is seeking to employ a
Provide range of therapeutic massages, beauty treatments, and wellness therapies to spa quests based on their needs and preferences. Salary: $10 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23056
Acting on behalf Oreta Dorine Been Kew Town, Providenciales
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23050
#22 HORIZON HOUSE UNIT C PROVIDENCIALES 649-245-4153 email: upmbs.tci@ gmail.com
property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23078
ERIKA MEP SERVICES 2C Courtyard Plaza, Providenciales Phone:244-0101/POLKA. DOTZ@YAHOO.COM
$8.00 per hour. DUTIES • Procure electrical materials in a timely manner • Periodic inventory of stocked materials • Other duties , may be assigned by management QUALIFICATIONS: • 3-5 years' experience • Diploma in accounting studies • Must be proficient in excel & word Positions is currently held by work permit holder. Qualified Belongers may apply with Labour Department. 23085
For more information on job descriptions, please contact info@pelicanbaytci.com or 431-1689 23090
• Maintaining the yard, painting, and other tasks may vary. • Monday-Friday Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-244-7405
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Long Bay Road, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-2621
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23079
CONTACT: 242-0424
The Bight, Stubbs RD # 3, Providenciales, T.C.I Cell 3 4323447. We are looking for a
To fix vehicles and service vehicle. Assemble mechanical components according to specifications. Examine machines and oversee diagnostic tests to determine functionality problems. Maintain work logs, repairs, and maintenance records. Ect… salary $ 8perhr, work 6days a week including holidays. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to labour board.
Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Knowledge of food costing and controls, monthly inventory, • Knowledge of food hygiene and safety, menu planning, managing and scheduling staff, • Prep food for Breakfast/lunch /dinner • Ability to understand menus follow recipes, basic sauces/ butchery. High level of food hygiene is • required. Must be willing to scrub, clean, mop, floors walls and equipment
#83 Long Bay Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $350 weekly
Must have 10 years Culinary Experience
Please call for an appointment, bring along your resume and resident status
112 Leeward Palms, Providenciales. Is seeking a
Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-0202
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23091
CALL 946-4664
Responsible for maintenance of vehicle’s functional condition by addressing issues; conducting inspections, repairing engine failures’ repairing mechanical and electrical systems malfunctions; replacing parts and components and repairing body damage. JOB REQUIREMENTS:
November 7-13, 2020
Essential duties and responsibilities include the following: • Performs computerized drivability diagnostics, repairs, tests, and adjusts all types of diesel, gasoline and alternative fuel engine and emissions systems to manufacture specifications. • Performs all types of equipment and vehicle maintenance including but not limited to oil changes, replacing filters, lubrication, wheel bearing service, tire service, transmission service and differential service. • Diagnoses, adjusts and repairs the following: • Defects in electrical, electronic and computerized vehicles system • Braking systems • Computerized climate control air conditioning components. • Drive trains • All types of suspensions • Fabricates and repairs vehicles and related equipment body components, trim hardware and accessories • Inspects work and provides mechanical and technical assistance and training to other Auto Technicians. • Performs service calls or towing as needed. • Performs all maintenance, repairs and disposal of generated wastes according to TCI Environmental Laws. • Prepares and keeps records related to automotive repair works, work order requests and status, labor expenditures, estimates and proposed or completed projects. • At least 5 yrs. Automotive repair experience required. • ASE Certification or equivalent required • Extensive knowledge in all aspects of main dealer aftersales processes (Mercedes, Chrysler, Suzuki, Toyota) including repair, estimating, parts identifying and ordering. • Hours of operation 8-5.30pm Mon-Friday Saturday 9am-1pm. • Salary range is between $45,000 to $55,000 per year
• Performs all mechanical operations including bending, pulling, pushing, shaping and straightening required for repairing vehicles. • Performs all collision repairs and all painting to vehicles. • Performs chassis and body repairs including corrosion control. • Performs sheet metal and steel fabrication. • Repair and replace of body panels/parts • Sanding / priming / painting of body components • Maintenance of the shop tools and equipment • Application of anti-corrosion treatment • Operation of vehicle frame adjustment equipment • Training / supervision of apprentice body-man • This position is physically demanding, and successful applicant must be able to work long periods of time on his feet and can lift a minimum of 60lbs. • Salary range is from $10 to $15 per hour
• Daily maintenance of the buildings and surroundings • Cleaning and repair of company facilities and equipment • Stocking shelves, moving parts • Unloading containers and or deliveries • Able to drive a range of vehicles including buses, and manual vehicles • Must be courteous at all times, • Must have a valid driver’s license • With little or no supervision • Willing to work on weekends and holidays • Salary range is from $7 to $10 per hour
4W ENTERPRISE #285 COURT LANE, PHASE 2, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Weekends and Holidays included. • Perform finish carpentry Salary: $9.00 per hour
CONTACT: 332-5534
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 23127
ALL SERVICES TCI Acting on behalf
Airport Inn, Down Town
• Daily maintenance of the house and surroundings • Performs variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing • Ensures all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards • Protect equipment and ensure that they are functioning and operational at all times • Ensures that cleaning supplies are available at all times. • Willing to work on weekends and holidays • Salary range is from $7 to $10 per hour
Applicants may send their applications to:
TCI AUTO GROUP | Bayview Motors, Ltd. | Avis Car Rentals, NAPA Payless Car Rentals. Email Address: hr@tciautogroup.com Address: 1063 Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Phone #: 946-4114
Residence, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
• Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Run errands, remind patients of medications. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 343-2012
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
BLACK CROW RD, KEW TOWN, APT #24, #5 Is seeking to employ a
- $9 hourly Measure, cut, or shape wood. Contact: 344-0385
Ball Park Road, Down Town
– $7 hourly Taking down scaffolds, painting, assist wherever needed.
– $9 hourly Measure, cut, or shape wood. Contact: 331-7073 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
BEACH HAIR BRAIDING Lower Bight Beach Is seeking to employ a
• Braiding tourist and local’s hair at any mobile location • Hours vary due to pandemic • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-0477
This position is for work permit renewal. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23061
Cleaning, mopping, polishing, shining on all jobs. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 441-0237
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23132
OVER BACK SALINA, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-1636
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23137
Handfield Apartments, Kew Town. Is seeking a – $7.50 hourly FIRST TIME Taking food orders, serving customers. Taking beverage orders from customers or wait staff and serving drinks as requested, paying extreme attention to detail.
– $9.00 hourly RENEWAL Mix and serve drinks.
CONTACT: 232-7256
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-3116
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
November 7-13, 2020 ALBERT DELANCY BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 245-3959
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is for a work permit holder 23108
Should be honest, reliable, able to do general manual labor lifting, digging trenches, keeping the site and surroundings free of debris. Working hrs Monday to Saturday . Salary commences base on experience from $6.50 per hour.
(RENEWAL) Sweeping, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, and other work needed. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 332-5690
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Duties: cleaning up site ensuring it is free of debris salary $7.00 per hour
Duties: ensuring levels, tiles, cement pouring Salary $8.00 per hour
Duties: Clean shop, heavy lifting, assist with tools
Duties: Greet customers Receive payments by cash, Credit cards and cheques, Issue receipts and change. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 231-3116
Belongers are encouraged To send copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This is for work permit renewal.
• Salary $7.00 per hour • Must have a clean drivers license Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour Department,
CONTACT: 231-6055
Faith • Capable of teaching students with multi-cultured background • Have adequate knowledge and experience of working with the Primary School Curriculum of the TCI Education System • Salary would be negotiable based on qualifications and experience.
Application can be dropped off at B.E.S.T. Institute Office, 250 Bay Road, Blue Hills, Providenciales. Or email: bestinstitute@tiway.tc, copy all enquires to the Labor Board, Turks & Caicos Islands. Telephone: 649-941-4802. Cellphone: 649-246-4802 23138
• Help with house. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 246-4668
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23120
Casurina Close, South Dock
Masonry on all jobs. Contact: 342-1357
- $6.50 HOURLY
Cleaning of guest house and surroundings.
CONTACT: 232-1288
These positions are for first time applicant Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23147
Duties: cutting of wood and measurements, buildings cabinets Salary $8.00 per hour
Duties: cleaning of premises Salary $6.26 per hour
• MUST be a Born Again Believer • Provide spiritual guidance to church and community • Lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus • Preaching and conducting worship service • Community outreach • Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 241-5942
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23120
New Subdivision, Five Cays. Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 245-1695
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23131
CAICOS CAFÉ PLAZA #3, GRACE BAY ROAD Is seeking to employ a
• Make and sell jewelry. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 341-2214
This position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Is seeking suitable candidates for the following positions:
Applicants should possess a trained teacher’s diploma of certificate with 3 or more years experience in the classroom. • Applicants with Teacher’s diploma/ certificate will have an advantage • Applicant must be energetic and creative and a good team player • All applicants should be a born again Christian preferably of the Baptist
THE BIGHT, Leeward Highway, PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 22800
Prospect #10 Cooper Jack Road, Glass Shack Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning yard disposing of Refuse, cleaning construction sites. SALARY: $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT 348-8042
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is for work permit renewal.
Whereas, ANTHONY PATRICK FEDERICI of Connecticut, United States of America, as Personal Representative of DOMINIC FRANK FEDERICI deceased, has declared that the Land Certificate for the above mentioned title number(s) issued in the name of DOMINIC FRANK FEDERICI was inadvertently mislaid and cannot be found. Take notice that I, Toni-Ann Foster, Acting Registrar of Lands, shall issue a new Land Certificate for the said title six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Notice in a Local Newspaper and the Gazette. Dated this 20th day of October 2020 Signed ................................................................................................................... Acting Registrar of Lands Witnessed .............................................................................................................
Salary $6.50 per hour
CHALK SOUND 231-1612
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning yard disposing of Refuse Salary $300
Duties: weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting
Duties: Maintenance of properties Salary $300 per week
Duties: Install structures and fixtures. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Salary $400 weekly
Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department. 23135
Manicures and pedicures, nail services and treatments. Must be willing to work 5-6 days per week and on weekends. Salary $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT #242-1910 First Time Work Permit Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
Unit 5 Club Sodex Plaza Leeward Highway Providenciales
MECHANIC Inspecting and testing
vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tuneups, oil changes, tire changes, wheel balancing, and replacing filters. Renewal. $8.00 per hour, 5days
CONTACT: 332-6996 Belongers only apply
#2 GRANT’S BUILDING, DOWNTOWN PROVO Is seeking to employ a
receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Salary: $6.50 hourly
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • Must be willing to work 6 days per week Salary: $1,000.00 Per month
CONTACT: 346-7379 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder
Whitby, North Caicos. Is seeking to employ a
Store Clerk - $1,250 monthly
• Must be able to achieve growth and hit sales team. Designing and implementing a strategic sales plan that expands company’s customer base.
Must be able to provide assistance to customers and handle various duties such as operating the cash register, greeting customers, helping people locate products, doing paper work, stocking shelves, and maintaining the store clean and organized.
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Must be willing to work 5 days per week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
• taking care of elderly person in a wheelchair, general cleaning, and other relater chores Salary $1,250 monthly These positions are currently held by work permit holders
Sales Manager - $1,250 monthly
Belongers can drop off resume to the store
CONTACT: 232-7317
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Providenciales: Central Square and The Regent Village Grand Turk: Goldsmith Building Front Street. Tel: 649 946 4100. Email: kubera@tciway.tc 23141
OLD OAK MILL WORK South Dock Road, Unit #9 Caicos Depot. Is seeking
RENEWAL -$9 hourly Cutting and trimming wood for cabinets and other furniture.
Coastal Marine and Design Build Limited is seeking to renewal of work permit
RENEWAL – $9 hourly • Apply paints and coating to furniture, interior and exterior walls. Salary: $9.00 per hour
CONTACT: 333-5559
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23139
PROJECT MANAGER • A Master’s Degree in Construction Management will be an asset • 5 -10 years or more experience in Marine Construction work as it relates to Seawalls & Jetties • Inspect, monitor and supervision of suction Embedded anchor (SEA) installation • Supervision of multiple contracts, meets the targeted milestones, budget, and work quality • Responsible for code compliance, analyzed blueprints and specifications to forecast projects and prepare estimates. • Ensuring the project adhere to health & safety policies compliant with industry regulations as it relates to the Marine construction, remove & replace landscape base on construction replacement budget • Create project schedules, track, and submit weekly payroll cost and assessment of sub- contractor’s estimates of project budget. • Job material forecast, value, and procurement. Project Manager salary is paid base on experience You will be required to travel to various locations or countries to represent the company’s projects as needed. A copy or your resume should be submitted to the labour department and email to: sam@cms-sl.com
#5 South Dock Road, Chalk Sound Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 341-1377
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
November 7-13, 2020
Five Cays, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Must have at least five years experience in preparing local and Jamaican dishes Salary $20 per hour
To assist chef with preparing meals, washing dishes and
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23119
Keep surrounding areas clean, mop, wash dishes Salary $8 per hour
All positions are vacant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
• Repair furniture. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $12 hourly
taking up food Salary $10per hour To assist chef with preparing meals, washing dishes and taking up food Salary $7per hour
#6 GRAPESEED, LEEWARD PALMS, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Responsible for installing wallboards to ceilings or to interior walls of buildings and applying plaster. Smooths out imperfections with trowels and shackle. Salary: $14 hourly
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 342-1964
CONTACT: 231-6370
This position is for a first time applicant. Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board 23113
This position is for renewal of work permit Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
November 7-13, 2020 G.&.H ENTERPRISES Lee Street, South Caicos is seeking to employ a
Person must be able to: • drive and operate a forklift and service machines daily. • To work 5 days a week.
This position is currently being held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board.
Lee Street, South Caicos is seeking a
Person will be responsible for: • keeping the premises of business clean and free from shrubs and weeds • assisting with minor repairs around the building • To work 5 days a week. SALARY $6.25 hourly
CONTACT 231-2402
This position is currently being held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23092
NORWAY FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
• Taking food orders, serving customers. Taking beverage orders from customers or wait staff and serving drinks as requested, paying extreme attention to detail. • To work 6 days per week Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 432-1169
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 23133
Keeping the kitchen tidy at all times along with Restaurant area. Washing dishes and pots and putting them away in respective places. Dispose of garbage in kitchen after cleaning. All other duties assign by management. Salary: $6.75 hourly CONTACT: 946-4536 EMAIL: GILLEY’SCCAFE@TCIWAY.TC
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder
BS Civil Engineering Graduate, Must have at least 10 years experience in construction industry. Responsible in construction management and implementation, organizing & co-facilitating sessions, dealing project planning and scheduling, including time impact analysis, etc. Salary Range: $30K - $36K per annum
Member of Chartered Institute of Building (MCIOB). BSc in Quantity Surveying. Have at least 10yrs experience in Project management. Overseeing all aspects of a project Devising cost-effective plans to enable effective project completion, managing risks. Salary Range: commensurate with qualification & experience.
Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters Salary: $15 hourly CONTACT: 331-9854 EMAIL: CARLOS@HO2GROUP.COM
This position is for a first time applicant. Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board 23113
Contact: 946-4472. Email: tate@gilleycafe.tc
• Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Weekends and Holidays included. • Perform finish carpentry Salary: $9.00 per hour
CONTACT: 232-3435
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 23128
Landscaping, cutting and trimming of trees and decorating. Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 243-0887
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is held by a work permit holder
Plastering, mixes mortar, lays bricks and stones, able to mix cement. Reads and follow blueprints, etc. Salary: $9.00 per hour
• Making sure property is clean and tidy at all times • Pick up waste and disposing of it in proper bins • Help kitchen staff to prepare work stations for their main duties • Must be willing to work 6 days per week • Any other duties assigned by supervisor. Salary: $6.50 hourly
• Make sure your station is clean and orderly at all times • Must be willing to work 6 days per week or if and when needed • Any other duties assigned by management Salary $6.50 per hour
Contact: 649-946-4472 or email gilleyscafe@tciway.tc
#101 GRACE BAY COURT, GRACE BAY Is seeking a
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
DUTIES INCLUDES: • Taking orders and serving Customers in a friendly manner • Ensure orders are taken correctly and customers are happy • Check on customers to make sure everything is okay while dining
Airport Terminal. Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder
Building Construction Graduate. Keen at reading blueprints. Site supervisory experience. At least 10yrs experience in construction industry. Must be able to develop contracts, liaise with subcontractors and vendors, and co-facilitate sessions dealing project planning and scheduling, including time impact analysis, etc. Salary Range: $42K - $60K per annum
Setting out the work area, tying rebar, fitting spacers and ‘chairs’, fixing steel to concrete bases, etc. Salary: $9.00 per hour
Collecting, weighing, analyzing, tabulating, and maintaining cost data for projects. At least 5 yrs experience in construction costing field. QS certification & experience is a plus. Salary Range: $30K - $36K per annum
Health Professions Authority Providenciales Grade 7- $41,205.00 per annum & Allowances
JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior position in administrative support for the Health Professions Authority (HPA), and will provide assistance for the duties of the Chief Executive Officer. The job involves managing the budget and all aspects of the work of the HPA, including supervising the office, the work of the administrative staff, and providing administrative support for the three health professions councils and the health appeals tribunal. For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https:// www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed).
CONTACT: TEL: 649-946-1278 / 1275 FAX:649-946-1101 / EMAIL: INFO@OLYMPIC.TC Positions currently held by work permit holders. BELONGERS are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Office Manager
November 7-13, 2020
#658 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
GARDENER Soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. Salary: $8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 946-4411 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23111
UNIT #1 & #2 LA PETIT PLAZA, GRACE BAY Is seeking a
Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Apply makeup, dress wigs, hair removal, and nail and skin care services. Salary: $320 weekly
CONTACT: 9418342 OR 241-1502
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
SUNSET CAFÉ BAR & GRILL 32B Loney’s Place, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
KITCHEN HELPER SALES PERSON • To wash dishes and assist chef with preparing meals and other tasks may vary • Shift work. • Monday-Saturday. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-6318 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. The positions are held by work permit holders
Baking fresh loaves of bread. Setting up for parties and preparing fresh bread and other baked goods for the following day. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Prepare meals and follow
Rigby Hill, Five Cays Is seeking a
establishment receipt, clean and assist other cook staff Salary $7.00 per hour
Clean kitchen area and wash dishes, and help workers prepare and serve food and beverages Salary $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 346-3568
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions is currently held by work permit holders
Unit #103 Alice & Alice Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
To collect sales, handle inventory other task may vary Salary $6.25 per hour Monday – Saturday hours of operation is shift work
– $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning with sweeper, pick up yard waste, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames.
CONTACT: 344-5950
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23124
• • • • • • • • • •
Advanced knowledge and experience of every aspect of construction. Ensuring all parts of the project is organized and running according to plan. Inspect the construction site daily. Ensure quality control in all construction phases. Prepare construction progress reports. Monitor the material and tools spending to stay on budget. Ensure required material is available on time on the job sites. Assist construction manager in preparing schedules Maintain records of dates, costs and productivity. Coordinate between all the project teams and members to assure that the project is running according to the existing budget and timeline. • Manage and oversee the day-to-day construction progress of the project on site. • Coordinate the most cost-effective plans and implement the execution of this plan afterward. • Define clear roles and responsibilities and deliverable requirements to all the team members. • Review and be responsible for the labor force hours and the job time needed for completion. • Monitor construction productivity and schedule performance and investigate reasons for less than satisfactory performance. • Provide recommendations and institute measures for improvement by modification to operating work instructions. • Follow the project post closeout till finishing the warranty period. • Monitor and manage any anticipated defect. • Deliver the facility in a high-quality, on time and within budget.
• 10+ years of experience in construction Industry • 5+ years previous experience as foremen • Carpenter background is privileged • Strong analytical, planning and problem-solving skills • Leadership and communication skills • English written and spoken, French is an advantage Salary commensurate with experience. This is a work permit renewal and requires flexibility with working hours including evenings, weekends and holidays. Qualified belonger candidates can submit their application to:
Spa Tropique is on the hunt to find the best
Massage Therapists on Island! If you have at least three years of experience with a four star spa and have an upbeat and positive personality, we hope you will come and meet with us! If you are experienced in facials and nails – even better! Applicants must be able to speak and write English fluently, have a clean driver’s license and their own vehicle in excellent working condition. Please see further requirements for applicants below. We look forward to meeting you! Deadline for applications is: November 14th, 2020. APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE: • Obtained a diploma in Massage Therapy from an internationally accredited school from Canada, Great Britain, United States, Australia, Jamaica, Thailand or Philippines. • Completed a massage course of at least 1800 hours plus and 6 months of practical training. • Certified in Reflexology, Hot Stone, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage, Myofacial Release, Prenatal Massage & Shiatsu. • Other Modalities Required: Esthetician Licensing, Waxing, Manicure and Pedicures. • At least 3 years experience with a spa rated 4 stars or above. • Their own vehicle in excellent working order and a clean license. • Fluent spoken and written English (a written exam will be provided). • Basic computer skills for use of company software. • Be available to work 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM every day. Weekends and holiday are a must. (Schedules are subject to change). Renumeration: $6.25 hourly plus commission and gratuities.
Please email your resume to: relax@spatropique.com
Applicants may also forward resumes to the government employee services offices.
A work permit holder currently holds this position
November 7-13, 2020 THE HELP DESK
acting on behalf of our clients: JEREMY RIGBY/ GUTTER’S EXPRESS #16 Bible Street, Blue Hills Providenciales 347-9104
Lifting materials, weeding, removing refuse etc.
Fabricate and install metal, cut metal to specs etc. Salary $6.25-$9.00 per hour Positions are currently held by work permit holders Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Employment Services/ Labour Department 23158
#12 Doctor Road, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER • Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 244-0065 This position is for renewal of work permit Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23105
PROVO BEVERAGES 52 Universal Drive, Providenciales, TCI
PRODUCTION & QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR a) be responsible for all operations that occur in the various production facilities b) coordinate with the Brewery, Alcohol, and Water Managers to determine what products are to be processed c) supervise and lead a permanent staff of multiple packaging line assistants d) ensure proper cleaning, sanitation and purging of packaging equipment e) maintain accurate records of all equipment maintenance f) maintain accurate records of and perform regular preventative maintenance of all packaging equipment g) ensure the cleanliness and organization of the packaging facility h) perform repairs and adjustments to packaging equipment as needed, unless a mechanic is required i) ensure the preparedness of the packaging facility for daily operation j) monitor all packaging operations and ensuring line staff adhere to protocols This position pays $50,000 per annum. Applicants must have prior experience in packaging operations, and be familiar with general food and beverage quality control standards.
Applicants to submit resume to: dave@turksheadbeer.com This is a work permit renewal.
• Assist the project manager in the execution of the management plan for assigned projects • Help coordinate and manage the project from inception to completion • Review project designs and contributes ideas for cutting costs • Carry out daily operational tasks in an effective and timely manner • Facilitate communications between office and field staff • Track and directly report project status updates to project manager • Help problem-solve issues and suggest ways to improve the project • Organize, file, and maintain all current project documents • Enter information into and manage the digital project databases • Assist in ensuring compliance with necessary specifications • Help create, manage, and maintain the project budget • Coordinate and execute daily administrative tasks • Help create and adhere to project timeline and calendar • Consult with and gather information from clients, architects, engineers, field staff • Maintain positive vendor and client relationships • Ensure project adheres to a set schedule and is meeting the goals of the client • Ensure all changes to specifications, jobs scope and drawings are documented and updated.
Scotiabank (Turks & Caicos) Ltd. of Cherokee Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands hereby gives notice of its intention to sell by Public Auction the following properties pursuant to its power of sale as registered Chargee under the Registered Land Ordinance of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
PARCEL 61112/38
Long Bay Hills, Providenciales – Four bedroom, three bathroom, Single family home, approximately 1,690 sq. ft. on 0.30 acres of land located in Long Bay. Registered Proprietor: Pathine Stubbs
PARCEL 10406/176
East Suburbs, Grand Turk – Four Bedroom, two bathroom, Single Family home, approximately 2,000 sq. ft on 0.25 acres of land located in Breezy Brae. Registered Proprietor: Joydie Rankin
PARCEL 60002/219
North West and North Central, Providenciales – Three Bedroom, two bathroom, Single Family Home, approximately 1,104 sq. ft. on 0.34 acres of land located in Millenium Heights, Phase 2 Priton Development, Blue Hills. Registered Proprietor: Shanetta Harvey
• 10+ years of experiment in construction industry • Strong analytical, math and problem-solving skills • Computer Skills • Planning skills • Communication skills • Proactivity • Creativity • Meticulous • English written and spoken, French is an advantage
The auction will be held at the office of Scotiabank (Turks and Caicos) Limited, 88 Cherokee Road, Providenciales at 11 o’clock in the morning on Friday the 20th day of November 2020. A reserved price will be fixed on all parcels and a deposit of 10% is due immediately upon all accepted bids. Conditions of Sale available upon request or at the Auction.
Salary commensurate with experience. This is a work permit renewal and requires flexibility with working hours including evenings, weekends and holidays. Qualified belonger candidates can submit their application to:
TDMG Concordia Ltd info@tdmgltd.com | 649-941-3445
#576 Blue Hills, Provo 649-332-4482
PAINTER: $7-$12 PER HOUR Paint walls, doors, drywall, etc.
Bi Pass Five Cay, Provo 232-7717
COOK $8-$12 PER
Cook and prepare all food Working long hour, etc.
DIVER/ CAPTAIN $6.25$8. PER HOUR Check all diving equipment Dive to get seafood
Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-6980 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Working 6 days in a week. Salary: $7 per hourly
CONTACT: 345 94 55
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23164
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is A first time work permit application. 23154
CONTACT: 231-6663
#11 James Prospere Apt, The Bight Is seeking to employ a
Adress: Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
South District, Salt Cay Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Regular housekeeping which includes Cleaning mopping, dusting, sweeping and assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
#43 Front Road North Side, Blue Hills 344-9209
All positons are for work permit renewal Belongers need only apply
November 7-13, 2020
VALERIE MOLINE GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
#61 Long Bay at Sisal Road, Providenciales, TCI is looking for
To work from Monday to Saturday. Duties: Laying blocks, Plastering and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete, build and install iron or steel girders. Salary: $ 6.25 per hour
Interested applicants please contact us at this number: 649-343-1420 Only belongers need to apply. 23114
ZELDA ELSA ROBINSON WILSON Address: Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
His job is to sweep the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, living room, laundering sheets. Salary: $7. 50per hourly
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 per hourly
CONTACT: 247 95 31
CONTACT: 347 6885
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23166
SMITH ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING Snake Hills, Millennium Highway. 347-1775
His job is to break wall in ways that will not damage the previous work done by the contractors. Seal and secure outlet boxes with concrete mud. Seal panel boxes with concrete mud. Mix concrete cement to seal the areas that have been work on SALARY: 8.00 per hour RENEWAL, POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE
E & V CONSTRUCTION Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-1358
Duties: To wash, curl and style hair, Sew extensions etc.
CONTACT: 242-0957
Duties: Inspect shelves to Determine short stocks and Keep shelves amply stocked, to ensure shelf stocks are dust free. SALARY: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 441-3856
Belongers are asked to submit copies of their resume to the Labour Office. This position is Currently held by a work permit holder. 23155
JOHN GODET Address: Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Address: GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
His job is to sweep the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, living room, laundering sheets. Salary: $7. 50per hourly
CONTACT: 341 16 19
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 per hourly
CONTACT: 241 15 29
His job is to sweep the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, living room, laundering sheets. Salary: $7. 50per hourly
CONTACT: 242 13 58
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23161
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23163
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23167
#35 Fellowship Cl, Millennium Highway Blue Hills. Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 243-0744
Duties: to design paint and refill Nails, to do Pedicures and manicures. SALARY: $9.00 per hour
Address: GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Seeking for a caretaker to assist my father at his house. Assisting with medication, wash, Iron, cook, goes with him to the doctor, must be bilingual. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is currently held by a Work permit holders. 23052
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23099
Pond Street, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently Held by a work permit holder. 23051
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23165
Five Cays, Providenciales 347-8495
30 Horse Lane drive Leeward Highway. 241-3896
Clean the store every morning, upheld safe and clean working environment, clean customers bathroom, replace tissue, remove trash from the store and bathroom, assisting owner when needed. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.
642 Bible Street, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
- $9 hourly Engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters.
- $6.25 hourly To wash, scrub and polish the interiors and exteriors of vehicles.
-$6.25 hourly Cleaning, sweeping the office.
CONTACT: 242-7796
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Work permit renewals 23172
JV’S TRUCKING SERVICES South Dock Road, 346-2311
Transport and dump loose materials, such as sand, gravel, crushed rock, Transport and dump garbage and trashes. Transport paving materials and hauling construction materials to customer locations. Pay: 12.00 per hour RENEWAL, THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE, RENEWAL.
Overback, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Salary: $350 weekly
CONTACT: 347-1124
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Work permit holders currently holds this position 23100
Elite Plaza, Airport road 347-6373
Clean meats, sweep or scrub floors, clean dishes, kitchen, food preparation equipment, or utensils. Wash dishes, glassware, flatware, pots, or pans by hand. Maintain kitchen work areas, equipment, or utensils in clean and orderly condition. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.
November 7-13, 2020 YGERNE WILSON Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Regular housekeeping which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 231-7369
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23153
ELEANOR MADLYN INGHAM Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
#61 Sisal Rd, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-5965
This position is for renewal of work permit Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 per hourly
CONTACT: 244 47 23 Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23162
CLEANER Clean the store every morning, clean printing equipments, clean customers bathroom, replace tissue, remove trash from the store and bathroom, assisting owner when needed. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour.
Address: GRAND TURK, Palm Grove Is seeking to employ a
Working 5 days a week. Salary: $ 7. 00
CONTACT: 244 66 53
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23160
Robinson Drive, Five Cays 342-1055
Assisting in deliver a wide variety of items to different addresses and through different routes. Follow routes and time schedule. Load, unload, prepare, inspect and operate a delivery vehicle. Cleans the company vehicles. Clean the store. Assist owner with other labour work at her house. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
540 Leeward Highway Providenciales. 232-5501 Salary $9.00 per hour
540 Leeward Highway Providenciales. 232-5501 Salary $9.00 per hour
Build and install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form buildings, bridges, and other structures. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete.
SOUTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
FIVE CAYS ROAD, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Address: Grand Turk, HOSPITAL ROAD Is seeking to employ a
Chicken Shack Plaza Blue Hills. 344-2235
Finishing wallboard surfaces by taping, spotting, pointing, filling, finishing, and sanding joints, angles, internal and external corners, and all field surfaces, the use of hand filling and machine tool methods for both preparation and application techniques Renewal application, Belonger will be given first preference. 23184
#28 Timber Crest, Kew Town. 331-8583
To clean all areas within the yard, clean the gutters, trim down the trees in the yard, Sweeping and removing debris from outside, water the plants, repairs damage furniture and assist with other labour work around the property. Salary: $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.
540 Leeward Highway Providenciales. 232-5501 Salary $9.00 per hour
Finishing wallboard surfaces by taping, spotting, pointing, filling, finishing, and sanding joints, angles, internal and external corners, and all field surfaces, the use of hand filling and machine tool methods for both preparation and application techniques RENEWAL APPLICATION, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.
Diving for fish. Salary based on commission
CONTACT: 244-2912
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23098
Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 341-6443
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23857
I am seeking a suitably qualified person to fill the following position:
– to be held by a work permit holder • Install, inspect, maintain, and repair air conditioner. • Ventilate equipment and controls making sure they operate efficiently and continuously. • Perform regular maintenance work on cooling units. • Install, replace, or repair
equipment that has been damaged. • Install new air-conditioning systems and equipment. • Inspect and maintain refrigerators and ice machines • Clean blowers and coils, check tensions of belts and motors. • Rate $10 per hour
Address: 636 Industrial Park, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands and Please drop off resume to the Labor Department, Providenciales as soon as possible. Contact 231-4545 23023
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-1420
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
Governors Road, Grace Bay
• Must be able to work weekends, night and holiday 6 days per week. • Must have at least 8 years’ experience, good knowledge of sautéed seafood, shellfish, meat and poultry, grilling, rotisserie, butchery, sauces, broth and dressing. Salary: $10 hourly CONTACT: 946-5278 EMAIL: CAICOSCAFE@TCIWAY.TC
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23174
An Application, REGISTERED PR 14631, by Climatech Limited for the development of Commercial Complex containing: Five Office/ Retail Buildings, Service Shop, Showroom and Two, One Bedroom Units. Has been submitted to the Department of planning for consideration of Development Permission on parcels 60810/293 The Bight and Thomas Stubbs, Providenciales. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty eight (28) days of publication of this Notice. Date:
November 7-13, 2020
BACK SALINA, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
– $6.25 hourly • Uphold customer service • Maintain Bar • Mix and serve drinks
– $6.25 hourly Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames.
CONTACT: 345-9455
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23173
Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-5980
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23101
ROBERT’S AGENCY Acting on behalf of L.P.S
#43 Saltmills Plaza, Grace Bay. Is seeking a
41 Five Cays Road
– $6.25 hourly Cleaning, stacking shelves. Contact: 241-2043
D&U LANDSCAPING Shore Club, Long Bay
- $6.25 hourly Caring for plants. Contact: 241-2043 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Work permit renewals 23175
Belongers are encouraged to send resumes to tciprobusiness@gmail.com and The Labour Board. Tel: (649) 241-7878/. Address: Spot Plaza, Airport Road, Providenciales, TCI
(Cosmetic treatment to hair, skin & nails) 631 Blue Hills, $8 per hour 3441778 Position Held by Work Permit Holder
(Yard maintenance plus help with water delivery) $7 hourly, 346-9099 #69 Blue Hills, Provo, TCI Position held by work permit holder
(Set up equipment , run lines for power tools, Erect scaffolding, lay out tools, mixing concrete) #08 Rigby Hill, Five Cays, Provo, TCI $375 weekly 347-4578 Position held by work permit holder.
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
TONY’S PLACE Dock Yard, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
KITCHEN HELPER Preparing the workstation for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 346-7956
(repairs and do minor renovations etc.) $7 per hour 241-1272 Address: Position held by work permit holder. 23169
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
GENESISAUTO MOBILE REPAIRS Industrial Drive, Opposite Pioneer's Cleaners, Providenciales
NEED 2 MECHANICS Pay set @ $12 & $15 per hour Hours of Work Monday to Friday 7 am - 5 pm & Saturday 7 am to 3 pm
Load and unload customer cargo or merchandises, deliver ordered goods to clients, operate heavy machinery to perform job responsibilities, stowing goods in storage, receive goods to send to various location, report to supervisor of any inconvenient during delivery. Pay: 6.25 per hour RENEWAL, THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE, RENEWAL. 23195
• Perform maintenance and repair on customer vehicles. • Identify problems with vehicles using the diagnostic equipment. • Explain automotive repairs and issues and provide great customer service. • Plan repair procedures using charts manuals and experience. • Test the functionality of parts and systems • Perform basic auto care and maintenance tasks such as oil changes, fluid level checks, and tire rotation. • Repair and replace brake pads, wheel bearings, sensors, and other parts. • Perform routine maintenance and general mechanic work on vehicles. • Prepared to get the additional certification as needed. • Willingness to learn with hands-on training. • Help keep repair shop clean and organized. • Keep a professional appearance. This position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $6.25 hourly
pick up years waste, collect leaves, clean the yard with sweeper, lift garbage bags and cans into garbage truck, pick up yard waste and tree limbs and assist with other work when needed. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
Leeward, Providenciales Telephone: 946-5754,Fax:946-5166
HOUSEKEEPER Starting salary $6.25 per hour
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Live on property/properties • Service two separate households • Care for two young children • Run errands • All general house chores inc cleaning and cooking • Travel with family abroad at family convenience
QUALIFIED CANDIDATE • Must have at least 10 years on island experience • Must have a clean police record • Must be able to drive (valid TCI drivers' license) and have own vehicle Position currently held by a work permit holder.
Belongers are encouraged to send resume to Labour Department
Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 346-9276
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit Application.
C&S PROFESSIONAL Acting on behalf of Atley Gray, Long Bay Road, Providenciales
DOMESTIC WORKER – $6.25 hourly
Clean the house, mopping the floor, cook, wash.
CONTACT: 241-5922
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23176
Must have 2 years experience in commercial/ residential/ industrial cleaning. Must be able to deep clean and disinfect commercial and residential sites. Salary $6.25
Must have 4 years experience in commercial/residential/industrial and auto cleaning. Must have knowledge in steam cleaning of carpets, upholstery. Deep cleaning and disinfecting of commercial and residential sites. Cleaning of drapes. Salary $6.25 Please apply in writing to Trevor Cooke at 649trevorcoooke@gmail.com or call 242-3823.
Belongers are encouraged to send their application to the Labor Department. Only qualified applicants will be contacted. 23176
Life Changing Plaza New airport road Providenciales. 331-9828
Clean the store every morning, upheld safe and clean working environment, clean customers bathroom, replace tissue, remove trash from the store and bathroom, assisting owner when needed. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.
#59 BUTTERFIELD CLOSE, Kew Town. Is seeking a
• Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, steam, air, or other liquids. Installs supports for pipes, equipment, and fixtures prior to installation. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $10.00 per hour
CONTACT: 241-3247
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Renewal work permit 23094
November 7-13 2020
Sports Interational UK Athletics strategy ‘moves away from focus on winning medals at all costs’ UK Athletics has announced a 12-year strategy it says will “move us away from a focus on winning medals at all costs”. The governing body acknowledged “significant improvement and change is required” and, in a unified approach with the four home country federations, is aiming to “put the athlete first”. Its three goals, to be achieved by 2032, include having representation from Great Britain and Northern Ireland in every discipline at all senior international events and 95% of the Paralympic team reaching their final. It will also strive to produce a “world-renowned infrastructure” of clubs, competitions and coaches, retaining more than 250,000 registered athletes across the UK, and to have nine million regular participants in the sport. The shift in focus comes shortly after UK Sport revealed future funding of elite sport would be based on medal potential over a 12-year period, rather than the current four, to produce success over
a wider range of sports and support “the development of the person as well as the performer”. UKA has appointed a new chief executive, head coach and performance director this year. Scrutiny remains high following the publication of two independent reviews one into safeguarding and the other its handling of decisions around its relationship with disgraced running coach Alberto Salazar. UKA chief executive Joanna Coates said: “The co-development of a longterm strategy and framework agreement for athletics across the UK, with an ethical decision-making culture and a new communications strategy, will ensure that we address the sport’s long-term issues.” The new strategy says: “Through listening to feedback from over 5,000 athletes, club leaders, volunteers, coaches and officials across the sport, we know that significant improvement and change is required. “We have three bold and
ambitious goals that will move us away from a focus on winning medals at all costs, demonstrate our commitment to supporting the core of the sport and prove that putting the needs of athletes and runners first can retain participation levels in our sport.” However, it appears there is significant scepticism over the strategy from within the athletics community.
Joanna Coates took over as chief executive of UK Athletics in February after Chris Clark stood down as chairman.
ISSAC FARM INDUSTRY Is seeking to hire:
Duties: Soil cultivation, digging, forking, weeding, seed sowing, planting, cleaning of debris, and feeding livestock. All applicants must be willing to work 6 days a week including weekends and holidays.
GraceKennedy Limited is seeking to recruit an experienced and dynamic Insurance professional for one of its subsidiaries, GK Insurance Brokers, located in Turks and Caicos. Reporting to the Managing Director of Allied Insurance Brokers based in Jamaica, the General Manager will be responsible for the strategic leadership and growth of the company.
– $7.00 ph.
PUBLIC NOTICE TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDER STATUS APPLICATION (SECTION 4(3) OF THE TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDER STATUS ORDINANCE) Take notice that I, Nigel Dakin, Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands in exercise of the powers conferred in me by Section 6(4) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Turks and Caicos Islander Status to Bobb Ravon by virtue of marriage to a Turks and Caicos Islander.
THE ROLE • The General Manager will be responsible for preparing the company’s business plans and directing the operations to achieve budgeted goals and other key performance indicators. • The individual selected will be responsible for managing and promoting the image of the company as the Broker of choice. • The successful candidate will develop and motivate a team of professionals who are committed to delivering high quality service. • The General Manager will maintain appropriate contacts and develop relationships with key stakeholders. • The successful candidate will focus on increasing the company’s client portfolio through the acquisition and renewal of customer accounts. • The General Manager will focus on the company’s risk management. THE CANDIDATE • The ideal candidate will have completed a post graduate degree in Business Administration or related discipline and have the Insurance Qualification such as Advanced Diploma in Insurance (ACII). • The General Manager must have a minimum of ten years’ experience in general insurance of which, at least seven must be at a senior management level. • The candidate must have knowledge of all classes of insurance and reinsurance as well as the Laws of Turks and Caicos Islands. • The candidate must be able to demonstrate strong leadership skills and ability to build and motivate teams to achieve results. • Sound decision making, analytical, forecasting and organisational skills are required for the post. • Proven, effective oral and written communication skills as well as strong negotiations skills are essential. • The ideal candidate must have advanced knowledge in the use of Microsoft Project and financial software applications. Salary range $60,000 - $80,000
Position held by permit holder. Suitably qualified persons are invited to submit applications online at hrsupport@gkco.com by October 20, 2020. Turks and Caicos Islanders are invited to also send application to the TCI Labour Board.
November 7-13, 2020
Sports Interational
Erling Haaland sets Champions League scoring record BORUSSIA Dortmund striker Erling Haaland continued his sensational scoring form with two goals in a 3-0 over Club Brugge in Group F of the Champions League. The 20-year-old, one of the most coveted young players in the game, has now scored 14 Champions League goals in 11 games -- no player has scored as many in so few games. Haaland has scored as many goals in European football’s premier competition as greats such as George Weah, Zinedine Zidane and Ian Rush. However, he still has some way to go to close in on Cristiano Ronaldo’s all-time record of 131 goals. “It was a good night and three important points,” Haaland told reporters after a win that puts the Bundesliga club top of the group. Haaland, who joined the German outfit in January, has scored 26 goals in 28 games in all competitions for his club. Elsewhere in the competition, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s job as
Erling Haaland has scored as many goals in European football’s premier competition as greats such as George Weah, Zinedine Zidane and Ian Rush.
Manchester United head coach may be hanging by a thread following a shock 2-1 defeat to Turkish side Istanbul Basaksehir. Multiple reports in the British media have suggested the Norwegian manager could be sacked should United fail to beat Everton in the English Premier League this coming
weekend. However, that process may well be accelerated after a comical defensive performance against the reigning Turkish champion. One of the worst pieces of defending you are ever likely to see -- amateur football included -- gifted Basaksehir an early lead, as former
Premier League striker Demba Ba had the entire half of the pitch to himself to run onto the ball and slot past United goalkeeper Dean Henderson. Things didn’t get much better from there, as Deniz Turuc picked Juan Mata’s pocket and laid the ball on a plate for Edin Visca to double the lead Anthony Martial did pull a goal back just before half-time, but a stale and uninspired second half performance meant United was unable to find an equalizer. The Champions League has provided Manchester United with some respite from its Premier League woes in recent weeks, but for the first time this season its poor domestic form seeped into Europe. United sits a lowly 15th in the Premier League with just two wins from its opening six games following Sunday’s insipid 1-0 defeat to Arsenal. But impressive Champions League victories against last season’s beaten finalist Paris Saint-Germain and German side RB Leipzig have
#7 STINGRAY STREET, GLASS SHACK Is seeking to employ a
The GraceKennedy Money Services (Turks & Caicos) Ltd invites applications for the following position:
OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR Domiciled in the Turks & Caicos Island the incumbent will be responsible for ensuring that the day to day operations of the sub-agent network are running efficiently. THE IDEAL CANDIDATE SHOULD HAVE • A First degree in Business Administration or Diploma in Business Administration or Supervisory Management. • Two (2) years working experience in a supervisory capacity preferably in a financial service company. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills • High level of confidentiality, integrity, persistence and achievement orientation. • Microsoft Office THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE WILL: • Ensure that adequate staff is available to satisfy customer requirements at the location by planning weekly work and lunch schedules. • Investigate and report all CSR differences on a timely basis. • Ensure that the location is supplied with adequate stationery and all other required materials and resource. • Provide feedback to management on customer complaints, staff complaints and other relevant matters relevant to the efficient and effective operation of the location. • Monitor local sub-agent activities to ensure these are consistent with the goals and objectives of GraceKennedy. • Recognise and articulate to management, trends regarding customer needs. • Assisting the Compliance Officer in conducting AML training for new recruits.
Qualified applicants are invited to submit their resumes in confidence, via email to gkfghr@gkco.com no later than November 9th , 2020 Persons who do not reside in Providenciales need not apply
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-2267
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23095
provided Solskjaer something of a lifeline. However, should the 47-yearold find himself out of a job, a new manager is unlikely to be enough to turn the club around. United has problems that run deep. In the Glazer family it has an owner that has racked up eyewatering amounts of debt, and in Ed Woodward it has a chief executive that has spent vast sums of money in a playing squad that remains behind its rivals. Solskjaer’s reign has been more curious than most. Just when it looks as though his job is on the line and the team has stopped playing for him, his players will turn in the kind of performances they did against Newcastle, Paris Saint-Germain and RB Leipzig. But in the defeat to Basaksehir, there wasn’t even a hint that the team was playing for its manager. Solskjaer may still be in a job by the time United travel to Everton on Saturday, but another defeat could likely spell the end of his time in charge.
P&D EMPLOYMENT Acting on behalf of
Is seeking to employ a
New Sub Division, Five Cays
– $10 hourly Smooths out imperfections trowels and shackle. Contact: 348-1403
Central Shack
- $10 hourly Measure, cut, or shape wood and other materials
– $10 hourly Measure, cut, or shape wood and other materials
– $10 hourly Linking and shaping wood to create furniture.
CONTACT: 231-2222 Belongers only apply
Willing to work 6 days per week Duties: cleaning mopping, dusting, sweeping, and polishing and other household chores. Salary$6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 649- 231-0503
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labor Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 24000
SEE MORE TCI VILLAS & PROPERTIES B204 West Regent Village Gracebay. Is seeking to employ:
Head Houseman X 1
@ $9.00 per hr Overseer and assist staff with housekeeping, food preparation for guest, keep inventory of stock, respond to guest quires and complaints. Must be willing to work 6 days a week including weekends and holidays This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Houseman x 1
@ $8.00 ph Responsible for keeping common areas clean and presentable, assisting housekeepers and stocking housekeeping closets as necessary, while also responding to guest complaints and quires. Both positions are for work permit renewals
Interested TCI belongers are encouraged to drop off their resume to: Care Professional Consultancy located in Sam’s Harvey Bldg. Unit # 9 Downtown, Providenciales. Or call: 941-7676 Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted. Deadline to receive application is November 20th, 2020 23199
November 7-13 2020
Sports Interational
Maradona was admitted to Ipensa clinic in Buenos Aires on Monday, suffering from anaemia and dehydration
Diego Maradona: Surgery on brain blood clot successful, says doctor ARGENTINA legend Diego Maradona has undergone successful brain surgery, his doctor has said. The 1986 World Cup winner, 60, was admitted to Ipensa clinic in Buenos Aires on Monday, suffering from anaemia and dehydration. Leopoldo Luque, Maradona’s personal physician, said he had “coped well with the surgery”. He will now remain under observation, Dr Luque said, adding that everything was “under control”. Maradona was transferred to the Olivos Clinic in La Plata, where was operated on at 20:00 local time (23:00 GMT) by Dr Luque, who is a neurosurgeon. The procedure took
about 80 minutes. Maradona presently coaches Gimnasia y Esgrima in Argentina’s top flight. He attended the side’s game against Patronato on Friday, his 60th birthday. Supporters of Gimnasia y Esgrima have been congregating outside the hospital carrying messages of support for the former Argentina forward. Once the outcome of the surgery was announced, a group of fans outside began chanting his name, the Reuters news agency reported. His former club Napoli, who he helped to two Serie A titles, tweeted a message of support. (BBC)
Kieron Pollard (right) is the Windies T20 captain and plays for Mumbai Indians in the IPL.
West Indies’ IPL players face New Zealand isolation until day of first match of tour WEST Indies face part of their squad being in isolation until the day of the first match of their tour of New Zealand, says coach Phil Simmons. Some of the squad arrived in New Zealand on Friday and have gone into a mandatory 14-day isolation period. But others are still playing in the Indian Premier League and their later arrival means an isolation period that ends just before the opening Twenty20 international on 27 November. “It’s a bit difficult,” said Simmons. “The main T20 guys are in isolation until the morning of the first game.
“The plus is that they will be coming from a high-quality tournament so they will be sharp.” The IPL is taking place in the United Arab Emirates with Kieron Pollard, Nicholas Pooran and Shimron Hetmyer some of the Windies players involved. All-rounder and Test captain Jason Holder is also playing in the IPL but he is not in the T20 squad, who are skippered by Pollard. West Indies play three T20 internationals and two Test matches on their tour of New Zealand. Simmons’ side were the first team to go on an international tour during the coronavirus pandemic
when they played in England last summer. Full tour dates: NOVEMBER 27 - first Twenty20 international, Auckland (d/n) (06:00 GMT) 29 second Twenty20 international, Mount Maunganui (01:00 GMT) 30 - third Twenty20 international, Mount Maunganui (d/n) (06:00 GMT) DECEMBER 3-7 - first Test, Hamilton (22:00 GMT, 2-6 Dec) 11-15 - second Test, Wellington (Basin Reserve) (22:00 GMT, 10-14 Dec) (BBC)
Rafael Nadal becomes fourth man to win 1,000 ATP Tour matches Shane Watson, 39, retired from international cricket in 2016 but continued to play in various Twenty20 leagues.
Shane Watson: Former Australia all-rounder retires FORMER Australia all-rounder Shane Watson has retired from all forms of cricket after a 20-year career. Watson, 39, retired from international cricket in 2016 but continued to play in various Twenty20 leagues. He scored 14 for Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League in his final professional match. “It really does feel like the right time now that I’ve played my last game of cricket ever for my beloved
CSK,” Watson said on Tuesday. Watson played in 59 Tests, 190 one-day internationals and 58 T20 matches for Australia. He made six centuries in his domestic T20 career and took 216 wickets at an average of 27.02. He has the highest individual men’s ODI score for Australia, making an unbeaten 185 against Bangladesh in April 2011. Watson won the IPL title with Rajasthan Royals in 2008 and again with Chennai in 2018.
RAFAEL Nadal’s achievement of becoming just the fourth man to record 1,000 ATP Tour match wins should have been celebrated by thunderous cheers and a standing ovation. Instead, having beaten Feliciano Lopez to reach the exclusive club, Nadal was left to celebrate in near silence in a 20,000-seater stadium in Paris as spectators were absent amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Spaniard, 34, joined Jimmy Connors (1,274), Roger Federer (1,242) and Ivan Lendl (1,068) as the only men in the 1,000-wins club since the Open era began in 1968 after his come-from-behind 4-6 7-6 (7-5) 6-4 victory in his opening game at the Paris Masters. “[Winning 1,000 matches] means that I am old. That means that I played well for such a very long time, because to achieve that number is because
Rafael Nadal joins Jimmy Connors (1,274), Roger Federer (1,242) and Ivan Lendl (1,068) as the only men in the 1,000-wins club since the Open era began in 1968.
I have been playing well for a lot of years and [that] is something that makes me feel happy,” Nadal said. “I just can say thank you very much to all the people that helped me and all the people that in any moment of my life helped me to be where I am.”
Nadal’s first ATP victory came when he was 15 years old. He beat Ramon Delgado, a Paraguayan then ranked No. 81 in the world, in a firstround match at the Mallorca Open in 2002, a victory which netted him 15 ATP Rankings points and a cheque for $5,850.
November 7-13, 2020
Sports National
Rodgers makes it three in a row – Carmichael wins his second TCCF Time Trial race SEAN Rodgers is a time trial king. His latest victory was his third consecutive since the Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation started their Time Trial races last month. The seasoned rider was able to get past a string of quality cyclists in the senior division. Junior cyclist Rezon Carmichael also showed dominance after storming to his second consecutive win in that division. Although the 12-year-old was exceptional with a 26:09 finish, the day belong to TCI Aquatics Club swimmers Lenin Hamilton Jr, Tajhari Williams and Mateo Gardiner who held their own on their bicycles. Hamilton Jr finished tied for second with Jeremiah Fulford (27:53), while Williams placed fourth and Gardiner sixth. Kymani Ewing finished fifth. According to information from the federation, both Carmichael and Fulford improved their times by about a minute in the one lap of Venetian Road (8.5 miles race). Rogers was in the zone. He finished the two laps’ race (17 miles) in under 43 minutes. His overall victory meant that he also finished first in the Elite competition. Omard Gardiner (45:43) placed second overall and in the Elite, while Dan Redmond (46:02) was third overall and first in the Masters Category. Kavin Ewing was fourth overall and second in the Masters’ Division. Anthony Pluckett (third Elite), Kenneth Grant (First Masters 2), Matthew Williams (Second Masters 2) and Walner Registre (Third Masters) were also impressive. The time trials are the first events by the federation since approval was given for the restart of sports.
Sean Rodgers has been flawless in the first three time trials.
Rezon Carmichael registered back-to-back wins.
Lenin Hamilton Jr was outstanding in the junior event.
According to information from the club, the trials were the only viable option. “To stay with the regulations for
In November there will be two races. On the 14th, riders will battle in the Oxegon Adults over 4.5 miles (half lap of Venetian)
public gatherings set by TCIG, it was decided to host a series a Time Trial, which by their nature call for social distancing.”
a Junior race is yet to be decided upon by officials, while on the 28th, the federation would hold a Devastator race over 8.6 miles.
Muir nominated for Female World Athlete of the Year award
Laura Muir, 27, is the quickest in the world over 1500m this season and set a new UK 1,000m record in August.
BRITAIN’S Laura Muir has been nominated for this year’s World Athletics Female Athlete of the Year award. Muir, 27, is the quickest in the world over 1500m this season and set a new UK 1,000m record in August. A month later the Scot ran a world-leading three minutes 57.40
seconds in Berlin over 1500m. Of the 10 nominees, Muir is the only Briton in the running for the award, which was won last year by Dalilah Muhammad of the United States. Faith Kipyegon of Kenya, who ran world-leading races over 800m and 1000m, and Letesenbet Gidey
of Ethiopa, who recently set a 5,000m world record, are among the opposition. In the men’s category, nominations include Jacob Kiplimo who made history by becoming the first Ugandan to gold with a world half marathon win in a record time of 58 minutes 49 seconds.
November 7-13 2020
Sports National
Ladies Champion Brooke Rivers was dominant over the weekend.
Kurt Rivers (left) is the Men’s 2020 Club Champion.
Rivers siblings and Srinark dominate 2020 Club Championship Talented youngsters Brooke and Kurt Rivers and seasoned golfer Jumphol Srinark walked away with the top prizes at this year’s Provo Golf Club 2020 Club Championship. Fifteen-year-old Brooke, fresh off her victory at the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) Tallahassee Junior Championship, finished with rounds of 69 and 72 (for a score of 141) to retain her Ladies Club Championship title. Brooke’s 13-year-old brother Kurt was crowned the Men’s Club Champion after he finished with
scores of 76 and 76 (152). Meanwhile multi-year winner, Jumphol Srinark finished as the Senior Club Champion after registering scores of 77 and 81 for an overall score of 158. Aiden Paisley was also rewarded with the Comeback Award for his performance (nine shots). The 27th edition of the competition, which was held over the weekend, had 36 golfers competing on the new platinum paspalum grass. According to Director of Golf Dave Douglas, the championship
was the first competition since the pandemic began. “We are allowed under Phase Two of Golf COVID-19 rules to conduct small, tee time, events with ten minute tee time intervals and no gatherings. It works well as it was just like a regular golf day.” Along with the senior title, Srinark also won the Men’s First Flight. He 158 placed him ahead of Josh Germain (159) in the Gross score battle. Rico Rolle (150) finished with the lowest net score in the First Flight. Mike Adamo
(151) placed second. In the Men’s Second Flight battle, Grant Noble finished with the lowest Gross score (169), while Toby Barkworth placed second (175). Meanwhile Rick Sanmiya finished with the lowest net score (152) in the division. Mike Eddy (157) placed second. Gareth Butler topped the Men’s Third Flight (Gross) with a 175 finish, followed by Dale Hodgkins (183) and Caesar Campbell (187). Louis Dickenson (153) finished with the lowest net score in the
third flight, while Rahul Lakhani (155) placed second. In the Men’s Fourth Flight Gross battle, Simon Dobbs (189) finished ahead of Dave Gillett (205) and Harry Schofield (219). Paul Coleman finished with the lowest net score in that flight, followed by Cesar Castillo. In the Ladies’ First Flight, Christina Pretorius (164) finished ahead of Andrea Todd (169), while in the Ladies’ Second Flight, Mary Eddy (180) won the Gross prize and Carol Brown (152) the best Net.
November 7-13, 2020