1 minute read
Why the rush?
daily induces me to question drivers’ rationale! So, I ask, why are you overtaking multiple vehicles in the corner at Coco Bistro?
And despite encountering incoming traffic, instead of decelerating you accelerate, you force traffic in both lanes to come to a complete halt to avoid collision. Similarly, you passed multiple vehicles at the corner at Checkers townhomes, only to hurriedly pull in front of the drivers, and then brake drastically to turn into Leeward Palms, putting the lives of the incoming drivers in peril, and those behind you.
Moreover, you overtake on speed bumps! Are you not aware that speed bumps are designed to slow the driver? And do you know that pedestrians crossed on these traffic calming mechanisms?
You also use Long Bay road as your Grand Prix. It is ludicrous to overtake multiple vehicles travelling approximately 70km/h, slow down immediately in front and moments after turned right onto the road leading to the Shore Club.
In the town area, you senselessly passed a long line of traffic using the centre lane, which is designed for vehicles turning left or right depending on direction of travel, forcing yourself through Blue Hills roundabout, then unto the highway, putting at risk, drivers approaching the roundabout from the Patty Place and pedestrians, including children, crossing the street.
Even so, on the highway, you swerved between lanes and when you are unable to pass, you linger over the centre of the dual carriageway waiting for an opportunity to pass; hence, disrupting trailing traffic on both lanes.
Why so many of you exhibit this reprehensible, errant behaviour remains a mystery. In the broad sense; however, overtaking often correlate to fluctuations in speed and drivers’ desire to curtail travel time and elude slow-moving traffic.
My advice to you is, when you’re urged to overtake another driver ponder his/her safety. Moreover, the children are society’s future and we must protect them while they’re commuting, so regard them too!
Also, think about the safety of the elderly who needs our care. Not withholding, the doctors, nurses, teachers, visitors and others who work tirelessly to sustain our communities.
Drivers should know, overtaking is a dynamic and intricate undertaking, which requires steering and speed control. It also involves maximum concentration to monitor enclosing traffic and anticipate possibilities for timecritical decision-making and action execution.
Certainly, you do not exercise these cautions and; therefore, your actions are risking the lives of other road users. If you underwent the driving process, your actions would be otherwise.
As a reminder, your behaviour is not only lawless and uncaring, they are downright unbecoming and, while you are pointlessly driving at the speed of sound, it just pleases me to remind you that the island ends ‘right down the road!’