An Eclectic Highveld Garden ABOVE The distinctive silver-white trunks of Betula alba frame the vista of the swimming pool. Rich siltstone displays prominently on the boundary walls that are planted with Buddleja saligna and Clivia miniata. OPPOSITE TOP A flowering Buddleja saligna frames the swarthy entrance doors. OPPOSITE MAIN The dramatic backdrop to the grey pool features inlays of timber sleepers with studded detail. An eclectic mix of furnishings adorns the poolside deck.
This garden was commissioned by the developer of the complex and, at the time, there was no specific client brief. Jan did a playful take on Highveld gardening, using an eclectic mix of plants that work surprisingly well together, such as the dramatic silver birch tree, Betula alba, which thrives in this hot summer/cold winter climate, and a selection of subtropical perennials. Playful or not, when it came to the design, Jan’s expert eye took stock of the fact that this is a relatively narrow garden. He divided it into three separate areas of functionality to give it a sense of space.
050-053_van Vliet.indd 50
6/17/09 9:50:27 PM