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Do not become easily offended
I am reaching a point in my life where I am not letting offences get to me. I realise that offences will always come. Sometimes these offences are intentional and sometimes individuals do not realise that they are offending you.
Based on my experiences, offences hurt the most when they are coming from individuals who are very close to you. The thing is, we have to be very careful what comes out of our mouths because we cannot take the words back. The ironic thing is that some people feel that they can tell you anything without any remorse but the moment you say something, they easily become offended.
No one is perfect and your opinions are not the same as others and so offences will come. You need to recognise this and try your best not to easily become offended. Some people are very
Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
jealous of you, and they use every opportunity to offend you. Some people want to discourage you from reaching your goal and one way to do so is to offend you.
I also know that some of us are very sensitive and no matter what people say, you may easily become offended. Some cultural differences may lead to offences in that what may be accepted in your culture may not be accepted in someone else’s culture.
Sometimes, individuals compare their country to other countries and say something negative and as a result, an offence is created. I remembered I used to easily get offended when people say something negative about the Turks and Caicos Islands. I still get offended, but I don’t let it get to me.
To overcome being easily offended, sometimes you must consider who the offender is.
Some of these individuals perhaps do not even know anything about you and perhaps are repeating what they hear others say so do not become easily offended by people.
Sometimes too, the offender is being used by the enemy to get you upset and this is when you need to be alert and realise that this offender can’t help themselves because they are being controlled by the devil.
Sometimes you may be assuming that the offence is about you and the offender may be talking about something or someone else. Therefore don’t allow your assumptions to make you easily offended. Of course, sometimes the offender may not be making assumptions, but you have to recognise that offences will come so make up your mind to ignore the offence.
If you are offended by someone, be very careful as you do not want to have any unforgiveness and animosity towards anyone. If you are really hurt and you cannot get over the offences, then I highly recommend you meet with that individual and let them know you are offended. Sometimes, individuals may not even realise they offended you. Of course, there are some individuals who very well know they offend you but they don’t care.
Remember, the offence will come. Don’t waste energy on being revengeful or getting angered by the offence. Therefore, learn to live with them and don’t let the offences interfere with your purpose. I know some people left their jobs, marriages, and churches because of offences. Be mature and have a candid conversation before making the wrong choice.