7 minute read

Illustration credits

All illustrations not credited below are courtesy of Kate Baker



0.1 Persian Carpet 1670–1750 Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, UK

1 Defining the territory: the ambiguous nature of an enclosed garden

1.1 Fisherman’s allotment, Wimmenummer Duinen Egmond aan Zee, North Holland Courtesy of Walter Herfst 1.6 Hidcote Manor, UK Courtesy of The National Trust 1.8 Stages of discovery, the Last Garden: the hammock Courtesy of Sarah Sze, Sze Studio 1.9 Stages of discovery, the Last Garden: crack in the wall Courtesy of Sarah Sze, Sze Studio 1.10 Stages of discovery, the Last Garden: mirror image Courtesy of Sarah Sze, Sze Studio 1.11 Stages of discovery, the Last Garden: inside the drum Courtesy of Sarah Sze, Sze Studio 1.17 The Machuca Patio, Alhambra, Granada, Spain Courtesy of Belinda Mitchell 1.18 Abbey Gardens, Tresco, UK Courtesy of Martin Andrews 1.20 Santi Quatro Coronatti, Rome Courtesy of Sam Johnson 1.21 and 1.22 Santi Quatro Coronatti, Rome, ground floor plan Drawn by Mark West

1.30 Amber Palace Jaipur, India Courtesy of Karl Gemertsfelde 1.37 Mesquite, Court of Oranges, Cordoba Courtesy of Nick Timms 1.38 Rows of columns inside mesquite Courtesy of Katie Blott 1.40 Mesquite, Cordoba, ground floor plan Drawn by Mark West/author 1.42 Birds eye view of the Generalife Courtesy of Moore, Mitchelll amd Turnbull, The Poetics of Gardens, 1993 1.43 Patio del Cipres de la Sultana Courtesy of Belinda Mitchell 1.45 and 1.46 Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park Courtesy of Vinesh Pomal

2 From patio to park: the enclosed garden as a generator of architectural and landscape design

2.4 Lakeside Villa plan Courtesy of Office KGDVS 2.5 Images of Lakeside Villa Courtesy of Office KGDVS 2.6 Approach to Casa Vidrio Courtesy of Nelson Kon 2.7 Casa Vidrio: The central void connecting sky to ground Courtesy of Nelson Kon 2.8 Casa Vidrio: The lightweight connecting staircase Courtesy of Nelson Kon 2.10 Atelier Bardil, Switzerland Courtesy of Archive Ogliati 2.11 Atelier Bardll, plan Drawn by Mark West 2.12 Atelier Bardll, interior Courtesy of Archive Ogliati 2.14 Matosintos, Portugal, plan Drawn by Mark West/Author 2.15 Matosinhos Courtesy of Luís Ferreira Alves 2.17 The White House, London Drawn by Mark West/Author

2.20 Looking down onto House for Trees Vo Trong Nghia Architects. Photographs: Hiroyuki Oki 2.21 House for Trees House Plan Vo Trong Nghia Architects. Photographs: Hiroyuki Oki 2.22 House for Trees Section Vo Trong Nghia Architects. Photographs: Hiroyuki Oki 2.26 Maggies Centre Courtesy of Rogers Harbour Stirk and partners 2.28 Clare Hall, Cambridge, UK Ground floor plan Drawn by Mark West 2.31 Plan of the Certosa Pavia Drawn by Khalid Saleh 2.35 Aerial view of St John’s College © 2011 Google – © 2011 DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky, Getmapping plc, The Geoinformation Group, Map data © 2011 Tele Atlas 2.38 School of Music, Polytcehnic Institute, Lisbon Drawn from archinews 10 2008 Mark West/Author 2.42 Louis- Jeantet Institute, Geneva, plan Drawn by Mark West 2.43 Louis- Jeantet Institute, Geneva Courtesy of Jean-Michel Landency 2.44 Museum of Contemporary Art, Chiado, Lisbon Courtesy of Miguel Seabra 2.45 Museum of Contemporary Art, Chiado, Lisbon Courtesy of Miguel Seabra 2.46 Palais Royal Paris Google Imagery © 2011, DigitalGlobe, Aerodata International Surveys, The Geoinformation Group, | Cnes/Spot Image, IGN –France, Map data ©2011 2.52 Begijnhof, Amsterdam, entrance Courtesy of Bryony Whitmarsh 2.53 Begijnhof, Amsterdam Courtesy of Bryony Whitmarsh 2.54 Begijnhof, Amsterdam Adapted from © 2011 Google – The Geoinformation Group, GeoEye, Aerodata International Surveys, Map Data © 2011 Google

3 Tamingnature – and the way to Paradise

3.5 Detail of a copy of the 15th century Frau Mauro Map of the world Courtesy of the British Library

3.7 Roman town house, typical layout Drawn by Mark West 3.10 Pompeii. Plan of the House of Faun Drawn by Mark West 3.11 Aerial view of the town of Pavia © 2011 Google – Imagery ©2011 DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Cnes/ Spot Image, IGN – France, Map Data ©2011 Tele Atlas 3.12 The Little Garden of Paradise Courtesy of Städel Museum, Frankfurt 3.13 The Annunciation by Domenico Veneziana, 1442-1448 wikicommonsFile:Annunciation (predella 3), fitzwilliam museum, Cambridge.jpg 3.14 Lutenist and singers in garden Courtesy of the British Library 3.17 Prince (Babur) in a garden presented with a jungle-fowl Courtesy of the British Museum (BM ref AN105740001) 3.18 Plan of the basic layout of the Chahar Bagh Drawn by Khalid Saleh 3.21 and 3.22 Plans of the Nazrid palaces Drawn by Khalid Saleh 3.30 Aerial view of Marrakech Courtesy of D. Jenkins Photography Limited 3.31 Marrakech Courtesy of Nick Timms

4 Ritual and emptiness – and the rigour of developing an idea

4.4 St Benoit sur Loire wikicommonsFile: Abbaye de Saint-Benoit sur Loire Monasticon Gallicanum.jpeg 4.8 Le Thoronet © 2011 Google – Imagery ©2011 DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Cnes/ Spot Image, IGN – France, Map Data ©2011 Tele Atlas 4.10 Le Thoronet. General arrangement of buildings Drawn by Mark West 4.11 Le Thoronet cloister Drawn by Mark West/Author 4.12 Le Thoronet. Diagram of geometry of the cloister Drawn by Mark West 4.20 Ryoan-ji, Kyoto, Japan. Diagramatic analysis indicating 4 major components From Moore, Mitchell and Turnbull, The Poetics of Gardens, 1993

4.21 Ryoan-ji. View across the dry garden Courtesy of Alan Matlock 4.22 Ryoan-ji. Detail of boundary wall in Spring Courtesy of Alan Matlock 4.23 Shoden-ji Courtesy of Kiguma 4.24 Nanzen-ji. Looking out to the garden Courtesy of Alan Matlock 4.25 Nanzen-ji. Detail of Sliding screens Courtesy of John Hill 4.26 Nanzenji. Detail of rock and raked sand Courtesy of Alan Matlock 4.38 Querini Stampalia Foundation Courtesy of Belinda Mitchell 4.39 Querini Stampalia Foundation. Plan Drawn by Mark West 4.40 Querini Stampalia Foundation. Approach to the garden Courtesy of Mary Ann Steane 4.41 Querini Stampalia Foundation. Looking toward the screen Courtesy of Belinda Mitchell 4.42 Querini Stampalia Foundation. Looking back to the entrance Courtesy of Anna Cady 4.43 Querini Stampalia Foundation. The screen Courtesy of Anna Cady 4.44 Querini Stampalia Foundation. The path around the garden Courtesy of Belinda Mitchell 4.45 Querini Stampalia Foundation. Water spout Courtesy of Belinda Mitchell

5 Sensory seclusion: the affective garden as a scene for living

5.2 Quinta da Bacalhoa, plan of gardens Courtesy of Gaelle Goregues 5.7 Querini Stampalia garden Courtesy of Anna Cady 5.9 Section through Turrell’s Skyspace room Drawn from George Didi-Huberman ‘Skyspaces’. James Turrell The Other Horizon Ed. 5.14 Las Condes site layout After Valparaiso School Open City Group

5.25 Bury Court Courtesy of Anna Cady 5.32 Folly Farm, UK Courtesy of Jason Ingram 5.33 Folly Farm. View from sunken pool garden Courtesy of Jason Ingram 5.34 Folly Farm. Dutch canal Courtesy of Jason Ingram 5.35 Folly Farm. Tank Cloister Courtesy of Jason Ingram 5.36 Folly Farm. Wind garden Courtesy of Jason Ingram 5.38 Folly Farm. Diagrammatic Plan of garden Drawn by Mark West 5.44 Sissinghurst. Lime Walk Courtesy of Peter Middleton 5.45 Sissinghurst. White Garden Courtesy of Pillager

6 Detachment: the separation of the garden from the building

6.6 Overview of the Villa Lante From Moore, Mitchell and Turnbull, The Poetics of Gardens,1993 6.13 Jewish Museum, Berlin © 2011 Google – imagery 2011 DigitalGlobe, GeoContent,AeroWest, GeoEye, Map data © 2011 Google, Tele Atlas 6.14 Jewish Museum Berlin. Garden of Exiles Courtesy of George Middleton-Baker 6.15 Jewish Museum Berlin. Looking toward the Garden of Exiles Courtesy of George Middleton-Baker 6.16 Plan of the Border between Mexico and the US Courtesy of Office KGDVS 6.17 Border between Mexico and the US Courtesy of Office KGDVS 6.18, 6.19 and 6.20 Padua Botanic Garden Courtesy of Horto Botanico Padua 6.24 John Haynes’ survey of the Apothecaries’ Physic Garden at Chelsea – 1751 Courtesy of The Royal Society

6.27 Trengwainton kitchen garden Courtesy of Jennifer Andrews 6.31 Audley End, UK Adapted from © 2011 Google – imagery © 2011 DigitalGlobe,Infoterra Ltd and Bluesky, GoeEye, Getmapping plc,The Geoinformation Group, Map data © 2011 Tele Atlas

7 Green city: the persistence of urban gardens

7.5 Paris Courtesy of Georges Fessy 7.6 Bibioteque Nationale, Paris Courtesy of Éric Sempé 7.9 Paley Park, plan of slot between high-rise buildings Drawn by Mark West 7.12 Jardin Anne Frank, Paris, plan showing its hidden location Drawn by Mark West 7.24 SFMOMA Living wall seen from the new foyer Courtesy David Brenner 7.25 SFMOMA sculpture court with Living wall Courtesy David Brenner 7.26 David Rubenstein Atrium Courtesy of ©Nic Lehoux 7.28 David Rubenstein Atrium Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects 7.30 300 Lafayette Proposed new offices designed by COOKFOX Courtesy of COOKFOX 7.33 COOKFOX office Courtesy of COOKFOX 7.34 COOKFOX office employees gathering honey Courtesy of COOKFOX 7.38 Brooklyn Bridge Farm overview Courtesy of Brooklyn Grange Farm

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