Summer Leadership Conference 2023 program

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the Conversation Going
Summer Leadership Conference August 22–25, 2023 Keeping
3 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023 BCTF SUMMER LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s message ........................................................................................................................... 4 Meet the 2023–24 BCTF Executive Committee ............................................................................ 5 Conduct at BCTF meetings ............................................................................................................... 6 Safety Allies at Summer Leadership Conference........................................................................ 7 General information ............................................................................................................................ 8 Program overview ............................................................................................................................... 9 Musqueam Welcome ....................................................................................................................... 12 New to the Role Discrete Day agendas ...................................................................................... 13 New Local Presidents and Released Officers ................................................................................. 13 Présidence locale de l’éducation en français et/ou Représentant∙e du français comme langue première ou de travail ............................................................................................................... 14 New Health and Safety Representatives ......................................................................................... 15 New Local Contacts for Aboriginal Education ................................................................................ 16 New Professional Development Chairs............................................................................................. 17 New Social Justice Contacts .................................................................................................................. 18 Teachers Teaching on Call Contacts/Representatives ................................................................ 19 New WLC Representatives/Bargaining Chairs .............................................................................. 21 Program for additional attendees .............................................................................................. 22 Discrete Day agendas ..................................................................................................................... 24 Local Presidents ......................................................................................................................................... 24 Présidence locale de l’éducation en français et/ou Représentant∙e du français comme langue première ou de travail ............................................................................................................... 25 Health and Safety Representatives .................................................................................................... 26 Local Contacts for Aboriginal Education .......................................................................................... 27 Political Action Contacts 28 Professional Development Chairs and Provincial Specialist Associations Council........... 29 Provincial Specialist Associations Council 30 Social Justice Contacts ............................................................................................................................ 31 Teachers Teaching on Call Contacts/Representatives 32 WLC Representatives/Bargaining Chairs ........................................................................................ 34 Electives by session .......................................................................................................................... 35 Summer Conference venue ............................................................................................................ 42 UBC health and safety reminders ................................................................................................ 43 Checklist while travelling on BCTF business ............................................................................. 44 BCTF wellness.................................................................................................................................... 45


President’s Message

Greetings colleagues, and welcome to the Summer Leadership Conference!

Thank you all for taking time out of your summer holidays to join us here in Vancouver. I hope you have enjoyed some very well-deserved time to relax and recharge after another challenging year of teaching and union work.

This conference is coming at a challenging time for many. We’ve made it through the height of a global pandemic only to face ballooning inflation and acute staffing shortages. In the face of all this, you have been sacrificing extra time and energy to represent your members and advocate for their rights. Thank you! Your work does not go unnoticed. I hope that our time together this week helps fill your cups and acts as a reminder that you are part of a connected team of educators committed to improving public education.

The theme of this year’s conference “Keeping the Conversation Going” is about nurturing relationships, building momentum, and pushing forward while recognizing how far we’ve come.

Conversations are not just an exchange of information; they are about building trust, understanding, and respect. They are avenues to strengthen bonds with allies and build bridges with those wh om you may not always see eye-to-eye with. As we all know, both teaching and union work are fundamentally relational by nature, and by exercising this muscle, we can help strengthen the social fabric of our school communities and union.

Some of the conversations we’ll be having this week will be difficult. Some will tackle thorny issues that don’t come with easy answers, some will be about sharing tactical strategies for things like bargaining or exciting ideas for professional development, while others may involve sharing lived experiences. There may be more questions raised than answers given, and we won’t solve every complex problem that arises. But to me, a successful conference will be one where each issue is approached with curiosity and respect, where innovative ideas are shared, and where we can find the best ways to support one another in our common fight. This week is about facing those difficult conversations with integrity, solidarity, and a commitment to keep them going in service to members.

Whatever your level of experience, our goal is to make this an enriching, enjoyable, and invigorating week for all. Whether it’s your first or fourteenth Summer Leadership Conference, thank you for taking time out of your summer holidays to be here. These m oments where we gather, share ideas, build our skills, connect and reconnect, and celebrate our work these are the moments that motivate and sustain us. Opportunities like this can be used to invigorate our local officers, guide the work of our activists, and model the kind of collaborative working relationships we have in the BCTF. It is our collective work here and throughout the year that is the strength of our union.

Please use the Summer Leadership Conference as a chance to ask questions and connect with new people who bring fresh perspectives, providing you opportunities for growth and understanding. We have so much to learn from one another. As always, know that your union supports you.

It’s my honour to serve you all as President, and I look forward to our conversations. Have a great conference.

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Meet the 2023–24 BCTF Executive Committee

5 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023
President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Member-at-Large
Clint Johnston Chilliwack Carole Gordon Central Okanagan Robin Tosczak Greater Victoria Jelana Bighorn Vancouver Secondary Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Bénula Bunjun Sooke Mariah Franzmann Prince George Rick Joe Chilliwack Rick Kumar Surrey Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Lisa LaBoucane Vernon Katherine Trepanier Prince George Marilyn Ricketts-Lindsay Surrey Winona Waldron Greater Victoria

Conduct at BCTF Meetings

The Commitment to Solidarity statement outlined below is to guide the conduct of all members at all BCTF meetings.

Commitment to Solidarity

That the following Commitment to Solidarity guide the conduct of members participating in BCTF meetings:

1. We believe that union solidarity is based on the principle that all members are equal and deserve mutual respect.

2. We understand that an inclusive union is a stronger union, and commit to embracing both unity and diversity.

3. We commit to ensuring that members of equity-seeking groups are welcomed, fully included, and treated equitably and respectfully at all Federation meetings and events.

4. We believe that all members have the right to feel safe and be treated with dignity at BCTF meetings.

5. We commit to conducting all Federation meetings in an environment free from harassment, discrimination, and intolerance.

6. We undertake to give our full attention to members, presenters, and invited guests who are addressing our meetings.

7. We value vigorous discussion, welcome active participation, and encourage members to share perspectives and debate positions because through such debate we develop strong policies and practices.

8. We appreciate that our union has a long and spirited tradition standing up for firmly held views, and that we do this internally with each other and externally as a collective.

9. We respect our democratic processes and understand that, once our decisions are made, the collective position prevails.

Déclaration d’engagement pour la solidarité

Que la Déclaration d’engagement pour la solidarité suivante, guide la conduite des membres participant aux réunions de la FECB :

1. Nous croyons que la solidarité syndicale est fondée sur le principe de l’égalité des membres et de leur droit au respect mutuel.

2. Nous comprenons qu’un syndicat inclusif est un syndicat plus fort et nous nous engageons à accepter à la fois l’unité et la diversité.

3. Nous nous engageons à nous assurer que les membres des groupes en quête d’équité se fassent accueillir, inclure et traiter de manière équitable et respectueuse lors de toutes les réunions et de tous les événements de la Fédération.

4. Nous croyons que l’ensemble des membres a le droit de se sentir en sécurité et de se faire traiter avec dignité lors des réunions de la FECB.

5. Nous nous engageons à mener toutes les réunions de la Fédération dans un environnement libre de toutes formes de harcèlement, de discrimination et d’intolérance.

6. Nous nous engageons à accorder toute notre attention aux membres, aux personnes qui présentent et aux personnes invitées à nos réunions.

7. Nous valorisons les discussions dynamiques et la participation active. Nous encourageons les membres à partager leurs perspectives et à débattre de leurs positions, car grâce à ces débats, nous élaborons des politiques et des pratiques solides.

8. Nous apprécions que notre syndicat ait pour longue et solide tradition de défendre fermement ses opinions à l’interne ou à l’externe en tant qu’organisation.

9. Nous respectons nos processus démocratiques et comprenons qu’une fois que nos décisions sont prises, la position collective l’emporte.

6 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023
Revised 2016 Fall RA Revisée AR automne 2016

Safety Allies at Summer Leadership Conference

What does this mean?

The BCTF is committed to establishing and supporting the expectation that all Federation meetings, socials, and events be free from unwelcome or unwanted comments, gestures, and physical contact. We ask all participants to keep this in mind as you unwind with colleagues and enjoy the opportunities to socialize together. It takes all of us to actively uphold a culture of consent.

In acting on its commitment, the Federation has arranged for volunteer allies to help advance a culture of consent at the socials held during the Summer Leadership Conference.

Safety allies will be introduced at the opening plenary and will be wearing a button to be easily identifiable during social events. They will be happy to provide assistance and support, should any participants experience unwelcome or unwanted comments, gestures, or physical contact. Their role is not to supervise participants or “police” the parties; rather, it is to be effective allies available to ensure that all members can fully enjoy these events and count on their union to maintain a culture of consent.

Thank you very much to these members and to all participants at the Summer Leadership Conference for your contributions towards guaranteeing we can all count on safe, respectful, and inclusive spaces to undertake our work and socialize together.

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General Information

The purpose of the BCTF Summer Leadership Conference is to develop local leadership while focusing on BCTF priorities The 2023–24 leadership priorities as established by the 2023 AGM are:

• Supporting contract implementation and enforcement while building toward the next round of provincial and local bargaining.

• Advocating for the conditions to make teaching in BC an accessible, attractive, and sustainable career.

• Creating space for truth and reconciliation as key to our commitment to anti-racism within the public education system and Federation structures.

• Intentionally designing spaces for members to connect, collaborate, and engage, and continue removing barriers to participation.

• Understanding and responding to members’ evolving health, safety, and wellness needs, and their connection to teacher working conditions.

• Advancing the role of public education and the union as a catalyst for change in the climate emergency.

• Actively exploring creative options to deal with class-size and composition and workload language in preparation for the next round of bargaining

• Creating an equitable and inclusive union in which the structures, processes, and culture ensure that all members can count on access, agency, and a sense of belonging.

Registration desk

The registration desk is located in the Fireplace Lounge of the Walter Gage Residence and will be open at the following times:

Monday, August 21 5:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.

Tuesday, August 22 7:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m.

Wednesday, August 23 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 24 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Friday, August 25 7:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.

Community spaces for delegates from equitydeserving groups

The BCTF is creating more opportunities for members to meet to discuss issues in common at the Summer Leadership Conference. The BCTF has designated spaces, in the Nest, to connect and meet for delegates who identify with specific equity-deserving groups. Please note that these are inclusive community spaces and all members who identify are welcome.

Members who identify as Aboriginal Room 2515

Members who identify as LGBTQ2S+ Room 2508

Members who identify as a person of colour Room 2528

Members who identify as women Room 2314

Expense voucher

All expense vouchers are to be submitted using the online form More info can be found on EventMobi, under Expense Vouchers

Internet Complimentary "ubcvisitor" WI-FI network.

Social Activities

Summer Leadership Conference Banquet

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The bar opens at 6:00 p.m. (cash only). Open to all delegates and family members. Tickets for family members are available at the registration desk, for the following costs:

For 10 and under Free

Ages 11–17 $19

Adults $38

New Presidents’ dinner (by invitation only)

Social Justice Film Night: Emergence: Out of the Shadows

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Special Events

Canadian Geographic: The Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada and Giant Floor Map

Date: August 22 and August 24, 2023

Location: Ponderosa Commons Ballroom

SIP Governance Review (registration required)

Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Time: 12:45–1:45 p.m.

Location: Isabel MacInnes, Walter Gage Residences

International Solidarity Lunch (registration required)

Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Time: 12:45–2:15 p.m.

Location: Mary Murrin 3, Walter Gage Residences

8 | BCTF
Summer Leadership Conference 2023


University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver

Tuesday, August 22, 2023, to Friday, August 25, 2023


DAY 1 Registration for Delegates New to the Role

Monday, August 21, 2023

5:00–9:00 p.m. Registration desk open

DAY 2 Discrete Training Day for Delegates New to the Role

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

7:30 a.m. Registration desk open

Walter Gage Residences

Fireplace Lounge

Walter Gage Residences

Fireplace Lounge

7:30–8:45 a.m. Breakfast Walter Gage Residences

9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. New to the role discrete training for the following delegates:

• New Presidents and New Released Local Officers

• New French Education Local Chairs

• New Health and Safety Representatives

Fireplace Lounge

Buchanan bldg /Gage Towers

Buchanan B213

Buchanan D312

Buchanan D201

• New Local Contacts for Aboriginal Education Fort Camp Lounge (Gage)

• New Professional Development Chairs

• New Social Justice Contacts

• New Teachers Teaching on Call Contacts/Representatives

• New WLC/Bargaining Chairs

Buchanan B318

Buchanan B208

Buchanan D204

Buchanan B215

10:30–11:00 a.m. Coffee/Tea service available at Buchanan A, lower lobby by Stir It Up Café

12:00–2:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00–4:00 p.m. Discrete training for new delegates (continued)

5:00–9:00 p.m. Conference check-in / Registration for all delegates

7:00–8:30 p.m. Introductions Christine Stewart, Director, Professional and Social Issues Division

Musqueam welcome Marny Point, NITEP; UBC

Indigenous Teacher Education Program Lecturer

Opening welcome Clint Johnston, BCTF President

Member Survey update Carole Gordon, BCTF

First Vice-President

Buchanan bldg./Gage Towers

Walter Gage Residences

Fireplace Lounge

The Great Hall, UBC Nest

9 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Opening plenary panel Moderator: Robin Tosczak, BCTF Second VicePresident

Panel participants:

• Kristin Dorey, Surrey Teachers’ Association

• Yoshi Sawatzky, Nechako Teachers’ Union

• Barbara Silva, Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association

• Denae Stegeman, Prince George District Teachers’ Association

Closing remarks—Henry Lee, Assistant Director, Leadership and Member Training, Professional and Social Issues Division

DAY 3 Elective Sessions Day

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

7:30–8:45 a.m.

Registration desk open Breakfast

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Elective Session I

10:30–11:00 a.m. Wellness break

Walter Gage Residences Fireplace Lounge

Isabel MacInnes Room

Buchanan bldg /Ponderosa

Coffee/Tea service available at Buchanan A, lower lobby by Stir It Up Café

11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Elective Session II Buchanan bldg

12:30–2:30 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

12:45–1:45 p.m. SIP Governance Review (registration required)

12:45–2:15 p.m. International Solidarity Lunch (registration required)

2:30–4:00 p.m. Elective Session III

6:30–9:00 p.m.

7:00–9:00 p.m.

Walter Gage Residences

Isabel MacInnes

Walter Gage Residences Mary Murrin 3

Buchanan bldg./Ponderosa

New Presidents’ dinner (by invitation only) Sage Bistro, UBC

Social Justice film night: Emergence: Out of the Shadows Performance Theatre, UBC Nest

DAY 4—Discrete Training Day

Thursday, August 24, 2023

7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

7:30–8:45 a.m.

9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Registration desk open Breakfast

Discrete training for the following:

• Local Presidents and Released Local Officers

• French Education Local Chairs

• Health and Safety Representatives

Walter Gage Residences –Fireplace Lounge

Isabel MacInnes Room

Buchanan bldg./Gage Towers

Buchanan A102

Buchanan D207

Buchanan D217

• Local Contacts for Aboriginal Education Fort Camp Lounge (Gage)

| BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023


• Political Action Contacts

• Professional Development Chairs/ Provincial Specialist Association Council

• Social Justice Contacts

• Teachers Teaching on Call Contacts/ Representatives

• WLC/Bargaining Chairs

Buchanan D201

Buchanan D218 / Buchanan D214

Buchanan B215

Buchanan D204

Buchanan B315

10:30–11:00 a.m. Coffee/Tea service available at Buchanan A, lower lobby by Stir It Up Café

12:00–2:00 p.m. —Lunch (on your own)—

2:00–4:00 p.m. Discrete training (continued)

6:30–11:00 p.m. Summer Leadership Conference Banquet (cash only)

DAY 5 Closing Session

Friday, August 25, 2023

7:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.

7:30–9:00 a.m.

Registration desk open Breakfast

9:30–10:45 a.m. Hot topics: Keeping the Conversation Going

10:45–11:00 a.m. Closing remarks Clint Johnston, BCTF President

11:00 a.m. Adjournment


1866 Main Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1

Buchanan bldg./Gage Towers

The Great Hall, UBC Nest

Walter Gage Residences

Fireplace Lounge

Isabel MacInnes Room

The Great Hall, UBC Nest

11 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Musqueam Welcome

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

7:00 p.m.

Marny Point

Faculty, NITEP Lecturer, First Nations Language Program Instructor

Marny is from the Musqueam band of the Coast Salish people. She completed both her degrees: A Bachelor of Education and Master of Educational Technology and a Ph.D. student in LLED at UBC. Marny is the Program Coordinator and Instructor for NITEP On-Campus center, teaching the introductory Indigenous education courses, as well as the UBC/MIB Language Committee and FNEL Program Instructor, teaching the traditional Musqueam language course, hənqəminəm from 2002 until 2019. She understands how the connection to Indigenous languages gives value, honour, and a sense of identity, which cements Native Indigenous people in place and culture. Marny is an avid fisherwoman owning and operating her own gillnetter. Harvesting sockeye salmon from the Fraser River, as her dad and grandfather always did.

Marny is actively involved in the education of the Indigenous youth and sits on many committees to ensure the betterment of Indigenous education.

12 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

New to the Role Discrete Day Agenda

New Local Presidents and Released Officers

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Buchanan B213

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Greetings from Clint Johnston, BCTF President

• Introductions

9:45 a.m. Carousel 1

10:45 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Carousel 2

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. Carousel 3

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Legal Services

• Legal Aid Stefanie Quelch, Legal Counsel

• Governance Issues Robyn Trask, General Counsel

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

Carousel topics

• Investigations and Discipline Joanne Sutherland and Julia MacRae, Field Service

• Collective Agreements and Grievances Lori Jones, Field Service

• Running a Local Office Renée Willock, Field Service

13 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Ordre du Jour

Nouveaux et nouvelles PLEF et/ou FLTP

Présidence locale de l’éducation en français (PLEF/FELC)


Représentant∙e du français comme langue première ou de travail (FLTP/FFWL)

Mardi, 22 août, 2023 Buchanan D312

09h00 Ouverture

• Reconnaissance des territoires autochtones

• Information pertinente et normes de groupe

• Tour de table

• Activité brise-glace

• Objectifs

10h00 Représentant∙e local∙e de l'éducation en français, et maintenant?

• Organisation structurale de la FECB

• L’histoire du rôle PLEF/FELC


• Représentant∙e local∙e du français – Convention collective; politiques et procédures

10h30 Pause

11h00 Rôle et fonction des membres PLEF/FELC et/ou FLPT/FFWL (survol)

12h00 Dîner à l'extérieur

14h00 Rôle et fonction des membres PLEF/FELC et/ou FLPT/FFWL (suite)

15h00 Pause

15h15 Questions et réponses

16h00 Clôture

19h00 Plénière d'ouverture

14 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

New to the Role Discrete Day Agenda

New Health and Safety Representatives

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Buchanan D201

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Health and safety check

• Introductions

9:30 a.m. Greetings from Clint Johnston, BCTF President

9:45 a.m. Role and Function of the Health and Safety Representatives Larry Dureski

10:30 a.m. Refusal of Unsafe Work Darren Companion

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. Joint Health and Safety Committees/Worker Representatives Mic helle Chapman and Anna Donaldson

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

Note: There will be a wellness break during the session .

15 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

New to the Role Discrete Day Agenda

New Local Contacts for Aboriginal Education

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Gage Towers Fort Camp Lounge

9:30 a.m. Acknowledgment of traditional territory Carol and Su

Commitment to Solidarity Mary Dawn

Introductions: Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee and new Local Contacts for Aboriginal Education

History and commitment to role Chris

10:45 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Getting to Know the BCTF and Role of Local Contacts

Claire, Brenda, Denise, Su, Stephanie, and Brian

Student Land Acknowledgements Coreen and Carol

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

1:30 p.m. REDress Project Elder Diane and Terry, Su, and Stephanie

2:30 p.m. Aboriginal Education workshops summary and update

Claire, Carol, Brenda, and Brian

• Infusing Aboriginal Content and Perspectives

• 215 Le Estcwicwéy Honouring the Children

• Their Voices Will Guide Us

• Decolonizing Our Spaces

4:30 p.m. Adjournment

16 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

New to the Role Discrete Day Agenda

New Professional Development (PD) Chairs

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Buchanan B318

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Ice breaker

• Parking lot

9:45 a.m. BCTF Tech Talk Mike Barnes, Information Technology

10:00 a.m. You’re the PD Chair, now what?

• History of PD supporting PD and the changing culture of PD

• In-service vs. Training vs. Professional Development

• Local PD collective agreement; policies and procedures

10:30 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Role and function of the PD Chair (overview)

PD lens

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. Carousel (15 minutes each)

• Potential role of PD Chair/Professional issues

• Teacher Inquiry Program

• SURT vs. PSID workshops (how and where)

• BCTF PD policy and procedures (Members’ Guide 2023–24)

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Open space

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

4:30 p.m. PIAC dinner (all members)

Browns Crafthouse UBC (101–6111 University Blvd)

7:00 p.m. Opening plenary

17 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

New to the Role Discrete Day Agenda

New Social Justice Contacts

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Buchanan B208

8:30 a.m. Registration

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Introductions and housekeeping

• Greetings from FTTO

• Icebreaker

10:00 a.m. The 3 Ss Social Justice, Social Responsibility, Social Service

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Social Justice Grants

11:15 a.m. The Social Justice Lens

12:00 p.m. How we fit into the BCTF structure

12:30 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:30 p.m. Welcome back How we fit into the BCTF structure, continued

2:45 p.m. Role of the SJ contact

3:05 p.m. Publications, Networks

3:25 p.m. Break

3:40 p.m. Social Justice Resources

• Website (Social Justice pages, TeachBC, etc.)

• Workshops, resources, email lists, publications

4:00 p.m. Closing circle

4:30 p.m. Adjournment

18 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

New to the Role Discrete Day Agenda

Teachers Teaching on Call (TTOC) Contacts/Representatives

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Buchanan D204

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Introduction of committee members

• Health and safety

• Agenda for the day

• Ice breaker

• Parking lot

10:00 a.m. Nuts and bolts: You’re a TTOC contact now what?

a) Contact calendar

b) Role of TTOC rep

c) Structure of the BCTF

10:30 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Nuts and bolts, continued:

d) Gains made for TTOCs in policies and procedures of the BCTF

e) What brought you to Summer Conference as the TTOC rep? Questions for your group: what are your

• worries?

• questions?

• ambitions?

• aspirations?

Share highlights

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m.

1. What’s in the Collective Agreement for TTOCs? Overview of CA clauses pertinent to TTOCs

2. Advocating for your TTOCs: How to get …. for… from…

Role-play between TTOC contacts and LP (aka Advisory Committee member) asking for advice on how to achieve your objective using ideas from the handout (Advocacy, pp. 25–27). You will need to have contacts work in small groups of 2 or 3, meeting one LP (TTOCAC member).

Role play (a) Your TTOCs want to be included in PD in the local, more than just the District Day. Discuss how this might happen with your “LP” and who in the district office would be able to address this concern.

19 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Role play (b) You and a small group of TTOCs want to meet to plan TTOC Appreciation Week. You want some time during the day to do this (paid release time). Have a discussion with your LP as to how this might happen, where you would meet, and who you need to share your plans with once they have been finalized.

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m.

1. How to develop a survey for your district

2. School Union rep poster how-to and why use this

3. Questions and answers from the parking lot

4. Review of schedule of events for the evening and the next day.

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

20 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023


to the Role Discrete Day Agenda

New WLC Representatives/Bargaining Chairs

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Buchanan B215

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Commitment to Solidarity

• Health and safety check

9:15 a.m. Role of WLC/BAC

Introduction of WLC/BAC members

9:30 a.m. Role of a Local WLC Rep/Bargaining Chair

Introductions of participants

• Why did you sign up for this?

• What are the key issues you see facing teachers in bargaining?

10:15 a.m. Greetings from Clint Johnston, BCTF President

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Session 1

Knowing Your Collective Agreement

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. Session 2

Bargaining models

3:00 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. Review of Resources on the BCTF Website

• General orientation: accessing information and services

• WLC Reps/Bargaining Chairs sections

o Reference materials:

 Collective Bargaining Handbook

 Local Bargaining Capacity Kit

 Overview of the structure of the Collective Agreement

3:45 p.m. Closing

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

21 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Program for additional attendees to the BCTF Summer Leadership Conference

Guiding principles

The following are the guiding principles of this group’s participation in the BCTF Summer Leadership Conference:

• cultivating members’ union literacy

• investing BCTF resources in members’ first five years

• enhancing personal connections and opportunities for members

• negotiating union membership and identity

• creating platforms and places where BIPOC teachers’ voices and perspectives are foregrounded.


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

4:00 p.m. Orientation Room 2311 in the Nest at UBC

• welcoming remarks from the facilitators and Full-Time Table Officers

• overview of the intentions and schedule of the conference.

5:00 p.m. Dinner

• members can arrange to have dinner together on their own.

7:00 p.m. Opening plenary

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Members will join the elective sessions they registered for.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

9:00 a.m. Discrete day

• field trip to the BCTF (hop on the No. 84 bus as a group)

• morning session Learning about the BCTF.

12:00 p.m. Lunch

• we will make a group reservation near the BCTF building.

1:30 p.m. Discrete day continues

• afternoon session Guided group discussion.

3:30 p.m. End of discrete day

• bus back to UBC to attend the evening banquet.

Friday, August 25, 2023

After a closing session for all attendees, we will gather in the room used for the closing plenary for a short debrief, feedback, and goodbye.

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Summer Leadership Conference 2023
23 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Discrete Day Agenda

Local Presidents

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Buchanan A102

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

Lee-Anne Clarke Director Field Service Division

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Commitment to Solidarity

• Health and safety check

• Introductions

• Greetings from Clint Johnston, BCTF President

9:20 a.m. Legal Update

Robyn Trask, General Counsel and Stefanie Quelch, Legal Counsel

• Review of cases of interest from the last year

• Recent victories debrief

• Duty of fidelity and Local Presidents as employees of the district

• Legal aid

• SIP governance review

10: 35 a.m. Who’s on my team? BCTF services mixer!

10:45 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Strategies for working with difficult employers Report from the field, followed by questions as time allows

12: 00 p.m. Lunch on your own enjoy!

2:00 p.m. Lightning talks

Each topic will have a 10-minute presentation with questions at the end.

• Code of Ethics Clause 10 Robyn Trask, Legal Services

• Privacy considerations Gretchen Brown, Legal Services

• Bargaining and melding Deb Morran, Field Services

• Anti-racism/Anti-oppression office Milan Singh, Director

• Grants and how they can help your local Lee-Anne Clarke, Field Service

• LOU 12/Remedy and best efforts Carolyn Pena, Field Service

3:15 p.m. Break

3:30 pm Honouring the Challenge of Leadership

• Union Leadership Development Resources for today’s participants

4:30 p.m. Adjournment

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Ordre du Jour

PLEF et FLTP (tous et toutes)

Présidence locale de l’éducation en français (FPLEF/ELC)


Représentant∙e du français comme langue première ou de travail (FLTP/FFWL)

Jeudi, 24 août, 2023 Buchanan D207

09h00 Ouverture

• Reconnaissance des territoires autochtones

• Information pertinente et normes de groupe

• Tour de table

• Activité brise-glace

• Objectifs

10h00 Mise à jour des membres du Comité consultatif sur les programmes et services en français (ACFPS)

10h30 Pause

10h45 Visite d’un∙e officier∙ière à temps plein (FTTO)

11h15 Enjeux et actions

12h00 Dîner à l'extérieur

14h00 Les réunions de zones

15h30 Pause

15h45 Discussion

• Où allons-nous à partir de maintenant ?

• Réflexion sur les progrès dans les zones

• Questions et réponses

16h00 Clôture

18h30 Banquet de la Conférence d’été sur le leadership (Grande salle Nest)

25 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Discrete Day Agenda

Health and Safety Representatives

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Buchanan D217

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Health and safety check

• Introductions of committee members, staff, and participants

9:30 a.m. Greetings from Clint Johnston, BCTF President

9:45 a.m. Creating an Effective Health and Safety Culture in Your Workplace—Larry Dureski

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. Incident Reporting and Investigations Michael-Don Borason and Anna Donaldson

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

Note: There will be a wellness break during this session .

26 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Discrete Day Agenda

Local Contacts for Aboriginal Education

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Gage Towers Fort Camp Lounge

9:00 a.m. Acknowledgment of traditional territory Jenna

• Commitment to Solidarity Mary-Dawn

• Greetings Carole Gordon

Meet and greet with the AEAC in regions:

• Vancouver Island Carol, Mary-Dawn

• Metro West Su, Claire

• Fraser Valley Brian, Denise

• North Coast Stephanie

• North Central Coreen

• Kootenay Jesse, Jenna

• Okanagan

10:15 a.m. Break

10:30 a.m. Canadian Geographic Paths to Reconciliation Charlene Bearhead, Brian, Brenda, Denise

12:30 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. AEA PSA Conference , , and Membership and newsletter Denise

3:00 p.m. REDress Zone Challenge Jenna, Stephanie National Indigenous Education Reconciliation Gathering Dolly, Carol, Brian

4:30 p.m. Adjournment

27 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Discrete Day Agenda

Political Action Contacts

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Buchanan D201

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Your union story what brought you here?

9:15 a.m. Review members guide for clauses relevant to political action.

9:30 a.m. Political Action Contacts on the move:

• Holly from Lillooet on building a Pride movement in a small town

• Leah March from Prince George on electoral organizing

10:30 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Workback plan to provincial election:

• Name your issue (what are you trying to change?)

• Know your riding/neighbourhood/region/town (be specific)

• Identify your goal make it specific (get a trustee elected, increase member engagement by members in their first year, etc.)

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. Set yourself up for success with a clear workback plan Identify events, tasks, decisions that EC needs to make and when, connections you need to make, lay it out month by month. How will you measure your progress, who’s on your team?

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. How can BCTF Grants support your work

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

28 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Discrete Day Agenda

Professional Development (PD) Chairs and Provincial Specialist Associations Council (PSAC)

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Buchanan D218

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Burning questions/parking lot

9:15 a.m. Greetings from Carole Gordon, BCTF First Vice-President

9:30 a.m. Speed networking with PSAs

10:00 a.m. Role of the PD Chair

10:30 a.m. Break

PSAC members relocate to Buchanan D214

11:00 a.m. Professional Autonomy Lens Defending self-directed PD

11:30 a.m. Creating a handout on the development of PD

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. BCTF Research update (IRIS) Andree Gacoin, Research

3:00 p.m. Zone and mix

• PD Chair discussions

3:30 p.m. Break

3:45 p.m. Report out

• Where do we go from here?

• Reflection moving forward at zones

• Q&A

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

6:30 p.m. Summer Leadership Conference Banquet (The Great Hall, UBC)

29 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Discrete Day Agenda

Provincial Specialist Associations Council (PSAC)

Thursday, August 24, 2023

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. with PD Chairs Buchanan D218

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Burning questions/parking lot

9:15 a.m. Greetings from Carole Gordon, BCTF First Vice-President

9:30 a.m. Speed-networking with PSAs

10:00 a.m. Role of the PD Chair

10:30 a.m. Break (relocate to Buchanan D214) 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.—Buchanan D214

11:00 a.m. PSA Sharing Session

12:00 p.m. PSA Council Lunch location TBD

2:00 p.m. PSA Operations and Supports

• BCTF supports for PSAs

• PSA peer support and mentoring

3:30 p.m. Break

3:45 p.m. Report out

• Where do we go from here?

• Q&A

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

6:30 p.m. Summer Leadership Conference Banquet (The Great Hall, UBC)

30 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

8:30 a.m. Registration

Discrete Day Agenda

Social Justice Contacts

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Buchanan B215

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Introductions and housekeeping

• Greetings from FTTO

• Icebreaker

9:45 a.m. Social Justice in the BCTF Strategy Mapping, Part 1

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Communities of Care and Universal Design Framework

11:15 a.m. Online Algorithms and Ethics of AI

11:45 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

1:45 p.m. Welcome back Responding to Anti-SOGI Rhetoric

2:45 p.m. Climate Grief and Climate Crisis Strategies

3:30 p.m. Break

3:45 p.m. Strategy Mapping, Part 2 (outdoors if weather permits)

4:15 p.m. Closing circle

4:30 p.m. Adjournment

31 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Discrete Day Agenda Teachers Teaching on Call (TTOC) Contacts/Representatives

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Buchanan D204

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Introductions of Committee individuals stand up and talk

• Parking lot

• Commitment to Solidarity (in kit)

9:15 a.m. Participants introduce themselves name, local, fun fact about you

9:30 a.m. Greetings from Robin Tosczak, BCTF Second Vice-President

9:45 a.m. BCTF website

Login, expense vouchers, workshops, resources, opportunities, grants

10:00 a.m. Role of the TTOC Contact in the Local

• Life as a TTOC contact: sample calendar review

• Small group discussion

a) Role of the TTOC contact.

b) What has worked, not worked, from experienced/returning contacts.

c) Developing priorities for the year: both experienced and new contacts share ideas.

• Report out

10:30 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Nuts and bolts: large group

a) Holding a meeting

b) Health and Safety, ESA (five sick days)

c) Workshop opportunities

d) WorkSafeBC where to find information

f) Remedy

11:30 a.m. Letter to the Executive Committee from Island TTOC contacts

a) Where it came from.

b) Identify the issues held in the letter.

c) Large group discussion what is your response to the issues raised in the letter?

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

32 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

2:00 p.m. Reconvene in room from morning session. Carousel activity: four stations, outside locations, 15 minutes in each carousel station


a) Recruitment and retention what is happening in your local? Solutions for attracting more TTOCs

b) TTOC starter kits developing a kit for your local TTOCs.

c) Developing a local budget for what purpose? How to get it done.

d) Working conditions: brainstorm what can be done to address the issues.

3:30 p.m. Break

3:45 p.m. Return to large meeting room

Questions answered from the parking lot

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

33 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Discrete Day Agenda

WLC Representatives/Bargaining Chairs

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Buchanan B315

9:00 a.m. Welcome and introductions

• Acknowledgment of traditional territory

• Commitment to Solidarity

• Health and safety check

9:15 a.m. Role of WLC/BAC Introduction of WLC/BAC members Small group introductions

10:15 a.m. Greetings from Clint Johnston, BCTF President

10:45 a.m. Break

11:15 a.m. Organizing Engaging members in your local

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m. Organizing Continued Activities

3:15 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. Map Field Trip

4:00 p.m. Adjournment

34 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Bargaining for the Common Good with the Chicago Teachers’ Union

Presented by: Members of the International Solidarity Committee and a representative from the Chicago Teachers’ Union Room: Buchanan B313

Come learn from the advocacy of Chicago teachers and their actions of bargaining for the common good and connecting bargaining to our communities.

Canadian Geographic: The Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada and Giant Floor Map

(Also offered from 2:30–4:00 p.m.)

Presented by: Charlene Bearhead, Vice President–Learning and Reconciliation, Canadian Geographic Enterprises; Brenda Celesta and Denise Hendry, BCTF Aboriginal Education facilitators

Room: Ponderosa Commons Ballroom

Join facilitators Charlene Bearhead, Brenda Celesta, and Denise Hendry as they take us on a journey through the Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples giant floor map. This interactive workshop invites participants to explore the rich history, culture, and traditions of Canada's First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. Through guided activities and discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of Indigenous knowledge, language, and the importance of land-based identity and connection. Do not miss this incredible opportunity to learn from and engage with the land in a new way.

Climate Justice 101

(Also offered from 2:30–4:00 p.m.)

Presented by: Tara Ehrcke and Donna Morgan, BCTF SURT facilitators

Room: Buchanan D322

This workshop provides an introduction to the science and politics of climate change and then explores how we can be agents for change within the education system. The first section of the

workshop introduces the reality of our changing climate, including modelling for future warming and extreme weather events. Actual impacts on BC teachers are foregrounded, as well as the inequitable distribution of impacts worldwide. This includes how climate disproportionately affects indigenous peoples, racialized folks, women and the global south. In the second half of the workshop, teachers examine how school districts have or haven’t addressed carbon emissions and planning for a carbon-zero world, and then how teachers and students can advocate to influence this work.

Communities of Care: Fostering Connection to Support Well-Being and Equity

(Also offered from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)

Presented by: Shirley Giroux, BCTF TIP facilitator Room: Buchanan D217

Trauma-sensitive workplaces require wellsupported staff and psychological safety, which cannot be achieved simply through “self-care.” In this session, we will explore how well-being is connected to collective care and how this capacity might be fostered and supported in workplaces, including union offices and the sites they support.

We will focus on ways in which the conditions for people to feel safe, connected, and respected can be intentionally co-created so that the overall culture and climate of our shared spaces hold care and compassion at their core.

As part of this session, participants will practice working with two foundational, widely applicable practices and begin to consider how they might apply these practices in such ways that they simultaneously support open communication and individual well-being while helping to create and grow the larger workplace cultures to sustain that well-being long term and in ways that seek and engage leverage for systems change. The theory and actions introduced in this session have applications for educators regardless of their specific roles within their local. It may have

35 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Elective Session I 9:00–10:30 a.m.

particular relevance for Local Presidents and Social Justice contacts (i.e., for the practice of creating and holding spaces to have challenging conversations in relationship-preserving ways) and Professional Development and Health and Safety contacts (i.e., to consider how learning and working towards different ways of growing/supporting well-being and equity might be connected to both professional development and health and safety considerations and concerns).

Creating and Sustaining Safe, Healthy, Equitable Schools for All: Facilitating Conversations Around Police in Schools

Presented by: Jelana Bighorn, Vancouver Secondary Teachers' Association; Marjorie Dumont, Vancouver Elementary and Adult Educators' Society; and Michelle Gautreaux, Senior Researcher, Information, Research and International Solidarity Division Room: Buchanan D312

Police are present in several school districts across the province and have taken on increasing roles in BC’s education system. What has their role been, and how has their presence impacted members who identify as Aboriginal or Indigenous, Black, and people of color? Are you interested in learning more and connecting with other colleagues to talk about this issue but aren’t sure where to start? In this session, BCTF Research staff and members involved with the Policing in Schools project will present a facilitation guide to accompany the 2023 BCTF Policing in Schools report and discuss ways it can be utilized to engage members in dialogue working towards safe, healthy, and equitable schools for all.

Education Policy Update

(Also offered from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)

Presented by: Grahame Rainey, Assistant Director, PSA and Education Policy/Ministry

Liaison, Professional and Social Issues Division; and Federation members on Ministry committees Room: Buchanan B208

This session will provide updates on current Ministry of Education and Child Care education policy initiatives and related Federation advocacy.

Harassment: Rules and Tools

Presented by: Karlan Modeste, BCTF Legal Counsel, and Renée Willock, Assistant Director, Field Service Division

Room: Buchanan D317

What constitutes harassment? How can the union provide fair representation in member-tomember complaints? Participants will learn about the collective agreement processes for resolving harassment concerns as well as alternatives such as mediation and informal resolutions.

Incident Reporting and Investigations: Your Roles and Responsibilities

Presented by: Michael-Don Borason and Anna Donaldson, BCTF Health and Safety facilitators Room: Buchanan D204

Preventing incidents and accidents is the primary goal of a robust health and safety program. Participants will learn: the differences between incidents and accidents, how to report them effectively, investigation steps, and the use of a risk assessment as a preventative mechanism. This session will use violent incidents to illustrate the incident reporting process.

Level 1: Preparing a Grievance: From Filing to Referral

Presented by: Gretchen Brown, BCTF Legal Counsel, and George Serra, Assistant Director, Field Service Division Room: Buchanan B213

What is a grievance? What considerations should be taken into account at the various steps of the grievance process? In this beginning level workshop, participants will learn about and discuss the process of grievance handling, including writing grievance letters, maintaining a grievance file, and negotiating creative resolutions to alleged violations.

Professional Autonomy Lens

(Also offered from 2:30–4:00 p.m.)

Presented by: Erin Coleman and Ilda Turcotte, members of Professional Issues Advisory Committee

Room: Buchanan D301

This workshop develops the skills and knowledge of the PD chairs as union leaders, using the

36 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

professional autonomy lens as a strategic tool. The workshop will highlight the principles of professionalism as teachers, the foundations of professional autonomy, relevant statutes and regulations, and a few arbitration cases.

Social Media, Professional Boundaries, and Teachers’ Private Lives

Presented by: Rich Overgaard, Director, Communications and Campaigns Division; Carolyn Pena, Assistant Director, Field Service Division; and Stefanie Quelch, BCTF Legal Counsel

Room: Buchanan D218

As teachers, students, parents, and broader community members increasingly live their lives online, how do teachers’ professional boundaries apply to rapidly changing apps and new ways of engaging with others virtually? Teachers entering the profession now have grown up in the digital age and likely have an extensive online presence and life before entering the profession. How can teachers navigate the expectations of employers, parents, students, and our professional bodies within the new reality of our digital lives? In this interactive session, explore the considerations that all teachers should be aware of regarding social media and online communications.

Supporting Members in Conflict

Presented by: Patrick Henry, Assistant Director, Field Service Division, and Sherry Payne, Assistant Director, Professional and Social Issues Division

Room: Buchanan D201

Elective Session II

Canada and Israel: A Shared Settler Colonial History

Presented by: Columpa Bob, Coast Salish from North Vancouver, award- winning actor, playwright, former artistic director of Manitoba Indigenous Theatre for young people, and lifelong activist/supporter of Indigenous and Palestinian rights; Hanna Kawas, Palestinian, chair of Canada Palestine Association, activist, writer and journalist, has previously presented at UBC, SFU, Kwantlen and classrooms in Greater Vancouver.

Room: Buchanan D317

This workshop will cover the BCTF internal processes of accessing Internal Mediation Service and filing a Code of Ethics complaint, and the external process of filing a bullying and harassment complaint through the employer or with WorkSafeBC. Members need support in making informed decisions about how to navigate conflict to help them find their desired resolution.

We Build this Union with Our Communication Skills!

Presented by: Adrienne Demers, Local President, Fernie District Teachers' Association; Julia MacRae and Joanne Sutherland, Assistant Directors, Field Service Division Room: Buchanan B318

What is the best way to encourage a colleague into union involvement? How should I speak to the superintendent to have them respect me? Union leadership has as many styles as there are union leaders, but no matter your role or stance, strength in our union is built with clear communication and solidarity actions. We communicate with members, district management, politicians, each other within the BCTF, other unions, parents, and the public at large. Each of these audiences is reached effectively in different ways. In this workshop, we will work on honing our skills and analysis to reach these audiences effectively and build our union’s strength.

11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Two guest presenters: One would provide historical background and current struggles of Canada’s Indigenous people, and the other would offer the history of Israel's settler colonial policy toward Palestine. Parallels and differences between the two states would be drawn and educational materials for teachers provided.

Communities of Care: Fostering Connection to Support Well-Being and Equity

(Also offered from 9:00–10:30 a.m.)

Presented by: Shirley Giroux, BCTF TIP facilitator Room: Buchanan D217

37 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Trauma-sensitive workplaces require wellsupported staff and psychological safety, which cannot be achieved simply through “self-care.” In this session, we will explore how well-being is connected to collective care and how this capacity might be fostered and supported in workplaces, including union offices and the sites they support.

We will focus on ways in which the conditions for people to feel safe, connected, and respected can be intentionally co-created so that the overall culture and climate of our shared spaces hold care and compassion at their core.

As part of this session, participants will practice working with two foundational, widely applicable practices and begin to consider how they might apply these practices in such ways that they simultaneously support open communication and individual well-being while helping to create and grow the larger workplace cultures to sustain that well-being long term and in ways that seek and engage leverage for systems change. The theory and actions introduced in this session have applications for educators regardless of their specific roles within their local. It may have particular relevance for Local Presidents and Social Justice contacts (i.e., for the practice of creating and holding spaces to have challenging conversations in relationship-preserving ways) and Professional Development and Health and Safety contacts (i.e., to consider how learning and working towards different ways of growing/supporting well-being and equity might be connected to both professional development and health and safety considerations and concerns).

Education Policy Update

(Also offered from 9:00–10:30 a.m.)

Presented by: Grahame Rainey, Assistant Director, PSA and Education Policy/Ministry Liaison, Professional and Social Issues Division; and Federation members on Ministry committees Room: Buchanan B208

This session will provide updates on current Ministry of Education and Child Care education policy initiatives and related Federation advocacy.

Engaging and Empowering Local Leaders to Build a More Inclusive and Accessible Federation

Presented by: Shanee Prasad, Local President, Burnaby Teachers' Association; Christine Stewart, Director, Professional and Social Issues Division; and Dr. Rochelle Wijesingha, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation Room: Buchanan D301

This workshop will assist local leaders in improving their equity knowledge, analyzing their current local policies, processes and practices, and developing a regional strategy to actively and intentionally create a more equitable, accessible, and inclusive union, regardless of the size of your district, bargaining unit, or the location of your community.

Investigations and Discipline

Presented by: Gretchen Brown, BCTF Legal Counsel, and Patrick Henry, Assistant Director, Field Service Division Room: Buchanan D218

This workshop will help you prepare for your role in assisting members under discipline investigations. These members need clarity about the processes they must participate in, and union advocates need to think strategically throughout. As well as helping members achieve the best outcome for themselves and their careers, we will consider what it means to meet the need s of members in regard to equity and inclusion. You will leave with tools and strategies!

Level 2: Preparing a Grievance: From Filing to Arbitration

Presented by: Lori Jones and Joanne Sutherland, Assistant Directors, Field Service Division; Michael Prokosh, BCTF Legal Counsel Room: Buchanan B213

This workshop is designed as a Level 2 workshop, as it will include a more in-depth analysis of key cases/legal issues than the Level 1 version. This workshop is intended for local officers who are already familiar with the grievance assessment process and are looking for a discussion that is more focused on legal principles and strategies for dealing with difficult situations.

38 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

This workshop will include:

• a summary/analysis of key cases that are regularly relied upon during the assessment/ disposition/referral/arbitration processes.

• practical tips and strategies regarding grievance advocacy, member engagement, managing expectations, and the roles and responsibilities of the local from the date the grievance is filed all the way through to the mediation/arbitration.

MailChimp 101

Presented by: Sunjum Jhaj, Assistant Director, and Rich Overgaard, Director; Communications and Campaigns Division Room: Buchanan D204

Want to make your member communications more engaging? Mailchimp 101 will give you an introduction to the features built into this tool that will simplify your communications strategy. Learn about best practices in framing and organizing content, strategies to boost engagement, and ways to monitor the success of your communications. You’ll also learn about BCTF grants available to support your local’s communications strategy.

OECD: Assessment, Standardized Testing, and Its Global Impact

Presented by: Runa Bjarnason-Wilson and Yuri Watanabe, members of Professional Issues Advisory Committee Room: Buchanan D312

This workshop will help participants identify the OECD agenda and develop plans to broaden and strengthen our approaches to professionalism, professional development, and professional autonom y. Participants will be provided background information on the OECD, its agenda, and its role in shaping public education.

Responding to Anti-SOGI Rhetoric

Presented by: Christina Billingham and/or Elliot Fox-Povey, Social Justice facilitators; and Heather Kelley, Assistant Director, Professional and Social Issues Division Room: Buchanan B313

This session will help participants better understand and identify the organized and wellfunded homophobic and transphobic rhetoric that is spreading across the province. It will provide tangible actions that we can take to support our LGBTQ2S+ members and colleagues.

Surviving and Thriving in Local Offices

Presented by: Suzanne Hall and George Serra, Assistant Directors, Field Service Division Room: Buchanan B318

Stressed and overwhelmed are words frequently used by local union officers to describe themselves, for good reason. Their challenges are real, significant, and ongoing. This informative and interactive workshop is designed to help Local Presidents and other released officers not just survive, but even thrive in their local union roles.

The Role and Function of the FFWL School Representative

Presented by: Éva Paré and Elizabeth Rush, BCTF French facilitators. Room: Buchanan D201

This School Union Representative Training in support of French Education Local Chairs (FELC) and French as First or Working Language school representatives (FFWL).

Violence Prevention in K–12

Presented by: Toni Grewal, Health and Safety Officer, Income Security Division; Renée Willock, Assistant Director, Field Service Division; and members from the Health and Safety Advisory Committee Room: Buchanan D322

Violence should not be part of the job, yet teachers report physical and psychological injuries sustained in the workplace due to violent incidents and threats of violence. What are the employer’s obligations for minimizing the risk of violence? What can locals do to address workplace violence?

39 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023

Elective Session III

Canadian Geographic: The Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada and Giant Floor Map

(Also offered from 9:00–10:30 a.m.)

Presented by: Charlene Bearhead, Vice President–Learning and Reconciliation, Canadian Geographic Enterprises; Brenda Celesta and Denise Hendry, BCTF Aboriginal Education facilitators

Room: Ponderosa Commons Ballroom

Join facilitators Charlene Bearhead, Brenda Celesta, and Denise Hendry as they take us on a journey through the Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples giant floor map. This interactive workshop invites participants to explore the rich history, culture, and traditions of Canada's First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. Through guided activities and discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of Indigenous knowledge, language, and the importance of land-based identity and connection. Do not miss this incredible opportunity to learn from and engage with the land in a new way.

Climate Justice 101

Presented by: Tara Ehrcke and Donna Morgan, BCTF SURT facilitators

Room: Buchanan D322

This workshop provides an introduction to the science and politics of climate change and then explores how we can be agents for change within the education system. The first section of the workshop introduces the reality of our changing climate, including modelling for future warming and extreme weather events. Actual impacts on BC teachers are foregrounded, as well as the inequitable distribution of impacts worldwide. This includes how climate disproportionately affects indigenous peoples, racialized folks, women and the global south. In the second half of the workshop, teachers examine how school districts have or haven’t addressed carbon emissions and planning for a carbon-zero world, and then how teachers and students can advocate to influence this work.

Creating an Effective Health and Safety Culture in Your Workplace

Presented by: Larry Dureski, BCTF Health and Safety facilitator

Room: Buchanan B208

A healthy and safe workplace helps to ensure an optimum work-life balance. The impact of workrelated injury, illness, or disease can have both short-term and long-term effects for members. Explore worker rights, identifying workplace hazards, and prevention strategies in this interactive session.

Engaging Members Through Research

Presented by: Andree Gacoin, Michelle Gautreaux, Anne Hales, and Brendan Watts; Information, Research and International Solidarity Division Room: Buchanan D217

How do you use research methods to engage with, and deepen your understanding of, members’ experiences and opinions? How do you mobilize what members share with you for reflection and action? BCTF Research is offering a dynamic session to help you use research tools and strategies to mobilize members’ experiences and insights into actions and recommendations. Topics will include a brief overview of survey and focus group methods, along with tips for turning data into powerful stories. Research staff will share practical examples, and you are invited to bring ideas and examples to ground the discussion.

Local Tools to Navigate and Implement LOU 12

Presented by: Gretchen Brown, BCTF Legal Counsel; Deb Morran and Carolyn Pena, Assistant Directors, Field Service Division Room: Buchanan D317

The current teacher shortage has exacerbated the issues faced by members trying to access remedy under LOU 12. This workshop will include:

• when to file a Best Efforts grievance.

• examples and templates to support locals reviewing best efforts by districts.

40 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023
2:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m.

• a review of past Best Efforts grievances and outcomes.

• examples for pooling remedy and carrying remedy over from one year to the next.

Maternity Leave and Parental Leave

Presented by: Derek DeGear, Assistant Director, Field Service Division, and Robyn Trask, General Counsel

Room: Buchanan B313

Learn about changes to maternity/pregnancy

leave top-up in the new collective agreement as well as how maternity/pregnancy and parenthood leave provisions intersect with the Employment Standards Act leaves and Employment Insurance benefits for parents. This workshop will address teachers’ entitlements and responsibilities, including notice of leave, changing leave dates, experience recognition, and access to leave and benefits when on a temporary contract. Local officers often need to provide information to members as they access their maternity and parental leave entitlements. Be ready to help them with updated information.

Media 101

Presented by: Rich Overgaard, Director, and Amy Smart, Assistant Director; Communications and Campaigns Division

Room: Buchanan D312

Navigating the media landscape can be intimidating but it doesn’t have to be and it can be a great tool for raising awareness about the issues that matter most to your members and school community. In this workshop, you will learn the difference between a media advisory and a press release, the pros and cons of hosting a press conference, and how to hone your message so that your audience hears it.

Organizers Organize

Presented by: Anna Chudnovsky, Assistant Director, Communications and Campaigns Division, and Barbara Silva, Greater Victoria Teachers' Association Room: Buchanan D218

Organizers Organize: Trouble with member engagement? Want to connect with people in the community on education issues? Teacher union activists are organizers at heart, and this session

will support already existing expertise around organizing to help build our union.

Professional Autonomy Lens

Presented by: Erin Coleman and Ilda Turcotte, members of Professional Issues Advisory Committee

Room: Buchanan D301

This workshop develops the skills and knowledge of the PD chairs as union leaders, using the professional autonomy lens as a strategic tool. The workshop will highlight the principles of professionalism as teachers, the foundations of professional autonomy, relevant statutes and regulations, and a few arbitration cases.

Sanctuary Schools: Access for All

Presented by: TBC Room: Buchanan B318

This workshop will explain and explore what Sanctuary School policies are and why they are vitally important. We will touch on the Executive Committee motion about Sanctuary School Policy, why we should provide policy supporting nonstatus students and families, and what the next steps are.

TIP: Teacher Inquiry Program

Presented by: Lena Palermo and Colleen Wall, members of TIP Room: Buchanan D201

Participants will be introduced to the BCTF Teaching Inquiry Program, delve into principles of the inquiry process, and have time to strategize and plan for a locally developed and organized inquiry. TIP is a self-directed professional development model of teacher inquiry and will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with colleagues.

WorkSafe BC Jurisdictional Issues

Presented by: Chris Harris, Income Security Division, and Shanti Reda, BCTF Legal Counsel Room: Buchanan D204

Everyone has the right to a safe workplace. This workshop will look at the interplay between the collective agreement and occupational health and safety regulations.

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Accommodation and breakfast

1 Walter Gage Residences

Meeting locations

2 Opening and closing sessions UBC Nest

3 Discrete and elective sessions Buchanan bldg.

Social activities

2 Conference banquet UBC Nest

2 Film Night: Emergence: Out of the Shadows

UBC Nest

4 New Presidents’ dinner Sage Bistro

Special events

5 The Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada and Giant Floor Map Ponderosa

1 SIP Governance Review lunch session and International Solidarity lunch Walter Gage Residences

42 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023 SUMMER CONFERENCE VENUE 1
2 3 5 4
43 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023 UBC Health and Safety Reminders Campus Security 604-822-2222 UBC First Aid 604-822-4444 UBC Hospital Urgent Care 604-822-7662

Checklist While Travelling on BCTF Business

When travelling on BCTF business, you will be travelling alone in most situations. The BCTF must take steps to ensure your health and safety. The following checklist is a guideline for you to follow when you are away from home and working alone

Let people know where you are

• Whenever possible, make sure someone personal knows where, and when, you will be travelling.

• Make contact with someone either from home or your destination to say that you have arrived.

• If possible, have someone meet you.

• If you are going out for the evening, make sure someone knows.

Travelling/driving alone

• Ensure you are well rested when travelling.

• Leave yourself plenty of time to travel and prepare for your meeting/session.

• If possible, travel during the daylight hours.

• Ensure you car is well maintained and equipped with proper tires.

• Don’t take chances. If the roads are bad, don’t drive.

• Ensure that you have a cell phone and that the batteries to your cell phone are fully charged. (Remember there are many “dead” zones for cell phones. This is why it is important to let someone know where you are and to check in when you have arrived.) Carry emergency food supplies with you.

• Carry clothing to match the weather in case you are stranded somewhere.

• If travelling on small planes or ferries, be familiar with safety procedures.

• Park in well-lit areas and lock all your doors.

• Avoid using a cell phone while driving (see below).

Cell phone use while driving

• As of January 1, 2010, drivers in BC can no longer use hand-held cell phones and other hand-held portable electronic devices while driving.

• A person may use an electronic device in a hands-free telephone function while driving if the following criteria are met:

o the electronic device, as well as any part or extension of it, is not held or operated by the hand

o the device is voice-activated or requires only one touch to initiate, accept, or end a call

o if the device includes an earpiece, that earpiece can only be worn in one ear and must be placed in the ear prior to driving

o the device is securely fixed to the vehicle or worn securely on the person’s body, and is within easy reach of the driver’s seat

o the device must be installed in a manner that does not obstruct the driver’s view of the front or sides of the motor vehicle or interfere with the safety or operating equipment of the motor vehicle.

When using hands -free technology while driving, keep conversations short. If you are engaged in a long and/or complex conversation, pull over.

Staying in hotels

• Consider asking for a room close to the front desk.

• If you are going out alone, leave conta ct numbers with the reception desk in the event something happens to you.

• Ask the concierge or desk clerk about safe areas and areas to avoid.

• Become familiar with emergency and evacuation procedures.

• If parked in an underground lot, ask an attendant to escort you to your car.

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Leadership Conference

BCTF Wellness

The health and well-being of our Federation members is of paramount importance. Below is a selection of options available. More information on BCTF wellness resources, eligibility, and access, can be found on our website:

Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP)

The Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP) are provided at the local level but are not provided directly through the BC Teachers' Federation. For more information, please contact your local union office

Well Teacher Group

The Well Teacher Groups provides educators the time and space to work with their colleagues and a trained wellness facilitator to work on their wellness. This new program was developed by Wade Repta, author of the book The Well Teacher

Starling Minds

Starling Minds is a free online mental health and wellness toolkit, designed for teachers, that provides education and training to manage stress and prevent anxiety and depression.

Further supports

The National Indian Residential School Crisis Line provides 24-hour crisis support to former Indian Residential School students and their families toll-free at 1-866-925-4419.

Individuals impacted by the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls are encouraged to contact the MMIWG Crisis Line toll-free at 1-844-413-6649.

First Nations, Inuit and Métis seeking immediate emotional support can contact the Hope for Wellness Help Line toll-free at 1-855-242-3310, or by online chat at

The Walter Gage Residences at UBC August 22–25, 2023

Delegates are invited to visit the BCTF Advantage Program display in Walter Gage Residences to see the great opportunities for all BCTF members! See all the program has to offer, exclusively, for Advantage members:

• car insurance

• house insurance

• travel insurance

• optional life/critical-incident insurances

• better mortgage rates

• and many retail discounts.

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46 | BCTF Summer Leadership Conference 2023 Notes _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation 100–550 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4P2 604-871-2283 or 1-800-663-9163 | | #BCTF2023

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