70 Table 4-7: Compatibility between Balance and Feng Shui site plan Rules of Form-making Balance (a) To create equilibrium between the parts around the horizontal central axis and the vertical central axis. (b) To make one side of an area looks just like another to create symmetrical balance. (c) To make the visual weight of every element is equally distributed to create asymmetrical balance. Feng Shui Proof the three balanced layers along the middle axis of the place (a) Layer 1: site plan The outer environment (Dragon Vein, Sand, Water). (b) Layer 2: The front environment (Cave, Direction). (c) Layer 3: The inner environment (Four Emblem Animals).
Balance Feng Shui site plan
Feng Shui site plan
Balance Feng Shui site plan
Roles of Physicality The elements or structure at both side of an axis that hold the same importance to the eyes. Balanced structure of spatial arrangement Roles of Function (a) Symmetrical balance display formal designs, is calm and quiet. (b) Asymmetrical balance display informal designs, is dynamic and naturalistic (a) Create a formula of balanced layout where layers are easy to understand and interpret. (b) Marks the territorial boundaries. (c) Presents the characters of nature in the stability of spatial arrangement Aspects of Psychology (a) Symmetrical balance gives a sense of stability (b) Asymmetrical balance creates a sense of curiosity and movement Creates the sense of naturalistic, tranquil, solemn and traditional Information Source: Reid (1993), Vuong (1996) and Vuong (2004)
It is essential in Feng Shui to be able to read the landscape in and around the proposed application to determine a suitable site plan. Normally, an internal Feng
ÅÔ ¢ÊÔ · ¸Ô ì Á ËÒÇÔ · ÂÒÅÑ Â àªÕ  §ãËÁè Shui garden landscape could be integrated with the external environment of the
Copyright by Chiang Mai University surrounding landscape to create a whole regarded integrated environment. For example, if there is a picturesque tower, lake or river nearby, it can be incorporated
All rights reserved into the garden’s design. Traditional Feng Shui landscape site plans have a formula where inner and outer layers are balanced relatively.