4 minute read

Words From Hunger Striker A


The transcript of two interviews with hunger striker A, who was on hunger strike at Bergen County Jail before being transferred to Buffalo Federal Detention in Batavia, NY. On February 15, 2021, they began a second hunger strike to demand their freedom. On March 11, 2021, they were finally released.


February 25, 2021

Interviewer: Share with me why are you hunger striking? Hunger striker A: I am doing this because I suffer from depression. Almost every night I throw up and that’s why I am doing this. I have PTSD. I suffer a lot and that is why I am doing this. Interviewer: Because of the injustice that has happened to you

HSA: I want them to release me. I can not hold on being here longer. I don’t know I suffer a lot from depression and I am afraid that I will get infected with the virus because I have heard there a lot of infected people here. Interviewer: How long have you been in ICE detention? HSA: I have been here for more than three years going on four years. Interviewer: What is the status of your case right now? HSA: I am still appealing my case with BIA. Interviewer: When was your most recent court date? HSA: Right now I don’t have an upcoming court date. My most recent court date was about 4 months ago. Interviewer: How do you feel physically and how long have you been on hunger strike? HSA: I feel very weak. I have been going on 6 days without eating food. I feel very weak. Interviewer: What are the conditions of the jail like? I know you have been detained in other ICE detention centers. What is the situation in Batavia? HSA: Where I was they used masks. 24

Interviewer: In Bergen? HSA: Yes in Bergen but here in the unit I am (Batavia) they don’t use masks. Only the guards use masks. The detained don’t use masks. Interviewer: You are in Batavia now? HSA: Yes, I am in Batavia. Interviewer: They aren’t using masks and there has been an increase in COVID cases in the dorms and in Batavia? HSA: Yes. In Batavia, in the whole unit they say there is a lot people who are infected with the virus. And someone who is detained and a doctor told me this. Interviewer: You are in currently in the appeal stage with BIA? Who makes the decision to release you? The deportation officer? HSA: Yes it is. What’s his name? His name is Mulling. Interviewer: So he is the one who makes the decision for you to be released form ICE detention? HSA: Yes. Interviewer: What are the guards like? Where are you now? You aren’t in the regular area and were moved. How are they treating you? HSA: For now they aren’t treating me bad. They are giving me the food but I am not eating it. They told me to eat but I don’t want to eat. I want to be released. I can’t be here anymore. Interviewer: Are you around other people or are you alone?

HSA: I am alone. I am in medical observation. Interviewer: How long are you locked in your cell for in the day? HSA: The whole day I am locked in my cell. Interviewer: When can you leave your cell? When can you talk to your family? HSA: I can’t. Only making phone calls but otherwise I don’t have the ability to leave my cell Interviewer: Is it cold there? I know there has been a lot of snow. HSA: Yes it is very cold in this room. I think they have the heat on low. It is very cold.

March 3, 2021

Yes, I am continuing with the [hunger] strike and it’s been 17 days so I continue and will continue. I want them to give me an answer [regarding his case] because here it has been very affected by the virus. There are 98 people affected with the virus here. So, I don’t want that to affect my health. My health is not well and I want to be released from here. I ask that people speak up for us, for those of us who are in this situation. I ask the people outside to help us too and I also am very cold here. They make it very cold here. They put a lot of cold air here and the doctors here don’t treat us well sometimes because I take my medication and sometimes they don’t give me my medication. They forget to give it to me and I ask for it and they tell me that it’s too late. That is not just. I don’t want them to deport me because I can’t return because if I do I know I will be hurt. This is why I don’t want to be deported. For this reason I continue fighting so I can be free.

Ways to Help

Donate to Cosecha NJ's Commissary Fund by scanning the QR code above with your smartphone's camera. Follow the Abolish ICE NY/NJ Coalition on social media for updates

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Facebook: /AbolishICEnynj Donate to the families of the former Bergen County Jail hunger strikers at bit.ly/BCJHS2020 Support Marcial Morales. Go to bit.ly/MarcialNeedsUs to donate to Marcial, an immigrant rights activist and former hunger striker at the Bergen County jail. Donate to the Hackensack River St Mutual Aid Food Distribution Program: Cashapp


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MARCH 2021

Email hackensackrivermutualaid@gmail.com to learn how to get involved. Read Border & Rule and Undoing Border Imperialism by Harsha Walia to learn more about border imperialism. 28

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