TC Weekly News January 13 -19, 2021

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Weekly News ELECTION ON FEB 19 Volume 35 | No. 02 | January 13-19, 2021

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Citizens of the Turks and Caicos Islands will head to the polls to decide which political party will govern the territory for the next four years on February 19.



Governor leads the way with first vaccination PAGE  2



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January 13-19, 2021

January 13-19, 2021





January 13-19, 2021


Governor Nigel Dakin is the first person in the TCI to get the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine

Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson shows off the spot on her arm where she was vaccinated

Governor leads the way with first vaccination BY DELANA ISLES THE FIRST Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccination in the Turks and Caicos Islands was administered this week to Governor Nigel Dakin. The Ministry of Health began its vaccination programme on Monday afternoon (January 11) at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre in Providenciales. The territory received 9,750 doses of the vaccine from the United Kingdom on January 7, enough to vaccinate 4,875 people with the required two doses. Immediately following the governor was his wife Amanda

Dakin, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, Deputy Governor Anya Williams and Minister of Education Hon. Karen Malcolm. TCI Hospital’s chief executive officer Dr Denise BraithwaiteTennant was next up, followed by several other hospital staff and civil servants. They included frontline family doctor Dr Jo Bowden, primary healthcare manager Alrisa Gardiner, and William Clare representing senior citizens. Alces Dor, representing the Haitian community, and Candido Moreno, representing the Dominican community, both received their first vaccination.

Meanwhile, Leon Wilson, president of TCI Kidney Foundation, and Lucille Lightbourne, president of the National Cancer Society, represented those who have

underlying conditions. Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting represented frontline law enforcement by getting his first jab, and Pastor Steve Cornwall of the Seventh Day Adventist Church

was also vaccinated. Upon receiving the vaccination, each person was handed a vaccination card, and advised on when they need to show up for the second injection.

Deputy Governor Anya Williams receives her first Covid-19 vaccine shot

Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising), (News) Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:

Health ministry releases Covid-19 January testing schedule ANYONE resident in the Turks and Caicos Islands can be tested for Covid-19 for free this January. The Ministry of Health has released its testing schedule and urged people to arrive at the relevant location wearing a mask, with government issued identification and a pen. Testing will take place: Grand Turk - Every Wednesday, between 2pm and 4pm at the

Gazebo (Pond Street). South Caicos - Every Wednesday between 9am and 12pm at the Primary Health Care Clinic. North and Middle Caicos Every Wednesday between 9am and 12pm at the Primary Health Care Clinics (Kew, Bottle Creek and Middle Caicos Clinic). Providenciales - The mobile clinic will be parked at the Downtown Ball Park between 10am

and 1pm on Friday, January 22. Anyone with symptoms or signs of Covid-19 should remain at home and instead call the Covid-19 Hotline on 232-9444 or 333-0911. Signs and symptoms of Covid-19 can include fever, headache, dry cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhoea, joint pain, loss of taste and loss of smell. More information is available from 338-5474.

January 13-19, 2021




Mark your calendar: TCI heads to the polls on February 19 BY OLIVIA ROSE CITIZENS of the Turks and Caicos Islands will head to the polls to decide which political party will govern the territory for the next four years on February 19. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson announced the date during a political rally of her ruling People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) on Grand Turk, Saturday night (January 9). A crowd of enthusiastic supporters dressed in blue rang bells and waved party flags at the drive-in rally on West Road as she gave her speech on stage. The party leader said she had advised Governor Nigel Dakin to issue a writ of election that day, officially ordering the holding of the general election. “Confident of our victory, I am proud to announce that the general election will be held here in the Turks and Caicos Islands on February 19, 2021,” she said. “The People’s Democratic Movement will file a full slate of 15 outstanding candidates when nomination day is held on January 29 as we look to renew and expand our mandate.” Cartwright Robinson reminded voters that the elections are not about choosing the “perfect” party but electing representatives who will have their best interest at heart. “No one is perfect,” she said, “no side will ever have all the answers, but every election is about choosing who will seek your best interest, who will manage your affairs responsibly. “Who is more likely to not steal from you, who is more likely to respect and be honest with you and who are more likely not to cut deals behind your back.” The PDM leader added that her party is “ready for the next fight”. She said: “If this election turns out to be about leadership and character then the PDM shall win, if this election is about who has the best plans for the future then the PDM shall win. “If this election is about performance versus all talk, then we shall win.” “Four years ago we made history together and this year 2021 through the grace of God history shall repeat itself.” ‘GOOD POLICY’ Public opinion ratings of the PDM Government and the ruling party are high especially given its strong response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson rings a bell as she officially announces the date for the general election

However, support of the Government’s Covid-19 management is tempered by concerns over economic decline. Premier Cartwright Robinson said her Government has stepped up to the plate and offered substantive solutions to the territory’s economic recovery and healthcare. She stressed that in spite of all the challenges, her Government has kept the economy intact and is now ready to usher in a new year of growth and development in the TCI. “Your Government has consistently led well on every front, every time. Have we been perfect? Definitely not and the mistakes that we have made we continue to learn from them. “But this team I lead has provided at each moment of crisis unprecedented leadership and that is why we are coming back to you for a renewal of this contract understanding that at a time of a pandemic and at a time of challenge we cannot opt out of leadership that works for some evil-driven wishy washy agenda. “We understand the responsibility of high office, they will seek to divert attention with their echo chamber of noise because they know two things, the last time they were here it was chaos and confusion and this country was on auto-pilot.

“And secondly, the last time we have been here we saved the economy from collapse. “We have helped people that were hurt by the pandemic and we have expanded government service.” The premier said the fundamental of good governance is “good policy” and added that her Government has continuously delivered on both fronts. “It is good governance that allowed us to manage your affairs,

so that we could restore the territory’s credit worthiness. “It is so restored that when the pandemic struck and we needed a financial top up, a loan, we could’ve obtained that without having to turn to the UK for a guarantee. “We have made it clear over the years that governance is not a hustle for the few but a worthwhile endeavour that pursues a common good.” In the last elections held in

December 2016, the PDM won six of the ten constituencies and four of the five at-large seats. The elections were also contested by the Progressive National Party (PNP), main Opposition and former ruling party, led by Dr Rufus Ewing. The PNP won four constituency and one at-large seats. The smaller Progressive Democratic Alliance (PDA) under former chief minister Oswald Skippings, failed to win a seat.

New Year’s Day murder victim named THE MAN found dead in Kew Town, Providenciales, on New Year’s Day has been identified as Jean Venel Jacques, aged 50, from Haiti. Police named the victim of what they are now calling the Turks and Caicos Islands’ first murder of 2021, in a press release on January 5. Jacques was found on Walter Cox Drive on January 1 with what appeared to be a “blunt force trauma” to the head. Police were called out to the scene at about 6.50am, where the man was pronounced dead.

The victim of a murder in Wheeland just days earlier on December 27 has yet to be identified. Police received reports of a shooting at about 7pm on Miller Clarke Avenue and were dispatched to the area. They found a man on the ground with a gunshot wound. He was unresponsive and pronounced dead at the scene. Officers of the Serious Crimes Unit and Community Policing Unit are investigating the first murder of 2021 and the 23rd murder of 2020. Commissioner of Police

Trevor Botting said: “My team of detectives have been working flat out to investigate the deaths of these two men. “Progress is being made but we need the help from our communities. “Please tell us what you know about these incidents please tell us or pass what you know through Crime Stoppers. Work with us to get justice for the families of these men.” Anyone with information on either incident can call 911 or Crime Stoppers confidentially on 1-800-8477.




Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine being transported to cold storage at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre shortly after its arrival in the TCI

January 13-19, 2021

Nurse Alrisa Gardiner, primary healthcare manager and head of the vaccination programme; Health Minister Hon. Edwin Astwood and CEO of TCI Hospital, Dr Denise Braithwaite-Tennant updating the media on the vaccination plan

Almost 5,000 residents can be vaccinated with first batch of vaccine BY DELANA ISLES THE TURKS and Caicos Islands has received 9,750 doses of the Pfizer/BioNtech Covid-19 vaccine, enough to vaccinate 4,875 people with the required two doses. The first batch of the vaccine arrived in the territory late on Thursday, January 7, on a British Airways flight from London, United Kingdom. On hand to receive the vaccines were Governor Nigel Dakin, Deputy Governor Anya Williams, Director of Health Disaster Charlene Higgs, primary healthcare manager nurse Alrisa Gardiner, logistics director major Lucy Valentine, and Public Health England representative Thomas Munday. The public was updated on the local distribution plan on Friday, January 8, prior to its Monday (January 11) roll out. Presenting the details of the plan was nurse Alrisa Gardiner, primary healthcare manager and head of the vaccination programme. She explained that the first to receive the vaccine on Monday and Tuesday at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre would be government officials and healthcare providers. On Wednesday, the vaccination programme will be taken to Grand Turk, and then back to Providenciales on Friday. According to nurse Gardiner, just under 200 people have registered an interest in receiving the vaccine during this week. “The following week, we move on to those persons who are considered elderly - for this island 55 and over - and those

persons who have chronic, noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension… and those persons who are more susceptible to acquiring the virus. “After the second week, we continue the vaccination with the frontline workers group - that would be police officers, customs, immigration, prison officers etc. “After that group is finished, and looking at the registration portal that will be launched sometime next week… for the general public to register, we will move on to whoever else wants the vaccine.” Gardiner has urged everyone to register to take the vaccine as it is

proven to be safe and effective. She also shared some protective measures and guidelines that still need to be in place until immunisation is achieved. “After the first dose is taken you still need to wear your mask, you still need to practise physical distancing, and you still need to wash your hands. “After the second dose it takes seven days for the vaccine to start to work, so only after the second dose is given does the protection from the vaccine happen.” Minister of Health, Hon. Edwin Astwood, reminded residents that the vaccine is voluntary

to everyone, and that includes frontline workers. “It is not mandatory, it is not being forced on people, however we are encouraging persons to take the vaccine to protect themselves, protect their families and to protect our country.” He is again warning against false information that is out in the public domain about the vaccine, calling on residents to only get their information from reliable sources. As for the role the hospital is playing in this process, Dr Denise Braithwaite-Tennant, chief executive officer of TCI Hospital, said they are there as a support

Governor Nigel Dakin (third from left), Deputy Governor Anya Williams (second from left) and health officials were on hand to accept the vaccines from BA flight on January 7

system. “We firmly believe the vaccine is a key element in us to be able to achieve the three Ps… protection of our people, our patients and to ensure we have prosperity to ensure we live well and wellrounded lives. “Our role in this vaccine deployment is really from a supportive standpoint, specifically the emergency departments of both facilities will be on a heightened awareness and standby.” Dr Braithwaite-Tennant assured that is not to say that they expect there is going to be anything catastrophic happening - as they are well aware of the studies. But more so because they are always on standby when primary healthcare is delivering their vaccines, something that is done twice every week. “And we have also read the studies that say the incidence of any catastrophic events are actually less than one percent. “But of course we firmly believe in safety so we have done our preparation and we will be prepared on the day.” Staff members are fully apprised and have refreshed themselves on information surrounding the vaccine, the CEO stated. “…and also done refreshers in the management of our anaphylaxis, our basic life support and our advanced life support and coordination of the logistics with the Ministry of Health. “Be assured we are well prepared and we are ready to assist in any way, but we also know the evidence shows that very few people will have any adverse reactions related to the vaccine.”

January 13-19, 2021




8pm curfew returns to Grand Turk as Covid-19 cases skyrocket BY OLIVIA ROSE AS COVID-19 cases dramatically increase across the TCI, the Government has imposed an 8pm curfew on Grand Turk residents as part of its strict spread reduction measures. The 8pm to 5am curfew will come into effect on Wednesday (January 13) and remain until the January 27. All Grand Turk businesses have been ordered to close at 7pm that same day, while the existing 10pm business closure on all other islands has been extended until January 27. Existing regulations for churches, weddings and funerals will also remain in place for all islands. Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood and Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson made this announcement during a jointly held press conference on Tuesday (January 12). In updating the territory on additional Covid-19 protection measures, the health minister said: “At this time the science does not dictate that a curfew needs to be on Providenciales. “However if we see changes in the numbers and we see an increase in spread we may have to visit that.” Astwood explained that about a month ago Covid-19 cases were moderately low across the TCI, however the numbers dramatically shot up over the festive season.

Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson urged residents to continue following health and safety recommendations

“On December 12, we were reporting 21 cases in Providenciales, now we have 175 [active] cases identified. 116 in Providenciales and 59 in Grand Turk. “We must reduce the trending growth and spread of Covid-19 in our country and we must do it now. “We know what works and we know what measures are effective in preventing further spread.” The health minister reminded residents that the TCI has not

eradicated the coronavirus and aggressive preventative measures are still necessary to slow the transmission rate of the virus. “This is a new year but there is still a stretch of hard road before us. “Covid-19 is still here and still threatening our lives, our livelihoods, our healthcare system, our tourist industry and the wellbeing of our friends, our family and our neighbours.” The Government has also

announced a ban on social gathering. “No person shall host or attend any public gathering or social activity of any description on any island as at January 13 until 5am on January 27, 2021.” He further explained that the ministry has seen that most cases were due to “ill-advised” social gatherings and social activities including house parties and street parties. “Many people are saying Covid can spread in the day as it spreads in

the night so why shut down only at night, but remember people interact more socially at nights more often and measures are not adhered to. We have seen that. “So in order to prevent these activities from happening in the night time when most of the violations take place...most of the carousing, most of the drinking, where our guard is let down, we have to do something to curtail what happens at night time.” Cartwright Robinson said work clusters at several resort properties in Providenciales and a single workplace cluster on Grand Turk stemming from social gatherings over the holidays sparked a sharp increase in Covid-19 positive cases. She urged residents to continue following health and safety recommendations to help reduce the spread. “We see how a small group and the actions of a few can impact us nationally,” she said. “We see an impact on our prison services and our hospital services, both being well managed. “I just want to emphasise that we cannot lose our earlier gains. Team Health is working on many fronts the important work of testing and the rolling out of the vaccine among other important routine work in health. “We must do our best to continue to support this team and ourselves by being vigilant and by following protocols,” she stressed.

Chief justice promises courts for North and South Caicos BY DELANA ISLES AMONG the plans proposed for the new year in the judiciary is the hosting of courts in the family islands. Chief Justice Mabel Agyemang is the driving force behind this initiative - as she has been with a number of other notable projects since her appointment in April 2020. “In line with the goal of providing access to justice, the judiciary intends to take justice to the doorstep of every person in this country,” the chief justice said during the January 4 opening of the 2021 law year. “We have therefore set in motion a project to provide magistrate’s court houses in North and South Caicos this year. “Suitable buildings are being identified by the Department of

Infrastructure, and we hope to have our court presence in these islands, hopefully, by the third quarter of this year,” she added. This is but one of many other projects the chief justice has outlined for 2021. Other projects include a court account. This, Agyemang said, will solve a big problem that has plagued the judiciary for some time due to the delay and difficulty in retrieval of monies paid into court. Another project is the introduction of new civil and criminal procedure rules. “The technical teams which have judges from the region as team leaders and our judges and attorneys in their membership, have been working hard since December 2020, to provide new rules to make us current in our practice.” There is also set to be the introduction of what the chief

justice terms “e-judiciary” “Even before the pandemic, many jurisdictions were advancing, and quite a number had advanced to providing e-solutions to the work of the courts. “Our judiciary has joined that train. We plan to have a smart, electronic-savvy, paperless court. Our project, referred to as ‘e-judiciary’, has begun with engaging with companies in the business. “We have already had presentations made by three companies although only one has met our needs and has given us a quotation. “This company has a proven track record in this region for providing internet solutions for courts in the region. “We are going through the procurement processes in order to proceed with a contract. In

Chief Justice Mabel Agyemang announced plans for new magistrate’s courts

the meantime, we are working on registry readiness to help the effort.” Court connected mediation is yet another project set to launch this year. Chief Justice Agyemang

explained that this initiative is bound to decongest local courts of cases that can be settled amicably while protecting relationships, and will also provide in the proper case for restorative victim/offender justice in criminal justice.




January 13-19, 2021

Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said: “Vaccinating our adult population is one sure way for us to get back to the old normal”

Pfizer/BioNTech Coronavirus vaccine

Mass vaccination both a health and economic necessity - premier BY OLIVIA ROSE PREMIER Sharlene Cartwright Robinson has said vaccinating the territory’s adult population is both a “health and economic necessity”. The premier made these remarks on Saturday (January 9), at a PDM political rally in Grand Turk just two days before the official roll out of the TCI’s Covid-19 vaccination programme. She reminded supporters that the ongoing pandemic has undoubtedly changed many aspects of life and adversely impacted the Islands’ economy. Against this backdrop she said mass vaccination will certainly aid in a return to normalcy. “We stand here tonight two days before we begin to roll out the vaccine in an ambitious plan to have every adult in the Turks and Caicos Islands who is so inclined, vaccinated. “Vaccinating our adult population is one sure way for us

to get back to the old normal. “As a country and as a people largely dependent on the interaction with each other and the rest of the world - we are of the view that this is both a health and economic necessity.” She said that over the last few weeks the territory has seen an emergence of some Covid-19 clusters which has forced the Government to take some “fresh action”. “Right here on Grand Turk we have a number of new cases that must be reasoned to give us cause for concern, but I must say I’m confident in the monitoring and management by our local health authorities. “While we can feel proud of the job in managing through this pandemic, we still have to remain vigilant and disciplined. “Your sacrifices and your role remains key and central to our success, we need you not to drop your guard.” The premier said the first rally

in the capital, which was held as a drive-in and virtual event, emphasised her Government’s commitment to follow the protocols to keep people safe. “We know that there are a lot of people who wanted to come out here tonight, absolutely excited about our platform, and we’ve explained as we walked through today that it was important that we maintain a virtual event. “To our very enthusiastic supporters, we begged for your understanding. These times are not normal times.” Cartwright Robinson said that her Government worked closely with the UK government and Public Health England to acquire the vaccine, which proved safe during clinical trials. She urged residents to consider being vaccinated. “While the vaccination is not mandatory we will appeal to all of our people to consider getting vaccinated. My family and I will do so.

“As a mother I remember taking my children to get their vaccines to protect against certain diseases. “We have taken vaccines all our lives and it has been the power of science and medicine that has helped prolong our lives and save us from misery. “People all over the world are living longer than at any time in history even as we face other challenges - in spite of our challenges to long life such as crime and violence, natural disasters and lifestyle diseases.” The first batch of Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine (9,750 doses), which is enough to vaccinate about 4,875 people or 10 percent of the TCI’s population, arrived on Thursday, January 7. The Ministry of Health has drawn up a plan for the effective roll out of the vaccine, which will be administered by intramuscular injection in the upper arm, over the next few weeks. During an address to the nation on December 23, Chief Medical

Officer Dr Nadia Astwood said the vaccine has been proven to be 95 percent effective at preventing Covid-19 in people without evidence of previous infection. The CMO said the territory’s vaccination strategy will broadly follow the recommendations of the World Health Organisation, Pan American Health Organisation and Public Health England. Dr Astwood explained that priority groups for the first phase of vaccination will include the elderly, healthcare workers, those with underlying medical conditions who are at the greatest risk for hospitalisation and those living and working in congregated settings such as long-term care facilities. Once these priority groups are vaccinated, additional frontline workers who are at increased risk of exposure to the virus will be targeted, followed by the wider general public as more vaccines become available.

More staff test positive for Covid-19 in Her Majesty’s Prison FIVE more employees at Her Majesty’s Prison in Grand Turk have tested positive for Covid-19, bringing to total to 19. The Ministry of Health announced the additional cases on January 7 following testing by the National Public Health Laboratory on January 1. “Contact tracing is underway for all of the new cases in order to implement control measures including testing and quarantine,” the ministry said. On December 29, 14 members

of staff at the prison were reported as having Covid-19 and had been temporarily removed from duty. After identifying the first positive result, the Public Health Team and the prison service immediately began contact tracing, the ministry said at the time. They identified others with symptoms who were subsequently tested and quarantined. “The Ministry of Health views this as a workplace cluster and will continue to make every effort to minimise spread within HMP.”

It added: “The situation is being closely monitored by the senior management team at HMP Grand Turk due to the nature of the closed population at the prison. “Every effort is being made to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of both the staff and inmates and protection of the public.” The Ministry of Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation said the prison cases followed an outbreak of Covid-19 in Grand Turk.

“Specific special measures” were introduced on Christmas Day at 4pm and remain in place, it added. “There are significant restrictions to prisoners to ensure the risk of infection is reduced.” Prisoners are being briefed daily on actions and direction on operations in the prison and mitigation of potential further risks. In-cell activity has been increased and prisoners continue to receive exercise individually.

Prisoners are using face masks and sanitiser and prison officers are using full PPE. Telephone calls to family members have also been increased. “The prison remains calm and all are engaging responsibly and safely with the strengthened protocols,” the home affairs ministry added. Contact tracing supports the view that infection of staff was likely within social settings, outside the prison and prior to Christmas.

January 13-19, 2021




New law year opens with look back at 2020’s accomplishments BY DELANA ISLES ONE of the more significant events in 2020 for the local judiciary was the appointment of new Chief Justice Justice Mabel Agyemang, a native of Ghana. Since her appointment in April 2020, the judiciary has undergone some significant changes and advancements. On Monday, January 4, during the opening of the 2021 law year held via video conference, the chief justice highlighted many of these changes. Notable among these was the collaborative efforts between the judiciary and the Attorney General’s Chambers that have produced a legislative regime enabling the judiciary to survive in turbulent times, and even move forward in a drive towards institutional excellence. “The judiciary is the beneficiary of the hard work of the Attorney General’s Chambers,” Agyemang said in her response to the opening motion presented by Attorney General Rhondalee BraithwaiteKnowles. “The mettle of that office has been proven in the murky waters of a pandemic, and the judiciary has been made agile and resilient because of the untiring efforts of the honourable attorney general and her staff. “…the response of the judiciary of the Turks and Caicos Islands to a pandemic that should have crippled our work, is that out of the ashes of our despair we have risen up to present to the country we serve a new judiciary with a new vision to provide access to quality justice, in spite of the troubled times.” In the realisation of this vision, the chief justice stated that AG’s Chambers has worked assiduously with the judiciary to make the running of the courts possible in a properly regulated manner, despite the times. Over the past year, the judiciary has been further improved with a number of key legislations. These include an amendment to the jury ordinance which has enabled the kind of jury trials that are due to be held in a few weeks, the chief justice said. “In these unique, pandemicoccasioned trials, the jury must be separated from the court and on occasion, from one another.” She added that with this enabling legislation, the court can

now begin to clear the backlog of criminal cases, and so provide fair hearing within a reasonable time. Other key pieces of legislation are the Court Live Link (Remote Participation) Ordinance 2020, Vulnerable Witnesses Ordinance 2020, Supreme Court Amendment Ordinance 2020, Court of Appeal (Amendment) Ordinance 2020, and a bail bill which is still in the development stages. The chief justice noted that the grant of bail is one area in which the administration of justice is sometimes at variance with public opinion. “Due to the public outcry that sometimes follows the grant of bail, and the unfortunate impression that the grant of bail contributes to a culture of impunity, I felt the need to initiate a bail ordinance. “A bail ordinance will provide some clarity regarding the matters for consideration in the exercise of the court’s discretion and in that way, give guidance to judges and magistrates when considering applications for bail.” She added that this bill will regulate the grant of bails and bring to members of the public, some level of confidence with regard to the handling of criminal cases. Tweaks are also being made to the law governing legal aid. “There is an urgent need for

a legal aid regime that provides properly for the poor in our community but is properly regulated to reduce or avoid abuse. “It should also dispel the erroneous, unfortunate impression held by many, that accessing it is automatic.” Another significant achievement during 2020, was the launch of the Turks and Caicos Islands Legal Information Institute (TCILII). This internet based initiative ensures that legal practitioners and the public alike, have free access to legal material necessary to advance and inform the protection of their legal rights. CHANGES IN STAFF A number of significant changes to staff were recorded in 2020, and a few others have now been made in 2021. In February 2020, the Court of Appeal welcomed Justice Stanley John and Justice Ian Winder. Justice Shiraz Aziz is now the assigned judge for Grand Turk, a move that is intended to put an end to the practice of flying prisoners to Providenciales. Justice Tanya Lobban-Jackson was elevated to the Supreme Court bench in April 2020. She will be the judge undertaking jury trials in Providenciales in the foreseeable future. Jolyon Hatmin was appointed

Chief Justice Justice Mabel Agyemang highlighted advancements to the judiciary

Chief Magistrate in 2020. Since that time, he has successfully completed the first coroner’s inquest to be held since 2013. “He deserves our congratulations,” Agyemang said. “Mr Hatmin is going to hold more inquests to clear the backlog built up over the years.” The chief justice also thanked attorney at law Tony Gruchot who served as acting magistrate. “The judiciary’s output was the better because of Mr Gruchot and we thank him for his service which ended on December 31, 2020.” During 2020, resident magistrate of Grand Turk, Kamar Anderson, resigned and a new magistrate was appointed - Keri-Ann Kemble, a former parish judge in Jamaica.

There is also a new resident magistrate of Providenciales, Oreika Selver-Gardiner, former president of the Bar Council. Selver-Gardiner has also been appointed director of the Judicial Education Institute. Carlo Mason, senior deputy registrar, is now the registrar in charge of the Supreme Court, Grand Turk. Also in 2020, the judiciary bid farewell to now-retired president of the Court of Appeal: Sir Elliot Mottley, after about 17 years of service to the TCI. His post as president of the Court of Appeal is yet to be filled. In the meantime, Justice Humphrey Stollmeyer will act as president of the court.

Eight more hospital employees test positive for Covid-19 A FURTHER eight hospital employees have tested positive for Covid-19, just weeks after two others were diagnosed at the end of December. The total number of confirmed employees affected is seven, up from two, in Cockburn Town Medical Centre in Grand Turk, and three in Cheshire Hall Medical Centre in Providenciales. All of the employees are under quarantine, asymptomatic and in good spirits, according to the TCI Hospital press office on January 6. Healthcare worker Covid-19 screening is continuing and contact tracing efforts are underway in partnership with the TCI Government’s Public Health Team.

Several new precautionary measures have been implemented across both medical centres to further mitigate against the spread of the virus. These include the temporary suspension of staff rotations and work-related travel between Grand Turk and Providenciales hospitals and medical centres, except in cases of emergency. “Unfortunately, the latest case developments have now impacted on some routine services,” the press office said. Wound care services at Cockburn Town Medical Centre’s Outpatient Department were suspended until Friday, January 8. “Our management team is currently monitoring the local

Covid-19 trends and the number of active cases. “In-person clinic consultations are under review with a possible increase in the number of telemedicine clinics, where appropriate, to safeguard our patients and essential healthcare workers.” The hospital continues to enforce robust environmental cleaning measures and a mandatory face mask requirement. Patients must comply with all Covid-19 measures. If anyone has any symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 they should cancel their appointment and call the Covid-19 Hotline on 232-9444 or 333-0911. Signs and symptoms of

Covid-19 can include fever, headache, dry cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhoea, joint pain, loss of taste and loss of smell. The first two cases in Cockburn Town Medical Centre tested positive after contact with a confirmed positive case outside of the hospital. Detection was made during the hospital’s regular healthcare worker screening process, and contact tracing began immediately. All employees are required to wear face masks and other personal protective equipment while at work, and the hospital teams receive ongoing infection prevention and control training.


January 13-19, 2021


The Beautiful by Nature Cruise An ingenious proposal to the TCI Tourist Board THE TURKS and Caicos Islands boast some of the most spectacular shoreline the world has ever seen. Exquisite white sand beaches flank this necklace of 40 islands and cays nimbly caressed by crystalline turquoise waters, harbouring the 14-mile long brilliantly coloured scuba-diving barrier reef on Providenciales north shore and a phenomenal 2,134 metres underwater wall off Grand Turk. Nestled inside the Lucayan Archipelago and pounded constantly by the rugged Atlantic Ocean, these multi-island landscapes are mostly grassland, bearing two protruding slopes – Blue Hills on Providenciales and Flamingo Hill on East Caicos – both rising just 48 metres above normal ground and overlooking the aesthetic appeal of extensive salt marshes and mangrove swamps. From these unique features, the TCI is poised to accommodate its own cruise niche – a product feature with potential to outdo any regional tourist destination. This would place these tourist attractions in the front row of the travel industry, cementing return on investment (ROI),

BY D MARKIE SPRING D Markie Spring, a TCI resident of 15 years, is an expert in law enforcement. He worked as a detective in the Royal TCI Police Force and was director of security at Beaches Turks and Caicos.

employment and stability. I am proposing the Beautiful by Nature Cruise initiative. The success of this venture is dependent upon the extent of planning and strategizing, capital structure, mass marketing and merger and acquisition. Therefore, the TCI Tourist Board must invite airlines and cruise companies, theme parks and other foreign investors to fund this new venture. How will this work? Passengers will fly to Grand Turk’s JAGS McCartney International Airport where they will board their cruise at Margaritaville. Because these cruises are limited to the TCI, second generation cruise ships with a capacity for 2,000 passengers and crew are

best suited for these operations. The cruise will allow passengers eight hours at each island. This suggests that both the Government and local entrepreneurs must establish upscale restaurants with internet, entertainment (culture), good roads, topof-the-line healthcare, cruise ship berths, shopping of local crafts and the development of tourist attractions, such as underground caves, nature trails, watersports, iguana reserves and seascapes. This would increase air traffic, especially on Grand Turk, and generate employment in IT, technician work, tour guides and water taxi services, Marketing would play a pivotal role in realising this ambition. It is common for

cruise and airline companies and theme parks to market the destinations they operate in, cutting cost for governments and local entrepreneurs when pursuing marketing campaigns. Billboards, most watched cable channels like CBS, NBC and BBC can be employed, while simultaneously offering packages to customers. But the local authorities cannot go at it alone. The Tourist Board must shop around for foreign investors, like Disney, to aide in theme parks and other expansive projects beyond the financial latitudes of local authorities and entrepreneurs. Right now, the TCI is in an economic hole. Tourism is shattered forcing the closure of many businesses. As we are aware, the year 2021 will be a slow recovery – a recovery package would make a difference to avoid the misery of the pandemic recession, reinvent businesses and help those who lost their jobs. Realising this recovery depends primarily on public policy decision making in Government and making huge investments in the tourism sector to drive the economy in these challenging times.

Make a fresh start today WE ARE in a new year and because of this let us use this as an opportunity to make a fresh start. No, your problems will not go away because it is a new year. Yes, some of us have been making resolutions annually on the first day of the year and do not maintain them. Whatever problems you have or had and whatever resolutions you made in the past, don’t look back - focus on making a fresh start today. One means to make a fresh start is that you should not look at the past. Some of you may have experienced some failures in the past and because of those failures you continue to dwell on the past. Make a fresh start, as the circumstances of the past may not be the same circumstances in the present. Even if the circumstances appear to be the same, there may be other factors that contributed to the failures in the past that no longer exist, so make a fresh start and stop dwelling on the past. Making a fresh start will also require you to take some risks. You never know what the outcome may be if you take the risks. One of the first things I learned in my economics class in college is that the greater the risks, the greater the rewards. Another thing is that when you make a fresh start, believe that you will be


Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.

successful. Don’t ever believe you will fail and even if you encounter some failures, setbacks and disappointments during your fresh start, continue to believe. Sometimes in making a fresh start, it may require you to make a move. This move may require a change in jobs, a change in career or even a change in your environment. I know some of you are so comfortable in your current state but if you need a fresh start, try moving from your current state. Start fresh by focusing on at least one goal that is achievable. Pursue that goal and then when you complete that goal, move onto the next goal. Do not procrastinate and do not be distracted. Your goal may be to read the Bible in a year. Stay focused and find a Bible plan and be committed to reading it in a year.

Your goal may be to take and pass some professional exams to improve your marketability and your income. Also, sometimes in order to make a fresh start, you need to sever ties with some individuals. Of course, you should not have any animosity towards anyone or inability to

Don’t ever believe you will fail and even if you encounter some failures, continue to believe forgive but there are some people in your life who are stumbling blocks. They are using you and are preventing you from moving ahead. Make a fresh start by letting go of some of them. In conclusion, making a fresh start is one of the best things you can do at the beginning of this year. Start today.

We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.

Send letters to

January 13-19, 2021



Five-year long corruption trial to end in 2021, DPP predicts BY DELANA ISLES THE SPECIAL Investigation and Prosecution Team (SIPT) led trial into corruption in the TCI Government is now projected to wrap up in December 2021. This is yet another beginning of the year prediction, this time by Director of Public Prosecutions, Eugene Otuonye QC, as the fiveyear long trial drags on. Every such prediction since 2016, has been proven incorrect, for a myriad of reasons. In 2020, the trial recorded a severely decreased number of hearings, due largely to the Covid-19 pandemic, and a defence motion challenging the remote sitting of the court. Among the reasons proffered was that the defendants’ constitutional rights were being breached by having a judge sit outside of the jurisdiction - even as the regulations provided for remote sittings of the court. These challenges reached all the way to the Privy Council in the United Kingdom, by way of an appeal of the Court of Appeal’s decision to dismiss their motion. Having first been similarly denied in the Supreme Court. The motion also failed at the Privy Council, and a final effort by the defence team in December

Director of Public Prosecutions Eugene Otuonye QC predicts the SIPT will end within 12 months

to challenge the out-of-jurisdiction sitting of Judge Paul Harrison, also failed. Shortly after that denial by the trial judge, the trial was adjourned for the Christmas holiday, with a January 11 tentative resumption date. Director Otuonye continues to have oversight over the trial, and at the opening of the law year on Monday, January 4, he gave a brief overview of where the case is at the moment. “The prosecution's case was closed in September 2018. “In July 2019, Justice Harrison overruled no case submissions and held that each of the defendants has a case to answer in all counts

Two charged with serious offences TWO men are in jail awaiting court after being charged with serious crimes. Paul Andrew Missick, 28 from the Bight, Providenciales, was arrested on December 31 and charged with attempted burglary, carrying ammunition and five counts of robbery. It is alleged that a man attempted to enter a home in Long Bay shortly after 3pm on September 15, 2020. He then robbed a female in the presence of her young child, took her silver Toyota Rav4 SUV, and went on to commit five other robberies in the Bight. They included the robbery of a gas station in the Lower Bight and the robbery of a woman on Tropical Street in Grace Bay. The car was discovered soon afterwards in a bushy area in the Lower Bight. Missick faced Providenciales Magistrate’s Court last Thursday (January 7) and was remanded in custody.

Neal Howard Anderson Rigby, 49, of Five Cays was arrested and charged on January 5 for three separate burglary offences and handling stolen goods. It was reported that on December 16, 2020 a restaurant located on the Leeward Highway Providenciales was burgled and a number of personal items and equipment were stolen. Also, between December 29 and 31, a villa on Forbes Road was burgled twice - clothing, electronics and food items were stolen. He faced Providenciales Magistrate’s Court last Thursday (January 7) where he pleaded not guilty and was remanded in custody. Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said: “These charges have come about after diligent and professional policing and I applaud the work of my officers. “We are committed to keeping our communities safe and we will be relentless in going after those people or seek to cause harm and fear in our communities.”

of the indictment. “The defendants began their defence in November 2019 and the proceedings suffered recent delays due largely to Covid-19. “The proceedings are expected to restart on January 11, 2021.” The director added: “Barring unnecessary delays and other exigent circumstances, I am optimistic the SIPT trial will be

concluded by the end of this year.” The trial began on December 18, 2015. It has now been 10 years since the investigation started into alleged corrupt practices during the Michael Misick administration. To date the entire venture has cost the Turks and Caicos Islands Government more than $100 million - from investigation to trial. For years, successive governments have complained about the money being funnelled into the trial, while residents suffer - first due to the devastating effects of hurricanes Ike in 2008 on the country and people, then similar effects from hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. And now, in 2021, as the territory is suffering a major economic blow and seeking to rebound through borrowing, as a result of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, defence lawyers are once again calling for an end to the trial. “There is not a single defence attorney who would not wish to see the end of this case now,”

Queen’s Counsel Jerome Lynch, the defence attorney for McAllister Hanchell, told a local newspaper in September. His sentiments were echoed in the same article by defence lawyer Reginald Armour, who is representing chief defendant and ex-premier Michael Misick. “I entirely support and endorse the comments of my colleague, Jerome Lynch QC,” Armour told the newspaper. He stated: “The debacle represented by the wholly objectionable and unfair length of this trial and the burden on my client, and by extension the other defendants and their families, is immeasurable and unprecedented in the emotional and psychological trauma being exacted and, I too consider that it is past time that the Honourable Attorney General issue a nolle prosequi in the public interest.” A nolle prosequi is the abandonment by a plaintiff or prosecutor of all or part of a suit or action.

Local lawyer sworn in as resident magistrate BY DELANA ISLES IN LINE with the major strides taken over the past year in the local judiciary, lawyer Oreika Selver-Gardiner has been sworn in as a magistrate. Born to TCI father and Bahamian mother, she will serve as the resident magistrate for Providenciales. Selver-Gardiner was officially sworn in on December 30, 2020, and has already been hard at work on the bench. During the opening of the 2021 law year, Chief Justice Mabel Agyemang had some gracious words of welcome on the new appointment. “We welcome her to our fold, and to her first post as a full time judicial officer with open arms. “Mrs Selver-Gardiner has also graciously agreed to be director of the Judicial Education Institute, to source programmes and courses to improve the bench and judicial staff, and also to build local capacity. “I encourage her to apply the same vigour and competence I have seen first-hand in her role as president of the Bar Council in her new, dual role on behalf

Oreika Selver-Gardiner is new magistrate for Providenciales

of the judiciary.” Selver-Gardiner is a former attorney with Saunders and Co, criminal prosecutor with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution, legal counsel with Invest Turks and Caicos and her most recent post, president of the Bar Council for two years and 11 months. In late 2020, the judiciary of the TCI formally launched its Judicial Education Institute (JEI), under the leadership of the chief justice. The purpose of the TCI arm of the JEI is to bolster, through access to training and sensitisation programmes, the

capacity and service delivery of judicial officers and court staff. It aims to strengthen the administration of justice as the judiciary continues to build public trust and confidence in the judicial system. Also last year, the JEI hosted its first training programme entitled ‘Improving Judicial Skills: Coherence and Clarity in Judgment Writing’. That programme, under the tutelage of the Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute, was open to all judicial officers. The JEI is headquartered at the Supreme Court Building, Pond Street, Grand Turk.



January 13-19, 2021

Hotelier and founder of Sandals Resorts International, Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart, laid to rest in Jamaica

Caribbean hotel mogul Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart laid to rest in Jamaica BY OLIVIA ROSE CARIBBEAN hotelier and founder of Sandals Resorts International, Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart, was laid to rest this week at his Rio Chico property in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. The Jamaican appliance salesman, who became one of the world’s greatest hoteliers, passed away in Miami, Florida, on January 4 at the age of 79. A private funeral was attended by members of his family on Saturday (January 9). In an intimate setting on the Thursday prior, Sandals Resorts International staff and a select group of business operators paid their respects at Sandals Montego Bay Chapel. On the Friday, Jamaican dignitaries, close friends and wellwishers paid their respects at a viewing ceremony at Stella Maris

Roman Catholic Church, according to the Jamaica Gleaner. The legendary Jamaican entrepreneur who was regarded as a statesman was given a send-off befitting of the title as his coffin was draped with the Jamaican flag. In announcing his passing on January 5 in a correspondence to Sandals managers, Adam Stewart said his father chose to keep his recent health diagnosis private. “This news seems almost unbelievable since our chairman was as involved and forward thinking as ever. “He chose to keep a very recent health diagnosis private and we respected that wish.” The younger Stewart hailed his father as a “gifted entrepreneur” and an “unstoppable force who revelled in defying the odds and exceeding expectations”. “My dad lived a big life,” he said of the entrepreneurial giant

who also founded the Jamaica Observer and ATL Group. Adam said his father’s passion for family was “matched only by the people and possibility of the Caribbean, for whom he was a fierce champion.” “He was a marketing genius and talented showman, but those who knew him best recognised that he was a dreamer who could dream bigger and better than anyone. “It was often said ‘the best thing for people around him to do is be dream catchers’. “That’s why he always credited his success to the incredible team around him, why he listened intently when it came to creating innovative things that would excite and delight our guests, and why it is so important that I remind you today of all days, that we will all continue to be his dream catchers. “Together, we have all been part of something bigger than ourselves,

led by a man who believed in us and who gave us opportunities to learn, grow and the tools to make dreams real. “For him and because of him, we will continue to dream big and deliver on his certainty that true luxury is always best enjoyed by the sea.” “There will never be another quite like him and we will miss him forever,” Adam said. OUTPOURING OF TRIBUTES The news of the celebrated businessman’s passing saw tributes pouring in from leaders and tourism organisations throughout the Caribbean and internationally. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said Stewart will be remembered for his “invaluable contribution” to the TCI and the region. “This loss is a Caribbean loss.

We as a region should be proud of his achievements and what he has done for the Caribbean internationally and locally in the countries where he has invested. “The chairman of the Sandals Group will long be remembered for his invaluable contribution to regional tourism through his homegrown brand and certainly for his leading resort here in the Turks and Caicos Islands: Beaches Turks and Caicos.” Prime Minister of Jamaica, Andrew Holness said: “Butch was a man way ahead of his time. “He had an eye for details and his ability to market and deliver world class service in any endeavour was tremendously distinctive. “He was an extraordinary human being with an unwavering commitment to the social good.” Governor of the US Virgin Islands Albert Bryan Junior hailed the late businessman for helping to

January 13-19, 2021 position tourism as the Caribbean’s major economic driver. “We also remember that while he propelled the growth of tourism he did so in a way that increased local control to ensure its profits benefitted Caribbean people and their communities. “He is carried into the arms of his Lord with our respect, affection and gratitude.” The Turks and Caicos Tourist Board described Stewart as a “visionary leader whose life and legacy should inspire us all to dream bigger and aspire to greatness”. “As the largest resort and largest private sector employer in the country, this loss is felt throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands and indeed the entire Caribbean region. “Mr Stewart has made an immeasurable contribution to the tourism industry of the Turks and Caicos Islands through Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa.” The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association said the industry will “forever be indebted to ‘Butch’ for his continued passion for excellence and legendary Caribbean hospitality”. It added that: “His vision has bestowed to the global industry a Caribbean organisation that adheres to the highest standards of excellence, celebrates and promotes the region’s uniqueness, and invests in the development of our people and communities.” STEWART FOUNDS SANDALS RESORTS In 1981, Stewart bought a rundown hotel on a magnificent beach in Montego Bay, Jamaica, a press release from Sandals Resorts International revealed. Seven months and $4 million in renovations later, Sandals Montego Bay opened as the flagship of what is now the most popular allinclusive resort chain in the world. Although he never laid claim to inventing the “all-inclusive” concept, he is recognised worldwide for his tireless effort to elevate the experience. He delivered to his guests an unsurpassed level of luxury, and shared his certainty that a Caribbean company could successfully compete with any organisation in the world. Stewart fostered a company free to imagine and free to consistently raise the bar. This ethos earned him the title of ‘King of All-Inclusives’, changing the face of the all-inclusive format and establishing Sandals Resorts as the most successful brand. It boasted year-round occupancy levels of more than 85 percent, an unequalled returning guest factor of 40 percent and demand that has led to unprecedented expansion. This included the creation of additional concepts such as Beaches Resorts, now the industry


Cheryl Stewart giving an emotional tribute to her husband during his funeral service (Photo by Joseph Wellington)

standard for excellence in family beach vacations. Stewart’s successes have garnered hundreds of personal and industry awards including Jamaica’s highest national distinctions, and his philanthropic efforts are diverse. Sandals and Beaches Resorts currently give active support to more than 150 major projects in its host communities through its philanthropic arm, The Sandals Foundation. This support ranges from the building of schools to the paying of teachers, to providing hospitals with linens, to bringing healthcare to the doorsteps of those who cannot afford it. In 2012, Stewart founded the Sandals Corporate University, aimed at providing professional development for employees through reputable education and training programmes. With access to more than 230 courses and external partnerships with 13 top-ranking local and international universities, every staff member can apply, broaden their knowledge, and advance their career. Stewart was born in Kingston on July 6, 1941, and grew up along the island’s North Coast.

Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart’s sons Adam (front left), Bobby (front right) and Gordon Junior (behind Adam) (Photo by Joseph Wellington)




January 13-19, 2021

South Caicos to finally get a new airport BY DELANA ISLES A NEW and structurally sound airport terminal for South Caicos will soon be a reality. On Monday (January 11), Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, Government officials and investors officially broke ground for the terminal and combined service building. The project, which has been in the planning stages for over a decade, has encountered many challenges over the years. Among the issues were the termination of the procurement process by former governor John Freeman in early 2018 and a devastating fire at the temporary facility in March last year. But despite the setbacks, a new procurement process has been completed, a contract signed and execution of the project is finally underway. At the ground-breaking, South Caicos native Premier Cartwright Robinson said she is happy not just for the people of South Caicos, but also the TCI Airports Authority (TCIAA) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) family, that the project is finally coming to fruition. “This is a day that should bring excitement; however, I can certainly understand any apprehension that residents may feel having had the experiences in relation to a new terminal in South Caicos.” She stated that like everyone else, she was disheartened when in 2018 the then governor John Freeman following an audit cancelled the procurement process toward a contract to build. “I must be clear that despite the accounts being given by persons who know better, no contract had been awarded and no elected official in my Government, myself included, cancelled or can cancel a procurement process. “It is regrettable, but it was a correct decision taken by former governor John Freeman.” Following this hiccup, the project was re-tendered later in 2018, but this did not move it forward in that year. In March 2020, a newly enhanced temporary terminal structure was destroyed by fire. Then just one month later, a contract was awarded for the build

of the new terminal and combined service building. “I understand the frustration for you, the people of South Caicos, as you waited and have been waiting for the new terminal.” The premier added: “It has been a rollercoaster of emotions for you, the residents of South Caicos, for you, the TCIAA family, and you, the CAA family, who had to endure these setbacks, inconveniences and challenges. “Today, I am excited that we are finally on our way. I want to assure the people of South Caicos that the board and staff at Airports Authority has taken every precaution to ensure there are no challenges to process and this time around. “South Caicos will get the airport that this island has waited so long for.” The project is once again estimated to take some 18 months to complete. Upon its completion, the new international airport will be named in honour of a South Caicos icon the late James Arthur Bassett. “We honour his memory and we celebrate his legacy through this decision,” the premier stated.

The first turning of the sod at the site of the new airport terminal in South Caicos

Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, Government ministers and investors

Integrity Commission appoints new director THE TCI Integrity Commission has appointed Paul Martin as its new director, in place of Greg Christie who resigned earlier this year. Martin comes to the position with a wealth of experience gained over 30 years as an operational police officer in the Metropolitan Police and Norfolk Constabulary in the UK. He has planned, led and executed many complex criminal and administrative investigations as a detective or investigator at every rank. The new director has also had international experience between 2011 and 2014 in Kosovo, formerly part of Yugoslavia. There he was responsible for

writing the standard operating procedure for the management of organised crime. Martin is no stranger to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Between 2014 and 2016, he was the senior investigator and intelligence officer for the territory. He was tasked with investigating public sector corruption and money laundering by public officials. “The commission is of the view that Mr Martin possesses the necessary skills and expertise that the commission needs at this time in its director,” a press release said. Martin has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics and History.

Paul Martin is the new director of the TCI Integrity Commission

January 13-19, 2021



Hospital appoints new top staff members TWO major appointments were made at TCI Hospital on the first day of the year. Dr Dawn Perry-Ewing is now chief of medical services and Dr Sani Amatti is deputy chief of medical services, a press release announced on January 8. Dr Perry-Ewing has been practicing as a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist and senior administrative physician in the TCI since 2001. “As a member of the healthcare provider team of the TCI Hospital, I am committed to the continued mission and vision of our organisation in delivering quality healthcare to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands,” she said. “It is my hope that the new physician leadership of the institution in these most challenging times, will provide our community, our staff and our stakeholder partners in healthcare with the support and fortitude that is so greatly required as we face 2021.” Dr Perry-Ewing holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Doctorate in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and a Master’s of Public Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore Maryland. She is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. During her years of professional training in Jamaica, the Bahamas, USA and Canada, she has gained a wealth of clinical experience and knowledge. She led the team that performed

Dr Dawn Perry-Ewing appointed as chief of medical services at TCI Hospital

the first major surgery in Providenciales at the Myrtle Rigby Health Complex in 2001, and later served as director of clinical services. She joined TCI Hospital in 2010 as consultant head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Chief executive officer Dr Denise Braithwaite-Tennant said: “Dr Perry-Ewing is one of the longest serving members of the hospital medical team.

Man, 69, arrested over huge cannabis haul A SIXTY-nine-year-old Wheeland man has pled guilty to possession of nearly two pounds of cannabis worth about $9,000. Police officers were on mobile patrol in Granny Hill, Five Cays, Providenciales at about 3.49am on January 5 when they spotted Joseph Greenford Gardiner. They stopped and spoke to him before searching his person, the police press office said. As a result of the drugs being found, Gardiner was arrested and taken to the Chalk Sound Police Station where the haul was weighed. The drugs clocked in at 1.961

pounds (892 grams) with a street value of $8,920. He was charged with drugs possession and pled guilty in court last week. He was scheduled for sentencing on Tuesday (January 12). According to the Control of Drugs Ordinance it is an offence for a person to have cannabis - a class B drug - in their possession. If brought before a magistrate, those guilty of possession of cannabis could be given a fine of up to $40,000 or three years in jail or both. If brought before Supreme Court the sentence can be raised to an unlimited fine or up to seven years in prison or both.

“She has a wide range of experience due to her years of service within the public and private sector operating at executive roles and driving strategic health system development. Dr Perry-Ewing has led her team in several successful accreditation projects and quality improvement initiatives.” New deputy chief of medical services Dr Sani Amatti, a senior consultant paediatrician and neonatologist at TCI Hospital, said he was “humbled and elated” to accept the role. “I am excited about the possibilities that are ahead and the ability to contribute to the upcoming teaching hospital programme and train new local junior doctors. “I will strive not only to be a success within my role, but also to be of value to the wider community. Thank you to the entire team for your continuous support.” Dr Amatti provides medical

Dr Sani Amatti serves as new deputy chief of medical services at TCI Hospital

and executive oversight of the Directorate for Neonatal and Paediatric Care as the head of the Paediatrics Unit. He holds a Master’s in Public Health: Epidemiology, Clinical Research and Evaluation, and received his medical degree and specialisation in paediatrics and neonatology from the Havana Higher Institute of Medical Science in Cuba. Dr Amatti is fluent in Spanish, English and French and has served as a consultant paediatrician and neonatologist at the University of Botswana, Princess Marina Teaching Hospital Gaborone in Botswana. He also served as senior resident paediatrician and neonatologist at St Ann’s Bay Hospital- North East Regional Health Authority in Jamaica, and resident paediatrician and neonatologist at the National Reference Centre of Neonatal Care in Havana, Cuba. He is a certified facilitator

for the Neonatal Resuscitation Programme and champions the medication reconciliation standard requirements for the hospital’s accreditation programme. Dr Braithwaite-Tennant described Dr Amatti as “passionate about people and quality improvement”. “He is dedicated, hardworking and an experienced specialist physician with a wealth of knowledge. “He has been the lead for our medication reconciliation initiative that has won his team the Diamond Challenge.” She concluded: “Both candidates were selected following a competitive interview process involving several of our talented medical professionals. “They both possess a wealth of experience, and I am confident that their input at the senior management level will add value to our operations and the wider community.”

Grand Turk buildings go up in flames TWO buildings in Over Back, Grand Turk, were engulfed in flames last week – the cause is not yet known. Police and fire officers responded to a call about a fire on Bakers Hill Road at about 2.27am on January 4. The fire crew extinguished the blaze and no injuries were reported. “Police are awaiting a report from the fire department to determine the exact cause of this

fire,” the police press office said. Just last month a historic Grand Turk home was destroyed by arsonists in what Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson called an “unpatriotic and senseless” crime. At the time Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said: “Arson is a devastating and dangerous crime and we are committed to finding the persons responsible for this.” He described the number of

fires and the devastation they have caused to a small community as “unacceptable and a real concern to us all”. “We need the communities to help stop whoever is doing this; so please tell us what you know.” Anyone with any information on any incident can call 911, Grand Turk Police Station on 946-2299 or Crime Stoppers confidentially on 1-800-8477.



January 13-19, 2021

Judiciary records prosecutorial successes in 2020 BY DELANA ISLES DIRECTOR of Public Prosecution, Eugene Otuonye QC, reported a significant uptick in prosecutions and successes for his department in 2020 even amid the global pandemic. The disclosure was made during the opening of the new law year, held virtually on Monday, January 4, 2021. “Of the three pillars of our strategic plan, the focus in 2020 was on our work - the objective was to deliver our prosecutorial service at the highest professional standard and quality. “Although, we believe we were not yet there, we advanced towards this objective,” Otuonye told the virtual gathering of members of the judiciary and the Government. This, he added, is evidenced by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution Statistics for 2020 compared with 2019. In the Court of Appeal, during the August to September 2020 sitting, the office successfully responded to eight out of the nine criminal appeal matters before the court. This resulted in eight out of the nine criminal appeals being

dismissed. The director said his office also filed and successfully prosecuted an appeal against the decision of the appellate court. “This translates to a 90 percent success rate, and contrasts remarkably with the 35 percent success rate of last year.” These appeal matters do not include the recent appeal proceedings arising from or associated with the SIPT trial. In the Supreme Court, the office prosecuted 21 matters; of this number, there were 14 convictions or 67 percent conviction rate. “Again, this contrasts with 56 percent conviction rate in 2019 when 50 cases were prosecuted, and 28 convictions were recorded,” Otuonye stated. Meanwhile, in the Magistrate’s Court 208 matters were prosecuted, resulting in 175 convictions or 84 percent conviction rate. This, the director added, is also an improvement on the 2019 rate of 81 percent when 348 Magistrate’s Court cases were prosecuted, out of which 281 convictions were recorded. He further noted that the total number of cases prosecuted in the Supreme and Magistrate’s Courts

was 229 compared to 393 in 2019 this is 164 cases less, or a decrease of 42 percent. Out of the 229 prosecuted there were 189 convictions or 83 percent conviction rate compared to 79 percent in 2019. Otuonye stated that the nonconviction matters were disposed of either by not guilty verdicts, nolle prosequi, withdrawn, dismissed, no case to answer, discharged and no evidence offered. Additionally, in 2020, the office filed two criminal appeals to the Privy Council in the United Kingdom and responded to one criminal appeal. The director said these appeals are still pending largely due to the Covid-19 pandemic. STATISTICS A further breakdown of the 2020 court numbers was offered by Chief Justice Mabel Agyemang during the opening of the law year. In 2020, there were 61 new criminal matters filed in the Supreme Court. Fifty-four of them were committed in Providenciales, seven in Grand Turk and none from other islands. All of them made it to the stage

of sufficiency hearing, although 24 have been rolled over for sufficiency hearings in January or February 2021. The Supreme Court also dealt with 21 criminal matters that rolled over from previous years. Of the total number of cases before the court, nine were withdrawn or discontinued at the sufficiency hearing stage, four were withdrawn at the pre-trial readiness stage or discontinued at trial whether by the court or by the Crown for insufficiency of evidence. Four cases were disposed of by guilty plea, four were concluded at trial and all led to convictions. There are two pending criminal appeals from the Magistrate’s Court to the Supreme Court. As it relates to civil and commercial matters in the Supreme Court, there were 154 cases filed in 2020, a decrease of 32 cases filed in 2019. Forty divorces were filed and 30 decrees were made absolute. Seventy-six matters, including cases that were rolled over from last year were disposed of. In 2020, the Court of Appeal presided over three sessions: one in-person before Covid-19 was

declared a global pandemic, and two sessions remotely due to the pandemic. A total of 14 appeals made up of four criminal appeals and 10 civil appeals were heard in 2020. In total, 25 matters, including appeals carried over from previous years, were disposed of, with nine carried over into 2021. Across all Magistrate’s Courts, 579 criminal complaints were filed. Two hundred and seventy traffic matters were filed, 202 civil cases, 49 domestic proceedings, nine adoptions, and 91 complaints were filed by the National Insurance Board. In all, 1,321 new cases in all categories were filed in the Magistrate’s Courts; out of this, 604 cases were completed.

Suspected people smuggler arrested THE CAPTAIN of a small boat – thought to be used to transport illegal migrants to the Turks and Caicos Islands – has been arrested. Officers of the police marine branch responded to reports on January 8 that a red, 22 foot ‘Panga’ type vessel was spotted north west of Bonefish Point, Providenciales. They reached the boat, powered by two small outboard engines, at about 8am and arrested a man they found on board. “The man is presently in the custody of immigration officials and a joint investigation is being carried out by immigration and police as his involvement on that vessel in people smuggling,” a police press release said. Bonefish Point is a remote and scenic sandy peninsula on the southwestern end of Providenciales, according to The area is surrounded by shallows and wetlands, and is part of the Frenchman’s Creek and Pigeon Pond Nature Reserve. It is an offence to harbour illegal persons and anyone found guilty risks a fine of $20,000 or four years in prison, or both in accordance with the Immigration Ordinance 2018. Assisting illegal entry is also a criminal offence, the police press office warned.

January 13-19, 2021




Salt Cay native and entrepreneur Ranfurly Been looks forward to a better 2021

Salt Cay’s Victoria Street on a busy day

Masks and elbow bumps An island looks back on the stories of 2020 and its new-found prominence

THIS is the 70th Salt Cay Note. Approximately 52,000 words into this experience of sharing Salt Cay’s story with a wider audience, our in-house tech geek tells me that between the newspaper column and our online edition,, we have just under 6,500 readers in over 40 countries. From Sint Maarten to Greece, Kenya to Bolivia, Salt Cay’s fan club is growing steadily, with approximately one third of our readers based in the Turks and Caicos Islands and all the rest overseas. This revelation did take me by surprise and suddenly makes one appreciate once again, the enormous reach of the internet and the potential for a place like Salt Cay. Every week, well over 4,000 individuals, all over globe, read about a place with a population of fewer than 100. To all of them, a big thank you - and keep reading! With the statistics out of the way, I looked back on the columns of 2020, a year that will no doubt be remembered only too vividly by all those who lived through it. And yet it wasn’t really until early March of 2020 that we picked up on the fact that there was a pandemic rolling our way, one which


Titus de Boer was born in Hamburg and spent his formative years in the West Indies. After a formal education in Germany and subsequent training as a journalist, he moved to the TCI in 1989. Titus’ Salt Cay stories and photographs can be found on

was going to change our everyday lives fundamentally and dramatically. At least I hadn’t. Yes, I had spotted the odd, multi-lingual flyer in government offices on Grand Turk, aimed at raising awareness about this virus from China and, yes, there were the stories on the news, but all that still seemed really far away. Only in late January a family of Chinese tourists from Shanghai had rented the

apartment next to mine, enjoying a dive vacation on Salt Cay; unthinkable only a few weeks later. Oblivious to what was on the horizon, I spent the first few weeks of 2020 writing about photography, hiking, Brexit, whale watching, a message in a bottle and yes - micro farming. And then it came: Lockdown! And with it the first Covid-themed column, simply entitled, ‘Salt Cay in times of social-distancing’, which, while far from alarmist or hysterical in tone, illustrated that the penny had dropped - and not just with me, when I wrote: “As I write this column, there has been one confirmed case in the TCI and it is the day that The Turks and Caicos Islands Emergency Powers (Covid-19) Regulations 2020 take effect. “As of today (March 24, 2020), all airports in the Turks and Caicos will be closed to international and regional flights. “Hotels and restaurants are starting to close and on Grand Turk, the last cruise ship docked several weeks ago. “How exactly this crisis will play out in the TCI no one can predict, but literally everyone’s life will be affected, from the child who is not attending school, to the employee who lost his/her job, to the struggling business owner. “There are tough months ahead, this

much is certain.” This was to be the first of a total of 13 columns that dealt with the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and its effects on life in Salt Cay specifically and in the TCI, generally. And yet, a few months into the pandemic the dynamics suddenly changed, as Salt Cay and its people dealt with the ‘new reality’ pragmatically and with a sense of purpose and confidence. As people around the archipelago began to take notice of this feisty little island, so apparently did the rest of the world, as readership of ‘The Note’ quadrupled between May and August of 2020 and then continued steadily to increase. All of this might just appear to be a tad academic, were it not for my recent encounter with that increasingly rare breed of human called - you’ve guessed it - ‘a tourist’. She confided that she had always wanted to come here and had finally decided that now was the time to do so, despite obvious health protocol hurdles prior to arrival and the possibility of ‘travel shaming’ on social media. “Oh” she asked me, had I heard of this site called the Salt Cay Note? “That was what really sold it for me.” And with that I smiled, wished her an enjoyable stay and all the best for 2021.



January 13-19, 2021

HMP hosts silent auction for cardboard Christmas trees HER Majesty’s Prison in Grand Turk hosted a Christmas crafts competition this festive season to raise funds for animals in need. The idea was the brainchild of new Superintendent David Bowden and was coordinated by prison teacher Tanya Williams. Originally envisaged as a Christmas tree decorating competition, the inmates suggested not only making the ornaments but the trees themselves – all out of cardboard. The competition was hosted among four wings, and a core group from each wing took up the challenge, prison volunteer Patricia Duff told the Weekly News. The criteria for the competition was that the tree had to be made out of cardboard, could not be higher than four foot, had to represent the TCI and depict something of Jesus Christ. The inmates took two to three weeks to make the unique trees. Ministry staff, hoteliers, tour and dive shop operators, museum personnel and others from the

community were invited to the judging and prize-giving in the prison gymnasium. To kick off the ceremony a prison jazz band played island music while one of the guards sang. Four groups of exhibitors entered with their trees hidden by black garbage bags and presented their creations. The four entries were a tree representing the coral reef, a cut out representing a traditional Christmas tree, a tree featuring a lighthouse and a spiral tree playing music. Shaneta Thompson and Cynara John from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Pastor Ruth Ariza judged the trees on creativity, originality and design/visual appeal. After the judging, guests were invited to bid for the trees with the money raised going to support animals in need. “As the guests departed, the prisoners waved them farewell and hopefully called for this to be an annual event,” Duff said.

Jenny and Loren Carnahan from Osprey Beach Hotel won the silent auction and the Christmas coral tree


Bahamas: PLP ‘will have full slate’ if early election called PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell said that Bahamians can look forward to soon seeing a “full slate” of PLP candidates as the party expects Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis will call an early election. “The schedule is on schedule,” he told reporters outside the PLP’s headquarters, adding that all potential candidates will be confirmed by next month. “The process started about a year ago and we expect by the first of February everything to be in place. We had a very dynamic experience in Grand Bahama so all of the potential candidates in Grand Bahama have been interviewed. “We expect that we’ll be in Eleuthera next week for two days and that should be the last island I believe. Those people who are interested in running in Eleuthera, we know that the other side already has their paraphernalia, and everything ordered. “So, we’re lined up in the same direction because the indications are this man intends to call an election before the next budget and so Bahamians are to be anticipating

PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell believes the prime minister will call the next general election before the budget.

within the next six months a full slate of candidates, but also a full campaign unfolding.” Dr Minnis has previously said he is not considering a snap election, noting that his government is focused on saving lives amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, according to the PLP chairman, there are several signs suggesting that the prime minister is already gearing up to go into full

campaign mode. Mr Mitchell also believes the prime minister will call the next general election before the budget. Asked which indicators have led officials to have this opinion, Senator Mitchell replied: “Well, the Bible tells you to be ready because you never know the hour or the day so that’s the first thing. “The party wants to be ready. But from our private intelligence,

we know that they’ve ordered their paraphernalia. It’s here. It’s been ordered. “They have their slogans. The prime minister is using the pandemic to campaign up and down the country so…now the issue, of course, is the budget is coming up, they’re going to have to cut public spending which may even mean cutting the public service so the idea is to while there is kind of a period of relative calm in this winter period, that they will use this and say look how well we have managed the pandemic, we have saved the nation. “We need to continue to be at the wheel – that’s their campaign and they want to do it before the budget takes place because they know that when the budget take place, it’s going to be if not a billion and a half, two billion in borrowing again and cuts in the public service and public spending. “And so what you do is you campaign that ‘everything is great, I managed everything great,’ you do it before the budget and then you hope you win and when you win, you just bring down the guillotine and the bitter medicine and say ‘welp, sorry.’”

Former Cabinet minister George Smith, who sits on the PLP’s Candidates Committee, said last year the committee desires to run a fresh slate of candidates in the next election. This desire is expected to run up against the ambitions of several candidates who lost in 2017 and wish to run again. Asked about the matter yesterday, Mr Mitchell said he could not say which former PLP MPs will be chosen for candidacy as the Candidates Committee has not made a decision on any of the matters. Mr Mitchell also addressed reports that the party has not fulfilled its financial obligations from previous campaigns. “Well, you know debt is assiduously attacked,” he said. “I’m sure there are still debts outstanding, but we honour our legitimate debts and debt is a thing that you continue to work with all of your life. You’ll never be rid of it and campaigns are expensive. We thank all of our benefactors for allowing us to be able to continue and we’ll work assiduously in trying to settle any outstanding debts. “

January 13-19, 2021




John Hazard is the new general manager of The Ritz-Carlton Residences

The Ritz-Carlton Residences hires general manager A “PASSIONATE global hotelier” has been appointed general manager of The Ritz-Carlton Residences on Grace Bay, slated to open this summer. John Hazard has 19 years of hotel management experience across the United Kingdom, Middle East and the Caribbean. He will be responsible for all aspects of operations, bringing RitzCarlton service to Providenciales, a press release from brand owner Marriott International said on January 7. Alex Fiz, Marriott International vice president for the Caribbean, said: “John is an exemplary leader whose years of experience in hospitality and continuous drive for excellence make him the perfect fit to bring this prestigious new Ritz-Carlton resort to life. “…John will lead a team committed to delivering the personalised service and genuine care for which The Ritz-Carlton brand is known, while also creating lasting memories for guests.” Hazard’s most recent role was general manager of the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort. Under his leadership, the hotel developed one of the most innovative restaurant concepts in the region and reimagined and launched a new spa and retail operation. “I am so thrilled to continue my Caribbean journey with the debut of The Ritz-Carlton brand in Turks and Caicos,” the new general manager said. “This resort will redefine the luxury experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to lead the hotel’s wonderful and hardworking ladies and gentlemen towards a successful opening in the coming

months.” Born and raised in Bath, in the west of England, Hazard has served as general manager across various brands in Marriott International’s portfolio. His career with Marriott International in United Kingdom marked many successes including being recognised as Renaissance Hotels international GM of the Year in 2006. Hazard also oversaw a full hotel renovation, partnered with a Michelin star restaurant, and navigated the London Olympics as a ‘tier one sponsor hotel’. During this time, he took a lead role in Marriott International’s Community and TakeCare programmes, with board positions on The Varity Club UK, The Princes Trust and Newlife. As a keen outdoor enthusiast, he used his experiences and training to organise and lead ‘11 x Marriott Three Peak Challenge Expeditions’. The 24-hour endurance challenge guided 500 hosts and associates over the three highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales, raising $700,000 for the charities involved. His career subsequently took him to Qatar where he served as general manager of the Doha Marriott. In 2015 John was awarded Hotel and Caterer Middle East and Africa GM of the Year and Hotel of the Year. The multi-million dollar RitzCarlton Residences on Grace Bay is a 10.5-acre development featuring the TCI’s first 12 storey buildings containing 155 rooms and suites. It is being developed by Desarrollos Hotelco.

The common name of lignum vitae is tree of life or wood of life

Lignum vitae

HAVE you notice the beautiful tree in the bush full of violet flowers? This is the lignum vitae or tree of life and I’ve got to tell you, this is my favourite tree. In the world of wood, lignum vitae are the stuff of legends. Among commercially available hardwoods it is widely regarded as the heaviest and hardest wood in the world. Its wood is extremely valuable, but do not confuse it with the Argentine lignum vitae - it ain’t the same. The common name of lignum vitae is tree of life or wood of life and comes from its historic medicinal use as a remedy for conditions from arthritis to coughs to syphilis. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and Turks and Caicos Islanders use it as a bush medicine. It is native to most of the Caribbean (also including south Florida), a biodiversity hotspot that supports exceptionally diverse ecosystems. The use of these trees had caused over harvesting, reducing native populations to the point that lignum vitae is now listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email or visit the Facebook page Nature Splendor.

Most of its native habitat has been devastated by deforestation and development and it is unfortunately the same thing for Providenciales as people cut it down to make charcoal or just to have a cleared land. By adding this tree in 2003 to the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, Appendix II, it is now restricted wood from travelling or being traded across international borders. You can see beautiful species of this tree at the Sunshine Nursery, they had kept the native one that was already there and it is about 350 to 400-years-old. Right now, you can observe the flowers that are bright blue/ violet when first open but will gradually fade to white. The yellow heart-shaped fruit is about two centimetres (0.8 inches) long. Lignum vitae is also known as ‘wood so dense it doesn’t float’. You may not want to build a boat with this tree but it has served boat builders for centuries due to

its hardness and resistance to decay and insects, perfect for parts of rigging needing great strength and durability. More recently lignum vitae were used for ship and submarine propeller bearings for the same qualities, plus the wood’s resinous nature provides its own lubrication. It was also used to make pulleys, shafts, axles, bowling balls, judge mallet and has such unusual properties that it was used in the USS Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine. The almost-mythical lignum vitae tree is surprisingly easy to grow. It suffers from a reputation as slow growing and hard to find, but this native is easily incorporated into landscaping and gardens. And if you give it water with irrigation, it will grow much faster. I really hope this will help conserve this magnificent native tree on the Islands.


Regional News

January 13-19, 2021


Covid-19 vaccine will be available in Bahamas in first quarter of the year A COVID-19 vaccine will be available in the Bahamas in the first quarter of 2021, Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan assured during a recent press conference. However, health officials could not give a definitive timeline for a vaccine’s arrival or significant details about the vaccination protocol. Though officials say a vaccination strategy has been finalised and approved by Cabinet, the document has not yet been released to the public. Dr McMillan said healthcare workers, frontline workers, people who are high risk for catching COVID-19 or succumbing to the disease are prioritised for the vaccination first. She said a phased approach will ensure high-risk groups are immunised, then other groups. Asked which of the main three vaccines officials are inclined to buy, Health Minister Renward Wells did not say. “We’ve already put down a down payment for 20 percent with the WHO through PAHO’s revolving fund so we’re seeking to secure the vaccine through WHO but The Bahamas government is keeping its options open and looking at its connections with distributors for the approved vaccine,” he said. “The prime minister will be updating the Bahamian people as we go along in regards to how we are progressing with securing the necessary vaccine.” For her part, Dr Indira Martin, Director of the National Reference Laboratory, confirmed that the Bahamas does not have the capacity for the genomic sequencing that is necessary to determine if more infectious COVID-19 variants found

Premier Alden McLaughlin is focused on vaccinating residents against Covid-19. Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan said healthcare workers, frontline workers, people who are high risk for catching COVID-19 or succumbing to the disease will have priority.

in the United Kingdom and South Africa are present in the country. She said positive COVID-19 samples will have to be sent to an internationally accredited lab to verify the strain of the virus present in a sample. It is not clear what health officials’ plan is for determining which samples will be sent to labs for genomic sequencing and when. “As we go ahead with our real time PCR testing, we have taken into consideration the need for us to identify certain indicators for us to actually send off specimens to determine whether or not we have any of the variants in the country,” said Dr McMillan. Infectious disease expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes said it is difficult to distinguish the various strains in clinical settings because they all have the same features. “It is very difficult to know that it is here unless you are actively looking for it and you are actively doing testing for it,” she said. “There is no clinical way to distinguish it.” Earlier Friday, Prime Minister

Dr Hubert Minnis said ongoing mitigation measures will be required to combat effects new variants of COVID-19 if they are found in The Bahamas. “The virus is more infectious, not necessarily more devastating in terms of the degree of the illness that it might cause, so one has to follow the same mitigation processes in terms of facial masks, social distancing and sanitation,” he told reporters in Spanish Wells on Friday morning. “I think once we follow that we will be okay. We will monitor the situation.” “We just came out of the Thanksgiving festival. We watched and expected an increase. The increase was marginal but manageable, it did not cause any serious issues. We came out of the Christmas, I think we are coming out of that now, the 14-day (incubation period) and therefore we expected an increase. It’s manageable. We will be watching to see what happens between now and Wednesday because that will be the time we will see the effects.” (Tribune242)

Premier of Cayman Islands says cruises will not return to the island in 2021 PREMIER Alden McLaughlin says that it is unlikely that cruise ships will be returning to the Cayman Islands this year due to the ongoing pandemic. Speaking during a press conference last week, McLaughlin said that while he is optimistic that the territory’ vaccine programme could mean a resumption of some travel and tourism starting in March, he has ruled out cruise tourism for the time being. “Cruise is not on our radar at all at this stage. We would have to be satisfied that the world was in a very different place in terms of safety-related to COVID-19 before we would even consider having the cruise ships come here. Honestly, I don’t see cruise tourism resuming on any sort of significant level before next year.” “The cruise ship business is not really within our contemplation at this stage.”

During the press conference, the Premier urged Caymanians to play their part and get the COVID-19 vaccine to allow “Cayman to resume an even greater sense of normalcy” by the end of March. McLaughlin said that since the Cayman Islands emerged from lockdown, it has been in “a holding pattern” waiting for a vaccine, and now that one is here, the community had to come together to do the right thing. He pointed out that the lockdown only succeeded because of public support and now it was needed again. Cayman needed people to get vaccinated to win again. “As a country, we have come through the worst of this crisis but we now need to provide everyone the best chance possible to maintain the gains that we have made. To do so requires us to take the vaccine and protect ourselves, protect our families and protect our community,” he said.

Dominican Republic bans child marriage amid fears of global rise THE Dominican Republic needs to change its culture so that women are seen as more than housewives for this week’s ban on child marriage to work, girls’ rights campaigners said on Thursday. The Caribbean nation has one of Latin America’s highest rates of child marriage and early unions – typically where a girl lives with an older man – according to the United Nations (U.N.) Children’s Fund, UNICEF. “Child marriage and early unions are seen as normal in society. It is driven by machismo that sees the role of a women to be just a mother and wife,” said Rosa Elcarte, UNICEF’s representative in the Dominican Republic. “Ending early unions will require years of work to change cultural norms,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, adding this will

DR has one of Latin America’s highest rates of child marriage and early unions – typically where a girl lives with an older man – according to the United Nations (U.N.) Children’s Fund, UNICEF.

involve working with men, children and their families to promote change. More than a third of women

aged 20 to 24 were married or in an informal union before they were 18, government figures show.

The U.N. says an estimated 12 million girls globally are married every year before the age of 18 which adds to health, education and abuse risks, and increases the chance of intergenerational poverty. This figure is set to rise as deepening poverty caused by the new coronavirus pandemic could push more parents to marry off their daughters early, undoing decades of work to end child marriage. Sonia Hernandez of the rights group International Justice Mission (IJM), which campaigned for the ban on marriage for under 18s in the Dominican Republic, welcomed President Luis Abinader’s decision to sign the bill into law on Wednesday. “Our girls and adolescents will be protected … and cannot be forced into marriage in their childhood or adolescence, which in the past was often carried out by parents and

legally allowed,” said Hernandez, an associate director with IJM. UNICEF’s Elcarte said that girls need to be supported to stay in school and find work to break the cycle of poverty that fuels child marriage. “Girls need to have alternative offers that becoming a mother is not their only plan in life. They have to be given job opportunities,” she said. A 2017 report by UNICEF and the World Bank showed that banning child marriage and early unions in the Dominican Republic would decrease the country’s poverty rate by 10%. “The enactment of this law will help to directly increase the opportunities for girls’ human development (and) to diminish the cycle of poverty,” said Virginia Saiz, head of girls’ rights group, Plan International, in the Dominican Republic. (Thomas Reuters Foundation)

January 13-19, 2021

Regional News



Bahamian PM optimistic on economic rebound

David Burt said the island’s banks had been the only block to the gambling industry – for more than six years after the legislation was approved.

Premier: first casino to open up in 2021 Bermuda will get its first casino in 2021, the Premier has pledged. David Burt said the island’s banks had been the only block to the gambling industry – for more than six years after the legislation was approved. But he added that problems had been overcome and that the industry could get off the ground. Mr Burt said: “Yes. I would hope so, without question.” He added: “I am expecting certainly that we’ll have a casino, at least one casino, operating in Bermuda this year and we’ll continue to work on that. “But it has not been easy. If it would have been easy, we would not be sitting here in 2021, about seven years after the former Government passed the Casino Gaming Act, without a casino in the country.” He was speaking last Friday as he discussed the first 100 days since the Progressive Labour Party’s landslide General Election victory last October. Mr Burt said the reluctance of banks to handle the profits from gambling was the same hurdle that the fintech industry faced. The Premier, who also holds the tourism portfolio, said he was “pleased with the work that’s happened with the St Regis Hotel”, scheduled to open in the spring. The developers of the resort in St George’s, have also planned for a casino. But Laura Purroy, the general manager of developers Hotelco, has said a casino at the hotel was “contingent on certain decisions that are in the hands of Government”. The Hamilton Princess Hotel has a provisional licence from the Bermuda Casino Gaming Commission. The law requires casinos to be integrated with a resort, rather than standing alone, and up to four resorts could be licensed. Jump-starting the casino industry was in the PLP’s 2020 election platform, where it was linked to the creation of a national digital bank.

Mr Burt said the Cabinet had approved a business plan for the digital bank last month, but that implementation was “not going to be an overnight project”. He added a meeting on a national digital bank was planned for this week. Mr Burt said: “But we want something broad-based, that diversifies the base of ownership. “We believe it makes good financial sense for there to be a publicly affiliated financial institution that is able to provide broader based financial ownership to the country.” Final touches for Bermuda’s gambling industry, including cashless betting, were approved in November 2019, when Curtis Dickinson, the finance minister, said “creative solutions” were in the works for the island’s banks and their corresponding overseas institutions. Mr Burt said casinos had clear parallels with the bid to build a fintech industry, which is also still in the early stages. He added: “Would I have liked this to go faster? Absolutely. No question about it. It’s one of the challenges, dealing with the systemic issues we have in Bermuda. “We have a challenge when it comes to our banking structures, and a challenge when it comes to new, different and innovative industries having access to a financial system so they can transact their level of business. “That’s been the holdback. It’s the same thing that’s been the holdback with gaming.” The next Budget is due to be delivered on February 26. Mr Burt said he had still to discuss the impact on the pre-Budget report and Budget caused by the death last week of Anthony Manders, the Financial Secretary. He added: “Without question there be an impact and there certainly will be a void that has been left as he has been responsible for the supervision and preparation for the last ten, eleven twelve Budgets for the country.”

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has expressed optimism that the country’s economy will rebound as the new variant of the coronavirus grips other nations around the world. Speaking to reporters Friday at Spanish Wells, Eleuthera, Dr Minnis foreshadowed upcoming projects, which he suggested will boost the economy. #“We have a lot of projects that are about to commence” Dr Minnis said. “Projects that are on course. “We think that would assist us in moving forward, but we also think when the vaccine comes out in the first world countries moving as aggressively as possible to vaccinate their population, I think that that would offer some degree of relief. Individuals I think have been cooped-up in one particular location for a long time and I think once there’s some degree of freedom of movement, I think the Bahamas is gonna see great great (rebound).” The Killarney MP also commented on the impending 2022 general election and the Free National Movement’s progress on promises made in its manifesto. “When we came in, we were immediately faced with Hurricane Irma. We did what was never done in the history of the Bahamas in that we air evacuated individuals from the southern Bahamas to the central zone so that no lives were lost. We are still on target with our commitments, our promises and revenue projects then

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis speaks at the official opening of the new Roderick Newton Higgs Bridge, Spanish Wells.

we were hit with Dorian. “In spite of that, we were still moving forward and Dorian obviously would have affected our revenue stream dramatically. We had to concentrate on lives. We had to concentrate on rebuilding both Grand Bahama and Abaco. That obviously would’ve thrown us off course in terms of our commitment with the manifesto. Then us and the world were hit with COVID. “That affected not only us but the entire world. Our basic economy is tourism - that was affected dramatically but in spite of that we

continue to persevere and, yes, we would’ve made a lot of commitments with respect to our manifesto and we will do as much as we can to ensure that those commitments are followed through.” As for the Progressive Liberal Party’s claims of an early election being called, the prime minister said: “I was given a mandate for five years and we’re trying our best to follow through on that but if the PLP followed my history even as opposition they would note I’ve always commenced preparation at least two years in advance”

Jamaica PM says rich countries hoarding COVID-19 cure WITH a single Caribbean country yet to receive any vial of the COVID-19 vaccine released a month ago, Prime Minister Andrew Holness says big countries are hoarding the precious medicine. Wealthy countries have been engaged in surplus buying since the approval of at least two vaccines for widespread distribution as they have gobbled up more than half the doses that could come on the market by year end. According to Duke University, high-income countries currently hold a confirmed 4.1 billion doses, upper middle-income countries possess 1.1 billion doses, and lower middle-income countries have two billion doses. “Many high-income countries have hedged their bets by advance purchasing enough doses to vaccinate their population several times over,” Duke University researchers attached to its Global Health Innovation Center stated. Holness rejected the attitude of the rich countries as prudent planning and affirmed they were engaged in

Andrew Holness rejected the attitude of the rich countries as prudent planning and affirmed they were engaged in hoarding.

hoarding. “I think prudent planning would be to ensure that there is a consummate spread of the vaccine right across the world because the world has to reach a certain threshold in vaccination in order for us to defeat the virus,” Holness stated. He was speaking on Bloomberg

Quicktake yesterday. “I think it is a false sense of security unless you intended to close your borders permanently that would give anyone the thought that if you vaccinate your population alone, then you are safe,” the prime minister further argued. Several countries in the region, including Jamaica, are part of a COVAX facility which will give them access to the vaccines. Approximately 16 per cent of specified categories of Jamaicans, including health workers and the elderly, are slated to receive the vaccine this year. Not until April are Jamaicans expected to receive a single dose though. Some US$8.2 million is being used to procure one million COVID-19 vaccine vials. There has been an initial deposit of about US$1.1 million through the Caribbean Public Health Agency. But accessing the vaccine is not the only problem facing the Jamaican Government in this period of certainty.



World News

January 13-19, 2021

Capitol riots: Trump says his speech was totally appropriate US President Donald Trump has said his speech before last week's deadly Capitol riot, when he urged his supporters to march on Congress, was "totally appropriate". Mr Trump dismissed as "ridiculous" efforts by Democrats in Congress to impeach him for inciting insurrection. He leaves office on 20 January, when President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on an article of impeachment on Wednesday. "I think it's [the impeachment procedure] causing tremendous danger to our country and it's causing tremendous anger. I want no violence," Mr Trump said. He was speaking as he left the White House for a visit to Texas to inspect a section of the border wall with Mexico. WHAT DID MR TRUMP SAY IN HIS SPEECH? During his speech at the rally in Washington on 6 January, Mr Trump repeated his unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud during the 3 November presidential election and urged his supporters to march on Congress. "We're going to walk down to the Capitol, and we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong," he told the crowd of several thousand supporters. He said Mr Pence should have "the courage to do what he has to do", claiming without foundation that Mr

Indonesian rescue teams find part of a Sriwijaya airplane on January 10, 2021 near Jakarta, Indonesia.

Donald Trump dismissed as "ridiculous" efforts by Democrats in Congress to impeach him for inciting insurrection.

Pence had the constitutional power to overturn the votes which were being formally tallied in Congress that day. "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard," Mr Trump said. Dozens of people have since been detained in connection with last week's violence, which left five people dead. WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH EFFORTS TO REMOVE TRUMP FROM OFFICE? The House of Representatives was expected to vote on Tuesday to ask Vice-President Mike Pence to invoke constitutional powers to remove Mr Trump from office - an idea Mr Pence is said to oppose. That vote is expected to fail, and so the House will then consider an article of impeachment against Mr Trump for "incitement of

insurrection". Democrats have the majority in the House, so the impeachment vote is likely to pass. If it does, Mr Trump will become the first president in US history to be impeached twice. However, the impeachment will only lead to his removal from office if a two-thirds majority votes in favour of his conviction in the Senate. That would need the assent of a substantial number of Republicans and so far, few have shown any willingness to vote against a president from their own party. Calls for Mr Trump's resignation, removal from office or impeachment have grown among Democrats and some Republicans in the days following the riots in Congress in which five people died. The FBI is warning of armed protests in all 50 states by rightwing extremists ahead of Mr Biden's inauguration. Up to 15,000 National Guard troops will be deployed in Washington DC for the event.

Pope Francis backs women’s roles in Catholic services POPE Francis has formally changed the law in the Roman Catholic Church, allowing women to administer communion, read the gospel and serve at the altar. But the ordained priesthood will still be the preserve of men, he stressed in the decree. It is official recognition of roles already performed by women in some Catholic services, especially in Western countries. The Pope said women were making a “precious contribution” to the Church. The announcement is expected to force conservative Church leaders to accept greater involvement of women in the liturgy. On the more reformist wing of the Church, Pope Francis has tried to present a more welcoming image through his rhetoric, the BBC’s Mark Lowen reports from Rome.

Holy Communion at a Catholic cathedral in Kinshasa, DR Congo, under Covid rules.

But last year, after a synod to decide whether to allow women to become deacons able to preside over some Church services, the Pope refused to make the change, frustrating some who had hoped for more fundamental

reform during his pontificate. The Pope changed a clause in canon law from “lay men” to “lay persons”, specifying that they can perform “the ministries of lector and acolyte” in Catholic services.

Black boxes located at Indonesian airliner crash site as human remains recovered RESCUERS searching for the wreckage of an Indonesian passenger jet that crashed into the ocean with 62 people on board on Saturday say they have located the plane’s black box flight recorder and obtained communications data. The head of Indonesia’s National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) said late on Sunday evening that the two black boxes from Sriwijaya Air Flight 182 are believed have been detected within 150 to 200 meters (492 to 656 feet) of the crash site -- and that search and rescue operations are continuing around the clock. Authorities said Monday that their efforts to recover bodies, the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and Flight Data Recorder (FDR) were hampered by debris in the water. “We have two spots that highly suspected as a location of two black boxes. But unfortunately there is a lot of debris around that spots,” Indonesia Navy Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said Monday. Margono said a diving team is working to clear out debris, and hope to recover the devices “soon.” Suryanto Cahyono, head of Indonesia’s National Transportation Safety Commission, said Sunday that authorities had picked up intermittent pings being transmitted from the CVR and FDR to a receiver that can “detect and locate the black boxes.” Cahyono added that the special device will yield a more accurate result in comparison to ping locators or sonar gear that are installed on ships, and said that it is now in the hands of divers from the Indonesian Navy. The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, said that they are “receiving two signals from the black box and are continuing to monitor it.” He added that he hoped to retrieve it soon from the seabed, 23 meters (approximately 75 feet) below the surface. The Sriwijaya Air plane -- a Boeing 737-500 -- was heading from

Jakarta to the city of Pontianak, on the Indonesian side of Borneo, when it lost contact at 2:40 p.m. local time (2:40 a.m. ET), 11 nautical miles north of Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Four minutes into the flight, and amid heavy rains, the plane dropped 10,000 feet in less than a minute before disappearing from the radar, according to the global flight tracking service Flightradar24. Investigators believe that the plane was fully intact when it crashed into the sea owing to the fact that debris from the wreckage has so far been located only in a single, concentrated area, Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee Chief Suryanto Cahyono said. “The plane speed when it hits the water is very high, but of course, we have to wait for the investigation to say more about this,” Suryanto said. Commander Fajar Rohadi, Spokesperson of First Fleet of Indonesian Navy, told CNN on Sunday that the navy had yet to retrieve the large structure of the fuselage, but had retrieved human body parts and pieces of the plane. Dozens of bags, containing remains of victims, pieces of clothing and aircraft debris located by Basarnas, have so far been handed over to the Jakarta-based disaster victim investigation unit for identification, according to officials. Police have collected 40 DNA samples from relatives of those on board in order to help identify the remains. Aviation disaster investigators have obtained communications data from air traffic control and the pilot, according to Captain Ray Nurcahyo, an NTSC investigator. Three NTSC investigators are at the crash site with search and rescue teams. So far, they have recovered some components and instruments from the flight, including the Ground Proximity Warning System, radio altimeter, emergency landing support and the tail of the plane.

January 13-19, 2021


World News


Covid: UK at ‘perilous moment’ in pandemic, says PM THE UK is facing a “perilous moment” in the pandemic and must guard against complacency, the PM has said, as he announced a total of 2.4 million vaccinations have been given so far. Visiting a vaccination centre in Bristol, Boris Johnson said: “We have a really tough fight on our hands.” It comes as seven mass inoculation centres have opened in England. And England’s chief medical officer has warned the next few weeks will be “the worst” of the pandemic for the NHS. Prof Chris Whitty has urged people to minimise unnecessary social contacts. Sunday’s figures showed another 563 deaths in the UK within 28 days of a positive Covid test, and another 54,940 cases. There are also more than 32,000 people in hospital with coronavirus, the latest data shows. Meanwhile, the government has set out its plans to immunise tens of millions of people by spring. Health Secretary Matt Hancock will lead a news conference on the vaccine delivery plan later. Speaking at Ashton Gate Stadium, Mr Johnson said 2 million people have already received a Covid vaccine across the UK, which means around 400,000 people have had two doses. He said “roughly” 40% of over80s have been vaccinated, and 23% of elderly residents in care homes. Under the vaccine delivery plan, the government has pledged to carry at least two million vaccinations in England per week by the end of

England’s chief medical officer Prof Chris Whitty has urged people to minimise unnecessary social contacts.

January, which it says will be made possible by rolling out jabs at 206 hospital sites, 50 vaccination centres and around 1,200 local vaccination sites. The plan also reiterates the government’s aim of offering vaccinations to around 15 million people in the UK - the over-70s, older care home residents and staff, frontline healthcare workers and the clinically extremely vulnerable - by mid-February. But the prime minister warned the vaccination programme was in a “race against time” because of the pressure the NHS was under. And he said it was “a very perilous moment because everyone

can sense the vaccine is coming in - my worry is that will breed false complacency”. Asked whether the government would introduce stricter lockdown rules, Mr Johnson said ministers would keep restrictions “under constant review”, adding: “Where we have to tighten the rules we will.” The newly-published vaccination plan also says ministers are aiming to offer jabs at more than 2,700 sites across the UK. And it announces that daily vaccination figures for England will be published from Monday - showing the total number vaccinated to date, including first and second doses. NHS England’s chief executive,

Sir Simon Stevens, has told MPs that there is a “strong case” for asking the the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) to consider prioritising “teachers and other key workers” for vaccination after the “first nine [priority] groups have been vaccinated”. Asked if he thought the NHS had what it needs in place to meet vaccination targets, including offering everyone aged over 18 a vaccine by the autumn, Sir Simon said “that is absolutely the goal and we think it is a feasible goal”. As seven mass vaccination centres opened across England on Monday, NHS England said hundreds more GP-led and hospital services would also open later this week. But with all centres, people will need to wait until they receive an invitation. Two vaccines - Pfizer-BioNTech and Oxford-AstraZeneca - are currently being administered in the UK. On Friday, a third coronavirus vaccine - made by US company Moderna - was approved for use, although supplies are not expected to arrive until spring. England is currently under a national lockdown, meaning people must stay at home and can go out only for limited reasons such as food shopping, exercise, or work if they cannot do so from home. Similar lockdown measures are in place across much of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Ministers held two meetings on

Sunday to discuss how to enforce the current lockdown measures more strictly and whether even tighter restrictions may be needed. BBC political correspondent Iain Watson said no decisions on further restrictions were taken as there was a desire within government to wait until reliable data on existing measures becomes available in 10 days. However, he added there had been a discussion on better enforcement of existing regulations, including at shops and workplaces. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer questioned why there are “less restrictions in place” now than there were last March. In his first speech of the year, he said “we need to see the evidence behind nurseries” remaining open. Asked whether tighter restrictions were needed, he said: “I do think it’s time to hear from the scientists [about] what else could be done and that probably should be done in the next few hours”. Meanwhile, the Test and Trace scheme in England has revised one of its definitions of a “close contact” - the people who need to be reached if they have been near to someone who has tested positive for Covid. The definition now refers to a close contact as anyone who has been within two metres of someone for more than 15 minutes, whether in a single period or cumulatively over the course of one day. Previously the definition was just a single period of at least 15 minutes. (BBC)

Biden to nominate longtime diplomat to lead CIA in post-Trump era PRESIDENT-ELECT Joe Biden on Monday will nominate William Burns as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, CNN has learned, tapping a respected veteran American diplomat who has served in posts around the world from the Reagan to the Obama administrations. “The American people will sleep soundly with him as our next CIA Director,” Biden said in a statement. If confirmed, Burns would become the first leader in the CIA’s history whose lifelong experience comes from the State Department. “Burns is an exemplary diplomat with decades of experience on the world stage keeping our people and our country safe and secure,” Biden said. “He shares my profound belief that intelligence must be apolitical and that the dedicated intelligence professionals serving our nation deserve our gratitude and respect.” Biden was drawn to Burns because of his diplomatic experience and his perceived ability to restore credibility to the intelligence agency in the postTrump era, people familiar with the matter said, along with his expertise on Russia. His selection would

bypass other contenders with more formal experience in the intelligence field. Burns, who is known as Bill, is president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a respected international affairs think tank in Washington. He served as deputy secretary of State in the Obama administration after working for more than three decades in positions across the foreign service, which he joined in 1982. He also served under five American presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, and 10 secretaries of state in a variety of posts, including as ambassador to Jordan in the Clinton administration and to Russia under George W. Bush. Burns has talked extensively about the damage he believes the Trump administration has inflicted on the United States’ foreign policy. He warned of the dangerous consequences of President Donald Trump not accepting election defeat in a prescient essay last August in the Atlantic. “If he loses, I doubt that he will suddenly embrace the traditional

If confirmed, William Burns would become the first leader in the CIA’s history whose lifelong experience comes from the State Department.

bipartisan commitment to effective transitions. At best, he’ll be consumed by efforts to rationalize his defeat and paint the election as rigged; at worst, he’ll seek to contest or undermine the result,” Burns wrote. “Like so many other features of the Trump era, the transition would bear little resemblance to any before, or any of the many I served through as a career diplomat. The costs of confusion, mixed signals,

and bureaucratic turmoil could be very high.” Burns also has a long history at the center of Middle East peace negotiations and worked closely in the Obama administration on the Iran nuclear deal. He has limited experience with China, but otherwise has a extensive portfolio of work in key regions around the globe. While all Biden nominees face an easier path to confirmation in a Democratic-controlled Senate, Burns’ role in the Benghazi investigation could also be revisited. He testified at a House hearing in 2012 after then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was unable to because of a concussion. “We learned some very hard and painful lessons in Benghazi,” Burns said. “We are already acting on them. We have to do better. We owe it to our colleagues who lost their lives in Benghazi.” The decision to select Burns to lead the CIA comes after other top contenders faced criticism for their previous support of torture programs. Former acting CIA director Michael Morell, who had been under

consideration by Biden, was assailed as unacceptable by top Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, a member of the Intelligence Committee, had criticized Morell as a “torture apologist” for his previous suggestions that “enhanced interrogation” of terrorists was effective and moral. Burns, who is respected by Democrats and Republicans alike in the foreign policy arena, is expected to receive far easier confirmation. The CIA director position is not expected to be a formal member of Biden’s Cabinet, which represents a change from the Trump administration, but a return to the status it had in the Obama administration. Avril Haines, whom Biden nominated as director of national intelligence, will represent the intelligence community on the Cabinet. Haines and Burns have a long-standing relationship and during an appearance last year at Columbia University, she praised Burns for being well known for providing thoughtful feedback during his time in government. (CNN)



January 13-19, 2021


Taylor Swift breaks top-selling album record for fifth time TAYLOR Swift has broken yet another record in her music career. For a fifth time, Swift has secured the top-selling album of the year in the U.S., according to Billboard. The music chart ranking outlet analysed sales numbers from MRC Data – the leading music sales data platform under Nielsen. Swift’s 2020 hit album “Folklore” reportedly sold 1.276 million copies between its release on July 24 and Dec. 31. Her four other albums to reach this milestone achievement include her 2019 album “Lover,” which sold 1.09 million; her 2017 album “Reputation,” which sold 1.9 million; her 2014 album “1989,” which sold 3.66 million; and her 2009 album “Fearless,” which sold 3.22 million. Swift’s latest album, “Evermore,” was released on Dec. 11 and has sold 283,000 copies as of Thursday – making it the number 10 topselling album of 2020. It is not immediately clear if the album will gain momentum as time goes on. The other eight top sellers for 2020 were “Map of the Soul: 7” by BTS. “After Hours” by The Weeknd, “Fine Line” by Harry Styles, “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?” by Billie Eilish, “Chromatica”

Minaj was initially unaware of her song’s debt to Chapman’s composition.

Nicki Minaj pays Tracy Chapman $450,000 after copyright case Taylor Swift’s 2020 hit album “Folklore” reportedly sold 1.276 million copies between its release on July 24 and Dec. 31.

by Lady Gaga, “Legends Never Die” by Juice WRLD, “Manic” by Halsey and “Music to be Murdered By” by Eminem. In the last decade, Adele has given Swift, who is 31, a run for her money with the British songstress having been honoured with the top-selling album title three times. However, to be fair, two of those honors were from Adele’s sophomore album “21,” which was

a top seller in both 2011 and 2012. Adele’s third top seller came in 2015 with her album “25.” Overall, Swift has produced nine studio album and sold more than 50.1 million copies. This number is not factoring in sales or downloads for Swift’s live albums, compilation albums or extended plays. As of early January, Forbes estimated Swift’s net worth is around $365 million. (Foxbusiness)

Trebek signs off one last time as ‘Jeopardy’ star in emotional sendoff ALEX Trebek’s last words on TV were sure to break “Jeopardy!” viewers’ hearts. “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for spending the time with us,” Trebek said. “We’ll see you again next week.” It was the end of a TV era Friday night as the affable game show host, who died Nov. 8 from pancreatic cancer at the age of 80, concluded his extraordinary run after 36 years and more than 8,000 episodes. At the end of Trebek’s final show, “Jeopardy!” posted video a tribute of some of his most memorable moments. It was followed by the title card that has appeared on all the episodes to air after Trebek’s death: “Forever in our hearts, always our inspiration.” Despite his raspy voice, Trebek still possessed plenty of charm and humor for his final episode, which was filmed on Oct. 29, 2020, a mere 10 days before he died. Trebek opened Monday’s episode with an entreaty for kindness to his audience. “You’ll recall that about a month ago I asked all of you to take a moment to give thanks for all the blessings you enjoy in your lives,” explained Trebek during

RAPPER Nicki Minaj will pay singer Tracy Chapman $450,000 (£332,000) to settle a copyright dispute after sampling one of her songs. Chapman sued Minaj in 2018, saying she had used portions of Baby, Can I Hold You Tonight in her song Sorry. Although the song was never released, a leaked version made its way to radio DJ Funkmaster Flex and went viral online. Chapman accused Minaj of sharing the song with Flex, although both have denied that version of events. Minaj wrote Sorry with fellow rapper Nas while recording her fourth album Queen in 2018. It was based on a sample of the dancehall track Sorry by Jamaican artist Shelly Thunder.

Unbeknownst to Minaj, that song was based on Baby, Can I Hold You Tonight, from Chapman’s Grammy-winning 1988 debut album. After discovering the connection, Minaj and her record label sought permission to use Chapman’s composition, but the singer-songwriter repeatedly refused. The singer’s lawyer said she has a blanket policy against granting such permission. One of the clearance specialists working for Minaj was also said to have known Chapman was on an unofficial “do not sample” list. In an earlier judgement, US District Judge Virginia A Phillips ruled that Minaj’s experimentation with Chapman’s song in the studio constituted “fair use”.

Joan Collins, 87, was vaccinated Saturday morning and thanked her doctor for a “painless and seamless procedure”.

Alex Trebek died Nov. 8 from pancreatic cancer at the age of 80.

his introduction. “Now, today, a different kind of message: this is the season of giving. I know you want to be generous with your family, your friends, your loved ones, but today I’d like you to go one step further. I’d like you to open up your hands and open your heart to those who are still suffering because of COVID-19. People who are suffering through no fault of their own. We’re trying to build a gentler, kinder society and if we all pitch in just a little bit we’re going to get there.”

On Monday’s show, actor Ryan Reynolds delivered a video clue featuring a clip from his upcoming film “Free Guy.” “It’s an honor (and a little heartbreaking) to be with Alex Trebek one last time on ‘Jeopardy!’” Reynolds tweeted. Friday’s episode was originally scheduled to air Christmas Day, but was pushed back. It featured a category on Christmas movies and several holiday references. (NYDailynews)

Joan Collins receives ‘painless’ COVID vaccine ACTING icon Joan Collins is giving rave reviews to the COVID-19 vaccine. The English “Dynasty” star, 87, was vaccinated Saturday morning and thanked her doctor for a “painless and seamless procedure”. “Same day as our Queen!” Collins wrote Sunday in an Instagram post, which also included a photo showing her receiving the shot. Collins also seemed to encourage others to get the vaccine by using the

hashtag #RegisterNow in her post. The London-born star said she received the vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. Queen Elizabeth II, 94, and Prince Philip, 99, both got coronavirus vaccinations on Saturday at Windsor Castle. Other prominent figures who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine include British actor Ian McKellen, who received it last month.

January 13-19, 2021






George Clooney said that the Trump name will now forever be associated with insurrection.”

Alec Baldwin (left) and his wife Hilaria Baldwin.

Alec Baldwin wants ‘less people’ in his life LESS is more for Alec Baldwin. The “30 Rock” star shared how the state of the world has changed his perspective — including the need for fewer people in his life. “The lockdown has taught me that we need less in our lives,” Baldwin tweeted Sunday. “Less clothes, less talk, less food, less media. Above all, less people.” The tweet from Baldwin comes amid a controversy in which the actor’s wife, Hilaria, was accused of fabricating an accent and ties to

Spain. When asked by a fellow Twitter user what he meant by “less people” in Sunday’s tweet, Baldwin offered an explanation. “Less people in your life. Quality over quantity,” Baldwin wrote. “Only let people into your life that genuinely add something.” Both Baldwin and his wife have spoken out about the recent claims about Hilaria’s heritage, which garnered widespread attention last month.

January 13-19, 2021

In a December post on Instagram, Hilaria, 37, wrote she was born in Boston but “grew up spending time with my family between Massachusetts and Spain.” “Yes, I am a white girl,” she said in an accompanying Instagram video at the time. “Let’s be very clear that Europe has a lot of white people in there. My family is white. Ethnically, I am a mix of many, many, many things. Culturally, I grew up with the two cultures.” (NYDailynews)

Clooney says Trumps are in ‘the dustbin of history’ after Capitol riot GEORGE Clooney believes the Trumps will “forever be associated with insurrection” after a mob of the President’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol. The “Midnight Sky” actor said it was “devastating” to see what transpired last Wednesday during a recent interview with the KCRW podcast. “This puts Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka, all of them into the dustbin of history,” Clooney said on the podcast. “That name

will now forever be associated with insurrection.” Five people, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer, have died following the riot in Washington, D.C., that saw hordes of people descend upon the Capitol Building as Congress met to count the electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election. Clooney, 59, described the situation as “a tremendous overreach in a way that everybody kept waiting for what’s ... the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

January 13-19, 2021




Kim Kardashian and Kanye West discussing divorce KIM Kardashian West and Kanye West are figuring out their future and whether they are going to stay married, according to two sources close to Kardashian West who spoke to CNN. The sources confirmed that West has been living at their home in Wyoming in recent months, while his wife stayed in California with their children. “They have been living separately for the last few months,” a friend of Kardashian West told CNN but requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation. “They have been in marriage counseling and have discussed divorce, it’s on the table.” “Divorce is something that has been discussed off and on for the past year but Kim has not wanted

to move forward on that,” the second source said. “There is no drama or contentious relationship” the individual added, they are “amicable” and “fully aligned when it comes to the kids.” Reports claimed that Kardashian West has also hired divorce attorney Laura Wasser. However, CNN has learned that while Kardashian West is consulting with her, the highprofile attorney has been on retainer for years. Wasser represented Kardashian West in her divorce from now retired NBA player Kris Humphries which was finalized in 2013. Kardashian West was also previously married to music producer Damon Thomas. Kanye West was previously engaged to designer Alex Phifer.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West have reportedly been living in separated homes in recent months.

CNN has reached out to representatives for the couple for comment. The two stars, who married in a

lavish wedding in Italy in 2014, are the parents of four children. They first met in the early 2000s, but it would be years before they

became romantically involved. In 2019, West interviewed Kardashian West for Vogue Arabia and asked her about the first time they met.


Graham Norton has been the BBC’s Mr Eurovision since 2009.

Eurovision Song Contest 2021 to ‘definitely’ go ahead, Graham Norton says GRAHAM Norton, who commentates for the UK’s BBC Eurovision coverage, has said the song contest will go ahead this year despite the coronavirus pandemic. “There’s definitely going to be a Eurovision... The competition element is going to happen,” he said. Contest organisers told the BBC: “We can confirm the Eurovision Song Contest will definitely take place this year.” But pre-recorded performances may be used if acts cannot travel to Rotterdam or have to isolate when they get there. Last year’s contest was cancelled due to the pandemic. It was replaced in the UK with a programme looking back at the event’s history, including a vote to find the greatest Eurovision song of all time. Norton told US radio station Sirius XM that if some artists are unable to travel to the Netherlands in 2021, “they can Zoom in a performance”. He added: “I doubt we’ll be in a stadium full of 20,000 people.”

Organisers stressed that while “the general gist of Graham’s comments is correct”, pre-recorded performances will be used if an act can’t travel, rather than asking them to perform live from their home country. The filmed routines will be shown “if a participant cannot travel to Rotterdam due to the current pandemic, or in the unfortunate instance of an artist having to quarantine on site”, a spokesman said. Broadcasters will have to follow a “strict set of guidelines” to help them record their “live on tape” performances “to keep the competition fair should it not go ahead in the traditional way”, he added. The new rules state: “The recording will take place in real time (as it would be at the contest) without making any edits to the vocals or any part of the performance itself after the recording.” This year’s contest will take place on 22 May. (BBC)

Senior Reporter

We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to create and maintain a strong and up-to-date online news medium. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at No phone calls please



January 13-19, 2021

January 13-19, 2021




946-4664 Fax: 946-4661






Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.

Call: 231-3788




We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744 DUNCANSON & CO BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS 16121

Contact the Publisher at

30 CLASSIFIEDS BEL-AIR MED CLINIC LTD #16 Cooper Jack Rd., Provo Storage #5


• Must have 3 years’ experience • Analysis of blood, etc. • Mon-Friday 9am-3pm. Salary will be discussed at interview

CONTACT: 9418405 OR 241-9411 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position



#1 Morris Plaza, Airport Rd Is seeking to employ a


Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and the application of acrylic toenails. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-344-4801

MYRNA-LISA’S DISPOSABLES AND CLEANING SERVICES 29 Parade Ave., Downtown, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 347-3014


Salary/Wages: $6.50 per hour Responsibilities/Duties: General cleaning of offices, villas, private homes ensuring cleanliness

-$300 WEEKLY

CONTACT: 345-9117

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23886

Duties: wash, iron, dusting furniture and any other household chores. SALARY: 6.50 per hour



-$6.50 HOURLY • Shampooing, cutting and styling hair. • To work 6 days a week.


-$7.50 hourly • Acrylic nail designer, dip, gel polish, manicure and pedicure. • To work 6 days a week.

CONTACT: 649-231-7201


Run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, mixing concrete, hand tools to workers, and cleaning work site.



GRANT’S PLAZA UNIT #4, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ





Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

The Bight, Provo Is seeking to employ a



Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



#8 BALL PARK LANE, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a


Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms inspected according to standards. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 341-1051

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



1 Davie Bight Road, Provo Is seeking to employ a


• Operate saws, shovel, rakes, etc. • Operate lawn mowers, bush cutters, weed cutters, etc. Salary: $6.75 hourly

CONTACT: 649-241-5563

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position



#10 BAY ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER Cleaning outside the

property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 232-7124

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23640




• setting up for, assisting doctors with procedures and examination • able to work with little or no supervision to ensure proper flow of patients • Computer knowledge, action patients results, update and maintain patients EMR file Monthly salary $2500.00 to $4000.00 depending on experience. Belongers only need to apply. This a new application.

Email: phone: 649-941-5252 Fax: 649-946-8243



West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a • Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work • To work 5 days per week Salary: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 245-7228

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for a first time applicant

2 CLEANERS - $6.25 HOURLY Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.

CONTACT: 341-6254


Millennium Highway, Blue Hills


Cleaning surroundings. CONTACT: 346-2849






35 Yellow, Leeward Palms, Providenciales. Salary $6.50. RENEWAL

TEL 241-1087

To work five days a week to clean construction site, clean premises with sweeper keep company vehicles clean 23731


is seeking application for:

LOGISTICS PURCHASING ANALYST RESPONSIBILITIES: (1) Supervise all audit activities and evaluate all purchase orders and payment perform. (2) Analyses and research logistics of shipping, custom and excise laws across various borders. (4) Manage all supplier contracts. Qualifications and Experience:


Lee Street, South Caicos/Five Cays Road, Provo


• Must have at least 10 years experience in logistics purchasing. • Certification in Logistics/ SCM is a plus • Having experience working across various borders, is a plus • Good spoken and written communication skills. Salary rate is $42, 000 per annum

CONTACT: TEL: 649-244-0786 EMAIL: INFO@COCOVIBESTC.COM BELONGERS are encouraged to send a copy


GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 per hourly

CONTACT: 432 24 35

Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.



Neptune Plaza, Providenciales TCI. Is seeking to employ a

Practitioner with interest in Dermatology


• Must have a M.B.B.S. or a Medical Doctor Degree from an accredited University • Minimum 5 years work experience in a Primary Health Care setting • A minimum of 5 years as a registered Medical Practitioner on a register of a recognized Medical Board.


• Perform physical examinations, consultations

• Manage and treat acute chronic illnesses • Safe prescribing, order/action laboratory and diagnostic tests • Perform minor and aesthetic procedures • Manage patient skin condition and treatments, monitor effectiveness of treatments • Patient health education • Liaise with healthcare professionals and hospitals Salary $8500.00. Belongers only apply. This is a new position.

Email: phone: 649-941-5252. Fax: 649-946-8243


#30 Neptune Plaza, Providenciales TCI. Is seeking to employ a

REQUIREMENTS AND DUTIES • Bachelors Degree in nursing • Current registration with the Health Professions Authority in TCI • Minimum of 5 years work experience in a fast-paced Urgent Care practice • Practical skills to include but not limited to IV therapy, venipuncture, injections, vitals, dressings, ECG, sterilization protocol and how to operate the machine.

January 13-19, 2021


#332 Back Road, Millennium Highway, Blue Hills. Is seeking a

SOUS CHEF - $6.25 hourly Cooking and taking orders.

DISHWASHER - $625 hourly Wash dishes

CONTACT: 241-1465

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board







#24 THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a

• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 343-0548

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23752

SOUTH DOCK, #27 MALCOM ROAD Is seeking to employ a

• Build and install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form buildings, bridges, and other structures. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 347-1905

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23723

January 13-19, 2021









is seeking to employ a

At a Wage of $14 per hour.

To start asap who must be:

CALL: 649 243 2851"

• Very Mature, very organized, presentable and tidy with a good attitude and self-motivation. • Able to work as a team in a team six days a week 9am-6pm sometimes during peak holidays. • Person must also be flexible enough to arrive early or leave late when receiving inventory and stock taking. • Individual must also have a solid experience with Quiclkbooks Pro, Quickbook Point Of Sale (mandatory) and also have a good knowledge of the brands, store layout and presentation. • Monthly salary starting at: $1600.00

Please advise on how much this will cost so that I can make the payment. The address is Millennium Heights, Blue Hills, Providenciales, TC

JOB DESCRIPTION: • Skilled Mason • Tie steel for Beams, columns and floors (Mash wire) • Prepare columns for pouring of Cement

• Prepare Mash Wire for Pouring of floors • Mix cement • Lay Blocks • and other task assigned by Foremen


“Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board” 23725



His job is to sweep the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, living room, laundering sheets. Salary: $7. 50per hourly

CAR RENTAL SALES AGENT - $6.25 HOURLY Checking in Guests. Car rental store fares. Delivering and receiving vehicles. Must be Bilingual (Spanish preferred).3x This position is vacant

CONTACT: 649 242 74 46


GOOD QUALITY STORE Walter Cox Rd., Kew Town Is seeking to employ a

CLEANER Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $350 weekly

CONTACT: 331-8546


GRAND TURK, palm Groove Is seeking to employ a

• Specialize in diesel vehicles and servicing. • To work 6 days a week. • This position is for work permit renewal

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Only well-presented applications with a cover letter which Must be hand delivered before January 15th will be considered.


Blue Heron Drive, South Dock. Is seeking to employ a

• • • • •



Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23745


UNIT #2 ALICE & ALICE PLAZA, AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a

SALES CLERK • Greet customers

• Receive payments by cash • Credit cards and cheques • Issue receipts and change. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 342-6745

28 Oyster Lane, The Bight Is seeking to employ a


Acting on behalf of



• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-8228

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23771




• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • 6 days a week.

TEL: (649) 941-8975


Long Bay, Providenciales


Cleaning worksite, assisting other construction workers.


CONTACT: 341-4752

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 244-7865

Assist plumber lay and install pipes etc.




Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


RESPONSIBILITIES: (1) Supervise all audit activities and evaluate all purchase orders and payment perform. (2) Analyses and research logistics of shipping, custom and excise laws across various borders. (4) Manage all supplier contracts.

QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: • Must have at least 10 years experience in logistics purchasing. • Certification in Logistics/SCM is a plus • Having experience working across various borders, is a plus • Good spoken and written communication skills. Salary rate is $42, 000 per annum

CONTACT: Tel: 649-244-0786 Email: BELONGERS are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



LABOURER Cleaning outside the

Address: GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a

His job is to sweep the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, living room, laundering sheets. Salary: $7. 50per hourly

CONTACT: 649 245 0255

CONTACT: 342 9381

Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.




Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23738

KIRVANO CONSTRUCTION The Bight, Provo Is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 345-9117

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23769

property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 232-5443

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board





#88 Musgrove Cl, Kew Town Is seeking a


Residence, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a

• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 246-0914

CONTACT: 341-2552

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23748


BACK ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


LIFE CHANGING LIQUOR STORE #12 Airport Rd, Provo Is seeking to employ a


Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials


#3 BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a

Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23746


Run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, mixing concrete, hand tools to workers, and cleaning work site.



Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 per hourly

CONTACT: 333-1237


South Dock Port, Providenciales


CONTACT: 333-1246

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23784

Chalk Sound Villa 12 pounds Is seeking to employ a

GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a

Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.50 hourly

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



• Must be able to bend and lift. • Cleaning consist of mopping, sweeping, ensuring office areas are clean and up to par. Salary: $6.25 hourly

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position


is seeking application for:

is looking for an experienced


Cleaning and caring for children Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-7888

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 347-3520

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23739


343 FRONT ROAD, NORTH SIDE BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


Princess Drive, Lower Bight Is seeking to employ a

PLUMBER DIVER Diving for fish.

Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 344-0202 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23728

Maintain ac unit, pool system plumbing, water heater. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 243-4350

This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

January 13-19, 2021

TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS PHILLICIA T. LLYOD Granny Hill, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 345-8631

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23736


OBED CONSTRUCTION Long Bay, Sisal Rd. #61 Is seeking to employ a


Preparing painting surfaces, mixing, matching and applying paints. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-343-1420

CONTACT: 341-9646

GLASS SHACK, STINGRAY ST. #17 Is seeking to employ a


• To work Monday to Saturday. • Cutting grass, cleaning the yard and properties. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-231-6989

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board






INDUSTRIAL PARK, FIVE CAYS ROAD Is seeking to employ a

Acting on behalf of




South District Salt Cay


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23785



• Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position

CONTACT: 332-1563

TCA Handling Flight Services Ground Handlers for American Airlines and JetBlue is currently seeking qualified individual to fill the following position.

Club Med, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

• Ensure the store is kept clean by mopping, sweeping, cleaning the shelf. • Assist with stocking. Salary: $6.50 hourly



#34 Five Cays

Stocking shelved and cleaning. CONTACT: 231-2490



Assist customers with gas and collect money. Contact: 231-2490 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



• Order Processing • Shipping International/ Domestic • Customer Service Skills $ 6.50/Hour




• Inspect, troubleshoot, repair, overhaul, maintain, diagnose, and modify ground equipment. • Service equipment with fuel, water, oil, hydraulic fluid, and compressed air. • Responsible for repairs and maintenance of all ground support equipment including, but not limited to, Tugs, Belt loaders, Push backs Conveyors, Ground power units, Air start units, air-condition units, Baggage carts, motorized/manual Air stairs, Turbo way and Golf carts. • Inspects ground support equipment and their components for the purpose of ensuring safety and identifying necessary repairs and providing an ongoing program of preventative maintenance • Responds to emergency calls for ground support equipment assistance. • Remove, test, repair or replace components and accessories such as carburetors, governors, air and oil cleaners, ignition points and auditory sensors. Replace bearings ,bushings, shafts, push rods, manifold, tubing, hose and wiring as required • Document daily, quarterly and annual preventative maintenance. Create and maintain daily, quarterly and annual service maintenance records. • Identify and sources specialized components and tools. Prepare and maintain spare parts inventory


• Must have a Degree and/or a Level (3) Diploma in Vehicle Repairs • Must have at least six (6) years’ experience in automotive and be able to conduct apprenticeship program • Must possess a valid driver’s license • Skill in effective oral and written communication. Working knowledge of Microsoft Suite • Must be able to work long hours, weekends and public holidays, and to be accessible in case of emergency Salary Scale: $36,000.00 to $42,000.00 per annum based on qualification and experience

The Human Resources Manager TCA Handling Flight Services Town Centre Mall, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI



• Hotel Management/Supervisor Experience • Familiarity with all aspects of hotel operations • A valid driver’s license and vehicle • Excellent customer service and communication skills • Salary Commensurate with Qualifications & Experience • Belonger Status Preferred Resumes can be emailed to

and should reach no later than December 30, 2020, for further information/ appointment you can contact us at Tele:649-941-5969 or email 23733 or dropped off at resort.


January 13-19, 2021 MONROE FORBES PHASE 2, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-3035

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position



Walter Cox Dr., Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-7379

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position


BRENTON MURRAY Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


DUTIES: To raise and Transplant seedlings to clean and remove refuse to Help with customer questions. SALARY: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 243-4127

MENEIDE MARC #75 KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a

• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-8047

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23751


Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23730

CONTACT: 241-7907

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23767

• Capable of conducting building energy audits • The person should have an internationally recognized building thermography qualification and have suitable Caribbean experience in building energy audits and networking. • Salary $1625 per month with company and performance bonus Applicants should send their curriculum Vita to

This position is for renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department



Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



CONTACT: 244-0117


648 BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-2078

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23782

65 Millennium Heights, Millennium Highway 232-6095



Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 246-1717




Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Duties: To ensure premises are Kept clean to dispose of refuse and To assist with cleaning vehicles and any other duties as may Be necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 232-1159


#7 Marli- Yard, Glass Shack Is seeking to employ a

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder. 23758

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position


MAGASANI ATELIER & UPHOLSTERY Bible Street, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


• To cover frames furniture’s with padding fabric or leather. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 244-4542

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position






#39 LOWER BIGHT Is seeking to employ a

Seeks to Employ:

@ $6.50 per hr.

Duties: Cleaning up worksites and residential areas from debris, assist with general cleaning up tasks. This post is a first-time work permit holder

CONTACT: 344-9432

TCI Belongers can also drop their resumes to the Labor Department, Providenciales. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Deadline to receive application is January 12TH 2020 23763

Preparing the workstation for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 343-2261

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Duties: To ensure premises are Kept clean to dispose of refuse and to assist with cleaning vehicles and any other duties as may Be necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.





For one of their properties. Must speak English JOB INCLUDE: • Cleaning. • Heavy lifting etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Salary: $7 hourly

Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.50 hourly




Kingston, Lower Bight Is seeking to employ a


Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.

#18 The Village, KPMG Building, Grace Bay Is seeking a



Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To The Employment Services Office. This position is currently Held by a work permit holder.




Duties: Regular housekeeping which includes Cleaning moppingd, Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 441-4005

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.



KEW, NORTH CAICOS Is seeking a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 247-4068

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23795



• Extensive knowledge of hotel operations and equipment • Minimum 5 years Supervisory Experience • Strong Mechanical Aptitude • Auto and Valid License • Experience dealing with subtrades • Candidates must also be personable, customer service oriented, have strong English verbal and written communication skills • Salary Commensurate with Qualifications & Experience Resumes can be emailed to or dropped off at resort.


34 CLASSIFIEDS TERRA FIRMA CONST Blue Mountain, Leeward Highway. Is seeking to employ a

TROPICAL CRAFT & SOUVENIRS 32 Norway Rd., Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


Mixing concrete and passing tools to workers. Salary: $6.50 hourly

Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $300 weekly

CONTACT: 332-5737

CONTACT: 241-5013


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23727

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23787

January 13-19, 2021



PRIVATE CHEF 217 Long Bay Beach Drive, Long Bay, Providenciales

POOL CLEANER Clean pools Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 333-2621

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23768


JOB SUMMARY: Must be deft in moving around the kitchen and apt in multitasking. Experience in using various ingredients and cooking techniques is also important. Must be able to create new menus, work independently, available to work seven (7) days a week. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Prepare ingredients to use in cooking. • Ensure great presentation by dressing dishes before they are served. • Keep a sanitized and orderly environment in the kitchen. • Ensure all food and other items are stored properly. • Check quality of ingredients. • Grocery shopping for kitchen menu items. REQUIREMENTS: • A minimum of six (6) years’ experience in a 5-star restaurant or hotel. • Hard working with a willingness to work long hours including weekends and holidays. • Fluent in French and Spanish are essential. • Proven experience as a Private Chef. • Knowledge of various cooking procedures and methods. • Very good communication skills. • Excellent physical condition and stamina. • BS degree in culinary science a MUST.


Please note that all applications must be submitted with a valid police record, and copies of all educational certifications. Only suitable candidates will be contacted for an interview. Salary commensurate with experience. Interested applicants should submit their resume with qualifications and experience to: and the TCI Employment Services and Labour Department.


The position is currently held by a work permit holder.


Required one IT and General Maintenance Technician for a large vacation home and part time rental villa located on Providenciales. Main responsibilities will include maintenance of the various electronic systems of the property and upkeep and caretaking of the property. THE APPLICANT MUST: • be able to carry out general maintenance around the property. • have Superior communication (oral and written), customer service and interpersonal skills. • Outstanding analytical, problem-solving, and troubleshooting ability. • Must have valid driver’s licence and be able to drive 2-wheel and 4-wheel vehicle .• Will be required to live at the property in service quarters and to make themself available for assistance of the employer and family or rental guests on short notice, day or night • Be able to drive and escort guests of the villa to different locations • run errands related to the up keep and functioning of the property • Inspect plumbing for leaks, clean aerators on faucets • Clear dead plants/shrubs from the house. • Treatment of sinks, floors and tiles with disinfectants • Ability to multi-task and prioritize effectively. • Both independent and team worker, as required. • MS Office proficiency and tracking-software familiarity. • Poised and patient when dealing with clients. • must have advanced IT skills in order to maintain and repair various automated systems at the property • Must be willing work weekends and public holidays.

Please note that all applications must be submitted with a valid police record, and copies of all educational certifications. Please send resumes to Deadline for this post is December 15, 2020. This position is a first-time permit. Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resumes to the Labor Department Salary offered at 30-45K annually based on experience


Coral Gardens Resort Lower Bight, Providenciales, TCI. 649 941 8260

KITCHEN LABOURER SKILL REQUIREMENTS: • Must be consistently punctual for work. • Maintain a clean work station throughout shift. • Must maintain a clean, well kept appearance upon arrival and through out shifts. • Must be able to multi task in a fast pace, high pressure environment. • Be able to stand on one’s feet for 8 hours and be comfortable lifting 50 pounds or more without physical restrictions. • Be available to work days and nights, holidays and weekends with a flexible schedule • Must be able to take direction from superiors • Clean all floors in front and back of house at opening and closing • Must be able to communicate in English • Understanding of fundamental math with ability to effectively measure and or weigh ingredients as per recipes. Duties: • Work with staff members to assure that the restaurant is clean and well maintained throughout the duration of their shift. • Participate in daily cleaning duties as per scheduled by the Chef or other Management personnel to maintain a clean, safe environment for all employees to work in. Wages: $7/hour. This is a permit renewal ad.

Applicants are to apply in person with a CV at Somewhere Café located at Coral Gardens Resort or email to: tbayley@ 649 941 8260

January 13-19, 2021



For one of their properties. Must speak English JOB INCLUDE: • Cleaning. • Heavy lifting etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Salary: $7 hourly

Applicants must be able to work outdoors performing manual and physical labor. They must be able to operate a jackhammer, lawn mower and chainsaw. They will be asked to dig holes, mix and spread topsoil/cow manure and plant. They must be able to speak and communicate in English. Starting salary is $ 6.50 / hr and may be required on weekends and holidays if needed.


Interested applicants including Islanders/Belongers can send applications to Services by EA by e-mail to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by work permit holders.

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23737

Acting on behalf of


Bird Rock Road, Long Bay


- $10 hourly Lay blocks, plastering. Contact: 341-7375

URY CONSTRUCTION Ashley Lane, the Bight


-$10 hourly Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23869



By Mara, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

Teremy, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a



Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $1,200 monthly

INDUSTRIAL PARK, FIVE CAY BY PASS Is seeking to employ a






#18 The Village, KPMG Building, Grace Bay Is seeking a

CONTACT: 341-1900




Airport Road, South Caicos Is seeking to employ a


Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $8.50 hourly

Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 348-5921

CONTACT: 348-3971

CONTACT: 241-7557

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position


Install materials on roof. Salary: $2,000 monthly

CONTACT: 649-348-9965

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position



Five Cays, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ:


DUTIES: Lifting supplies and materials, cleaning store and taking out trash and garbage and assisting with general cleaning chores.


DUTIES: Removing trash and debris, and performing general cleaning chores.


Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted. Deadline to receive application is January 21st, 2021 Interested TCI Belongers are encouraged to call: 2431528 or drop off resumes to Labour Dept Providenciales.





78 Industrial Road Is now interviewing for the following position:

78 Industrial Road Is now interviewing for the following position:


PURCHASER JOB REQUIREMENTS • Must have prior experience purchasing Asian products particularly Filipino Products. • Must be have prior experience with Quick Books. • Must be able to speak and write Filipino as such to assist cliental as well as identify the products required to be ordered. • Must be available to work on Holiday, Nights and weekends. Both Saturday and Sunday nights are required with a day off during the middle of the week. • Must be have experience with Filipino Frozen Products and be able to work long hours inside a FREEZER with temperatures -10 Degrees F or - 23 Celsius . • Must be physically able to consistently lift in excess of 65 pounds or more. • Starting Salary is $7.25 per hour. • Must have TCI valid driver license. • Most work is required by standing for long periods of time and working in an environment that is not air conditioned such as a dry warehouse. Please apply wihin at the above address or contact 941-7939 or send resume via email to Belongers only need apply.

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position



JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Must be trained in the profession of butcher. • Must have at least 5 years experience of on the job experience cutting for both retail and food service. • Must be familiar with vendors and ordering as well as taking inventory, including inventory in a FREEZER. • Must be familiar with cutting styles particular to store demographics. • Must be familiar with the operation and maintenance of a BIRO 3334, Hill Phoenix Freezer and other required operating equipment. • Must be willing and able to work extended periods of time, in extreme temperatures, including FREEZER (-10 Fahrenheit or -23 Celsius). • Must be willing to work a 6 day work week, including Holidays and nights and weekends, including Sundays. • Working hours will mostly be during the afternoon to late evening hours including both weekend days with a scheduled day off during the week. • Must physically be able to lift cases in excess of 65 pounds. • Must be able to read and write English proficiently.

Please apply within at above address or contact 941-7939. Only Belongers need apply. 23793






HOSPITAL ROAD, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a


Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves, pick, pack, receive and restock products inside the store

To clean and maintain premises by raking and cleaning yard disposing of refuse, cleaning construction sites. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 343-6127

CONTACT: 241-1556

This position is for a first time applicant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 23855

DOCUWIN ACTING ON BEHALF OF CAICEDO CLEANER South Dock Road, Providenciales is seeking


• responsible for all basic cleaning in and around residences or office buildings. • Assisting in cleaning floors and rooms including dust mopping, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 332-4404

This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23848

ATLANTIC CONSTRUCTION 1B TDMG Building, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

MASON HELPER Mixing concrete, lifting blocks, work with stone, brick, tiles, carry tools/ materials, setup for job etc. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 242-3858

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position


DOCUWIN ACTING ON BEHALF OF CONSTRUCTION DIGITAL Five Cays Road, Providenciales is seeking the following:


- Ability to repair and patch work - Must be skilled in laying blocks, bricks, cement etc. - Have experience in operating power tools Salary: 7.50 hourly


- Ability to install structures or fixtures - Ability to Shape or cut materials to a specified measurement - Ability to erect forms, framework, scaffolds, roof support etc. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 347-7527

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are for first time applicants 23830

January 13-19, 2021


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are for first time applicants 23832



is seeking to employ a

SKILLED MASONS Wage of $14 per hour. Call: 649 243 2851" Millennium Heights, Blue Hills, Providenciales, TC

JOB DESCRIPTION: • Skilled Mason • Tie steel for Beams, columns and floors (Mash wire) • Prepare columns for pouring of Cement

• Prepare Mash Wire for Pouring of floors • Mix cement • Lay Blocks • and other task assigned by Foremen

The ad is for a New Work Permit.

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board”






• Responsible for child welfare while parent is away • must be able to work late shifts Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-5695

#31 Airport Road

- $6.50 HOURLY

Serving drinks and cleaning bar.

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Should there be any additional information required you can reply to this email This position is for first time applicant 23832


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23822

Acting on behalf of Dieumaine Walmdale Sterlin #6 Musgrove Cl., Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, doing housework, and disciplining children. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 345-4785

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position



Load Avenue, South Dock Road #5. Is seeking a


Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/ or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 346-7379

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23809



2 - 3 PILOTS


With the following minimum qualifications: • Total time 1200 hours minimum • 600 hours multi-engine • 200 hours on Type C402 • License: Commercial Pilot • Multi-engine and Instrument ratings • Radiotelephone license • First Class medical certificate • Should be between 25 – 40 years old • Salary ranges between $2,300.00 - $3,000.00 commensurate with experience • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays

Please deliver cover letter, resume’s and qualifications to Head Office at Southern Shores Building, Leeward Highway, fax resumes to (649) 941 3864 or email to Deadline for receiving resumes is Monday, 25th January 2021. This position is a new position and is not held by anyone. Interested and qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders are encouraged to also make application with the Labour Department.

Requires a

• Must have pharmacy technician qualification from recognized college including at least 1 year of classroom-based learning. • At least 4 years post qualification experience. • Will be required to pass a pharmacy technician exam paper as part of interview process. • Duties will include accurate dispensing, use of dispensary software, maintenance of pharmacy stock, NHIP billing and OTC advice. • Recent experience with extemporaneous preparations of liquids and creams desired. • Willing to work long shifts, weekends and holidays. • $12-$17 per hour depending on experience and qualifications.

PLEASE SEND COVER LETTER, RESUME AND COPIES OF QUALIFICATIONS TO JOBS@FLAMINGOPHARMACY.COM OR IN PERSON AT FLAMINGO PHARMACY, CABOT HOUSE, GRACEWAY PLAZA, LEEWARD HIGHWAY. ONLY SHORT-LISTED APPLICANTS WILL BE CONTACTED. Closing date 25th January 2021. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders are encouraged to lodge an application with the Labour Department.




Requires a

January 13-19, 2021 C&S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACTING ON BEHALF OF ERB CONSTRUCTION 10B Close North Side, Providenciales


Follow blueprint and building plans, install windows and molding.

CONTACT: 331-1067

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

C&S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Acting on behalf of Trenton Ferguson #23 Reest St., Five Cays Is seeking to employ a

#57 PLANTATION DR. LONG BAY, PROVIDENCIALES Tel: 241-4488 Is seeking to Employ:


- cut and install metal studs and track; - work with architect to layout all metal stud installations; - measure and create correct design concept for metal studd install. BELONGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY TO THE LABOUR BOARD. THIS POSITION IS BEING ADVERTISED FOR A FIRST TIME WORK PERMIT HOLDER.

*Labourer Needed

GENERAL DUTIES: • Cleaning and maintenance of the environment as well as equipment used inside/ outside of warehouse facility • Manual & mechanical movement of dry and chilled cargo from containers to/ from warehouse/customers BASIC REQUIREMENTS: • Ability to engage in physical

CONTACT: 341-9019

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position



#2 South Dock Road, Prvidenciales Is seeking to employ a

GRAND TURK is seeking to employ a


activities for approximately 8 hours daily • Ability to work well with others in a fast-paced non-climatecontrolled environment • Excellent communication skills in English with the ability to write legibly • Salary: Starts at $6.25 per hour for 40-hour workweek.

Interested persons may contact Cargo Express Services, in person, at 70 South Dock Road or email application to Application deadline: January 15, 2021 *Position is currently held by a work permit holder 23834


at $7.50 an hour. Duties include ensuring that premises are clean and tidy collect and removing all debris and any other duties assigned.

#201 Alice & Alice Plaza, Airport Road

70 South Dock Road, Providenciales

Clean house, cook, wash. Salary: $6.25 hourly

LABOURER to work 6 days a week








Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, nail and skin care services.


Greets customers, receive payment by cash and Count Money to ensure that amounts are correct.


Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair


Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing.

CONTACT: 346-7373

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are work permit renewals




Fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs, heating, and air conditioning system. Salary: $400 weekly

CONTACT: 941-8185

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23805

IRRIGATION LABOUR Irrigation labour wanted for manual labor such as digging trenches, holes, cleaning irrigation tanks, moving equipment, moving soil, cleaning and assisting technicians on other duties as require. Salary 6.5/hr.

649-941-5579 23828

EVELINE MARCELLUS - MICHEL #9 Caicos Lodge, The Bight Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 348-0786

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23814



Acting on behalf of our clients is looking to fill the following positions

Is accepting applications for the following positions:



South Dock Road, Providenciales is seeking


Salary $9/ hour

- responsible for all basic cleaning in and around residences or office buildings. - Assisting in cleaning floors and rooms including dust mopping, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting. Salary: $6.25 hourly Contact: 332-4404

All candidates should have at least 2-4 years’ experience in the same field, basic knowledge of all casino table games, AML &CTF trained and certified, excellent excel program knowledge, foreign currency knowledge, slot ticket in program knowledge. Job summary: a casino cashier is responsible to carry out specific tasks in the gaming operation. Data recording, balancing cash desk and table games operation float and slot ticket out, exchange foreign currency and apply to AML &CTF regulations by Gaming law. Candidates must be willing to work on weekends, night shifts and holidays


Five Cays Road, Providenciales is seeking the following:


- Ability to repair and patch work - Must be skilled in laying blocks, bricks, cement etc. - Have experience in operating power tools Salary: 7.50 hourly


- Ability to install structures or fixtures - Ability to Shape or cut materials to a specified measurement - Ability to erect forms, framework, scaffolds, roof support etc. Salary: $7.50 hourly Contact: 347-7527 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board.


Providenciales is seeking


- Responsible for child welfare while parent is away - must be able to work late shifts Salary: $6.25 hourly Contact: 346-5695 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Should there be any additional information required you can reply to this email (these positions are for First time Work-Permit)



BLACKJACK DEALER Salary $8/ hour

All candidates should have at least 2-3 years’ experience in the same field, excellent full knowledge of all casino table games and excellent knowledge of Blackjack table game. Job summary: carry out specific tasks in the gaming operation to the highest standard efficiency and customer service in accordance with gaming policies and procedures laid down by the company and gaming laws. Please drop off CV’s addressed to HR, at the Casablanca Casino located on 226 Grace Bay Road, Providenciales. Or email at Tel: 941-3737 Positions presently held by work permit holders.



January 13-19, 2021





JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Perform combination of duties to maintain kitchen work areas, restaurant equipment, utensils clean and in an orderly condition. • Wash worktables, walls, refrigerators, mop, sweep floors, and meat blocks. • Prepare ingredients to use in cooking (chopping, peeling vegetables and cutting meat etc.) • Ensure all food and other items are stored properly. • Experience in using cutting tools, cookware and bake ware. • Knowledge of various cooking procedures and methods (grilling, baking, boiling etc.) • Very good communication skills. • Work cohesively with head chef and sous chefs. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker. Qualified Islanders can email their resume to; however candidates must submit a copy of their resume to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.63 per hour. DATE OPEN: January 11, 2021


JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Clean and tidy all areas to the standard cleanliness within time limits. • Frequent bending, pushing, pulling and kneeling. • Re-set dinner rooms tables and terraces. • Clean dining rooms tables and terraces. • Clean windows, sweep floors, mop floors and polish furniture fixtures in and outside restaurant. • Remove dinner wares, pushcart and lift trays from dining rooms. • Work cohesively with restaurant waiters, waitresses and supervisors. • Work with minimum supervision and remain motivated. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker. Qualified Islanders can email their resume to; however candidates must submit a copy of their resume to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.63 per hour. DATE OPEN: January 11, 2021


JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Clean and sanitize production equipment, work surfaces and kitchen according to cleaning schedules and procedures. • Keep track of cooking materials and utilizes. • Scrape food from dirty dishes, wash them by hand or place them in the racks to conveyor

through the dishwashing machine. • Set up and breakdown buffet. • Empty trash containers as required and maintain assign workstation in a safe and sanitary condition. • Maintain cleanliness of work and kitchen areas using proper cleaning chemicals. • Work cohesively with kitchen cooks, sous chefs and head chef. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker. Qualified Islanders can email their resume to; however candidates must submit a copy of their resume to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.63 per hour. DATE OPEN: January 11, 2021


JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Making sure all rooms are clean and in top condition for new arrivals and existing guests. • Ensure lobbies, lounges, common areas, restrooms, corridors, stairways, locker rooms, and other work areas so that health standards are met. • Disinfect equipment and supplies, using germicides or steam-operated sterilizers. • Work quickly and efficiently so guests aren’t left hanging around. • Liaise with the head housekeeper and supervisor when rooms are ready for guests. • Ensure the equipment’s use, such as shampooers, polishers and trolleys, is in good working condition. • Being able to use the equipment safely and efficiently. • Ability to bent, lift and walk upstairs. • Report on any shortages, damages or security issues. • Handle reasonable guest’s complaints/requests and inform head of department. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker. Qualified Islanders can email their resume to; however candidates must submit a copy of their resume to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.63 per hour. DATE OPEN: January 11, 2021


JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Clean building floors by sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, or vacuuming them. • Gather and empty trash, service, clean, and supply restrooms • Maintain Controlling stocks for daily use in the department (cleaning products, mop heads, etc.). • Working within the constraints of Health and

Safety and adhere to any Health and Safety policies. • Perform nightly deep cleaning of common areas of resort; work overnight and split shifts. • Participate in dishwashing, garbage removal, silver polishing, pot washing or any other areas as necessary in accordance with department needs. • Ensure water temperature, and chemical level/ proper uses of chemicals are appropriate for cleaning. Ability to work overnight shifts and splits. • Collect towels from around beach and pool. • Ability to multitask, responsible, organize, basic repairs and basic culinary skills. • Ability to bent, stand for long hours and knowledge of cleaning equipment’s and machines. • Ability to walk up and down stairs, bent, physical strength, stamina and lifts 50lbs. • Ability to comprehend and communicate in fluent English. • Excellent communication skills through effectively communicating with guests and management. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker. Qualified Islanders can email their resume to; however candidates must submit a copy of their resume to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.63 per hour. DATE OPEN: January 11, 2021


JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Must be able to lift 50lbs pounds on a consistent basis. • Ability to bent, lift and walk upstairs. • Collect all dirty lines from rooms. • Prepared and distributed towels, lines and rags to different departments. • Arranged and maintained a sanitary hallway and area outside of the laundry and rooms. • Load all laundry into washer and add specified cleaning agents. • Operated liner feeder, and table’s linen ironing machines. • Monitored and operated computer driven washers and dryers according to recommended capacity and manufacture guidelines. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker. Qualified Islanders can email their resume to; however candidates must submit a copy of their resume to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.63 per hour. Candidates must have the ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts, split shifts, overnight shifts and including weekends and Holidays.

January 13-19, 2021 FINAL PREPARATION STRIKE South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a


• To repair auto body damage, spray vehicle. • To work 8-5, Mon-Sat Salary: $9 hourly CONTACT: 244-9497 EMAIL: FINALPREPSTRIKE@ GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23821


JEWELRY REPAIRMAN Duties: repairs broken jewelry



BOTTLE WAY, SECOND MARA, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, mixing concrete, hand tools to workers, and cleaning work site. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 345-3216

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23813






Suites A 201 & A202 (Upstairs) Regent Village East, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands


Must have experience, be able to pass drug test, bilingualism is an asset. Hours vary, 6 days a week, salary commensurate with experience in region of $2000 month. Duties include preparing boat/equipment for flights, taking care of passengers needs, delivering safety briefings, maintaining vessel as needed. 649-331-6363 Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department


to work 6 days a week. Salary starting with experience. Duties include troubleshooting of air conditioning systems, installation of mini-split central units and chiller units.




• Setting up workstations. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking food in various utensils or grillers. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly CONTACT: 649-946-5885 EMAIL: CULINARIATCI@GMAIL.COM BELONGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY TO THE LABOUR BOARD A WORK PERMIT HOLDER CURRENTLY HOLDS THIS POSITION


CLASSIFIEDS 39 HO2 CONSTRUCTION 1B TDMG Building, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Weld and install iron/ steel install gates and other construction materials to form buildings. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 431-2970

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23817



Duties will include cleaning homes and offices and any other general cleaning duties as assigned. Must be able to work 6 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Payrate is $6.50 per hour BELONGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO EMAIL THEIR RESUME TO CARE@TCIWAY.TC OR CONTACT: 241-2228; THIS POSITION IS FOR A FIRST-TIME WORK PERMIT HOLDER. 23722




A chef is required to work in a private villa. This position requires the that the successful individual possesses the following skills:

LABOURERS/GROUNDSMEN Pavilion Management is looking for Two Labourers to be responsible for the general maintenance of the gardens, plants and lawns at rental villas. Responsible for the general maintenance of the gardens, plants and lawns at the villas. And also maintain the beautification of the lawns and gardens in order to attract guests to the property. DUTIES INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO: • Soil cultivation when necessary, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, and planting. • Using and maintaining hand tools and basic light machinery. • Ensure all equipment and machinery are stored securely and clean after use. • Maintain gardens by trimming and making sure that plants are receiving adequate water. • Prune trees and hedges to correct shape and height so that they are safe and look good. • Maintain lawn and grass areas using machinery. • Keep the gardens, thoroughfares and footpaths clear and free from litter at all times. • Weed between the ferns and round the sides of the property. • Ensure the cleanliness of the beach frontage • Must be willing to have ongoing training in other areas A clean driving license would be an advantage. Must have basic command and understanding of English Previous experience in similar role as well as a sound knowledge and use of horticultural machinery is an added advantage. Salary $1500-2000 based on experience. INTERESTED BELONGERS SHOULD SEND COVER LETTER AND RESUME TO ANDREA RIGGS, GRIFFITHS & PARTNERS, 82 CHEROKEE ROAD, PROVIDENCIALES, FAX 649-941-8251. THESE POSITIONS ARE CURRENTLY HELD BY WORK PERMIT HOLDERS.


VILLA CHEF • Preferably at least 5 years’ experience in a luxury hotel, restaurant or as a personal cook in a private residence • He/she must possess the ability to prepare a range of international cuisines (Asian, fusion cuisine, French, Italian), as well as cater to guests individual dietary preferences that includes vegetarian, vegan, kosher, organic diets etc. • Full ability and responsibility to take on menu planning and food preparation for house parties, BBQ’s, business meetings • Maintain the cleanliness and proper sanitation of kitchen at all times including deep cleaning of appliances, pots and pans, kitchen tools etc. • Exercise good cost control, presenting monthly monitoring and replenishment of stocks and supplies • Computer literacy would be an advantage but not essential with the ability to record and present invoices and purchases in an accurate manner. THE CANDIDATE MUST ALSO: • Be willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays etc. • Be able to work within a team, be reliable and trustworthy • Be extremely well presented and have a good command of English • Must possess a clean Turks & Caicos Islands driver’s license in order to run errands • Must be prepared to carry out other duties when guests/owners are not in house as is required with regards general property upkeep. • Preference will also be given to individuals who have worked within a 5-star luxury environment • Salary ranges between $3,500.00 – 4,000.00 per month depending on experience.

Suitably qualified candidates must apply in writing with resume details to Griffiths & Partners, 82 Cherokee Road, Providenciales or Email: Belongers are encouraged to apply and also submit a copy to the Labour Department. This position is a new position.



January 13-19, 2021



Legal/Compliance Officer REPORTING TO: CEO, INVEST TURKS AND CAICOS LOCATION: INVEST TCI OFFICES - PROVIDENCIALES JOB SUMMARY: The Legal Compliance Officer is a key member of the Management team and responsible for providing sound technical support and legal advice to the CEO and other members of the team in order to maximize the effectiveness of the Agency’s ability to attract qualified investors to the Islands. The Legal/Compliance Officer will provide legal advice at the Agency with respect to all aspects of investing in the country and take an active role in negotiating agreements with investors. The Legal/ Compliance Officer will be a key leader in identifying and providing advice on ways for Government to revise laws, regulations and procedures to improve the business environment for both investors and Government. The Legal/Compliance Officer will provide legal advice on other legal matters that may arise in the organization. KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. To provide legal advice on matters of constitutional and national law. 2. To prepare draft memoranda of understanding, development agreements, lease agreement or any contracts or agreements required for new qualified investment projects. 3. To collaborate with the CEO and managers to negotiate memoranda of understanding or development agreements 4. To collaborate with the Invest Turks and Caicos team to develop policies and procedures for processing investment projects. 5. To promote strong relationships with partners within the country. 6. To ensure that proper due diligence is conducted on all new investors, both domestic and foreign. 7. To prepare Cabinet papers and provide advice to Cabinet on the legal implications of various negotiating positions put forward by the Government in negotiations with investors. 8. To provide input into the project roster that provides information on all projects currently being considered in the country and contribute to the quarterly report to the Board/Cabinet on the status of each project. 9. To provide legal advice and support to propose changes to legislation and policies that will improve the business environment and make investing more productive for both investors and government. PERSONAL SPECIFICATIONS Education and qualifications: A law degree from a recognized university and a member of the bar in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Experience and Knowledge: 1. A minimum of five years commercial law experience, with knowledge of TCI laws dealing with investment projects. 2. Experience dealing with domestic and foreign

investors in the commercial law environment. 3. Strong background in using various types of office related software and preparation of presentations and reports. SKILLS: 1. Strong track record of competency in current and previous employment. 2. Excellent Leadership Qualities 3. Strong Writing and presentational skills. 4. Excellent Communication and interpersonal skills. 5. Excellent skills in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook 6. Ability to work in a team environment and manage time effectively 7. Commercial awareness. 8. Creativity. 9. Ability to maintain confidentiality Personal Qualities: 1. Open and engaging demeanor. 2. Able to generate and share ideas. 3. Hands-on approach. 4. Willing to take personal responsibility 5. Able to win trust and personal credibility 6. Persistence and personal resilience. 7. Willingness to personally deliver quality to business clients. 8. Willingness to understand different cultures, lifestyles and associated points of view. 9. Willingness to understand the values associated with small communities. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Fluent English DEADLINE DATE FOR APPLICATIONS The deadline date for applications is January 22, 2021 Turks and Caicos time. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Interested persons should submit a resume, along with their contact information, cover letter, two letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer), copies of educational certificates, a Police Certificate and a copy of the Passport photo page. Applications can be submitted by courier or delivered directly to Invest Turks and Caicos at Unit 2D, Courtyard Plaza, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, prior to the deadline. The application should be addressed to The CEO (Acting) - Invest Turks and Caicos and envelopes should have the words “Legal /Compliance Officer clearly marked on the front. Alternatively, applications can be emailed to .The subject line in the email should read “Legal /Compliance Officer”. We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only persons selected for an interview will be contacted.

REQUIREMENTS: • Cleaning, organizing menus and cooking for a family of 5 • Must be available to work weekends and some Holidays • Full time caregiver to a 7-year-old • Must have a valid driver’s license • Salary: $6.50 per hour

Prospective applicants including Islanders can bring all applications to Services by EA located at 65 Beechwood Rd, Grace Bay Village, Providenciales or e-mail to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by work permit holder. Sincerely,


SUNNY FOODS RETAIL & WHOLESALE LTD Is now interviewing for the following positions:

2 X LABOURER(S) • Responsible for doing Manuel work • Loading and unloading Container • Assisting in stocking shelves • Should be physically fit to lift products 50lb or more . • Being able to work at heights • Committed to work flexible hours, days, nights, weekends and holidays. Salary $7.00 per hour.

CONTACT: 941-8112

This Position is for work permit renewal interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of the resume to the Labour Department. 23851

Waterloo Plaza, Grand Turk

OPERATOR/MECHANIC Tropical Gas Ltd. is looking for 1 (one) experienced, skilled individual to fill the role of Operator/Mechanic on a full-time basis. Salary $2,200.00 per month CONTACT 946-1278 This position will be in Grand Turk.






North Back Salina Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 242-0234

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23878

SOUTH BACK SALINA GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a

DUTIES: To assist with open and Prepping store for the day’s activities set out merchandise for customers to view, to offer assistance and ensure shelves are fully stocked. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 243-5281

Belongers are asked to submit a Copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit Application.


January 13-19, 2021




SECURITY OFFICER with 10 years+ experience. Duties: Maintains safe and secure environment for customers and employees by patrolling and monitoring premises and personnel. Knowledge, Skills and Qualification: Security / Safety Training Certification from a recognized institution. Fluent in at least two languages: English, Spanish, French Creole, Tagalog. Must be available to work at any location in TCI between the hours of 7:00 am – 7:00 pm, Sunday – Saturday & Public Holidays. Salary $6.25 -$12.00 per hour (based on qualification & experience). Apply to: National Company Services, 6 Parade Avenue, Butterfield Square, Providenciales TCI by January 25, 2020. The position is currently held by work permit holder. 23854



#302 NORTHWEST CENTRAL, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a

• Inspecting and testing vehicles, engine tune ups, oil changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters • Able to work with little or no supervision, be physically fit, dependable and hard working. • Must be self-motivated and able to understand, write and speak English fluently. Salary: $1,200.00 monthly Belongers are encouraged to send copy of resume to Labour Board

Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. Salary: $8 hourly

All experienced and interested individuals can send inquiries to:

Auto Box King Road Highway, Bottle Creek, North Caicos Turks and Caicos Islands. Tel: (649) 332-5083



CONTACT: 342-1465


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 23849





• To ensure that all guestrooms are cleaned to the established standards. • Stocks Room Attendant cart to the established standards REQUIREMENTS:

• High school diploma or equivalent vocational training • Minimum 1-year experience as hotel cleaner or in janitorial / cleaning position preferred • Full Time position only • Must speak, read, write and understand the primary language (English) used in the workplace • Must work weekends and holidays • Base salary range: $6.50 - $7.50 / hour to commensurate with qualification & experience. • Benefits: Service gratuity, vacation & employee meals. The above position is currently held by a Work Permit Card Holder.


An Application, REGISTERED PR 14861 by Camco Enterprises Ltd., for parcels 60714 / 309, 310, 311 & 312, Cheshire Hall & Richmond Hill, Providenciales has been submitted to the Department of Planning. The planning application is for Outline Development Permission for Eight (8) Villas with Swimming Pools and Ancillary Facilities, an Office Building to be used for Management & Reception, Turning Circle & Entrance Gate. The parcels are currently zoned for Low Density Residential Class A 1 Unit/Acre. The proposed development is inconsistent with a plan which has been approved. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty- eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.




As a Houseman, you are responsible for cleaning guest rooms, carrying linen and replenishing amenities to deliver an excellent Guest and Member experience. REQUIREMENTS:

• A Houseman is always working on behalf of our Owners, Guests and working with other Team Members • Must speak, read, write and understand the primary language (English) used in the workplace • Must work PM shifts as business demands according to the operations policy • Must work weekends and holidays • Base salary range: $6.50 - $7.50 / hour to commensurate with qualification & experience. • Benefits: Service gratuity, vacation & employee meals. • The above position is currently held by a Work Permit Card Holder. Details on the above vacancies can be found by contacting the Human Resources department at 649-339-5900 ext. 7006. Applications can be completed in person at The Somerset on Grace Bay or emailed to All applications must be copied to the Immigration Board Zone 2 at The closing date for applications is February 6th, 2021. 23831

20 Breezy Ridge Road, Turtle Cove, Providenciales Turks & Caicos PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Contact: | 649.432.7776

PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER POSITION • *3 years professional photography experience, which includes working for a photography studio. • *Experience photographing weddings as a primary shooter, portraits, and posing large groups. • *Proficiency processing RAW images using Photoshop and Lightroom • *Demonstrated skill in off camera lighting • *Experience with blogging, word press, and FTP’s • *Sales experience in selling photographic products • *High level of client relations skills, including experience with on-line galleries and fulfilling client orders Salary: $3000 monthly Additional: applicant must have professional camera gear and computer equipment and programs to process files. Employee will work on location or out of home and must send portfolio of work. Applications and portfolio must be submitted electronically to:, 649.432.7776, no fax. Position currently held by a work permit holder. Turks & Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 23858


ERICSON SMITH Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



January 13-19, 2021




22 Cooper Jack Bay Rd, Industrial Park Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands BWI is looking to fill the following positions


• Assist lead welders in performing welding, brazing, thermal, and arc cutting operations • Use hoists, wrenches, and hammers to lift, move, and clamp work materials into position or onto tables • Oversee the scheduled maintenance of welding and fitting equipment to ensure they are operational • Evaluate workpieces to ensure they are free of defect and conform to set specs • Cleans work pieces to remove impurities, such as slag, rust and grease using hand tools such as wire brush, portable grinder, hand scraper or chemical solutions to ensure smooth surface. • Connect hand torches to fuel gas cylinders or electric power source • Maintain good knowledge of welding techniques and processes • Read and interpret blueprints for a welding project. • Experienced in SMAW / GMAW / GTAW & oxy-fuel welding / cutting • Must have a valid trade specific certification Wage: $6.25 per hr.


• Set up and operate a variety of machine tools to produce precision parts and instruments. • Includes precision instrument makers who fabricate, modify, or repair mechanical instruments. • Fabricate and modify parts to make or repair machine tools or maintain industrial machines, applying knowledge of mechanics, shop mathematics, metal properties, layout, and machining procedures. • Study sample parts, blueprints, drawings, and engineering information to determine methods and sequences of operations needed to fabricate products and determine product dimensions and tolerances. • Observe and listen to operating machines or equipment to diagnose machine malfunctions and to determine need for adjustments or repairs. • Remain in a standing position for extended periods of time. • Must have a valid trade specific certification with at least 5 years working experience. Wage: $9 per hr.


• Lay out, fit, and fabricate metal components to assemble structural forms using knowledge of welding techniques, metallurgy and engineering components • Operates drill presses, power saws, grinders, metal lathes and a variety of welding equipment and hand tools • Analyze sample parts, blueprints, engineering drawings and specifications to plan welding operations • Remain in a standing position for extended periods of time. • Experienced in SMAW / GMAW / GTAW & oxy-fuel welding / cutting • Must have a valid trade specific certification with at least 5 years working experience. • Wage: $8.00 per hr.



Duties: To prep suffices and To lay tiles according to plans And any other duties as may be Assigned. SALARY: $8.00 per hour.

CONTACTS: 231-7095

Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To the Labour Office. This position Is currently held by a Work Permit holder.



Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Washing Braiding, Weaving, Relaxing, grooming And maintenance, cutting And trimming and styling. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 247-7633



Moore’s Alley, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Osborne Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a



Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 242-1111

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 23880


East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To ensure premises are Kept clean to dispose of refuse and to assist with cleaning vehicles and any other duties as may Be necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 245-1005

Duties: To ensure premises are Kept clean to dispose of refuse and to assist with cleaning vehicles and any other duties as may Be necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 241-7790

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder. 23876



Duties will include cleaning homes and offices and any other general cleaning duties as assigned. Must be able to work 6 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Payrate is $6.50 per hour

Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.






MOBILE Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning, wiping, dusting, clean trash, washing, sensitizing, ironing, home, apt, condo. Villa, any company that need our cleaning services. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 345-0477

PLEASE EMAIL RESUME TO NATZSECRETARIAL@GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23842


#7 Black Crow, Kew Plaza, Kew Town. Is seeking to employ a


• Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, nail and skin care services. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 441-3791

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




Upkeep of the surrounding of the property.


#20 & 21 Saltmills Plaza, Grace Bay, 941-3374

COOK - 7.00 P/H

Prepares foods to the


Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 231-2763

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23844




ACTING ON BEHALF OF OUR CLIENT 37 Flamingo Road, Long Bay Hills Contact 232-4612

29A SHORE CLUB ROAD, LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a

specifications of the client.


Bonaventure Cres, Grace Bay Contact 649-941-5160


making sure all assigned areas are clean, neat, & tidy.


14 Caribbean paradise inn, Grace Bay Contact 946-5186

SOUS CHEF- $600.00 P/W

Assisting in preparing all the menu items.

Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board. These position is currently held by work permit holder



Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Apply makeup, dress wigs, and provide nail and skin care services. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 341-0363

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position


January 13-19, 2021 J AND C CONSTRUCTION Cheshire Hall, Provo Is seeking to employ a


Install pipes and fixtures. Salary: $7.50 hourly CONTACT: 649-241-5563

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position



#59 Leeside Avenue Technology Drive, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning inside the restaurant. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 331-2695

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position


NATZ SECRETARIAL & ADMIN SERVICES The Bight, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning all office equipment, mopping floor, wiping & dusting tables, chairs & anything else around the office, every day before the office is open. Trash removal throughout the day, Organizing files. Salary: $6.25 hourly PLEASE EMAIL RESUME TO NATZSECRETARIAL@GMAIL.COM CONTACT: 345-0477 BELONGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEND A COPY OF THEIR RESUME TO THE LABOUR BOARD







7A Martha Yard, The Bight Is seeking to employ a

• Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, steam, air, or other liquids. Installs supports for pipes, equipment, etc. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 649-348-7523

This position is for a first time applicant Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23890


Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position




Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.30 hourly

CONTACT: 343-7860

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


OBED CONSTRUCTION Long Bay, Sisal Rd. #61 Is seeking to employ a

TILE MAN Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops. Level the surface with a layer of mortar or plywood. Salary based on commission

CONTACT: 649343-1420

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



• Cook a variety of food setting up workstations and cooking equipment. • Must be friendly and respectful. Salary: $10 hourly


CONTACT: 649-331-8064


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position

• Cleaning. • Must know cleaning procedure • Mon-Sat; 8am to 5pm Salary: $6.25 hourly

Godet Street, South Caicos Is seeking to employ a

21 ridge Road, Turtle Cove Is seeking a

CONTACT: 442-2549

Back Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

Bay Shore Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

SOUTH BACK SALINA, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a




Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 231-2732

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23815


Unit #2 Alice & Alice, Airport Road. Is seeking


• 12 years’ experience required. • Create made-to-measure dresses, skirts, trousers and blouses. Cut, trim, and sew clothing.


• 12 years’ experience required. • Measure parts such as sleeves or pant legs, and mark or pinfold alteration lines. Salaries based on commission

CONTACT: 242-7211

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board Work permit holders currently hold these positions


WALK IN POOLS Phase 2, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


CONTACT: 649-347-4782

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board



Cleaning pools and other work. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 232-5880

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23819


#12 Airport Road, Provo Is seeking to employ a


Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, steam, air, or other liquids. Installs supports for pipes, equipment, etc. Salary: $20 houry

CONTACT: 333-1505

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23845





Horseshoe Lane, Lower Bight. Is seeking a

• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 243-4036

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23799


41A DISCOVERY BAY Is seeking a

Service and repair of appliances such as refrigerators, washers, stoves, dryers, and etc. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 241-2235 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder


468A Bay Road, Blue Hills. Is seeking to employ a

Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour

• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • Must be willing to 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour

BABYSITTER CONTACT: 342-3717 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position


CONTACT: 231-6537


Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23800




SECTION ISLAND NORTH WEST PROVIDENCIALES & NORTH CENTRAL Whereas, CHRISTOVEL WITHFIELD WILLIAMS, administrator of the Estate of DAVID WILLIAMS, deceased, has declared that the Land Certificate for the above mentioned title number(s) issued in the name of JAMES CALVIN WILLIAMS as Administrator of the estate of DAVID WILLIAMS was inadvertently mislaid and cannot be found. Take notice that I, TONI-ANN FOSTER, ACTING REGISTRAR OF LANDS, shall issue a new Land Certificate for the said title six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Notice in a local newspaper and the Gazette. 23889

44 CLASSIFIEDS WILSON’S CONTRACTING TCI 65 Walter Cox Dr., Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


Plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs, heating, and air conditioning system.


8 Infinity Lane, One Pelican Place, Unit 6 Leeward Highway. Is seeking to employ


Install structures and fixtures, windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials

Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $6.25 per hour

CONTACT: 332-7196

CONTACT: 348-0477




• Install, repair, piping, fixtures, appliances etc. • Must be able to work without supervision and be able to solve all types of plumbing problems. • Work 5 days a week. • SALARY $7.00 PER HOUR Salary: $13 per hour




New Subdivision, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a

3 Charter House, Center Complex, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI




Inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 246-7824

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23888

Duties: include but not limited to: laundry services, housekeeping cleaning, preventative maintenance, spot check and reporting to Villa Manager/Ambassador Responsibilities: clean, sanitize, prepare vacation rental homes for tourist rentals Rate of pay: $6.50 per hour BELONGERS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATIONS TO THE LABOUR BOARD, MINISTRY OF BOARDER CONTROL OR CONTACT: (649) 331-3870


Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board





Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


January 13-19, 2021


CONTACT: 649-245-8046


J101 Regent Village Grace Bay Provo Is seeking to employ a

• To take clients orders • Serve Food • Mix and serve drinks. • Keep counter area clean • Must be willing to work Irregular long late hours Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 231-2972


Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 23906



475 Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 244-8726

- $9 hourly Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones. Renewal

HG MAINTENANCE COMPANY #17 Bay Road, Blue Hills 342-0275


-$6.50 hourly Set up equipment, clean worksite, erect scaffolding.


#87 Snake Hills, Millennium Highway 344-0775


-$300 weekly Take care of children. Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board





– $7.81 per hour - Providenciales

Applicants must have relevent experience in the field they have applied for. Must be able to work 40 hours per week (5 shifts allocated over 7 days and include weekend and bank holidays). Excellent customer service, English language skills and literacy are required for all posts. Belongers only need to apply

Interested candidates please forward your resume to:

CLEANER Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 344-5950

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23891

BABYSITTER Ensuring a safe environment,

preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-8730





#47 Dock Yard, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a



Cox Drive, Kew Town 331-8546

– $8.81 per hour - Providenciales

CONTACT: 242-1910

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23902

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position


InterHealth Canada Construction and Services has the following vacancies within the Facilities Management Department at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales.

Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct. Salary: $6.25 hourly

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position

Acting on behalf of





#10 BAY ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 232-7124

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23863


Leeward Landing, Leeward Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $800 biweekly

CONTACT: 231-0390

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position



Residence St., Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-1243

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23902


Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 231-6028

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23803

ENID BEAUTY SALON #332 Back Road, Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking a


- $7.25 hourly Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Makeup, etc.


- $7.25 hourly Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails


- $8 hourly Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair

CONTACT: 241-1465

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 23861

ESTEL DELIVERY & AUXILIARY SERVICES New Subdivision, Robinson St., Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


• Transport materials and goods among manufacturing, distribution and retail centers. Perform sales and customer service as part of the job. • To work 6 days weekly. Salary: $12 hourly

CONTACT: 343-9399

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


January 13-19, 2021


#2 the Bight, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Housekeeping, cleaning rooms, bathrooms, mop, sweep, making beds and changing towels, etc. • To work 6 days a week including holidays and weekends. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-946-5547

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 23870

REGCO CONSTRUCTION #41A, Discovery Bay, Providenciales

PAINTER – $2,000 monthly

Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces.

CONTACT: 342-0255

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. The positions currently held by work permit holders




Trinity Lane, Long Bay, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 244-4837

HANDYMAN $352.00

Salary/Wages: per WEEK

RESPONSIBILITIES/ DUTIES: Assisting electrician, mason and carpenters



• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-4838

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position


PETE ST. 12A, KISHCO BUILDING, DOWN TOWN Is seeking to employ a


• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 343-6554

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 23864



#85 Walkin Plaza, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a

SECRETARY – $12 hourly

• Receiving calls and helping with payroll. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week.




Duties: fix and install glass. Must be willing to work 5 days per week. Salary $7.00 per hour CONTACT: 649-231-6260

CONTACT: 246-5189

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


These positions are for first time applicants Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 23901


Leeward Highway, Provo Is seeking to employ a


Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. Salary: $500 weekly

CONTACT: 346-6455

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position


#4 Spot Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a

203W Venture House, Grace Bay, Providenciales, TCI


Luxury Villa

• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 342-8799

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board Work permit holders currently hold this position 23867



PUBLIC NOTICE TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDER STATUS APPLICATION (SECTION 4(3) OF THE TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDER STATUS ORDINANCE) Take notice that I, Nigel Dakin, Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands in exercise of the powers conferred in me by Section 4(3) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Turks and Caicos Islander Status to Patrick Ogena Eugene by virtue of marriage to a Turks and Caicos Islander.


LIVE-IN COOK Responsible for the consistent preparation of innovative and creative cuisine of the highest quality. Attention to detail a must, as is demonstrated culinary expertise resulting in outstanding guest satisfaction. Managing a busy kitchen, setting menus, ordering and monitoring supplies. • Liaise with Concierge for food provision to purchase prior to guest arrival. • Submit the provision receipts, to Accounting in an accurate report and timely manner • Provide direction for all day-to-day operations in the kitchen. • Actively involved in menu development. • Determines how food should be presented and create decorative food displays. • Ensures practices and procedures comply with food handling and sanitation standards. This includes completing an annual hygiene plan and hygiene inspection prior to guest arrival • Follows proper handling and right temperature of all food products. • Ensures all equipment in the kitchen is properly cleaned, maintained and in working order in accordance with local Health Department standards. • When the villa is vacant, he/she shall work with the villa team to ensure that the villa is clean and well maintained. PREREQUISITES:

Must have experience cooking and working in Luxury Villa’s. Displays leadership. Exemplifies excellent customer service and creates a positive atmosphere for guest relations. Must be able to prepare Kosher food and be Serv Safe Certified. Please note that this position is held by a work permit holder. Renumeration for this position starts at $1500.00 per month. Interested persons are asked to send a copy of their resume to and send a copy to The Labour Department.

LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER A housekeeper/Server is required for a Luxury Villa. Applicant is required to perform a variety of housekeeping duties including but not limited to the following: • Maintaining proper inventory of linen and amenities • Performing a variety of cleaning details such as vacuuming, mopping, surface cleaning, dusting, changing and laundering linen. • Ensure that rooms in villa is cared for and inspected according to company standards • Notify Villa Manager of any damages • Deal with any request and or complaints in a professional manner and patience. • Must be committed to working as a part of the team • Must have the initiative to work with minimal supervision • Must be willing to perform any other duty assigned by Supervisor • Must follow directions both written and verbally • Must be honest and confidential • Must be a good communicator • Attention to detail and some customer assistance and service are required. This position requires someone with a sunny disposition who can remain calm during stressful situations. Applicant must have a minimum of 2 years Luxury Villa housekeeping experience. Applicant may work long hours including weekends and holidays. Renumeration for this position starts at $1500.00 per month. This is position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Interested persons should address their resume to Belonger applicants are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Department


Sports Interational


January 13-19, 2021

Has Ronaldo equalled world goalscoring record? CRISTIANO Ronaldo is now the joint-top scorer of all time, say many reports, after the 759th goal of his career, scored in Juventus’ 3-1 win over Sassuolo - but is it true? Ronaldo has scored five goals for Sporting Lisbon, 118 for Manchester United, 450 for Real Madrid, 84 for Juventus and 102 for Portugal - so there is no doubt about his figure. But the confusion seems to come from his goalscoring rivals of olden days. Data from Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation (RSSSF) says Josef Bican is football’s all-time top scorer (excluding players who have never played at the top level) with 805 career goals (from only 530 games), with Romario on 772 and Pele on 767. Bican, who died in 2001, played for five clubs including Rapid Vienna and Slavia Prague as well as Austria and Czechoslovakia - in a career which lasted from 1931 to 1955. But among the 805 goals were 27 for Rapid’s reserve and amateur teams, as well as strikes which were not in official international games. Remove those and Bican finished his career on 759 goals in 495 games. Well maybe, because RSSSF says some data is partially missing on the Czech second division in 1952. So what of Pele and Romario? Again there is some dispute over

Cristiano Ronaldo and Josef Bican are the joint top scorers in the history of football (maybe).

their goal tallies - with both Brazilian strikers claiming to have netted over 1,000 goals. Barcelona’s Lionel Messi recently broke Pele’s world record of 643 goals for one club... but Santos then claimed Pele’s friendly goals count and he scored 1,091 for the club. Pele’s own Instagram bio says he is the “Leading Goal Scorer of All Time (1,283)”. But remove friendly and unofficial strikes (including one for a military team in 1959) and Pele’s 757 goals for Santos, Brazil and New York Cosmos seems to be the figure doing the rounds. Romario celebrated his 1,000th

goal in 2007 - but that included youth, friendly and testimonial games. The Brazilian is credited with 745 goals in a career which took in spells in South America, Europe, Asia and Australia - although that goal tally seems to change from report to report. So to answer the question, maybe Ronaldo is the joint top scorer ever. Maybe. Possibly. Not sure actually. We do know Messi is 40 behind after scoring 719 goals for Barcelona and Argentina in an era when stats are recorded more officially. This week, Ronaldo has a chance to maybe break the maybe-record in Wednesday’s Coppa Italia game with Genoa. (BBC)

Trump National stripped of 2022 US PGA Championship TRUMP National in Bedminster has been stripped of the US PGA Championship in 2022 as its organisers felt using the course as host would be “detrimental”. The PGA of America voted to terminate the agreement on Sunday. US President Donald Trump, who owns the course, has been accused by Democrats and some Republicans of encouraging last Wednesday’s riot in Congress. A representative for the Trump Organization said they were “incredibly disappointed” with the decision. “It has become clear that conducting the PGA Championship at Trump Bedminster would be detrimental to the PGA of America brand and would put at risk the PGA’s ability to deliver our many programmes and sustain the longevity of our mission,” said PGA of America President Jim Richerson. “It was a decision made to ensure the PGA of America and PGA professionals can continue to lead and grow our game for decades to come.” The course in New Jersey, one of 17 courses around the world owned by Trump, was due to host the major

Trump National hosted the 2017 US Women’s Open.

in May 2022. Another of his properties, Trump Turnberry in Ayrshire, Scotland, has not been selected to host an Open Championship by the R&A since Trump bought the resort in 2014 with the host venues now finalised up to 2024. Turnberry’s Ailsa course has hosted The Open on four occasions since first staging the championship in 1977, most recently when Stewart Cink won in 2009. R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers said there were “no plans”

to stage any of its championships at Turnberry and that the governing body would “not do so in the foreseeable future”. “We will not return until we are convinced that the focus will be on the championship, the players and the course itself and we do not believe that is achievable in the current circumstances,” Slumbers said. The PGA of America is now searching for a replacement host for one of the game’s biggest four men’s individual events.

Fans lined the streets to welcome the players for Sunday’s FA Cup match between Marine and Spurs.

‘Patience wearing thin’ with football after continued breaches of rules and protocols IMAGES of players celebrating inside tightly packed dressing rooms were an unwelcome feature of FA Cup third-round weekend - while crowds of fans gathering outside cup ties drew criticism and caught the attention of government ministers. On the back of players from all levels of the game apologising for various coronavirus rule breaches, the case for football to continue while the rest of society is locked down is coming under increasing scrutiny. “Morally, with the situation we have in this country and worldwide, to keep doing what we are doing is a little bit of a strange feeling,” Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta said on Monday. “We know what we can bring to society if we are able to do it in safe way.” In the Premier League, referees will speak to captains and managers before matches to remind them to observe social distancing guidelines, including around situations like goal celebrations and handshakes. New EFL chief executive Trevor Birch wrote to all clubs on Monday, warning them “now is not the time for complacency” over Covid protocols, adding: “We will come under extreme governmental pressure if we continue to flout the rules and guidance in place. “It is more important than ever that all club staff and players vigilantly follow the processes to avoid a suspension and the implications, particularly financial, associated with such a drastic course of action.” BBC sports editor Dan Roan says while elite sport is not yet in the “last-chance saloon”, there are “no guarantees” with “patience wearing thin”.

Over the weekend, the UK passed the milestone of 80,000 coronavirusrelated deaths since the start of the pandemic and there is debate about whether England’s lockdown restrictions should be tightened even further. But some elite sport has been able to continue under strict protocols established in the summer. With several shock results in this weekend’s FA Cup, players were keen to celebrate, but videos from the dressing rooms with players not socially distancing has led to criticism on social media. There were also images of fans gathered outside Marine’s stadium in Crosby, Merseyside, before their match against Tottenham on Sunday. Merseyside Police said the “vast majority of people present were adhering to social-distancing measures and those who were not were advised by officers”. More than 60 games in England have been called off this season, with Aston Villa’s match against Tottenham on Wednesday the fifth Premier League postponement. Players from Spurs, Fulham, Crystal Palace, West Ham and Manchester City were recently criticised by their clubs for breaking England’s restrictions over the new year holiday. In the Women’s Super League, Arsenal’s trip to Aston Villa and Manchester City’s home game with West Ham were both postponed after five players tested positive for coronavirus following trips to Dubai over Christmas. Manchester United boss Casey Stoney apologised for giving her players permission to travel to Dubai over the festive period. (BBC)

January 13-19, 2021

Sports Interational SPORTS YEAR IN REVIEW

Denique Scott shared a home workout plan with the TCI in April.

APRIL In April, local athletes and those based overseas were coming to grip with the implications of the lockdown, some were forced to postpone all forms of training due to their locations, while others were restricted to indoor facilities. National high jumper Kivarno Handfield, who battled with injuries over the last few years, was hoping that 2020 could have been his breakaway year, but although he was deflated that the pandemic cancelled his season, he was also hoping to stay injury free and was focused on getting to the 2022 Commonwealth Games. As bad as some athletes had it, none suffered like DeAngelo Germain, who faced quarantine in the hospital while suffering from excruciating body pain. The former national athlete, who is a dental hygienist, was struck down by a car on April 14, while out exercising on Butterfield Drive.

Sean Rodgers is one of our cyclists who decided to ride in his living room.




Karl Shand Jr. is expected to make an impact on the Kentucky Wesleyan Panthers.

DeAngelo Germain was in the hospital during the early lockdown period.

The 26-year-old had multiple face injuries, including a broken jaw. (Weekly News is happy to report that it took several months, but Germain recovered). For former British West Indies Collegiate student Karl Shand Jr. (KJ) 2020 had its bright moments, given that he signed with the Kentucky Wesleyan Panthers in the United States. The Kentucky Wesleyan College competes at the NCAA Division II level. Known as the Panthers, Kentucky Wesleyan is a founding member of the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC), a conference comprised of institutions in Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, and West Virginia. Karl, who left the TCI in 2017, has been doing amazing things in the football (soccer) arena prior to becoming a collegiate athlete. On the international scene, national footballer Marco Fenelus, who went through an early lockdown in his playing

nation of Taiwan, started the 2020 Taiwan Football Premier League with a bang. The 28-year-old, who is a superstar in the League, having led the Tatang Football Club to three consecutive titles (2017-2019), opened his season with a goal and an assist for the Tainan City FC. At home, local cyclists were leading from the front with home fitness. The riders decided to alter their bikes for stationary indoor rides and it soon became a trend in the cycling circle. While our top cyclists were proving that activities were possible indoors, our top bodybuilder was sharing his home workout plan. Denique Scott, an ISSA Certified Elite Trainer, a personal trainer, nutrition expert and a strength and condition coach, was hoping to help inspire his home nation of TCI. His home workout catered for different levels of fitness, via the use of rest.

Like Rodgers, another national cyclist Gabriella Hegedus had stated that her motivation during the quarantine was not just to stay in shape, but to actually get fitter.

Shadarno Clarke did not falter in 2020, he again excel academically and through basketball.




January 13-19, 2021


Workout: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 25 x Push ups 50 x Squats 25 x Sit-ups 20 x Leg raises 25 x Jumping jacks 10 x Jumping lunges (per leg) 30 x V-sits Rest: 2 minutes (beginner/ intermediate) 60 seconds (advanced) Repeat 4 times. Cardio: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 30 minutes minimum sprints: 15-30 seconds fast run, 3045 seconds rest and repeat. **** Sprints can be substituted with skipping using the same recommended repetitions **** Scott had also proposed a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, protein foods and whole grains with adequate sleep and stress management. Delano Williams dreams of equality right across the board. He was very emotional in addressing racism in June.

MAY With a lockdown still in place and competitions suspended indefinitely, May turned into the month of basketball news in the TCI. One of our top local players, Shadarno Clarke made the Dean’s List at the Campbellsville University a second time. The 6’7” forward who had also made the Dean’s List in his freshman year in 2018, again proved that he is as lethal with his books as with the ball. The academic honours’ list recognised students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or above for the Spring semester of 2020 with a course load of at least 12

HAB Sonics’ Head Coach Ciaran O’Neill (top left) during the NCAA DI online Clinic in May.

sessions moderated by Ramin Kiani and Anders Eriksson and assisted by Perra Widen. It was the first UEFA ASSIST Programme course by the European nation. At the government level, the TCI Sports Commission through its Director of Sport Jarrett Forbes was excited about the positives in the re-enactment of the Sports Commission. Forbes said that the move was a boost to sport on the islands and equips the governing body with a range of necessary tools.

JUNE After the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police in late May, the Black Life Matter Movement erupted in the US and it reverberated across the world. In TCI, many people had their opinions on the murder,

Director of Sport Jarrett Forbes was happy that the Turks and Caicos Department of Sports transitioned to the TCI Sports Commission.

Dwaine Simmons opened up about college basketball in May.

hours. Dwaine Simons also made headlines in May after he opened up about his basketball career. The 6’6 player, shared some of his experiences playing in North America. Simmons had also announced that he would be attending the Missouri Valley College, a Division 1 Basketball Institution. Pro-active basketball coach Ciaran O’Neill also benefitted from an NCAA Division One coaches clinic via Zoom in May. The HAB Sonics head coach said that the online event was “a really great learning experience”. At the federation level, the TCIBF facilitated a high-level online coaching course in May. President of the federation Sydwell Glasgow said that he was confident that it would help the game going forward. The course was conducted through the assistance of international body FIBA. Basketball was not the only sport benefitting from online programmes. Officials from the TCIFA took part in a webinar football series organised by the Swedish FA. The Match Analysis webinar series, included three

Steve Kendrew was head of the PPL from 2011 to 2020.

January 13-19, 2021





Kendrew was not the only person who opted to retire in June, Candace Hanchell also called it quits. The long-standing president of the Women’s Football League, who also served as second vice president of the FA, resigned from her posts after over two decades in the sport as player and official. As she did for Kendrew, President of the TCIFA Sonia Fulford was also hefty in praise for the administrator. With Hanchell stepping down Victor Lowe was given the nod to become the FA’s second VP when elections were held in June. Fullford also returned (unopposed) as President of the FA.


Candace Hanchell spent over two decades in football before retiring last year.

Young athletes having their temperature tested before entering an athletic camp in July.


July 6-22, but that was pushed back. With the announcement, the Gilley’s Enterprises Provo Premier League (PPL) decided to bring its season to a close. PPL President Steve Kendrew noted that many people were scheduled to travel in July and it would have been unfair to play without certain players. That would actually be Kendrew’s last administrative decision with the league, given that he stepped down just after. He cited personal reasons, including the need for more family time, for his decision. His announcement brought a shockwave through the footballing community and scores of players, both past and present took to social media to express gratitude to their beloved administrator, who served nine years at the helm of the senior male league in the TCI.

TCI’s first Olympian Delano Williams shared his. Williams said that he saw the killing as senseless and it proved to be a sad reminder that racial inequality is still prevalent in today’s society. He is however happy that people of all ethnicities stood up to oppression and was cautiously optimistic that there will be change. June also brought good news for sport in the TCI after the Government announced that there will be a phase opening. Phase 2A began on June 5 and was scheduled to run until June 22. During that time, non-contact, non-team sports and personal sport/fitness training commenced. Plans were also in place to commence Phase Three from

Victor Lowe and Lisa Garland became the new heads of the PPL and the Women’s Football League in early July.

July started with the news that Lowe and former national footballer Lisa Garland were appointed as new league presidents within the FA. Both administrators were enthusiastic with their appointments. On the international stage Marco Fenelus who was sidelined while getting treatment from a thigh injury felt reborn on the football field—and it showed. He was a dominant force for Tainan City FC in July in the Taiwan Football Premier League. He scored in back-to-back games to push him team to second place. With no sprinting events in the distant horizon, Jamaicabased Williams decided to use his social reach to promote local businesses. For a small cost, Williams placed ads on his Instagram and Facebook pages. After months of non-activity in the TCI, the Summer Sport Camp organised by the TCI Sports Commission, in conjunction with their respective sporting bodies, became a big hit. Over 100 youngsters benefited from the first leg of the camp, when the TCAAA partnered with the Commission to host athletic camps. Youngsters from the islands of Grand Turk, South Caicos and North Caicos participated in the camps.

Billy Forbes delivered a sweetly placed left foot shot which went on to beat the keeper in one of his August games.




January 13-19, 2021


Work done at Belglade Parker Gardens Park (basketball court), Phase One, in Providenciales in September.

SEPTEMBER The Provo Sailing Academy partnered with proactive sailing charity Andrew Simpson Foundation in August.

The TCIFA offices re-opened in September.

Yanique Haye-Smith is hoping to compete in the 2021 Olympics.

AUGUST With more sport globally re-starting or kicking off a new season, so too did the United Soccer League in the US. National team captain Billy Forbes did not waste a lot of time in registering his first goal for his new club Austin Bold. That dominance continued throughout the month and in late August Forbes made the USL Championship Team of the Week. Austin Bold were high in praise of the Turks Islander. Their website stated that Forbes has not only been a prolific

scorer, but “his ability to attack the backline with pace puts every defender under pressure and opens up opportunities for Austin’s other forwards”. The Provo Sailing Academy was also busy behind the scenes and in August they partnered with proactive sailing charity, the Andrew Simpson Foundation. In a release, PSA President, Rebecca Reaston-Brown said that the alliance “is a huge step for us”. She noted that the foundation is highly respected and has influenced many lives through sailing. “Our island community will benefit significantly from their involvement and we are excited for the future of sailing in Turks and Caicos.” The sailing charity was founded in memory of, and inspired by, Olympic Gold medalist sailor Andrew ‘Bart’ Simpson who died in 2013 whilst training for the America’s Cup in San Francisco Bay. With the Olympics suspended, TCI’s fastest female sprinter Yanique Haye-Smith switched her focus to 2021 and noted that she will work hard to make the qualifying time in the 400M hurdles to represent the UK at the JulyAugust Olympics.

In September, the TCIFA re-opened its office as it began phase one of its scheduled re-opening. Along with the re-opening, the Men’s National Football team, who are scheduled to compete in the Qualifying Campaign for the 2022 World Cup in the first quarter of this year, also commenced their training. Fenelus who would definitely make the team when they play in the qualifiers, had also continued his dominance in September in Taiwan. The 28-year-old scored a hat-track to kickstart Round Three. At home, the Sports Commission refused to just wait out the pandemic and opted to continue doing a number of infrastructural projects. The projects were expected to intensify in 2021. Among the work done were: • Development of a Sports Performance Centre, Providenciales • Installation of artificial turf and bathroom and storage block to the Grand Turk Parade Ground • Phase one refurbishment works to the Leeward Green Park • Refurbishment of the Gustarvus Lightbourne Sport Complex and Down Town Ball Park • Resurfacing of outdoor play courts across the TCI: • Felix Morley Community Centre Basketball Court in Five Cays • Belglade Parker Gardens Park, Phase One, in Providenciales • South Caicos Basketball Court • Raymond Gardiner Basketball Court • Back Salina Community Park (Basketball and Tennis Court)

The first inclusive playground for children with all abilities was unveiled in October.

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Kurt Rivers (left) won the Men’s 2020 Club Championship.

While many school leavers were disgruntled with their CSEC results, TCI’s national field athlete Tayjo OppongAdjei was able to excel in eight subjects, of which he made six grade ones. The Kingston College athlete, who is very good in shot put and discus, finished with grade ones in English A (distinction), Mathematics (distinction) Physics (distinction), Biology, Caribbean History and Physical Education and Sport. He also claimed grade 2s in Chemistry and Geography.

OCTOBER The future of sport in the TCI will cater for all. Nothing encapsulated this message like the news of the proposed construction of the islands’ first-ever inclusive playground for children of all abilities at the SNAP Centre in Providenciales. Director of Sport Jarrett Forbes noted that the investment would create opportunities to help develop new athletes in the TCI. He said that the news was timely as the TCI Sports Commission had been in discussions with the Commonwealth Games Association about promoting and growing para sports in the TCI. Forbes also lauded Graceway Communities, who is the sponsoring agency for the initiative. “We believe in inclusion and this project sponsored by Graceway Communities is a big step forward in ensuring that sport and active living is accessible to all.” When completed, the playground will include an asphalt track and a sensory wall. In October, TCIFA continued with its reopening. With a focus on health and safety it opted to test over 70 staff members and players for Covid-19 before field activities resumed. According to the FA, “the route to re-opening the FA facilities was laid out in accordance with the health and safety regulations of the Ministry of Health. Measures were carefully tailored to our unique football environment, and implemented across a full range of activities.” In the US, Forbes was having one of his best club years in recent time. His dominance between the upright resulted in him almost leading Austin Bold to the playoffs last season. He finished as the leading scorer on his team after netting seven goals. Also in football, young female footballer, Anjali Saunders earned her ticket to attend a 10-day camp in Valencia, Spain



in 2021. The youngster was one of four players who excelled at the Next Generation Sports Virtual Training Camps over the summer. They all earned a 10-day football camping experience. Saunders was the only female to receive the prize. She beat out the other 12-18 year-olds in the two threeweek intense camps, by showing leadership and personal branding, tactical aspects of the game and decision making, and teamwork. Saunders was not the only youngster to excel, golf sensation Brooke Rivers, who is already a household name in the game, won her second career American Junior Golf Association competition in October. Rivers emerged victorious in the female division of the Tallahassee Junior Championship, which was held at the Seminole Legacy Golf Club in Tallahassee, Florida. She made five of her ten overall birdies in round one, when she registered a four under par score, while on Day Two she finished with a par score of 72. Also in October, Stellisha Thomas became the TCI’s first ever FIBA certified table official. The 21-year-old told the Weekly News that she wants to lead by example. “There is more than just playing the game, there are other ways to contribute…. I’m hopeful of starting a trend where others will want to help, so we all can aid the spread of the game throughout the islands.”

NOVEMBER In November, Brooke River and her younger brother Kurt dominated the 2020 Club Championship.


Brooke, 15, finished with rounds of 69 and 72 (for a score of 141) to retain her Ladies Club Championship title, while 13-year-old Kurt was crowned the Men’s Club Champion after he finished with scores of 76 and 76 (152). Meanwhile multi-year winner, Jumphol Srinark finished as the Senior Club Champion after registering scores of 77 and 81 for an overall score of 158. Aiden Paisley was also rewarded with the Comeback Award for his performance (nine shots). In cycling, Sean Rodgers proved himself as the King of Time Trials after surging to four consecutive wins. As he dominated the senior division, so did newbie Rezon Carmichael dominate in the junior division as he also notched up four consecutive wins. Cycling also excelled off the bikes in November, after Executive members of the federation, Vice President Gabriella Hegedus and Race Committee Chair/Treasurer Karl Isaac became the first ever TCI representatives to become Road Cycling Commissaires. The new title means that the federation can add more structure to the sport, which has grown expeditiously over the last few years. President of the local federation Shanwell Gardiner told the Weekly News that the achievement was momentous for cycling in the TCI. In rugby, long standing President of the Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union (TCIRFU), Keith Burant was again voted into the position. The proactive leader has transformed the sport under his watch, which started some 13 years ago. In football Fenelus proved his dominance in Taiwan after taking his new team Tainan City FC to championship honours in the Taiwan Football Premier League. The Turks Islander led his team to 48 points from 21 games, after they were struggling at 12 points from eight games. The national football team also began preparations for the 2021 CONCACAF Qualifiers for the FIFA World Cup in Qatar in 2022 in November while taking part in a football camp in Florida. In the tour, the side played several games and were successful in a few of them. National coach Omar Edwards, who said that the side improved technically and tactically over the five friendly games, dubbed the tour a success. “I saw the team grow and improve from game to game. The camaraderie among the players have grown tremendously. Their attitude and approach to the games were also good.” When we play this year in the CONCACAF Qualifiers, we will battle against Central American sides, Nicaragua and Belize along with fellow Caribbean nations, Haiti and St. Lucia.


Marco Fenelus led Tainan City FC to championship honours last November.

In December, TCI attended its first international meet as a country in months and our middle distant runners were up to the task. National athletes Tanesia Gardiner and Zoe Butler registered podium finish in the women’s division and female age divisions respectively in the 5K race of the Florida West Coast Half Marathon, which took place at the scenic Nathan Benderson Park. Meanwhile male middle distant runner Omarii Lightbourne clocked 21:10 to finish fourth overall in the Male 15-19 division, 11th overall for the males out of 83 athletes and 17th overall of the 178 athletes who competed. Seasoned athlete Butler, who clocked 20:50 finished third in the Female 15-19 division, sixth place in the female division, and 14th overall in the competition. Gardiner proved the fastest out of the lot. She clocked 20:16 at an average pace of 6:32 minute per mile, which propelled her to second position in both the 15-19 age division and in the women’s division, while she finished 10th overall in the competition.



January 13-19, 2021

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