132 according to their judgments consciously. This has shown the potential of achieving the Qi prospect in the garden landscape by implementing the Harmony technique.
5.9 Conclusion In a conclusion of this chapter, in order to successfully prove that Feng Shui applications are compatible with modern landscape design techniques, it is first essential to study the similarity between the two approaches and proved the compatibility by using a questionnaire survey. The survey in this research was designed to evaluate the potentiality of achieving Feng Shui applications by using modern landscape design techniques. No suggestions were made to the respondents with respect of Feng Shui applications in any drawing of the questionnaire. The respondents were specifically asked to objectively rank the drawings using their professional judgments. The result is that a large percentage of the respondents ranked the solutions with the most Feng Shui applications higher in preferences. Therefore, Feng Shui applications have been proved to potentially be used in collaboration with modern landscape design techniques. The ultimate goal of Feng Shui in a garden landscape is the manifestation of Qi. In this research, by using the techniques, which are Emphasis, Sequence, Simplicity, Interest, Balance, Proportion, Unity and Harmony, a manifestation of Qi can be represented. These expected results of this research have been confirmed.
ÅÔ ¢ÊÔ · ¸Ô ì Á ËÒÇÔ · ÂÒÅÑ Â àªÕ  §ãËÁè The results also imply the potential to enhance both values of modern
landscape design and Feng Shui application. For example, to conduct the Emphasis
Copyright by Chiang Mai University technique, there are several elements that can be used as the focus of the gardens. According to Feng Shui applications, the focus should be emphasized by a Water
All rights reserved feature. This Water feature must also comply with other Feng Shui principles to maintain water flow and ensure high quality clean water, resulting in a healthy and pleasant environment. The interaction of modern landscape techniques and Feng Shui applications in this instance means that both disciplines could possibly be used together to achieve a better landscape design then if only one technique is used.