บทที่ 1 Human Factors in Design
- นิยาม - ความเปนมา ของ Human Factors / Ergonomic - วัตั ถุประสงค - ขอบเขต
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
บทนํา เมือ่ จะทําการออกแบบใดๆเพือ่ การใชงานของมนุษย จําเปนตองคํานึงถึง human characteristics ความสะดวก จาเปนตองคานงถง ในการใชที่ตอบสนองจุุดมุุงหมายการใชงาน ความ ปลอดภัย ความสวยงาม รวมถึงความสัมพันธระหวาง มนุษยก ับผลิิตภััณฑนัน้ การคนควาวิจยั เกี่ยวกับ Human factorsไมวาจะเปนเรองของ การคนควาวจยเกยวกบ factorsไมวา จะเปนเรื่องของ มนุุษยกับผลิตภัณฑหรือสิ่งแวดลอม ลวนมีจุดประสงค หลักคือการออกแบบที่เหมาะสม 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
บทนํา(ตอ) ในยุคแรกการศึกษามุง เนนความตองการจาก PRODUCTION เปนหลก เปนหลัก คอ คือ เนนประสทธภาพการผลต เนนประสิทธิภาพการผลิต / ผลงาน / ผลผลิต ‘productivity oriented’ ยุคตอมา การออกแบบอุตสาหกรรม จะพิจารณา ประสิทธิภาพการผลิต หรือ ประโยชนใชงาน function ควบคูกันไปกั ไป ับ feature f t ซึึ่งเปลี ป ยี่ นไปตามผู ไป บริิโภค ‘consumer consumer-- user oriented oriented’ 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
บทนํา(ตอ) ดัังนั้ัน นัักออกแบบจําํ เปปนตองศึกึ ษา ความสัมพันธระหวาง ผูผใชช และ ผลตภณฑ ความสมพนธระหวาง ผลิตภัณฑ โดยม โดยมี - หลักเกณฑพิจารณาน้ําหนักความสําคัญ - สามารถเลือกใชขอมูลไดอยางถูกตอง - พิจารณาทั้ง designer-consumer-producer
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
E Ergonomics i ( Europe)) ERGOS = WORK NOMOS = LAW Human Factors ( US, Canada, Japan): the application of the information
to the design of things Human Engineering ( US Military) Engineering Psychology ( US): the human capabilities and limitations 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
ERGONOMIC (1) : the th technology t h l off workk ddesign i based b d on the th human biological science; anatomy, physiology, and psychology “an interdisciplinary science which studies the relationships between people and their environments 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
ERGONOMIC (2) : the study of the problems of people in adjusting to their environment, the science that seeks to adapt work or working conditions to suit worker / user
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
นิยาม (ตอ)
Whatt isi HUMAN FACTORS Wh “ An interdisciplinary science which studies the relationships between people and their environments based on 4 factors; 1.Morphological factor ปจจัยดานรูปทรงโครงสราง 2 Kinesiological factor ปจจยดานการเคลอนไหว 2.Kinesiological ปจจัยดานการเคลื่อนไหว 3. Physiological factor ปจจัยดานกายภาพ 4. Psychological factor ปจจัยดานจิตวิทยา
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
What is Human Factors
( 4 factors)
1. MORPHOLOGICAL FACTORS : branch of biology dealing with form and structure 2. KINESIOLOGICAL FACTORS :
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
What is Human Factors
3. PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS : the science of the normal functions of living things 4. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS :
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
KINESIOLOGY : the science or study of human muscular movements METROLOGY : the science of weights g and measures
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
ความเปนมา(1) Early History _____Ergonomics Greek Educator : Wojcieh Jastrzebowski (1799-1882) Industrial Revolution: healthful, safe, comfortable working conditon (late1800s - early 1900s) Early 1900s______Human 1900s Human Factors Scientific Management >>> Industrial Engineering (Frederic Winslow Taylor,1898) M ti St Motion Study, d Shop Sh Management M t>>>Human H FFactors t ( Frank Bunker Gilbreth and Lilian Gilbreth,, 1909)) 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
Scientific Management >>> Industrial Engineering
Frederic Winslow Taylor
Typing pool 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
Scientific Management >>> Industrial Engineering
Motion study
Economical hand-finger movement by motion study
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
ความเปนมา(2) World War II: - the tests for selectingg the pproper p pperson for jobs j - the development of improved training procedures >>> fitting the person to the job >>> fittingg the equipment q p to the person p
E i Equipment t Person
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
19 - 1960: 1945 1960 the end off WWII 1945 19 The Birth of a professional - engineering psychology laboratories (US Army Air Corp > US Air Force)
1949 : 1957: 1959 1959:
- first civilian company Ergonomic Society (UK) The Human Factors Society (US) SPUTNIK (Russia) th IInternational the t ti l Ergonomics E i Association A i ti 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
ความเปนมา(4) 1960-1980: A Period of Rapid Growth before: HF in US >>> military - industrial after: HF in US >>> space p program p g *** the incident at Three-Mile Island Nuclear Power Station 1980 and beyond: - computer revolution: - ergonomic design equipment - user friendly software - human factors design approach 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
ความเปนมา(5) Early 1980s: - HF review to identify and correct design deficiencies of all the nuclear power control room - forensics / product liability litigations - HF expert witness: 1 อธิบาย human behavior-expectation 1.อธบาย behavior expectation 2.กําหนด issues of defective design g 3.ประเมิน the effectiveness of warnings and instruction 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
Schematic of the nuclear ppower pplan at Three Mile Island 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
Nuclear plant
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
ความเปนมา(6) In the future: Beyond the issues of; Tangible criteria: - productivity - Safety Intangible criteria: - satisfaction - Happiness The increased rate of technological development 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF considerations EARLY in the design&development phase ‘ Functional effectiveness / human welfare’
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
Focus of HF
1 Human beings and their interactions with 1. ith pproducts,, equipment, q p , facilities,, procedures, p , and environments used in work and everyday living 2. The emphasis is on human beings and
How the design of things influence people
3. Change the things people use and the environments in which they use these things to
BBetter matchh the h capabilities, bili i limitations, li i i and needs of people 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF: scope (1)
C i t of:f - Psychology Consists P hl - Physiology - Biomechanics - Anthropology Aims: - designing for the human use - optimizing working and living conditions 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF: scope (2)
Objectives: 1 To enhance the effectiveness and 1. efficiency with which work and other activities are carried out, increased convenience of use, reduce errors, errors and increased productivity 2. To enhance certain desirable human values, including improved society, reduced fatigue and stress, stress increased comfort, comfort greater user acceptance, increased job satisfaction, and improved quality of life 29 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF: scope (3) ในการออกแบบ ไม ไ ยากที่จะทําใหงานบรรลุ วัตถประสงค วตถุ ประสงคเบองตน เบื้องตน เนองจาก เนื่องจาก มลาดบ มีลําดับ ความสําคัญในการพิจารณา และ วัตถุุประสงค สวนใหญมกั จะเชื่อมโยงกัน เชน การออกแบบอุปกรณทํางานให ใ ปลอดภัย และใชงาย ปลอดภย และใชงาย จะสงผลใหเกด จะสงผลใหเกิด ความลา ความลา (fatigue)จากการใชงานนอยลง จึงชวยเพิ่มความ พอใจของผูบริโภค 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF: scope (4)
“Human FFactors “H t di discovers andd applies li information about human behavior, behavior abilities, limitation, and other characteristics to the design g of tools, machines, systems, tasks, jobs, and environment for productive, safe, comfortable, and effective human use.” ( Chapanis, 1985)
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF Approach (1)
1. Systematic application of relevant information about human capabilities, limitations, characteristics, behavior, and motivation to the design of things and procedures people use and the environments in which they use them 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF Approach (2)
22. Scientific investigation to discover relevant information about human and their responses p to things, g , environment,, etc. This information serves as the basis for making design recommendations and predicting the probable effects of various design alternatives. lt ti
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF Approach (3)
3. Evaluation of the design of products to ensure that they satisfied their intended objectives
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF profession characteristics (1):
1.commitment to the idea that
things, machine, system, etc. are built to serve human b i and must be designed beings always with the user in mind
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF profession characteristics (2):
2.recognition of individual differences in human capabilities andd lilimitations, it ti andd an appreciation of their design implications 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF profession characteristics (3):
3.conviction that the design of things, procedures etc. procedures, etc influence human behavior and well-being well being 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF profession characteristics (4):
4.emphasis on empirical data and evaluation in the design process
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF profession characteristics (5):
5.reliance on the scientific method and the use of objective data to test the hypotheses and generate basic data about human behavior
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
HF profession characteristics (6):
6.commitment to a systems orientation and a recognition that things, pprocedures, environments, and people p p do not exist in isolation 2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY
NOT 1 Just applying checklists and 1.
Human Factors is
guidelines 2 Using oneself as the model for 2.Using designing g g things g (- the individual differences, - the unique characteristics of user populations) l ti ) 3 COMMON SENSE 3.
2502-230 Human Factors and Design: kulthida teachavorasinskun department of industrial design, faculty of architecture, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY