2 minute read
1 Variations of climate, soils, and other physical factors from one geographic region can impact a whole variety of design decisions. For instance, soil conditions in one region may be such that plant selection and manner of installing plants require specific knowledge to insure survival. Hardpan soil conditions in one area and the presence of highly acidic, organic soils in another will require very different methods of planting, even for the same plant species. 2 Figures 3.2–3.5 were drawn by Jidapa Chayakul, a master’s degree student in landscape architecture and graduate assistant working under the direction of the author at Louisiana State University. 3 Aspect refers to the compass direction a slope faces with respect to the sun. A south-facing slope is a topographic landform that is oriented to face due south toward the position of the sun at noon (in the Northern
Hemisphere and facing north in the Southern Hemisphere). 4 United States Federal Emergency Management Administration. 5 And hence more desirable on the marketplace relative to the competition. 6 Design competition team: Bruce Sharky, LSU; Drs. Guo Li, Pan, and Pang of Sichuan Agricultural University (SAU), Chengdu; Justin Kim, a landscape architect of Dongbu Engineering in Seoul, Korea; and graduate and undergraduate students from SAU. 7 See note 6. 8 In the case where multiple disciplines are involved on a given project, each discipline is responsible for preparing the appropriate drawings and technical specifications for the work they contribute. These materials are incorporated into one comprehensive package through which competitive bids are obtained and a construction contract is executed. The landscape architect may be the prime consultant of a team and will be responsible for organizing the comprehensive construction documentation package or may be a sub-consultant that submits their respective drawings and technical specifications to the prime consultant. 9 Design Workshop, Construction Documentation: Standards and Best
Practices for Landscape Architectural Design (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 2015). 10 Sometimes referred to as the bid package.
Further Reading
More to explore about the design process in landscape architecture: Norman K. Booth, Basic Elements of Landscape Architectural Design, Waveland Press, Long Grove, IL, 1983. Leonard J. Hopper, Landscape Architectural Graphic Standards, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2007. James A. LaGro, Jr., Site Analysis: Informing Context-Sensitive and Sustainable Site Planning and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2013. Thomas H. Russ, Site Planning and Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2009. Bruce G. Sharky, Ready, Set, Practice: Principles of Landscape Architecture Professional Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1994. Barry Starke and John Ormsbee Simonds, Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Environmental Planning and Design, 5th edn, McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 2013.