A Guide To Traverse City

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guide to

traverse city By Occidentalist editors Chloe Foster and Meg Sheehan

Check Out Building 50 There are shops for everyone in the historically restored building some including Boutique a la Vie, the Sweet Asylum, Gallery Fifty and Cuppa Joe.

Or explore the grounds and go on a nature walk in the woods nearby and discover more desinations such as Higher Grounds Trading Company, Pleasanton Bakery and The Underground Cheesecake Company! If you are in need of a haircut, Salon DeCapelli is the perfect place and it’s just around the corner!

Enter at the Mercato and the adventure begins! Discover more at: http://www.thevillagetc.com/

Make a Brownie in a Mug A delicious way to warm up any day!

Ingredients: 1 1/2t vegetable oil 2T flour 1T + 1 1/2t water 2T sugar 1T unsweetened cocoa powder 1/8t vanilla 1/4t baking powder How to make it: -Stir the dry ingredients together thoroughly in a microwave safe mug. -Add the wet, mix in completely -Microwave on high for 45 seconds -Top with ice cream or whip cream (optional) -Enjoy!

Explore Downtown Downtown Traverse City can be an entirely different place in the winter than the summer, check it out!

Go for a stroll downtown. Duck into Horizon Books and play some chess in the basement while enjoying a muffin, or hot beverage from the cafe with your friends.

See a Movie at The State The State Theatre located on Front Street has both affordable movies and concessions.

Find the schedule here on the Theatre’s website: http://statetheatretc. org/schedule/ The State is always looking for volunteers if you’re looking to give back to the community while having a smashing time.

Get Some Ice Cream Open for the first time since fall, Moomers and Leone’s Frosty Treat are serving up some delicious desserts. Imagine it isn’t snowing and enjoy some delicious ice cream...

Go Out to Lunch Traverse City has some nifty cuisine just waiting for you to try!

Stop in at Patisserie Amie! It’s authentic dishes and French cafe ambience is enough to make anyone believe they’re in France for the afternoon. Not to mention the hot chocolate that is to die for!

Pop into Firefly for a relaxing and delicious meal with your friends and family.

Experiment with Henna This natural, temporary tattoo concoction can be found at Oryana Organic Foods Market.

Adopt a Puppy Just go to the Cherryland Human Society and you’ll know what to do.

Visit the Humane Society at: http://www.cherrylandhumane.org/

Make a Pizza Take a trip to Meijer and make a delicious creation.

Start Job Hunting Spring is the prime time for finding a job, get a head start before all of the college students come back!

Paint a Picture Harnass your inner-artist!

Go for a Swim Not in the bay, but the Civic Center has special times for open swim over break. Dust off that suit and make a splash! Find times and rates at: http://www.co.grand-traverse.mi.us/departments/ parks_rec/Aquatics/Easling_Public_Pool.htm

Buy a Fish They’re low maintence, and pretty to look at. What’s not to love?

You can purchase your own silent companion at Meijer or Pet Smart.

Play a Game of Scrabble at Annie’s What’s better than a giant scrabble board with some tasty ice cream?

Annie’s is located downtown on Front Street.

Visit the Dennos Museum Located right on the NMC campus, the Dennos can provide an afternoon of entertainment and art. Hours: Monday thru Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm Sunday: 1 - 5 pm Thursdays: Open until 8pm Admission: Adults $6 Children $4 No charge to museum members and NMC students

Read more at: http://www.dennosmuseum.org/

Relax at Yen Yoga You’ll feel like you’re on the beaches of Jamaica... maybe not, but you will feel re-energized and great.

Do Some Spring Cleaning Although it may look like January outside, take some time to clean and prepare for warmer weather.

Buy Some Cupcakes! Stop in at Simply Cupcakes on Front Street downtown and you are in for a treat!

Wander through Petsmart A great deal of entertainment can be had gazing at the exotic fish, petting the kitties and aww-ing over the chinchillas.

Dress Up and Go Bowling It adds a little twist to the game!

Check out Lucky Jack’s, Traverse City’s new “Fun Destination”: http://www.luckyjacks.com/

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