118 5.6.2 Question 17: Proportion, Design Scale This question concerns the use of scale in garden landscape, where small-scale scheme in (A) refers to miniaturization; a large-scale scheme in (B) refers to space or objects that cause feelings of wonder and amazement; and human-scale scheme in (C) refers to the proportion of space and objects, which can be easily recognized as ratio of the human body. Feng Shui suggests human-scale be used in garden landscapes and the small-scale to be used in man-made sceneries. The Feng Shui rank for these scenes is 1, 2 and 3 for (C), (A) and (B), respectively. Question: A system of scale is used to design scenery in landscape design. For your garden, which following scale do you prefer?
A: The small scale
B: The large scale
C: The human scale
Figure 5-17: Proportion - Design Scale
The result of question 17 shows a complete match between the rank of Feng Shui application and the rank by respondents’ preference. 69.7% of the respondents ranked (C) the first as the most favorable choice. 57.5% ranked (A) the second as favorable choice. 64.6% ranked (B) the third as the least favorable choice. The modes for (C), (A) and (B) are, in ascending order, 1, 2 and 3. This again correlates with
ÅÔ ¢ÊÔ · ¸Ô ì Á ËÒÇÔ · ÂÒÅÑ Â àªÕ  §ãËÁè Feng Shui rank. Respondent’s preferences strongly correspond to that of Feng Shui application in the use of scale in garden design.
Copyright by Chiang Mai University Table 5-32: Proportion - Design Scale - Numeric Response
Drawing A B C Respondents’ Rank 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 26 111 56 40 29 126 145 54 9 Count 13.5 57.5 29.0 20.5 14.9 64.6 69.7 26.0 4.3 Percent 2 3 1 Mode Feng Shui rank 2 3 1
All rights reserved (A) did not obtain enough comments; while (B) attracted few comments. (C) human-scale - was ranked the first because it provided comfort and created harmony