A Touch of Africa ABOVE Timber capping on the raised planters provides additional seating in the area leading off the kitchen. A mature Acacia siberiana presides over this space with layered plantings beneath it of Aloe ferox, Aristida junciformus and Chondropetalum tectorum. OPPOSITE MAIN Sculptural aloes convey a bushveld ambience with the softer indigenous olive, Olea europea subs. africana in the background and a low planting of Juncus krausii to complete the scenario.
his was an existing garden that Jan was commissioned to redesign. The area of concern
was overgrown with a plethora of palms and azaleas, and a lawn that was permanently damp and muddy. The clients had seen Jan’s other work in the complex, and wanted a similar quality in their garden.
CLIENT BRIEF To redesign the area leading off the kitchen in order to gain more space and incorporate indigenous plants into the design that would reflect their love of the African bush.
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