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some frequently asked questions and answers
Some frequently asked questions & answers:
Does an abortion make it harder to get pregnant in the future?
No. Not at all. Unless you have a very rare complication (like an infection or damage to an organ, which happens to less than 1% of people and are the same complications that could come from giving birth) your body isn't changed at all from this procedure.
How long do I have to wait before I can have sex again after having an abortion?
For people under 14 weeks, you don't need to wait unless you want to. Many of the guidelines about what you shouldn't do after an abortion were based on childbirth, and so there was a belief that you would be at risk for infection if you had sex right away because your cervix is more open. There is no evidence to support this though.
For people who are over 14 weeks, there is also no evidence that you need to wait to have sex. However, your cervix is slightly more open, so if you want to be more cautious, you can wait 3-5 days.
When can I go back to work or return to my normal activities?
We are advocates for resting as much as you need and listening to your body!! But, there are no strict restrictions on activities. An abortion is not a surgery in that there is no cutting and no stitches, so you are not at risk of harming your body with physical activity. Activity can sometimes make you bleed and cramp more, but again, this is not dangerous.
Does the fetus feel pain during an abortion?
No. Studies have been done that show this part of the brain and nervous system is not developed.