1 minute read
Take Action/ Ways to Help
Ways to Help
Make some phone calls today to demand people's freedom. Go to bit.ly/freethemallsp21 to access the phone zap toolkit or scan the QR code above to access the phone zap zine. Follow the Abolish ICE NY/NJ Coalition on social media for updates (Instagram/Twitter: @abolishice _ nynj, Facebook: /AbolishICEnynj) Donate to the families of the former Bergen County Jail hunger strikers at bit.ly/BCJHS2020 Support Marcial Morales. Go to bit.ly/MarcialNeedsUs or Venmo @rw4bl _ to donate to Marcial, an immigrant rights activist and former hunger striker at the Bergen County jail. Donate to the Hackensack River St Mutual Aid
Scan the QR code with your phone to read this zine online
APRIL 2021
Food Distribution Program: Cashapp
Volunteer with Hackensack River Mutual Aid! Email hackensackrivermutualaid@gmail.com to learn how to get involved. Volunteer with Ridgewood for Black Liberation by signing up at bit.ly/getinvolvedrw4bl Read Border & Rule and Undoing Border Imperialism by Harsha Walia to learn more about border imperialism.